HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-02-25, Page 40 tt c ». THE MIDNIGHT WIND. ►Y we. eovsawsu. Mo.rdelly ! 0, n,oaru- rally The •idaigbt wiad da'.b sigh, Like some sweet plaintive melody Of ages long gone by : It speaks • tale of other yeast - O( hope that bloomed todir Of sunny mules tbat Set is tears, And loves that moalderiag lie ! Mearefstly ! 0. mournfully This midnight wind doth ms' It stirdsome chords of,gr! 1• tack d h -lured deed The • ' t►eteepw- „fery food heart cherished Ere death hs mads it Looe. Mouea(ally ! 0, mournfully This midnight weed doth swell, With ita quaint passive nuaatrrlay- Hepeh pariooats farewell To the dreamy joys and early years, Ere yet grief's motet fell Oa the heart's bloom -ay ! well may team Start at that parting knell MY RUSSET GOWN. My resort gown is dear to me, Though years have pared away Eliseo my young heart beat joyously Beneath its folds of grey; No jewels hung around my neck, Or glitter'd is my hair, With lightsome step I tripp'd along, My spirit keep so care ; The roses near my window crept, And shed their sweets around ; Hard war the bed cin which 1 slept, Bot yet my deep was sound. My russet gown 1 laid aside, For one of rich brocade ; I thought, in my simplicity, Its charms could never fade ; 1 left the cot where I had paa'J My.happy e..ildbood years, I left my aged lathe/ sad, My mother was in tears; I Ieft.them for a wealthy home, To be a rich manes bride, Aod thought that splendor would atone For loss of all beside. My passel gown, when neat I gazed • Bees, its sombre hoe, It brouht ireiea to my heat As lades it was true; Its simple meekness seemed to mock lily silks and jewels gay, And bore my wandering thoughts to those Dear friends** far away. 1 felt bow &etieg were the joys That wealth Sou can boy, And for my humble cottage borne My bosom h.av'd a sigh. romet gows I sill hare kept To check my growing pride. ' A tree, though silent monitor, My folly to deride Aad when I meet with faithless friends • Amodg the giddy throng, Whom vin and pleasure in their train Drag heedlessly along, I Gel bow gladly I would give My .rick sad bed eldswoo, Owe* more em sweet ..stent to live, Aad wear sly tenet gows. THE WAR SPIRIT. Vem pisit .' war -spirit ! how gorgeous thy path, Pule earth Ariake with tsar front thy chariot of wreak - T e kis( et thy b.cka.iag comes down from his Anew. To the alewife of feet tb"'aramd atioos rash os, With the manpfiagelstew* and the trumpet's MY fay. Whitp the inld of their bream gleams bright sole tee shy. Tby ramiee ars eoeght till the life -throb is o'er, Thy lesiva. psw..4, though they blossom is WWI 'Mid tee nems d .demes and temples sublime, The web ado, bore duh (meek with time, The meet e'er day firm throw, ber tissue -divine, Aad hisassy her asset emblazons with thio. Weeapirit 1 war -spirit ! thy secrets are know, 1 bees tasked on the field when the battle was dear - The eimeglsd sad slain is their misery lay, had the values was shrieking ad watching his may! Bat the heart's gash of sorrow, how hopeless and sora. 1a abs horse that those loved ours revisit ss avow. T Mtn traced out thy march by its features of pais, While famine nod pe►tilesee stalked in thy tees, Mod the trophies of sin did thy vietory swell, Awl thy breath oo the soul was the plague -spot of hell ; Death loaded thy deeds, to the lett.re of intoe • Tb. realm d perdition reeerd.d thy Reel,. Wee spirit I. was .pipit ! go down to thy pl.ee, With the denten. that !brie* es the wee of Sir Viet; C.1! beck thy strong legless of wady and Pry. Bed the risers el blood thee haat opened be JYitd.. Lot thy leagse.wirh tb* grave mad Ae.tdatm eves.. As, yield the torn wield to these/el of penes. l adversity asmile von, don't grow rre.r. it preemie, not mitt all sytbpathy f re pier .usiarl..ee, but also all offers of tisel.wsds. People of benevnlest reedier ars repelled by your enappi.hasa are Agee( to Nes/ alp U lest yew bite them. Wks the toper eclat , sad like a Cbti.tsie. A.4 this God wilt beep -and it►nr felfew tats.., itee. !rI T.►.esamrw-may be as ia.,vm.tet N ,roud . se may breed, if diedarged from A w mowth el a case% be u increment death. if weary hales berapt Ovid Se /sella to, Mere timid be Mod abs iny. of :M 01.1111115. N ROUGHMONGERING. ►eau "TVS wasaaa."-se JU*a .ALT. Nut morning i had occasion to be forth at a0 early hour, to ase some of my old (rise& at the Jerusalem, eoaceroi•g a ballot that was that day to take place at the lir House ; tied thus it carne to pase,...tkrimea tore 1 gut back to the kutel,'. no at toad Called Upon nae, s a ,d.r..a u Nat d Mr. home, left his c atg gm Ali sot ,e.. Probe tee Sema► it bad bees oely once collect t/eil but the waiter told me he could ateatsis in the evening, Levies some paf- icular private business to Iraesact. This intimation put me epee my guard, and then recollecting hie name, 1 guessed the errand he had come upon, and told the waiter to prepare for us a private patlour ; but in tate meantime I would take my din- ner to the public cuffee-room. The waiter, being an expert young man, ordered all things in a very perfect manner ; and I had.just finished my dinner when In came Mr. Probe ; a smaller sort of man, with a costive and crimson countenance, .barep eyce! sad cheeks smooth and well - stuffed : but one thing 1 retnarked about him which I did not greatly admire, and yet could not say wherefore, namely, be bad a black fore-tootb, as if addicted to the tubae - co -pipe ; and, moreover, although it could sot be said that he was a corpulent man, he certainly was in adegree one of the fatties; but la. was very polite end introductory, told me his name, how Mr. Curry had re- quested him to call, and was, to every re- spect, as couthy and pleasant as an evil .•plrit. 1 desired the waiter to chew. us up into the private room that was ordered, and bade him bring a bottle of Carbonell's claret -all which he soon did ; and when Mr. Probe and 1 were comfortably seated, he opened the bewares. "Mr. Jubbry'," said be, " our mutual friend, and my client, has told me that you might have sumo bu-Incas in niy way." "My client!" yuo' Itomyser1, mum," And thea I continued--" 11e is an old friend of rniae, and I was telling bias that the time hung heavy upon my bands to the country Oh ! but that is not what I wished t0 speak to you about. I have a particular friend lately come from India, who is in the Same condition : it's far from my fortune, Mr. Probe, to think of going into Parlia- ment ; but my friend, who has a turn for public apeakiog, rTgnested me, 'as I was coming to London, to see if a scat could be obtained on reasonable terms ; and speaking un this subject to our mutual friend, Mr. Curry (i took care to say nothing of his client), be told me that you had a seat to dispose of, and that be Would send you to me." " Very correct," replied Mr. Probe ; !'but he made a little mistake -I have not a scat to dispose of ; but a particular friend told me that he knew of one ; and now 1 recollect of having once mettioned the subject to Mr. Curry." "It's very 'right to bo guarded, Mr. Probe," said I, " especially 'since the sales of seats in Parliament are an plain as the sun at noon -day, and would make the bones of our ancestors rattle in their coffins to hear of it : but although a seat may be come at by good handling, what would you, just to common parlance, think a fait - "Oh, Mr. Jobbry, we need not conde- scend on particular ; but my friend has cer- tainly a capital sporting tnanor, and will either let it on lease for the remainder of his term, or fur an annual rent." I patted the side of my nose with my fore -finger, and said, ie the jocular words of Burne, "Bat Tam teat what war what (u' bravely ;" purr, NEW NM this, adew .e ; aid 0y Misr* taste is • woe .44 Nhath of tIna he is t/ probity lane... hishillgol. a » sidesI do.M' it l sbky i bbl sss*ta is lee II_' "'~ as m"'WO NSW sow rt .tails i. IIs,: bMN are every year ttnore vateshia." "Weil, Mr. Probe, leas sake yes as gar for may hived, tatter the risk of pbsas- ts( bre epos myself : Ica. fiat., I amen for bier, s IMswsd pomade ,• hear what year chest gays, gad [et me know the result : 1 would ay guineas -tor I really west oe guinea. ; 1 fish, however, to have the fifty pounds for a mar is --you undo/sued." Such was the SrsttossRrltatioo, and, coa- siekreag that 1 was rut . `reeebore in par- 4smeLttDg, I certainly made as imepreeuoa. and addod, " Very. well, Mr. Probe, that's a very judicious alternitive ; but what's -- 111 not say what. Would it be expected that my friend would hare to sit on the right or left hand of a man in a wig ; or, in other words, to come to the point, would he have to be a sheep or a goal, for at present he's an innoceot lambkin, and unleu there be a reason for it, he would naturally be a sheep. I'll no say that he'll ever be a bat- tering-ram ; but you understand, Mr. Probe i" "Your candour," was the reply, "is ex- ceedingly satisfactory ; but hale you any notion of what your friend would give for the manor f' " I doubt," said I, " if he will come up to what oar friend Curry said was the price." " What did he say 1" inquired Mr. Probe. "Reili!' 1 can't tell, -I doe't recollect exactly, whesher it was three or four thou- aedpounds." "Not possible," exclaimed the solicitor, falling back in his chair with astonishment. "Ob," replied 1, "it ia`very probable that 1 am in the wrong, new when I recollect. that Parliament has only eel -skins to run : you are very -1;74i, he could never Lain Rtnf stTmuch as three ot•four thousand pounds -be must hare been speaking of the price of a whole Parliament," " Excuse me, Mr. Jobbry, you misunder- stood bin,--eether three or four thousand pounds was quite ridiculous to mention in the same breath with a whole -Parliament : no, sir, the price that I am in,truct••d to ar- range is for the two remainingeesslon.." " Pray, Mr. Probe, is the gentleman in the 11ous. r "H. is, but he does not find it suit ; and, between ourselves, although money is so object to him, he somehow has not telt him- self at home, and so he has a mind to re- tire." Ay, he has, eh? did he ever say why, became that is • subject that my friend meat erssid¢r "No set p•rlieelarl{ ; but every man who thinks himself goa.iied does not find himself so, I imaginer, *ben he once gats in." "Thee, if i understated you Mr. Probe, your chest -" "Not my client !" "Well, wti ; he wants, as I eaderstand you, to dispose of the shooting for two years at an casual rat." "fat so." " And «bet m.y he expect, to make few wards Own ft /" "A couple of thousand." " Wast t ler two years 1" *Nth sea we : two *boomed for the brat year* aid awe tltoesaad for tee next, -feu► dimmest le a11, if the homburg lasts so long." "la that the same e( the a•sor, Mr. Probe 1" "Ah! you're a wag, Kr. Jebby " Set ose eerieus weed, Mr. Probe : i sea sere sty 'weed will OM se wpb pfie• ee tete tbouseed paned, pe a.wb4•1iv oar yenta alba meet ler nuessi e t sum/ ptrple Me berms, same beads .abets ear - Tits LAST AND BsaT•-A chap, walking out cause across " Old Mose," bitting in the broilug sun, fishing. " Well, Mose," said lie, "what in the world are you doingtberef" "FAD." " What 1' " ptt6n." "Fishing; well, what't the reason you can't talk 1 what's in your mouth 1" " Oh, augrn but mune fur bail !" Caesar ARD Errsc-r -A drunkard being orougbt before a Police Justice in New York was asked " What do you get drunk and come here ro this coodruon for 1-" See here," was the reply, attended with the hic- cup," What do you give licenses for 1" Ezrucrr.-" Mrs Grimes, lend'me your tub." " Can't do it, all the hoops are off ! it is full of suds ;'besides i never had one, because 1 wash in a barrel." A clergyman was censuring a young lad,' fur tight acing. "Why," replied the young lady, 'ayou Eould not surely recom- mend loose _kabits to your parishioners." The clergyman smiled. provincial parliament. PARLIAMENT CALLED. • The Canada Gozetle Extraordinarry, pub- lished this evenig, contains the following PROCLAMATION BY HIS 'EXCEL- LENCY THE GOVENOR GENERAL: WHEREAS the meeting of our Provincial Paihanient stand prorogued till the 4th day of March now next ensuing, at which at our city of Montreal you were beld and Con- strained to appear ; and wheres we have judged it advisable, and rnost consistent with the general convenience and public welfare to change the said time of meeting to an earlier period: we do therefore will and command you, and by these presents firmly enjoin you and each of you, that on Friday, the 45th day of February text en • suing, you meet us in our Provincial Par- liament at our city of Montreal, for the despatch of business, there to take into consideration the state and welfare of our said Province of Canada, and therein to do as may seem necessary ; and herein fail not. CANADA WEST. PeocivILLS (rows) -G. Sherwood, BYrowa-Scott; CO•RwALL TORR -J. H. Cameron, C AR LTole-Mal loch, Du t a.--Cryeler, Dtn.ar-J. 8. Smith, Esemz-Jobn Prince Mayon -J. Wetenball, Faoo•rs,Ac--Henry Smith, GLE'OARY-J. S. McDonald. Gal, vmLLE-Reid Burrett, IIArnLTOR erre-Sir A. Matnab; Humes -W. Cayley, IIAsrraes--Bella Flint, Esq., 31*i,nrjA:vo--D. Thompson, KIsusTos-J. A. McDonald, KENT -51. Cameros, • • . LARAac-Bell, LWRcoL:v-W. H. Merritt, •. Lithos k ADDiaoroN-Syeotour, Leese -.Richards, . 1 LONDON rowz--John Wilson, 0 MIDPLEIEI-W. Notinan, Nuuaaa Town -W. Dickson, N oaracsaaavie -Meyers, Noareae-H. J. Boulton, Ozroan-F. Rinks, Ptsscorr-Johnson, PErsa nano' -Jas. 11 a11, Panics EDwaa»-Steventon, Rus.SLL-Lyon, 81111co*-W. B. Robiescn, SToawo:rT-McLean, Teton -re CITY -Henry Sherwood, t Wm. Boulton, WEarwoaTe-Dr. Smith, Wstaano--McFarland, WATERLou-Webster, 0 YORE, 1st Riding -J. Pike, do and Riding -Morrison. do. atdRrding-W. H. Blake,'°', 1 --(0 4th Riding -R. Baldwin, 1 O afr R b rr D J' w • 8 EUEE O w C O L • n C.• n •to to a t Lac t V e0 to t7 It" !' a. E: "'sea .:. MSC • n d el o b o o g i 0 m 'zur ::::2 - En V v:s£"V prat i - . P -P ...d L V • .... 'Sr - 1:1 •-e "F -D 0 a foo 00 00 0 0 00x00 111. O 0. a 0 0 0. 0. 0. 0.0. 0 0 • D 0 0_ 5 V ro tiro x:n R.T. ?-o 1 + 74 0 1 1 0 O 1. 1 0 O 1 1 0 0 1 0 .1- 0 0 1 O l 1 0 1 O O 1 1, 0 1 0 I 0 0 T• •pai(dza toe amn—pnd IoN ti e A 000 0 on re "rebate db . • 4 v. o o S 0 0 -i g rA H. O'CONNOR1 & CO., 1 0 STRATFORD, O 1 BEG respectfully to announce to the O 1 public at large, that they are now 1 0 opening out at their store, next door to Mr. 1 0 Lenton'., and opposite Mr. Daley's, a new 1 o and Select Stock of DRY GOODS, 1 0 GROCERIES, bar., which hawing been O I purchased by an experienced buyer, and for 1 0 Cash, in the Home and Montreal markets, O I they are determined to offer at prices that O 1 will defy competition. -They only request 0 4 the favour of a call from intending pur- chasers to rwevince them of this fact. 1 H. O'CONNOR k CO. ] Stratford, Jan. 98, 18-48. 111 CANADA EAST. BEttrCnAssE-A. N. Morin, BoRArsirvaE-Cutbbert, BEAV*Anpors-Dewitt, Bairesw-Armstrong, C*AwiLy-Dr. Beaub:en, CIL►wrLat:v-Louis Guillet, DoRcassr.a-Lewiux, Onuraoov-R. N. Watts, Gasra-Christie, HvRrlyerwt-Seraugaa, KAaotreasci-Marques, Lams -ma -N. Dumas, L'I,LST-Fouanier, LOT SLRl**R-Laine, Moe -mut circ -B. Homes and L.foetaine, MONTREAL cot7TT-Jobia, Itrwnquer-W. Bedgely, Ma.AmTrc-D. Daly, MotrrwonRRcv-i. Caoebon, Nrcottr-Dr, Fortier, OrTAwA-Egan, . Po.Tosur.-Col. Doebessay, Qu/SEC CITY-Altwin and Chabot, do c rwrr-Cheaveao, Rouvitte--Dr. Davignon, Reetsu.D-W. Neleoe, Ruiotwt-.iter. Tach., 8atmsaoots Town --{logy, Seseasowen OuVRTY-H Brooks, ST. Mamma -L. 1. Papiseau. Braesetan-Jobs NeCeswf4 SAe130RA r -La terrier*, 8mnrse-L. T. Dnmarosd, Se. HYAaw•rs--Dr. Rotstbghn, Timex Rtvaes--Demeelie, Two Mootrr*ries--W. Teaa.sowns-Bete.. false, Yarlhn►iert.- 1. D. Nertgeseae, Ymerem4.-Jet.lf* Ves.tas.s►•.f. Leake, Re/oreetwe *leek{ Tories, LeesSeb sad doebt(ul. R .1 0 0 1 1 1 9 0 0 1 1 9 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1* 98 0 NOTICE, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. THE subscriber intending to leave Code - rich, takes this oppertunity of return- ing his grateful acknowledgments to his T. numerous, honest and punctual customers O for the liberal patronage which they have Tb.y will have on band ThreshingMill 0 extended towards him during his residence Saw Mill and Grist Mill Cutins Rs tie GODERICH FOUNDRY. •FARMERS,ENCOURAGE YOUR HOME MANUFACTORIES. THE Subscribers beg to inform the ia- ha(litanta of the Huron District, that they bars in full' operation, their NEW FOUNDRY, which for convenience and the facility with which the work is done, equals, they feel proud to &assert, say cogently foundry in Canada. They further pledge themselves to the public to sell all Goods in their lite, as cheap, if not cheaper ; as good, if not bet- ter, than they can be obtained from any ether foundry in Canada or elsewhere. The patronage they bare met with during the short time they have been in business bare, warrants the above statement, and they take this opportunity of informing their friends and the public that they will use every exertion in their power to main- tain the character, they trust, they have folly established for tbemeelves. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 in the. place ; while at the same time be lion Water -wheels, Smut Maebissw of the wishes to intimate abet a much larger nom- latest and most approved plan, Steam Ee- ber of him c"stemers bare been very far Bines, and all kinds of Hollow -ware, such from punctual ; and these ho requests in a s, Bake Kettles, Bellow Pots, Tee Kettles, friendly manner to call upon him at their earliest convenience and settle their ac- coe&ts, as the nature of his engagements requires that all his business in this District shall be fully arranged before the &Et of April, 1848, at which date all unsettled ac- counts will be handed over to in Attorney for collection. THOMAS WATKINS. Goderieh, tan. 96, 1848. 1 ti Caoww Lana D*rmetwtxr, Montreal, 10aA Morel, 1846. NOTICE is hereby given, by order of His Excellency the Administrator of the Government in Council, to all persons who have received locations of land is Wester* Canada, since the let January, 1889, and also to parties located previous to that date, whose locations were not in - eluded iv the list of eepee*ted lands, liable to forfeiture, pobl:,hed 416 of April, 1819, that videos the claimants or their legal reprmseetauea establish their claims mad ►ab vet their Patti,. witbl. Iwo peers (Wm this date, the lead will be regaieed by G.Nrsm.lrt to be disposed of by Sale. H$NRY NEWMAN, BRSAD,CAKE .54 PASTRY BALM, respectfully se4ielts the pet ef the fbb.betasts of Gdaefeb toed Its eisi.ttyr ani trot* by street ateenliw., 9s Merit a Aar. of IMO known. N. l. -Hard Nutdt end all kilted..f Comeau se Mad. Oahee made w ender. Ood.rkh, Ise. IS, 1848. 1tf Sonar Kettles ; also, venom, sixes of Cook - Ing and Parlour Stows, and every descrip- ties of Ploughs, ke., kc. in addition to the above, they aro ready to receive orders for BELLS from five to ten hundred pounds weight, and wamited to be well toned. GEORGE MiLLER k CO. Godericb, Janosay 28, 1848. 1y N. 11. In order that the "absentees may be enabled top1.d(o.gives ie the /hove del s they -mem M- aimuponprompt yentas, therefore, of all Notes and Book Accounts sow de., ieme- diete payment is regoest.d, A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, RESPECTFULLY alygeaiets hfs friends sad customers l t be eosti•nes to make mee's wearing a rel, fa the most approved mid Aubieeable style and on short settee. And in rewrote( thanks to the iahaldleme o1 Geier/eh mad the emmesed- leg eeis/bg.rbeed, 4., ale real tIIM/.t- sg.ase.t be hes twefved, hteper by •lded- 17 sed psosessliy, *111 a Mit a Wits Mem ewe •oderfvi Untie h, Feb.3~1646. tf1 HARRISON Ila M'LIAN, BARRRtf'I'1pt,', .y Asore, rdisNer' is + CHATHAM, C. W. PURIFY THE BLOOD. :HO FrAT'S VEGETABLE LIP* PILLS AND P11E(ENIX IDTTUR. THE high sad ..vied adsb*N whasb Mem pre-t1itl least llydte.., km as- Isiredfor their ibiy prelims to M►., IM e Messy is WI di.eaw whish Mr resisted t►. tarsal poetised poM1 let sal "wsweassary, but Yaw d them. They ere knows by their f ; their goad works testify for them, and the thrive sot by the faith of•tbe credulous. 1N ALL CASES of Aegis's, Amite end Chronic Rheumatism, AAA ettoas of the Bladder sad Kidneys, Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. In the South and West where altae di. - eases prevail, they will be tousd'evolea- ble. Planters, farmers, and others, .wbs once use these Medicines, wiIl DOM be without them. Bilious Cholie, and Se mu- Lowman, Biles, Cwtivesea, Colds sod Coags, Chol;p, Coo.utsptloa. Used with greet success is thea disuse. Cottept 0ws..,, Dropsiee, D sp.pei•. No ponos pith ria distressing disease, should delay utast theee medicines iInalediitely. Eruptions of the Skin. Equipages, Fla-' tuleocy. Fera: sad Ague. Fee this scourge et thewewers' country th... mdteiw'wtU be found a safe, speedy, and Cortaro rose. dy. Other medicwes lave the system subject to toter. of the d1..s.e-.. sees bythose icines is p.rma.ent. Try tm, be sati.6ed, and b. CURED. Foulaea of Complexion, Genual Debi- lity, Gout, Giddioees, Gravel, Headache* of every hied, Inward Fever, ldMmmatery Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaeadle., Lose of Appetite, Liver Complaints, leprosy, Looseness, Mercurial Disuses. - Never faits to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury infinitely .00.er time the moat powerful preparation of Sampa. rilla. Night Swats, Nervous D.►ility, Ner- vous Complains of all kinds, Organic Af- fections, Palpitation of the 1ltart, Painter's Cholic. PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 30 years standing by the us. of thea Life Medicine. alone. PAINS in the head, side, back, limbt joints and organs. RHEUMATISM. Those afflicted with this terrible disease, will be sun of'fMMO by the Life Medicine". Rush of Blood to abs Head, Soonj% Battrheum, Saveltugs. Scrofula, or King'. Evil, to its worn forms, Ulcers, of every description. WORMS, of all kinds, are effectually expelled by these Medicines. Permits mil do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. italic( will be cer- taiD. TIIE LiFE PiLLS AND PHCENIZ BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, and thole remove all disease from the system. '' A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PH(ENIX BITTFRS beyond the reach of competition in the estimation al every patient. The genuine of these medicines are Dow put up in white wrappers and label., to- gether with a pamphlet, called "Maffat'. Good samaritan," containing the directions, lice., on which is • drawing of Broadleaf from Wall street to oar Office, by which strangers Witting the city can very easily find ue. The wrappers sad Samaritan SIG copyrigb1M., ell.eegssq theme who pro- cure .them with white wrappers can be assured that they are genuine. Be careful, dad do not buy those with yellow wrappers ; bat it you do, be satisfied tbal they COON direct from us, or dont touch them. 117. Prepare,I aid sold by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 335 Broad..ay, corner of Anthony street, New York. For ale b BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. Gods ric b, Jan. 98, 1848. 1 GOI)ERICH CABINET AND CHAIR FACTORY. LATSCHAW k ERBE, Southwest .t., Sign of the Big Chair, beg most respectfully to acquaint the public general- ly, as well as new settlers coming into the Huron District, that they will find e1 to theit adrantage to purchase at the above establishment, as they continue to manu- facture Cabinet Ware of every descriptioa, such as43ideboards, Drawers, Sofas, plain and fancy Bedsteads, Centre, Telescope, Dining and Breakfast Tales, kc., ke., kg ., to suit purchasera, and as cheap as any other establisbntent in the District. They also manufacture Grecian, Foamy and Windsor Chairs in good workmanship - like manner, and of the best motorists. - Country produce always taken in exchange for any of the above articles in ^their line, at market prices. N. B. -L. k. E. request all those in- debted to them, after long credit by note or book account, to cali and settle the same before the loth of March next, or other- wise they will be collected after that dal. wish Costs. Godericb, Jas. 98,184.. 1 tf JOHN WINER, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST; dealer n. Paints, Oils, Vanishes nod .been; importer of Genuine English Cbemie.L.. Bury truck seat -from t►t. E.tablinhreeet iW iirraisted Aisles. N.. R ail ..V's Block, Kies Street, Hamilton. January 9e. 1848. 1 Timm or Tis Ifunsu dtisuit.-TEN IRIL- LiNG8 per anew if paid wrist* sa advaee., se Tw.tve Ass rat Twee with the etpnaw& eft►: year. No paper diseestissed snail amen are - paid up, wises the psbfi her thus it big gives - lege to de se. AAsteyy is$Mmeaty i. the eaty bnaeulog re. rp.tedlls f r At usherabnes, shell mutes • r _tt espy grebe. tT AU levers aYtswwd to the Edam trof0w Asa u they will set be also 1wM Tact. e► arivem -11/.. Bis limas earl Misr, M1 Itsernieep.... SA 9 reel abes., _1l ration, 0 0 n Ta limo eel maws ha. *view.- A MIK 1*'1'm•dWtis Al abs pelt