HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-07-23, Page 1•
{` w
1V.T.00Z, luso lindProprietor.l
00.00 air sAvNiq LD o Ir It Kms'
*13usincee 1Dircdorn. Business Dirccto!V.
I)►. P. A. t(e0orCa11
„int„intl. go, aT NOMI POa CONIULTATI
TV ywu Melina. a . eery der• Will
Okra at say beer •Irr•nr+, w,kt weer w41
MTIIC11N, SURD 109, 4.lea, Di0pa31m
w,,(-4 W.
r I)R Mrf,RAN•
P .ccdaICI
d1300Ih a J.+
(1.M• n1DniIIf tCIVRJ• M.1�•
LIC W11 ATR CyaL lies o Pr MMOIl OMID1R ro �'
DW)WI. C. s. 041ee one 10
' R10LA1O 1111101111.PRTn1CI t7. e4MRON Asa
1 y. Vii. -Assess►*. N•ncn.aocC win
Ile. Mtnenner. Et•tcu.rN
DUATI /the 14.01,11t n,ai ha...M of
halrerenv, Twat • n ler ark. Himmel and
New Yak. Itmdretw U srif! loft
IeWS) Rae •*Id,
I.n dealt•,
BARRI'4TIR 4tD ATpwt•rII•AT•LAW. •••
gam +r_.n.t•hewer, never ('l' 3 Al me,,
°Ga.rkk, Cam% wea. Ogee i•" fl Imre.•I4440
Al. r. • ih memnn,
Draws. sewot, 0miolik C. R. Mf.
.1nhet newtons
AwR.19TEI tTrIthOlEf,1p1.N'IT01'3eu.tN-
Min, lir. e,.e,•m, YsA.i flet•, Cnr'.rr a
•lir &reel. O,d•rle► Lit
'[roan. Ar *Room.
ATImiw1R. nn Wr owe *r. 0e4w60. C. w,
U. Mahan; New Work. UMW 0. *venae
Isaac r. Tore
Os4.n.b, Amiss TU. W I,
OruN the direct road twin oe•forth to
Walk.rton. Every u'e.iaary 1330m-
ssod►tion for the travelliee nubbe.
Wroxeter, Nov. S, 11267. *42
H. s. CIJIHINOHAY, Prcpneter•
L Fru *TED or+ the owner on the Northern
13 Orwvel Read. Lurknn r, et ia.e leave every
*013me 4.0 rl",krieb an W•ler,ton. Tor
inset N lilted rip w th every nrc040,00tsUon for
corntertnd Ira Italian. A ler.. 'W1 attached.
mesal. 19/1
IOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th
arra taud hestC.wnlry 'tote! le Wester
.ansls,•nd ebarg r at w'd.req ,. u♦ 11 in.
a Nnrh•H. ei•se Proprettor. limed ••aldmg for
WO Horse.. herr. and Climaxes for Hee es
S torte.t Not.. --- 144,1
Tvariety keeps the levet
anMi S
d bast of
Goderich• Adroit "_'ad. lbelti eerily
117 PCs weld. lrod,••,m.
RRARRIeTRR: r ur1RvM. N,L�(t1r.row,e...n �
)Meat, w.w wnel emlmwe ger doer walla voIr/' Oa/ow
Jnnn H. IiaMort
ATTDRCF.Y-tr.f.tw.eorretr•nIN(ma N,E-RT
New. n.s^. 1•..,..', .*,..•:..' i..`.N'MMI COO D
Noma, 0arv, rt tot mak
..b. ' ee,W per bar or 3 Ion I0 L•. •.,e
Nom n.wn C,Ron-x.-w +h•
F. -. int -yo -el.
AT1'trv_tr tow orrevFV•N.
w A e Bees nor rhe .Lee ..f Meant .1 ,'
Draw a C.. rr.r of Wake 41'. re and Note
es .o . Oodeneh .
Jerre 1 Iwo,
Ilo11w k winsome.
nrrn, Mn ATI ftde e3I 4 l0UCr/DRR-
R. l.. Dura awl W R *. a•tA.
wale.... w•..ww-
...r rwl.ar,Ar. w•laaw Como /1/
Wini.vvt it. Ultra. Ig. A.
CCA4Scat, 4ND L%'Y Orrintmove. naw
Medleys 1.n.-3• m'••' lh(reaeN.
w. IL -C ,r,.avinf. M•+wr ,.wt en terse
wow Morsel .M 14.•••••••• nem In mon
Q•1•00•1. fl•..rad. Dm. M1* *.
'. WAL.1C H.
Ar1pRfRY7 *34 M.. westet.aaWM. Wiwi*
eery, °.w.w4e�t•+w•.
M. 1414eona*r.n.
fARIt1.TFtt►rrM7'oL .feT. n)uCtLo.
Owen. rem.
1/. 1TeT,nnwwll
MOW 4TTInN'FR. R•T►1lLn. em .
I4 H.laa *41.3 ." •fI+Y' m 3333.337 pewst�i r4
.est r.
La. M. Harlin.
/lt.Tt. ►'t tr3RRR ACD er7RVRTOR,
i Agent at Larentramiat, I,,,... lee.
.TA%teen FF,rnr t_r lr)M'.
Rar^.ntt.o. P mors. woe
TO. 1.. CA+iPI R'.i.
RrMI 11. Lien s'•RM
TRT., nlat1WWr9•
I tr. Olio to Mr. Crain Der •rm el
w3, . _ / a•w.•riar 3.0 *earn c_ :an
R r.
N •••••••
lime, Seg.. et •mA.w wet reecho iwiparale.s'
JOUW lt$7404V • Js.
W..* et 1 ,r WNW
041.0 -most eseakeeine• M en men. Oo4M.a
0,00 • barrel ar 10ensue per Folks M Mme M
Ma al 1P are PUT ASM FAC-
TORY, .r m• Meet.
Gainer.. Demi. Tal. 1.00. moo
Malcolm Nicholson.
TEETII inserted in either Pia
Dna. amid Sliver. nr Vulcan
Med Renner on reaenn"Me terns.
y1'4)5 M over the Poet Odle*. Wein Street
Coeench. •
Che Greatest Possible 3ooli to the Greatest Possible Number."
Business Directory. f 1$usilit`;s i]ittetotrpr
rue.iwtmg ie part of Wr•t of Berland Rr.w
•alba, Hatmn, Whun..., Benok,a•, Fu
g imbal, Scotch ,•nd French' rwaed.,r•.h,oer• •
Doeskin*, and a gamete of Cco•dun Clot' •
Plain, Sanie, sed Flowered rooms*, II1," I
Move*, leaps. be -dee.
Hr feels r'.nIdent of prier nue6rt+oe to .
who may tavorhw with their onkn-
TWEED SUiTs (alb wuul)412 and upw*r.l-
AT N. 3. -Cutting done to (yA.r. ,Ae
Goderich, Sept 230. 11 4. --_-
rear Dutra To -
which he is prorated to make up in lite short-
est notice, and Cheap for Carib.
31.033,,,Is, April ft, lain was
Comma, Preece Kdwmrd Ca, C. W., Mareb, 111117.
M i.••.. Yoe•* A C n, -Ser., Smog PM -
leo within nu own perm„ sae team . el 4•• • molt-
:nuet will indeed ewe lir rrr•anla•.m ad 1/70 13•
mtat to orao ter nrw er.ender °elk. earth 0 1143 1 hove been w,relr .bawled a rho 133
'r ars e.' ed:., t the I.rl.n' statement* web
Complete( .rT temperas 1 ...i •Imam at
neve ens• .o..taa3.he a. h, .
ha pun: . laluau all whorl,, ee.a,a,al p�tl. dr,.wwn-
f)C1'.: and sells Yew. York Drill* -Green- ,
bar ta-Nattonalcm-retie,-State notes, 1
awl occurrent mosey at earrent rate of •
191h Uee..16C5. .47-I eve O
(Rimeeuorlon . H,It eyiol Js)
COY ./• /los. Sys.••,O.ni•I sr*
'malena,■.d Irprleret
N(YfiCE is hereby given that LESLIEJOHNSTON is no longer an Agent for
the above Company, his services having
been di.pevt•ed with. Mahe.; no uithnritr
to oke risks nrtransact anyuther haziness
whatever Ute the Company.
D. C. Mct)ON-1LD, Sec,
London, Out., May 2R, 1868. w2,,-tf
Hair, 'Tooth. nod Nail Hrosher.
3030*, term, .w1nY. De.errlw,
0A1D3N ass D', &C., &17.
The heat for the past few days has been
most intense, more s, than upon any
former ,occasion, in this section ; even
with the breeze off the lake the thermom' -
tor stood, in the shade, on Tues lay as
high as 94", and no doubt it rose 'mil 0Y MUSLIM RRADi AND
higher. To -day (the 16th) there is a re-
freshing breeze off the lake which makes
all the difference.
In Toronto, on Monday, thethsnuona°. I'one anluaf-
ter indicated in the shade, at 3 o'clock, lir Shetook th f theh d b
and it was raid that 100° was reached be-
fore du.k. On Tuesday some three deaths
from the extreme heat oocurred.
Matters were *till in this uncomfortable
'and mysterious state. Hazel put has finish-
ing stroke to her abode.
He wet in nigh spirits that evening for
he had made • dscovery ; he had at put
found time for a walk, and followed the
river to its source, a very remarkable lake
aovcllAv1.r. I in a hilly basin. Near this was a {pond,
the water of which he had tilted and
found it highly bituminous ; and oinking
further research., he found at the bort,,
of the of the rocky ravine • very wonder -
1 tel thing. a dark resinous fluid bubbling
up in quite. fountain, which, however,
fell down again u it erre, and hardly any
over&owed. It was like thin Dutch,
_ IVOL. XXI.-NO �c
kis own words againf:thim ; f'*. is elicit
to remember all he said to her hale day,
NW • ponder it at night. "Trample on it,
subdue it, or never speak tome again. Ah,
I am an ungrateful wretch to speak w
harshly to you. It u my misery, ltd me.
Good, kind, Mr. Hazel, 1), pray, fray
bring all the p330.133 of that great mind 41
bear on this one thing, anal nave • pour
girl, to whom you have been so kind, so
considerate, w noble, so delicate, w for-
bearing ; now save me from deepa.r."
Hyeterioal cabs cut her short here, and
Hamel whore loving head she had almost
tort rt of his body, could ort17 father cut
e way o shore ; an e � in a broken armee, that he would obey her.
got his cart and spine, and weal post -
wall sora*, in soother hour he was back "191 work o.. morn fur you at preterit,"
hate to his clay pit. He rondo a yuantty said he, 'Mwest asithas leen. I will thank
of bricks, and brought them home, and pod there with • great p ,i sad half filled it. Instead. I will
Olean N0 dry to t11n am He alae, cut It was not Ilk* water • it did not bubble go
u this moment beneath
In Belleville, on Monday, the Daily great pieces o,f the turtle, and wreppod
Intel/grower says : The thermometer went them in fresh banana -leaves, and inclueod
up to 11TJ" in the shade t, -day, and as then' in clay, Ho then tried to make •
narrow-ne:ked vessel and failed
may be expected the number of paotcetriatts utterly ; s, he nada the clay into a great
remarkably resrkably small. Men tried to vain rude platter like shallow milk pen. Then
to find a canal place, for even on the shady he peeled the sago bog, off which he had
aide the wind that blew was hot and fever- out Its wheels, and rubbed it with turtle -
u:., a if from the mouth of • furnace.--
and uung it as a form, pnoluoed two
clay cylinders. 9 hole he set in the min,
The green leaver were withered, the grana with bricks round then/ 10 keep them from
was aa,rvhed and burned, and the very falling. IA.ning a'! these W dry and set
air was so'tiding hot that 0110 had fairly before he ba. ed • a ina, he went off W the
W gasp for breath. marsh forfeits" res. The soil Abeing
Ottawa, ..n Tuesday, the mercury damp tthe trees were covered wt • brow-
In(h31ere from Medical .nen p,enctu.11y attend
ed tort immea Trade Prices. flood at over IOW' in the shade. A l• -
N. H.- Phy.a-un4 Prer•rlpt.on earefu!l)• d'e- borer on the grounds t0 front of the- Par -
naltricb, Jan. 10. 4339. Bement House, died of Suu-.broke, and
the others had to desist in consequence of
LIGHT 1 LIGHT 1 LIGHT the heat.
In Montreal, on Monday, the heat was
ROCK & COAL OILS. sties St.more Janne reel, in the shade on
TheeLondon Evening Adverti,er of the
14th, sate : lenulon, however, topped the
fiery pyramid with a fizzing 1O6°. Think
of that, are perspiring multitudes-.
N.w Toss, July 14. -Tho heat yWlw.
ISA.A.0 FREDERICK day arse the most intense that has been
Tenho New York fur fourteen years. Two' While hrwathusoocupie,l, Miss itnlla-
• nws diol of can -stroke ; thirty-nine ton came from the jungle radpent,oarrying
Pevegetable treasures in her apron , First
Persona wen taken to Bellevue Hospital, she produced some golden appleswith red-
, three of whom died. At 4 p.m. the thaw- dish hales. • se much by a dlnlg of the shoulders, and
mometer stood at 97'. - "There," said gine ; "and they smell then gave a sigh that told her mind waster
Earning Fl id Lea Oils.
8 P
For Said by
aneenekJam.17.Ibt•• r. JORDAN.
nub red subetanee scarce distinguished
But he also found an the same neighbor- nudes 're in the bower, and melted his
hood a long Cyprarhaired moa that /oe- I pitch which had become nearly solid, and
sued to him very promising. Ha mads proceeded to smear the insideof the matting
. 0,0311 trial. and raced gait.. stack 01 � In Plaits., to make it thoroughly water -
fern lave.. B, this time the sun had ' ttght,
operated on ice thinner pottery ; so he I Helen treated the du.:overy at first with
lead down six of his thick tiles, and mortifying indifference ; but he hoped she
lighted a fire on tart m with dry battens I would appreciate Nature's bounty more
leaves and cocoanut, ect, and such light I when .he saw the practical use of this ex -
combustibles, lir ndnctinn. He endeavored
rdm v
V. and , fru p
hardened m ud143 until hn hated a
had l to lead her to that view, She .hook her
..01the clay ; then he put the as-
h.M oa one sale, and swept (the clay head• som,wfully- He per.uto•L Rbc
d am ;thou h0 put the fin on again i inet him in aileDoc. He thought this pan-
• made it hotter and hotter till the , loth, and ungrateful to Heaven ; wo have
day began to redden, I all different measures of the wonderful ;
anal 4, hint • fountain of pitch was a thing
to admire greatly and thank God fur ; he
and *3 ieleuch.
'r . Helen it was nasty stuff, and who
cares where it cerin. front. Rote convoyed
w high, when some had been taken ; w the .ran sod think all night."
he Just tlwik w•ut be cunld `et. The young woman was now leaning her
PunuiaaQ leu rewoanhr a little (lir- head languidly back agam3t ore of the
ther he found a range of rocks with snowy tree., weak as water after her parion. He
summit. appareutly ; but the wow was ,wt a lank of ineeable love std pity 00
the guano of centuries. He got t, the her, and withdrew slowly to thick beneath
westernextremity of the idwd, u. an- the tranquil elan. .
other de.•p bay or rather brmuh of the Iw,vn has set roan hard tasks in his time.
sea, and on the other gide of it a tongue of Whether the ease light one, our realer
high lard rimming out to sea ; on that shall decide.
{ rounont..ry *toad ■ gigantic palm tree. To Dlr7Uit INTILL1n1N1'* FROM A fizzy
He recognized that with a certain thrill, 131.AND 0111 A 131NDL143 1.140(14 or
but was ins great hurry t, got home with OCIAO.
his pot of pitch, for it was in truth • very CHAPTER 1CXVII.
remarkable discovery, though not with-
out a parallel He could nut wait till
from wood This he had unnted on morning. so with embers and cocoa -nut he
Poughkeepsie, July 14..L -This is the delicious."
fifth hot day here, the .u3rcury reaching Haze) eyed them keenly.
W ATCH MAKER & JEWELER,: 1tltPeach day. "You have not eaten an of them?"
Binghampton, N. Y„ July 14. -The J
WEST ST.. f3ODE1tICII, mercury at this city res@ to 10 2' in the "What ! by myself 1" said Helen.
NeTt door West 6f tfr SlOtls' Saddlery.
'Ana one door E at of the Post office.
•11.1t37.1/11 or
In the best Style & Warrented.
1atwrn or
Bold and Plated Jewelr • Watches,
.•lecke. A, icc.
Comtenaly no hand and warranted In be as
represented, if not money ref•ndid.
woe,""., Dove•wew,n� right . �hr*L,•M.
• mot mar lm., a r., lir. end ' f.•t!y .1.'d
mow*. Hearin your new lethal m•Jwiee the'.re.. The eloek will he sold cheap M make wa
Ikemo.-. Remedy molten of so s'f"h, I I..eAa binge or
orallc fresh snots. If yoo want a really go
PIM,with yaw Pi, Dae. them 1labany 1 ia.d b
do, bra 1 book Molar •34 md ere ewnd my health113.
0 r k go to 1. FrederieVa,
Prom. 1 c.elnsed H and 1 t.er N,rn erasure nadeeie N. 0e,, 22, 103,7, .39.
kine. min Us IeIYM
, air, 1 d teal 1 hare noire roe
Fire %trine al1d Woe Insur3Nee7
IIII1:T is se RL&OOPAlt
Office -[+y'a RIo.k, corner Court House
Square and We•' 4t fl, lvrieh C W
A Tent.
Ooderish. rah Sept.,1846. .3611
AM' ,' "" i i 1 .. STOP A 1� D SEE cavi.and see, hnih imp.,I,�n, and rat hie
JOHN H.U.U.\\, Jlt.,
covered I eat heart, vet hoot n. or un••weu.e.e. 1 am
T _
mmleT 1
web told bare p43.10111 3ending ,• mt
The came motorail w• my 1 woo N3.t,•.f malt tans.
It. W►•m the 0,.31 hlwwan,.erm gearely mer Mang n.
1 herr 300313• ,w+wd lb. Kr.7414:137.7=11r:47•1; w
n M. wn3.343 pier, pedearned so
manly res e.0a,04 hw.11 al/,et3.. 1 sea
AMIt1Utl I: at>va
Arms M Averment remove, r,•,
Mutat dm of.V•erk. leN7
M. CADM.(N. J. r.,
t C,mnrm+n m 0 R-, +n .,d tin, IM
r33 1 rt County 33I' ince l;dw*ro. C. tar.
ETRE subeenher 1121107 REMOVKD to the
GM door smith of IAN ah*m a. Market Square,
wiener to inform his friends in the Town of
G••d•nieh and surrounding eoantry, that he
now hal the !arrest and most complete stock
of Fall and Winter
store Intel. oeeupied by WM. DUNCAN'.
Boots and Shoes
of any Immo in the eou,ury,enetsining every
rale of Ladies' and Children's goods, and
(that lee has al.o a •cry tante assortment of
nen manufacture, which he will sell
-- QLANS ANU'fCr.CtY1Q�'i0N9 rat timid 'I`Ht. 4dk'r' arm+-ta m T-a,mm.ta3 al ma.., Cheap for Cash !
LICR41r*ED *Vert/RERR FOR THE COrlfTT Or r E 4,11,rW and ritn..rEI1V ,",••-• In runt• br
nDEOE , O•e,.: lona p1O ie. neat sad r,wrertngk Ihn uRI.4T IN INAI RE•IBnY TU.r •rr seem. sea
a r U41reat oke H•re• AMwt Msrt,'I" doable en•1 N.emme•nbe ,w,. milks ,rat u, mann** Call and examine, ma he i• satiated that he
--- el Shuars; iedeneh. Iew •I el Iylr the rear M.p,ha„M,,M Arra M,dwl•el et enema- has Juat the goods Ton want.
.raw • a rming l hMmrlw o an elem. nl .roved ear kyr area I• nn* arreable r the Oral
6 A M' L F U FI hS E,
•etw.. Oars, wKl{1 e. Mt hmt aMstllea r Riles
01e�.•et.•sl•e� t• Ma rtoRo SHOSHONRES REMEDY
we. 41'"r`4 r r' ha= t . ,�AAi•j. BARRY & BRQ , rte nkrm. m the Tom.,i t.,nr,, u.n.. D.f..,Ts
gaa�1.11 � e11Mi °Milt M 9 BA 1 03p R ma. 111 A r„ r "r 13. d summa rem ( roar
'AwtrileR Mtr+l, girt IMt _II If.Olit MI„ 14.31,.4 Hnrm3•, aro M +.,wen arena( /own
-�-antway Mr the 1 ,.scan, er II.Mir *u, tMt aha mewl
r ,here veer .Itch • rem n ,heal In rot game M
Aloin reamer -so `3013)17 mintthe Rntrnh
Home of C..r...... by the cam, 1 *even O3M.
team, (tato 4ttriu*lkr m the F. te/.38 3wr1 r r oast of
Me highest elms due Tta4•NUt1.R 1)EaTIOR
tel Agent for oNmk4.
• FORW1t1)E1(8,
!id COMNIscid Y Merchants
OW . Rae iv ,'.r VOIDS 01
L1ME, kc.,
Arent. for lint class Marine and Fire
a1ranea Co entities,
1 11 *.171-,-0fr;4•
Auction & Commission.
Eeatreblirthed 1pKl=.
tSA 1AtI of Mlemetanery MM,•I7 3e (lo lens%
every tlaleld17, led la wens* every Wed-
•*slmy• +ad1.e004 on (,nlgn7 4r 4wmM104a
WINi M relnm.n rasnimend-
.3d on Mr �
Mtetbe..ghwl IM rioter.
0.he. 1 PUEMA 4'16 ,l nrlrew Non.
wow mom*,G"deneh
Money to T,etOOD Rear ate,
eteeper Cond.. fMAN,
n. M. TR(7 • erc. mow carr• .4.4%edwl.h,
Land OMIco.,
ARFJliarre sof ienierred Porro esti w,Y
load IlW nate,TH, r.M t s
. -4 y3•.g.I 4pnre
Owlar4.h Mani I, Mi.
Wilma SW.. 03 ttnrhem, W , of thmarnptamr ; w
thin a Peter C. 3. Ment. IYrwannw", C,m
. N'.. of C-
or that or Aabeam 1Y,,,,,{It, comma, 4'.12,
1 ▪ - . q Omm:fl 1 rid 1.,.tYm
rr Cnrl.mt. ,0 Ih•t .4 dote.
•N• raw. 1', . w n.nmu••m, eM. hal
I rni bean m r,nebe. for 3 sen, ,n spm dA al tre•r..
`FOOD e l U1 1 l ERS .',,,„.'"',`,7.""'"".„'•"1'3'3w.ell o(• hrma
ww,Me M g ; awe
Ir ..5 a tot Dag ;Raw and get a 300.1., a
.e.r..rr.Ma;amel• r ,141,103 the ORP,4 r Rltrtw_
rater sew
, mom
Price of the Remedy in large P,*fs al
Hamilton St Goderich tslwhkhi-wllDram.. and Ika.n M34,
,) t rnr• Apses Aa tfreneh, /. bo;•n as/ Parke
I.YM A Tr, RI.1.IOrT A tan m,W\ro.
IMNRPAUGH 1 331.I`44I4,
2.'IRRR1 47.-
T MP110 laltfrFARK, I ifA)MLT'OH.
A. RAMI I.T0R 1 Cw.
KERP enn.tantiy nn hand for 1.tle al' arti-
BedPteads, Chairs, Tablt;e,
Softs, &O',
)' All kinds of Mond -earning done, such a
Nool-posts, stair bannisters, nec3.yokes, kc
AI way* on hand,* complete
ASSORTMENT OF y r „ f '',.•
ands HEARSE to hire on reasonable terse
Ooderisk, May 3rd. Ladd 11w1n'
core to their line, tuek as
Farmer 3 of Huron
ERAD 033103, nA MILTON.
i1 �1°k••L�- MACE E+TARL1SHRD AN AAE1n11 IN
4kvler34 M3 1hr I'newv. 809.31 (0414.
' sit *Rdenigngd oars ler Vile let 6, eel& , ., g.g.. Warden d Ib. Comity, Ma Misery1 A, Onderieh township.-Bg •ens, fob eneseekd to met ,• I4•.e+o. for erne, Wm.
dared, frame barn, gewrd Isad. The pre Hhsrd�. ase w De3.r`-4 ,n,h. canneries
eries end
perry w only • re le from passant sale walla .. ,I e.1.Mi.hed for n«db w vary h,g4 re-
",nMm•.a r4 R .Morn tree
alt territory e.nnnl he foetid. .; I ,•.mmmny ", Mae meaegnwwmr Th. ,car
IvILI.IAId ELLIOT, ,rinwrn3g is itis rd.npeny i.3) imam r Iwo
Oods4Llle then ens, other n Kahle Cemes.y dhimg nem,.
Esreh 24, 1,14R. 1w N tr m Cana ta,w Ant /T.' II.1+erslelf Issueee trill
�3nw ,h,p,...m ler of cranambel, el,d ,et, asd
and a the railway ria Armee h, honer h t,,,mn tor
tea M p d1
FARM LARDS FOR SALE 1 n.3 wJl a,. � pR 0 1"1"1r3 to .r r►
int 22 I sea. Tswa►n° of Ood.rk► 114
"111.4" •' " Se la
• 4 lake rend west Collieries 1N
" 4 Lab. don 0101 N
Ent +.f let a 11 ti sew. Adgeld fee 3
Int l'1 Nk .o.. es.*llp 117 A'
Poe prier owl
01 uRr1H a. TARPON
O.dwleh p. w.
!7n�►vr 11 1057• wi>A/.
Meer* tine. H. Milk. Haniiinsa L Ala.
B rown, Foe Fmm•wwo' 1 lowwh afoot,
Ta • lbw
1„,e,„lx•• 11•24,m 1 fart LeaR
Lures Cerement., Ha
wane. Watford: A. T. Wend.
J•rom Colder, A'eastern Dahl. Odshowa kW/14
• 'sea M. Pnhw, Moen I nee. rerlr.w
Hew"" , Henry Hell. Ikwlt„w'b 4 Peter dr -
IF. Phmbnfn', Thos. Mellweenh, Hamel
Woes arAp.-We D. Swarm.
,341-. teem lir alnn w N HAROt Aral
,, ' lab Jn4. II01. t.11 erg.,
Goderich, Sept. 2t. let 7.
He was • little mortified, and showed
One word led to another, and at let what
hail Men fermenting came out.
" Mr. Hazel," said she, " you and 1
shade, at 4 p. an., to-day."Thank Heaven " said Has•1 turning I've leen,
'nil ) urp,x,s- Yu" meant" live
pale "Three are the manchanilla, the , 1 .+nut."
A Veritable Bull in a Veritable Ch1- poison apple of the Pacific." Henazeldleftoff working ant looked great-
na Shop. ly perplexed, the attack want so sudden
••rel••• ^'rh, tkln. alarmed in herinee. in ita for, thnngh it hadhoenabmgthrea-
From time imm,•morial the phrase, "• "owl. I ant k.". 0,4 Ow, .m Mime • hat tra- toning. He found nothing to ay, and she
relkn ,rive I,m•.art Iad1 neer TM'.I, A•(d•k Uam was impatient now to speak her nitre', so
aria I tire na.d n,n.ren tot Ir.w /dnwF Into .un ['a 11e'
bull in • I hien glop," hen been marded
levee lie a conception to be reabse.l than a warm, hi yet hate 3. 0.4, t 3..t .io �en•eatnearthing she replied to hs took.
Ira a figure of ep, reh to Conary an idea of p1.rtagi7 d a
1O•"Yon are making ynarmelf at home
the inevitable• de•truct'.on which is purr ••Ne,••wauHere , awl wdamn with her halal to her hen. -You are contented contented 1 You
urn . mke. Ind 1 w so pot a•.l wn.n 1.:=1,
an happy In this horrible prism."
to result from the presonoe of .n uewield- m•m," etc re+: tl,,,,..,l,.d,a,i worm 1 '• Ando why not 1 said Hazed But he
ly and unreasoning force in th•• Midst nf . Mirt*' tkaae.� 1 ..i ;MRo• d a "-'- "ale. booked rather guilty. " Here are no trai-
-rem .de, 3.., s
• fragile and indr(••nsive clement. Few = Inn rd pertti .umrtnina utwa.r.r I•rae e••.e. tree no mu -timers. The animals are my
have ever seen a bull in a china shop, but •• 0, the. N a ..w ,hm.ent gear.- a•,•+ Dant 4.310.1- franca, and the one human being 1 sea
all can appreciate what is likely to fol. teal -O..... i.nts,,o..M rot rr-er.t pot w.. makes no better t. look at her.
If h I t A m.4. ret The fruit t• coat, to wn••11• tri", .oi, anal
ow from each an alarming
g en vee. r•e Iran, .erne. ,ria nano.. T1,- 1,33 h ems m
New York paper rrlatee that one morning the ant r a anus./ .at tri. d
The perplexity into which 11.ae1 mai
thrown by the outburst of his comIrnwn.
rendered hint unable to r.duos her demand.
at once to an intelligible form. For some
momenta he serinu•ly employed hie Mind
on the problem until it eavurne,4 thr.
Fleetly : 1 du not know where this •eland
is, having no mans of ascertaining either
its latitude or its longitude.
Secondly ; 1f 1 hal such *description of
h new' beconve ed
it.lrocalite,h'nrmightt e y
beyond the boons of the place 1
As the wildness of Iteten. demand
bridle up has mind. he smiled sadly. and
at down upon the bank of the plane river,
near his Moat -house, and hnried his head
in his hands. A deep gran bunt from
him, and the tears at last came through hie
fingers, as in desprairhethought how vain
mod Many effort M content or b con-
ciliate her. Impatient with his own
weakness he started to his feet, when •
hand was laid gently ort' hu arm. She
stood beside him.
"Mr. Hamel," .he said, horridly, -Mr
voice was husky, -"do not. mind whet 1
have said. i ern unreasonable and I car
sure I ought W feel obliged to you for all
Hazel turned his fate towards her, and
the moon glistened on the 10are that still
&awed down his cheeks. He tried to
check the ntterence of his aynlnp ; but,
ere he could master hie voice, the errs
cold not constrained features seemed to
melt. She turned away, wising herhanda,
and with a sharp gnterring try, she broke
forth, -
"O air ! O Mr Hazel ! do forgive me. 1
am not ungrateful, indeed, i am not : but
I am mad with despair. Judge me with
compassion. At this m,xnent, those who
are very dear to me are awaiting rely 11-
rival in London ;awl when they learn the
•• Mr.HUM!, 1 tate f mind lar /)( the Pn+erinne how great will b.
that romantic nonsense Jan on me. Betune Meer, I , misery sae , am in
■ n ml
and Ma.., Askel, r 3 u •Mol rr, 03I. 1 4341... 3434 N ' W e 1 that miee is added
tiw . ,h wen both h.4M aha pa ha ell
recently a great antlered bovine, 8n 1in;p l.3.tarr -
the lime hanging heavily nn II IN ha ids, n,e'r,3", Ib. nm. (,m,M h -.nn. -3t to was .cad liner cad amtrnt, and you -erica ►rawer, the neva re•eha hem. And to tMnk flat
.trolled I ianre)v and modestly into the 1003 n. u, th.n n a.t hh gr.a Laow 0.. at •nA ire oM uatann ; why have yea never i am daub to them, yet firing. living help
a,l'^4 nm m.,3n I .h. p'.rr,r. •"d nrnt lmnnn.rtM« �` lo.aly, helt+lealy. Dear, dear, Adlrwr.
.fere of E. V. Fialghwnat, /n Braiding m,..,71),,,,,..","•,„:,'
.rn whn.f u+•.53 rn+ ram. iaa,3 l.7 k him in
lighten the bonfire on Telegraph 1
and Broome street. It was early, and n•r Law« •^'+,h .sued +'`"' Inrm .,..3, Ilan h•.7g3. aria Point 1' how you wall suffer for my sake. O }air,
the riga being as Rnezpeoted a it Wa ' e3"' "r "."" w,.7d.".nnr well' .red un...rlt• " Indeed i don't know," said he, gab• iN'Pa • shall i never see you again i and
whereat... hat new mi 1,1317. " I have leen w ,w•cupn.d." she wept bitterly. ��oJs
momentous, there was no one in the im- a•7tnee."sad she. • that le an 1 coda gnat. yew hays ;and how 1 Not in trying "I am he; p'er either to cid or xrr-m
surpi..te neithborhood who adrgaatel5 ..n•nr o ,,, lon,,,,.,••rn.d ha. `r"„ cam •.r 1 0.• to deliver as both from thin dreadful mita- 700. Mu Rolle.ton. may the ea of a 1/5 -
realized ill nature sad importance,- anent mmnlnrr, 10. n diun, but reconcile sun to it. Ye* air, rine }4uvidnnee yrs wen tut "Ton tui.
However, when it hal been noticed by
it. tn.w .lv..et h...at••.•.I, .m0 •cad .•a.•.M• under pretense that u • harsh "word, but desdate shun, and by the some Will I wit
hatr a h••1 ,n,'. r"t.. o, .lad Ica cane. th /mw. P ( appointed t, rear* and t+ provide for your
somebody induetrinusll clewing the 3hr Own -•1 a►•v car. carinate fie imn.n"". n .rad i revert help .a f keeping out the rain. PP"'
glow mase, no lottery of artillery planted d" a• w'II •, 4er-,t l',, wnl re lhey led •Ipso".*- welfare, I pray God flat He will oars me
",vin-uea, th• n'a•I•r ,, 1 th• dlnnn red,. k wan ly
our arm il a Bugbear !t never mak
in the doorway preparing to' shell the ,.70th,,abed tem•"+ e.e, -• lir glmttw".rill-,a, Yon aro killing yc41rse1� almost do make health and strength to assist inn. Good
whole coneern cot 10 have conveyed any ' NCO
more appalling impression. In went the
bull between rows of brilliant glees caeca,
in which the mo -t expensive of Bohemian
•ages, wore contained, and, turning to
the right, made his way to a ms-mi6cent
mirror. 9'harlke to that mirror, the ea-
tabliehment was saved. Overcome by his
vanity, that wretched ball stood stupidly
admiring hiww 11' when his tim • should
' have been occupied in making aegiuidt-
honest with me, and talk to me like a man, t" mine. n my pp`30.0 pp w
1 say that you beam all over with kap- never know how mnitYl he loved see entil
me onm:+rtable in this place. Comforts_ nIght.
bre f" She began to tremble all over with She looked timidly at him fora moment;
excitement long restrained. " And do you then slowly regained her hot. He had
really suppose yah can make me live on ep0keru boldly, end with dignity. Nhe fell
like this, by b.ilding me a nice hut. Do humbled, Mei more so, that he haft only
you think 1 am all holy and unsold, that hewed hsackn.•wledgernenttaker apwlogy
shelter anal warth and enongh to eat For more than an hnnrelle watched him.
.rs, that be itt Mill able to sell for cash,
at the lowest rates,
At hie shop on Rineartnn street. opposite
toe Huruu Rotel, Ooder'cb. Give him a
Ooderieh Oct. a. ;eat. •vl lel
IV m w
Woolen Factory .
TKR Ra*er4.r In 1n mlag ,Mnke In M• 1330330,3
•awmwem, Imp to Ial Amain( ND, a.34'a
yaw net .t1 Maaneetn o3 0wh+ner7, ,nrl.4,"r one
rem Amble moor tarok( 34.3,... M r pawed
b .333.1• all order. to
Wool Carding .Spinning, Wesv-
Ing, Cloth -Dressing and
O O 1. O It 1 N (.
11es•r00+n( M 14.1 Yard wig 4,. dorm premp113
um... opera cam'ale
Fermenta fern w 4,wawe with ems( ,n he
seeded well ,sore. It h he* em mrwarng mel rum
gm, hawing two 0.'343•• Ro '11"11 w' Died se with
Nave O/ar431s
Mc 1Ss paws* The •.denM,.e.l Meth some
riMl m thew M•Ila a MOMS tat •0 Ica.
nayr mo
y with grad intim lir N.0 Romer will nee fail In
•wtmMee rot
try. men, sort 164634104' 'women mfee e
**reit it Ina emit .04 ...rind. w Moore hr a melt�
Rkelne, A4r. 101 .la So
J*salute►'.. AleramMre Jna•in'e. 17eehwe
fads twits A Alinraardeent in elem. hlack god
eolseth The lemma Sten /w the fm.-mnies
Ge4arick, Aligns* 22.4, Intl. swig.
and wrvnl the dinner In It. ' •
1f11•nl w„ reracme 44.'nn .a• •Nuel and "int.%
at .h. I: ,A • tam... wale aria to alw►tnr ie tee
of three w a•ki *nrk ondw 11. dtreeU0a•. Rha
hal mad r f311w, -
1 T41441 111111•4414, •1,31.1 with the r•e.lwnir heir
ant 0.401 41r"1ta4 ah•.,• vv. loaf rm. we. ,Ro'e awn
fat Wt in ea ' id. nr Ite rn fr, , I rat ea
Mead ,n 6.1 a .. wh3 4'0.4 as .M aiap hese•-ea he aced a and don between the
the• mann,•• cam. acne •1•h placate lava. If to our keepmy heart from breaking, and mJ
haat-house send todrain
sleeve ;then Ire silvanodher .Iii. the thing famished hr the arm Itself, aa„ cheeks nom blushing niu,ht and ay. When reel •little towards her shelter, end she
doublet .t la edam skein the morning 1 find myself hlnah-
T sine: ,M'I'* ,.t mor art deer. •-"srnsltr". tltg to my fingers' ends.' Then she walk- shrank into her bed, atter gently eloeang
+ A eon n••+3.1.3 er .•oat r•,.. race .rid Ihrht ed away fn,m him. Then she walked back tit* door. In a few moment. .b0 dept
lint .I„•e ",••on, h•. 13. .•mr,n'•'• .rat m.l- •. (l, my dens father, why dad i ever leave *Bun b peep f.dh, and W See H he were
lose with the china and emj..ying • good p°;` Ilmxl'ri3 •r, tad nh,yMar ha,ti.•-n.+lita rMttnr .tell then, but he had dieppppwewr•ool.
p+.u. ren ! " Keye me here 1 make we live ,Phe fns b
following ad •Helen case ser
time generally. He well dererva never rather r nmely. ,rid at ant • mei is the me -
ry month+ end Yvan on this eland. Have h morning
to get • Fielder chance agein. Two bi- tis yen osteo f H.,e inn a mother? Ask Prised bre. the bort riding at anchor in
pegs stole nnie.lcamly behind Mm, and Mak.rn+h. .nl.i nntnl.4 awl'rd was i, not l.elf, it ie likely i No ; if inn will Us serf, and Hazel tinilyertgaied on her
.vh .Au, a".1 v;w dht rivet help eves, and thwr don't lov0 me en- trim, He was ream on shun, and by bee
slide he wait utterly let admiring the be,r3h ae4 k. 1..m t53
•harp tip of his horns, took him quietly bra
the tail and dr. -w him gently back. Then
with the utmost facility they wheeled him
:around and 'bowed him to the d,tot with
a success the mast marvelloee that has
,-ver been heard of. 1nere,llble to relate,
not an article arta disturbed, and that
doubly .'upid bull will have to pass trig
Jaye in vain remorse for the opportunity
i he to wilfully let pass,
Mee Rye.
Miss Rye the celebrated philanthrop-
ist, was in town on Monday lest, and re-
mained till the following morning, when
b took h d f T to
all the ""3' 3 4.r he to+w1 tY ase,'
wad m34. N:., R .Iain erne• xS I", mal. a
m eet •r of pies". 4d.• In M• mot weal•and 43334 3,, .,.
with r'33. On. of law M Anal with Are. and male •
goner" done to Il. and ,here t • the latter Mr. can
•,le • vel 5,..101 of hurt•, tell did n"thty with
ih•m ani. a1,ent vane,. be made two Inree
and two great t.a, ,hat *nnid •01 f"3r • - -- --
lbwn anikr. w
nngh to come and find me and take me
home, I'll go M another home without
year help or any man -e." Then Aha rase
suddenly M her feet, " I'II tie my clothes '
tight round me, and fling myself down
from that 4(10int nn to the sharp rocks be-
pa .h•,ae"13? .044 run 3 •ne.a Iow, 1'11 linil a way team this place to
Towered and len brat • erdbeeM of alt The wee •
rat I•lin•n to lair food, sed M tamp.' also r Heaven, if there no way from it to those
pot M • nnn, not n .r a d0w para. 1 have on earth."
Its 333,1• a see roar et nano*•..rah a utnr •r+. Then she sank down anal rocked herself
433' •no,m M3« R•dle"n th•.P•nt *., • «gra .ark. and sob;d haul.
w11h1M rock sheen nn•, ail la *.Minter* fw le*
tar w•• u» old* •f • huge rel M anal smarted rib The strong passion of this hitherto gen-
tle m.' pant. ole creature quite frightened her nnhappy
lining eat het armee and hew' th., In a yea be friend, who knew more of books than wom-
dr•.r ono the pnnM, M tart !nr M3 sore • ling• en, He longed to *clothe her anti comfort
g . • ..nm, and • .im.lar oto for • .. 4 43 ,MIM Me
ri d lnm to • war herr. and hammerer n soh • -meld her ; Inst what could he ay. He rifted out
of laced. Mb. •u•;rht Ir.pha; •M u la.t with • in deepare, "My God, can ido nothing fart
,O.U,n nr a pndwtn.d • Inns taw reliant4.4,,73.4, het her f'
owe side Anna then to oar. T44 . rvprtmd w•
nm•nt. db«mog •m. Immeniar In order, be at I She turned on him likelightnin , "Yes
she Or departure or 0,on
41 hit. hen she was the guest of •)me of ranter. , D'whi1A ie att (h., t pt trrw n-.' n . w ' "n doanything131,., ng ; everything. on cut
our lending *itis •ns. On Monday w meet- n+•+•tu 1 °" hn u34 h mvmental
t", .33.t• rha.tmot
N tlret,�1 think. W hat y nand i dome I will
in was held in Ihn town hell for the ur- Inn a n. ..rl.a h•,i,t d.,ws cern. 11 tot lwwgl.
R P had i aper dons sura 1 mailmen, to be 120
of with the di A' 1'"3+s•re ". "t ` art rat evokers to 4r mat
Po"• 8 w (, n,n-. m•I,•rid ,3m• cvi 1 dM t• gra eater brought down 1 Wagerer an English lady- t
1 ,own. . mal. 3 animitation n m
Indy in ref, rein* to the subject of her the t3 sad a"e• n.A l 1
k pI3 4a.w
3 And then 1 have • tehn y
minion to this ..uotr Cul , e.t. me, In h'�i'° 4^"r n"t alb nn, •e,e num ton bu
J- kande x. mend . .none tri*• y*sawlog Ilya r*k, skm, all over me. 1 ',mistimes wish the
M. P, I',, was ailed 10 the ohair, .ltd m •t In•, ••^ ..II .•'hell"" a,at .,,,,....7,!. -m 1011 tipp*r would +,the end tear metal to pieces,"
. M., ,,,,,,,..41.,
m,n"d sm1 ....4 antra• tm ter 0•d With that her white teeth clicked togeth-
er prn•ulsiyaly. "Ih, "' aid eha, rlsrtingg
hick to the point MI swiftly as she rnehol
•way lrum it. "Why, part down that
neat) stuff, and, leaven Inventing fifty
meeting. The chairman having intro- •A,rl ore 1 ""t m"" m n, e. n
•m1 .rah rat. 4.. ,'*e1+i10 ima "rant n' n..l.0" t.0t,e
duped Min Rye that 13dy ►ddreti.elf the w th, n•, h •lir
meet hl for • few minutes, explaining n�^t nr3+,rha, wt a „lave ttwm wt+h s o.mmdmN
R P R • Neoral. nry.n wnatayhlr nowt the remlrn Alma
the nature of her mins on, and tasking for ,d H.wd,.. ,.31,M a-.. • ,wdwm m a Mrl Ir+m .n11 littla trump,mry things for mw end do one
asel.tanec to bring out mole emigrant 1103- , Inrr4 antra growl ,Rol o h, hl.h NMw+t. tw'1
g,m'nea34, ....M M"ihe Mndl. w tote .w n.' •t grab thing m"tr•t t1, 31,4004 trftt*r that
vont girls. Atte ave the cut of bring- 1.411 ••w • 3031 b, I.k 13'•03• *al""1 tiwht, .4. feat mind of 101111 m psi Uni and p•tck-
endeavor. to better the
in them est •1RLI) s r heed, end '„t" 1n4' r'3"' .w. wn e.IMtl.a ; riot Wan caeca
pf lg., p •vacatur. at pwwWssrA rw•,u-ta�mrtw"w.t. Aa"•. rig my prison :tont hnrtg it • 1 to bar /m
and tbo Dominion government 13131 prom- •'lu rt"t„"•.0,31;, . lM"..4h.1-1 ►rte,,,,,4 h 11 Nog n1" o (of my pnsow. (1411 as and
peed ha ., 00 tnwardg the nodnrtaki.g. to 3 Ili, thy e41w.I1 apr�M ee. ••'• 1,, , and tr mor r,snl nl them know a p.w
A discussion *netted as to the beet means .ma"'3 ;r1"'"al ria""a�krmre.l. rapt tot ,mrk17 girl r here in onhanl d, f t his Refill pen• n,m3 hlr,g d3na. h M •wdtm. g".. � wewrr : hwm, in the middle of the awful
of aidl•g Mia Rye in her philanthopie The "3n.•. tui ear• waw.d, meat th• n.d..6.r.d
In • 1•ee'n h.•Ir, .ml • Nmt rise wen mMt,l0134, r I n00•yl.
Ha•el si thw,l deeply. "Pn ehipr seem
within .i ht sof Is," he mnttwre+of l.
r._le . _ •n N fir«i nr ::: i G/i in
eMd wT '
large alma of ander-paid inmate whistle lr �e3y e.r l •elk (1«12.• .ha i u. far bee ty 1'1ea R
in the old country; the lash of whwh matterto / Y
was the a mption of a retaliation nrgieg 11 ' n
the ()Mario and Dominion
to aid His. Rr• in the matter; and alio a
revelation .nggerti11g to the town soaped
■ similar source of oration, is order to se -
ogre se appointment of the neat lot el
mervant gins ter tbia ieyo.-[Port Hope
1 am afraid i moat lave yon far a day.
MIM Rolleston,' he cad, 'I wish to
make a eirtmit of the reload ; indeed, 1
ought to have done so many days ago."
"Ie arch an expedition neosrarr 1
runty you have hal enough d the
"11 u very nese• err. Fon have urged
me to undertake this *Merrier. You men
it ie the &rstM.pt towards announcing M
all paring vowels our pr•wenee m tui.
place. I have eemm.•na d aperatiors al
ready. Ree on yowler bluff. wh,h 1 lure
called Telegraph Pliant, i lave mounted
the loot's ensign, and sow it Ior4 Iwo
the top,t( the tree h ,.le the balks. 1
married it there at snorter., Do yeti ager
that pole i here on board the boat f that
is intended as a signal, which. gb.11 be ex,
hinted rm your gnat pram tree. The
dee well then stand for • nipai .r the
northern creast, and the palm -tree, thug
ae,, l,ntreil, will serve for a similar muleteer
on the western extremity of the bland.
A. 1 pass along the eastern shores, 1 pro-
soh Intoe mart
pume t, Solent ;Tots ere
to erected, such a may be visible b Ship
at mw."
"Dot will they remark such .igwab r'
"Hut assured they will, if they •brae
within sight of the plane."
Hamel knew there was little dialled .1
wr.h an event ; bbd it was amnetkieg u.A
to be neglected. Hs alio. explained bila
it woo necessary h. 11101114 twelve et •
knowledge of the Wand, the oberagtar el
its *home ; and from the se* M etesld
rapidly obtain a OM 111 the place, ewes
tun what email over their might k*I mgr
, indeed, en tench of its Renner ; fen' he
)ridged it to be not mews theaters Milan Y
length, and +cane *Tee in siilb.
Bene felt rather diappilrledOrd sea
1".". .4"
rant. tan e.em I lir("wow Ihto tot hop p/ 33hat noel that 1ar In-
a<m.4l.w1M p.r ban meat w,1.g �•.. .n. aro not, mmmem man .yew see an in. teas d the rem i.MWelt,"sW
M dmy Oat.p. Mne.53ntl alagreat armMay ventw. Rr,RIM all th pnwl'n rd oar naris night nrnaiaed f• mli41n/r, ,
.rid n mar. At of rot.nwervwmom min em m»e >. torula sea
Mgr An old Ind of our ecquiutanee
declare that she thinks it very atrInga
that • little gnimtvileer in • glass lobe
emu make eeeb awful hot ',ether by jurat
tilting in It an Inch a tee
emelt'3n r,";{3•, rip• Ina 14• n Th t 1 y. Thank in the et prerinu d bin lees. YiW
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