Huron Signal, 1868-07-09, Page 1r sr W.T.00Z. Editor andProprietor.] 11.e o .aT ANN. IN Art VAANCIS. NTL) OP 1/111../6.11. Business IDirectorj. TT1i*!L ti*, Or. latmmimrWo f1 aADVAn Otte Italie& DsMnmewt o( Vo• I ttrehoweR. Tw aRet, wed yt,uee OW HorneM Dlwe-N"-, ¥.w Tat, amt4sa.e D. rpom!'le Bashi) BWyt.M, 494010 Ira x.owta. RAta4T11t AND ATN)RNRT.AT-LAW, era bdr.•Irw.la Orli..,. Cn7 ergg'11 AUo,..y. Gn•rleb, Quark Rot. o4.a e• la Coon Hew. •14•40 M • CI. Verne/ton. ARaRTRR.ATTORRRT OONVIY ANCRR, aa, D !wears Mow, Ood.rfek, C. W. segs John Tieeraaen 2.44E:IITFR. ATTORNEY.SOLICITORIvCRAN- g' iMar. Ir. Omre. Market lq.. e. C.ww.r e _. ss.L Gedenr. thtl - A/stela' Re Walker _ aatlRTRtb, SOLICIT ,.. CONVRYArernno, ee. f1mM, Mr J. C. Dollor a Cos ire won nee rom. ! Keore. 1 TmRNrER Rnr.ICtinR, Le., Ged.rieb. C. W. IMO.. (rabbi N... Sink. steer I. Oxen men c. ma.. tloneeb, Avon 1711. Iter. •wletreel /11. ?Rhode 4vod.,ugr, _ DAM/ITER, ATroR'CPT. soLICrroR ars IP Werrh, C. 'V Pn Worn.. e t, W 1tb..n sweet oose.. Got deer •M1wen of Olnsow anne. eel Jnnn H. ■eesMen. Tin+RNNT-AT-I. tw.anucrn)R IN MANN/II T Reser P.LM. enrnstvarMr, t e , ar , f4aeneh. (Mee ne the nen Id. efWM Street.laud err hen One-I1.a.. N..,.. ern /. V. 1111wnod. EARma/ER, A TTORRRT-AT.L t W. CONVEY E. r. ar. Ones ever the nine •f Maar. J C Dater 1.('n owe. of Market Noun ani Math Skeet Oestrorb Jany a INC sof? Doris ex ■stems'. BARR/ATRR, AND AM)RNIq, SOLICITORS. a. L. Ohne.[ 7. Le. (Indeed.. nor ewe W. t Ione.. R A. Wtt4asa 111'ramar. A ttORNEY AT LA W.MIJCI7oR IN CM*NCWt7 .Coen,es.r, es. Wserw, peewee O • lei Wllllmm R. Lenin, TS 14 tsrltnv AND Lev °Fries sues'. waw R. w E.n(a.M, , /Wort 1der.eh. ,.lite M. mmm e' len on er►I. M_ .edeeen i Deoriedw.d .des M rad maw ewe.(lorrleh. De•, Si tae► ewe4 P. P'. VPAr.TC1E R. 4RO*%Iy.AT-Lew. a)I.Irtv,1R-IN MAS - rev, (Lnren.Nr. Le., Rot * ont.n.h. flea*/ 04. Mal m.(m. U18RLRTRR. arronert SOLovron. Rn, Ca.ae, UU rt, Ont. w1* MO!1F. Y TO LEND. D. Dernmall IC'L'M .D A n Y TCaI N .t R. t ATPI i1.D Coons « r. Reno. Mot at r' •.•.d r. " e N aeY1jy ,.•on..r w •2111.1 yr. 1.. V1. Itamltn, • emotes,* AND 1VRVEYOR, tern M0•t•M Cm..yamer, Rt'wese. .TAMICAI 1011Ciitovwolw. SE,117AKT IICRONTEA('MRR.' ASSOCIATION, Bancsnn.w, Peer Orme. v46 D. P. CA1freigtL, D1071'181 A 1. LAND IM'RVNToR. DRAI.OIRR- L to Otos... Mr Cone . Contents DrWan, .• weorter NeI n _ to ..don i •anI.•sl.t left errs r Tan t1. In. of WngY•n, wit Mons intionnes a Orn MRS. DAYS' HOTEL. WROZETEB• Hs the der set road front Sea f dr th to R'Jkerton. Every ne,NWary ae7ntn. rode on ter the N 11 ro In r tiaAl' r . Nro:aur, HANNAN DAVI. Ree. 8, 1867. - w42 LUCKNOW HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE. E. 6. CIIRXI1011A1Y, Proprietor. 4. TTItATEDen the droner nn the Northern tL13 Anel Road. Lock nn w, 01.1.. lea reser m,wwiwr Mr riMeoieb end Wlaenn.. Ts. betel es Wed op with every ar.ommieonn fee .oamere..l travelling. A Moro Hell attache;, J,..e14. I887 SOAP FACTORY, E;ONOMy FOR HOUSEKEEPERS COOD HARD SOAP, A .-.m . per IeseMB I ham. rN Mb fd ate -a .1 b Orr re 1;•n„ MB o r Woo.the Ae. a PDT Woo. to W Mad t • r MIRDuch PAC - TR T, w ,M Duch. JUIN BARNES. Oad ovh, Mash Yak, ray wf am New Marble Works ELGIN ST.. OOCERICH A. m. Johnston ONt1MENTS, READSODNyr toble p. Pella,A-,Tool.., ofevery des rip floe and style of workmanship, furnished on ort notice and at the lowest prices Lille- act'eallyt'stlelldedmade tr,,for cash. An orders ns vents At., may be seen at theDestsh off Mono Aodeneb, Dee. 11, 1866. "p wt7 1t' BARRY & moo, NM OE ET M AICEA$, VOOD -1 URNEP AND IINDERTAR lton St., Goderich, Ow rn liber lone11hand WW1 lane sal. u! aril. Bedptea(ig, Chairs, Tab All kiwis o+' enol Leming soler I plata, stair ten&fetere, eeeby,is h sea Always an hand, • r°mpl„s 'R es I MORTNEll'T OF ooprrs, WYRn1.RRA(AS AnWWWTRr 1•tu+ Rl!LIJ TT*t•a. mRnRm. • HEARSE tolinonrvelanrist,l M8Ir.A1fellanAT"' •! tted.r'4eh, Nae ]rd, 1564 • 1..1. P.RA Ce. I Mn1AR(gelt* Ire AIR, ry111I1.7nN 4w60 I . RAWII. ARO V, AA Wtt.Tn0 a 0'. 4 CC 0 _J 1- A O 33 a.AS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OLOTH 'tw,u• osir on pert of Wen of Ragland Bread ,lithe, B1■ren, Indere.,Ramekins, FazzY gKa lek,Sc•otch, sad F...cn t'w.ede,C•sh mere., negation', sad a Plow, variety of Canadian . Chubs Gloves Siam, ao dec.riolad Vesting., lyhlnti He feet' sonadent ofvi nsat who may lave boa with tha(order.cnow to eh TWEED SUITS (all 0001)112 and upward.. 110` N. B. --Cutting done to (triter. M Ooderieb_Sept 25tb. 1866. H DUNLOP, BRIT DOG* TO BANK OF MONTREAL, WEST ET. Rte 00 ■APD A LAUGH SUPPLE OF M.0)43 pooDS which he is prepared to make up in the short- est nonce, and Cheap fur Gib. GOOD FIT WARRANTED. 0•4erwa, April 21. I440 sew, Agricultural MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. NOTICE i. h,r.b7 given that LESLIE JOHNSTON is no longer an Agent for the above Company, his services having been dispensed with. Hellas no authority to -tike risks ortr•nsact any other bantams The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." (:ODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1868• VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR Woolen Fact'ry • 33ALE_ n1H6 Suter mei ill 'stunting ,h.w►. ,o h.. 1 oo...n. nee n""'e `eat hawing . '.hissed• THE undersigned offers for lot 0, New vu of Manutac'n:o.g Machme7. • 'd + g co.0 new double restore (reins Machine. he '. prrnepared 3, (iod.neh town+Lip,-AA acre., 63 w w execute all ,.'arts .n ,Isar.., fume barn, good land- The pro Wool Carding, Spinning. Weav- party M only a axle from present salt well. ing, Cloth -Dressing ;Irld C:OI.CSIt I I% el Mwre.unng N' ase Yd w )(aryl he m .. "•eslal/ ., Poraw.•• p.on noes . dulanc• soh .. M to be earned ll receive1 m nes• for nlur , J,. same day, Waver, me ma'am. in operation huml ap sen. 1'J w Czar As .,that p.rpn.e. The onder•Igpod 10Hi ...wed no p•'•• in hum(up these 1141. h• tow. t .11ho neatly leer goad van. for .h.,r looney d,. lel fail'" eauuuue the WINGHAM WOOLEN Fi 'TORY. ar WOOL end PAR0121101' PRODI'. ': tern in n1 fwfwo,k and &remain..1 the 1.,',..I ..oh PETER Flt!IE1t. W.ngh.a. NOV 1Ng •.. 11 1111 THE OLDEST ESTABLI:w BENT IN TOWN_ • railway rues through it, better salt territory cannot be found. WILLIAM ELI.IOT, Marsh 24, 1968, tludericb. ase 60 tf SALT TERRITORY • FOR SALE OR TO LEASE, 2OACREq last E..t of Cameron'. Balt Block, situated on both Edea of the R.11 - way clack. THOS. WELTl1EBALD, Nov. Iii, 1867, (i.dn deb• .44 GODERICH i *LRTIN AMANN DIIiOSTO INFORM HIS OLD '1J4TO)I gig m, that he ie still able to eel, for cash, at the lowest rates, ALL RINDS OF - FURNITURE At hs shop on Kingston street, opposite the Huron Rotel, ()World. Gne 13:m a call. (2oderieb Oct. 3. 1866. awl lei .T. W. JOHNSTON'S whatever for thD. e CoC. mMpancy.DONALD, Sec. I New Photograph Gallery' London, Ont., May 28 1868. w20-0 I IN WATSON'S BLOCK YAC 11 E , ver th Glasgow W. M. SAVAGE. BUTSe•daslle New York Drafts --0 I fitted a his rooms. House, .1 appropriate he has backs-Nstanalcarnsey-State noes, manner,, to execute 1pi to mit eves notes, em re, 1 asd sew I o earned money at carnal rate of khcwn to the mt. P every style •x19tnge. N. B. -Old ieti.. 19th Dec„ 1 SCS, p yea, each as Dag.spha, -------- --- etLler111 types and Ambrotrpeaeopiedanphotographs. Mr. Jobnatoe cordially invites the Ladies SASH AND DOOR sed Gentleman of Goderich and surrounding F ACTOR Y. THE n'.d.n,rned h•rmg ptMh■nn''he Non rat 00.11 and :lash Factoryowned, end oe. roped by Donald Cumming, am now Depend maau aclur.eg +ter' Cive Him a Trial ! as to whether he s worth, ofpatronage. I• W. JOHNSTON. .1Godrneh, Dec. 10, 186E w46'1es 20 earl/ On 16. boson N 1 f - - - Sash, Doors, Blinds,STOVES ! STO Moulding Fl I Siding, / ooring, cad el: kind. of C I ft CI I I: NV Et Is:, welt se z Cork and /A. Ahm `disk and Foam* -eThey 'honk from thea .Pyr aura n Factory 7seort 1h.I tyr.n pre to dl onto may la 701 them nlA • n!I. N. R. -A Irhen 14,5,0,., to the trade, LAS IBUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, *AI RUBINSUM. O.0 er,' n..t1ar,-(0 IO,. I747. .w35 v a_. A 0884TCI'RP O►IJ Vk;R ONr1.AtNT AND DYSPEPSIA 1N CANADA, C*.een•, Ponce Edward Cn, C.. tV,. M.nh. 1467. Nowa. Vn*OI a Cxe*an."v-Son, having ;rt rad wn►m m, own peraw. .het thea ie at 11 • med.- e 11.1 001 .elA.7.10m rore 1pk'.n..at D II++ Ism nMneed ,u Mmete MI. statement ander meth, winch e torrid, that 1 he.e Ke.on0 nn wordy t4..d for ,h. W. 1•1•• Y l 0r.0. ace; -:-(to de„ Donors. eta, ,n'enu 1. .0 Cin•PDemp.p.ia 1 tel • tering n( string and corm rime rm nnrnew ohm. IA. a"mn-h, re sen pain. ernr..non. .0 w,.n, .o".'io..l pp••on. drover.- .mit remitter in, ,r n[hl ode. he.Aeehe, • (0 •• nese, ^us *1, Ar, . w . g r ly 'educed in ,Arius the Greet lr y ehpn(0 . • '... h'v) hly, I •riM • bottlbottlerchrng., Pile, ook .1..,h'r endIh found' my 'n hnhh •npmrmg. I common' it moat ben oaten •boa ten alts., •..ng,he ,elle, and 1 And ,he1 I Mn (tile re_ 'evened. 1 n, howl,' w, hunt rya, Of anea.uwsa. 1 an ern and h..en Thr .'nr.r nmpirked n inn 1 r't1.y,• 104.," we th1. nee. In Id him the Ore.t MhNhnnee. Remedy P mor o. 1 M.. recommended .he Rimed, in war et rl"r.iM it h•. .n...M, Aron g.nrl. deetion .n4 1 veneer 10 .(It' ntenaeM .t wag .10enoi M I .n.. A'RROOF: i00D. .Serres HolmeaCna...1C.w 4)0104 der of Myrrh. I147 1 CADMAN, J,P, Cd.mhsamer on Q. R., in and ter Moo *811w Connor M Pure F:t.nn. C. W. STOP AND SEES 7 'Ht folk( ng ,*441.4.an ToennowaM M mewl wnrwlerfal and rxlnnrdisere err in C•..a.n by the ORRAT INDIAN REMEDY. Th., Iv. nein- deniable and Inermwq,M. M. aneleireo on ererl. the 10ol 7et ckI ,hIM .sere,, MMrswrII Comport - tented ' C _ e / s. nded inner aro '. •cceribt. ,n he Orl ' SHOSHONEES REMEDY Pad 111wew. rat Me Throe 1 lever. IMg0.n0 th,a . *0.... 80., ea • .h es r. Mew.. .m t. Pam(Aee..e. tense,, art ell nooses Erin( haw herring Pined,a the Pined, ore he441, •141 inn w es1 ,wad, he. NEVER OREN ,.QI'A LLSD. Abe'. ✓ rho....t me** ren N 111•1I la M 111,111111101m1. n Resew. nI e.Mktr., C. u' , M 11.11411111.4114 . Of 1M. M Pe,.. r, V. Willer, P.rnNMw l. C. M., of Orale mown, err Wall 41r/throw ¶Vned,rJCn.oe00, 00 Dy.p.rM lamm (. ter C.m1m M M ,Nel /Ann. Na..1' ?Now., C. W, 01 Showrooms. WIIF bed M teh81 Mea . enolo for ten, M *raw amnio- n.. fmnio- n.M %•ranee... .M J onto well. *woe o(web Weft Wen he M.Iwrrl e• were m set 1 eM *MO RM e,1 • eln1Me nappmm..h•ahle n on s• 11841* r 002110 114711112128 *RMF.O PIMA, .c4 s•nett yew Yelp.. P,*ut cf GI. newly in largo piwiIII' Sir rnr Oke In all fir erre sad Aske M Men el.. Ar.. Rw (aekvM(, 0 lab. sed .uraea4. OM1. VES a MARBLE WORKS W . C. TRELEAVEN. E LE A V E N Monuments, Headstones, l ombs, Tablets, Table -Tops, dm Ohio Free Stone kept on hand for Build iog purpoeee such as Caps, Sills, Ba- ses, .4.0., Cheap for Cash. GODERICH C. W. CABINET WAREHOUSE (THE OLDBST iN THE COUNTY D. GORDON, C I . - F .I. ;i ' ' • 1 MAIiI:E,t AND UNDERTAKER, Oannose toren •nes hu row on hand • complete assortment n,Furniture, ethie Wareroom., WEST STREET, GODERICH, ar,•e Ar Sofa, Bureaus, Table*, Hedetead,, Hair, Caneand Wool -seated Chairs, Gilt Moulding and Looking (lasses, i a variety ,01 Home Manufacture and Imported D. G. has &learn on hand a enmplete as °rtmen, of COFFIRS. Also, HEARSES TO RIRE. 81- Lnmher and Cordwood taken • ex. chane. for Palmitin Ci.dsr,ck.nth CM•t. 1667 w1 113C8. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON d AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY H r 1 tip • Hu been on exiarnec Thrly-Iwo years, and 0dewing thee prom! hoe .d Loewe exceeding 0 Five and a half million onRd*eta2 TA•JnUPer Cl • Pink arr., Ila wnhont dnnhl ncontr, pled tr lc imemenr nI th,. the eetehlothinent of thin In•tnuho.,, r• the Miriam,. °I I'ubl,c Corporatmnn, %lrrchente, Hnueeholdere, .ad basis(•, men generally, whence t rrmmnu I alone kmm nts! 1.1 . , 4444.. £g n•(0 Z ' 1n ire MTh year, 1046, a • £47,761 01 '• 2011, rear, IIIMO, •• £'•22,279 Iph veer, INN, .. SX'i9_LI1 CI, One year later, 1667,£l418,056 0 h The Fin Risen, Fon 1 es now 0,727,444 f"1 The Lde. Renu, Fund It now *9,21.,4614 Q The romps n• I. represented them/horn f)n- lano and Q'.,eber, by inl'e-it,., A,'et,, In lel whop applte•oon for memento may be made. lyti (1. P.C. SSM H, Reerdenl tte„nt•rr, 119 A. M. RO.S, t M Avon far Cs, Mr Snch e to V Elnan, bonfor Raney W.01. Wates•, lar Seawel Ciesl.eir►. P.b. I l Jas,, w4! 104, r, uroldwer-led, 1n its1N nsr, 1(136 the Fire P PLAIN A:VD F'ANCle I N W .A R XI, COAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1filr Coal 011 Lamps, ao. &o, Old Iron. Copper. Bre., Word Pickings. Aril Sheep Skies taken in esckar4e. J.& J. STORY, 1P Biro Of th Large Coal Oil Barrel' Mush IM. 1617 6741 HEAR YE ! HEAR YE ! rERSORR RAYING ART MST CLAM PUt A WOOD Mowing or JReaping Machine 8110CLD CALL AT SEARLE & DAVIS' BASE LINE,CLINTON• WR NAVR SINGLE MOWERS, SiNGLE SELF -RAKING REAPERS, AND /10TH COMRINF.D IR ONE Over 70,00 Mllhere Week... M...o te Imre ler dnnng put .In ran. Alen ■ewlsg • Self -Dropping Rand Raking Machines COMRINK6 IN 000 The 040..1. In harm( from as .. .MI an Gunge blMen, nen N heel fenm Tell yon. n gh nen IMI me .11 few Prn Llnlhn Ira .I,.r f'Ian hail le red ' ,pee s e V.nte In Mg Orn any perm, enable . .mel ►•m M.ehrr".'.e ..n riw.nr our •....w.• lee have on Mud len Wont. M STEEL PLOUGHS Th : nn.n. MeM1 •M Hang M CULTIVATORS. reepr..of w1 moos,. STOVES of 40 different Pattern* Stovepipe at 121e. per Int, TINWARR 00 ALL 11Nn. 6 MILK PANS for ONE DO FIELD AND0ARDRN ARRDNR! OF EVERY DEPCRIPTIONe 16.1.111,04,,., 710.4(0,8540. :A" "InVnw►RO ser, At SEARLE & DAVIB'. air Mono .00 on rarer. manta(dntomi Ear M..ahn. CALL AND EXAMiNE P'OR tort- RELV1t1. SEARLE & DAVIS Sae Ilea. Ilse ow LANs Lama ns env... Apr/ M. Lem sets M 1 =3TNA FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. CAPITAL, $10,000,000. HEAD omcc-SACKFILL6 STREET, DUnl.iNp t DnwDIRICTOR•. Osten nt.r'R.tihr rthhFkOn rmntrrt .e, 1 n Arn.gh : Kerryke.l, On. Donned, J. P 0..r Counties Innth, Ikr,egal. Arm h, and nen -Crrry ,n. 10.7 WILLIAM 0e11130.q . Alderman, Merchant, 1t Upper 11.rkelle urert, snit Orem nnm.virk .Street, 00411,, Mrrrtnr of the NMI, Tenements' company. ne..raain.Nrn. Ro.•.,re..[x Tl nF, Req., Ckmehrnnrv, Cnonk•ele, ('mu ty Muth, and Mrk ill" Atter ht., 12.1.1!,, .7 P. to Contin Werth and Within, Inn... Iheetmeh Amend.. Lr/. °mr, Caasi.. OMR. MA,..,,, Rai , Mrnhant, Stephe, I.re.t and north Wert tierce's Mood, ((rh11. C7+.r.btnen Ledge, nnndm.. County Dn1ln -- tNrw,ter 1 omnerial One Company Rru.an r new, Req , r7 Waterloo Road, nnhlin , J. P. no County a.m. Davi Rvwu.n,p$erre, Rel , Menhenl,Rden aa Q,, and Ien ehampt,,,nn, ywonny1.157 , .'n. 1i.MIn (! Roomy oxer, Rrsi.o,, Re, , radp Hun,., Tule, and Otrmleff, Co Rem' J ,r °e P..mir Kerry R.•enan.-The National fin k. aoWttors Mr.m Malloy a wawa lhugpe-T, Iee.w, F. 4. CJANA114 BRANCH. Caesar 81. Pencils Inner nn.• S1 R.rnment firers, MONTRRAL 8ANENR.--71e Ontann Writ. ,T. W. ORIFFITH, M.epr. O. ROMRALI, k Ann!, newish. w11f GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, AND PROVISION STORE. ARCHIBALD HOD(3E, 7M(00 , 0 M15( -RANT, Cameron's Block, Kingston Street, riODRRi0H. CRA 1le, FLOUR, OATMRAL r4NM NF,AL, 160•, Moore. PAwwam. iks'.w,. 14.,,., bee.51whew Tarlton pew. p 4 6.• grate and all hrods tirehestf seal Oodtpdoh Grammar School. Thr public examination of the Goderich Grammar School took place on Friday last, the 26th inst., before a large assembly of the trustee, parrots and others. At the close of the exercises Meader Jerome D. Lewis on behalf of his fellow scholars pre- sented the following addtres. DLit TI&e*io.--We tha pupils of the Goderich Grammar School, not being able te express syr gratitude towards you in any better manner have the pleasure to present you with a mall token of our re - °00 it that you will think d, and we ask of nWhen u rok of usW that not in the whole of C w knew ere • man whom we would sooner eve to be our ,0.f FOUL PLAY. a1 cileaLE, *SADA AFD DION I0CCICACLT (i,nt/nYad Nightoaate, and, for the Hut time, Hanel clammed two portions of the rum ; opt for himself and one for Miss Itulleatn, ' He then returned aft, and took the helm. He loosened it, so as to be ready to unship it to • moment, tons° it as a weapon. The hien huddled together forward ; and it was easy W are that the boat Pisa now diridevi into twu hostile camps. Haul sat quaking, with his hand on the helot, feanng an attack eve ructnr wet you ; you hare filled Both he and Helen listened acutely, and, position u teacher of the Goderich about three o'clock in the a3 Gruranlar School with great credit both to "17'4001 occurred o(a tembl youryour self and fn your pupils and as you w about to retire we ask, that you wilt ex • tend your influence over us and guide us in that path which is right in the sight of the great Almighty and now we bid you adieu from the cares of the grammar school. J. D. Lewis ; J. Dixon J. McLaren ; J. McDonald ; W. Mitchell ; C. B. John- ston ; W. McDermott ;. on behalf of the school. In answer Mr. Haldan mei and said : Mr Dicta Iocno Faizena,-p assure you your sir ane I Y unexpected rat u Gess a go peculiar r alae of gratification to inns Forgive inn it excited feolingspreTent me from express- ing my appreciations of it as I desire This Mackinloeh was hoard to say, "re. out the rum, no allowance," and the "Serve de- mand was constantly complied with by Morgan. en ched Miss on the shoulder,land insisted her ttaking nhalf what was left of the marmalade, and he took the other half. The time was gone by for economy ; what they granted now was strength, m case the wild besets, mad- dened by drink as well as !lunger, should attack them. Already the liquor no Y r h q s1 began to ran and wild hallos and yells and seven f ' menta of ghastly songs, mingled with the groans of misery in the doomed boat mea solemn moment ; i now retire At ■°range there was a great swell upon from an office which 1 have held for the the water, and sharp ts at intervals ; but 24 yea" of my life -an ofliovt fnvoly- windwarr , might and on the horizum, W ing heavy and grave respnn*ibilities ; re- observed a black !mot in the sky, gun ■punsibilities from which i would have bigger than a fly. Ilett none saw that ; shrunk in the beginning of my career, Hazel's ryes never left the raving wretches hall I forseen them in the light in which in the forepart of the boat ; Cooper and I now see them. None but those who have Welch eat in gloomy (hamar amidships been engaged in simil services ,.an un- and the others were huddled together for- ward, demand t encouraging each otter in• dedper- ate act. It was about eight o'clock in the loom- ing Helen Rolleston awoke from a brief dose, and said "Mr. Hazel, I had a strage dream. 1 dreamed there was foal, and he plentyWhile thecae ston range words wase of et tin .her mouth, throe of the sailors suddenly raw up with their knives drawn, and eyes full of murder, and stagged aft as fast as it enfeebled tidies could, a1e1 uttered a loud cry, " Welch ' Coo. r ! will Jen see us butchered r' and una ip 'n the helm, rose to hu feet Coops tomb, gen, howeve of that ; no f Irritated by th and maddened by d Cooper and stabbed with a gran ; 0n this a fearful gash, dividing was stabbed In return, by severely ; these two appl he anxietiesn more especially those of ., tion. Some hundreds o have been entrusted to myc now engaged in their pursuits life, and whose intercoureejw-itheocietymost great measure be influenced by thechwrecte hick I have heed instrumental in forming. Youthful element of our population clef our best consideration. Tho future and political condition of "sir C..nntry depends mach upon the standard of mor- ality and intelligence of its rising in- habitant'. Its future destinies will in the course of time ebe entrusted to theirmansg0• ment,and Conada offers many advantages for the developement of ge B its Y civil institutions it enlists into.en'itothe most intelligent and energetic of itapopul- ation. Ite representative systems ramifiel into every township of our County, in the formation of Councils for the management of their local oficn, a7urds every oppor- tunity for an enterprising and intelligent ese Coun- youth *7 unmans, for maturing Tthe youth- ful politician for higher poste of honor. And now my dear young friends, allow me in addressing you for the last time in this place, to urge upon ,you t, panus educa- tion with unabated determination. Kpow- ledge is power, and by it you will 1st en- abled to fulfil moreably thevariousatatione of life in which it may please providence to place you. Some of you may be deterred from not having the me of your lmore fortunate associates ; bition or meana of ut allow me to assure you that these advantitiov■ advantages of birth • re b no means the 1%, ne nae Y Ens 0 f usually usll attached Any yours man i Y t to them. g rtes div e of thein, depending n' rO7 e n but dl n entirely M ntire 1 g upon U Yindividual rad ' nal tb, en- ergy, ability and integrity, may reach the highest honor of our country. 1 wish each one of yon every happinem, and when 1 sit lapin that chair after the labors of the day, 1 shall recall to my mind many agreeable associations of the put many pleasing re- miniscences 01 our connection, and it will dill be atones* of great pleasure to me to exertt iide n that ou by sth whicthe h in gyourCOI can address you very properlydesire should be right in the eight of the lmighty, and which will bring us .t length to hie eternal rest. After the examination of the school and the preeentatinn of the address from the pupils the lte,, Canon Elwood ono of the trustees took °mea tion to state that it was with deep regret that he heard of Mr. Halden's intention of resigning the situa- tion of meter of the (Ioderich Grammar School, which he had faithfully held for the past 24 years. He had often vixitcl Gram- mar Schools in the Province and he cold say that it was with truthfulness that he could bear testimony to the high sense he entertainer) of his moral worth, and to the energy, activity end zeal, which tie had always manifested in forwarding the inter- est& of the school. ypa■t lige-and present pari - ping people who're PRIZW LIST. 1st Greek, J. Dixon, _ let Latin, J. Dixon, 2nd do .1. Mcl.sren, 3rd do L. Ord, Lt French, S. Hardy, 1st Mathemit,o, J. Dixon, 2nd do J. Lewis, 3let Scripture, J.do CMcLaren, n'2nd W Mitchell, 3rd C. Hellon, equal. Eng. History, J. Lewis, ()rammar, W McDermott, Algerbia, J. Dixon, 2n J. McLaren, lot Arithmetic J. McLaren, 1st Geoography, J. Lewis, 2nd W. Mitchell, 2nd C. Johnston, equal. 3rd E. Kay, 4th E. Lewis, let Reading, J. Leiria, buy, 2nd O. Cameron, A. Ord, equal, 1st C. Heiden, girl. Recitation .T L „-p., Boy. Attendance( J. LMcLaren. girl. ens L/4NION ANn PARIS. -Tho enmpanative few features of 010erenee, which are •iRni- Ae._s ..r .._ rt.tustHs o/ London and Park present a different two commnnities. The City of Paris con- lay one man as dead aa • stone : and Iwo ahem! 2,000,000 of inhabitants, rh...tr 1;7,,gt`'he:',d °rid their people, and about 240,000 honesa,--the proportion of poople to a home being firs timea larger in Paglit than in the Ilnglinh the Para avenage forty to melt dwelling. The stoma ahem the preference for separate residences, nontracted with the naturally gregarious habits of de French anciat7 the strongest of all, in fset is the custom of people of wowilth and 'dation living in one part of a hollow, while poor atoteryling folk. ',drippy the emir etoriee of the mine Raspeedahl• enmity in London shield/we an etch a thing. t Dat his arm to strip Mackin - too late. He.' 11d *ton Mor- and mad, " Uome, none lay i" unexpected resistance, k, organ turned! on m ; he sank down lch gave Morgan is jugular. and race, p,sit not anile rolled over each other, stabbing and ureing at the bottom of the boat : m. .time, Mackintosh was received by Haul 'th a point blank therm in the face from he helm that staggerer) him, though a v. powerful man, and drove backwards to the mast ; hut, in delivering this thurst, Hazrl'e font slipped, and he fell with great violence on hie head and arm : Mackintosh recovers) himself, and sprang upon the thwart with his knife up and gleaming o'er Helen. Rolleston. to n. Hazel writhed ed round whom he lay, •ndatruck him des r- atel n n the h. k nes with the helm. s The poor woman knew only how to coffer : she cowered a little, and put up two feeble) hand.. • CHAPTER XXI. A Pvt7L1 nTpling line upon the water had for some little time been coming down on them with guest rapidity ; but bent on blood work, they had not °heerved it. The boat healed over ander the sudden gust; hut the ruffian had already loot hie tooting under Hazel's blow, and the boom striking him almost at the same moment, he went clean over the gunwale into the sea ; he struck it with his knife first. (011 their hem were now gone if Cooper who had already recovered his feet, hal not immediately cut the sheet with hie knife ; there was no time to slack it ; and oven as it was, the lower part of the sail Piss drenched, and the brat full of water. "Ship the Hohn !" he roared. The bat righted directly the sheet was cit, the wet sail flapped furiously, and the bit having way on her yielded to the helm and wriggled slowly away before the whistling wind. Mackintosh rose • few yard, astern, and swam after the boat. with great gleaming eyes ; the Inse sail was not drawing b eanlime, Cooper asked Mr. ilaael if he could sail the Mat. "I can steer," said he, "bot that ie a11. My right arm is benumbed." The silvery voioe of Helen Rolleston then uttered brave and welcome word., "1 win do whatever you tell me Mr. Cooper." I "Long life to you, tutu! ' &aid the wound- ed seaman. He then directed her how to I t rue( the sail, and splice the sheet which he had been obliged to cut ; and, in word, to sal the boat ; which she did with wine little assistance from Heel. And so they all depended upon her, whom some of them had been for killing ; and the hl«d t..u.d boat glided before the wind. At two A. M. Fennerjumped suddenly up and looking at the sea with rapture, cued out, "Ata '" my boyo, hero's • beautiful green meadow ; anti them'. • sweet brook with bulrualtes ; green, green, green ! Let's hare a roll among the claims." And in a moment, ere any of his stiff and wounded shipmates, m,uld put out a hand, he throw himself on his back upon the water, and mink forever, with Incl preamble rapture on has oorpse-like face. A feeble groan was the Only tribute those who remained behind could •lford hon. At three r. M. Mr. Hazel happened to look over the weather side of the boat as, she heeler) to leeward under a smart breeze and he saw •'hell -fish or two fastened to her aide, about eleven inches &bore keel. He looked again and gave a loud hurrah, "Barnacles ! barnacles "" he cue). "I sex then sticking," He leaned over, and, with some difficulty, detached one, and held it up. It was nota barnacle, but a curious ob- longshell-fah, open at one end. At sight of tlue,the wounded forgot their h wounds, and leaned over the boat's side, detaching the shellfiah with their knives. They broke then with the handle& of their h knives, and devoured the fish. They were as thick as • man's finger,and about an inch long, and •a sweet as a nut. It seems that in the long calm these h.11140h had fasten - el on the boat. More than a hundred of them were taken off her weather -aide, and evenly divided. Mims R,,11esb,n,at Hazel'eearneet request, ate only six, and these very slowly, and lad the rest by: But the Baden'ould not re- strain themselves ; and Prance lin jp'aarttu'u- lar, gorged himself.., tieroely that he tun, fo ed purple in the fake, and Leganto breathe very hard. rill That black speck on the n had horizon, f grown by noon to a beetle, and by three Inr In o'clock to something more ',keen elephant, and it now diffused itself into, a hugh black 'e cloud, that gradually overspread tl - fa era and atlast, ne hear n about Malan hour before sunset, came a peculiar chill, and then, in due curse, a drop or two fell Upon the parched wretches. They sat, lees like ani- mals than Iikeplanta, all stretching towards their preserver. Their eyes were turned up t, the clouds, so were their open mouths, and their arms and hands stretched u{, toward. it. The drops increased 1n number, and praise went upto heaven in return. Patter,patte r, palter ; downcamea show- er, a min,-• heavy steady rain. With cries of jov,they put outevery ves- eel to catch it ; they lowered the sal, and, putting ballast in the (entre, bellied it in- t, the great vessel to catch it. They used all their spare canvass to catch it. They filled the water crack with it the filled the k that had n Y the time they were sucking sthe wet canvw and their own clothes, and their very hands and garmenta on which the life -1(451g drops kept falling Then they set their little sad again, and prayed for land to Him who hal sent went and rain. _ - t 1 VOL. Y XL -NO 24 Stn was just going to slip his cable, mei hand something to .a to then. They went to him directly, and Hese took hu hand, and exulted hint k, turners his enemies. "iia'nt a got none," was the reply. Hazel then, alter a few words ,/ reli- rious exhortation and comfort, asked him f he could do anything for him. Ay," said Cooper, solemnly., "Got pea arid ink aboard, any of yet' "I hares pencil, ' said Helen, esenestly ; then tearfully, "4) dear itis a) make hie will." She opened her pryer -1,',k wkich had two plank leaves under each corer. The dying man saw them, and rose into that remarkable energy whir!) &Issue., precedes the departure of the stint, Write !" said he, In his deep Cull tones. "1, Samuel Groper, ahle seaman, am go - int.. "dip me cable, and sail into the pees- enre of my Maker." He waited till this was written. "And s,IS*s12thetruth" t 1111 "The ship Proeerpine w.0 dontroyed wilfully." "rhe men hal more &Bowan,* then they l▪ el fur." The mate wax always 1 l! ins the captain wroth hqunr." 'Tse° day■ before the ship leaked, eke mate got the lung -boat ready." When the Proeerpine sank, we was en her pert quarter, aboard the cutter, was me, &nil m ) loasa-mase T,Rn Jri,dl." "Wo 5500 two roger holo. in her dor., about two inches diameter." ...Them two holes was male from within, for the splinters showed °made," "'the was • good ship, and met with no. stress of weather W speak of, un that it, age." •J.oe R-ylie scuttled her and destroyed (•r jp'.••ogle." "I.) --n bailey's !" Mr. Hanel was hooked at this finale ; rat he new what Pilon are, and how little meaning there is in theirset phantasy How ever, ma a clergyman, he could not allow these to be Cooper's last words ; m. he said earnestly, Ye., hut my pour fellow, you said you (organ' all your en- emies. 0.'e all need for 1renaes, yap know.' "''hat is true, air " "And you (orgtre tIis Wylie, do you not? ") Lord, yet,' said Cooper, faintly, "I 'give the l.q ber ; d- d him ' Having mid those wont with some dire - t he 7. became loth and a. lethargic, remained two horn. Indeed he spoke tint once oro, and that was to N Blah - though the were Y all • hoIu t him thin "Dee - ate," said he, Ina voice that was new t and broken, "you and 1 mint sail to gather nn this sew voyage. I'm going our of pnlrt lint ;Tett' (ina whoperefi ooneeivs ble tenderness and Pimple cunning) "I'll lie too outside the harbor till you °oar oat, my boy." Then he reused a moment Then he added, softly, "For 1 love you, Tom." Thio sweet wort were lie Istat of that who never rugged, '4away, ta d sailor,whm, rough brmaetsw a en closed a frendship as of the ancient world, tender, true and everlasting : that sweet tined Ilia life and ennoble./ his desalt. As he deserved mourners, e, he had true ones His last words went home to the &fawned hearts that heard them, and the lady and gentleman, whose lives be had saved at oust of his own, wept aloud over their de co. 'ted friend. rad. But his me,es ma N■ was dry. When all was over, he jet turned M the mourners, and mid, "Thank ye, sir ;thank ye kin(i1)•, ma'am.' And then he covered the body decently with the spare canvas, and lay quietly down, with his own head pillowed upon those loved remains. Towards afternoon, senile were observed sporting owl the waters ; hut no dtwmpt was male t, capture them. Indeed, Miss Rolleston had quite enoug!, Godo to sail the boat with Haael'sassistance. The night pressed, and the morning brought nothing, iI new excetA that lieu fell in with nen weed in inch qquantities, the boat could hardly get throug)t it. Mr. Hanel examined this see -weed care- fully, and brought aevera*indsup,n dick. Amon the vsrietiea, Pisa nne like thin green strips of spinach, very tender and succulent. His botanical reaearchee ie - chide ■es -weed, and he recognized this ase one of the deitde melt-weede. was very lat liitttleof it oolnparati,elv, tooin two ad gather hewed as much and, , nliglrt hell a PFwin. milled it in f-e•h water, and then Mw R,lleet,n for a pocket Wand- . -This he tied go as toniake•hsg, trivet! to boil it with the few amp. hat remained on brand, he Awl boiled it ten minutes, there more fool, except a bowl or two, e boast ho..k, one pair of oars, Mt hip and stern thwart'. ted it, and found it dut.inon, and he gave Miss Rolleetron soma, fed Welch with the met, f1 CHAPTER XXiII. Tux breeze decline! at mined ; but it rained at interval. during the long night ; and h the morning they were somewhat chilled. Death had visited them again during the night. Prince was discovered dead and cold ; hie wounds were mere■era4h0,nnd them seems to be no dint Id that he died lf than hhis gorging nnffeebled seystemhcouldpossibly- di. gest ere Thna dismally Fro ' bat he y gan a dray of mmpara- 1 time, h tire bodily comfort, but mental 'lieu's*, goad els ce[,eriall, to Mime R lleetnn and Mr Hazel. I He w Now that this lady and gentleman were asked no longer goaded to IIIa1118IN by physical kprchife suffering, their highereensibilitiesre•um0d end con their natural force, and the miserable con- of fuel t tante of the blond stained host shocked After them terribly. Two corpses and Iwo was no wounded men. and th the milts Hetas delicimu and then n, though wound rfelh ed, and apparently sinking, WAS 'till skip- he could per of the twat, acquiesced readily. I While Mr. Hazel then took the dead men's , ducks 1 knives and their money out oftheirpo:ket ! air. and read the burialser,ii0,er them ; they Welch .., a strange gurgling were then committed to the dee cry. Yet, nutlike one drowning, but with sad ceremony performed, he ad This "Ah ' ' .lark. few words t, the semitone. deep. x vi1 r e The next moment there waaa wreathed.- ' M (minds, and brothers in alaicti dee .en Kling of the water, ss if deplaced by some we ought not to hope too much from P1 ' bled .I large creatures atntgeling below, and then vine mercy ter onreelvee, 0r we hnnhl I at est the surface was stained with hlldd, come soon to forget Divine justice. I1nt and toe. And, lest there •ho uld he any d bt as we are not forbidden to hops for others: I boat. it to the wretched man's fate, the hugh hank Those whn aro new gone were guilty of a ter which he fin of the monstrous shark soon came after, terrible crime. Let no b e more patient than hook inti gliding round and round the rolling boat, they were, and place our inlet -Whit is pa4hed. awaiting the next victim. that mmn the weir to leeward 1 A 1 New, while the water wee et stained of wood floating Y' pietas l flock of d with hie Ids-binwe,' who, harrying to kill, Welch had met with a violent death, an unwound ed tailor, Fenner, ezrited by the tram., broke forth into m.ging, and .n t t leted the hnnnr of a wild and awful aide ; for still while he 'honied, langhnd, and sang the hark swam calmly round and mond, and the brat crept on her white sae the wind ramal the host one U0 i Mr. Hazel, however, Bonn came to 0110 ever Mackintosh ' ' How- reoolntton, and that was to read the tuner- ever up an oar like a pear,tand sheeted them to the deep. deed, Idec declared then tine commit to him that he mixt promise solemnly to I tention andC in- to all violence, or he should nevelt .res' ar wh come on board alive. Maekinto.h opened hie month to reply : hut, et the same moment,hia eyes sudden- ly dilated in a fearful way, and he went °n• der the water lei" ow, enjoyed th a■aaapinach greatly.; n" longer .wallow meat. Hared) wan feeding him, a Plight of eased over their heal,, high m the pointed rat tlem. said Helen, "if we had tit their tly a bird was seen tinning 1n the rbctiom,bntflrfngvery lar ; it **tidal' towards them eery slowlyl, and to theirgreat snrpr1M1, came Reprint's 1 to settle nn the gunwale o f the 'eleh, with that instinct of.latngh: lags to men Ansel' the bat the lid's back and it leu des - 1t proved to he one of that were nrk@that hod passed over their head a, and a crab was found fastened In its leg. It is 'opposed that the hind, t0 break its, Inng tight. had rested on name reef, and, perhaps, hien to.. twiny fishing and +alight this Tatar. Hamel pounced npm it. "Herren has sent this for yore, because yea miner.. est Ret th• next moment he likehod *red his re*Mln. " 4ww," she he, bee .Own words, "this poor hied inga, yet death overfeed' her " fined a h vwl for fuel, and holled the crab in (rte pot, and Miss as demurely tet plenttf.lt; of the omh'a shell b. made • little ares! for Mies Roflas/n4. -ntnarned without fuMrel e ; the reason lel. that .dei Is head Allowed °m his deed Iiaasl ked me tie heart i n e the enrvivere'dnty wowed& KIK- Rates Clime veld to ae/. that mood up and looked. "Can't mak e Anti lie crept forward. Presently he banana iteettel,adt1 direct- ed three in the stern how to steer the Imat clone to the object without going ever it. Ile hogged them all to he silent. He lean - over the boat Ade as they neared it. He and renew clutched it viddenly with both hands and referring to Rung it into the boat with a thent ef joy ; hos had w hut rank exhansterl by the effort. He seen It was a rein turtle • and be ropenly socking their 13 trotting wminde, to on the water, or inexperienced, hal allow- Rellesten queue+ fix • few momenta, their intolerable rid them 10 4144116* it. thnort. both Of 0, little do we who neve • I It OM indeed a ',Amend ; twelve pormds drinking v inemilent meat It day withent bite or sup, know the anima/ man, in these dire extremities. AT kat LinnTwer OrinINNI refirloT ice hold his jew and come aft, and help to sail the host ed and Mr. Hanel contrive* with *erne all this tim Aiffietilty, to boil a portion of it. He en- lay with h joyed it greatly ; brit Mai Rolleston allow- fnend, anti twl • curious and violent antipathy to it., disterh him seemly erodible ender the eirenmetariem. Bet it wt. Not en the sailors. They devoured it Mir, him to the whet they timid get at all. Cooper ems d by II...doh. he worild Church to "fa entire. 1.11117 hall no notion of the nntier His rnednesegrew th on him, snit took a trim hy no hl being told that they were now rafting rowel entwined, he memorised a wish In some of it, and when he had examined • swid to Havel, "Keep yarir heart tom are not•hundred miles from land." nr1 for added galretter slalom "hot I ism PIK hoist Ave the ritterneme, Itelphema eeth 1.14 Wan in Ms ere, he may that tie three rasa trnahlanata /Nets ever onurno" !" °wilt° "°°0°- Re mw hero* ( it, h hut *sr. rang lowly that vastad te mmPf"`"m 6""atA. end eb‘mtlels (Where lair, get inani.a. a minim women um vim. water Rowing. These hehogitri dateriha tad a dieoree, end an old weld that dile'. inth "4" '"1.4illti atr""manithki r" know *het she *sated, hie hp., and rotniting ; lie went on, A tantalising them fill norm. .11