HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-6-11, Page 1• • Editor andProprietor.] - - - • 81:ro Business Direciorg. Dr. P. A. bffelDeneati ate !AT 0103119 ?UR CoNYULTATION I▪ T ttp 11 11 &elm*, • 1*. •vvf von ytat W enn. et any 600 afterwsrds. night Ot rt. wee 44.0. 141nannon.M. D.. perstclea, SU el re) e. ee..ae., pe.t.*., le; 5, MDR. 1111rTniciAte, suitimov. conflict". ec. Wks ▪ and Iteideare dide Jeers. .Cerstrallkhool. 49 EC M. M eM rIC TeT CI. NI in. ICIIINTIATE itiLl./.311 PHYSIC! ANN • ae Srl& LA OWNS, C. E (Mkt ever Jorifeis Dots More 19 1%ledien.1. Spill ICH ARD *MIL PITOICY AA. SURGEON Ana ▪ geroerheer alearliaser, C. W. Fehrearl 204 1112 erIct Dr. retanboev. n.RADITATE Mite Sienna Ottammost or V ket....• 11.11•••••1, Toeento. end tato of th. reooeste. Neer Turk. Hordes. D. 10111 511111'. WM4 Baylis.. 049 Inte• 0111 1.004111. 11155515TER, 0•40 ArrolINST.AT.LAW,4110 g g ("10.0015Conn Crown Attorne•. Dederick. Cane. Wei. Care Caen Raw. .14.40 NI. CT• berneron. ylp0111 .1117ER. Arvin:icy. CnITFTANICS11.•c., 1 ILogeten erre., Gradeneh. CV. .11 oho Ylleiresern ir) %MUSTER. ATToRNST, eratetTOR ...CITA N- Y • ...Mt kr. Odle, Marker 55510. Corner 00tinellos Sweet, Illodenele. attenctsear •Ale Wsillswr n AREDITERII. ./LIATIVIRN..CovVEVAetc1.11.a. T 5e. Odin ever J. C. 0.11a.& (‚.1'. .14 5011 0.4.11000.0.4.11000.wee W ICE isrLdIr El) I 'F I Co IN . The Greatest Possible 2ooll to the Greatest Possible Number." 11, 1868. GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, JUNE Business I:firedog). Malcolm Wiolmolseigge. 811 ROIC A L OPERATIVE ANDY 150 HANIC. A 1. I:3 MI 1NT rr X IS vr • LECTHOP a rf1l8T, Me. TEETH inserted in either Ma tins, Gold. Silver, or Vulcan lord Rubber on reaeonsblo terms trOlkoe ova the Pula 0111oth., We** !Arra CoJenuh. Oenauerretalflotet 11C.118 wiktk Buoincos CTirectorp. GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED. AND ITHE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT HIPPEN• rr OWN_ -May 29th, ISfid. Peilt S1ONAL.-A1 some folks appears Ito think that you know everything, what Ievery body is doing, and where every body lives, I wish you would tell me or I find out fur me where • young scamp MARTIN AM ANN calling himself Pat Haley, &Ma healing en, that be is still this to sell tor cub, with my son on the 27th ef April hoe to ILL KINDS OF FURNITURE will, he worked up to the 23rd el PROVISION STORE. ARCHIBALD HODGE, rOHN HIVES, Proprietor. This is th 1 tarreet•tol bewitCoantry Hotel la Waiter .NinaJaeind chOrgOS as muderst• •• any 14108 Mitenell Mt•ge Proprietor. Dowd **Oiling for 100 Nunes. flosees earl Carriages for 14,8, 0. Shortest Nowa 14tx 1111.0nrCZ MERCHANT, Cameron's Block, Xingston Street, RS. DAYS' HOTEL. GODERICH. (-AMAIN. FLOOR, OA ['MEAL, COANNIKAL. l I Bran, St ode. P401001, Bacon. Bulb r, • Hi .010•1 .11 gel orrce pond for grain mei II lurid. of prithme. .111 WROXETZ311. iy..; the direct vied from Seaforth to Walkerton., Vvery necessery accom- modation tor the teavelllne nubile. HANNAH DAYS. Wroxeter. Nov. 6,Vice w42 LIJCKNOW HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE, IL 8. CIIIIBINORAN. Proprietor. 4,„21 TIIATED on the corner on the Northern AT Gravel Read. Lurk ' now SI.yr ;save every morning lor thilels ne.01d Weiner., TOP hotel le 611411 op 4/101 every acroMinodat ton fur ematosereial travel... A lageHall attached. lea.11, 11*1 Tome es %foam., A TTOSVIEM 14111.111TDAS. c. w. ▪ ore,. crat.h.s New Wet. Ink he t. ?On. 011•111C. lledenek, %ogee 22th, 0461. .003.11 11. nal* 41.043.../. ell thltfilrett. ATTORVIRT. 41101.11017116. 1c. ✓ fbelmieh C 0111.e. ammo". linionn.o 011.0. Reei wow Wan... Int deer tent a Olearer ar411 .11onn 11. 5*6*4100. AWADLICITOR IN CA/ ANCERY 740.,r Commonneer. , Ate tiatench ogle, .•• the semi. lobe ef West Iltrietwthwa deo. ISseve. .1. . 1170*11043. II, Raiff /7,, TTOHN Vet:. err; virt;",ii.- Derior; craw .e(*Ilartnet. &pare aid "Ilerti Stoat, 0.14Lnle• 1•11MISCT & 11M4. Doyle, a, 911morlonte. ▪ ASIURTERA VD ATTOR1111114, 14/01.1C /TORS • • taeChrorecl le Oodenen riot II L. Dom. • VI IL News. A A. IN ClIcAN„7.1tTe, . . w or6 William. R. Bain. 111 A. (111POCOICRY 311) LAW 0/FICC casia•• •avr haninknea. [Infamy Street i/nler:th it. • --'1.••-r• ic•or. Mower lent on rneinn101.1• Innen Do1pelen 11.1.44•• Mks aoay Qoieted. rlederiell. Dee. 1.0. 111044 SOAP FACTOR Y. ENNOMY FOR lingEKEEPERS from Mcaillitray, Mitring now, he hired BEGS TO INFORM }ITS OLD CUSTOM at the lowest rut.. s, work his horses on Um :rim orni atthc saw • May endue Sunday morning after break - At his shop on Kingston s re , ppos tee Huron Hotel, Gedetiel, tem' ii • last he 'eked leave to go to Clinton to spend the Queen's Birthday, his master &tem.,. 'yet, m e e mt „ pt. 0 Lel Ming the Mr, pr rt y e8/1.oderieh Oct. 3. I liGG. seilw3 gave 4.40 1004 money awl leave to go, C.MORROW, elhairmiux. Cr ALLAN P. DT &CLEAN, but just inuegine the lesson Monday moru- ing when ell or eight of the young Wilsons A , began to got ready to celebrate the Queen's Itirtliday as loyal subject. "Mould ell do, fVOL. XXL -NO 26 Report of the Equalisation Committee. livens, that • committee of five be appoint- ed in accordance with Mr. Pickford's mo- Mussaas--Messrs. Sheppard, Bishop, Oirvin, Sproat, Morrow, EVajag' MarnaSr. ' tion at tut January meeting to ....molder Brown and Leckie. Your Ofnututter is the County, attd a.fte by the dee...rent eration, we have are iv still great disparinea rolls, even in townshi show lees disp•rities Your committee have least, ao far as the oo tio /11 personal of tee mun*ipalitiee paper. Aeourding to ounscienauusly and h T1 total ate ving examined the various rolls of the nem:eters municip•lities in tile ProPeletlef • me • • Vs r careful deliberation, and likewise herring the ., given j in this County and report cm Thursday bars of the C said having given such explanittiun and cowed- ' tioeiong, carried. ed al, -the result shown in the 'schedule hereto annexed. There is The committee was declared, on •ballie. in the aseenement of personal property, as 'hewn un the several pe contiguous touch other. If the useeson in the townships w"uld to oololiet et Mew" - M this way it would save your oomniittee a vast amount of labor. Leckie, Moamar, and Evans. , likewise done away with the equelmation of village property, at The Council then sdjourniCI. lumn 'Mewing the seme is concerned. making a ouusideration for Watmasuer, June 3rd, 1801. property, it Lein* sheen that the amt. usually chatted too 110 Aral The Council net pursuant to adjourn - for village property are for vinare* tbat are only to be found on the date as informanon we have enduroured dtscharge our duty runt. ope geners.1 satisfactionnav 1* the remelt. Petitions of Neil bloutgornery and Jas. shows a alight decresae from last year which is caused by the Miller were referred to committee. -4 X it was Mut where is my shirt, Mita where - Is my vest Mao where is my necktie, Nita, T"...."....th oh iny seeks my pocket hankerchtef de., melee then I heard one of the girls say, mu my C." ringsre aall gone, another niy broaches us ...d' b Tv' gone, another, why Dina 1 declare 1 ion 'no eseoesi. isleil aUST RECEIVED A LARGE Tat e trodset, a ae„ii sweep, well. eb,,,e fuomet. Signal 1 ant through the whole of that row 1 ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS smosang my pipe etth a heti serious half cell.... Corgeisageg in part of Wert of England Dread oumio expresoon on uty free sa I was not 111, i gnash, ,,,,,,,,,, F,,,b Ir,.,.,,,,,...,„,.,... onowod to go, until • youugfellow 01 17 or l'a, (wed) my pocket -book is 81•0•• . • . sloths; Bosse's, Whiner. kieter.S.me. eetcy Doeskine, •arl • Vistiely of e enedian Cloth/1 18, says, ' tle nd ilowered Vesting+,btm ortes stolen and I anut left one tont, well Sir nestle*. se'• I ri II I 1 11tI1 1! I 10.116. el 56001 6.810 21 676024 7121311 150/0 6111120 11•1•7 10 1078. 43000 IS 24760 VOW 21 64.1.11 " '00015591111410 .7 WI 116•18 1.00 II 24110.0 112274 00 24100 0357114111111.1 IOW WNW 111719 411 114 07353 4.3373 14 ANY 0000 21 60AOM 724111 WOO 11111110 141061 12611 12 ?USW $11766 04 1601 50110 lei 1611141 87306 ki000 4045.14 190121 00417 12 MM.. 13140 SI 11106 wore 211 Mine 434410 le0e0 1141064 111111. 17•41. 11 31660 643116 41 21301 00081 '4 401414 2011 OWN 3621114 11511. 11 SANS 1.6343 47 %OM • One, 104 eninii r8110 69.1140 110,461 lUtle lu 4..l,,52.4411 60 20979 014/00 ID 4110/5 10,01 9o,15554111041 21600 11 IOW. IMMO 300710 1904. 11.00 10010 S00770 40*04 20.743 116011 1904 644.190 121320 723417 7011. 7116720 5111.0 1.116,0 720$41 71104 . Gloves,e•ps, kr., ece. m juped up aml nearly ro P lie. • 11 1111 ,weo two) www to 11..z. Ile feels eonadent of gibing enlialietton to al. bee.551 5 *11 111136 yound 1.4liow Wait Wa, 2takk 10 TOYS) 114100MV 111Yorlitilt With their orders. going to drive his sisters out for • day's not wry...a, 4481" Al tees fore '-'21-61110 TWEED SUITb (all wool) 2 and upwards. theorem with a spare seat next himself mon... seam se tont 1.100110 18 /11014 stio7 10 317%70 fo.r somf. one else's sister, and he just begin - Mr 24. 3.-Cotting done 4.0 0,04..,. gleg - ning to nese abit of whether and not • A•10&44. NOVO 37 13610 1106000.0 1.74 wim..414409 ths cireitmetance, there was no- retudly seen es 217o0 .87311,1 • Gederieli. Senn 23tb. 1864. ceut in pocket, dreadful of coarse under o„ei.. 64617 34 .363 fulime: 1141 .38.r,7743 36239 3.3 Ina aunfrO1: 3101404 • SOKAtrii!e "ND _ but put tny betel down to the bottom IA 1141.01. coeoree Ponce Ildreard Co , C. NV., Mareh. 1nel. my breeches picket. pull nif pune, and term.", Ma.. Yoe.. ' C.1•1•12.1,111.--Stro, Anton 0 0 foto over, it MU iticly tor the Tooth 1 A ORE tT wt.,. proton that Oncry en al iset • med.- juat thought of long time ell rem*, dW Ian. nal.ncr/ t•• male th.. dwInence1 urnior oath, which after a httle they gotstarto rowing if they &eerie, it leild a Pat Haley he would nut steal Ida wit) cern liver emnpintat sod Llyrn era, . na • vague anentatiew attest e ermine , worm go er „, h THE 'he ;be h i IIEMOVEI) to the Lack again ili the evening some from Sea- .. rom them amen saut at that late hour he had no intentiou GOOD 14 ARD CP 7.2 A P ((( aunt an. Dropenna 1 nal • lecinnt of 0eot• per tar or 4--••0"0 no• _ w the Dock. !whir brZr..P. ,R1rolrlit 7Ora tie.."gy 11 'found but Dior Goderich end surrounding country. that he marks that things might have been *one, section of country tai learn vrhether the tes SU V AC- • streugan Rearm( rev yew !when medicate Om Great wishes to inform his friends in the ?owe of reconciled to their loss with the sage re- eit t if.ttht. JOHN BARNES. suer, esi eu efo mr 81." 00. Ilia the lart:ent and most enforlete stock ontil this evening when some of the boys aireillihverancle 'Volt 0 011113 ng or • in to cern., • Ion 1 lave /1,-11 sorely afIlheted tor the Lao three team actonittor to Ore Vectors. steterceno etth J J >11 hurvy, but they all got Letter from County True ono accompan l- ed with schedules of amount collected on 1 account of non-reudent lands and inancial g statement of %hilt various municipalities .2•Li wItb the County Wile read and referred to the finance committee. "Thw. Moved by Mr Simpson, sec. by Mr. wrm ID -ogles, that this Council authorise the ion Government to impend • pit; tlie 6111143 Warden and Clerk to Petition 05611 sum granted to improve the harbon on 7.73444. the East coast of Lake Hume upon the Bayeeld harbor, which is in an "3".. unfluished moditeon, altogether the mull -- 71" cipinity of Stanley has expended some 7101311 128,0001151074 this public work, SI0,000 which was bornored from the Murucipel Loan Fond, and which haw been punctually paid as it came due, •11.1 26448 which presses so heavily oa the munici• "•°. pelity that they are unable to complete the 19000 44100 110610 142400 701661 harbor, which ought to have been a puldos TIS1411 31/7503 36346 New work from the beginreng---Carried. 100411 230o34 MUD 450404 Several amounts were read and referred. Report of Rev. 8 Young was read sod 04.4070 LW. SONO irair. 8.600 ellutiO referred. 409100 Report of C'o. Engineer, do. Plum* On motion of Mr. Horton, seconded by 00IINTY 00UNGIL• Mr. Pickford, it was ordered that the doors of the Court House be altered to open out - The County Council of Huron met in ward -Carried. the Court Room, Goderich, nn Monday the The Council then adjourned. 104. instant, Robt Gibbons, "eq., Warden, Teussei•, June 441*. in the chaireind P. Adamson, Fre,acting The Council met pursuant to adjoern- as C, ty Clerk. ment. Members present - Messrs. Malloimh, Petition of Mrs. A. Taylor read sad re - Armstrong, Young, Horton, Sheppard, fermi to finance committee, Pollewk, Leckie, Dobson, R. Brown, &nil- By -Law No. 5, to authorise the County lie, Pickford, Perkins, Morrow, Snell, Evans, Hannah, A. Brown, Kelly, Cole. men, Rimpson, Douglas, Parsons, (Irene - way, Sprat, Walker, Messer, Bishop, Creery, Help*, GirepI end Gaunt. 'The minute. of last day of last 000110111 11!" orz:s new orrompattont tnnenonew toile. rutin one, Imeriaelm, store late'. occupied by W NI. II ATA. forth, and some trine Clinton, but they to Make. anir leuiethy speech. DutintitrIgie liria pub rroeutione or wood C" "V. .2 E. a 'pp. re, Am...Ric, awl teas greatly reduced ta first door entail of Itinehaftes, Sterket eqnano did not get . Well ter all vrall cotton 11 figS ....... entre! of 10 bro. per gallon ro be hod al ' 6 g lint month ie h.oi travelled Was over • e .1 Ireland. el, fee oroseerfe 1 eneltIllued It until 1 Isom taken •Ivott ten Of Fall anal W 111U r V who moved riterflien Jordon s clothes covered !cat hesoy an hoot pew or 01K1•0111(1. 1 ant B -I agoallowf du., bech.,,,,a. ' No., 1,..1, ,beii.b,nb.,,i understand at once that In was only to he freeti at the pont of the lia.yonet. Garin" 11016 Illik. ISM. h.40.... t.....g the tali, sod I hat that 1 have butte re- . COLONIAL HOUSE. THE eubscriber always keeps the largest • variety ani best Stock of MISERY & GLOVES ! COUNTIES. - CHAS. E. ARCHIBALD. Goeiineh. Mere 111.18611. Wei ISAAC FREDERICK amll sue base plersoure atteetrimg to my Intone. ()OtS mad Shoes was rag man my son hi last fall tu England might be 1.1,2paring te elf...loll the The ri nre tr remedied to me 1 was loot log h .0 tta f. dnve is horses and he worked for him fel Church system in reland, and after the ki hob the Great ult./one.. 14•Iondy wal riomb t1. I hos recsnmrinied the ft...tardy tr, onverel cam. and 0( 1317 house in the country,eontaining every winter, in spring he went a day in the sew law of teuure of laud, but it wail only strongly recommear ate A us8081; the, be has *ivy, jery iwrge sw„,,,,wee% of U•OrallIty Of hiring Pat. Now young sieiken in almost every city of the I'nion theough ,In his travels he had ooreetc rye .fe.,•1107:Ze,':",e.::: ..."'"a style of Ladies' and Children's goods, end mid to work and got hurt, hence the 01.1;4 ,fas al Mara. 1.7. GENTLI:NIEN'S and found the whole people ready -to eon - ...ea Iv en eir•eeeromi. r Jordeu Loni from his agreeable and oblig - , meaner was a general favorite in the mence active war mem England and her family, and poor fellow he lay under Ins detieneeneies, and compel her to restore to ‘c------NTER BOOTS wag I to Gamy of !bare Ethwaral. C. W. VY • ly in fact a few days before Pat started criers.. Mid IOC, 120111 011p01 lett, nnd ot hi ole now want is to be satisfied that ection warm the scamp, to cep hts rascality stole 00 own manufacture, which 110 Will sell hui coat and vest together et th other notions is et once. to be taken. The movement swiftly going forward, and nothttig .on beton en. to him k.nowing them to be Ins. •tiip it. The day for °peeling hurt forsoine time and 'lieu died. Recent - Ireland her own m.vernment. Whitt peo- TroaaUrer to pay over non-resideet tsue to the respective municipalities was duly passed. Petition of Pat'k Woods and others of McKillop was referred to fintuaos commit - tag. were reel and approved. Letter ef Mr. McGann, referred. L. - The Warden. then eddressed the Council Moved by Mr Coleanan, seconded by Mr C I leap for Cash ! I Now tIr. Sloal I could forgive halt all tb.....mf..ign is not far distant- nearer has put the golds you feint. ' raw -hide across los vagabond shoublers, A large num ef money was rained, and isfaceft7 program, being made in the mew- grammar 'schools and report at the Deceive S A M't. FURSE. but unless you assist life I am to lik1,11:: tion of the Maitland Bridge. and urged her meeting, the met and attendance .4 Gederieh, Sept. 24, to have that pleasure, I will try many new recruits enlieted, after •lach w hun, and perhate Chief Constatile 'Frainer the meeting adjourned. , that it was important to attend to the arch grammar school in the County, eith the number of students attending thane might get • glues° ...I him if you acquaint matter as the old brelgo was tit • dangerous the average length of tome per etudent (...• him with it. Oli fur one of Johuston's HAY. state. With referrence to the tollgates, Photograph likeness of hint in ho stele -i ,14 (exoept Jortleiee coat and vest) for three bnefly "n subjects to be brought up. Ile Morrow, That *committee of five he al - ouy Call and ezioniee, as he it 1111116104 that be 1 ((( I tt 11tun talk to him and five cents of a than most think --when the green dag shall be unftirlde again on British soil. said he had heard complaints as the neut. pointed to enquire into tho working oi 14. Malotormson. VI %SUMTER. •TrlINEY, ILICITOR. L P Clones. rbri wag MOSEY TO LEND. 11. NlerIntratell IICENSKO1 Crvirt. r.(ISTM, VI' FIELD. roomy el 4 Marro. bier 14 ether ea minify swerianier st. waled to. erlblyt• El. ntviltn. 1,11M ANDIVILER AID PICR1AVOtt, LAND V Armand 1.7....reranta,, Elnearnme. 1 .T vettouPsom. S ECRETARY TE trIERV ASSOCIATION. P34 011/1011 1040 ID. II. CAIWP11118:11.L, Derivivciii. Lien nexeow. .41. ite, OM« I. )1, l'arfoll•• Deng Some, et W omelet 14 .0.11 net.0 for eareer.ng 011 watt c int Ikon, res. of Rougher*, toil reorles 011menham .15 tentoon. .gtItINT •Tr. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, !NAIR ANCE. LAND AND r;TIVERAL Money at A per l600..l .Agee anelertelt. THE LANCASHIRE VIRE AND LIFE INSURNNCE COMVNY. W ATCHMAKER jp,WELEIL, WEST ST.. GODERICH, Nest door w,,,st our. stettb' Saddlery. vino INC dor.r East of the Post oitrt. et I 11•111 Or. WATCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELERY REPAIRED oN `4IIORT NOTICE. In the beet Style & Warrented. Gold and Plated Jewelr • Watches, r . acc Constantly en liand and warrentee tn be u represented, if not money refunded. Tee stock will be, 'eel cheap tn make way Inc fresh mwAs. If yon want a really gond clock go to I. Frederick's. °Meech. Oct. 29. 1067. w39, CABINET WAREHOUSE --- CAPITAL, £2,000,000 STERLING. -- Mille C.nnosne Arm weirdly elbel, Is the WHOA 1. 17,./11111 of 0.10.1•01. hy M. Son W 041.4*3104- 1>050. (late Clan nollor of the lieelmetturr). as oar. of ste highest dna Ales Tom rif rent 2 INN MANUAL Yll nwrina. 02 ageat fa Greterleb. GODERICII FANIIIND NELL AN 0 'Pump Vsletory I -- THE SU BSCRHIER BEGS To INFORM Ike t abahitadle of t he Counties o -( HU'). a•t1 Avocet h•t be le still hi a nalbetering,sed b. •• hand a somber 0 I Itts SUPERIOR FANNING MILLE & PUMPS. He would rowt teularly dn. *Dein tes le et MOW.. *11.8,11 rearreatthein to lore Wheanftam nets, enekte.ebe , ire. Parer model° order i gal warrented . , FOYeryntr A, raw lit ., kof 'Wax ITasterseetree ••14;Camkrio R.,/ STOP AND SEE, -11111: folievong rentrek• 04 Teem...rel. el moat I. wonderful end entnownhonry mire* to Cooed0 by the (11111./AT 111 DI 4 RISAIE17Y, They are arros, nn dernable ervi torcomeathle facia antlicient to remote. the morn narrow& that the limei Mertes...1 l'empoon- arned *Orr for ingot I. now acee.ible in thr ti rent SHOSHONEES REIAEDY For Ilteenne• m the Throat. later. Lore, Ihrraba• 12orson, Knitter* Sc.. as sena. Senenta, tne vette.. Akin Uwe..< gamma, mod ell et.e... anima from Iniperibe• arhe or Lentil,- owe that tha 9001 rented, hat 142.1 Bece MAI*A11.1.1113. Where rorn• three ever ova a tare •• that in the peran ink.. Sine.. 11...m..,17. br , A Con...smoky or t Perer V Mtller leerneelown. W.. &Ton. moor that el A robe* n 0>1 Dy.p. lorrer Complautt, titat Jett, of Ha, C. W. of Abramson., velot had e) smoothy been on coos/m.6w 47501,11. npne ash treat. trent her...re...and oow Soma ankh eases '11 twork ta mentioned had we flonte. Ire m Orea Fiore and ire* t'ireuler 0. nrumationable cent...ate. on Ant GRE.A 81110S- til Howl...I.:I+ REMEDY and 1•11.641, and .11011 7011 selves. yr .1i fnn,,nn. anti Oreatem Med, e, ran. Agent. for Goa.ra•It. F. Joni., end Cark•t ; Ceti. STOVES! STOVES CI ar os OS td ta. 8 1-3 0:: hi CI i', Ili IA oo ID Pries of the Rr rarely in large pints S1 WWILE/1ALE AGENTS • 1.2'M 414. kt'o, IDUNI•PAEnH W ATM /24, t NICALF. AIM 1101.1111WOW 6 1•TA•g• HAMILTON. A. HAMILTON & C. 151700015Co. the pest yeer and the present, as nee • r., there W•• • feeling with reference to poamble, the nature of the ethoel h r .11 ei sh.frt, pretty stout and well built, hair lase re tot ,n tes eee Hen, re Toole; tee l'Alt a throwing off the tolls altogether, on the whether in fee simple or rented, the amount of apparetu• in each school and ell el toggery : Wed Haley, 15 or leyerrs of age, Tbe Ceert of Reeleiota for the alien T leash r re kt , light, for rather) light hair smoked with fer:-!..wleee" lb ....*”.k..lan1Mt. aorarl t.tiotrrublorek one hand and the adyisidrility of imposing the old rate on the other. This would be other things respecting the m of our County Grammar &boon se far as enactment the smoke of Blab turf from the Bog uf r...t 7.94, Wad . •Plool• lolmv Wr• CrroW. Wo 10 Allen, but the hair may be &elle changed .;,,'„'th',,, h"."." "( th. %g. - IS •Ineh • matter for the careful considerstion of prad,„,aaele carried. Infore thief easuqng other notions he teuk !it'C'' a. 006 'kee'etteeteee'-1.87-1....'4.1*,EPaorlo.'. the Council. tete of the most impertaint Tee *rm. WAS declared, on a vote to 9 Q ho relieved of his purse cant ,say tne color r,,..-,-;i1,.!.z,,... ----,, 7.,.-,-.-,---4. -b. ye: irwestebentre.....e.wio subjects to come up was the equalleatiou sistbackri,ef M.essd pirec.ketolcordetan, Morro.. Biel.. 1... A bottle of liair oil frown the young fellow u"'",..1",'1,"'".""2,•."•le'da""'". rr, of ho eyes bet he leents.'5,,dliftetlIte „erre,. wynod,. jec..lo.:.17,fr..it,i..ei.......e.,,inil,e7.4e.",..„.‘t ..,e.....;...1"set, u..e.r. of the aseesement, find he hoped it would Gir'MvoiiresdThbatMthe Engineer be inetructerl y r 11.,rten, seconded by Mr. 'I had a black broad b • be entered into with a determinanon to CO call It a Koseuth, be wore a pear of new a as.. ,11.1Zd uj W " 1".11r..4 ow .."‘" .. "'IT; rsoll'it"broet, tbr.i show • spirit of justice end fair play to ell to construct out ofthe old phinking A.e. 140 calf -skin meters with india rubber in tha ri'•,,," th..„.,.e,''',„,,,-"' bridge for the ounvenience of foot of tee Maitland bridge, a temiporary foot- () side., his stolen toggory is lei various it is :ore,Oi..e-.- .---- g.''). -r:- w.... ' O n., Use in describing, he am &rue In almost Hee c re'r.i'.:o.Iterecilli0.'.......u. 50'.• 4..1 ....e Parli'e'etsition of Mr. L.Zowski, President nf 4 and colour and patter:11M: is a red horse ...L.Vgg,..' t7y,,...3":""" under rv ridge win 4." the Ontario Rifle A somciation' for grant gers durin the time the b • • teamster, attd fond of onto, and treats plebs meal. la tne Grat':14r41 Ilo"PW( Pair. Aleo, to niske stair -lent al - O them well, if &bout Godench, which I hear `, th° 1.1 14" , • ton • WW1 seerciation, was read and referred peaches on each side of the river to (triable • lie Starterl for he will likely be fount' 101::ed". .""d """""4,P"Ir "'"". W" by J 11 r tee teams to reach the river and drive through. /el about some tavern or livery stable, the oe ,.nt; fintince„orcn,:nraR:1 Ref. to It. and B. corn t County Count -II will lie in Goderich when """-- • - WIn Webster Or petal lb tar repairing 1. MIT, L. S., nal Komi by Mr. noir., seconded by Mr. .you get this perhaps Mr. Sinilhe lee O of Ha , puty bodges as nous* cutlet, we tarvlek me. al. • reml ana referre.I to sele..1 cemmittee. (Brien. That the Engineer to instruct.. 1 Hay lumen him as the farm he work- •••1 00 by b. place. Thomas Green's b..od'."...""`1"..bwd "" "."'b •"' Report ofelev. Jno. Ferguson, do. Nall to Fat the Pule "Paired et the Me," 7 5,00 .Moll Deputy of Ste hen has seeti him at mYy 01•"tth. deliverance. "t" Bndge as soon as possitde.-Carried. Moved by Mr. Pickford, seconded Ly done an van •teallnie Cannot A oettlun from Jae Report of Thee FaITOIr do caadMr. lweirkwiyniiii3OATht..at.t...hnetTonreasthu.rert.bbeleins.hten."-- tei place he would likely know him well t roan( to • %SOMA.% Mr. cenneron that it was the enoogh to have him datelined until I could_ ens lisetet *000.0l teller( 1200m, 4144. Orrick avow,/ J Omaha, ltal $10 la tillty Of the Council to provide fuel for the Mg the amount of proceeds front the County toll gates for the last two yearn - elan, the amount lost by the County by litigation and bad debts, on account of said toll gates. -Carneel. Moved by Mr. Horton, seconded by Mr. Pollock, That the Wanton and Cleric he instructed I., prepare and forwent to the Governor in Council a memorial ia refer- ence to their 'mourning the Goderich Harbor with a •iew making it a Idarher .4 Refuge for the F,eat west of Lake Heron, auggestmeits iniportance end snitability permanent Naval Station. Ale. g upon the Government the justice as we I as the expediency of expending mi this moat importnnt Harbor un this side .4 the Irks a Rend proportion of the $50,- 000 brought down and carried in the estimates fur 1809 for Harbor improve - ratite on Litho Huron.- Carried. M r. A Brownie...cedar*. by Mr. Teckford, Thee the spplieetion .4 Wm. Clark re. (erring to toll-pte sureities be submitted to the Geincil for Consideration. Refer - ed to finance coinntittee. Moved by Mr. Pickford, GOO. by Mr. Perkins, That tha engineer be instructed tia make tee culvert on the Seaforth mid Delmore Hoed near Day'. Tavern of eultteiont depth and size to take off the water. It being altegether too small at present. Referred to the Gravel Road eemn- tee. Moved by Mr. Smi le, 901 by Ur„ Leckie Tliat the Council de now adjourn, till 7 o'clock p. ne Carried. 'Die Council rethined at 7 o'cleck. Petition of tie... 4:men a number of °them war read and referred to the Gravel Road Committee. Carmelite from J. B. McGann was read and referred to Somme committee. M0.401 by Mr Enna, sec. by Mr. Ilse- nah, That the engineer be instructe4 to have the Culvert near Hannah's 4•••311 im the Gravel Road North id Seeforth en - 3' 141-A1N ANDF. ANCrY • get word. I would start for Godench my- ,.,„. officers of the erown was read and y . IT 1M. W eft. Nt. 1100 him and you may be sure hint c he le aid Jas. Wilkie Ina Mr fit t. • assisted by friend Trainer can 4nd woo".7..deio7rsd eibT wow etel.n.,be lit ttber irtn"ler ,,; tter annreferring the Haley and persuade him to stay in Geler- June nett, attar lawn ila/I le Zurich al tine bear ef 10 deof end dumb institute, Toronto, ems 'WHOL-............00.8477 . self but he would see nie before I would and that!. Wolin, amount sev from would not be in une piece together if ho .nkley .1.00adtrytell•cofurontiny M.r4.1.C•...mervr,sitin ..resdprietfywdieg COALOIL, could help it, and now Mr. Nepal if Tou nolo as aovr reed hr red. Carnal11711: 14, B mco .1. W. JOHNSTON'S (THE OLOSST IN THE C01.7NTY. D. GORDON, CA..131 Eq.' %AIIR AND UNDERTAKER, etaseteetere• .45 nas rt.,. on risen • entspleAS •.oettorial orainre,•1 h r• W•rwrnorn•, WEST STREET, GODERICH, 110C1111 AI Sofas, Borealis, Tables, Bedsteads, Hair, Oise anti Wool -erste.] Chairs, Gilt Moulding and brooking ()lasses, In variety ,ot ch until I get there efter got word of lue a , lea, A. M. -4.21411m1 wm. w cs.4 read and referred to finance committee. Pt1109111 61,1 t'k'n. public benefactors and a terror to evil GRNY. 1 the 1105121 of Grammer School Tntsteset, Mar Coal Oil 1,"111". ke. &O. Old Iron." whereabouts I will look on you tib.s Application from Mr. Ritchie, secy. of I am Yours, 110 Croat!! met thin Aar (211nd May,) it Wal Dahmer, (lodee1e11, foe • ree ooper, t taken m [change. J.& J. STORY. doe's, t te said school wm eiwy- Lb Large Coal Oil Harrel, WILLIAM WILSON. 11.444,10.” riot so.oni 1.4 to arleertmentest lar the read end referred to gatmcw cwwwwittwo. superintendent, has referred toschoul emu- atA appoor.1.. toe leant. il oohed lhenmellee Into a Siirn >f tiolettcL. reh 11t. 1661 li-t1 pori•ir 1{,.1.11.1111111 the asegasInent I • etli nu Iny hose. and Ounewillon Abuse. ritrereloe awl Itheort .1 14.. R••• M. Barri local _ wi, nave In thr. chair, pretreat, yid Dote FENIAN MENTeING AT DETROIT• yb. oiouter,d IN( flri•elilli sg tramt read Home Nlanaricture and Imported al.nra nn hand a complete SA .and potent COL OVA TOR. whir kits einret vet Wiro3171 f ft E0 1. s • Also, Kneeing At..0.11rOSIr of ' hassle *4 Morse., a promos, "I" ‘---...1"'" 4."."'"""" "" "I. "." "" rr. bomber ood cordwood takes in et- \ bare .....- them. HENRY DODD. chanter°, Fernitere Iloolorm b .27,11004 . 1667 ora Goderieb, A nriltted, 11044 NORTH BRITISH G. Baia & BB NERCINTILEAFTIRE AND LIFE Insurance Oo. muse 1809. CACI t kl, Z2,008,00, STIRLING. WOOD -TURNERS ! • 1 , OIP CABINET MAKERS; Fire Departuest. Irisks at moderate rates. Lew" 14qt- 11 Hamilton St Goderich their " WERT constantly on hand ferule all arti • ars n elms in their line, each ag Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, sko., so) tail. !reanimate, neeletekes, ke VSIIRANCES *lamed on ell elates' ca AND UNDERTAKERS, Life Department. ,t is arisnavicrtteptialf thiiejelzo.te.e.ia.ffwier p05611 Company ean adept ratan lower tha preeticeble by many other offices. T.Plitaers• Special low ratio have h...n woofer elldings and other Isolated , arriamigoal having been selnleted wet of the above Company for r°614119 surouneete tunny, will wive tronosals for ineemace in both hr"elie ga, and will always he reedy to giro ie tioa to parties welting to Meer,. Wm. RICH AR11•111g• Beek ef Montreal' Wfi.14." Goilerieli, May 1, 1808. awl. to lime at reseentd" 11 APV c VERO farm MONEY New Marble Works New phelezraph ELGIN ST., GOCERIC IN WATSON'S BLOCK Over the Glasgow Roue., 0:teetireppreoeprie.ot: giel'atwinneT,' toh'3er:ec""ele. in *4." in •rery style 01Alcw.wR.-Old pictures, such as Dszterro- . types and A embroil pee, copied as photographs. Mr. Joheston cordielly invites the Ladies and fientlecnen of ()enrich and surrounding meetly to sir Give Him a Trial ea to whether he is worthy of purnnage. J. W. JOHNSTON. Godeneh. Dee. 10. 1867. w4e3ie Wonder of the Age Denton, June 2. - At a masa meeting I.:II"' e. t."11:eiet.t,',',. mitt... - the City libel, a large and enthumestic me,. .1. Wm Vm11111, 41•1211.0".0 lel A* .0.0" 1,* Iteport of County Auditore, eocompani- •4 Erman' of Detroit, heel lan evening at 'trt • '5.'1 j.., l :molt 10."....sed frolonanb"111.711, i Audience was present., comprisingnot a"' 'id by a statement of the liabilities of the perionn Mr. Daly eRbe,,...r,,,,f"..4e.........* sseriwbee.. n't4olionos"...114.........44 Cennt, of Huron Oli 3Ist Deormber, 1807, WhAl C4.110d to thechair. an I ,..'t,.1 :T .1", 111 • ot..1104:d•allgt,liaZ.001....ntIznil,,,(11171lu.nt...... Twit Wu: was read anal referred for Finanoe Corn - few remarks, introduced Pt ,f. I;, • ,•i,), of 5 ,,......, out' he ,n4upota samnian• ..tAii.g. ,,„... mittee. Waeeington. Ho maid :-It is eminently ti,i,..,Y,11:7,........ az sili.4,%.t... lee', It.1,!..:,.' Ten account. wen referred to Tinanth appropnate for Iriehmen to aesemble as :„,„,, pr e, 1 efriCr7. el., Co m m i ts., M .. by mr. mom.. ...e. Neon hey', 'hie evening t° r -"Il ulem•ri" '''''''' '''' rem* vee Wu to. by Ir. Snell, mot the County Clerk tele - le ,,..,11, me isi.mte. kW ever ttri...! of their native braid, and to devise meant I...me to i etteri - • for her regeneration. He proceeded, de- rofdoilqi,,,teoer..b.b.00l itwouotietb.,1,P."...riller: eat ou::::1:14opeat. graph to Clinton to -night to the County home .4 the oppressed. Ile .1 ,notinciel 1 e,',.„'',,"„,,,,, i„ i„. „( .0.. 4. w„, w„„,,to„. lative to the Maitland brulge at Godeetcht THE ELECTRIC PAIN PAINT. flplt 7140 1121474`41' R9.1.111 RHEUMATISM, Nrimarn moron. headmen.. noVillY1•1 Of erdl nonieend ateerie, gook... on o. th. ode heck, nr Stran..1"cli.giltnr. .1:11"1...iPrItla, kliThr.eas(ir:V. Dr. Wire, On et . 21011 011554.5. Proprtoter Seeineth. liedencii. Smelt 264h, IV* .10115 tipt All bines of wond taming don., 'melt its GODERICII MI Alines on hand. a complete MISORTHENT OF , tod• HEARSE to hire on reasonable term Godortot, sal Ird. 18611 18.4500 - W. M. SAVAGE, Now York Drafts -Cleterr- IMelis -Nat ions% earn ney - St sip nem*, eue eseerreet money at eeriest rate of mph.% w47-1yri Goderiel , 4 843. eleiring that Irrlend hail always been the tore:nlriel .17.ttweitz.:(1„71, Vcknon...o. uu. u.. Engineer to ering the eintrect papers »- Disraeli the pereent British Minister, ne aiik...1ngoteln.,1„:sefeo zrer tikr; 41ft:rm..- egi. eo 1 1 i.1 before the council at ita pra_ ONHMENTS, READS Table when he and men like hen were sunk so ! ewe*. 7tut 01. 69". •i° w'UtY 'I" P.' 1.111‘110110. 20411. by Mr Messer, That the ios err' f, ash In Werra the ors. ..• Short notice and at the lowest prices. Lille- Cnitale, ho declared that no injury to the =*"..,..27";..I.:04.1°.t.i1:: A,,..4.411...,:.„•ee ral reduction made for cash. All orders Canadian peolle was intended, but 00 07>1,' ew nice ep awl the levee Irm Rost moo, merlins* the respecteve slims Out have ponetealiy attended to. Designs of Mann throw regiilar British forces and gain a ;toe it eseo.7guati evader.4noe:T...,to...1114111. been peed into Ine Aloe for Non-Itendent and dc end that Ireland vrould be free l Tem, pot ebet ur Itolsva, atirl Ity Yr tent sitting. Carried. 14.oved by Mr. Mtopl Poets, he ,Tombe, of every deserip low in perdition that, no scellidieg bee tiofet st Mr Alamo, enc• Mr ntraben Mel ,Coting.91 pass all -law authorizing theri mn • a three( descendant"( the Impeniteet the f r2 er thelearn to Ur rivet foie the aorth A. 1%1. .1 011sisston eon an stele of workmanship, fiarniebed on ofnlel reach them In the inthaion of so rt te reefetet te 11 A Miller, bets; re, mu. •••I Deer a. th•d ff t 11 t t treamurertopayoverto • eren man - runts ke., may he seen at the shop. 1thold trim which to operate AWA'• h.l.romo 1:01210boof. Orey'ssA tool logo, gin." etse of Dee last. Carried. . r Yore tam et Ornate se the inynion of Canada ey Mont- ..1htz:e. ofeeirint,,mw.,,,.....1 riwierich. I lee. 1 9. i 865. w47 I y England. The inerasion wee fidly se lege eeen. titot.:.de sea;t47,;riai.usi:ft mo,ed by Dr. 0,tie,,en, eee. by me. Pee. sisll AND Doolt gw...mrery &re. voliutionery ii,„ „ e „,„,et M PIlettros ThAt the (1. rk .1nrokry Ore Trustees nolaS, That the Co. Tremont be inatrocted to report to thitirouncil the Ihouseial se. f hie r mein the high- mem re Mr Strachart. Vt. "r.f tilteoestach of Alibi CArill110/1. ' 10 paint through. Referred to Gravel Reed 40112 of Om Chief eurertat•ed•b1 • utter wrial -- count of every municipality wi .ftet seven hundred yearn towerdn I trIeliand h""'"'"4 • • nose prep...au and demands Ins peuperty ; and if the .perifirlitionli f.7 1 bridr to ti Milt at lot 91 rem 011., 11,11 DO hey, they can knock that rult- a:A speeineettnris II >oklrl>I4 11-1.:111.71.40..Arl4o. r 't 1.07 The Council then adjourned. The Council rest pursuant to adjourn; C:dit';'"Wthrt7n4 itth.wesirinafte.moved(3mmia jlesideiessii". TURA*, 41, June end,admit the extra low E sa,m, 70,1.20. ri.., w"eyhbeewln,:tphehreseat."ritestr'e, pistol at his victim .4.8 .7. po.. .74 1. only Mill end Heeb Partery •ernad d ":_; her down-. --ne, pie** Owl, they will soon d,monJei the Church MALI SAM kb _mire* sioebinkte te, Deleon 4 by Mr 114.▪ eirt, KO forward with its Meeting. After few That lie Reeve 4.1 skean kder to Airm tt..e/a1r sal Jae Malt. After routine business.. Ow to No. 49 01 5014 report by "Mr. Evans. sec. by Mr. Hanash, that it l• • C' ttso th hole am, MSS. trek lot Mr•11 Petition of Michael lebord tree reed and FACTORY L L Sash, Doors, Blinds, FLOUR AND FEED sroRE. Crabb's Block Kingston Street. Ost-m Corn.tneal and 74.41 Ferel• g lot cf prime Seger Cared HAMS and Rolled Thiene Jeat reeeivee this morning, 54.01 Hellhole prime Putg1001. 1000 " nets. T. B. VANEYRY re. J•011 1. 1867. er 200. Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, Ind ail kinds of Ft C VV 'Ft , Ouch Mg Cirete and thollie Hank sad From*, They thigh knot their reriersee is Parini Work. that they ran rat setnifectioe to ell may Inver there .110 • roll. N. A. -A I thersIdnioneiti toll,. Irv.. .1.4.11 BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, R0/11N3011. Chaterree, Merck 4>0,1.47, srerilA ed mitami 44 referred to Ammon committee. wont inte committee of the Moved by Mr. Sprott, Sem by Mr. mr. gpront the ebeie other remarks, Gen. Spear WM intmduced 4„41,,,, 7,0 ib„ r,.. lagy . osess.s nes.' by ye, hy the chairman. Ho mead • --bit)' nom- fitonewn, wee eyeaefeee, r!._t_ti..i...... _.,4.0.2..... hem and Pet etieinam .4 the eresent meeting '1::,'..",,,t7'...... All%:,74,1',,;"",,,:,•71,4, 7,147,o' 07 (4, were indications of *hat they propose, the 11„,..., ... e. . That Owl. Criemell ile ono dey nf Indeed's .44liver..nos is near. He Weer. se twat •Pia •• F.,_.,... at, 467 4 1,4 at 10 o'clock. ass. W. ollaAnv. TP C611, titged the strengthening (4 military 07- genixetions and the raising of additional supplier. -,nd money. Aid in the latter Par The Toronto Lwasr, gesoreby feature can be contributed by all. The well informed On such matters, ander. army is 110W plaeod upon II 11111110 W51 foot- eteade *10111 1,, tho jot,,,tino of floyoro. DV, and a descent upon Cnnedian 'oil can moot to roem o e e ty, p 4 vobink.„ Dm! soon he made, 1( 1)1,' Arne 01 111- wile p111 e.' inflow In 0 then time. A meson in tire supported hy the mass il the li oh ump, it Is thmight, would be of 'nut 11011 ininA„.„,,, „h. ..g to Ow 8080 15 g leaders Piet ef view. , That the Warden • fur *irk this Board with di tinfiria n4 papers eennected witi, the Treasurer', Warily in ancordance with In. 101 a the ellumeipal Ain of Upper Courts, Ceenad. Retread &resoluta referred. 0,e.titien1 of Peter Robertson and 70othere It Wee move----------- 4.roneOat. tre Mr. Hannah, ainenpment to No. 48 of the Telinuirefut.o..11:7:earire, Otollot.the PIM of 111109 he granted, provided the Co. el Perth give se The Conseil resamed, whew It wise seer • .44 4.; Mr. Irsrran, eee. hy Mr. Onimmea, That Wm Young, Eel take tire stair in 2110 shore* of the Wanten. --Cannot The the Council which Irma ed.ipted, al ef Colborne WY read and referred to sow chairman mibmitted the Ispeeli 00 mitts*. Moved It? Mr. Simiren,