HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-02-11, Page 3pebttttel or rival e.pmm•ey Maes( the saleable
taate, that use* $ Cseads. We w • raised
people. ti ie toes., bet the mast oiseenty el es
ear hese, eat with the view et ab leg ens
mama power ei politwal diseiemies, bat he she
potpies .f prs,ag• more sesisWie aebie-
teses ; aid c i ta,.ly it is a eery lift -heeded
mistimed .f e.Sd.aag to oar happiness to tadulp•
te wraylug sed becalm sauessitis. AMU
pellucid aseesdeey. Oar ism nst.ol sides.
vete *meso be the impeewmees of the eseete n
sad the adaptations e( bet unite eieee as the ine-
mdiate waste el t►e premieoea.e 'persisting I
se that the great sed far which we emigrated
may be see.red n all. We Basset pensive the
names* et tare ruteedieg p.bucal testis me
wacbug over each other, ad await* iaysd-
isg and prousieg the rightist the pope-- Tbe
people slink& knew their ewe eight., wed as
these. rights are meal, toy 'Meld ne•simeeely
agree to be reprwe•t.d .sig be, men wed are
wdblag to recognise this squsliryi &WI
upos it. Two spoons; helloes e•aagt be beds
right ; w. think we have shows that ted priest.-
riestpie of Coaservstiam ti weoeg, therefore we can -
.et admit the accuse, et to eaisesses, for this
wuW jut be admitting a •seeree ty fee the eaie•
nue d .me. Mach Liao apes lar wSeip
system of ►bd Ly.� j�' A' 4/y ~
1. lookiatg bat epee dm tiys of ear boyhood
we remnwber no els two fuelterly kerma by
the .este of "Med Harry" elm for away
years rot daily (Seadayd excepwd) .pees the
" New Brig' J Ayr tertariag sat -get to the old
quiet lleetei twee" Keep ted Whip to Order."
Aad when dM mischievous school -boys would
toren epee the ppopriety of changing the tune
the poor `nod-aatarrd fiddler would smilaland
reply, " tp lel 1 was op alivaiw o' feoreiw amain,
wean lavas "wag, Mt tem seed by and fie now
mire atefd to lure .wything row." Poor, io-
a.eeat, hues', Bltnd'llarry ! Peace to thy
••lieu ! But thou wouldat have made an unfor-
tunate fiddler in these days of degeneracy, when
the Inas of the "Vicar of Bray," is becoming
the only popular melody ! There is, however,
a kind of honest, straight -forward avowal of ea-
principleilness in the sentiments of the Vicar of
Bray, that we can scarcely refrain from liking.
11, openly declares that however great or nume-
rous the changes -whatever party might pumas
the power Sad the patronage, or
" Whoever might be Pope or King
Ile would be Vicar of Bray."
Th. Brookville " Swansea," who dans(
the last four years hu destroyed .the auditory
nerves of many of her Majesty's Canadian s.yj.ele
by playing "Keep the Wbip in order," apse
the very loudest key ; u sow beginning to barn
over the Vicar of Bray. litmus :-
" The Toronto H.rsfd of the 10th is.t-,ami
%aisle a well written article. epos the sehjeet et
the Oxford Election, Notwith..andieg the rea-
soning Glib* Harald, we err of opinion that ted
Retuinisg Officer would bare bees justified, had
be declared Mr. Hineke the untag member, leer-
ing the quotation of his eligibility or du decision
of Parliament."
Upon which the Ilentiltea Rpectester bas the
following etriageot remeres :-
" Wooster whether the eertaiety of the Radi-
e 9a ubtsielaa power, and the az•Gead Master
beta entirely at their mercy, has had any erect
oa the ' 09isioa,' of the teistuwaw r Mr.
0ewes is, ea we expected, ' trimming,' and his
pressot laafaap is astieitat ,rear that if rbc
Radicals accept his .ante.., Hwy wiM Roo is
him a most obsequious admirer. The ratting of
the meet tweiee-months will afford infinite iniuse-
meet to alt parties. It w.a very .eked of the
Ptlst, though, to throw e.W water oa the retir-
ing geatleeasa's lepra, before M hod been regu-
larly induced Into oBtee- We will wager a
baubee, that Col. Prince entertains preeiwly the
same views on the Oxford election that 'have
emanated from Mr. Gowan."
TM 3petatsr.boeld be merciful and remen--
ber that
" Mao is a carnivorous production,
Asd meat have mesas, at least one meal a day;
He cannot lite like woodcocks, upon suction
Bet, like the abark and tiger, must have prey."
Dena Swift either is his "Conduct of the
Allies," or in hie " Examiner" says that be
lows no task wort hopeless and Lase profitless
du teat of writing ie defames of a folios Ad-
ministrative. Acid it certainly is a foolish task
L od pregnant with rain to the maw wbo attempts
It. Tb. defeated party easnot pay for his'eni-
sa tboegh they weer re ditQoeed, which they
are set-in feet, his defence, by remiediag them
of their &hum es', mortifies ratite, than plume,
asd to the party in power he becomes an object
of pitiful derision by thus ofkr:ag to oppose his
feeble *Sorts to the mighty tide of popular
e pisies. lienee be eas only make enemies u
all aider And for this teases we agree with the
epiaeoe of the Spectator Mat the ratting or
" Vicar of &ay" policy, of the seat twelve
swaths, will deed amainmast to all parties
Tb. New Tettt ',redder ..aisles • but of
reamers abut Kati.e sad its bards. (lin.
Scott has been lording it beet* our his br.tb.r
officers. Worth had bees isolated and impri.-°
eon for Myler so. Ifs is sow at liberty, and
vssser says that 8coti has bean arrested for his
misbehaviour towards Worth, and Lha denies
the arm-...ys ha is to be called home ; he hes
take* the pet sad is cooties borne. Re is is-
vited M a a large hall or banquet as bis arrival.
Next, he u.et comma borne -bas takes.. pat.
nue is to be pesee--e treaty of peace --end
tis there ie to be so pesee ! ! We admin the
ssstimeses .f ledge M.L.s. (tee .f Teewa)
eapreeted is the folbwiag Tetter from the Cie-
elsaate Gavotte :-
r OW ferry out the vtewo of Compeer
These bills the Preeadest could sot 'eke
sad be would he bound by Limit revues
Meats. This may be does by ted House.
I►ype Cosgroes will refuse to tote any
mere Tressury sola- Th• nota demand
ed, le oddities to thou already is emote
bee, weskit good tie eos.try tib that do -
mutinies utplies epees:. Such ps eassesiee would
imeetilete a Ouveramest beak, eostrolled
and waged by m party Admiatelnttuo.-
We have sow eftees anthem of Treasury
soree u circulatiba, and authority to Issue
Ivo millions more. I would not Increase
tem circulation a dollar, but reduce it as
rapidly as permeable. Such a system would
be isiisnparably mere dangerous to the
palate morale and the public liberty than
asother system of basking that could be
To scut any deecieecy of the revenue to
pony 'lucerne,' expenses of the war, I would
authortie bans at par, paying not more
than sit per cent, interest, and if loans can-
not he made at this rate, let the Administra-
tion resort to a system of taxation which
shall cause the people to feel the ex-
pense of the war. All wan should
be accowpiuhed by a system of direct and
interim! taxation. Nothing short of this
can show, an addition to. the sacrifice of life,
what we pay for ntwtary glory. This was
the policy in the better days of the Re-
Tbe last war with Eoglaad was nobly
sustained by the people, not only ib the field
but by the payment of taxes. And they
will sustain every just war in which our
country stall be involved. But I risk notb•
wig fa saying that an attempt to adopt etch
a system of taxation would wind up this
Mexican war in sixty day.. Ale' this shows
that the war should be put an end to. This
may be done by Congress in ninety days,
and 1 pray God that they may do it.
Very truly yours,
Tito Amami! petered Meeting of the Hero.
District Agricultural Society was heW in the
Buren Hotel, on Tuesday, the 8th wrest, and
we most ay, that we have attended ao meeting
for a long time, with which w were more highly
gratified. The number who anteaded; their
influence tad suadiag is society ; the fact, that
their liberal subaeriptioos ham always entitled
them to "the maximum of the coveromeot pre-
mum, and that they have- now a eona:derable
feed oa band ; prove that sot only the practical
farmer., bat also the wealthy merchants and
gentlemen titbit Hama District are taking a
lively and as active interest in the all-important
soiree of Agricultural noproveotent.
e The following gentlemen were elected Office
Bearer* for the pt'Reat year :-President, Rose
Robettaoo, Ep ; fie-Pruideats, David Clarke,
Robert Gibbons, ; Seer -Wary, R. 0. Caniog-
bsme; Treasurer, Robert Moderwe!I ; Directors,
Jells Stewart, Jacob Seeg Miller, Alexander
Teaag; Bee., Peter McDougall, Cornelius
Ble=w." Dual Lixen, Juba Auenand, John
8slbild. mime Elliott, Georg. F. Lyster,
C. Girvte., Joshua Calloway, Jolla Galt, John
Hawke.r wad targe Elliot, Sen.
WAswtveTos, Jia. 7.
Me Dies Bat all Aimee •ppsar-
eaee, the termination of this miserable war
with Magid) is more remote tbaa when the
ewe blew was street. In my judgarent, it
was nesecesserify .ted oneoutitationally
meads by marchingoararm tato
1t FUt dterritory
1 leas hi Lbs mos of 1bx-
aabl , bays the°yrs wbo, tts-
MINN le the war ea just power,
mrene, epos the terms se whiab,
a hasty *avid he made, they triwte wee
epee the Exeeetive, by resol.tfaa, tar eft
a pewee to Maier. epee 'Mt beide end Sae
Sig the aegetleUee hostilities .bull M
��ee tit the Presidio' shall Moate
Um UMW rrytdtsi the mew? ��
Form Wilmer & Smith's European Time.
Os the 93rd ultimo, t1.. lalf-yearly general
meeting of the proprietors _ " stock in this com-
pany. established many years since to promote
emigration and the aerlement of leads in Upper
Canada, was held at the House of the Corpora-
tion, is Greet St. Helas's•pplace, London. Tbe'
governor, Charles FraiRe, l:.. , toot the chair
at the emu/ bout, and the minutes of the last
court were read.
The Govcsoa stated that the first bbainers .f
the day' was the election of a director, in the
room of Johw Eaathope, Eau., who, owing to
ill -health, had rev ;wed. The only proprietor
who had signified a wish to be elected was Mr.
hresbfield, and he (the govrraor)Would take a
show of heeds whether the vacancy should be so
filled up.
The motion was pat and carried unanimously.
The Govcasoa then stated that the contests
of the report of the directors would be found satis-
factory. The "Akin of the company were pro-
ceeding with the greatest regularity, and most
advantageously to the proprietors. The emigra-
tion trona the United Kingdom this year, especial.
ly from Ireland, had baeo very great. 1Jp to the
TIM of October there had arrived oat 92,818 em-
igraote, many of whom came ill•provrded with
means, and were diseased. A more than average
loss of life had occurred on the voyage and on
shot...among the emigrants, which had upon the
whole, as far as the colony was concerned, occa-
sioned heavy expenses. Ippon the eompaay's
lands natters had proceeded very satisfacteady,
eepeeially in the Huron tract. The inane* of
settlers to that diorite hod been mainly occa-
eiosed by the frieeds of early emigrants bele`` de-
sirous to pis them on the company's la &-
The statement of the lands disposed of, and mo-
sey receipts, &c., for the year •p to the 94th
November lest coutaia.d the following :-
A BTrTnHtaT or THE LAUDS SOLD ant, Lasettn,
AID or RacatrTS To Tet UTE Novnrasa.
Acre. Average,
Crowe Reserve.,
11,217 at 17s. 5d:
Bann Tract,
10,;.84 at .3t.. 5d.
91,801 at 150. 5d.
LLAse. .
Crown Reserves,
16,690 at 14. 5d.
Hama Test,
11,574 et 17s. 1d.
78,194 at 15. 9d.
Total 99,995 acne,
exceeding the mustily disposed of to the save
period in 1846 by 54065 serve.
Receipts, £27,907 17s. 7d., exceeding those
to ame period Inst Tear by £6008 3. ed.
union remitted by parties to Canada,
the heads of the oeap•ay, £11,872
Tbe ameeit remitted by settlers i. Cassia to
F their frisees, is downpe thr.agh - the bunds of
the sompeey, £19.387 9. 114., is 9370 remit -
Neese, seemgoog £3 4. 5d. seek.
The directors osesineid tet ted canapes'',
&Pim wore it a very eatid.etery orate. They
had • metre* of omen yet at their d',ape.•I. sad
with the allowed prises w s neattainable, •
lied 1th
t e ran ef T cost per mason weight
'PM vuHsew tad Sir teem Eaenworf. is re -
by ted Cue& Company is Mars adeestegeeae-
lytesited to W eireememems ef the gest mar
11 emigrants, Was Is. teras. eared be. awe ted
Imperial tlo►erawest, Neil albedo an immediate
twee and tit oecapasey of goad lee& witMsr
soy mosey beiag paid is advisee, sod eit the
.nate time giesa the mearasce that by pnever-
ug tadestry this land and pnvileges may is aim
ream become ted boa Ade property el the
lessee -
Ee. H. 8.
M A R E E T 8.
From Wilmer Sad Smith'. Earopee" Tim.,
we learn the price of Wheat, Vloar, Ileal, &c.,
1* rather ea the adnoee in the Liverpool num•
kit. The uapeeisioa of tee Cora Laws only
extend. to March, 1848. The New York Spec-
tator says, there is a limited demand arid heavy
market fur Boor ; prices varying from 30s 3d to
31. per Dbl. ; and Moatreal it is 24. to 23e. la
Toronto 16. 3d to 201: Beatifies, ills 9d to ?Ia
6d. Godericb-guar 20., Wheat 3s per bush,
oats 104 to la, pork 12a 1d to 17. 6d. Herrings
per bbl- 20e ; white bah Sad trot, 35. ; bay
per ton, 30e to 35. ; potatoes la 3d to is 6d per
To Coeaatw.aeasrs.-Tbis author of "A
Pap at Goderich," bas certaialy mot reed eau
Address to t6. Readers of the lluroa Signal,
and therefore wt again repeat that " w. will
have no fellowship with aooaymous eommuei-
rationa cos 'ai tis( personl slander, or saltless
caakulated to imperil peraoaaJ character."
Prosincia_l jarilamtut.
The Canada Gazette f rtraordieary, pub-
lished this eveoig, contains the following
Wssatae the meeting of our Provincial
Parham/eat stand prorogued till the 4th day
of March now next ensuing, at which at
our city of Montreal you *ere held and con-
strained to appear ; Sad wheats we have
judged it advisable and most consistent
w ith the general convenience and public
welfare to change the said time of meeting
to adeertter period: we do thotefote will
and command you, and by these premeds
firmly enjoin you and each of you, that on
Friday, the 25th day of February .ext en-
suing, you meet us in our Provincial Par-
liament at our city of Montreal, for the
despatch of business, there to take into
consideration the state and welfare of our
said Provinc7 of Canada, and therein to do
as may seem necessary ; and bere:n fart
• R. T.
E•OC[IILLR (row.) ---G. Sberwood, 0 1
Brrowx--8cotti 1 0
CoaawALL TOWN -J. H. Cameron, 0 1
CARLTOM-Malloch, 1 0
DOroas--Cyder, 0 2
Demme -J. S. Smith, 1 0
Essex --John Prince 0 t
HALToe -J. Wetenhall, 1 0
Faoarsnac-Henry Smith, 0 1
GL*Ne/as--J. 8. McDonald. 1 0
Game viten-Reid Butntt, 1 A
IHhaoLTo:t GTT -Sir A. Macaab; 0 1
Honor --W. Cay ley, 0 1
Hi$T1-.os-Bella Fhnt, Eur., I 0
HALDtra9t►-b. Thompson, 1 0
Ktnoaree-J. A. McDonald, - 0 1
Keno -M. Cameron, 1 0
LUAU -Bell, 1 0
La9coul-W. H. Merritt, ' 1 0
Latent le AuDaruTon--Seymour, 0 4
Luton --Richards, 1 o
-Lottoori Tow* --John Wilson, 0 1
Mwwicuuix-W. Notman, 1 0
NIAGARA Town -W. Dickson, 0 1
Noarit:aueerD-Meyers, '0 1
NORFOLK -11. J. Boulton, 1 o
Oxroa--F. leaks, 1 0
Paescorr-Johnson, 1 0
PtTsasoao'-Jas. Hall, - 1 0
PRINCE Eowaan-Steveoeon, - " 0 1
Ruessee--Lyon, 1 0
SiHCOR-W. B. Robinson, 0 1
8 -renewer -McLean, 0 1
TORONTO STT --Heavy Sherwood, t 0 2
Wm. Boulton, S
WENTwoRTH-Dr. Smith, 1 0
Wg.LANo-McFarland, 1 0
Weenie/Xs-Webster, o 1
Yoac, let Riding -J. Price, 1 0
do tad Riding -Morrison. 1 0
do 3rd Riding -W. H. Blake, 1 0
do 4th Riding -R. Baldwin, 1 0
w q r o.,., stated that the puha wed
ped ked bad red power to trud e by per-
niseios, eves helm tee .rigissl melees* rosy
',No pa W. The been ware muted he ors
W. Fazaerma .zpeemsd Ilk desk* et bang
Awned • dit.enr, sad seed *desert that be
weals sat be • sheers, palate- Flue the ease
m*essmeat d ted swesetakie4 to his retirees
fardtpteassis.al'maim es EbM, he bed bees
the deist.1the Cassia Cesep y, .ed be
was et heap somie.snelad with it.
d>x.Wed was agreed top, .ted Omaha hoo-
k" mem' re the peeper, the &pety-gem-
etta ., ell the imewlet the soon eilaareed.
Ire Mae i mad uad sa eetic pelagic!
ear giilA that 4. gem ei isatdttlg adgtld
BaLtacu*ssti-A. N. Morin,
BON ATINToas-Cuthbert,
Bsateuta-Armstrong, 1 0
CHAIRS LT -Dr. Bead:eon, 1 0
CuArreate-Loon Gultlet, I 0
DoacHtterca-Lensaux, 1 0
DHorwow,-R. N. Watts, 0
GAara-Christie, 0
IfurnN000n-Savaogao, 1
KAtmotraas.A-Marque., 1
LHrnerrsa-N. Dumas, 1
L'Ist.a--Fouaaier, 1
[MT ■emette-Laurie, 1
MONTREAL ctrl -B, Homes and
Lafontaiso, 1 0
MONTa9a1 COQNTT-lobar, 1 0
Mtui.qua-W. Badgely, 0
Maeeeric.-D. Daly, 0 1
Mo erro.Ract-J. Cauchon, 1 0
NrcoLaT-Dr, Fortier, 1 0
Otrawi-Egan, 1 o
Poarnsuv-.Cel. Ducbe.nay, 1 0
Qva.Rc taTT-Aylwio and Chabot, e 0
do 000trrr--Cbe.veao, 1 0
Rotn1LLH-Dr. Derigses, 1 0
RtcwRuto-W. Nefaoy 1 0
Rrrovsct-Dr. Tube, 1 0
Saehaaaoose Towa--(3ogyr 0
RnsittHtrroca mu/err -EL Brooks, 0 1
ST. MAOHzcs-L. J. Papineau. 1 0
BTAumAR-John McConnell,
Seerroae-L T. Drummond,
ST. theme -ea -Dr. Boeth,1lter,
Taal Rrv,ao--Di nealia,
Two Moawyuee--W. Scott,
Twas.om .-Lefootaiee,
Vaeueaamt. tel. D. Mortg.nea.,
Vi ammiss--J. Leselie,
R. T.
0 1
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
&dormers sleeted, 40
Tories, LooAet and doebtfst, SI
Maleeier Careen% gm., wan sateei.iad
e ta Tahiti Dieser at Chahar se the Nth
ammo, by tri &.fortes armlesstlhe
Camel test. Woe. Weida, o
prettified tt►Ihs 011111110111.
Tithe Giese:
Had to thee dry, H i %.1 tart
Thine admeae 'amain 0' 105 444.4 most
L ►sort together,
Ter eiraerhisg new we mesh did
To weep w spin., se Meade Ides
Tear volume Mies.
May aimed victory aiwd
The " Hari. BMW" to the sod,
Topes be gins,
Aa rill, lug sad happy life,
Aad whoa yee lane this weed of Mae
A sot u Heave..
G.d rish, Fel- 10, 1848.
Raciesoctrs or T*AOR.-The question
of reciprocity is at preeeut fragagtng the at-
tention of seaM portion of the people of the
Uoued States. Certain parties in Re -
duet., have excited a discussion u to the
policy of allowing Canadian Wheat to be
ground to the United States, and exported,
as American Wheat is in Canada. This is
protested against by parties whu consider
such arrangement would militate against
the interest of the Western grower. The
new route from the west, by moue of the
C•nawaaghga Canal through Lake Cham-
plain, bas also excited much interest, and it
is stated that if such • course is adopted the
Erie Casal will be deprived of a great deal
•of humors, and the benefit of the great
Lakes and grain countries will be given to
the Canadian. The Erie Canal, It is urged
may be wldeoed so as to Tose sloops of
"30 tone, and thus produce from the west
may be carried from Buffalo to New York,
without breaking bulk. Now all this merely
goes to allow the great importance of our
position an4 the vast resources of the
country. Instead of a jealousy about
routes, let u■ look to the means,pf trans-
porting the abudance of the West to the
best market. We have nothing at present
to offer the Americans io return fur •
reciprocity of Trade for Breadstuff -s,- but
Great Britain has. Suppose a treaty to be
made giviog equal privileges, surely our
position would 6e improved, and the Ameri-
cans would recite a large bonus, -which
we could not take advantage of. - A reei-
proeity of trade would reduce freights and
charges, give us a choice of markets, and
accordingly benefit the producer. At the
last accounts from England Lord June Ro-
ma, stated he would, after he had received
and considered the information that he ex-
pectcd-_be prepared to bring forward a
measure re/petting the alteration of the
Navigation Laws, Their alteration is ne-
cessary to our proliperity, and if his Lord-
ship iadilatory in the matter, we trust the
new administration will refresh his memory
on the etlbject-Liamillon Journal f•,..Ex.
SuarINsaote Barris. -We learn from
a correspondent at the Fella that from
recent examinations of the basks on each
aide of the Niagara River, it is highly pro-
bable that thelengtb of span of the Bridge,
will be reduced some 90 or 30 feet, which
of course -wilt lessen the expense, and,con•
sequently increase the value of Stock. The
estimated length at first was 800 feet. The
Contractors are now fairly under weigh,
and the foot Bridge is confidently expected
ell be passable by the first June next.
Why might you pick the pocket of the
owner cif a gallery of painting t Because
he has pict-ures (picked yours !)
(l` Who aro the good for: nothing, -
Those who are trained up to-do nothing,
and .re often worse than nothing.
What was Henry the Eighth's favourite
move at Chests t Changing Queens.
SERMONS on behalf pf the Society,
will be preached in the Methodist
Chapel of this Town, on SUNDAY next,
the 13th instant, at 11 o'etodk, A. M. and
8 P. M., by the Rev. WILLIAM POL-
LARD of London.
( }lam The Annual (Missionary) Meeting
will be held (D. V.) oo Monday the 14th,
at 7 o'clock, P. M. The Meetingwill be
addressed by the /tee. Mese. POLARD
tied FLETCHER, and other Ministers
wbo are expected to attend.
N. B. Collections will be taken Op at
the close of eacb Service in and of ,the
Funds of the Society.
Goderich, February Sib, 1848.
on THURSDAY, the 17th instant, the
CERIES, kc., in the Store in the Post -
Office Buildings.
TERMS -All soma under LI 10, Cash
from Li 10 to £5, three months ; from
£5 to £10, etx months ; over. £10, nine
months, by furnishing approved Endorsed
Sale to 'towm.nee at 11 o'clock,
Godericb, February 7, 1848. ,
TENDERS will b. received by the Diese-
1 lore of the Soviet it to SATUR-
DAY, THE NINETEENTH inetast, from
parties desirous of taking charge of sillier
of the SoeNti.'s BULLS, viz :-
Tbe Dories Bull sow at Mr. Aanos's,
in Colbourn*.
Do do at Mr. Salkeld'. i.
The Ayrshire Bull, el Mr. Elliott'., is
Tenders to stat. which B.11 is applied
Tiede, *ill also be received for the kap
of Iha Durham Cow.
The Teenier* maybe rase to the Bomar,
of tbe Society.
Godeeie6, Feb. 10, 1848. 8eceetary,
I2411.111:14, cheap for dash er sttarket-
at1ilJtidaee, et the Stere of
T. GiL*OtJL k CO..
Tell. II. MIL
THE &hea her would leumate te the
istlabftasts of GwMrirh sad surroarwl-
eatetry, th.t be is reedy to execute all
for PAINTING, be., that he seey
with ; sod if employers wall
e, he magagae to work at the
give more satisfaction
Wen extended to ihm
than by here
rection of the sou
N. B. All eines o
duce taken lu eachaagra fur w
Goderich, February Il, 1048.
stable Pro
n eeeee OrroarTI TH■ ralt.ar7altaa
THE S fibers begs leave to inform
his frim s and the public at large, that
he is now spared to receive orders for
which shall be meonfactured of the beet
materials, and by experienced workmen.
/" Harrow. and Drags made to order ;
Plough Castings Wooded.
• Goderich, Feb. 9, 1848. ,Ytf
ALL kinds of Porcelain and Stoneware
at reduced prices, by
Feb. 11, 1848. •
PAPER HANGER, one- 4...
G O R E R 1 C 11-
11 AVE always on hand a choice assort-
ment of all kinds of fancy and
Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, &c.,
$cc., kc.
And ■s their stock is selected from fbe
principal warehouses in New York end
Montreal they feel confident that they can
furnish a superior article for lase price than
it can bo obtained elsewb.re in tee Huron
District, as in all cash transaction+ they
have resolved to deal upon the principle of
email profits and extensive sales. They
solicit an examination of their ample stock
of New Goods from all intending pur-
N. B. -All kinds of farm produce taken
in exchange for goods, for which' the high-
est market price will be allowed.
Goderich, Feb. 3, 1848. tf1
ALL parties indebted to L. PECK, for
FRUiT TREES, either by Note or
Book Account, unite, *stile() immediately,
will be plated in the bands of the Clerk of
the Division Court for collection,
Godericb, Jan. 28, 1848.
GOOD and safe Investments. Valuable
MILL SITES and FARMS for sale
on Lake Horon-
• A good Mill Privilege on the Lake .bore
within six miles of Godericb, having 36
scree of excellent Land, the Mill can be
built on the rock, and within 50 feet of ten
feet deep water in the Lake; the Mill dam
can 6e made 16 to 18 feet high at • trifling
expense and on a never -failing ■tream,abun-
dance of Saw -logs in the vicinity.
Also, a splendid Mill, privilege half a
mile up on the Eighteen mile River which
is navigable to the Lake, having 45 acres
of first rate land, plenty of Pine and other
Sawlogs in the vicinity.
AND ALSO -Four of the best descrip-
tion of FARMS on and near the Lake
Shore, with improvements.
The above well selected and very valuable
property will be sold low for cash, or half
the purchase money may remain for three
of four Fears on mortgage.
Apply(if by letter post paid) to Law-
rence wrason, Esq., London, Robert
Parke, Esq., Dederick, or to the proprietor
Port Albert, Godericb, Feb. 3, 1848. tf1
I R 0 N.
TFIE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand a
lasge quantity of almost every descrip-
tion of Hoop and Bar Iron, which will be
sold on the most reasonable terms.
Feb. 11, 1848.
AN extensive stock which wilt be sold
cheep for cash.
Godericb, Feb. 11, 1848. 2
OF various Textures and Paterns for
men's cloathing, wilt be sold for the
very lowest remunerating profits.
Godericb, Feb. 11, 1849. 3
WANTEDOF M HEWS, aged 13, whose
father eke! Rummer at Grosso
1.1.. The by missed his mother at Mon-
treal, in Argue Inst. Erb. rs sow greatin
agony *Foot hies, ed will be thankfufor
isfennetisa. Direct to Margaret Hew►,
earl, err* Daly, Lee, 8tratfod, Hurtle
Itirit1CT OF KENT.
THE seescr(ber having commenced bust-
ssepa (Jaden► -..and with the view of
rarrytag ore his operattoes with more facilt-
y and aucou0s, is is want of cash -effete
,be fulluwaug •aluatls property 1, r r.,,h•r
nue rod utttoefoto u.hin town 01 CL.. ,
the intact seat sur Kest, for comb int
ter Le
Dwelling flows*
colleen gardss, sum
suitable fur a large faro
Hotel, • Bare 40 feet by e4,
enclosed Building well adapted tar di.
fur storage, being erected on a submit
tial wharf, mooring vessel. of over 500
tuna burthen. On the premise" is also au
invaluable Spring, the excellentes of its
waters are not surpassed in the District.
=A180 -
Two Building Lots in Chatham North
Block G., well situated, being opponts the
new Bridge, shortly to be erected.
A large two story Frame Hoose hooting
the Barracks, 40 feet by 18, nearly finished,
with half an acre Lot belonging.
-A L80 -
SEVENTY -FIVE Acres of excel'ent
Land situated on the banks of the River
Thule., only three -Hiles below the town
of Chatham, wild a dwelling. House there=-
on, about 40 acres cleared, and t. • b'gb
state of cultivation.
All, or part, of the above property will
be •old oo reasonable terms for each down,
or one-fourth down, and the remainder in
three yearly instalments. Title unquestion-
able. For furteer particulars enquire of
M. lie 0.10olseo, Chatham, or to:the pro-
prietor at Goderich.
Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. .. 1
t deaataweoesly situated property
Norte, c„ateinete..-
riling to the town plot sur-
subetanteal tabu 'tory
I►itcbe a. Ion i
I kc.,
THE above Periodicale are reprinted in
New fork, immediately 011 their ar-
rival by the Briusb Steamers, in a beauti-
tul clear type, on fine while paper, and are
faithful copies of the originals -Blackwood --s
Magazine beigg an exact foe -simile of the
Edinburgh edition. •
The widespread fame rf these splendid
Periodicals renders it needless to bay much
in their praise. As literary or ane, they
stand far io advance of any works of a •t -
miler stamp now published, while the poli-
tical complexion of each is marked by • -
digniy, candour, and forbaraoce not often
found is works of a party character. •
They embrace the views of the three'
great parties in Eogtand-Whig, Torv,a.
and Radical -Blackwood and the Loddon
Qaarlerly are Tory ; the Ediebagg'k Re-
view, Whig ; and the Westminster, Radical.
The Foreign Quarterly ie purely literary,
being devoted principally to criticisms on
foreign Continental Works.
Tbe prices of the Re -prints aro less than
one-third of those of the foreign copies, and
while they are equally wellof up, They
afford all that advantage to the Americas
over the English reader.
For any Mu of the four Reviews, $3,00 per •a.
For any two do do 5,00 "
For any the do do 7,00 .1
For all four of the Reviews.... 8,00
For Blackwood'. Magazine.... 3,00
For Blackwood sad the 4 Reviews, 10,00
Four copies of any or all of the above
works will be.ent to uoe address on pay-
ment of the regular subscription for three -
the fourth copy being gratis.
(17" Remittances and communications
must be made in ail -eau without exppoes�esw
to the publishers. The former may alVS
be dose through a Postmaster, by
him the amount to be remitted talkie, hie
receipt, and forwarding it by mail, Rost-
paid ; or the mgney may be eoclosed in a.
letter, post-paid, directed to the publishers.
N. B. -The postage on these Periodical. •
is reduced by the late Post Office Law to
about one-third the former rates, making •
very important saran In the expense to
marl subset iben-
(l'in all the prineipal cities and towns
throughout the United States to which
there 11 a direct Railroad or Water com-
munication from the City of New York,
these periodicals will be delivered free of
P.blikers, 113, Foltoa-rd., X. Y.
(1:7" Sabecribere in Canada nay receive
their numbers at the nearest Aaeries. Poet
Godericb, Jan. tib, 18.18, I
OT JbHN MORiARTY. wbo left Ire
lead le April, 1848, .eweesps.hd by
hie brother end sister, aid arrived fat Quotes
far Jose. They subeecesetly pnsemled 1•
Tore.se le September folioe dog; aisle
that peeked Jtebs Moriarty bah .,,or bate
hard el. hie supposed he wart to the
Mateo. Any ielermaties v.4peetie
addressed to bis gibber, Iowan Moasoe.
vriNbet t Ther , Case& Wear
ka*y 16, I. R.
rrHE Sebeeribere booing Teased the
above SUPERIOR HO FEL, beg leave
respectfully to intimate to their friends and
the public us general, that they hail, opeoed
for the receptions and secommodatton of
Boarders and Travellers, where they will
be happy to receive those who may Aorog
them will ibl,tr patronage. It Of always
be their acedy to furnishyj,e Table with
an ample portion of rho bsii.Wodueuose d
the seseon, and to keep their Bar supplied
with Wtees awl Litters of the Islet d.-
aeripW., su as 1e rceritI the approval of
'bele watimeoen,
las . NW. . .
ed, mad ea *151ee apt
be messys he atleedtpgw:.
OP all omalities sod a
Tile. 11,