Huron Signal, 1868-07-2, Page 1r W EEPKI-iN" EDITION. W.T. NUL Editor iudProprietor.] ionneen=nee--- 1111.1e0 rim NN. IN Anv.A.Noz.1 gu.00 A.T END or irw..a.is. - easiness !Directory. Inledeolin Nicholson. SUBOICALOPEKATIVE ANDMECHANIO. A ID In 1NT PDX ktOPA r ace. ...ism TEETH inserted in either Pla tins, (kali. Silver, or Vulcan 1.11 a axed Ruttier Olt .•••oembleyerias UsOillee over tee Post Once. WesMtreet IC•nernercludllotentlItelhelICeW (OHM RICKS, Proprietor. This ia tb J beet Country 11.1..1 i• W•slist Ceesdeamd Werra as Moderate as any Nous is %Jebel. Stage Proprietor. tioodenhltagfor HoM11111. Horse* sad Carriages for Hire, •• 4 therrteet name. 14i7 - The Greatest Possible law1 to tho Groatost Possible Number."' GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, JULY 2,1868. VOL. X X1. --NO 23 'Business iDtrectory, NEW GOODS Fon PLAY. , irxm AT BUTLER'S •Wonder of the Age stationery, Tov,& Fancy Goods Store. 1 Anther wasquitestartledbyinannounce meta that accorded ao little:with Lie move 1 a you le1;0 rect.. ived the telegram ; so you "What lia• bonen, of Ifunson 1" nnia------ Yet th'imgh crushed and lielpleite, be was Lotions. k "flood newe--for me r said he in faint incredulous Tone. ").yo, glorious news I ;Haven't yn _ eery, be fell forward on the table, and las - " meke your c I .•Why, how WY thAt 1 and %Ant him nc" father's arm :Jona prevented Itiut hem "No ; say nothing; after all it was come of hen 1" iiekin.; like a .1.'01 twin upon the floor. naturally moot her ; but you will bring Wylie wIth • mart. "There's • innot.inul not insensible ; that Ineaing one enutied her here father ; vou won't whisk my And tot a drop to wet my lips, Anil weenn hine u darling down to Elm-troes, till you have nty heart. la this • tale to tali, dry Can't General Rolleston implered an explana. THE ELEC BIC PAIN PAINT. Rilit INST•AT RELIEF heuralgu, homaehe, emir...teal or eel pints and inuerrea, •ore I"." do. •ade, hart. or ba, ear wile, %milt seise. parml PIM 4444. aa4 ..toolblato. 1. had ai Parker ok Cattle's 1.4141 Store, tiliellthe JOON PARKER, Proprietor !M.A. h. tioderiek lAth, 4.2* wt. Due • ALLAN P. TB &CLEAN, MRS. DAYS' HOTEL. tVROXETER. AN the dean rouial from Seaforth to Wellcerton. Every necessary accom- modation tor the versifier public HANNAH DAYS. Wrozeter. Nov. 5, Itlen, w42 LIJCIENOW E'OTEL ANT/STAGE OFFICE. R. S. Proprietor. („ITt!ATED en the corner en the Northern O Dowel Road, Lei.know, Stages leave everT monveg kir (indwell and Wateerton. Tue hotel o• hood up toulh eVere aceomInOd el ion Cor emsonernal travellers. A large Hall attached. Meat. Mt SOAP FACTORY. E;ONOMY FOR I-1-i;USEKEEPERS COOD HARD SOAP, per Mr or • hats lor 1.1 e•nts 11. XII 0 .o9L. efteb • *fermi w 10e0, mr to be hod ai Ow IN, kg and POT ASil VAC - PRA, 0t th• Met. JOHN 11ARNEs. thdlilik listen Dia IMO on est r- 0 .IM JUST RECEIVF.D A IneRGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Comelier is part of West of England Bn cloths, &Aver% Whitney.. Beawkins, F•tcy English, Sceetie,•ed Breech Twireds,c•shinerm, Doeskins, eel • Dewey of Canadian Clotho; Pfpo, and k.wered Vesting*, Shirts, Moses, Capp Ale..Afr. lie leek coolidont id. prong satisfaction to •Il who fumy favor hen with the., order.. TWEED SUITS (all wool)1112 and upwards. Mir N. 3.-Catting done to (lattar. Gonerieh. Sort 25111. I 866. H DUNLOP hut? noun TO RANK OF MONTREAL, WEST ST. DAS nh It•ND A LASOFI SUPPLY Of MAP3GOODS itaTa • • 1 1 r I .4 , COLONIAL .HOUSE. rrnE Subscriber always keeps tire largest A variety sod but Stock of HOISERY tt GLOVES! IN THE COUNTIES. CR AS. E. A RCIIIBALD. Codeine Aaeuet 22ed. 181.111e toriO3 LOOK HERE .41 rpm.: sabecriber having REMOVED to the a store !stele occupied by WM. DUNCAN, fine door south of Bin /Minnie Market Square. velure tn infnrm him friends itt the Tows of Goderieh and 'unwinding country, that he new hat the leveret awl meet copulate stock 01E411 and Winter Boots and Shoes (*rimy hsittie in the comory,eontaining every reel. et Indies' and Childree.• goods, end that be has aim • very large aaeortment 04. OHNTLF.MEN'S WINTER BOOTS coane and fine. Meth impnited, end of his own manufecture, which he will sell Cheap for Cash! Call and exerniee, es he is satisfied that he Ims just the goods you WAOt. SAMit. FURSE. floderich, Sept. 21. ISM we 131./11. IVY cA_its of all kiwis, styles and price.. 0:rollout quality and first clam finen. Tile Dominion Clothes -Wringer! Tbe best in :tee ; wholesale an? retail. 50 Remelt of Blue line cream.' letter Paper. 15u Reams Cream laid, tette laid. Variously Tinted Note Papers. 50 Ream, Blue and Cream Inn X' 0 0 CI I OF ALL WEIGH I'S AND PILICES 75,000 ENVELOPES ! All Colors, Quality', Sizes &ail Kinds. rer All the Penner Magaziner received aa soon as publishe I. Miscellaneous B ooks oft hand always. Also, nit esti •ire stock of the Various School B )0103 A very laege and varietetock of Ladies' and flontlemens' FANC,Y & SPORTING GOODS 'leant on hand, all of which are heneht !nd imported direct from the Beat Puropea and American Manufacturers. Everything in Stock inn be sold at a very etnall advanee on coat. All thoPopular Ballads whisk he is prepored to make up in Am short- , est notice, and Cheep for Coal'. GOOD FIT WARRANTED. Aprd 11. 1•41 •33 Soars, Vocal and insteemental Musin procured in two days' notice, and sold at Publisber's Prices. At BUTLER'S. Goderiek, Jose 28th, 1867. weft STOVES! STOVES SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. TH undersigned howl no porrhagerf the Elgin- co one Mill Pad Fart•ry owned, idol or.- • mimed hy Donald Cud...no, art nOw prepared t4 to carry on the lawny". of nu. nol•rturong Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, ,t Siding, • nd a0 kinds of CIrtiCis kw; NV CI 111, , such at Circle and Getter. :APO. and Somas They ihook front thew experienee in Switery Woot„ that they go ve •al 4.4 4•11 to •Il Who 011•Ir'T 474'f:1.1dh:-.2•Ht.to the trade. JAS BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, WM ROBINSOM. (huienee. Morel. AO., 181.7. sw.55 I...LAIN AND FANCY COAL OIL, WHOLESALE ANL) RETAIL. Wit" Coal Oil Lampe, kc. inn Old Iron. ,t,:okro.peo. Wgr. I Pork ono. Pid hTheep Skins . J . STORY, gar. Simi of th Large Coal (El Barrel, oneetiee. "one terry sT CSAlidis SUDS AND Dina Dot AULT. (It/dime-1. Miss Rouse sniffed, ann threw her nose in the air, -as if to throw a doubt oven on that view 01 4.11. matter. "Well mad arn,"sajrs Wardlaw, am sorry to say I can give you no information I skare your anxiety, for I have got atilt, 000 of gold in the ship. You might en- quire at Lloyd's. Direct her there, Mr. Penfold, and bring mgemy letters. With this he ante inner office, .at down, took out a golden key, opened the portrait of Helen, gaze.' et it, kissed it, uttered a deep sigh, and preparenl to face the troubles of the day. Penfolil bro t in a leather case like an enormous ill book ; it had thirty vertical otunpartmenta, and the names of various cities and seasporta, with which Waollaw & Son did business, were printed in gold letters on some of these compart- ments, on others, the nouns of persons ; end on two oomnartmenta the word "Miscellaneous " Michel brought this machine in, filled with correspondence, enough to bre•k • man'a heart to look at. This was one of the onisequencea of Wardlaw'. position. He durat not let his correspondence be read, and filtered, in the outer ink* ; he opened the whole MIMI ; sent some back into the outer offioe then he toucheel ahand-bell, and a roanemerged front the small apartment adjoning hie own. This was Mr. Atkin, his shorthand writer. Ile dietnted to this man some twenty lettere, that were taken down in shorthand ; the man retired to copy them, and write them out in duplicate from his own notes, and this reduced the number to seven ; these Wardlaw .at down to write himself, and lock up the copies. While he was waiting theen. he received a visitor or two, whom he despatched as quickly as his letters. He was writing hi. last letter, when he heard in the outer Mike a voice he thought he knee He got up listened. , It was no. N all the voices in the city, this was the one it moat dismayed him to hear, in his office, at the present crisis. He listenedem, and satisfied himself that &fatal blow w•s coming. He then walked quietly to his table, and mated himself, and prepared to receive tbe stroke with external composure. Penfield ennounced "Mr. ilurteriehaw." "Show hint 111," sate Wardlaw, quietly. Mr. Burtenshaw, ono of the mooagers of M erland'abank, came' in, and Meintlaw mo- tioned hizn courteously to a chair, while be finished hie letter, which took only • few moments. While he was sailing it, he half turned to his visitor, and mad, "Nn bed news 1" Morland's is safe of connie." "Well," said Iturtenshaw, 'there is a run upon our bank,- a tievere one. We could not hope to escape the effects of the apparent reluctance, added, "I am mines - panic." Ho then, after an enemy pailee, end with ted by the other directors to mature yuu that it is their protein extremity alone, that -in short, tie are really compelled to beg yon to repay the amount advanced to you by the bank." Wardlaw showeil no alarm, but great surprise. This was clever ; for he fah great alarm, and no surprise. "The leS1,000," said lie. "Why, that advance was made uponthe freight of the Prose ine. Forty-tive thousand ounces of gel . She ought to be here by this sthat was ineritehle now ; the not opened, time. She nits the Channel 'Otitis moment, tenet the bronzed face and sturdy figure of 1 Wylie, clan ,n. rough pea jacket, came no,dEneueulitee." me ; she is so overdue, and the !sinuchinn underwriters *mew. 1 neve nen. in Arthur went hutily most him, and quiries." gore him an expressive look of warning, "At any rate, ehe is f ully inzured, and enen while he welcomed hint in °ordeal you holdthe policies: lerraides, the name ancendc• of Wardlaw en your bouke ehould stand " Glen to see you safe home," said New Marble Works ELGIN ST., GOCERICH 111..Isshrtsotcsn _ niONUMEITS. HEADS FUSES, Table 11 j tops Poste he ,Tombi, of every &aerie tion and style Nf workmanship, furnished on short notice ead at the lowest prices. Libe- ral rennin,* node for csah. All orders punctually &Winded to. Domino of Moon menu, henape. seen at he shop. Owit %ch. . It, tete. w47 I y it Q. B.!' Y & BRO., CABINET MAKERS; IVOOD -TURNERS ! AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St„ Goderich WEFT conelentil ee nee (nate el! arti- 11. clot in their lina, woe Bedssteads, T bl Softs,IL el, All kind. ef weed -ten* A GREAT cuRr. LIVICR OMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA II CANADA. Common, Irnme 1,..heurri C., C. W., March. 14117. IllIonmac Yoe. a Cm ol•Slit.....1.-Airt, haring:on- red wolon my own perm. IMO them 11 at lam • onr.I.. .A. 411.. ME lilt lam Indere., to mote matement under natn, whtel• fine that et .11 ietleoI rut., "t‘r".."' El URNS IIIS MOSTA' NCIIN THANKS ▪ io eeriefy Mat hure heen mrely Inr the last for the very fl•Cering eaCOUrprefrion. he ha, ?Pee vottet•.ftreetellt•g to the 1•0.1.11. atater•ards neeelVeJmn•• he eyoun.rpeeyd. bun,. ,,, ood Oro.... awl a swim( w rich, nnt being able to exeente over one -he o tinning end *me teepee -wee. atswwk. •"""' h en rder.hronght tn him 12•1 ...me h•mag han path. eraMaliono .11 wine, oresmorml wory. sow eectiredtaeilitierfor nem, rongaration, nmeMlonellos ton the nglni wole, lope/Lehr, TAILORING a pmr appetite, It., 1,. WM greatly reduced on ;,iir;olih..,1.1;urioz re. 10,1.11 ntethelfte the Grew Lai ern y ke• bend I meg bottle 40 with rui., 0...,. ho,. mini wt., lone/ hat hole mon Business Extensively thang. , NM I look another and ;hen fimn.1 My health 544 relryfing none hut (lou-rosaa t rpleornen ,ninresailI. 1 4.111h0h4 i1 I.,' 1 b••.1.1.4. Os's.. iw. And •• f. A. helogovegh i• e 1 perlenre es Culter 1 a Nev., oeng the polls, aml I Roid omf 1 h... 9,11'. 'r"- 'aeon -4110 • nee. n the Province ,h••intrearried on covered. 1,., bee.) ., 1."" PA..' '" ...."'"•••• 1 "'" bmineametenalvely •nd•000migliflyort ft amolion, sensed have plo•mre in Pie...long to my banone.e. rn Tarn,,70,71i„r illi Ir.'"•,..ouln."...., If e"rned'yity'Vd..'"Utg"';, r(vAii11"i,i:eb.',"Tiliont::e7o,11:111h.:dprih"tiiimpi:1:'Ekiii..."•411y.14,..•4th:tnetien:nti:S et sil 14,00, ruenomen.led the fluonouly on ...rend moun and Ohms invanahly preu purl adiefeetion. end 1 would &mere.. g public I h. 0 W rongly reemmend it to oil affIza,118; I 7..rn 00D. .evoentudhem. or co.,orn n , r it united day ef Merck, Mgt i M• CA,,D11,,A I. i'_,?'• t. Ooderich. October 3rd, 1813. CLOTHING CAN BE Hi,: Penh n Toronto orMoOree I. • ht•••41•1111.1.inen equait tehel.,est Establish. lorta 1 rr A Conornontoner in y• et.. III ••• ler 1.• County .4 Ponce Pufwaro, C. W. Vil,O1 peat., "t`" bftlal""s„._. err krek ea, he Anne, tomb as A weT' no "•••, I esteelete ASSORTMENT If (*prim red a If Ine lei le IA talk altssistam. form Gotlerie/1. ram 'wools favace MONEY TO LEND at E1(1 IT PER is nos 1 lie Illiir• Mhos in lywir,16. kite • u()%11 STOP AND SEE. 'T.11 V, /Mowing relo;t• Troonvemla el wait woMerfel and exlmordimry mor Cennda 11. ARKAT IONA!! ItlialEnT. The, Are *rem m end inentdeldihie •11111..or.4 to ronvtne• the ninot Wertwal that 11.4 firer. alledoeirad amed sit, rat age5 is new weewihle the nnet SHOSEONEES REMEDY Cor Comem r• the Thrall, loor, Inmr, fleveltve (mem ItOwes kr., *swell at Aerotu IN Venom Attu limum, sad all Alma*. smelt Imo le••••••• Ole Piontl, we holly arm dot doh rise newt! hes NaVER 11145 KQUALLED. too three am seen • 0504 5' Om 0 the Tenn, et neon Poems el Ihisiese C. W., '.11 C.••••••••• 44 thole! Pellet C.1. Velorelegneni, W ea. enotrino, Anther. Wend nie*. C.W , of Peeper& sod I 4000_ Cr...0mM we Ow el John limey. to( 1411,••••,11.W, ILIte••••••• whe hart orlutily Wen on ratteloo /14 TMOIM. WM et or11 hear- herenen... nal, wok gag" antes nom noght le fireigiormed hag spew g_y• ref ai oho Ong mere see ee! • rjereleret se ere ONINA r AIMS- ."471,1d7Or It'lt;r111' alWal P11.10, erid enuarr yew Price ftf Ole Rowdy io boys ir Agree co, ninon. F. lyrgan aml P•rter ft COIN Arsollas A LK AGENT,' 11• 1"1111A::TuoT°". r ft tIni91 1.110, (to/fermi. . Satoh trthgesee, aptaer T. A SON, relle I Af 11 AMIATION k Co. Groary and Provision Stere, been anxious about the Shannon 1 I have !mere anxious than I would own." ; blest inc with the eight of her." I ye genre • drop of branity to • poor devil tn.. Arthur atoned up. rhe Shannon ! God lilesa pet father." I" She lies at anchor in the Mer.ev•' roared the old man, with n11 the father' wide in briar rin sun • I " W the Holleteton'a will be in London at 2.15 See, here is his telegram. At this moment in ran Penfold, to tel them that the Shannon 'FAA up at Lloyd's, had anchored off Liverpool hint night. There wee hearty shaking of hands, and Arthur WitolLaw was the happiest inan Lennon, for a little while. " Got the telegram this morning at Elm trees, and came up ny the first express' said Wardlaw senior. The telegram was from Sir Edward Rol lemon. " Reached Liverpool lauit night will be at Easton two fifteen... " Not a wont fnmi her ! ' mid Arthur. " 0, there was no time to write ; and ladies do not use the telegrein." ile added, slylr, " Perhaps she thought coot - • m person would de as well, or better, ch !" " But why does he teli•graph you in- stead of me 1" " I am sure I don't know. What nos it matter Yes, I de know. It was set- tled months ago that he and Helen should come to me at Elm -trees, au I waa the proper person to telegraph. I'll go and moot them at the station ; there is plenty of time. But I say, Arthur, have you seen the papers f liartley Brothers oblig- ed to wind up. Maple & Cox, of Liver- pool, gone ; Atbunie trading. Terry & Brown, sioperidol, intern-0(mnd credit gone. Old friends, some of these. Illep- ley & Timms, railway contrattor., fallen, sir ; seven hundred thousand pounds and more." "Ya., sir," said Arthur, pompriusly ; 1866 will long lie remenibertel for its revel- ations of commercird rainy." The old gentleman, on duo naked his son, with excusible vanity, • whether he hen done ill in steering clime of specula- tion ; he then connratulateil him on hav- ing listened to good advice, and stack to legitimate business'. " I must say, An thur," added he, •• your books are models for any trading firm." Arthur winced in 'secret, under this praise, for, it nocurred to him that in a few days hue father would dieconer these hooks were all a sham and the amounts fabrication. Howeyer, the unpleasant topic was soon interrupted, and effectually, ; for Michael looked in with an nir of satis- faction on his benevolent nuitenance, and said, "Gentlemen, such an arrival ' Here is Miss !Lee's sweetheart, that she dream- ed was drowned." O What is the man tn me I" said Arthur, peevishly. He dui tun recognize Wylie untler that title. " Le, Mr. Arthur ! why he is the mate of the Proacrpme," said Penfold. •" What ! Wylie ! Joseph Wylie j' cried Arthur, in • sudden excitement that con- trasted strangely with his previous indif- ference. " What is that 1" cried Wardlaw senior; " mho l'roserpine, show him in at once." Now this caused Arthur Warillaw con- siderable anxiety ; for obvious reasons he did net want his father and this artier to exchange a word together. However, 'mid old Waollew, laughing, and took up risked his life, and wreeked his soul, to do Inman "1 will not be so cruel, fond lover," that has cant.' ye V60,000, •nd Wylie, wituh.iliteiewan casfe‘efe,iii:.,1 ad r.erted.ted faceua • Arthur went to the door with him in I Wardlaw caat glanoe of oontemrt at elle him and said, ith much feeluig.,' , his hat antl gloves to go. It 1' urn:trio words ; Mit ..id oreat anxiety, lest he shout,' position him, but got up, and epeedilv PIS • ."1". Lit none but • father tee, tune • turteitehaw, but, peenng into the outer • °Mee, he observe.' Burtenahaw wee not , there. Michael had caught hizemployer's anxious look, and ounveyod the Banker into the small room, where the shorthand writer was at work. But Iturtenshaw was one of a struggling firm ; hint every minute wa.. an hour ; he had sat, fuming with impatience, so long ma he heard tali- - ing in the inner office end, the moment it ceased, he took the liberty of coming in; so that he opened the aide door, just as •Werdlaw senior was naming through the centre door. Instantly Wardle, junior whipped be- fore him, to hide his figure from hia re- treating father. Wylie -who all this time hotel been sit- ting silent, looking from one to the other, antl quietly puzzling out the game, um well as he ceuld-oliserved thia movement, anil grinned. An' for A rthur Wardlaw, he saw his father, Rafe ...it, then give a sigh of relief, and walked to his othee table andaat down, and began to fill in the check. Burtenshaw drew near, militant, " I am instructeil to. say that tifty theusand pounds on account will be accepted." Perhaps if this promaal had been made a few aeonnile sooner, the ingenious Arthur would have availed himself of it : but, a. it wan he prwforred to take the high and mighty tone. ' I decline saty conceeision," said he. "Mr. Tenfold, take thin check to the Bank of Englaod. 1.111,114/ 10.. ; that the amonnt, capital and interest, np to noon this day ; fiend the .um to Mr. Burtenshaw, taking hia receipt, or, if he prefers it pay it acmes counter, tinny credit. That will perluow arrest the ran." Burt...mohair atommeren out his thanks. Warellaw cut him short. " Goon morn- ing; sir," "1 have Mientem of impertanoe. Gerd stay,' and hewed him out. " This is • lughtlyer." thought Burton - thew. Marilee then opened the aide door, ann caned him short hand writer. " Mr. Atkine, phouse step into the outer office, and don't let A soul come 40 4.0 me. t I th da E t for bull 1..ti . ' Bartenehaw *hook lin howl. "Name% are at a discount to -day, sir. We con pin you 'down on the counter. Vibe, our depositors look cn eie at Beak of England notes." To an inquiry, half ironical, whether the managenereally expected him to find OI, - 000 cash, at • few boors notice Borten - .haw replied sorrowfully; that they felt thorn if he could find no means ,,A pe'yjeg distronsolately. A hundred and sixty it,Htnoehyesimuusitedt auaki, e a statemeut--and-- Arthur, with well teemed anoety. " Not an ounce saved," said Wylie, for kis difficulty whilstdeidnringtheii own ; but that, Alter All, it WOO a debt ; and ill and Warellaw did it for him. Inuit fe.ernatetinmoce, thonamid pounds gone to the bottom." ' Onel heavens. Wylie in a low brit eager voice. "Stone CondmPpnle:e "'1'c see, sir," said Wylie, "the ship walla hsvr eerie" Then rather loml then encounterol one gale after another, and innenon.,.. "Ship opnang a leak, that "And aocribe your suspension to my labored* go.! deal, tiret and last ; and n. notherthe captain, nor I, nor anylmilv inability to refund this advance 1" Paid he we all say his 14.41111 must have opened; none nen to nun,. nee and nynneu,,11 bitterly. to go without some clear undenitanding. will bear." trforeto say. "May I say we &ball hear froin you, sir f" "Wall done, Arthur." o intimate he had no " No ',totter how it happenedn' said ever use such • word ea that what came 41 II Iturtenshaw, however, 'reseed disposed the full ; that in the find question r heed ; but warn't no use -She fined, &nil "I am afraid that is the construction it her," and he cast a meaning glance at the old merchant ; " we are insured to Arthur Wardlaw. for we never could find the leak that sunk • " To the last shining.' out in yonr lip. just 1141W. We pumped her think her seams opened, with Oxen of Weather." Then lowering his voice again, "Try and owe it as wed° ; but don't you Wardlaw rose, t we M*.Ito take to the bottle" "Stop a moment. Was there any 'Inept - cern excinel I" "Not among the mew ; Aml, suppose there wan I could talk 'em all over, what few ole,, is left. I've got 'em all with me in one houni : Rini they are all square, &net you fear." ,•M'ellniut 700 .0.4 Oimorig tho crew n - Who else have you to fear." "Why, nolainly. To be sure, one of the passengers' wee down on mo; what does that matter new T" 'Me called himself the Reverend John "I matters greatly. Who was this pas - and what with liatening here,and weenie 'tenger r• Hazel. He enspertori anmething or other ; Wardle* settee% "Thank ye, cantor," said Wylie. " lied a squeak fur at; this time." " Where ix your ship'," Wylie 1111...k hig head sorrowfully. Hinton'. of the Pacific." " anntl heavens ! What ; is she lost 1" " That she. is, sir ; foendered at sea, 1,200 miles from the Horn. and more." " And the fret ht 1 the gold 1" put in ini , am it or e y. :cep 14. Mien Itilleston end her father." lie then dead the doors and sunk ex- hausted into a chair, muttering, " Therik Heaven ! I have got nil of them all for an hour or two. Now, Wylie." Wylie eeemeil in no hurry to enter upon the required subject. Sold he evasively. " Why, mtv'nor, it seems to, me you are among the breekera here, yountelf." " Nothing ef the sort, if pet have managed your work cleverly, tanne, tell me all losifore we are interrupted again." "Tell ye ell about it ! Why there's part on't, 1 ani afraid to think on ; let alone talk about "Spare me your scruples, and giro ITO your facts," said Wardlaw oddly. "First .if did you succeed in shifting the bun horn as agreed T" The sailor appeared releived by thia ques- tion. "4), that is all right," said he. "1 got the bullion safe aboard the shameon, mark- ed for lead." "And the load on hoard the Primer - pine 1" ''Ar, shipped ae "Without amencdon I" "Not quite." "Great Heaven! Whe ?'' "One clerk at the ihippingagentnecent • ed something queer, I think. James Sea- ton. Thnt of the worn, he own! ire." "Conk! he peeve anything f" "Nothing. Ile knew nothing foreortain: Ann what he glineawl owl t never be known in Englanil uew." And Wylie fidgety.' in hia chair ?Notwithetantling this'airen ranee Word le' looked grave, ana took a note of thatclerk's name. Then he begged or ylie to go on. "Give all the iletrillan said he. "Levee in• to judge their relative value. You 'cut - led the ship I" "Don't say that ! don't say that ericel But still it la moat unlucky. Some Anil so they wiehed each other good weeks muet elapse Iwifore theineurance morning ; anal Wardlaw aank into his be reolizeel, and a portion of the gold chair. was paid for in Mlle at short date." In nun pint dialogue ruin had been in. "Tho rest ix cimh I" (lineal without Any apparent agitation ; aye, "04211 and merchandise." and worse than niin-exposure. " Then there is the proper mergin. Morlands muipernione nn account rif Draw on my private account, .1 .11. Donk money lost by Wardlew and Son, would of England" at onoe bring old, %trinket.) London, and These few simple words showed the the affaintof the firm would ho investigated, stningling young merchant a way out nf rowl the ion's false 'poem of book keeping all his difficulties. be dna-merest. Hie heart leapt in, he dared nntreply, He satatupified • while, then put on his lest he woulil excite the old gentlentan'e [JAWING rentei and fitted Op the store hat, and mined to his solicitor ; em simpicioeue II !ate', ocompied by A. F. Hugh, for tee way/be fell in with • great talker, who But, ere he °mild well draw hie breath, above business, I am now prepared te furnish tol him there was a rumor the fihluenon for joy came ri freezer. amities with ng here, he ridged the ship was never to was in the macinc. " Mr. Burtenehaw, iir." see England, and 1 &Brays fancy hetold the Groceries and Provisions At this be nearly fainted in the street ; "Bid him wait," said Arthur noon, end Indy.. and hi. friend took him back 14 .111. office cast a look of inept anxiety Tenfold, "what, was there • lady 'lent I" which I shall sell at the Ineest Cub pnees in a de loreble condition. All thie time which the r old man with all his sim- en"„ein inoin sir ; and a pretty girl .he wee; coming home to Engle:et 10 4,. of consumption; so Our surgeon toid me ° "Well, never mina her. The clergyman! , Thie fille me with anxiety. A clerk pecting its a Sydney, and a_paresenger sue - peeling tie in the Deowel. There ene two ennennei anal not OS already." "eli • nl " Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. A Sheen of your patronage trill be thank filly received and faithfully attended 10. Whim and Liquors, Crockery and litlanaware,lrancy Goad& Stc., Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buckwheat Flour, C L. Cr I La 1 AND _ ceAL OIL LAMPS D. FERGUSON. p. s. -Goods lo delivered la any part Of the 101111. 0304eriek. Feb . led. 1846, ew46 Monev to Lend. ( eery reasonable tenni. Apply to P. L. IX/YLF., Santee'. new Meek. nederiek. fth Jain tte. he hall been feigning anxiety about the phony, onmprehemded enough. Proaperine, and onneealing 'tiered anxiety " Burtenithewefrom Moorland's. What about the Shannon. To do him jnatioe, dose he Wont of not f" said Wardlaw w- ho lost sight cif everything in the world now nior, knitting his brows. lint Heine. He sent old Tenfold in hot Arthnr turned cola all over. "Perhaps barite Lloyd',, to inquirefornews of the to ask me not to draw out my balance. It ship ; and then he mat down sick at boort; 1. 1.,. than usual ; but they are run upon ; and all he could do now was to open her end, as you are good enotigh to 141 me portraitjand gaso at it through eyes Minded with tears. Even a yak.. rumor, which hehoped might be false. had driven all hie commercial manieurres ont of him, and made all other oilemitiel seem small. And so they all are small cemented with the death rif this creature we love. While he .at thus, in a stupor of fear and grief, he heard a well known veins in the outer office, and, next after Herten- shaw's it wail the one that caused him the most apprehension. ft wee hi. father'. Wardlaw 'senior rare17 visited the office now ; and this was not ha hour. Ito Arthur knew somethine extraordinary hod brought hiiw np to tam. And he could not detiht that Reim the panne and that he had been to knerland'a or wmild go there in course M the day ; inneeti, it VIM more probable thin he had alremly hefted aroma- thimn and waa come to investigator Watellaw senior enterni the room "Good morning, Arthnr," 'I've got good news fey yeu " drew on you, --by the by, perhaps you wiIl stS• • cheek booty 7043 go to dm "How do y.so Inake that out r station." "Why,VIOntensolerk rind the parson they " How much do you want r waa one man rout/ don t know till have MOW- Warnlaw stared in utter ernanement of eld brandy, a tumbler, and • carrenre of poor frien.1,- The Powierpine Ilew con 1 w tier on the table before him. Wylie drank a wine -glassful neat, and gave a sort of sigh of meisfaction. And then ensued a dialogue, in whien, curious- ly enough, the brans man WAR agitated and the timid teen cool and oolleened. But tion eneugh to realize things unseen, though one reason wain the latter had no imagine - he had (nutted them Wylie told him how Hudson got to the brittle, and would not leave the slop. "I flunk I an him now, and with Ma cutlees 10 001 hand, and his ruin bottle in the other, and the waves running over his poor - aide face, ea she wont down. Poor Hir- am ! and I heel inan7 a trip together, Imsfoort Wo took td, And Wylie shuddered, andtook another gulp at the brandy. While he was drinkink to drown the picture. Wardlaw was calmly reflecting on the bah. fact. "Hum," he, "we "met uni that circumstance. II1 get it into the neuron's. Heron captain. Went down with the ship. Who can suspect Huibion int!,. teeth of such • fact? Now, go onduy goel Wylie. The boats !" "Well, sir, hail the surge.on, and ten men, and lady's maid, on board the long- boat; and there was the ;anion, the sick lady, and five sailors ini board the cutter. We sailed together, till night, steering for Jean Fernandez, then a fog came on and we loat eight of the cutter, and I altered my mind an.I judged it best to win'arh, and get into the track of ships. Which we dul, and were nearfy swamped in a enun wester; but, by good luek, a Yankee whaler picked um up, and took us to Buten te Ayres, where we shipped for England, what wa• loft of only four, lenitive istY self ; but I got the signatures"( the others to my tale of the wreck. It nail** square as a die, I tell yon " "Well done. Well clone. But. step ! the other boat, with that sham parson on booni wit,, kn. ors all. She will be Mined Up, too, perhaps," "There in no chance of that. She was out of the tracks of trade ; WO, 111 tell ye elle truth, rine" Ile poured out hell tunthler of brandy., mid doinlr a part of It; and now for the first time, his Wel trem- bled h• lifted the glans -"some fool had put the main the provisions aboard the long boat ; thin, is what sticks to me, and won't let me sleep. We took achanoe,but We didn't give one. 1 thilik tend yeu there waa • woman Omani the mitter that sick girl, sir. 0 hut it was hoard lines for her, poor thing ; I tee her Inc., pale and cailm, every night of my life ; she kneeled abotud the cutter, with her white hands clamped nether, praying." "Certainly, it is all very shocking," ▪ Wardlaw ; "bnt, then, you know, d they had eseaped, they would have e Xporiari us. Belteve me, it is all for the_ best." , Wylie leant at him with wonder. "A y, gold he, after staring at him in wonder; you can sit here at your ease, and doom a .hip, and risk her people's lives ; but, I hail to do it ; and mein end then lie awake thinking of it, you'd wish all the gold on earth had been in liellneefore you put your hend to 'inch a piece of wort." nr.11nie armlet a gutty snide. "In short," said he, "you don't mean to take the three thousand peinels 11.27 you for this little job." "0 yea, 1 do ; but, kr an the Rola in Vie- tor's., I wouldn't do such 'tint, again. And you mark my words, sir, we shall get the money, and nobody will erer be thp wiser; Mit we .hall never thrive on it. W o hare o ink • good ship, rind we have as good as murdered .poor dying girl." "Hold your tongue, you fool 1" erieil WardlaW, losing hia sang front in a moment for Ire heard soniebrely at the door. It opened, end there stood a military figure in • travelling cnin-General Rollos- ton. CHAPTEIt XVI. As Immo eggs hare rtetnally two yelke, * et Arthur \Verdian hail hearta : and et eight of ilelen's father,the bluer 0110 seem- ed to cease to "mat fora while. He ran to General Rolleaton, shook him warmly by the hand, and welcomed him to Engltind with sparkling eyes. It is pleasant to be so welcomed, and the stately soldier returneel hie graip in kind. "le lielen with you, air 1" AAA 'Anion/in, making it movement to go to the iloor , for he thought she must lie outside in the • "No, she ie not with me," said General Itolleeton. "There, now said Arthur, "that cruel father of mine hail broken hie pnonise. and corried her off to Elem-trees !" At tins .oniment. %tertian senion re- turner', to tell Arilinr lie hod been just ton lateto meet the Itollestons. "0, hers he is !" 'Aid he ; there were fresh greetings. "Well, but," .aid Arthur, "where is Ffelen r "I think it is I who might to ask Out qtroortion," said Rolleatonernively, "I tele geriphed you at Elem-trees, thinking of course elle would come with you to meet me et the 'nation " Both the Wardlawn looked at one Kr. nther, and at (lemma Rolleaton, mut the enter Waollaw fain there wee certainly Rome miaimilenitanding here. "We fnIll believed that your danghter was coming home with you in the Shannon." "Come home with Ine I Why,of course not. She sailed three weeks before me. Hsi elle not srrisod r "No " replied 014 1Vorrinew, "we have ?minion seen new heard of her." "Why, what ship did @herr)in r said Arthor. "I.. the Proserpme. " milted Pen nld ; the gokl wee large and "Dont ye believe me r said Wylie. "I suleantagentia pnreharin en." tell ye that there clerk boarded tea un N.1147 :lacratubtr.;;7narlonybton. ..111 der ;11; haultmew..dislemshatibutezhatvedknefeeiff hibenia ge::;H:inkeafigVedt.thelidle"sretnwhel: Wardle', signed it, and left him to fill in aaann noyimak7eb.elt in fa". ni Adh" dir"'2NifinlitYnn.h..mne. tnHvencemrifiehfinorinloviPoicoi7then mimouldat tare"' ly"Ithe's r .04 rnhCgr,.1"if that Mit ymilh nimfon,e""to you- " Grind heavens !"erlen Arthnr, ; "and .,111. grtoel enough in ommeal nothing. wriffrmithne'll.ere'sm. off tmhottisPeneet 0000 (40? anP6dirtirre.;:T:r7. F,1::teaTahlihtusie.tath.:e4ifa°6dtniii."iir. Well, we a1oin - the Reeks en' fo er tool; to the boat., I *inn " Well, never mind. I rim n"'n'A.1:11 ""Ifi:d..arin the other T" " /Int what will she think of Inc I innonn,„ No" might to be the first to WW1Colegg her " say it t" "Lost at roan' groomed Wylie. At these fdtal words the old warrior's, omnetenanie grew ; his larg•, boay Minds gripped the back of the chair ow which he leaned, and were white with their own convulsive force ; and bowed Ina heact under the blow. without en. nerd. Ins was an agony too great wed mute to be spoken to ; and there wee afientwo ui the room broken only by the hysteriool moans of the miserable plotter, *hu lead ilrawn down this calamity iin hits own head. He was in no state to be left aleue ; and even the bereaved father found lute in his deso- late eaart fur ,•ne who loved 11/41 hat child ao well ;and the two old 1144111 took hint b,,,, e between tisane in a helpless and pitiaLle condition. CHAPTElt XVIII. But this nttor poen-anon of his ono - federate began Welton Wylie, and nen° him to exertion. Certaiuly, e Jewry for when he Iliol alone, awl • 000l liare undone it and forfeited his L'3,0O0 in a moment, if ke a• he eould not undo the cnme, he was all the more iletermined to immure the reward. Why, that 1...n,ese, for aught he knew, wax the price .4 11,. goo' ; and he was nut the man to let his soul go gratis. He finished the reel of the Inanity, and wont after his men, te keep them true to him by promise. but the mixt day hit (-PM, In Fnunchurch Street, •n.I utak anxiously for Wardlaw. lie went, but the reerelmet never came ; *nit Slidiatil told lom, with conenle.rahle anxi.dy, that the was the first time lain N ming muster had mimed coming thia live years In courseiif thetIny, several underwriters came in with long faces, to verify the re port winch had now reached Ultra that the proaerpine had foundered at sea. "It ia tee) true," said Michael , "end poor Mr Wylie here hos hailey located with his life. Ile was mate of tlie skip's gentleman. Upon thia, each naitoronestioned Wylie, and Wylie returned the prett ensonth answer to all inquiries ; one heaey gale after another had .0 tried the &hip tlutt her sennui heil opened, and let in more wenn than all the exertion. of the crew and pas- senger* could discharge ; at land, they lad taken to the Imam ; the long-Imathad been piektel up ; cotter had atone been Its -aril of since. They nearly all asked after the ship's "I have got it safe at home," said he. It wns in his pocket all the One. HOMO k e.11 him w here theuther suryivors were. He told them five had shipped en Imaril the Mane, and there were with him a Poplar, one disabled In the loirdahips they had all endured. (Inc or two complained mignly of Mr. Warillaw's absentee at .,,ch a trine "Well, good gentlemen," Raid Wylie. "I'll tell ye. Mr. Wawdlaw's eweetheart was aboard the ship. lie 1. h'Illt eet broken- hearted. He rallied her more than all the gold, that you may take ,oei nate' on." This stroke, coming from o fellow in • tisajacket' who looked as ei men as lie erne ctrnerirg silence,d remonormice, and wont far to (Leann sautpicein ; and no plesseil Michael Penfold, that he eidd," Mr. Wylie. you are intereated in Ons husi- nese, woulil von mini! going to Mr. Ward - lair's house, and asking what we ere to do next I'll give yon'his address, and a line, begging him to make an *Borland see yeti. Bonner is the !Hart's best ointment. Eh, dear Mr. Wylie, I have known gnef too; and I think I should ham gore mad *hen they sent 037 poor son sway, Iwit for busi- ness, especially the sumniine np .1 long columns, &c." Wylie called at the him.* Amgen nare, and asked to see Mr. Waollaw. The servant shook his head. "You mun see him ; he is very ill." "Very ill,' *Mil Wylie. *wry for that. inn!, ben I shan't make him any' worse nod Mr. Penfolil mars I must see how It is very punctilio, I tell yore He won't thank you for refusing me, when he etionee an hear of it." He .ail thui very setiemily ; and the ser- ves/I, after a short hesitation begeel him to lit down in the • moment. He then went intothe itMgeg-roniri, and shortly reappeared, holdirtg the drone open. net come, init Warilliew junior, but Wardle", senior. "My son is in nn' nordition to Moan' yott, rigid lie, gravely ; "but I am MO service. What is your Witmer f" Wylie wan taken eff hieguard, and stam- mered out something de it the Shannon. "The Shannon ! What have yne to do, with her bidengen to the inewerpinen "Ay, air ; but I heti hie °Mentor ship: forty cheen of lend and smelted nipper on board the " Well I" "Ye IWO, eir,"artid Wrlie, "Mr. Wenn law wait partimilor alout thorn and I bar reepreunnie like, haring skipped them &besot Another vreael." "Have pm not the captain's reeeipt r "That 11440, air, at hmuir: fllet you G ould hardly reed it for emit water." 'Well,' said Wiwillaer senior, "I will ilirect went at Liverpool to look after theta and send them np et once to my Gel- lert in Fenchurchletreet. Forty chorea of nod aril amp", I think you sat. " And he tone a note of this directly. Webs wolf not a little discomfited at this mired titm things haff taken : he Iti• torero, wow, for fear of making hod worse. Watellew senior went en to say the* bei nomlif hove en confine* hratiame of the firm fees time, in spite of ago and I h Thte anneencement mole WA= with *erne., and hie three pentode weeniel to melt away fTWII hon. "Bid never mind," said nid Weedlike ; "I ani vino libel you none, In funk yrs. CITA PTER X . ere the very *ten 1 esnt*1 IS -42S My pew aeliefed friend hes baked sfter _year Aurtlitir Wardlaw fixed '4)4.11. aiwnIcer „eneni tunes. ma geed enough to follow' gime full of horror ; his jaw fell ; a li•id feeler epreed rerei his featurce ; he *oboe,' ffe len the way Mir eke In • l'"Acse nhi•P•14 ."1.he reneeel;r• 1" mot tk• sad hall1='IL and turned his acared eyes upon ronedignityoloshinwafaderefahleffiertsee. who woe himiielf leaning against the wall. Ammer rennemeatielmen Meg and him itelwert frame wee beginning to ene hie easo 4. lee tremble. Wardlew ; this inn the "The seek girl," nearmuren Wylie, and • ,,,h, lupe kid moo. &eta told meat gathered on hia Two". bedroom, east had mural try esothwee General Rolleat vn binked from one to 'benne,* Ow &why ream. - an. Ohs? with strange miegi w bleb soon oenein gressiser,allishilki thermion/el info a wpm of Olsen* terrible Gel- "whot is neer renege r 0-ity 1 foe now ontroli Aroltrrilsion "wet en EWA WI I 1111111/4WWII 46/101118161' Alarther Wennewn beetrt hie face work-, ins se, men iesesseisie Mem :601 0 , foarfuln and with a shirpand evades 55! • • N. tram ,