Huron Signal, 1868-5-14, Page 2r`
4 k;Y n.F yi.AM'; ';
"Titre u her vyice !" exclaimed Paul, •"We will Sea berms the sea. By •and -by, mission- -becatme Edward would ...., suffer AWOT11EE, BLT ETRUI<H•
will' ►r heart u his rout► ; mad a he wham t e affair ie blown over you can re him 1. pay hie expenss, nevertheless
was at the helm, ke rounded therms' to, tura But I was told bya 1. low,Kst,that promised that to tem/and he would make On Monday las• tM weal "l boring the
sad do ,e her home dead on the shore. he was murdered by a titan naumed Tun- some 'equine' about the tit. Clain. On Huron Malt Well was concluded, the drill
The next munsut he wa upea the land, call." the same day they bre•! departed frnn having penetrated some thirty feet of solid
and by the moons rays fully trewgnissd "No, can --1 did it! I will follow you ad- C•dia-the count for Englauel, in a Brttsh salt .t un extrema Jnpth u1 l l l6 fent. Mr.
h. r -pats u she was, dishevelled as her vice," aiuweirrd Edward, with• voice teem• ship, and Edward wuthward, w the
hate wa, sod herders torn. ulons with emotion. I almoner. Murri■in, the uuntractew, Ams pushed
"What tithe danger you tear 1 Hcw Before day, the captain- with Edward i The latter vessel ran •with for eight the work with great vigor, the centred be -
este vee he,e 1 W:.. n cold harm you 1 on board embarked at the cottag, •u.d 1 days, when oto uu ening, a Edward rime ing awupleted w about four mouths. Thee otttast >a tax asgauve,
1 will nefend yon with my life 1" pulled dost the river, reaching hes vessel 1 uu dock, ha saw that the cost of Af,.'. builebtuxsars w eourey of erediou and will All teachers whown, .uvoniently attend
P arm respectfully invited W take part w the
The next «reuse e( the D. T. A. will
" be held in the Del. S innoa school hour on
Matunlay, June 6th, at 10 o cluck a. m.,
when the question "lathe present position
of muum en school Weber in Canada an
enviable one' will be discussed. Mr
Forbes to lead io the afrmative aud Mr.
Is et p,u ell" s enow almost shriek- I )tut at day -break. He took Irave of hu i lay to leeward, in an attended and lie.ot
ed with 'oy, as do+ recognized him, std mother and sister, from the latter of I glittenug sand and black rudN. The I M pushed forwent as speedily a poeaible,
throw kkewmf alio. on, upon hie erelat, whom he received a 1rauh coonsent that achoouer was running straight w for the I Ott Wednesday eveuing the proprietors
is her joy at tinderte shelter and safety - I l'aul hovewell had male her tit offer of I senrcely apparent mouth of a narrow I treated Mr. Morrison atnd hie employer W
for abs felt that he could u.d would pro- ' l eerier.
(• supo}orr at the Hurua HoNI. It ra gut
ted her. I 'And du you bee Lim 1' alai her fru n toNnrcap.)
"Ya, it ie i ! Come on bard, ant I . brother. tip w Mr. W'ngl.t's beet style, aud gave
witl protect yuu, awl see you home," ho I " Yer-I think i do."
vied, with amaaenteut et her excitement, " 11e u • tine young man, Liward says.
and at tiuding her at nadnight in seal a I You have my assent. 11. will lee a pro --
situation, fuU (our silos from her mother's tector to you. 1 will write hint • note be- Berme 8 GunuaiA i ugo.
hum«. (see I sail, This relieves my mud great- I
She did not require • roved request to ly eu your account." T tstvaer.
go on 'ward, fur evar' moment eh...xpd- The yadors had conte up, in the
ed tt sen hert issuer eehiod her. Tn•mb- meanwhile, with Ket std hu mother, arm
ling like a loot, she seated herself by him who, now that Kate wu safe, werereleu
nn the deck, fir h • would not leave her ed uul sent away, not a little gratified
side or hang, to which she ner- et so light • result tit their innatural
voady clung, ae if she fee .r d that her safe- co opentiuu in the abduttien of Catharine
ty might prove oily • di, stn. He bent W' nwand
over her and tried toroth, hor, while his We do not know whether all who read
gray-haired father once wore ut their ver this tale will acquit Edward Blacklick of
sal un her course, and steered her down they an error in flying from hu country. Somme
stream. will ague in asserting that he ou •ht to
'•1 will tell you briefly,' at length said have Frei ned, and fearlessly delivered
'•Kato, after ale found that she was in no himself up to justice. 11 justice were not
danger of pursuit or recapture, "what ne ds . biwd, he might have dune thus with safety.
explanation. I have been fwubly carnal But justice u, unfortunately, tom blind
away from my mothers house t -ni^ht,and always to see the fact. as they are. Equi-
sueceeded in effecting n.y mugs from my ty ntay m,e day, when the world us bet-
captore, and wa wandering through U.:' ter, take the plate of uniscnllod justice;
woods when your boat appeared. and them every nun will fearlerl cum -
:' Whu.wnre'ley flat di1 thio!"demand- mit him destisy thereW. Edward ew la-
ded Panl. cause he knew that he had no other wit -
"I do not know them ; bet they werehir- e to his innoceoee of interttinn of inur-
ed byy Manfred Lawrence." ter than the Eye whic•L sretie ail things
".end he is m,urelered !" d"n •on earth. He feared to meet the:
7:111: TJ.Dt.h, OeTelite
ample satiafactton to all present. Rev. Mr.
)Hacked occupied thew chair, u during the
evening elucidated many interesting gwke.
girl facts in connection with the boring of
the Huron Well. T1s proceedings were
edea p s marked by much hilarity and gseol feeling,
none ountrib,.ting a laiger share than Gen.
Alleeek, who was present on the occasion.
Io W e. ef.
• 5:w •'
". Ica m.
When this Steamer made her tint trip
e this .easma it wee greaey feared that k«
ie a n ign Ie new machinery would prase a failure, in
so iV ae speed was .oacereed, but •
se dight £sleet having bees do/toured std
fiODLBIOH, l[AI 14. 1868. remedied, she now due. splendidly, irk-
ing ler ten milt' r e hour with gnat
regularity. Is tact she is one of the best
1TEST FK91 W.1S81ICT011. boat. en Lake H
L «f«a it n
ant end
TIIE IYYEACHMENT TRIAL a figs • fellow, gennerally, as .•n be
Capt. D. Rowan u as good • sailer and
al'sll T.i.crav Le s. W m,..w.c. found betw«m Southampton cad King-
stoo. The :tpmy will doubtlw do a
Washington, May 12. capuW busiae.. thus summer. For time-
"He wunlerwl "' exclaimed K4te, be- hu.,.,0 judge, but nut the Judge u!- The Senate has resolved to po,.tpooe table see el•ertiseunent mad the elegant
the vote on the Impeachment of Preaideat soler- riot hills iuued from thus office.
•ween humor and indefinable ■rime of re- jud;es. P
lief -both o1 wluich idea cams into her Upon reaclhing the vesseleommanded by Johan• until 'eine ay auto TDe re-
sult u looked for &Rai ine.. a The Romwn s sand Reality of tib
- - Wln• Oup."
Tlne lou xhment u! he.Idea1 Jule- O• Monday .v g next • Lectors
Ix will be delivered our the above subject,
son u one of the greatest fare . •ver V lye V,et,ria Hall, under the auspice
that th n aton 6 ap.utued Irehu longs Rnvege played l micro sea intslligemt yup!■. !t u ,.f the Gudcri.h t; ,off Templar, by
connoting Boum with the mainland. shore, • humbug, " a •velwala et gab" Tootles Bas Cuvn„tr, whose repu e -
The draw was slowly raised, and the which unothen any par uaio.rti.ata yea u a popular speaker has been long
who tea to wade though the speeches .tshhshed. The lecture will be inter -
in order to understand what the whole ' sshegled with one or two choice readings
thing u about. SUnce the day, new weeks and .ketabes of charactsr drown teem
ago, when Butler "roared lake • Loon, atual ob.ervaton. In order to defray
skreaked Irks a saw being set, hammered expense• an •duiisai"g fee of 15c. has
like • pile driver mad perspired like • bees decided un. we huge to see a
leaky steam -bolero" to his opeeing geeck c owded beuse on the occasion. For per
i1 ha leen nothing but talk, talk, talk.'tusulan see small hills.
Every de magoguue in the Senate mud
have hu half-day at the spetwoutywg,+ BRICKS. -Mr. W. M. Savage, having
Edwanl hast rnmainal .on dee•k u ■le until thorough disgust with tits wh.ds eractod his brick machw., las apmmenced
went down the lance, gazing, u hr bw- •rair le the redominont feelin amore t o ratio sums flftre or twent thou-
lcv.d, f ,r the last time upwn hus nab 'e 1' g IH i 1'e a' 1
shores. His eyes wandered to thie interior, all intelligent Americans. 1f all the axed baring hose nude already. The
far over tl,e city rads, where lis■ lean told alk that has been poured mut-muck of it i quality of the article teased W le fuel -rate.
hum was t!:e abode of Isabel, who, he felt, English o1 the Molesworth kind -were
was at that ' mment wewpin l ,ver her dead printed it wdould furnish v"pumas enough M. B SOCIETY.
brotlor, and her wretchrel ne.
" It u the moot beautiful harbor iu the to fueneeh the hutterree. and pea -mut I Thee members of the Meehanie's Ilem.vo-
wort," said a ve•ice near him. It was that women of the United Sates with wrap let Society will pilar attend the funeral
river. of the hearer of despatches, who Was a Wigg papersufficient to outlast the present of the late Jas. Donaldson, to take place
As they sailed in to ,th. land, Edward young and elegant foreigner, with an air preerstpn. \ever,, to the on Thutedav, •t 1 u clock, m., nehout
and the widow were recognized on the of high breeding ; and'. i'd• i p'
bank, watching, having heard the bat. ward as if he rocugnized in bun, an rhistory of ane Sato hes such an ocean of farther notice.
He not long before been roused from' equal in station. nonsense Leen pouted out on an auffend- I phi Londnn Pru Prw has kit nn a
Uu stnp,rof grief in whu:h we left him, " Vrry beautiful," answered Edward, ing people, and when it will all end L '
with more nerve and resolution to meet 'careely aturniug hie head, cad speaking difficult to iritegine. If laughing and , rather e'h1iv. al .ensation. A yang girl
mid stn, le with the circumstances enrol- sadly. Moving ne eras in Toronto ander, it le
wig his lite. 1t'hal pen Jell daacnla the "Hue you leen w Europe 1' eeked growing fat have such a cher connection g y
re -moron ,d mother and dwugLar 1 end eke atrsngeu. as some writers assert, thcnwe may ex pert dlegel, rel a nu• ale dement induced ky
whn ■hall portray the widow'. gratitude to " Never," answered Edward, trying that President Johtusm, when This term , Rrr. Mr. Csnghey'. preaching, tho Pree
expirca will M tatter then any mao iy I I'ew denounces allusions to hell cad its
wsnnan .ver exhibited by that Prince tot I torment as having $ terulency to drive
humbugs, Bwrnnm. it is no wonder I i'e"f 1• cert i1 tIor ■enan. 1i then i. w
that our Government has placed douhl.'place of future torment it rnnot be
postage on the New York Triune and I wrong W warn p.ople against it, and if uo•
other papers containing full reports of the I aur eontempenry is bound M prone it.-
speeche., for they are certainly Asueur I That will involve the cracking of a polemi•
than • darn ordmsry Yankee juuraa s. I eel nut entirely out of the range d ordi-
The latest phe.e of the trial le that a goad ' nary aewspap er men.
many Republicans are sick of it; cad now (•Nannie P,usosin.-The St. Mary's
declare that it should be abandoned. nn 4rgou re orts tldit two children of Wdtum
the principle adopted by theGermanjudioe Tayb,r, F,sq., Eaat Nise"uri, were poisoned
who ffrmly believed the prisoner guilty un- on Sunday last, th. 3rd inst., by eating
till he heard the speeches made against* the met ret • plant salted wild parsnip.--
Ih Forel, of St. Marv'. and 1)r. Sp.rks, o!
him. Oh, .hale of Edmund Burke ' Lakeside, were sent for, and under their
Since writing the above the telegraph treatment time children aro in a fair way of
informs us the vote will be taken on Satur. recovery.
day. The number of children poi oned by this
means thr,nghout the country daring the
THE FENIANB. put few eeuks is qui s alarming. Parents
While the United State. Fenian are Mendel L. careful to instruct their little
ones to beware of tasting such things.
gathering d vane.. cretaee W cnaspire - -
ag:eind th. peace of i Sate enjoying (Ao Yoc WART To S.LL Yoes Hoven 7
friendly retatione with the Government u the question now heard in Godench
wbieh shield. them, onr anthenties are de- every -lay. On all aides told buildings w
thein.., to not mit every true of the or- bung hirbishe. rep end new ones emelt,
mind at the same instant. ' the capt•.in, he at once went below, end
"Yee ; he was slain tonight, and robbed remain d there till the schooner had re-
afterwards, by a mann by the name of Tun- ceiv.d -,,u board the bearer of despatches
stall." Lr Ca.1iz, who arrived jet after eunrme.
'•That is the neer." Puffer a light breeze, the graceful craft
"Whet name f' pasaod Leo..mere', Point, eu the left, and
"Ile nawethey called tl•e manwhn tok
me in the carriage. He left Ind in• lonely
house, in the cane of • dreadtul ■ouuu,
from whom 1 ee a
"Tunstall is on here, bound and ver ail gQlided the. ugh the narrow passage
kicked un in the fore toddy," rid Paul. -the observed, on aocnue:t of eta foreign
"It u bad for him kat I have hie in my appearance, of $ numerous crowd ups
pp wer, now 1 know what wore 1e has the bridge. Leaving Ituuker Hell ou the
dote." bft, and the city on the right, the swift -
We will not hero rempitulat• the convey- ly s.uling shooter stretc)ue l down doe har-
Nation that cow t000k place between Paul bor, pasau.l true C,utle, and leaving one
and e'atherine, a h. related W her the green island after another stern, Lv leu
particulars of Tunzta:l's arrem. After this o'clock sea seaward of Beaton Light, and
subject was ended, h . thoug:i s nn into • {oressiug all her waver towards the prth-
tenderchauned, and L,• began •" breath in- less dean.
to her ver wrords of a gentle p-veon, which F,.:ure ice tho protection of the vessel,
the maiden's ran did not un.'.ILugly lis-
ten t She eau grateful to l.. in for her
preset' ■a-arity , she 1, 1 thuu.•11 a greet
deal of 1,:...ever uue.e the •noir of the
pail, and ,f he half loved ler mow, she lov-
ed the other half, end their hearts wet
on the name gwnnd. When at length the
beetmeueeoppsite theaottage, they wore
both, to tell the troth, • little sorry that
the cottage was not • utile further down the
Poul Levi. well 7 She ennbraced him a if to rouse himself- --.,,...,
h. hot t,c, n her nwn son, and with Wars l.5'tain Wat now came np, and said :
of joy, called on Heaven to bless and re- " kir- Blackleek, thin s the Cunt del
ward him for having brought her daughter Portals, amha•eador from Portugal- i
back to her 1.ssont m safety. Edwanl,who brought him over, and he retunu with
ren, gnezed Paul as an oke acquaintance, me."
shook hum warmly b the hand ; and old The ten young men bowed ; and the
Mr. Lorewrll, and thegnndson, L,t,cams lively wit of the count, hu fund of amec-
fer their .hereof thanks. Allat onos,Paul dote, his acute oheervations upon men
Wein` Edward rola, said : and things, bisuexhruetehle6nwot a irits,
"µell you tall me thenam.of thlabeauti- soon drew Edward out lroin the gloomy
tel irl t" depth of I.s thought■. During the voy-
"I o r t you know t Itis Catharine Wyn- age they became as intimal' as . bwthen,
yard " and each had told the other the huWry of
"It shall be written on my hart, Mr. their lives. The count look a medal'
Blacklok." view of Edwanl s agency nn Lawrence rn
"What -do you love herr' death, and almost reconciled hon u. it ;
'With all my soul. I have seen her but hu heart continued sal un account
several times, and longg lured her ; but of what he felt neut be the constant suf-
to-nitlht 1 believe she willreturn myardeut tering of Isobel. ,
love. ' " That will pass, my dear Edward," said
"lam glad to hear it. Y"n arm worthy the cmmt, gayly, the day the came in
of each other. She is the bast girl iw the aigtht of the shores of Portugal' " Yon
land." will, by-and-by, return, and you will be
"( know it -1 know it. And thsmoth- hurried annd happy. But what d wells most
err' nn my innd, ' us the strange mystery of
'There can he no °Ajrrtiens toyou, Paul. your early life. Have you nu clew wkst-
1) yuu know that I have had you in my ever 1"
mind, thinking over whom she ought to "Only t'ei name ups 11,e chest."
marry, amt wished yuu were acquaint- " And y•.'i did and tell nee that."
ed 1 Sheard her moother grimy warmest " It to hero. I co pial it the dey tot
friend", and 1 foal an interest in seeing her my father. doatle." 1}ward then placed
well srulal, ter its r own peas and dap. in hi" hand a et I of pap cr which he lok ganization in ('anada. Denny Ceelsstfew still t!he den»nd a greatly in exoase of the
}irate,, from lis. perskrt-hack.
"l am glad yuu haws shah a high opin- „ Cutfor ! et, cher,. repeated the count days several parties in Toronto and supply. We trust those who have the
ion of tea, anawerred Paul. "But do you slowly " IC ser ms to me I have heard (luclph have been arrested, and horn the maws will go into the erection of neat
knit. that Manfred iawrence hes leen- that name. It is English." topers found in their possesaion it a clear cottages, than which few bettor inveet-
Whet has he seen that ha• made him run " Yee.' mens••• be found.
tenants th • woodland sot " I wa five years at echo,l ie England, tial Way here leen in a ties n,rresq.mA- _ _
Before 1' nal eouklansw arhie own inquiry when 1 was •toy ;and lam quite nen: once with lh. brad x «genian acnes the COLwarm April 30th 1868.
at the al.rupt Jeperture 01 por Edward. that name wu 1 0ard, or seen, or read br eh. bord.•,. These urnus will probably Mr. Editor-ia your paper of April the
cert hearing the death tees spoken of, the me. But it is like an escaped dream. I be followed up by others en various }arta tweatythird ynu have an article headed
old man briled bim, Reyutg Uut they must 'hould not le surprised if you wen Eng- of the country' as a large number of era- the a,neriun rentanr and in which you
Thu fugara! of the late James D onaldson
will take' place front hu rca,dunoe, on
Thursday, the 14th inst., at 3.30 p. m.
The MoQueea Monument,
To W Elbe of law R.5. well• aloud.
DEAR Ste, - Although,u you well know,
1 am •staunch owtservative w politics, I,
u rets of the admirer, of the genius of
Thuutas McQueen, have often wondered
that hus friends have *hewn so much su-
reness in the unatter : f the neonument
which was W have boron erected W hu
memory. Allow me to ask through your
c,lututu, W tut has been done with the
money raised 1 What further steps have
been taken( When u the monument W be
ereceed 1 I am prompted to make thew
eaejuuies by an allusion to poor c A
' lemmas" in a recent Mee of your pa-
per, Your* rs.[ y.
s•• In answer to Mr. Douogh we have
W say this being in Bruce at the time that
the rnuaumaut ag iation was initiated, we
e sanot say what wa ton*, or what can he
done. Perhaps some ones• •gruant of the
particulars will answer the above enquiries.
Orop Prospects.
From all parts of the County 0f Huron
we have flattering aeeounb of crop pr'Os-
peeta. Fall wheat us is rpital condition
and • better spring seeding time has never
beea owperieoced to Canada. Another
gated crop and fair prices will pl•se cue
herd -working farmen'•on their fat-•
A Now MANcrA.Tt•arru Em maeaea.
-A company has been formed iu Boston
and Woodstock, N. 11., with its works at
East Florenceville, 21 miles from Wood-
stock, for n anufactunng are extract of
hemlock lark; also for making the barrels,
Jte., required uu its shipment. Th. plant
meal includes extract machinery, steam-
engines, saw -mill, Irani -railway, etc., etc.
The capital is 150,000, of which the halt u
ppaaitd up. The company ha orders truna
74e',castle, England, for all it can Ahip.-
There are few r,untriee which afford facili-
ties for this Bort of manufacture equal to
New Bnu ewnck.
Mr, Platt, of this town, was the original
inventor of the principle adopted in the
extraction of hemlock bark, but was
cheated nut of his rights by some under-
hand means.
gj The barque Maitland grain -loaded
from Chicago, which passed Detroit on
Saturday noon, wa followed by a revenue
officer with a tug, which overtook her some
initis down the river, seised and hn,ught
her back to this port. Up to • late hoar
Saturday evening she_!nl not_yet lilent-
.4, and u doubtless awaiting the arrival of
her owners. She la charged with sailtt.g
under United States colours while brag •
Britith vessel. As to the real merits et
the case we tie unadvised, says the Ad-
• The only further item of European
news to hand i. the anneoncement that Mr.
Disraeli had tendered hurosignetion which
was not excepted. An appeal tothe coun-
try u, therefore, inevoahlc.
A - The British G•+sornmcnt will not
remit the sentence of the Fenian Rev.
Mr. McMahon.
E' Mr. l'unhson, the r• lehratesl Wee
leyatn orator, isdrawing immense audiences
to his lecture*.
( It is said the London Pee Paas is
to be worked henceforth by • joint stock
Q} A large member rel emigrants have
amved this seas n, most of there bound
(eye It 1e sated through the Atlantic
Telegraph that tie British Government is
to erect Hudson's Bay Temtory in'-, a
Crown Colony without delay.
1 The 14 huaa denounces the practio a
of printers inCeneda, each of whom hu
the "largest elvet," filled withlittlerealing
matterand advertisement. a big a fund
Mlle at • few cents • foot.
Whalen will not be tried until October.
Tlhe Massie ('rand Ldp meets in
London eon the 8th of July.
Another detachment of Zuuuves for the
papal service is te leave Montreal in • tew
m►ke sail, fur they !•ad de ysed so nflen, duh." - 3sy the! we ought to make every peeper•- There tie 40,000 workingmen, rollers,
they w,ndd hardly r..ach Flet« in timefor " it may i e so." Mr* mud have been marital out. In tli a (mons t.. meet the foe and ti ehnut caWtng ironworkers, and others on • strike in
the market. In a few minute. the large " if I were you, 1 would go fro,n Cadiz course the Government will M borne nut ' uey eneaea•ery alarm i SsyJ it is well to Ao Eag1wd,
w► nnre more ander canvas, m ring onher to Kng!and end sae whn owns this name. by the loyal people of the IDominion, end r*ady mrd d Chen slnould ts•mother repti- Tiee British subject* rescued from King
anter dues Me rarer, 1ty perseverongresearch, you may actertain we tnut the good work will proceed as lien of ridgeway i hop someppeeople wnntaL't Theodore cost nearly a million sterling
the s,rret .'1 veer parentage. sololuh is they dol onthae ocaion and apiece.
F,ilwanl was thoughtful but made nn there are those in ner midst wh„ would bac you Mr. editor i hope will show • better it is rid that the Prince of W'e're will
CHAprF.R XI. reply. glad to assist the unvador should he ee.aivple W the ruing gemuton and your visit Conatantinople 11 the course of nett
Inverses e5 n•nTtrE. The next du they reteked Cede, end our.hore.. fanil than you did nn the twat n( June sunmer.
Ellerin hat walk«! awe from Pant M the come len.lhd end i e real d thardto go The Atrrncan Fenian evidently mean when you drove them yur vdubles and phi (lemma «errs ndrnt of the llnn!-
1 en shoro with him. He found ilei hewn c' Iron meal tai benmilan wIer in the factum 1'"
eon wsl hi. emotion •t'1 'sudden allueien in the ennfidener n( the aunt end great- mischief, and d will hs well ince nor rep the shad bank■ Of the wmding vomit- real (imam's think■ it likely that puler
M Lwienc,'a deatA. ' .'u»lye" said he, I esteemed, end felt humored h his •nthurit« M w•kh their action. clsei., 1 sent will la detained intil1J 25th w"t.,
1 y land you had aaeclidevl aud •mate retreat
"thio thing iaknown evrrywhero. Whith.r friendship. For several dere in the it ie true that their conspiracy, if it cul- end where the son of the no and cabin and pmMAly until the fat of Junn.
shall i fly }" noble pleasures of the court W which tiro minwdes in wvasion, will 'emotes the was roan •gr«lie than the noir and dm English exchanges announce the death
And wht do ynu wish b fly r' eked w mount presented him, he rnjnyr l hitan.el(, i'ntted Stat« in trouble, but .n d syr 7 pe pg "1 ,h..ieohn Elli"ts,n, one of the moat
of battle an the mal of our t
vowronenrhim. And saw less end less des rodent- nay, Wl lidin shed seienti6c-men of the time.
a>« J sr F" men mwlodt0eu Nan the whistle of the N
it eau the cepainwhohad g lthu Laron beinme gay, end rheerfel, end murk like ^iter'♦ rvgnnlless of anynerh cun"eyaences rflo ballet some p e,pM make good rldiere Hs introduced the Stethoscope into
hig.r•reh. hu former melt. Bu! in hi• lonely hours, s' 1' .1s r Choy an permitted fon crnate the m the limen( Pesee there •ee some i am England,diecoveredthecnntiveproperties
e. - "She u safe, arwd in the lions.," answer- he sorrowed for Isabel's wretchedness, iu didurtanee unmolested. What with Ku- sorry to say though not a greet male • in of yainine and 'nseic arid, end founded
ed F&wwrl, q, ekly. her let love for hon. 'h the tfnrth t<on ton llcepueal.
"That'' noble neem, Master Ai•cklnrR. Oren dey, meter he hal }w nn threw weeks lime -limns, Eemwnism, etc ner neughMrs nor young c,ulul,1* whn would nu. to
Did ■ha on toe le font ell ter wry, Mk. in Inelday and ewe ad b to rive ek, will find Chir hands hill hefore they gel arm" tut it would be M the arms of then do cabsstrop has cone ue hond ret a ght
thing r' ca ain, whom vessel la in the latter through with Ute difficulty, codes mnthen ell suttee end i do Aope able e;.tatmehw ever Ruea ni the night
"No. Pant Ln•ewell took her mt him p y d coo have h smell powder that the cion of cs 24th Feben last.. A eolli.ion tok
port, 4>Id hqn that he sea going on • snz will Dome upshnildrr M sAouldernne place between an F.ngloh and Turkish
barge, four miles up the nver,m ,' brought cruise and that if he would accompany SALT AS A MANURE who sprang W •ems on the memonblefint steamer, and of .ibnutru , persona on bard
her hams." tum, tb nhnuld.hare in the profits of the .— d tine the latter only ten sewn picked a The
"Pant ahrll ba my Ant friend fur tin.. ozpw elution. 1 Th. Mnlew cath English vsesrleecapd with slight damage.
Hnw dies she seem 1 But i will go ands a •' You say, m dear Mr. Blacklrck," he it is new can admrttsd fact, esah!lahee
1 The "boring o(lhe wan" ret the King of
for myself. (rime in "' n :narked to him, " tlhee you are ■tnmglyq tbcnroNcwlly by scirnhfie men ►red pre - RRtlARRn.-Then aro ten thing which B•innwh'a dertghter, is an OeCa.inn e(gre•t
'Nn -I will remain hen. ('-rime out ❑npres.ed with • desiro M remit Englen.l. ticelly, by farmers, that welt nerd u a Mp event the above from being a "hit." In solemnity. The ermm ny a ,4r■cnloal
after a few moment, for I have something I agree with the count that your mime is dressing, in suitable quantities is me of p A a recent visitor to that'pert, eau mwg
M say M inn.' F.n duh ; end a mer nets harm never the flet lace the writer betrays a healthy, 1
Captain Wat, having embracedhls sister, turned up in A,,pI shouldn't b e at tAe «ret valouble mwmrrn that mut M vi nromsP ranee of lha English La- nibe'ent in LAe ettieme, and oust'300,(00.
and heard from her briefly an •oonant of all ner erased if you should hear of them in °sml in nixing the vane,4 lmd. o! semen g,t ge, end in the second lace the docs• Mn. Iteottiiddema lecnmingyM Amerce
how a&venlnres, the reciW >t which he in end ass. In the ease n( wheal, eke rf- p for s year. Sh. will play four times •
the of country. Now on meat hay, sent is Towed nn • gt ces blsehapd. The week, end rote eve $$o,000 f or it.
tor^,hptot with nuny can oath, then amb' l fepdwoce Y",M efwn mw,"u , tI thehnvern Y "f cuing sept ht the new of ib ,,t e,pit,r of t its ya{rer was not outside of the Mn. Fanny Kemhle rwewntl nfosed can
Vs ,:e ether whet sees the matte' with Ed- p y R half s ianel to the acre, n M harden 1
wart Blacklreck, "1 m't him walking be- molt pate mw Uen fnnr thousand dollars I e lists n( the Men of Ouderich dnnng the .rear of 110,fM0 cal for eighteen dramatic
ytm,4 the tfarl yrs, and t.,.1 rug 1» himself, gr,l fur my trip am,ss to Best.n." end atrongthen the strsw, ehernby holding F.mwn trouts, and s Ensign of tha I 'stormanens in Now Ye rk.
s.. m rd a B:1 laic eotnethnthat a he ►mss Y.en awn'' exppeot mw to la s ,4.pso• "W k of right .0.1 seen -grower* home -geed, he flatten Asemen that he A Quewbr• paper mentions as • eingnlu
ppee M dent on ynnr Mnrnty, my dear CwpWn moll know ie • dwrideed fownrfit. Resi,lea, dad Ais rinty M Queen •reef cnnnlry M the 11(10, hie 1 etlrrterrnwel hyttci fInher ng lost
dad ha fathar so abs y, i will g" end see W alter. 1 ewe jou •dell Of gntilu a sl• the berry is heavier and pinieper than ' bent of his ability. -Tea, he did send Ata The note« lura •nth"ritu'e S -
him This u m time for gloom, now our resey •t the ase
Ind Ia nA Ica erre home." " Well, i( ret have mono i will wh.n nn nucA lrnatmrnt hu been t,4nl'd wile end small ohildtroa red of !^ern when
1' le sire premien Itndge ►re razing ell the inch
Hs went est end [nand E&was i waiting yen acAance of makhng some ter ytmrrlf, ed' As to Iter self operate. on the snit • Feni•n attack .ns expected, tut re man gap ars end I trrshrn f • rovoluGon•ry
Mr lin. He took the C•ppt as a aster and if ynu will go with mw nn thicruise." we are not very clear, nor es the hum wonldchar ram r
tines upenin,p hither -t to hi:a, made known ' Whirr tie yuu boned r' him wi of the lwn•tic asy Re I p Iestinexl fn, t` . vel
M bim bll that he In•d done When hehad "That 1 well tell int, when caw get elf matter t 1.1,, hly expl•ho, hl Aim with amity ice (saw IAet. If • man The p&pulutinu of the village of Trow -
ended, bw stwwl ai'sntly vn th hisum"Miff- sone,4tng.. W'e shall low hack hen wrtA such men as sir. I1nekLn.l, who, never- .ends hie family away •rut rs,rbly resnl•es hridgo warn l rrogAt l sten • Iraal snit
sl, .waiting th. answer of the latter M twenty thnnsan& dnlar* in ninety days, thele.a, is quite deeuded to hu mond a to of bis bleoA U do- a few days Nonc'efee indulging in a charivari
th0 enquiry i! all works well." I ib bensfktal e' rte. iI It a rel; Waked the Lar' dere/ end fi're'd fifty cents wacA.
"What do yea advise taw M do 1 fur 1 " i will o with ret. i an p 1 fence Of hu gntsrt*e sen ken, hr is fining.
Asn ten mnoh agil•tni b sa'. or jrdp fur •nnshrr ren eywrsen of dew [mole i! ie tAe cess that alt u d mch .slew M in ner n niece, VI Neal F.sngand wtpods A OainewAw meeting one ofhis [densis
myrmf." " That is es it mini tem nil,' answered ! (gym' it le • «Atter of congratulation of hem itt the wee of duty. WAwn Mr. 'h ""m " armentrYe udw mut akwn1
i advise yon," r«pnnded the captain, CappNNawain Wet, witk a laugh. chat the paopM of this rnentn will be able Mdwsworth •gens owrit' n tree ha will my dear sir,' mu the re 1
Wring its hand and up.aki. 4 with kind. Tbo week fellowune, i':dward emhoei•A 00 proon * et, henoefurth, cheap., than b rrow m dictionary ami b^Il hi lrluth. tis my eral,ton who aro .mT arrarwd i,
ease, "M go 0n 1 .54 w r sshnemer se in a sh.wnter -the name of which we hue the rutdwnb of any other portion of efe time a,4vK lid The ley wAn sea kicked Ay • ■ighh
Nes with mss. Tc►aw.rrnw 1 shall erosive not gt•rn, fur Use •can g-•oor resyvon that it Canwd,a Ry ell swam let it poi tiered, 1 r Atlentirm u direeled men ie rernvtmrrg.
Eel 4espate►e, •mel f win •31•• rep anchor ha,4 no name. Enamel had meter hoard 1 I n, whom
ja sad away, Qn. mit year fate end safety It salted ky any other •ppellet,nn than tf only rm a few aerie of each fans, ,and Hammen/ d Mr. T►cess , "as•
T tem Wimps„ Fset,.ey(meks/nwn it •Mout Qr A flnrk of ptg«errt, rp .ring w gsswr
'b'- tea r'e 'p the digalah revel. hw exeunt, n.. able to f caw shall amen find (het •eery farmer -„melt few opefetims AS • man r& rnwrge of twelve and a half miles in length and
waej prenpjkls kalld w(th deep ewe peer l -s e,u Ae sea servht ..,, E, ag. f ,Ilaran tlna raw wsuty w( urng twenty or •lldrpinl, we trnd Mr. le tiau's enUrpnaw Aer [wet m brwdtk, pawawd n.wr t{ slwille,
lend , will be • eseeeestal'
r f'
Cot. rete Rood, May 4th, 1060.
The Council met this day a a Court til
Revision end Appeal. Present : Mtears,
Help{rs Taylor, Scott, McKay and Deau,n
Thee followin}g .tpprls were heard axed
reduetiouu mule as under, vu : prepare
O. Black, sduesd RMI 150
Wm. dairies " ft0
Wm.Can " .... 140
Aln: tierce " 60
C. DIcKiuuua" 60
R. Buchanan " 10(i
0. MoLww, " ' 1 W
Ja, Rath " 160
Ja, Craig " .. 100
E. Holly " '
P. B. Fralliek "
John Combe. a
Wm. Butch "
J. McBurney "
leper book " ..... , . .
.. 60
Thos. Bleck " 100
Jas. Perdue " 100
Wm. Steen " .......•..
Jas Duren "
R t4pinks •' 100
J. Catlin " 6U
Alex. Mooney" 70
F. Anderson 't ,.. ... 60
M. Kerr •• 100
Before the .,ppe•la wen all heard the
court was adjourned for half an hour, in
ceder that tho Sures«, (Mr. Fisher and
Mr. Thompson), might be heard in wgard
t, the New Bridge, loth o n. Mr. 1' slier
said they wen willing to finish the bridge
if the Council would give there about 11700,
otherwise, they would leave it to arbitra-
tion. The council refused to enter into
any new arrangement, and advised the
Suretiest,g. on with tho work. They
afterwards agrreed bye request of the Sur' -
ties to request Mr. Bay and Mr. Currie to
attend a special meeting of the council, W
be called by thelteeve,to iveexplanations
concerning the bridge. When the appeals
won all heard the «wail pr. -mete teethe
transaction of ordinary b,uin •as. The
muetes of Inst meeting were read and ap-
proved. Mr. McQueen. Sec., lreas. of
Un, S. No. 2, Morris and East Waaawosh,
applied tur a By-law to authorise the
Trustees of said l;. S. M bin-uw 1700 to
Fay for the enation of a &'moot House.
The Council considered that, a.,co.rdiing W
Section No. 46, page611 of the School Mao-
ual, they could not give authority to bor-
row or collect money fur the payment of -a
School House situated in Morris. Moved
by Mr. Scot• econdudby Mr. DIr. lawmen,
1'htat M r. M t lOw an, assumes, ree'eive , '
being for salary and jeurnev W G.wleriolu.
--Carrial. Petitions were ppresented by
Wm. Morriss,n and Edward -McConnell for ,
Tavern License, when It was ,neved by
Mr. Deacon, seconded by Mr. McKay, 1
That Certificates he granted them when
they comply with the requirements of the
MB -Lw for negotiating Taverns. -Carred.
oved by Mr. Deo•"n, seconded b Mr.
Taylor, that Jas. Henry be Road Gen- 1
missiener instead of John Oliver, resigned
-33a1ary noot to sievert five per cent .m the
suns expendcl.-Came"1. Petitions of 1
J.shu a Beat, Dnucan yleKellar mud John
Black aud others, wen' root and ordered
to be laid over till next neetinre,,• Moved 1
by7e 51r. DeLeon, setonebd by Nr. Moult,
That the, Road Gwuuotssioner be authoris-
ed tee let a job of dat-hang un the• sideline,
north of Mr. Pottertield s. --Carried. Mov- l
e.l by Mr. Derain, seconded by Mr. Mo- ,
Kay, Tluat the Council now adjourn tumeet
again on this Meth 'tut., unless celled to-
gether sooner by the Iteeve.-('arried.
Jas, TISDALE, Tpp Clerk,
Fordyce P. 0.I
That was a very shrewd way that sea
adopted m the olden time, in Zurich, to
ted the truth in diverts care. When •
«maple eked to had yoreed on account d
incompatibility of tem[er, they were Ant i
ordered to be shut up fr r a fo.rinight in a I
singie room, and a ,.demned to endure l
each other's gaiety continually. They I
haul but one room, One chair, our pate,one
knife, one fork and one heel. In everyact
each was dependent upon the awrt-
esy of the ether. At the end of the time,
d they still desired to hedivened, the re -
wrest was graruted, hit it usually happen-
ed that before the tune came, sympathy in I
misfortune had reconciled them to each
Ftmlan Pr*w Iz• At i-t•mTVA
As eztl'WrJluury jt.ry re etQy foe*
its way here''row.iydueJ. llir Majesty s
ship Briek lately left that port, red i
was stated that Ler d.stinatem sea
Western Australia, to which alta hed
gone ie eoesrquenee of news having ban
Lord.od 1 A,Jwiral pwt,y bbs rpansma
Mail, to the .Boot that an armed tr
vessel bad raped trout a British per
for the purpose of hemo•puog ihu
convict dip Mote' wwuu.,:and rescuiug
the Fsuisu prisoners who w ore /diced uu
board of her for trtnaperatio1 to Weeturu
Australia. 1'he Brink wa slated to
user I - I3.PORTE.
Uveae esr res C )
Wsalgaa,-The weather lest week leas
t teen very favourable to the fern,un, who
e have generally done stealing.
MAaaero-A good deal of grain has
00115 in last week, the buyers say they
were busier than in winter
TRY}ara51R - lluren Lodge No. 300,
. O. of U,nj Templar, will hold au o n
t meeting un Friday ►Leh Mar Tb ab -
have wiled fur Fremantle, to cruise off
I adeentere, T I I
l canard, ani the Ilougonuoot army
thea est au search of the supposed lecnten
he sac .,r', however, w
Isom secertaiueel to be a groundle
safely at her destiuition on January 1
I to referen:c to sutue absurd statements
respecting the voyage out, which
appeared in South Australian /opere
C.'' Cuseue, of the Houquumont, wrote
as ,dews to a gentleman in Adelaide ;_
For the iufmwattun of ysureclfsad .el
the good folks of South Australia, I
,etre you of the arrival here of the
"floating hell," to see the South Australian
paper aupyieg such trash. The fellow
who wrote it ouglt to be kicked, 1(e
keew moiling about the disc iplile of a
eoari t ship, We were supposed to have
a v bad lot, and yet no attempt wax
made to talc the sleep, our were Ihn
primers kept blow like a lot of wild
beasts. Ou the contrary, they were at
'the deck every day bora daylight til
dark and out the slightest trouble, The
Fcmtans c nduead themselves in the'most
eatisfacoury winner, and ouij two of the
other fellows had to be Il raged,--Afee
busrmr Argus
Minn;' at fake Btriknior.
ua.:uo auslwwtfully n,questrel to rttruii.
M.voausa MILL ie.huuq• a greet business
in the Rriating lute, amt giving general
CALL AND Su. --If you' want a really
geed suit of cloths call un Mr. Logit.
Itcr*w*r. -On Tineday Wt Mr. Few-
slers's Waw r..:t elf trout M,. heli', .hop
and took up the north t,eatt at r fearful
rat. sctteenng pedestrians t, the right
and left. TIuey pis fur •meet, anel wa
stopped. Noun. washurt.
Tim Indian Trou'e, under the leader-
shipof Mhnqua,lkuiull, gale ono of their
, weal and uutruuueual musical entertaen-
menta on Thiusday, the 7th inst. The
hour was Crowded and the singing splin-
t did, -__ _
RINAWAY.--A young gentleman and
lady were driving along the rood the other
day, when the tongue ere, out of the
buggyJ, aud th5 hones ran off inarinpp the
uu ,In std item buggy, pe da't! o Bull, and
perfectly safe, but rather foolish looking
tltuugh not uncomfortable.
.. Duroiru err Dupuy', --The erecta of
the village council to du away with the
pig nweence has caned some queer tricks
t, be played. line little fellow, "to raise
the w u,d W go t t(r oatcert, iutp,unded
I kis «ether. pig. The puuud keeper had
his eau pig handed w to hint (•,r wbieh he
paid. But the poet one was, • well of
gentleman (1 forget his name) who uu-
{euumded sows pigs belonging to a nor
hard-working tato w h a large fami-
ly who hed hu anis bre en and could not
work. Thu was lecke upFon as a very
mean action, cad c.tuidetable feeling was
manifested againat the weU sir gentleman,
who was followed by the boys and salutes(
with cotre of --pig-pig Ac. 1Te wheat
buyers at the dation, one day seeing the
well or gentleman's pigs ruining
round, moved or in a boy and drove
them to the pound. Pigs aro proverbial-
ly hard to drive, and 11 was quite a treat
to see a dozen g,eod-Iu.,►in well-dnwsed
1100 running this way and that way, efiiv-
ing a lot of Luk, lean, hungry looking pup
up the .tree!, which they found was no
easy job; however tlhey g.ot them into the
pound, arud got the ui ney, o ••.d paid per
John, soil ha,l 6.e y,rk shillings lett W
den► t, the Letter behaviour of the well -
or gentleman, whn was told to " do unto
others as he would like to be done by,"
and " with whatever,ee•asure thou natant
it ilull be measuresl to tlhee agauu." .
CIY'I IL Merrier] -The Manioiptl
lbnncil of the 4illago of Seatorth, meet
persuaut to a-ljnnrvment, at Downey's
healon the .'sthult, 1'res.nt-the Roses
and Couns.ollor Mr. Dotig:.11, Beatty,
Strong sod ('ash. Minutes of last meeting
road amt adopted I'ommunicationa were
received from Mr. Dickson Registrar and
Captain Bull: It. was moved seconded
and Carried that Mr. Dickson's account
of tie eeuts for abstract of Market title,
and T P Bulls account 11:87 for earth
and gravel for drill sheet, be paid and
and thee rbc Reeve and Clerk sign w
order fur the above amnant,
it was m iced sronded and Carried
that Isaac Findlay reelteean order on
the Treaour'r 1 r the arm of three dollar*
for the support of Suke Wollard. It was
moved sec. and Cavird that Councellors
Strong, Cash, awl McDougall be u
committee to arrange with Mr. Scott for
earth ts, le taken froth hu cellar, t" be
placed out the sidewalk from Mr. DAvis
store Ww oda the Station. Leave was
given to tutu"Ince a Ity-Law to Lanae,
regulate., and govern tran.seut traders and
other p.rriere A By -low fur tait pur-
pest sea mtroelucwl and pared. It was
moved, secedeel and carried, that the
sound sitting of the I'uurt i( "tevsuun be
held at I)iwney's H"t .l, on Monday, 11th
of May, a hall -pant six o'clock p.m,
CLEARING Twr5 urT.-The OttawaTinam
sat ' that the ree was a wholesale clearing
e tit of Fenian publiestiotu at the news
depot• in that city un Saturday. The Irish
A uteri.-.., the Irish /'rope, and if we mu►
ake not, the Irish Canadian, says the
Tvaee, were taken to charge by detective.
('ullen and I1 Neill, the a3ent. readtly
arelenting tootle request that no neon of
them ahs ould be offered in that market.
The' I'orts,'s Lake .Uinisg aseetfe, of
)arch e'oth, reports the " Cliff" ruin as
l oking brier than in two or three y, tr*
bfore, and the January product se Bing
one lu,ulrol tons or more, A lar_e
quantity of silver was found about a were
sine', which a perste from th.• mine
reports at sheet one hundred pounds.
Este' eare had been taken to secure a
larger share than the OO Opm•y pushy
gets, w ith the above result,,
8inen the altme Was written our learn
that the amount of silver sinee that found
11 even greater than the aboove stated. A
urea weighing about tight hundred
pomade Lu be -a takes opt, which is
c,mpmed, as near as can be dctcrmined,
of about refuel parte of si!vet sod copper.
On it are torn. of silver as large ae a
man's first. 1t is from the old silver
II producing seam which hr been watched
eindeverked fn m surface, end hasyiolled
many -a nice "plum" to the miners, despite
the watchfulness of the ofcers.
It is fortunate no such lump of silver
has been found io Algoma, for royalties
would have rieeo to seventy sir eiohty per
in the early pert . f the put week the
papers omenr r.i an amm tncement'menal-
ing free the Ferman headquarters, to the
elf• et that "e hor own I:enor.J O'Neil, the
nen she humbled thepnde of Ibdgwav,"
w",eel oldieu the Brotherhood on Tues-
day evening, at the old Bearvl of Trade•
Hall. The eventful evemug having ar
need, ".our len General" was on hand
w ordin M appnintinent, and made one
.d th. ss excm+ltngly c moat speeches for
which Fenian orators are so celelratd.
The msjonty of the audience having "as-
sisted" at the election during the day,
and come mit victorious, they were in the
name n,neltti ,o ae Tam O'Shanter on that
eventful ui:!.t when the good wife rt at
home n' t 015 her wrath to keep it warm
-in fact they were "gloriou," and conse-
quently very enthuseuuc. There eau a
sigh of relief when"the boy'' heard that
it wasn't money the General was after
He gave them to understand that hu
present business wa that of aumng up
the hearta ..f the people, and rasing
rscndsier the arnuy with which he props -
ed invedling Canada nght off -w fact the
army would he in motion before they knew
where they were, Alluding to ns last
eipilutien in the wase direction --on
which ecesai.en it in t, toe presumed he
"hatabkd the pride of Great Bnta.n,"--
loe attributed his failure to the inter-
fereme of the United Sates authorities ;
had it not been for that interference the
gown flag would now be floating over a
free Rrpnblec; Thi, and much more did
the "h••rd'tell his hearers, and wound np
h e • r ' r,"vete by calling n)on the se pre vent
whn were pre bred tonsrch at a moment's
n dice to hold up their hen le, while th,esr
who did not wish W go might say at h .
to take cue of the widow. and "rphens.
rMrt of au audience of some 2,000 people
t l•.nt 400 hand, were held np. Ynu will
thus p rcr1%e that whatever may ierme.
of the F,cian braves of Chicago there will
be lenty left at home to take care of their
w Nowa.
Dr• Livingstone.
The Iifesgenr iierold puhliahea extracts
from a letter received by Mr. Young, of
Kelly (from 1h. Livingstone. Thr dates
of the letter, which wi written in the
country of the Chipe(a, ettended from the
10th Nov,, 1866, to the lit of F'eb . Idtt7.
Is ragman to be one of the hatch of docu-
ments delivered to the Arab trader so a.
ten mentinned, and who, after a lapse d
twelvemonth, arrived at Zanzibar a a lort
time ago. The Dooct,r sates that he bas
become • perfect bugbear to the Arh slave ,
traders, and that after eight different
parties hal skedaddled on Iia approach,
u Johanna nmen, now notorious fr their
fabrication of hu murder, wen frighten
ed nut of their wits by a ninth party, and
walked en, leaving him to face thetemhle I
lLanrtn with nine Naseick boys. He con-
tinued hie journey, however, and notwith-
mundtng unusually, heav rairw and the
physic.'! 4:Menities which presented }hem -
selves, ie made satifaectory, though .;ow
progress, the nate'o( m•trehmI heing Arse
about eight miles a day. (in the 31st of
January hereache,l Mesta, or Lobemaand
was at the chief man's place, were a cow
had been slaughtered to celebrate his ar-
rival. He writes very cheerfully, and in
concluding hie letter say',, " We have not
had a single difficulty with the people, but
we have been very slow."
Terrifc' Volcanic DieturbanoM-
San Frenuiaco, Dtay 7. ---The H,•nnlulu o
correspondence of the /malletiw gives details
of the vnleantc disturbances there', showing ,
that the shook extended to all the ulanda t
of the Hawv:'an group, but no damage sir
known to 1..,,e occurred ex:rpt ass ,, l 1
Daunal.a, Numerous extensive lei.:
slides accompanied the phenonena, destroy t
ing life and property The summit and t
side of • hilll 1,500 feet in height were
thrown a thousand feet over the tops of
tree, and landed in the valleyy'' below,
The gas that tined afterwards eleatroved
loth Yegoable and aninul life, bott,miess a
fissures opened in the mountain side, and 'I
• lava stream flowed under the ground
leaking out in four et. sit mile. fn,m
the sea, and throwingg lava andste,n 1150 pl
to 115(0 fent high. Thenew island thrown ray
up is four hundred feet high and is now h
joined to the mem land by a stream"( lava
a mile wide. A large senate of water ha
bunt frmn the mountain whore the earth F
erupption occurred. The lure( the rolcan , I
is atooat thirty- miles in circumference. At A
least half a million dollars worth of pr- on
party s deetwyel. Tho King of the Rand-
wuch lalanda has issued a pnelamatinn for
the relief of the sufferer*. litany visitors t
hap gene from llo'lolnh. The wont is
thought M be nver, but the flow cnn-
tinnos. it is a grand spectacle.
Anoihor ae•;nlnt etaten thud on March
27th and 25th 1 eerth,lnakr mho, h. were
felt thn off, e'ngthe two week" following, e
1 earthquake sheeke Oecnreed
at Waco. -lens. Theearth emend in many N
plo: « and tidal waves Mi feet high ccs B
over the Mps of the errs (nese f"r a roar.
ter of a mile inland, swreping h,iman 1..-
ioqu houses and everyst.heng monA!e si
before it. A terrible sleek prnstnlerl a
chnrrhea and hrnses, and killed in 111 to
onehnneired 7sT* u, besides a thdmsand 1
horse. and cattle, the rnten 'usual w en
rarer of red lot lura Eve nr ret miles host, m
which flowed le the sea at the rate ref ten di
milesier hour, destrnyugg erenthing he- sn
fere it, and fnrmiryp in mixed un th. aux, G
A new enter ten miles wide open .d end
themes dream, of fira • thnnsandfe.(high.
Th. villages 0n the shnrn ern .11 dome. e•
cad. Great surennq sol tern' 1'revaib l li
tie w'hich's&w o(A h et
pot Aair Ont Otee inrayulAly ha m
TIORe rr Foal Fug. -The At.
Cetherme, Briton state. that sbnut three
weeks ag'o two stringers •sited Fort
Lrie, representing themselves ■s oMoers
f the 1(rnal Engineer corp. They
gave their names u Co!rnel tYorthingtot
d Captain Ste••art. On thew r.presen-
atione they wen kindly ries ivel by the
nhabitnts of the village -thinking, no
doubt t',at they wen to have forts built
bis summer. They proceeded to view
he rid eamp ground, and stake odoerain
p 111005 tis b sib of future ep•ratiOne,
which were to eommenee immediately.
Forts were to be built and gene mounted
,long the river. They were aeenm-1
e,ied on thin Nur by the ce•Iebritei
Dieu Ifarrisen, slim by ane of the look -
cot party, After they' had examined the
aero to their satisfaction, and "smiled'
viral times at the expense of' the leading
otel keel. •(s, who, by the way, had an i
eje to bu•inees, they proceeded to the'
eery with the intention, ae they said, of
ming the height of the Danko oo the
merican side ; bet failed to return. On -
mmnnieating with headquarters, it wee'
amid that no such men had been lest
oat, and then it mo doubt but the people
f Fort Erie were the victims •o( two:
Fenian officers from Buffalo.
Cosafon of the North-West,
The following important telegram has
me over the cable :-
Lo' i,o , May 6. -The entire elnmain in
orth America claimed by the Hndson
ray 1'ompany, is toil reeled M the Crown.
Te■ New Yorkers have • right te am -
der themselves about the mud heavily
tel pedple in the world, The a,nount
le raised this year in that lity ie 124,-
3:r,Mt4, or Over g6,m0,mO mors then the
tmarnemnt M I,w meed M the Govern
cent of Or i ominion of ('Canedts. In id-
teon tn this the New Yewke l have M My
ndry (Iovernment taxes. To live in
otham is a costly innnry.
Rehberiee h) soldier! aunt rnmmrm 0'-
v-ranev. at 1.011,40*. A stranger frn,
Aherll was kn.rk,d &earn on • Mu'k
ret of the city on Snnaar night, and
wt ARs. This outside.
Fiat of 0001. Two of the military polie e
re Mien ssewMd fnr the offence.
L"} A half lnshel of alt to the acre,
sown nn wintrr'whent,('ssaid toadd greatly
to the excellence of the [,-rain.
Repport'peeially for the Semi -Weekly
1lteel by Mee r.. Geo. Rcwn,LL A-. Co.,
Commisaten Mereihan a, Sc., HeelorQuay,
Way a --air hfwr.trne. tr•,a R..atiid$I°n. reew.e
ave. and i nes
• -rr"p. t'ny Loalon. 5,n'r.*'. ern .n,t., Darr.
11 - a.1 Jeany Numbly' , Ireeland, 1.1 'nae
r. i.
" " (:..eaten. Who're, es bele wamLer-1r'
I, .re LrL t
" " Pr. U ,nalon, Amr on., a Toe Leda.
12 - RD clines, nestnaw. Par , sm Let, ,hooka
" ewes Spray, Pam awl hetet.
" —r
Yat t. -Ser Pden , nethamPtrm. Pu , frrittt
i'Latnn L, RXaaaat,naw. rr• rare, u„t tea.
" Prop any I.m.l ,, Km erns., melee
11.- _ttw . Nara', ,oethae,pt a raa. amt rr.Iatt.
Cornrtat every Tarowl.y aud Ten'“ r,r eM ...e••1 1',
Du■ r Eek 5 Broker..
caw n. e.
Oewlerich, play 12, 1568.
ee't ran ,r
.inrn:eg 70 AMrnornh 701 forr'.nwte tone.
72 721 Ior Riese
aeLt,ro ass
•'town- 72 Afternoon --71 ter Causes rends
,i d,.r 5*1
sl „
no; -try et
nutlet .t
eeen re,srrwe
Rwyleg at rex, atbwM5 wrens eaten" 1e sell.,'
saw- rea0 ss
Hayton n -. 105
nes rwnnss:
Itsae M Omar r cad. bim se
9.r'Ine rub•rwe ,I.4
nnld np.uM at 1,11 , no.d at tot
* Pnrf✓a of o ,''line till pie ss were
(An oed re by teem[ nr rrpreae, trill receive
prompt retention of cerrznl rnfea. -llpg
Dai" Ai Russ.
Oeeualcw, May 12, 1068.
Fail Wheat SI :M , i l Aft
Spdeg moss I.40 fel 1:4A
Flour 7:60 (ei s e0
Oats ,. •. 0:4.i (.i 0:45
Pere...,......:•... 0:70 (b 0:72
llerley....,. ..:, 0:70 (.q 0:75
Pork. 605 (re keine
Poatae6 ......•,, .... • 0 40 (m4 0 42
Bidet' 0 13 (m 0 16
Rggs r... 006 ,a 010
Hey. Plea,....•...•:. iC0O toe to-isf
Mese (>NOwi • • /. 6 110 (di 000
Wool ( 091) re 011
Woad 2:111 (n1 3011
B..f. parer". 600 (,E 1.5e
°Meech Halle trkalls* fret, per bbl.
11 cut ; at she lysate. 1 t10.
• I
. a
a1 I
,k I.