Huron Signal, 1868-08-20, Page 14 4 W•14. g 3x. Sato: AndProprietor.] o ANTI. or Ariststoic.1 14.00 AT END or VIC Suoiness Nilrectorli. Dr. 1.. A.. MeDoustatt uleILL IRK AT 1110MVOM CONNIJI.TaTION EY up tai II nicked, a in. •riery dna. Will emit Went4 at an, hour niterward., night al itne *no (*.C. hisituton ,i1. Do /31ITSICIAN,81.11tUilft Ek,tiac.,0011114".e* W. :141:40-1, Dfl MeL.AN. isitY14111 BUTWEi /N. ik.)141 /SER. kr. Oleo and Reeelenee Writ door ma of Crewel School. DI lir DC Mehl 1141Ditl NEB. M. D• T_ICUST1ATM POLLEON PUTSICIANS ass NPR- OMONak U. M. oda. or...Nokia'. Urn Ow. " Mecticelle litNY %RD I'llYel011 N. NCRGEON AND aft £.-..1RI) Nanebeeier C. M. reborn, 'Rh 1447. ainer an braey, f'l RAW, %TN af th• Medical Orpartinent Vienna • Ustrenfty.T0•0410 and We 01 11..11111.1 nammar, New lark. Itondence U. ilenouftellie 11.4,10 aggailaa010 termite.. Peewee:. A TTORN EY AT 1,I1 0.4 in 4.1, 'IT 04 IN ell NeERY ▪ Canreglinger. at, Walken..., County of Bow.. William Ft . Hain. 11 A. C11 NeltRY AND l.',W OE Eta E. cassoN wow bolding.. hoopoes, Stew Doilench 14 0-tioneerain tor. Money lent eft reennriable inong. no,wWd 401.4190 Mk. tai real eaoste Qfteted. cereench. Der. 14 VW. earak I". In. VV.A.1..11 le It. Trait% F.V. r -t. otd ta- li eery. 1 iiireraiiftd. Weet in I...krone 0.1 24 .1 AM MO% T. ca.a.urtovr stiviroa IN 0:ASCENT. ATTORNEY ar•L.tW, circles ti Camennie Law InNee, ILIftftilna snot, thooas •em. S. IM.ositionseon. tieltitlere.tt ATTORNEY, ink1.11:1TOR. Re. Coo,a, 1.1111. w33 NUINEY TO LEND. 1). NIc teottansi LWEN IPA/ aTtMONKT.11, It kV nannly 114, l41. *1111 .4 enlace or country peteenieliv ate salted to. veal yr. 1111.4•311in. Cen.desten A NI) Allaggya Ar...)49.1 Conineneer. keeamme. JA_4M FROUMON. all :ItET I:1" 11 1;111N TF trnienc .twinCIATIoN. Havcarl131.11. Post ()ewe. w40 eittiniecis Directory. MRS. I ) y HOTEL. WROXETER. nN the direct reed trete Seafertk to Wielkerton. Every uecessery Iteelara• .:iodation for the travelling public. F Wronger. Nov. 3, 1LANAH DAYS. IN itt42 LUCKNOW HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE, R. 1. CUNNINOHAIL Proprtetor. 4,21111ATED .0 the corner 011 the Northern Gravel 'tied, Look now, Stages ;ears every 44o9111114 for (itolerteg and Wittgron. oc hotel to filled up with •rerr commerce.' ireailere. • large Hail sitactied. lomat, 1861 11VETEPELY" 1-MI11'r ICON. Tho areatest Possiblo 4)31 to tho Greatest Possible Number." UODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, AUG. 20, l868. COLONIAL HOUSE! KID GLOVES HID GLOVES Josephine's, Alexaod, s fossils's, Duchem Lace balk/ 14 Alois:oh ins ill White, black a,nd colon,. The lar0est Stock in the Counties. I CIRS. K. A ItCH11. Dederick. Aseust 2211.1. i.IO. Cowl smerrinilitatol le•IIV; A ORE AT CURE 01) I.10ER 014 PLAINT AND L/ThIPEPIel AIN lh14OUA. Cee9ee54,14noto4Edward. , C. W., Jaar.ra. 4447. 1113•43a TOWS it CNAII•nlit Am -4w, haring pen - me ewer ma 'OM, no there 11101 low a rash - - lee thsh nen lorreoriephinitandDrpeAsia, l'reprieter. This is illI we mimed es inOW:144. sera tatine,••••••••• .1 1 e rice! o hies t Coo ry lintel la Weldor atatt.a.d hn Ihr 41* J•saila,,•iiil el. ree• 41 iiiielerele•a any ttert• gre,, l'ropristor tloods•ablingfor theit.i.a. 1 awl . Orrh..y...9 IW Humes. Berea and (-armees for al., OA Ska140 rtimi hute COLONIAL HOUSE. THE g111111CrIllor Slangy! keeps the terra variety and best Stock of 110ISERY & GLOVES! IN THE COUNTIES. CHAS. E. ARCHIBALD. Godench. Awned ?e!nd. ISM me '03 SOAP FACTORY. E:ON011Y FOR II kiEKEEPERS GOOD HARD SOAP, a -altar,. few or 1 bar. (.0 .1.1 conga 1111 CD 3E'r NM CO 49. PP 42.131 a barrel or 19r1.19. Tr, eitilon to be h..1 at the roll awl POT APIlr AC- T(Iny, as ter• owe. JOHN BAIRN ES. Go.taortt. 344.4 10.h. t0..,3 on, Ma D. P. CAIIIPSE1.1., ?Malcolm 2111choteon. 11-)Ravc9c1 41. 1,.% ND enaveron, lin %MITTS- SURGICAL OPP:RATITE ANDMECIIANIU- s ......49 onia in yr .!arrella 111.11g *ore, al A I. 11••••sceo N n tri •el.o ger u'I'•"Y'wt 1'6 ."44 i' ' 3:=0 3E3 N1T '1'I fa irr - Poe,. r..; . 4 Wias'itio. wiii rename. int nedie, rainbow wile E LEXT ROPATII 1ST . Ar r. RIN, TEETH inserted in either Mil , rtold. Mayer or t'ulean . see Killdeer on ',minable terrier grofil• ewer tbn Pohl Office, Won &reel Cialetieb. m Auction & Commission. GO DERICH &CLINTON E..t tsbliashett 104:512. • SAIL,t4 Of Miwellamatillitineera in Co lerich every ilaturtlay, and itt Clinton every Wed - Mosey advaced on Property 1. onrneAlribe ita1em14 prompt return• tnri.le• Penn Altaik •nil .11)91 :4.:n pitarloally attend- ed tal throoshon1 the 90111119. O. M. TIOJEM Atiei.on Mort. *62 Aar kat (4euere, oder. rh - - Konnv to Lon on Real Estate, APPR IN Elt to the Tried end Lose Coat/any oaf lige) C•,41.. 0.ht.TREEMAN, we. 14"k•I S•le Land MRCP, IteX1MITElt of Improved Varna emu W.1,1 10110 110? Sake. M.TKVENIAN, bregerenle ereb 1. 1 1St Nipiere EMMERICH FANNING ILL AND 13istup F"ftetcry T!IF el' BSC BER BEGS Ti.) 1 sroRm I heinlishelaJle 01 I left Conant's I If ure bad Reueethstlicieetil I TA•anfaclurrno,end h ea hand • umber 01 hi. SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS &PUMPS. 0‘,10.11111fly .11.414/ 4111101104 10 n 1111611•.. 4. 41111 warrannbantelreeWheetfrern hale, rook!, eheee. ke. •Pampil model° order sad re ',anted. PgeleargAn Notann it tat Mom Vagt•rlAatrgar 14 Cambrs• Rota ••••-• At,,,,egenlforlhowde of Morgan.. 40.1 patent 17. I 11,T1 PATON, whielt never vet few 10(44?? reneramatisteeilea to *4 limn. 4140 have aged them. HENRY DODD, Onderich, Aerated. 1 rat4 GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED. A N I, k'ROVISION STORE. ARcHIBALD HODGE, raont-im WNW:RANT, Cameron' Blook, Kingston Street, GODE It I C 1*. ',RAIN, PUMA, OATMEAL, cogl4MEAL, X.1 than, Olhotte, f..itsteee, th...ft. 'Ratter. ite.litelreer .414.1 pewit piled I, 119W, etwl tat thidg of prattler, war O. BARRY & MIL Oft CABINET MAKERS MOOD -TURNERS ! AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton st,, Goderich, W. M. SAVAGE, rzuys...4 eels New York Drall&-tlreem back, -National currency- State notes, and uneurrent money at curreut rate of exchange. 19th Dec., 1 -tee. w47-1 Ire 1 o WIWI .=...wwirinerenhont the .I,.,00.Il. 41. ours Iwo el wink leinftioseal pa, .004.11 - NOW, C1111111/1•1S. /1111.011•11•640 •111p. rya., 0.1, heal. be, • p4.. appefthE 44., Lc , and one orretly rroio eel 10 W WWW, 111= Ewer WI" Ionian medico,. the fret Pleielionoween Wetly, 1 tied a leatie 4114 )1114 Dent re: 1:11•1 my I Soo.) Lie hole thane., ben I Doh another and ift n 1,441 nor health init.. wt. 1 Allgelaboed 0 Sow I gam. take., •Ieat leo Noree, wolf De DWI eel I soil Ow I An.* gone re- rot...tail oil 11.11) al ail...4114.M of 1411..40•••• 11.111 • ind new *own to 14/141411111 14 Irra•u•••• TrIc roaatrioal o.... 1 wu. tualttor nurrb better. I,. de no tfte Owen Mee* Renerib WM. .1o041.h. I ha., ronftwasiwooled 11...A.,11 ...POI MK% and it 01•1•114111• 141•11 good no .o',,.n, and 4 would ening leiftwomend 11.10.1 41, 4. 1 wr • a g, . ang 04 1 Nongor ga 10aan4 .10 aa/X0a DDT J Al analatil, J. P CawnretornAwarr lg. 11.. in end ftw the er33 1 rr Ow/OWN 114114•1 tir1W110/1. C. W. 41. THE NEW REGISTRY OFFICE; !misfortune with extreme cane and by to contradict herself. " 1 ou have discordant! misery gently instead of tier.. different pientions, surversthe deux:wet:1m nothing te fear,' snot he ; " keit . this aide ly. (longue'', Nth Aug., PM- 'then pr....mole artietically• to repair it by of the inland, and I'll lite on ttlift tither, It waa a happy dream. To the' 11411.d or thr Huron '49(4.!1splicing or insertang 4't utitireuew word" rather num hear the 1181110 uf Arthur Whitt a pity that &came 111045,190 411 My DIA, SIR, -WoUld you he kind I Again when a wiuidering beatinesentan. Viennese." soett enough to incur a few lines to lathe mem- glad iu the net, the cautious slipstitch of Helen's countge failed het at the spirit- 'Ili. hail lasted for nearly two hts, bore of the County council awl the tat_ 11414, owner 01the teal'. tattently neer ed proposal, and she 1114401.' 1,'l reply at all, and Ilarel was getting better, though tee 'I by for gaiee, indicates cal.-046.min regard but turmoil her back haughtily, end went I we!' % iteugh, ..r not fool enough,to dismiss payers know, that all is now satiafaet 'rill/ J to the character luta strength oldie victim. away from Inue only when elle had got a , his live enitch.when elle attention Helen. settled with respect to the site of the New ' idieee it not strangely reseguldereanei when little way her p1•0111.1 head ilnippeil, and 1 who hail been up to the heights, observod Registry i ghee; a I am in receipt of a j all it> movements, under such an aspect of she went cry mg. 1 a dark cloud in the blue sky totiards the, . ! affiiirs, show beyond A .1.004 thespider eun• A (eminent *prole tip between them, and , west There was not outotherclowl vieible coma lllll [cation from the GOVerIllleali, 111. 1 eiders the matter in all it. reletions before neither 01 414901 knew how to end it Hanel ' 41111 the Air marvellously clear ; time, forming me that they had approved of lot ig ypd‘r,‘m.iti.ut . briii eilittirilig toseideth:prey I And vet saw nu way to mert 0 tier nte o, except by ' abO out gee quartersof an hour before suu- 93'..t, North street, for the site ef dsdying weighted ducks ; and Ite gave his I Set . . rdbee,not W it hataniling the ioseisure brought mind SO tli tilt' that Wk. thkg he told heri She tel.' Ilasel of 1111011t dull AUlitAry to hear 011 thuGuveninent,through fahte in- Am.. er liume,e,,e ft.... „,. icemaeo„.. ,an, be had twenty &nen 11u1411 11 the air, all cloud, end &eked him, with weue anxiety. (greenlet' forwarded by interested pitetisie 117, its itia460.111110v.s.".tiedst env -swim motcl charged, and two thirds ef them weight- I *1 114 lot -tended another storm. He told to compell the County l'euncil to ptareltase :;,-:411ek*,,.' ....„,.=-2.,..?„.41:- 04.4 ut ed. 11.1 thought that must idenseher now. I her to I.. under un alarm, -there worm no \ the Wallace Let, whether the title was lion.:e-1, ''T . - goal or bad. I am happy to say that 1'1.14.1 4'' 614/.."1, 4 0.1P1"16141111 truth has prevailed over falsehood, its It 1,,,'„Leth,:el"rereemits ever will do in the end. 1 would further ed.way qui,cy 4 ealndy, etching I I I • state that the title to the l'r nctor Int is .1 '",:; "" indisputable being direct from the C'anaila Cutup:my to It. Procter, from him and wife to the Corpenitiult of the County of Huron, and their IUC40010I' 111 iiilie*, and I believe no drainage will be te- quired, wherean • bought t he BY (11Alitr-4 REAMS AND 010 Walltiot lot, it would con from three te five hundred dollare for dramage, te give a cellar aomeliue to pleats of eight feat deep. Phis 1 feel satinied would have emliotire04. been objected to by every Count:1E10:ml the , And so she entered him off. The inve or 11) board. I f • . k •• If y..0 want tr../ pea Secretery's letter to me %tell be ley beat crest-fellen tio deur his clothes. FOUL. LAY. r To his sUrprire and atilioyAllee, slie ramie- teintieets Haat latitudoeteeptitt the coin - wet ed the intelligence 1.11Ily, and Asked hiut mg in and polity otit of the nue+, --lett he ma VW whether it was tea cruel to the birds. .1Id to t ruti tli l'oieit Anil loek Ilesel colored with utertification at his 1 at the clittid. great act of self doted twine eit reeeiv.. I She lent Item her arm, niel they went ed. I mead the feint ; and there there asw 4. Ile said, " 1 don't think my worst I clew) entirely different fnon anything they enemy mit sae I ant waeltoult•eruel leo God's ' howl 'ver 4ee11 suite, they were ult tile is- creettuva. hind. It wage like an enormous dark rile Helen tlirew III, deftly, " And I am ben etretched alotne the eky, at little laiguettalltr. not pour sword enemy.- " But whet other way ie there to 1 ibenite you from this island, whore von have 1I0. la.dy ti. speak to 1,4.14 11141 Well, eel Unli- ned& is the bait mune. Think only of others. &tail you are sure not te 7.1e444e theta." The following clauses fie en the Prete So far Helen Ito) estun WIN • type other ' " I'Y'llmier"thilng "d answer to th e unmanly at taelis emote Ilion 114:1 111 its treatment of uneeiturs. At tlw Y• ""t iliwn't"^"IlY' 111y 1111 dire% and 414.41., id the eiiitilitit tee, ... " Itt if they don't understand them them)' reakfaat elle lacente a brilliant exceptive'. genendly, by that organ of obstruction, " tThe mom,.ent she oaeMind &meted bih.e.r a?.:Th"e Then pity 41,1,11 von er111 for you arethGoderich Nor. .e`. ''ir"mate1 hake greet pleasure in beteg able to L.,.'..eLt.related.wtiihfamne.a• Whaloartute, 'anil Hazel, "is thatadd that the statements in your letter of all,iexir'"°11the..m.t,t,httirttionantiyou reell50(111 to think I tly thee ducksthe 6h inst., are quite wtiefactury, md h n tIrs .11110. l)t that no 'manlier of the-huilding commit tre - " But '' Mid tdie " I du ask you me ("r '''Y 14...11Iv• " " hY. 11 I h.! 11171 com-rElt XIX. appears to have acted from any .ateratt d ' ! ' i ' wish, yiei nel I sh•eild never leave this fled' were /newly nu a, val ; and afterone " to repeat t tie exploit t o i, tun ; now, heiglis above the horizon. Not withstand. ing its prodigious length it gut longer be fore, their very eyos. Hanel tweeted. Helen felt bun Mart, mid naked him what was the matter. "Cloud," and he, "that te no cloud. That is alinake." "Silerke :" echoed Helen, becoming agi- tated her turn. " ; 11rVeLli is not therly, and (-ee- riest the awoke newer to us; it is the sineke of a itteklithoilt.” m proper motives. dew., it. it again rei. feihniglit. 11,0 i„. iele11.1, our an% ether 1.7, on ect " ".1 ilW114 glance. lelini mole at lum, neither " 1 would further be permitted to say it. I ant trea., iou 111,. la o aloOd .4 4),,, They spoke in flurried that the prempt 11/01.11114-r in which the land will net run away. !leeks cent,. and Council aided lit ealTying out The Irtft50111- U 9%,.er) dWi!.. E'd .)"ur l'aith is eerY` 9017 preceets. " Rather too feed," . -1 Registry pr" ac*Itimpers. !laudation .1 the I es. -tor thaa new Wht does it MAINE, %Ow1 .1.. 10)' 'e'en t heYsce tllci"1 'llr I Iff.c.should I.e built in a gratify- Hecolored with ple 'se, and made the uty •Il the LAMP, 1.11,) fly the %luks! "1 dent know;it icel.tel' s on he ow fer o !the i ing evuleme of the desire of the County promise at tame. Out during this fort- nut sometimes I do yoarn for a word of, the steamboat is twinward d her i Cotineil toperf..ret iteolute etticieutly, and uight, 094)448.09094)448.0971094)448.09711770.1. In the that pi . pratee for it ,*,,,I 1 11AL word Ilea.7 c.rnate. e,„,,Le e '• i is indiestit e of great puldie spirit. he improved hi. inv.:Mien. Ile retuember• ''It la a praise. i ,rthy set,' and Helix ILts shall we know I" "11 she eme the islatel,she *till in:A.110r l'iow sir, as to tlu, luct of the ,•,l Wow gel how a duck, 0%er-weighted by a 6747', Mit AO icily that,, a 11 lllll ler he ever dyer , it that nminent." beeetne the pliant 10,1 of men who regard , which wait fael 111 her leg, had 801110 im another dock after that. and eion iligeolling it , he hooka' to ''''1"11*.r7f ...tight hot }teem 4 '•2("" rout known Iodate! 1" weight hie lath et duel, ; ter he argned me a '14°r1'1"1* .1'"1"'"""oot 101.41, 111.1 we "Yes. But thet &Leaguer will net Imes time ; " Probodoly eur ducks go straight from this &Mlo MAL America, Conti . . And am I nitt quite Imre it 1.1 my duty slimed .I.. lllll eltsty fer WIZ' anti a sake• Ill." L" "But why r• • of the '44..: 1 am compelled to state that "N.. matter," mei 1,., inel ht. hand in "Why 1 .1.. mhips -never paw an un- tie, a ith a fee kitiared iiiitrita, haa ...led board the boat, Metuerydwolling on this, in this matter iti mach 81,1,14(64 aft to invnt ileAereto Ole ridicule helm drawn down ills*, him- self. Br mat think it to his :uhrantige to STOP AND SEE noel' 'mistaken if lie thinits he"ehls frieude , me, the Moils ef a man ; and perhape I three decks 11.414"4T4 '41 4"41t°4414 "( And Ins lip quivered. Ile answered her at eviller truth ter honest v, but he is very Then it h.wg ere 'Inc nt them fllls Idierateeeti reetiniti to .tt this question Ilar.el hung his bead, con drip the tenuity Connell to acts of 1 that man eel not knew Feigliall. Itut, if t "It is itot dint . , . , !localise it1w in heating for you." lowt "II -Leek' "6"TL'7:":e7-.1;""*.1.`":10711.4 I Mar ' U'ifi "It ihijUlt.e. .1:" hilt," the et't". ' it.hr.e.;dt:Itiglaq7.aglit'llttli::n. st11:1;zils.i. tu".1,1 717rvethksh-ki;:s. 11 bit "Von .111 rt,briv .711' l'..-.14.40%.3..1. 11.°""i1.11 ;fele!, *AA etrtiek 411111111 •t this. AtiliticitotT Tr?!1•04111.1.'..st.t."..,14.9"...fo'n'..7:7..•••••••."4.o.'s. oifuttltki.7:/floi*ee'%.1:il'el.hfie'rwuLtiingigettilevreyn:cuctiiii“:: ,', ow ie hew know Illielialt.". ill." Hu 17149e hi% sew me "tiLievonere never when anything 1 do is in quiettion. ..e nwt.ettte,r....1.-i.4nhivothe„,•thburl:it.ii.,70; ..t.litenirol, bttint ,%1,:.',i1()°.:1:ti'l'altuar‘t:'il'A4C.r01Y1D:1'11T74,71:1.'":lt::1;Iir:'1:1.1e1::"":1‘°1 awteara.unetle;.,,krtliur %%wart' is en I. earl that tie -I. 14.14,4;11.17:.:1±.1::••..1,11111.!:171,::."17- ,..; thl.rowwieli Aecerdingle, he nee iitterted stencil id ring these waters. love hes brought that 41-tackietWa.tritouhveriwlit4yY: oil* conduct . earieue me. 'too the lot le liege. It was A steamer out ; love thaibrill not go unre- hag dime his last this time, 1104 f•I;;:d. lent hull, in future, be careful that his th. % .114114 le ahle to t!.v three r/C lour "flare they seen us yet r t ttatewitata are giwiiialied with, at 'twat, 4 lilindred Ind,. or .th dir half out far tut their more"11,14da'se.,1ftlInazii.1,7 1,011 7, Ilasel formal on a kind of dogged forti- u ll i ll eliIIIIATlid ganallIallita1111. 1.1111C. ' He mid, " Wen the sae oke ceases rally. Bet in the midst of all thin, a eircum- „ , Di elongated yen will know (he)' 111711 vain man, ..r ifele.1 most men, ifing the mot parehment 1WAS g 1111:117.1aall, And BC their enure° the moment the 111%11 at the stance iieetIrreil that W. /U111 hAVO 1111de a A/Med their curirse, and they will chane St. Ariclrewes Con_a; rogation .30 derlch . rurt., It,:h,,,raf,.,,,tilii:,.71,,Iii,,.:,it,,,,. tented alcohol by iliatillation from runeand 9 hide thing naiaa . was &avant., meeker t xpeilient. Ile ido• tmeithen1 Noel us." rititnaNTATIoN To rite ium. to. . alleloN. tingled by Ili.. She diol net demote Le k tiliw her own mite!. and, in spire of secret havin,g found dragon's blood in • Imre .9th ., Hat how do yd., know Only here ------ M6t.:rtoli:, .11.thtilti.riiii.hyiddl:mgmit,b1i1:inllariptilio;:e: got *lino 4 "I know by myself. I eleeild hare a on Tuesday Om II th nint , a mual,,n1 0,.. *anal* from her better jeelement, Ant1 vareish that defied water ; he 4ineTi'n14antsitliteheminse"ththeadeaa!nirglit and time." And mow themituation WM1 1.14 aka u,,,M.. of this town, met at the Church, for the rest 411011a "A r A a a 1 ur sex are !ma. 41, 1/11 the intter side, grind filled the wined wlyagedilr.ii.: 11;vate:rt17:iiu.:sr, h.:it:: voi;:duh1411.ac-'11.1 • E. purpose of primenting a splendid home, as I., the Meaning Of a Mersin a pigrani that ' . lik 1,1 in her. Anil she did it in the need • SHOSHONEES REMED Ihoes...• .1 the Thr.r.r.141.11r, Iher-olive rtr, sox ell r•crorirla. 1.14 vor.es flow ••• • lion. re, a•Al A. art...sag Irvin leopard...014,e wrt.“.11, 741. ror, w.• lb.,. alter sere • ray 4* 1.041 0' die pyre., `11.. 4 11. it aArti C 1t Carlawaingligoa . y mire, A.C., that ot 1.r r v Wider Eenontewn, C. 40-49.41' it(,i1T. (5111710N5. /4.4,4y ••• uhlA • • • 'n''" shmluvr of truth. auraii0o0,,ra 0rallrlt %0141Aoar anal.41.1.0400"nn, %V , 1 .0. -ten gee ,t, or thin 4 J•doi - ) Nape., I.,. W. ot hWooAittAan. anlo. Nan 1 galorallg ber,, .....4,4,4•• 44 14010, .0 nifte "Tell tree, - 9111 bereionoe. awl iww we eerite ineotinneil tied we niece. : ol r • ol 01114: b eNe • Agricultural „, igen stem sa pre. • irrehsr oi MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. vont% l• h.•rt lir given that LESLIE 4-1 JOHNitTo ia no longer an Agent for the above Company, ha services having been dispene,heilli. 119114.4 1111 euthority he take risk+ ortranesetetnyielter Imminent whatever fur the Company. D. C. MeDONALD, Sec, London, Ont , May 24, DIVA w2t)-tf VEEP ennetantl, on haw, for Iola al! •rii. rh elm in their bee, Inch as Bodateads, Chairs, Tables, Gofers, &O., A kinia , owe, tenting done, seek as Neel poets, ata), bansimem, oenityoltes, Always oe head, 109014711.14 ASSORTIRRIFT OF corrnis ▪ HEARSE to hoe on remonable tens fleierieb, May IA INN, 1S.$. 11 1) N L OP9 94.99 DOO II TO BANK OF MOSTREALI, WEST ST. 11 5.5 ON Haan "'11044' 11(411*60 RENIE1W 4,1 11 , i wive.. IPrice of the Reined, in large pint's' Ira- r- A.m. b, ..:. le ir., .•• ad I Deal, re iii Drift ✓ ote Airlift (or tioderi, 1,, i led., aild Parker a Cattle ,N,a.,:cro. I. r. 11. 1101.1IttrarK a pir 44114, I 11.413ILTON. wnoi.re %Li; a.;Evre., rt::e.rt:1,12111 %VATS, t a. HatIll.riVe ert. T. HICIII.I. • MIN, s ASH AND DOOR FACTORY. TH„!;,";;I;;:,'.7-',',.h.r;:,r,".:h,:,:7:....::::-.117,..- 111iued by Donald (.7utoniiiiit, are now prepered t,, rorry on the hill. r1,11 01 Sash Doors Blinds A LAUGE PUPPLY Mouldine, Flooring, or Siding, 3,31f 3 sad all kin& of 71Toc: GoDos, (3 I It C. Le • W SAIMLEN which he it preoarel to makeup in the short- est niftier', and Chems for Cash. GOOD FIT WARRANTED. thiderli I, .1 11,1 410 Woolen Factory . 4.h•Pribte• n.14.1.11•K 440401 10 111a tome,. T rune ilist •11•1011 1,0414044 • *'" .1' "11 or /1/14,1111'1,414 411114111,0,y, twinning .10, !we elettrin 1 or.1.0g Marlene he ir prepared to erector ell cede. In Wool Carding.Spinning, Weav- ing, Cloth -Dressing and (-% (..) I t, IL ! Mannewtoring by the Yowl will be 4on. prOrnfilly 4, 049041? 1069,,, f 00. 9.11101M1 ....Mg r II thiallOeft .11/1 ornal 10 14. r.rtlerl 1.11 ',mei, 11 Von.. re, relerilleg lhe Dr. having two rreteloore r.`,•111/11 41144 1111 with Mew wenn.. The no•l•r•agnowl having aporAn 1,0 Alpena. in some won he tenets dial all who nelly woo gruel whir th•o• money otoonite the WOO1F,N FACTORY. re- %TOOT, nod F1 ItMERN PRODUCE. token in an troth nod !recoil,. et the hionest nein PETER FISHER. M.,. :ess *If No STARTED AFTRESli! • \-1 /IX f.• ca.c:DruniniecnEE Steam Axe Factory. JOHN McPHER8ON. IsaGs enrimince to the reiblie that he tiny prepared, with new and improved meant reeemeery, le tern net hw etmerter eam i. larger cyaniitieg than hitherto, end hopes te sive the same eateifeetie• thiat bus attended hie pr-..t.q. the prevent. Theme WW1 have rutted a 111410410141101.11 Portent, tlironehnet Heron sod Reeve. Remember the non Cornet ef Waterloo mid Litlithoom *weals. tiodonelt, lie, 2. lefi'7,, wert1 imeaseel, I 1" -h II • r if144 41.41oe nem mad Eames 1r1141/ 0111111 111tril 411/41 Wag? in rall•lory that lhoy rim sive iiensliclion to 111 Win iney LIVor aeon wet. Aq. 7, B. -A literal daemon. toile, Dade. .1.ts BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, w DURO:SOM. Midenea. 210.14eh. 1,67, 01•1.1 LOOK HERE J rriiE salgst•rdier having REMOVED te Ilea 4 store lame. fteenuted WM.DUNCAN, first door 'tomtit of Ifinghem'it, Market Square, witbee to inform bet (Mee% in the Town of flederich and iturreending country, that he now has the largegt Red most ewer -tete stook of Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes of Any teeme in the enontry.eentaiiihreiltezi nI ladies' and c hildren's (4414 44 has alley a very largo 5sio7111111110 GENTLEMEN'S the tnemberu of Mt And rue conirre t li in 1 • t. 1 1 '1 1) 1 1 With this red varnieli. Heltail forty-eight The both watched, *nil watchste te see tor, the Rev. O. ',,u,1' .n. 'Ille lug ,fri:ure'eleniirwh*:44..:as the eafeft way would hare harness and linvy to their esteemed Nue that is to 0.19, in the ken address WWI Fend by Mr. James MeN. het it V. gra the In ttle, if she voulil nut Brackearldge. : La it alone.' r Iter. and Dear S,r, - .k year has now aid :dr env dev, thenell W 11 ''eon know Mr. Arthur panned, miner In die wool 'Tot -Rh -ice of God ; you were plaeril o'er us as nir Pastor ; During that time your ministrati.m. have „ . been se abundantly blissed to us, that we • ',pooh fury aril to the (more in the full Caall- fidenor of faith, believing that he who hath bloused your labours hitherto, will blow them still. We have found in you minister that needeth net to be aahattied, rightly dividing the wont ef life, brewing out the treasury -of toned gree.', things Moth new and old, gime; to all thew por- tion of g..el in due erase,. We have be- " Nothing to his olieermitt.1 and snre." " If you an. 1111141 Why mak me 1 Do I ever mention his flilluilO 1" " Perhape VOU do, evenetintes, without intendingit." " You are mistake's ; he is in your throughtm nn doubt ; but n. .14 in mine." " 4 I to forget people entirely, and what 1 owe them 7' '• That is a question 1 decline to go held with great pleasure and matinfactien, itft"•" the deep interest you take in the beide of " How hardily yeti speak to inc 1 14 that the flock, both in the Sabbath "theol and fair? Yon know me engagement, and that honor and duty draw nte te England ; yet also in your Textron! visitations. 44, 17 be- lieve the W011 thussown, .81already mpring. 1 0". harre he". Yen, w1."4" '''" good ing up and bearing fruit to the ',mime and Alla .(r' '1117. might pity me at haat .. for I glory of Coil. It w with like gratification 11111 torn this w"/' 8" th"t ' " "It'l her" that we have witnemed your faithful and the voice cowed. and the tears began to unwearied labnurs arming the aiek, the •S.F. afflicted, and the dying. Theme and other " 1 do pity you," said !hazel : I meet ttrao ,i,,,surtinwy.isour, cahnsdrisetegivernhya:,.:: i.modlesearie,,IpLe: pity any one who is labliged to mention bettor mid did,' in the Hanle breath ea found respect, that we present y eli With Art.:1.1711iWII tirdnatliall"%e"len (ire w back, offendeal in our affeetions. It is therefore, with pm - this Horse and Buggy anil Herne**, which, bitterly. " That pity 1 reject and scorn:" we prey yon to swept, at a token of our "id 111".. " Nu, 1 plighted my faith, with love and esteem for yen. Our prayer tomy eyes open, and to a worthy object, thei is that you may be long spared to r I never, knew hint blacken any person who out and in among um, breaking to um t e was not there to 'Irak for himself, and Leered of he., 7114y 9011 1,,,, many ,,,,,de „1 that is a very worthy trait, in my ;minion. , , .,,i 018)4 you at last hear The absent are like children ; they are the ntaater's voice saying, " Well (Irene helpless 4. defend themeelves." thee.: ilnaymolifthaityhLuIrdse_rvant, enter thou into linzel ntekm1 ith jealemy, and irritate! at this galling comp:iv-1*m, hst hi, temper for once, end said them who lay tempo . woo Er itavaattr's Carioa, tiorotatca, am 1104 must not complain if ethers fall into y Dear Peopla- 7.1,1 4,, floillerfna aildre.• snit them. L,,,,nr.eine,ee,,,,,,,.h.pi„meeetuurhi,to zaetot,..ree,,I,s,,,it Traps.'I.Wm'llinulakv ai,.. them b, . lb.! I ever a condescendo tmention this mett'm nem? nt ti , y,se- 11141 WOO WINTER BOOTS comrse ned fine, bet!, impotted, and et his own ntananclure, which he will sell Cheap for Cash! f14411 And examine, Oa hn ie satisfied that he hat psi the goods you want. SAM't- FURSE. Colgrich, Sept. 24.- 1-8(7. THE OLDEST ESTABLI3IIMENT IW4.11W41' WW11'n" 8114141"4.-- Lortit 410, TOUTZT. Waa ascertained by^natnral ists that worms .mirl inmate are without a twain, and yet they pursue 490,011 ef activity which bears „ranch upon the domain of reason ; so we 4444 whom sow. hat BBB ro..4-10 Inneft 411 14494 biz On the island It is maimitawd timaawimattaatwuth',,""„,tel",',,"1: yon ma, ke 1009k «( 14,49." I reellismintetteirlanue ..nti. • feontleseend r' That is the word. Nor will I ever do - ...g.. to mention him again. If my lot', Pft had tonched ynur heart, I should iskstitrup°•"1"1 11= wri: hare ham old yeti to mention 144.1,. me mem, to pay for then I should have been homed te tell ownishiramare 641Me von story illwb,chhlsIl mixed, my own et emery Nimes Or Inermo Ile Meg waren 1, • t Alai eon. a tirm /Ma rem likle I Os hatrwer metro* 11=1",,61..,11 of,.= ma ie. M Wouire Wieeteont:4141evazzo. 00.).l10 40I14,..,. 14. IIVA .11 hl., u..7.7.1;f al allItharnf All INIPIAVII, littennanily .MO1 yee eta egMl sad rirrat on. UtennEtt !wee Varlet nor lewd. miserable stery---iny boils against the human race when I think of it. Art 1 erviteh slowly away, mid let It fall upon no, I see I am nothing to Ton ; *n11 will . the sand. besilent." 1, She took his right halal, And mit 11 to " It hi rime ernel yon to lay that,' her him like a subject. paying hemage replied Helen, with Mare in her frfali ; her soverei,gn ; and then she metheretmeng " me your nom, and yin will see arm tinder shotilder, still holding his whether you are tmthing t» wee." right hand in hen, and looked in his " Not one word of it," said Hesel, fare. slowly "until you have forgotten that man ." "710 worelen'erigehem when 1 am by," ex tate. '' fttid sho, in a low sweet voter., full ..f de - Oh ! thank y.ni, air, this is plain speak- entice'. ing. I am to forget honor and plighted Mond surprinetA, 14.1 hie eyes began faith ; and then pm will tried me with In fill. "Came " said she in a T141111 of musk. duck. in the our, and was snug ore day I or, ak to cateh another couple, when he Wart 11r14141 Wall 114111111 the rerlit hip,and knee, and found he emil.1 liaml:y walk, te, he gave in that morning, anil kept About the protases. But he get worse,and he hail hardly any 1149 111 his right side, from (1,0wain downwards, mid Nal ingreat ,e, tee eee 4.44, prim IAMB Of power ilteri•Neeil, and ryeated all his nines- jie„ there wee no foyer to speak ; lett 'inure wow gnittly revenging hereelf for many a ;gentle itiii111114 neglected When he realisyl his conditien he wow terribly eta tip, and ant ..n the sand with hig head 111 11111 kande for mealy twohotirs. BM, after that period of , he got 111., took 10. front -hook, and using it an a staff, hobbled to his arsenal, and WA LO 41. 1714. Amongst hig materials 41)4*11 young tree he had 'tilled up the roots ran at night angles 44, 14),,' stem. Ile sewed off the end id the roots, Uhl then pre:veiled (7,0atm. But meantime. Helen, who alwaym averet eye en hint and his lllll ventente, Mut Seel, w.04 lintlieL111114 wrong, and ratite timidly and asked what was the Her. "Nothing,- maid he, doggedly. "Then why del you sit an long on the sand 1 never saw poi ilia." "1 was rinainating." "WhAt upon 1 Not that l'beve any right to mit." "On the arrogance and folly a men ; they attempt more than they coin do, and ilexpise the petty prudence and common- sense of women, snot mart for it ; as I emerting nuw for being wWer than "O'" said Helen ; "why, whet is the matter 7" end what is that you have made? It look.' like a crutch -0 emir "It in n crogeh," said Hazel, with forced calnintea ; "and 1 am cripple." Helen clasped her bands, and stood trembling. Illaxel lost hiv eelf.eontrel for a moment, and cried ,,,it in veere of a, dy, "A ,i.e- thhe.gic4.p:. 1 wish I 4148 41.1411 and out of Then, :whams! ef having given away lie - fere her, he neieed his emboli, placed the c.rizyk tirnmndierh,hrts arm, mut turned eulleely roue steps be took with his crutch. She mitesht him With tWil !movements of her supple and vigorous frame. Sheeted laid her 1.4t hand gently on his othoultler and with her rt lit she Mole the your accrPtO, Yete are liornatmoed to my the/ they set from nnworthy to he trusted with anything. i And, thus aided, he went with her to her instinct, which 4. 100 explanation at sill of Keep your merits, and HI fry and keep cavern. An they went,she tined hint tom, Ithltvinna•nain the hiffhan "rd." 4 ^.'• faith ; ay, and 1 sluill keep it, too, se long derly where the pain wee. MA RT I N,.. ;An, MoinA.ctpirj„N Mtn.. The insert world swarm with be " Can't ren ksep faith without tertnr• "finitinow"aw iitnisnanYesrhihporean4; (.17"10;" }ffiglh* 4:4418sal.14' int of the moat delireite comittmetion, wm me, Mho lova yon 4" life which lutra their orgian in the sie there's life iet my body.'" lLr sm. that he ia still able to sell for emit, ,,,,,,,,,nonii, imi h,o,ita ma,,,,,,,h,„„cy ni 1..1111.17,,,m'a h're"."4",t. bnib;ran117, t",./"'1,..„: mat. thi.t... h*ff ‘-‘kAhtr"ram,t', 7 "17119"rti'"." '"wwil 11°1"; 12F,G3 T() 111FOR- ..... . , OR mtehamt h.q., KW without Moine, whom st ihe Intliet rates, ihmwandl ..S e'4111htfarteias to which that' and reerpeet mr. more' laid .1.1,,, positing • 'writ v:111114, .. 1 .' maprired like • elond, At he don a^ Ki^ff"t street. appetite ,_""in,,,_ner_,___°‘"__"*if trb' a" • 4"4" • 11914/1wi looked in yin, iie ',brother, 11 doer brother. There wee no fortnal reeonciliatiem ; no tie Heron Dotal, floder‘en. thea h;to o.. •••• vow •••••••••rtill OW a manning faanIV. if Nit now 1 ant afraid 01 71145 1 am dimension ; and this was the «mei, items mill. ..11.3, by weident, a threw,' ..4 a aptiler'e web is Ile wee „„ mieee ie.. ee• to interrupt changed ,_. .....i the friendliest dam0. for the enhappy 110110tion Twinentfted II TY Ahoy CIO Wet indicate rowel% itself Tk hen de.j,1 " a -Aerie% Ord. 3. ;fiat, pentium, the littler waterer enrolees the her, itteti•ad of !giving hey itete ohm moild only fait Me flit I Wr.• 01 Ole ROI IVOL. XXL -NO 30 "Ilio And look,' Said Bile. "No, lei 1111 IlikNe our supper lirst." Neither hail any appetite : they set and kept casting strange looks at one another. To divert this anyhow Hazel hooked tip at the reof, and 'aid feintly. "If I had known, 1 leitildhave mule mure heatee and set pearl th.re as well." What ,1.t.,s that mattur ?" said Helen, leek ing ilewn. 'Nut much, indeed,' replied he, sadly,. 'I nu a feel to utter 'itch childish regrets ; and, more than that, I am a mem 1 nelfigh cur to how a regret. Come, come, we can't eat ;let us go round the Point and see the waves reddened by the beacon that gives you luck the world you were bon% to enibeliah. • }felon said she would to direetiv. And. her letignid reply wontroutteil strangely with his exeiteinent. She played with her sup- per, *MI waisted tone an rimmed way, until he told her plump she •414/1 not really. gating, he could wait n.. longer, he intuit g sea me hew the beacon Wan barn - "4 1, very well," said she ; and they went down to the beach. She took his crutch and gars it to hitn. This little thing toneheil hint to the heart, It was the first titno she h him e. far ae that wahoet .iffering herself to be hie snitch. He sighed dimple ftst het pet the enitedi tinder his arm ; but he was too pmeol menelein, airily he laid it all tin the amatii melting steaude oat. The subtle creature by his selle heard the sigh, and smiled 'sadly at being misunder- stood, - but witat 491911 could ender - stool her They *1 14111? Brodie until the: reecho,' the 'Phu waves glittemel Weak/if light. : there w lA ifu red light on the water. "Why, what is this 7- Ilased "You een't have lighted the bonfire in eight plems, an I Loh! you. She folded her twins and Mood heron, him in an attitude of ditianiee ; lent In.r -uteltinet eye. ., have not lighted it at all 'said she, Handl st.,51 aghmt. "Wh.it have 1 done he cried. 'Lhitv, unuthood, every- thing, domande,' that I should light that bowel, and 1 trusted it to you." Helena attitude of defianne melteilawey 7 the began to COW07., awl hid her blushing, dim 111 her heed, she loolual1430 Then 'the uttered& wild and' elapout cry. 011d fled' (rum him like the wind. - - CHAPTER, X LI,' I I. net eletel war really the smoke of the epringlok, which hoe! metinted into air on thin that it muld raise ne higher. The boat hernelf vem many Miles northward, return ing fell of heavy hearty from the fruitleas. 14he canto hack in a higher parallel of latitude. intending afterwards to stow N. W. to Easter Inlat.1 The wffe tau genii mit Of the ship ; the father waa deeply dejetted, And the craw a.n1.1 no longer feign live they 4101 OA feel. 'Living ',Ruined the above course tft within four hundred nide,' of Juan re9111411,11•41, General lt.olleaton begged the Captain to Make a hold deri.ttion t.1 the 14. W., and then see if they cou1.1 find nothingthure before going to Exeter Island. l'apeun 1110rolouel 4189 41.77 unwilling to go to the R. W., the mores,. an coal wan getting However, hu had not the heart to refuse Genend dleston an v thing the ine If smoke CO/Ulu. l'here was a :Northerly breeze. Ile had, It oontinual to inereme,and apreal mutt- the Ams put out, and covering the, ship ward ; and that proved the steamer AAA • with canvta, mailed three hundred mile, enntinoing her course. 14. W. but hound welling. Then he took The W clone taa the Ilona in. in tail, grit lip steam again, and away for "They diei't see us," said Helen, faint - Easter Island. The ship ran so fast that *lie lad got int,. latitude thirty-two by ten' , "No," and !land : "not yet." - A. M. Weit "And the sun is just setting. It is all. .At Inth. 114h. the dreery monotony Of over. this eringo was broken Ity the min at Obi put her handkerchief tot her eyeeamo- I niast•heal. meet, WWI then, after a gob or two, shesaid I "lhi dock there elnuet cheerfully, "Vi'ell, dear friend, we I "Hullo 1 Were happy till that smok °came hi &Malt "The achouner en erir weather Lew eta : let us try nu,' be happy now it iegone. whet of her ? Don't smile like that, it makes me shed- "She has luffed." der." "Well, what o'thet 1' "l).1 I smile 1 ft niust have born atyour • "Rh, haus altered her cipurse." simplicity in plinking e have seen thelaat "How many pint* r • of that steamer." "She was sailii97. E, and now 14*1 "And so we have." heoul is N. 114.'' "Not sn. In three Metre idle will be at "That im carima." endear in that bay." fleneral Itollorton, who had same anti ILL RINDN 01' FURNITURE *r^ 1,41•01d, Prns. In th. mast .114146447 " Tee affront me, von fiaghtem turn tinder t enlamitv 1 1 "Why, what will bring her 2" "1 ehall bring her. ' "You 1 llow 1" "Ily lighting my betake." listened with a genii .4 hope, nuw sighed, 1 and turned away. Tho captain explained kindly that the man was quite right todntw kr1,1 captain's nttenn tioIna the fact of a trailing ,..no! al - - twining her Conran. "There is as sea grain- cli.trrEit xi.v t. mer, lleneral," .1)0 11,, ;rand, when one . erimanseet another violateit, he concludes 11.12.'.i had forgotten all &belt "hi tem fire. thers is some reasoner other. Now, Jack, 1411e now asked hint whether 110 Wan nitre what 4'ye *mks 44 MOT r , iin.,..15 i...nt iii..i,..ner ...um *eV the "I iseri't make snob. of her ; ehe don't bonfire. Then limed told her thnt it was ashim to know her own mind, that is all. now of prodigious sim and height. Some Al ten o'clock she witehrein•I for Voilparaiso six monthe before he wan cripple,' he lied or the Inland. Hitt newsliehas Muieabowt added and added te it. ' -and in boating to windetand" "rhat bonfire," *aid Me "will throw a "Boned for E.terer Island r ruddy glare weer the heaven., that they "1 diinno." can't help seeing .m board the itgaallIfft. "Keep your eye on her:" Then,.. they we not on 89011101', but on * :Ay. ay, sir." . - seen+, they will certainly run • few mile; ('apt*in Moreland told General Rollest, soethwitril to gee what it ie. They vr•11 cm that man/ ehipe went to E inter 'slant, nay it in gith1111 A beacon or n ghip oft Are :1 vfhich Io'* in a lovely climate, lint is a and, ineithererere, they eillIturu the hod's, miserable Care ; and he was telling the head this wey. Well, before they have General that it is inhabited 1.y savages of a rim sonthward half a dozen milea, their low artier, who half Worlill'ilt the relieve r.1 lordarnt will ice the bonfire, and the ielimill nemmery left by their mare eieilheerf ilnuetiftmerilligareht.theiret."" get to ;the !boat, 1117 predecessor, whorl Jack bailed the deck t !Irwin. • Shim lent hint her Arm 11 (11* Mat, end 4 "Well," said the eaptain. They were. very mimple. Htooke A pine The soldier received this conjeetnre with etend by while he Mule hie prepertt Mite "1 think sheet boned for the Springbok." torch and smeared it all over with pitch '. astonishment and iireredulity, not to be then put hit Incifer box in his *bosom; And wondered at. The steamboat headed N. t ad: his oradeb. Ifni (448:' woe drawn W., right in the wind's eye. Sitttven pitiably, but hie cloned lips belnqed tin- 4 utile& 41, at lerutt, a ship *44 5.1111141 N. R. f h and hobbled tip Nsfar as the cavern. 'Is Here Helen intert.oed. inightbe reptemeetral crutch shakable resolution. H• eliouldereil his she. "(lire 014 the Inciter and the lurch, 130 that. t' " Don't yen go toiling np the hilaid ll," WW1 la me light the beacon. I shall be there in half the time yen will." "Thank yon ' thank goo 1" Raid Ilassl,, eagerly, not to may violently. 111ittii wanted it ,Ions, litut it killecl hi 1).nt to H. then gate her hit instructions, "It is as big see a hayetweli." said h.. "and *alley as e rhip ; and there are eight hvindles of etraw pineed exprewily. Light the be tulles to windward find, then the others it will noon he all in a lihute." "Meanwhile," mid Helen, "you p'.1%11,1 anr antler I fet4 quite faint for want 0( 4', 011201is170I4nits"t W lw..hall "14.' was going to say it was the Metthey would eat togeth- er -, lea hia voice failed him, and he heady. 1.s1 into /he cavern, and tried to o,nother hismtnninO*"yklop4lighlaii*re, ▪ ibleit intc,afiamwith atalttt7 bef, anthen le at doeawd*, eery n ick alheart;ne het:p and time ; and .m.or*hy ng eight bondbie 000king, .igh when he WS" Helen s m 4,, I. •Intr, eh. Cr1111.1 ilkg Dale ' • hi It all riiht ?" BIM he r And there bins in the air, like • back merit against the hiwe ity, a helps, whom orenular vete* cense down sad sold E woe endeavoring to itttureept A. Nevertheless, llieseeiondrened the emnlen, turf ; the whnoneir bowies teeth e= hoani to the 74. Z., ease! *9•114iM a long booed dile trot, ODA *se a* Mar ea she nlit 7* NIA* wind On thle 911111IX tele Moreland teal the steemboatit WWI line north. This linseed the vowels In' 24 hon they were skint We MOW the etriangiati sleek enwrl sail and }Wen he. hoisting stars asitt 'Anne, et het 11ts mtion jerk went up the Amami' 1111 SpeinglwA loreetly, and she bet 031111111%, hat grsdnelly slatihassat INV MOM. 9. n Roileetem awlleei the tle.:!. • ; 1