Huron Signal, 1868-5-14, Page 1• 1. t • • e • t , W3KI.AY IEDuriorr. 001, E litot ndProprietorj • The Srestest Possible looi to the Greatest Possible Numbor." P.SIMBASPLINITIXtrw'r-# 410DE1IGIT, ONTARIO, D. 0., THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1868. 1VOL. VEI.-NO 16 easiness threctorii. Buoincos Dircctorn. !GRAIN, FLOUR, 172ED icholson. Affalowlyn SURGICAL OPER AT I VP: A ND M SANS) N AL mwiniv-risilsor . PROVISION ST0:1E. Medical. Pommy he 1907. wive lee, 1.4tanttovV. Ga Dirpeassrv. New Y,.,15. gmaJene• D. IlleigvotalIts gaga) Bsylletl. wag Smog Wittiest. IO A TTORXXV AT 1. sV.SolActroR IA en ANCPRY. cuovorswatr. /So, Ireton., corm. or D rimm tormersercininatecilltelnelICAF William R. Hain. -11 A. Wisia • . AND • 30ujINT LI. Ous Idle.. I. Fen TR.SDIt.- Mr. E. ' FIRE AND MAILINE Bee mond han t present collected to- ELF:ref-Wire filIST,&e• TEETH inserted is either Pla tins, Gold, Silver, or Vulcan Rol.her on resson•ble terms t 1v0 r,,e over the Post 01054e. Wett Street Cudericb. fin ,scany usg 4,(W currier, ram.. vow hmkbites. gootevm. Novo Gt W. g C. eine Meorm lent nn renswiroOle teems 1ha9dte4•44 &goitre gslen m QMete.L Dndariett. Dee. 2) Iola. mufti . • el1L111.4 Mirweglantera. Property 111C n leoeh 1.7 WNW glatweristy, ..IIS CIRMSM every Wed- ' Maier adymneed on Preprety frr ss'e awl prompt return* rt,14e. P•on 0toek other' `4450. ptnettm.ly nttentle • to Menne-mot the Coonly. 0.M. TRUEM AN'S Au.t.on Mort. wIll Markel nquaro,lioderieb MnIcesmoon. 1.) teRtsTen tITORNEY, he & 1.3 Chalon, Mnt wae HONEY TO LEND. 111. nortuall T4Ham,. Sal•• in village nr coon's., poneonalle at. yotriggg sn•TIONVER, NA Y ri PA.!). Cvwor n1 wrielyr. irlsrossw. Treat nemesia. er", gtfoorEgn ritoverr.irt. 5ND InTreeesei ToronIn Min.% •110.1 itosmon. C ein vonntt AND NURNAIDIR, /ANT la Assonant ConV•r•deer, 45i001101ine. .TA 311C40 ranairsare. S OCRiTAKT 11PRON TEACTIZIIT AsSOCIATION, Rati.7erict.w. Pair Orrin. wee JOHN HICKS'. Proprietor. This is th 4.,reettlauri herileotiotry hotel is WV•1•T .I•na.ht,•nd egaree• •• moderate a* any Ileo• Mth•liell. Alase Propetstor. lloodvethlingfor IGO Horses. Horses and Carriages for Hoe. •2 &Fowles' Noire 111t1 • M RS. DAYS' HOTEL. WROXETER. nN the direct roeJ true Seaforth to Welkerton. Every necessary aceorn• inolation tor the travelling nubile. HANNAH DAYS. Wroxster, Nor. 5, 11567. w42 LUC-KNOW HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE. 1. 1. CUNNINGHAM. Proprietor. •ITVATFI) on the corner on the Northern (Irs vel Muni. now, ,re. to.. every , wwwilins tor Golerieb •n.I Welserton. Tag PInVIICCI.111. TANI, at RTES•on. DRA11111111- ...,k... Ghee In gr Carroll.* Dens Wore, M Illmseter. g tit •..,.,. Inr otrferine 5.5415 %nth e. Nan Sean, Ess . of Wittemn. wtIl we're s's.. at Menes. .11()F1" 11 15)5.1') AN. .Tr. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, Vi11.711ANCE, 4.15914.15)54' 4.1:4Eit %I. At ,1:44r. y At • per eent- 0111•10-WeAt Atreet. 0,ir4ncie the plot ..11.e, h W. M. SAVAGE, UYS and roll. Now Y 'Or Orafte-Green, " NAticrial rurrency -- State note., aed anentreut Joey at cement rate 01 ▪ Mk Dee., 1 F. L3. .47-1 y4 THE LANCASHIRE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE C0311YNY. CAPITAL, E2,000,000 STERLING. TIMUICenepany tem speehilly .,(0t. n tho Moose of Comin ins. Ily Ihr Ibis, 14.45.'." 0*4 anew Date (h•aeoll, tto Ertheoser)as an WA* et • lighwst elme, Ale Ttern of /Inv., A I ms. 14.45111451. H 4.45 Agent Mr Oolerl 15. Amami it Commission. GODERICH &CLINTON Established 1114.32. .11•1111••••• Nonoy to Lennon Sestlatate. A PPRAleEtt to Aetna* Sad lormaComputy IN ex Upper Canals. H. hi. TRUSIIIAlt, ere. Market Nem*, ederieh. Lund ()Sen. RIZIPITER nf Improved Parma and Wild .11. Lead lOr Sale. M.TMUENIAN. Gralwriels . March 1. 1807. aaaaa I Donate LOOK HERE JJ rrnE Solmtvtber haeine REMOVED In the A store latch, ocenpied by W MAW NCAN. first door !math of Itin &heti'''. Motet Si". writhe* to inform hie friends in the Town of God...rich and murroneding enontry, that he new has the [enema and meet complete stock 07 pgc and \V inter Boots and Shoes of any %mine in the ennitry,cnotairong eVert style of ladies' And Children'e good*, end that be has atm a very twee assortment of GENTLF.MEN'il WINTER BOOTS • • mane and foie. both imported, and ot his Own manufacture, which he will sell Cheap for Cash ! and Stamina, an he li 'Reser,' that he ham 001 145* zeros yen tet• SAM'L PURSE. 0o4es4cli, Sept. 2 I, 1e€7. SASH AND DOOR rAcToli,V. Tstelemitnecl h•.,.,: porehltemt *he l'Inin- DW Mill awl Mesh Factory owned.end on• Mt Donald Cnnonins. tire now p.rptred nn the hostile, ot renniesetering Sash, Doors, Blinds, BidingMouldings, Flooring. , ARCHIBALD HOD E, PRoDett MEM11•NT, Cameron's Block, Kingston areeti 1 wCIODERICII. - . 2.7,1,.. ilf,411, ,t;t1,....iit,:,.OATMEAL,.C1111,N 'IIAL. Iasi a nir1"4;. t muse ping rm. gra; , 524 at.1.1 44t1 AT,T,AN P. DT &CLEAN. p ec -4 < I- • riAS JUST RECEIVED A I. %LIGE Insurance Company. CAPITAL, $10,000,000. IIILLIJ STREET, DCLILIN DIRECTOR. ',AIN Owns Womnoster. V Pembroke Roel. ; °m. -ow INtt, Lnalls l'ogladonn co 45.4.4015 Kee...skeet, CO. Dowse' ; J. It. for l'oUtdicri L.W. Doc Srmaeth, •11.• Jour W..... "low., Aldrrio•n. lien:ham, 14 11.7hitrin, DIresvilt.rMt..1 141-0.11GLI TeLeHtor'.1'.'ts"”t':.kr'tivo:' Viet...erhaw•mors. R.4.1.111•COL V CourdY Meath. and We• Olio street klub Inthlm. J It for l'uninti, Won, 4nd 455.151.,. Director tkrattsh Alai,hle Life 4.:40aiass 510111,1 lILreerel, Ent. Newhigiii. Aleph, Istwot and Wroth Orest rgeortee's Pltreet. Instate 4J1Ille1115,w11 Ileindru.n. County Dublin.- • • lareso•r'oerugenhe Gm, enamor. gamasett, comes, get. 47 WentJloo noel. Dublin , J.. for I unsay Nato. DAVI/. Ito nolo.. , Werehant,Irden (*MY. 40•11 Worelmouptins, thou, tin., en Ilehlin *otiose Cosset, netters, Rag.. Prin.., Ileus., realm; and Illeghtg. Kerr • ; J. P. 4••••tiettoty sorry. Daman. -The Natio 'tank. tiohethes -11vms. MeAtoy Walser,. Mawr& -J, Salim Erq. CANADA FillANCIT, Caner 111, Frew.. Xavier and M Aserament Moots, MONTRgal. DANNVID-Th. Ontario gent, T. W. ORIFYITII. Wooger. O. 111CX1141144_ _ _CO. Anal* 041111111111. eltt STOVES! STOVES c.) ts1 ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS 64 hetet t• op with avers acerwarnoinstina fro Conso,ling invepart IofhtnWest ofHEng! od lig. ""I 11. Al. IP AMPIIIETotro enateerci•I traveler.. A large Hall atiactal• illota•nom t,. riieVs•eIshl iiil , Fat e% VI lanai, 'WIT . Essesh. eceietean,1 Front45 Tors ed...'neh eo.re,., Ild Doeskilo, 45nr1 • ystoly of Canadian l'hillog ; . Z Plain, leo n, and Flowered "Oiling*,thole. , Oloveo, C•po. Aie.,&e. -.. itl He feels ronlielent of goner •elotaehon 10 •'• Who may Inver h tan Will. their Order... X TWEED NVITS(IIE wool)$1 2 ar.dupward•. 'V Mir N.-3.999-Ceitting done toSir.49e. jog S4 Goderich, Sept 23tb. 1866. t4 SOAP FACT -DRY. E:ON011Y FOR HOU- SEKEEPERS COOD HARD 80AP, a rem. per !me or I len n terthl NIA Ca IL° INIS Ce ]E" IMO* • barrel or Weems per (slirlet to O. had as she Close awl 'NM AVII e Mat at ino 'Met. JOHN BARNES'. Dederick, Marsh Wale. 1062. .45 .4. A GREAT CI'llP or 1.1vEr1 coMPLAINT AND I/VOri POI C Ad 511A. Crirweeno, "rot, Celvegril gig,. C. W., March, 1127. Vnove 45 entwgrattor.-$u, among orn- red vrorhrsirn• own peen. Owl there v ist len • medie ghee illal Will .4.5 .4., {mere...Mitten noel Dropeprosi. son maimed to make ihn water... 100.1•7 mob ',bleb to Weerle• Mitt I More Wien woe's •Mmted k.r ilre lent three seam •m,inling in the Ism -tore 41alement• .1111 I eeeee %anoint.. awl II...gripe., eml . meling of making sold eagle. Unr"....•••horri ihr nonterh, Winer 515m'▪ e :;".7mot pain. drew.e- ;0•1., 4tttve, hemht. me “ 'eally ot •05401/11,. Ilnerro/ Ten" v....1010.11M dirine the fireitt Phoelonsci, ffernedr ikon Man highly, I Med • !mole owls rine Pam. Wien t gme I renet my 1 *mod hahole ehsege. hot I toot veinier ant n nm.t ens health enpnireig. 1 er401041ed I/ 0,0111 ).hir• 1440,4 •Iteml len 11.111,4, ••,•11., pas, eel 1 Owl that 1 hive /vote R. enrerong Imo hearty .1 nr•ur • e,i And Woe plewewo 5,, atirolsrm re my lineme.., The glom, regnant.", on me 1 4,1414 10.41.1 ImPell 11. Whim the finial Mhnetioneer reirot doing 0. I lot e Tiled itm Memel, several •••••• and •eingherigin. and I retold • reef...rend it to ri.1 egret., en I Imo. A NI 1111011E. CrOD. meem 'e ghee we ori'woren.• :" l• 54.s2,014a45'y.lIer.A. lee! I N. C A IttlArf , p.. Conignimweer 0. (4. 14.. .,.,.t Ow dm set] I yr Cresols .54 1',,.,. Loligrarei. C. 41'. .*1 .11 hinds of C rt 1. NV () It I*" wee as Cjy,.* 5*4 l4,455, (4.45 anet Framer. .174.74'1547174=ItWeTtt:ttgrFil7"1170 'gay Mem them 4.15h ,,7% No 11.-A direolot in 545, trate. JAR BITe.11,\ NAN, l)45V1' I.WSIiN, Wffl ROMNSOM. Names. Mftreli 40..1141. OWNS . _ STOP AND SE t'l Jr W. JOHNSTON'S tt - U3 New Photograph Gallery! IN WAT'SON'S BLOCK, Over Inc Claszow osse,, where he hes fitted an his room.. in the mod appropriate meaner, to execute -picture* in *ivory style heeler, to the art. N. 11. -Old -pictures. *rich ae Dartewro- t epee and Amhrotypeseopied is photeraphe. Mr. Johnston eorglislly ierites the Ladies end Gentleman of tioderich and surroundine country to Mar Cive Him a Trial! NA to whether he iv worthy of pai-eneee. el. W. JUIINATON. Godeneh. Dec. le. GODERICH Fp1qNINa MLL 45?,') 1 sills VnetOry rrn E '7T -1/SCRIBER BEGS TO ItTIVIR31 IL theinhaIntoyds otIhs Counties ef Hurt, and Dowel hat hei• soli NI•Alifacturind ,,db Iter hand 0 timber .1451* SUPERIOR FANNING MIllt & PUMPS. lir wood ,isrt•e Marie ,Irit ...wen., In ni Mate...lie will warristiltherototreeN hes1Coon ,rrehle. ehe.., he. Pumps oestlelu Order and mart.auleil. Ple10115 •N .VI'VIP1 ft., 401 4•••/4 net.r, ohi.C.n rob,. Mead ' • Atan.esentf.trthe•m,ent M..rson'•prenott.? not potent 11,1.11VA PEI. which has never vel ...led 1 or ore zener 5 •stodiw•loonlo I a niers who hang lard them. HENRY DODD, Coolmiele, Ann 2110, 1.04 TAILORING D. .41%. TA .42.. M SEA E. rt.';',.:1,1t!hlt N A 411•T tlidt74„.1,'And.eng,",N, ('NKI.T, nil. Ah.NhK.A. following wines -Its on ',Marinette el mind worrelerfol and •Strivediontry ettrea in Cannel* by dm (MEAT IN DI %MI PlEnlillY. '(h,7 5. 0.1,1.140 denisilde and ineentronh!A Mete .1145efent 40 •nor1i.n.• 115. 1,1011.kep4real that Om Ownit Med...Idol Comp..- .n*4 .0.r 6., sae. on now neeesellit• 14, 410' gionsi SHOSEIONEES' REMEDY rer meows 01 the Tblott, Ione, layer. Ihtreetty• 'moo .• Kidney,. ke.,ta %tell n• Servo'',.. tn'enma e Skin 145....... awl all stemma wiener 000 101parilro• 0111. Utolori. STP tenkity angle IMO this gent remedy Imo NW.* V.R RESIN 1,411'.‘1.1.1411.0414 an• there ever artet. a enre se that in Iles perevn nt w.letelgreno Ifriehrem, C. "C.., COMnmption nr that of Peter C. V. Miller, Iniwestrarn, C. W.. n(Cnn. siinption, nr that of Andiron.- 1VmetwIernittecon. 4.49., rif Ortwoon and lover C"nmpliont n ttot of Jelin Ilneey.n( )5onroe, libesonstom. who hart moonily teen on crutches fIr ,.an, 717 'p0, 4101 treat. mem Iteremlnws. met 5.new well, Serft• *4such ewes had we Amer, Ihe Orm *el re! tee-efer hneedeonr.h nn 1.141-t a 141409- - o _ snd l'11.1.s, and Weir ynor w ives. revetvedronee lie etronmenuell homily, in rich, not Lorna to eseents over one -h• I o beettlershrortshi to him Inal•emoont Ise•ing sow .n.surerltnellilo title CarryIng on Business Extensively and employing none lac Itort-covi 'Women Andrea D. . lteloeve•h esperienee is • CnIter 10 nevem.' te none n tor Proving • .hne noted Dimmer., %tenets:el et Hamilton, pemetoultyllesteelenimoollotneimAnd IMMO. hoe, CWIlor in one of t he Arteries 4 Ben 1.1 ehmen 14.14 E dinburgh. Anoiland. he encase!' etatem to „a dimeernine milder het CLOTHING CAN BE NAPE • et• • st Ableolorien ere.. he .1 ',ell Eekt•blierh.e. Phhati• T.wosto or Mentos'. Owdeeieh, beetober 3rd, I4563. G. BARRY & BRO 17 Price of fhe Remedy 045 1474)5 pinie$1, rine. Arms Inv Omlorteh, F. Jonlan RINI Parker kr Cann flenegtv• And 11•01.,4 In Meth 111F-4";it AVIIIII.F:g AGENTS • 1,NW AN, P1,1 40 rr k Co To orcro *OMR • en , • r.HICK1.1. Pt P.O., 101,FIRt140( k MTARK, ,,,turos. A. II %AMMON t'n 'WOOD -TURAF,RS ! AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton Bt,,Goderich, COLONIAL ROUSE. wrier runit IVAT/tgiff, CABINET MAKERS.) frit glaiiiieritier Risme, keeps ths Imrst Variety an4 heat Stock of leen. THE LIVERP001_ & LONDON A NIP el t.con 11 INSURANCE COMPANY , Fls• been in •11,41•11, yOsterl. ntol *going that prolog! him MA 1,,ose• eseeerting Five and a half million pounds sterling, The lohoneetneni enormone son, over wok airtt, hog woh Int 4.00.4 rootlet totted to., the ecolAreihmeet or this Inetorthon, (4545 eonfirlenew nt rcrenritions, Merehents. issA towinella 10454 intermit, weerever ereermeete1. 414 e• le 1441. 144145. (ho Fire Premien'. nlorte ingionlet to .. • In dm 1011. yens, 1* -16, " £17,7441 . 145455 rear, l'51. " o tegtsin 11 MA rent., NAIL lJna year latersItall, .011A,ANt The F.r• lb.., ton I es now 11.717.444 The TAO liewrve Fond le ante 0,242.44114 TIM rialipangt eeperwenel thmethedt On - Olio sad Qne ••, by mIlleemil tntt. 10 whom igglovil ton fir hiSitt leer Tat 10*10. 411. P M11 Ratmlen1 Neeretnry, Mn. Tit cAt. A. tel. ilnvP, Agyst 6•• enderseh ; V E11103, for Eyler W. N. Wayne, tlettewth 1441 HOISERY & GLOVES 1 IN THE COUNTIEe. en is. R. ARCHIBALD. tiedensh. Mem r?.,4, tf wed teederieb. It Jell terse. ge pi loan let resensablet a Arp•.1.1 u: 0. c ‘mtrtos. t Gedvein r• Mee gether probably the largest sleek of raw ever held at one thee in ale city. Lire," iled cross fox, cher, lynx, otter, mink, black bear, coon, ekunk, muekrat and weasel, he has over 12,04)0 skim. all purchased within a few months. COW- iidering, that this is the result of the -floret ions of one -dealer, some idea of the importenee of this trade in this I reality may be gained. With tee exceetion of a few ',kin* all of Dime animals have been shot or trapped by sportsmen and Indians within the forty •quare mileof which Leedodeis the centre. The meet valualee portion of the assortment has been sell to agent ..rtho Hudson's Bey Company, now in the city, .,td will be inituadietely packed for shipment to England.-Loailon Adv. rtiser. A FENIAN 07 PjloAttlE.-We notice among the prominent speakers at the late Fenian meeting in Detroit, the name of A _1' eSullivan, who the republican papers sey is a man uf great pneniso. He seemed exceedingly arxious to push himself fen ward, in order that be might spout trea- son Dr lust the 111 ish geverutuent.- ho do our raiders !think this A. P. Sullivan is, that ha. no much to say against the tyranny of the British govern- ment ? le. in the tem of a pensioner in the town el .etitheretburg; late a sergeant in one of her Majesty's regiments of foot, who enjey• a pennon of In. I Oil. sterling per day, eetial to S 161 42 per year, from 'this very tyrannical government, ; and young Sullivan WAS rativd on the beer 2 and bread leaned out of the counuistarett of the Britieh government, and he wou1.1 le, test 11014 113 511 a preitiou to air ht. tenianiena had it not le !en for tho generous boenty of that g ,verninent fr which is the otject hie malignity, who 8 fed and educatee. hins. Ile hie been • made a delegate to the republican con- tey 'onion of thicaeo from Dettirit. They O are eurely hard up for dilegrter whets such ecapegraces 54545 %mum their ',armee, p.mimritwi Sion 2 tTJ 7 lel...IAN AND FANCY n-vcr .a. xt . COAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RRTAIL SIT COSI 011 Leaps. ke. Old Tron. Wr....1 Pickings. sea Ph." Skins taken in earhsnr.c. 3.,k J. STORY. Sivn nr th 'Liege Coal Oil Barrel, GoiletieL. s.rtivis 1st. 541 el VERT' ennetently on heed (01 .4511 al! are* n eles in then hoe, melt as Becilitoatis, Chairs, Tables, Sof is, ecc., Ole All kinds of woreeturning Jone, titteh ail Nmol poot., 11151,brenniorges, neek yokes, kr Alt.'s'. on helve a eomelet• ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and • HEARSE in hire on remensble term Gorierieh, Mar 3rd, IA66 I SreSte THE Wonder of the Age' THE ELECTRIC PAIN PAINT. volt Mg IltRTAW/ RIFI,111W OP IIPCWATI/111 . Itrow1111M, Iwo,. Imorlighe, ensonsenerl o• "al C l'ir"irrew".=:.. 1Z' Ita"rii.cf", _.pit".X11h..4:rngt1:* ICZI I lin', Mel eltne*Orm 1ln he tent ol Voter * tent••• Drag Awe. Gv erett. JO/1H. F'.& Prepteter gea0e111. thileriels, new% Illin 1119. sateen° ireler8V. SONG. I b.-1. lrennie dren, te,tenten, 0' ham. and happy d sys, Chrteli'd of many a stork,. mew 'Mans Calsietiett hew.. The 'emote n' leo howl's ingioty time, rear tinnily ta, sae Inv, In natio. good., Wen age* • toemory's dromtimg s'a. Ilk rammed net an! brake! knows Ilk valley hen. RIM eaten Ilk grin. hank, awl rem& heave tr oeoe hanld end Meru': ' 114, roving Monk'. meanilering path, The alghlgensie el.twe (man.: Ilk ...Alan' Armen r." Oradons farad, That wooed the ustint's UN/. It 1, II, 11, 111111.1111,... prime, When tre•k (ma et ery fell •••••ke the fratzran, 0(40' thyme, Awl lon noel leather loll Vet roving hoe'. Intriing hem. "Ilk flow'ry pathway cre, And *ion Co lefty lay Vie rap:wrong lairort trilled. rt, tot igove'r, porn. yen./.10•Mmg A.11,,vn the mosey ••.1 sweet the meek ev• blue tolls Sienna *4.154 44. 'enemy •11:1•10, ; Whinrt tv.der 0' their statelier Nonni . Awl slaetborn Awl the rowan tri' Its toward tunn• Adorned tbe maintain ads The ahriberl nn the). stet\ Where fro•Yerio arbors wingt And roe Melo-to Man teem, dwelt 5,10 r.ve the I otinatt's saw. Awl nutty • loved tolormion'e hal fatorite brumg'• mem, Cam' Mingling on rny gia". Wi' wool entratieing I felt inyMlf again * heiy, In life'. onehm.1.1 morn. And men.' tn hog ilk isild Geo Joy. That Much( n' 041, •00171 ; 1 tinned "1 )404."' 511.1 rubor gre•n, A garland ger my load. And eleent'l the •Fitbori...g two+ es' time Wet never hid It rode. The mem' rale n' wind Om I Joined err Irmr1 eh+. Ana stark on' glm the Kan,. 10 win, I kicked the 14g get to.' 1 shared Anew Oh weelltent play 13.0, Ore n1.1 oehvilo grown. And elm.' glet ate heirAirf hied, Aron.' the *Welts at e'en. • eyno, when Monet Owg glimintWa I sought the hionenteed hearth, 45,4 . pride my futtree. knee, My knopeet seat ',...th ; 110 150450 .1 me In Ma bloat hero*, And bleat me n'er and o'er, And taught 1.1.• virtue* slushing Dal. As In the skim a( yore 'Tie sent to drown 0' ehlkthonre hour% And saol.sters4 mentortm 0 Solent Inns foroorn 00.1 .'4h,,.hallow." ties ; Pat eh, 'to .444 In rwOrms far eel WI' freezing r41.1 eellerl mos' go heart, Mies eons. AMItIng WW RANNATTNR. Stollitte.- Yankern land lie-* British sul ject, not y.t tuenty- Illetoll• every holy must please their own prepared. 01: soldiers have motet. tight. else ain't at herne, nor the ohl woman, ing down tho river, and so chnely to t1.7 tin your hOttega he the dread responsibility nether," howleri KiNt. "Mr. Leterence hank, that by • land of the shore .14. 1445$ 44 they are &aerate.' in Valli While *eating didn t see her at ell afore he was killed. brought within twenty feet of it before their eirrotion Irelaterseause with their You oughtu't 4. htlIt 1110, 4545,140 told ahe new it. A glance told 'writ was • nuir• heart's lent blood. all 1 know ; ..n.1 yeti mightn't to punieb telt bat, reed must have honest meu rut Signed on behalf of the Convention, .1,1', when I *ad ..111,1 trildVillg hie orders. Went. Mar 're? at seeing it knew n'.Pinter J. 'tree, Springfield, Mam, CO101111%4 Meurer, Rehi xtry, Me.a. If you went to have your revenge any bounds.nd as e was about to call them to ene, you should tine Tutistell. It w3.3 he land and give her abetter and protection, J. F. Ortutart, MlUord, Mass. that held her tit the wade" M. MeNeemie, Boatiou. "I'll try and find him, if the l*w deestet us.us*iteniv'llil.';n7aathesarnft"152 hanbdbY Y"n earlerwilireera11 J. W. IdeSweavv, Lawrence, Mam. keel. htin 4•10 C1011.3, y012 1114y rest assured. the skipper's loll Who had CA.ptttred TtIlLe A resolution was unanimoualv adopted Itut I ehall keep von, to," reprohntitig the maramination, and especial- yam ttitslinl et.his.tliargre .eecois,tnliiedi,moniiniedwpanhichasoota nr ly condemning in strong terms the coward- Ket,'rhprit:taiiimgYt,,And tawl'I'nflenirlanlelgt:*:re stria- th., late Manfred law reeve vices. On ly assamination of Themes Itetrey McGee. ing Along in the Leight light of the (neon, its way down the river they had reached in the meld:ea the road, and printing 11 11 thst young elan we have hitherto she were ...e of breeth, wlide she mutter- merely alluded to incidentally ; but he is *el curses as ,ho walke.l. "Then mptitre her .." cried the captain to tw...."rrttak, ritive-efera, ami,,r'rCutigenneennieusPscen°" ,Itrueimind • two of hie mem woman g giant fellow, fore plain farmer's son, front the direction of the river. Iter head than Paul Lovewell, never graced the wen bare, and the gray hair, which was 1 pages of a nunanoe. Alsout twenty-three cut short like a man .., sliene silvery inthe ! yearn 01 age, fairly educated for hie pose, morenlight, as it hung &shovelled almeit I tem, rinterally intelligent, he had & fina her neck. . Her .1re.s 44.0 414044 este disord- I face, and an eye that expnmeed both ceitrage end kindness. 110 would he the inheritor of an independent ferns on the death of his father ; and he bred upon and nee.' the estate now pretty lunch; by hut fet here. c .neent, an his "WY)... Ile °Wil- ed, besides, two vessels, in • hieh he used to convey his eon lin al me to the mnrket of the metropolis ; altogether there was not, it was univemally conceded, * more promising match for a sensible, nice girl, in all the emintry route! than a hanil. AN APT Pette -On the 14145of lest February, • gentleman reeidine at Leicexter, rent the following Valentine to a young Jetty in London :- Delisate Ears And Rediant Eyes Scatter thee Wiles in Leiceeter- Le-letterer Your Offer limier -Buys, Each Maideu is out Esther. lin,i.thaen.e.o.urracof a few days he received Deelare, Elwin I Cin Love impart Never Entrancement Define., Will Interest Thy eland -The Ileart And Never Kiss Siemer ! 11 will be wen, on exemination, thet the initial deters of the filet '.4 (45,... rather compliceted verses ferns the words, "Dear - ad, will yon be mine ?" and those of the second, " elute,' with thaliks." Ties in the most eleberate and went yeiled way of propeeing aud rcfusiug I have ever met with. - - - Cucumbers end melonm may he planted in open gneinr1 about tho tirst I.f June.- Nlake the ladle rich with well totter.' manure and the plant* will grew rapidly andirnelnee abundantly. leek cueuielwra as 'men see large eneugh to eat, if yeu want plenty den't allow any to ripen till the very hat, and then only enough for seed. Ktrly Frame, Early Itussian, White, eqems and lir,', are the only citeinchers that eunenel hen. without being forced in liot-berls. 4 )i English forcing kinds the best an. Victory of Bath treed liellton'S oo• par* 01 .45,, be‘n on I:elle.'" 902, in taste. but • new anti very delicious variety • barrack -root• tithe lititish army. In relied White Japanese film been neeently this else we here Mother illuetration of introdumel, which promises to become • ele adage, that the ?neon that lives en the bounty of • friene turn to be -the enemy ne thet ien.1, than his tme.e.y eel lee Mere:vete in the retire cf the k e'en, -I et:stewed res him.- intlavr &cord. tZl" to K1440 TlIrdMinr. 7- - The erble inform,, u. that in the attack on NaPil!a tk. monarch are Jame Kineeid and Charles Harwood, 444 'Thir may not yore true, la With tno wenien. Twenty-tive thousand the tell, chieftain has heretefor.e been defiers eennterfeit los treasury not,, reported killed, but hay rabreeiriently re. were captnnel at S. Clair, elepped by the appeared, owini: to the foot that when he same parties VI pemons in Cincinnati. gem Mei battle he has a half-40nm of hie note. are well execute.1, and would chi. fs dressed in the name costume and de.erive ordinary lb* ceninterfet- general favorite. CorNTERIGHTERA CANADA. -A party of ceunterfeiters were arrested in Sombre, intario, opposite St. Clair, Michigan, OD Wedneeday, by Col. Wood, of the United Suites secret minim division. The pre sinners ere Wow under the charge of the Canadien authorities. A largo amount of currency was found in the bonze, with plates. 'the mimes of the parties Arrested with the same ineignin of rank that he wear,. In this way there are a number of ltichin!nile in the fiele, Dee the tern were prepense to carry ..n an eztensive hinting's., and but for the energy and tact displayed by Col. Weeml and his force, would have scattered a large amount over muter mei original Theodore, when the country. the fight becomes too hot, withdraw* to • Life spot see only dire by proxy. It is roasted. that General Napier will find it is une of the Dremio I and riot the genuine Theodore who has departed. - Boston Jou rnal, Two having told an Englishmen that he Ant, 011 int" twitter ocearvirm, 999 sill k.r., bin interlocutor esker' him why he 'ben t make it e times - tine at nnee. " No," reel ho ; " not like Iv I am gang 10 .411 a lie for one snipe." Whereepen the Engliehtnatt, determined not to he ontd, .ne, heemn to tell a long 'tory of a man haying aware helm Liver-ponl to Ihnton. " Del you npe him retired( r' - hvi,,-, 7,0, of emit's. 1 del ; I wee emitting &ernes, and ne7 velum' pawed him a mile est of Beaten herhonr. "W541, l'in RINI lyon arm hitn, stratirr, rex yeeereg *HMIS that I did it. That wva irio !" elle The young larliee of Milton geve the young genie -nen a Leap Year Psety,in the 'feign Hall, hot Titeelay. The allele pee- red off well. The lathee. see•onlingtotheir privilege, escertee the gentlemen to their rest.ectivealeete. •41011.• The Fenians. Woltegg,TER, Mans., May 4. •-et huge eenvention id the Fenian Ifretherherel of the State of Maemehneetts wan 45.1.1 in this city toelse. More then one hundred delegntee were prevent from all }arta of the State; mel the greehet entimsiastn prevailed. The Convention phelgell the Brotherhood of Maanachusette h. the sup- port of omelt' O'Neil. Sevens' regiment& of old vetentus etlered their serviees, and Ile0,00 were nil ascribed towanis the Feni- an canoe. General i l'Neil line Sear were prownt. Petrick McSweeny wasi Speaker of the Ilenee, &nil Pnifeereir John P. Itropyh chosen Secretary. To -night liertecultural Hall is packe,l, and the street in front tient with people hatening to npeeehite frent Heneral i'Neil, General Spear, Senator Carey, Professor Brophy, and John Rafferty, Kat The 'red -mien here are wild with excitement. The fiellowing addresswas adopted by tho Cr' invention : To the Femann Brotherhood of 3frunewhis- tte. Tlaortt : The 31 melee neette ronven- tion tfie Fenian Itretleeleeel in about to terminate in some.% met Retire return- ing tootle homes we. your representeti Wee, desire to arbli-ees few words of encour- agement aid Olngratnlistion. The prinent etatn. ,.1 the Fenian organ- nuttion hat been 1.1.1 before ne ; re have carefully exaritioel the condition, policy, Mei VIATIA ..f the Brothrehreel en,1 hasten tn moue yen that, in the pidgmentof your re rotentatives hem in oeincil meembled, BLACKLOCK: -OR THE -- WANDERER OF IZSA A STORY or RIVER, MAIN &OCEAN. By F. Clinton Barrington. CONTIN V ED. " ! avant there, shiptnate, twill give you a Amnesic's. !" he called out, clinking his 'entre. "%V0 are MI a war 0111ino toe night, and bring everything te." Ket, betting that. if he at teinpted to got over the. wall, he valid he dropped by A learlen bullet, came into the n.ad vein, trotting that he would not be recognized by hiin. Whoteln von want? I'm in &hurry he a15i.1, trying appear unconcerned. "All in goreitime, lad. 'fare ynit neen taken nut the ke anything of • young woman, ^T ---h1 the leered...0d ; so tlr, Lord Harry !" he exclaimer!, springing for- .bat was edrott, ward and. grasping him by the coder miler opening in the t. ...Trio are the Vert eltsp • that gee* me the note." miter thrtein for dee pu looked enema and astrysyn Ket inner a niperlitimm effort to tweak at a glance. At tile back id the peen was away, and lentrin hie rettt jacket in his e trap door that led into the miler by half ered, and 'deck or knotted into her girdle, leaving her lower limbs free to run. Upon w ell% the !Arty, she steed 50)11 5)451 seemed to survey them ; hut when she saw thetwo men detach thetnaelves feint the group, api appreach the emit where she stemel,she uttered *fierce oath .1 defiance, and start- ed on a run that reemilintetwed the meman, wile were mattered h. tering chase on lend. 111 yeiii not cal on your neither to stop, will blow your brain, out," mid l'aptain Wat, rennin • the eel.' ale of some Peel Lovewell. the pistol merittat the orehead of the young 1 Ilut tete'', heart Wad not for el' nf thc• tee°. ne.t.t give tnin eloquence Of bumf. who sought it boldly. Ile Lae!, owever, hat it-easl to • notatIon Whoa.' eelother -mother ! Stop ! They wont mine 45, 212 not even know. It happen - harm yon, t'gr eeeee here ! Here's your par- erl MI this wise About two menthe prier nodal. friend," lidded Ket, *hone wicked to this time, when we introduce hon nese was ar" great that he was ready in/ the %here to aseertain who it was vsn• to sacrifice his neither for hisown preserve- fleeing there on the banks et this late hour, he ha.I been hemline.' opposite the widew's tj"1"."..n heering hie voice ,ho mopped, and cottage, no that from the deck hi* barge • tleilimwttziltrevecyaoluledd,),iiins;tir,,; o Who be the cottage. The picture of content and he cola' me directly in the open door of the'7A1w1 .)defriien.ln, mother. They didn't t1:117.1; ma.nanderairra'nedtirlen:gtliteern,‘Italefthremeg7itessecib.. know it wets pee" they were, pleased hien. Kt., aeon Gem - "Then 1110 peehy glad to meet with ye menced singing-uneens1. that the boat and yrmr compenv : ter I want yo help wee there,for the foliage of the banksp r ly find. the gen. 545, broke ent end tank te hid its presenee. Her voice thrilled hi. the toe eels,. and I after herr, WI l'Ir• !oat mind -- and &wakened cenotiens thee he had her this roaster of an beer, 111141 love run never known leder.- though he had heard ninself to death. She tosik ter the river. a round wore °fleeing belies sing before. and I in full cheer. ; hut 1 legit sight of her without any such sensation,' as he now ex - down 'teem -here a piece. and hearing N..11 perieneed. A breeze at t hisniement sprang up here, I thneglit it might be her. Just up, hewas welted from the spot, lett hv. you put in that direction, and you wont carvietl with Ilion the a vert echoes of her falI 45,, 44.05015)4 • 1444 altheer.w.es talking, she his heert all that night. Frent that turn., voice, whir& seemed to play at bopeep in mu; appn aching then. ; but when nheminte he'lle•tri tri,eri the cottage that he dill so near es to het, that Ket was tits! mut n,A feel a desire to come to ane g'. in and ,I'45' 450?, runt the men were seamen, end make the acquaintance of the lovely girl, armed, she ma& an attempt to eae.tpc bv whom every week, aa he went down or up, racing peat. But she weateipt erne Though he saw seated in the door, braiding straw. not without teepee centhet, mei being or at the winilew watering plants, or in the fairly knot ked down by Jack with theleitt 'centre, trunniing them, or by the water end hf his pistol. She was, however,sten side, bending over to fill her pail. ed - fled only for a moment ; and, on coming ways, on thme occasions, he gmed with to hernelf, she founil her arm.' anturely the meat ardent interest in her ; and as riltionottwith the leathern belt of one of he thought, she more then ono.', in look, shingwAiar"...t; w• t• ml :Ye. el; h ya:zml jni her cape rte. la UMW& ('.me 1111, and tell !nowhere she trielneed him to the reader, he was paw rl• l'inot"t'ell you a word if you throttle dinegr tfheelle°satitagi, wch'enm hheuiwitawayrietli'ght‘tswitoton us105', her ene- The dem hes mere, pluck than her cmienilihg Thdr,:ngnutro.et.h.earliryrinrnateiritryn tea hfie1,1 chicken,"i,imjf (1150 111045. Walter ; rapture. with the blooming beauty, ref her our and movements filed ha eye vrith sweet Triaknedthte Yn":•Itrse er oaeilibiC.Wvnewl-"it'thhtihnemch,hill'end folceverT!'dtiivpathr hti.nilneinur t .Aspealide fber.rint, don't let tlieni is • away. Follow t he ithere. her hand anti wont swimming down the reel von'll moll the cottage in a couple of current. hours. I ern now going insearch •• 0, rny pail '.' she exeleinne, clasp- "( niv "weir Kate, who le no doubt wander- ing her hands in pretty &impair, and ing thneigh the wooer. along the neer, glancing unemincionaly hotel& the berme. seeking to find her way bruise. nine* " You wont loge it - 1 will get it for light on both dead Mid for theme yon, answered l'aul, delighted to have niglillbe:.itli7hwIke.f"t them, and heatening for. asiniceheapenn'Tn7hrtitellecutTinaioftitan.l'emakwinigtht'herh,e4 ward, he wes •00f1.11t of sight in the due doing her a favor, action of the Cherie, river. Putting his helm ep, he ran ih toward* We will now return to tlie fair straw - braider, whom we lest left at the old brick tabudoi,,,lenrtdikrig.iletato,t,kthiteonpab,i1... mho Ket. When !the found hAt she WWI alowe irei:kthtehnatli'yritrts.7111 hrialitre"efremi aull'enfortinek, of house, meter the charge of the mother of with the woman, and that theearriage had bidding his nephew --the lari we hare st- riven off, she renolverl, with the courier ready intnebieed teethe rettiler--keep her resolute m which wag a pert of her cher- 'dearly, he leaped en shore, And with native to take thin opportunity to effect her politeness, handed the bucket to Kate, escape, even at the tea of "ening her life. blushing like a teemy at the ides of speak. The re. in which the ',omen had taken ing, hem h. feee, with this beautiful girl her WU on he fine Mew-- a large, illefur- who hied es Ling held pesession of the. n iehed ',any apartment. Her jail- threw. of her heart. Kate 1h/inked him er had locke, e door en the innidle and with grace, vine told 1.am she wm sorry ane the wooden shuts she had to put him to so much trouble. 11,1 light came in, ex- To thin he replied that it was a pleasure 1 thr,frotilth sthnnettr;nsir: him ---that it rive lien oppor'nnit/ e. Catharine 4hartlef'teninineger"n lineati'e'st'Alepotwiterierli, her, an-.1thhaeat 4545rd all her prison her ming, an I wished to know her, Ant feared that lie would never have that hap- piness'. 11., therefore consider.' humid( 'secularly fortunate 'in easiong et the nee ment the bucket wits lost. To this eery handsome and frank speech, Kate blushing- ly replied that she wise very glad h. know him, peel she •then asked him in. .• I will net 1,741 1111 Wore, he said, '' but I will cell ensue time, with your permit,. did net tell nie rear mete " te. ewe yes. You • A re. yr m else collet n Mary Lovevell wliri Aires at Brookline I" ee" Yes. IM yen know eer " I wee ecleed with her lad 3N7. I have hennl her speak of yeti," i45,401.10.1, looking in Ina face, ea if al.* ism gratifi- ed at the meeting -ler she maw, with wewnen'm eyn, that the yonrig 1111141 was greatly pleased sett her. Thesis oue of the find meeret* maiden legion. Love cart never &gives* 'Melt. Lovers read eh other's hearta like open hook*. The interview elide.' by Peel's fillies the pail and teking it. to the door of the cottage, where Kate intreeleced him to het mother, whn had witnemed all that harl token place between them. She deep- en."' Paul's satiefactien by saying she knew him mother well when they were voting, end thet she Uri heart" tiwit his father wan ono of the most npright and well tied" men 4,, theneighbethreel. Pawl hereupon felt almost like being manse the foreat." Nellie till et length elle lest sight "f h" friends ; he left them end re -embark- " The brume whirl, yon tench by it tern eltogether -not but five nunntes beforeahe ni Mewing the water -pail lot the mew one chimney fallen 1" in therm& with ter,, ?ninon' wings, and I .a,,,aad tftfaJkle,-nn iphriw.i,tntrhmiy doehrepat,irtsolumraisiloelefm. shuip.niA,,klayeguatflor:hurel hhajim aoot.spowptitilgt.i•rklitit " Yes that inner mother's, leen! lee- the safety of the fugitive. leen finding heart. ter wan left there hy the hack, two or that ate ere. ne lenge'. permed. the flying mei ere yet again " Mho is not there. The Armee km net reeke.1 round tome when. mho we*, h• threAr,thlrn• t4_ihs..et tag*. lervhhe,n, 40 ,fi.itdh.11.11:wdeer:u.d,nclingfr.wilthe river with Tunstell Ina prinnerwr arm' in it. I have searched it froin vir- eoreill:11*.nkoetn":1yhetrhger....m'imt:nlireight three hour* ago." At thin, Ket Allowed sign, of mtenyise. onehelywrnmemnidisZit:::eloolrY.twh,:tanabd.oh4041 h1;:dh90)1.1 terho:i Mse'etr? tht gn.b"aiokali71.1.4". tfriro.(10111:44eme ret cellar." 'If she mint there, ten 'emoted ill knew light. where she is. 1 left her there *14.45 4454 old ey ere hy the same watersiele, - 571117 how- 'theme mot imeeratiee, for the reepat ere - heel e him upen the alert m every bane., lemn. ing off like it deer, when tie. of the milers' imereepted hie night, and brought him back to Captain Wat, held fast between them. " You don't leave tie, ehipniate, till yon shrewdest' papert," said the captain, as lie laid hie enter, eneff more on his collar. " Ynn know where my potter in. 4011 (115 at "nee, or 1111 choke you to death 1" " I knoet't nothing al. her." " You bniught me the forged note. It was to get Inc out of the way, while r.o, nr some ether meal, *Weller off. New yen rion't get off till poi tell ine a dozen slipping stela. This door was misrel, nn.1 the lel hanging back againat the truckle -bee. From where she slit, see ceuld see that it was where they kept their reed aryl vegetable,. The rlarkness, how - river, wail illtimineel by what eeemerl to her to la light from *Mery netlet under the lentne. In a faint helm that she might by Hes no etTeet her OrWitIW, she rieolved to make the atteinpt ;awl amblenlyspring- ing up, .he bounded towerdathe trop and deer:ender' it,militng the henry lid idler her. She wan ter inonieut in derkneen, but light WWI visible in the dintamee And Ow " I'll t•Al you all -I know, fern • 110 1,1(7,44 niarlo townrviss at, MO fnutel that it mtne now *1 1,.'. amid,* said Krt., fairly trent- (*low window level with thegroun.l. 'twee tiling at tee women counteneneen of the elesn, and in is moment she had tee -Ardis five men into what. hando he had fallen, passage through it, end wa. flying like • th.• organiratirm waa never on it firmer tele, awl one of them wee armed wit • hunted chamois over the old fields i.n-the rear of the hoene. ell of whom showed either knives or es. - bane. than it rest.. to-dey. Brothers., Is' :.,,ttl.... " She was taken oft by e1r. Lnet• '711.owl woman hart taken ROM' time to and h(10f1 WO Blinn meet the oppressor fain ise"foiren'1"iiiincirlref'errEyeairst orris::: tomettniltggeilt:a' t"...4, now a prisoner for mnrdering and robbing dew, she hail tr. return,. nesecen.1 te the renee, who ill new dear! : et leaat, h •" was Milo the leap Anil follew her ; and net to PAY me end another, Tunstall, who is 'wing able to get through the narrow 'tin- t,. face nn the red field of battle. Already him." tipper room, and make her way out hy the the tyrant nekriewletlgee eur Power : el- .. And whore le rate --with thieTenstallr doer. All this delay !mother. rine outran- iiirayrl.einedieinn! ,, Inge to the !freely fugitive ; hut the speed Anthmfref.af'i3rireAlir:tri'ts.:h.tAlin":hsiritellii.ii‘:::..'":1,1:ia"tj,‘AlliiiiEttml:n1h;eht'kli,f;,.tfeibl:,;:itr-.;st,7tttiy'n:teb".in.: demos/tided Captein Wt, fernee ly. hell", th• NO. Tenetall is tied in the muddy nt et which the w -.man ran, geometer' speedi- ,t:ten derives ,neyer ns a boat, down on titer rive, and on his wle7 by to melte up for temporay deley. Kate to prieen. Your mister -MA will you kept on straight for the grove, .n.1 irtrik- :.,. let me go fne. if 1 eel! yon I" ing a path in it follewerl it quite mit of ..t"Bbin" " Yes. - if Tem tell the truth, and elle is eight of lineentere Hall, me he A wee eon - lure.. hut to dostroV." 'API t h" nu"""rt.41 rescued in liMier." ducttel in A circuitous way to tfieriver. The Warthington. sed otthe truth ef that MINIM s. mew, mio i. tit th. .14 i...it h.... _ in woman heel on after her se long as she wo have had hut too many ',reefs not, to tleoroughly cenviticed. fetich. comma- . Mots we fling to the wines ; English legis- lation we dempiee. By force of arms Ire- land is held in Medea.' : by force of 45.0. alone can teeth liberty be metered. IA.. p- ly impressed with the juatree and holiness of Irelandei 1,11111•1, rine with the &inlay of the Irish people to achieve ,their indepen- dence with fell ennteierter mir tried. and trinted IOTA 101., and homily imploring the groat fed to emelt mit Mt et* with sno- w,- have this thee AS yeur represen- tetiree, 0,4041 yoet omelette to AC 11101.11. wMnsin" i thie. .ev„e,:ithe mid ' „and I know i ow e 4rn"4 :4:" .1.444 445, °.te.sm'th. inent whi4""n"'sI •lohn o'Nell hm in• "Notwey isthere. Ynn meet o .th th. ,,,,, i,,- 050.0541, 46 wan wet tpme,4.4taumtwiiightao angerater. Orgentee. Aethete, orgenitIe until yen etell mea alethan t,..,",.. made torecue hs primng" everygeligre, snel work tegether 11i.hen.11., holy CAtten of Irish liberty. One nf the men r ennead 1. is long Amer Mb" no'e 11"114 * rnelling -lir 'leen/Ott " Afele'n '4'411 P"ol'he Itoltelt to the pies 11*.ele mere '1'"'''.• Thnirr"Tni""6 from hie mek and 'bonne him haw,* hollinri she did .of the leave* behini her, and of enrolee r- robed Kat., who war .e.81.04 rlotemmine.1 t,,,,ntorl the ' green (leg ' noon not r ...y. After ithe hart run fell ha & mi e, alie hold and tray Mr ow t...ral 1 brothers, do nil* VOWS I* 1111- 1 , merle et Clevelatel mutt be fel for him with ... th.•ohe went again, Se light et j01" '0 a here toy OM ehellenee the honor of the In.'. nice We have marl to hie men k4 4 nife holt Pr • i hell/Wing river the herithrt. All at one., " Yes. a woraen, farh.re • "inn" on in'n"h ""1, •••• 'Ns • °A., tall ye don't itnow'wherithmeht:;:'11. rsrn* lindatfei. epos • haat that ath POW', in gi'**t 4.0151.7ah^lwira e. • 4 erg