HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-09-10, Page 1- W.T. COI, Editor sadPrOprietor.] !. :S END 'p pANOS, to > AR T easiness ilirtdort2.- 13u111c ss Wtft(totge --•° MRS. DAYS' HOTEL, joy.; rtoN LI. •BP. A.o BUR[ YOY ,, l W R O I E T E R. er spall o 1. . ,sr tYr WEE1LY EI)ITIUN. • The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number.' .t asy lees wresrele M' D" Walkerton. • erton. Every eerier ONthe direct road from Res(ortb to A.O. 61bw^mo. ••ea's'e C, w. tI"104M.11Baoson at cis, passer Me LiCAN, aad ICIAN. 'Manion. it elGn„B„hed. de aAlWdsam third er.as BOB. C. L Lofee oro I,ye'e Oram erre DR 00101M11.as oar" (4. M. Mo 11 nrsnit a on Wet- -r Ia t I --r Medico"' Icna-DYrtoat rBrtlaAN.se!M°R •'•• carr k.r 7 IN. (MT• I --- Or. tetsabnrv. r vane. GIRD', Art mom room suemer thorrmet.eavitimmilser re she New* rod tu..rsn.v.. New Yea. Ruder• a**eftWIC Ballad. Ae.waeM•r. feaeshrw'• C. w' Ire g,eyrne. RRnRBR AND seW poen. "m7,j a.lrwr..8 crew, 1'r.rt B•.ee. 1{ --- - M. C• tlassl'trom. 1,,, w street, oeMr► arta • kITONNIT.AT•Llt t(s T(a Gebrrh, Curds Reek Ohre di modern tor the tnrelline public. WTO., ,r, Now. 5, 1867, HANNAH DAYS. w42 Cos samaras• hien• pinto tel el I C.W hgkia JOHN RICKS, Proprietor. This is th I eigest and br.trt..unny Hotel ,n We.4.r 7a.ada.•nd charge• •1 moderate,, any Heim n Mitchell. Slag. Proprietor. Good rabisgfor 140 Horses. Hones and Carriages for Hue •a Blierteet New, i 1 COLONIAL HOUSE. THE Subscriber always keeps the largest variety and hest Stock of HOISERY & GLOVES ! IN THE COUNTIES. CHAS. E. ARCUIIBAI.D. apr[a. 3.., 1866. • serol HA TIOLN: Godsneh. Aa_ ist :'ad. i . .Iohn Gees** NNUC w"MMAN- S O A P FACT O 81 our.T tr. relle Nartal ltr'd'N'I 0, Ungwoa %treat, nodule► 1841 l). 848.840. . . name'em. I)ArRMTwRhR, r.rr. r. amw* as a, 0 Rar'a, Woolwool 004 a Me~al Illoog000 door a.m. Joan N. 4Aorden, MRNRT-AT-1.411.MIL111Tn%IN MIAN tRT AMR.. ttwel rear .v+w..w»r .ra, sari. •fes, A rhe sorb ride of rot Ono. ..1 id .s •law On•^46we arewe. --- - J. V. !Elwood. InABRItITRR..\TTOOS!. tT-LAw. 1 . t'7 r Re Ofaro woo W Moro .wd Nue Mem 4'w ..wr et Refit beam N..t. ()Monett Jansen t. INN. "f' Mwaolrn 2ATichoLen. NRGICALUI'EKATIVF. ANDMECHANfU- RYt ECONOMY FOR HOUSEKEEPERS GOOD HARD 8OAP, arents por nu MS'orsa.r .. ,,. •OFT' IBOEL. P 11400 • barrel or 10 *so pre ca. • i ,., n h.J at eke e'I44' and Ilan ASlt IAr TORI, im ,b 118481. JOHN BARNES. tio4.uch, Name *3.4. 1164. W .,• Doyle t NQtatrr. BAa014TRRS A311 ,rnRN1U, nOLIerTORn- ''hn. a• 4.((•I4. I norm R A. ■. L. Dorsi. orb _- ---. William Fraser. TTORrIY AT LOW e0LIMT'I*tN Cel OSCUT. A C....yawration.,80'. a.,ration.,cease of 11.e• 'e SFlllths R. 17.1*. LI A. roaseseIaeddine`T [mellow pseerolo. ema r's sew rose. Donated arre raMealmverselaeldert ,ea Des le tar .ars WACKIER. A11O11Nxr-A3-LAW. 801.131T MAI COAIT. nary. ceititemo. aa, wei K.o.derra JAILIsit T.OARROW q ouotTt 11 tel 1411178118,. MOWN' aT LAW. 5.ws.,.1: *a, ax ele Rtre t- N.rC Carr'. Law Colles, Kiwi* re. Mwleoswon. V \RUM& ATIONYBY, entielTOR , ac. U CI..t.,•. net. MONET TO LEND. Al. D 1NTI19T• 1 ELECTOWPATH1ST ,tc. TEETH inserted i* either P1a •tna, Gold, Silver. or Vulcan i.ed Rasher on reaumsbl. tenor erre Ike over the Ford O,Rce. West Street leslwnh. Agricultural MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. NeOTICE s hslebv given flat LESLIE JOHNSTON s nu longer an Agent fur l above Company, his services having s.. leen dispensed with. He hnauthority • take risks ortrannact anyotlar business Whatever for the Company.' 1). C. Meth/SALD, Sec. i London. Ont., May 28, 1868. wL.tf ICRfR►n \TCfln0/1(tilsor1[Ln. rawly.' 11 LU NJ 01)71McDonnell 14 Bonn. www aye w.amy crus, r. mato/ In. ort.•1 yr, L. 31. H.r11n, CLII. 330(1(13 ATD 'IrgTRO Agent cad C 0.nitww. L•MN,w. Leen 1 •Am ON BAND 1,k2T DOOR TO , UNE OF MONTREAL, WEST ST. .TA31ffi9 FCRCSIL MON. RG:RBTARY IIUWIVT11c01ix amociaTIO8. Batman [Ls Peer O a. w 0 A LAAGR SUPPLY or D. P. CA7IPSEt E, s, PROVINCIAL Ltln maverickDRtt'.IITI- .... a.. 06e. a Or month rang Awn. at wmteter. N R .AB torten mor eer.ryl., 4Aoota r Tal* hunt. B.,, r WIyiwR w* tem* meek. .t•IMO .1031,3 ii ALDA:Y, .tr. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, INRURANCI, tern AND CletRALAGBNT, Money al 1 poem. We -Waal 818804. 1,888,8, aapet.,v. nrmierlrrtn. THE LANCASHIRE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. CAPITAL, £2,0110,000 FTgd'leNG Tate Cmmlway wan .p-Wy .lad , IM eriliaa, tlaur d on...nec M Wei Bea . grant Olrl- thnn0,luta rh.n.11ar of taw tert04 ) u an Aare or .b hlg4,ert elan lee ramy Mad %, MM. sox L ICII. B 1111111111, A4.si t4 Ga4.rtrh. (CEO. RUMBA , CO• FORWARDERS. Id COSI N LS 1101 Ilerehsste 08 a,. 4*4 n At•L tom or PRODUCE, COAL, SALT, WATER LINE. Ake etlr. Aroma for lntslYttarise and Fire .ar*n ee C3mp*nice. I II AYN7R (WAY• c. Auction A Qosion. C3( DERICH k)C',IN.FON F.wtahl LNheat SA LES of Mirell•n.np Prosy le RmleDeh .veru ll.terdy,.,1 rot Clhp nudity. fejT► Wed. Moneta a.lren'01 n0 T sah.nd pswroot ract we.. main" a. r I•'wwdist' Perm .41'wk and .leer 6m44 a,not .dtnthmnghm4tha'-nony Ilyallead- M- TRUISM ANN Ani.„ wit --- Nene' 'kl'.., ()menet Montt, to Loan on Ragout., PPRAONR R to the Tom sr A .(Urr•r ('•"" 1'1s, Co1,g 0y M. G, M. vettEMaN Markt ,,aaa R , Land0 Moe, A811(3eA Imitmee Pon to..d I'w Rale M weal . . M A R (3nMrWt.Mroh aI. L'1t7M7. Mua ^maM w,. SALT TERRIT(ly FOR SLE OR' 1E1E. WITHIN UM moms M no 0,414 Moshe, Ams, Ma~m'enrh P ARM iNf1 LAN1 eO.Yee,.wt to UN test.. Am.,y .... JOIla 65 - • 0,,.1..n.0.1 es es Dee.. t, '"*'"isi..h le ich be in prepared to make op in the Ann- an notice. and Cheep for Cash. OOD FIT WARRANTED. A lea eierteh, cell lx. p CARTED AFRESH! NAD/q4 A✓ q 5 XE C ODBIRIOS ;cam Axe Factory. IOHN McPHERBON, I :Ito .nnoanee the public that he is ..o a prepared, with new and improved atm Dtchinery, to torn oat hos enperinr ale larger gasntitiee than hitherto, and hal N rove the sante satiefacnon that W aplle6 hie efforts up to the present. NEI KUM have gained a weleapread p4Brity throaeheut Huron end Hrece. somber she shop : Corner of Waterloo 1mlththou*e nreeis, &rich, Dee. 2. 1467. wtitt t'OYES 1 STOVES 1 r Ff.AIN AND FANCY a b4 O 0 tie0 2 Q Ib (IODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 186& engin tee Iived:n ib GFR.ATN, FLOUR, FEI:1) ANL PROVISION STORE. ARCHIBALD HODOB, Panner[ 0ER''HANT, Cameron' Block Kingston Street, * B r GODE111CH. ri RAIN, FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, r Bran, Shone. Poster, B.ren, Ruiter, txe.Ne.dmd •n,r'ket price pad for ,rata and all kinds *produce. *414 GI BARKY & BRO,f O CABINET MAKERS 1 IVOOD-TURN ERS ! AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St„ Goderich, L'EEI' constantly on heed for sales 511 .rti- 11 elm In their lis, lucb as Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, &c , Q) All kinds of wood -turning done, sigh u Neel peen, stair banaietsrs, neckyoks, ke AIwave on hand, • complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a II kILiF to hire on reasonable term Goderieb, Mae 3rd. 1866 . 15w6m• MINIMS Witectorp. ALLAN P. !MACLEAN, d cc O J 1- A 0 -•1 x Fr, nAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS C.IrWme ,0 pan of West of England Broad clothe, Heaven, Wh,ln.ya, Beer.km., Frey English, Saotch,aad French Tweed., Cashmeres, Doeskins, and ■ kenr.y of C•nadn. l'loth.; Plea, Saila, and Flowered Vesting., Shon., Gimes, Cap.. Me., 6cc. He feels ouned.at of giving esma4elwp to ali who may wroth= with their °niers. TWEED SUiTS (all wooly 512 and upwards. stir N. B. -Cutting done to (later. g -g Goderieb, Sept 25th. 1866, lAME&4 Pal Alfa. lI.I., ARCHITECT, PLANT AND N.rtu4Y1CAT1UNR of Build i age.dce., sot up i n • neat cad corr.:tatt le )r •1 km liarom Amnon Mart, Mir rat Simms ,Uodench. UwnInll Tly LUOKNOW HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE, E. S. C17NYINOHAII, Propnetor. `frl'ATF.D on the corner on the Nonhern Roa.l, Lurk now, Steam leave every morning lr (.nd.rieh and Walaennn. Toe hotel ls6lt.) on with accommodation for commercial *metiers. A large Hall snitched. 1 itself. 806" FIRE & IR.MARINE I \ s u ACIF. 1211ANIX FIRE ASSURANCE Company o. [i Landon England. eete(J,ahed ,o 17b2,oae cI the oldest dargeal and heat ..vire. in Canada. HORACE HORTON, Agent. PROVINCIAL IN4IIRANCE Company of Cauda, Head UM.e lomat". Will take nsk. on Country and City Propene. Meme r,.4•take, •1•111u• MUM 55 say other lin, claw wee.. HORACE HORTON, Agent. W MONEY TO LOAN. EXCHANGE OFFICE ( l, j $p(1 00On',admin..* .f , rJ 0.rn..ecuntr r•rable 0ODE' MCH, ONT. antero /rctt.)n1H1i nnrS min..*CE $TD •r,• No Highest (Price Paid for ALL 1111113111 Or Agent. lod.ne5. Muesli • • 'war. e.7 AMERICAN BONDS. Go D F, R I C II M Greenbacks, Drafts, GOLD, SPUR, COMMCRCIIL ANI) BANE OP UPPER CANADA BILLS, BOUGHT AND SOLD AT BENT RATES. Om. 1: -West Street, 3 doom East or Post Office. DEAN k SMART. Go4ench. Feb. 10, 1868. 3.3 in A GREAT CURF. OF UVEB t1.MPl.AIHT ANO DYSPEPSIA IN CANADA. Carman, Pollee 34.urt Co., C. W.. March, 1A6L. knemo t C ,n, -errs, ha.on.t'r." arae tot ,1. I1,.,o4.ede re livernhmpl.nt..rd i1*'{e0- ateI .m adored N make 1110 statement meter • ath. ...lora meatal, lbw 1 have seen rarely .1.114 Mr the WI three loon aremastag tothe Ikr4on• sa,ernente ria I.. err r',wnph"nl and Uvspema 1 modfeeling of .inking .rd nn' enems .t aahethe maw*, war. hes p.m 'rsrut eau of wind, neeenonowl pain. Am..'- .,Iw1u uneasiness in the tato mde,head.ehe, • pear appetite. ar.,•e., and ^really reared n strength. Hearing mares Ida m.dr,nr the lireat Shn.hnnero tummy .peeraf.n hag/111y, 1 Diad. hail. wile ePIN, mud n 1 11.1,111.11,111 11111• rhnar,htIok another d then fount my health nn.d it ann. I hr. tater •Mat ten bo bottle. not 1 MN.e, name mile, std 1 hod pant 1 lar. dun' am te red. !eat hearty .1 haul pea ,r ,,rune... 1 em u and naee pl ors m treat.„ le ey brume... TA.,ha .,, data remarked e 1 ares tootle, much Idler, 11. N him Ila OastNM"h,..r.. Remedy oats ,*.,ins it I Irv, ,ananmewde.e the Remedy in serval rr4 n W invadable grind etre" gaIr4n..n, and I wvoni ool* stronglyno,lyrecommend ilbml .Hrv,d r 1 was. A)IHR(a0. \\43/11. Soma N gore M rat ebawean. (' w 41.14d Any,/ M.A. 11147 J N. CAIN 48,1. P, e C.wtmisw.8rr M Q.11.. In 2,1 Mr Ia. .a 111 Cowen, d Prow* 34."... 4:. W. STOP AND SEE, T111•: •following rasa ---4 n TMimaalwl. sol m.wt ., deem1 sod . ruwwth say •sores ma a*t *tern. y :.M 1►eOn.. AuIYIMAN REMEDY. They Are .nn 11•11.6114e mut 11,01111.01111.6 1•1.1, sallorom to anomie. the man anthatteieroMM,rnol n- and en.' o ages t. Dow .,•solos• n Me (host 9HOSHONEES REMEDY rasa 1/111•11104.• of .41. Thn,l *.lm(+ .8r, IMorenoe 4hrms, It Moor. se., .o is on *4 e• A•mfu4, earmna eke. ra.en..•, 140.0,04. 4.d ail .4004.• armour Mal Imperils.. el the lima. we badly stale 0.1 t.,1 great 'matey Au, NRVRR Mall ll AI.I.RD. when .m there ever aarh 8 can .• that In the areal n4 Wilma nada of N4'h,nn C. R., n4 .;onwm .pl"m : nr aal,.o Vela (•. m•. blear.F.n,e.Mwn 3. W.. °.'o*- arm this of Ambrose WOnd,aConio.rm,, C..W No p.Y, cad 1100' ,IC et that 0.f John a 772(2.222.W 4*^ea, C• W. M RM .. an 0Amm • sohd ,,,,, i1 772(2.222., N.., Ii1, rMehw Mr v'N16, to wpm. d.11 ,rN1- w)ream•, enc m mow .444. Beer. of .rot .os.e mato N ar dtnnnl Mel re neer IJ W A8 j - Mom p t '/'all t 4he lung moau, et • C.nnhr mi I I ammtla 0 ro 114' . the 7rRV..A r NNIML 03WIEDY and 111.111 and wary , Mr .*1004 Price Of the RamA6P in large "'Weill ,r tee d.4 111 s" I4w.etes aM Deslen m Mem Arens far OwIer*'h, F. la..4n .rd Veer a Canty 1I1101ALRAfAt AORN7'el• I.y M o,my N. F.I ANr17 A r.. 1 MRONTO. pl *1 1148305 a 1PATIw/4/, Meantimea MANN, [HAMILTON. A-BAMII.TON8140 ' COAL OIL* HOLESALE AND RETAIL. Coal Oil Lampe, he. Ao. i)kl in"a. 0, Rear, N' nal P,eknes. and Sheep Skims ,n enrhug., J.& J. RTUR3, Sint of th Large Coal Oil Barrel, rret. Marek 1 N, 1 ke7 3-0 tes- 1111*ATlo1 Batt ae Quu,c.-The Que- bec correspondent of the Spectator says :- - The latest and principal aeration among the fashionable circles at the present time is the coming grand ball of all nations, which 1. to be hell at Quebec about the micelle of next month. It 1. expected that this will be the most brilliant and dazzling affair of this kind -ever witnessed upon the American continent, and extensive pro- mpraanntions are already being rttade for it. The display of diamonds and precious twill be so dazzling that there will be net use for gaslights during the evening. It is thought Out the Counter of N -will be writent, and, if so, she will wear upon her pers.ola diamonds and precious store to the value fo half a million of dollars. WINDSoR. Sept. 1.-Coronor Don- nelly held au inquest yesterday en the remains of the three Van Orden's., who lost their lives in ue of the mills burned at Belle River Satarday night. A large number witneses were examined by whom it wee proven that previous to the breaking out of the flames in Van Orden s mill three pistol theta were fired in the vicinity of the mill, and that Robarsh, the man arrested on suspicion, had on several oocaoior, used thleateming language towards Van Orden. Tho in- quest will be resumed this Morning, and unless s7me new light s thrown upon the matter by additional witoe** ., the ane will still be enveloped in mystery, and the jury will probably fail to identify Robarsh with the tragedy. THa1LLINUAUCIDa,T AT NIAGARA FALII -ADARING AAT', -The BukslrCor•o.rre'.l learns that s startling incident occurred there on Monday afternoon. A little girl, while getting upon the railing of the bridge, leading trent the main land to Goat Island, lost her balaors, sad fell int. the rapids. Instantly, c young mai nam- ed Moulton, who resides at Auburn, plunged in to rescue the child. Creeping the little one, and keeping her heed above water, both were swept un towards the prompter, and destruction seemed inevit- able. But Moulton, being an expert swimmer, struggled manfully with the rushing torrent, and succeeded in reach- ing the shore only about fifteen feet from the brink of the cataract It was a moat humane and daring act. birmetea Aernmemu FROM LIGHTYINn. -A very large nunnbrr of accidents from lightning are reported from distracts of France, rine of them of the meet extra- ordinary kind. Three days ago, the elec- tris fluid struck a house at Con rp.gwc Charente Imperienre, and w.,undel sir persons. A girl had her clothes burned and received asevereshock. The lightning fired off a double barrelled gun, .bn.ke the Oar of • clock, and melted the weights. Another case is much more deplorable. A young min of the age of 22, and a girl IA, who were on the point of marriage, were found 'eaning evert a tree, both quite dead. A man had his watch broken in mors *About suffering injury to him- self, w it is reported. I 1. L TRAGEDY NEAR WINDSOR. FLOI'R AND FEED STORE, Crabb's Block Kingston Stroot. I.OI'K. Oat -mail, Corn -meal and Mill Feed. meet), • lop ofS • C red HAMS Just received this morning, 500 B.*hels prime Potatoes. 1000 " oats. T. B. VANEYRY k Co. Goderich June 7, 1867. .200. ` t F nme ug, r • and Rolled 14•con. LOOK HERE J J FT'11F, snbseriber having REMOVED to the A. store latele occupied by W H. DUNCAN. first door south of Hingham'. Market Square, wishes to inform his friends in the Town of Gnderich and surrounding country, that he now hat the largest and most comrlete stock of Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes of any house in the roontry,ennaining every err of Ladies' and Children's goods, ,rad that he has also a rep largo rbrtgrot of GENTLEMEN'S WINTER BOOTS cane and fine, loth imported, and of his own manufacture, which he will sell Cheap for Cash Call and Amami..., as he is satisfied that he has jest the goods you wont,. SAM'L FURSE. Goderich, Sept. 24, 8807. .4 Farm tor Sale. TRE west t of lot 25 Hayfield Road, Town- ship of Stanley, 77 acres, about 50'lear- cd. The land it of first-rate quality, sod good .prang creek mining through the lot. Terme, part of the money down. Time given for the remainder at 8 per Cent per annum Further particulars may be had op applies ot.lo JOHN JOHNSTON. Lot9, Hayfield Road Stanley. Goderid. Sq847. M 9th: 1 w:13. CHEESE LCIIEESE! Shephard alt Strachan, GROCERS, GODERUCII. HAVE been reappointed sole menet at Goderich for the sale of the celebrated Exeter Factory Cheer. Lord dealers supplied at the Factory Prices. SREPRARDISTRACHAN. Go pariah, May 27, 1987. t _ wIR tl WEE PROPERTY FOR SALf]_ R1TIF enderwegnerl offers for wile 114 6, en.. L 3, Ood.nch 4ownohlp.-101 acro*, 65 cleared, frame barn, gond land. The prn party u only • s. 10 from present salt well*, And a tke rseem runs thro•gh it, better salt territory cannot he found. WILLIAM RLLJUI, Goderich. Mash 24, 1868. a* 60 tf TWO MILLS BURNED. 348111: 1'*:R"454 1110,11 ;r, DRAIN. 0314' Ins. THAT TORT *151 Yt'(04111». Windsor, Aug. 3L. -ten Sunday morn- ing, about half past 12 o'clock a horrible tragedy was started at Belle River, about 18 miles from Windsor Van Order's tuill was art on fire by the torch of an in- cendiary. This fact is toady shown by the subsequent discovery of an oil can and other combustibles near the place where the building were fired. As mein ea .t communicated to the main portion and shorter than it takes us to write, the whole fabric was in the embrace of the devouring element- The village was hushed in silent dumber, but the stainer was awakened by the alarming rep.rta of pistol shots, and • few who heard them were aroused to • the situation b lights sense ay the glaring g ts which shone from the burning pile. Harpy had the half -awakened sleepers discovered the fire, before another burst over their gaze, and it was found that the mill of Van Allen, situated about two hundred yards distant was also in flames. A prompt effort wag made 4o millirem both, but they were both burned to the ground. The buildings adjoining wherein Mr. Van 1 rden's wife and gr•ndeon were, were first enveloped and sad to say, they perished in the general disaster. ester - day morning their blackened and charred romans were taken from the mouldering Ore and placed in a box for interment. They were barely distinguishable, w corn plete had the element done its work. The body of Mn. Van Orden could only be dis- tinguished from the fact that the fire had exhausted its fury before she was entirely consumed. Sickening as may be the de- tails of this horrible affair the facta must be gated. All that is left of Mr. Van (hden's body is a portion of the trunk, burned to • cinder, head and lege gone and scarcely the semblance of humanity left. The wife is ,1uly rec•gnired from the appearance of the hair on the lark of her Mimi, which was almst consumed. Tho balance of the body, extremities and top of the head were destroyed. The body of the gransou who was • smart active young man of 17 years of age, is only rec.gnhz- able from the faces given above. The mill of Mr. Van (Peden was totally destroyed. What the motive for firing these promises could be, will onlybedearlined on figure investigation. it may be to distract atten- tion, or there may have been periled reasons for it. In either oases no excrete can be ofIlled . There is a surmise and probable velatiun may - emablsh the truth of it hat the Van t)rdenfamily were first murdered, and that the permutes were fiend to cover rap dl.eovery. Citizens sate that pistol shot. were heard at the time of the alarm, and it is probable that the unfortunate family were murdered in their sleep. it is alleged that Mr. Van Orden drew from his b•nken, Messrs. Noble 5 Strong, at Windrow, 36(0 on Saturday, and there may hare been a motive for Ode horrible proceeding --that he was dogged to hia home, and with him Roily brutally asarainwted. None left to tell the horrible ale. Van Allan's mill was immune for 51,000 in the Queen'. Captain Robarish was ar- rested yesterday evening on auapicinn of having been implicated in tho horrible affair. Today, (1. McMWn., stipendary mmaagg,.trate ; Dr. Donnelly, coroner ; S. S. McDonnell Crown Attorney, and John O'connor, twp., M. F., Counsel hr Crim- inals, all left here this morning. The trial ommeelsd today. The trial will be oonclnded to -[sorrow. A rumour current that Mr. Howe is to accept °Nine as chairmen of the rail - *ay onmmision, but it is not generally entailed. FOUL PLAY. 53 1'4ARLas RIA111 ARD D1014 aOUCII'At'LT. CONTINUED. CHAPTER LVI. -Un to Or time Helen'• sett, and its attributes, had been • great lisadve ntage to her. She had been stopped on the veer threshhold of her inquiry by petty difficul- ties which a man wuuld have neat sur- mounted. But one fine day the scale gave • little turn, and she made • little die -emery, tharnke to her sex. Women, whether it is that they are borne to be fol- lowed, or aoeustomed to be followed, seen, to have eyes in the back of their heeds, and teatime to divine when somebody after therm. This inexperienced girl who 'cad missed seeing ruauy things oar readers have seen, observed in merely phasing her window *seedy ,,tan in the courtyard of the hotel. Wald you believe it, she in- tently recognised the matt who had open- ed hercabdour in Lincoln's Inn Fields, and at Charhug Cross. At various inter- vals he passel the window ; and twice she saw the urn again. She pondered, and determined to try a little experiment, IL,burt Penfuld it may be raiment rel, had mentioned an expert as one the cp,eanon she was to see. She had 1 ed for his name in the Directory ; but experts were notduwn wt the books. Another fat - alit ! But at last she had found Under- , cliff, a litlurgrapher, and she fancied that must be the seine person. She did not 1 hope to learn much from hint ; the newe- 1 papers said his evidence had caused •smile. • She had a distinct object in visiting hem the nature of which will appear. She ordered cab, and drearier' herseit. She came .lawn and entered the cab ; but in- stead of telling the man where to drive, she gave him a slip of paper, containing this addrtas of the lithographer. "Drive there," said also, • htts mysteriously. The cabman winked, suepectiug an intrigue and went off to the place. There she learned lir. Undercliff hadmovod to Frith btreet, Soho, number not known. She told the cabman to drive slowly up hid down tbe.treet, but could not find the name. At last she observed some litho- graphs i,. a window. She let the cabin• n godownthe street, than stopped him clad paid him off. She had no sooner dune this then she walked very briskly back, and entered the little shop and enquired for Mr. t'uderclitf. lie was out and not sepoct- e,1 back for au hour. "1 will wait," said Helen ; and she sat down with her head upon her white hand.- A seedy man pass- ed the window rapidly with a busy car ; and of his eye shot a glance into the shop, it was ve slight and careless nalady could suspect he mule spy, and had done his w.,rk effectually she flashed by. In that moment the young lady, through tbechmk , f her fingers, which she had opened for Uri penman, not ouly recognized the man but noticed his face, his wwtc,at,hs dirty linen, and the pin in his neck -tot. " Ah i" rid she, and finished to the brow. She lifted mD her heed and became con- scious o1 • formidableold woman, who was standing behind the counter at the aide door, eyeing her with theseyerestacrutiny. thew Be0d senses she had a prow opinion 1 the win tormented with fees that he wined du some desperate act, -drown himself, or go to sea ; or, would of a11, marry some trollop, She became very anxious and un- happy. Before this misfortune she used to go about singing the fiat verse of a song, and whistling the next like any ploughboy; an aa;entric performance, but it made the house gay. Now both song and whistle *ere suspended, and instead it was all hard work and hard crying; turn about. Sheattached herself to Michael Penfold because he had known tr.ubte, and was sympathetic,these two opened their hearts to one another, and formed • friendship that was very honest and ruching. The scene of their conversation and mu- tual consolation was Nancy's parlor; a lit- tle mite of a room she had partitldned off from her business. "For," said she, "* lady 111 be, --after my work ti done, -if it t. only in a cupboard." The room had a remarkably large fireplace, which had ori- ginally warmed the whole floor, hat now was used as a ventilator only. The gas would have been stifling without it. As (,,r lighting a fin id it, that was Mit of the question. On a certain evening, eon after Mr. Penfold's return from 'Borland, the pair est over their tea, and the conversation fell on the missing sweetheart, Michel had been thinking It over, and was full of en ouura gement. Ho said. -- "Miss Rous, something tells me that, if Mr. Wylie could only know your heart, he would tura up directly. "What we ought to do is to send some body to look for hint in all the sailors' haunts ; some sharp fellow, - dear me, what • knocking they always keep up next .144,,,'' O, that is always the way when one wants a quiet chat. Drat the we,nai 1 i 1! hats her indicted. ''No, you won't Mir Rous ; she is • poor 50,41, and beano brine.* except let- ting lodgings ; she 85 not like you. But I do hope she will be M kind as nut to come - quite through the wall." "Wear heart !" said Nattcy, "ten on, and never mind her noise, which it ,ie worse then a hurgangrid.r." "Well, then, if you can't find hint that way, I say --Advertise." Me !" cried Nancy, turning very rel, "1)0 I look like a woman as would adver- tl.e fora man i" N', na'a ; quite the reverse. But, what 1 mean is, you might put ,n setae thing n'44 too plain. For instance ; If J. W. will return te N. IL, all will lee forgot- ten and orgiven," "He'dfhave the upper hand of me for life," said Nancy. 14o, no ; I won't ad- vertise for the fool. What right had he to run off at the first word f He ongbttokuow my bark o. worse than my bits by this tome. Yuu can, th"nl'S" "Iti