HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-02-25, Page 2' %Uuat of il)t gibetuia,
aavaa Data L►Taa nos, aeaure.
The aspect of commercial and monetary
mallet. renaata° u• atlered. Neve war a
at on WAY in r instance presented of reaction
fin one Petrel* to another than that which
is show. in oar prevent eusdittun, u com-
pered Silk our agate to Ontuber last. A
1•enod of .nxicty sad c+nlusion, such as
had neve' bcf.rc been seen, has been nuc•
seceded by a prolonged dctdneea no leas
remarkable and unpreced••nt.d. Gold still
continues to flow In, fur we have su.pendof
all our foreign purchase., and money. rel
cnnreyoencq d.. ly becomes tees • fresh
o • one in trade has courageretee future ;
.tett. All aro dieters-4e'the temptauos
t here is 1 heretoseAd fur arcommit:lotion,
of lowas•'tunds alone uffcr to the cap-
tor investment. Duce
, e aenesin consols, which was reported by
e la.t packet, had gone rapidly on, and
hon, el, at which they then suite!, v. a have
seen them advance to 89j.
The rate allowed by too discount brokers
fur the uae of money at call, is now only 3
► cent an the J ! e ,•c a.
Pe df esu t of brat class
paper may he ear l y erected at from 31 to 31
o..'r rent. Up to ye.iserday the minimums
rite of the Bank of England had still ueee
main•a.ned at 5 per cent., ett wh.ch price
:i "f rouse no applications were made at
that o stabbshment, Under Were ci-
t romitancee its reserve went on increasing,
end the expedient was reported ho, of lend-
ing motley on consols at such low rare as
was current in the sto.•k ur.r!:et, a-iif a -urs
whin b ha. of curse contr bated to the
rre•ul rise in the food•. At the Court
held yeenctdiy the in ni,:ru:n rate of dis-
count was reduced to 1 per cent., ar,J this
step may berg a few a'f le -antro The
private banker-, boomer, as 1 hese mcri-
toned had airea ly adopted a lower erode,
and it to in.po..ible incfelurc that 11 can
Late much ef•ct.
The vital mention to G- reat Britain, just
Dow. so far as the Gevernm.at is concerned,
appears to be, bow shall money be tweed,
enough to nivel the wants of the present
and future. it s•- as to be .greed that the
ower of taxation is exhausted, ;or nearly,
an regard to all known and babi'ualsubjects
of import ; end ingenuity is taxed (nut
meaning anything like a pun) to devise or
find mot new backs on lehich to lay the
burden. We gore here en extract from a
Jong article te a late number of the London
Times, in which the exigency of-the-occa-
• tern is laid bare with an unflinching- hand.
"Tho great secret of judicious ` taxation
i• to lay at on without hampering the strain
of the muscle and the play of limbo. ttulf
Al century of rathcr.eevcrc experniente his
served to enlighten us on th4e p••rttt. Re-
lieving as touch as pn»r:bl,• the industry ,,f
the eouutry, the materidlei of trade, and' the
t prime necessaries of Lfe, we have trans-
ferred the burden to the broad shoulders of
property. Luxury t:,eanalule w•o have lett
tinder its wholesome and prottab'e tactful•
brances. fhe labourer can juat.exist with-
out either direct or evident contr,bution to
the national fund ; bit if be aspires to
gla•s of ale and his pipe, or his wild to her
cuffue or Icy they pay no incone/de:able
(pieta ' the Treaaurt. Eschewing the
towel division of taxes into direct- or in-1-
tect, we have indicated three subjects' est
taxation, 1. The raw material° of lite or
tt1 ttifacture. 3. Luxuries and comforts:
3. Property. The fir.( of these. we have
renounced altogether. No one out of Bed-
lam would propose again to enhance the
trod of million, or clog the ot:erati-.ns tel
"As for luxerie., the present condition
( ourworking classes is not rut b as to war-
rant any tax which should put their fess
comforts riot only out of reach but almost
'hayotM,b.p.. Nor is commerce itself so
ij -Prosperous as to bear brasier tolls. Speak.
ing of super(iuitien, whether exotic or do
tum'ie, in the genera!, and without reference
to exceptiooal cnee., if any can be shown,
are must say that the great body of the
Brniabi people have not yet their s'tare.-
Propi -• Ind Hee luxuries of the wealthier
chimes aro the third alternative of taxation.
It is evident that they are most capable of
br.•aring an acce,esnt of burden."
We take the position that it is a reproach
to the intellect, the good sense, of the 1:ng-
fish Government and the E`,glish people-
: ('tat, with the superabundant wealth dxiet-
log in the country and the vast income it
derives from its en'erprse and industry,
them Is Lha financial difficulty constantly
pressing on the Government. The moans
of relief are an abundant and eo obvious that
not to percales them secins an act (or emir
erins) of witiut blrndnese, while, if they are
perceived. not to take advantage cf them can
•hardly be called snytLing but an act of pre-
meditated fully.
The whole difficulty lice in lho boundless
extrangenee an.1 prodigality of the Govern -
sweet. Nowhere else in the world, we ven-
tare to ray, is every kind of public service
renumerated so lavishly and carried on so
expensively. We have, somewhere, but
c-oent lay hands upon it at the moment. a
bet of curter paid in the canons branches
of the public service ; and we have many
Cisme, lumk.d nvr It with shsolute astonish-
ment at the erwrmona some beetowed upon
the almost innumerable persona who the.
•xchanre their not very arduoue fathoms for
tie pitbitr gold. Fifty thousand dollars a
year to Jndyeec -thirty thousand to Mints
len e.f state ss such, be.i.les the sums they
reewive Mr holders of minor .ppn ntmenta-
from Bthousand fty to honked ousand to =obao-
svl•,r._tal(s mithoa to a very estimable
tally who glee, nothing in return, bewails.
she a the widow 01. Klntf-.1 smarter of a
aewttroe to ooe forttga nrnnarrh levans* he
e -aa, many rears ago, the husband of a
Kenn daaght.r-•-se touch nearly in•vario,re
f -.rats Io the Qtcec's ►rlebead.•-ekeee ars
epee/mens of the •.piralleled extent to
which the Fabler renew is peered out oI
loth haedw, for an earthly mom except the
DetrvrnaffI of " mafnlafwset tie sptesdor" of
rout se the nano, of the evil ---this on
(wird sf eatreraganei, pervading a •ry
braver', red d-yrsrtwrent of t . public b•egt
n.e11 set of stare eefwmnnv. A reduction
..` fteet,trlae per eco', on alt oaken ex
woe hew • the •mind posed. a year would
softs l beU.svernwr.w/ 1 es easy 1e en Old
ghee.' -.lis► 1.4 Afrnw/er:
Mere. /este .'e ova What Aellaseretta. -_Sent*
r years Nye the rayk foe dif.king in Ire -
wane, Ib.t M mar was allowed to lean
eM'atmny est*1 b* w,. unable to stand,
thea ftp *sticks depart if he eernld walk.
One exception to this cunditten of our
c•,luntee Is happily afforded by the elate tt(
C •nnda, Upper and Lower, which uotxpec
eely, but uw•t fortunately, hays become
prosperous and rich, -brat, under the timber
trade ; and aecendly, by their greater (belt,
sty (beyond the United States" _S _
plying us with corn and Meal. 1peroue
cha,rta have become rich se this moue
heyood all former exatef upon the lamb.,
of wealth hu overtatricts are better cul
which in ibe-4tie snore remote ase broken
hvated.wn ants corn to • greater breadth.
writes' of tune these state, will almost
sal the mother country, even the:r donate
becoming softened and intros ed as the
culture and dratpaye of tjtetr lands are ex-
tended. And yet in the negoctaLona f •r the
peace of Versatile', which terminated the
American war, when one of the American
.ecretartee, whet was carrying the signature
f thq preliminaries to the British ncgocta-
tor, ran back suddenly to Dr. 'Franklin, tell
ung him that be had totally forgotten Gen oda
amongst the states to' be ceded by Great
Britain," Why, why, PO 1 have, indeed, -
exclaimed the Doctor ;" well, never roost,
let It go, (or what It id worth.'-Bclfa
We-kly Afenprger.
Ttrz spirit of prnphel -tbe gift of the Oracles,
and even the evil genius of divination have a1
d•partel tram the abodes of the children of men.
Woe is unto us for we have bep horn in an age
of lance-rirmuty ! ao age of barren speculation and
random conjecture; the whole world is a mete
mass of hopes vita fears. and expectations, and
glotiny forebodingo, but there is no rcrtaiaty,-
The hot!' of sou du and the conflict of theories
a:e producing a great noise Tike the so_ud o
many waters esa d yet amidst all thane theories
and anticipations every man is just ready ro make
a dead stop, and ark " Who will chew as any
good'? O for the days of the Oracles !" The
Editors of the newspaper press, in the abundance
of then officious good-naturedness, have en
deavered to le -sea the horror of this universal
suspense, by becoming Cabinet makers, and
Outing the last ten or fifteen days they have, by
dint of imagination •rd hard labour, succeeded
in constructing a Cabinet of men which. will be
exhibited in Montreal ina few dope! Still, still.
the gratuitous services of oar friends the Editors,
have not removed the impenetrable mist Lha
Sings between the moral vision of the. grim
Poetic, and the future theatre of human action.
Itis admitted chit Toryism has been-encere
moniously kicked off the stag•, used that the next
act of the Drama is to be performed by the
Rar'icals ; but the goe.tion " Whit, is to be
done?" is just as full of aoxielty and uncertainty
as •vet, And as drtoken Sandy Watt said to
his seethes "AAwearetsa greatf ars tin the Amass
.ys're frighied fiat gees gotta to this, aid Pot
bighted yc're no gnus to da-" The Tories are
afraid the Radicals will do too much, and the
Redieale are afraid(bey will do too tittle: As
est sympathies for this Tories are erre sar.o&
we mould willingly allay their fesro, bit alas we
lack ability fee the teak ; however, if they would
take the inil/'fiir the deed we will cheerfully throw
out • f,vl pimple hints Which if received is good
nature might, at least, du no harm. We do this
more readily on account of some whispering.
throughout the rinks of the vengniah-d, about -
organizing eys'ematiely to thwart the rebellious
machinations of the destructive Radicals ! Or-
ganize ! we tremble at the sound- 7i reminds
as of belled, and we think that our blood runs
backwards at the very name or recollection of
that yahappy country- Poor injured, misgov
erne,., self•ruiaed, orgz*izing Ireland !
revolve stead ed swimhim? se aril
pray the Salm. ase Bet. M My
swumoakttkleed w ems Mrwaee
tars rad Wu •M by M,athiag (b- 11
ready da ries of weenie, sod redcc
3 wesocial seek Se Are bee/ d a goers
Fial eaietueo, They 441 set deerre that
Set heard. hard-wookisg moa shall be rand for
the liberty of choppier' sad clemiag his owe lad,
while the man ofcorameres w rmerebeadisa with
sweaty tittles the capital, sod sweaty. uses the
profits of the iadsetriooa beanies shall be allow-
ed to escape scot:fuse They will sot decree
test the Fewer or Huron, merely asa teat ad hie
" loyalty" and lute el " &lb eosaeai te,"
stall be compelled w ustransport his wheat to the
Montreal market at the rote of,4d. per boatel
and there well it for 3s. 6d , when for a freight of
2d. he can ebuia four drillings per basked 1. the
market of Buffalo ; or that he shall pay 8d. per
yard for bis Glasgow o► Manchester shirting if
he can purchase it is Detroit for 64- Aod lastly
it is absolutely crrtaio that the Radicals will not
shake heaven and earth with their zealous ea-
deavoun to establish Sectarian domination sad
intolerance- They will not compel the various
denominational section.
of the Christian
to support and acknowledge the supremacy of
dogma* subvenivs of their own conscientious
opinions. In short they will not propagate the
heart -burning', bitteroess, and bed feeling which
arc now the disgrace of the religious world, by
giving to any bigot or bigots the shadow of iigis-
Iaiive sanction for saying •• stand thou aside foe
I am holier than thou!"
We have thud enumerated t few measures
which would certainly be revolting to the feel-
ings of every honest man, and we think the
very, were few of the 18th dietary Tories who
inhabit Caned., need not be apprehensive of the
Radice!' giving any countenance to such anti-
gosled absurdities. Still,we are aware that all
the evils, oaturel, commercial, physical, and
moral, that may be in store for Canada, will be
pertinaciously charged upon the Radicals. --
Alas !Atlas! for the popularity of the honourable
Robert Baldwin, if the sop does sot flow shoo -
dandy from the maple tree. next month, or if
the spring fronts hurt the fall wheat, or the dry
rot destroy the next potato crop ! Or should the
booms and bays of Quebec become bfoeked op
by an ores speculation in the pine trade, the
character of the h000uiable Member. for Kent
will be like Otbello's occupation.
, The District of Huron is sijaated between 43
end 44 degrees of oorthermlatitode, and between
81 and 82 degrees western longitude fruur Green-
wich. . It is hounded on the North by unsurvey-
ed wilderness, on the South by the London and
Brock Districts, on the East by the Wellington
and Gore Di+pieta, and on the Wast by Lake
Iluroo- The whole surveyed taods,of the Dis-
trict, with the exception of the townships of
Ashfield and Wawonoeh, are patented to the
Canada Company, who have had them divided
info townships of different sizes and forms ac-
cording to the eitcationeend natural divisions of
the difierent localities. There are few of the
townships quare, as the Huron Tract itself is
something like the form of an acute triangle,,
of which the Lake is the bypothetwee, and North
and South Easuhope the apex or point. At this
point the leading road from Hamilton to Gode-
{{ rich enter end run. almost in a eitraigbt line,
leaving the dept{( of a township Jr( the
jj pany's land on the north side- This road i.,,
therefore, the south boundary line of the town-
ships of North EasthnJ)e, /Ellice, Logan end
1litchell, McKillop, mullet, sad Coleboroe, the
northern boundary is ibe Government Land. -
Colborne lies epee the Lake shore north of
O"ekrieh, the Maitland ricer being the division
between them. It is a small township some-
thing of a romboid fiiure, eoetaiaiag 34,339
scree of which only 4,299 are onaold-it is in
general • good .oil sod well watered. Its pre -
erne population is 547, among whom are a num-
ber of wealthy and intelligent farmers. Bullet
lies .long the east or southeast side of Colborne.
it contains 53,818 scree, 42,806 of which are an -
.01d. A branch of the Maitland winds through
it, it is but thinly inhabited, the population be-
ing only 264. McKillop lies on the east side of
Bullet, is an oblong square, containing 53,841
acres, d which 42,022 are unsold, the number
of inhabitants is 397. Logan is the nett town-
ship eastward, itis the same in form as McKillop
but a bole larger, its contents being 54,488
acres, of which 40,780 are yet unsold, the land
is good and is intersected by numerous stream*,
its population is 248. Ellice is nen, itis of the
mine form, and contain, 55,206 acres, of which
30,053 are unsold, the population is 845. North
Eurhnpe is the last township of Huron on this
northern range -it is of an indiseribable shape,
but contains much good land, and in proportion
to intake, has a large population and a propor-
tionate amount of spike -its con in ee 43,-
595 arcs, of which 6,079 are unsold, there are
ink 1391 inhabitants. it is bounded on the
east by the township of Wilmot is the Welling-
ton District and the river Avoii parses through
the length of it. Smith Easthepe is the smallest
and best fettled township in the District- its
form is that of • very flat triangle- It is separated
from North Easthope by the road from Hamilton
to Goderich, corners epee the towsalip of Wil-
mot eastward, d i. bnended oo the south by
Zoete is the Di t of Brock, and ea the west
by the township Downie -it *entates but
24,550 acres, of whieh ocly 2,163 are unsold, its
population is 1,115- Downie 1. the seat taws -
ship towards Goderieh es the Beeth tide of the
leading rood. It is divided di•gens'ly by the river
Aeon, it is 'wettest Indeed is ie a advanced
mate of cultivate*. G. superficial cutest. am.
49,377i acres, 5,438 unsold, -its pepekltioe is
1513- Os the united earners of the townships
of North and South Easthepe, Ellice, .ed
Downie stands the village of Stretford, a (b•rish-
ing little town of only five or Ss years growth.
Ii has • nes other of good stone, taverna .ad other
symptoms of a healthy prosperity- The Ave*
rano through it sod affords eeoidershk w.e.r
power. Its pnpirl.tidu is from four to 4n hen-
dred. 11 is distant from Hsmilme 54 mike --
front Ooderieb 43e, and from Leedom sliest 16
mile.. Os the writ fide of Downie w the tows -
ship of Fellation. it is bet trustily nettled,
bat ie irnpravisg list; it costate, 40,643 seer.,
d whieh o.!y 6.118 sr. ■se.ld; it" pepartisa to
7711 Hibben ties se the wow rid. of Pel arts ,
earthed 41.471 Bern, 18,111 d whieh aro
vele--ser has oety 111 iehatiente. T.eiremidt
the fo.man'a chain
Could not bring thy proad soul ender,"
Till the accursed seeds of factie•at orga.isatioa
were nefariously sown over the length red
breadth of the green soil, and then, it required
dot the choir of the foeman to secure thy degas
datioo. The Mowry, the debasement, the est
klieg. and murders of inland, were only at
comptished by the self-imposed fetters of faction
Poor, unfortunate, wretched. organizing Ireland
And is Canada to become ■ second Ireland 7 A
Lind of secret organized (actives! L the sante
hellish drama to be enacted here? Forbid i
Heaven ! Bet let os seriously enquire what i
the necessity for this proposed organization
What are the meteor., which the Radicals wit
likely bring forward' for the purpose of envies
the country 1 Are they likely to declare Lha
Canada atoll no longer exit,* es a Colony ofGrea
Britain, that it shall henceforth he a portion of
the United Slates 7 Thi* is a meat bur -heat
There is not • sinele member from Upper Cusda
in the present )louse of Assembly who would
vitt• ler this change, even theogh it should be
allowed to be p•aceahly settled by vote tomor-
row. it world perhaps be an advantage to the
Republic, and it might be • benefit to Britain at
present, but it would be rein to Canada ; and is
th. Radicals are jest as long-headed sod as
shrewd, and as deeply i ted in the poaperity
.>( the country es the Tories, they are jut as
likely to legislate for the promotion of that pros-
p.r,ty ere the party that they are pwshiad oat ol
office. Toryism under the man Brodhead and
big predecessor. produced a mentors rebellion :
nod as opposite cameo seldom produe similar
effects, the Radicele have determined to pnraur
a snores el policy diametrically opposed to the
policy of lisadheat We have it her thornier
two desire to foretell what they Mf de, bet we
nity venture to eoernerser a few things whish
they will not do. Ard is the first place they are
not likely to fritter away their own time and the
public mosey i• plotting end planning whetter,
for dm rt..udu of place and emolument -the al.
sweet weeineeea v.rd,.e of tbe people is doer
-vont has preluded the seen ty of each polity.
They are ed lile'y to este eftiee. e/ daperoi-
►ersa4(I) d Carwit, with tarries ro SAO pegsds
per seam es worst* for the signal e.r.iees n/
their failhfid ns4 $se.eisee adherents- Their
tea: frieses are aft eag.geith sad the Canals a
Cawida an few, that this pulley is wise imprseri-
eahle. (Qeery. 8.w esar al *le. toile or !OS -
MOND levied ne the oett.ee iReC.nsi will meet,
Pnvvseial Treasury slow dsdaetteg the ver •
.t Kr- Fr -Gnarl Meta Oewp, .ed III
ether sesellites, choke sod look -impels the*
is • triangle formed by the tows hos of lLibb.rt
ad the two great roads Ieatug to thderich hum
Loedea ea the south, and from llamltoa on the
east -these two roads meet ss an acute eagle a1
the,.actio• of the township, of Goderieb, Hul-
ls, and Teekntsnitb, twelve asihes(romm the Lowe
of Osieria►. Teckweeti b soatai a 41,43
acts., of whist/ 14,330 err usenet -ii. weals -
Coe 733. Ouderich is• shaptees Mock of lead
ssstaisiag 53,854 eerie, honored os the aseth
W the river Maitland-oe the east by Bullet sod
Teekenmi,h--on the south by the river Hayfield,
lied ss the wear by Lake Huron- The surface
is ie some parte rattieruneeeo,bet it is io general
good land; it is excellently supplied with pure
sprue rad has a member of considerable streams
tossing through it -rhe quaky of unsold land
is 8,040 aeres--tbe popolatioa is 2,801.
All these iowaohipa which way have noticed,
except Colborne, he upon the leading road to
Hamilton; most of them have • Post Office, and
the Mail atage passes tri -weekly is each direr•
two. Goat and Saw Mills are also eoove0ient-
ly attested along the rood. We shall neat notice
those tows.bip.-eouibof Guderieh,ahich occupy
the track lying beteeeo the London road sed
L•k the first r of which 1.a
8 ole -it is
y a
rich and well settled township conaiuing 45,336
acres, of which 10,158 are unsold, it has 1031
inhabitants. At the mouth of the river Bayfield
is a village of the same name -it is but lately
commenced, but it is a beautiful site for a town,
and its present prosperity is a promising iodica-
eon of its future success- Oa the "oath aide of
Stanley is the township of Hay, it is thinly set-
tled having only 122 inhabitants --its superficial
measurement is 53,450 acres ; 45,391 of which
are yet to be sold- It is bounded on the south
by Stephen, containing 55,444 acres and a popu-
lation of 276; the gdantiry of unsold land 1.46,7-14
51cGilliyery is the most southern township of
Hume, it is bounded on the south by Williams,
is the London District and on the west by a nar-
row wing of Bouangoet, in the Western District,
which stretches out between it and the lake. -
1t is a large township containing 63,690 acres ;
of which 38,077 are unsold -its population is
595- The township" or Williams in the London
District, and Boaaagnet in tie Western District
are patented to the Canada Company, and are
included in what is commonly ealkd the " Ifo•
ton Trim." Willuos is the largest township
in the Tred-it eosWos 74,598 acres, of which
43,166 are unsold, it has 375 iohabitante dis-
tance Prom the town of Golden 16 or 18 miles.
Bosaaquet is a kind of tattered Olt of the
Western District, that stretcher rather imper-
tinently %lose the river Auxtables, between the
Lake and the towaships of Williams and
McGillivery- Its superficialelteat is 64,0.i9e
acres, of which 53,4191 are unsold -ii, popula-
tion i' 241. The irregular terms and sixes of
the townships sf Huron do not arise entirely
frottrithe triangular shape of the District, but
from the fact that the Company have used the
loading roads and principal rivers, (with all their
windings) as town -lines, which is after all •
judicious arryngelnent. We shall notice the re-
maiuing townships in our next-
` saa•ro..
In our Statistics of last week the number of
acres under epliivatioo io the District is stated
33,341, the brat figure should be a 5, namely,
53,341, being an- actual increase of TurarT-Two
TB0C11ND PINS BtNDaxe AND xtn5TT-SIT atria,
since the year 1843 !
Mine./ COALS'/S. .
It is imaribie that in the coaaseo(• few weeks,
perhaps* few days, a °ember of eoostitoeacies
is Upper Canada will again be called upon to
exercise the elective franchise ; and as the weal
or woe of the Province is deeply involved is the
Parliameoary proceedings of the ensuing session
it is earnestly to be wished that the people gene•
rally should be made aware of the real swore.
of those question's which are likely to occupy
the attention of oar legislature- We have no
faith is the general wisdom and propnety of
conduct resahteg from momentary impulse, or
from a hied of artificial excitement produced oo
the very eve of al election. The elective fran-
chise is not private or 'Individual property- It
has never been regardedas mach in any portion of
the British dominions- The highest authorities,
from the eminent Judge Blackstone, downwards,
have all agreed that it is merely a veered west
held by electors for the public weal, and though
unprioeipted men have often made, tad are still
making merchandise of this sacred trust, yet the
laws spinet the bribery and corruption of voters
are both numerous and nnogeot- Bat eortaiely
the more effectual method of enduring Me pro-
per uereise 0f the eleetise privilege, wduld be
a general keowl.dge d the setae sod bearings
of those political mermen, wbreh are meet
ly to affect the penman' interests of the roar -
07 ; sad for tbe boomer of ear common sum,
it is le be hoped dirt d,pl.ciaea peer -ally wider -
"toed the reepooeible peonies which they aces-
py is regard to the comm.uity, even is posterity,
they would act aceordiag to the dictates of con-
science sad jodg,ne.t; ad bavi.g their moods
previously determiaad .a, some de6aite limo of
policy, would shortly arrive et the i-.elasi.e
that all easvuosiag to rite.. mod ell etess+as at
bribery or sod.• i.Asesee, an the part of anti-
dotes or their agents, sees mabisg lees thee
instate offered to their isdevesasdiag ; and
would volatarily and eheerf.lty s.pp.mt the
roan wee would sapp.rt their principles.
Under the infloteee of these views we offer •
few ebaervatross es the University gavetise.
which has bees long made to scup, a very
important positive in the psliueal emeses. e. ul
Upper Canada ; ad which will asseredfy *feet
either fa good Of evil ogee .1 her &taredrusy.
W. have en iateetidu of en;erieg tete the bi.-
iery .f the angle sad prewar of Cisg'' Calor!
we hope the esmerly pndaeios of Jobe M.a.
ave, Esq. Barrister of Tweets, es thi-s-Ajtret,
a familiar se the majority of .,, mein ; "either
de we iwls.d a s"ulre W Bill of Mr. R.oeinr
Gwent M.D.5414 .( lupe .. It wee
hided ma 4lrbeed, and isueda.ad het main
ere a erseie..f political espied to be •
is p"i.g tt. trots, of entre religious de.
le south tellies sdieteiewaus»ti
did rat eke : it wise r a signal idle"
credit is dm. t, thew d Ile
Ch"rib that **My iiaplayd their
d nM.mest t. botdeived from •
violation ef the iterb
epriest* d
saline. The am.sded Chattel of Rieg's Cd -
hew Naogsisieg that issutatic ■ es the property
of the whole people of Upper Canada. beams
,b, law et the hind abort envn Wen see, rad
,hong\ W oeb rgea.* ►iesery of the kas*is.l e
toe palely shows that the impartial parries"
of the Chester inn wee oscrif.ed ea the aria"
4 diabeuoenbfe twinges rad aestuiaa mpia-
Ji,emeat, yet Ms. M.D..aita til of loot ese-
one is sada as epee, bat preh.pe 1e "mare -
owe', ac►eowledgse.t that Liars College sad
res reneues an is reality the pearly of tea
people. A skate of the masse is ahem awed
to the Rotten Catholics rad Weeleyas Method -
pats, and neither of these religious bodies ever
dreamt *bet their elisions upon the institution
were 109.11or to the claims of the Baptist
and Beeeaio• Churches- Hence all 'barns mad
eublerfuge. about " rested rights" and High
Chards supremacy are thrown as.Je, and the
Simple question before the public- at preset.(,
is, An tea taapla eoilliat that tAs mecum et Asir
popery seal N giros far (1. madam• purpose
of advancing religious sectarianism (which is
at this moment the withering cone of the civil-
ized world,,) or Adidas retinas le steamiest nim
tAs ,moral sad intellectual ins/agreement of the
satire people f Then is so mystery ; mo sophist.
try ; 0o complication of rnmoaieg involved is
this gaeatiw, tint certainly within the gm.p of
the moat ordinary capacity, and WA prin-
ciples of justice and utility, admits of bat
one answer. We shall, however, teases a little
upon the *abject. -
There berms to bean error of opinion ihrosgh-
oot the civilised world, regarding the right of
majorities ; this right is, is fact, nothing more
in • multitude of ioetaoces, than the power re-
sulting from numbers- But no euperiorny of
oumben can pouibly possess any moral power
or authority to vote a man out of his own pro-
perty. For example, suppose a pair of blankets
to be left as a common legacy to five individuals,
and that the blankets were only sufficient to
cover three, in this ease the mwjority had • right
;o vote that the blankets should be sold, and the
proceeds equally d'vrded among the five leptres;
but the three individuals composing the majority
had no right to vote that either the blankets or
the entire proceeds - should become their own
exclusive property : the first rote would be an
act of expediency founded on the law of equity,
(be secondwoold be an act oi violence, resettle(
from animal loree. Now, there is creek!), a
large share of this blanket metaphor embodied in
the proposed division of the Revenues of King's
College- It is more that probable that the
'Westering, Episcopalian, Romisb and Scotch
Churches in Western Canada, embrace u major-
ity of the population : but should they of theirere-
preventatives vote that they had a right to the
whole income *I the University, the vote would
just be equal to ■ monopoly of the blankets ;
hence no honest man would bring forward such a
proposal, and no honest Tran would sanction or
support it. Besides we Rel pl in believiag
that a very large majority of those who were to
be physically beae6tted by ir, would regard the
proposal as • .ioleat otiose upon their moral
feelings- The t'niversity and its res be-
long to the whole people of Upper Canada, and
if it the 600,000 of population, there is one
Mormon ex one Uoitariu, his right is jut
equal to the right of any ether single iodiri3ul;
and it it would he unjust i. • mingle man to rob
Arca of this right, it wouldually tajuat, "ad
far mote dastardly, in 599 deprive kir of
it. For although the wo seems to act upon
the belief that in.auiev is rainiest.' is proper-
ties to 41s. ■.abort erten pia u the p.rpetratios
al it, yet then is • wide etorat dietineti . be-
tween the division of property mod the division
of crime. 1a drvidiag one hundred pounds
among one hundred persons, each mat receives
exactly ore -hundredth part of the aggregate
sum, but the crime of robbery committed by
onehundreJ men, produces exactly one hundred
individual robbers --the mrociatioa of numbers
never can have the slightest 'Whose,. is dimia-
iabieg idividual moral responsibility. Besides,
such a dtvista' of Coe University revenue as
that contemplated by Mr- McDonald's &Ii,
could only be regard.d as a very temporary eel-
ndement of the gessoes; kr while each a wide
dif ereac. of opioids exist* upon the subject,
there is a .song probability that every new Ad-
minutratioe world claim the tum a power of
dterieg tad aswdiag according to the wishes el
the majority of the peek, which we meat my,
hays always a slight natural tendency toward•
justice. Aad we have .o' fears whatever but all
these alterations and amendments will mlumaiely
terminate upon the broad basis of equal rights
ad privileges- Bet wherefore lone time sad cre-
ate bad feeling by circuitous eeelm.ats of error,
while the object to be stinted is attainable
Td Tis xre
aos ia OP Twen0w alaa•r.-
Goozarce, 23rd Feb., 1848-
Dua Sia, -Might I request the favour a your
mantas gam enclosed, as yam will perceive it
was dulled lath, in consequeses of an article
that appeared in the Heron Oman . Mr. Giles
111•0011, er
d in s moot handsome manner, Oa my
applicetioe so him, promised fill insertion is his
paper; bet u 1 am deeirom. that the iebebitasts
of the Comely should ssdentaad eleerty the
grimed d any support, at die kat Autism. of Mr.
Oreysee, i would feel obliged if yore amid favour
ti with • pkv.' 7001 tapas.,
1 remain, Dear Si,,
Tow Tomew obedient wryest,
T. vie Mier 1 W yfvfirmOmega
era, -Ig boor paper of tmemo,em 18th t, wa-
der the snick " Ootsehes," yon say--" (f toy
prod pwere wanting d the Coaly d Henn
him easeetielly .d sutirely C.aserniivo, it is
to be fined is the fact, (bat eo goodness peo-
r itis( ether lbw Conservative 91.sipls..aot
yet dated is solieit the duAngea d the Beware
Me T. w starve et i emu give a positive denial.
My auistasee with Canty the Caty.111 . sed
w"MxMsde' -ism iehabota.is is eat of men wen is stadia.
.tslow w yours' s d weeks, sad has wailed sae u
mere at the eemel.Uee that tie greet Mjerity
.f the iab.bitests Mw tiler= is their astiwsu
s.4 ideas as to pearnewet, sed womb, end =ilk
if Teff to thaemhee, timer mem seedy be le-
dued to stipple a Ilbetd fisc a Ceeervedee,
ae sere prep.,b * pakis& • 4.-.abtiig gown -
At W last sheens•, Mr. Owya . .*and ie -
ford as the Luno! C.dnLi, sed as scab 1
seppenad him ; M ...i.e ed t►ie Cotvety with
Mr. Cayky-yon wen peeve' dtsriag the see•
test --after ales a ems tem, ons yes, er s.y ors,
..stowd that this C.re.ty is "esssslitUy and
oetirely C.s.vrnause. Of • esestiteney d
714, Ikea Assdrei al 4rserp ss.. voted he lbs
1.1054 Candidate, sod * (.. i Ce etesatiee.
Of the otter, hew wry wen Woad r asp -
pmt Mr- Cayley frem the lels.eae tI.eght M
beer ea tem by Are Ceserlerieeer mad Ap.w
of the Canada Company t Hew away more
glee (hair sapper' from lbs eapasatiss e( ob•
=totes phone( errelemeet w hewer, dome'
the ladesace .< Mr. Cayky, the supeaed lrider
of what is styled the Cossansuve peaty, it ie
not row my mutative to eaamm.e,
The contest is itself • ref.talise el year re-
marks ; and u it is still so fresh is the mammy
of UI -or perhaps I should soy of thaws who de
not willfully -forget it -1 might have allowed
your remark to have pee to the Carty without
n otice, but as 1 took a somewhat active put
during the election, I should regret to have it
supposed fur one instant that in that mutat, 1
acted otherwise than from • firm conviction that
Conservation is behind, the age, sad that a Lib-
eral Govenmeot ear alas, keep pace with the
wants ed wishes of W people.
I remain, Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
Godericb, Feb. 21, 1848.
Seaver or • New Tamura,. -Mr Alexan-
der Wilkison, Deputy Pra,iasial surveyer, from
Sandwich, rad a amber of cbaiab.arera, hewers
of wood, and drawees of ester, pared thrush
Godericb this week 0e thou Way to tea Goren -
mem Lands, to complete the emery of a tap.
ship on the north (tide a Ballet, b this Diatriet.
We 'oder-stead there is a block of goad lead ia
that locality. Thi unmet' the teweship is ret
yet decided ea, but we should sappoes it will be
" Elgi." or "Bruce."
(17* Our Legislators are now fairly os
the wing for Montreal. Mum. Baldwin,
Prince, Sullivan, and Morrison left on Tues-
day, by a private conveyance. They were
to attend a dinner,givep to Mr. not, is r•p,
for Hastings, at Belleville, on Thursday. -
Mr.). Huilyard Cameron left for Montral,
os Monday lot, and Mr. Boulton oo Wed-
n esday, via Boston.-" And they were
shot accor.iingIy" passed down oo Thurs-
day morniog7,the lion. Adam Fergusson
lest yesterday,siiith Messrs. Wetenhall and
Notman .- Globe.
Lanark will surely be web represented in
the new House.. Five Members, who will
take their feats next session, were residents
of this County, namely Cameron, Kent, -
Wilson, on, -Malloch, Carltoq-G, B.
Lyon, Rus 11=Jame. Hall, Politburo, --
Mr. Bell, our present Member is a resident.
We have besides two honorable. is the
Upper House, namely; William Morrie and
Roderick Matheson. From these Lanark
need not expect much benefit.-Bsatur.t
A P•saNT's Pure... -If there b. such a
thing u pure and perfect joy upon earth, it
is that which fills the heart of a parent
when he hears of the wisdom, the 'tithe,
and the prosperity of a child. 11 there be
sorrow that admits pot of mins, it is
the sorrow of a father for the loco or folly
4f en uerrat.owe, ta...itwee sae, and fur
the misery is which be bas plunged him-
self, We hope our ',oust readers will re-
member thi., and so lir. as to add to the
happiness of their parents.
The following u the German mods of
preventing Sunday tipplioe. All persona
drinking upon Sunday" and holidays is coffee
homes, ke.during devise service, ere autho-
rised to depart without paying what they
have bid. 8l.eb a reguisiioe in England
would bast* meet- ►atefktal tendency he
improving the morals of the lower orders
of- society, and greatly contribute to the
comfort of the /amities.
InwATiTVD.--A■ ungrateful man to de-
tested by all ; every one leer hurt by but
conduct, escrow it operates to throw a
damp upon geseroeity, and be is regarded
as the common injurer of all those who
stood in need of aasistaece.
Dynamos .-All innocent diversioty as
far as they contribute to health, mod de not
interfere with the impro,s.ssd of the
talents God has given u., may be enjoyed '
but we should watch, Zest we be deceived
by • present pleasure to lose a greater.
Oe the 14th ism., at St. Oeery. '. Moroi.
Gederieh, by the Rev- R. F. bd1, Rsaaer,
Mr. GEORGE YOUNG, Alts saw sf Aleie.da
Yuan``,, Esq.. of Colborne, se ISABiLLA
HELEN, LEN, ,West daughter o1 David Ckrke, Esq-,
Of Clam -atone and swee d lir James Cheeks,
Rat. But-, Physioiu to Her Majesty geese
Victoria -
THE sett Sittings of the Pint DIVI-
SION cOOURT will be bold at the
Goat of Goderieb, SATURDAY the Ats6
of April asst.
Clerk First Divisions GL.rf.
Oodericb, Feb., 25, 1844, 4w1
APULL attendance of Ilse Bou of 81.
Patrick ie legsested at the BRITISH
HOTEL eta Moeda, tie 11Ni beta.(, at 7
P. M ., to ask* arraago...t. Week' saw -
lag Neutral of Irslea'a Tutelar Saari.
Gods/rich, Feb, 14, alk
WILL b. midi 1►y Peblr A.sIl.e .s tis
Parket Spay% a HATURDAY, As
1th thy of Mari am et 1 o'clock, P. N.
the Fell Bred Yeas/ DURBAN BOLL.
Ave years e* sew Mike peteseesitoa d 111r.
Aad also tke ATBBNIAJ BOLL. M
present at Mr, hoagie IWstFslr tewmeklp
of OederW-tke Pref y elf the Mem
Diet Art Agrbelatat 8resist
Tsrtae--11 MMM et by An.NM,t
approA'sd alionel A. 10 A111, 1MeNry.
J. lt. 00O01110, A..Nwefr.
ci Irlteh, P.1, /f, 21411.