HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-07-23, Page 2n ot Lenten to reeiste ana to feel at the
same eradicate Slit felt this isetiectivel
that the mats was quietly Ilaterting h
superiority, and the child pouted.
Hama went about his work briskly : th
boat was sumn leden with every requieite
Helen watched titer preparations iakauce
vexed with the expedition whieh she ha
urged lama to make. Then she fell to m-
eet:tang on the change that seemed to laave
taken pima in hot tharacier ; she, who, was
401.4141wouseilly, so firm, so reasorable,--
why Mid she become au petulant, childieh,
and came:item 1
The sail wee set, mut all ready tu run
the cutter ante the surf of the rising title,
when, taking • sudden resolutitni, as it
were, Helen Clit1111 rapidly down, and
said, "I will go with you, if you please,"
balf in command and half in pout. Hasel
looked • little purprised, but very please('
ireel then she added, "I hope I shall not be
in your way."
lie tattered her, un the contrary, that
she might be of great aasistance to ;
mei now with doubled alacrity, he ran out
the little roue' end leaped int. the prow
as she danced overthe waves. He taught
her how to bring the boat'. heed round
with the help of &near, and when all was
snug, left her at the holm. On notching
the mouth of the hey, if it could so be
sailed, he made her remark that it waa
c'osed by reefs, except to the north end to
the west. The wind being southerly, he
had decided to pre the west, and so they
opened tleJ sea about half a mile from the
For about three mike they perceive...I it
consisted of a line of bluffs, cleft at inter-
vals by smell 114.11.111 hams, the precipitous
sides of which were lined with aleuee foliage.
lute these fissures the sea entered with a
lament/el mend, that died &Ivey as it crept
up the yolks, muds with which those
storks were otarpeted An exclamation
from !Islam attracted his etiolation te the
arison ou the uurtlaweet, where a let
line of breakers glittered in the sun
reef ur candy bey appetred exiet i
that tlirecti,m, about fifteen miles away
and something more than a mile in lime
As they proceeded he marked roughly o
the wale of his tan rake, with the point of
• piu loon -owed from Ifilen, the funu of
coast line.
An hour and a half brought them ha the
rarthwesturn extretuity of the island. As
they dried the shelter of the land, the
southerly breeze canning with some tares
across the open sea taught the matter, said
ithe lay over 111 A way to inspire Helen with
alum ; she eas &beet to let go the till.,
when Hazel leased it, aoculentallyinclusing
her hand under the grasp other own, as It
pressed the taller hard to port.
"Steady, Mere ; dont relinquish you
hold ; it is all raghtono fear," he cried, as
he kept lliA eye on their sail.
He held this counts for a mile or nem'
rad then jutimeg with • long tack la
011 ler e southerly side of th
island, he put the boat atom. fie took
ociesimea to explain to Helen how this op-
eration was necemary, and she learned die
alphabet el nateption. The western eta.
of their little land floW lay before them
it was about three utile. in breadth. For
1140 ILli11111 the bluff coast line am tinued un-
breken ; then a deep bay, • n: wwitl
and two males iu depth, was made by •
lone tongue of rud projecting westerly ;
ma 110 extretaiiM "pre• the gigantic palm,
well rector:Oral as Heleu's land ruark.
Hazel stood up in the boat to reconnoitre
the war. perateived the sratie ah
wad dotted with mailtitudestafdark tobjects.
!deka% these ubjeets were men to be in
motion, and, puieting them out to Helen,
with &smile, he Said, -
"Bewere. Mir Itolleston, yonder are
Tom bugleam-and iu 11.1110 force 14..
Thum dmii mums, moving upon the hil-
locks ef sand' or rolling on the surf, are
sea lions,- -the peons Meseta, or lionesal 1"
Helen steamed her eyes to distinguish
the forma, but only described the dingy
objecta. While thus engaged, she allowed
the cutter to fall off • tattle, and, ere
Hazel had resumed his hold open the
tiller, they were fairly in the bay ; tits
greater palnatree on their starboard•
' You seem determined to make the re-
qualntanoe of yeur nighteutres, ' he- re-
marked ; 'you pereeive that wo are eau
Her conaternation neural him • sh
that if they held their prment COUP1/43, the
cutter s,tuld take the leach sheet a mile
ahead, where these animals were densely
At the moment, thmething dark bulged
am close betide her in the sea, and the
rounded back of a monster rolled over -
and diaappeared. Ilesel let drop the sail,
for tlaey were fairly in the sniouth water
- of the bay, and dose to the Bandy spit, the
gigantic @tern of the palm -true was on
their piercer, about half • mile off.
He took 'the oars, anal rowed slowly me-
anie the shore. A small se&I ruse behind
the boat and followed thean. playing with
the blade, ita gambols resembling that of
kitten. lie pointed eut to Helen the
mild ex premien of the creature's face, anal
ramrod her that all thia trira were
hannlese snaillike' and sueeeptible of
domestication. The cub swam up to the
boat quite fearlessly, end he touched its
head gently he encouraged her to do the
Ake. but elle shrank from itacontact. They
wen, new done whore, and lira, throwing •
etre his &Debra? an ter, feet of water, pre -
bared to land the beam of woad he had
prought to decorate the palm.tree se a,
The huge stick WU soon hornet overha
ard, and he leapeal after it. He Mewl at
to the nearest landing to thetneand drag-
, ig up on shore. 140411,11y had he
disposed 'it conveniently, intending to re-
turn in a day or two, with the means of
affixing if in a prominent and remarkable
simmer, an the form of a spar across the
trunk of the patint, when a cry (rem Helen
rendleal him. A large number of the pea-
hens were orating meetly down the serf
towerds the boat ; indeed, adomnof them
had made their appearance amund it.
Hanel shouted to her not to fear, nil
desiring thet her ShOUld not 'prima
to the swarm, he passed lack quieUy bee
rapacity. When he reached the water,
three or four of the animals were already
floundering between him anal the boat.
Me waded slowly towards one of them,
end steed herniae it. rh• man anti the
arastairs looked qiiietly at each other, an•I
then the seal rolled 0-.0r, wath a annffing
sell satisfied aie winking ita soft eyet with
immenre nomplaceney.
tn her "lanai, mold not reeet a
smile at this onnelesitm of so terrible a
demomdretien ; for with all this gentle
expremien, the tanks of the brute Itoked
hannidable. Rut, when she law Hazel
mashing them aside and patting • very
small cob ne the hank, she recovered her
courage c,ampletely.
Then he teak to his oars again ; and,
wiled hi thetas. which was nnw on the
ebb, he romid round eif southwestern
extremity of the inland. He tonnd the
erMer hem, e entraps- ted, very *Mil-
It was midday when they were fairly on c
the southern meat : and now, sailing with i
the wand aft the clatter ran! through the
ester at raring sprat Fearing that some a
reefs or mcky fermate -el might slim in
their mune, he Mimed mil, and, kept
stray front ahem, ahem mile. At this b
demotes he ma hinter able to me inland,
and meek down the accidence of ita
The methern enaat wu uniform. and w
11011111, SAW it resenihleal the eliff" of the
Kentish°. Sweet emma of ;teethe rally F
the English white wee here replaced hy
the mho volcanic gray. By one o'clock
they gam theme the mer•- ajwit where i
they Mut first made howl end as they lea
iodise!, th.ii south nt their residence. Heel en
they landed here, • walk of titres miles w
some the centre of the island world haeo in
her& diem home.
For sheet a similar dinanesi the Celeel
411111411114 111,1140All rliffe onhenken Asia
by A rill It was plup that the walfteened
ed the ialmld Wm all northward. Th
rose itcue, el which the island seemed to be
tioa funned, forcing hie way over (ellen trees
nos wad through the tangled undergrowth of •
ed operas of wild vine, whach &bounded on
eme the mountain side, Ilasel stopped to
ti A bees
, Pe , as well SA 10
am, dense foliage permitted. H• was dp to •
his waist in scrub, rad the stiff lames u(
pArt the bayonet plant rendered cautiou
,e„o„ necessary in walking. .At momenta,
through the dour (ohaee, lie caught a
„, ,,, glisten of the mut The sun was in the
thio north behind hem and by this alone he
hioh guided his road due southerly ruid upward.
it, Once only he found • small chaired apace
k ind &bout an acre in extent, and here it waa he
ii.„e uttered the cry Helen heard. Het waited
eo, • few moment a in the hope to Leer her
• votes in lily, but it doe uot reach heu.
le„ Again he p raged upward, and uow the
,„d &meet became at tames AU arduous that
eir; more than 011ee he almost resolved to
Arr. relinquish, or et least, to defer his teak ;
a but a monateat • rest retailed him to him-
self, WILL he uiss one lil1t 1144417 bated by
f„r difficulty te lalor, et lie tuiled ou until he
u a tree they rag it repose for an Mit." in tee summit ought to have been
and spread their midday repeat, they
covered! &A o ning into 1114 1114014„ k
of lamon or yoll, 1101 extending into
*norms between the highluide of the isle
Bud the circular mountain but close un
the base of the latter. This iulet be p
posed to explore, and acceniingly the
waa taken down and the cutter was po
into a narrow crank. The water here
so Bloillow that the keel slid OY
quickeand intu which the oar sank free
-The creek soon beceme narrow, and
water deep, end of • blacker color, rad
bank. more Moral v covered with canes
Thor grow to the helht of ten and twe
The air felt dank Sad hese and human
with myriads of Meseta. as black wa
ag became so deep and the bottom so sti
A that Hamel took to tlie oar. again. 11
y new approashied the eastarit'imd, where
Ay ant, encumbered with blocks of grey
is the circular minuetain uf which men
has already Mee made. This canine
e heal evidently at one time been detach
. teem the met a the land to which it
uow j011101.1 b a h f
d nide awl a half in breadth, and twu
in leugt h.
Hazel proposed to reconnoitre this
of the idiom utterly. end ran the teat
ip to land. 'elle reeds or canes w
this bog was densely clothed,. grew a
dark spongy suil. Hero &lad there
waste was dotted with ragged trees, w
lie aeomnized as the calmer ; from
gaunt brandies hung • hark, funeral
of weeper • kind uf mar ressuiblii
grey horsehair both in texture an
though note., long in the staple.
This parsaite, Hexed explained to Ile
was very nommen in such marshy gnat
and was the deatlethatt hung out by
to warn man the' tuataras anal fever
the invisible and inalienable inhahitan
that fatal neighborhood.
Looking nekowly &long the lowshore
soise good lanclimi, where under she
„d . that 1111 W44 pursuing which had become
d„ level, and he concluded, that, instead of
, &sounding, he was eimling the mountain-
.' top. He turned aside, therefore, and after
led ten nenutes' hard climbing he was puahing
waa through • thick and high scrub, when the
tee earth seemed to viva way beneath him,
and he fell - an "thyme
the He was engulfed. life fell Imre bush to u
the bush -- down-- dome-scretch-rip-plump !
.,_ until he lodrel in • prickly bosh more 01.
op. telly to discover himself thus tended in • /
mac After pau•ing to tette breath
and toenail, he fancied that he had borne d
too intich to the left, the ground to his
right appeared to rise more than the th
TRIO OANADINnt/t11111A11150C11
()n Thursday wonting, the 9th inst., we
left Godench by the 4 o'clook a. In. tram,
bound for Turoutu and a flying visit to
the great North West. Along the road
we picked up several Western members,
am' when we arrived -et Toronto in due
tiuie we found a large 'lumber of the Press
tura of Ontario ready for the road. The
aftersioon and evening wax spent in bun
nese. The leading hotels The Queen's,
Auto/rime, end /tura, were very liberal in
their treatment uf umanbers, as rated, for
ey trarve every praise.
On Friday morning, through the kind
on. lisokniuma,; President of
the Northern Railway and It. Cumberland,
Esq., If. I'. P., its gentlemanly manager,
atm opecial train was provided fur the
conveyance tof the Association to Coiling -
wood. The train was gaily decked with
flags, and the directors' or placed at th
Ismael of the atom or other prienineut,
gentlemen, who were served with refireeh-
meets suitable to the wane weather. Ac
companying us were lion. Mr. Robinson,
Mr. Cuniberland, Hon. J. S. McDonald,
Mae Rye, the well known philanthropist,
and C. Moberly, Engiaser of the road, and
there. Near Aurora, by order of Mr.
umberland, the train was "slowed" ill
Mee to enable the members to take •
good look at • delightful valley view -one
the meet beituti/u1 of the kind, except -
ng St. Hilaire, in the Dominion. -At Al-
- If} After • good deal of ballot* asd
ittrepulliug the choice of the Denseeratie
Couventiou hut fallen upon Horatio hey•
moue of New York (or President, and F.
Blair for Vice -President. With Grant
and Colfax fur their opponents we do not
Unwell) these gentlesuen have much chance
of gainiug possessiou of therein. fur whick
they are nominated.
re Having peat indented hest the
. greet excursion trip to the Norlikifestoett
are unable to -day to get into type our
narrative of whet was seen and dune, but
shall attend to it in our next W a
mention, however, that the party arrived
in Ccolliegweed wade yesterday morning
(40th) 1U good health and spirit& and dis-
persed, • ei leaving Torento, fur trair several
homes, prepared ma they 001.11d beby no other
. means for diecessem iutelligently the manta
and requirementa of the eountry.
Foueu Druth.-We are again milled up-
on to reword one of times deaths which so
frequently °veer from a course of intem-
perance. e ope this occurrence will
be a werning to others. 111'ru. Johnston,
well known in this town for a number of
years aa a trarester, was seen on Tuesday
morning, the 14th inst., going to the field
which he had rented from Mr. 1A'idder,
where, it is support], he went to work. --
Nothing more was heard or known of Liru
until tVedneeday, about 2 o'clock, when
two little girls found him lyieg on hia face.
quite dead. From the appearaace of the
grass he must have struggled for som
time halide he expired. There ie no
feet, aud aa clues am eat in a thick cr
ire winded than ere Out of thishe crawled,
ed large and perfectly caviler plain of •bout
,,gr thirty acres an extent, or about 360 yards au
„ey in diameter. Ira the centre was • lake, o
,e also circular die broad belief &horn around -
i • this lake was cowered with rich grass, level Pu
of aa • bowling men, and all this agam wee fi
banditti" near Barri
y ; 1111
it proved *namely wide eneugh to admit
his working the boat. The height of
reels hindered the view on either si
Suddenly, however, and after prooesdi
eery elowly threugla tbc benalsof the cal
they deterred in height anti deneity,
they emerged ante an open store of alto
fi ve scree au extent, a k ind of owns iu tl
reedy desert, creeted by a mussy mou
whith anew amidst the morals, auel &tea
041 firm foeting, of which a roe° uf tress
and inuntoreble shreilosavw ed themselves.
✓ lielen littered an excleination of doligl
SA thls island of fol tem, an • sea of reels met
• her eyes, that had been famished with the
arid monotone of the brake.
✓ They soon fended.
Helen initiated on the preparation for
their meal heing left to her, and having se-
, lected a sheltered spot she woos wean busy
• with their frugal food. Hanel serve od
elthe mot, and selteting • red ceder was soo
seated forty feet above her head ; tetanal
t orograph kat survey of t he neigh her Med
, Ile found that the bayou by Whiell t141 had
I ' entered continued it. e'en, to the north
; ern shore, thus cutting off the mountam
easterly end ; its hone as that of a trun
camel cone, and its eider; cloudy covered
1 with trees of semester.
The voice ef /felon called him (rem hi
porch before he was near done with in
aurrey, antl he dew:ended quickly, leaping
tem • Merle ef brumh-waed growing at th
fl14/t Of hi• trVO, MUNI ••001.1 • few yard
a4 maratem, befere • large
unooe, •
rprise awaitedus. The stetion-budding,
lath is the moat beautiful and welloge,
tilted Us Carat* was ornamented With
ags and ever eens d
bend, under the leadership of Mr. Hen-
eriek, furniahed capital music ae we
Milted to parteke of • magnificent break -
provided in the station building by the
orthern Railway Co.
After breakfast, which waa partaken of
, Wheezed getalemen of the party to-
, w acted as the Privy Council in favor of Mr. llow-
e chairman, anue and said it was an old land accompanied the docutuent, leaa-ine
't saying that public men d
lived in the eyes of the peore, and itzrit Ex" "'Penh.
the surrounded y a neatly perpendicular
des cliff, 111/W11 which indeed he Mid ; d
ng this eliff was thickly clothed with &rubs
eeetuil "IdlasetrTr'ccognmed the crater of an extinct Ns
ad by
rather Mr, Cumberland h
(doubt Ile rine te his death through the
influence of intemperance and exposure to
the heat uf the sun.
The Lieut. Governorship.
it is understood that the warrant ap-
pointing Hon. Mr. Howland as Lieut.
Governor el 0 .tario, was dispatched from
Ottawa to Lord Monek, at Quebec, on
Saturday last. The recommendation of
an public bodies the mere formality of • eignature to 1;‘)
be stated emphatically tha the auth er _ _ a
GODER1OH, JULY 23, 1868.
The Mineral Polley of the (hovers
With all deference to Hon. J. 14. M
Donald, who armies that the mineral lan
11 of ()Mariner' Henke uf Providence whic
g should not be drawn upon tem freely, w
. think the policy adopted is cakulated t
elestn.y all hope of developing the ins
" menhe reseurces of valuable minea-aLs whi
end au such abundance around us. Th
Inas folicy is to surrey the nenerel lends
and sell theist outright as is done by di
• Amencaii I:overtime:a on the South Shut
of Lake Superier. While mining enter-
prise Is cripple' on our side, first by sake
a Um- •.1 ninny ef the beat locations, and
,114./11 by a myelty of from 21 to 10 per et.,
the Americans have gone on prospering
from year to year, and the result may be
- I
f seen an such fine. cities as Ontosagon, Mar-
queue, Hnughton, Sitherior city, Are.-
1on the Canada side a vessel can sail mi
her course in the densest fog without in-
cumng any risk of oullision, while the
Amaranth shore' teem with altipping--400
Ireseels having left in Hay Mat laden with
' iron 01.0 alone. Thom engaged in mining
Itperations on our side have been iseridiely
injured by the policy ad the Ontario Gov-
' ernment, so much so that 110101111 id them
!have suspended work altogether. With-
lers & Co., ad the Thunder Bay Mining Co.
!have expended no lees than 1148,000 foe
3200 acres, and have also paid for 2000
acre. more, for which they oannot procure
a patent, although they have wimphed
with the requirements of the Government
Every fanner in the oountry is directly
interested in the immediate develepment
onr nuneral resouroes, and we trust that
such preemies will be brought to bear on
the Government as will compel the adop-
tion of a more liberal policy at the next
session of Parliament
_ of the Northern Railway lived in the eyes
of the people that day. He was Mad that TH. Haer.--The liken heat of the t
he had been authorised to extend the hos- Plist furtnight has had a most depressing
o- pitalities of the road tetra Canadi ilbc
The London Isoursios.
To 14. ef 11c4.0
Dees Sia,- A Imp number of the
rich people, ladies and gentlemen, tic
ed themselves of the excurcon tnp
London on the 11th inst.; amongst t
Mears. W. T. Hays. Got. McKee
Wm G. Smith, Dan. McKay, Jas. Thu
son end myself, of the Town Council.
the request of all, I gladly embrace
first opportunity td publicly exp
our thanks to the officials connectedre7v1
the Railroad, who seemed to vie with
other to render our trip agreeeble
plerant. I feel eepecially called tagoarizt.
beat th ks Messrs
anti Holmes, whose kinder. and urban
dilfwied a generel feeling of pleassui
anti sociality which excursion puttee
alOne appreciate. They were inside
ble in their exertioes by autioipating
wants /111d wishes of all. Mr. Holmes
to be seen continually at his poet, pau
to and fro in the cars, with unremitti
attention, providing for the comfort
each individual passenger. or
Carter, who had assumed the importan
office of providing againet any imam
nine* to the ladies on their arrival at
different stations -he acted his part wi
a suraviter m motto Out won for him
warmest approhation. Ills apparent is
quietly was the astonishment of all.
seemed to he spirited from one station
another, for on our arrival at • station
found him &brio ready fur his work han
nog out the Woe, but by what means
transinigratien had been elected, we ouu
not dicier. Our triend Lewis, of
Elevator, whose portly figure, un such
melting day, might excusably have bee
findings 'hotter an the shade of the este
tank, and seeking relief in imbibing i
water and other restoratives, was ever
hand either attending to the call of t
Engineer at the ',takes, or in assisting bl
Carter an handing the ladies through
crowd to the landing. What deserves o
'articular notice and thinks, was the
"nimble arrangement by which the seati
of the crowds was effected, -not only w
the convenience of all consulted, but th
dangers and accidents, the frequent
tendante of excursion parties, were effec
tually provideel agaikst.
I remain. yours truly,
Goderich, 20th July, 1868.
rot at. ,ald duCl; Wad-
es Yu &Mei stilts ether morn.
asked what Ulna tt. sae
who hio w,,,,,i,g,pcd Iii• belly --aX
Mr Cahill:1
orgt_ lith. --Will you permit rue through the to *grout better set • 10 • niiiiiit•• sad
an. medium of your widely circulated aud val- pm if the wanton,* ,,..nle 1404 thui wan th
to uable journal time Min why the "AyrCoin - Aireond •
Mower an apor did ate mum width./ Errs .
sie, Pete at the menu Mowing trial at Kipper'. id up like a ragiug lett.11.1'1:81 e/te:e n'ot 1.0 be
nut .
No, knot ou bounds he juin
or_ !e_ is now news than a fortnight since Mr. dictated ki by a ma : I guest nol, no ai
Al Wateon telegraphed eta to stop selling, 411 '00, 114 was hounded teleath with rads, he
the he hod *old ell vet, iffirot machines having went out and Mlle 1D 4/01111 lifted his fru
• Iftft the zuraufactore), but he woulayet up to kirk,
r Waren 'n. tele plied Mr. Cahnly mid was he tweet
a • machine and send it up fur the Kippen years yougur he would glee him a eood
Au& trial. Expecting this machine to come, I 'owed d,I,'„,,,,,, Lod he was • white hater
end did not look out fur any other, and it was Ad dog. eyr, ee.1„,1" advised the Earl
to not until Monday, the 13111, that M.r. Iwo , qui„1, and hie shoe leethec te walk on
it y he found i would ionpoesible Yfof hue
tile 1 rUlhed 00 if...1 "11 Illa horse ised
oantry thtic ge.tiuruasp umelithiiitne:etomenttntoactuAro.cohf ithe coor"dlehismityyr hitttedigbdraii:ir,"enviii.t1 lial&I twor thin
' be
t Mowing trial', Gainey tte first prize at &round him end Ling • curious 1-0.4,
ve- Woodsteek, 15 machinescorupeting-judg- thought to be the one Itn litted to Mr.
the meta at Wardaville will not be given until Calmly--einue thinks. however, it is the
te the Reaping is tried.) 1 did my utmost to ' .
r i
our rt a machine lucerne to die Kippen Mow- Farl there beingsuch a strung resemble:um
e"„ ing the', in the shirt tints r had to do so between them. These recollection" opine
Htos uli.hp ethf.oreniatommuiptof.Tuth.selnaiyy),haionwrit onoly,tfauvie. owrelyilingii.u.piondong the chambers of nor meld.
his JOSHUA CALLAWAY, tut end forgotton dm:
to zur
we from sheer exhaustion and fatigue.
• Goderick, July 186,1808i , faantlidelnlia.ve jotted them Seelig. leave the
behind me ere I am gathered home
d- I am, sir, yours, dte.
Id Agent for John Watson,
n _____
. loltN GRANT, 1). D.
"Ayr Agrirultural Work's."
. Mowing Match. Terrible E--treote—of-11.0-Hesit in New
stru pera v t M teen th old ar 1 d one su iv it
„shower tuielbatte .itaihaldwEawrirthgeigloarieirL 11 111 arothudt.
,1 "! .1.41 ArIU th bo th year le red or the bad co d
duvounserenty 1141'19 .g0g:ted
on The Mo - ig Ma '
r. came off to-ciay, Tues&y, July the 14th, _
he the 8. R. of Huron Agrocultural Society,
. . alhe despatch from New York dated
the on the Fenn of Mr Donald Roes, Tucker-
ur smith, London Road. To thew that the
ad- interest i th
ug only neceseary to state thou twelve (12) victims of crap de soleil that additional
, are so crowded with the unfortuaaty
as machines got to work ; and that •
e number of the most respectable f•rmere . pi it „wide,' to
lair* buildings are being prepared. '1 he mor-
- sweltering heat -under • burning sun, to are kept busy night and day attending LO'
'excess, and coroners
at- of the 8. Riding of Herne, withstood the '
wither the competition. The day has been the bodies which arrive every fen
one of the very hottest of this but sorra mutes. The stream of carriages that
dr. Ten machines entered as combined come freighted with dead and dying seems,
. machined', viz a
8t. George Mechine, Alex. Thomson, eiareterr,tigned4bii% „Tffihee,,, „b°dhiairt owofingth6todeadtee
agent, Mr. Bull, St. Georges, Menefee- pressure have to be plaoed in tiers of aix
twurory. ernlially,'sprinOhicoisto, Jwohnn, tiWanillia. , v.a,00dgent.;
Patent, Oliver Wilson, Agent, Maw y , pregame this enorning tko workmen in
the navy y
and !even deep. The heat was so ()p-
ea Newoudle, Man. Ball's Ohio, Thai. ard were cotepelleei to abandon
en- Coo Agent, Forsyth, Dundee", Man. their work. Souse ofthe men after work -
Pe We ' , Chas. McLeod, agent, Water- ing about tire hours became almost in•
I* tnts a ., Brantford, Man. Ball's Ohio, eettelbhe and were "canal] able to make
their %ay to their homes. Atuoug the
fatilities of yesterday was the eminent
Professor Morton, ot Boston, who was
prostrated by the heat while riding in
Ceetral Park, and died in the evening at
St. Luke', hospital. It is impossible to
estimate the number of casualitles which
have immured in the city to -day, but the
number is very large.
"In Brooklyn, Hoboken, Jersey City
Hudson City and all adjacent towns, •
large number of eases of sunstroke are
reported, a large propertioo of which ars
"The mortality among horses from the
Man. • Judges, were James Anderson
• Stanley ; Jame* Higgins, ilia.. ; ind; heat is exigence. In some seetims of
the city the condition of the streets and
Richard Manning Exeter. Hoorn could not be
found in Mr. Ross' field for the Con:Mined eellars is very bad ,isd the 'salute
" Machines ; therefore the Mingle Mowers, arising therefrom is pestilential."
t emptied on an adjoining field on Mr. Cope- __.-.....- term
e thieninird'atoraze. th.Thineograrzofwaaamoseercewer, lybeitilhe 1:::0ffieveral sunstroke' occurred at Ham-
ilton daring the week.
ed mostly timothy--afam crop, and ell stan - (elm The average deaths of negruse oo-
d ing ; but the committee of management, cumng in South Carolina, fmen accident,
we support, had some difficulty in getting in handling fire -arms, are about tire every
i cos filldp, ant.d Thadi.e jitoudtaltime..justthairvieuithadthey.
weermk. The Sherbrooke 'Pioneer' says that
e hard task to &tide which was the best, se T it. It 1 11 e ..1 1.--1
is0 dor did they' shave, that we heard was found hard cooked in T.2 minutes.
t.i. .e...a.u.., o. ..x.,:f„..i, 1,,..7..a. .,wi iii:
11 however, as ell fairlyehaved the ground- e sand on the 3rd a uly d that
- an old farmer Murk "thatabeast wades
t get • bite there this summer." One Irrest ry. A farmer residing in Were ick town -
d a .6.4 to the „ ship has died from the effecta of sunstreks
Th- ---- - ---- "3°Th" test'ing ni `", during the Orange procession on the 13th
machines tdok place. iromething wentwrong
with theh.7anoineter, t he extreme heat we of July, at Arkona.
The Board of Agriculture will meet
the I lith, says : -.another teerfally hot
day and another loog list of deaths frorri'
the istense fume The mercury has rang.
ed from 90 to 100 all day. Thc hospitals
crop prospects of thui section.
Arociation, and he could assure them that The potatoes are aufferang particularly,
future excursion, they would be most -
if they wished to use the road for anly endietsfearedthatthey will failentirely if e
• come to it. (Amateur.) Such en excur- we are much longer withota rain. The
non had passed over • portion of the road • drought scents to be general all over the r
- some years ago, and members would be onitinent. It ia clear that there wall be
able witner the great imprevement that no revival of balminess while this state of N
Imel been made in a few years. He waa I.,
• delighted: to see flea the lion and the lamb "- •
had lain down tegether on this occasion,
.„ would lest for 10 elayeatleade. (Laughter.)
• soul to think that such a state of things
Sulphur Springs, Lonlon, Out, in anoth-
Mer See ad vertisemeo t of The Artesian
He rejoiced greatly that they were going Mr place.
to extend the trip to the North West. ff •
they looked carefully at the vast resources The Midsummer Examinetions of I
of the Algoma District the would the Public Schools of this town &renew ne
tag on under the direction of the Principal ;
and Dr. McLean ; the exaniination com-
menced yesterday and will last the whole co
week. Parents end ell interested are in- Do
vited to attend.
Pic -Nic. -A grand public Pic-Nic in •
connexion with the Ainleyville Common all
School, will take place in Mr. Hingston's It
bush, • short distance north a Ainleville, th
on Friday, 31st July. A school exhibition Cu
will be held in the &hoot House the same th
evening. -Comm.
(robe ear )
AND CILOPS.- Excessive h
till continue* and it is feared this c.
inued drought will injure root ere
some fanners say the sprang wheat
serioual affected th
H eu Ernov. --Three of the gent
men who form the united wisdom of th
nterprising 'village were last Monda
warning hurtg in effigy. It reins that
1 -law had ' been passed in 'Comm
h han
erZiegraabluTileamberrill'enlot Loy': the
'eranda-pustii, shutter boxes, signs, &c
n feet from the shop fronts, and t
method was taken tnshow the disapprov
f the Citizens to the obnoxious By -Law
petition haa been signed by the basin
men, to the Council praying for
INI'MNDIA111411. --An attempt wee mad
ast Monday night toburn down Crombie
w mill The fi
xtinguished before any herrn was done
o_ elue as yet, to the inmediary
VTULAGIN Come -rt. -The Munisipal
need a the village of lleaforth met
wney's Hall on the 3id inst. Presen
e Reeve and all the Counciflies. Th
of lut meeting were reed and
opted. Communication* were none
rom the County Clerk and T. Fennel, an
petetion from Charles Welaon and others
d the report of Mr Stark, Inspector
watt moved, seconded and rained The
e following Communication from th
unty Clerk be received aod inserted i
e minutes7
NUR fint. -I have the honor of in
raring to you that the sum of sigh
ndred and seventy-seven dotter' an
Ay fire eents ($877 46) will be .required
m your municipality for County Rates
r the current year.
I remain your ob't servant,
Peter Adamson.
Mr Fennel's account wm laid over til
11 meeting, the Clerk to notify him t
tend personally. It wasteovedseconded
cl tarried That the Won -Commissioned
oers and men of No. 3 Company Seafort
o are not -entered on the assisement rol
real estate, or personal property be
sal( rake attachment, W. T. Haagen, St.
le- Mary's, Man. Ball's Ohito, John -Jackson,
Lucan, Man. Ball's Ohio, self rake, Jos.
Y Sheeran, Stratford, Man. Ball's Obio,
it Ohio, & Buelreye, couttened sett rake, Jos.
Sherman, Stratford, Man. Dick's self
te rake, A. J. Masson, agent, F. W. Glen,
lc Oshawa. The Oshawa machine got off the
o track somewhere on the way alp, end did
he not put in an appearance, but wall keep at
al the intended Reaping Match Three
• machine., competed as single mowers, vis:
see Junior Mower, Thome* Smith, Agent,
" Pattenon, Richniond Hill, Manufacturer.
Wood's Patent, William Bell, agent, Mo-
e delence, Elora, Man. Junior Mower, Hugh
'a Greeve, agent, Patterson, Richmond Hill,
"Look, Mr. Hazel, what • singular pro
dec-tion," said the earl as she stepped et ex
&UMW the plent. It bore • nunaber n
red flowers, each growing out ads frualike
• prickly pear. These flowers were in tar
haus stages ; "tome it et's just opening like
tulim ; others re advenced, had expan-
ded like umbrellaa, and quite uverlappeal
the fruit, keeping it then son and clew ,
others have served their turn in that way,
and been withered by the sun's rays. But
however, this waa the case, the fruit had
&leo burst <pen and displayed or dueller*.
al its contents, and thum contents looked
like weeds; beton narrower inspection pro-
ved to be little insecta with pink tramper -
era weep, and bodies of incredibly vivid
Head examined the fruit and flowers very
csrefully, and 'Mud enraptured, trandex•
"It mut be ! - and it is ' said he, at
last, "Well, IM I•ve not died with•
out seeing it."
"Wh t r
"(Me of the most vAuable prodoctions
of the earth. It is a cochineal This is
the Tenet -tree."
"11 ' indeed," said Helen, indifferently:
is used for • dye ; but it is not
probable we shall require to dye anything,
the discorery seems to be more CUP101111
than useful."
"1",e1 minted wens ink. This pigment
mixed with lime juice, will form a booth -
a temeup ; they were rolled up and
ful rod ink. They men secured about half I
put away, then they sat do ye anal made a
very hearty meal, for it waa now pest two
They re-entered the brat, and pawing ,
race more intoalie morons they found the!
channel of the bayou as it approached the ,
northern shore more difficult of range 1
tion. But the time occepied in ther pre
paratione heal been ala000cupieti by Nature, j
-the tele lied roe led,and thecuthir "tuck'
immovably in the water -way, about six
fathoms short of deeper water.
"What is to be done nom inquinel
"We meat await the rain of the tide I
fear we ars imprisoned here orthreshours
at least."
Them n.. help fin- it. Helen merle
light of the misfortune. The spot where
they had landed wax enchain! between* the
1110 1411104 of the lagoon.
They waiketi along the shore to themore
°utterly, and the narrower chennel, anti,
on arriving, Hazel found toho great an-
noyattem that there waa ample water to
h Mated the cutter had he selected that
the least promising MA11. Ile emigrated e
&return by the marl they ceme,and peening
Imo the other channel, by thot le read, the
sea Thee Mimed back, Mainland by this t
lime the tide haii left eutter high and
ou the sante M, they haat no choice ,
but to wait.
'laving three holing to Tare, Hazel ask •
Mee Uolleaton's pennisition to amend the
monntain Rim amented to remain near T
the Maat while he wee engaged an thie ex-
pedition. The ascent was two rugged and
steep for her lowers. She seeomparaini t
hen to the the hank of the smaller ,
which he forded, and waving an when to „
her, renamed into the dense wood with d
which the "Memoir the mountain ',cerecloth -
she waited mem time, anti then turned ,
back towards the boat, walking elowly,but1„
pautect se a faint and distant cry reached '
her ear. It WAS not repeateaLand thenshe
entered the grove.
After waiiiienng for acme time, she
gained the &limed the grove neer the host,
nal selecting 11/.1 at the loot nf All aged t
'prams, "he sat down with her hack against
trenk. tihe fell into reverie, and teen t
reverie ante droway limper. How long ir
he remained iti chili state des could not re- t
menaber, bet a slight nettle overhead re•
celled her nerve. Believing it to he •
irel moving in the breeches she tria re- th
signing herself again to rest when she Ire- te
came •soothle rd • itrour •rto- t
Tbe Toronto Resolutions Adopted.
A 'nesting of the merchanta and triders
of die towel of Goderich was called on last
Tuesday evening, at the Council Chamber,
which was attended by the principel mer-
chants to take into conaideration the ne-
carry steps to abate the present silver
W. M. Sewage, Earl., was appointed
Chairman, and Wira. Donaghy, Earl., Secy.
The chlorine:* having explained the na-
ture of the meeting, that, on account of
the great loss suffered by the business
men of the Town, by taking silver at par,
it was necessary that they ahould adopt
some railes by which silver should be re-
ceived at the same disoount //1 which they
were compelled to will it fur, in order to
convert it into current fends, and recom-
mending the adoption of the agreement es
ntererl into by the Tomato merchants.
J. Detlor, Esq., reed a letter from
Mr. Fisher, merchant, Clinton, intimating
hat the merchants there and in ffereforth,
ad adopted the Toronto agreement, pro•
•ided Gederich done eo.
The Secretary then read the agreement
AA entered into by the Madness men d
When it W4A moved by W. Kay, Kat,
seconded by C. IC. Archibala, Seq., that
he agreement a• entered into by the weer-
hanta of Toronto, be adopled by this
meting. After the matAer wee eveneele
lammed the almve resolution eras amine
twenty adopted.
C. Crabb, Esq., was then apeniellea
the Trude. to prosecute any lefrhage-
mot I d theagreement sad be receive lines,
Moors. Kay, Series, mut Defier were
'pointed • committee to essvass the
awn for signature' fo the Mt
item also agreed dual wash should eon-
• te the sum of 20e. WWII* defesYlelig
is expense of printing, ea. Mt wast 0111P
her resolved that the espresuall &SW
o into force anti effect es Meesday asith.
he 20th mat.
The meeting then sajourgien Mil Wed-
nesday evening, te receive the report of
e committee appointed te resseive Sipa-
The Society met a000rdieg edia""1-
nt, when the committee reported that
hey had snomoded in obteitaing NI dem- '
rim, and hoped et obisiin wore MU.
A noner•tree W114 then appointed to
sit noon the Ranks and see whet arrasse-
enta can he entered Into for dee ear, -
tem of the American Weer, Ile More 116
e next regular meeting to be Sold
'mince Chamber ou sent Ideseinty wow
ameerely triad that the
II he erred out by all, is pipo flak
, an- I
notion teat something mu watching her 1 „,,
ith a fixed gthe like cast her evesaround, 1
bet saw nothing. 8he looked upwards. tr,
rem the tree Iminediately above her lap ,
epeederlasnek,e ila tail coiled amend a I ,
tad branch The reptile hong straight, m
ts emu fixed like two rubies nprun Helen's, ei
very slowly it kt nun down hy its am I th
ding tail. Now ita head wee en a level !r,
ith hers ;in another moment it niustdmp ) et
to heeler.
Ahe esta peralynd Ai
it ie not right that OUP
Sh41111d tre sehjected to • 111.111111:Mahlekitaillest
Aber toiling Hi, • rn•pd aftl itsep mt. •
reeler ad the growi Aorapeomosi trade,
the profits now eharged easettd ~mat. '
ftf.IPTER XXvitr
something of which Canada might well be
proud. We had now found in the country.
gold, copper, salt, du., but they would
find on timer route silver for everybody.
(Applause.) If the members of the asso-
ciation would simply tell the truth with
reference to what they could see, it would
eertainly Lathe dawn of a new state of
thieve. Ou behelf of the President and
Aerators be wished to extend aourdial wel-
come to the gentlemen of the Press.
Mr. Ca:uphill, President of the Associa-
tion, responded to the sentiments of Mr.
Hon. Mr. Robinson rid this excursion
would have the effect of pointing out the
rose or Genera of the great disp&rity ex-
haling between theenterprise shown by the
Americans on their side, and the North
shore, which waa much richer in minstrels.
It waa not for him, in pretence of the Hon.
Premier, to say much about his mineral
lend policy, but if the Association would
five him a good dig 111 the ribs on the sub-
ject it week' not be diseaateful to the
Directors of his railway. (Laughter and
Judge Gowan made a capital speech, in
the course of which, he spoke"( the pier-
ure it pve him to see the !edam present,
and he thought if editors would Beheld their
articles to their wives, a mood deal of the
bitterness would be removed.
Mr. Cuinberlaantl introduced the Hon.
.1„ S. Macdonald, who, on ruing to speak,
was reoeiveal with • mend of applause.
The Hon Premier said he did not feel ex-
actly comfortable there. (Laughter.) At
the gatherings he waa accustomed to, it
WAS usual te give and receive pretty hard
blows, but here, all appeared to be in sweet
sword. It was difficult, however, for him
to avoid peliticsaltopther, especially when
the Alpena Diatrict was mentioned. In
fact, he hardly knew how to treat the sub-
ject. [Mr. Cumberland. -"Treat it labor -
ally 11 (Laughter.) He thought his
friend, Mr. Cumberland, was not quitedie-
interested an getting the people of the
Preset to visit his Constituency. He wee
...ire tee people of Algoma would be proud
to receives fug and inettontial body of
men, who would be able to inspect the
region for thenissivea,and edvise the Gov-
ernment as to ite wante an.1 necessities
(Applause.) While he acknowledged the
large influence of the Press, he was gener-
aUy prepared for any attack from it. 'The
President of the Arociation had said he
hoped the government would not forget
the Press, but he (the speaker) sometimes
wished the Press would forget the Gover-
ment. (Loud laughter.) He was delight-
ed thus to meet with the lights of the in-
tellect of Crawl& comingon such a mission,
anti if they could instrueltheGoverament,
practieady, in what Mr. Cumberland call -
ea • liberalpolicy,hehad nodoubt it would
be entered int.. (Applause.) However,
it was better to prorate! cautiously -to
movo too slowly rather than too fast. The
Government invited °ensure when they
were deserving of it. Ile policy waste not
grant huge tracts of land to indivaduala or
emeranies. In fact the Government look-
ed upon the miners/ Ian& as Banks of
Providence, which it would Ise very wrong
to rob uselessly. Hs trusted that in the
mum of the summer • policy would be
adopted with referenee to the region ie
qmition, which would ineet with the ap-
proval and sappori of the penple. (Ap-
plause.) He repeated that he WAS dashed -
ed with thisgethering. It was the first tens
he had had the pleasure alerting them in
thia capacity. He fruited' the anneal reset-
inp of the Press wonid continnteand that
by die 111111110111111111 they thus enjoyed, "di-
rge mold ISM tie bickering' and per-
manent seereptimes indul in. Af-
ter thaskiss eonipanijor e eordial
'The celebrated writing Teacher, Mr. reo
Putnam, has just finished hia second term f
in our village. A great many, young and °
old, availed themselves of the opportunity
of attending this class. Mr. Putnam haa
sustained his reputation here; as in other
places, end should he ever return he may at
expect to be enthimatically received. an
Brucefield. Coe. • om
A young man of' Ynegiard was des for
think, something to do Yeah it ; whet-
thet teal committee of the Provincial Ke-
ever was the comae, the judges concluded
hibitien in Hamilton on Saturday, and
it was not telling the truth, and threw it
wil; emit the palace grounds, to determine
I aeide, and thee we are without the role -
on improvements necessary.
o tive draught ef each machine -a very
material point. The judges merely gave Olen. Simens, of Lacrosse, accomplished
their opinion as to the best mower in the his feat oa walking 1000 'Mir in I2i days
hl wdecisimbte coal: lobeugit cafe c°tiullnietheni'; dreaefipining oneittmllerhiargest but one in the
utilities are Meted. In the single Mower United States is heated at Clinton lows
t MreMmith s Junior Mower, ander- It is worked by an engine of nine hundred'
e through, so that left only two compitetors. would furnish employ/aunt for one thou.
tunately broke down when nearly half horse lower, and when in full operation
d 'The first prize waa awarded to William flell, sand men.
the second to Hugh Green. file The wheat barren in Elgin as
c The committee of management aro anx.
the Reaping Match as won se they find a hi,. decreased aleoit f10,000 during Ord
nearly two weeks earlier than laat pier.
eete Tie profit. re the London Timis
iinie to get a field of heae,y Fall Wheat ter
tire!). by the pen.
suitable field, duo ratios of time and pines met ye
Or In Olouchester Count , Ont
will be given.
in the woods.
damage has been done lately by tho firee
elre his said Landon contains hilly 10,-
000 persons who puppet themselves en
• mess weep "
It was in the year 1817-1 wee he the re- open te eoupetitors from ell
commendation of f
ceva, tie ime
,,_tele'eutheror. PleY, em.11 fentseihr, 1.41,1te hew. 411b Bre,.
men , mu. leave work to assiet farmers to put out
(P.bhoh•A by Mignon ) .
MM. The Quebec Provincial Exhibition,
el.( The Gatinean rafts an had to
of the
y ove with • young lady who id
the plate and glass washing of • hotel in
Paris. Had 'told his love' arid was rejected.
Hit took it meth to heart and resolved to
emulate the Duke ad Clarence in the way
of departing thm life. He entered the
cellar, Neatened the door behind, sat on the
floor, turned on the taps of several huge
casks, and quietly awaited tall the flood
arose. When discovered he was nearly
dead, the wine having almost got up to
the right place, his mouth. The landlord
kicked and cured him. ,
A yor No and festive lady is trader arrest
n Guelph, charged with stealing a horse
and buggy.
A new rifle has made its appeanines in
Pans, called the revagene, which, awned-
ing to the assertions of ita inventor, eclip-
ses both the needle gun and the Chaesepot,
and can be fired 40 rounda per minute, or
2,400 per hour.
- -----
Tea corporation of London did • grand
thing on Friday fortnight when they hand-
ed cheques for £200,000 to the represent -
&tier of the proprietors of Southwark
Bridge which is now free to the public for-
• - -
Tee ADVIINTI'lli of ram. Patch has been
repeated in England, in the preeence of an
a.imiring crowd, with • like fatal result.
Thome" Worthington, the "star diver,"
advertised that he would dive from a plat-
form into the Derwent, 90 feet below. A
very large crowd of people was present.
Worthington made the perilous leap, but
by an involuntary turn qj his butte In the
& Mho, fell upon hie chest and was instantle
killed. His hody did not rise again until
• spectator recovered it by diving.
A New TTP1 MILTAL. -The California
Mining and 8cientific Press of a new type
metal which is produced at the Montezu-
ma Smelting Works, in Bernie -aka county,
Nevada.. The metal is obtained by separ-
ating s'Srer from the ore, and is composed
of about thirty parkin! the Med and seventy
pens antimony. The metal, with slight
additions, is said to be gummier to that
need in the F.aatern &tiara It is eet down
in pigs of about seventy pounds weight.
A shipment of twenty tens has been made
to the type founderiee of New York. The
metal is said to be produceel so cheap as to
put all competition out of the question.
Rome of the iron fotanderies and machine
mime in whisk sh" received me ishops F141111 Francisco are now using the
the Hos, gentleman insumed his Janie mid for jounsals in place of the
o ast amidat loud applause. Bahia metal.
Er. fount, K P. P., for Routh Simone,
also made a eplesilid speech
The President intreduced Miss Rye,whn
WW1 received with repeeted rounds of ap-
After taki a partin look at the beau-
tifully idea town o Allendale, and
giving three imagine cheers for Hon. J
MeDemald and their generous home who
were to go no fertheethe party were whirl-
ed rapidly into Collingwood, under the
mare of ornadeeter Amens and sagumer
Pierson. _ _
Camino Onawnwo. -The Ottawa Teen
mentions the reesipt the following tele-
gram at the Capital from Boakerville,
British Columbia. " Cariboo oslebrales
to -day July 1st, and sends enratulationa
Ood Save the Queen and the IMminion."
The people of Canada will heartilyreepro-
caes the sentiment, mid enmity aria in
haetening the day when British Oehinthia
may be made part and parcel of the DOT -
f.rorrorir flonrwirt.---We have rewind
latatee that hemp...nit front the wholesale eetablishremit of W. c
appointee= there will not be mord, than Chewer & 00., Toronto, the _mitteemmerr
rets-frierth a erne of poaches in Dela- extra number of this portlier Itenflign pee
010. 41140 emann• Otte gledleman has 'milted Its matents are of the nest enter
odd his whole mop to • Nee York finn of Iight He -waters, and the illestrations ars' T
for 1011A1 per beaks*, the pentharr too pick both minverreis and beate iful For sale al 1g121
them and tate them from the orchard. Moothoisse'e. w hie
nothing else. a a ur tax u
Mr Stark leaving Mnderedhisresignatio
as Inspector, It waa moved, seconded 11111
carried that the emigration of Mr Stark as
Impactor of Inns and Houses of Publi
entertainment are be not accepted, and
that he be requested or (otherwise obligedto
bd Jim/1meg. deirpcdtedie duties required of him sa
It wa• moved, seconded and carried
That the report of Mr. fe Stark Inspector
of Inns ter Le accepted bet isnot a eal
o insamuch as it us moomplete,
to show that he hae dieratiamearte elortera'll
of his office.
Rooms Ituniancs.-The Merehante
fleatorth are determined to do away with
tt.rivehilverch nitemamememagroodlievingto phieitldmazeer
demount of 4 per cent, and imposing •
penalty of 1160,00on any one found break ing
the agreement.
le Fe
Merrentree. -Mr J. Rae, who resided
on Mr Douglas's farm was killed last
Tuseday lay sunstroke. An inquest wee
held by Coronor Tracy nf Seaforth the
rine evening. Tbe verdict of the jury
ilailnattharoktet.he deemed came to his death by
killed last Thursday week by the fulling
of a bent at Mr Barris's barn ranting.
The bent fell on has head smeshing in the
skull and causing instant death. The
decered was only ten Maya married.
EARLT HARYIST. - Mr John CILIller011
and Mr George Cheaney were cutting
their fall wheat last Tuesday 14th init.
Ames/dr. --On Saturday when Mr.
Hugh Chesney's hired man, Patrick Mo -
Key, was driving the team to the field, the
reins ot ta led h f th
take them eft when the horses became res-
tive and ran off at a fearful rate ; pea Mc-
Key fell between the horses and was tram-
pled tomhoth wheels went over him,breek-
lee his molar bone, brnisine his heed, and
otherwir severely injunng him. Drs.
V moods and Coleman are attendinghim but
he lies in • very dangerous state.
Remnant s. -Mr Helder of 'Manley was
killed last week by sunstroke he was
buried hut Thursday at Reneseseld.
- -
An aramistion hoe been formed ill
Washington to rake /30,000 among the
mimed people to perches, a homestead
for (len Howard. It is proposed to col-
lect bet one cent from mak odored mu,
woman and child who feel dispesed Seger'
that mech. It is believed Meek oat a
4,600,000 people of color le the Didiml
9taees, at least 3,0110,000 will redrUmile,
which will make the stantreneed•
money is to be oollieted rough Sanday-
school', day-eahoole, sad Menvehm 01
whole eountry.
. eat
There are new- 1111Weemetele MO
Kingston Penitentiary, sheet 1410 41 IMO
being in for merrier
na Parsenayan wee bee NM limit
,non,onno, airs••• doiabling 41164,
h is f247,000,0110.
y es Dominicon, will be open in ontreal on
aa pnvate tutor in the rorl's family, the the 15th of September next, anal continue
late Earl (as his portraits which ha in for foam days.
the hall at the Oaftle
a swaggering boorish air, his conduce while!
was a ur- tree Tom Thumb end party are trairig a
ly man, stood six feet in hie boots with , trip through New Brunswick.
as hie "manors had • servile sheer hoer hat.
in the presence of those wham. he
about it only to be seen with the Wing
of the last oentury, in saluting you to re
-rd. sih; in rrellertaton, N. IS., on Ma
The 11101.11lowsetwe erwe 4.4 __ turd.,
him pull his forelock with hie rnht hand 0:144 .Knetzted.i,yrni, ..thime Ike,. Ntteish. VBocarun.lia.ti,ckie
while he would at the same time make • IW Captain Bninnel, of the 10th
Reyals, Ottawa, hail just died of disease
ecrePe 'with hie left loot look ing aii awkward contracted (luring the Fort Erie raid.
as a brat of • boy canght by his mistress in
as inferior to himself had they but the mis-
the act of kissing the milkdmid ; but with fr
his squeak and thou whom he regarded et
cootie were killed.
of last week. Several persons and teeny
,/-11 V41 Mlle parts of the Peoria," speak
Idisgrace himself by boon seen in theircom- approve of the idea. tender 1.7tk,
I iii, you can't (10 11, 1 gum not; nosh. 'ee ; Hon. Francis Hineke is likely to succeed
i se he cancel the reformers, he would not
fortune to differ in opinion with him, you 0.n. ja. Th. ottAws r7,0.4 3,,,,e,
then had to deal with thetyrent braggart
out let the conversation turn en politics.
Wary, ketch him associating with, the rads
Ilse Earl as everybody knows was • great •
and bully, he would at one. tell you its •
lewd of rolonck as (lovernore-leilaral of
ea,,,,te gives currency in the atatement ;
°Nr(t)tettssawyas imrre6t is rePrmportedd"tth'adt ttlhase
I pray. I mum not, no sir 'ee,the Earl, like
most landed gentlem,,fenthi.nr.,the Coliter.ty,,iwisese
on the nom m lesion , the Connecticut river with shad and
that a gentlemen, s Dematerat, living hi
mdiuon are moos to be placed in the river.
Hadley'. Fall, and several thousand young
Active premrations sre making to stock
o f8sehtand flarf "re h a t wo lir! ngtan pethratdamyTeant.
paparsaye : It in reported
Mernary and L'Etemenserit
dicalism, aod testing the sincerity of ite
im.trartet,inassiththeish.seolnisty, nib eau ai g
rotaries and advocates, invited • certain'
opening the ore gave a kokat dr. Cahnly1 teal to hie home to stay over night
r if he would randier him, called him aril'‘'',1th him, and st therms time invited •
interloper, mid he was no gentlemen or 1 oun and a brother' On Pm" the night
lie would not costs and sit on his bench !Meier hie hospitable nrif. awl tirne arrir-
without getting an levitating' from him and :lag, nur Dor,,,,,Atie friend took •
much more to earns WS* Kr. Oalm- !heat are' rondArted the " brother" to -.
ty said ha was not awersaill Ike law pre !fools, and minted ora the mom he was
the Earl any extensive pidaddalies in such %Wert Nem, der the radical gentie
al11181. The her witness was ilms sidow's Me (1) desired,, whoto retireistba intuab.dnere. feke1d.40.1
son, end almut the elstmeliketelitiess hfr. ikesondticted him so li. Nu" renal, Ina
Calmly oohed the wilasso st wissi Vow ha ' Corned hien that he wes 14.1 110ellpy the
quit working for the defesdant, the Peril lame hey
in a great rep said the witness shards. I the ItedirAL emu- -," maths answer.
11W1W it ; 1 1,0111 have it, I wre'l let bilk ; " What ' tem nivel. r iwiiraintly ertiirl
I Knees not, I wean be digested to by A' the !Wheal ; " roe 601 think thi.it I'm
geared, _thee. os,,i,rat'esto, maims 11\411Wien:autnaMatas is hh.../14117:ogntry,,At.4104,,Wfnro.1111 hotel. ..15.0"7..onne f an' i'',. fi.
galled for the prossention, defeedant Tag.; lest emr„ini; do,.. wm •iiii quint relay.
Immo witnesses to mins be mu ' von me en,' m. tootle, sod teal and disih.
' areilmwte, the UM said I wept Willi on yu, mow' b, gg og'ifi ti,se yea wont., great!
I gem mit, yow shouM have yonr WI. 40 negro every, opt -privilege and immunity '
=ail heamsoirurvy. 7.1r.: top,ibesie•Olins 0 th^is mienh!(17.04/01:1„inhayma:ottAhs,ourr else). nth, pntinrsnitient.m714.
13•1111011 114helt IAA hr the way ie Al kir. tee st,,,ii c m 0 ry (Mt year Peam7 -10 In
and betty ate the Earl himself and tem., there with yew e
once of a well to-do widow woman seeing •
eeighbor for her son's wages, the Earl hav-
ing the reputation of ruing the «immi-
nent right Ns who would be wrong, twinned
the defendant, I presume t3 ask another
magistrate tn sit on the bench on this ne
ration, but iits some men are born great-
e st are some it would seem, born to misfor-
tune, for in en unlucky moment he invit
ed a rad (a Mr. Calmly by name to hear
the rase with the Earl the 1 after
i ,
• di
'11‘. ,
1, 11
-11 I 'I
i 1
• 1