HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-07-2, Page 4IIKOZ cf tv. The Oounty Uouno11, Written for the Hures Si W. airs the !following leiter to the pub THS FORMAT OLAD118. lie for what it may be worth :- T►mugb We brute awl .}lino awwt • (footmen, 14th June, 1864. To fur Woolen nod Where 137 whispering eros. d,l.y, (i,ullrtl of !terve: KhRMa,.1551 to fairy conn, GSNTLSM1N, - You have been called A lacier Lung sound delay , here again to perform what you should What le them like 1.0,0.'6 c,uale, have done at yqur last meeting. You have Fur tea car..n.0 rr... of erg been so vain and amceitod, with your own pride and pomposity, that when a working T the SOW w the saris nun Take nlyself write. you a letter, show Wafted 11rr64 10411 heavenly spheres, the cal,. that plat. .o.t to -d 61.1111, E.•• los .Wd of tnmldlu. fun, Glee 11.• nonfat to atllkhou Cheer hta ben Au.l dry W lean 1 would nem 1.11.,t. the f.re,t When the nu oso 1..1„55 thrown. 4.nu hl. io,, ;oleos.• lhnmsA the wu..1r4 ,:;.I.. betimes. Ad the Neatly marmot -mg b...... Hearn and earth temeth i hues. 1 would nen hematb the foetid When the night a iet. any soya, Catching mokolim .hea wafted Prom the blue *Wrist ,ky . Detente,. I.. the hallowed ,o.o-. On Um n16ht winds p....;u. by, Clinton, LOA Jnr, I.'a C W Terrible Disaster on Lake Erie ing you your ditty, you only laugh and trout it with tier utmost contemptnot even appointing a committee to see if 1 was right or wrong. Now, geutlemun, i wink G> impreu one more idea int. your thick craniums that is, for pot to do this bu.ln.sS and go home wirer; but poorer nen, for if one of yon bake. a 4,Ilrr out of the public chest for his services at this sleeting, 1 will prosecute Is fur the wrung at ones, es you had a written notice from the to do this business before you adjourn - e11, and you only laughed. The laugh is un the other side of the limon now --andyou an file thin letter and play nu attention to its content; but I wish 10 warn you rata how you nibble at the government cheese this time. If you had leen called on to spend five slotting* in Tnckerantith, you would have found plenty among your number to advocate the same; but when anything is W M done for Goderich, it is like drawing your ere teeth to epprupri• tOLLrsION or Txt tTIAMta Mo/RN MO Ivrea ate & duller for it. And your penny wise AFP .Ata COKTLAND. and pound foolish policy shall not art the County aro thing thin tune if then is any TWENTY PEBISONS:MISSING. Omni(hderich. 1 an, gentlemen, Your moat humble sent, W. E. LEONARD. Morning Star, hello for Detroit, collidedwith the barque Gotland, 30 miles (roue Ae E ITIMZ CONOIWATION Pulaoi i, here, last night, at ablaut 11 o'clock. and , AT A Lovt Faawr.-Never before in the both were sunk. The total number of history of Naperville was such an excite- passengera of the steamer were fort , and i anent created as on last $atuntsv evening, when It was reported that the entire e. n- gregraGun of the Dunkard who were cele- brating a Inc. (cart, h.4 been poisoned by Cleveland, June plat. -The steamer to the crew 311, and the crew of the pee numbest tkirtea•n. About twenty per- sons are miring. The reminder were picked up by the *teenier It. N. Rion. The eating meat prepared in a copier kettle officers were all fisted eat•. d Mr. Janie* awl allowed to remain there until the Morton, the Clerk of the Star, who wits liquid had become oxydwrd. Nearly seen to go down with Mn. Hackett, the eery Ulan In the tillage liars r friend or wife of Cayt. Hackett, ap.aw.••nger. Among relative in attendance, and t hFuently the aavud is Captain Merlottle, of 'llama. there wu a general rush fur thee church an ton, Ont. Among the mirin`` are the two 'ruction. entering the bedding the Mires Patcben, of Troy, N. Y one of NIne i. woo which met their gaze verified the boats o1 the Morning Star u re- still out, rid reports. Luhfferent perduun.f the church may oontain other surviiun. were the sufferers, moue sitting up, others rAand•t•LAas lar TMs DI*AsTLa. (Ting d"wa, the latter twistingthemwlves The Morning Star was owning up from into all aorta of positions, rolling around Cleveland, which port she mud have loft the Hoer, andel' apparently suffering the before nine o'clock in the evening, qj„ IIIMtY2O.n.. illg ran. Medical ey/alatlet• ban1ue Cortland 555, at the lame Gane, in was at once su'nnnned, but, as 11 was all probability, mooing toward. Cleveland trey fimittco ld 4.,. •able time era Th, &hnent in the „pp.r.te diroct,on. line It'.n.a Itis mould lee at4ndel 14.. Thu Cortland had on bird s cargo of iron, ''"mach teem{, wubroughenc,,.f uuitiuu, meking her very heavy, and tendertng a and thowe who gave es .ly r. sit *I by blow from her when running at a high the most were Cullaldarol,ly' relieve.' by its nteutst,.o.1fatal W anything with which use. It Was found utw,n asioount that she might collide. The night wu rainy, nu lead than one hu°l thdn d anti thirty were dark and wild, with a strong gale binwinq more or Imes affected, the major portion, from the north northeast, which wtw]d Luwevu&but alightly, they harnigputaken havu the effort „fdrtring the bent ucforward "f but a small yuanhtr of (rood. About with real velocity,gtwenty were found to be in a nous quarter wind. Between twelve and ones dondla"n. They wen remuv,rd to their o'elock, t h ro ugh soma faWtty, while * homes and every attention brill them anti hessea err running, the vr•s'rls seem W l'tforr morning many of them were out of have.' conn. „either with Garful fore. d►nger, thou who werebutnh..t 1.. affected, The effect was W send both vocals G. the trio. mane little were • ne got to and I..tt•.m, the star within 10 minutes ends In in a "hurt time were entirely eNl. m -, 10 fathoms'.* water,Le beene in an hoer, 41 seen" that the aure, u neemt.en ra, 55 u esuamg a most unfortunate I.r of hie and no rationed above celebrating a Iuve Neat- propertv, and then was probably little On satunlay last • til.. Al)' of meat was chance forgetting out the beets andplacingoa.ked in • en that kettle, 4 14.,. ,me Lal( the terrified lwngen in t: em. of it was eaten day, and therema remainder The Morning Scar is a total or almost alloweti W remain in the kettle over Sun- The loss 4, her owners. The heave .t dry, on account of there being no other stuck holden have no marine 'neuron , 1',• 4, keep it, Itemainillg or long In at all and stir r heavily. Mitch of the the liquid it became /empties!, and when pry, err probablytmured. The operations p&rteken of, of course !poisoned these who Wale line heti hitherto been so safe, not ate at. Sone of the sufferers dad not a passenger having previously been last, reamer for two or three days, but *11 are i', pronounced out of drnlgei.-IU.rwu Gist inaurane was deemed almost au- perfluoun. A large party left Cleveland ` 1'r on Monday (yesterday) morning for Black - - River and the shore in that region, tal•wk A r ,ation hu been Wool by for the remains of those who were lost. tits Governor-General, making Dum'uwn- The Gig Reid hr gone down to the scene Day a general holiday. of th ei d srtilr taking t diver r nl ' b y - whom _ an et tame j t will be made to recover the safe and looks. The. Cortland, which seems to have been the prindipal au.eof the disaster, morrow. ed by 4ylvreter Lyman, of (:hicwgo, end in estimated to be worth about $60,000. She WY a new vessel, having first rnadeher ap- pearance haat noali on. The Morning Star wee built in RAI, and came on W the line in 180:. She was ..f alolt.,me 4,200 tons hurthen, new meunrement, constructed in the moat nuhstentiel manner, fitted up elf. gently, snit err worth when lest about V11111,000. She W:s mupplied with theuaual complement of life -Mab, sufficient to marry off at least all throe ea 4.nanl when she w •�.Iries"."ns h, ase ‘...rdt gall M 4".".4".".pea,oM, 55 la rPn. • •r arse Inst, provided C,ev could fen lennchecl in room,. anon n. from • do,•nee wok wool lo tee tole, and was well equipj's1 for putting node,. ,.enols ..0-h,,,..ome tfor retaining she sow firer, and meetingg .14 14.,. other alsrigen •,ler•ti.n, cued ep with apprehended upossible by her owners. ZvB o Cards fm that ,tor *Ifni( Th. 11.11. bony •Iwrrd ear ' eFlly •dtwon►no,[lars heer than tartray.,Mtne M _ - - - ' MII, woo* reed sloe taw than ,.ma, w,Il one fall to Rest Wawanoeh, i .lmmse .5. Centedl Room, Jane [7th, lase WINGII kM WOOLEN FACTORY. 7h• r'.,.,n. a m.1 ahs , a pr.rei„nr N eel m.nl 1`....,1 Mew Helps, ) n Wo end r l ecmiN- at U, h,,►•n m M. KA, Th• non•W of last wing w ' 1 and Iwo mem F, won ..t •cawwu .She hyheN rash app.. Word be Mr Ih•4roa, wool. by 11. prr�� K.1, Tlrl ,l. l.ro W. Key le .0/Mntewl W .coat PETER FISII F.R. IM 1. •,n haw M. road 41*..•....rand the hill on 141 n-o,gh•m, AA,, 110* erre 2.. 31 in It.. 13th no., aro( ag Coun. .I eArnwt Moref ky yr ,&Mt, aueow1•.1 hf - .-- . _ _ __. __ - ._ Mr tall.... roe AIW Mrtan •d J•wer D..i•n Iw IIEAR YE I HEAR YE Ihn..l L, Fw.n.I t In c eytnl. lahw rllh wlllya Mlle•rund, mid that Irdhe.n Motherland h Irra rllt t ' Is mak with Wm Nokomis - .••cried Petition d Hugh R... nn 1 .411w1 era ee.1, .hen a ..• r..,W , ALL PS:ROOMS HAVINI• ANT JUST CLAIM run A hr Mr sot. w, ,..m. i lir Mr Taylor, That Ur Ikrt GOOD we Cwn.henrwr M authorise to lel •bend en,.w•yhe, it P •nlhe m•,t tlrrnot IL..n4 ro vidsll holm. mr�- Mow. or IReaping Machine .lh., to the 1 1.. *1 -C provided the ee.l rot .e.41 to 11 Ir mil -Carried Plain. M Hugh M$(t,urn. And set lather. In Aro' of Mn. M,.14 .r Myth, on er..r 1 ..f n,elig•",e, tryr.W why 11 , NIB 11'1.11 CALL .AT loin.nl ,,, �,. a arri ,.mMelea Mr. w nn. �•, A R L E &DAVIS'. a ryfo a I, f (vlimp1 o killed by dor MI. ate S f I.a am o roe I ler het. dby 1 mate KJ J N. era lar,, •hon 1t .., moved 1., M. ' fi.«,' I., Mr M«Kq nwtwr Netherr meet,. to "%:%... B. LINE,CLINTON- Fd.p,. ,M tier . Petition of Jinn carrot •.fol 01 others. In favor M NSW Woolen Factory. Thee. benne ,n reMo - ore - thanks to 5,. men.. ..• a.em, twit., .n ear ierensoed • New •• I •4 Mw ,,, het Mru wt U. 1 rode Mor lens be p.FwrnJ U. vs rode all onlrn ,n r Wool Carding, Spinning, Weav- ing, Cloth -Dressing and (` O J. O It i N (- eta 16, allowed Corned I WE If AVIS rang • r1rilnr.l. for • teres, Ik.nw la 7•.Irlrk SINGLE MOWERS, ad, rMw It a mors Ahrr Yr Taylor, s.re,rl.d n 1yha.Mr, el.Ka,mm7hh,lRhe ir4e•• ,erlEA l the law n SINGLF, SELF -RAKING REAPERS, the pv.nn him the Peen. when h. uph.a with thw..plomnb.4 the h low for re aND ^r.Ttl COMBINED IN n5R. gown 4rnrn. . -'anted Mond he Mr Ilnrnn, ee IAte4 M Mr. 14.10, That Ilene wiuum. he pot nr.r P,ah, .,r n,,.,r Nn 5 ,.., fur. 5.r, sold diming Not M'wXr Amami ,•rat RJI t, E >nl c. . and tl"' Wa •Ir T.:,n. 31.., .tel . Ir pee ne do ir7 ;1 6n. Sowing A. Self -Dropping [laid 14014 t., .7 Ten .n, Mod 1. Mr l,nrow That 11 M f. refunded M Jin.pA Pavlov. Mr m erehJohn'e M chem tar to 1147 - ,' arts. PretoAa Raking Machlses Meek ud ..tl.r.'..m ne,al.l.red when n wee by Mr lletay, wooled hr Mr T.rltr The1 Clot III NED IN ONK r Chet or notice L. IM trap nno M M R 'rw. a, TM r forms• M bring fn... r IMt ea C•w.rg• Sar n• Connell Wawa a rink .et N In 'A..hrn. 'e" M Awl In• , ,w tran+Ar tt» N 1 M 10 IM 6th r..,. from I X N. 4 -r-Il ,-..., north/oils ,Mt we w!I f Fro Dollen lea 1" a r No 11. Mond to .mnn•1m•al M Mr. 11rot. et ow .M.I •. ,n (doom, own di ern h.d t., wool seen. to heoesad M Mr IAwr, TAA, .11 tee pwrwm. wee • III An, 1-•,.e, nielde w wart their WRn1.11A1.r Awn arealt, *MU t4 tlllon he Inn•/• 1 M M A"" ` he BY THE BEG, CAN OR COUNT GODERICH MILL FLOUR AND FEED STORE, Crabb's Block Kingston Street. FLOUR Oat•meel, Corn -meal 511d MIR Feed. ALSO, a lot of prime Sugar Cured HAMS and Rolled Raton. Jut received this morning, 500 timbale prime Pulaloes, 1000 " outs. T. If. V ANEVIIY a ro. Goderich June 7. 1807, w2014, REMOVED A. SMITH • TAILOR and CLOT TIER. H AK x.n .red u leg NEW 14110P ear Ow Mattel Mean where he serer, f *le on eh, ur.l ma- ,oaW. Mow 4.. (''Ae11. a.p5o.*M amoun,eol M Beady . Made Clothing, .mu,g ,n Ian w ContM, Vssiatm., Pantie, Under -Clothing, eke. P.rwm. .odme to P•reha.• r /MONO MITT W,Il And r w thele fJ,a.4aa• 10 CAM 1.661•1,66.161 W STOCK Of TWEEDS Custom Work 5Mi an Ne 51.0... tvan,w• ,w re And W.n•s•d W n r4.,:.,.. (4ler iitm`N Oaal. 0.d•nr►. Apr. rid. lass wed Salt Lands ! FLOUR ANI) FEED and u the advertieer has had many years' experience to that branch of brines, he feels confident that he can give satisfaction. Goderich, Feb. 1, 181pt. swell Provincial Perminent Budding - and Savings Society, °Jr0RON •r , (Pint door South of Vie Post Office.) It ('(lases -tell Itiatew • O/ REPAyti5NT FWH EACH MOD AD1'ANCLD, 74. dm Syne yo )r+ysle yesbWI re fir. 1171 At wad dl �r (�.R9fmf,5T �r�1fm�vI edea Joker 1412' 7 771 •e.s1' 6r 4 flA1 4 ell 0,m' ,pe ;ALT Y ti W W U Y V W a. WI •r NM 1647'11 v6 11 via v W 723 Wo v •r•riy'tn156eslae Y.I2tey ".el 1667IU 1412T, Berk year t 1Ws 1 -- 7 ► 15 Si. T2 m 56.2211 se 1643 14114 1134 Mentor ft...ncl.4 Priwip.l W lutnr..t ..,.1 17 WMYually met the entire 1514 will 1.. paid *Shoe ..y other limy went whatever. A1.p tater. nue. ed by Io. R iils IHN1. Mar, L 17 W, heme. 15. Mucte '. ValMator at Uh.lrrirb. waif FOR SALE CHEAP. LAR(4Lr t uantitee of, Grind Stones, Coal of all kinds, Coal oil1 Water Line, Calcined Plaster, Fir, Bricks, Corn Meal, &c., &c. Stock. always on hand at the wharf, GEORGE RU4IBALL, L Co. Goderich, May 18th, 1868. w17tf, NEW GROCERY ! .AND Flour and Feed Store. WM. ROBINSON1 BRCS res ectfull to annoMOce to the in delineate of Goderich and vicinity that M h.e commenced hi the &bore line in Mr Swill's old stand, CORNER OF SQUARE & NORTH ST. LI the Grocery Department be will kw on hand good articles, and sell as cheap a the cheapest. Particular attention paid to the line of hOIt IN PARCEL -S RINGING FROM 2 TO SACRES! LINDIMMEDIATELY ADJOINING THE Present Salt Well AT TILE GoderIch Railway Station. Apply to M. C. CAMERON Goderieb; Nov, 29, 1867. TAW MONEY 'I'O LEND. THE HURON & ERIE ' SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. Th.. bo.. S'n'..r a peep. rr.l e u me be ADVANCyF3Ea ON IMPROVED Fro /nark Property. 4)4 MOST A DNA NTAOroUN'rEll Mn. The cost of pastelist a loran will be lotted meth lower Than In other Serowe. of 1 sunder nature. 1 Thewlrnenrui f .rower u M & nsicalledof w the Net, that he wnl feaelb la. foil awrreet of k !non. Wethuul any deduction belag e1..Mfor {,ferrel or paym.nt. n draw.. Advances mow be regard Monthly or Yrerly, .nedeng over • cans of from one to Omen year. FOR 111/LL PAKTICULA;3S A rrLY TO 113. POLLOCK. Agent and Va eul..r fowl Society a Oodrlck Uod.tren,C.W.. 1* 56. r.O Take Notice. A0Ii'El, POLLOCK, Frq., late Deputy Sheriff has nee. appointed elicial Assign es under the Insolvent Act of 1A64 for the United Counties of Huron and Rraon. air Office in Cameron's Block, King- ton street. February 201h. 1866. w51 CHEESE ! CHEESE ! Shephard alt Strachan, r;Ill 'F:RS, tIODERiCH. HAVE heel. re.anpointed sole anent" el 31 Gods,,ch for the sale of the celebrated Exeter F'erlory Cheese, Local dealers supplied at the Factory ('rices. STTEI'11ARD A HTRAC IIAN. Go -brick May 27, 1467. w1H1f IR FRESH OYSTERS! a a \ o•• N F• d In rc 115 wall re, cora ,.r and gen IO .1 flet the In,./rid M n. R. Mn s lie We have m, hand Ira IOW M ow*adtad r_md n herItyto was toad M`" L063TERS, SARDINES, - - ,n be lar. ruler. STEEL a.JEL a JIJ AND ('r.:tMA. ranq yy� �g, 55.4 arks that an.A part C UL TIVAT Ui1.0• IMr. In .A,nt /a law In wnrh 1. ee,l-ndl �t., STOVES of 40 different Pat'.erna. M M to tea he of he M ov Int In width 4 q r + the ern 1 1 Stovepipe at 124c. per)olnt. ;reeled,. f Market min N6 L,., '•"M Mr Tailor. that Ws Undone h. Nn. 10.1888. •••1111 r 1.r-ntnn ret. IT 511, ret. .I TI Cw'11t 1. nY AL1. RINDM wee Mnimaroa1nre7 ret M the Mwl...nmh,lmmer .. tarred. Nosed AND GARDEN SEED`* 31 • I eco ,"'"hate e nmeirr rotundeof AA'a-i•lwrrtni ' •nlru, ,r rn,.u. r nr,.....d .V V �1.i1�, emit rill, D te.A. m noted by Mr Tarlac That ,t .t Rr,l Cooum.wlnner 1e Maine** y, Yt •IHewn FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES, Cocoanut FI -s Cranes. dtc. �o. &o.,at E. EtINC}FI'M'8, i ,. n Ner^re, Memel � ,, r. row ,n• (.lake •• tenon �,m,. 5 MILL PANS for ONE DOLLAR ! � 11r ct Wiwi M •4 Osa1rA1�"e' on I., .Mr M, Key, That tdw.wl Me rsvlr, • e•.nerw. for • yew,,,, Ilenw heed hr Mr to nn, ,, rr Bsc„,, OF EVERY DEPCRIPTION. omit ar.71"' 1. In the weel.144. IMhruni. °d, gala",N.h:rah...1•.,,. FAVr.TR,H'o111N° art reeeeeerl, 114 Retro w4 C4r5 1. pith end all kuwl. M rnusnnh.ng dorm In •,rk,nr,4k, an- esMad bsyml • 4enol are ,a so favour 70. the /rr... e.rMMak, WIWIthey &eUrn •4o1.nh.re1.hi. "e'' A,.,*Ar`le.r We; be 1h• bin era awn noon 4la.r.11 At SEARLE dl. DAVIS' M rut Ike. M t kfi I',rnWl M,.r„4 t, d Tnl far Me.pntop M thy dr Ik•..h. Mull Mrr w., runnhm •l•wrw n.r Mrhlrhe. O O rut 14..:1 r.,,.,,,,, bwnwiM 1441, Mabeet`t' CALL AND xAMI�N(E FOR YOCR, e L OIL. ,lay, tr in the Rollo 6t2t th. in u'" hegemony~eroesge4. ,ilii lo WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. I5 n.i011 LsmM,lee.otre, OldIron,Cnp- G N DAVIS: NIA n11YAl•TIINF;K AND DEALER 18 I, yt,orr., I'ienth. and ('e....,. ill every .le .NON,.. )'.e,Ceppwr and S5..1 Iron Wan,e4 M Morsel dove Depot, M,rked Monate, Uod. a* Se Nowt of 1. SEARLE & DAVIS. ** Orland ▪ she M •MI nos t0e nei la mob . ami em la et Mal an mM4hdeal se the .wane*vamp gal MA lar how, ant M ,. a•.. eine, 041•• ,,,tee.. Iwrya 1.114. ak 11 Minna 1.• as erg it_ le war Mekellae• li nfnet, April woos 513 Y. 4 14 ins W as A re ear non, net p6 eW M M. le nog M le IM TIA lar d len - --- ---_ _ or fele ma lar �19111•in. afr Ilornmele, .....rlhorn ow .....tN•m,N,:--" .r eArM,tA Agricultural WOOLEN IFACTORY ret WOW. W.tWNr, Mae. Mr Meme n•.eth mei M `Ir I''Kre. Aga, is M a•Os: Os: IMO MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION NMS wish wanes t't"'a"''t'" to OF CANADA. „m Or bS IIng w"aM 4c,. Tea N In 1e and itch M INb set,• i,.ewwr M NA sl . I*. .i 1- _ T Yrs. IIs , •,'Uric honmen In. 34 end ID Aryr "I • '•.hsee ... InA •eel Ia,h non NOTf('K u herehe given that 1.F•SLIE " O.a* Ild"ti o a '.n 4•,41,. Seinen )l1HNWrON is no Inner tin Agent for d y tN •e. carrion M6•M „, ,.. th, shoe. Company, his seven's. having we h► Sr lecher, 1T./ IM R nwr•r M urn. t b ' (t of In n..,3•u•, A,'. y..n.T., Nom dispensed with Relent no authority .taFMmawdsal ► s. er. Nogg Wool Vicinage steel Nkeapk4w .5 n exraa*gee. f7 LUCKNOW STARTED AFRESH! OD�7EtIC, Steam Axe Factory. JOHN MCPHERSON, jrEGS to a.nounce to the public that he in 1LJ now prepared, with new and improved nteam machinery, to turn out his superior axes in larger qurntitien than hitherto, and hopes to oro the same satisfaction that has attended his efforts up to the present. These axes have gained a wideilpread popularity throughout Huron and Rome. Remember the shop : Corner of W atm loo and Lighthowe streets. Geduldk. Dee. 2. 1467. waSt1 Berlin Wool &Fancy Goods Store Mrs. Warnock Pegs to acquaint the ladies of Goderich and •icinit• tbat she has resumed her besi- nese after the recess hre ; she desires to thank them fur their kind patronage, and to mum thew. that no effort will toe wanting on her part to secure a continuance albeit kind favors. Mrs. Wornodk likewise beg b inform poetise going to Europe th.t aha hen been commirlooe,l byVern. F. McDonald t Co„ New Yor' , to depose of their tirkeb, drafts, Se. for the Transatlantic Ione of Seamon, from New York to Londonderry, Liverpool, and Glasgow. Their linea of Steamships are so favorably known M the public for stalely, speed. and cheapness that they require no comment. Market square, Corner of Ilamiltnn Si Goderieb, 22 Nov. 1867. 544 ' TO 11*LT OPERATOR,. TWO STEAM ENGINES 55 good u sew, and in perfect work.ng order, for sale cheap. Particulars at this office. Dee. 2, 1867, w t3 (GOD ERRUtt WARN & CARRIAGE Ma 1301. o4 2' y THE '4uhwnher c....i 1 annonnre In the pule of Ilnrnn and Serve, t nal he =now man- ufacturing fins -clava Carriages, Waggons, Sleighs, CTU.ttoz-56, ago., whwh wig be *id CIIF:AI' •uH ASH. JOHN PASMORR, Victoria Street, Goderich. Urd.rich,May Mb, 1868. .41 Y AT A:t(42a'I I'N:IL C I4. Tl1': Lent on Mortgage. Apply et WM. R. RAiN'S (Memory and Law Once, Crahb'r block Godarich. Goderich, Meech 816. 1567. ew35 A Superior farm for Sale. FRONTtNa rm fake Ilnrnn 01, lir, frt.. 0n1er1rl ..nylni 1'01 A, 0? upon, Ind. 1,06 s 1a own. M Bolder '� "Pm n,hq, R..) b•bl Road, hent 1a0 rive cleared (lr,4 "noMnf down) ■ Annw .e4 Irene Ira os the pp1..Iw,, and t small ee..k rnr through tae kit. et, he ✓dal In alt pmeaewra In whole h, % army nn thnpn•nh.w d ALL RIGHT AGAIN W M. { DIIK t LD rRAX/•IL m u LMAN. Oedwtk THE subscriber offers fur sale a valuable piece of property near the present Salt Well in kfaitlandvtlle, comprising three acres of laud. W ILLI AM SWAFFIELD, Gudencb p, 0. Goderich, Nov. 29, 1867. 545 SALT TERRIT-ORY FOR SLE OR' LEASE. \ IITHIN 100 yards of *5. pr.sotet OoJene► ry VV Oat. Work*. Are, FARMING LANDS e•.ve.tert 10 that loedtl . Apply to JOHN BELL ()0x0)8, Sullcit0• tudenrh Uhdensh. Id Dee., 1146. weir FARMFOR 11 SALE UdV Qal,N',r{IiE'{kidDe "THE nulw•rlb., biers fee sale a fie farm In .1 U. Towasb,p n1 Aah6,1-1. heirs lot 5.cun b 5. D. ronlarrr (Warren, 01 first e1*.. Wayland, be wood timber. Atn,ut 20 acres cleared. For pa/16,616n u to price. Are„ apply M WM. BEYM0UM 5 Co. sir T. D-VANEVERY, 1>. 10. 1687. God•r,oh. 5471 '1. 4 ) NEWSTO4RE!. POLLOCK & JOHNSTON, DEG to 55nounce to the inhabitaab of Ooderiet• and vicinity that they Lave opened a U New Ston in Cameron's Block, Kingston Street, Goderich ! (Near the Huron Hotel), Where they hays opened out a very select stock of Staple and Fancy DRY GOO -DS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES ! Al! of which, having been webs d for tech. Idea he ee1d 1t the very Lowest Kates. Our Cottons are Uncommonly Cheap CONSIDERING THE EXCELLENT QUALITY OF THE ARTICLE. Inspect Our Printed Cottons. ear REMEMBER THE STAND, KINGS roN GVIIEI(ICII, March 13, 186,. ST. 5811 HURRAH FOR ONTARIO! E. CLIFFORD, IV returning thank* (.,r the Ilberal upp,,,t and patronage be bus received fo, 110 1551 I2 year*, bets Ieav, to sae that by the introduction of machinery he ie icuw ed to ■*414147 mall dealers wnb all Liu1L of Biscuits and Crackers 1 wblch Le think. will be Ines 4or„,,,geour to the consumer than tmportiue them (rum other places. LIST OF PRICES Soda Hiecuit by the Ilex or Barrel ..10,07 W ice •' A(TOW roo( " • O.Oi Abernethy " " 0.09 flutter Craekeri ' 0.06 Oster 'o T.. . tlwtou lliscutls, - ' " • 0.06 Sri$o1B1' arils -ens Cake° of Every Kind I General abortment of bread always on band and delivered daily to customers. 1:. CLIFFORD. Jam, 12 18655. 1.6 NEW SMITHY! STRACHAN )es l.nnl,nmre ,n nor rre.ndea(eo*0u y, M.nhy Near Dodd's where they inland Iv u&b,un1• dfoN that ll ey Aare.iearneL, and kue.l new Pump Factory, .1 �f k.nll .1 IISck.uuh m g. SHIP WORK, PLOUGH MAKING, Horse -Shoeing &c., Particular attention polo to tore Feel. WhNewit. RIM Aged, 166. .la � c�ea�Yme°60DE61CI UTflA!.P]J PAI1TAIIY'°°�°a° COUNTY OF HURON. �OTiCE is hereby given that, unless the sod Clergymen *hall forward imme- diately 4. the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, separate LISTS of all BAPTISMS AND FUNERAL SERVICES performed by them during the year -1807, and also in future years); the neglect or refusal k. amply with the above re- quirements, will render them guilty ,f Misdemeanor and liable to he prosecuted in terms of the Statute, Con. Stat. C., 22 Victoria Cap. 33 Sections 32 and 313. By odor of the Court of Quarter Sessions. (Shona. ) R. BRnCOH, Chairman. Dated in open Court of °enerral Quarter 1esaionwf the Peace, (ludurich, Mar. 11118. DAN. L1ZAR8, w15tf] Clerk ..f the Peace. 1868. Division Courts. FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON, WILL 51 MILD 1N TM/ TZAR 1868 A. Po.LLuN, : IY Demon Court Oonrrlc,, Monde 2,91h Monday, luny 1665. da fa Meatbr. Iah Auruu, •• ThunJ. I r, K Inrto M• • 4a .' W'edntsday ed Dc -ember " !d Dominos ('ogre, Ng A cowrie. friday, Milts Jone, 15118. Id ad •• T caner. 414 Aortae, Tt1e.1a,, 29th September," e .rev the Ratner Winton . there ere e real•,u the Moue. Apply to TID: M.. W.r •.1 4o len rid ►anon and 55114•. the They here plan Owl the above .u,wd caL.We.4.ro1 . oh, ,• ,• DAVID LAwenX w Mr.id's.1'ywr; wenciegr RatieWect the Maohilaery Ong. la now hu first rats working operation, Are Now Prepared to Manufact re Cloths. Blanketa' (full width), Winceyr Shirting, Sheeting, afro., &c., rid F....I:U..11.1e, ant at ,thee, netenl,l« WI tl,, lent war\nun.l. n. Parr ,.-,dl.. Attention paid le fasten Roll-Cardlag, Fulling, Dressing, Dyeing, Le. We.lulIalr,h<reIn•few weeks •PIR4r-.j.Al,. ;WINNING J3(10. (imported from env of eh. heat lase him. ehdpw 155 the Cu: tut M1.Ir.), which will es.hl, e• D. d.. Cu4ma Npm. m, 5. wm.LI .1•e t.I1 pert. our atteutwu W our 8TOOH OF 0L0TI 8, 45E0-, whish en keep eon.leollyo• Wel cheap for rush or M eaeAangn for .n4 WR 1.. w 4ATXl1N, Merrhw,t MaftrlN.lu.re, firers, yesrwltMru.l WM ..el all, rs1 115 him will n„n.. nrrfol w1 : mm..lute uh r.P. n, rooresabg A.a • dustman with w..,l U. gel metal. limy rely on ratting their ods. low yolk thee. the moue .neater. Cr endow Arming ns with • call are armed gel,et•1 eat.Arthm. toderich Woolen Factory, .tpril7th, 1868. J. IN•GLIS & SONS. wII COLONIAL HOUSE. HIMI Ss Tailoring & Outfitting Department ! 'rilF: Subseriber beg. to inform his many ....tomer* and the poble generally that he keeps a consuetly on hand the (argent variety and best selection of English, Scotch. French, Swiss & German Tweeds, iN TIIE rl)UNTiE3, ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF I Canadian Manufactured Goods ENGLISH FRENCH CH & GERMAN MAN BR A O DCLOTH 8• 9 . (2.\"INIEItiE.M .L DOESKINS, ENGLISH AND FRENCH BEAVER AND I'ILOT OVERCOATINOSI OVERCOATIN0s OF ALL OTHER DESC. IPTIONS. Having secured the services of •• " •• Tue.lq, 24th hu•emher," 21Kzs R4 C2.dRR, Laza 'v,ril, .....G n, .its Donau coon, E he is prepared to execute ell orders with promptitude, and in a style unsurpaaed by any Ender, 1Ath June, IA69. MANUFACTURER in the PROVINCE, (Niles ant e.rcwjoled. Try him ami satisfy your. ad " ' Friday, 711' Augur, .. melees. A perfect fit _ruaanteed in every inetanee. " • Saturday lath wnle.her. Conetnntly on band the LARGEST STOCK mod LATEST STYLES in :' la e• Friday, rah November, 0th Drown Court, Dens.m.o.., AMRRiCAN MONEY taken at the highest rate. Centleman's Outfittings of Every Descriotion pond•v rind June, MAL Chas E. Tnewl,y nth Ape,,.,, Archibald_ J.iy 2nd IA bdwro Dederick, August 22nd, 1866. .w103 " ir F,.J y 4th Dot ember, " lib Dylan), Coun. HA,n Nelonlay, 2mh June, 1h6.5. ear Wedneel•y, Jhh An.•tal •, " 3NOUrlgy. 3N October. " " Saturday, Jhh December, " Iph D,,eion Court, f:LI.Tov Sawr4.T, mh June, I. " Monday, 3*1 Angne, ,r dd •• Monde y, With ia,Xember " " Dlnuday, 23.1 November," Itch Division Court, Ai.l.trv,Lu, *mincer. v, 14th June, " r .r " Thuretley 2411, drpiewt.er" 1 Gh Thrown Conn, W ao, aria , %Vdml.day, bra Aimed, Itiell. " '• Wednesday 161h November" The several Court' will open at 10 o'doek Uukrrh, 16th May, 1(46. 8. BRotlOH, J. C. C. Heron. i certify the above to be a tree enpy as filed m this office and entered of Record. DAN. LI7.ARS, Clerk of the Peace, Huron. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Goderich, 16th May, I {b8. 517 For Sale. LOT 22, 10th Concession Kincardine Town ship, cm.taini,g 100 acres more or ler. Aj•ply to WILLIAM REAR. Merchene. Godehch 12th July, 1,17. w25tf o H. Tac Marsh 3. 16.41 g Valuable Farm For Sale 18° d oo 5 P h t th o. ,. Hull• t B I.m, IM wme nnt«lan, env. Mod,'4J Ar era /leered. hewed meed and 1n • good .1.1. or «,illlv.l5.n. fined n.,. Irw, *n• wog 'rebenl Por Iirth...tar. apply to the '•.mer o• the prawn Clint*, AIr1114 thea. Lt M F.X QUI .151* FARM�Rti Atrnnla...Ir.a,g beau. is.t M ermine' with Ihe PL1tWDJDLY 1:'URNiSHRD (Yawn tad mac a sir too of MA.5, - e . AN U q IncItInner rrotnt rddMpo 61, 1!tot, Ar he the K M iksw.e a'Rag.1 .,vote M the mule O CO M eI • F. G. BECKETT & CO., 1fA\f1L'l'ON, ONTARIO,' SVANCr.ICTVRERs OP MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS Or ALL NM. ALSO, Maa,ehinery for humining'tMalt, Steam Saw Mills, and 4�i11s 1 (LiOl$-CJrtm�TF 4es-' gyp, MINING, HOISTING, AND PUMPING MACHINERY, STEAM • PUMPS, ENGINEERS' AND BOILER MAKERS' TUOI v err:CH AX lathed, Funding, Drilling, Screwing, and Slotting Mechinee, ('late Bending and Ilrmdt.m olnlarwr lila ah 1•.w. Punching Machine*, Ae. w'A ler lf. A I t (71 PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN G 0 D ER I g WOKEN IVolill . Th' i'RUViNCE, eel fIl A r �l[k x°der•igne.l would beg to inform his customers rod the pnblin that on and New & Magnificent Sky -Light 1 after the 20th inst., his f�ro�� o�ra��a Ma ntavaro• Cron load leen 41. MM6MiagM6 Ns tY1•IM•I Ad Aurora,m very .ire ,__ti-�__.__-._ R. N AVMS:. -. - A,.1a 11�, lase IoM a Potent Agent flnerml Ma 4a Toronto HOUSE' AND LOT POR *.l I.K. 717371 sah.rriM n,*n ter W4 rerr dour. • neck ('..n.ge .4y,ln.re ran F. L. JOHNSON n EUS to'nevem h,• nal patrons, emI 'he puMm r, Rarnnllr, Mel M has, a mlmh e1lwnne, Ailed Sp k,6 moms, to ATE WARTA' New Axle HL .'on,. ne H.mdten Mrs and Xnnere, lartr Oodenrh, in retch n *tele o. ret rents. 15.,, the Attest ret the oenntrv, Self the hew Malmo, Fw the gernapl,•hrnwnt M See -ream c•wk iw Ice ,Mlirafe and WestiMl sr. There ds.nna W hammy Pic - tares M' Goderich Salt Wells. 0 1 fn manwllon with the Mow an fen• gdrn.n4 n. IIP lyhae"Mr nese 1...e to thank 'he palate for I.r4a. Tal• Man .v„mrt nnitr .505 whlmr, elan the doer *woe Ferrero. ,he♦ hen ne.,trd• tJaAraArm Roll Carding, Fulling and Cloth Dressing, Spinning. rim Manufacturing 8atlnett Cloths, (annals If roll, dA Ie ■r fa.41..en ,„ Merle wt'bei: 214 The, to faits risk\ nrtlxrwrt aryoNar!.mains .s meson lo emu whatavor for the Company. •.•• we. "omit 1 CHAR TNnMyN(i4lenp'•vemrttu w,l .n hbM JM T7 Ta Mt. D- (' IUcLN1NAi.D, Sar. T 1.1'ft einem ad metros 4 the sane, t.emebtp Clem. London, Ont., May 111616. w24 tf LIMA/ nnpni.sx C e fur 1s,s Osesr4h, Mar MC ial/ M Uo.leetk, March 1, IaeT, *Item. n.74 . E. L. IUH1tNree M,eMar ta..l.0 werk•, f. argil rid, mA, lar i O iI 1 i. I) it I1 N the rolln.ln. Won, of Ihu 1m'ine.e, ., .. low per* we aha r w,wyh4 15,, In Ih. Pry••w, N. 'tree who please Meng la the molar. ea the yd New Steam Power Woolen Factory Y in the Town of Godencb, will be in full operation, and having *pared iso impetus 1n fitting up First - Class Machinery In Every Particular ! M wnl Ir ,n , n,., n 1. ser p.emon to ,.r c r,o.nl 1174 p 5 5.41 A4 rndmmon than formerly at lir old *eerier FI 1• nn. muog ep. a.w Ispmmwl CUST()AT It01.I.-CA1tDING MACHINE, urn awe M IM Mal ms•A,nr .M,» In the Ilnminlnn, whkk, win erble Alm to omen,.. any griever • Iron, Wal writ winnow non IM detente or d.1 marline rt He is now Prepared to Receive Orders fn ens of they 4111 lar erne. ,',ower Hlennir t rhe • I.n" ..ret oral IAS eam. . In. .,.r.4 ,,., A L 8 0, Photographs taker In every fltrle era am n1rT 1 4 IFC w Andersen** end Ih COLONIAL IIOUSE 1 ® GLOVES! Em GLOVES Josephine., Alexanders, Jouvinti Duchew Lace back. A-Alexandnag in white, black and colon. The lamest Stock in the Comities. CHAS. h. ARCHIBALD. God+rich, August 22nd. IN66. ee10 Plaster, Plaster. U1 MID, Frenit-ground Land Plaster, for Sale at 35 cents per 11M11ha, at H. HOWELL'S, Opb.site liurun Hotel. G.,lerieh, .tprii 9, 1(168. .1211 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. "aro, of li.rvn, t 1 '.,t:.e••f.weir of t5,lerl D. wit f I. . no and Pato Perlis lar resid.e mans? nut .r II. ra)•.r,'senert ores -ions Pis... t to. se*wined •gleet the luw.4 •r T•.t• w alls .4 Willa. Story, *the not .4 Jaws ►ear, sad °.nese Dan. Perrier. 1 haye ward a1 tabs .n examines all the rigid dile .rid alweet M the ed h- fen.l.n( lu runt L. lot nurtrr . 4.s,4,,J as.l *neat •• tone. In the town .4 nod n•h, *WA Lend. nM nu. - on. re. 1 *hell offer 6n row, t ay asks n the 'ran 11.•0.-- . (k.t,.raoft Sler.5,.,fltwyy the4,.413 •lar .-fJulytal, t 114 boat ear 1.e f the w4 . w- • Ju11N WarDioNA1J1. XAertlf tl•sh • %ber,R Ml n, G•.Itn. L, 151A J..., Ire, I .014 SHERIFF'. SALE OF LANDS. ('wary'.11Dlnr 4'E virtue .4a Wnl d r Pr,ea 1•. Wt D An .1..t 4 11.7 Ma' Conn M,••,nmr.n Pines, to lar t • I.wy Mewled .tat the aat Mw lofrh o T4 Tonal.,* loo Height t t.. In emulation .11 5, Tenn", 1 heir *Used •r,A tab. In above named n r et t h. nshl, nor WawlI lar. -1 '4 tN ear 8.i• frith non o 1n a toy whip West A.If M . N6.. ieHet, 41nr.:h .,Iherhmo.a,{w.,.ed.., a. rhe County .d Ilarola, r4., I.d, .eel 1a1w1orn• the11 .6ir Err Otte, at lar Ts.'- n the Cowl .-41h at 7 the Ionia M rat, 41 1? . on .wla, the 1?,. 'tort em dAerfrl .-.t, At lir Moir .41w,i r. �.f for .�4wk ..we JOHN M. InlNA4D, Shone or cum,. 8k -n^'. eek., C•.4rirb ISM May, yin. f .141.1 MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, P'er Children 'T'e.1111mg, gr•.tly A•' iill,l.. rh. ,....., .•, ,.in. ley * ,.rima the golMot, twin, ,ng .,I n,na:nnutMu w,i1 Way Au Pal. ami apainm.l1• • ten,, .tel h metre to Regulate the Rewels. D. Tend upon 1t, Inntllen, It w III ,'1, r n ,t In rnrrwlr1 w Relief and Health to your Infaats. W. baro put „p and .•d•1 them arti. le 7. 1 year., awl Can 5.,, lo soon, n•, and Tnrth of It •h•l we have never Men 114. ". .., ,1 any other .Milne Neer ha. it Yelled Ina table louden, m I0.H , Care, when rola!, '.4. N•,., 41,1.e know en Onetime. .14.w .,°efr ter. 1., am' .lar who tt..•d IL lin We meteor,. all ore 4nligldr-I with It• open/Yon. awl .70-44 is lean. '' 0-1,,,s.dall.m r.f It• .arh..1 411..1. And Ileal , Irtn. 0. We .I.4k 5.15i. nutr•r ••Wet ,r err n.K •nee' .rice r•en of e,rrn.A,r. and rkdn or rem/LOS. for IM NIMmenl w clot we hen Annie 1. shunt every In,ysmr who re the Infant 1•"Munefronpolo•d,1- =einem, relief w111 he Fm.l 1, nn•on nr Isnot) sn- nM nit-att., 114 amp 1. dmlwnl. r.,1 Voll Eon -boom for ,,., 1(1 .r-ompeny •vh Settle Nem. gwenn. Mole., the M-.I0ll. M e'I'IITII a reit II NA, N.w Pork. le on the nnld4. wrapper Meld by .IMggly. Ihrengb..ol the wodd. P1101 OULYIS 75j5 SOTTLE. ..r.nn 215 rnlbn, Street, N,. 1•,k ; 2.0 sigh II/Oben. l.nehe, Engt•d ; 441 11. Paul Stmt, Moen.: Canal" svelter/NI,' I,' Farm tor Sale. THE west d of lot 25 Hayfield Road, Town• shin of Stanley, 77 acres, about 50 elem.- cd. tear td. The land in of first-rate quality, ander good *pang creek running through the Int. Terni, pert of the money draw,. Time given for the remainder at A per cent per annum Ferther particulars may be had on applies, or to JOHN JOHNSTON. Lot 9, Hayfield Road Stealey, Goderich, Sept 94h, 17567. c33. FARM FOR SALE, OR TO TRADE roR a TOWN PROPERTY. BRTNO Went ; of lot 2, eon. 2, Ashfield. 100 term, 45 cleared. Frame hero, coal hne.nl pie young Orchard -well water - 'id. This IA a very desirable farm. For particulate 1 t. I apply ROBERT CARMAN. Goderich A eg. 2e, ag67. .32.1. TO SETT ONT 1 WEST HALF tort- NrTaf1IEK EIGHT. /w IMI I nrterr,IR aeneeaaow of Hoff,. nn IM bounders het. llel.ee. .114E gid Welton, Per flake deck Inky. Gond hardwood pend, wet wN.r'wl ; thirty acme element,, Neveely •ewrn sere. ud g ball in all. Well feared. Pue farther panu•oleuepply In .how..miIwpremiere £ANKIX I.AWBON. Men 27,h. 111117. .fl+ ESTABLISHED 1848.. THE 11 HURON SIGNAL.''' rt'tLLAI1 P.n SPII11rgptir AND WRIER/.1' TT(cf2MM ' •.eel -W..*, 41101:1;',.17: pmr our 10,, •• 11e mm�r ,n nm Mrh.err, ', 671..tic , n11W (()Y t1()Tt7 rood knnww 1 therm,. ,. eentInadv w eM 6n tri. morn r..e4 tt»,eche d nM e• Fulled F nw•A ,n •••. lab w. grin or'''`. a1 Notting 1 Merle *orb. 66.4 KlwWrw f6w e A rt're ennead .. Photograph.• A Mose and Wi *noon en _ erre of 0111 and A,w. n/r11�a. 1,11... MRireha rternalla, Ad Ih•NM Meta. Ir .wen Ihe fnrall.n III M "' Wood Frume. •Iw J Meng. Alr,, ALNIt X aysr.n R. wrnLl r.11elreSi!Hrm.t6m to to. .wk nI (,Mha gal_ tllte/Ateam ass. *n4 fm,mAst Rb„,e.•Nnl44r..... la•t..1•w7, Roll inking, and Cloth DffCSing. ,r6.14wt r r J rtlr,ngr. a rhe 1e 514 /M he M ,racy 5, 40' she. A IA a w al m a t, rrrA.nQ. la h w,.,. mM 4w ,.II M wean rile a6awa .ee•Xet1 1 /k.r.wt•.. rl*e.h rd r. A. TH/�A, PAl1N, E. 1,. 1., 1n 1••lrmrnt IAen k. F,r rhe ,.... H.,1nII hod n.w nm•rr twnr.lr )r ,L.rlrnrn In lM..cola M•bnl. wvtetbrr wKl-k..101m*wane and t n4^rllt,5.7 ranr11M Ayn r*Y MwlM mwplMl. •rid n rhe MenWrnn•a6_M et the .6111.111. II61e1 Mlronego of** pont, (.wh rlteXnl IAN Iwrr„e w"rk wnM hrh rnear4nt ry egw4nrwl Nn .1.44.1 ukaa rA nnp.M wr.n.n4rlM.. Tweed* CIwAa, wad a'16kww*ts I . into mem a r I rrygnerni ausylt., A tAHt 1• ar4llM New, WOMAN .AGRe11. eeM"' THOMAS LOGAN. 0Af5 °I A0t4411741410 Iniortkm 144. per NM. .nl..pnnnt 1,051*• ave. •• A• ti THIE RTGWAL JOB oFFTOI ff 1': ,np141M .111 point pewee, e, Mmt pewee., .n4 L,...w• .1.n A.1110 I rhe ntt•t and wee vie, - e, nu n. Ty de•. rilekeeM r4.l. .1eI len. T grinch/ al .1 rl.n . taw kid •1117 •mel .,A., 1515.,tee emitter r4 •I a I, 0 r1 -5