HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-09-17, Page 1• • • • /` W.T.00X.NditorsadProprietor.] GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1868. Business Mitutorg. GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, t NIA PROVISION STORE. ARCHIBALD HODGE, raotircs atcliv•it Orr, Cameron' Block, Kingston Street, noranten. fl ftAI, rpm* OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, 4-7 than, Mem* Potatoes, Buse, Sutter, ecc.Htesett .,4t price teed for gram and ati loads of produce. watt 01 BARRY & BRO., Oft CABINET MAKERS 1VOOD -TURNERS ! AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St„ Goderich, WEEP constantly on hand ferule al! &Si- n cies In their line, such Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, &c., erne All kinds of wood -turning done, such as Noot pciats, stair buoistera neckyokes, Ac Always on hand,* complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and alIEt ILSE to hire on reasonable term Goderich, May 3rd, 1 -6 1 5w6m• GODERICH FANNING MILL AD l'eam p 1.7'netory I THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM t he.ababitaamol 14. euir•twa 01 Huri• end lIrucethat lerissid,Manufacturingoind k, on hand • .umber of 4. SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. He would min welarle 1ra w Attention to 0/ Millsois he will warrantthiontotree Whestirom eao,ceekle.ehtto kc. Peopionadorto ordirr e nd warranted. Pterw,. 11.,411.e1• I. V Ill••1114/0•• mai Cambria It oc4 At.enagentf -rthesale of Wirsan'a premium •iirl 'Intent i:1,1.TIV r011,:wli eh es• aaaaa vet hoed Login. generceatistactio.i iota were weu have mad them. HENRY DODD. Diadem h , Arm Mel, 141 W. M. SAVACE, IreliY8 and wile New York Drafts -Crete's. or." backs-Nationalcurreney-Statenetes, lied umerreat money at current rate col. exchenee. et 19th Dec., 1465. • w47.1yrei SASH AND DOOR • FNCTORY. • TH.?4":11117.1711.1";21";hoZ:,:t4:•11;41'Z ✓ igged by Donald rosining, an. now propared to cury on the liosintun of manufscluring Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings,Ploorng. Siding, and .11 Gus of CI It (7 E 0 11,1K, such as Circle and Gothic 55.4 004 Primes They think Inim their gasmen, in Factory Work,thst they can rive fiatisfaction to all who may (Scor thein with a call. N.B.-A liberal disconet to the trade. JAR RTCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON', WM, ROBINSON. Godencs. March ath. 147, 3.808. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON AND' GLOIlt! INSURANCE COMPANY, Has been in exuttence rtv-iwo tem. and during that peirioil ho p..4 live and a half million pounds sterling. The dialierasenent of this niong,„,,,, lilil ale without dortit contributed 10 11 lhe ?nen 004 u,ofc latint..t.m.11„, Houa.holden, end bootless men generally, wherever A i• reprene-aerl, In its 1st year. Prot. the Plat Premiums alone amounted te • • •• •.. In As 10th year, 1,46, n 1.0,781 20th trone.16191, " £011,270 myth year, 1986, " " .Orwl.112 One year later, 1967, rr „ 0,8,053 TT:: 1117 aR,,eare""ve' 1•!:::11 ii"o; eV:XI:4T 3 The rompany ie reerowatel ibronstwet On- lIrni sod Quebec. 1,7 inliseatill Agonlil In whom application for insorames say he made. .C. SMI1H, awretanr, Mr, ..... t. A. IBMS, Arent 6w When, for Exeter w. N. Wawa, lor 8eaterta' Oodeneh. Feb.11.14ets, ere1 • LOOK HERE Jj trip, ,,,,e„,er;her haviREMOVED to the More laud. oeenpi.dhy wm•le;mcAN fine dem smolt of Bingham's, twegs Num. • wiehes to inform hie (nom/sin the Tomei of Onderich and suerounding country thaj 14. sow him the Imgent and meet of Fall iend Winter Boots and Shoes of any hem. in.Ase eetentry,untatou. style of Ladies and Children's gaelk""1 that lks has des • 'ere large ,,,,,ftaittriodf ORNTLEN1Fte's WINTER BOOTS often 1041 hoth !eleerlee, tad al his own manufacture, which he will lag Cheap for Cash! (1,1.4 petunias', u he 1* sateded that he Inn jam the goods me out 8AM'L FUR8E. Omlerieh, Sept. 24, 1867 w4 - - - The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number. • Business Elirectoen. ALLAN P. IN ACLZA11, T / AAA JUST RECEIVE!' A Liam 0 r• 0 ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Consisting an part of Westin England Bread cloth., &seam", Maury., liewskiss, freacy Eng fish , :Scotch ,•nd French Tisseds,f•ashineemi. flueskina, and • variety 01 Canadian Cloths; P1.,,,, hist.n, and Flowered Veatinge, Shirts, Oloves, Caps. dee., err. He feels ouistilant ot giving ••1,iiketioo to all who may savor him with their enters. TWEED SUITS (all n001)1112 ead upwards. Kir N. 3. -Cutting done to Order. at Goderich, Sept esti. 1866, • J&MF4 PIAILr4, ARCHITECT, pLANS AND err.e.de trATienes of Budd Inc.. ,kc. ,got nein 4 oral nolvinvinclatyln r Om,,.t ti,. Huron keel me Mart ,111•t et euare.oroderich. lew vta7111, L CK NO W HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE. E. 11. CUNNINGHAM. Proprietor. 4,21rUATED on.the winter on the Northern 1.3 tinsel Rood, Lucknow, Stades:cave every morning tor Unclench add W mrilifo. Tne hotel is fillod up Willi eve, not-viol/ovum,fl lir zonamiercial travellers. A large Ilsil attached. Juse24, _ . CABINET WAREHOUSE N EW GOO DSMURDERo pier, find his revolver towards the ( THE TIPPERARY S. house. While this exchange ot shots wife FOUL P L A Y. AT BUTLER'S Stationery, Tov, & Fancy Goode Store. 1:11.A.1111( Lj S of all kinds, styles and prices, excellent polity sad first class MOO. The Dominion tlotbes-Wringer The best na ase ; wholesale and retail. 50 Rearm of Blue lino creamlaid letter Paper. 150 Hearne Cream laid, Blue laid, mod Variously Tinted Note Papers. 5(1 Reams Blue erd Cream laid 1" 0 0 1....80.A.3? OF ALL WEIGH S AND PIIICES: 75.000 ENVELOPES All Colors, Quality, Size* and Kinds. It} All the Porulor Magazines received 00 100f1 u publishe 1. Mis33113neous B oaks 00 heed &Inapt. Alva an extensive stock of the Vario7 School Books ! - • A very ler e 'and varied stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen,' FANCY & SPORTING GOODS on Ione, all of which arehought and imported direct from the Bast e:uropean trod American Manufacturers. Everything in Stock will he told at a very small advance on cost. All thePopular Ballads Sono, Vocal and Instrumental Music. procured in two days' notive, and sold at Publisher's Prices. At II Codified* Jose 29th. 1867. • .48 THE 01,Dte'eT IN THE COUNTY. BY- EnLypEtEls..4 D. GORDON, AND UNDERTAKER, Masulacturr • •no tme now , assortment otFurniture,at Wererooms, WEST STREET, GODERICH, amm eV Setae, Bureaus, Tables, Bedstead*, !kir, Cucuta Wool -seated Chairs, I Moulding sad Looking (Ileums, variety .ot Home Manufacture and Imported D. G. has sways on hand a cnmplete as ortment of COFFINS. Also, HEARSES TO HIRE. &Leather and Cordwood taken n els change for Furniture. Ooderieb. t7th Oct. 1567 el ISAAC FREDERICK W ATCHM A KEIL A: JEWELER, WEST sT., oonEtircn, Next door West or Vr totts' Saddlery. eft one ttooe East of mg pow etre, I WO% or. WATCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELERY REP .1 I RED ON SHORT :NOTICE. In the best Style & WarMited. Gold and Flitted Jewelr • Watches. ..7locke, „. Constantly on Uri and werranted "to be as represented, if not nifiey veranda'. • The stock will be sold cheap to make way tor fresh eonds. If yoit want • really good dock go to I. Frederick's. Goderich, Oct. 21 1467. w39, GODERICH MILL FLOUR AND FEED STORE, Crabb's Block Kingston Street. FLOUR. Oilitmeal, Corn -meal odd Mill Feed. ALSO, a Int of prime Sugar Cured HAMS saa Rolled Just received this mnrrinl. 500 Rubel' prime Potatoes. 1000 " oats. T. B. VANEVItil Co. ' Gorlerich June L1867. w2013. CHEESE! CHEESE! Shephard Strachan, GRociuts,Goimuca. HAVE been re.appointed nee agents at 11 Goderich (or the sale of the mlebrated ter Factory Cheese. Local dealers supplied at the Factory riou. STIEPII AHD StRACHAN. Ooderieb. Mar 27, I e67. .1511 KURE PROPERTY FOR rIMIE undersigned offers for 801,4 404 6, enn. olo 3, fintienek townthip.-44 scree, 63 eleared, frame bern, 'noel lami. The pro piny nnl y a m le Boon prevent nit wells, and ax this railway rune through ot, better milt territory cadent be found WILLIAM ELLIOT, Goderich. s.w 60 If March 24, i84 Money to Lend. )NI very reaannabla wrists. Apply to R. 1, DOYLE, ,Saynee's new Black. eledefeb, Oth Jan 'Far,. Dt.nette, Aug. I. -The puplie mind is filled with horror at the horrid tragedy in the county 'Tipperary. The first brief notion of it which reached tows' com- municated butes very faiut impression of its charaoter, but the details which have niece been received slaw that since the memorable licence at Carriclehock ah agiarian outrage so deep, rate and nalIguL- 01117 has not been committed in the south of Ireland. We have as yet no dear in- fortuation 00 10 the dealings of Mr. Scully with his tenantry, or the reasons which induced him to resort to the 'extreme of' eviction in order to enforce his views of the "rights' of property." In hie present state, suTering as he is from dangerous wounds, ho is of course unable to offer any explanation of his proceedings, and the statements which are int ciraulatiou reflecting upon his conduct are, perhaps cap ble of being refuted, and must be re- oeived with some dietrust. The property of Ballychoey, about 300 acres, is situate ebout two miles south of the Limerick Juuction ; it ore,einally formed part of the Portarling•. estate, which was one of thoee dismembered by the operation id the Encumbered Estates Act. It was purchased in MI5 by Mr. Charles Grey, J. l'., then .gent over the estates of the Earl of Derby, and was sold by him its I 8C6 to Mr. Scully. Theru were 22 tenants on the property, to sellout it is said, he offered 'oases eoutaning snippet and singular covenants, to the e T:ct that they were to give up their farms on 'sr reoeiviug 21 days' notice, and resign • cleim tel growing °rope on compensation. It us difficult to believe that the leave he professed to give were of so illusory a character, whatever the exact ternie were, the tenants refused tuaccept the lessee, and he determined to ejeot them. A few of them had not paid their half ycar'e rent, but had ilodged the amount and were ready to pay on the settlemteit of the pendmg dispute. 'A feeling ot exasperation We. existed by :WI% Scully's determination, and, apprehending t :mond danger he applied to the magistrates lor protection, and was allowed an. escort of coiitg forward, Cleary, at the head of his nee erite-eJ the etteloeure. and obeerving sinttke issuing from the port -hole, he fired into it, and it is supposed with some erect. Mr. Scene returned to the attack. led the way 41,10 Ow chNell itax louse, followed by the eon_ 11041110, and so they entered the IciEheu, which open ,,:to the yard, they stumbled over the prostrate body ef Gorman, who .......mu his head ea 1( 1.0 be lifted, red wa; raised tit ono of the constables. The placte was foetid to be empty. the OCCUplUitll having escaped through • hole made in Ass wall 04the beak. Constables Csitill and Collisoo meanwhile. found Maher lying wounded tn the foot, and Centime stooped to rai.e him, and while doing . so was shot iti the. back ot the head. In the I angle, tortweetithe house loud eut•otlices, they foiled Morrow lying dual, haviug been, like Garman, shot from the loop -hole. He was, as the accounts say, riddled with bullets. - One had gone through bis heart, two others bad penetrated Ina brtrast, and he had receiv- ed others in tAa lett arra and left leg. He was 30 years of age, awl had been 14 years et the service. Kelly was shot iu the thigh awl severely wounded, ...d C,ihill had a tier. I row escape, a bail Laying grazed his left breast atter ptureiug through hit coo Mr. I Scully retaine 1 his presetice of mind threagh. out, and, ane;.1 the terrible Beene, del not forget the object uf his visit ; but, taking some paper* and a revolver from homeward he prooceded, in centimes, with two con- stables, to Ballykirteen, the noodence ot Mr Bolton. Lord Derby'a agent. 0,i the way the coustables mused to leave him end return for their dead comrades, but he made the characterietw remark that they could do no wood to deed men. it .sa better to protect • living one. At Ballykirteea Le received abet. ter rod medical attendence,-oue tof the two bullets which heal lodges1 in los' face waitex. treated ; tin other ie still in his left jaw. - He wag broaget home about 7 o'olock in the evening, under a strehg escort of conembul- my, and is likely to recover. Collison was conveyed to the Limerick Junction, aud received medical treatment. Cleary and another constable remainsil with Gorman until e died, about 6 o clock. He had suc- ceeded his father inVie agenee, and was educatei at Mr. Seully'tiaexpetese in a veteri. nary college M Ediuburgh. On searchiug the farmhouse the police found near the luopholt• blerelerbuse, which had burst, and ' and a revolver ; and in the left ewer the kitchen a four barreled revolver with three chamber, loaded, and a bott'e half tell el brandy. In the openine through which the amaerine enamel • pistol was found. 'rite police loaf no time in ehdeavoriux to track them, and arrested berme men on euspicion. An iuquest waa 14.14 05 Saturday at 2 o'clock before Mr. Morrissy, the coroner. After hearing the evidence of die constables and medical gentlemen, the jury found the follow- ing verdict . ..The jury., fied th-it sub-constables,„ Sam'l Morrow. and Darby Gorman,, (111110 by th .ir &whit on the lantht of liallycohey from the effects or bullet wows& inflicted on Friday, the I fdlt _ef August, Irak, by some porton or persons th 00 at present utokmown. The jury are farther of (opinion that the conduct of Mr. Wm. Scully, aa regards proceedings towards his tetr.ote Ballycohey, it much to be de.preciated, and the sooner legislative enactments be pissed to put • stop to any such proceedings the better. for the peace and wetfare of Ow country." 1 to tgistei ial inquiry wu afterwards held, and Patrick suet John Dwyer, who are cuu• sine, Tully Heffernan, and James Greer were detained in custody. The other prisoners were dockusrged. -r . o liven of many innocent Demons, while bl,eel now oriels to Heaven against you; and if I am Miro to tell the cruel tale; 141 1. in, thanks to you; for you did your Lest to 81' i'llitItLEO •013 OWN meeMearim.t kill me, and what 14 worse, kill Hobert Penfeld, this gentleman's sou for Ile Wail on • board the ship. You are no better than ' " Ah, said Michael, " that , must hat e I Welt suille ufligr Robert Tenfold ; hot my sofa. 41 .'..,,,!d not come h .... Ilia tune was net up, you knew. " It was Robert Tenfold, son of Michael P f Id " I" Excuse Mea menton(," said Michael ; and he went to the drawer, and brought her • photograph of Robert. " Was it this Robert Penfoid r' The girl took the photograph and eyed it, and lowered liar head over it. " bon" she unmanned " ] h polioe to accompany Iiim 0 the land., On Tuesday, as already stated, he only partially succeeded in' serving the notices. On Wedhesday and Thursday the weather was very inclement, and he was induced to postpone the serv:ce of the re.t, sixteen or eighteen in number, until Friday. He sent out from his residence at Ballinclough about 7 o'clock in the morning, secompanied by Jeremiah Gor- . idan, Lis steward, an intelligent young FRESH OYSTERS! WHOL001LE•11D1174111., BY THE KEG, CAN OR COUNT LOBSTERS,- SARDINES, , AND CI. \ FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES, Cocoanuts. Fi-s Cremes. dce., &c. &c. at E. 13 I 1•T C21:1 -I M ' S , Weateide of Markel .`4/11,1r4, 30.11160. aw99 THE RIDGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE HEilDSNCE OF THE I..t 1 E JOHN GALT, Esq. • !THIS property is beautiffelly situated °ppm - A site ?he Town of Uoilenoh, on the . North Bank of the MONEY To LEND. EASY TERMS. .1. R. GORDON. 0o4orlob, Jam 14t14, IDS. wlU RIVER MAITLAND, and (tithe Basks of 1.04110 Ileron. It con- tains o: Z-10 acres of Land. more or less. with Dwelling Home, Outhouses, Stables, kr., with laroe Garden, Vinery and Orchard. The Vnod lond consiets preucieally of Oak and the flowering Linder, Cheny, Maple, AC. The Grounds are, in vesy good order. There ire three never failing springs of pure water on the Property,. The situation for. a private residence minutiae surpassed in the Prow tree. For terms app47 to nos. GALT, Esq., Barrister, Toronto D. SIIADE GOODING, Barrister, Gioderi.th. Goderich. 6th July. 1866. . sw9fltf NEW GROOERY ! ANT) Flour and Feed Store. WM. ROBINSON B1f4 ,P1 oecteolv to anneence, to the in 8.° habitants of Goderieh and vicinity that he has commenced in the above line in Mr. Sinailt's old stand, CORNER OF.SqUARE & NORTII ST. In the Grocery Department be will keep on hand carat articles, and sell as cheap a thePactiluPrarLatteetien paid 10 114. line of FLOUR ANI) FEED! and as the stIvertiostr bee had many yearn' experienee in that branch of bustnest, be rule enefitient that he nen give satisfaction. Goairich, Feb. 7, 184214. ewe% MRS. ivINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, For tHellilirere Z;;;;;17 AIN and %monodic whoa, and gage to Regulale ties Rowel.. Dr rind arm It, inolboni, 14.111 give tont to yournievon find Relief and Health to your Infanta. W. havr pot dr CINI 4004 on. ono, for years, am a, ".,,,iiiiienc• end Truth ..1 it who .• Inii. • 5050'11•008 star to say of any Man ftwaltriao -War 0 ..11 F.iI.1 in , nine), 10.044001 In Met • Care, wins timely „set 44....,414 sf• haws ea "wham at If* .,,thenotion Ity 057 ion Olin QOM 11 011 Ihe aseisary, •j‚,. meows aith se usgessea,11104 ' tome m wee of onnonontatto• of in neSeies sail evem _ orts.. W,..rall tall% soaks ,Merin finrrWs:1 0,, , ono of •quif WV., awl Plostis et etwaterem eor ,h, i..161,,,,iii nr What ••• INTO &OW! III 61111r mot **pry inenOlon olninitlin Wain la sfillsetse Atm Tann and as hone tie, relief w4 4r11 Mma,4rn4taIs4':In 4rO4 44 0,ar.o,"tw.af. I t •ste th41 14111nain1:!11.!,,„r,,,,n,,,,..,,,, .:7th:.7.i111110 • Phi c17ihy4:07:1T:Ow a retie Nath strt.ot,Lc. ,1. 2.„4,1181 nivivil. '4'. Vol+ i ighil UV* ilOilinn.g. lo.n4°' 044St"I'l ! "I *S. f.'"nj "U."' 0 eM2:11171, CaMilita man, and 3laher, a hcrd, and proceeded to the Handle station, on the Waterford and - Limerick Railway. Two constables, named McGrath and Kelly, who have guarded him by night and by day for rune time past, also went with him, and on arriving at the Limerick Junction the mist was reiefurced Sy eoustables Cleary, Collison, iCanill and Morrow. They walked in the line u far as the "lee Ilouse," and then turned off .to the fields to 'cross over to Ballycohey which they reached about half -put nine, o'clock. They were immediately observe ed, scouts having probably been on the watch, who knew by the arrival of the train the time at which • ' he •might be' expected. Shouts and whistling naught up front 14411. 10 bill, in- stantly conveyed intaigenee of his ap- proach. and from every Ude the peasant, try came trooping down in a. protniscous throng of men, women and chidreo. From 400 to 130 people were soon col lected on the spot, end' 'as the excite- ment spread fir and wide the numbirs were constantly increasing. They present round the party as closely as they could, btit were kept in check by the little band of opnetabulary. Mr. Scully WI.aesailed With shots of' "Murderer" and "Robert," by the people, who seem- ed cited to frenzy, and vowed Smi- they would have his life and that he would never enjoy Ballycohey.- One rano said, "We might es well be dead as alive -what can we do ?" Armed with a double !Smelled gun and a revolver, Mr. Scully disregarded theirmetwices and nialedietione, and, with a dogged courage which he retained to the last, he went from house to house to serve the notices, with his steward and herd in attendance to witness the service. The houses howev,er, were. empty, and he was baffled. He peony took sous, luncheon which he had brought with him, and Yru about , to resume hie search for the tenaute, but constable Cleary, who was in charge of the police. force, seeing the crowd still ineretterng and the HA of a collision mora im- minent, strongly advieed him not to proceed fnrtber. Ile agreed at first to this judicious counsel, and they were on their way back to the station, when, unhappily, as they approached the farm stead of • tun mimed Dwyer, be determined to make an effort to serve him. It will be re- qembered that on 'fuest:ay • peosen of the stem name -whether actually the emu or not does clearly appear -seed Let influence to undue the -'14 -le return peaceably home'but then they were unarmed and unpre- pared. It waa net so now, as Mr. Scully and hie party Roon learnt to their terrible cost. They fell, in feet, into a fatal am- butecade. the place wa4 eo situate as pecu- lierly to favor • nremodotated plan to lure Mr. Scully and hie aretistame to their des- truction, The farmyard n a large•quadrangle one sok of winch in occupied hy dwelling boss., and 11 nght impel to this range of ost-ollicea ;the peen two SKIPS are enclosed by hedges, It is a,,prosehed by an narrow lane thrnagh an entrance near the gable of the huge. Constable Cleary, with four of hie men. remained at the end ef the lane to keep back the morning and threstatting erowd, while Mr Scully, along with Gorman 1.04Maher, went in. All armed deserted, bet it was let Po. The instant they entered two Ards wore emu, from the dwelling.hottee and one from a rude loophole venally made in an out home commanding the door .4 tko home. Poor Gorman was near the three41. hold when les fell mertelly wountled. The Allot aimed st Mr. °Welly came from • loll neer the kitei,en, wheee feetheehee had Mee np to screen the. museenn. He re. used teree wound, on the head. one hellet reusing right throegh hie throat lle cin t wee, het imntebetelp repining his fest hurried towards the gate, and, wider .41,4*. .10810 BILLINGS SAYINGS. Don't m istak e d oun cast eyos for modesty; dounent eyes are often on the lookout, ewaye. ir you are looking after happinens, don't take the turnpike, take one ov the Ly made ; you will avoid the tollgates and find it less crowded and dusty. 11 ipokrasy is one ity the vices that you kaint konvert ; you might ari well under- take to git the wiggle mit of a snake or the greese out ov fit pork. We should be kcrful how we encourage luxury. ; it if but a step forward from hoeenke to, plum puddin, hut is a male and a half, by the nearest road, when we have to ;co back again. Thar isjiet &much jealousy (it isonly less dangerous) sinongthe lowly se among the ritch ; the poor devil with a hole loaf, Under his arm to the lord oe his neigh- bourhood, and the haltloaves look on with wonder while he struts up and down the alley. The beet condiehun in life is not' to be • ritch as tew be envycd, nor so poor as to be dammed. Is it charity taw giv few a thankless cues in need Certainly • jest as much as it would bo to save a drowning vow, Revenge is just as natral an milk ; you will nee lit'le bits of boys club the poet that they blimp their !wade against. .A. Suooesslon of Horrors. The old pr. merit tio at " tn isfort Imes nerer ,''ion' singly" was curioniely illustrated in • England during the week of the A bergele Railway diasater. While the frightful details if( this slaughter were fresh topice of talk in Liverpool, its (Mitten"; were startled Ity an explortion which killed fon. Men on the ispot, and so fearfully wounded aixteen more that two have Mime died, and two nue° are dying. The victims of this casualty snore yet unburied when one of the meet destnictive storms known for yeers 1 suddenly it wept along thenerth western *at. of Englan dand strewed it with wreck'. SO violent and unexpected wan the gale that whole crews were hut, and no one left to tell the •tory. The extent of the IOU .4 141, will probably never be known, but it was certainly very large. Stich a rapid succession of horrors, all necurring within three days, has naturally created a profound sensation mill over England. X . Cm, Mo., Sept. 5th.- A agent cern° into Haya city last evening from Fort Dedee. He reports' that a Mexican train was attacked on the M/th of Anima at Pawnee Fort, on the old State free route 37 miles smith west from Fort Design, by ts large partyof Arrapahoe and Cheyenne Inaiana. They killed 16 Meticann, scalp- ing them and and burning their bodies with the wagon., Another train • fe* beyond waft surresafully metalling • the efforte of the Indians to reeptnre them. Another train loaded with 715,000 pound' nf wool wee attacked at Cemeron Crooning, 26 mile* f ym Fort Dodge on tb. -ante reed. "he r MI fought untill their am tionitio qa, 1 oat, and th. n ehand, noel ye tre•n, whims what auk they °fluid. with, you. la he mad f More trouble ! UlOPO trouble :" " not alarm yourself," said Ilelen he .111 noot land III England fur year.," - here she satisfied a soh, -" and how ere that we shall have reilored hint to aocloty." Isorted at that, mut shook his head. " Never," ssiel he;. that is innpossible." " Why impossiblet' • " They all saar-he ill a felon." " They 41 shall say that he S a martyr. ' " And he is ; but how can that ever be proved!" 1 don't know. But 1 an% sure the tnith can alway• b, proved, if people have patience and perseventnos." " My aweet young lady," said Michael, madly, " yeti don't know the world." " 1 a,'1.1e:ruing it fast, though. It may take a few years imam''., to make power- ful frientle, to,,....pe my way amengat fur- gers, and noes, and wicket], dishonestt peo- ple of all stole, hut so stirelF aa Pet .Fit there I'll clear Robert Penfold before I The wed foobloNtl man gazed on her with attune:Mon and astouishmeut. She subdued her dashing eye, and said with a smile, „" And you shall help me. Mr. l'enfoltewlet me ask yeti •. 1 called here before ; but you were gone to Edinburg. Then I wrote to you at , the "thee, begging yon to let me know the moment yeti retnnitod. New, do you thiuk 1 am angry , but pray tell mo why you would note newer nty letter." Michael Penfrolol was not teirdened with Iresoor, po,prr, but whn has not got a little of it in some corner of his heart f " Mir Itolleetom," said he, "I trim horn a 11100, and wail • num of fortune once, till false friends ruined me. I am in busineen now, but still a gentleman ; and neither ae gentleman not aa • man of business tenth] 1 leave a lady's letter unanswered. I nevvr *itch a thing in all my life. I never gott seer letter," he said quite put out ; and his wrath waa so like • dove's that Helen nulled and said, " But I post- ed it mvselt. And my address Wall in it ; yet it VOLK returned." " Well, madam, it was not delivered. I sums you.: . • - " It was intercepted; then." - He Implied at her. She blushed, and said " Yes, 1 an, getting suspicious, ever Jnnee I found 1 was followed and watched. Excuse me e moment." She wentto the window and peered through the curtains. She saw a man walk- ing slowly by ; he quickened his pace the moment she opened the curtain. " Yes," said she, " it wee interdepted, and 1 am watched wherever 1 go. ' Before she could say any mere a bustle WWI heard on the stairs, and in bonneted Nancy House, talking as she came. ." Ex- euse me, Mr. !tenfold, bnt I can't wait no longer with my heart • bursting ; it is ! it is 1. () my dear, sweet young lady ;, the Lord be praised ! You really are alive and well 040. you I mint and shell ; come beck from the dead ; there -there -- there I" " Nancy my gond kind Nancy," cried Helen, and returning her embrece exec'. ly. Then followed a burst of broken ex Home Gone ; and at hot Helen niade mit that Nancy waa the landlatly.,0and had left Lam- bert long a,.,. " But, dear heart .." said " Mr, Pt•nfold, I•m properly Pastimes of you. To think of her coming here to see you, and net Inc !" "Itut I didn't know you wore here, Nancy:Then followed antresmief inquirine, end midi warm-hearted gym path y with it11 her daneers and trtniblee, that Helen was led into retealing the Calle° of it all. • " Neney, said elle," solemnly, '• the ship was will...11v cut away ; there was • villein en beard that made holes in her and gunk her." Nancy lifted urlier hands in astonish- ment. Itut Mr. l'enfiold was far Mari our- proied and agitated. " For Heaven's sake, don't say that r he cried. " Why not, air 1" iMid Helen ; " it is the truth ; and 1 have got the testimony of dying men to pro me it.' " I run eorry foe it. Pray den't let Anybody know. Why, Wanness* would Ids. the insnranee of El50,000." " Arthur Wardlaw knows ; my father te,ld him. " And he never told me," said. l'enfoid, with growing etirpriee. oewbotes nie ! what a world it is !" cried Nancy. " Why, that You murder, and no less. It ill 11 wonder she waint't drown,led, and another friend into the bargain that I had in that very nhip, 0, I wish I haul the Villaiti here that did A, I'd tear hie eyes oat Here the mite a servant. hounded in, reliant and giggling, gave Nruicy a triton. tohnnt glance, and popped nes again, hold. ing.. the door open, through which in slouch- ed a seafaring man, drawn by I'vettold's atieertisement, and decoyed into Neney's pcgwence by, the imp of • girl, who thought to 4de • her metres.. An4 who for some daya had secretly ex pectes Mum visa, intently gave • little Nue tt I elen massed • violets tureen' ; end upon that ; Wy lie realm Merl her, and literally staggered hack &step or two, and these word. 4,11 001 of his mouth " The sick goI!" Helen cenglit him • " Ay 1"cried •he ; ', but she is alive in iota a yeti and to punish you." (the darted fortrard, and her 0715 850111.] lightning. "110k at this man, all of yen,'' she at him well ; the in the wretch that metalled the l'neserpine 1" CHAPTER LEH. '0 Mile Helen, how tahll yon *ay that I' cried Nene!, 414 ntter dismay. ' I'll ley my poor Joe never did no Nisch wicked- ness., Rut Helen waved her off without look. net at her and e • ntesi at Wylie CHAPTER LC1 1 1. Next morning, atm. • defiler niyht • !VOL. XXL ---NO 34 "Certainly, madam," said Michael lipid it is neuesaary to tale the number of them." •• ' Anil how '0'' yl In 1111 that - • " tit fiy, every notal .has int own cumber." yu don't aay so • then them 81 ties ars, all numbered, belike." Certainly, and 117041. 1014 me to Ulm an aissassin. * Well, wen, othertley yynts!tall. I could down the numbers. 1 will elo so." not hoar the sight of themejust ,et,; fer it is them as haa hateu the ruin of pour Joe Wylie I do think.' Michael could not follow this ; but, tbe question haying been metal, he adverted her, on grounds or common !modem+, not to keep -theta in the house without taking down their Thildbers. We will talk about tlitt in the aVenif ing,' said Namy. Aesordlitgly, at night, Nancy pmeluced the notes, ausl Die:heel took down thine nuinbers and deuriptien in his pocket. book, 'limy ran Moe 19,444 to 10,463. And he pirotuteed her to try and aseertsine through e hat liends they hail Footed, fie seal lie but e faced in the husk of Eng - lend, who might perhaps he able to dis- cover to what private-benk they lied been apron over her heed, and rocked and Las.uuked.r.At 0%1:n.11r:rot rmitisretan,.our....„, anut..dtt,,It.eit.thilirt to exannue tiLir L000ks, alit' any Go I ' 1 6111 a man that'. down,' said Wylie, in a low and broken !Imaging Ins head. ' Don't !tit aus ally mons. I didn't mean to take any body's life I I took my chem.) with die rest, lady, as l'ut * 1111111. I have lain in my bud manys the night ' crying like a child with thinking you were de,e1. And wow I am qiul you &Ai ojave to be revenged on the. 'ell, you see, it is year turn now; you have lost nie my • we•theart there; she'll never speak to sue again, after this. All, the poor men gets * 11 (2,. blame ! You don't ask who tempt- ed me; and if I was to tell you, you'd hate nie worse than ever; ao I'll &lat.. If I'm a simmer, I'm a sufferer. England's too hot to hold tue. I've only to go to sea, rktid get drowrient the quiskest way.' And witl, this lot ventured a deep sigh, and slouched out of the neom. Nancy sack itito a beet and threw her 6.1bbtfli AS a her heart would break. As fur Helen Hollestam, she still stood Perital whom they had iota them. Ile tolti her 6 iis the middle of the room burning with excitement. Then poor eld Michael came to her, and said, altniet a -- '11 eatl blueness ; lie is Iter sweet- heart, audahe had the highest "piney:. of Thio Awftettad nolo. in a great measure. She tented and looked at Nancy, and said, .0 attar, what a miserable tiling ! I couldn't Ismer that.' After a while, she drew a chair, rind sat down by Smiley, and said,- ' I won't petted. Mut, Nance.' Nancy burst out sololting afresh. You letter teiniaLed him,' said binekly, 'and me too, ai UMW' 4,4 you no harm. Yott have driven him uut of the outustry, you have.' • - At this tdoott of feminine justice Helen's anger revived. 'So, then,' 'Mardis, 'shape are (4. 14. destroyed, and lathes and gentle- men murdered, and nobody te to complain or say an outcry word, if the wretch hate petit to loto paying his &admires to yotu. -- That makes up for all the crimes in the world. What ! min an hottest woman. like you loan all sense of wright and wrung fur a masa/awl such a I 11 ILO ! Why, he is as well made a fellow as the notes were finite new, and evidently h.f.1 hot been rier.inatsid some their tient 113Nn'au% Nancy caught *glimpse of hie meaning, and set herself (heatedly to watch until the person who had pressed the notes through the chinuesy should come fur them. ' 04 will mum them.' Mud eifu, " you .i.y words. Thus 'delete though reduced to • Maud stall herself, hest set 411 infinity on fuut wlItinchthweaa.:1.,ive a visit from Mrs Undercliff. That lady ID, and prayer book WI tit. ta- ble, sayiug, " I have brought it you back, miss ; and 1 went yen tu fur nlY"1"),tilocirtria'etinliy.," said Helen. "What is it 1" "Well, mint first'exainine the book uid the wntuig. Is it all right 1" Hulett examined it, and sent it was : In- deed," said she, "the binding looks fresher if ''‘'''1).',t,luiulgIta"ve a good type," said Mee. IsirtiticrcIll,iffvehst I want you to do is -of canine:, Mr. %Verities is a goal deal about 7041 'Yoe' 'Dore be go te church with yeti ever.' 'N..' •lttit he would if yoou were Go Ask him.' ne thrulot he would ; butwhy r :Manage matters w. that lie shall go to church with you, and then put the Bonk 110.1 n fer him to see the writing. all in it 111.1111CW . Wakii hla fate and tell 1111/.! heIdI goloUllial up Slat laid, 'No ; 1 can't do that why, at would be turning God'. temple into& trap 1 Besides -' ,The real reason first if you plesee,' maid this berebly shrewd old w an. 'Well, Mr. Arthur Wig -dims el the geutle- man I ism going tat marry.' Heavens ! cried Mn. Undereliff, • taken utterly aback thy this meet tinesper- . tad tern. 'Why. you 'Lever told it, that I' 'N.',' said Hulett, bluahma. 'I did not think, it neccesury to go into that. Well of erne tt 11 nut in human that .81r. W•rdlaw 'Could be jealous., in my good work or put himself forward ; but he hes never refused to lend me help that was in his power ; and it 14 relhignetit to ever saw, no an9. • 0, in he r maid Helen, ironically, --her views of manly beauty were different, tend black eyes a eine 111.1 rent with her, -.then it ia a pity his soul is not made to corres- pond. 1 hope by my next vent you wilt have learned to despise him ail you ought. Why, if 1 loved a man ever so, I'd Wart • out tof he.irt if he cominittasi a crime ; ay, though 1 tore my soul out of my body to do, it. "No, you would tit," said ?Lacy, neon- vering Isome of her natural iniguacity or • "taw are all tarred with the sante stick„ gentle or simple.' "liut 1 mews I would:cried Helen 'and so ought you.' 'droll, mem, yeti begin,' cried Nancy, stidttenho firing up through her bears. 'It thC Pn-mertnne wee eeittled, which I've your word for 11, Mos Ilelen, never knee, yom to tell a lie, whyo ;our sweethenit is more to blame for it then Helen rine withdipitv. 'You &rein grief,' mud she. I In, you te conrider whether you have one well to affront ma in your town ho .' And. saw WU MO, ing to the door when Nancy ran unlet 1. arid; 'aduon. 't ;uu go for 'retaking the trut m plain and rude am ix • plain 'poke el , ,71,10. reiera.t dignity, . 'Quite rmht, said Mrs. Contlercliff .., of my feelings to lay a trap for hen.' 11.1.,,' .1,, coarse I had no idea you were going ho et Ge 1 with me marry Mr. Warillaw. 1 made sure Mr. ) at the hes. , awl PentHe'lleanwbajltinthheednI7i 111'er still hut nude no - do say. But deed, and in truth, you . mcg t•nterclattuencd the conversation in mtch grief my f, I entree knew what 1 rei,ty, muernt go and lit it abroad that the ship airecu„ was scuttled; you do, you won't hurt ../00 Wylie ; h got • ship, and fiy the '"1/ 1.11 he, C1.01) many hours to Mr. country. Who uu'Il hurt will be your Hand a tee letters and he told me to tell own husband as • to be,- W-ardlse,5' he is beginning 1,, doubt whether Mr 'Shall I, Mr. nfuld r asked Helen, wet:it:ie.:412.st realLperson, with a real hazel. '0 Mrs. reolereliffl Why, he wrote me two letters : However; 1 will eek Mr, Pen' ltd whether Mr. Ilan,' exiets er not. WIren shall I hays' the pleanure of seeing you again I' 'Whenever you hke, my deeryoung lady but not upon tlois business of Penfotld and Warrilait. 1 have done with it forever; and my &dries, to yen mists, is not to stir the umel any more.' And with these mysterious words the old holy retired leav- ing Helen deeply discouraged ILI her lieserto ton. However she notal down the efrnvoreaf nation in her ,lair, and inadetlimmotement People tind cot pleasure in pruenng en tic mused person innocent ; the charm ir to detect guilt. This day • god, kind friend abaleolotie me beceue I will not turn azide trona my c laterite ble mite ion tneiseprnAanoth- er person ea wrongfully as he 01,,,. has been enapeeted. Mem ; see ur 'stele inquiries alma Mr. Hand. (Literal Ilellestnet had taken a furnished house In HMI., erSquare. He 11011 4,4070,1 I II 10 it and Helen %sea 111n1 pellvd bus,' wade to wale little. But old Tenfold hensel in letewhold arrangements. replied loftily,-- She male the house eltaritiong; lont on- ' Who carom what • 'eye against a fortunately etoel in n draught ehilst heat. great ,,Id mercantile house of London( eell, islet caught e shill, Which a herr *040 "tYVrery well, Mr, Penfoolds,' said I wrould very likely hare gene Go Kr Melte violent neuralgui paina, and confined with one great final solt, and deed her het to her Ittesi for fortnight. . eyes with her apron; end she 1114 it with lithe suffered severely, but bed the onts such an sir, they broth saw she was not *elation nf finding she nee tenderly hiker, going t..1'..! another tear aboutfhe mat- • ed. Arthur sent flower. every day, and • t'ery well, you are both against me; f'a'irtlectter ..... arteotivvidein't.. tellyriry .11serdAbetleY. idAend. .her ter. then I'll say no more. But I know what 1 At last she none flown to ehe firawithr kno*.' mem, bet lay on the note wmpied op. disdainfully, madsnr, certainly it might create ii0MO unworthy simpicims.' "Sextet -ion r tried Nancy. 'I'on't you think to throw duet in my eyes. What tad poor Joe Go gain by destroying that there ship t you know very well he weds bribed to .10 it; and risk his own life. And who bri- bed him? Who should bribe hint, but the nian AS awned the ship r ' 51,,. Rouse,' said Mr. Tenfold. '1 nipathirg with your grief, and make great allowance; but 1 will not sit here mut hear my worthy employent blackened with , such terrible insinuations. The great house • ef Wanllaw bribe the sailor to scuttle their - :tern ship, with Mill Itolleeton end otw hundred mei sixty thousand 1111 /Shard ! Monstrous ! 'Then what did Joe Wylie menu?' re- plied ?limey. *Says he, 'The poor man guta all the blame. 14 I waa to tell you who tempted Inc.' nays he, 'you'd hate ate Then 1 say, why should She bate him worse Became. Se her sweetheart tempted Inane, I stands to that.' 'Thin inference, thee worded, atimek He en an Du droll that .be turned her head And whiet do you know 7" enquired end receivedewl hettieet intimate need., Helen. "Tim, will show," said Nancy, turning The neuralgia Intl mow settled on her righi arm 'bud heel, Notelet rem could miel euddenly very do , -"time will -show.' write a letter ; and she said te herself with N..thing ,a.(4, got lout of her after a 'tisk, '0, how unfit a girl is to de imp that ; mud Helen, 'mon after, made her • thing great. We always WI joat wheel health and strength are Waft neolsid.' Neverthelue, thming this period ei fl and inaction, the cintessegisetese enrred that gave her joy. Old NVardlaw hot hood Wel essitis, himself in influential ehunels Arises w het he milled iiistico for bas /dud Itale le*ton, and had received some very serserse NO ell P 'ems ; for the Geserwes pervious WWI Ind Illptitable • and, while Int was Mt. ring the wetter, He/cu wag agreenestoulte no.openstirog by her beauty, sod she as. her adventure made in society. At Ws 6 gen thinien, whose wife sralahOWt tttallatt iplOOU Willen11411 OM Mir. "1 a fair oopportnnity should new, M Rhombi tell Helen a adventure, sled the ellen. old ()menet whims rent/ Polk liamb000. • civil, though miff, little topegrei ; regretted the pain she hml inadvertently entuted her, and went away, after leaving Mr. l'etsfold her &Meese. On her return home etc entered the whole v•nture in her dove. *She made .separate entiry thet tooSh.t Mysterious. - -My letter to Mr. Tenfold at the office intercepted. Wylie hinta that he was bribed by Masora ii•w. ‘ fancy Rouse seeped& Unit it was Arthur. earl says time will show. A. for me, 1 coin !wither so* why Wylie eltreild eenttle the ship unless he waa brib- ed by somebody, nee what Arihnr or hie tether could Rein by destroying that ship. • ie all we dark as is that Mont cruel mystery which alone care to wave. yon blind f Rh, d ent he rhothotries .01 50 "min: (and rower, at eight of tfill I tell yens et Nancy' ROMS NMI tO Mr. P011 " s• • the W. 1-411, 14401 VP ewe" lecuttled the Proserpina and the rat rm. net 1 heard you he trmonI say sa bank notes enul 1 AO, 110 r." ill" •4 be.. ten his did it with I haveseon and emittedf.dg • fill sit, yoo destroyed a ship, and the This lady ear, a oiertischrittlem woos found his dang ter, ead strindoet, and wailedoppotuoity :hos when it dd come, ekes few* O. • dos forint that ne grist two or * wo nememare meets ea teregine MOM. MU was listened to • ids feedy sysrak), tl 1. •