HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-03-03, Page 3e. ropinfial Parlialntnt. THE GOVERNOR'S SPEECH. Hu Eseelle.e7, that Givens' General, at tee• 4.4 by • eagerness Staff, proceeded w the Chao• bee of the I.egtdauve Ceased yesterday at twit e'eleek, sod h.viag eem.rr•ded the ateadaace of tie member; of the Ler/Move Assembly, lie delivered the t41uwug SPEECH. Honourable Gentlemen of tbe Legislative Council, and Gentlemen of As Legisla- tive A.ea4ly 1 have called you together at the earliest period after the dissolution of the last parliament, is order that I may avail myself of your advice and assistance is tbe adminis- tration of the affairs of the Province. During the recess 1 made an extensive tour through the province, and I have much .atisfaet:oa in tolerating you, that 1 met with the most gratifying indication of gene - Tel prosperity and contentment in all the districts which 1 -visited. With the view of maturing a plan foe placing the Post Office in British North America on an improved footing, Coin- misaioners from tbe several provi. cos assem- bled lately at my suggestion in Montreal. I trust that it will be in my power before the close of the Session, to bring under your consideration a• measure fur effecting this important object. The correspondence which I have received tumbles inc to state that a goof and practt- cablehue of railway between Quebec and Halifax, has beeradiscovered by the officers to whom the exploration was confided. Tho distress and suffering by which last year's emigration to tate Province, was et - tended, have occasioned me the deepest concern. Her Majesty's Government have bestowed on the subject the most_ anxious consideration, with a view to the introduction of such provisions into the Imperial Pas- fengen Act, as may afford a security against a recurrence of the disasters. Il will be for you to determine whether it will not be advisable to pushsllsl one pro - 'Mein enactment, the effect of discouraging the introduction of diseased and helpless persons in the province, without, however, checking the healthy emigeeties, which so powerfullycontributes to its advancement. Numerous projects for abs construction of railways introduced into the Legislature last warts', render it expedient, with a yaw to esdornuty et legislation and pro- tection of public and private interests, that an enactment should be parsed embodying the provisions generally applicable to such undertakings- 1 commend this subject to your consideration. On this and other Im- partial matters, I shall lay before you com- enunieatioes which have been addressed to me by Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies, The constitution of the University of Kung's College. a mese equitable mode of assessment in Weo(ern Canada,. and the im- provement of tho system of Judicature in both sections of the Province, are subjects which will probably engage your attention. Gentlemen of tke Legislative Assembly: I shall direct the public accounts, with the estimates for the presen4 year, .to be submitted to you. I (eel confident that you will readily grant the Supplies which' are necessary for the public mercer. liceuraN. Gentlemen' of the Legislative Council, toad Gentlemen of tike Legislative Assembly. You may rely os my disposition to co - operate with you in all measures calculated to promote the public welfare. Canada possesses in singular abundance the elements of prosperity and social hap - pates --great natural eapabilitiee, an eater - prising intelligent and rapidly increasing population. Institutions fitted to reconcile liberty with order, and the blessing of peace secured soder Providence, by the patriotism of ber soon, and ber connexion with the e late which is both jest and powerful. The duty of turning these advantages to account, is so far as this object can•be effect- ed, by proper legislation, devolves upon Parliament. God grant tbst we may acquit ourselves et the responsibility with fidelity and suc- esus. THEATRE ROYAL Mr. Mareltos and • few of the Guderieh Am- mer' gave MOO specirsoea of their theatrical abshltn last coning is the -Ball of the Berea Hotel. The lemon was oaraewbat elegantly fitted ap, well filled sad cootuaeJ s goodly por- tion of the beauty gad respectability of the place. Aad coasideriag that we live at the 4asping..f plate, we must say that with the ex- ceptlea of • few dips the performance es • whole was credtia$e. We are aware that compart- Boas are sometimes ss.wleum, and therefore, we will mot pa:ttsulanse farther than, Jest to remark that is the scene from Richard the Thud, Mr. Marelton's little daughter is the character of the Purace of Wales gave great rlialaolioe. The repreasatativee of Hamlet and the Queen of Den- mark were emeessful. Mr. Miles u a genuine Major Galbraith without an effort. And Mr. Savage is qualified to appear as • Niger in the meet faobioeable Circus. The entertainment with some varietioas will be renewed this ev,o- ing; Tet tmcviLLa lerectloxxeL* of the 19th ult., says " We should like the ' Signal' to to - form us of the tree meaning, according to Radi- cal phraseology, of the words un0AsntsUwent tU•perstios and scarvilite." The wen. " B4- hugsgue" we believe is expressive of the com- b.nauoa of the three, and if the " Intelligence," is at a ler for the meaning of that word he cats just read over In the name paper his own two columns oe the " Victoria Chronicle," and then he will have • very detailed an4 practical illus- tration of Billiappte. MARKET/. The pries of fluter, meal arid all Veda of gram has been little varied for • number of weeks- - lo New York and Liverpool markets the ten- dency is downwards. From \V.lrner and Smith's European Times„ w* learn the price of Wheat, Floor, Meal, kc., is rather on the advance is the Liverpool mar- ket. The suspension of she Con Laws eddy eateods to March, 1848. The New York Spec- tator says, there is • limited demand gad heavy market for dour; prices varying franc 30. 34 to 31. per bbl. ; and !Montreal it is 24s to 25s. la Toronto 16e 3d to 20x. Itauulton, Ire 94 to 22r 6d. Godericb-dour 20s, Wheat 3s per bash., oats 10d to le, pork 12a 6d to 17a 6d. Herrings per bbl. 20s ; white fish and trout, 35s ; hay per too, 30s w 35s ; potatoes Is 3d to is 6d per bosh. • THE COBOURG STAR. Fortunately the Ilome Goverurnent ti at last awake to the folly of sending to a Colony like this a Military Governor, or one taken by midnight from the Fens of Lincolnshire. Although we are not by any means the " oldest inhabitant," yet we have seen specimens of Governors tvho would in no way disgrace the most despotic of the Tur'kish dynasties. We have seen a Military Governor (like all of his clam, ignorant, In- dolent, and with a profound contempt for Civil Government,) placed at the bead of affair.. We have seen him bury the laws in oblivion, and instead of making hie Coun- cil the depositary of those laws, make tt the receptacle of his will and pleasure. In fact, instead of having a limited Monarchy, we have bad the most despotic government of modern times. Our Military Governor always laboured under the defusion that he was every thing, and the people nothing. in consequence, he bad no Inceptive to action ; he grew lazy, and turned over the management of public affairs to the first who offered. • Jtluntesquiea relates of a Pope, that ire raised (like Sir Francis) an infinite number of difficulties against his election, from a through conviction of his incapacity. At length he was prevailed on to accept the pontificate, and resigned the administration entirely to bis nephew. He was soon struck wtih surprise. and said, "1 should never have thgught that these things wolf so easy ."The same may be said of Military Governors; who, being bred up with some- thing more than contempt of the civil law, are puked oat and placed over important Colonies. They are at fust dazzled, and to a .ad way as to how they are to bear their blushing honours, but soon come to that sad resource of despots, -to abandon their Government to a favourite, This has frequently been the case here, and if those favourites had not been men of moro than common • talent and integrity, this Colony would, long atoce, have been, lost to the British Crown. But, moderate and virtuous as theirovernment was, it caused a Rebelliou. The people knew that aa subject. of Great. Britain, they were entitled to the blessings of a limited mon- archy, and they were determined to have WANTED, TWENTY THOUSAND bushels of Fall Wheat, and 10,000 buaheUi of Spring Wheat, for which CASH will be petal. TI108. GII.MOUR 54 CO. Guderich, March 3, 1848. FARM FOR SALE. • THE Subscriber offers for ole Lot No. one in the seventh Coocesxon of the Township of Colborne, West Dtvtsiea. Th,re is on the premises a assail Log Barn, with 15 acres underoal ctilUvatioq and well fenced. The Land is of excellent quality, and within 6 miles of the Tows of Goderich, containiag 100 acres. TERMS of Sale will be made knows by applying to Willtam Robertson, Esq., Can ada Company's OtSce, Godericb, or to the subscriber. DAVID SMITH. Goderich, March 1st, 1848. 6tf LIST OF LICENSES uI88UED PO& TUE HURON DISTRICT IN TUE YEAR 1848. $300 REWARD. ABOY was stolen from his parents in the. village of Napanock, county tf Ulster, and state of New York, on the 1415 December, 18.47, and has been traced into the western part of Canada. The Child's name L ALONZO McEL- ROY, son of the u:ideraigned, is four years old in Juno next, has dark blue eyes, brown hair, and fair complexion, has a slight per- pendicular scar near the nnddls of the fore- head, running up into the hair three quarters of an inch lung. The said Child has been pursued by- hu afflicted father from that place to Canada, where the trace of him was lost. The boy has been seen with a man who drove a par of large bay horses, a waggon with a lung reach, and a painted ius,ber box •on three spr'pgs, with a box a;;;•ng in the hind end of the waggon. Any person who will procure tbo child and -eliver him to any of the following persons, or give such information as will lead to hie recovery, shall receive the above reward. fl 'Please deliver the Child or give in- formation to G. F. ROOD k CO., ITIRAM R. ANDREWS, A. 11. STOIVELL, (of the Custom House,) Detroit ; to John P. Stewart,a, the Globe h•,otel, Buffalo or to George Babcock, of Brantford, Canada W. Any person who aids in restoring the Child to bis afflicted parents, will truly sere* the cause of humanity. WM. H. McELR@T .. Detroit, Feb. 18, 1848. them. egad tbey knee got flea. ' Our Coneervativo brethren, instead of sighing for the good old times of irresponsi- bility, -instead of opposing our present form of Government, thereby leading the people to believe that it is not compatible with their connexion to the Mother Coun- try,-sbouldadvaoee with the train of think- ing men, and strive to turn the spirit of the age, now in full activity, in the most useful direction. Arlo the extent of Responsi- bility, they need not be at all alarmed. It bas been defined, and permanently setUed in the British House of Commons. This Mr. Baldwin admitted to rho Electors of the Fourth Riding, -stating that tt would form no part of future discussion in our House of Assembly. • • • • • Skeptical inquiry has gone far enough al- ready ; tf you continue it, the attics princi- ple within you will become dormant. in grasping at the shadow, you will lose the substance. Labour is the inheritance of man, and fuming and fretting about abstruse questions in politics is, by no meas., turn- ing labour to good account. We hope and believe, that people are becoming conscious of this fact. •When they arrive altogether at it, then will cease that whirlpool of poli- tics which bas circulated in endless vorti- ces, swallowing up much' of the good and noble which has unheeding) ventured with- al,iia baleful ingue.a. When the time comes, and we pray that it may not tarry long, that all panne join for the good of the country, and snake pnbhic agility the cry. - then and not till then, will we arrive at the dignity of re•aonable beings. And that Press which shall much longer continue to oppose the onward progress, so tar frombe- i.g directors in the great movement of gov- ernment, will not be permitted to turn even one of the inferior wheels in the machine, We do not way that this move- ment will be started by cireomstanoos,- that it does ant io a great measure depend on the thinking men ; on the contrary, we believe that it doss depend on the Press, and that the time le rapidly coming whoa they stilt leave their suicidal cavilling,, their rash -light logic, and give fearless ex- pre..ion to tib voice which if within them. REMITTANCE@ RECEIVED. Mo.TaiAt, Feb. 116.-7 T. M. Nothing commercial to report. Much anxiety felt for the Britaaaia's news, now (ally dee. The Legislative Council met, pro forma this afternoon, at half -past two o'clock, and bee adjourned till to -morrow at 3 P. M. The House to -day was chiefly engaged in teatime bummers, notices of motions, lice. Om tit -morrow the co.teeted elections is Beach arnoi., Three Rivers, Oxford and Rent, will be cit The Clerk of tibe Crown in Charmery has beets specially ordered to appear with the poll hooks rospectivly. Oa the nudism of tbe'Hon. T1. Daly, .ad sanded by the Hoe. W. Cayley, it was that His Kraeal1ney the Governor Gegrafe Speeeh t tak.4 unto e.s*idsra- ties en Th.eed•y meat. The Hoose adjgsrasd et 1!.iion enolat 6 P. M. fl. weather to -day has bee' gen, with • odd atmosphere, till this afternoon, when a *light fall of new teasme.eed. Ther. a.eNer aro.- 10 above Jeer ssii J1e► Dmcarlrl•a OW ucae►a. SHOP: 64 I'IF. w. D.T1 of M eL 1 20thDec. 9 1547 3 1st Feb. 4 184d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 91 99 23 24 25 26 27 ALE AND BEER. 1 2 611 TO wool tawsu Junes William, \V t;t sm Grace. W. 11. Our, Junes Wat.ou, a& token. Stratford, Suatfard, G.Jertcb, Derr, un xaCY. 17 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 3 t0 T e0 3 10 3 0 3 10 3 10 3 10 7 10 3 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 3 10 3 00 s 10 3 00 7 10 3 10 3'10 3 10 7 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 7 10 1 10 1 10 Livingston Brown, StraiforJ, Jonas Copp, Tackerunith, Peter Woods, Stratford, Hugh Thompson, South Easthope, Joseph Vupillatt, North Easthope, Francis Fishleigh, Mitchell, John Hicks, Do. Sebastian Fryfogle, South Eastbope, William Hicks, Stratford, Andrew Sebach, Ellice, Thomas Douglas, Stratford, John Allen, (luderleh, Andrew Donogh, Do. James Macauly, Stratford, James Whiteford, 'Tuekenmitb, Donald Gordon, Bayfield, Robert Dunkin, Iltbbert, Henry Haacke, Bay6•IJ, Thomas Darke, Ouderich, Patrick Flanagan, M eGilheray, Jane Balswill, If oboes, George Hodgins, Itiddutph, James Gentles, Goderech, Robert Cook, Do. Tbwnsbip, David Munro, 1)o. do. T. W. Robinson, North Eut!tope, Robert Ellis, ' "Godeuch, . Samuel Johns, John Dunlop, }:lliee, Gudeneb, (Signed,) TolAL en* OW DUTY. £30 0 0 133 0 0 3 0 0 •£166 0 0 For C. WIDDER, !superior Huron Distr•iet.. 11. W I I.SON, Deputy. A ante Oyly, 'DANIEL LIZARS, (,Perk of the Peace, Huron District. OFFICE CLERK OF TiHE PEACE, Guderich, 21st February, 1848. PROSPECTUS. OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. DIR. AND MRS. MOODIE, Entrees. TIIE Editors of the Vtcroat* DMAoaztcx will devote all their talents to produce a useful entertaining, and cheap Periodical, for the Caaa- diaaPeople ; which may afford amusement to both old and young. Sketches and Tales, in verse and prose, Moral Essay, Statistics of the Colony, Serape of Useful Information, ltertews ,.l new Works, and well selected articles from the most popular authors of the day, will form the pages of the, agazine. The Editors feel confident that the independent and rising country to whose service they ate proud to dedicate their talents, will cheerfully lend its support to eoconrage their arduous and honourable undertaking. The low price ■1 which the Periodical is placed, is in order that every person within the Colony who can read, and it -anxious for moral and mental improvement may become a subscriber and patron of the work. The Vieroau MAetzicz will contain twenty - leer pages to each ;umber printed do new type, and upon good paper ; and will form •t the end ej tbei year g neat Volume*. of 283 pogee, 'o- wlet with'I5t!e Page and Index. It will be issued -Monthly, commencing on the First el September, from the office of JOSEPH W11AOF, Freat-.asst, Belleville -the Pub- S1AL'LIONS. THE HURON DISTRICT AGRICUL- 'TUBAL' SOCIETY, will mord aha following PREMIUMS, vis e- £13 10 for the best, and £7 10 for the second best STALLION shown • on the Market Square, on Saturday, the 8th day of April next. The Directors have the power to with- hold either or both of the Premiums, should the Horse" &hewn, in their opinion, be us - worthy. The Horses must serve in the District for the season. R. CUNINGHAME, Socretarf. Godericb, March 3, 1848. 5 GILBERT PORTE, THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT NOTIc'T.. 11111E Su►oersber would ennouoce to those 1 who aro indebted to Lam, either by , Nuts or Book Asceunt, are rcqquc.'ed w eall with %VI1.L1AM G. SMITH and set- t'. the same "O Or 1/10111 the 30th u( Alarctr next ; and 11 raid accuuats aro not amulet by that tins, they *111 be placed in alio hand. of tiro Clerk of the Curt fur cullee- Any person hating any claims, or ac- counts against the subscriber, wit. call on 31r. Willis o G. Smith fur final settlement of the name. GEORGE OLIVER. Godwin', Fob., 93, 1848.. 4-w3 FOR SALE, I3'• the subscriber, U,.at raluab!e property siiliated in the townusiyp of (ledericb, "n Lot 19, 40 concession,sato. of the Wear of Guderich ; the good Saw Mill on it and 80 acres tof tont; acres cleared. it is a never fei) 10 stream well adapted for any Machinery, tech an Carding and Fulling Machinery, Distillery, and Grist Mill. N. B. -\Vitt be sold cheap for cash, or part of the money may Ire for • few yearn. Apply to the prupnntW M. ALLiGHE3J. GoJerich, Feb. 18, 1648. 3 COMMERCIAL. ADVERTISER. jS Published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdayq, at .the Luta /'rice art TWELVE•S111LLINGS per annum, pay- able invariably in advance. The -Transcript ie printed on a ect nearly as large as any used iu the l'rov.uce; and should circumstances permit, it will be still further enlarged in the course of the I ensuing summer. • !During the approaching Session of Par- liantent the Transcript will contain Reports of the Proceedings, sufficiently comprehen- sive to. furni.b Record of all that uccur• In both Legislative Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Transcript will support its old character. A portion of its spare space will bo uevuted to the in- sertion of miscellaneous matter of an in- teresting and Literary character, and every thing otli:nsive to murals will be carefully avoided: We have commenced, and intended to continue, a series of B,ographical St:etches from Chamber a Miscellany of Ureful and Entertaining Tract+ and other Warks ; and during the present Wesson, notice will be taken of the Lectures delivered at the several Literary Institutions of this clay, which we commenced last winter, and 'which gave general satisfaction. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S fash- ionable Boot and Shoo Maker, West Street, Godericb. Marco, 1x1, 1843. 5m8 J. STEWART, A TTORNEY AND BARRISTER at Ll Law, Solicitor m Chancery, Convey- ancer, bac., Office West Street. Goderted, March 1st, 1848. 5y From Akss•dee McDes.U, req., S•sdpsi.t, Sherif Diekam : 1. P. Omit, lip.. C. W. ol, SEsq., Perth, toBrows, ward Bwn, £nq.,Bres sly Sampson,lied l ►ili•m Esq., Soi1k's Tell.. TO PRINTERS. ACOMPOSITOR wsee west, w a seea •e *Mw b tidi 411=ali e.gei.et ssaa Orel" IFrew Maw* IMO. 1 FOR SALE, NOTICE. THOSE indebttdl to; the Subscriber are requested to maks, immediate pay- ment, or else their notes and accounts will be put into the hand of an attorney for col. lection. ROBERT MODERWb)1.I. Godericb, Feb.' 18th, 1848. 3tf AUCTION. BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE, 1 L on THURSDAY, the 17th iaetaat, the whirls STOCK 'OF DRY GOODS, GRO- CERIES, liar., in the Store in the Post - Office Esildisp TERMS --A11 nems under LI 10, Cash ; front Lt 10 to £3, .three mouths ; front £5 to• £10, six months ; over £10, nine monlbs,by fornisbisg approved Endorsed NOITk i. ' Q Sal to CosWnee at 11 o'clock, A. M. J. K. GOODING, Ametioeto(• Godericb, Fdiruiry 7, 1848. Heber and wale Pcopnetnr, to whom ail orders ler a. R I• g OF THE TRANSCRIPT BV the !Magazine, Mad letters u the Editors, moat M ilL. be addressed, post-paid.) 'Inc terms of s:.h-I Tbo price of Subscription o[ the ecriptiob-ONE • DOLLAR PER ANNUM- Q7' tnraeiefty N M p.44 are .i ante. •( MONTREAL TRA:toC0ITT, (when gent -by G.odrnob; Mareb3, 1848. 5 mail) is TWELVE SHILLINGS per an- num, payable in advance. To facilitate to 'pittances FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will pay for. Fifteen Months. TEN S111L- LINGIf for Ten Months, and FIVE SHUL-. LINGS •fet Five • Months. Wheel-tlie period of subscription is nearly expired, we shall send three different*copies °LA ■T Tex suascala1as. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AWAN assortment of DRY GOODS, HARD - W A tl E and CROCKERY, purchased in Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool, and imported via. Montreal, at the lowest rates. -AI.SO- Hhds. "Marvel's" and "Hesmehsy's " Ent quality Brandy, Cases euperior Pale Sherry Wise, do. do. Port Wine, Barrels, 4 dos. each, "Barclay, Perkins k Co.'s" Porter, Barrels Muscovado Auer. do Refined English Loaf Sugar, Cheats of Ily.00 Tea, and Burets of Syracuse FINE SALT. M. B. SF,YMOUR le CO. Goderich, Feb.., 14, 1848. 4w4 PROSPECTUS 01" Tax sECOSD VOLC1rH Or Tram . CANADA FA$MER. A Family Journal of Agriculture -internal Im- NOTICE. THE next Sittings of the First DIVI- BiON COURT will be held at the Goal of Godericb, SATURDAY the first of April meat. A. F. MORGAN, .Clerk nest Division Court. Goderieh, Pleb, 33, 18N. 4w6 provement-Literature-Science- dessert ln- te4igenee-published every Saturday, at It. Transcript enclosed in blue or great Brewer do Co:'s Jstsbluhmeot, Toronto, and covet, ; and if nu remittance is made, the is Row offered at the decoding low price of taper shall, in every case, be diecon- ON1:►DOLLAR per year. A. X'ASMYTII,. FASIIIONA.DLE TAILOR, nESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends and customers that he continues to make mens wearing apparel, in the most approt•ed and fashionable style and on short notice. And in returning thanks to the inhabitants of Goderich and the surround- ing neighbourhood, for the liberal encour- agement he has received, hopes by assidui- ty and punctuality, still to merit a continu- ance of their patronage. Goderieh, Feb. 3, 1848. 10 'totem!. As the paper is given to subseri- THE FARMER was established to sup- yrs at the lowest le pncei all money ply a want that has tong been telt 10 letters must be post-pt-paaidd; and alines whish Sr. not, the amount el postage *RI be de - the periodical Literature of Canada. On ducted from the money sent. the'ono hand, a majority of the weekly publications devoted thea exclusive attire- Religion ttire- Q j•The Tn'unpt it sent to Subscri tion to the politicsir d "party," a few to ban is the country twice or three nines a otber.oe and kindred topics, and on til k a1 tbei► 091500. The se4ole of the other. one "magazine" poured out ifs wee.g matter of Thursday and Saturday'. monthly stores on the grand,tnexhaustaWs readin bean t into one ►heel -thus sav- Asd vitally important subject of Caadiae tothe Subscribers one-third postage, the Agriculture ice of eub.cn tion to the both Is the same. Although it t impossible to treat w pelt- P tic question without, In some sesae, writers Jg„becnberr, a writing fur the Transcript, q et will plesee mention whether they wish the politics,, yet the FARMER has not Wee Irl -weekly art semi weekly piper sent to died with 'parties' nor will it hereafter 1*11a tL4!r. scrupulously avoid them• Its objects are - __ the interesting, the useful, the accessary. ; Netl papera ear l wbos we exchange As agriculture a the interest of Oast son- will picas copy Uus .':cute. whisk eb will awarded to rho people of 10. els, w t It :e happy 1a reetproeZ18'48'17 same 1557' awuJed the Ent place and the sill attew Godenety alueh 6 tion in the columns of the Farmer. Emi-' ration, Commercial regulation.,Educatws, - ' IIENRY NEWMAN, BREAD, CAKE ant. PASTRY BAKER, respectfully solicits the patrons a of the inhabitants of Soderich and its vicinity, and trusts, by strict attcntiol, to merit • share of their favours. N. D.-Ilard Biscuit and all kinds of Crackers on hand. Cakes made to order. Guderich, Jan. 88, 1148. 111 JOHN J. K LINTON, p o m sic, Oyyytmissiorier Quocn's Bench, AFD COiIVETANCE*, STRATFORD. DR. HAMILTON, 8U110.R01Y, .. wmeT •Tana?, 0 0 D 1 111 1 C.ii. F.8., I60. 67 Legislative enactments, and all qunuons bearing on the industrial pursuits of the country come under impartial reviews. - Short notices of useful books kc.; literary e•leeuone, entertaining; instructive and moral ; the improvements and discoveries is Science and the useful arta ; a dish for the ladies and the Scrape for the boys ; the mar- kets at home and abroad, with the general news of the day, complete the bill of faro to which w. inhito the attention of every fktnily, ie every town and township of Canada. The first volume has met with ucex- &peeted favour from the public sod the prom. The enconiume of the latter, w liberally bestowed, would have consoled the Editors with the belief that their labour* mooted, had they not received encourage- ment. But the substantial support of the poditis has been such as to warrant us, we think in continuing the publication. The second volume will be superior to the firat in several points. More tune will gives to it by the Editor*, mod • number of persona of the highest quahAration• have prowled their assistance as correspondents. A enmher will be tient as • apeeimin to any isee Featuring it by letter (or othefwise) Postage paid. 111 orders ebseld be east (e r 3d. fit Nsat 5th lemony, so that we sity iMw.hew large an edition to mint.- Tbe anoxepee1d demand for the hack Noe. JJb.Uated ear dation of the 1st vnlnme sere tiissill.lei thlid to presest sorb tea ami t .Uwevree-egelso we bops eel Agee bore wilkeogiformoil their order' with- disisr.AM advisee. owe >1 7. TO CAPITALISTS: GOOD tad oafs Investments. Valuable MILL SITES and FARMS for sale on Lake Huron. A Roo( Mill Privilege on the Lake shore within six miles r,f Goderich, hiving 36. 'acres of excellent Land, the Mull can be built Millie rock, and within 50 feet of ('0 feel'deep water in the Lake; the. Mill dum lie -be; talade 10 to 18 feet high at a trifling expense and on never failing stream,abus- dance of Saw -logs in the vicinity. also, a splendid Mill privilege half a mils up on the Eighteen mile River which is navigable to the L.kc, having 45 tures of first rale land, plenty of Pnio and other Saw -logs in the v,einity. AND ALSO -Four of the best descrip- tion of FARMS on and near the Lake Shote, with improvements. The above well selected and very valuable property will be sold low (or cash, or hall the purchase money may remain lar three or four jean on mortgage. Apply (if by lever post paid) to Law- rence I.awrason, Esq., T.00dcn, Robert Parke, Esq., Goderich, or to the propriety* JOHN HAWKINS. Port Albert, Godericb, Feb. -3, 1048. UI GO DGRICIIq WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE. TiiOMAS GILMOUR k CO., EI AVE always on hand a choice swirl - 1. meat of all kinds of fancy and STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, tic., kc., kc. And as their stock is selected from the principal warehouses in New York and Montreal they feel confident that tbey can furnish a superior article for leas price than it can bi obtained Muleteer, in tyre Ilnron District, as In all cash treneactt,ns they have resolved to dell upon the principle et .mall refits and extensive males. They snhcit an examtna'i"n of their ample stock of New Goods from all intesdmg pur- chaser.. N.B.-All kinds of farm produce taken le exchange for goods, foe witch the high - esl market price wi11 bus allowed. Goderich, Feb. 3, 1848. to i NOTIUttE. A LL persons iNDEBTED to Me Sub. .criber, are hereby requested to call and settle their accounts by the, 20th of March next, all Accounts then unsettled, will positively be placed in the hands of the Clerk of tho Court for oollecuos. WALTER SHARP. Godericb, Feb. 15, 1848. 311 8TRACH.f,N & LiZARS, i;ARRISTER$ and Attunes at low, :tolteireee a Chaseety, Conveyancer., Notary Pebhe. iledevreb• Lsk• Ilerot,, Caned. West. fors J7aacrts. ID■.a.. Holo Grease. (loderich, Jan. 18, 1346. (h1 BRITISII IIOTEL, G0-DERIC11. L ATILT 4CCUrIID .1 Ma. t4IAC aATT•!i•U• ' 'IIF. Snb•eribers having i.eased t above SUPERIOR HOVE(.. beg leav respectfully to intimate to their friends and the public in general, that they have opened for thn receplios and accommodation of Boarders and Travellers, where they will be happy to receive theme whn may honor them with Nett patronage. It will always be their study to furnish the Tab!e with an ample portion of the best productions of the mason, and to keep the.r Bar supplied with Wines end Liquors of the beet de- ecriptinn, so as to merit Ilse approval their customers. J. K. 000DiNG. JOHN LANCASTIKR. O outrichtJan. 9a, I840. Ill N. B.- cellona Matthew edit he abed• ed, sod an cure and Weenies Groom 11111 be .Iwsys in attend nee. n . W A T'g• RA 'MISTER Alta Aj"PwV._wfRYWI Wl enQ utrroa re atter" na o1611t 411, K OFFICE. L't iRE YAJ1,id►fA vw* buit l 0 O DV. I C$lo f Feb . l x48. • mgr