HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1848-02-11, Page 2•
▪ pa - rt sod ar•tred b..dy, Jiro • teal by
I • t, cl.in.'s! •pry M.tsired+ne•w
landed le. T1s . a'*'ow •.r.eetsr+seieen
ImMewsvat .,tib Posh • •you oi. 1t le fa
ratielr•ah manses what •• ah•wels sane
Will a. m cool P4•ty. lir'. ere Forms
'e wko f
gee.sNhest, Meta ad puttee rn vee. for
st the moment of khcmr to boy
p▪ enal.
pyt-ns ewe sow•
penal.. revub•uoo would be Ib. liert u mt"
✓ oe ; tete co. Such •n
u •nut the front of reason, ' • t of death. --
lull no it to elt+.ir- obtained
This kind n( hsrmnaV is lint to be obt in d
by any otber meats*, *+cause
to moor,. Mesmer difthre re. will contrary
to exist, we believe, whim the world .n-
duree. 'Phe h+rmony we contend o .r sW
ninthof •the vigorous ewxereis•M nen"- of cbnetain cbartty, hoot=n time ■aloe
mint in tssenuab, whisk maintained with
from C04 'sting tion, and enlightened
-trmpor i"u When mankind ear be
by a htee�tre` and tooth minor differences as
tp11 separable from our imperfect nature,
•with indulgence and, charity, nominal dis-
tincUons of sects may stili c.ist for a lung
Owe, but the limits of conformity will.. be
gre•tly.ex'esded in all nntil no.Ptt Cie
not. oenvill remain for the 'serration and
•lion 'nun of elms which now diagracy
`tbrT!.t.en ty. Thi. treat result can only be
h-ew ght shout by a ,voluntary sacrifice of
• lrhberal prejudices by all epee. -Let us
then es'1Ravour to raise bur minds far above
the aomtnns of those mountains of disagree;
mens which separate all ^chgriot.e comwut t-
ime by what row appear -:•openetrabletbar-
• e-
foregsn powers, bet the olive ►r•.cb in
�aceny. (1✓nad applasss, / Asda N we
r . mural .nflueat• will be suck, you
may depend open it, that the reit of the
world a'i'l be Rt.4 to follow our rumple."
(Hear bar.) klrCobden went on to sae
that there was sot • country oh the globe
tbat was sot groaning under the coot of Ito
It was not popnlvaz-
war establishment*.
tea (Of
peed t ro " I here • high �
Engle • eg �•� ,w • partial du-
Eaglad to take the 16urop*a pawer..-
a u 1 want
sed sed English suteavd!
moos( of t • grins
diplomatist+ to coolest,
[ led of send+!
M old' them, about the merrier.
to quarrel m+
ea to dinner, 1 want no to send our
diplomatists to those countries slit soy, we
have been purswog • wrong and foolish
course ; we have burn hulloing more ships
of war ; yet bus been doing the same in
France. France has increased her army ;
Prurria, Rums and Austria have done the
same ; you would all have been on the mono
*tel if none bad takes this s:u;t. Now, in-
stead of increaeinrour aumdes, let us agree
to • pruluJe reductsoo of them. (Loud
applaiise.)' Was there aught Utopian in
this 1" he asked ; it was contmoneaense.--
I,eadoa Etaminer•
a O►' °r girls, or mitabbling over an In-
e.bes.••ad tl.e. w . grist amm►er d
—�- oohed orewa wader sub weaartao•sa ra my ether h11at tla•w
will wet be a o°hrts a.ajartltawpommies I•isii is `ke Hsttes. sem• of Inca vac keV'
t anInelsl. • e• Mug • rose waste et time, ad • "es eigby or maty miles w lsagek ; Ml those
h.ek*+wi Midge. •eb.esgbest the www- .( the purposes fee .,Lich they were iatrmdod,•ad
loo's/ ►ill. or M oily f"'�' t►• psacues I• wty+ctd w the repro •,.s sot we . i:hu sight a Owssoire. The lade
Abp that op as• knows M him ; seed ie the the o .1 ,. • *coerce of mon tbOS pitsa•rh soil •
/which he de" toot lel •a iowaat. Knee •f pablie *party the hitter.
awed► .N e,esd resolved itsell own ; u s • guru of ioeldemble ptotic.
roar shoes mow•owe hope sir readers will The diaeaseioo sebsee y lewsse q,la•uuas d Hung, 'Bout, wad
a MsaKI 1 ism • motion by Mr. Vsaesw••d. •oaoaded by
Ia•sies the valve ani d wsU, wee W W►itebsh ceoght sod eap•ewd aa•mly, *teas•
'se the wooer Mr. Hemp, w A• effect that the people b' ilia • *aur ammo elf trade thio any
Councils the
admen ad will, alas, their piaie•a through their ciao perhaps
t tauaa Beth . .7
ely ble fru ad.t eel a aelspi .ease wha to allowed to etposa ilio the proper sits- ether si. le article of espx
free other sad Mpsrir gwho Beier- ',immune Couaedl.n riga [ *beldame" of thew lied" of fish. aid the laetLil
ossa who wader- sums for loldiag the wwssb+p mtrtiap. The that weshhy
, .54 sins a proper* :
algid. wad esaaites: •seal for the pommies of ameadnisat war founded as the fact that the with which they can bra ought. mea have embarked tall at • ProirrJla .peeala-
rmc, d prartiisl Councillor a the reprerystetive or the opulorof ti°a• The Ilan. wiUu G71.1. ole spry for
ice public good, .eposerr. P Vies emeter foe for, however, much w may be ep re his eo d do puree
war to the eei tt the p Hero°, bashed a very emissive fillies we are Cogecil 4o p05.•5! the power to appata
sal w "miopus public without pal. meat upt the Islands for sore yon peat fad
Hill more opposed to the practice 1 pn7ug be- u[ meeting. The 'tattoo rya t. nod therefore, moa "hen are engaged is the basis's"; rid
yod the real value of , the servicee..ad to the we think that mach of the digression war neper such has been theLasthat eve" ti's"; d
still more wanton practice of origisatug or cre- toot, and if the statute bad not said so the pot- siebb or fish base been success Ibat iq ase asead d
ting offices of emolument when me service u ing of the dmendtwst would have been absurd In Morels winter when the dee u good. they et holes
either rendered or required. because mo body of men can Wrest themeelvee
through it and with hand hook* catch pot
Tut Humus Duricr Couscd met atm the with additional authority by their own votes. t rou hes of harp trot i and inky moth• e
after000 of Tuesday the Ent iastaat •hem we Cowart/Trus or SrawTa La.oea.-Oa Mon- coo tit aithe neer Maitlad ; so that if .rrr°
believe the whole members and rather Wore were day a By: law war brought before the Council, the torte of ser hluca should fad, the People
Present. Protests founded oe the illegality of relatrag to the commtauon of statute Iahoar.- of otherGoderi
could live upon fish.
sected We could not perceive soy material difference
Uwe time •d of the er ctieemw•e .00h We are of pintos that the greatest daeiden-
witb sev: ral of the electiona were sobai .ted to between the By-law and the strict letter a the town u the Lau, boil as regard" enjoymut sal
eonsidentim, and two or three of the members statute on this subject, ad would, therefore, not t o iencp, is the tt s. of a Steamboat. The
who had travelled a considerable dioceses were have noticed it only for an amendment proposed expellee of lad -ennui• of C•teamb roads. e
sect hump either u being aupertto or as bay- by Me. Sperling, seconded the Mr. blctntyre, such a distanceflast - that to which ad as removed
iug been unduly elected .ubetitating two shillings in lieu of two ad sip from the commercial to which
u a series dom-
are not altogether ati.bd that the Coon- popes u the daily commutation money ; and we hash i ° all perciaawo U, eyes agricultural
dos -
til is empowered to settle thew proteetd /lee- certainly felt sorry that so few of the Councillor nP ph ter lc a the
tion io the abseenee j f tows retuning officers, sell take the same view of the subject
ci an tthe he ent enterprise
a ,.( dd though ithe
dore tbyf skipping,
who should certainly be regirded se the rearm- Toyer and seconder had taken, aid l Bolen e w moth ender the in -
Bible parties. The tenor of the Aot heeds °s to was that it was merely Storekeepers, Clerk., sloops a the wads, re t this vch end the in -
believe that all such protests and appals `moat Lawyer ad wealthy people gecerally that could ler- W .oder-
be carried before a higher tribsaal. While et be beofitd by the amendment. This is of uut m ig both
ot tediat ol sa and
mprn have been sod by
the same time we think that the pewee of dui- Mr. Sperlisg's view of the nutter, and we are the Canada Company le keep ups stem comm m•
ding each cases should really be iioyat•d is the warranted in assertiog shot it is very far from a e Caned'
d the Canadian side *[the lake, bet
Council -it weld be • saviaa of time •d ex- being„correch We think there is not a trades- from
� oa�e 'UMW or oiler, s e of a lake, et
perose;.besides the Councillors are move inti- mon is Gdench who would not cheerfully pay t however, that the pro -
mately acquaintcd with the Merits ad mealier two shillings rather than work a laborious day's As there is a prospect,
circumstances of the case. work upon the roads, and we are persuaded thee duce of the Canadian agriculturist will soon be
n who
c- 'admitted
eely into the
kets of the Uoited
In ail instances the isil wit r, otherwise
of there is the atoned to sucht a hringworkwbb could •otedoaas States, we will live n the Y happy a pect� o° of
the act most be complied with, other seem at least, a weekly stem messenger prooteJiOge are illegal, Per the pewee of the much u two tradesmen, taking indoor and out. [•
ing between the City of Detroit and ;
ply -
Council are merely derivative, mad it u • pity door tradesmen indiocrimintly together. SO and assuredly if they of Dir it and for Goderich
and no less a fact, tht ranch time is loot by al- that if eves ose shilling and three pence count b. •
rid a busk will he only rick top Heron their ooh
meat all Districi Couacils is di..aiag gehtioos obtained from every 'oldie' ual Gable to perform ' industry, with show a
that are entirely beyond their sphere of action.- etglute labour, and given, not to patbmasters to welfare by persee•rneg y'
Such war the discussion regarding the particular expend at pleasure, but w the District Treasurer, duce they
sot teconn ct on osurplus
uso opr -
hoar when the meeting for the electioe or Coen- subject to the control of the Council who should duce sufficient,f the Ui►tr;et, to tion with
such a oom-
cillors should take place. Tbe• Maaicipal Act have the power of letting all road labour by cm-
51ates.exptesoly that the meeting shall be held tenet, then, and not till then, we would have uoicohhioe would be a nileddiumn 01 commercial
at tea o'clock, A. M. If this requirement is some prospect of seeing good roads i• Caudle.- that the present
Tomato, but we confess that Oar hopes on this It u therefore w be Doped
l otFae f fact
with, prof the election is not dlegal; And if evenime t t. any saltie is the fader, few' rabject ere far from sanguine. The men of lease of Assembly will rectify this grievous
kid the fiat a the protest not beide entered at few, in the rude
1 1 to would by fovea Cam . we rear, are too deficient in the spitit of error to our *•sura of represeatauei by divd-
ibe g 1, for we the of iwat 'tendency w make working exempt tha roods if lifter° ome per !✓ capital, ex in the Province raw a ual electoral districts, so
ie le we are sot award tset the bleu of s would ly sathem from the irksome Moobll ow enterprise
eocuor todeneki.g although ityis f obvious that every men of whauvtr tows or comity, may
few weeks r months cis extobhate n urged by We11 hely saw a eat made through i a eaall sad elation possesses • greater like- ropy the same civil and polilieal privileges as
gleet of law. The other objection by hell upon a public read by Promiseuow Duan that no eller .pee
some of the Councillor, amely, that becauoe labour and muting two shillings and six peace lihod of becosiag remsnerative or d adv&oe• hie leltow-eeloaiet of a diligent district. This
the amended Municipal Aet when epecifyidg I per day to every man, the eat was upwards of ing the general interests and improvement of the would pub whan ich bee ii to much of thteniid and
the particular hour of the Town meeting, does thirty puede, ad *Lien finished we actually country -still" -still we doubt general elections ; it wool. io characterized acdg-
not say the clause relating to this point in the heard • labouring man wko had wrought at it About a goiter of a mile
• from Lock o, ea and a• mens of the ample bat omnipotent ant Prineipkd of
original of " meeting is a repealed :" therefore, dhirty Colla i. would lair, cat le su it b ed hey were � rieh reed,. there isg ant bed of the top or int, sod cm toeing, bodes ; rt would give o goon°d to expect that
the sisr of on wei, • question of trance.- thirty dollars The poop wii y or Dere sods (we our *Bona fur the improvement of ow country
�p. ^�-• 4 �• veld it full t* -
Phis objection we say, all the appearance of o epi for the Qceen,and ate nolitwithatacding our you are told that hon passes,that that usual of policy which' he" so
a quibble -it is a mere sham. We are not good opinion of the people of Huron, we cannot think ods), the get Wester* Railroad !-and lug and so'' -'powerfully Warded the progress 5f
aware that, where one law is tau to eibro help thinking that many of glom will go to per- this is all the symptom you either see or beer d` . had fonder cupr gra .
ate another, ase indispensable condi 0 to its form their road labour wader the same false im- rulroads in the direcuod of Goderich, std' I ha Cando prosperity,
lush a symptom we have no sympw'ywb tbef 1n our add•ess :o oar readers im the firit snm-
_doptios s an intimation that it , Such pression. troth u we have no faith is rd ^ir her J the Hums Sigma, we sdssAtnfA=
t .,-.. - . r,,... or Denoted on mem, they
aniM�'" ion may be useful and gene ly speak-
- -'w- telco of two political parties; but the 'dune-
`(liDFPMit *ND ITS VICINfTo amount to nothing bat a dazzling display, -and will lot,
+7Tbgtownor-future city of Godetich, stands in railroad -making they are worse than nothing. .ion of the fact that they do
a Amwe
upon an eminence on the bank o� Lake Iluron ; I We cosld have some faith in five hundred Irish- hope. exist.
pest o s an coml rice that they
perhaps at the height of hoot one hundred and men and Scotch flighlanden with pick ales, mit this. It would de o t coael e( opinion
thirty, feet shore the water of the take. The and shovel", and wheelbarrows; but all the red which ..have loud and forfeiture
esteo ini n
river Maitland winds down a deep broad glen on clouts in her Majesty's service might be stock shred. we h vdoe believe is the progressive ime
the north side of the :own, and forms sae of the upon pole from Goderich to London, and from rovemen a society and we have the testimony
peculiar beauttfs.of,ib* place. It is i stream of London, to Hamilton, and might hing till the P i our faith.
ism iii uib * ordlo eareet the • Hawed which
in and int. Great Western Rae elements had illroad them udt�oet be of
historyw oftost enthathhan, u an+utellectoal
is. milieus** or dM, aeaot iii the
Tk'h river, a- abort da.taaee' from As mouth.- where it is now -in the diem of the "peculator. sod •moral creature, .hosWmpalat ado Ina me. ;
j►boit • mile above the Harbour is a good sub- Still we are not entirely without hope. The ere byvery l• proceed'
rr 5eedon 'of gradual
upon the wisdom
erotial wooden bridge erected by the British rapidly increasing importance of the Huron Die- end experience of the oviog that preceded
Geweromeerthroogh the Ganda Compeay.- triet.prodOees the conviction that at ho a very re. a , el if n is a fecgenert on t at preceded
Tb1 waters glide slowly and smoothly from tie math period, somebody or a comps.y
embark in the speculation exerts a decided influence over the atioal
erre , the lake, accessional ° s LM fl g into two dodges, will to
pe ovoid either for good or evil. then it u imPoo-
.trea*a, forming a number oflittle gat islands, o(a railroad to Goderich, wad we sincerely wish , can
which a summer exhibit the varigated hematite that the £ompu0y may co0sit Of the influential sible that a Conservative ase s in or of
t of government lawn
of so rooky flower -plots, and assist much in rel- (*ailemes of oar owe Previus ; for we believe be be stare. becCoause
is inmatism is &o attempt a kip
during the.cene both romantic ad delighlfal.- that the speeulatioe will be oat of profit, •d we this as they are, but acute bee decreed keep
The town ocotillo • number of net ad even c000t afford to fill the pockets of gussgets with that'll'
things .ball not b• kept u they ars. She hu
elegant brieiand (tame buildings, but the itreeu the revenue "(oar intermit traffic. decreed haat the mind or man shall go forward
or rather the beige, is not of the most uniform The attempt a raise Oederich into • town was d the idol devnd a of throe mysterious
ription ; a large portion of the predator*. it war eott•memced in 1831, whet in the
ties that d elopemes it to the Deity :had
tiered to and fro, so that there Ibeee was so settled country erouad it .d so eapattempts to cheek these a x10 the De mum ea
in Arming a close estimate of rondo to .5y distant locality that - was settled ;
tl revious had N be shipped hem regarded as evil. Society sever has stood still-
ob ovations of the place she Vai,a 7 D
obsorvrtio°r too would sup- tieUaited Stites ad the high prices t white it c&o of stanstill d
law"•its defog so Dy whirl the would
at one thousand inhabitants. tbey were .old, rendered it impossible for Ole u {amused, lamely, laws
laws r maim, Now*
viz :.a Scottish 8eeesuw, people to sppoet themselves by their owe lido- do pt sed,Amami tly,t movies onward ad Maw.
irk, Episrepeliat sod • try, hence the town iesteed of adraaciag Maedi- her laws and society et movi behid her. What
net stooe Jul ad ly, stood till, or rubel, as Ryaord Raster aid i•[
ted t a rather locos- it draac5d tackmwres. But there ie tow • set- n ridicules. idea: the imprevemeat of thea
town. Ad on the old country around it capable e[ epparlisg a lawn and isa.itati.as r .11 reel mate her pro -
shore, on the south pop.laum twenty times Ow •moat of that of gram; so that Cems•rvatierm is emohsewisg w
little .tome light- Goderich ; ad dorms the lest two n• :rinse yuan keep the laws wad i.sti(sUoes ei • country se
Ow the upper pan the go-ahead spirit has ekes pormeania of it, they are. is jest se7151 le widen, "Hither"
opriated to the building lots aro menial from 13 to 73 posed*, shell 11105 game ad w ferthsr; " and it i. thea
te in the mean- sial it exhibits at presoak .11 the .ppearasea.1 a foolish attempts se premieres the imetitsmiesso( •
lid a field for beslehy thriving tows. It has • branch Bask, •.s*try, after the intelligmee el tbe peal° have
ahem, that have predsesd half the
LI ; and we • Croom reuse. • somber of Lawyer. Six se ewe beyond
pommeled of seven extea.lve Merchaets, hal( • dozen Hotels metamam7 rs °fwt ". °f the "Ai* Bill Cee
asreali@m has bout aseS the" " hitinl.s tri
Iia. with •d taverns, si Buieh.res, Breweries, exteaiee, bels bead et.wtiwg beeairi*s ; Ias ears rt1io1
is a oa.a- Bakeries, •d Mechanics
M with aa y din r p Iwda.arks7 tad lea beam ireiag pwssrile"1".
maple Foundry, and Mectaeml s of ix wt ksstl d'r.sip' cat the *ward womb of society Re theo-
ry, Inc tie•. Aad within the lest u weeks it baa n- J a n ; bet Hill, society km pal ld-
pee ptw..e the invaluable what i acgoisitiou *(rwoat misting ell ward. it is impelld by that imperYMMM Spark
peva presses, Id .,bat is psihope the greatest d dl
•1 r,e oraene•si.ao, it has wily mu Oester. the a Deily walled Yiad. 1 ,not be •►eke
oer bummed is, Ise owls► d of rte prolnriw
t . ►eaebi.er of the plass* "mime to e*atsit all gesdemie•. ge forward. it bas .ver•
ptitiom io that hoeounbla •d sei*uAe
thrum 1M N. of the &orient ere; Who
won. through the sf espe,rstiawt .rid is
Ismael irks; •ip°•hd ti• ..yawn d •rib
msmeties of .errspties ; severed the chines d
the dsopem t heaved the km* of the Agget t
serums d +. 4qu54 dee aid the terms d
Mein- it bee upset Awes sad Pre°Meis
sod pewits that were bend epee maser.
.i ; wwseW the freess hest the piled Rol e
•f 1►e slaws, ad shook the e►sabsl of &epolY%
te die very wstre. ft has takes bald of M
Ammo ei ie" sod water ; yea, emiewA
Rg►tsrl .f heaves, ad mai thaw die
seamy miairrrs w helms happioess II Ass
jata the pest mensal troths .f smog sad
e*rsai. them is harp legible •hmsetem. seised m Ss
the og*wor c paash ; ns1 NtrAy, lewder.1417
rill yss
The beli•v. it T it lam. t p••t,(owes. Iha wrtMihs'
M Cesservstisr d Cid• I
is believe we my Wiest. IN sows* V sem s
w teiisk *emery esgood where tams wee se isesmiseu"P
ttta.tred M Bwlij•aeeb4ti ,,Meal
Is e.r last we mid that if the rude viWgo of
Cw.weik with 1444ldsb*Mra, wee *Mold le
mars a samba le the Hoses of Aas.aNy,
every ease nether th_ . s t the remise.
wee wooed w the earns privilege. This we
lid. asgly res illesmatis*, sr M e twosome,
of the limpis peiselple of Swaim ; bot we wt-
wsy • e he hem thi•kiag that Conwell rioeld
he aimed es warn • *ember, or that 1400 of a
popularise slimed be the euod•d of ElMtoral
Dtetriat . This west be miaow ; the priest
eodruoa d the eossuy mead sot afford the
peat casual imposes that world aeaeemrity
via frotnessk seal toustiternoise; wither u
e mit u insngemoat salted Ie". The popelaties
of Toronto, w• think, is stated at 92,000, which
(wen thiap as they Dight to h e) would be jut
u well represented by me run as by twenty ;
and s.ppaei■g the City of Toronto to be takes
as the etasdard, aid the Yiovi5ei to be dmJed
lea electoral district@ of 22,000 each. Upper
C•aada woad thea recurs probably about 28
members, who would thus represent the popula-
tion etch better this it is repredented at pre.
sent by the 49 members who are paid Inc tears- -
maung n. As it is desirable, however, to se-
cretes rather than diminish the representation,
se about sire -eighth of the present Repreetati-
tires are respired to cmait u the Ministry, ere
would take the popelation of 1Gsptos (12,000)
w the stands" of etletonl dl�tricts ; and Upper
Canada would hA rgitra &loot fifty members to
the floase of llaembl/-
Qi' We send tie Huron fiv ,al to many
of our friends in the District, whom tee
apse not had an opportunity of soliciting
os subscribers, on account of the bad *rate
of the roads, and will be happy 'to place
them on our list as subscribers. Those
wko do not choose to patronize us wilt return
The paper, with ",Yo Subscriber" written
upon it. I c hope that every ,s -dl wisher
to skis District will give it. their support
and influence ii extending our circulation.
.4 few hundred will be of no use -ice want
moi' We furnish our townsmen with a
copy gratis. those who do not choose to be
come subscribers will please notify us before
the next issue -parties that Ice may o •lit
will please hand is their names and resi-
dence, where they will be served by oke
rtes, to a bright from wtienes all the to
q•uiltiee and differences of the world beneath
us will appear like one mut and smiling
plain-; and, above all, let ms endeavour to
rubes the belt:( that the great Creator of
the Universe it always ready to receive the
pricers and offerings of all sects, w hide
Maw front pure and sincere hearts.
Nuys -We beg Mr. Sheriff Moodie's pardon
for the liberty we have taken in publishing this
article, but there .are so few things written on
this important subject that we feel a strong de-
sire to extend the circulation of all sentiments
that have the least tendency fo destroy those
artificial divisions and distinctions which mat
and selfishness have erected among mankind. -
And at oar ftret convenience we will endeavour
to send Mr. Aloodie an article on some subject
by wily of compensation. Eo. H. 8.
At the 8 ot;kport etection,.,gs Monday;
in proposing the now cacdiltttefor election,
Mr. Cobden made the following observations
in relation to the influence of free trade on
the wariAq tendencies of uationt:-
"There was another view of - the free
trade q iesti.n which be ven'urcd to soy
his friend, Mr. [leery would be disposed to
tike. . Ho � 11,. Cobden) wanted not only
• tree trade in corn, in sugar, and in shipping
— did nut wept that we should have only
Sugar rid bread for our moutlhe-but tie
wanted the 'pint of free trade to enter into
the hearts of the coutm•inity. Ile wanted
the legislature to be alive to the great moral
revolution which free tradq necessarily
implies, J it is understood. ido and the
party with whom he acted proposed to
abolish, or at all eveuu,_ greatly to modify,
usr noir tion laws--t.i give free -access to
(purports to the of -r ca • ries coin
rt oNtbo world, brioging all
kinds of produce, without regard todifferen
tial Duties or protection to native industry.
NV hat de" th..t imply? it implied a growing
sympathy. and drpesdeoce between the
people of this country and the people of the
whole civdi.e,l world!. Weil, to what must
that conduct net Must it not conduct us,
if we were right in our principles, to a spirit
of fiwosi, ghout
t icrnurlldlI (fo ac
(Loud applause.f amity, and ) hen,
war the mural tendency of their principles,
o h.;t was the use of increasing ono ; r -
ti.:, neat or our fort,fi•-auonet ( Applause. -
11 • had reword to express this opinion at
titin kpurt the other day, and what he then
asshod been n
umed that he had rsaid -there he would
save the country sevcoteen million', being
' the whole e[;•o%t4e of oho army, navy, and
ordnance. Gentlemen,' • euutinued Mr.
Cobden, "1 slut nut propose anything ase
good as that (laiighter)-bat what I said
was this, that if wo are right in our free -
trade principle', we roust bo very wrong if,
a year after we bad &dot,; J them. we begin
potting up foto- rsttons. - (Applause.)
said that the great irem in OUT which we cools! Duke
la Ibis country, up
• dimuntton of our -expenses was that Aur
etblo Otos ot'seve'Usa millions a year for
Dor army, nary, and ordsauce; tool 1 said
time, as now that if we could nut mike a
r-ductlou in that Item l did not think we
co _'d make any reduction in our taxers
*huh would he sensibly felt in the pockets
4,1 the people. 1 rani that the reduction
would only be made by a chugs in public
"pietas racountry
afree trade
11•141. iftly nour{ed[es and ourcuuoting-
house. but gavot it in our koro, end
having faith is out ,srncipbe. l o thine
who believes that this cowl 1 A
to fear from say country,o lung
gA I free
a•aee n• e present p V
commercial i•ttee•n1rse with all the world.
The great 1sslat:ey, rivalry, and hatred
whoa' the world entertain@ to. Ardscoa try
s us has
WWI hum the monopoly
(bssr)•.irom the grasping ambition wtocb
Ince foil are to seize
is uprorHtonhutte moment
you proet*0ns
to thee visaed world
o c t nosh
that your porta s apes, awl y
•pia (for the latter claim it now), 10.
ghswent you abandon the privileges of the
*pigatinn Taws, that Moment )0u change
t1N feeling of the di. lined world, now
against 'ow, and they will be as ready to
coter into peaceful rilaUuns with you, to
..l•alotalo an &risme le understanding, se
they have on former oalone to display a
spirit of anttitomam, dastooml by your
mnnopnitee, end the .,•i it of war and ag-
grMeiu..,hick thus country has manif*sted
during tMlast century. (Loud applause.)
i do not speak bite se a Utopian. The
view 1 •sp►sis here now are t • view which
flet made n,.
ateti will the people
owe bnsineos-
1 Lan the
all .leesrtae* pamphlets
I ossa the ugo. roue were the mew*
Meallim 1 had years • m • Free
Usk heti oily Maas a lame% of lotto with
•,,a toil 1 W@br(pt carry eel, Owe virtu; nod
tos5lt tk5
1 M• vita the" whet* fast rasim1/�Y ity trill be
t 1.. tb..wnitwdies that it is see by
7.".1W-1,-, w,e• oy b-taao torte,
t it t'se
dtfl t t row ey es* M
When we Ent came to Canada, is the year
1402, we remarked to • fried who was giving
us a desetiption of the several ice:itutions of the
Upper Province, that the oistrici Council was
not likely to exist fur any lengthened period,
simply because kite members of it were not allow-
ed illy compensation for their labour and lose of
time The practice of mea *erring the public
gnti*, forme no part of our creed. It is an error
ie every instance where it is adopted ; for, in the
first pluee, if a whole community is not able or
willing to pay fur the transacting of the public
'cosiness, it is unrlasonable to suppose that a
single member oI that community shoot] trans-
act it on his ow expense ; and in the second
place, the man who serves the public for nothing,
has served nobody : there is not one out of every
thooeaad of that great multitude called the pub -
Ge, who is willing to acknowledge the obligation
of the generous public-spirited man. 11 a may
If it is mid that cities sad boroughs are reti-
tled to a more full tepreseautio°, is eosaessisece
of their mon complicated interests, it might be
proper to esquire .by Tomato is reprasawd
by two members, soils Montreal with more
time three times the pipelines el Teem&& has
only two 7 0 the beauties) .f 13)10 dam system.
Onething, however, to certai", that maul ws
have a reform is the repeese°tatiom. we meed am
calculate epos say thing like political t*say is
our el/gtied eonteets ; n would be is amemaly,
because so beg as the vote of .w w is Cas-
well. or Drockedte or Nygara is equal to the
vote. of eigbteee w twesq men living is ti
counties.( Haatingdou or Doreteeter, last es
long is oar ayatem bund .poo the peewee
poetical injustice, wad cannot poesibiy produce
anything bat evil ; for error sever as, e.esed•
ing-to the arrangenweu of an allg•ies row"
dence, be prodadrvs.01 good.
Owls for having been guided to his eooduct by
the dictates of his own conscience ; but he will
meet with few congratulations or expressions of
In old wealthy countries, where an atistocntic
nobility has nothing to fear but the:want of exer-
cise, and nothing to wish for, but popular dist inc-
tion, it may do well enough to attempt the grati-
fication of this desire by serving the public gra-
ns; bat in Canada, where people, live by labour,
then is something that reminds one of the
Crusaders in the Wee of men leaving their homes
and their forme, and traveling forty or fifty miles
on the most miserable description of roads, and
epe°diog eight or nine days in deliberations for
the public good, without receiving owe sixpence
of the public funds.
Bpi the members of the District Council are
now allowed a compensation for their labour,
and J there is any one tax which the people
should pay wi.h more williagoeae than another
it is the wages of the District Councillors. It
properly managed it is decidedly one of the best
incl: ctiewe which could have been bestowed on
Canada. And we would senrcel7 hesitate to
assert, that, with the powers which•it possesses,
it is calculated to exert a more immediate influ•
once on the general improvement of the country,
than the mon learned and lengthened delibera-
tion@ of the Proviceial Parliament. Canada u •
country of great extent ; it is divided into large
Districts sod large counties, many of the town-
ships, is almost every district, are but thinly
settled, and have consequently bad roads, so that
evis,suppmiag the M. P. P. to be • resident of
the county. which is (regeeatly not the case, it
gtyGeld, ander thee, circumstances, be almost im-
possible for him to be ,o intimately acquainted
with the wants and condition of the different to -f
eeriness" would enable him to legisate judi-
ciously and impartially for the various townships
composing the couty ; even though he were
honestly iodised to. do so. But the i stitatioo
d the Dotrict Council not only empowers
pe0pl. of every respective District to apply their
owe reveals to jilseir oars local improvements;
bet by gtvieg a 5050 110r to each towasbip the
globe .lentos si the comity is a.eertaised, sad
the (Wines, wears, wad grievances of the several
too ambit," -me duly reprra:mted, and brought
*dew a sanies s( the men who have both the
power, the interest, and the .s.aa' of adjusting
ad rectifying melt ssttom. A amb,r of the
House of A sembly may do thful in repre-
1 Mai e1 iat.tsts d
• lar comity
the /°tor'ousia
• large cyty t"titeey, so for as shoes
bot a
claims ad intertidalire tsetse to biro
large *moult of the easter* sad prosperity of the
s& desdo apse minor port
which will seared? Mese seder hie eegeinee5.
Bet the C...55i11er foe say gives row hip if be
is a ash al erdiear7 mangy sad ..serpins• 1(
he io a se eJ ',crap isfersati°u, ani ei Mae•
tint imp owe.et (said seek ems stew shoed
be 'teem' to the sacs) Ism is aware that the vs -
lee oaks argent, Ms psspeVity, his comfort
eves his er9ssiss to mote 'meet ls isveleed ie
gamestOs {•sslbdeasew tmpeswss
set. ad pee-
paA the towed* I sal eyed tb.sgb be
was seerithei 4111.1110/M1
'kW i4ris bee a peewee teem
er^•�gr of lie Msmk reey. Mee
• w -m& � reltrrItilo Mme msta0cesTlf❑ lot-
maliry should be heglected'or dirpeosed with, it
woiW certainly be iosoltiot the legislature
argue that the new law is thereby " giver'
void." In short, the latest law rpm any g
subject mnat.be regarded as the law of the land.
We think it is a matter of Idols eo°seg•eaee
whether ten,' or eleven, or twelve should be re-
conized as the proper hour ; bat since there r
law on the subject let us abide by it. Aad how-
ever trifling or unimportant the queens* Mb) be,
if it belougs to the public it ought to be fairly
and hncstly deft with. We arc ohcomps-
misi •gly oppme''I to alt shaming and shuffling faR
selfish purposes, from whatever source, or party
they emanate.
Tows Mesztsos Venters Taesasa-A short
but interesting discussion took place is theCoan-
cil on Friday afternoon in coosequeeee of • mo-
tion by Mr. 'McIntyre, Councillor for Fullerton,'
to the affect that the Council should authorize
the removal of the Fullerton Town Meetings to
a more cereal locality. The motion was
grounded on the Act that the pretreat place of
meeting i" situated at the very extremity of the
township and in the immediate vicinity of •
tavern, and that numbers of persons instead of
meting to arrange the business of the t*wnship
came there apparently with no other aim the
that of getting drunk, and of giving tatoyal-ee
to such as were soberlyigen. bltiog it weeeinterest
anted it
and welfare of the pop
objection that Mr. McIntyre bad o immanetws
or petition from his eonetitee0u for the prepaid
cheap, and that hu oblrch was merely to bring
the meetings nearer to hs own regideace. Be ti
so, Mr. McIntyre tide a perfem right bad• n.
onward bar motion sad the Cowbell
fect right to par it, because it was Jews by the
map a Fullerton that the place propelled by Mr.
McIntyre was very nearly is the teeter of the
township. Mr. V anegmnnd doubted if .aha
Council bad the power or changing the place of
meeu•g. They were authorized to sopoi*t the
p) at first, but be seemed to doubt their right
to motel their owe set i• this particular respect.
We ere certainly not living coder the laws of the
M -des and Per:Mane. we ere sot limn of say
body c( men having power to make a law who
at the same time do net retain the power of mak-
ing another to repeal it, and on this pe"
nt the
gquaic1psl it et u quite explicit. .1 Hedgi..,
Esq., said that no tow& meetings Should be bald
,s or Dear a tavern, end we heartily emcee is
the piaiee. We think that all meetsage
when the "merest of the commonly o leveled
.seooM be as Ar from 'averse as the eiremliMmi-
rts will a eroliet!y allow, for sltboeh
•.almity of the meerimg may be dimmed 1• me -
dart ties Weiser with beeeaug predawn mad
sobriety ; yet, eertaialy, experie.ee might middy
every mos that it is all bet impassible to compe-
ers* a large toady of met is sad rueud a weirs.
without bias subjmeted w mere or tees of that
disagreeable MN7arte .ad isteevrupliea which
ul4.,51y arises froog itedeatioh. Ad it
weld be very ditieull to e.svr•ee ho AM s
Auk woo, w a half aren't s., et a as. par.
oislly rumored from drrskmssor by a few hems
sleep, lawman of either Ai.kw.p spooks(. sr
eerie, r he might is is, it i° • Nyrbeebe l
Iigee billy, Md tbirsiMy vee sweet b.fese
it. N %am t* es rest bet epee.5111is4b.Y
sot lig •et gl w
WS* kglylh mit
or tasteful
houses beta
is some diffiee
the popalati*
but from oer o
pose it eootaios
it has five chain
a Methodist,
Catholic. It W
Council or Coert-
veaieat distance from
high bank above the
side of the harbour a
house was both 15 1816.
oldie tows, a large epees
purpose of • market moue
time •t oreamneat to the
recreation ad jiveaie
treat that oar worthy &idioms
Mifiee.t eaterpriz• to embellish
a good stone M•rketbmK , fee J
try is the world capable of
seemly of the predate of the •oil
market, it ie the eoaetry amend
sail is ad *beet the tow, tea
begs eat or two males, em iatrisr,
ebs./y of a loose gravelly sand, Mee
er•ritlr•ble depth. epos • kid of grey
regale& stratified lomeawe. hale
however, is the gnat object of beauty,
sad aairariee at Colonel ; teed it ease
idea es vast that it u rawly .ap.sabe
Vibes yea look shred spas this pest 51y..
ureters, it le hivl*t to testis( apes the
mighty emu there is 5oahieg te be mw-
wthiel for lll���000111*1* te rest tspss
"Save the gditterisg warfare ee that lend sea."
Theme is se eek -ole rlaad- set gag le mar
the power ei'aria•. It is Inert is oho dim die -
mace. Ad wbe• gala Iebet that yes are b es-
dredo-i• ems dir.e'ise0 •'nusealo of mom
from the ocean ; that you see etsding where •
few 'corsage woes dram and as ablaut valved -
es desert ; that
lea sn puree are • bid ef
k -w
ookaver, r..rger i• *Viet taw b. hind whisk
pee yea birth, you pt betsibrd sad lest ie
the iramessitl of &side•. •d the pinged rebel•
ly end i.volultriy weeders sway
'• To seem Merl Wade that Mow io I..&
Fat, kr leveed the eft."
W. would williagly ay semnkeg b.astlerl,
iso the geeetity ad polity tithe ftr.dies,
1 berm it noels a peat IfeaeM ism beam
are shad tku 4 them days .f ysil-epeski•[
evil 'redid might pt a evil heelitreeties sep-
ias/me e"mpliaesu let tbe bodies hash
wishes. We will give same imbrogli-
os Dimmest st is or asst.
uesat-WS baser set if em threat -
hies St Jobs Heredsel es the soh -
weather bad any 'flat, bet
shat we have w acksewledte
...w,1 s l td. 'Wends,.
asking the mew of it. sad
Wise= Me _hem de.e
them kr tree. dims ass
tans. ,,suis{ seam
war▪ t
tease ;
r am
nem s
wad 11
▪ the
img an
rygh I
ale of
e yrie
the 1
•a N@
a ki