HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-07-23, Page 3r yew ducke, wncring eleven sores, have been opeued at Sutherland, Englaud,into which vowels of 2,000 tuna burdcu can be run at Law tills - " ClINE1AL O'NAL[" STILL AT LARD[ It appear. that the telegram from Buffelo atstiug thst O'Neil had decamped with the Feuiaf .buds, taros out to be untrue. A few days Pince he wan found holding a Stile convention la Vermont, where, one report t•ya, then was • very slim atteud- e•oe and but little enthusiasm, while another reports it as large and enthuaiat tea O'Neil said in Lie speech thst was the last DWI be would speak in public,-- " The time had now tome for work." WHY. -A lisping oonundrumiat asks the following , Why doth a dog waggle bit utile f 0 le it up t I think moat fell the would give it up. You thee, dog w,ggletl' Lith tail beeauth the dog ash th the Betailhon the would tail w I le If be he welbn'1, big dog." e I,y Germany, when a paper says thiol witty they kill the editor ; and one editor has been killed there for hundred yo•n• Cop Fisesse. -Gaspe he Spectator says --The cod flattery u such better titanalong thelast etwo snsce, mors; especially aa several bels have more fah landed at this time than during the whole 'of last season. •plc salmon fishery is good, and the fish is i larger use than usual, some weighing as high se J8 and 39 Ib.. One whale has bean bro,tght in thst will otake from 35 to M berm"• of oil. It was 60 feet in length. Three .essels have left here for fishing on the Labrador and Newfoundland roast. 3 Richmond paper gays of the Fourth of sly that the return of a prostituted and dishonored national anniversary should, among thoughtful Inen, prove suggestive of humiliation, sackcloth and ashes rather e.an of bniateroua demon- strations of national joy." The l'rince of Wales officiated u spon- sor at the christening of the infant eon of he gee. H. M. Birch, at the Chapel Royal, St. James s GC Josh Billing. da6uesahurrer bred Luau luau' as ',run that knows 'muff about ,teals 't th k bud 'teal fruut hllu, and 'muff about law as that he can du his steatite leggy." . PORT OF GODERIOH. Reported y,eeially,fur the Semi -Weekly Sigred by Meatus. tlao. Rurutt. & Co., .onuniWOu Merchant*, tko. HarburQusy. Anal V AL1. July 17 Ws. Minn Hpray,frum lliaj•ra freight •Wlpa. hu 15 au Minor 4pay, mage... - 5. -_15 511.., apnp •' MugSu SI -J" Mims, 7 '• a out .• •• SuitKat. Pr' Deals .. lumber n w ere ant tinny y D1PAMTI'aaa. July 17 -5tr. Hiner !pray for Muxeeh raid a pas 1a.-- Clinton, B•afr•. air. ether $pray " M.ug.e•.treight ad pas the x1.-yhLate Pringle , uot COtMHEitel* L. t OD11RICH MONEY /HARK9,•'p 0 1 two i lhderinh, July 21, 181,8, £M1.1( [Il'l1AN(,a OR UBELNR.O 4, C.rnekeatery Twa4.y sad Friday for the Y.y...4 by Duet loose. Rachman Molina Wont 1St. (lode lo Thu is a nice little 'dm of money for an gams! dividend, but with all this vast amount of money which will be under leu c,ntr,l, it will not go so far to relieve rheumatism, puns in the side and back, tooth ache, burns, bruises, frost -bites, Ate., r m beetle of the "Canadian Pun Des trover," which is sold by Medicine h Dealers. at e low price."( is per bottle. Tux ( /inner CITY IN 1'51 Wont.n. - Hetrrm or the friend, is a city of Judah, situated among the mountains, twenty mules Routh of Jerusalem, and the same datanoe north of Beersheba. Hebron is ewe( the most ancient cities of the world ,till eluting, and in this respect it is the rival ,.(Dstuiscts. 1t was built, saysa sacred writer, seven years before Zoan in 14evpt , But when was Zoan built 1 It u wall we can prove antiquity "f Huhrm in- dependently of Egypt s mystic annals It was • well known town when Abram en- tered Canaan 3,770 years ago. The origin- al name was Kirjath Arba.-34m41A'. "Mk INfw,etry Mrs. Ma Herrington, arrinflon, a young mar- ried woman, living in the Tora.hip of Markham, posher' her mother.in-law into a well 40 lest deep, fortunitely then was tut two feet of water in the well, and the old woman was rescued by her son. It is supposed that the cause of this cruelty was to prevent the old woman from claiming dower upon her eon's farm. A New York paper mays it has no doubt that the prooeediogs of the Fourth this year have resulted in • thousand people being killed or wounded, besides the loss of property. It in u destructive as though we had an annual battle of i.po•iog magnitude. Foam IN Towoayo.-A large fire .occurred in Toronto on Thursday, consuming pro- perty on Young, Victoria and Cruickshank staects to the extent of $15,011) or 820,- 000 The flames deviated an area of about 150 square yrda. Dgarn Flom $s•Xtrca'aa.--A severe cameo( sunstroke occurred in Lucknow, Tuesday, 14th inst., by which 'young ma named Norman McHardy, recently u from Scotland, lost his life. He had beg employed for the most of two days tertian wagon urea, end the intense heat of the snn and fire combined, caused a sudden attack of snnetroke producing instant in- sensibility. msensibility. Dr's. McGregor, Gardner and Tennent were quickly in attendance. and though every remedy pemsiblewas applied, death ensued from the attack. Deceased was • steady hardworking man, and amongst a largo circle of sorrowing friends. troth here and in the old country, leaves an aged mother to mourn his primatnre and unumelyiend, r} The Empenorand Empress of Frace have sent • telegram to the Cur relative to the happy escape .4 the two snvunigna fmm the murderous attack made last year at the name period during the visit of the (atter to, the.Universal Flhibt The Em perAleiinderexpressed his thank. for hm ie kind demonstration in the most courteous manner tothe French Ambsua- dor. On Thursday week ea some men were fishing off Hartlepool, they discover- ed something flutingin the sea: The boat pulled toward* the object,and it was found to he a harm; with a light spring cart at- tached. The animal was alive, but died shortly afterward*. The most utonuhing circumstance is that, on the previous day, the animal Karl gone into the the sea at a pplace called Seaton Snook, where ita OWOer had left it for • short time while he gather - edarimeanklee. It had thug swam for atermit nineteen hours, and was wean ten tnilee from where it took the water, ears., ,r Mori ss --de Alterowal le- He (: W,L read. • 11 71 fur mbar anu.intr •4 Horsing - 70 Anariams -75 for Canada 1ua s .50555 Waist at m..,, „y dls.wit 8nlllug •t. 4 w *Irvin trlatrm luytod at 107, aliew7ag .nod luorwt to •ear t4- ream m Mu)ing as Due 'nag nonsi m BeyI M . .. .114 Ilesk M Upper Cada Mn. ... es Motes .u:banp 1011 31.1.1 .swoad et 1411 ;ford .t 1421 we- Parties at u di/tarter trill please note thus orders by moil .r express, teal P7(eile prompt attention at current rates. 43 DEAN b SMART. THE MARKETS GobLei'u, July 21, 1868. Fall Wheat 81:40 (4 1:45 Sprang Wheat 1:25 (al 1:30 Flour 6:511(4 6:75 flats .... 0:40 (0 0:42 Peas 0:60 (4 0:60 Marley 040 (4 0:60 Pork. Potatoes Butter - Neto Abbett$clacntr. SILVER QUESTION, Is Consideration u( (Ar A(et wtl Ayresstent herein (4114/011461.1. WE the undersigned Merchants and Traders in the Town of U.derich, do severally agree, the one with the others, but not this one for the others, Chet we respective) from and after the Twentieth day of July,vin the year of our Lord one huuuttd eight hundred and sixty eight accept or permit our agents to ac ept, U. payment of any debt dun or to become due to us, or of any goods odd or to be sold bl us or our agentsany silver coin, of the coinage of the United States of America [when offered in amounts over fire cents! unless there be at the "onetime paid there with to discount at the rate of Tam rex CENT un each of said coins, under the dem amination or nominal value of a quart,. of a dollar, and at the rate of 1015 per cent on each of said coins of the denomit' ation or nominal value of • quarter of dollar and upwards. AND, iu anaid•ratiun of the premise. we futber severally agree, the eiso wit' the others, but not the one for the othmn. that in this .rent of default being made by us respectively in the due performance ..f the above agreement, to pay to Christopher Crabb, .4 the Town of Ooder,uli, Marcher.t [partly hereto) his executom andadntini• trator, as Trustee or Trustees, the sum ei Fifty Dollar of lawful stoney of Cured:. which it is hereby expressly declares ahal not he considered as a penalty, but no liquidated damages fur each breach of the said agreement shall be recovered by lane or his executors or administrator. from any eau or mors of us who shall make dr fault in the due performatives of the said agreement in any court having com(reton( unsdictions an that b*1,alf. Amo, it whereby declared and agreed, that in the event of two thirds in numb.. of the undersigned at any time desiring t• withdraw (rout this arrangement, it shat. be competent for them at any time to give notice in writing to the said Christine r Crabb or such their intention, and at the xpiration of one moth from the delivery f the said notice to the said hhtristoph.r thane thepresents shall, ipeo fart, , cease and bn,nte of eu affect, raovH,e etas, It shall be competent f.,r the said Christopher Crabb, to c,mmen, r continue any proceeding for the rec.v- ry of any damages in virtue thereof for any breach of the agreement heroin sm- armed, ?nor to the expiration of aid Rte) (6. 690 t •••,...• 0:75 (4 0:75 1 ..... 0:12 (el 0:12e Oa i of 0:01) J flay, ► tan1090 (i4 10110 u Hides (peas) 8:50 (a0:00 Wool (waled) 0:20 (d 0:22 J Wold.......... 2:60 (4 3:00 j Beef, per cwt. 560 (4 5.50 I, Gudench Salt, wholesale, f.o.b. per bbl. (p 81:30 ; at the works, 060. nonth. As Wireresour kande this 15th day of uly, one thousand eight hundred and xty eight' Chris. Crabb, C. E. Archibald, . C. Detlor & l'o., W. & J. Kay, anise Saunders, Any., Hodge, olh,ck & Johnston, James Thomson eo J(s.up, Isaac Dobm,n, was Elliott, J. H. Edwards. Snyder, Henry Wells, John Butler, Shepherd & Strachan, S. Furse, (leo. (:rant, J. Moorhouae, J. & J. Story, demon & Smith, C. Su le, ugh Dunlop, Wm. Meas, C. McIntosh, Daniel Gordon, din Thompson, John Reser Thu. Sturdy, W. M. Savage, P. O'Dea, Wm. Robinson, W. D. Shannon, A. Smith, E. L. Johnson, D. Ferguson, Fred. It Mann, Thos. Delon, John McKenzie, Geo.. Barry & Co., Geo. McKenzie, Semite) Pentland Stew:hen A McKinnon Henry Dod,l, John Panmure, L. W. Waton, Buchanan, Lawson & 'tobineon, A Hamilton, Hy Horton, Thor l..gan, A P McLean, W. McMath, Daniel Campbell, If. Gardiner at Co., F Cassidy . Witness -Janes groan'. e W (Minton Markets- -. - J By •pert Telegraph k. tM Raton novo. l 8. Clinton, July 21, I1s4$. Noxi. T Fall P'hest, 81:38 (,e 1:28 A Spring du - • . 1:30 (^e1 1:38 11 pats 0:40 (A 040 J. !Seeley 080 ar,.. (h60 J. Potatoes 4611 (4 0:80 Peas ...... 0:60 (n: 0:80 Rutter .. ... 0:121 (4 0:14 Vets. 0:10 ( 0:10 Fleur 7:00 ( 7:00 liar; . .................7:00 (y 7:00 Anel ....... .... 2 00 (n, 0:00 Hid,. ... 600 (a 6.50 IllMlbrtl Mar/mita epeeist Values- ethos !goal. Seated►, July 21, 1866. Neon, Fall Whist 1:30 (et 1:85 4priag wheel. 1:35 (4 1:38 Flour 3,25 (4 3:50 lam ............... 0:40 (4 0:45 Peas ........... 0:65 ( 0:70 Barley . 0:60 Cry 0165 Potatoes 035 (40:40 Bettor 0:124 (3 0:13 "(ge 910 (i 0:11 , ilay 10.00 ( 12:00 1 'lodes 600 (e 025 7 Wand ........ 200 an 150 Cbietena 0:f0 Ci 0:25 retitle 0:50 (41 040 • MOTHERS, READ TR15 !-HOLt,o• W ere \''02t31 IAZCNOE4 we a o.rtun and safe remedy for Wanes. t• ('b,Wre. •nJ Adults. - A• it u ■ we:l-know, •n1 nicotine holy ort he one greet rause of Math .noon] ehadern ,. root Worn,. si0nr, 11 e.eu.e le tow: deep:y ,m - gent upon the nand. of Mrente Ihn aemossoly drI c.Iy wtlrb,nt them rho Wren. Br eo dtsaP end ufmcrtt•nhne the *ymp.ma soil ern, 04008 of Me d,ssar,thomm•sM of children er.:eht be w eed from early graves. Sr Mrmms or W45M( t • -The hallow tog ere• few of the no, e•omenro. •vwploma end dowel. which •re reused by Worms : here need Sppetite,em5rmIed esteem. a,e., oeenmve breath. hevuent ,-rung at the oft... 1 ▪ growling Men, of Me teeth during en, ham/nese )', watt ,tent biome Mol., mod rem„ mm rornl.mc 1114: ps.n ,a the head •nd Some "h, nnq met seep, 1•t.tag., treu.bbng, duorl.n, ,mlepesn.n,luw *pont, se/rhlt.l dmom, ■ 4d • gradual wa.ag away at t+h, Tbey are pol.t•ble and sell-edm,nlstered to the rb'W-dove ,el the worms tboro.s5'y without m and eomplrtrf, .lea was the el.wns.•h-there- ( doing sway w,i8 the necen.n, of Mon molder. 57 Casio. OIl or DIAN, tr top! tnrs•og Ihs,t yes n the 5.e of tube, Worm M,p ed, 11::r Eeek box ''I• torNe.7tl,or kLyia.,'4 wc.*1.1)ol.'r'.o, who •re the ode prnooyyr.,,lora. N. 8,-Amk for fl✓/eew1'e Warr. N Loren , •1141•1141takSold so other. old is Unclench J Peror & (;.IIIc and F. -lord is ' ilerd,n,r 3t Co. Hev- k1 6e : James Bentham, k.duervdle ( J. Cwkard, Exeter; J. H. Combe, Waite & Jobb , Clinton Beno.d, Iwsls ow ; E. Mukaoa, Seefonh, and all i•dia,se Dealer.. w43 MARRIED. By the Asir. Mr W•nctmheim.r, 'cif Clin- ton, at the pride'. home on Tuesday, June loth, Mr. Joh° Fowler, of the township .4 Hullet, ( int., to Mau Elise - beth R. Van "nd, daughter of Mr. John C. F. M. E. Van Egmoid, of the a same township. TICS PRIRCI or WAtae.- 'I'ite Prince of Wale. will now, thanks to the skillful and digilent management of hu father, enter into an enjoyment if an income of 8250,- 000• year, and a half million of ready money from the revenrts et the Duchy of Ceenwall. tleatew to RTR.XnTS.---To prevent err enterer dues.e ke one of the grandest attainment• ever aimed at by man ; and Bryan'. Pulmonic Wafers will ea enre mire toughs, colds, tickling in the throat and pnlmofary complaints, u war and pes- tilence will dearer. Severe colds if not attended to sooner or later lead to incrosble , and the strength of the ettong.at soon faits if nt:alet'Ie•L Th. readiest and Ilett meats known for the ( e. r" of thecomplaint. is "Bryan's nlmosic Wafers," which have been thoroughly tried for the lent twenty yeas, and have never been knnwe to fail. ere and public speakers will also derive benefit fmm the use of them. nnml by all medicine dealers, at Zeta. per bol. JDt.T. rI"FrAT'A 'bent it. When we are eonetently reeeiving information e•.resrning say thing nun attention ie naturally sttrwHed to that point, an4 if' an artsele ie ganging/ its melon will loudly eehn thin semsints for the enormous sales of the Greet Shedwirtees Remedy it is recommended fw diseased of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Stomseb, Kidneys, he., 5847 being surp•adegly evening it warm them, eonergwwU, it. pow le Mended. • DIED Died on 1 hermdav, Ilith inst., Sarah E. Watson, ea.! daughter .f the late Dixie Watson, E5(., itarruter,aged 21 rears The Funeral will take place on Friday, 17th Inst., at 4 o'clock , P. M. from the residence of John Holden, Esq. Friend. and acquaintances are re■pertfnlly invited to attend. Atiw 7.drtrtiStmtalg New MUSIOI ALIAT r 7 I •188.1 111: Signal Office. mole mined r .the Y po Mlelrl CHAMBER'S ENCICLOPEDII, 7A in. pomp) 4_ in IA cloth et les pee tot , of in half calf at 3 M Ise totemr. 1T THE Signal Office. SUMMER READINR. A LAM. •en5T.. rT O. Nis: W NC)VELI I Asa porn -dorsi 118.1.'77 eow 1. .rel, AT THE Signal Office. FANCY sTA'faNIRYJ AMk.4rk M 114. and 11.tee Note Paper JnS ...M. ATTI(i "SIGNAL" OFFICE. 00114181‘J.q 17(4 role. las' N TWO HOIISE8 AND LOT FOR dALR. (IN nee Stmt. OnBeh At unmet meen$M b7 II Mr O. R MMtb. Per penhnlan aptdr to P WM11ON, CathMt /Nee, West elms n tr J.'y 51.5, 1E2. 17 ei•a! it., Moe imhynm. owe ::y 111 • eels Mown 100 5.y 808 O% hew W. n 1e1M, rii4MMeer t ran nM Bo . Mae ndwilk .,hnrt nom s, 55 moorwnSt5Y In 4144 hMJ aM 5r, mom old arty o old wire ..SM.eta IAr 1.'' .t MIMnI( MtTrim, art .5.,5 W/ von err, Memin8 A tam 4hveilnn Any yew'. M.bY • kwnwhdw el thew .- ,n.$.mt. mold mfr ••etemlr M, 105(5155 RR'~ 5. 11.1... r n 5.al WA.Mwh )elf flirt 1.e4 on M • THE GREAT ENGLiSH IIEMEDT Slit JAMES CI,ARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. Prepared Iron n prescription of :Sir J. Clarke, A/. D.,PAyeician Est raordine ry to the Queen. Tbu 14vleshir madro,ne m nn(eihng r , the cure el all 'home peialot and dangemn. d. Mees to which the Female r,n.itunon ie enb(s t. 11 mooterees a II esrem • od remnm-n.1l °Cebu. '.Ma, and ■.peedy pure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it i. peoubMy.mied. 11 wool, t. • shoe tam*, Meg on lh monthly Mood wdh regenm y. Each bottle, pare 0.e 184(1.., bent U , Gev- nrnment et.mp of Unlit Braun to prey, teens- erktis. 75.v. Pa/ .Asa/*Ataet setae take foe MTI1S farm` the P11187 TFfRRB MONT/f9 i Pro, worse•. re GAnp are net. go Ming re Mires.. r5agc, Jre at any oaf, logic (Are ens /r. la all oases o %rrvnm end Spinal A .6rlrona, Pains o* the Neck sad Limbs, Fenno. on alight •.,hors, Pslpnlwnl of the Heart, Hy mita sad Whites, them Pills w111 •valet a core whet d1 oyer means hart failed ; end .phonal a power tel remedy, do not 00.1•in Iran. ell. net, molt. mons, or •avlbin1 hurtful 10 taer Pal noon. Full duvet$,.. n the tempbtet a, .an4 emelt esee•ge, which shoold be r•relu.ly ( ererved. 8.1. •pee forth (Jetted Htateean. Canada., JOB 810888, Roche..sir, N.Y. -el.00 and ma pod Otte Om •, rnrlread to any authorised orient wolf ,went. . Mille eon• taws, Cie Pip by return mel: NORTiIR(TI' A bYMAN, Newn*te, l:• sv• rteeerai ■gt*t for Cando 111' gold is Oodeneb by Parker 8 NM* end P. Jordan I Oandiner es Co. Hoyt ed ; Jam. Bentham Moven vdle (J. P,eflard,f ester • J.H. Curets. Wens te 1s5A V lu(oe, 8 cord, Lack - sow; E. H,ekaua, 0otafe tb, aid t M 24.11e.s. Melon, , 1411-1• Perry Darts) Pala Millar. sem clip the Nineties front he;Proride.0 Gewefnj Advertiser " At tin sermon of the Tear when cholera, cholera mnrlrW, dymemory, and other kin lewd motel..net areperseturrevail,everyherly ehembl be Iibersllye.p (4ea with Perry Davie' Vegetable Pain Killer. Peruse leaving home, whether it be for a days cementing or a trip to Fea,07.., should be in a position to Place their bands on it in a mnmant's ware. mg. Many ensues in incident to the aemmer months, which will prove fatal rf no( Imo m5dian•ly eh/wheel, Mn he pi'nI psly eared by nee or two ans. of t`•s Pan Kilter. On mnre than ons otwsion have .s been rehe- at! of Intense suffering by the timely mss el the •hon nand permeation." geld he all Dr.geista, grocer., and ,swdi- .I.. dealers. PERRY DAVIS & SON. Proprietors. .11 ani 31.1141 Pewl tl M0Mrea1. T $ E EMPORIUM! Detlor & Co.'s Cheap Dresses. Detior & Co.'s ebeap Grenadines. Detlor & Co.'s 1e title lleseltas. Detlor & Co.'s Cheap PepllastIa. Detlor & Co.'s Cheap Lustros. Detlor & Co.'s Cheap real Aljabas. Detlor & Co.'s Cheap Silks. Detlor & Co.'s Detior & Cog's Cheap Prints. Cheap llbfs. Detlor & Co.'s 40 coat kids, Detlor & Co.'s Cheap Hosier,. Detlor & CO.'s Cheap Hale Nets. Detlor & Co.'s Cheap dlaatlea Cloth R Tissue. Detlor & Co.'s Cheap Cottons. Detlor & Co.'s Cheng Cottons& Tw ass. Detlor & Co.'s Cheap Diced Table Chitin. Detlor & Oo: s Cheap white & rehired gaits. Detlor & Co.'s Cheap Carpets. Detlor & Co.'s Cheap Cotten nap: TAILORI-NG,. HARD W'ARE • If You Want 1 MMe •WiAA••(5 uYi 117.3a.500u(..ulhmr 41•47 w• Ml WMNHT MhodP Hama (1451 fed,r0c4 1Nt1 557, 1M. wit t7. WANTED; • CHEAP HARDWARE OF 'ANY DESCRIPTION, ff i ce heli GARDINER'S. MARKET SQUARE, (.ODE1 1c1I. Jell god, ISGS. .J4. DRESS GOODS SELLING OFF AT COST. THE Subscriber being about to gm. up General Dry Goode and entering •dleaiply i DJLILLIN ERY ANIS FANCY GOODS, „di..,11 off •t con, the large and varied Moak of Dress Goods, Shawls, White and Grey Cottons, Flannels, Tow- • ()lines, Ticking., Mareaillo. Quilts, B OOTS & SHOES, &C., &C. The t(ubscribr would also mike the assortment of •tattoo of the Ldles to the splendid Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Flowers- Feathers. Mantles. &c., of the latest atylu constantly on band and receiving weekly. C. SUPPLE, West Street, near the Pat Ofice, wn21 t(. Codench, Jure 'rob, ;SC. THE AYR COMBI\EU REAPER ANI) MOWER. JOHN WATSON, t/auatart.rer, Ayrs Co. Waterloo. THIS i• the beet Combined 31Whin* 5ivnof ,teed. EVERY M 1CHINE WARRANTED, Den of Diem celebrated machines m now on exhibition at Hr. Thomppson's Betel, (iedeneb, and .ill rumen daring (8. sesenn, Fur lortber particular apply to JOSHUA W CALLA A I Y Jr. til he d P. U Agent 1 Dor the Hama Hotel; Gltdwrieb, every 8elurJey, f Corney. 8111 be at the Orden addreseed to J. Callaway, Golerich or Bayfield p. o. or to the manufacturer will bre promptly attended to flodericb, June 25th, lr4a EXAMINATION OF School Teachers LIVERY STABLE JOSHU.1 CALLAWAY, Agent. .23 tf. T O THE Board or Pub. lc In almction fo th. u .'. t)) M Hum, w111 meat on the ' 51171R11. t*CHll0L M the TO., of I i,141.104, ..n Thursday and Friday, the (iIb fed 7th days of August next, elm ranenta/n etching Iacn..n L, trrh .dl th.,, Mm., epi.,rtu.,y M Ml n•,1. Te.« *Motu52Oum•5 t (1• Tend 'M Cl.. on.ase win Minos,.. .Moa Thmeday, and Seemed ('L., .n /m.o. mai day • (communing at W o'clock, A M CasdY.t.a Mae. Mag Mooned lo an rra.nla5hl sem require to prowl cortlnr .te, , f snot mural M,. I wire, aimed by • clergymen ..r • J.a1,. of the Mere D 11 x1721116. M Bey5e1-1. 13th J41y, hem Ile. A! Having /secured the the services of a' First -Class Cutter, we are prepared to 611 ail orders and give entire satisfaction, Just Received A FRESH STOCK OF BOOTS & SIIOES A PULL SUPPLY OF 1ROCER 1 ES HAVING PURCHASING AN I1I- MENS14 STOCK OF TEAS, WO OFFER SPECIAL BARNINS HARDWARE , SHELF AS0 HEAVY. J. C. DETLOR & CO Golerich, May 28th, 1868. ws LONDON SANATORIUM. Go and see the Artesian Sulphur Sp ring THE WONDER OF rut: AOF., Water Flawing Mt the rale *4 800,000 gallons a day. 13A'1`IIf64 ifot or Coll. U1• LARGE SWIMMING POND. EVKRTDODT should try the t„Ip5nr Bath. 21.1 N admitted, by the Me1M01 Funity, te M .Anal Monad M any mineral ester yet rn ad r r Bat Home. Fro of Dundee (flout, where 140 .0. my be procured at the follow -leg rate. Het nrr.W MlhsTectswh . swooning rypm.w410 eta . al.n, mo.aly, quarterly, and Molly trWink at mom W e prim ('HAO DCNNr,7T. Proprietor 1.wdoe, 1MAJ5lr, 155. lomat CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER A F.mdr Medicine, well mut favorably known for the peel snn leen. never A•Irne I. a R14jh, ...stone, to g(Ye permanent retie when timely reed, and we hey, never known ■ rtnjle rem 01 dw.OM.rtion where the directions hat. bee. w nperlr tMtew(d, Mr on the mnlruy .5 an Jelleh:J web il. eprt.none, .ad speak in the h,gbed Ornate/ r,• V,nne .5d Marred erects, - 771E CANADIAN PAIN DR.TROFRR h as won Mr Ilmlf a t.pt.00n, es • blood pun Rel, •IVnM. Mem.rh Ions, nn.aryrmmd ,.,the I history ormedio•I prep.r.nnn.. 11 w5mn setts In.5re Dypp.ep(msia Lever Cnmplsur., Indite.• 1Wm, U. nl.nrn, /bee Heartache, Rule•y Com - Mont., Arid Stomeeh PhD... or ASha., and erdnr,. In 1141 .0,.87 (8c mama del/totaled by 5R4eing and dowse*. he msgicei d.esterinl enx•.m. In mine] w ade. adds. Bore Outlet, Cough*, Mother,. • poles r. the •5 .Jen. .5d barb. n•nr.lps Inolh . ebe, rbe.watie end other pares in 5.y port M • the body snrl from whoever I MMO, Sae gown D • Ohm en every hnonrhnla r ed n lar Superset. re •11 Mt. preparatory. M 1kr kind. It a .leo .n .40 .el sed prompt rn,n.Jy tnr Sesta., Marna, 8,no, Ryr.t.•, (:hilMsn., Fro. Komi, Cramp. n .7, amoteoh. Marlowe L5otee• mesh., Hnll„aa Cha r, Cholera Inten- tions, OyaiStery, 84.. Price n.ty 14 rent• pp+. belle. NORTIIR(M 4 I.YMAN Nrwe.ale, C. It/. netters! Agent for Cee.$. 33.137EIPMITRs. FARMERS AND OTHERS. J. TA YLo R, hew dnpplY M T110MP. HISTT[y (indent -a 5 or hLROa%■ pop W to Arse/w home La all N R - Ilwrena•niar(u to .oundarea O.r.rt, h, Jody 10th, 1MA ,L )w FOR SALE. - mut. S ethery M rem- of w North half M Ins Kt .Io to. 7th rwwnma4•It, Masao. tend.,. 17 Ar - M41, t present owed toy Joh. rr(ya.,,,. For tense apply b, J. O. $INCI.AI1t.odw6,5 IlarrimMUM nod June, DM wM)m•. HOUSE TO RENT. SITUATI-D on rim Street 54)401 n the resides.. d Mr. R M. /Moth. t.I5.e s roam. Apply to O.deleh, 14th Joy, IME DAXIaL OO ewe i. FOR BALE. Twn t)..1M,w flow. pl..m.(y .t.utd Ie the owe r tE.de,I.-h .n Nn A 1, 5 O. ryaee.M ..r+rler•.n ,pyty is the county f floes WYLK B J twtRR. 0•d.lo•4. 717. June. 155 Rarr.26 t vu The Anticipated FENIil BAlI 14 p,.tpm-1 In ennr-puen v -,f the .„hemline Ing use eyerr M to.40017(.5.4I but eek emillet an lend.. "MA" on the W45,lee mtahllshm,nte f the Poodelo, Canyl5M• 5,1 •t Chine Tia 5IY4{,.., hi.h be w7Rell at from 54 75 5 54 84 the .d Tele( 50, hen 51 60 *. n b, ChIss,Tm ase R,aN4M rap he thn e•,.,n. Creel femme, .Md bottle. tory corp. An In.Iw•tMn .1lrlted se this Is the cheapest M ever brought Into (n.. Terms : Cash or Produce• W. SNYDER' Telegraph Ston. &Manch, June O. ISM SHERIFF'S BALE OF LANDS. ('runty M Humin, y Y ctnth of emit 14Temilun. to wit t I) S'p,nr.45wM oat M Har M.Inttyv'. Meet) I:nut .e the Comte M Horn, and Ma ttlmr.d male* th•.nemand tee•..mte of Clarke Partook. at to nett M Cotenant 2, ma Ngn.,.4. 1 h... Mol •e,4 5415m le n ometlsr *1 the right title .M Miami. of (1,. 54)4 MUMMA, et, Chariot 5wtseh I. •M 4, .sly, lot 00.1nw ton Wet, Prowl Street, In the 711150. MBgm..d.Ilu., to Sloe (1, M Ham, .tut the ¶',udl. t8n,nt lately tee.pM4 by Orreries Am (,rh, w54.h land* {ad t.5mwht 7 dell neer M sale 1 my Mare In ter Ihnwrt Roe*, A ser. 7... M tiolw- rnt Tn0.7, the 4w 4y M Aag5S seat, at the Seer M t S dye of thereat* mer. JOHN MACIynNAlon, Vera'. 0111m,(tnMMl, l 155,0101 Hew IMI Joky, INC Wl Id el -8. d (. Coderie), by Farber k 0.I,Ie .ed P . Jamie. (J•.due. k Co. Ria 4.44; James Heeth•m, IMdjered le; J. Per herd, :.Mer, 1.11. reel. Walk ec Jobb, (,meet 11.ftenni, mew{ r. Hlekeen• ...twin. mod all I11•454., • eaten. sett Insolvent Act of 1884. ts the m.o., M 54..M r. -.o., M meenk. .. 751.0.4 TBO (774.4. M the Ism -'-m 545, l w .55 NW be W ludo r A•ei m art M 5le •0151. owl Mane seam the Mom AmM,, M w, the .mlevel et A MMem ai4 pwey w npMwe M hern45h 5. reithle the nada Mm LM. dole *MO OMw 01•11.11.. speller lh..want, (M, 4515 M aro ad tae ed.. a1• K ewe If mar .e.H5 the as(. the .Met. Method .Mer .Mho with (M , meth.. 5 women el .moa r4M sine HALDAR, Mew*t1a Jath DIOR Mea' 4i .77' (4 SERVANT GIRL WANTED. WAT7 711 ?MMPMAT1rLT, • a mA e.renel Ni, In API.I 4MNM 115sa-.ep n'•Wm 1158 waym ales, d.__.__ TN. Dal SHERIFF'S SALE SALE Of LANDS C 5,, Witt (1)7 e.ri ,Mot w4"' hbaarT'M'Mm}iy. (lura M (wen'. Berl, a.1 In me tlwy.4 •MomMMn the Werth .rad T•e.sente .h.•5 .w M /mom awn Meowed M 1M um. M W theta In tire how. M Marks Mcleod dmtelew.F. M .11 Ind )nrnlar the wee .rad rhe see Atha .M .wAR.MOM sew• M James wh4W,0* Mime, who sera mem.. 0l um .*l( of miaow. d'Mt.f.d, 1 hem .ora .eta este M n tinn an w right alfa .sed Im(wnd im the f .5057, IMM. and /anmere s which owe M the a b4 Jae.. Wine/0Me mrdeltoenmrM5e4.51nlieleve MEM rM (1urMw 5,5.x1 .em14 etesto Merl 5. to arty In s.4 M 5t seethe. rowdy.. la the OM nee - moths M the 5ws•Ms M Tw0Mrw518. sod bestow Me ala m 111• ant orthwehm Mar Mwedarm WaM le the (thrift M New. when tenth ae 1,0•11.11.1011. 1 don new Ow Mark et my Oa. le the fame Some, te lie Tlws 17 a.4eoo5, a Tehdsy. the wnaty swat 4q 17(0.1,... that, M 1M War et *with M the Ara Mme. //MN WPM, 11,11, .84,42 of ffe0. .J1M flaer (714k5 *r, t7N 3s(y,54. NEW STORE JOHN S7'EWART bent 545m .5s Wka1.IrM. WING HAM sad Aetna. nkat h, M• „p. od • new 2.'. whom e W Le 5Wu1 • .,'.07'1..0 .teM DRY GOODS, Beady -Made Clothing, AND GROCERIES .8, 5, will be .•hl Chap rhe C.•h or Prodwre, W The Teas ars M the Hoot Qualm. r ,5. Read 11.1, 11,48,'., owe oleo Lorre...r Ru, trowel a twel. um W,48 .n, .d of he Imo t4 y8. The Public are re.liectifully in - vitt(' to call. JOHN STEWART. Meal Dow liar or,. Pon Oso., Wmehm 5..51.5, Apr,l trek, 1141. eel a•y, BY-LAWN0.1. VITHEREAS It is mpelmel sd • M uu taW,.h • road IY _banna• p.rtiow h0 number em r sela the *shield. ,a,'.e•Wn Roam Do td5Srm ., .of the T., 1t le Merem hereby enacted by the rM 14.4.78 .4 AMAMI Nat a reed be through a (000401 hot weber war, le the M eaecemb5, 1.5... Agnew, M 18e T..WIp of AM /*145..55, eat which my be betty twine d..e5Md q. holo..: Cuwwrcly M • point % h (8.4 of .and below Bather ..s bymid 5.., mol poll 41ngd Wrt t.e.tr MM..ad aim* Might ted 18..e aaarM. lithe mess and E../wy Wee the Nora-Wm4.ny 0485.84451 amber mew le the /navel ..s.. &,s, the etre., pals Moa air, ns tM .Mtn 1544• M road allow..,. •4wt to be 0..074.4 Wore •,rate thirty nae Manes .sed Mort, motes wet t...ty.YIM dWsa me Myna.. base. sea Many eight Wrenn .d *lny misuses, limn tw WMom sad thirty her hake, lase* death tee clever. elt are Maim e0d twenty.,.. 1.11., lbw.. Perth .y81y tw. West baa chants, Um, duan 8*, "Wes • ed eighty -bee 5.kq law.,. gosh mwakw 4 ,..e a.0 lea wta5*m, art 04a clew ad moa t.. Inks, theme South tiny two 54.ar west sr. W• as and eighty -erase 1.10, MW.. North 5ky-. dealwr ell Marty team., w..t wat4, Mel Ike afy Inks a.ra o7 lm. m um IsYrwLm. M W irl Wm,4,1.1 .•4 .111 hw Wm .la leallo., wa- s/5ly m area eta ,. sero .al .7.e -*s8. M.. ▪ n m..n., 1. , *04 Maim width 1158555 51 e ighty errs aW tom hMf Itaks. d r Mirth She to. the ammo M. Nn. aehs,l Mese, .n a. 5 N. 4, AIrh5.ld. me yenae4..., .m • M emu as Me Weft M lta.M Nell. ad [sed Cls T•.o.* it r bid l8.5selye0 W moa IM I..wo se .., (.Mr•. le(NALD netkiNALD. ,y [Wert, 35.5 IS I•et wiled o Horses and Implements tor Notice, Notice tau u gal cl, D _ 0 A. M P IE3 3E pardoned lately pareaed an Weinman, which enable* b m to trate the lureat pphIwoteimsubs made ■ Godench VERY tiHF,AP. N.H,-Poreelail f i•e,ree, not the blest is the Dominion, hut an good as any made in Geler;eb. Ala. the New Cabinet Pieter., which is (be.. theme se large as the forte de ( (site, for 53.60 per de '.. In nrneeiec tbanke inr thepatramte of Ila past, iseiteeaal te call and ave Ike .ew ams fel thews., we., D. CA.PuELI. • Goderich,Ap15718.1868. er2t N ()TIC Le All thou indebted to - me by note or book accounts are requested to call and settle at on,'. and save costs. A JOHN STEWART, Goderich, April 29411, 1Ae18. wl4tf. 10., N 1)E it 14 wILL he .mend by w 5alma.ea•d y e•e SATURDAY, th3 2Stli 6PJULY,r18Ge, Salo. • • THZ .nheenb5 .are for sale f e, g ..t Immo Twq 'e ea (heat sell m.4 -► ._rel sal suitable for 2. y ser :Curfew They w,.I M mid •02'1.®ap fC)l Clekaa' r:e w• Alan 1 ..ear, that the Mum 1. a tr., imp, M . B. to 10 he maside,ed by is. Cogrralmoo of the T,. WI of IMAM, eo For W.,. anal 6...,5gmill end other hu5ng le. mole. Apply.. M5 THoWFM1'.Ilate1, I to W Wr 1seer./gsd, Lot IJ. ala ore., E U Colima* J■L 1.ln05 • Mae. W M, Monday, the nth day of August next, at 000rw ..rattan'. hotel In the tillage of Puri Albert JOHN C. 4811.. Tow maim 015$ Aa1e,14, Jaw. 110. IOW .81 41 Mortgage Sale of Lands - t'44.01 *NT 4. a Power,,( mL rvmt..a..l In .e In .teuta (le be pw,e.d at num of Me) tram .Ill HY PUBWC AUCTION, AT THE HURON HOTEL, IN THE TOWN OF GI)DER1cH, Oa Tuesday, the 28th of July, 1868, M 11 .'rink, moa, IM 141thwly rateable Porro Mu- MOM, ro-MOM, via 1. AI wt at, •a mo. Ws..so•h , bre 4.1 a1,... •, Mamma., (a5 seems t. Th. 508Wrl plot M let 14, H M T,.. Plot, M.sOlp M ri1ed, 0.154y ma res 'O ,nm PseSl1504.5158*Aen5aaWe y.plIr 4• ht1111 HAI.DAN, MMQ (hdel,h, (h 1. Mum. 5.110, 55.111511(151 5oMKaiylsN, -July Ile►, ler Demisters, I 'Minh St, Tomato e 244d INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. CotNTy or 1 In the matter of Witham HuaoN. f Irwin, nn Insofte,t. NOTA' E m $arab• green thet by virtue of (the power remold in me sa •omere•• 07 the atter* ta•rdweet, I .hail agar 1.r 141. by Public Aeration on Ender, 1h Teeth day of Joy then., 1251, el lb* hour of twelve, woo, •t my °doe in the reeve M Qod. nth, 401 IN NEM, title aid unser* of 1h .•d Is•ulw.t t. the tor. lowing m vele. Lett *umber ono In .he A eonee.Mo•M the To rn5h,p o, Ho.l.1, cwtm• ug by sJmrsaurrment one bun5red sorer, ere ■ed esrv(d dm •ens ase the nnn5-west artier, woch ser Ave seer me In .h. Dorm .a a .q.... Dated et Uoder,ch, rh, , 1458. 0AMUELIehM.r PULA.Ir(XI) wTd Odie,., Arevue. 7T. abnesele b pthtpothel yeti! Wraday, 1h. t7* My of Jaly, et the boar M t.. 'cloak p, es , rrm,n plem FRIEND! $UY YOUR COT'T'ON YARN AT G McKENZIE'S BLUE, RED ORAANGE,E K, YELLOW, WHiTR, DUNDA2. Carpet Warp. Ooderich, Jnne 9, 1866. w211, OODERHAM & W G URT& DISTILLERS: ESTABLISHED 1832. 1OR SALE, THEIR CELEBRATED Alcohol, Pure Spirits, OId Rye, Malt, Toddy, and Common WHISKEYS T rronto, Jen,:2, 1848. w20,3m. N (_LT I O E. TENDERS sent M mr.;,.4 try in 5M 705, MJell, Mae CODEBIOH SILT CO/IM F. IM foveae., M SIAL'r BARRELS Pt* Or Wee ed rift twelve wroth. Ram w 1* of *wet MM einwel0.delltheew en rove M' From*. et al thTee -t m.neer, wee*? Mtn h. weft */ 5e r Aat•sn tM . sateeer A44rome IM O5(i aU el Peen P •s41 CS.wemro 4.de5m5, J•h eN, IgM wmFt NOTIO_E. McCRECOR & SON. Bookbinders, Millet: RM pnryr.d M a5•eute Mateo NA ,ever .1045. ?mom noklings( • Mame. to Gavin( their Mk. t M Hamel look W. Oo4.78•b. "r .t J M. a J Mn- O.me'. craw* gth, wu4 ngrl,. r' may epee famNrm bring dl Modal l AT THE LOWEST PRICES' • u•1 returned .It5ai1 delay 1i.d•rbh. Jaw 1, IM. •weed. A Valuable Farm for Sale. X e T4.,p .•h'nf 10.5.5 5*1M 5es , ...Melee e I t of Wed, 1.swrgrrl ler gnarl et •n11 le W re- ams.M three of which a e Ir the gnarly Mate MMO. 'atom end thoroughly draMd . Me W 15hy 5. Mom Ming • betan1.t 5.4 ,55n•dbrs: then we an no tM porta. emNWal water. • good roma harts 5 - Wet ono,. 5d all a vote the pp11,. le ,4 Wet. 1.• rEKseI./141E1A1AL. For pseta,.l•m .pfd b, Mod tbe atom y WIL 6rAITAN N,M` Tmtwrrlt f.4 8, ,, h1 L IaS. sea .a all. V -1AW CASTINa3. :. r J! THE 5.Me,18., Mrs Ma rhe • gond • bei ¥IILLY SAW GEARING; . • manse% rinse for comb Apply to JAR CRAWFORD. Port Alh•r) 11(7., 4aw Itch mM WIN House to Rent. Asumnoting sassed las a qu lei pet M tb• toes meltable for • private reeamr. Apply M, If. H1%('IDS Lel Ntheithrla Or to 1 Meeks Mal Io , Viele O..d•r4 1, Josef/W.1500 .a5 Stray Mare. • C1AMR lel. the .nolo4 Use terelgarl let 1, m5Beyeent mem , strait the luta M J•re lest, • bright Ray K... Lra•, mane One hal/, sMet 4 a...., Ma, Mark Ino T►. tomer is mgwted 4. non. property P/ chem. anti take Mummy. URO RATIN .haa.4y, July 4, I444 nINet. The Ontario Salt Company ABF. now manufacturing ,dl and troll be pre - poral to RECEIVE ORDERS The 1CTth of.Tnly next, T5aorON 'Axle Aoaw'rs• W.&J,K1,Y0 se,.•reli, J.se t7. 1151. wee.' Stray are 4TM TyD fm5 (84.lr5, no Tr r4., AM* 101►, a 71 hove/ MS., nit yew. ,14. *145 a Whits star ,m the forehead sad roller 0111•11 one 01 Um Mol, tell serif oy Any pawn ebdren informal/ea .54.1 WI kW In her recovery .i11 bemitwhy market, FRANCIS CARUDT, Muth sem no Iona. Jul) ate, 1M• elll. al GUARDIANSHIP. 1 OTICr, w h.rnb, .tern that at the •*MraWS 17 .71 twwtr day. from 4m I,. teleatl.n ,4 this nble, sp pllretion .111 le mole b, the holm f the Partspa, (. o,rt ,11 Mm toasty M Herm, 1r. 44.peInl 51554.' Y tIM, 41G.•emu, .Ih of M Comae, of t1. d - O1h ko ba tM Ilnrdtn .t clef YS,Sr. aalWM. 55154 rMseneo ad (he,ra. Oowln Ilan Waal ca111• era of LM 455 Overy, uonlnlork M Iluparhy, Med• '55.7, d.lw•d. Dated Oodoich, the 1(h day of July. 4445 11 C. CAMERON, WS 14 mtkc11. f, II M. e61/31AN. Insolvent Act of 1184. fa Ho warfare el /owe 47.47 en Nmammt. PCRLIC NOTICR le Me.br tenni that by .105, r t: Mt pew, el. meted M w.•u *..ig .4 IM elms 1ea1 .55 1 Man neer ase 45 by P.714. .loath. ,5 KII5DAY the 5lhdeyw[ A:'ggnn t rel, t 11 eh5e► ane, 545455075 Hotel, Ii*mrth. the bales leg properly eta Anatol ...enter ttml,vwr•I. parcel .r tract M lad awl pr.ulw, situate, (.Ire and Mew t Om few ship 07 Mr Klrl ga • thse.J ,4 Hee .. "...thinly bra w.lww,•.mtuna .n. -alta Ma rent milord urn. or Mew ad oo.pnet et peel M lot Ir. 5 in the let ma re the benchM r R,Ik, ., ad Mover knows 0 der milted as LM Nn 12, Meek C. Inn1M,8, mean. M • Mae«44mm..sIIl n1 ,,BtM.nm railer. 5o: r.4ery1M5,Jos. •arryd 4yJmby Br810, .M Mewl Meek. JOHN 1tA LIEF". 12•,4.1 t Ood.rk►, tin May. 14. wee 15p55 Oil $5 Per Barre/• BEST L'V,SIVCATINOOL FURIALK AT Pelhc&'8 SILT W E L lett whore et can he merlin in use. (lodericb, Jane 11, 1808. w213ss• 7 FOR BALE• A VILLAGE lot SALE- _ nese sem &g .oudville situated oppaiee 58 Presbyterian (level. There are on spiv' ire i GOOD TRAM HOURS, whoa. belly built, 201 30, well *erred, 1►M$ a grew) cellar, p.m and imft water.- Mow. sella • kAn11An at • geed woodshed r 10. • workshop IR 22 stet •growl benne dnMrr Thera a 1 d ftp sere of hearing wham' of .q1plaa oars, peach..., gyne plans of the heat instil,, A PARK LOT. conisansam 4 15-011.. ecru nn the Gravel Rand to iea(nrth, I Jtth 't a eine hew the Rt.tton Foe partieilaie imply a 43.5.r.lralpill' on the peswliw. DAVID DL'NC.1 F{'nnndviiM, May 20, 1868. 1 'i i / .ssrilmslr Y