HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-07-2, Page 3• ,1 's 1 11, oaths i!misters and Lawyers use ti The Amcriasn Watch company at 1 WO QRpTIOMYEARLY AMIWEILD, >j!'althnm rttpinye four hundred mid filly caY+e tlieylare a great wprotecuona to the workmen. throat and taco and Heber Kilnbsll, lho s•anld 1'rendenl r oral a a lungs, add much to their of the \lormou Cbnreh, dirt at Salt Lake by , ii old we use "Rryao'r PO. of Tuesday. mo o N'afere 7,' t;teauxe when used fur The Pacific Railroad has con. acted to coughs; colds, tic ng in the throat, bring 40,000 Texas cattle to 8t. Louis IIoarseneas, k9., they act like a charm. r F em, A shingling machine hes been invent- phy'aicians recommend them ant singer 6 1 sen sere du iii • the neat two m two ed by a Massachusetts mon, by w ie 1 and public speakers say they are the very laborers can cut forty thousand shingles best medicine in existence for the euro of per day. More then '20,u00 applications have been made for cads of admission to the U States Democratic National Conven- tion. Southern republican pawl such complaints. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 23 eta per box. Jt'Ll. rtiIfAT'S about it. 'When wn are 1 oonatautly ree.'iving : iulorluatinn concerning any thing our attention is l lou u0. Inv , he coutrula theeinei*tr- with i , au asy natunlly attracted to that point, art if House wick wait tLnad the nafte �eYa race an article ie genuine its Praise will loudly "as Gottachnl echo, AN accounts for the enormous males a piano in a dreamy inaneof faultless, s° of the Great Mhoshonoe Remedy, it is quivering melody. recommended for diseases of the fluent, Es.:LAMD tires Longfellowa reception no Norm enthusiastic teat that with which Lungs, Liver, Stomach, Kidney. (,c,, th America Iak•ly greeted Charles Dickens,anitenine emb eiconsequentlyn surg pas.111K1y aieui. It w"fie The tree pinted by the Feiner, of Matra in Central Park, New York, long Perry hat's, Pula stiller. supposed to be dead, is sprouting vigor*0 clip the following from the Proridence - ously, and has evidently taken a now Clement! .4drer(iaer Isaac of life They bare just received in l'ortland, At this season of the ycir when cholera, chulrra morbus, dysteutery, .ed nther kin Me., the larged sweet potatoe ever raison dyed complaints aresure to prevail ••v.rrbody Island f Cuba This monster h Id be liberally I Pl with f 1 on the and '19 in eireumference. ht me, whether it be fur /don eatunlnn or o sou 1 n y •upT, , w11 rrry 4,i, weighs 40 Ilk., is 24 inches in diameter, Vegetable Pain Killer. Terson t 1. The manufacture of buttons from vege- •trip to Europe, should be in • position In place their hands on it is a moment's warn - Many dirl:a•ea In incident to the summer table ivory is carried on extee.lvely at i ng the present time in Springfield, \foal.- months, which will prop fatal If not ,m Thele are fear factories manufacturing wedimely checked, can be promptly lured them, and they employ about two hundred by one or two duels of t'•e Pain Killer. 0t persona. more than one occasion hare we been reliev- The Mississi 1 river is depositing a ad of intense suffering lir the time.y Inc of PP the above named proms. room." n od bar in flywt of the Northers part of Sold Ay all 0ru;eau, grocers. and medi- Ht. Louis, whiek threatens to make that cine dealers. city inaccessible for ooneiderable vessel., PERRY PAVIS A SON, the ehanuel tending more and more to. I':nonemrs. wards the- Illinois side of the river. w!1 311 3'0 w Paid '4. norm:. II,ca.y et.Tones. -"Here, waiter, bring b.s another knife, l can't rutanything lISW 2flrrrttlt111trits with than ." Honest waiter- -"Beg pardon, _____-_.,.._-.-:-_.. _, sir, but we nelrr sharpen the knives fur twang irte Wwl..on Mtaewl,.,llrr,.. 11,11 •�tr•1 (Inc sixpenny latae. v arJw.. te.,,.4.rp lM near O1a14. Ir.,.r p P.R.L/r. W t•tri..M take then, in"."• Lal • THE FENuNe.-The.tlineroI LLI A N. "'TIC tot I Ie (Govern- lime IT, Ike. T*. krminth. 1.. R. Plunk lawit meet organ) of Montreal, says that the xn•n As term Swoon , Government has private information that1:7,7:,:.,":„7::‘,11.7•1r . e ., u, u, ..r JnmSwo n )r). the Fenian, ate really preparing to invade .1,1. ,1 '.'ilk 501., •IaI. .Ill ,,.0...n, *n .2.71.1 is `,:r',,7,1 Amssi twnit5 m4 .,. ette.tt.e.....1 I..1 Canada at an early day; that a movement is to take place simultaneously on the Lm,kww,rlhJt.,.IW, . whole border , that Neutral rannone have -_- } passed llurlingtor, going towards Rouse's The Ontario Salt Company AAE now msnnlacturn# t*:) •04+J1 b. pre- CANADIAN PAIN DESTKOIUB A Fainly Mrdw,ne, well and fgvorahlr knows for Ile put le, year.,never Whig la • nolle Inetaaw 10 give permanent es/to whnn l inky O 11.1, awl we have newer known a tong '.• real of JosaiuhsOun when Ib., Jieselenn• ha <•. taco erulm•ny Iullowrd, hal M Ib. eunlnry • I an Jehthled 0,1 ns up•ranens, awl speak 'n the h,4M.t ihrn, of ,1* V,nnr and M.gmrl .diel•, T11h' CANADIAN PAIN PESTIS TER her won Wr,,..•Ig a erpuuttoa,s.. 110.• I Iwo h., a IIr:antru•teyy( h Ionic, uuarrrper✓'.I in lee balmy o1 00,m.1 per pee -Clone. 1t scl 1 0, lolls to un• bmisiIs,a, I.,vrr Con, plain,., 1,, 1,1100. 1...n lir .,.lh..r,. Fick New/es/is, Kuhr, rua- pleint., Ar,,) 0towarh Phibra,rur ANA n, asd ,.10,., to aid activity Ills •y.lem d. 1 .muted Lr r ,,t aid 4,...w. II o,ngu.d awl •oaJrriul Wuvu•r ,nag .u,tkl, roll . lin.. tnruwl, t'ough•, 1 is 14 in. u• Iwerde,leuo and bark. neural' , 1 ...I h• 1,1., thcu.nalis and .4 her pa u.* m Su V pan "1 the hely awl Ikea whnlever swims, hoe . •n t0. • plate ,0 every hunmehold 011,1 t* Mei •0,a,.ad- ma All utter pre(arati.as of the kind, 11 a al., en mnr.•wd and pwwpt et ly lar ScWWM, 1 ,,,., Ifru,wa, //pew cm. 1'1. I •!ons, Fred Ran, l;nn,*.p* n 1',e fwmw,h, P, "hap, 1. liken unison, Winne Chole, Cholera Io1ao- Wa, Dyor.tery, kc. P .1., only V, Tenn Pf�• r Mnl'e. NOR111COP 4 LAMA �'• Newek•'ei( •t.. Detlor & 0 •i. Orwsryl Atee1 for CW.,J.. I dT�nIJ .n C.telrrw h by Pari!, k C,,.1• •1d F. J,at.u; llnrd,aer h Co. lf•vlirhI. lames I:rnd, *,,,, P•dgenil el J. Pickard. Kilo i I.H. roaJr. Weil. Sr Jebb, Climwt Secant. 1 a•k• F: IL. tarn. ....Iona. ori all 1.1..1.1.. now, lk den. wet • THE GREAT ENGLI- SH KEM DI Siit JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pile. Prepared front a prescription 0/ -'1 J. Clarkt,.11.D.•PA * cise fstruordne . (o the Queen. NNW MtflltrttafMrltta. - • TIDE EMPORIUM! Detlo1' & CO.'s ('hoop Dresses. Detlor 8e Co.'s Cora' Guanidine,. Thu,nr Nud.l, mahc,ne a anfuI n- , ..the •.1.11'1,... p►m h11 ...J Janten I, awe* 10100.•1 1h, em.le o.MMltal.oa a 1w.1.,. - 11 modern'. all. ores•.,,.) rent,..11 oh.o a nue, and isp.d y sun may lie rd,ed oa TO MARRIED LADIES ni•pedisrly roiled. 11 w.d, ,n • u..« nem kit+. M Ib. ewallily Monl with regular. e. Kttea bottle, pn.•n (/.e Duller, bee n 11 n.,e errant &tarp sr Ore*t Herten w nage 1 cwt c .Melte. T.., Path s dAwwkrr . k Ansel, dank" M. PIRN7 THREE MONTHS 1 Peng .awry ss 14ev ore awn 10 Ana, M .11iawr- were, Au, e0. oop,skn nna they ares /e, 10 all n.VeS a Narrow <,nl Npind ft I.,-,olw, "nue a the hark ail L,nlr, F<O<u. . , .light Wt<rtnw, 1'nlp.ntwn c1110 Heart, Hy. •k,-• std hore, Meer Fills II •(e,t a cur, n Inc an other mins b... faded ; and altb,twl • e,+wet lul remedy. do sol ronlein ,run, rat u.•1. tints - nay, or ai,tleng hurtful to the. oast un.a. P ull direeti. n. n the p•rphel A..und each 0 0.e lme. Mew ..,.,.nal n,u.. ,1,v, 1.• n 'a... package, whisk .hon)l he email/sly 1 .•-er<al. w.1•.1 , r 1,r , . . l' „ria. y,a� h g, n , r R h fur 0..n State's.. t ,n.n'Ma, Rule a the kd 1a JOIt NOSES, IGreheeer, N.Y. N. 11.-31.18 art 0e pu•IO(e sunt •,enclosed to uv suthorue4 nee■I will man n0. 1.411. sun• Point, and rbnt the t!eriane are arriving • at every point in small bandy. Almnat every farmer in Kansas is plant- ing sweet potatoes this reason. The States' excise tax on whiskey 1e to be reduced to fifty Bente per gallon. THE REBELLION IN MBXICO. HAvasa,Jnne2I A battle hail taken place between the Mexican national forces end the revolutionists under Annulus Riven. The a,n.nunder of the Govern- ment forces was lassoed an 1 killed daring 4 the engagement, but the Jnarutacblim the • viotur+. A band of revulntinnista, cont. mended lir 1 ulllotes, gained/ encomia oyer the fnrrea sent Int against thein m (:uaryuetn. Therevolntlonarynwryement a4 Serra I:orda was increasing, the leader of the forces to offered command had ern11 thec Iters. E.•ohado. Ticeofficial jnnrnal of J*Ls'ollra, in the amdemnetlon of the Government of that State, by the National l:nnlyre-, makes an attack up.'n State sovereignty which threatens the existence of republican uutitutiona. A revolution was expected to break nut in the State in i cones gnenlx of this treatment. EGYrr.-Speci.ltelegrams,dated Alex- inane, Egypt, announce that Major -Gen.' Sir Robert Napier had arrived in that eity from the scene of his late war opera • - tions in Abyssinia. Gen. Napier is ac- eompn,ied by -having in fact, the eharge of -the son of the late King 'IThendorun, who hu remained eine' to him since the deceue of his mother, the widow Queen.' Galley __ The last advi:ea from Athens report that the Cretan representa- tives and exiles now in that city offered • an address to the United Stab'. Consul. On the nea.ion of presenting it, Rhe (ire - tans and the citizen. of Athens a.xmbled i in largo numbers before the offices of the An.erican Legation, and made an enthn•' elastic demonstration of gratitude for the; area to RECEIVE ORDERS after Tho lath ol'.Teely next, Tea,,,,. inn AOE1FTe - M. k 1. CAY. Osdrr'h, leas It DIM. swhTd Horses and Implements for Sale. TIIr.,or nl . lar Imes.. Ten of tau, wH, sol, -ISM a.l Lr Alar w earners.i-O aIzeap for acuslh. 11.. Per •obit (,n.l f inning ,n,ll .nl .rlrr fan,.11 mplr r - .um. Apple m1 MR 111n11'w,C411.r.1, 1mA... h. 401. W IwIwslooloL lot 1, sit • .n, ,5.1.11c=.m. Jaw 1# lea p el SAW CASTINGS. THhh,n.-nwi •Ln .1. ,,.-I KULLY SAW GEARING, eawplte, Bane forr-tri Olt!, 0, 310 SR 11211,111, Curt • DMn Mills, Jane IYth I.n. •44)1 House to Rent. [,1-w 11.,1"0 0 0..I 0) .1910pert ,4 the town, us •. a•lar for • p..,reIlk bili!, 1.•, 11 11174C10, F.*, . I1nayo rin-1 1'•., ISN rriI/ In 11 ILwk. I10rel Cerwlw. (Hotel. t;..lrrrh enoh. J,m.YAnl,iM*: iTilf FOR SALE • r11111; awth.rl. to mens o! I►, 5,1111, half of Int 50 1 w In tor 7111 .,.worWestern�,, Western 11141J11141J1140•11141J1140.4 Ash 11041, •1 present own. lo ./.h,,''I .. unr Per temp ap)dy 4h' J R n15C1.015. IYlnshr, ti.Mn•h. fledenre. Mai Jae*_ IMP. ys la• IEND! tlieedehip and sympathy of the Ameri- $IIY Zr01 'QR people. () Window Shades. 'T'COTON YARN - minims any Piet., return mall: NOKTHR(IP A 1 YMAN, N.weadle,C. W.Ilenmal agent lorl'anade gg. R,JJIn (T.nfnrh by Parker .t Cattle and P. Jordan ; 00,3,ner of Co., 8oyf ,td ; Jame. Yenlbum. Rope, vile ; .4 I',ebenl,F tete, ; I.H. Combo. W ata . Je11,, Chains, 8 cord, Loeb - wow E. H.ekw,:Jrfurth. and .Y MedicineOseer*. win -I• 110TRERS. R±AD THIS !-HOLLO- W AY'S -HOLLO-WAY'S WORM 1.0ZENOEM *Ka certain and 'Off Knott1y 1.r W..m. in Children mnd Aden.. -{1 n is a well -know•, stet metanrboly1r I.el het one great rnuaeo!denth among children is from W,rms none, 11 e.neo he 1,e deeply Im- prensa' upon the minds on M',nlo 110 .e,.•iny of churls wstcblnt their rlodren. fly•o doing. and umtermsolow the .ymplone std true GROW nl the drat one .iIl n.eb.L .4 children markt he ✓ eef Nen .0dv intro.. SYRenw. et Wos Ms: -The 1,11..0 mg are • few of the very •11.1enws symptom* aria 0ma•,... wIeb •et aural by Wrnm: !honored appetiteemw,ahs estrem- niew,udetn,ee Meath. frequent truants et the +++RIM. i,ng 01 the teeth donne Worn, hardness .111.. 1. y, w.15 frpowl blowy stools, end a met w.0 rw:ruluve du; 1141.11 n talc Mad mal ammo h, un..uet Ween. !moiling.. trembling. d Irk., m Irpst,•m,low epna, toeinlu1 Mamma, mod a gradual nevem,/ Salm a lark. They srr pal,ub a 1a4Jy*.'It-odm,mo'eted lo the eh,11-dr've inn the .110,44 tb040140'y 44111.41111 "Win n ad rnm(deieli' den inn. the mmn..•h-Ihere- ,iydntng awey SWIM the eeore ,'V of administer. ngl'au.o Oil or uthrrunpl get one•. -as n the uw n1 other Worn )L•d.c, neem [dh Each boa comma. the ec-«mile wgna. lure 0) No.rnu'r k LT R Ao,MeweWlel/mar.o, who ere the wile protr,aors. N. 11.-A.k for Ildl*m•ya Worm fenr.egns, S ad take no .cher. Mild to Onwn,h d, Parker k Cottle Sod Y. Jordon ; u■rdmer k Co. Mr - add : Jams* Bentham. Rodten,le; J. l'wk.rd. EnMer; 1. H,ltwnlw, Wain & Jetb.l'1-ntoa : Yee.rd, I.nkonw i E. W*'kaunr 8eafonb, 0.4 all Mtm edhe Donl ss. w43 WALL' PAPER. • o.'s l O cent Al twls .. - '/,test Rolle Mthe .owed petters., .4 aqua Plows rilohk frlmrl n0., IMnits rase, Ilan ale Rae naw. k*w 45 .tock sal 0114.111414 .1, 00 low peeve for 01.1,, al Signal Office. PM Or, it de TrwA. rnppr,.•' Sous. - Tin following changes have hrgw.....rtm..ntMc.d.1. a,nn. I.., ..I gg ▪ Window *h , 1 I I ' 111 taken place in the Spenieh Cabinet The AT Marpned@ Rnncalihae been nutdeForeign Minister ; ('nrnnalo, Minister of Justice, .no Rani, Minsiter for the Colonies. Di*- patches from Madrid announces that the - news of the pr.pn.cdmelliation oflhe-t'ni3- ed States in the question. at Moue between Spain and. tern and Chili in generally ac- cepted in official cinder' .e a practical ter- mination of the war. The latest advice* form Smith A merles re,xort that the Spanish arrived at Rin Janeiro. Pacific Squadron, Ai 'Meal Nunez, had Huai RT. - Prince Najwleon,who arriv- ed at Peath from Vienne last week, after a brief stay, left for Constantinople- 1t is believed that a visit to the Sultan is the object of his preaent tour. "O1tIRAL O'NAT.t" STILL AT 1.4000 it appears that the telegram from Buffalo stating that O'Neil had decamped with the Fenian Ponds, turns out to he untrue. A few days since he was found holding a State convention in Vermont, where, one report says, there was a very dim attend- .nee, and but little enthatium, while another reperta it an large and enthusing - tic. O'Neil said in his speech that was the last time Ile would speak in public.-- ",Tite time had now come for work." if a person faints place him instantly fat on the door, or bed on hie back, and let him lie qrietly for ten minutes or so,it Is simply a fainting ft, and the blood flowing on a level will speedily equalize itself through the system. if yon are troubled with rheumatism, plenrlay, pain in the side or b.bk, crampe in the atom - *eh, frnit-bite., An., prrtcnre at enol a bottle of the "Canadian l'ain Deatmyer," which it a ordain curl for all such cam - Sainte. Said by all lledisine Dealers. - MARRIED. At the reeide,wt, of the hrid.'s hither, township .f Colborne, by the 1.,. Mr. Whiting, IMI Tuesday the 2:trd Met., Mr. Jne! ft, Curet -ate of Toronto b Mial, Jemima Morris daughter of John Mor- ris Esq. PORT OF GODERICH- Reported specially for the Semi, Weekly Rig byMesrn Goo. RCMnat.t. k Cn., .,Mnmiwdnn Merchants, Ac., Hailn'wQuay. ARRIVAL. J .nefe 1111 %news 0pmy,14.*5..w.O Assam en, M. a .yl Mho. re ny.^ Jrngww. • Pmts, AAd mese, M Iles tab emu E011 has. r.lr, e, " 0.•1. Hao1..* woM.or, Wet 'Jit litre. •.p.t. 4wgo. P*'ARTT•Ilk. J00. '1 Mr Whet Spray 1w I n/,'n f k4 a ►,a al w0. Ptak,n 001.0•'• . •M,I.er eiprey • o Ile *P.. Detlor & CfsapiropuI..tt.. - Detlor & Co.'s Clap Lustre.. Detlor & Co.'s Cheap real Alptat!as. Detlor & Co.'s Clump Mks. Detlor & Co.'s Classy PI Imes. Detlor A Co.'s Camp nflr.. Detlor & Co.'s i0 cent =IM. Detlor & Co.'s Ilheap Iloai.ry. Detlor & CO.'s Cheap Hair 111.1.,1 Detlor & Co.'s Cheap aattl.s VIeIh Di Tluss.. Detlor & Co.'s Chomp Cotta... Detlor & Co.'s Cheap Cottons alt Tor els. Detlor & Co.'s DRESS GOODS SELLING OFF AT COST,'A THE Sebscriber being shoot to gip up General Dry Goods and entering iz1waslm.tr loin DdZLLIN ERY AN7) FANOY 0001)8, will sell ole at east, the large and varied stook of Dress Goods, Shawls. Whito and Grey Cottons, Flannels, Tow- elintrs, Tiokings, Marseilles Quilts, BOOTS & SHOES, &C., &C. The Suhseriber would also inr,te the attention of .the ladies to the splendid assortment of Bonnets, Hats, Ribbins, Flowers- Feathers. Mantles. &c.. of the latent styles constant', on hand and receiving weekly. C. SUPPLE, West Street, nese lb* Post 06'ree. Godench, Jule 2:.Ib, 1868 wa23 tf. TIIE AYER COMBINED REAPER ANI) MOWER. JORN WATSON, ilnutatucturer. THIS is the halt Cnn%o,,lMachine m+nafacture.L EVF:itl' MACHINE WARP1NTEl), Ow of these eelebnle, machine. s now on eahibltion et Kr. Thompson's Betel. Oederlch, and will remain during the reason, for 10 -the, oaid,cul*n •ppl, W JOSHUA CALLAWAY Jr., Barfield 1'. 0., Agent for the County. Will be at the Ham HMei, Roderick, every Saturday. Godsrich, June Slab, ION J03H01 C►LLiWAT, Agent. 41;3 tf. GREAT BARGAINS IN FIL 1r Cr COP IDEA GROCERIES 9 A N 1) CROCKERY Cheap Diced Table Cloths. 1 /e Detlor & Co.'s Cheap whale A colored galls, Detlor & Co.'s Cheap Carpets, Detlor (C Co.'s Cheap Cellos Bap+ TAILORIEI, Having secured the the servings of a n. ow • 0.r. , . l•+,.- a ,• SIGNAL OFFICE. First -Class Cutter, G McKENZIEy �}. Con,lra M,reh.k.l. expphird at 7' S r,n,b, Irlurlondk roles, we are prepared to 811 all orders and gin entire utialoction. RED' ORANGE, G �JN1:LoW WHIT. Fishing Tackle ! DIIN Baby Carriages., .)(l different kyle. Vol ppb ..• n0 (lubinn'. ,'e n0. . )1 f ten 4. lend, of supers.- ankh, *tn.n0 •ndr.dor, bk. 0...n .'heap fen rash, Al Ike Peseta! Office. -- r..n1.I,L•.mof ,..Om.t ...r} ,lee r.pt inn .4 P011010 � WON., Keelson, Tinkle a0. Me111nt at vert Mo tela I.0. . ash. AT T1111 n20'ISIGN AL OFFICE. Carpet Warp., (i,rlerich, June 9, 101'.14 F Tho Anticipated ('onnirN Ile den wrpplird. '(hxlerich, May Mk, 1868. w4. E N I N R A I D i Patent Sol$1 and Draughtsman, OTTAWA CANADA, 1• pn.tpmM in ronv)n,nre •fRhe .nM.r,lrr wittingI the kart .4 (Nw•M O NMI 1,.t wwk. end wk. an _ 1'11RA\M t(I'M Imslmm wltA tM Pal,nt 1 l I M n 1 h 1 n t f th t' t 4‘•1;:.4n1 •re ...n •'n eery n of a lotalo ,.t• , I. ,men t a ,cry men * o n 0.k• and av . I 1 (rryha9,/a lot ,d 'Ulna Tea seta ' and N. ntp•tntk,n nnr.l. mart..n4 A..Itn.,.r,r•nrOA the ...Wain • iat Mom In M the wt Toth. Itnwln 1.tinn*, n.1 other 11..-n nnn14 SO 'l form sl $7 ata. hn•0. hleh 10 w111 1'm.,Tee and Wo nfad n,1"I wry 4, sawn.. PiO.nt. 4 InrentIon prepoM w,r.wipt leac M the •1•.nn. 1'lira 111.-..0.1 I.d-10 v.0. lianas MIM M•vtrlA tale Inr,nt.on. Aa Lore Oen *nth i0•1 ..On.1.::, .hrnk•rtyteal •vM REFERENCES: BNYDER J. /Anew,' F'0.,. Auditor ,w I.me4a'; wnel.m 1 Jo1., 1.q.. meatier oaten. nark, (MMwS Telegraph Store, Jw.radlmg,Mlnfeterh,hl linlen'1, Joe. 0, Iles brought Moo l..n Terms a Cash or Produce. The non A CampMll Rrtmut,r Gainful • w C emltlk pmt Pm,Nrnt Rapt Rotor ..m)rny !)41.wa . M Wort.. ProvneeM(lwtkn. Mortgage Sale �f Lands. patent Hand Loom I) KPAUI.T having nee mode in the payment of e ,wrd,n Mortgage Waning 4*te Ih.7Jnd June, 1051, Tyyl# I/1O)1 w It wenn n treuer .■r rt{ M girl• soil made by Mnry I.ah1I*w to the Heron IM.trlet p„ rurality Betiding ew•lety, the following 1.14111111 will he wild un- der 4h. power nu/. s.n.te,wd,n s d Montr*•e, at Ms ONTARIO) AI'ITl"N MART, In the Tawe M 0.4.- ran, rd.. rah, m w Costal .4 ltnma,e. Tuesday, the 23rd day of Jlae, 1868, tat le May all that rectal. pearl wiring of loud anA meadow, emote, lying snit Wing the In thy Townnhl p re' H..*0rd, In that 'unity M Kent loing To,,io ed kik M let anal. slw•I) et.. Kona d Rout War 1n TM 1114 Toon.bp ..r 14,0001. m may M 4e. stgneted 0. 4111eNe en T.wn lot ninny Mute. Maung IM 1,41 Tnn..l 11,04 wet, In In T•.on.h,I' M New - sot, nal w1y 1. 1.11, known awl 4arr nsel 1n a 14x4 Astra tb* 1wm.Iv ORA Amy Mt1.4*M iM paw tdo".,rr fare oma tha.wM eleht 1.5M1se Ai.. wen... w0edoe .ed .10. m Adam tw1 M 1••t n M, amety e0. thwart 0f BIM Wert In the Torros/Op M HOwonl 1MeveSal,Me lip M latter known and 4...rlhwl as '11.11 M anabw area 111111114 tuwawly *hal at Parham oleo albs Vilkipet • erthe m Ir uw 1:edeA w1{, e<uslos.. hooey A�«« ows 14101.i�r.re*hr.ey N.....yrm.Mrr •Il me N ryallmaA •sot 1M wtsas�ta'wlet e0t 1114 m�tw a 1rn. R hale Alla, mkkl1l I M smsslr 1.e Mwlmmtt►M1gt BB4 s.aalr snispeM'eo a se f1..st MM ila4 bp .wait alar 111 /lwrhwY toed Uwayao TelleseCARE 1 .clew. apply M Dail Mr paw e/ ant. pew par 1*. R MRMMNO, AWE. Tran I n 11 mat Ongerek, .Mb Mae, pal Taal The *Move oafs pulpwood add 1yms- day, the ith July. with kw r d ann. - et tiro 0n, tho, Loom in nee, simpI,lyahy w.rnint w 0507 roma. ►w nn.r and .omit.. of oaring, .Mr.t WORTHIER k 00110*. C• tt eesk, pc,.,... MQ.e0e, Par (I^re. (h,0.io. Apprentices Wanted. 11114: 11,V1014,1411.444114. an w,,.n . feway.n.l. .men glrh N I.wn1M I1,w1101.01t'In,11m•kin`` hn.lnwa MIM, r RA late fledeneh, Acne 14-1aM, self WANTED. A(10.w,1 .544 woven!, ,1ppl V, rte ISH l O. I lekth 110 it 1Jaaeho•a howii nemsena 'A Valuable farm for Sale. In MM1n..a.lfo4Tnrk...wnth, 0wn4ln.nr 1.wan y 7... Toni, .f *11 In 1M PmNan,.ho, 1111 lana. bYr-h .R in IM highest •1St. M rims Vilna. 4011001 ale 1114114144111 •w Mm• 1110141 IP •nl 1111111111111119 =11141. h..,�.s tear AIM railer Mwenitl tf /f1 ItA1.. �pwt►•nlmr, M111.IA Ail RIr,'H4I I� 1.01 # 010 ., 1, m Jn., 1111. IM .1111 lust Received A FRESH STOCK OF BOOTS& SIIOES A FULL•SUPPLY OF GROCERIES ITAVINO'PURCRASING AN IM. MENSE STOCK OF TEAS, :we OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS HARDWARE, SHELF ANI) HEAVY. CAN BE HAD AT fresseeerseaselMiallia WANTED Notice, Notice TW NO NAM Shoal liaison of ops. r *roam le a novae body fornutenlw apply 1. tall. 111211111T. M 110 Mina 11o0,1, Gutrrwb. ISM May, tans. 017 tt NEW STORE JOHN STEWART E WART logs n 0. 4. , 11,5 airin%re• .4 WINGHAM sad sanity lima Ar )..'1 0' sure 41.0.44111140 Illi I.0. 444.1 • i4•10414. ewe 1 ,a DRY GOODS, Ready -Made Clothing ANI) GROCERIES which will he edit ('heap kir leash or I'r..dyes, A/ Tr. Tw win n0. lbw It•.1 y'.lilr, oat .1.. Mr)) Male rt.►me one of the Lone.. owl leaf 00 r ke<gl, ,o wo.glnm, wet A•Ir. W:a t.,1•• lite Public are resneotifully in - Vitt d n•Vittdd to oaallll *101IN STEWART. 110.1 Duo/ eau .a He Peet Onix, Wwthr, Winehr. April ewb, 1rs■. wlap BY-LAW NO.1. lt'llrllK Ax ,1 ,. wq..tenl M wtehlm*h • m*d I/ Ibw.. • ppb.te s hn nun I.0. en m /M leant nu ...pm ?Asters On „n.0 „(IM T,.<0Jup •d A•hr.N. 11 is thenlr' nun, 01 ,,1•.1 M 1M rnrtanlle of the Township .d A.hll..-1• IIu1 s road be w1ld"►M knorth • Mram of kA a,,uhee pini, to Ile Fourth •rn'.awo. Etude, n div,.aa. .4 the Townekri .,r Ash 101.1.1 eesid acrd .1..1 MAY he biter known awl Aea,Ib.-' a / *m.,.. ('.a,wewing et n pAml ..w 1h. .nth limit of a mel below., n. ...4.40 1}n,r awl .,., anti pint twltyl,lrnl tarots .lulu..11.1 40 1y •heal *M lira ,Workr 41„1. ....,rd Easterly Wile the \nnb•w.et,ny nultl..41M mama warn In the 1,011, .-.useisko., t*,4..e pont heiy Ili, ne the .wutr. awn. of,nal.II,o.wv al*.n14, n. ,4,a'nlm4, them. M.wtl, 11,lr y.,u. ...noel *n•1 tial wr.t l'r•ntc-Iiia 05•.11 *M nR7,luka Ilei'. noel la Ilam dghl .LM,t+., * 1 dart. wunlw, ant (7 w4.▪ 1 err.inn. owlest ten links Meuse \Seth eighty two news. West 4n.-hu.w, IIra a w.04.1" r Woe .te1 r,gh1. h.,,0. Ink., 44,10.• M 0,0511,010 M180 TAY Ayers, .tel Inn n„n*les, r ,n,0. ,-A. M, and .0 w0.•.- 1M no* An� . eh•Jee srlrrtion .w wmh.ry ge•.l• taw Ites., thee. n.ueh .try w, d.w,esa.. w,al h.tr •'Ir' . 40Rms 0)11 thug noncore* ant x,,nl. l .W0. Ar Bmr.I, nut iln0• ural 5510 tnww.4 P. wd.r M awl Stir links more or k.,. . the lelrra.au.l M Ilia the 4brl .lylr. Mist, T.)I,r Aa. .Ir• ""^"""_,!_. tW 59.1 Wait of set. rood Astern 1d. 0 •u.1 wi•n. scam- Ikea M Mn. 4. J. ('1.,rtnnd, . .+(r.md tai.. .'w. •A d■ aria a,4 on, -tenth. M • ""'"""•-". 1a1N "tvtr lnwany. a, ,,o au-+5nan0M." Rorie nail. male to "rake Milk. ...Ana ..r Mn, ..1 Lanrn,g a .,Alb Ihmnghoel n( 1 1.0.4 .Mold** Malone Attaining. At 14.1 -eighty-retro sue em kelt luta Modal*. 1111114 .111 M r wleed w Seams. as alt trams 'NI 0Psa1C0. Nit I BELL. HAVINIi latent pmehi 0d an iwtnt■►nt which enahtail h'm fo mob the 'argent photnp 0plu made 1a litxleracb \ ERY C: BAP• N.1t.--i'oreelein Nome", nM the heel In lM Dominion, hot as good ad arty wade in Goder1ch. Al.. the New Cabinet Peter*. which is three times as large as the I .drat de for 30.60 per duan. ht retiming thanks ler thepairorwte of IM pest, inviwall to call end see the new a eek for (t,r(n*ei vela D. CAMPBELL Goderieh,AM. kit►, 1LM9. .27 )rJ'ICiL! All these 14ehted to me by note Of book anicsUnita ATE requested to call anti settle at mew surd wee amts. Julia STEWART. (1utericli, April 24th, 18118. «I4a . WANTED. 1 twang nen 4t.I, wn*wl h ha town, Ind law l 11j 31 ,ran elprien.0 le the {-n.r.I w.nenllie beesean ,n 11a•ta, 1. lama, ,4 a MYat4,e Tha lout . of ohms.s wit ly gine. Apply M tin .d1 - 110M,•1, Juno 1.4 14* real •Iw Milliner! and Oressminol WEST STREET, 1101111411 1. II. A PEW Ixx,lul RFA/ VA011 Or MONTREAL 1 .vrtifr 111,1 the +Imre is a tin•0eI, .4 11, law M le In ouse n.l 1•y 1 W O'n,pcolion4 the Tnw'Ohly u4 A.hkM, .w Mond*}, 1t'1 day of August next, w Ga0,, nnhan', hotel ,n tM village of Part AIM.I 311110 1.0114:. Toonrhop tler1. 14.hi1d. Jon. 1114. 10411. W11 el. G:nderich &S:uthampton Line ! Il COIIECT/OE WFTH GRND TRUNK RAILROAD 1868 1808 Th. 1e0. .el Elegant a 1 MA. -Whorl, Low PY0■M1 Wenner I "SILVER SPY " . D. ROWAN, Master, UN S T WA S W. NEW STORE.' Corner of Hamilton Street and Market Squaer. l:oderich, May 29, 18141. awn J. (I. i)ETLOR & CO. Ullerieh, May lath, 1188, wb • LADIES OF GODERICII A.ND :VICINI'T'Y. CALL ANL) New Emmen Clothe, all wool, very cheap New Fancy Dre.. aortas, Plain and litnl.ed, very low. New Silk Paranoia, eteemlingly low. New Union (Wool & (httton) l'.arpeta from finct.. per yard. New Tapestry Carpet' from 86c. per yard, New Leon and Mu•lmn Curtains from $2.50 per sett. The above with other new groxle ju.t opened at the CHEAP CARR STORE. , a A a_1 11 a 1. Q MM I l 'a.a . w19. (ialerieh, May 2e, 1868. PRO BONG PUBLICO. CHEAP GOODS FOR CASH SUMMER, 1868. CI II IN >H A >Et. II i t� MAR ,t nrhestren mare or TSIfn sE>niASONis DRYe-C - .bas ' 1n .hkh Is * seek aletwtann •4 THE VERY [LATEST NOVELTIES. In .11 the reknit • I,pahw.nto of 11. trade n pal THE VERY LOWEST KIND OF PRICES. IM T,0' sTO/'K ARP. All Rinds of DRY I7OODs. All Rinds oil HATA AND CAPe. All limns of ('IsOTHlA(3. All Kindle/ HOOP SKIRTS. At.).1)0)10 141 ROCJF_.]FtX 33S. TEE FINEST TEA THAT CAN BE GOT $1.00 GOOD COMMON TEA 37i CENTS Very Beet COFFEE GROUND or IISGR0I/ND 30 Ots lb 000o COMBION COFFEE 15 Cts Ib. WILL p4y, to,•emw.•lww rte the ,1n1 Trek nll- eewere Goderich lea I Southampton I trrh,mgnt ,nlrm,'I,nt. I.ete roil wry (matter Ire witting) ma 1.11..• leaving )iMrr1'h at 11• m ann*n1r.1 of Lorene T,*1,, front the Ewe, 4neheg wl K1wwn11e', Inver Kana and Port Elan, arriving nl Southampton sans evening RECTZJ ESRf -'4* ira- !Aa.. Rath.apta, M 1 .,•I,.•2 a. a 'Port Elgin 1^0 In vnrhomn, 1,m , Klneenllne, e:slak .1.1r - ,ng al 1314rn,-h ,n time h. 0v ami 04th 1.11 Train ping rat. e1Mita t 11 R(IlE-RTal0 'R -4I, A HOi, Klrantiii• Invnrhnnw Pon r Tl,.►.1a 0..,r 4•M.m 1M Wal 1,, lM 'feu, e.e * All l U I MI les T n.w/A*mpton all Rests le J. V. UL(TIA)R& EON. Way 0th. lat4 (010) 0.4Mah. EVENING SCHOOL. [, OL'SO51e104 dins of Im- proving 111 resit( sae 1 untie, will Withal to learn net Mr IalaaleP will 1 •lama la the ahoy. ..e lame■ w.larwhy m51et �d .. eams...1 74 p a. TIC 1111* Coderwl,. Jnne 7, ISM. • rise Im MUSIC. 11101' MKIMIVHKnannn.. In glee Myrtle two. 1 (Pawl f.el.) .1 Mr wehh- •*, Mtwby mow, Godm.h Terms. Se ,n leo Ilowt.r. O•drrkh. &KA Anrll. 1.11 .11 nn GODERISHSALT COMPANY • The rWhole%•all Cowmen{ - he, ,.,nava. lieu us amm en.mn.er.nnl ,llaAtn 11relrm gamepl)y, IW nen we prepared to Sell and Deliver GOOERICR SALT, Fs 01 8. .10 /nay 44+,1% e, . I11wr*I panne.. /Annul appestats. rusted fwuw.11aNly- W.dakh, Apr ,I I0l►, 1nne. .l1 'r \%.l l.l. .e ree•r,vc by Ise 1.4•1•4•1,11011 •k '1.1 SiAATUItD.IY, lls'islh of JULY, 1868, Iw the nn n.o of • New &dame If... 0 R. a. Ms. 1, 0.hhe1) Ilan. wed .pe0aaleesw me he ores M 1115 ▪ 0 Donald Sr Donald . Kind. no TraAe.. 4. nor 1 .4 ,hravlv.. 4. vale ate korner ,r sew wale.. DONALD aeIIONALP. Raoul, Jun. la MOO Alt , AGENTS WANTED. Lr:l'I:ItT T,11y\v111P .n n0 1'ont) of Hunm. Io 1... nr•t.r. Ir, n alt l,.0.. r.., , M OLD ROCHESTER NURSERY, Ilialsoico. A meal noninossont 1.111 1w giee, . Apply 4, W11 C 111Pn1:1.L_ tenet./ Agent, f1.N•rlrl O.4. 1eA amt Mar, 1M.. srlItf INSOLVENT ACT OF 1804. Procne.*f Ontario, I In tie ro001y coed ,d On Connty of Hen,n 040114 10,1, .4 /loom. In the maitre A .Indo. Thaogh. so 10.4..01. 0nnV Th1.r toe ninth Aar of Joh nest N..Ww- elteed ,11 .4.ply 4. the hedge of Lb. ..d Court hw. J4wWt. soler O0 m41 set. ANDREW 10,50Mn 1(111N HELLION IwmO, H4. At5or0.y.4 anew. Godesteh. April Intl lie.-- - - -- 1a 111 INSOLVENT ACI' 0Ir 11404 .&ID ITh AMENDMENTS, r,,,ln., of Order.,' fe N. oninty insert 011 the County of flown f (aunty or Mas. !w IA. Sopor hots King. 40 Also/rest (le natm.lse 1M 11W 'W wfJuly w.rl, the•Man V signed r,11 apply to 11e J.Ag. of the Conk) (.wn M Hunk, for • ehr4wge under alma .s44 act J1H1�(f WINO Harvie Mar nh, ISM. A. 1. ow we INSOLVENT. ACP (1? 10641 Coc11TT or In 1Ae nwltt.r ,.f fl , li.nw MOWN. Irvin, nn 1nadKnl. 18'4(04 0 hereby then that by •toile of dm 1. pnaer ailed in me se moo/ams pp 0.M • 'Nero tnwdve■1, 1 .hell eller for *.1. by 1'.11.. AneOnn of Fodor, the Tenth dor 04 J0•) neat, 1,014. at the hour of twelve, twain, ■I mI Muret in Ms Town W Oewle rich, all the kohl, Mk sod interest "(the sed igdeenI a IM low b,wnt lawh. tai 0rnlar one a the A Concomitant of It, To.n.h.p of How1-b, Sealant egg 1T rlmeneuremeni one hundred ■••K., •ore anJ eteopt Ave Were. nR 1h. n.rt0we* Pones., wine h sed fire ..res an la the Ment 40 moon. Doled at thdencb, ah Mnreh A.11 , IIRm• 0141017EI. I01)LLI4'C. VFW (Jaeul Asepses* Insolvent Act of 1864. WILLIAM Mei IVERN, v.. WILLIAM BUTLER, no the Can sl .h•raw ..0(4) lit) tort .4,140. end kitty 1 .14.1004? M 1. per Morel. 1'... 0.A.... r0nonw and general � 0nan ran. r.',..0m 1h,s wit enema he ..eellai I'Ll i nFff, fefwd,an(. Alt•.hnvnt has Man 'anal 1. 1.11170 M tCf)4INALn, nuts QIp�� 0.p( Rhekl act Herod acts OlRICll1T cut v1r.,R•.IIA e.,(lralori.'h,+ Mer ll, lett. f fa TM rine• M 14I, inn. oia„n.t we...onto the li.4rkh *ab,'erpr{ m.A. wen ""'"w..ha . yowlers I Insolvent Act of 18645 I'ulAw ant Iwnon re 11(011 E MANUFACTURE, *spews Ily .I ,heir whet. r .np'r4r In any in 1M w,.h1, t having hers. w0Mr,l lhr Post I'o,,wa of lar W.wld H anw.w. nal In Para. 1111and et 141.0.,. Pert. aka Mal. M \.w Tort. bele All one. will retch• 501040 kteiona1. Town, trek) (7EOISO K�JMB.%L1.. AR" Gods risk On. , lune nth Intal. 11, GOODERHAM & WORTS) DISTILLERS. ESTABLISHED 18324 FOR SA1,8, THEIR CELEBRATED Alcohol, Pure Spirits, Old { Rye, Malt, Toddy, and Common v II ISK liYS Toronto, •Tins 2, 18110.. w20 3m. FOR SALE. AMI, 'VIE lot containing one arm, in 4:3It40•CJSI:I3Y* NU juoli4ra�Qe Pte.l , elan l'hl arch. There are , n the nt • (14)4)1) FRAME SOUSE,, nihstan• Gaily built, 20 a 30, well finished, with * good cellar, pnmf, anti elft water cis. tern• Alen a tlxtd kitchen attached, a growl wold,hml 7114 in, a workrhnp 1 R 198, and a good frame stable. There a t.4 an sere of hearing orchard of apples, pawn, peaches, and las nms of the heat quality. ,n n.. 10 he w mord ports pro- Alen, mond vine, nit*atol oppraitm the For rale elan by the 8.bserib.r, the PATENT COAL OIL BURNER, As los/Anent of airy anis,* swells,. yrmm.need by Maw uM h., n M blew a M <r the •y 1,MM ,I0the appeanett l W5wrn1 .4 ,t .t the tae ens* . u]- The psblk , are maritally Invited le .All, 44 - JOHN HARRIS. ljodetlt>:r, 70th April, I0(1., wi. Corner West Street, Gelerich, I)nnmh l.IC Rrre hereby given that by .ten. Na Men veal 1n n..` An .4 1M ohne* 1n.dktr, 1 .had offer 111 r by� ie A.ea4i• n. 11,1MIII.0 Y, the 'Nth .by M Anewt nest, al 11 oO4u new, *t Mhwkaw p's H.AM, Irlh, the N11uw lig p..5*0 , , Anw.l iwee, Atoka, Ina, etesec man1 0.w ethe oke ki 10 al 1(115,l... 1t.8 . (4 0.. ' le the too► Mop ,o M. Kntip, .*flh .y an s re rel .4 twl.g M t4 rompoo"i 41 0 . lot .•n. In tedthe 114/444 lit rd l .onhip d 0.A o lot N. 45 In u0. �I NM tho eno of Mw.hlhy w0. .. 11, 111 art Mlle twnw1 cad .Ire em*o I..1 No 1 awl l', tlalre,sitorih Strout, h y ..ry• i' of Io t'llial0 of aWaMtte ryey80 by ee 11001 e,�awd Isa..,d Rork awl n(ltmY,rr.l 1•! la+rw ,!PIIS Htl-f1AN,• nae A.y01•.'�•0" n•wl,rieh, Ltd M.y. Inge wig Mr paw A PARK LOt, containing 4 :-8th. aerg4 nn the Onr.) llrwi b, I.inaforth, 1 nth of a milk from the Station. For particular' apply to the uwdentignall on the ,wmieee. F';mnndvill M.y 2s, 1606, , 1a•aa 11.48,40., Jeep 11, INA. Insolvent Act of 1864- 1'110MA14 WAT1ON, e0.. JAMES WAT90F, Platen/. le If n( At1*•irnell rt lien 10,04 a lar me. JOHN MAtIOOIAI.h, RheefiMAYr•e. SMrIR • n lee,lilolenrh. 11W A R. 111.0. 3 Fbriny Pikers* )ewewen A OPIO E. MQCRICOR 1► $ON. Bookbinders. Mallet. /� R1' p••Prtd le Na41 h nrry cuss. 14r.m. re ter •♦Ms rr�. M s7. esstkwrrY. a,w nM •Mw itna Ikah j temln s.aed AT TIM wives? rifts. .nal pal .'1,1 * 5, tt insolvent Act of 1884. *ISM le (A0 motto. of J.Ale NrhRlye , sw Iwai Vera. Listfestrr�oo.r tiled lfrlWA. wm.Y<I le Li M�• 'OMenelt, 1M si fIAwJOVVI:s. r'M.II~5M•-r, awn M Jaw, IoM wend Oil 115 Per Barrel ! BEAT LuBRICATINOO FUNSAL* AT Nora Sat Wtt& D,1VitI DCNCAN. *fere Hees heIMO la tin. n ,► ;Ir 4