HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-02-25, Page 3MARKETS. The price 1 Mr, meal sad all kisds 1 grain bas *Me little varied fax a somber of weeks. — le Pew Yeck sail Liverpool markets the nra- d.ssy is dewaworde. rum Wilma and Smith's Europese Time', me Wen re *Stead Wheat, Flour, Meal, dkc., Liverpool ks amber its whew*the Co,. Laws only Mt. 7b wapaws ei muse* M r•,ek, 1848. Th. New York Spec- tate, my, them is s limited donned sad heat' as.r►et Cr ion ; prier varying from 3W 3d to 11s per bbl t and Moatteal it ie 24e to 25e. In Tse.ate lie3d ea 90e. Hamdtoo..18s 9d to We 6d. G.den.b—Seer 90e, Wheat 3e per bush., Gaup 10d te 1s, pork 12s ed to 17i Gd. Herrings per bbl. 90s ; white fedi and treat, 35e ; hey per toe, 30e to 35. ; potatoes Is 3d to 1.6.1 per beak- FOR SALE, DT Tea SUUUCIIasa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AN N anrtmest of.DRY GOODS, HARO_ in WARE and CROCKERY, p Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool, at the lowest rates. —ALSO — Hhds. "Martel's?' and "Hennessy's" first quality Brandy, Cases superior Pale Sherry Wine, de. , do. Port Wine, Perkins Barrels. 4 des. each, " y+ fa Co.'s' Porter, Barrels Muscovado Sugar. • do Refined English Loaf Sugar, Chests el Hysoo Tea, ahs Barrels of Syracuse FINE SALT. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. Godericb, Feb., 24, 1b48. 4 w 4 THEATRE ROYAL, GODERICII. AT THE HURON HOTEL. ON Thursday and Friday Evenings, the 2nd and 3rd of March, will be per- formed Scenes, for tbe first time in Gude- rice, from' RICITARD 11i. Gloster, King Henry, Prince of Weise, Duke of York, Duke of Buckingham, Lord Mayor, Csteaby, Tyrrel, Lady Anne, 1 HAMLET. A$ATsoae. Hamlet, 1 Ghost, . Ari n:as. ,,Queen of Denmark, MERCHANT OF VENICE. edarieo, Solarise, - AMATEURS, Shylock, Juhal , ROB ROY. Rob Roy, Raableigb Osbaldieton, Francis O.baldiston, AataTaolta. Major Galbraith, Capt. McStewart, To cooclud. with Scenes from the laugh- able Comedy of the RIVALS. Air AnthonyAbsolute,. Capt. Absolute, Fay, LIST OF LICENSES ISSSUED FOR TILE HURON DISTRICT iN THE YEAR 1848. uaseeirT101 Ur L,Caa as. Boy, AsATSLRI. SHOP. DATA o1 a0. 1 20thDee. 2 1847 3 let Feb. 4 1848. INV. 9 a 4 6 7 8 9 10 I 14 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 66 8. 41 IS Si 41 414 el 4. 4. 61 u 66 64 it 11 41 is SO Si 6. 61 21 " 22 23 24 25 26 27 00 u 4.4 10 44 Tu w.0. Its. LD. Jame, Willson. Without Grace, W. B. Orr, James Watson, Liviagetoo Brews, Juno Copp, Peter Woods, Hugh Thom:mon, Joseph tlrp,llau, Ftaocu F,ahlmgli, Julia 11 ick., 8eba.ttan Fryfugle, W,Iham Hicks. Andrew t4eb•eh, Thoma D.ugla., John Allen, Andrew I)onogh, Janes bleesulr, James Whiteford, Donald Gordon, Robert Donkin, Ilenry Ilaacke, Thomas Darke, .Patrick Flanagan, Jane llallwilf, Georgy Nodgise. Jame Gentles, Robert Cook, Davit Munro, T. W. Rubissos, Rot.ert Ellis, ALE AND Sanistl Johns, BEER. 9 John Dunlop, RISIDuca. Stratford, (i•derleh, 8tr•.l ed, 0.dertcb, Imre oa TUTOL ar'T SAGS. Or freta. Stratford, Tockersmltb, Stratford, South F-as'hope, North lssthope, Mitchell. 1)0. South Easthope, Stratford, Ellice, Stratford, . Goderich, Do. Stratford, Tuskerenutb, Bayfield, Hibbert, Bay fir Id. Godench, 7 Ill McGilltvtay, 3 10 Umbers. 3 10 Bted.fph, 3 10 Goderich, 7 *0 Du. Township, 3 10 Do. do. 3 10 North Eeethope, 3 10 Godench, 7 10 L7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 3 10 7 en 3 *0 3 00 3 *0 3 10 3 10 7 10 3 10 7 *0 7 10 7 *0 7 10 3 *0 3 06 3 10 3 00 Godench, • 1 10 1 10 £30 0 0 133 0 0 3 0 0 £166 0 0 (S(,) -For C. WIDDER, Iaspedor Horst District• B. WILSON, Deputy. DANIEL UZARS, oft?tc Peace, Huron Dli erict. A true a(Jerk OFFICE C:.F.RK OF TIIE PEACE, Z Godench. 21st February, 1948. S CANADA COMPANY. LANDS IN CANADA WEST, (Let. Uppeh Canada.J - rrHE attention of EMIGRANTS, OLD SETTLERS Sad others, is invited by the Canada Company to the HU$ON DIS- TRICT, containing • about • 1,000,000 Acres of Land. in ONE 'BLOCK, extending Westward from the Gore and Wellington Districts to hold :—thus, for example, by paying the the Shores of Lake Huron, which bound moderate Annual Rent and no snore, he it for sixty miles. secures the use of the Land for Ten Years, and then, if he t`hooses, he may purchase at THE LAND iN THE HURON DIS-. the price stated in the Lease, or reject it TRIC1' is of the -neat character, and of altogether, as he may find it to his advan- the deecriptton best adapted to the cultiva-. tag• --the option being entirely tcitk the Lee - tion of Wheat. This District posseseee. ars. The Company will,,however, snake a advantages which tende it peculiarly eligi liberal deduction upoD the price, it the Set - Ne to every class of Settle.: scarcely a tier requires to purchate the Land .before bad Farm is to be found in it : it is well entering ter datheho will oTenth f course save ear of hie all ease, and oro cratered bs living Streams, and the climate y moot o(! Rent. is most healthy. The principal Port is pay Godcrich, the District Town, which has a population of about 1,000—good Stores or Shops, Mechanics, a large Grist Mill, a Ful:ing and Carding Mill, an Iron Foundry, places of Religious Worship, resident Cler- 6v' GODERICH CARRIAGE SHOP. LIYI TSOnea•ITR*ET, O!,e DOOa SISSY 07 ALLEN'S INN. PHE Subscriber respectfully intimates to 1 the inhabitants of Goderich and inn vicinity, that be is prepared to execute all orders for CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, LI;MBER k LIGHT WAGGONel, Cutters, Lumber Sleighs, G go, 1)og Carts. kc., aitJ all other articles in bis line ul !miaow. N. B. Repairing promptly attended to. Q Country Produce taken in part pay• Mout. JOHN SASIA(iI. Guderich, Feb. 1811,, 1843. ] 3y Y' q q 1it q Y. Y vategeo0eand beneficial terms, to suit the means or views of Settlers of every descrip- tion,—they may be had by way of LEASE .for TEN YEARS—NO MONEY BEING REQUIRED • DOWN. The Rents pay- able first February in each year—being equal to about the interest upon the present value of the Land. T. e peculiarity of the Company's Lease/ is, that under them the Company's 'Settler has secured to'him the entire benefit of his improveroenh I, and io- ereatied,ralue of the,Lsid,—a* be isuar= aoteed the right of parches of the Land, at a fixed price named in the Lease, at which be may at any tirnc during the TEN YEARS demand the Deed for the Free - THEATRE ROYAL, OODERiCH. MR. MARLTON bog• to announce to the iababitasts o Godench sad Its vicinity, that, assisted by other Atomisers, he will give a THKATRICAL FVTKR iNMENT os Thursday Sad Friday the 9nd an Srd intuit, at the 'TEL, oa which ncesston ted before Imre), from Richard 111., Mor- etti he per - HU Scenes, ( R"► Roy, The chant of Yvette*, formed. Godericb, Feb. 18, 1948. GODERICII WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE. THOMAS GILMOUR k CO:, 11 AVE always on hands choice assort- ( A Went of ale kinds of fancy and STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Iludw•are, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, ke:, ke., kc. And as their stock is selected from the principal warehouses in New York and Montreal they feel confident tkat.tlfey can (elvish a superior article fur lens price than it can be obtained elsewhere in Inc Huron District, as' in all cash transactions they have resolved to deal upon the principle of ant ill profits and extensive sales. They solicit an examina'ion of their ample stock of New Goode from all intending pur- chaecrr. ' N. D.—All kinds of (arm produco taken in exchange for goods, for which the high- est market price will be allowed. - Goderich, Feb. 3, 1848. t(1 ---r--- Os Friday evening, the Scene in iHamlet will be changed, and • Scene acted from the play of Julius Cesar. Between the Acts a vanity of entertainments. Q2- Before the raising of the curtain, a PROLOGUE, kindly written expressly for the occasion, by A. W. Kippen, Esq., will be spoken by one of the Amateurs. 07' D000rs open at I past 6, performance to commence at 7 precisely. Q:7' Box Tickets 2. 6d ; Pit 1s- 3d ; family tickets to the Boxer, half price.— Tickets to the performance to ba had at all the Hotels in.Town. On the Free Liat are the name. of the Shakspeare Club and all Amateurs. No admittance behind tfte Certale. VIVAT REGINA. Feb. 95th, 1848. SETTLERS' SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT. Is order to afford every assistance to is- dustriou. and provident Settlers, the CAN - and gaud b heals, w here the fugber ADA COMPANY will receive any sum, no gyuiaa, matter how small the amount may be, for branches of the Classics aro taught, fie. i which their Lessee Settlers may not Have kc. kc. Imme ediate wt, ON DEPOSIT—and al- Ownto these important advantages the I low interest at the rate of Sts rine CENT. Huron, District is rapidly advancing in pros-', per annum for the same ; but it ie clearly parity, and within the tut five years bas understood, that the full amount with inte- I rent accrued, .ball at all antes be at the nearly trebled its population and now con- tains upwards of 40,000 inhabitants, whilst- disposal of the Settler, without notice. in the year 1844 the population barely ex- Fur tkis purpose the Company have opened seeded 7,000 ; and it is worthy of attention, an Account, which is termed " StITi-aai as Company's the high estimation in which the ( Pmonmatrr oa 8avtvos Base Accoc.T."— Canada Lands in the Huron j thus affording to the prudent Settler every District aro held throughout the Province, ifacility for accumulating sufficient money that although the Company disposed of . torchase the Freehold of the Land which 87,500 scree during the last year, and ilio* he LEASES, whenever he chooses to do se, by new ,ettlemcote added nearly 3000 lole ' within the term of Tea Vases ; but abouts the population of the Tract, Daly 450 Soubad Harvest., or any other uafuraeoos teas were Emigrants of that year, the remainder foetuses visit him, he has •le'nt'o the atsneesl being old inhabitants or natives of the . e sited, with interest accrued, at b1e dm - Country, and attracted to the offers I pout to meet them. The advantages sd by the superior advantagesntlofthit uffen over i this account aro confined to the Compeers the older eetticments of the Province. actual I.0.ree Settlers, during the cesium - The Harbour of Godench, situated at the,ante of their :.eases• confluence of the River Maitland with Lake Huron, is a safe and commodious one, and 07- The centro of the Herne District ie capable r admitting any vessel navigating ninety miles South from the new Govern Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron ; and from ment Settlement in Owen's Bay. which produce Inay be shipped to Quebec , (1:?' The Huron District rs ninety miles in vessels capable of navigating the ocean. from Hamilton, at tbe head of Lake 0•ta- The Herne Tract is intersected by good no, and is twelve miles from London -- Roads in various directions. There are two Steamers ply daily from Iwwistos aced great leading Roads ; one extending East-. Niagara to Hamilton and Toronto, forty ward towards Hamilton, at the head of Lake miles ; and the d,stanee by Railway from Ontario, about sixty miles; tbe other South-' Buffalo to Lewiston, is twenty miles.— erly, towards London, about forty-seven There are al.n Steamers constantly pass - miles, where it is met by the Plagk Road mg from Rochester and Oswego to Toronto and Hamilton. The British steamer Loudon, leaves Buffalo twice a -week for Port Stan- ley, on Lake Erie, distant 120 miles : Lon- don, by the Plank Road, is thence twenty - NOTICE. THE Screener would announce to those who are indebted to him, either by Note or Book Account, are requested to call with WILLIAM G. SMiTiI and set- t1e the same oa or be ore the 20th of March mixt ; and if said accounts are not settled by that time, they will be placed in the heeds of the Clerk of the Court for collec- tion. Any person having any claims, or im- mune against the subscriber, wit; call on Mr. William G. Smith for final settlement of the same. GEORGE OLIVER'. Ooderish, Feb., 95, 1848. 4-w3 CHATHAM. DISTRICT OF KENT. VALUABLE REAL. ESTATE F O R BALE—A RARE CHANCE FOR CAPITALISTS. THE roleoc►ibeer baring eommemeed beef - sees is Godench—.ed with the Mew of carry'sg on his uper.tione with more !nosy' tb.t he District seat fur Kent, Tor cash oilyd "em, Is a Gaut of cash—u`N fultuw.OcCing valuable prepaety (tW col+ situated to t1. flourishing tows of Cbo►Ahssis t viz :—an 'Fbat advents -:01151y ?Rusted property 'ham North. conuiialag FOUR e• - cording to the town plot wr- sn,l substantial two story on, Kitchen, as ex- ude, & C , &C., a pubhs ego NOTICF.. ALL parties indebted to L. PECK, for FRUIT TREES, either by N ,to nr Book Account, unlese settled immediately, will be pia ted in the bands of the Clerk of the Division Court for collection. • I. RATTENBURI', eigent. Godench, J}D. 48, 1848. 1 ' D. WATSON, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY•AT LAV% 5OLICITOI. 1N clANCRaY, aatsaatiriar, kc. OFFICE IH THE MARKET SQUARE, Q.Q,, ERICH. • Fcb.,1848. 31 WAGGONS AND SLEIGHS. NO. 7 EAST STREET, tINFORMATION WANTED OF WiLLiAM HEWS, aged 13, whose father died last Summer at Grosse Isle. The boy missed his mother at Mon- treal. in August last. She is now in great agony about him, and will be thankful for information. Deed to Margaret Hew., care of T. Daly, E.q., Stratfud, 11uroo District. DIV. COURT BLANKS, PAINTED on a superior quality of paper, fur salsa at the Iluron 'ignal Office, cheap for Ciaah. . Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 ALBION HOUSE, JAMES' Street, one door west of the Commercial Bank, HamUtnn, by January, 1848. I. ESMONDE. '`/JCTION. vey— Dwelhng cellent garden, suitable for a Iarg hotel, a Barn 40 feet by endowed Building well adapted or for storage, being erected on a a MI wharf, mooring • le of over tons burthen.. On the premises is also en invaluable Spring, the excellencies of its waters are not aurpaseed in the District. —ALSO— i BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE, 1 1 on THURSDAY, the 17th instant, the whole STOCK OF DRY GOODS, GRO- CERIES, kc.,ia the Store in the Post - Office Buildings. '"--TERMS—All sums under :C1 10, Cash : from £t 10 to £5, three months ; from £5 to £10, nix months ; over £10, nine months, by furnishing approved Endorsed NOTES. - Q?' Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M. J. K. GDODING, Auctioneer. Godericb, February 7, 1848. NEARLY OPPOSITE- THE rRRaaTTEaIAY C11t-RCit. THE Subscribers begs leave to inform his friends and the public at large, that he is now prepared to receive orders for LUMBER OR LIGIIT WAGGONS, et t which shall be man nfac oresthe of be materials, and by experienced workmen. STRACHAN h Y.IZARS, BARRISTERS and Attornies at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Conveyancers, Notary Poblic. Gednoh, Lake Huron, Canada West. JOIN STaawAN, Dammi. How' Llzaas. G.derfeh, Jan. 98, 1848. 8m1 Two Building Lote in Chatham North Block G , well situated, beteg opposite the new Bridge, shortly to be erected. —AL80— A large two story Frame house fronting he Barracko,40 feet by Y6, nearly 6ni.bed, with half an acre Lot belonging. —A L 50— SEVENTY-FIVE Acres of excellent Ladd ntuated on the banks of the River Thames, only three styles below the town of Chatham, with a dtyelling house there- on, about 40 acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. All, nr part, of the above property will be'eold on reasonable terms for meth down, or one-frurth down, and the remainder tn. three yearly instalments. 'Title unquestion- able. For further particulars enquire of M. k 0. Dollen, Chatham, of tu'tbe pro- prietor at Godench. CHARLES DOLSEN. Guderich, Jan. 28, 181b. 1 - INFORMATION WANTED OF JOHN MORIARTY,. wbo left Ire- land ie April, 1845, accompanied by hu brother and sister, and ss►iyed at Quebec in June. They snb.equwatly proceeded to Toronto in 3e to tuber following; ; •ince that period John Moriarty has never been fJ ' Harrows apd Drags made to order ; i heard of. it is .opposed he went to the States. Any information respectinga bin, addressed to his Ener, MAsoaauT MoatAR- TT, Post Office, T*orwkiU, Canada West, will be thankfully teeet,ed. January 10, 1048. 2 Plough Castings Wooded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Goderieb, Feb. 9, 1848. 9U 11. B. O'CONNOR, IMPORTER, WEST STREET. TAKES this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends ad the public for the liberal snppert and donee - (sashed petrosa`a hs has received m sec the opening of W Ritabli.hment in Gndeneh, Sad bogs to were them that he will still sootiest" to teopi7 them with the beet tad eheapist.rtle(ej to bis line as usual. He wools Binet their attention to his varied ad extoste sive brportation which he is new felliWYntlitlif DRY GOODS,GROCF.- Ri68, CROCKERY and HARDWARE. the low phase M wbleh he is certain will speak for themselves, and Inc gtnhay and oeret (sweet be Western in Weste O H. B. O'CONNOR. Qed.rleh, Jan. 98, 1848. lt1 Q Mese, .se, Oslo, , Oto, of a Predate, Mina a maimsad wary ge. .s C be geld for read OM/ Seel, Hides sod Ten. between Hamilton, London and Port Stan- ley, and the Land being in large blocks, it others' advantages rarely met with for the undivided settlement of families and com- munities. four miles. This Tract is admirably situated far .ecu- 07' The Canada Company hate also ring the future prosperity of the Settler,, about ONE MiLLiON of acres of Land, from the advantagee it possess!. over more in Blocks containing from Three Thoueand inland situations, through its water con to Nino Thousand acres each, in the West- munication with the ocean, as produce can ern District ; and One and Two Huodred be eoeveyed from Godench to Montreal and Quebec for nearly the same charge as from places within thirty or forty miles land car- riage of the Shipping Pont. at the foot of Lake Ontario. To the British Emigrant the Iluron Tract po.aeseee peculiar attractions, swce the population is almost exclusively British ; and an Emigrant from Great Bntam or Inland can hardly fol of meeting old neigh- bour. already established in some part of the District ; and the remelt of a natural feeling on the pert of persons emigrating, i., that certain localities in this manner have bore assumed • National eheraeter, one old Retghbour or conntrymaa inducing smother to follow him • and thus are found in the Hero* Tract, Settlements which Highland- ers , Lowland Scotch, Fnglish, and Irish, each prevail : there is also a flourishing German Settlement. TWO -POUNDS REWARD. OY SATURDAY the 19th 'inst., there was boat between the Huron] and Britiak lintels, a small Ronne* Mann Pocket Book, containing letters sad mese (eel" valuable to Die *weer) beeidss ,Mo money. The above reward will be obtain ed at the British Hotel upon' delivery of the said property. Godench, rola 91, :11411. s One great ledueemeet which the Huroe Tract bolds out to 014 Settlers, is the map- nfaetere of POTASH. and for wbieh fro lad is the Premium ,s better adapted, es it 1. entirely timbered with the best Inside of MAWS weoD. The CANADA•.COMPANY bare again *sews epee all their Lead* re the HURON TR %CT, sheet 810,100 seems, far disposal, 1st way of LUASE Thew Lead, are of erect es the sant •d - CROCKERY.. ♦ LL kinds of Poreelaia ad Stoneman £1 at reduced prices, bj T. GILMOUR ft CO. Feb. 0, 1449. E. C. WATSON, PAINTER AND GLAZIER, PAPER' HIRGLIE. ;e ds G 0 1)ER 1 C Ii . acre Lots scattered throughout almost every Township in Canada West. (1 ' Every requisite information upon the lloaoe and CANADA Company's other Lands in the Province, will he furnished, Free of Charge, by application (if bT *tier, pmt paid, to the CANADA COMPA- NY'S UFFJCFb, at TORONTO, and GODERiCH, and at Stratford, in the Hu- ron District; to Dr. Ailing, Guelph, Wel- lingtoo District ; or to i tebard Birdsall, Esquire, Asphodel, Colboree District. CANADA COMPANY. Omen, j G, derieb, 11th Feb., 1848. 1 R O N . THE Inimousiras bee as herd e • hinge tieastity of einem noel,l ..1 - tiyr 1 Iii -.SO4 Sar 3,r, wbab MiM•b. odd se tb most reaeoeohle derma. - T. GILMOUR k CO. Feb. i 1, 1548. - BEAUTIFY AND PRESERVE YOUR IIOtiSES, CARRIAGES, c. TiIE Snbacriber would intimae to the iababitants of Goderich and surround- ing country, that he is reedy to execute all orders for PAINTING, Ste., that he mer be favoured with ; a'ed if employers wi(I furnish materials, he engages to work at the eheipeet rate, Sad give mon ssti.faetlon then lism heretofore bees esteseed to this seeai0s of the .vestry. N. B. All kind. of ImweheMa►le Pro- duce take. in exeben ler were. EDWARD C. WATSON Ged.rieh, Fibrsary 11, 1848. 9 NOTICE FOREIGN PERIODICALS. RE -PUBLICATION OF TIIE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, EDINBURGH REVIEW, FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, WESTMINSTER REVIEW, ud BLACKWOOD'S EDINV MAGAZINE. �LL INDEBTED to the Sub - see bereby requested to call old oe8110 account. by the 20th of March Mit, all Actoonts then unsettled, will pow' rely be placed in the hands of the Clerk of the Court for Collection. WALTER SHARP. Credence, Feb. 13, 1848. 314' TOBACCO. AN 'itemises stock whish Gail; ea .ijd cheep for cash. T. GILMOUR Is CO. Godench, Fels. 11, 1848. !1 SATINETTS OF venous Tester*, and Paten* re' men's cloatbt0g, will be sold Ger the Tory lowest remunerates( ppeeaakhs. T. GILMOUR, Ik CO. Goderich, Feb. 11, 1848. 9 TO CAPITALISTS. Ti1E above Periodicals are reprinted In New York, immediately on their ar• - rival by the British Steamer., is a 'beauti- ful clear type, on fine white paper, and are faithful copies of the originals—Blackwood. MagLine being an exact fac-simile of the Edinburgh edition. The wide -spread fame rf these splendid Periodicals renders it needless to say much In their praise. As literary organs, they stand far in advance of any works of a si- milar stamp now published, while the poli- tical complexion of each to marked by a dignity, candour, and forbarance sot utter round in works ofa party character. They- embrace the views of the throb great parties in England—Whig, Tory, and Radical—Blackwood lied the London Quarterly are Tory ; the Ediabvglt Rs - vies', Whig ; and the Westminster, Radical. The Foreigw Quarterly is purely literary, beteg devoted prioeipally to criticisms cm foreign Continental Works. The prices of the Re -prints ere len then one-third of those of the foreign copies, and while they are equally -well got up, they afford ali that advantage t. the Americas over the English reader. HURON DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. "TENDERS will be received by the Direc- t tors of the Societyrap to SATUR- DAY, THE NINETEENTH instant, from peruse anima of taking charge of either sf.ne Seetetie's BULLS, viz :— Tbe Durham Bull sow at Mr. Annon's. n Conners,. Do do, at Mr. SalkelJ's in Godench. The Ayrshire Bull, at Mr. Elliott'., in Go,rieb. Tendon to stats which Bull is applied fits. Tsadsre will alio be received for the keep et the Durham Cow. ?he Tenders maybe inside to the Sccreary of Ube Society. R. G. CUNINGIiAME, Secretary. Goderich, F, -h. 10, 1848. -w---- SALT : -MLT' ! N BARREI,S, cheap for cult or market able produce, at the Store of T. GILMOUR k CO. Feb. 11, 1348. FOR SALE, B'• the subscriber, that valuable property situated vs the township of 0nderich, no i.ot 19, 4th concessos, wine. 5ii Wile0 of the town of Godench ; then is • good their numbers at the Saw Mull on it and 80 acres of lead, 90 offices. GOOD and safe investment.. Valuable suss cleared. Itis a never failing stream Godench, Jan. 28, 1848. MILL SITES and FARMS for sale well adapted for any Machinery. inch u A good Mill Privilege on the IAke shore oo Lake Huron. Carding and Fulling Maebtaay, Distillery, BRITISH 11()TEI., and Greet Mull. within six miles of Goderich, having 36 N. B.—Will M sold cheap for chili. or G O I) E R 1 C 11 . part of the moaey may Ise Inc • few yen Apply to the proprietor. WM. AI.LiGHF.M. Godench, Feb. 38, 1018. 1 TERMS. PATMKST TO ■a *ADR t7 aneawca. For any one of the four Reviews, 53,10 pe soh Fur any two do do S.1 " For any three do do 1,48 . " Fall four of the Reviews..11,1119 •M Von Blackwood's Magazine...... 3.1 e' For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10,1 CLUBBING. Four copies of any or •II •1 *re above works will be sent to uDe eddttesa a pay ment of the regular subscripts tee tarso -- the fourth copy being gratis. (Cr Remittances sad eommoaiestiew must be made in alt cases without si/•soa to the publishers. The former may alwy• be done through a Postmaeter, by Man him the amount to be remitted tare boo receipt, and torwardteg it by tw•il, pose - paid ; or the money may be .raleeed se • letter, post-paid, directed to the pubb.beve. N. B.—The postage ea these Perearb M1 is reduced by the late Poet Oise Law se about one-third the former rates, mint • ceryw,mpertant saving In the imposes. to mad subset therm. ,1:,"17 al: t'.:^ ; •" trioal cities an later" throughout the United States 40 whwh there is a direct Railroad or Water eem- munieation from the City of New Yak, these periodicals will be delivered fres d postageLE• ONARD SCOTT k Co,. i'ablt4ers, 112, Fulton -se, x. F Iii Subecribore in Canada may receive Amanitas P.,.t acres of rxccllant Land, the Mill can be built on the rock, and within 50 feet of ten feet deep water in the Lake; the Mill dam can he made 18 to 18 feet high .t a trifling expeaae and on a never faihng stream,abun- dance of Saw -logs in the vicinity. Also, a splendid Mill priedege half a Mile up on the Eighteen mile River which is navigable to the Lake, baring 45 acres of first rate land, plenty of Pine and other Saw -logs in the vicinity. AND ALSO—Four of the best rle.erip- tion of FARMS on and near the Jake Shore, with Improvements. The above well selected and very valuable w for cash, or half y remain for three property will he so the purchase mo or four yearn on e, Apply (if by lett post paid) to 1.aw- rewire (Aeration, Esq., London, Robert Parke, E.q., Godench, or to the proprietor JOHN HAWKiNS. Port Albert, Godench, Feb. 3, 1848. to HARRISON k M'LBAN. BARRi8TERB, Attasay., Solieilere is Chested--yy, Sae., CHATHAII, C.W. 3013 N J. E. LINTON, N 0 T..I a r rustle, Omlmiiasioncr Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. • NOTICE. rJ'l1OSE indebleih to the SH► Iter are 1 requested to 1Seke immedia a pay ment, nr elms their notes eel emus will be put into the hand of an attorney for eel:" lee lion . ROBERT MODER W FILL Goderieh, Feb. 18th, 1848. 9U DR. HAMILTON R0110EO V, W R IST 51511*?, G O D E R 1 C 1. Fit b.,* 1848, Sy LATaLT UCC'UPlID Prima. lanae a►lTesarar. Fr IIE Sob.criber. having 1 eared the A oboes KV PERIOR Ht )TF.L, beg leo** respectfully to intimate to their friends sad the public in general, that they have opened for the reception end aeeotmmodati.e n( Boarder. aid Tnyeller., when they will be haply to receive those who m• honer them .(Itk theta patroesge. It will siwayM be thelia study to furnish the Table with an arople portion of the best production of the moon, tied to keep their nepotism!r neppli. wi'h Wine. nd Liquors of the hest de- acriptino, se as to worst the approval of their customers. J. K. GOODiNG. JOHN LANCASTER. Go -..oriole, Jan . 28, 1848. 1 if N. 1111.--Ree.1lont Stabling frill he eat*. sal, and an active and att.etlp Groom wiP-be always is Mtesdeeme. , ltAOtioe, TEAR.wrik F all gna'ind lesa p.iwn O T. OtL.tMOtJ* F.h. 11, 18ti.