HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-07-23, Page 4M T7dlg PIQli1'CCErvie `8 HV a F 0 0 T A R i 0 The &rt of picklug polrkSM has Ewa earned bythe those* 01 Pana to a per t.daon wisk must excite the envy of the . CLIr'I''ORD resoabty of London. t$should be omen,-, .4 Wet t►. if4nitsh mud "pkkpo,.hot" u TW . tending thanks for the hbelal support now naturalised to tb French language ; L and patronage he has received for the perhaps because Lh{s particular form of last 12 years, hers tears to say that by the pluudwtng 5u eatil 1rtuly a sutura- iatttdretiml of mrrhitwry he is now prrpar Lively rare creno in Parra or more plot- .-d to 'apply retail desl.,g with all Lind* of aWy bemuse It was combr,hsnded bythe thieving claw to general. AL any rate, BibCUitS and Crackers ! W. should Onsg n. that PlolduII P.-1‘ets whnk he think. •ill b.+ more sArant,g.nw asset now be set down M Ill art requiring a, cls sumo ler than impo.tine them friar ttli most laborious pros fur tow er Iwes. achievement of its highest StgbL. if the! ch i' skill with which it is s000tapti• 1 iu the 1.191' OF P:flt'1: Parisian omnibus,. Y to b. ashen Y al f•••la Iti,t•uit by iltt If•tx or I:e1•r1 ..90 07 sample of the perfection alreinkj' attained. W one •' ... 0.00 We are Wld that the thief, of worse sell S. n,wront '• drwrd, sotred'.oaaibtm armed with a thermal;, •• very small unreel of Mut attached to • lluner Ursc::rre •a ... 0.065 very fine thread d dent .lk,, The ex- O,,ter '• a u:,,, O.OG� treatities of tbta *And heholds between H,emo Uiseult. a '• r. 0.00 ' ►is thwub .q4 l'Ofugrr, Wed “1""" M 13ricilole' C nus os his seuseetani#lor takes out his or her aCakes of EveryKind 1 )mt'torrsie for the purpose of paying the fan-whieE is paid in Pars on entering tl.nersl wnnment of bread aloys on bu,J the bus -the thief, he eyes apparently Arid Jeliveted daily to curios..ra fixed on sow for otf object, dexterously - E. CLIFFORD. launches the bit of lead into the port- Jen. )$ 1864. - I•G manuaw just es the owner is dieing it. The puma is then returned to the pocket Id the u4r:raUlcroMI owner, who never suns the thread by wlnc•h it is nowia the power of the thief. As soon as an opportunity offers, or is provided by 01. Wirt !onager( whostembles,apWAwttly eerelessly,ag*ruR his neighbor at the first stoppage of the F1L LO('O.t•meal, ('nn. meal snd mumbo, the purse n gently withdrawn Feed. pocket the owner's tcket amt transferred, ALSO, • lot t ( orime Sugar Curd 11.0 to that of the rogue's who leaves the con- snd Rolled R■o•on. veyance Y aeon Y possible, with •' pu.Lto Just received this morrinf, salutation to his victim &std net o the 000 Rushers prime Potatoes. travellers. This feat dnwoertaioly bonder 1000 '• nets. oilthe incredible. Nevertheless it is T. 11 VANEVRY a Co, vouehwl for on the most respectable an- Oafetieh June 7, 1867. .2Otf. thorny, and after all is not more wonder- _ ful that the feats of Indian jugglers of common skill, (IIODERICH MILIJ FLOUR AND FEED STORE, , Crabb's Block Kingston titres CHEAP GOODS FOR CASH SUMMER, 1868. (.1 II 11A7Z.I1ItSi, MAO A 51LINDID wr.eo or TSI8 11.mA..4011VY-Q c QI $4. wbkl, 1, a yrat sb. J nue of THE VERY LATEST NOVELTIES. IM s. a4 tun . Aran. depar4...nt* .t the 4, aM .t :the THE VERY LOW FAT RIKn OF PRICES. IN TUN SPAY( Alit All ::nod. of 1171 {' (10(717.. A11 It Ingle of f1 A'I'w t Mn (7 t P1. All kends elf /'LO'rI15M(i• All Rind.nf IIOOP 9I IIi' •te. 44.L a 1 Ulf u r G'itgo, c1 FI RI E t• THE FINEST TEA THAT ('AN BE GOT $1,00 GOOD COMMON TEA 373 CENTS Very Bost COFFEE GROUND oT IINGROIIND 30 Cts lb fall GOO1 C9PlitION COFFEE 15 Cts lb. MS C1tOCH1�HY, NU: 19.-.c.. Ares Fur Sale also by the Subscriber, the PATENT COAL OIL BURNER, IM Germr'y, when a piper says any thing witty they kill the editor ; and n t e.s editor has bete killed then for tee bemired years. HEAR VE ! IIEAR YE ! ALL PRasONI nAVINO .AST JUST CL e7M rola A wptD Mowing or ,Reaping Machine Mue11.1) CALL .tar SEARLE & DAVIS'. BASE LINE,CLINTON• 44't_ 4(440 SINGLE MOWERS. SINGLi SELF -RAKING REAPERS, AMD 12yr11 COMDINED I1 0001:. Over 70,101 of thew Mach wn h.,o• bio, sod dung Oa last •,. von. Al«. Rowing & Serf -Dropping Hand Raking Machines (r'MR110).() 13. 1Nr. 7h. ,Awnen. In but" frog r s that all Cantor Msk,a ran be Y.d frn,n u' Tel y..er , fhl.,1.• ,ha w• eel, for r.. 9.,11.,. Iw alga dans, In CI,a,.n, inn„ ,0 w. bed W w„ 1 50.51. 1* oat ton. A Peva. .u,.W• to earl thew Mr Ns.* will nye to our snotanne. We have o. hang 1." ku,1. a STEEL PLOUGHS, cameos./ ./ Tlem runes •oA t4.4 •n.l Enna neaten ..e engnarm,elre CULTIVATORS. STOVES of 4) liiff+rent Patterns. Storey fps at 121o. perjotnt. TIN*0♦sI or ♦LI. IINIIM 6 MILK PANS fir ONE DOLLAR! FIELD AND(I.ARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY DE'CRTPTION. Oils pante, Nem. Ufa., Puny. AA 5; TIUII14H111(1 .04 all triode a T1unw.h,ng ikon 1., wufnteul.ha weir At SEARLE &. DAVIS'. p a.w.n of all pennant..1as dnan.Sr Machine. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOUR, SELVES. SEARLE& DAVIS. 11..0 Lour, nog. of the targe Kettle Cham. Apall 30, tob alk tr MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teethes'', greatly facilitator. the pit., .r 1.7 10,01.105 by ..Maung rM g•5a, a.du.,ng .11 Innern..tlea-rill *11.y Au. 1•.i. .rd .pr..»alb * t,,,n awl id Imre to Heanlat. the Rowels. !,.pend upon It, 10.l.., It *111 glee net b, yw.ewrer Relief and Health to your Infanta W. Ira,c pn1 up 464 r L4 nlls antra for teen, and C.0 May ,nMre enend Truth of It what we herr .ere, lacy..,n,.I, to re of any nth. medicine -larvae Us 11 1%.,1...1 11 n Minh. Innen, r to tient a 1'„n when tl.wly need Never 441 we loon aft rotten+ ,d do. liatMM.•hs he any nne *bonged It On 11,.- entirety, as an da4lg$,twI wltl, Its (Tenth.. end .leek 1. terns Noasl.ai.tlw of IM neee0'.1 MA. .M.1alkyl hew W& We sport 4n Ws remit, '' N M,rw. nevi(.,.*," Misr y.•r. .r,.pnb•nr., end Phage or r.pnt.tbt err eM nd Alter*, of whet re 1,.,..I.*I•r,. In .Im,wt rear, legion* .her. 40. Infant,. weern.g from pan ek4r,- 0*aetlm,. nth? will he found in littera or nonan, ..n- Moo.rt^r Ow sirup is •Arlrll.r«1 Pull dlrm•unwa far ulna will a•,"npen0 nosh bottle Ness roan. nni.•. the h •'1,' '. or 1 1 441'4M • 12 nog N.w York, le • e the neon/. wrapper! 501.1 M dragnets Mr...ghnnt the worIl P5001 WILT n Pca •OTTlr. ,pn1eA 'aP714 eat.. glycal. Ne* Turk . 205 flh', Ilollv.,,, • 1.•.t•-, 150•.4: 441 ML Peal Marren, Wrenn! Canada •w21•12 los Farm for Sale. TTI F: +nal 5 „f I 7-o Iferfi,ld Rood. Town shin n` 4'wnl.e, 77 arra', about 00 elesr ed. Th. hod i. of fire nle gnslit,, and• Rood epn'g ,reek roomer through tow Int. Terme, part rf the mon., down. Time given for IIT. nm.i.,i., at nor Pert per annum Farther partioul.'t may be had on applies or to J01TY J011N4TOV. Lot 9. It..eti.•14 Road Steele?. Ooderich. Sept 9th. 1847. .:4A. FARM[ FOR SALE, OR TOTIo-.D': FOR. TOWN PROPERTY, BVtNG West 5 of Int 2, eon. 2, Asha*Id, 100 .ere.. 45 Homed. Emmet horn, g.,Md finer, an. ,cent' Orchard -well water- ed. This is a very des,rehle farm. F., prtiwlals .poly to RORRRT CARM A M. Oodsrfoh Avg. 20, 1847. .32,( TO SELL OR RENT 1 .Lits WR,T II, I,r l.OT NITMBRK 11.13HT. fwn.n,th a of Hall.,,, on IA. M.wd.,r line let ween Hlyth •,d Walton, Poo (Ann 0An0 war. ((nnd h.nlwnnd Ien4 Wel w'annal ; thole erne canna nee. A.f,ntr roma ern. •n 1 5 hell in ell- Writ fanned. Fn. hinter pan •r.4, a apply to . hdr net the twmrre SAN KIM I.A WSW.. Ms, 071A. IMT. ora FARM FOR SALE! IGI ASAF3i1.7D. TH► ends raw, n16ra 4.r eeln . 4n. I,,. 10 un Tnwn0 p ,r \nasal. henna I.4 k.n..n b a. p. rrnal"n.n r 100,^res, ne ter et,o, may I..A, Y.finwd u.n'.o. )1h -..t t ser; okmfrod. ser perweelsn a 10 pr,., err , rondo In WM. SR I'M()"R de 47*, se T. 6. YANK'S'S!, d1.A.n,b De It. IMI, weer F e eerp,M- fi.,t.epyet ..a ahvel lrpR Wne ., -�•- 1be M%Isui/°h D.ps1, MIrbet ygwn, Uy, L01 t}2 REMOVED. A. SMITH TAILOR and CLO1 BIER, fine annoyed 1n hi. S4, no 1v ,r mt the Menet 1111. ', .herr Lr., Lr. 1 ,..dr. on IA. am.l.l• te,,, Fr ('.1.411. • •,,:, ud,d. , intr. rut e Ready - Blade Clothing/ - ('oo.,.nnl u, pan ,4 CoatM. Verst►i, Pit nt.M Under-CI(stilt nft, lilt: -e. I',rn.. r-10Anlr no roe rhe- • MPR1N42 MITT 11.11304 e to nen 5d,anage keen sail examine has STOCK Of TWEEDS O natom Work Mur. on r1,. MMtnr., p.atl,lr n., wr ,M N.manned N, give uxa ,1-t.0. (Alive. taste crU. (...1.,l4.. AP„144►. 1'M • 44 Salt Lands ! I'( -)It IN PARCELS RANGING FROM 2 TO 5ACRES! LA ND 111 EiIIATE'.Y ADJOINING T1 -1E Present Salt Well AT TIIE Goderlch Railway Station. Aa o.lruaeut of ser, ,'„e n: re• lle. p0.5*50 Ong by cuwho tarn n la on to lie the ..at tartan PrP bio„ .,1 tee s1i•('4 W g...1et ag.a5t a 4(4tt at tow leer oral LI- !lie public sue resplatiklly latited W call. )] JOHN HARRIS. Ooderich, 20th April, 181)e w 1'i, Corner Wrest Street, Goderich. NEWSTORE! POLLOCK & JOHNSTO.�T, F. G. BECFErI1 l CO. ,„„i In sennunce ti the i.lh,hltants of O.wturioh end vie:nity that they have • peneda U New Store in GROCERIES FOR THE MIILLO N! IT 1S AN ACKNONLEDOED FACT THAT THE FLAWS IN OODERICH W minims ANY ARTICLE IN THE- GROCERY LINE, As Cheap ss 'the •Chespost, and as Good as the Bsst4+- 18 THE EMPIRE Provincial Permanent Building f -_- and Savings Society, TORONTO, (Pint door South of the Poti O, ce. ) Rt-dluoetdl It tat eat or 211PAYMINT FOS EACH 4100 A 000'.CLD. d.asr�-,rn.d At and of each sate 1411 WF 11 7 uses yr, s )roll rni r ynllu y lnrslly, T. TT •.11,Jµ1 4 W 104 I 000 060 u.0 11M 111 0.10 • W 710 660 • NEW SMITH STLACKAN a McKINNON B./ le*rose w wa uk•htau,• of . J3 aur waning granary, gm Mei key gpu o.J. trag ire Near Dodd's Pump Factory, ti ria..: Ntrr-. �'�`� r►on tM ytpur mood Ira ,k. II Yu `t••4• , 10.17,41Fling/054410 lr ell la.T141511270 SHIP rr CRK, Pi UI'C li 1!:1111 \Il, rete Liv 11se sl. 7n se es mit la l9 u1D 14 al 117/ Horse•Shoein w O *e IeluJ. Yrtnr „� nal IuMnal .uJ c. if portray rt the e•tMe DOW will be told witkooa Ij•1/I:eMIMr a11r.110Y bald it, 104-1. O TT S E {•Vain vkrvr ratite* null «I 0y ser! N D. r wX1Dt♦t515i Orden.., 7rd Ap,1,1646. e Mw► ITIb, less.'~ w•ktr• Valuator 44 (anima. w14 rot/ (II. FOR SALE --C SHANNON d, BELL' North Side Market Square, where may be found a full assortment of General Groceries, Liquors of all Kinds, Crockery, Glassware, &c. Vessels Supplied Cheap with all Articles in our line SHANNON & Bl: r.1, Golerich, May 1, IP54. NEAP. LARGE u{uantrtus of, Grind Stones, Coal of ell kiadr, Can! cul, Water Lime, Cabins( PlYter, lora Btu ka, Cure Meal, dtc., .C'c. Htucka always on hand at the wharf, O$OItjE RUMBALL, d Co. Goi1e • May L8Ut LS 9. .1701, MEW GROCERY I AND all Flour and Feed Store. WM. ROBINSON 4' Cameron's Block, Kingston Street, aoderich tN,'rr the Huron Hotel), W Leo' Ih"y have opened out a eery select stock of /staple and Fancy DRY G.''DS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES All of .hick, baring been parch& ed tor cash, will be sold at the eery Latest Rite/. Our Cottons are Uncommonly Cheap ! 1 CIIN <Ir,Fla.. Till; FXCELLJNT QUALITY OF THE ARTICLE. 1-IAM1LTON, ONTA ILIO.' BROS rev'eelldlly to announce In the In habitants of (loderieh and no•inity that M hu commenced in the above hue in 314 8m.ill'• oda stood. CORNER OF SQUARE & NORTH ST, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAMB, cute. .1 Moron t 4.11:-...t u, ,y 6 !gr.l ,.t rkn racy torn w1O11. 7' J ,•u/ Hrr W 'f.l��tsufd wWWu dun,' Yw•tr', W 11on.r Snot, u u►. Ya li40 40. W, 1 ►a.' /rad 4 4 a' r 5.rvsrs 1M tltk 1.J Iva east A tae as y �t L Litt s Ira na Nwl IWf ,f M W taeo•e weatea day Is u. t Donn. whin bade Logon,.. .hsl i /6e mm t. r, ,er, r Yr a unit Lour rw..r 3 '4 tae. ghtrvW se Avevatura MI& hear ata a Inns ekM•tw JuMN Ya'Ia4N AL U, ahentf of Hun, IMS has, tet' ( 1' (7 THE CLERGYMEN Or THE COUNTY 0! HURON. Lt the Groesry Department he will lose scurricz is hereby given that unl th ea band good articles, sad sell u cheap • II Particular Memnon paid to the line of FLOUR AND FEFIlt! end as the advertiser has had many rears' experience in thrt branch of bu.,neka, be feels confident that be can gin satisfaction. Otder,-` , Feb. 7, 1868. ..17tr performed by them during the year 1867, (and also in (afore years), the neglect nlremrnb, will render them gn ley ,uf • lfir{emwnor and liable W be proseceted in terms of the Statute, Con, Stat. C., 22 N �� 9 L _ Victoria Cap. 03 Sections 32 and 3e, Ry order of the Court of Quarter Herron.. la (S:rer& ) 8. IIROU,H, Chairman. Dated in open Court of Oen errs) Quarts Hertonsof W Peace, Godenoh, Mu. 1868. DAN LIZARS, w150] Clerk of the Pesos. raid Clergymen shall forward imme- diately w the Office of the Clerk of the Puce, separate LISTS of all BAPTISMS AND FUNERAL SERVICES STARTED AFRESH/ rr refua., w mmpl, w1W W bo :9k ES: C�OD»RI(H Steam Axe Factory. MANl7ACtt'RJOHN MrPHERSON, 1.R. n1 isEGS to a nuance In the puh!Ic that M is MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE 1868 • now prepared. with new and improved intim n.ehinery to faro mat hit .error Division Courts. ,. 1 ♦ -, 't axes in larger quantities than hithennp5and F4 !STEAM GI N ES & BOILERS Or .71.1 -1/ ALAI, 3Ia,chIncry I. i 1'gnnipinglmmisilt. •team Saw Mitis, and Grist Mills 1 t 'Q1d-CJi-talnhiug Mao]sia®rv, MINING, H'JiSTiNG, AND PI '44';''i 11A('il(NE(0Y, StF:.OM PUMPS, ENGINEERS' AND 10O11.ER MAELK$' •TuOL S ' .1.4 Lathe., Ranine, D,, I,,,, C.•r.win y, snd 'i; ut,nl !lathiest. Prate U.oJing and Itan,dut. °twerp. hit ,MA. leek Pun, !lin: Machinee, Ar. WWI Syr HURON FOUNDRY! �7 Inspect Our Printed Cottons. m �> ' REMEMBER THE STAND, KINGS rON 13:0. GOUF.IHCH, March 13. iBGB. 'a ' O STONE AND ROCKINGHAM' WARE! ca w 1'I II.I.(01C do .T ' '1'. ' N '17 ON, ' MAV1•FAUT1.111:11 STEAM ENGINE•WORVP1;-j -•, R. RUNCIMAN Apply to (KINGSTON STREET, QODERICH,) M. C. CAMERON Goderlch. Nur. 2-, I4G;, w12,7' CHEESE ! CHEESE Shephard & Strachan, Oltu( F;It'1. OGDEIOIC[I. i]AVE been re.a pointed solo artists sl 1 Ooderieh for the sole of the celebrated Exeter Puno,, Cheer. 1.oea1 dealers *applied at the Foolery Prices. NfTEP11ARD t 8TKACRA7. Go• srieb. Hae 27, 1847. stye SALT TERRITORY FOR ELE OR LEASE. WITHIN IMS rant% of the prernt Gederlrh Salt Works. 11.o. FARMING LANDS 001111114110111 to (NI locality, AP7444 to JOHN HELL 10)14(01, SO ten,•• Oa terir Oftle ••b. tel Der.,1511. war LUCKNOW WOOLEN FACTORY, 91141 R,drNvr h.g. lens, '-, 110n0E ," nu/die, (or I ren lh !Own' I*In-meg. ., n,1.. 6'04 ern A•,pr 111.1,lw,ll k7'Inet$r.,,Mt �t,.l .IwmM•e Wt. Iwo, nee,n n 11104' rn net all ••w• Mrrh..err'rn Ant. 7,44, '*., Ikn.y..a r. •*eel to gree lewd ru.- fr let In R III makinf, and Clotll Dreaming. and 1n the MaOd nnnne [If AZ (7141/h.' ,nd Flaaael.. LOCRNO*0, *0(1(40.1.7 41(,1044', hLY.0* 10M1CLAa Mn M len whit 0. LJY MIX171.11141,4114I FRESH OYSTERS! 'mots,.' RAMP R.r,in, BY THE KEG, CAN OR COUNT LOBSTERS. SARDINES, AND CLAMS. FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES, Cocoanut FI -s Craoes, &c., &c., Ac., at E_ BINC}HAM'S, Wed5(b• of Markt Motor', order,. .Nnw t Ieee awes. GNDAVIS -- -- --- IANtt1ACTIfNR1 ANA DRALRR IN or 9x1 iT'1 So... PM..ah'.ed Cs«,try nr.Srr,M 14111 f7•teeeesion Rtnr. 411,. slew, enl.lalnin( loo &eves re .re or leas. Apply t. 71111,1.1AM KERR. O.dsnak 12th Jal lfarclrN. Joy, Ie41. w7St/ • 1 GOAL OIL, WHO! IA US AND RETAIL. LIMe0nalGil beeps &...A'.. fMd Ito* .Por. pee,gwee.. Reg• Won!74,,.4,515 a*A MhS...skew .bas I$eweb* err. t7,, dle V I"r At' NG been appointed wholesale Western Agents for the .ale of the eelabratcd GRIST & FLOURING 1VIZ%LS j 1 Stone end Rockingham Ware of O. L. BALLARD, CORNWALL, Would announce to the Trails in Huron and Brace that they can supply all of tho 0, ry ,uperior amide@ turned out by Mr. Ballard, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. For particulars we circulars scut out by et. Call and examine the stock now os hand. Oahai,h, April 141;A. POLLOCK et JOHNSTON. 4•t3.t THE COMMERCIAL ANION • ASSURANCE COMPANY. 19 AND 20, CORNHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND. C t1'IT IL. (Fully Subscribed) - :f2,'N10 (1(10 Sterillfr. INV3)STED OVER, 92,000,000 - DEPOSIT FUND IN CANADA, 660,000. FIRE DEPARTMENT The d,.t.nnn.h.Lle 'vim Tient the l'nmp.nt• hu kens the e.1.Miehme.l of .n egnit■fore r 1a *eta rat an, Mato, nr,n ell eons wren pnrp,wli,Male to the rut, The .nr,-„1 w-h,rh nea.u1rnk410, (`a.np.nv anemone hY been •ort ar Int r to •.lite to m,vn..n111,. etprrt.non, o, Ihr Dmrb.r., who hat. resolve I to earn( rhe banner .e0,. wdely, led cow after 1.,46,• Vn..nAun PERFECT SECDRITY guaranteed by largo Subscribed Capital. and Invested Funds. Prompt 4,114m,n,o, 1'In,m, The Diret•tnrs end General Agent.. being gentlemen Isogelt es. 'Aced 1'omnlen•e, cat t. kr • liberal and Internees -hire v,.w of ell gne0i00• comm( before Item rk.cnm LIFE DEPARTMENT. Mmbrat ••114 &tore! rm• to throe des. rag Life trnr.nM un.vrp.e.ad h7 Any 1,04. 04Ire. rn•-1'.rw-4:ecvrd4- h:1,mom V of ma n.dem.nt. (setmt In indM(ar lila loess woes. an peninpet,ne .•'.I., 0mone whnm RO per M.1 01 profile .re JitlnSe. Claim. wool ,roe month *net ,v of „f deet. Lod ebmeslvantr;e,, one h Jung 4, neon le the Company's Pro. 45,. Morland Watson & Co., G,Merul Agents for Cuaeda. FR 1h, Cnl a Rrrrrinr,, Orrl"4, -etc A 9 U 1t7.. r. rAI' 1. M rll F.BT, MONTREAL oLr4'.0et. / of App.ri.., H. MItNlau.M .ear... T.C. IYI�Of re P.L.B. I1,174NDINER 1 (.111„ _nr•Go•4.,' "7,".d lwte0Nw , Mm. 1,044.., 1lwe4ret )rte. l,nonon, Waitwwn.nd-s,,,,.,, .�T4 ODERICK IVOOLIIOIIS. THE °n :rnn¢ne'i would bog to inform hie customers and the public that on a.d 1 after the 20th inst., hi, New Steam Power Woolen Factory, in thy, Town of lin'l.ne't wi'l he io fill operation, sad having spared Ito expose 0. Furst - CI fitting op ass Machinery In Every ParHge,i1ar t M won h**.***". N * grrh Mttw pito." 4^ es. ,Mor„ mits+.4km M al. summers rem etrmm* M the .M lasers, n. now Attlee gas www fmpre.M cUM'I'O Al TtO 1.t,.( new ,.,,.4th, 0.4 meehme.l,n A }t lh I N O M A O Fi I N F., N r. 4h. IAemmAtn. whUle wit MO& Aha w n.weeele ../ 101.1"6" a5- h,d work ,ndnt rr5m Ihr A.a.•ts d Md smaalse in •;;;; followingnow Prepared to Receive Orders M teno.., t1 a, tow rots. r rr regg.ra. Wane MOs Panchen CTatom Rail Carding, Fulling and Cloth nressIn� Spinnint. Manufacturing Satinetts, Fulled Cloths, F�neta Ne wnlrM nn we -so •tt.,nn�m and W tneeys. M44. than wanner N rt.h• to An IoM ,t.'.o ,r oomM .rd Hrn.h. 1.O w/ Immo rrM a•A oll%t a ewe now binning. g. IANa wood on1.1 1. ,ell In etyma** .rise `�"a1' nylon w ON& rear. gemy,,.. .he 10. wnl 1111 wNk Ymisrf a"ss nes •a�mtmmll ./5.404 00I1.1n/ arm,nl w44•ra o'm A ('511 la= nnehearA*notes wort, , THOMAS LOCAN. of W Maley anu S ts)N Saw -Mille, Steam Engines and Boilers, 1 Thrashing Machines, Sepe'rators, 'Torts° l''•)wissla, 1)rn^ Slug•,,, IRON AND WW OODEN PLOUGIIS ! With Cut or Steel Hoards. Drill Plnothe, Gan; rao;he Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, Agri,ultural Furnaces, Potash K.ul.a, Surer Kettle., es1t Kettles, W5:On and Pipe Rotes, C00HING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, of the moot imnr,.•rd 4m4,. Bram Contin ye made, and Wrinhemtoh,' Work and R.pniring done on .hart notice- ('.II and ser the SI'EELA MOULD•HOARD l'L01'0119, Y *Ai eau I et one very cheap for ('.Ah. God,',irh, No•. 121h, 11,.7 '39 COLONIAL HOUSE. .1111100/ Tailoring & Outfitting Department 1 t ! THE Y°hecrir•erbe7, to inform his many ate t'_ and the nuhlic gen tinily that he k A constantly on hand the par'„t variety and heel 'election of ceps English, Scotch, French, Swiss & German Tweeds, IN filF:r.p'Nf1F:a. ALSO ,1 LARGE VARIEI'11" • Canadian Manufactured Goods, ENGLISH, FRENCH dt CERMAN BROADCLOTHS, cAssINIEItl•s & 1)OEKKINM, SNOLISIi AND FRENCH BRAYER AND PILOT OVERCOATINGS I OVERCOATINGS OF ALL OTHER DESC IPTIOT.. Having secured the services of Mr R. OdRR, 11,1911 Carl be i• prepared to .,.rut. all o•d-re with or I.Mtit,de, ant 12131‘, m n a style v.rn5eeed ht .n) K m Ihle PAROYi, Cilie. n.11oar- of excepted. Try bin and satisfy sol vow. p.'rfnrNt hCF:t ;n,r,ntrn,l in ..err i' 9 nl•w. IIANUFACTCKRConstantly on hand the LARGES f STOCK end LATEST STYLES in Gentleman's Outllttingo of Every Description! AMERICAN MONEY taken at the highest rate. Ohas E. Archibald_ G•Tderioh, Angust 22nd, 1864. dd _ '.103 go1JnIcfluoLE PACTORY. TMdar Y w0.. nlpber: rtrupw. set •1M. Mm Juan re.p r, Meson the . ..r n.rrre,t ..wMlMmwt Raitzatt rod tiro >laaohinory le wow I. Antno wnrtlne nprnt•nn, Are Now Peep;rei to Itanafactn 6 Oinths. Blantnte (full width), Wiwi), hirting, Sheeting, Akc., Alco, mar.•AT ran lettl.r Mendes paid to Csstsw 1•11 -Carding, FuIIIag, DrennIsg, Dyeing, Lee try .h/i Jaw mar Inc *aka * /IMT CI.. R,. •ep4Hlon.lt, a.1 al prow ...MU M. gall) the hoe work dogs M ane $ w11M fltyn.A whin *41ramble se 0n 140 Cate apient' hare new M .4 Mat parhlenl., dentin M OOP a Rr,.n,ne. we anent aunt w1 11jA ATOOK OF OLOTHB eSyO., w meson*n5 ewe, p e topsi 5.4.,Mh, Maar rl4onrl rrh .Wh, onetime' it woe! 4 Ione, I. -, inqui eN M«meet it Mug e.glwg h•m • 4latr„ 4. 11 ' y t 10 tM wtlh hum 5/u aye nnn,i nnn .with (, them the nese enrol mq my nn I{e/44ag tM,r mol. Antwe with 1r ne Patin e..ar(IS se with a 611 an wenn Y .,*I ..4drum (inderieh Woolen F.etnry, 1 April 710, 11601.' J. INGI.IS & SONS, (611 hopes to rive the same malefaction 14154 La. attended his erorla up to the peer,, FOR THE Them axes have gained a widespread COUNTY OF II U NON popularity throuoh•,al Hero° .ltd Ureas- Remember the shop: Corset of Waterloo WIl•J, a ■ILD 1v 11r 0I♦& 1888 sod Lighthouse street' Aa 44LLuw. Goderrek Das. 2. 1847. w(itl --+�----- --- Is D.vroa Cc./111 ohs'let. GOD F:RIt'tl Monday Mhh Ju,., 11te7. •• Mostar, 10th A it; o 7bMse,ly n, -.obs. •. •• •• •• *Wk. . sy tad D.,amber si Ind Division ('our, 7441 n,a, n, '• T ` today,wok J tow, 1860. fr r A+w f • 1 7 tknel''lf. frthn Arising, b. ,. I •• ,• •• T.e..y, Luh No,,.sbherr, • 5th Divuton Coen. E7.raa, 1 Prod.), 19111 lune, IM.. I •' . Feat.,, 7,0 Anps., u u 74545.41.,, asl► l ereee.her, •• WAGGON &CARRIAGE Iia nairano ccs r y,514u, THE aulr'nlwr wo,nd an.nn.re 10 ate pew' I.. Inc of Herrn .r1 8rur., t not he leo.. mss. ure•Lnneg £nu yuan •• Carrltges, Waggons, Sleighs, .714 a (titters, alba, whoa. was mama CHEAP -OR 1'10014, I » JOHNPASMOHF Victoria Street, Goderieb. L7eeerrh,111•1 MIs, 1118. woe 10th Dinnoa Coen, l'.1tt,, t4tnd.v, 77th June., Duet. AL O r-'- 1? s •• •• Moe es v, 03rd November,. Ili) Dianna. Coon, AI*1-avvu..w, W,-.ln,,450, :4Ih .•one, •• as •• •• Tbunl.y 441^ d. Menke, o •- Prtd51', LLD Not ember, » Tenon Caen, M 504550., Monday t...d 4ea., Isla. •• T.e'Jsy 11111 August- •• •• » F14e1y Ind OAtol.r, •, •• Prole) 4111 (noon her, •• 1',50,5 Const, Har stn n. hliaane, lath June, 11111. •• •• W-Irelfah Anginal •• •• •• Marf•'.5,. 7W (A I..Is, • •• •• Salunle,, .Soh fleoember, -• /11111211AT l' 11 000N'T Lent on Mortgage. Apply at WM. R. RAiN'S Chancery aid 1.410 of8or, Crshb'. block Ondarieh. Ooderieh. Nardi Mb. 1147. 0.55 A Superior farm for SaIe1 LnliOdl I V. L•,. 111•,", r ,, 2 riffle* rr.Cmtsn,h ronol„na lee , „ n,p.nnr feed :.s s. le a cion 10 dnh r.•T.-.rrk,p 11rn.ld Roel. 00.5410. .anon rl,•rat I N..1 •.r.. h.rl da.11,ny hoe. .M Inane Aare on the premie.. .nA • .m•n ernek neve tM*5gk eke IM 1 an 1« r.: 'l to .ill p,000*... ie tie pat Apply,m the ➢n w,1n WM. • ,u00 11.6 ru10ra, Wee 0 M. Tnc1;MA111, (k.krwk Itanth 3, 1051 watt THE RIDGE PROPERTY POR SALE. THE RE.SiDENGALT,F CE nTHR LA7 E JOHN F.ae, TH{9pp.eis,heseti(olly,itnnled rosins Bite l h. Town of tfoderloa, oo the North Hanrnk ofrt, tM RIVER' MAITLAND, and en the Ranks of Lobe Herrn. It eon - tens 11 7-10 serfs of (and mon nr less, with Dwelling Hoer, O.thomm Stahl. &e., with Jerre Garden, Vinery serf Orchard 1'h. Wnnd Innd erpubU pnneil all .( Oak end the flowering Linder, Cherry, Maple. ae. The Grnrnd, an ,n Pyla gond order. There Iry (0,,. rarer (.)lint apri. of pan oaten on th. Property The situation fore pri.*te residence cannot be s,rpaned In the Prot; I ince. For term, apply apps tk GDode91r1eAA,DlEbOTJwH DSiNG4A,. IstTr, ,FT7*m, ato Bster, Gods" :b . iV 4tf SALT TIESSITORV. 'i'IiE euhacrlkvoAbrO I r sal* a t.leahle riots of Peepers sse► M, present 9.It troll ,n Mdds.i,RI., e°sprriing thew acres of lend, NTUJAK OWAFPIF,l,p, Gnd.v, .must Ir), p. 0. (Wen* Env. )bi )5M7, w45 ROTA 'AND LOT Ina 0AI.P TEM Maha.hhar NMre M Mk rot asap. 1 lams HrMk enter., a(Mlnlae 1M Goderich Salt Wells. 1. m,5eetk'n with the Anne .n Mr Ipt/edel Oram IM.. Dna luso summon' wham morn meat ALtl0, netrtrat 0*. f 4M I $OR9t fit' I'7I 54mlrehly slto.a.t s.gea em nota I;lt IeM^nr In 0A. rt4 *ewe. and 44 p..Rmm1.m. If o.,...'tr the fnnnn ; m n. 5,M 'reit pnm,e. * Ah•n4,. Ppiptt,, k, P. A. TH4IMPsON, CHAS. T1HOMPSON, ecmlMweste.ert1n4rtf• h, gat litrIr311.4" lute' 11th Magna Coin, ‘1N -sots 0411 . W el•,..l.0. 516 A n: v.1. 104* •• a' •' W.dosed.? Mtn 7 uveln bar•/ The several Coana .ill open at 10 o'clock a. m., Oaderwh, 1040 M.,, lees 8 BRO1'GI{, J. C. C. Heron. I certify the 54)0,5 to 1.. 5 Inns copy se 51.1 m the °Mise zed entered of Record. DAN. LIZ Alie, Clerk of the Peace, Hero.. Office of the Clerk rel the Pease, ood.rieh. 16th May, 1 tea. 1 w17 TO SALT OPERATORS. TWO STEAM ENGINES as Rand Y sew, and in perfect work.ng order, for saki cheap. P.rti•ul.rs at tots calico. Dee. 2, IBn7 wei ALL RIGHT AGAIN. IJAR451'i4:31Wr PHOTOGRAPH GALLERI u THE PHOYINCE, WITH A New & Magnificent Sky -Light AND HPI.F:NDfDLY FiJRNISHED ROVDI . E. L. JOHNSON 12 Viet to Inform but nM patro4a. gad the pelage Ili gene.tlr, tet he bnr, nl mnrA .op..ly 4440. tin hit Main*, to PTF. W A R T!' New 0n.t Moult. looter .r Hennas nt.vt sod gsere, 0040•4e11, 1/1 .ech . 4414 5. to nn4*' 11,1 IM aeon ,n the erwnlr/, and lb. 0..t t 4.;404 hw. 1110 . r„nnpl,shnw,i M hM-rtnr work in hoe gena 4s sad Urawutel an. Thosed,.nma of ka•Ins Pia. Tuna M C` 11 1 i . 1) 11 1'. N . be. cult pleas erne an Ihe .00rng. Photographs taken in ever•, Sty). bnrwp o, oh. an, .nri0M A.Mowepee .se Da .n74ed as Ph,nngn rhe. A hep fe44usa.rtf1M 4444 err-Vo,d P mer sissy' 0111 40*. Ahm ALNIIMM,.4.y, ap, r. L. 1 , ,n returnma thank. for 4b. liberal O 5psef e , nA menu rcrc.l;s o411M ppo.w. (7 (, else.( that me Improvements w111 in ah!o hon 10 .rent a ,00,4•.► 1.. Oo4,k'4, Maeh 17 1. 19, w. 401144M111. wart ESTABLISHED 1848. TIIF 44 HtIRON SIGNAL." p0I111.011VID - suet weSeLr Affe Waan.r. 1'7d.4s.4-w..Mkes1M MrIr.M, .A+4t•rn. ry /1,10 � ism 0? AMIIe111111sel Piet Meows' M. M age. Mento. Aar lane ret.5•as54 11•e61.2 11100s. Ion, rad !Wee. ..ttlelkt I WWww NSW,/ .. flees swag. 1,8111811* set �-~�M a �.ew so TRs A(, a•aMaS M $IrOWAT. JOR Of1t/I fanalaa had MOM, .d yea ePr'` gr0sam,.4 M the ninny