HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-07-09, Page 4Hostorth. June 23rd, 1868.Bence..-- Wu,, Kidd, of (rleutrven, Ws,, who haul long Lut'unsuticeafullchlreewd „taus invitedher to r dr e erride Gnu tau theCrabb'. Block Kingston Street. Reafurth, met pursuant W adjuuruunenl at , Ieth i A Tulsa Women's Twain', Coe R tan 00 D E It I C II MILL FLOUR AND FEED STORE, The Municipal Council of the village of Mw Cather J tar e of 1 D're.ent the 1 oat, and, after restating hie intros, hotel thts evening. i tuaities, alio at lenp(lh yieldwd, It esu ZILOITR Oat•me.1, Corti -meal as/ Mill the Councillors. Thu Goward evening when they sat out for the r Feel Peeve and minutes f last meeting were real and I ride, and Kidd, wedelns way lo a by -pool, ALSO, a lot tf prime .Mugu Cared BAYS (Benniseo, Here, 1°g' the ufer.i trig parties, viae : Robert Collins, reseal his suit. She salmi bat firmly, Eno H.Mla prime Potatoes. y' y' 1000 outs• u reference to refunding pert of lhcerue refused to become his wife. At enact his money paidfurbilliard tables, frorJauw. spirit eha,ged, Finndiah paesiocs anted Elliott and 62 utIi .I praying the Cou•c,1 upas him, and, ateppiog io a deow woods,to procure a book and ladder warm and he drew bts knife .HJ wurdrred the girl, appantua, amt (noun Will aw Bparling and He did not even get out of the herd fur others asking the CU.I.ell to amid in otBu- the purpose. Whet) found ohs tied her pistng the sidewalk from Mr. Drakes to throat out from esr W ear ; her blood the North boundary of the Corporation. stained sad (lotted the entire vehicle ; It nae moved, auc,uded sod carried, That after life was extinct be threw the body the Reeve and Clerk sign a debenture m out felted. It fell bbutiAfter le oothe this where favors of Mr,CosHD., fur theeumof toady der, Kidd drove bask b ueu hu falter' - ere ,bllan a partut our- lioeu.f tee rehndrd. house, though h. did not go ins. Hes k esu .mead, s.otJan aMl earri•dd hitched the hems near the stalls and Tlat the her. on tat James red in au 610y -two others to roslawl, and in the took m mall bay were belonging 10 limo niuntime, that the 0r vained the eito�k and as- unkt)addled her, aa'1 made of ler parts gadder company, certain what will he the probable cost o(a - hook and ladda'rwaaggod+n and apparatus, and that OarneillonCoati and Strong beaooul- 5.,m_ for the purpose, and report at next _(sting of the C..uncil. It was moved, seconded and carried, That the petition of Wm. Sperling end others b e rwletTel and left over fur further consideration. It was ad, seouded and carried, that live dollars, being the amount of Mr. David Duncan s -count for coffin for Luke W,rel- ard, be laid and that the Reeve mut Clerk sign • debenture for the above. It was inured, seconded and ..i.i.d, That the and el...y, WApector of t:,ie mlunicipatity be notified l.y the Clerk of this Council, W furnish a report to this Council at its next sitting, on all matters +dative t.. the observance of the By -Daws ufl which he is authorised W take cognisance, and that he .l. personalty appear before this Council at its next meeting. It wu may ed. seconded, and carried, Thal the word January in the 6th section of By-law No. twenty, In, changed 8, the word Manch. It was motel, seconded and carried, That the Street Inspectordorep.,rt G, thiaClwn- cil at its next meeting, . • to bow far lie s complied in oarrying tat t''e provisions .4 the By-law of which he is required totake cognisance, and that he do personally ap- peer before this Council a/ its next meeting and give what infurmatiun may be required. It wma moved, eeooioIed aid carried, Tilsit this Councildo now adjourn, to meet 'genet Downey'■ Hall, on Tues When a men and wonitrl are made one day evening o'clock. noxi June the 94th, at had by a clergyman the queoti.)D is, tchirh is put 7 ocduck.-� the one. Sometimes there is a long SALT awn Lt* r0aWNEAT.�Atareoent struggle between there before the matter meeting of the Farm' Club of the ie finally nettled- Amenoan institution, in New York, Mr. ' I didn't think you'd be so hard on George Steel, of Thorndale, Chester Coun- me,' ss the shark said when he bit the ty, Pa., stated that be has used salt with anchor. lime, and Alone, as a manure for wheat, A young, 6ltaourian, eulogizing his for a number D1 yuan, with good effect. y og 8 He thinks that one sod a half sacks of girl's beauty, said, ' I'll be dew:iced if merchantable ground alt, or an squint- she ain't u putty u a rod waggoo. hent of dirty salt and twenty-five bushels Many year ago, in the Gallowgate of of lime your acro, produce as good wheat as Glaegow, there was stuck up this lotion- , moairrate dreesng of stable muiun, sod tion -Menages run down this close at 2d tl gram after the wheat is a 0"od The adop u little fn ueoted, five miles north-east of .tad Rolled Fuson. adopoteel. YotiYors were prwsental frvn' I q e reItrdd from ,iew, he Just received this 30031 -IPL. It is said that Count Bismarck's disease u the result of the use of intozicat- nig drinks, to which be had rroourae 00 procure sleep after his every day's pro- tractrd and exciting labors. aur' 'rhe French papers anooune. the death of the Emperor's fivoilte dog, Nero. l'uor brute -we mean the dog. . r} An Irishman tiring in church where thecollectimn apparatus raseuuLledan elec- tion bus, on Its blunt/ passel to hire,, whisperel in toss carrier a ear that he wits n otnaturats-ad, and could not vote, but he was ready G. make a speech. Mr Jefferson Davis fell down the stain of a hotel at Lennozville, P. Q., on the 25th ult. 11e had one M his children in his arose at the time, which was but little hurt. Mr. Davis, though severely, was D ol dangerously,iejured. Marshall Nero', on his death bed, was told by his confessors that he should for- give all his euemiee. 'Enemies!' be ex- claimed, ' I have none. I shot them all.' ' What is de diff -rent'twizt a watch and a Pedder bed, Sam 7' ' Dunne -gin it rep.' 'Because de tickers' of de watob is on de inside, and de ticket)' of de bud u on de outside.' '" r • mile 1' A little further on might be alt and lime have been applied after K ploughing, and harrowed in ; the lime seen,' New laid eggs every morning. by spread with • shovel or lime spreader, ea me, Janet Stobiel Over an eating -Louse w.05 as slacked, while in a powdered con- in ■ sunk Bat, hungry passengers were invited to ' Stop and real, to prevent mistakes, Joseph Rowel's beefstakei, Gond meat and drink makes ma to grow, And you will find them here bel w.' dition, and the salt sown broodout. or mixed with the lime before spreading, or the lime slackened with bone. The rocks nn Mr. Steel's farm are talc slate. The ani., gravel, clay, and Tram, were exhausted about seventy--fourears ago, and its culuyatinn abandoned. It has sine been reclaimed tram barrenness by act improved system of agriculture, and the use of lime u a nation. The land to which the salt was applied had been frequently hated, which fact may be im- portant in c nadenng the effect of the seat applied alone, Mr. H. believes to be as good for this land as the Wt and lime. Awoansa F.Niew Pto-Ntc.- The Detroit papers advertise a Fenian pio-nic of unusual pretensions ' for yesterday (Tuesday), in Woodbridge One; Detroit under the auspices of the tavilandmilitary Circle of the Brotherhood. Prima to the amount dint) were offered for proficiency in athletic runes. The "Sun" says :-it was reported late last night among the dennocracy, especially those just fnom Washington, that the President will eon issue unneety procle- :nation ineluding Davis, Ilr.ckenndge,Slid ell and others, and that the Bouth.rn delegates will insist upon the nomina- tion of Johnston, and be content with no one else. Nsw YORK, .July 1 -Tho Sun's special says that Secretary Seward 1 ts nearly completed negotiations for the torch• sof Greenland and Iceland from the Derash government. it is said he u to give five and a half millions of gold for them, and that he hoe already promisee of sufficient support in the Senate to secure the ratifi- cation of the measure. Instead of enlisting upon the mal who colts your • villain, ora thief awdy inform hem that you have not sufficient confidence in his veracity to believe him. 'Vat you make dare 1' hotly inquired a Dbtchman of his daughter, who was being kissed very alwmnrottly. 'Oh, not much ' only courting a little : date all, fader.' "Midst' all, alt, I thought you was fight- ing. A Lamm Balt. -The congregation of St. Andrew'. Church, Sarni*, have procur- ed •MB from thu Troy foundry for their new host.s of worship. The held weigh. 2,000 Ibs,and c rt between 3700 and $80). The Town Council have procured a Bre alarm, which is to be attached to it. THE ell/1sT MAN TaA,N: Ceorgr Fra,,e.a Train is in trouble again. In \ other words, they have him in jail in England, for not paying his debts like en \ honest man. lie went there with a ohip no his shoulder, eballengiug .omobody to nook it off. and we thought it strange if his swishing about he didn't get his in it. The erose aw hu at length ed, and r.ow ho ie repr.eanted as g through the granted window of non -house, outing his breath in .aging tar the army end navy of the United Sutra to come end avenge his w rongs Our advice to the army and Tir_ r1 ng t8 let 1 e0 1 IS 1 I 0 I e ll look hie Ooderieh 1'. B. VANEVIOY A Co. Jt .7, 1867. a 201t. REMOVED A. SMITH • TAILOR and CLOT lin, TTAM Removed a, hes NEW SHOP as is Mahn 11 MMay rrr, worm be Men for rte, un the most wn.Lle term. for ...eU, a .gleed. ..wnmu' of ~ Ready - Made Clothing' Common In pan of Coal . Veattas, rants, Un41rt'-C1e)tbing, mac. STORY OP Two CAI.vER.-Jim Smith was a noted auotiooeer. Ono day bet Wan -ening farm stock. Among the arti. Clea to be sold was a heifer, very attrac- tive in her appearance, and eonsequeotly Jim dwelt quite extensively on her many exoellenciee, winding up his clainent flourish that she was a 'gentle u a dove,' Thereupon, a long slab -sided countryman, whose lege wrre soros twelve inches longer than his pants approaching the Leifer and stooping down commenced handling her lean. Hovey, not relishing such famili- arity, lifted her hoofs and laid ' Greeny,' sprawling some ten feet nff, 'Tbege,' said Jim, ' that shows one of her best traits; she'll never allow a strange calf to come near her !' 'Greeny' meanwhile picked binned' up and giving his bubo pate a borrowing .eratch,ezolaimed: 'Ne wo oder when her own ad has been bloating about her all day I' GROCERIES FOR THE MIILLO N! IT I8 AM.A7KNOWLEDOED FACT THAT THE PLACID IN OODERICH to pastime ANY ARTICLE IN TIIE GROCERY LINE, As Cheap sithe Cheapest, sad ss Good as the Best 1 IB THE EMPIRE HOUSED OF SHANNON & BELL LARQ)'h .,uattitea of, Grind Stones, of • 1 kinds Coal cif Provincial Perminent BMliding' and Savings Society, TORONTO. (riot dour South of the Peal Odloe.) itt'ducea Rates 0? RU'Al'MI NT IOM NAC. MO ADVANC5D, - s Na d yre Imo s yrs ) 4 yrs s� 10 � lfy t�ya .u,dlfl e.r►yu4r to 10 T,T7 O.OI Ile 0� Aft 0000 halryaer x -91-4r 11Sb 1111. OM •a ?MI 4w ?▪ ;"15.06 10.11099,sa 1101 166? ite0 le T• ,ash yrr 57011011.71 9 06 915 11 154- I4M, 1.0! yke .1.„v Kates fueled. Prior pal aW lutarrl and 1f ,wm'tually ,tart 10...Ur. Iri,bt 0111 Im ,mho elUwut say other WY•"ut +stere+ A`oquanua r.ul..4 br U S Ut w)UI. th. ebn lely'a ValYter u(:Weetti Manb Cth, t.ss •Mf FOR SALE CHEAP. North Hide Market Square, where may be found a full assortment of Co,{ aWr Ltmn, General Groceries, Liquors of all Kinds, rocks Calcined meter' Firs Bricks, Corn C r� a ' Mesl dc., Ao. Glassware, &c. Stocks always on hand at the wharf, OEOI6GE RUMBALL, A Co. Goderich, May 184h, 1868. wl7tf. Vessels Supplied Cheap with all Articles in our line SHANNON& BE LL. Perdu wtd"e m Purchase a *PRIMO SUIT willaid Ooderich, May 4, I Ft;, u w ,hair ad...tage to call tad .ssmuw W STOCK Of TWEEDS Custom Work twit te the Shorten ,amallJ' ii, Yui Wurenld to giv rorarnwt. (41ve• h.lm r call e„d.na-h, Apel 6th. 1161. 3044 Salt Lands! IN PARCELS RANGING FROM 2 To ISACRES! LAND i1IMEi)IATE`.Y A 1)JOIN ING THE Present Salt Well, AT THE GaderIch Bahl! Station. Apply to M. CAMERON Oodericb. Nov. 28, 1867. w4Stf MONEY TO LENI). THE HURON & ERIE SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. The •A.ve S,.c,etr ,. prepared to make DVANC7FD8 ON IMPROV ED Farm Yroparty. ON MOST ADVANTAOFOU9 TERM-. The ,o. of effecting • Loam w,11 be found much lower than on other Sorret,ea of • .mita odors. Th. epennue of the Borrower a celled to the fort, that he will 'melee the tunamoont of he loon. without any deduction beteg made for Ihorst..r payments to advent's. Adm tiros nom be repaid Monthly or ready. extending over a period of Pram one to fifteen year*. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO 8. POLLOCK, Agent and Valuator for Imo Mocwiy al Liodt th Ded.iree.C. W .. 1464. Ex Pu.rmlcu. -The Montreal Witness aye on Mlmday afternoon a cylinder of .oda- water exploded at the Medical Hall with terrific noise. It appear, that a new cop- per cylinder, marl. In town, of extra thick - nem, hewing ucomplete lining of block -tin, wore filled with carbonic acid ga, which. with water, forma soda -water. The usual Ireseun is from 1181 to 180 llm. There wee only120 Ih• pressure on, while screw- ing up te bolts which hold the halves of the cylinder together, it exploded, rend- ing the thickco grerlike taper. Mr. Brown, the superintendent wan thrown ineeneihle on the floor, but, fortunately escaped with a few brines. Tho assistant wait blown into the coal molar, and, besides being otherwise much injured, heel his leg broken, and was conveyed to the Hnepital. A largo number of hands were near at the time, but, fortunately, no one wa serious- ly injured but the individuals shire nam- ed. On Tuesday the Governor of Connecti- cut signed • Rill incorporating an inebriate Asylum, to be called the Turner's R.•treet located at Wilton, Conn., with a capital .4$f»00,000. 1t will be origanisel im- unediately. These ie only ono sim ilar in- stitution in the United States, anat is at Ringhunpton, New York. 11[111110IWLOGIOAL IiBPORT. rrennrwd for the .Qw)nnt by f0An Ihiiinn, Esq., Station ()twelve .t (kwlertirA, H0 r.. rime, 7 ■. m, Z. •i a a Ili 3 !11:./ dib v°rat Mon., i.e.15 129,1731 61 0 I E. f I 0 I .6316 navy, io this ease, would be like that of a W'"l'•129.1.6 1 L6 N.wO 9 y Tkun. '• 18 I !4 9.t(I 44 f N ISO 10 veteran of the pulpit to a young aspirant dn., I er 19 rims 4S.1 N K 0 0 .3919 for ecclesiastical honors, after be had R•I. 00 I 1141 411 R, 0 0 listened to ono of bit early efforts ■t • TI. o. Vidor ,w d the Wind a ,s expmes"e sermonizing. He ..'d 0 him 00 mootinga ""10.1Y by ete"en, thee: O. Calm after listening Lu sermot) -„ M 6 MoJerse heavy 10. very ..y Hnea ara,he. E y t The"extent o(nf.ty+tended" expremee young friend, do you ti,ink that the Lord by muter., Rom 14 In 01 thee: 13*.ed utw has ailed you t( premeh 1" ''Ceeuird,," .bet Ila sky .. ontwrd wrlh +•mode, 1t. that fe 1, hal rovrnA , sod 0 t►st fl ie p edy slNr, was hie respites, or 1 should of do it. "Well," replied the old clergyman. shak- ing his head moatnfully. "yo. let Iiia hall, hat don't you go another step in that dreetion.-Ne. York Moil. Ran JA• wren dates ofdime 8th are re - calved. Advice, fnom Perngnavan entrees , tate that the war mu languishing, the allies having made no hostile move merit in their repulse in the Gnnehaco. 1t was reported in Paraguay that tie (0.n grave a the Argontina(Amfedieration would iingsaeh 0.m. Mitre for making the m afli- ima with Brazil Th. poem party in MNOeNfederstinn wen In the 'mundane', awl IhS.I ion of Unloose wanoowdder- N �'iP the meat fisheries in New Renee s 15 sad Neva /lentil are v..- fwowdnelf.e thalamus. la roue lorobO,es five tares the esteu et.4last year', retch have been anotlwd. IAN ttttta. Hither R.memine pnrete Amin. 1M week wee 1000. I a1 o'clock. p .m. tee 161h. L,wral sen metric pe. nra der•ng the eek wee 0O. All atm o'. -lock . m. no. Ilhe 7'h. Mean H,rpw,Mne preesore Der e•• En 4744 1M week (Moen ofolmo ose ion 75.30, I p.m.,0 pm.) Hares Trmprntnn dairies 11,e week was 71. on. M►. I.ne..t Teammate,* dories the week was 31.1 n. two The Me.. Tenpntun for the week was 47111 W.ne.el day dwos( eke week Wee ea M0, - .05y, ,s. Me.. Temperature beteg 00.31 aortae by diner IM week wm• no trek, lb. Meds Tspsestem beteg 41,14, JOHN HALDAW,I.. Doted Iki. MM. day of .Ione, Ira. MONET to Imoo at ressoesblel Apply In 111,. C. f A MtRON• Oed.rlsb Take Notice. 3 1M1'Ei, POLLOCK, Esq., pate Deputy Sheriff has been appointed official Aeign re under the insolvent Act of 1064 for the United Counties of Huron and 'truce. Per 0160. in Cameron's Block, King- ston street. Februar, 20.4. 1866. w5e CHEESE ! CHEESE! Shephard & Strachan, GROCERS, GODERiCH. HAVE been re -appointed sole agents at (loderich for the sale of the celebrated Exeter F.Mory Cheese. Local dealers supplied et the Factory Prices. SiiEN'ARD t STRACHAN. Galerich, May 27, 1867. w Ret BY 1 'LtESP4! FRESH OTSTERS 3Rta 41 Y1117MITA11., BY THE BEG, CAN OR COUNT LOBSTERS, SARDINES, ANI) CLAWS, -FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES, Cocoanuts FI -s Craoes. &c. &c., &c., at D_ BI14C}HAM'S, Westside of AMrk0e Moron, thm)eneb, Nnv 1111. 1666• .wan a 'N DAVIS, NtA N1I PA C'r11upK AND ONALE5 IN IVl Stoves, Plonkh. ..d Comma, of every de mope ton. 7 in noire, •ad Sheet Iro. Were,., tb• Merastlw.. Depot, Market Rune.., lied. OOAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RET.ITL, r}'llnm 1001 lo.mp.,ke. •hr. ON l eoe.e p.- pw,Ueaa, Kegs Wool, 'rrki•ge sad tbes..thie ak.i ,i.,rk..g.. 1171, LUOKNOW WOOLEN FACTORY. THR Rnh.nlher hep Ira M 115,31 M robin., de eh. emir *Mal pwmnare Mal y 1..e remle00, .ed w•he,4•• limy al wnl by mom mama am ,raniew Owl Wm hove .party ••em«111.1.an e. u,r.n�;(Mo.,,Mrhl.•t7 -ra- nt. order this raver w• asp.. M tow god Mk - Rohm In RMI Raking, and Cloth Droning. 4 .-M .r .h• 50nnhrrnnne M TWeeda Clothe, wed Flannels. t.udlow." {wool.P•N FACTOR?, LPI:R a 1101,11 • A s Wm fa IM, 0.141m. w15 • iI irk11 11# l' , , iEiI:L f-,TITi 4yaEWL , F. G. BECKETT & CO., I-fAM1LTON, ONTARIO; MANUFACTIJKERR Or MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS OP ALL 41116. ALSO, Machinery for Puinping'S salt, • Steam Saw Mills, and Grist Mills! e tat -C7s A .these Mia, }-" erv, MiNING, HOISTING, AND PUMPING MACHINERY, STEAM PIMPS, ENGINEERS' AND BOiLERR MAKERS' TOOLS' SUCH AS Latbea, P,aneing, Drilling, Screwier, and Slotting Machines, Plate Bending and Punching Machine', tc. e'elo Ilamiton, Onl.rr, Jan 41h. 1 s6.. NEW GROCERY 1 AND Flour and Feed Store. QPM. ROBINSON BEGS res ectfull7 to announce to the in habitant" of t,.derich and vicinity .Fat be has commenced in the above lice in Yr Smutty. old sued, CORNER OF SQUARE & NORTH ST. In the Grocery Department Ise will tee on band good articles, and sell as cheap • the t. Particularcheapesalleltion paid to OK. line of H[JRON FOliNDRYi CID CD CiJ *wat Ile yam W STEAM [NGINC'WORKS.•_,.. R. RUNCIMAN, MANUFACTURER OF FLOUR' AND FEED! and u the advertiser has had many years' experience in that branch of business, h. (eels confident that be can give satisfaction. Gudericb, Feb. 7, 1868. 5w47 tf STARTED AFRESH! 4OD17RIOH Steam Axe Factory. JOHN McPHERSON, LEGS 10 anaoun04 to the public that he is D now prepared, with new and improved stem machinery, to torn out his superior axes in lager quantities than hitherto, and hopes to give the tame satisfaction that bas attended hi. efforts up to the present. Thee axe. have gained e. wide spread popularity throughout Huron and Bruce. Remember the shop: Corner of Traterrors 11h.honse streets. *rich, Dec. 2. 1.67. we itf GRIST &FLOORING MILLS, Muley ana Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, Seperators 1I(rrrct 1- ,Ns -ern, Drag Fat wn+, IRON AND WOODEN PLOUGHS ! 14 With Cut or Steel Boards, Drell Plnu;h., Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, Land Rollers, straw Cutters, Agri.ulturml Furnaces, foga b E' alio, Sugar Kettles, Sit Kettles, %Vsron and Pipe Roles, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOB STOVES, of the most improved kinds.. ]trees Castings made, and Blacksmiths' Work and Repairing d'ooe on short notice. Call and see the S1EEh MOCLD-COARD PLOUGHS, u you can gist one very cheap for Cmeh. Goderich, Nov. 12th, 1867 3039 COLONIAL rOIONIsit HOUSE. Tailo ring & Outfitting Department ! THE Subearib.rheg. to inform hie many cauoners and the politic generally that he keeps constantly on hand the largest variety and hest "election or English, Scotch, French, Swiss & German Tweeds, 1N THE COUNTIES. A110 A LARGE VARIETY OF Canadian Manufactured Goods / ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN BROADCLOTHS, CAMsIMEitE`S & i)OESKINS. NOLI8II AND FRRNCII BEAVER AND PILOT OVERCOATINOSI • OVERCOATINOS OF ALL OTHER DASO.,IPTIONS, Haying secured the a,rvicea of WA' R. OAR1, i m l„ ww tr ....__, he is pprepared to.zecuts •tl orders with promptitude, and in a style unsurpwlyd by any MANUFACTURER 10 this PROVINCE, Cities lint created. Try him and wily your Selves. A perfect fit gaarnnteed In every instance. Con,tantly on hand the LARGEST STOCK soil LATEST STYLES in Gentleman's Outflttings of Every Descrlotlon ! AMERICAN MONEY taken at the high."t rate. Chas E. Archibald Owlerieb. August 22.,4, 1861• sw103 OIEMCR UOLII MCTOIY. moth 1' al.nlen.a h•r M inform hrmmrli and others wN Wry kaee parr•awd SIN stew Mme. e.MMlnhmr,► l M Mr Wm. I'lpo. , and havand Rerio'wecl. tlao MaoliiraerpI which 1. nem In "rel n4 motion, operation. Are Now Prepared to Mannkotore Cloths. Bla .tea (full width), Winces. Shirting, Sheeting, &e., Sao., evpMlternalr. met .1 1.11, r. mmpa0M. .Illi th. h..) enrkman.hip Parthc.i,r Attention paid to Castes Rill-CardiaR, Rslliag, Dressing, Dyeing,ae. 30, midi arm hem la• h. weeks ,310.1a1050nrINNlNt, /ACR, (Import.. rem. nn. of I5. Amt ramble. .hop In Um Unlld 6Y0.), .hleh *III manta n0 M do Inone. Rpinwnt. We .0*14 Om roll paetkeW at4n45. In rev BTOCIS OP OLOTHIS, da O., waw •. ►ee, mmMslly raw hoed Mom r3 .wM m M *vistas. for word. MR I. w w Menet.-h.nt Martel Ripon, Ontertc h, e1 pnr antenna.. agent and •11 nMere Ido .Irl him In meet,.meet,.oaoar..oar( Ill I.m"dishe etw5lir pNlha enotiet hem . 43.55,.ee erlth ..m .aN 'way "My nn OtJ their roll. hewn.5 5) Meat the fp-11.'411m a.,.rt as M O . ca11 em mann. Jreenl o•t1.hcnmm Ood.tieh Woolen rseAory, 1 April 7th, 1860. ( 3111 J. INGLIS & SON`. - 0 erlio Wool &fancy Goods Store Mrs. Warnock 'HURRAH fOR ONTA0101 E. CLIFFORD, I' N retarding thanks for the liberal support and patronage he has received for the Gut l2 yon, beta Ince (p ler that by the lnhoddcuon of machinery he is cow py.par SALT (Ig 0q ,.itoaapllymallAytonwithallhied. of• Mg subscriber offers for sale a valuable Bigcuit8 and Cirac;kers 1 piece of erupeny near the praising Salt which he thinks will be men 6,1,..t Well in Yanlandvtlla num ruin three •0 31geoY , P 0 to the eoa5nlwer than impwrtwg them Irom acne of laud. other places. WILLIAM SWAFFIELD, Goderlch p. o. Goderieb, Nov. 29, 1867. W45 SALT TERRITORY FOR SLE ORLEASE. \1l/rrniN 150 yards *: the present O.dench VV Sall Works, Also, FARMING LANDS 0.,aveo,e51 to that tocahtr. Ayply to JOHN BELL 01/1200N, 9ulwitu- Uuserich Oedema. Ise Dee ..11166. weal FARM FOR SALE li A1-173!LD. frH6 subscriber DBun fou ole a ane tum ie 1 IMTuwru►1py .3 AM0Arid. being lot O,eom e B. D. ruotenting 100acres, of firm cleft olay land. hardwood umber. About 20 acres .leaned. For gamete... oto rola.Or,:., .oplyr to W M. S E I MUC a er Co. or T. B. IANLVERY, liod.nch w47 D. 11.1867 l'O THE CLERGYMEN OF TIM COUNTY OF HURON. NOTICE is hereby given that, unlew the said Clergymen shall forward imme- diately to the OBioe of the Clerk of the Pe.oe, separate LISTS of all BAPTIBIM8 AND Begs to acquaint the ladies of Goderi•b sod vicinity that she has resumed bur besi- eges after the recent tire ; she desires to thank them for their kind patronage, and to aware them that nn effort will Orr wanting on her part to secure a continuance of their bind favors. Mn. Warnock likewise begs to inform p rties going to Europe that ebe hes bee. comms ononed by Messrs. F. McDonald t Co.. New Yoe, M dmpwe of their tickets, drafts, 0.., Inc the Transatlantic Line of Steamer., from New York to Londonderry, Liverpool, end Glago*. Their lines of Steamships are e u favorably known to the public for satety. speed, sod oheapoea that they require no comment. Market Square, Corner of Hamilton St Gatwick, 22 No.. 1467. *44 'TO BALT OPEBATOBSI. FUNERAL SERVICES performed by them during the year 1867, (and also in future years); the neglect or refusal W o,nply with the above re qulremenu, will render them guilty of Misdemeanor and liable to be prosecuted in termed the Statute, Con. Stat. C., 22 Victoria Cap. 33 Suctions 32 and 36. By order of the Court of Quarter Sessions. (Stamm.) S. BROCGH, Chain -oar. TWO STEAM ENGINE$ se good ss mew, 1and in perfect working order, for sale cheap. Particulars at this office. Dec. 2, 18.17, w4.i (10)DERIUII WAGON & CARRIAGE LIST OF PRICES Sods Biscdt by the Boa or Hertel . _-0.07 IV me " • ,.. 0.08 Arrowroot " ... 0.08 0.08 ' 0.06 Dated in open Court of Gonerr*1 Quarter lieesion,01 the Peaty, Goderich, Mu. 1868. DAN. LIZARS, erlbtfl Clerk of the Puns. Aicsi xi. re. occ. x y THE eulmcnher w•nnld annonnre m the pub - he of Huron and Rorer, th41 he miaow man- ufacturing fir.ecia.s Carriages, Waggons, Sleighs, CJiltteria, 4ttt70., winch will r I t sold CHEAP -01t CASl1. JOHN PABMORB, Victoria Street, Oodench. oodericb,May Nth, 1568. 0,411 Abernethy " Butter Costars Oyster Boston Becton " " . 0,06 Brides' CJalc.os Cakes of Every Kind ! General auortwant of bread always on hand and delivered daily to eatomen, E. CLIFFORD, Jan. 12 F68. 1.6 to It 1868. Division Courts. MONS Sr AT N:1(I31T Plow, CENT Lent on Mortgage. Apply at WM. R. RAiN'S Chancery tad i«iw Office, Crahb's block' Godarek. Goderish, Match Atli, 1167, aw.45 A Superior faim for Sale. FRnhTINO tea Ick. I1n..n. 2 mile. from I;0Aerleh rnnwnlemig IS1 acre. M anterior hand. 1M A. la nm.ef Rovieelelt Tnwn*hlr, Reynold Road, Omit 100 arm elennd Qat nreh.nt, deviling lin••,. and home l.rn on We promisee. •nA • email creek toss Wenn., the lot Dae he mkt to milt pnrrhawr. In .5nl• ter peel Apply on th•.m..-, In WM It DONALD ?RA,RR, ter M O M. ?SUNMAN, (Malone* Marr► s. low mitt Valuable Farm For Sale 1)RtNn IM Is, Mh run. 16.11.40, 1imi1_ /Id Clln- 1) les, les sora nrstelw, coy land, 46lMa nk.nd, reseed endla amoil Mete M n,lllnth.a n. 0d (naw eess a.a,e� d �tnk. W".pldy to M. mewJA111119QUIOI.gy. LTAew. Apel N ISM. _ -_ .1!•1.. F�wAR.M1:ItM A`Vnww•{i*A~fM yt in 1k, 'i waiter oirwYiniy rthMaibe AND SPLENDIDLY FURNi8HED rnr 141.11, 553155.1 M.Ikpmt.i re •e a. .10 FOR TIIE COUNTY OF HURON, WILL 11 HOLD IN TKO. Tamm 1865 A. FOLLoWe 1M Division Ccun Ooo'ate., Monday, 391A June, 1166. Mondor, 10th August, Thurd.T.l• O.Aabe. ' Wednadayt.d D.rerber " 1md 0..,... Coun�1 Mari roar,/, rod. 161h lune, 1466. Tuesday. 41b A usiml, ' 1.eader, 29,h M•prmber." Tuedsy, 24th November, •' 5.h D,.... Goan. Eu.ro.. Frdey, 181h June, 1060. •. •• " Frd.y, 7th August, .. .. " Saturday. Nth Mrl*ember," o 0 e- Friday, 27th No.ember, •• till Uv l.,.. Court. then..1On, Mond. fend June, Ind. 1r Tarda• 11th Anglia,. It ,. .. Ftoley sad t1•loboe, 114 •• Prd.y 4,h Ike•. ober, " • 44 gd NEW SMITHY! STRACHAN & McRINNON Dee ,a.nmwnr* its the Inhabitant* 4 I6.annr3, tad D rv.rding canlry. ,kat they ham opened a new Smithy Naar Dodd's Pump Factory, NIL/NM Street, wMr• they ,mead w 4o ly ad. M Rnaa eke_mg, meh SKIP WORK, PLOUGH MAKING, Horse -Shoeing ice, Particular ■tteatioa paid to Sore Feet. Laden.. h 21rd Aix, two 3014 House and Lot for Sale. NO ala arar s. ssu•V wow : owe an . roam. m W l.n,em 11.p1, ). DAVID I.A*.O* 0,404.•31 001. Ma. 1/.DM_ wit 4.60. 7,1, D,ym,ea Conn. BAY rIxtb. S.p,Nav, fah Jnne, late. ,. ,• Wedneadey, 12th Aosta •' „ e•tun:ay. 3rd 11•lnber, it Satsnl.y, 6th December, " 10th binuon Coun, C1.lerne, Saturday, 271h June, 1060. Monday, 3M Angu.t, Monday, 2715 September " Monday, 23r1 November," 111h Division Coun, An n,ayvnJ.q Wednesday, 24th June, '• „ " •• Thursday 24th deMember" I lth Dit talon Coon, W o,,..,... Wednrrley, trio Augn*. 1015. o n Wednesday 2616 November" The several Courts will open at 10 o'clock a. m., Uoderkh, 1611. Mop, 7064. 8. BROUGH, J. C. C. Boron. . 0 4 .1 COLONIAL HOUSE!' ® GLOVES ! ® GLOVER Josephine s, Alexander e, Joavia's, Duchess Lees backs t A Iexanddnu in white, black sad colon. The larStoha Coates. CIIAS,gest K.ck ARCintBIBALD. Ooderiek. Assisi 22,4. 1866. role. i certify the atone to be a true copy u filed in this /Aneroid entered of Record. DAN. LIZ ARS, Clerk of the Peace, Huron. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Ooderich, 16th May, 1 1.08. I w 17 For Sale. LOT 22, 10th Concession Kincardine T,wn ship, containing 100 scree more or less. Apply to 7.1I,1,1AM KERB. Merchant. Godmeh 12th July, 1467. w25tf ALL RIGHT AG 1.A It <: i'iltiirl` PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN THE PROVINCE. Plaster, Plaster. G(X)D, Fresh -ground land Plaster, for Bale at 36 cents per toms, s, at H: HOWELL'S, Opp•ute Huron Hotel. Goderieh, April 9, 140114. w12t1 SHERIFF'S SALE 0*LANDS• Comity or 14 urea . 1)Y tile,. of. . li Mem mutant 4. wit 1 /:a •-ow and Fro Prim fee n rl•Ine lamed out ar H.r 33105y. Court .teem. P ow. .o-1 to ter Averted wain. Me Ind. tad Tree ▪ rete of wdlrm,tory, at LM mut M Jnr rover rov- •mt tomer le.. Ferrer, 1 r.. rued .ad ram m (.rutr.m all tnett our .a.1 ..vet d tin r 440 1. n.lant u, and to Wt number a.. eadnd .d wmet7- nine. In the town .4 Q.len.0, wk5h Leede .ed Tom - serum 101.11 offer for eel., at no ogee o 10 tram Hous, la u0 Iron Ml,.ter. h, no Tueday the wealth day .IJ.Iy mit, at the tame rd I.4,, ef W ,leek sous JOHN MAriw)NAW. Stang d Kamal Meese fl e an, (:,darty 1 1W Jaw, IAM. { wit d SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Cou.li ,.f Mona 1 1_)y virtue d. wr71 .d n•rl rem" In WM. 1 1) 1...d not .A Iter Itywt7'e Comet M Camino. row, .0 to m/ 410.1.4 woad the Load. and T0.m.nn d William Bright, at t►. . alt of The Hank M tamoitn, 1 ht. ...ant and taken le enema, aN the right, 1111. amt 1 ol....t .4 IM the above monad defeode,l. in and Oath. Weld half •J IM Nn 1.21. the 40 roe et the l ,wnah,p of sae.nmb. In the 1 minty or Hare, which Daly and tememr.ta I . hallMho for aide. at 1111- .11.e, In 0101'mM Homo, u 1M law. o4 (1.01.A. h, ne Tm*Aar Ihe4(htrrth 4.y e r Sagest est, .t the hoar •4 twelve of W r lark sea. 41)00 W'Dry*A1.D. Marne `of Hums Marie'. Mk., Om1,n14 I Itth M0) 1w1 f •1514 MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, greatly brlht t.. tm. 061.04.10101. by rlteme the ram.*4.. Int all In.mmatl,a will Way Au ✓ ueatw 1,110*. (sure to Regulate the Bowels. :rend mann 11, nm. Wn, It .01 pre read to ymeted,. Relief and Health to your Infanta w. hue put op anal wt. *hi article An year., awl Can May to t'mina.n,e and Troth .4 It .hist w• k..• never Men.Me to say M say other mole tw -sever has It neat Ina Mimi. Inulin to rain a ('on, whoe limey aaml Never 414 .• kmtw o Inman.. M 4u ..tlef firm M any nee who cwt It Oct the rostra/V. MI am de:lthted with It. open/Ion, and •reel la terra ofcreememtaOo of In mural 31.34 .,4 m.4ba .1 One. we .peek m the metier "WHAT., oniony.' arrr mom M ..Darier., and Pledge or npu1thm fur the fulfilment M what our hers d.. lar. In admo.l away In.tan., when 0. Intlnt 1. n, Ihnng hem pate sad n haaaunn, relief w111 he hound In 6Rein ,.. tweety,ee- nte• idler t6• meat admin'. mod Pa1 Aimee° . fro ming vw.. anepany h AMU* None rennin, melees the be .Imll. of CURT15 a FER- RINR, New Yet, mon th. n•to.1. wrapper Mold by drawees mrnagbut is world PRIOR *SLY001115 Pin BOVRIL ,rsnr_ 715 Fulton w/net, New York , 240 Rio 34.Al.re, (realm, England; MI At P.nl etre.. Mnntral Canada name iv Farm tor Sale. THE west i of lot 2.1 Rayfield Road, Tow.• ship of Stanley, 77 acres, about 60 clear Id. The land is of+first-rate quality, Rods good epnng creek running through the los. Terme, part of the money down. Time giver for the remainder at R per cent per anomie Furtber particulars may be bad on applies or to JOHN JOHNSTON. Lot 9, Bayfield Road Snide,. Goderieb. Serf Ink. 1867. w3i FAR 1I FOR SALE, OR TO TRADE FOR* TOWN PROPERTY. RING 8'..t i of lot 2, eon. 1, Ash6.Id'. 100 acre*, 45 cleared. Frame bare, good hose., fine young Orchard -welt water- - ed. This is a eery Gush ble lane. FON particulars apply to ROBERT CARMAN. Ooderleh Aug. 28. 1067. w12tf. WITH A New & Magnificent Sky -Light Awl It te Mmlr0,Iranteg'to apply 3.,IL.wel R, (.) O M lai . tan tic. is MI 5f.vn..m. Croon ta•A • tmnv4A for Rnrrl.t.n ,red Atkrnew r vary made - eat. term. R iTImaraafale.. Area April 14014 155 gl1eaml Rn' e9 l'Imod, Iraimr*a HOUSL AND LOT MR *61.1. MAR RnhwAMr for Rale env rime, . large 1 Rfkk ro14P.JoInlet 1M Ooderich Salt *ells. In menMt•e, *eh the home Orr run, .plm*IM (0.r4e. Iola. Ma etas mpp,nwnity .bkh rldnm sent AL50, The T e.p1.M 1 ,. or the ('Orm.rtflirtNF', ., dminAlt .11nat4A the 11.01 ,..i leader„ M 10..dt .orf. .ed N..,h0r. %,w,5b)pap 11 woman the Menem. win M .,,d .yea our promere res perterehtm mot. h. r A. THf)MPRON, at the rumors, NM.1 rH AM TH0111114O14, res Goo.o.l, Mav 1nl er E. L. JOHNSON i7 EUS to inform ht roal metros.. sod ,M stale 1) generally, that be hes, at myrrh •t��NMr tomorns, re ap hie oms, in STE W A RTS' New data Mock. MTM or H.1n1MN str.el awl efl..n, e.r1ket , In ch style es to render them tlhe tee. Ibe maimin. d fu mod the hal Sdsptr IM •eemoeor pp lr.Amewt of e,Mda_ work in hie dllieets awl Irs_,Iwl mem, Those demos' .t renes rkr• twee of (I II 1 I. 1) 11. 1: N .5.o will pl"m•o being in the morels,. Photographs taken in every Rtyle know% to tbo wet, mad OM Amhentypes .nrl M tsrrmly�p1eieea ermine as Photograph*. A lase floret n(llitt este Rear• Wood Penrose dears es bend. Alen ALRIIMR, very Meep. L. L. J., to moms. Meetly Ar IM lilserst morimefm AIM peel, Ramo w1iMMd last ~eel 11 metes Mists worn m .e•nmo- amoo Seel iNWOOD..4 dos esew. a. L.701I1310I0, Oedmrk►.Mmreb 1, IMT, reel TO SELL OR RENT I THE WERT HA LP LOT XMASES El MIT. rearteehth meoewee of Helton. em the beorwhry Im. Myers a alytb and Welles, Pse (l*e,e each way. nod hardwood lead. Wel weltered; thirty acre" ekan nee. Seventy sewn ere.'. end a halt in .11. Well kaeaai..1MFOC flintier portends,..pp11 NhK LAir May fhb, 111117. ESTABLISHED 1848. THE "HURON SIGNAL. " 0UmA 11.5D-sglH•Aaafttr ARD we1zI►,1. 'i1CItM6t wm • 41 M I!' , RATwmov A:T. gRTmwo' modem1 4 1'•r �' Pint modemeh ,.Ian rout Ig-sywa, . 5.4 •• NM1.w M Rinks,: smasia 55 arms Mete R0ste me Rothe 6146. p.e Rer n ebawwl.wewM,ieatM reeky 4k_ M .Rp54 twmmamMwU"en TR1 ISTOWAL JOB OTTIO. A •imptie4 wish prover mere haw4 poems, mel .res owe h'•n*y Ire met . mile at owe. y.5 Mors, 4^r,Mt^n' d plate see hoe" Mstr6 M rr1.•..10. e. sm wetabWamwel nes mealy,