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Huron Signal, 1868-08-06, Page 1
W. T. OOZ, : iitor ksdrretrietor.] =0.00 wT Dof AcT .ag NOM. tfl anoints IDircdorg. Business Directory. SIRS. DAYS' HOTEL. IIP- P. nC Pre•0 wtg•1• N RR AT 9oNR POR CONSULTATION d.,. N n • •4 say lues. rw/ say au.uu m sir hour nh.r w<d•, even da/ (1 .0. 046 . M. D" TSN r'e T"ICIAN, RURUMOM. Ao.;R<., osw•' G W. 1 pyres DR. Mei.uCAN• HY"fCIAN, IURORON. CORM=IER ha Oen W MwMae third deur sem ofCe•aellehOoL (1.. tet. 3Me31Tf ICITIA• LYTS (X)LI.WOR PIITINCIANA nee 111,II- ORr)N9. C. R. °Ilse over I,+d.eL D^1 I care le M1I.Adtenle RICE ARD IP /)RR PHTel 4'IAN.1NRORON Aonee a see, V•adoser, C. •. weerFeb *. tH. INT. /'t •4tanbnrv. t TR a Jnir.../v, 1 o. -.o.. Phe w+AI 1°u diho nin• ani wet De New Ton. Ra 0690 D 04440aee Rn W'e WI Barfield. Ira, Toot• RARa1T R AND ATTORYUT.AT.LA6n . a assess, oasis woof 04e• la rm. Res.. •1011 M. re. • )w•ser<.n. p ARRI4TTft. ATMRYRT, P). RCS% && IP I otw6 6490. 0. WROZETER. UY the direct road from Seafortb t0 W.lkertee. Ever, necessary aeeom. 'sedation for e temente, nuhl,c. HANNAH DAYS. Wroxeter. Nov. 6, 1867. .42 LIICHNOW HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE. It e. CUBIC/WHAM. Proprietor. 4. ITUATEDo,. the mode. on the Norther* h7 furred 1..1. Look now, St r• lee re a0 0 taewt•t by liodenrh end Wsiann.e•. to. Berl"anal rep w th every arro,aonodenoe fon e,leenerele tr<vellere. A largo Hall attached. Jen". INST Oss•lmerrrsIHetr$ TelteYe11C.118 zmIZA PITH HICKS, Proprietor. Tbis is th • I•rgva,ad beitCeeolry Hotel a Weer :0•401.••dd4.s ad charges e• ,nentes■ atty Hwa rs Yrlrbell. neve Proprietor. thee emb al(e Hems MIR Ihr.... Hos sed eremites fes Hee, OWe■ ifst Note. lett •lnhn "swine." COLONIAL HOUS1. RR14TVR. ATT)RS'S% woLeeree le MIMI-' • es.., arra row-.. NNE. Igoe, Cw•.. r atMeriher mays keeps the Iv Sal Niar•r.R•4.1.0•/•rie. ale THE e L varlet. and heat Stock of HOISEBY & GLOVES ! IN THE COUNTIES. cI1kS. E. ARCHIBALD. Badmen. Minot !tail. 41106. Tante et 'Weer*. 1 ITnR CTRs SOLICIT -Mk le . O•d•rw6. C. W. U.:. 0.041 N.. 41 90 War 1. mr 1161.9. *WSL sedan*. A.tr 2716. INTL. .Neel -_ - - O. et6.M l soo•.•..w. WEEKLY EDITION• moomismimiqlagy ,1 nem. _ now The Greatest Possible 'hod to the Chastest Possible Number." (*ODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., Business Ditcctorlt. 'rIIURSDAY, AUG. 6, 1868. 01110ne99 IDiredorq. ALLAN P. !l4dR_1.us.lLt Mo for. hSs P•A 1TO.d•o.4OrAPrwU►YID Iae.lesne i tf•M. 4 CC 0 i x re a1 nAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE. ASSORTMENT OF CLOTTIS rdneNter in pert or tree of Enel•ed Is. sad iolh•, Heaver., Whune.e. 1101..kie•, Y." ry K nel,•a Heorh,.wl 4'.., n Tw. wM.r•.h..,-.sea. 0 D emers, end s ,.•pelf of Cnwadies tbei ; Pluu. S•ti•, anon Powered Vsiup, 4'h,%•. Oloi es, C•pe..Ir.. kr. He feels confident of ruing eauebehou e, •h who nay tayorhire their orders. 1 TWEED SUITS fall .001412 andue..•de MT N. 3. -Cutting done to (b4.r. OM Goderieh. Sept 25th. 1866. RAR... se L ermR4,. or er. T)R Sr soli? Fiorito O +INTITI r T naso, a,,.,a " w.l••er, 4w•se sew ,..•et entrance fini dour rout d neo,p. iloso •N Janet 44. I.oMon. ArInyerv. AT. L tw,*OLICVT,* IN CE AN"RRT N.'..T 4) 144.. O•,e....•.°r 4.- a.. Asda-rh 00, (4 the re.14 eh& .f wee l4.e& nod dew n.e. C....1-Hary ei,a e. woe 8. v. wrl.ennn. RRIwr"R: moiler,- 4T.1,AW CnsV,1 AT. ee-•, Aliceover the .tee+ rel 11.... r were •sante.• A d`,. of Nark. /Nr .d North One. llederlek Jeri L. Ian. 0.7 RA Rift H DU N LOP, NEST 0008 TO RANK OF MuNTRE.AL, WEST ST. RAs ox Wean A LAUGH SUPPLY OF 0 D 0 t ti Ji J_ 3 E'ONOMY FOR i1.lU3EKEEPER; wkicb he u preeered to "'eke DP ie M.hor4 eat notice, sod Cheap for Cash. 000 D )HARD SOAP, GOOD FIT WARRANTED. 1 rrn4 r(7 0 cart ban T. a re. . aetenth. Apel !l. SWM sale • dr, VI IC s C:19 111.. I ,2.. • Wel ,w to cenea Per 4N4ra In W hd e Me re el'adIUD ASH FAC- Ty4RT. at the noels. JOHN BARNES. - Quench. Naroh ss►. 1 sa .e T1e♦I• ac Walrus•. 331.11101111111.1 431:1 1 O Moe"A.'eMr N)(JCIyOR"- * V Dora cwt W R Norma. a A. rrtiti.nn "n.er, AyTn*NtY AT L t,w.mlT.I"T'OR IN CR Asc6RY Ceereres.re. ae. 14.14.rw•, CC . d Deer• •♦111tt.•n R, nein. Ti A. %NCRRT Iso LAW MPl'R etas% law 111 rrourg rm. Li hureen basses. ern.. r rwPtWd• s 01111IMM M n•ol wenn. q.w+•. Dos, r 1w ten TO. V. V AL1t71aVe. A„eawa-A_T.LAW /141L•rron.to onAN- ewe, Cwr.eeeeiM. es.. Ilea irle.e...tt r. 9o,.lnw„nwesn. b%*Y4r6 TTDRVYV, *miming ,a<. U^•VOVBY TG LEVD. T). etc tln1wall cute, e n aR 29414 r .dl w"r+M"try tpseentwfn'I' • 00 te. t,. ee. et entitle. 01171/ RWWWWWIll AND er•Regynn, gem JA%101 1r1CTY $ttelA" . 11eCaUTIRT MICRON TR tr°eRN' AWS1/10/1011, Ban -sates., Pear rums• INN D. f 4INPR6►.Ls T .... l 4T. LIT Once n Y'Reit.i"lI" Dry IN..' t s4,n _ '.14 sot r T.• N R - . o Nue raw w .- veer,. 11 .t Rq, of wa(',e,., well r•cwf.• ,,,.,wAw .r 6.904. w .PORer H <) &N..lr. OFFICIAL ARRIO1tEE, 1667"►NCR. LAND Awn OE URAL 60e6T, Nnney •t 4 per rest 0414 -wM "tre,e. esteem IM pre We,e. menet B. HAZLEHIIRST. LICRs46O AUCr1068LR P)R THS COURT OP 90806 a.Re -O<lra*, Ise. 1401 THE LANCASHIRE Y1R>, AND LI:TZ et lR dere n4 eau.. Pam load etsiled. Du INSURANCECOMP'NY. '.• CAPITAL, £2,000,000 STERLING. TMITn Company en. ...ally Med: te w British Hon. of rmn00na. by t e Hon w. Swart filed 64+m, Mw Cance , .1 tea Recbert"ere as •n eam of ,Y hll6nt raw 1e. Timm .r 44rei 0, Asa. "effuse N 4)171.4*, .! Ates 6r 0o4er41, GEO. RUM:BALL & 00. FOR WARDERS. Sad COM WISSl0N Rerebseto Malcolm Nichol.nn. SU*OICALU1'ENATIVE *NeneCHANIU. L. FINATI8T° h;LBC:TROPA'rHIST, he. ligowTEETH inserted i. either Ppm tame Gold. Mi1.er. or V&!cas Iced *w bher on •assns hl trr9 • over lk• Punt 0464, West Surat Cede..ea. w l W. M. SAVAGE, ItUYS sad sells New York Drafts -Green: hacks -Nr: sal currency- Statenete', aid encurrent( mosey at arrest rale of e'chugs. I1tk Dee., 1865. w47a Tr$ p Agricultural MUM. ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. vomit is hereby given that LIILIE LI JOHNSTON is no lunger an Agent for the &brie Company, his Derriere' having Leen dispensed with. He has no authority to take nabs ortnnaect any other buzinss whatever for the Company. D. C. MCDONA1.D, See. Landon, Ont., May 28, 11168. wilted 1A1Eris MMAt•I.T., ARCHITECT, Pt.ANS AND Nrr.oIYICAT1(11111 of 8.1d is9•,he.,ro1 tip to • neat sad ecrn(-Isre 61• 04111e. al the H1100. dachas Mart, Nar et Se*an.Oederleh, 'swirls/41y O. BARRY & BRO., 110111 CABINET MAKERS, WOOD -TURNERS ! AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St„ Goderich, KEEP eon.tently on heed corset* al! erti- Bedeteads, Chairs, Tables, SA is, tbo 11- All kinds n( smd-tarning done, sec' is Always on hand, a complete ASSORTMENT OF .. a eat atsada HEARSE to hire on reasonable tern God.ri.b. Mar 314. 1866 15wim• els to their line. such Si ooh pests, suer bannisters, neckyoks, ke .tensa I4 ALL ell. 01 PRODUCI,COAL, SALT, WATER LIMB• as., r!} Aleuts far Antietam Mari.. and Fire' 6116100 Companies. I f(1 (tl ) 4 0111 T, 0.1.14.*. C.11 Auction A Commission. C?ODF.RiOH &cr.IN'T()N h:wtahliwheci 1142. ALRR .f 1400.41 nen.e Prnt•eny rs Co I.r.d tJ every Saturday, ad le M.*. Seery Met e4Wsy. edv..esd ne Psperty kr Ina9Io. sl4'4.1 ppnrwernnpt red.. merle Pur. e,.,( -k •PI mast mew pe*deasy let..1- ed to these thei the •sent . O.M. TRUE E MAN" Ae9,ee M■n, eel ',tweet '496411,, wasenA Monet! to Loan on Real Notate, A PPRAINRR to the Trani sad lnseO.mpl., el Hyper 11..d.. O. IL TRIIKMAN. wf• Werke. neesr,,Ce eneh. Land OMee, ARRn14T4R et 1.pnn•d ranee tett Wild lost hoe Sale. M. TN11IMAM. Oedema Marek 1, test . tweet See. YM.UABLE PROPERTY FOR BALA7. THE undersigned offers for tale lot 6, eon. A . h ,^wllp senate 55 •1'sad, fr*m.s barn, good and The pro party a one, a m from preset salt welt, 'sal u th. railway rens themes it, better Wt territory menet he found. WILLIAM ELL.IOT, Goderlrh. Yareh 24, 1868. s.. 60 tf GBAIN, AMIE, FEED. ANL, PROVISION STORE. AROHII3ALD HODGN. P40Dr0W N1h011A1rT, A ORNAT CURE air LIVER 0MPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA IN CANADA. Criss., P..we 4140.., en , C. tai.. M.A. lett. M noon TOmw. iN Cnlw.ntr•rl. 446 M . ens nes folae tMw• r I un Mr.dMMae do Osi•n.m 9W..D1•w.*w It indeNr. Leo c.npt.r red . Ier.ru'y 1t.brae hi ' 1 en anrll, •Rlleed h. th. i•.1 rhwr ton •teem 4 y *a 1••••••••o neevau re► Ioe renew , •ml t...pr+. 1 .rl tee., of I mama a sod eraser u n0 U to the. nn m...4 44.. gonna n- r.ela,•neswaom • m, n..49hl 9101 iealrhl, • ▪ poo .pp•9., •r., a, . •rd wee 910.4?, **rod ,n or+,y.. Heen,4 n'or „er Neon .•drm. 164 4rr1 ,+a.w,e•• R. mad, •p,1.n .4.. h0h1 . 1 tread • bola .1h sin. Eli.. h..• i4.,. I woo ry 1 ..sad ha Ie IM rhuy., hm 1 lin* • der .M ,hen {mord 04hr y n* worm te I n "•r4 ,i e,,. n 1 1•1! token .t..4 sun Math. ,•, 9,h. •1' i. nrr f 1,.? 11441 1 n.! onto. r4- 1 WI e4•• arid Veel ree M".0041 • 0 Momn011*4• 69 Wawa.. a4 781 *rlor;rano":-n t,v14,.61 efts ph better. Ib Whim 4M Cunt ebedn.1.Seemly y deee". I bre emote,. .40.4 the 40,9,4. ,. wheal nae• •d n hea a.rwMr nn•^ Md ' damn .% .td 1 w•.I0 WW.yy r•eemased it to all 01.1.1. 1 sur A II 10101111t MLOUD. S.. Plebe swot 1 V •ADMAN, J. P.. A Cone.... ,n g N., Mend roe the .et l9r Comity e(P,ares Edw.., C. IT. COLONIAL HOUSE 1 IID GLOVES ! IID GLOVES Jnsphinr's, Alexander ■ Jnuviu's, Duchee i.ace hacks t Al.xandnr in .hit., black and colo.. Tb. larval Stock in the C0untf0'. CH tS. E. ARCHiBALI). Ool'ricb. August 22nd. 1865. ..10. J. W. JOHNSTON'S New Photograph Gallery! IN WATSON'S BLOCK, ler the 018.90* Hous, where he ha 6ttee up his room.. in the most approprieu manner, to execute pictures in every style 1 known to (be aro N. iL-Old pictures. each as D..wrro- • trps and Ambrotypeecopied as photo,traph'. Mr. Juhnslu e n ordlallf invites the Ladies and Gentleman of 9Jalericb and surrounding ntry to waw Cive Him a Trial ! as to whether be is 'teethe of nternn•re. J. W. JOHNSTON. Godench, Dec. 10. 1867 • .46•Jes SASH AND DOOR FAC 't • THP- n.dceMened h°v.ne pnrrhlen' *he Hee- 9.g t1d1 °.d ."ash Peron, owneor, and no. nip•ml by Donald C'ummint, err now p•pw9N w ear -y on the hunm.N or menu, ectur,n( Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, •nd■C kind. of CI RC I. M1V(IR ' ark be Circle ••d li,thrr :ten awl Fames They thick (rum Dew ...p9tem'. in F.eunry Wort, that they ase cave rusf&rl,un to all sus may favor Hera w',h • rail. N, le-Alik.nldorooa to the trade. JAS B UCHANAN, DAViD LAWSON, wM ROBINSON. Oode ies. Marra 4111. Ila74 .4656 STOP AND SEE._ PRE !.Unsure rema-h. -rt Teeten•.mM al mow 1 .rrl,Ao' earl r.t.nrd,,ary ,n1.• , roma. by M0RRAT 17 DIAN R .:'I EHY Ts.T.n wars, es dem.. •d i4mn4.wnMe area 40ent t a+.tae• IA• 0,e... Nep,nl that .8•'4.09 Melw..1 Cm.p..rw- • nrA •4., fur •.e• to now areas.. ,n the great SHOSHONEES REMEDY •e Dour• re IM Theo 0,1400, lanr, Lamers. (afros, Kut.,., le„ a . eM r /WAN., Ire venom Mtn Ih.nr•, Itsnewo, .*4 all dentes• ermine nem teseroee.d.8e I neo, we held?, este thar ne taws rem.; hes NEVER NEES l'Q1/41.1.1.:D. Where wee there ever •101.1. • n1, n diel in the p•w4n M Wv. tMon. ,a men.1 , C Ir , N Commotion ; of het ef Vetere. V Miler, 4inwwewnt C. W.. ,(Craw.• a repnethat .,f Am../ W,nd n(4.,maa •e, C. W., prop.i.4 .d 1446. Complaint, N.lr. of lobs ..1 N .. 0. W. M hhn•umutem, who be art.. hen m r... ler teens, an New ,,(.II tre..- event Mre4e.r, •m4 'e noir welleros.. u(ew,a ams4 markt he 4M1nMA t.,1 ...ace. a 44••.11 el me nee 51.09 90 (11 •Chester nNne- •qq••6.aM! nn . ma. .8 u1lKKn RRM11414 sod %1114, .90 minty ye. eel.* Pries of the Remedy fN barge pintail' 443 400.1111. Sr en /*044,4• ars Denim a Medd ram. AMISS four Oedwleh. P. Jordan wed reit. R Cents OIHnerof', Block, IIangltoa Buse', (}OHERiCH. te, Obsess• Pisses Rases, i i kr4eaaedleeeP0ATIIgLtOOa1MRAL, wns.Mt. semi N IOWA 110d • 4. 1 .9 1 Iw- _A.. .- 6ED1.411l A LE 69161.7'"1 Lyn 4s t1A AMP a sin roR0•TTO. f4Nerettn I • metwee, ). *melte Cw IIOI.RR(6M R STARK, 111AM11.TM. T. 111,10 h a PON A. HAMILTON a CI.. N i w Woolen Factory . J01119. -oM; ia he * r•'n .':•,Irl 640.4 A'r•114ee4 •• e ow.•n 7 Mr, to doe w N..n.rinr*4hi 0rl, ,rwldt t a• Y • 1• r• a exllord. e . a- . M M prepared i Wool Carding. Spinning, Weav- ing. Cloth -Dressing and CO 4)ItIN(1! LOOK HERE HE ssb,e.'ber ha,ine REMOVED In the 1 et slam letel• occupied by W MAW \CAN first door snuck of Ihn item's. Marie., Square. wishes to inform his friends in the Town of Ordericb and so•ronnding country, that he SCOW a dry seas )O s tk. present has not ' notcide. She felt that herself, and almost been known nn the wroth of England f"r ordered him 4, star where he was. the last 70 rel.. There is nut the slights trace of dew at eight. The exoes49e dry - nes is owing to the prevailing pular cur- renta. If we could get equatorial currenta they would he headed with vapour, and we should get rain. In all parte water has to be taken to sheep and natio. " Why, we can talk ell the same," said she " and it is not tom lung." It vasa Curate paition, melons typical of the relation home them. So near te- gather, yet the barrier eo strong. " I am afraid you must he vary cold," said he. Tu* Monitel.r publishes aaMioe restive " 0 no ; 1 have my sealskin jacket on, to the permiesion acorltd to Heron Emile 1 and it is s, sheltered here. I with you d'Erlanger and M. Reuter to lar down • were as well elf." telegraphic cable from France to 11.1 " You are not afraid W be alone down United Suits. The c,mmunicatinn is tothereY' be stable bed before Sept. 1. 1889. The I " I am not alone when your voice 13 line is W start from Brat, tied reach some near me." point on the American- coot between I New don't you fidget yourself, dear I Bantu and New York. The prim of a' friend' dsfrtch crrnWning twenty words omelet I like thea little excitsmento. I have : e:oeed 111Uf. told you s, before. Liston ; how calm and silent it all is ; the place ; the night ! The mind seem% to full with great ids, PeD14n Pio-N to at Btlabtl0. and to feel i4 immortality." She spoke with soletntuty, and he heed BUrrAW, July 28 --Tse Fenian pio-nie in silence. Indeed it was • caverned time ! yesterday was largely attended and pease' and place : the sea *11... loud and pen. - off quietly. The procsaeiou colai.ted of testing tongue leaf. in some former age, the 7th regiment and *bout 40') elevator created the gulf where they both sat apart, sen. Speeches were mal' on the grounds had of late year* receded and kissed the by Gen. O Neil, 4) 7. Meer ha,1 and ethers. sands gently that calm nights ; so gently , Senator Me had during the mors of his that calm night ; s. gently that i4 bang, i remarks said :-The fuun.tati"us of the low murmur steamed but the echo of trate bloody old British Empire, whets chains quility. have surrounded us for over 700 years, are The Yoke of that pair sounded alp erne- i rottener than yielder •hcke, and breve laurel, one speak,ng up, and the other heartit and sharp, weapon •41.14 gine her down, the speak en quit' invisible d. the sup e rev. Beyond that ever "31r. Hazel,'" mud Helen, in * low ear - England's hirchnr are trembling to day nest "oioe ; " they say that night gives for fear of you. Cher expect the women wisdom even 4, the wise ; think now. and with their parasol. and the met with empty tall me your true thoughts. Has the font hands to come over and attack them. of man ever trod opo this island be - Why u it that this ' gatlmnug ceases the (096 f c aursed flag to waver f Because they. shako with fear least it be again trampled in the dust es it was at Ridgeway. We kisve feu owrbr thousands it you will but put the means in their hands. (len O'Neil then stoke and stud :-The time for action te clues at hand when the Iriab people are to prove teat they can act as well as talk. He hal travelled .11 over the lull, and everywhere he found the people seem and 9nci,us to put an army in the field. No letter of Ireland would I ask him to deignate the time or place, he said front a public {{datform, but time green ' flag will be Lo'*Iol as soon ea everything There wase silence due t' a' question so rare, and hut with solemnity at a solemn, time, in a.,lenm place. ♦ ' came ' the blued once Homes Wt down. "The world u very old. lin old, Hutt the words, 'Ancient History,' are a falsehood, end Muss wn,4 but as ester - day. A man is a very old animal upon this old planet ; and lute been everywhere. 1 e.nn•,t doubt he has been here." Her 6,iCe went up. " Dut have you seen any awns 1" His voice came down. "l havenot loot- ed for them. The tones and the weapons of primeval man are all below earth t sur- was binwmg anartly, and then was nearly f• fur. There was adeal o plena. Then Hel- Hazel often walked the island by him- always a surf upon that reef. What if 4he en's voice went out again. " But inm'dern self ; not to explore, for he knew the place vessel should break op, end live be Lst t times f Hu no man lant lrd here lrom far weal b, the time, but he went his round lie paced the sands like a wild beast in oe' places slut'r dugs were built'" to see that all his signals were In working its cage, in an agony of pity, remorse, and The voice cele sadly down. " I du fader. burning impatience. His feelings became not know." He went 10 Mount Inok tout nne day intolerable ; ho set his hack W the boat, The voice went up. "But think !" with this view. It was about an hour b. , eel with hercule*n strength fnroed it down The voice ever d:,wn. "Whet calamity fon noon. long before he got to the - a little way too meet the title. He get Togs sant • lunar and put them down for milers. He strove chase about these seas. Hen lie her bones and this burrs of herenw. Your queaton saw worn answered. All that we can sa• has been said ; .an be done has been Ilene ; can suffer has beau s.lereal." They were silent, and the sunk ship's blasts moved them strangely. In their deep isolation from the human rax, even the presence of the dead brought humanity somehow near to them. They walked thooghttnll away, and mule senses the sends for Telegraph 4)0,1,11. Itsfurethe got home, Helen suggested that parley. If he sun w dig in the ship, le ought end ,owsethin• useful. He "honk his Seed. Impossible ' The iron has all melted away like sugar long before the. Nothing can have survived but gold and silver, and they aro not worth picking up, much les digging for ; my time u toe precious. No, you her, found twit buried treasures to day,-tur ties egg*, and a ship freighted, as I think, with what men call the precious metals. Well, the eggs urn gold, and the gold a drug, -there it will he for me-" Both discoveries boors fruits. The ship, Hazel inside • row that again %hatted any poor ship lar her ribs on the Wlsnd for want of warning. He buoyed the reef. He ran nut to White Water Island and wrote mR earnest warning on the back reef, and this time, he wrote with white on black, H. wrote a *Maim warning wroth hi/65k on.1tc, at the western •xtrenuity of Godsend Ie end. Cnc eggs ' „Hue; watched for the tut tis at dsvbrtsk; turn9wl sate rowed then; std ted }lelein on the meet a1 i4 eggs, morn, *Rd night. Fur sena ems she lied been advancing in health and strength. But, when the tains declined considerably, and she was all day in the air, she got the full bme6t of the wonderful clinute and her health. appetite and muscular vigor became truly , . d the was the sttonlahing ; especially under what Hemel Helen looked u ; *n re called the Wrtle etre ; though indeed she .hip fast, and on lerode. She wasun was cured before. Mho ate three good White Water [upas(. N„t upon the black led them • for she reeks themselves, but on • part of Wee 1. V0L. XX I. -NO 28 graph. In vain that cry for hen upon that eastern diff - .1 heti saved her but not pleaded for them. Thernoustrrssaw them 0u the heights --their hope, Weir joy, - saw sed ab•ndonet thee. 'Choy looked at One another with dilating eyes, W read in • hamanface whether s.04, a deed es this could really bed'me by luso, upon is fellow. Then they uttered wild ernes W the 4eoedt1g vessel. Vain, vain, all was in rain. Then they set down etupiflod, but sei11 glaring at the ship, and each at the WOO m,;neul held out a hand t, the other, and they sat hemi in hand ; all the world tet each other just then, for there was the world abandoning thele in a.ld bled. "Be calm, deer friend," sad Helen patiently. "Omy parfather 1" And her other hand threw her apron over her head and then cam. a tenet of anguish that no weeds could utter. To this I(*zel started to his feet an fury. Now may the Oat that meet. sea and Anal judge between thus.. Inissrea0ts then end pet " Be patiem," mid Helen, sobbing. "O be Latent." . No ! I win not he pdtfettt," roared Hamel. "Judge thou her cause, 0 find ; each of thew tear. against • 6ptile's seul." And so he stool glaring, sad L" hair blowing wildly to the braes ; white elm sighed patiently at hu knee. • Presently be began to watch the vessel with • grim all better eye. Anon he burst out suddenly, "Ah► ! that is right. Well steered. Don't cry, sweet one ; .or colt A heard. Are they blind( Aro they dn,h' are they sick T I see nobody on deck 1 Perhaps I have e'en to - God forgive me, the ships ashore !" CH.h1'CER X\XVi1. was up with the sun, and her hands and that was under water. feet never idle till he set. Baal ran down M the beach ; and there Four months on the Island had done Helen fount him gresUy agitated. All Re thus. But four month" had not shown anger was gone the had hut one thought those straining eyes the white "peek on now, -to go out to her aasatance. But it the horizon ; the mil, 90 looked and longed mull wanted an hour to high water, and it is pr..parrd, a more will be made when face at the' time of day ready, but not an Lour before. He warn- Th f ed the Irish polls those who were t ry ung 4. urge en at advance. Tat FRNIAN Cuwnatr A'4 5066,8 o.- 00nveniantly near Canada, in Beide, the remains are discussing the wrongs of Ire- land with p4rlementery (.rneltty. There are ' ,me who argue flat they eintempplate military fu►n.euvres. It u ditb salt to aacertaln the truth of this, and an ambiti- ous Cnuudian who endeavored to ,ac,ver the Fenian purposes, perhaps from n*turel curiosity, was hustled out of their hell the other night and utterly hustledout of exis- tence. They give importance to this little fact by caning the nun a spy. But the name spy sellouts par, and we cannot conceive, in these hand teem, of anybody beiug willing to glee money to -find out what the Fenian' are at. Can the Cana- dians be tormented 4. that point by uneasy DeWitt Perhaps it u remotely preehb. that the Fenian" cousin'(( 0n the oompar*tive immunity that the heat of a Presidential canvas will give for the vagaries of voters, may launch into the fully of another "invasion." Botl, parties they may hope, will crannies at little out- rage rather than offend, at such a juncture an important political element ; but we trust our Irish citizens wiH remember that Mr. Johnston, who happens te be We United Mattes, is out of this Presidential canvas and has • future so definite that there It n.thieg for him either to here or fear from voters. Remembering this they can be new in a world so old as this T m wnwn Ae had ed th 4 care Everythit.g we can d,•, and suffer, °then fully, as • matter of onnrse ; but nut * he strained, he struggled, untlhisface mei of our race have done, and suffered." speck. leo, when he got there, he did not hulls were purple. And at last he nest The votes went up. " Hush ! then's look seaward, but just that his flagstaff - the flowing tido, •n1 in *moment, jnmped something on the sand." , was right and was *bout to term *way and - into the boat, and pushed o2 Helen beg - go home, when he halopenel to tones at - tied with4,*rkling eyes to be allowed to h CHAPTER XXXV. the water ; and there, underneat hit%, he sew -a ship ; standing towards the Wend. Hazel waited and listened. So did 1 CHAPTER XXXVI. Helen, and her breath came fast ; for in the stilly night she basun light but mysteri- He 'Umbel, rubbed his eyes, and looked Imuamnda. Something was mining on again. It was no delusion. Things never • the sand very slowly, but nearer and near- dud same u they an expected to come. arra Her heart began t0 leap. She pat There was still no doubtful speck on the out her hand msaoctl7ely 4, clutch M r. ocean ; but within eight miles of thelalaad -and in this Inv,. iy air that looked dear- ly else- was '1ship melee canvas. She bon et. E. from Mount Look cut, and S. S. E. from the East Bluff of the Wand, nod to htenel ; only v -very o --con- towards which her entree was apparently 8 directed. She had a fair wind, but was lues." not going fast ; being heavily laden, and And now she became 0n1144i"04 that port ,ander no of ail. A keen thrill went only one but several things were creeping through hilPnr•nd his mind was whirling. about. He ran home with the grunt news. - 41,9.46447 eh, •9.9(49 cnwd, .n.1 .•0 ndlo.o4 M a Itut, even as he ran, • cold sickly feeling mewled over him. Haul ; bit he was too fax o4. She had the presence of mind and the.elfdenial to disguise her fears; for she knew he would come baa long to her as4,stan e. She Wel 1n *quivering .hisp er, " I'm L.dor more my.lr.+m. ,,.,or In 11r•t dont NA ▪ u.l.l 1,k•,,king u..1 dnon•x Threw De foam04440' no. has the lament and meat (-omelets stock will esu that there IA n0 reae9n why he 1004.. netee. w.. el w 4.• main, roe. of Fall and W inter should not honestly end vigorously 4nforee TI• .., ten, pen ,% ..,..,ay 41,4,44 r u d,1 .nor the neutralitytea.-N. Y. Herald, tat e?.,nithe pot, el 1.n1 Her ,1ew,e to rrr. • sur stump ten I .he .4. •n4ndel 440.4 would break ' ►4 n. IL If esu n heel her Walls .0 way, that she •rtrullr 4.,a der n.n4kl9 . IMt It Lard. But U ,...teatom was cetdedt!• bwscest InM- ia,y The min ter with' 1111•11110,14 (004,01, hie Ivey le our Luted,. sae e.grl4•n$°atent 006- .601 that moment . mss Ml NO.. In is ted. sol appear. 1. ,Nwa M feree. r cant Javelin. d p,ld.n DIOS 11th1 .h.4 tn..% Itbeethe ew1Rle rot. nen *.m, those :olden Aare (*Teal moue or prahl0 are , that bunt pmt ed the .d erne ; owl 11e1d bunt net Mashlna 96a4t100 , for th• ant honk of day reeea1.A IM .tri n. Ile 4 601 .cared OW _throe pehln,mo Lunn.. reeling. d'w teal dopa.♦, hr k to rete H•, 1)0,11.11w, .a 1 they rote 444.0 slat flow on,l oyn i r. 44 4 lave et poor wrtdrh0. 1.8, w1 each M1n', . loam .wt• In the .en4 ; ,,a Awe. M which we. fiery e m et bonnier At 1,1 Ind•el, Helen "* 1e1 that tri.) WI n, shells, Mt Hamel 4,04 M, M! *4441 n 0111 complain .4 . row• .I1b,at e thorn. Her Nether her tart{.. ND. were a kap.; N,4 n.y, end very sole ion. . tor Ts •114. ; and M •4• M t rel{sh ti, tMm llry +• • • •," t tree• Boots and Shoes of any homes in tbe cnuetr,.c0nuinine style of Lathes' and ('hildren'. gond", end lust be has also • very large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FOUL PLAY. WINTER BOOTS aT 4 RAR'.a0 5RADR AND coarse and fine. ho,h 'repeated, and of his own manufacture, wLich he will sell {bwfin4wl Cheap for Cash ! Call and exaaiae, as be is satisfied that he has just the goods you wont. SAM'L FURSE. Goderieh, Sept. 21, 18(7. we New Tota, July 29 --The board of health yeatenbay elope -el rule. and regul- ations providing for prompt disinfection in cans of reported cholera, similar in effect to those in force last year. Dr. Harris weekly report shows that the death rate in this city has fallen off to *n extent fully equal 4o the aheenne of the fatal effects ref the heat 0f the week before last. The suicide mania continue unabated. The yacht Sappho has cleared at thocos- emn house for Cows, and will leave Brook - 10CCICAC LT. Helen leaned ag*inet the cliff and quiver- ed with delight and that deep Pens of flowers that belongs to your true woman. Haaol feared she was i11. " 111 C' said she. " Who could 16. i11 here t It ,. heaven mon earth. 0, you 0e•rs ! 0, you loves ! And they all seem- ed growing on these and 8 gm nga, 6 into. "f.'rm Ilr„nrin not. " And it u only one 01 • Amen such," h!.! art R4gu.h lea.t, ne17 aril, 1 rend eras,* said Haul, " If you would like to inspect' * mrd. t,• - them at their leisure, 1'11 just nm t, ,.c..b•h lnrm l 1t. rl, .un ..µnn ' wh, 1'*1m-tree Point; for my signalise!' askew. .. , tlw d,alrlm I saw that as was canto along." v)'1..r, ' .I.t rl A wpr•Iaerl ; ' I tent It ter Helen a•sonfed reaby, x141 he ran off : tM I5d,rrnhMr 10. " but left her the provision. She was not -'Bt 4 th. Isla-rehMr 496. and 1 here been haw tew*it droner f',r him. IQ n4 a .0 nom tri. 4.1•.•0 in ..,n. ..l Hart .r.w*- Helen ex*mincd two or three of the flaw- ell, marrow t"f" ante ter a. ery fissures, and found fresh beauties in •'1'* *0x1,1, -..114.1n •'Adnow 1 1181• .•te•- tang elm to .h or yea . emwtiti•r "ret candled m, beet hot 1 dare My 1 sur Tory 0. 0,41 esu tae* 4•,t sum ria/ ere. tbe wed. end p,inl•.f mgt M 6104 • nn*M. of .t„nn ,lotted carer the rel in . ane of neat Them aloe,. N.A. with w glee and lee ,•rne44 Mt ret •11061n,t fpr 9.9.. tM7 (,rural .,1 14.0 ?44.. Their mashes reroMM • trot e•h ..olio: the WIT e went. f d her each, and ale, some English leaves that lilt thin rs and the A son 4• este gave Ler pleasure of another kind ; and, Owners *red the family 0f Capt. Baldwin will tl Eam in her. after she hal revelled in the flower., she R'o i'e examined the s: ore and soon disc,.ered (:air miwinner Wel4, in reply to , gives that the rocks, which abounded here, ies from (amens Allison, of Iowa, give (thu•ngh then wen ansa serge g,stchs in • long statement, in which he shows that dee and) wen nearly all pun 00ra1, of that the government receipts for the year great variety. Red coral was abundant ; J4a= closed exceeol theexpenditure b♦ CM and even IM Brink rand, to which fashion 74e,990 ;that *ince nue war the naamu: was just then giving A hetitiena v*lase, sat indebtednes has been reduced 250 mil- I then by the urn. They interest.' her, and lion dollen. s did some beautiful shells that ley .4ark- The TrA+,nr'sapw,ciea says that the South hug. The time Lased swiftly ; anal she ern member have had seveal consults - .was still bray in her researehee, when ,nd- tiona on the ambient of the N. opinion denly it darkened a little, and looking elections in their Mates, and the opinion bark, ahn saw •whim vapor stealing carer prevailed that the old South Carolina •ys- the 4114, and curli down. tem of having the lltate Legi•latnre chatea0 ng the Prsienntial electors "mild he the seal Upon the, she thought 1t prndelt to re - under theeirennrtanos. if snob a elan turn t0 the place where Hanel hail left is agreed upon, en the expected tutee of her ; the mon s u it was near sun• set force between the two rues of citizens in The vapor descended and spread, and act M bre 9 Whet w " • It h.•ls. D.Alrat bet the South will b avoided. covered *e* and land. Then the sunset ; nu south is it l it leeks DI -wheal. But 41.,4vlann4 te the l'a.-01 veil 44. 9*0e pronnel, D1RTRrrnv, Film ei 1,060°x. --(kis the and it was darknos .i*ihlo. Coming from how can that he f The i0lend was smaller * d,4 • ••peer .rte 37th July, a destructive fire °merest' in the ',oath, the set -het caught Hazel sooner when thele wens Owe' hen than it is Permed enema fr Ne' • d'•'•^"° wit% ,•.•d Ie M London,()ret h1 which tee h and in IINa fa7 wabrle situation, Return- now, ' He went nearer and etamined rine •arae; win car• •• i9 e, , roc f„^earn 'wI sienna tan torn. --- O • ' e • "Van thio lou chance w .06.1 41.1.. ; 'Y,, V It .hrnlel M shod I fear, •ml Out 19-Rwoirm I" Hanel emote.r.l it attentively • Imam taw. 'Tun far 0 eve for 4,7440 refs.. r41 Se "0d M nn• "That ship parts her anal me." He resisted the feeling as a thing too monstrous and selfish, and relented tt et 6rrnlyy, that, when he got to the •lupe and Mw Helen busy et her work he waved hui hat and hurrah' again and agwin, and seemed almost mad with triumph. Helen steel transfixed, she had never seen him in such a state. "Geed news !" he cried : "great trews ! A ship in sight 1' You are rescued !" Her heart Impel into her mouth. "A ship!" she screamed. "Where I Where T" He came rep to her panting. "Close under the Aland. Hid by the bluff ; but yon will sen her in half an hour. Gad be praised ! (let everything ready to g,. Hurrah ! This u our last day on the Island." The worts were braye, l.0,4 and ternt., but the face was pale and drawn, and Helen saw it, and though she hustled and got ready to leave, the tears was in w ., great to her e s But the rent as t S 11 be reruted. A wild etcdteMtmt caw on them both. They nn about likegp`remis trued, and took thing* up, and laic] them down again, 'namely teaming what they were doing.Hut presently they were sh- ared a little, for the ship did not appear. They ran across the sands, when they amld see the Bluff ; she ought to have permed that half an hour ago. Heel thmtght she ant et have anchored. Helen looked *t him steadily. "Dear friend," said 'lie, "are yen son then is a ship at all T Are yet imam. a delusion 1 This Aland fills the mind with fancies. One day I thought 1 saw a 'hip sailing in the sky. Ah !' *he nttered a faint stream, for while she M. speaking, the bowsprit and jih of the easel glided put the Bluff e, einem'', they seemed to scrape it, and the ship emerged grandly, and glided Along the diff. "Are theym*d," cried Hazel, te hog o the shore lie that 1 Ah ' they have sen m warm o And it appeared so, for the 'hip joie then mane op in the wind several points, end left the Bluff deal astern. ,•• .•le. w sic seventeen °rias Mod •p sake wen ornenmel The en need in irng from the Balm -tree, he had taken the .,f the rums : then he .enpwd away the root I -nils factory, canoed by sparks sb,rte*t nut through • small jungle, old sand from its ease, and funnel 1t wee s A• ram parp,re. 781 4,dre.k••01 •ii1° °r°0"'1 aw frtra the dunned of Me st.asn 1Noiler. it he t rrl<iare=hellky =y tenth that, when shaped like a stone, hut more like a whale a hinny en *W M read th ad' he Id g ` ^6 ern rib Hn became esr'it 4 : went our his three badly injured. The Ionia intense uterine tions, and Aid net hit the river till Then he ms op agitate'. • e near mi row n in ." said he then 'tAashi . N©w C/ar • aroma ern re•• Ilr ••• f`•d ,h.a! ITN he 9rwa1. t 't ante se to a )enmllg 1 InIp4 esae b nor moony sr* r aid r antis seventeen had been 0001111104 and tweed that .red the 91709, . Ire( his way knee, anal tore the sand rep with hieh•nA8. res0.• 1h• t red traced th WING!! Ill WOOLEN FAl'TORT. .d at 06(I,f10o, midnight He follower! the river to tI n age n (treat Heaven & WDnt. cel 1ARNRM 1RnpD0.R ..en 04 - the eeh, and muted the eke owl why 1 p 4w wm6 4M .mown. w 10 444(00 ••N D.NAt.-The lloatrlel (104.1140 un : groped his way toward the caesura Bret *f- "A ship !" 52w i1fol'wd h7 1Nter dated 2hth. ler * whsle e'r. ttMp h0 twok w9a frnlght "Ay ",MA M, standing in the mldoll. PETER PISI SR, tLt4sR that are 13 r•aynq in *11 g g..r and ig 1 Mnsth nor biotin lin tn*n ; 8Mm the trn0 4o drop her *41.41. &, tt was ksk,0'sataeee{i t MR• 1 %►lie. with don h th. n At was far ad7ane n tt ' IrerO. ..i waerma. abs,1014 •sill' , the woods, and on all *ides of the village D4 when heist t• t hit o4 the °nek, as he math his work and hie frewmrs. The Haul worked the Telegraph 1n dlsw k 40.144 a*4..W4 NNW 4 eft liswdrm, Qneheo 74 hr 'mem, med Weight. Iie haPeed ; hal then was n0 Ilers,e hes been here for many • lung yl'*r; attender, and waved his Mt and WO* 6* 11, leen d Ater vas Btonev to Lend, thousands of *nrw0 of ern*. .newly .Mes replf ; helloed, again, and M his p,t, bee net el rem hog neither ; ahs W feet beg ker. But the ship sailed Sl. pawl 11►r aid held w alai 111 , , tad um. meet valuable wiled.-Tle an entre, replied ; Iron at s distance. lie hal for the 1Rth nmtney, and yet she must immensely, hot ale kept her moms !need. lk• Id6dnaaa4.6lila rugine outlive Mattawan (nllowol down the came te the wrong tweak She was farther have keen .ank when the isl*red w•ea ell- wh0w ale heel gore • mile 111a11W aY 111. LstaY Mlily new mad and cm.tetned all the bridge* westward, he groped his way wstwad .l, 1 take it to is a Rp*nieh esu Pouts- the sinksnitrg troth 'mew, itself et kat so. tM ,w it. 0, whist a afipafeRlRWIt thereon, Some -n1 which were et40nn70 and name to mother creek. Ile MII0n1 ash ship ; probably one of thus treasnree npnn those eager watebra She hRd • br*per eh" • 6.er Seas low rod indapaR.ihl* fur *Al new s.tt1em,.nt to her, and eh* answered him. Bot to a1 .hips one crwnl0A,or(-%, and e41*91. 'al ply decided not to tench at as Wan.)' is •p6sd dl which has made sash pmgrns few s few lenge the element te0.ld haw* hues mare 1 sue, and the American honesneer., need i vain their j•.yfnl signal,. 1n vain the Male• 7052* post. 17067 thing tsnkedisnel," accompany tm. "What to a ship smitten withec,rvevor Heaven knows what 7 Certainly not. he- eds, you will be wet through ; it is blow- ing rather fresh, and !shall tarry on. Pray for the poor soul. 1 go to heap ; and for me, who have sinned in my anger." He hooted his sail, and nil out. Helen stood on the bank, and watched him with tender admiration. How good and brave he was ' and he amid get into • pariaLn to, when she we wronged, or when he thought the was. a ell ! she ad- mired his none the les for that. She wat- ched him at first with admiration, but sem with anxiety ; for he lute no sooner North Oats, than the cutter haring both wit. set, though reefed, lay down ver much and her bull kept disappearing. Helen felt anxiOos, *red would have been downright frightened, but for her aonfi- denoe in hie proses. By and by only her staggering sail wets visible, and the sun set ere she reached the creek. The wind declined with the sun and Helen made two great firs, and prepared food for the sufferers : fur she nate sure that Hazel would bring them o4 in • few hours more. Slim promised herself the happiness of relieving the dis- tressed. But un her infinite Burps. eke found herself almost regretting that the 4latd was likely t, be people with strangers. No matter, she would alt up all night, and be were kind to them, poor things ; though they had not been very kind to her. About midnight, the wind shifted to the northwest and blew hard. Helen ran down to the shore, and look- ed' sewed. The was a fair wind for Hazel's return ; and she began to expect him every hoar. But no; he delayed en- awoontably. And the worst of B WM, it began tel Mow • gale ; and this wind sent the sea rolling incl the bay In a manner that 'dee- med her seriously. The night wore our no sign* .f the beat ; and now there was a heavy gale °tamale, and • great sea rolling in, brown and roaming. Cay broke, and showed the sea for a mile eetwo ; the reef was hidden by driving rain. Helen keeled on the shore and graved for hien. Dire misgiringa nppres.•d her. And aeon these were heightened to terrrn • err the w began to disgorge things of • kind that had never come ashore before. A great ship's madame tensing ; kap s it was the waves haedled it bk. • toy: Tim came *barrel : then a betoken eller. These, were Met the forerunners of fearful kerne- The era became rimmed and literally blackened with fraglnenui ; part wreck, part =mete • lir ben •rued. But what was all compered with the hor- ror errow that followed A black objeet0nght her eyes : driven in upon the crest of a wave. She looked with her hair flying straight back, and her eyes almost starting from her heads. it was a heal, butt'An up; dnv.mo)4, and towed like seek. SLe sailed awe nn that 00u1+0, and the,: }t eeme nearer, nearer, nearer. 7 She dashed into the water with a will paid of again, ofd estr)ed i4601ine.l to annttat, hot a way. boat her hack tm ell. range( along the onset, Rut presently she and, and, as ens rUm, an enow6nd,er •ells► sus■ up in the wind even, *red mage a liked the bat npn ht into the air, sad great %fang. Mb. was sailed In a 'teeny. b,•e.k)ng, 4.04424 )te npp.n.eat set ow vacillating way : B11/ Haul •0oribeel the be•oh a her ode-.mpty ! to het peopl.'e fear of the reefs he had in dusted t, all curers. The better to watch her manoeuvres, and signal her, N necessary, they both went rep to Telegraph, CHAHTIR RRXViiI. Point. The,' weld net gn sot to ler, Hoyte tittered shriek of Agony, sad being Inw water. Seen fromthis height, the her ern oteeed. t,gether, alwl al. w..tlri working ni this vessel was unetcrRmMble. have meowed oR the stove hot for the wiej She wee t., and of the wind as often, se if •*1 thewjera flat b.st against h... .he was drunk herself, or commanded by To the feerful stirs eleleededfie wild, 4 a drunken skipper. However see was distress She rest to end h'. like lie kept well dee of the Immo reefs, end wile seined byes WARM made • good oeln , and so at last she hes hands aim w y ung ` r end ..401a1.t M Ike • epsned th h b.al' Y W ,ad drtant de psi kaRC•kR four miles, or then Monte. err H saw red Mmes ; it held her by e 7pr7 66.00rahle terve. Apply N B. le DOTLE, larsge's 11.64 Rlowb. dedeyieh, 901 Jan. '4466. 4 • ' 41.