Semi-Weekly Signal, 1868-9-15, Page 2e. ,i ^Nor Ruda " said !!11109, ; "Het.R was the fatal lolTer 1 at hs feet its • YLA. x as. ozone,. rmp, •file w fie ---- - - - '- - - - --- _ i ,cru„,.yy(1a..rey,Ywwu,a 1..urseleaaMRo itarsgsataalariw, ]rwiuiliug ug 1140 lean already nrnad, by applantit an im- _ A. Collins, Mase Huron Hotel, say. tion of about 38,000. !t was 'situated pert Ire avrbav it 1 Inuww atn•ms .d suudiw that same peer- PN p"I«e. ti w AIrM..,i, an.wilrn,.ale, •wl ul ;Zcrbo, and adttrlly Iwying sten fur Pa,tiwl txruuuitLee to, Ina"" .the whole ►e wT4 Wnard.►Y..vherp.r Ikw Yr r4+r awn Ir t about tiftee9 utilaa from tits -east, in 10° ant l11<t ililt'S a ihf c -lures fit uua"t his found," avoid Ar- tn6 u,, ...,..uw(aWo w new., , ..,.bas Adt.uaww.t. I matter, and full.w Dais i 1, b "1 ,Iitl ' u,wn. tbsr. "A mitt, -,*hit&] W ,list- ties I t,,, lttrwpw. tabard "f the sousdgov=alu.utndhcuas Y unit 959 wuthorn 1•Utude Lad wss U. cenLm • ^^^• p t!o nysd it w'iUI horror. 'Phis w:. thea Tia law en Yid utbet ed e* I bndn .•f It,avt'ti Llluwa who. shal otW I W Gaunt lam by night &fill by day. em is el in Toruli., who wero laambLu fir 1hlr wpwrduuus Igtituti"u al tlwr. w ft••v far fie j l( of a rich mtueral on. Thow warn rte t, U t, P y _ _ u':e d.eYr•,rtu Y r ly'swl,.., Iti 1HEHEVr 1V. WARNOR CLARK'A r "' ""..".an w u M.wh tntYly E9 u.h sad Amnnomt uwrchaats E$CELgIOR twenty guiaas" re•w"a for it at .,law. U I Fiu nye! at &list .yel ,t, thou turned his un pilling to rducrto rad sup}. rt W"irwa County Court 3 QLLarlwr Seeltfoaw lawn to tfhe "riuw,i Otis mossai tvfll a . tnuu it° ; hat, could uv,l hel it u it 7 i if 1 i •1, A. R L6, 41. T. Lit• j- NaWnlay last a wemen wY su ht then fid they of course actisrnd 'fit com- a P 7 Vt sluts. It is ko"wu tbu tbo finlancos of the g g, rr alnytLil,g .- rnlla,..4Y t" .,:a. - . , r icor .e .r, .m1e1pM .ore. oras w .wwt.m.r . lalra t„th . .lhnn_ W A H 1 N L' C 0 I P 0 Sl I 0 P . •Yr,, qo rt -nave,' will H.•Ire : and D'll' Aud at last earlatu orcin!. in this !Maur HerrAto S lion&ar•H l,;va. University of T„rout. are it a N.ppled ail .1,u stsyap ,I Lit*" Conchs enmn,onsed met..,.it :1...,Z,, R:: ...Ameeb.,es, le as --'- - rlsd•Y fastt,, and cl,ruJ lata uu t3atrr- w 'w_ ------ smui t!Neervaut ioitA, the .qu,re. 1•I`d,y1•gi wed 4, lou, w boar au alliuity to awth JoKIALT. tuan41ition, a-1 th.d r laic years ago, w1oJe I,ia. lla'.unwler we give r list of the °> t'rwa k eh. Ise Hama R111e Woolattoa. rrN:: HE81'...it ireree.t Jiavwv.ry of rM ago want w my anyt ing unkind, Arthur, but or pips of vertulg tint had also o"a vvbI I the uumb4rr of students was youilyinerem- caeas diat.Na•d fit. Q} l/ s a nuturiuw \tattle tat wms 1 G,r w•shug purvoW., words tom, illeen w y-. o hT lest w Marr thrown ba ' era K• h wind ... .... .. ... .. .. 4"ta r. .Manu-.. ■,r1. - sh,Wrrn, w tial .I.,- J :,r arrurus me 1 eta, Ism. !anal M., r aro los • IewJ of mit fir ee hl ul( ) 1 T R•m a t sew. lfnunnr b its su tea ": [n the senor- wY turawd L•ow Lick n( Lowry n RnhnJ Tnewk Y r Y Y gr',IR Y S b l:q..,+ ... _. .... 9:30 K. Ifaa/rra 1'u,- veli" .d mw I ---I u..I. u.4rMr gw:w,,.db rr 6uWwud ,wllYtwNWerrs i. &mrd pa Isom.. Iso•nk ins Ihs p"bli.• "ta',rtlt, liltke owme,acd three tw-1 erwwins fit bis ron,I _....., tseF s► funds, to nduee alwrt fifty per ornL the I Aatim* lar low of bsKl{+Ke MtwHT kisraiwh a .r.M. NWI..uwle. wsippyl w : eau. w 'i •t t►. r..urW at tar "Hun,- e• A•W,rlsttu.' w I k,b,0 I ought out, l am "Leaned of it totteth*r. lie eyed still wuro krnnly, mud AIUUVALA a9d Uod.k ieh u, the ye.r 18ti6. Pial stiff a . ' ""d ►• mw sift geld los. Nu walla 11.9x! la Nva dW. uuwbruf itawhl•lurLi r, and still Irtrr' 1LL W t) x 1mb1N wn..dwt. mcse!L^ I tut iw Ir ssiup bm:wuo dre thtbod. „ ..............,,,,, ,,,,, 1 u-lluuited with le.tvr to niter votelirt for iW Huron never had &I owes laud tad net Ati t IL Cuam•, INsr'r. 1 Rl M'gJil IR jilf OC ti0ii WIiPf. •'TL'ell, ou will let ma ase t,eadvortiN 1 , i r„+i ... tr:T6p r J n 1 •. .,., .,. •, • save., a In ulatluu wY uaJtl W algr tl .tuduul& r,W"r YII "".., .. w•< 4:.• W,. W:I. t: l T►.{ Dr tuna lr t•t Vb• rr.atd.st All k,aJs ul yn,wCl., Wurhn.. Learn,. I.aavr, Y H tu.,l' 11:11 letturapd la'swl •{ it elcwu, ms •r+w... ... gaga ... air K ell di 3. 'I'„Ise .C- A1,.uro uttnrnwav and Ms-- E••1 IrLd. a,. rl.,.I .. _ ... ......Isle " Por k= iD a de the dol' to t„ a1A• Th. H. R. Hue.Ml 11'.111•' mid hold It at m'oo's Iell' t , and tiermtn+l ' '•' •••'• •• fess furlcctuns, tllwwnut.aly dircmt durmutt wrwnl (fir IK, Riuc (fir ltdts. P g Lu. 111.L A. D,+1w r b+Nr, Aa. :<h.•es, ,f _ _- _- -_ .. TAK" P fat i sed Ont. Wer,, ••J Ike 10-1 rasa onJ !'-olds of al rw 7u,r a Aathoa ,rp N lar "ae ►W far w.,rh. r4 p,<. are N. d Gab. ThN J. 1•,011- •'1- tic elk d- karmenta rum 4 wa.had Iles w w,th Y -u 9!119!!. /hate lam doabt we shell re ie, mid the ngsCl of Ulu kern exawii4ti.,u -` iR4 tdrself ednaeattal u! }nicer young men, y •- P U d+eleh is Wee sww.a.y &..4 rl at..1 rare. tae Tl► Tau w aadwr=,.aeb -.rico watuse w o !wets 1 .frbird rmays.. It ,n w rien-e,l na tN,rer i6' r'Y rue reumrkaLla. It avouuowl to r -t- I . miawry uutn--rrrdirt tar plKs fur awount w'u rWyYcl.d icor w••wa,,,,< •w1,,, tr tr. Y. t {rasa ,njurr tAr tabor, Lot yrwrry r .uJ iia tbo Y „ p(t rr And deny,ag tel the peeplu that privilege N•am Rw U.C. iii- its : waw a, a w. A,Ym w Nezt tmw•nillg lbs ''fin,cr' a)ataiund an I urn U,o uaru to emea•Ijy &Iwl W wuwthulg •• f Ilii -,1 tf li i ' L Ii i 1' elLitrsd_--Cmutlr-ln fur pale - nn defence. A1.4 `Iltr : t>r w. www wY, wn,..tr . H..d.r- adverttenDn in, otroru g, 90 gumsas fur a like soros. Hu oyusep:arkled, and a mum- 4f of which w'e in-Caumia an justly pn,ud, a J3iewirRun ra Ruv <t al.-_ ,ctwu on per b' Mr. J. Loan willsunduct hu bwi- e'•, 'Lulu :T.tuar.q ,durolta; l enevesse,-Aon,end will dw p»y.r-Iwm,k Lot m H:mu•sr So caro, and I phant .UI n burst from hs hemostat. - _.__ -.__r: (rue uduestiun. Now tubs unfortunate miry nuts and open satuumt-vordwt a&•sahr.'*'" •I- tutu: w U. ewltk. U.sIle. w W'.n., wyum; lftalruvefbalstssGreseeores[alus• ,.-._. _- _-_. -... _ -._ y J C. Ih,tlor (',,. aro T'. aw,Wrk, fid u,Rul s.wrwu. valuable nut iu itself, Lot as ars w Qf ails I ►Te cAfint moos Innis• Anbw of Act ion. He f 1 } D p e OCU stat0 of things is, we **sinister, fully and fur pall fur GIII amount elaiwed--Catnewn »oei•utg a aa. That Cho IF ,I- u ar isebourw. S LAIN 3 B wee", nd WASHI\U CUM Po- rdDLRlI'Il, ,\l .. Oc r • lite IOYJ liar lQ- N, dntelwe. epi., ,J au. -I, w u'w session, O it = r.wra• sY. Auy rwW a•u1. 1190 fir w. 4AW HI'flUhu I'a1rul.J, sod warm'trJpwrta•t:y lee Cussed pseesit. toss- mild !lathed, and walked rallully !tack r Ol s lttma seer Ih,u .n In the aftetmuna, Arthur called 4, know And for ward upon tl,r Abels, working hiw• - ----- - -. ' deariy shown t- bu dos to the drain upoe Pae ' a.m. Ir eme.pn.. w v"•A u a d+m N'.w I l -awn .b.l e►.." ..•,aMe .r the Ase l.uun ISA hwlu. li u m luri-u. w , wu,.., hoed. c _.-_.,.-. _..,,-I,,__-. ... ruhw IVnftekr .-:\ction u( Ravauln t wlr !0.9.11. esu. ",.I-.1 Nn"boole.I...tee o, If,, wad. .".,.Ilyneu,nm..r"I.rclru'r i( rn Iwai had Lruu rhe tis n er-Iwuk self n , w r deem .11000 -Toro lin tux,4 hu Wri11LJ1N !POUND GUILTY. n Cnlvw•ity endow-„ fit food which vordi t for pig fur fall &muu&t clumsd- or the Assini,iUM o, fir a prose a out less tai m. w be Wind.w., asJ the repeated use ,I' it w proud Y b P Y 1 g 1 Acheson t Snaith •re receiving a .,tr u -easel .tr norm .rd after M icer! lends w mole it km.y : It Wu sorsa ■ -4. I "w into LLr jgngl11, old out down a troe (' fitter Cail:td& ('.flags hYstearlilykeptup. Sinclair fur pIK- fie dof.nw. ••n-tir..y a I-- .=he be ss.oUwt.. LI: rra,berew.}ws A.•rl•- prauutul p Hcleu shouk her herd mdly-, and- maid, of a lin i o)u uuu aru,u h then, It wY A rnr' low woalnllts after tlw Ottawa Putts w (Joelnad.-Action of tree two. ►wuh to .titer ylalrJ war, Tw•was g ) W m"iw up iU yew11 dnflci ts, and W P•ss, Qf Ur ma Sea(orth. - Wn Irhwut nt►. rhos .WI b ba Vk. tTwkf.ale W 130.. J°' I .n' Y rbu[ n Muu;J reel ou ib own N"' w'oudCrtully wft end atw rt M light as i9 the Whelan caw e•me in'Lit mor- "w its buildin s end its .fWte --eY" "In a;muaust fur want of ttwetu hoa..mynestnrfvsnhw,-.sorb. ped ase at b•ml 7 )w7 NJus ad*r g u e. w'e Im•e rel IH► 'last U...has be • (•urn's. M .fit *.sa than rant., • II I .,k fur u u a lair I na'. and ,l a dues Heacesned ver esTy, sed w penitaot e,,rk. The round of tibia res literally use- - try it ---U rdon fur pelf, Sinclair fur deft. > ^n• sem'• toe.... r,.y.Ia a.r 9M•.4,ul WII uInos.,uHeakimtwvk•wtr.utelt. hoe senutufecti "The moury willbeckerr- gy - nen;; (Tuesday) with a venliet of gudlllr rasters. (lull this end"wwofit been un- O'U1fNa of ,J N ,:\Leri• of el. --Aedes for haw. ors ..lwe.y ayal.ru MYIIkw ap „imp. . ,fu,eau,.ad orb. shall b..& -led N U aa.nat,,,, tally rcNedrd. that H dcu said, -- Ise" (fir and ther purtmme than, dust for 1 I F} Tho Maple Lraf o[ Cullim y t " laI not de"lw.. And if it u gn^e,why, a Bich Radold dwtnled ,t. Hs cot a rntat a(&unit the dastardly nlutllrr"R d one of tuuehcat by thus panlutival bud peruidous baba" of ml aw(,unt un wheat aslw, ver- g .ud 6 k Ibe bight Ita1'remuts 1• favor of the t•Cr. '. p.n N.d, Ia R.ab .arels,low, lab There .hall be a e«-r.•ry and Trower, arat no" I must wuu•nlb,r you have forgiven toe many Llouks of this w• ell, Ynddrll.d law Cansdo' De•M""A wtat-mrn, we received College, the University of Toronto would dict for pIK fur full amount Claims - w be ap..Alusl by fie G onsta se nod 6;i lQ sae• , t' ' give" by the Turusw Lader. the , Cameron fur -no defensive. W Thegunboatp,iwe d4jn,dretUr..d duAngpawn. 9.019 •F-rwwr, the Uuolish marerrv, the something, aul,l ,,ural forgirm you" in them, and, hivurgq• sonde,"ts .( vgrds y(. wefl -ilt, advising Its that Whelan had now Le table to doubt# the number fit its p W ,m,.;".n .,, barye „<eu,[ rr Y,ea b,,. y e fah. Ta. taR..,ttw seW y., u„ sen auayw,<nt I Adenous, tle• 1.1.11-!! NeRv. Al.. the iter. This fotmwn vanle in. good line, wttucLod thus,+tib{W s •iwastf' I" hong f"uud • uilt'. In th#inurrdibly avhort whulanhi Nufwtes w Rrand Trwak Ry ('u.-AoUrw y,...,., wu. wMa Mr. brow• Y9 oars a •agai d,Le IN:umr good roads ,t tae A..arl.u.a. mn4.r1 J. r. Laka f..Iod"u-Nn. Kr v. ,A AaJrcva "It von plunN+, mica, hon u • woman 1!110 gunwale, W tu_pt►w,aTiTe 1. •rt, Tllis I 1 3 ps, to give (tee ilutr9ctiunW Ida ( recover dmmkrm for the low of a colt a"•'t V• P/ Nw rewM W Dew uaYy 1100.00L • Ikv. W. M.Uur.ld, N.I w,chrilie. Her, W. a. E - 1yr pe tnuu of 14 wiuntw our •'boyos" had a half- dudNdes mrd at the Rome time, to 6 rvr.on "f deft& fence being ilaudiciant - - w losn'•u•'I"-b-.11'tthe C,m"mlttee, rbu .%II w Cnam I'Alelph, H.v. W.1. H'-w-ndol.K.bi. wishes I, &perk t„ Y"u ; stay dor brought w-lrk tfa.k•lamtn 'cera] days, Juru.y which PLS Y ",aueily aw..d 6y the Coarltw ar e►a t colmun 11x111 o9 the street end all the over x Lar u sum fur the su rt .f this scTus• ,IK". land. Thu case c,aatr lest a fSt.'A!'IXRTH. Tb. co..uler awn .no Ove fir wire ",.rfav""a k.nc.mmaw urn In oast!, m. A. Nww •'raym-I,uok.' Wtw&n crcuN,u'una•tl MAt,'n,.I'll god Ling. Y S 1'I"' t P I<aem<rtlp<u .uaC4rywluwa.L, mliudNlti: '(1, then, show her up at onem,' a tecl Ow rlWrmag ha saw abut a nilhou d i uwt wen glad to levy m mat or two fur denuuuuaw.nal colleges, .10A.ut at all "hill. day, mud resulted m a Ter11d far - --- a rd.ut...k.dea.. ufa9 Ty7rs Nd o,.L,.rse M , „ ter, Mrs. Ud k yu• bird" z busy to the Ialby and it pm rel news fit sucL iugmrtanm. M far Y sen 111900111 ,its own rtlieirrwv. Thu I'uitereit Idg for 4193, Cameron tar !g, C. S. Pat. (Iron o., .W e c.ne.p.u, ,ot ) the A. uAls •u, .rd .ball or 1".y d. a1 .."b ern N"/ ' e 1.1 corwwrs. ': he Mosel al. Pu be had aT P dends u .hall .pyre W taw.reweary w -'law. W park- tit hauler.. bids a W lie a w a,nurceti shall• came s dwrv, k Y torcula of Toronto, and air. Lows fur dita. Ill "Pia u s now pretty brink lots d b• d.ee tic the purp,.e r. wry,/ sew.ek,a u. 066..1 All Rpplicil &"@NOW w Arthur iurnuJ away his Jasrd W I I emu learn, the verdict will give general I Ina bC cul ble fur e,me acts of ex- Juhnod, a we lij,oh,-ltufsrM W arbi- whsht awai >n soil SWmkw ey-ir ji s,sil#. I He went out to our direcUv with ell his Y P• .rd .oroewtsmA.wYlkm, COLIN CLARH He had g, o,l mars nu fur tLinkiug it Res t ,-l1s, [-lr hr w..utud oil fur Lis mlt_rpriw, setsfrctwn. Tlae tnrlic"lars way be I lravaghDetl ; but this college tt" hlxn the I tntion, Toms Ger pia (l.rdon for deft. - fors busy. ..alta Th..warms. Milli w roplANd 1. war per Uw:orulo, nod the o1w hr had tlm fit of the rindne' mIJ tae seal tri! wY exl.urtCd. glesuwl form Tunnitn ocn t,r morrow col rtumm, now mill lav now neul T y vueh Ry I.... ray mm. u., w urn I .'I"'f'rvaltys u S. tie. Vu, 7 ,, YG- Y sYel«I bir them, a. -law be `•4J• I est ser the townehi 4t" Pal real fie to ib 811911: ial pru.tlenty by wast- J f fiauhed. ".4 atle-t the"..., (' a p W GoJeneh and yesterday, K'hcu he gat near the wL:dc m his Inmt afWru,oi, juhrw ra Nifa•!b'll, -Tits syn Ro Letiun w .o. ""e p ,e .mrmt st N.t ser r., QWa"rY] pro pl. 1 , ION d w, lug ib 11900. end"wneut, 6ravna knows lean nt sa' u( i .. c„m 91111..1 rry1alar ,, rw r Otderrk, 8ep1. 14, Iwa was tm. A tall w"man came in, wearing a thick I he ubwned a harto,rn "tacking fie the I against deft Y Secretary and Treasurer t New ST'otn'.- Thtl new brick Stnreas a Th, A.." rsrlr r,rtlua.Iwlw beta at w"6 I -- veil, that sen-esled her features. rnimal'" hat•k. He cut steps in th •hpp "I I h"w- The misunw of l"ppnr Canada t" I ter n ,t lwying over uu.niw reoavtxi srwetrtd in this pbtm u! those d-druynd by times.ob d v"<-. may be •wt.rvelanl oe ►y w Cor- -o - - - -- Stu nutrrad nn her bwiD.Y At once. I gn•as", mId gut upas iib Y wall Y hticnuld THE WHELAN TRIAL. College dnrivwl tram the Cans whish it y him by vartist, of I s oRbr. Thr trial nus lets Hr. are now nearly bashall Rod ITU' The Pat- rmm L.. ibsta'l fill I....,Wd a fresh OrSterS •Yunl„ma praym--Imw,k ifi this SquaN aztnwted it toy cutting vAoI palhng, anti! __ holds-whicLamewithoutduui,ttlN r-',Nxupfed tart of two day". Vardtdfor wt,Llly owul.I.r..m.Y I. 1,..s.' by s cone Pyr'1111 will bare • 61111 s wmanaw. rotor Mr unm t" al Josterloy, t p Anl.' tLrow d duw onto hu Lust, [,fit out till hr ty of the1 1 / .r avehw,s of Oartsrio- Phis foramuunt cl:utaad el{$, C. F. Clarks i'f tau- An Amount np.,t. 01.1.9,./ tag emoted se. 1 Y Yw.' had takt•n the prwsiuuuu te stick a great Vel y Latest from Ottawa (amw„ru 500 of Exotcr, sit"racy, and Caw"rw wad Sin. MAaa RT. - Mr Ferro has et this Con- on"al sr w 0..,..a "I Ir. drew. uy by ly A.•n. You -lt6,r tweuly guimeaa reward for its I a',wve of Wublm r on this barL.l twist.. Htl -_ w f, Per 9911 u,, ;the houses Clair Counsel, for pigs, Macderuwtt, and tmsct tar enrtldl^g the new Market huttw Ian.' a•'l'a•ll ills- at her• va, , .1J -settled w A return.' then "well slid backei under ditl6cultiw, j a P 1 , r tmilkgro-ndsamvaluablemillexWnsive, and Gooding for -left. wdlsgtoilq(W wwmeru;e forthwith. Itle.0-..two . po.bw"b'A ....a ate w row N AND KEGS ` t3 .aJ pr9•t"abie. 'Yea.' l,eiry Luleetle41 mid b.tLerwl with th-ua_ R I)I V I 1 IJ 1 . way owly be set down at 4261111 worth ; Nr'srn ss 3ULand.-Action on chattel BAIRaI:rT STVm'm.--Mr, Carlte l./ ink TaVVs One l beam Annual Na maia wl.►ead a{ R[C tlr[b DAl1.T, AND a-I.D •rill Hasa r.Wi b• embe ed by th• C,mmntte,,. '('how t" limns at this ono.' ands of [,irdA, so esg.•r 6,r avliulr, CLat it thus this institution receives "f tlw mblic °u'rtr . W h,ca deft Contended hve hall I norther large stock of g•wms w wit chwr, Talk. T&. the Mo .knoll! rent , 4 hew .1 HuL•u nsauuuod it, and .rid .itb jtry, it was as such Y hs a,uld do W avoid the I paid b gl•ing PIN A fishing boat and other Tu■ Stigma T 1'-ant►..I [ rt.,:s p. m oa tM ..,ars r'WYa. g Whelan Unconcerned. fonds rnn9ally rt lead 411i,txtu. Than gs. lahavou .--Tar 1,11a111e•. ApallMe y c. at The Lowel;t Fire, wY her',1, rusk[- of wfec;t fowl i but true w al t aro u, Ontario about 100 Ci runt th'n lisftlrrami w artntrmtb,u, l'smeron uuu aro tared .f .hNvunLang silver, and net. Ta. e.L. able•, Nprr sr,.ua1, -4 Arthur ora► thuuJrntraek. Hs Could gentle creed, he cuntnrud b,ge1 thio. him- - - -_-_ )' dnmluar fur F,IK, Hays attorney, and Sumalmr 1x0-11. in every window the first thin tea worts "..''aviary C-li., 1. r"na,.d WW. ,-".,settee, w figs. 1 sr nut belo•v•• hu "I s . diad wni. f bbl #bar without duw ht f `ieho ,ls, with an a m,rtiuUm ut ( ublic Sul t„r deft. t( $NEPHAi:D tit $TRA H nrng . P•v id T./rynoA f.. the .:rmi- II'rrkfy 4iys t!. 1'I u P ywnr Lyn u a leryte Crri iu 1 Innen Y mea / `se v"n' M'wlws An the wds[ ae 'Lost las, 1"„k rt it,' said be. killiu aq' of thew gr ,iy cumpotitora, - money -•Cry' Year of ab,ut488,IMR1. 'Phew' till mor, Ex rtrii ,f•c. - W,bder.. -An ae- uyutg ' Silver talars at arg# 1w« be nnsosWbW InUe wt sr► <.rtw of the C AN, g tome. " enpiw of Iha ears. • e Hu .yrs Refit rt num to thu writing. though Ise bullu(tnd sense of thetas, mid tem of trover--referred to substratiuu, _ ) rselwsd W raft« t ms,tpn.r,w. 1aJ tn.wr lbs South ode Market S,t„aro. He turned ss prl0 as death, aid stood pet• nearly knocked oat what little .Yue tlwy OrrAw'A, Rcpt. 14th, noun, IITOtt, seb,rols pr.Tctically do tae higher educattoa I (lnmeTon fur y1fl HaJ• anturney, mrd ilio- Pueirr Dfsl l frouLtue Cwra aed Lrgi,kr ku seas r le, srrwrt' "fie rise ilea w to .r A nl pt. l (, h &.tit sic rfv. rifiel. Lad. Ila wuro Ithuru with Ls blubber, Judge couineuued charge half past two, (If the wuntry, at least up W the standard dale couaasl fur dHa. 1"'o r 3odeneh, Se Tho wo,oun tub's lila paver -!nark out of cd, when he cans W examine the letter' Reminded Jury thoy were bound by oath K I hg. He wY gmng tae Ihnlerich Ly the m'd'nie Ili &.., &Apr III-. Tit• R•.Idert I -- --- for .-1-0111 this i'ni Up tilt, and tae it co )u e. R Ir,i"o.-An rater] IeNlrr n" Rr..rH, rum -1 Robs ".e r,Na.mw, tics, pr..rt - . - - p sue which had awn unm trial lwforo end a'ta train mol when the Can were neat y.1 his uures .ung 4nud, .fid &91st,- Thr loan.! that flu, .uuw of tae uwunr was to docids only nn "idewc heard in this lean,wl rotOssLms, Ltd the cast u,xjurttY Harpunc y his wY praRfing from uuu car W H COaLL, s.n{..y. r r "Y"d 11 excuse tile, air ; but it i" a cod Jct , in the atcul - Joel.. Fuliaduve, J. I again brought down at the June Sittings, I LL Imp# reward, and geutl.f"Iks wulehmsr FcynAtia". This' lush: `dion bat a gnat place, mad remdvr judgiunut aocunling to of the pupis receive no other rdus tion anal made a renamed. It would an at] tun 4 il, nured hu foe mid whru hr iJ GA. j IJ, . r Crow their word when tlw artists u I efect nn Robert Peut•,lci'amind. It seemed c„^N,ience ; &,ill t-timnn tut rosecution Wit `chat is AM,nl.d by titers. It is tree ndatLuit h:.•nc an f"and tumsslf frlGng !coped clear of the 881.1 Huron Battalion Regimental `` Y P I I' Y again unJ11rro,ttnet can ut t hs In broke,, ab,ve th vankle Shooting lifateh. (sold. to bring theisla,Il r,f Jnan FrrnYndea, and w:as,ery strong and mlrt candwive, avid- that private Wh,ad" aid in thin work -f Iandthe pxrtios detcrmwedW settle. Caw ' q -ro be Rented. Ds and utuorwiw wvrmlr LnuNm1. MeY» F1.L•n, ash was delighted in gutting h -,aunty in gunura1, nearrr to hiw. P g y givug n higher uducaGnn ; tout the settled, v'ia ru &till Macdur nott fur g, y to r.er•-R."."". c ar_ Io fie„ r.o•bc„mp.y d na:rof uLlir otTicCn .11911!! rtcuivwf with Kram- Pl 1)0-11 •, Hulhday, Linn, Dewar, and ot'un 6 nYrr .,6 at-tw. hu",Iml pW f. u hnM.M rine. ' back hCr la.,k, sed rrtiher ta;klwl ■t Ido Im,ilel .wu tae LIuLLur, end put a war whuuls an now- Cameron and Sinclair fur daft. -- qutinn, but in this c.vu statements made we goeas wuh can• f(. A h rt 4rwulr. - hn:srd him ■hunting (or arutYres went ypt Non, d// , A : r T AHLur hsviug 4o Jwy twumty guuwY !.erre! of ell un i ttni e( lou life -Moat. HP ) "' ay.- aft was wnviM- &nil g..t hthac:am d to Fr ane unci when t.. 1 eL.Mm,a, It va fou The_ 4.1 1 ILS 011 fur Goring it, bunt out lalaghu,g, mod luui &'!aIle IAntrtt W burn A tis. Hr by 1'ullca and Hmm seciatd stnigLtf" - ndelles - Is such an efficient wndilten, that ad of an assault at lank Session" aid was he roa,do,A Lh. Bruce u aturidus him he o Ran„ 'IT Ir, wi..1,.p rid - also at it, ml her 6otwm ld fh as hs cnutd wart. There wero (imitations as t" randy can any private ittItitution cum e- at this sittings brought up for judgment. is Jni g a ar.Anno, Iy . Ise GODERICH I rag as welt Y can be expected. Tar • drawn. I t/ y1 qLe p kat ruf r poor Arthur : I au go yet at d, and prm'isi-load hot fur A InuK with thew, and thus, as we have said, it spin def that daft a,hnmitted th" fib wonder u that hr was Ilea killed. " a B•yaer - to e n iD¢ 4, pry y,w fur y,wr m N1umw1R.' rains. ; t4luhg caw t•. IasL 'hl, wAWr as4s yPl i.ro of slot orlon. but he ori D they fence m defrnm of Ilia fatter, under the 6 ►:•rt 1sa ter Horthern llritQel i -early mall this work is d„ne by them. lveunutau:es the Court was d s mei W " t. t•ww: •Hut. tic fir Roa Wrth ell mylm•urt,' Yid .\nlwr, drug- mod Le#f -gait t- lir turn thwart mid fors must Dat ire refused altaq:ther. If tar W " a P. ,' r w giro for cowl"mum. mast, toOaasofroughweather. lrfipmr Camadn C.11ge revives L115,Ufp dealIcmrntlywithhimrodfinedhim:10. 1Ggmondvtlle. MILL bE jure wI•ro 1911 fled dct•ctirds did got e Nat down Go dew • chcek, R'hen he haul done all thiav, it ua--011x! Per uwuM, and wluatw from tM) to 9eH l"'w," fur l'rnwn, Canon,. fur deft. twl Y.rrr-gore cur wr.-Arse.. r"",ro. 'Hunt name h iii 1 cwt J" to biro tladdeuly, that, should he ever es Diitu9dsrstand or wiornoelrue tlpr=!lows pupib ; tlw ilyTsmmar sch«.b »coir.4fi8,- R"Yl,w r& Veil-Tfillrty.-. Dft wY charged (i .t H. JArLsr,.r have a •sty loge and rave yenta. T.N.1 v'te. tea yd.. T.n.l .n • , 1 How' ElithHYset.' qpm toewtmdsandwry and ett.E witLuldmasaultCurnuuttedumons Itm•s snp,nnorStodtfitgwedson!landjut now. ;Z.Ju.hu, we u w nItsP". LBT Al PUBLIC AUCTION' tls. K ug• of psi -Ler a would no dn.bt tie fir in fNNI null estreat. mlwmt RIANt pwnptls, But Rlake in the Township of Grey, to July Rt'DD A..WD FL'LTow have n s a lea- ttseer, tea if s•a II fell " 'fwu t'■ " laml.' he would then have to erwonintnr deciding their verdieT, It had been eu • this isn„t ail, ( rCanstlaf;,Le B"t P P "Ise, ray n ere 1s and •' 'Nu, o ly urn.' diMenities slid &m.e,'a .f souther cleat, n' Pias ' gecharges ser August Int. T1N evidence fur the tied w&ggon for the show. Dys" t.. a tae w uh " IjI A1' TL,•re.' a Id bre the battle Ly hs ForYt. , g dell that anvenation wan men•I ■ TCTY high tens <" pupib. ♦II tha- who i 1'r,sa cum-lu dhnwsml that • wruwu assault Ple Pints, aw a fa. to Nh y I final,. RAND.- (fur I'nlunteer bayed s sr,/t aeli-se.a, ase a s. 1e sab 99hwk you, sic' i play illy last stake now,' acid hu. 'I repetition of testi Dluny given by Turbsr , are sent ai be,"err lines) to Jay for their lull berm c" ,^fitted. TIAs evidence f"r rtNking g,.ol pwgre" and soon ma eye The will- r fie 11 a. 0 ;th I x p p Sia put the 6-1, inn, F r (oras, and sill threw nochmtm away.' bard ata hi• her me thwr rlwwhertl, and I the defence the reverse. The jun return- ex mated a.appr►r in ublic Y wue.J. 442 w NT T ora Mrp Tru0ma11 Rooms Yodtfrieh t 140111st ]fIlAlen. Thi+ should be tale D f P apt H 1 eta u m s eU .• Lrought the pacer-I.u,k u. hvlen. Hn reflected, Wath groat Litternea•, un the Lanka ro, uir•od I rd a o zeas "f guilty. F'riwuur asnurnmJ 11 LL, -Tse, grid ,.lilt u now mm in .e.r["ec wrel{hI. fez s m a new, " 1 I,y 'ham are very t. two tew,ullu u cOmon gaol at hard and air. burns, wuuuhu tlxwllaltm,llrr, "e`.a(:.a0acenaadPnrale.".-(weed r no, AT NUOY, ON lwm:k It Ar h "rens,' sed alta, t• w win the misery that want dm"uey hat already inb cou•iderotion Lwtthan were a:pra'i- I -nave.-• and expensive ; cn the other g, ` . ,Inas t1a ArtLur }wand Lor norm vb•t ^,' htdwti h;un c rtul hs vuill tv reaciL nionR used by prrnoner such lrlm,a [esu for Crown, D.ple for deft. u n"w busy at work, after bu h.nag re■t - TUC .SLAp;t61 'IIIA 0(SF;P(F, IB F.R n"t th, wonL ; and she rotlreel, nag g r W the buttnm of the . I hand the grammiLl- whrwda are either freer f',Y"'" r, (7bu Lblr,.. --Thu a " arose through the dry Werther. TLe laN rams 011..11-r .-corn .a. H#iendarwg With a -u,-nt, ►fid A. ill- 1'rcafie. ash Y that he would be a greatinan, to-, or hayo • "null foe, mere! b "fit of the Namr row as the IYt. It serf (tear* mads a grain* Change on the river. nes Yoruba Tort ars sol Aa Tlow .{ ur in r wl,] perspirati,m. This may seem a strange vow f"r a man which half no connecttue with Turner'. Y I'ny in. traversed to neat court fur want of uric 1.'1 Cut w.. su a rel 6 1 868, to make on an unknown island ; but S„bert cidental expenses ; the lack" nen! in them Lewis fur Crown, (inmeres file deft. y - -- rales c..w me, sic a o. T ovidener. N'ith rognrvlt"t-still...nyf-lrde- situ few spat cher and at.,ve all the • are ' R+Yi,w rr TA . Allro.- .AssAullt with in- Brueefield• li J,.,L- w " ar 6 FOR YEAR THIRTIETH SEPTIiYb6lL, F'euf"Id sora! • t.rwe1ff11 uudn»lauding+ fence, theJudhsRAid eartain fsotswero not P ) V. u CHA[TeR LSI'' wattered .over tit. while pro,rmce no that tent. Traversed W next sittings. Lewy -- me' fat T m a 1 4 "hArta•wd by &dvnrsify, and hu jndgane°t iiia aced thrt IN,Mr carn,sl a toasted w- tan•udlcan herr their duldwn edu yttsd ('aumar. -A match came ug al Bnlce- L,:n, N"om,,Y an a am told hint truly that ile p.msesmed semi i' PT for Crewn, Sinclair fur deft. Rel1 un Si. -A lathe." that vhf and In. Ian• en i Ire tII The per When the Rpringtnok wrighctlanchormad on this island, lwdh dlro,etly and indinv:tly, volver, the bullet of which cunesptended undert/eiruwn syss, while "f sours this It will thus be won that Cf the above Ise low I opl. atclr.•M, ro realr.•I let the Island a Noutary form was amen on In the first dace, knowledge is Nuuetiwp with that which killed McGee ; no "&till- college a fiscal, Inn wlrantnges hem main- "f Civil ati•w, Duly Ihr", c"nQwtad cases Iseafurth, Bruwheld gained utone inning. 1.,,.1 J..aw,n, at t a. s } Eseh l ease to •e TNU (}CUt1 Tdr .e h Hil . K t Who sh,• rsaysd eetwsrd, 'rut of Thi ht wealth, in the old scil to "f thio island ry P !riven tar curry' ly confined t. Toronto, thru twrnts who trerc tn,d, a9d jar wudrtsodnd unw ds- r..l. H"..el, ry r aN 1i SUIlF.71F.S for I e p.ement of the F(en( asst facto ex Lnation rye with to se"ll thern"elrr" of it findttl the 1"' g ,/f BWpwrweked, ,aµ. eau, orf s .w [ Ps I K wY R thing he ouuld .cel to the Amunau, K sed .f; the wnauun N arontested rformwm of conJniu•s. of thu p}meat, a whtAry figvro wY sus- un m rclevnb ofi tau ooa.[(rd (,'hili ;and wit► "itch a werpwm nor few nue chnnilwr exJWnom ver, o t.r,m d the inconvenience ,'A"rR having been nderrwd w utntrati ma l•#"I Irb.b> f4L is sa T sell per Forthar at culan wa be had on a li. the ch(fs. of sendin t fir settled b the ev Kms T.•m .oa, ass Is "a t P 1 'Lis vias, he pat m. began! his bevt • i- q Cxu•Arw, fit• y PP pas d the revuh'cr hacm sten rucontly g heir sent w • dutatnw .las con- Y.. f rtaea. nt the tb-ee p. 11.-Dillcevte•!Iw /wet St. Ape 1 •,er. ase s sly / eatiue W When her Course hmught th*itlauddead mend Of till, c:lwia .u,1l-lthcr weed., fruit, inaled, snit the ball o,ven•d with fresh sider&ble. l'nduubtedly the colleggee has indwtawnts .n the criminal calendar only Jwepb aLCu., the evening, repa,nt the `'avis r'.r,., ass a far of fed Yearn of her, • N,litary Rg,uw at,md uu the, "pias a, guaAu, pink, sed red cont, pearl several Inaslets who ere excellent N•hnlars, "The was disposed of. &",Val 11-11 of CaptAio Fir.wn, -lf the Hi baa w'u"a' fit f all t Mw •J• B. GORDON. east Wulf -lfthis ialasd, and wY the lastnb- grease. it seemed pru•rd bayond doubt P c.1d u..lr-, yfr s sm a '-:a... u stern. shelho, c,rhlueal, Tinartz, cntt sego and who u•ach tllt•Ir various subjects skill•--- ,---- -- I-MAugn.n, end fourteen sur mora, from "Ps l,Z'I s, Ar a a"J 6 Salre tmt. ' YW LhC INrax Y al,+ left thrall •„ •\,, that priwner ►fid b.,n d.';ging afa{iea (ally ; but we 11ralndaln that the teaching the wreck. They reloort a eivall struck -- Godersch, September 14ah,186g. %34,td 'I'll.•,. he t,.,k his chisel, :and :truck alt nLnnt fur sono linty, sae that he hod (re- in tl.e gns,inwr ■ch,.dn i" r niteat etheirnt, "nMr. ii.wbCt, who has had the r'wRel atm,ut 3 -'Cluck un Tuesday 41...x11 N.,. C". ".. .-.... W'isn' w , a sin sgy► ser. tib# Malar ,earls oil the •hell• that hoed gineatly use violent throats against him. ,n. er er m- C.c.odb I,,s,vs,n,...t At r.r,. m.,rni She went down atmmt intent! sic n d. t,.W to Lon yy T•e.I p'.r _ now nnJ utu•r de-Isition that-*.aa.{ilal► s `` &nil taut, nu nal NrtlrAra e 1 teacher In the have bean tn"aure.i to U,d.n, 6. 7 A.ryt J•ra., wa io Tat • iM prime - that yearning branm. HrIW tic(,., The watt. and rw.f ,teldrd D,•frnw denied tmtimon rot latter stoma nuc I more work, and coutn Qr R'r hays received the current num- The.nrvtvun w,•re in the water :Li hours, w"91,n. 9911 r w s twlprr --- - Dkalw monrw'•w. tTeyxr 1101(• -live., Y I.acr,il and Lutes no'rr 1 c-lmfi&nbly W the nal ►far.N cba,.d.-r: 1,wrW r".n r.,1wa.., .w hee/w and were picked up by a wiling vewl and ''•w► -1 H." sae r" PIr 6 tall He I,rgAn W hrM ell the thin." hu isJ &till ST•wt m'W.y Nom arReT ata. chwrgrn uiw with raring n,Rucnatd by udugtian nits. yew,th of the wntnt than ga es No" NI inn p -P-ao •.also,"•. carried W San tuck, a few aides from St. tole,&, ? t s an 6 es n e heal whui.t rhe W. thew. • Ipade • IACket ittalaaL a ••r rlaelrt. him sl sywmd, if the Jn fy J rave JTs, Ik,r[t nl.,, m s set , ak " U I 0 H S [A L E Thu lw•wntdul osve, ell 1: nowt wits rb avhfs. ry believes the trw he R iu the Gornheq who are 1111.-0 1}A lAcr,-me club is spoken „f for p r• a•net,1 I" T yet % so, „ Q bold the pea ++• the lean Lir butter id, mad h... Thw•-h - - - -- _ P. pearl, that he del orae!. 1000 bur, be wlnld I TLuu he tag:. hs ails!# mut duq lute. the man*' &.ley" wa'bass. t McGee thwy ]m1 nad.nM. tam ern. a, . ,sn r. h+d M r..lrwn.,•.. Tt v"n c,.. ria, m r.r m.1 1" able -Who las but.merit, the eight killed him, .nil sue • S ni&6m1a,1pr tr•sasn». But thin waskAur- Lu J -nut a on .l e "v Y ad. Lnue work to dC. - p}1'hs Kinlrtss AI(rleultnnl Sue' will - 'be"n''"i'rr is --I?. OF A VALUABLE pp sII1' 7 Why Should Nim-Reuldent Lund be err" aA.mma 11 riDM work? hr asnd retalrnwl u;,ptf the tlriderwn. His Lords hi ' r,•,•n+irnlutr wok °fir readers how it is (Lai a .I.-boer".vim et L. to ,b. "a wwW.ms,, the ulh Deprived of Ito 9haro of Statute sn ■.icor .ran.m A A } p A Thud-((4ndttftlrenfwenfrtth(utWuem,`gmd,•rodMm„o=1c,lhis !aloe- 7 1 1 or a, ttA boLbng. runt free $-1110 bud Labtor 111 Wawanosh aaA other ass p 7 pas u Il/R111 1, F!`rn II ul 1nn as:l the evidmlm of Turner, Wade hind., 1411 tw e t "teRlrnj the 1/uniclpal.tfea of the Oo.ofHuron4 an."..,. e&t a an T nl rs, the used t.I. lie !maid= Wm, unJ oft#. 1'ho con,IjAirrn w which tt g yell *W y hY listen T."l. TINaI u ass d. TMaI w._. W dlltl tNI hIIC P-ar,1h IryM,IMe w"n' i.el,"b. It w. • r whuuta•rr'l' Ntbm -tifi as had rrd,l.wl Panel -lege and other witnesses, wed clawd Lf d6 Rnrkug}; exc,a•".n,•., The vwrT+y fF "orgy,"ate,". ,,... eery Rie.rn tsar, rf r 1M s Tad .. Thow twoon:aturem, ,eels w, asvtd ise mgt. 1"1 sued - Nrily ni"wanagcol, au Y 11.110!) atwa Tome r„I:Wr "f tM Ilur.s 919-9 MieNy. m 6 rM m sell •• iY TRi•: t ff wen tndy remarl:,ble. redinng jun• t.o weigh wall the testimony Ile a Chn a to the .1111., -JW IIL.bt r Tully fell d„su "twin &t ossa au -I .Lh 6, r.r r w. mot-• I ob", ,"W p n• 1u as cep . w •• / r tp p y resew. TINJcmno lm•twsun IW usiofrea•e,A S ,ds,tylbwr r the .' sen streak that ge, shi111 uU,er t' ''rr• dwk.,,..a _"r .nn„Lor f•.."n. un r aThr, a ate •' VV Aa 1 Z OF i10if. ,..sayy rtchw : on the laid bufnru them. If tLuy Ircliovel priwner N hnnl 1 of rdinq etbhbli"hu.rnts- Thal of morn .n w d. J"y, , .icon r n. enA...o.<. "11,,9.,0 „e.. in.,.«I Ia . n tht t...yw, sm s a:n t w •• Lrmrl aul nttersalitudn. miaglyd with the, 1 a1R ,'' .-h.uk n,..,"., by „w n,.w,•;p.1 „a,w'. ar,:,rhr,ol tw slur"•• eau Io on r eta ., Tins ut".awir tslTrntobedntnun• tirnhnr a-ltlullg 'nln•hle,arid of 4niltyitwYthsirdntytoasyso,regarlleY Uatt,forez:umpl#-Af6mlanmsiderddu•tn- orifi•MrYr"1kM'pRU,ath•..,,,Llhw.'t a F,gt ,m.nyl-srrn,w..rwnha aa..s. osl L otT 6sU Y`;'1RTCRoIi'.werofaWeo b come to their mnnnyr". scree.. : • rag n /••r rib"&nuns. _,.I„nc I„ .I n.r ,. a,n a ,n«I k, '/ravw•e, oaI a as A cab' •, noised in •I"'nit tLcee the IuKrr ern ami dlasnlvsd. I canto p,rncr•, bot if4ftcrfull tunnJnr&- 11'tl protest IL,in tired of w4i tin¢ Lor cis mon' I :oge e;,, ,.,1 {, rave..!, ru / sus slat► •• & Nitain l/mtr"p whisk will b. prods. r te-lk s Ir -sullen tom,. Ag4lrrt &Thr I&Ik ,nnlm•• L"Iu Ik l».. ... r •1•..'0 ,n in «. ,r. M &,Ale, ou R Tp0 6 uU •• sd at the `'.Is, He Jug tit s cud found authdlg nim,,re&RotubleJuuldexi"tedintheirmiud/ g tem nblic u„n9f,.a,wr a M"A.ni.u►.e.nA .leen ,f „ :/'ar' L• cnllmf I,aes w P.wxd'w Ray, mid at slid. money to sa ' b, t., I")..,..... w" psis „r tb-.. M priwmur should have the Im•nefit of doubt. we e n , and p 110"1 nl,w sal.,,,., nq..nubu;q "fe •b,d U,e mnaw m . k. the ase sa.paW 1. thi. rent, r. a1,;Lt of it Lurtt .-tint. a (lamina of we•tr (his ft,,. 1.•inq now at the bdtom pwtest e.nphatically AgRin"t the mill- Q} 161 SAtnrrlay last a krntlem&n from '". f"""'et Is n Ts to woof in..,w.D, ns. r..n + oR Z Uf;`rfllif, t f! 131st of U11tobCr. 1 8 lug. ..f the• "I ,nuc ' hu ,lade ,,,,,,t by which he did n"t mean mere excusex. nafiagwnsent Which rn&k,•s t ns Ile-nmAaty in th, eeA"er), 1.. nt a ab._n„ , (..,ad. t„r vdb.'t«I „r us .hu. "r .b.late ta+w. "ad • trn / am y.«i; }btrgl„wrs. ..I and heavy. Ch_srge aroncluded 4t 9 .dock, Lavin oc- (P'sr ('a,alA Collo a. assts. •MJ "aserNt.ie, a"A: nuawe:pi.i r•., ,u°e,.n+M MIA M IrRI,w ash„ r,sN• ,011"'.0 m'e Its r -Aha NJ 1. •]Ilr • AT 12 U'('L0(;K Ynt1Y, AT 'L•aC"e.Rcre iAIs finlLean and lnVlgllnt- nml'tl' g ., Kr, 'Thu Hcdlunth wb"h Mwee &.awl h, roll f: ran,,ane'. m",'. a"e •n^'Y.ntlnh. n•1 rno A.nhM IAe..rwMdMlen rr. y,hrNh, tri a n r d r grief snore tender than ever, but Ie. i I ,,at 'I t • n it looked like Thr", port of cn ted over 6 Lours. (yrs ur retina ('i oge is a wh,.nl with I Ion prvtetitt-lnt to Aper r M".t %",ranu.n wick r, o reran o. a,I_ ) .f leas+ t" la lha,r le.1. rw • PSN N.ay y,ara rte 1 "rosy. &y r a4 Ii oral '. ,, A* Q r* * akin b, m&tluws Rnd dwJair. II ::Thi hr cns,ld not 1#11 ; it was Y P 7 Y 4 l'. P. Callege, and iGYnte nein fmmdrr m9".n" The, I„nlu.l ors 091 sJ w.. ,rot .pfwlrlel p aM m y w. u... rw•n m a-rwpW R,rp'I /!"ark., rat w m •cab .• M L C l Qn T cowl. He throw this ,.n 1111. tide, ernlrt adjourned till 9 to-murn,w when O' A los r...IY tM n..a7I.. If M real w. W ptwr1ior!, lis. w 11 *1 "-it.. ay 6 en to NT' '• NoW he used to gn .bent &nil try her I m h:u iureru,d a rury IAry(u anm of moue• w I'&tnf91 Accident. On 'Rtosds dlel.b..ts. sew .n h„IA,=,, ary -,_5 ,,f-, • I.nda al ,mrp.mns m lbwaut4 iN Tlf H: nnwe &local parion:duly by night aid I,% nuflawg 10„ verdict in ex Ieeted to be rendered. ties buildi aul is naR tis. sic. r1. sol rn r,AbsA h#1 . a&r".. ear .ed .h"sera wru.a:y w . .1a Mwtw w pay TOWj N ; grant, hick by I and f1ITfaure' fr"9 ."d•I"n Ib,[h. icor!, drirt' Ib.,,'., = . ",I,hrywan...bNrs, end 1 , 1F (30DER,ICH d► . Glrnad up a Nndl.r frwKnnt, which h• Ottawa, Sept. 13, cxteminlg thrt expenditure, MILK lIN Mm- 1.06, ,11;1111 s.' "'•ll e.a _ w.n..A, r t fnaelph. ,bey won p,w',lal,wl r",m Nr•e Ir1A by tM la Ya) In rrer, gear,. e'•• gent i. yrs mars--.:nw•r..n,,.. U, Iltlll,ta : flldell :' "'+ Ism":1II,1 -lewlln41 Rdll lime -juice; it At O.l:.iury enters! solei and retairn- tident expeCtation that it sill Ag red lin! R Ib« I. k of tM "Noma, by . soA•1"n los .bI'dI •fe w.", aM 1. 1I pre r.rag t ,A. TMy '.n TA() hen... r 4tr "f Ib• N"r.,ln.al.,t nesl.Na Tata! 'ta aro r Aud next him mind ebmnq,d ria "The raoc nut [,right i^ p!;Icoa like silver. fair tnterent an the m"n.`y ;^vast.,, and mfr' NMaeek ••Grm.r_,,nMtW,eI,_ thNIs,4 rWor•p".I_;; leae,Y; eY1••'+1••tb tae r. l,Ny.R2 avN It IA AIN jar ?'r U. 1. c'I em,li-t guilty against Wlmlrm d'iso nee I.rne w, r. n _jr,,,! oe__ ,••.I. r"r .war b,. so be, .ore u, ars w Is I . w p T d . peel, aid he chlnq w every 11.0!:1 ' 'Thi: dix•nvriy U,n•R light on Lho rdher, f this RitL-lost Ykn or ha "• ) elMr Ter. f',' N J -d fie It are 6 exhibited hale sign of em-lti 111, oar I]I i iBjl to receive a .1,.. k r,,,1.wn ,alas l w" ...app. r,. Ma u1.t so-& im "nusn,ry Thr n A .r,pirn,s 1A." nay pad h) n. r.:... tib w s t&i A say •, FQ T fit sec F.il kn morning Lrwent !"' Tlw pian of LIa•k retro, wuigilve m sir, dnlLar of puLhc aid. L. C, College I sore r..I.juri . an da"r",sa.. nom-ra.d,.lewah,tnwo. drl.nment."ern tMr"..b .r"t wlh.•a, ter O Tea t 1U •• i WZ 111 in AsMold haunts, mol ki•am1 oven pP "' !"" •u Ten ponn'e. wmm in r i ity silver mfr, _ rrr,'iten what is eluivalant hr mow than Q} It. is not tote that the town council Feet the.. land,,., s, as reteral..0 1•ber n.s..n ..ret r"leer+.^' xit s pT ; N .. m1Yq"In.,lone. h:,a.r wean"h.rz,.l at u,. nn Pte w.-.11 tot t !fe : wA •: The Rutili SiXTT ACRN.9 of th h:ad Nell her poll 1101' ln.,ll,l, I Iha1 N ,wnfllry of RllbnlrnlrNl blurt r.iace(t 41:i,lk N1A re•Rr- mid (-lr1ltCrly It cant n.11,'II 1 1„ In r" "111 1w,+rt ralkrl Mqr un1" • , -anew n/,re A„Ilnr tae ryry AIIye work A", „n an I"•'1 .M n,rdf 1'11. err, ul a 6f0 1 lea • Re.1f. Only the ore he oodd fA'r'• W the ycr x rarwo it wore before it Upper Oarlada College, m .re- fruin the ondnwnneni fund. iuoid,. '""m l" e,runellyr• r"rw.l<h at •..,f It wed A"i 1 .., th, M•.e..nwrw.-, .hat to ems .goer, u k will leo 6 ens . fish •• h&If &(Lot No. 4 is the 11th sone mlion of r wmdt t" I rye& went info) the furnw e. its teak and receipt. for boarders, and ye( {» e•f It ,. oobt.nN tt.w• a"rr,e 0!119. Idm les" h. t the tnpnvmwraf A nI Iiw.P"tna tm this roma h He trial bo, n. n',• -- .fuser ..ant psenl d'eaWyrra t I Wst*e?n Drosses sf tits towsshi of As►- t'd Thi ; lot w ( R'e hove (Thr R,wne lime hod on nor taL:e it cnnnut a ex Q The R. T. RAilway Co. ,l .mane! rre.,t b.•en.. th, """-^•l'I+st 1►neow «w.-__ d, oonlmmm b P H afwt- Rnd again, n }Ie 41"g walls (r•:11 energy on t11is ilia- mat•• It,-1111..11lent t•r .1111"I the I,".nMt 'N.tl"p 111 q y sdmla""rerMt tt Yrr• r, into it Yid I.,, TIS "f het -IN a rm 1 11 i 1 Pettus. 1Vo RAv, d nieh 'loti,r r- ft's 'n uw'mm 9.01„0 urrfed ..ay by use u"r rwd'ryyn,«. fhmegn„fit tM ,•sant,, h.. 'n. AN„tru Rtru.--The PnU .Hal! Rnr fir ono or iww. of w►Left A RUfiT t5 c,lt'erT br,t tnllird nothing liters in the ■hid, ! ib Jet, giving a hul of I' , Ler A ash,ol " that in L,md,n can loo worked U,, le seat far It- th !sorter M r. ,"A ACRR9 amid ant. that e",• (mnAda Colleg* from ib (aundation, and R w as tag I e remun,nti•e, n. ppubli. funds A fatty in town says the Quarter wee► eery r• r• w, ,-k., ant In «;o.wreju,tnele. Imhw= the Martini breech -loader in the ARE CLEARED, Thr -e are rrects,l oo the flu prarr,l „ Thun it ooCurr•dto him t" ra off A few t ...laid Ire wa,,ted It that is Toronto, l "'• ,..6,"11,11 ],it...rat l,.r IRs.»k. nes w". r,n...n.,r..nukl,w.k A.r M porrbsr nes, end. rnmin weap^n. It hts&rs"-hin roeiess A IAO 11n rung 1, h ''r iu s dream. I hlin InAwei t of rink ogre,! "tatcment of ib plrrition anong t!N oduca- them is y for g r tM Irotrl k!. per, .o,dr net "I, s".1 onp,.,r, IM ronatn sero w .Irl a ,. u u .. which b the o fT -lock P H JL Si' AYD GARY. taoual institution" fit the canner im,th of hi h in ae uill,tJthrt Y the rmm rTan s th. ,'rb.,""" .,I".,o,. , x,t. Imo wh,t .r.,,,l s•,e nnnhi. s.I.dr...lmrk tr I #one W S peration of a lever behinj T i-i s, Rhr e'en i n er(Yhc pity on him. Htl got avnnhe fine •pscimr nil, while Y K _t rr on r. ser Thr ,.y "o ales, , tit get t" , the trigger -guard 'u depressed in trent for 1 '.e won!", 'Lire inmy cavo,' 1 11, wY at that work he fell iu th A piece which have caused ns no little surprise and are+ Rare i" a much muneBeient asst -sof buW T go r neon hav,.e helped the pet- e• "' as.1 reit. ,lar Thw" n -w w►.s sem ..n n flu sdmasion of the.90101 On@.ton fh of the porrkste mono to he and avid . , .o 1116..4 I .. ,hen erwt "s "nrN h"nAr«I A„ion twk1., tM t_. aM has no hammer. T1W, scti n , nf to ^D paid down oo ,has sty of sale ; for AalaDss then . that LAIN h very solid na lbs &not and indignnG-ln. 17,s aristncrfntic it.titntiun, indthrttan, Few &ret Aware what 1' mr neo• ""'.ar'11I"•"•have. ,r tor/ ,,, ,In,,., M,-,rrrnNae.'AwAns , •ft,. agog d.14nd ti Iso vitt llsci II. nnetnnlly herty. On o nearer eanminnti- if half dho mWomend iD this ana hlet sic CrntdA(' ll a r&,11 Pi IToNn nit, ntron s nJwTn,.use fr,t.ns 'PicBrrag terms orell be mads known at the Rale. AI . nl", nut entitinn f It fills the „n tuts eS y u- io it A colla u ? t . ,Dor arse 1.rth'd y,ersmr..e.n tha breech throws out the empty neetc, ge p,'n',•J to iro A (mei enbetunce P P R Mn. Macs hY ostALlshed vert R fm ""b"I"t "fhln r b.n"t sA nfvhp,t.er came. and at the dame lime Cocks the % ' For fertile? pwimelan apply 10 ft1 trail, hY certainly wenn conceived in sin t- d n gonna&r tche,l t or u d Loth t 1 t .r'I nmol! -t ewm. I. Irak.,, . old eyed. nsJess. &R icy Moly M.w"mb downs beams.. lhm r u -I dela c t night he see Y i mm- tn,i-t-I l wit's onnl. [t hal twin#d And i, none sf these. It s a of rl,orate irrtit9- ' If there i. sa one in town who !.I tw illonenl"n, m, rnsfter wbrrr It..b.awn. IN R ^fin• hIIAB tP JOirF.9 ,'u 1, all the nrrt night his slept in the I twilh+land cmrlod -ver the thing inn In,nAt std hr..ught forth in iniquity ; and we igen f"r teaching boys" et as to fin lib" .,Yd.. b.,"al.eappodbrob,ph-t hours.. r"" a 1, I -ho. I so -ale tM rgaal M right..w -- la v'ep unheard of way. R,drort wait it L"m,• slid think thcro is nn eluting shit" requiring ('), hod C pe J.a'•* ao, u,rerly "'T".t"AI "r r'I- fir ... 11.1v 3'1.11119 wds late!► the sane of a Roliatitm, Mason- HaII Toror,te. th.•mLacuwmenialLfe }Tem nom Lecture in (rabN" •M.rrn..,al..N.,nniya...Mc...Am shrak- Huf he entcre.l it in the dark And loft it Ly rb, at I g hero sed thyro with 1.-^111 irmnehate atksnton, an huge in itself, and ppAnnq them fur enterini the aniveniliet N',a,"" re"'1•Y "'"tna Ask last , by ter, yrs tushep i"onis 1.1en,eha,.Ihe luivi wCn 1..001 U,. aMn IRg tragal!. A wid,sw ,nf birth ,mil Toronto, Rept. 9th, `i Pim. w hdare egare I juice, At I -t ontisfiel hint-;; that This ob. , far tG f"und&tions &re like those of the 1" y^■• ••la•RN,M.moe with Ih-k. sed -hai r. edhcation, findin herself ori th point of d Ry do howeTer he Incite! il , conr- J w injure-lu■ W the Inset inlcroste of thus T mn m a.. S P i a wet m tihsr ix x 111.!0. ads aiJx fit an grammar • il,ols ;bot unlike than, it ma Pty T r"i'fble D. i , nilb of Swa. HR.r1tr c. aRAb. b inq fhmwn -n the strict on aocrrent of atr•i and venae I it in .1 kelight. Rot 1t was . o stat„ rohum,, eos,s,t"', as thecxistenee of tilemoviRtretity Rdmit pupil" at any Otago of instruction, oyr r1".n Mth, b "o".fle'd %l , :1 lnrra.apw Ibr ltr.t.11,h. K•i•/ ttmywf h"r rwduoerl circumslsr,cea, pp,ietrta her- ■T a fe trial ; he,wnieCut crpiRg bitterly wftrr It had nu kaJh-lle, hmri ovidenlly boon whroe name s1Arldulthehsad-lilhiNuticle lof-lw U,eJ Aare leen instrncdaid even ro f`"y J ur.u,",Y „ "".1 w1 Hnm,,. - avelf and threw ehlldren. 1ue mrvi•ing I it V Z &few mius,ic" s,ldured n;. forgnev4•r Ae urity Rn.l R„lun R e mr reortin sed srm,llin at } (111 SAtnnlw AwflA Cialatrtt la $oath Amerfoa- ion h&a peon hnmansly sdopded h 1 p-ve to give •fur rn4sten Noi„e' of Q K w11, and it Aro n., , nigkt IYt N,me of tae 39,000 L1vtM bowl. y y • INV E 8 T M E N T. R. has J erRs•ered, file anx her image. wine Rt 4lone nes cronjo •taro!uric it had tomo the facts which IoAdR us to than conrluo ,cit, u'ef erlhuw. it is quits withnnt fho bot •n al IhN,w ear+„d Ih• Y• ,A w. L. w. w.tr.n, philmdhmpical sculptor. bad, him :and st I,' nae -thilat the 1 horn. the ordinary ednehtt"nal innlitutinm Il • •I+im.14.,,. bn..rl wale .,- s hing 1rn.w Onr dwmpatclsa'hit m"rninq bring wms - evon lighfwi the 4mn, And Yl thrw0 I«yk- t pnmining that ser ass,lrnn tee Accurac of s known that about one fourth otits to ids pmet.e9t&n of rme of the m,mt aptallisS - - _ - HF, T In lIn t,tTinoM.l it sl on:e with the n i 7 ing at d e .1 lea R walls and rno/ hi" hR r f P the stAlument. 11.11!! as the aro nl '- are in avnhjseta :n elementary that the Na , ,o, wae,y;y k asYthst narcirotrl- 1^,tib the World ban .•sr known, th, t AR I P.RCiAL. T ,s•r•mmal and I... (-_T• „v aavw r sAaR.• ass doe? hall trieus 1 ami felt aruwi that tome attempt hwtl gr y, y 1 h I .. " N r< Imwln -rode t" R..as ft. I"oris,! by numerous nfsrotttee M port- gnmm&r sc a,tL ere not &Unwed to teach Q,• The ifun,n .V the 13th of last month the.mthsrn rm ,,I.. • ..• ", " '^^"` th• rear,! . IMb. Rga11po nl mlert•st Thw Osdtinq ave ranger by degr;•ta, he er,rehed i Thor. it had talo by the, aideof the Iialacnlary d,m,s,menta, repr,eiR, tea, lend them, sod we have all lwartt.d to stl•trt;s•,I,"1111-0 1, a, "RI,<..r nnnn f Ie the challenge d pmt wM Tsitod by &n eurl.h n fava'Gp _ y m I.npoT,d Real hal.le, ahrnty. and f.s,nd tette rwliw of her, -a: vessel all the" yuan, bot, fallin clew way public indifueinn fhht has no w r } R, "Oh". om.o.rn1A,-Rend na q GiODEIRIQH 111019 Z I-, auA. I., A.,d (w„e..., cr r"'.yys.l G Ly gg the dl,cn meet im mm filed b uvlrr of fhe terrible in ib rmntt• that, in ramp %A -n (`,-e Nass Tse.&, .M ►.key ase th• "r .ed sn.o.l'.ninon- Foeh,r "nil fn,, anfM111 , I,r eve, a nerds, &gnat h►t RAe had netts,M the asnd fad heal elduratr"1 by the P Y ' I vision, and there in ahnndsnt causepfor b",• lr,n't,+aver"' Rfw"n, with it, all „t gr r M c•n be bad by leder addr smell w abs t+or- trot elf R,mo IRsgge leaves. All thew haw w:n onrrl, an I was D"w a curiwit), if gnmmar ..heal maststw' altsoeimtinn of distmsl in the Ton,nW n-lndeN•npt in- nal ehr roar., 3",11 Ieytr, er ih, T.:.«. tic A largo di•triet Ri Con tab- intto ufivanrv,. 1 assn• Rica.a•, trshir. .mmt ors a gisproll fen. over and chrnahad. K ntry akakm in- w..t iii LL eat 1- tf. PIw1•t.Altt. sol w treasure. 11lnhvw. Otitut,m. IA'hy should thus pi,blw mrmeT 0" %1'a horn fiM-clan. authority for to now forms-- -w1{( is towns wmV burned Rot nn" daT Le tnnnd al this yrrr beck He w-ls,ld 11111 htrrk tic 0.0x1, Lot pm In the R1wi filar this Gdh•ge soc•.1'- be Siven 1 , thto' and not the other high r»" ,.YI h«i w aY e.m, att n. n,r..a:nsla0 `;"I -thus en+l sort } O deT . Sept• 1R, iAM. sero I }I. TRU6MA `teter' ' etnh. c/thwnTw • relic that '"4410 him start as it tm board his lif, foovat'us/ Y It Was. school+ f"r I.eacIlin bo sreahn and" roll- In•1T r'" l r lakes icer! made, w rse! D9L n !mataTtt lt, arRRICAR /tI(:pAsaR oR :nMlRvatCRa. w' pt , pn A, if • vgrw had •lung hu bring hehrt It And new he dnq nn a 'r•. lie thou fit ca111d,wmR f-lundrd indnflAnceufthe Lagish - ing, end the elomrnq of F.n IiaA Aoin4rt r} Thr work wt the new M►itl4nd yal=to• to the Cas q ton in those q gr fare, Cities had w and& in ler time sen- -r Ospf- took, Ips, y -- rr. sera lollec i ho eon'd sada thus gatb rn Y well as Iso iR- g'o^d"ld tlalw whm gorol9rrn and ash Ohuald the nrinei ,41 of this orhad w f• •,.,swung b+ y than it;taltws k, wnM titan lutea, r"sr"R +4 Af'n°°" do - A. A'.A• &tea ----- -_---- B? kvas it in a mo mtlit. it puA atrwa l IAnw, by =mp e, •fid ho WA" unc, f iu•,11 G, PL I 1 _A r erprelunw. aha 1e "" "' n•sr los w alfd their cabinet wale him„at apanhde, fr t[em form nus vides of tha gnmmAr &w u.a"la • r•ry >A„n uelr ser to ►app, a. thiRythos,4And Mnman I" T ale tmt•w. splbd lam mA"y 4 1 tort now it w - bas ne, and family infirmnoe sand faintly ttmmpseta Ash "d iupwtctar } The fAct iR 1' par CAnads f1e•" .h,'. d... 41 -ma wen loot, .ft,," .r asM sten,'• hila mAll ttlur Wardlow'a g , 'b 4j*Jsmw WJkinsnn ERq. d0alsrioh d three hundred mJlinrt .1"1!9,11, wrwtk . g/ if n wil's;:'Lest hi, adf n ode ake, sen I1'o11. is rent nee lest at All. prrperty doetr-yed. The towns d ileeNe{r-T• AR's'"" - n for I aNe faaA CBS IN 1{E 0 lMw. ',r J ) re paramount: and it voial Jwtrtcd gramntarli.I--P-"*War'a&serIMRrRwAysryut.r9,mt i RifV iig'{4 `f `w. / j/ i•,r nllowin,; w wanlaR to undertake Ms &`hats Ja the work R""i eel to them n'I",nr,las►'aw AracriiJwl, Ariow, igoinqur. Preagne. elerfne•1 ava•r rr ■ns.ag 1h menti. 1 form I- let it lie. H" I task of ele4rir•g him. by the Rate of lends sot apart for the an J'- smatisfartmily, rluile Y much Asthielt, gr, Qom, Onus iron aoi hhr,rin rill •• w g q a" lw,et•mbe and R number of r,tMn havm srh A a • "at / t / n7 t Mtf Nn of tar rev It "Im4iir bu hardI 'To wh.d annoyance, std Itwrhwpm af- P"rl nl gnmmsr r'h,oh for the w'hnlr sand Lucy -could do it better if they had • A^ J" sank Par ehN-41" is. aft«1 w, II•. h."r: vanished eas'e's • . ••.f • IJIOUE[ltt/!iT ,11\ere lits ►mt ltw .'911,0 )t was Coe , f ; frlrit. Campletely Imm aR 1he fAro of e , tonvw I w:laotd her'snid his, 'Pira, lrotince. It b-gan rte wlr,rr Ly n,LMng w IAr}(er inemma fmm garernment. R'e w'I w the north not a restage of them remafis. Bering., A„ia wvm,...r s morn abhnn, 1 . it in r moo's i,uunor to defend, not to be kh* tttiatin here no h.wftM.ion !hen in t4 i tial thfav . 7 We are h&p py M helm that R'illir Wherw the city of Calwcachi "rlwwl it now & R.aur•e . _... • Y' I gramrn4r orb ds of & b I S Br df k•A"D►4sr •n Hw bwtk ro np Idofnnded.' T ilntd.ullan NbwJd he ab.itthed, sad that ate. mw'asdyMllrMerlM NA.Ir,twrRes rk•h ..n latgC IRke. Thslnrwd as PretM.Maas _- tan,a ns1116 I ^ten With nggn nrny 'faenm,hudR ; At high fol& oar Rnr after- p"'f af l ir •Dduwiwwnt, send by Miring the lands tram .hies its r•Tenneja4b, sed tu t`)- W' T. Hays Req., M. i'. P. has felt "n !asst hand waf0r►tl kw .11 e p '•"'••••N Highest lNee Paid for lwn( it 111 dna in sh lightirtq est ,nano has Ro•nl. nn Ibevnl .,Ih Panto, Ar,,l, on tb" prn;xrty nt the then e.ial.imf gen -' nhnuld he handed aver 4) fhe '• I^ /art woo.. wuh e•sn•.n .. ran M the rg• { miw rd n AisG•rw rnR yJ.n&e till. Johmp "1 Thr t ,,: tnrinc hernsalf with I h,dsting his ("nail salvo t+'"..wd the Ivy, I S grammar 7...errnr..ai 0...11'1 Thr . IM.. .M YsrrN Lad 1'TTft fwwt high, mwspt thus rtMAn, errryin Met rw•d•n fey rwif tic rA.pM., sea/I rwwl.s nal. trlftla n► every w ,d f. I„Ting :«flaw. ran(ping Rlanr( this i"laR I f ill he rnsch,wl Use star sello-,l a1 Tnt»nen, /,•AirA if dill Md.4. achlwrM for Whir', thus were nngmAlly sol I ndwy ser hep. to" -1 *,A It I evorythiRlj faro it, and landing Tares t4st , aHkby wW n op ._, r ss, a j ,g t / t v And the R In the 110•[1 phltwl the msnAgnmmt r,f its to the I thwlwgida'i tha Thr4ppr,rtinnmwnt Q The nilrer mneoment hY oTpended hqh And dry e, tar Inlaid fhnt tMy ran J. w, l•ll.,il i VAN B N t7. !fast lefi,rew, nq hmme tolhw wrifaT srf ala H0 gat ands. f.han, And by mnlna Rnnnr•vl Mem fhe eery baginning nt ifs t" th0 -tet w,nOd lMn p)e sbwat 4i01(WO 11.N .fitr'h MH s... -1.kt by sereno rti,wtu t R kw sou left prioauwT au ''d his roelpsm anal lw,vireu .Men Attom, . , per 4nnoie,ald the increase in the amonul y Rover Rett again. Thw atones striving fmm d, Ifs gl6estd hL pnwn,ns fell), Yt UN fart'" l,•wd es «dl I c areer hu been on "tte rly rvkl•w that a m'rtfanrl la "Ruh Rrhrw,l wrnJd beA of ills dict it = tsrykbit tom! then" wMn mt+ -- - -J-- _ _._ are0ni e D s s.wl y rm the linty the , pp1 %t U stench afYr All it hY done in - tR(/be( ►/ pp/ I it essay in I%- th^nght. F s doe►& aril I- take. Then he methis rxain. there, hes Mldam hwnn •you in whiC► stimlalw. ►nil w.mld in mann 1 p i, be al'y11i llaz Im. " thwnr.I br.h.w M ^•.i the awful earthquake are floring , A f 81 ram. VV W►Iji :; vN1 00 floes his ►ay grief til sum. ►nil stretohel M)Idl out aerom , nm tb&no w men q r, rr, f .hum that mmnkry in tMmt ill" Mme,{ fier ► J thorn has nut holes, a lorgo deRrit, which rens agen of th~o,heals, -1 Mr p.ptt t1{ still hrin in r I"w• '='lm roto rIf Thin R L ' *fMf tMrAOII a hv.r. - .,., ItawrlfhamiWf4er1kal.' the groatpseificfloos'). 44tarndlrN thorn ) hi AtB4 P ppa,lbag rrlamity is M ,td "Notat4(",tores mo- A1W RANK I)p hs-. I awn m►do up l,Y &PP► Misting (nndA If' mon "rtnasrlinary wA t_, all s[no t".re1.tR,.s. •k. nkat flrwehwrs P"rn As nAsrt7 LA wDan maks AaIll l vwa Frfdn' ( t Mn.awles , Ti'eait s And Tvn q 0000!+0Rn, wrwrthons for Lhar improv, monf, •n thM ay '" al. m rh". rd. op tr ns., - nnf fmm thus fact• mn1&inwry ii the Ai► a _ Mr tha wnd-lrmonf n( the I'ni-unity of thus grI^d rlRd• ms,"' ..nn b "sem las the e} TiN frntity of G,trl news _ w,., .art w tit all* - - _ ___ _ "IIP D ANADA TT ( 'tai ana. Anvil., way U" ATr.wrinw -- Trtnmf,"-.I,wwTwr•ly Kings Cd - ' no& q Ptbbh - patch, thus ask• las f•M for less' .tett PEA C B= LtJf 1 use (,erns with I eAs*dprbfR rity edNwns nae/nt iwmtllmeM r to. any r y..e+re. n. Ilsrr "I.tols - a ae/ (rete abort thus 11' In thalA Y '/ n( yYttlaMmf.q 1f taa7wawafal , GBT A!1D AOI 1) r A h1 ° tray ►iii (ager{ Gw C,uartorly in pow i,m whi"h it has onforloanstely been fawn Ire arm" WWe h"pt that dnriryt Lbw Rmlt •"mr•IMuwsr.. <r 1M .RM os Thornier ov•ow• at a o'clock, h fail ea•w►Mod Again, the mnn.v file ne.11wgas Mssto" of "Thr 4aal Imegislatnre, that boo IVs would Again .mind Ike Teach- Nywth lapts,de. it sanies to haves[Iwndsd 1 ttg AT B IST RA l iJa. MlewAmam s sltwi•wd Uorw wi;a Inay amltnfho fn d,twrsw lbw h re y "'f"w'•'D i1itliC""r' Ikm' ea' "r Arty •? taeId AIMn11wN tlsgrte ennteM t1N wilts. 1 Pew M ora r ► Alwattw sse Isa.yeh,.sr. . liabg aMt►Irrvere•asa vial h••. has hadsndwrfueruhlr IhYMwnavpsaliu Int Pu4- uwnn,►a..a►M westto"" bwi abmlt silty mil= (roes h".la "IWwaa( vtskmrrgta okv,$-1lnr.j flrgrA-Kort Atrsse, $ dcon Put of { lnrlag thew Mr (Tt►••Aiew+, New few wfrinm, has,wt) .Ras! dice goon M I wla w w.L w rw s1m. j 1: '_ r ` f Angai the WAM IIN , t aO e t +M a. „ M..e.A Prr1 xQterMt s JAA THOtf110N, Capt, ssp7"sTtlra4 • Tsry !segs elAi d OW*b n.I 1M trin interests of IM ammtry, which it a asriPwrlw4 ~r L a' M wM•klw/ a,y. • Pti r. ,., R' 14* IIIA 1919 JnRI. DKr J. DEA aotlwte►, M 0. w >a a. 1'A a , ..,; h. - A ,rW 1 • v I s b