HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1868-9-8, Page 4--- - - ,- -1--wmm-._ -a, arse ---. � Mwan .hful young an sd..rtiais r p, in the Mato. 4 *wev/yra :- Ago. trireosy A voting man of ped shreder and gowl hair* and she MU, Wahine,. residing near Milton. •d peressalig rat eiders/31e property isrd erode, Mde•troae of , y,,4&sore Young Law.ma of .s •sh• .-p... swed plutr.ly uetr- eld. Ar so olge bdween .Kneen and t..sty45er. Wadi have w oh - jerboa to eashase• Plwaserspha ant co- r.5poadesoe with arson OUL U shame. r Objest--u•iproveriat sad matritsowy. i ♦ m Address, r.. Tome P rMaus,, Ms, Oat. A TNOUs.Ss Otll•eIs wit • Cowl -Mr. Cash sea, or Compass, is bused to have the but stook that m.s•y w Y. gas no. oa Ma wan No caryrlend a superb two-year eta heifer or the Database fussily, tribe of lista., far which he paid one tleae•ad guise's, r 8.S,150 i. cold, Weide, themes of ag.ney, seuveyanee to port of sbiproeet, tree p•sesge inamorata. and railway charge' from port of arrival to (`orptts. Mr. C. I. building .p au .sego trade Ia stook of all kiwis. He has already re - salved orders from nearly every state V tic Assertion Ireton. -Sherbreams 0.r ettta FATAL A0CIDSST. - Tb. Strallbrd BMWs give' this p.rtiwlao ad as Oil. that h7 rev\ Mie. J weir, er Nrnei'S- ton, lest hes life, os Tusel y lest for and Lit wilt started is the resin Ayr, Lavhg with them is the wars the horse power d k dIPSId hg o rbane. Or of Use MOOS was • pun &aims', sad what r.kii • sharp tura in the 115.4, the berm Mod of toward the free, up• setting the waaoa-owe of the wheels of wbiob we' seassh.d by the violent), of Me sed t eowieg the horse pow- r.at with great foram epos Mr Weir. Mrs. weir wpd with • No braless, sad hastened s gaudily se her frightened arras week permit, to the Dearest dweiliag &boat 30 rads distant, for aria. an.t. The horn poor .0 then remov- ed r, o m oflthe u(aortomats ran, bet etas! the vital spark had ted. Lyles If eir/S Ill*!! M. L. 0. bares' (.'ee•'ru. Ile ',vetoed •,w o Mao ttdela. Mwstori w ,o the smoothed* o keMr ..rhem newer tool's to ad. swops, 1.r Intel sant foo 50 ler we •orroe' of s5 tea5` m• s ne& Ad•re e Heves. k Ce, 711 N• . a'•, n. Y. (No Leiter mkt. oaks. peep.d.) 4410 TO (101ewtWrT•vER. 11. Meru.r. hoer. l..a .wlnnd Ie beer le rr weer ben eery cors r..My airs having sat An re arra! rams mob nubafar .4&s afaw •..e 101 dead rear C•aaerer•M Wier in rt. ens r 5e' lellar•.14res r dram: T. .II .horse. a. ho error a ...p. 'r the proe- errprwn rad (Er n/ arras t .r h ,b•a=rrr fn. Ir. - plume •• rim re ore. . 15 My 11 •d a ease owe • A*CnrenelM•, A•••21 a. Bop. at rig, ('err. CM.sa. sad .S Thera .M 4 *s 115.r1rr. Tl. r ••.I 010.00 ll ho adv./lifter.. •rnnwOrP55 * *55 M Mare. the •a<lr. . d Wert ••••••••••••• Le h• rs*1 M*. she M b.f.. • •• .bur will try Ian reined,. mit resell OMI 15•- onleog. and My e'•.. •'deee1•• 1'e,r&ae. M ,4.4**rd Pair. '..Alar 1 A• prooniot mash plana .Yr.rn.... COWARD A: WIIJe,w w I.rrrram- Err r:•.. weer T.5, PRO BONO P[,'BLIL'0. CHEAP GOODS FOR CASH f1T*AIGE, BUT TIME. S tow? yhays.• palemmioM U•.N .ren se hoot •..5br wry mar se teens ads anew 1 54 wn �t (ue.4.5.05*). M a1rsrr.f l 1wr*•l�. • M r.re err. d hoar b n oollp .N1 err•ty .mo .mo.4-e'4•«•red. A morn Ilp554. .•a•w*errerri••••Tww..4r. ran Al,sl�. ere -tree set DM/MN/Se. „*. ►nA SUMMER, 1868. JOHN UA. it 11, pans A ./LOIDID (MOCK 08 TIMIS iMAES01ICF11111 DAY•aC#OODIS d ma. 1.. Pant •••ad.5r of THE VERY LATEST NOV$LTIZII. le .r 4h• wrier .mensal-rto .4 the ani. at,W THE WELT LOwwr KEW° Or PILICse• IN Tag I101'2, 151 Alt 21 rade el PRT GOODS. - All liras wt KAT, Aro °APO. 1l1 tends 1N C LOT HIM- slcsa74!• A11 II lade -• Mir. ALL turret we GB IXOCJMCI R=31:138' TEE FINEST TEA THAT CANcrarEreT $1,00 OOOD CONMOlr TEA 37i Ysry 3..tfT�fEE, �G��ROUND or mND tOROU'90 Ob lb GOOD (BMWs oorP LE la Cta lb. CIt0C1 I I Y. Arc.. Fr 8.1. also by the Seded ibey. the PATENT GOAL OIL BURNER, .1.411•*^ pn'w.•.I A• Or *1n ! �n I• at W Oto b..v.'ot Mt pmt pe. ♦* •.re,w.t of bar of W V• w Lo.*0p1Y the 555*1^•r --'**' '•! t 114- flea perk are respfdhOl invited t• •SIL .W Ooderich, 20tb April, MS. •13. /4<d1• JOHN HARRIS- l',nor {Pest Street, GodstiuS. NEW SrQ E! POLLOCK & JOIINSTON, BE° to"k..dk..• to•n the inhabltt, of ' i nis•Mh ..d •kg tier +e+ lbw Sama New Rion 40 Corner of Hamilton Street and Market Square, cAiO0EK1Cd3• F.la Where thug have opened .it a very select ark el Staple sed lour DRY 'GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES ! All of .Wk baying bons panda s4 for rash. will be .old at the very Lowest K•Is. GOODERHAM & WORTS:Our Cottons are Uncommonly Cheap! ,DISTILLERS. I,and11 a li DAVffi FARM kik" SALE, e OROCBBIIS P01III1I1LLb1 MAwtlr♦ eghsad rat DEALER le a. 10TEAdSMils 1 it ovist^ iee,e l.. sad O.""ttI.ir« w" teas TOWN PRO PNRTY y. )rows,. ,.�t, *ow a,o.s., win • ' gam ow O I L, 4041 sores ear. F:r•-,e ; ANY ARTICLE IN THE GROCERY LINED 1&8meri40, „EBLA: sae owtrAwlL. pa bide •.,.nsg Orshardiandsie lam. or ed. 7188 ...r, d..r.N. (ass •r As Cheap as the Chejpeet, sed as Good as the Best 1 fSwat.p..atlr.. ° ,tom •r•prhN ,�oelcsTCL& AN. area Bedesish ♦.g. 244, 1.41, .$3 IF•O kt 1b3AI.E, IN PARCELS RUICIL 1O FROM 2 TO 6ACRESI LAND IMMEDIATELY ADJOINING THE` Present salt Well AT THE Goderlch Bailin! Station, APPly to M. C. CAMERON od„bk. seg. se, 4547 oChtf 11 18 'A ANOWLEDG D FACT THAT THE PLACE IN OODILIOB M maims 1S THE EXPIRE $OUSE I Or il$,HA�NON a. BELL. N.rt! Bide bark t Square, where may b. footed • full a1lo(rt-.st of General Groceries. Liquors of all Kinds. Crockery, Glassware, &o. Vessels Supplied Cheap with ail'ltrticles in our tinge SHANNON & CO. Gderisb, Kay 4. 1 ells, .11 F. G. BECKETT & CO., SALT TERRITORY. THE sabaetbereliables foe .51. • reliable pines et property our the prams& Salt well a Mutl•ad,tlle, eomprwg thee' am of lard W ILU AM SW A FFIELD, Dotterels p. m. Ooderiek, Nov. 31. 1541. .44 TO BALT OPESATOaa. Two STEAM ENGINES as good es mow, rad is parlor worker order, far sale shrug. Particulars st thio oleo. Du. t. 1es7_ .43 Grater! and Yrorisioa Starer BAYING rented and fitted ep the .tor. lately occupied by A. F. Bosh, for the obeys banner, i as now prepared to ferni.k rallies with Crocerles and Provisions which !shall sell at the Lowest 04011 pewee Flour and Toed kept constantly oa ♦.hare of your patrooses will be lama lolly received sod fnithfalliesseeded to. Wises fad Liners, Crockery fed Glassware1Fuel Geode, tee., Elitism', terminal, Buckwheat FI.•r, RE a &e GOAL OIL 1 A$D CC'AL OIL LAXPS D. FERGUION. P. °& tic tows. L -Good. will ben delivered is eq ILE ti t CONSIDERING T1RECELi.SPrT QUALITY OF THE .1RTIC LE. pert Ood.rieb. Feb. send. 154. ..41 ESTABLIaHKD 1832. I n$ p e c t Our Printed Cottons. New !garble lS�•vWn'orks aldalu ST., GOCERICH FOR BALE, THE11t Czil2111.ATED ga! REMEMBER THE STAND, KINGS FON ST. o00ane ltiiaL. ri.% ts• qua. wttt Alcohol, gy Pure Spirits, Old Rye, STONE ANDS Q�G� W A� ! a[a1t, Toddy_ and Common pOL.L IC k JQ INBTOINT, GRTI4N MTItIVT, OODEniCR,) W H I S K E Y S yvir,.O bettor fthaham"Wh arar. of Wasters Agentsthe s « for tsale of tits 0. y. I3ALLARD, CORNWALL, Toronto, Jeer I. masa- w10.31a REMOVED. A. SMITH TAILOR and CLOI 3II�8. 11.4/4 w..55d r ►r 85o' lump M 188 w,. ▪ alms, .mr, s w• err .,r or, ter. U. sorW rub .Ir CASH, • armor •nary Beady - lade C10 Corry r pan COatw. `•Hefre, Under -C11, f!j Peer rear 14•••••• • r1Mrr arrow. WEEDS Stop. sad A. 14. Jcshteeeton .I ONUMElRe. HEADSTONES, Tabi• tope} pegs, be ,Tombs, of every d.rrip tins araC sq* mf worka.abip, furnished on .hart ...re sad at the lowest print. Ube. woods to t5. Trude is llama and Bruen thattbny sae •II of the rat reducers evade for emelt. All orders Penal 7 Would u supply very wprior artist.. w• lemd.at by Mr. Ballard, .al ILANIIPAOTIIRER' S PRICES. '1'4ensb'De.-l'. test. .4717 rtienl•n see rrcalan mut est by as. Call sod examine the Mak now POLLOCK a JOHNSTON. sraierich &Scuthamptorl tine ! rerf+.7 4 Ed ctiOIEWIRCTION WITH Gm TOUNI RAILROAD sem aka 1868 .eysded to. Designs .f Mose rents been gm be wee at the amp. Coderi.h, April 3, tips°. _:===68�H61CH WOOLEN WOILE. STOC PIM es Irrupted would beg to inform hie outman•ash the patine that nn sad m Work after the MA feet., his cit 7=17.."-:N`` New Steam Power Woolen Factory Ul.. tarns ws.11. The N.e ed mom AIMrK woo, La. Pumice• "SELYCK SPRAY D. ROWAN, Master, If wlw. mob. r ••_.venae mefls•'1i onnd TM■b -► •..et deisiiek ase Sesthmpta 1 AM , I4..14 4yMmpare per% e•ea went (•*..a.. M' tent Hand Loom '4'Illb WOW rill • fres,.s ear -iv d game w5 Ire prat nae -re topless, tar or err nr•,n w f blTT t.5r, a •r, arr. M I. 1.114/ W rats of .r55, *dere *05TE1w 1 ■4[WM. 0w5.a5, 115.&1.•• 4411&5.., M [..p.. Orr* OODERIUIi WINN & CARRIAGE 1•E anulweofc2+>r 1' Trig Hokr-nh., ens.1 "rose* Ye of Home sad sena that he Wow e&a- .fo,1.nw, r. •I.. e Permanent Building & Savings Society Cunt 444, Yf mass, Blelshg c ttwrs. Who.. 1. the Town of Oodertsb, will be is tall operltshro, sad having aroma so expeae le a4'I;:rt rp".Om'w1aa1 tap se en.,•ulna"e *Ilio n1r •oar M/ •.r, Mcrae •t ItlwrdM. I.M. \*say .ad tit WOE wrote(at Mutberrem err raw ells our r,u sea Itt at mfr era Tara Ilrellarbra,ra:rash s at • Per gala •r trablr .. , t 5I.r*rdlM l E inter Aril. WS r Oudot& to Wm ee&.rant .r I.A& Tsar form winIlEII • a 1N►NTl.. • 144h. 4 aur, r are, loos .I1r lararhnn.a 1'ortNlatn •n,tharpin. T'Arr hen are on 40 Mel for all Porta 1. tee Frertere .had ter V.4,-, 444.Ir .1. F. DICTUMS 9012. Flay ala, Ise. Om) Orl.rtrh First - Class Machinergy �i'n Ivory Particular I be .def 5. lea moor Earn p nt.na r parr rtirtetM.. M to kr error. Srer r•* a m.• tarry ■ r re arm era •err haps• CUSTOM ROLL-CAHDINO MACHINE. from re ere 1440 -serf.. Aeon 44 les DMlres, .54.5 wen rah* her to ..Tsars soy pl.*Mnw from le' .5 .rile@ n.. Ike' 4&•61.144• rlt.wp. Ere is now Prepared to Receive Orders • rrr .N 115 h•It.aHy r.n.M5 et Ib• heaver, r r 5,. pe1'•. r r, lap.. n1l. Mw... t. 11.. 4,,.A,•., sill Ovstosa Roll Oarable, Pulling and Cloth nreiniu` 8pfnnfas, Manufacturing satinetts, Pulled Cloths, JIanne1 awl winosys. w. Err ram .p•ya1awake. r►r lama •1 4151, lore .rod Marla, MA It M 5.re mo►• owl I..pmor4 *54.5 tbrw .eels, 5, arrow Maar rag .*514 d.. nary M .,soma Err ariorm.is mese&•& =.*lee hr Ts awe „ forty yore.peaa. ..,. 44 .5.-• tee.. retry ib taro r roe Er•,p.n.e .sm .ewer by fear terror allibolEsmosebal rlIMIlet e A (-Mil Y. rib mea eArl worm 1111140, 11 01411r W, la s. , Mia THOMAS LORAN. TRE (JANADA who% ink h• CH CAP -0[ &ABH. 15 P*[PASID t}O KAKI .14114 if PASSIM?, II Victoria Sheet, Goderieh. eie44,116e, Ms, 1e t. .w !IMITATE iN WIRTiTRN CANADA, FIRM LANOS FOR SALE VANES ON APPROVED REAL ESTATE. IA,.enat,.ger's l to ..d.n5 .mit • les sareeeed le •.........••• f P.M 1e ran. If mem IIp.,.bl. heir-Y•arf7 tits !tq •�I► e• Les 221.1 seaTeeelneofneck neh114 Il,rv.ne'I'a'.. ^ ..g1. tams 15.43 t1A4 Danes of Every Kind 1 herr" r ,w.p.11 Mora .err As 1 •. •. e r H '' Ii! td " ecce Ta N5,..s.4sw lei Mee • ose5hg ree4 e',5l=e .1 •nil as tbe .Mew " } RO 0 •f I1. Me, r Md a I M •*311 l54 r e'5 yrr y 4 lyw r deal". r rin.y wap./ ..,. tie1 General •anal art of bre" .i wap on bus q . 4 Lake mei greet C.I1s.Y. 400 .. •�nn••t.4t.lee. led•1545a.end enp•pneeii.'5 h5Arthe ed ofthal•14",rr or err).4 d51is.s.4 i51Py t. ..ss., 4 Labs shoe• t' 163 „ Peyr•545 rev 5. mode M dT.re •1/ tmew..t . sNa.W Herd& • r,r raw■/yy.. d�eewe�b�e &•Ewen- H CIAFIY)RD. i em 54let a Itis sew. A.bde l fee „ et•a fell ateel U.rthe hrs.*warler,••.,mdse*lrtsa LI}trrsls ars Pc .1r /COD las. It 1848. P list 12 /M els. 11mo1.7 21 11 RR A nr. re, &fibr raterruws, y,r, (pram l• led ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS : dURR�H FOR O111 RIOT R. CLIFTFORD, I' TN rotrei.g tba.5. for the liberal support sad p erenece be bee remised for tic last 12 year, boo lave b m4 1310 be' the rtredee ion 04.Mbinery he r sew pftp.r. its •upplt retail dealers with all kinds of Biscuits and Crackers wine► hi Oiler will be Owb aaTallre ter le lbs eorws.r thee i.prtieg thee her other planet I.iSY OF PRICER : Soda Risceiyby t5. Son r Sarre, ..44•,47 1r« .' Ir 1I ... 44.04 arremoot " e, - . 1.(111 Abernethy ,t a •• tape Retwr Crackers - « .. . 4.IM n r . •04 earns Weer* r " .... •not Sri4acmis' Ge►3ades- Pee pier ad t..., apply In, asoff)R R. FA itioy!1, °Diem n. 0, •4.14', .111887. RACE HORTONL Igoe. Appraiser re the rolety. D.aet.h. MMONE r I. •rapes r eweeohl. r ter ` .. RERBERT WAION, Apply to .,rP leary sod Transom, Terms Oedwkh OderMk. 1115 Det.. 1044 " waive It 127112110 .rat P. -. TT'T' I'� nl!Illinillll.�T;��� J in1llll r111T'I iITliiIi1TT1TT :Tl T ,•111►t!. HAMIL'T'ON, ONTARIO.' r Mia lAwtlsACTV[Rea OP MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS Or ALA. MIZ.J. al.'s,4, Machinery for YumpIng4falt. Steam Saw Mills, and Grist Mills! Cio1d-Ox-u - is �ap]11=lOrv, MINING, HOiRTINU, AND PUMPING MACHIN EBY, STEAM PUN PS, ENGINEERS' AND BOILER MLA UM' TOOLS' SIX= Al I albs• Paneisg, Drilling, Screwing, and Blotting 1rhiase, PWm.Beed'ug us' Poaching Maelusss, Jr. .rlr* wr.••ar, trews, Jr Oh" ars, HURON FOUNDRY! Latta R. RUNCIMAN, ,: NE; MANUFACTURER OF QRIST & FLOURING MILLS, Miley aim 8gtah Saw-ll[11L, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, Seperator ; • •• ,1 Morrie Power'', I)rnhr Film we', W.ODEN PLOUGHS ! with Cast or Steel Boards, DnU PI omen, rem. T• -..ate Cultivators, Land Rollers, straw Cutters, Agri.alt.r.l Fernee&, Potash kdtle•, S.gar Kettles, Malt kettles, warns and P.p. Bores, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, of the meet improved ked. Rear Castings mads, and Hlaclsmrte Work and Repairing dorm In .h../1 notice. C.11 mod r. the STEEL NOUL,D.IOARD FLACONS, as res see gel one very •5..p roe fah. Gederkk. Nov. 12th, 1547 .114 COLONIALHOUSE. .LA.r•e+v.tu.l' /y! t')+ t'»1:T ,�N t i� n :rib _r Tailoring & Outfitting Department 1-E 8str sh.eriberbegs ta inform his may esslomen .5d the Imbibe g.srellr that haip .e oortentl7 0• head ts. ).-,..t rudely sad besteelmetion or English, Scotch,'rench, Swiss & German Tweeds, IN THE l'nl'*TiES. ALSO A LARGE varus T or Canadian Manufactured Goods, ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN BROADCLOTHS, (-AM'1ttEItEM & DOESKINS, E NGLISH AND FRRNUiI BEAVER AND PILOT OOSRCOATINO8I OVEROOATINGS OF ALI. OTHER DESO 1.... E. Erle` setenred the terrier of MX. XL. CUILIM.Et, be ie prepared to .germ.. 711 molars wit ►poomplitada, sod h • style se.Urpared by nay MANUFACTURER in tic. PROVINCE, Cities ant aze.p/i4. Try bits •d eanett, yew - selves. A p.rfare ftg.are.twd in every irrla555. Conlontly en bad the LARGEST STOCK sad LATEST STYLES in Gentleman's Outflttings of Every Description ! AYRItiCA?I M4l'ly taken at the higL.trts. Chas Be Archibald_ Goderiak, diNear122nd. 1544. 1..1 83 609 CI UOLEI FACTORY. Ta:rode. W M hare* r• Ames IW Wel mow pa.5ies es Nan ma" ..t.MlaMaaat 1 h R , .m .1 Ilse 1,twolsiaery 1 .88.14 r .m to •s5 pew mrAetM gmo•tm. Are Bow Prepared to Kensfeoture Olothi, Blanakere (fill width), Wineey, Shirting, Sheeting, Se., at., *p e.dliamer. rd et 1* 4.'.. ,v.r.p.nbar bl. • b, 5rte mAtp .►avail 'MOON slid W Sesta R•11-Cardis`, Mlles, Drs.s , Spin, A., W• Mall ./r My. M 1 ?.. .04. s P1 Rebel, 4 ee er11r11N0 JACK• ew ire • d tic Not workerWap 14 us V5 4.4 mirk ..web nl •• in erten 5em , w• neer ie ane aTOOW OP OLOTHS. .h,r1 w kmp w,.as5.tf n. A*M .Amp Ir rmrh w 44 MAW 0* eft* .ewe a.a1y wmo • Mae 01 WIMPY Kr negro err s •a ~A., soy ,mope� /teat Omar W *US lar 4Y ••••aNl*...tel wtrle�e e.4WrM&. J. IN[iI.IB & SONS. (.rl.rrh w HEAR YE 1 HEAR YE1 AIL P10 5 a♦t0� WIT CYIIt ►U. • Mowing or ,Reaping Machin IIHOVtD CALL AT SEARLE & DAVIS'. BASE LINE,CLINTON• wa revs SINGLE &LOWERS. ANGLE SELF-RAIINO REAPERS, ASD .DTs O01S11ED 11 OWL Oew 10,401./ tree Ili lop Mia Mir =hi res, So pr An par• w /.w1eIE -Srep/ 1 RaidRaking OUXIBIRUD 11011 Ito mp-w•• r w7 -s bon r r 04 a 4• •• .d A•. r ...Abr.. am w molt tar Poo Pim I•r r.TMw -Care, Ir. If .• W r mod Resift Mir • •w Awa prom Misr. le MR ear r..r:....e veer. •r .r....M. ON woo r and .r tum•• el STET PLOUGHS, convoys; T.A. Comm. ..• ser .r 0e•w P5..ei•• me' r .seam••• .4 CULTIVATORS. Stovepipe at Me. pit t Patterns. TINWARE M AMOS 6 MILL PARS for ONE DOLLAR ! FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS 07 EVERT DESCRIPTION. tli.eM. arl.:ars tt'eer •A v[ T1t11/r•IM0 mM riYr •&Twee.•.04 r wove&. At SEARLE a DAVIS'. sr Fan d al parer milady AIMS •o warm CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOUR. SELVIS. SEARLE& DAVIS. Fm tie. e� dike lap 14enta cram. mei ss tort a* sr Notice, Notice, •.L ILLS ) O S9?ZII TO SELL OR RENT 1 Miran WEPT MA LrLOT r(TURPS 514444T, 1 1•rM.M •sesame• d &Weft. .e the b..lo1Y.y b.. ka..w Mistt, sad woks,. P•a 0 ase44 way. Good lard.00d 4.•51. Ina was.ed , dirt Min. AGS.•.. •evewe room mom and ball la ate. 1014 4rrod. Fr MOTs poria• emir le ;Wee oe t5. ILANICIN LA 5w. Mar Fhb. 1Mr. fly • Mica. D_ OJi`MPDELL, HATT1t* lately penbsed se iseevee..t .5web enable. kir to sake the largest fb•Mg•pia ter! n Dads•► VERT HEAP. Pmcd•ia Priem, wet the beet is the Domioba. bet as gsod r eay rode le oofaw1. Aloe the NEW Cahouet Picture, whisk Y tins times r large se tic (err 4. • 454*, kr 443.60 pew dors. la merging tha&batrthe patronage dthe past, inviteesI to call •d .r the .M errs foo themselves D. CAMPBELL. Ood.neb. Apt. 171h. IBIM. w21 FOR SALE CHEAP. LARGE alrt1te. d, (.nod Stony, (.ml of all kinds, Coal nal, WM.' Lune, ('bleatei Plaster, Firs Broke, Ors Mall, to , ken /ttocks always no head at the whorl, GEOR S RUMBALL, k 0.. (Polrieh,114y 18114, 1348. .1115. NEW STORE JOHN STE WARP WINGf AM a5• .alis. 05 r r• ••••••I• w s....h.r..a be rod • ••met•• •I.. 44 DRY GOODS, Beady -Made Clothing, AND GROCERIES .1444.1* be avid C5.., use Carie w Proem*. MI TM Tem Mir e/ 4. ver 4boa.l ...• Iw elver way r Public , .10arlrrt anb• Yaw@W over bwe,l� vitye ihd to suublic are resueotitbuy in .JOHN STEWART. FARM }U1' SALE IPS! AsNFIELD. 44... Dal' Are el mho hat 011., Waggon wtgh.r, •r"l feu Ina. .7 At Txa rkust►w .is Lew • 1.44 leer Mia 1 tioTuw.ebtpy.11.4Mr, home • n 4 E. D. w.I.st.g 110..0•., r Mw etaes day Mad b•Iawoed Ura... Above 88 •.asPAM •4.055. F5 psetr,.a.e r I. pts.• w M.•SS /MONA * Oe. rT.1.Tt1P1gt]. SY .414 D. If. 1887 . Por Sala LOT 11, 1Rb Cemesel.. I1e'r1. Taws ably, iemt.likng; 111 err mein pew. 14Nr w "Imams K11H. O.dernh 1151517, 1547. .48t1 NEW SMITIIY! 5TLACHAN t la[oIIJIWON p•� ,awry r Os ykellle5r .4 U.••e� red.. D i emery, do OW ha. y It Isar Dodd's Pump TasS ry, Nohow °,red, ala.. they mai r •we' d r -- - SHIP WORK, PLOUGH IMALING, Horse -Shoeing &c Particular attention pate to wore IND et. penal, Mir Ape, 1.e'. . 4 1868....t.Aar Division Courts. 10R THE COUNTY OF HURON, WILL S SOLD 11 INF TIM% nu AS FOLLOW let Div-.• Caen Ooeaa.ca M•eiy, fifth Jae., 1088. • Meda v. tab A.,.r. • Thomas,. It 0r.lw •• wd..a•oy Ir Dremlr ag 10.d Avtere Cern Ra•ro•v, Ire.4. Mb is.e, ISM. Trod. M► Agra•. . ▪ Ta.siy, far 1*05 rw, • kA Dr.-.. Ors, E1e1,.. Friary, tab Imo, IAM. •• Fraley, 74 Aa5g•ueew. • 1.. rd.y. NI1 t.r.e5r�, •• • Peaky, fob B... 5.., tiu 124.1". C.an, Dtr..wr, Msd.y ffd J.., Ire. " Teensy 1114 A555r. - Pn10y fad O...k►, • r.•Yy Mir D.r...t.w, r 711 burs Co.w. e.r►mY, 884,055, 188 Je55, 188w. •• *• wedw0.y, lab Aemg•ri1e O •• " eat.,day. Ina ememi , •• • •• R•..05y, 4th O...e5., •• tab Dhsl. C.e,t, 1't.IlT.wr, AI.Td.y. Fhh ler, ISM. ▪ M'5day, fie nevem, • • Mowry, M1 fr$Heber •• r ▪ « Meeiy. fes Sovombor,. aa MI NI 111► Memos Coen Marmots. Wd••••a•, fay Jeer, - • .e •• 'Monday fab a.p�M • • I111 Darman Cann W.elayi.. t{rrdard.r, MP Aagar. hat. « - •. W 10.0••7 MU N.vswbw •' Tem eer.r51 Courts will open at 44 e'elo.b 5. es., (soar&h. fa► M.y, 1088. a BRO1 fi l�.eew. i...444yt5.above b M 0.leer P Bled r this *See ad •sternad l DAN. LIZ&SM. Climb of the Pesos, leans. oar d tic Ole& d the Pease, r Gederbi► 1Mh 1Eay, 1 888. i •17 COLONIAL HOUSE! CLOTEI ! ® CLOW ONO".b, atemaoder'a,Joevin'., Na:.a, Lace barks a-�A *soiree in egos, Meek ed 504.45. 114 1.414514.4«k i. de Oes.ties• °HAS. r Oei.rl.5, A wan 22nd. 1 5 1.511. ALL RIGHT AI�a 14A. 1Z PROTIUM)! GALLEnT 11 TFii� PROVIriEE. -u� WITH A A Superior Fan for Sale. New & Magnificent Sky -Light AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED ROOAl . FIVIIIITI20 me Ube Wows. I ..a Oodorloh •Anent ? .eewaialp, am.,meaMod N Lot S, ammo Min r m• weever • nag erne mp Way% t5. r Car .44 to MI prakamn r whole r Pert Apply wi A armad MU NK re le O L T7rV>IAS• paint warty.. Iter mkt HOUSE AND LOT MR AAL& 1rQe AO.. *. Sl4. •r, Amp, • bur 1 ima (lntaya w13.4W. Ia. Goderich Salt Wella 1. eorr4Mn .tu w boar w ern somas 0.,4.. Ler.. 711• lase 1•n'••••••, mirk edam edea }M �P•[fI A L S 0, el On 47301./FX0R.1411C okritrehly stterbot no Ye mob mod \mie w In Or Min ere r• Monhom M1W,l 1/ %wrv, W 1.,sibuo *21 be mor .ab /r premier .r push-WoreA.T(OMPapVr SON, F tic(NWr lM.L CHAS. THOMPSON, 0•drt•a, a. ItU /•e ,w. Oil $5 Per Barrel ! BEST LUVRICATINGOL FOR RALE AT NMI SALT WELL .bene it sea hairs is ase.,�e� nodrteb, lone 11 18811 021110• IONEY t0 LEND ON iNPROYID FARMS, AT 8 PZh CicNT Sass 1a iilesf Is eves Property 1. S. OOR(w) , nalew t..t.Py, AAL ` wet 1 ,OmdeM►. . eN..1.5-5..*.11.1 mat 41. E. L. JOHNSON Dater to ter hs ase errors, •55115. paha •...,.R/, the. he be', a mar .1s., MON op be row, .. ETE w♦aTE' 1t. Ower Meek. owner w H•mrltee Ms.t •d 1Tmaro, Oe1e.leb• he web • e',p1y. is r mold 551..1. *05.15 lin pmeowy, est Ir boo Mapes Jw lee d l�d5r 4.15,5 4. beaeflros ad boamwel as. These 4.wr5e'd 5.tspg sem (7 II 1 I. I) R IID 14i p•Iveanea!'' plana brag n do me5rE: rspbn balm SPIPI• SOAP /Ib&airsh(he meow& -Woad --.d Mar dwan est baa. Aye. A 1.w0Ma, very y5aep. C L. J., la 555.1455 .Aub for 15. petra.y. 8815. poet, foot. ..11551.4 that &rare. 11 51511 Ira r lone • moose - awn .d leavers et .5. ams. f. L 4.11154044. 0.043. Womb I. IM/. 1•451 ESTABLISHED 18148. THF, "HURON SIGNAL." •42111111•111. -•INF WEi[tr a110 .1*a t DIEMen .irawde*• tis 10188 OF AD.EMrM n ' IMO •••••••1 lora- ... NSA " •• E5rr1..•Ilon 105s1". 05 !/M pap Naw AR .nein As.ws a•aprM. Ne maim roam d melldf THIS RTOWAL Jog orrtoa •w+.rwr▪ aa, Mir real*