HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-12-28, Page 3G. ALAN WILLIAMS
Patrick St., Wingham
Phone 770
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45th Anniversary
Celebrated Quietly
GORRIE—The family of Mr.
Mrs. Wm. Dane arranged a quiet sur
prise celebration for their parents'
45th wedding anniversary on Wed
nesday, December 21st-, as Mr, and
Mrs. Dane are both recovering from
recent illnesses. Quite a number of
friends and relatives called to offer
congratulations and best wishes. They
were recipients of many gifts which
included lamps, a woollen blanket and
a plant as well as other articles.
Mr. Dane is a life-long resident of
Howick Township, having farmed on
con. 14 until retiring- to Gorrie a few
years ago. Mrs. Dane is the former
Selirida Bush and resided in Turn
berry Township until her marriage.
They are members of Gorrie United
Mr. and Mrs. Dane have three
children and 8 grandchildren. Mrs.'
Lloyd (Elva) Jacques, Howick and
MJrs. Tom (Mildred) Edgar, Gorrie,
ar? the daughters and one son, Edgar
resides on the home farm, con. 14.
Gorrie Public
School Results
GORRIE—The results of the Christ
mas examinations of Gorjie Public
School are as follows:
Junior Room
Grade IV: Susan Clarke, Brock
Hueston, Kenny Farrish, Bobby Grain
ger, Wayne Lawrence.
Grade III: Gary Lawrence, Morris
Abram, Bryan Underwpod.
Grade II: Myrna Nuhn, Murray
Partridge, Jimmy Farrish, Donald
Watson, Jean Lawrence, Jim Jiynd-
man, Rocky Abram, Charles Clarke,
Donnie Templeman.
Grade I: Judy King, Lynda John
ston, Carman Hamilton.
Ruth M. MacDonald, teacher.
Senior Room
Grade 8: Sandra Edgar, (H),t Faye
Ec|gar (H), Ruth Grainger (H), Marg
ie Hastie (H), Kay Lawrence,. Wayne
King, Tom Templeman.
Grade 7: Corinne Rhame, Joyce
Ford, Connie Abram, Joyce Thedorff,
Gerald Thedorff, Donald Peel.
Grade 6:-Alex Strong (H), Evelyn
Ann Stephens (H), Nadine Cooke (H),
Maureen Buchanan, Donald Whitfield,
Gwen Hyndman, Karen Jacques, Bob
Grade 5; Ruth Edgar, Alex Hamil
ton, Carol Robinson, Joanne Strong,
Larry Simpson, Carol Kiel.
Tom O’Krafka, teacher.
Santa Present at
Children’s Parties
GORRIE—St. Stephen’s Church held
its annual Christmas party fpr the
children and-parents on Friday even
ing in the Legion Hall with a good
attendance. The children and members
of Mrs. Russell's junior Bible class
presented an interesting program Qf
recitations and songs. Rev, F. E- Rus
sell showed a film “When the Littlest
Baby Camel Knelt.”
Santa arrived with treats and pre
sents for the youngsters, Lunch was
..served and a social time enjoyed.
Christmas parties have ‘been held
in district schools. Gorrie senior and
junior rooms held their party on
Thursday afternoon. S.S. No. 18 and
S.S. No, 4 held successful evening con
certs on Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings, Santa Claus was a welcome
visitor at all of these.
Former Resident
Passes in, London
GORRIE—A former resident
Gorrie, Albert E. Vanstone of 131
Egerton St,, London, died on Wednes
day, December 21, at Victoria Hospi
tal, London,
For many years Mr, Vanstone oper
ated a bake shop in Gorrie, later mov
ing to Bayfield and London. His wife,
Alice, died several years ago.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs.
Charles (Edythe) Ritchie, Mrs. Clay
ton (Norma) Storey, Mrs. Jack (Doro
thy) Moore, all of London; two sons,
Harold of Kitchener and Garfield, of
Parry Sound; twelve grandchildren
and, one sister, Mrs. E. B. Hale, of
Service wag conducted at the Evans
funeral home, Hamilton Road, Lon
don, by Rev. Carlyle Husser, of Hyatt
Ave. United Church at 8 o’clock on
Thursday night. Interment was in
Gorrie cemetery on Friday afternoon.
The Wingham Advance-Time?, Wednesday, December 28, 1955 page Tliree
But seriously, you needn’t leave your car on blocks
all year, to enjoy 1956.
The "low down" is slow down • with an extra dash
of care and courtesy.
55th Anniversary
Celebrated at Arthur
GORRIE—An anniversary of inter
est to several in this community is
that of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johnston, of
Arthur, who were 55 years married
on December 26th. They were Howick
residents until 1941, when they moved
to the Arthur district.
The celebration was held at the
home of their youngest daughter,
Mrs. Glen Knapp, of Pickering. Mr.
Hilton Ashton is a brother of Mrs.
Mrs. F. E. Earngey
Passes in Hospital
GORRIE—Fanny Elizabeth Drury,
widow of the late Wm. Earngey pass
ed away in the Wingham General
Hospital on .Sunday, after a long ill
ness in her 75th year.
She was a daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Drury, Parry Sound,
and her early life was spent there-
She had also lived in Detroit, Sarnia,
•Brussels, Harriston and Gorrie.
Surviving-are two sons, Earl Hodg
es, of Dearborn, Mich., by a former
marriage, and Dean Earngey, Fergus;
five grandchildren and two sisters,
Mrs. Maude Van Koughnett, Parry
Sound, and Mrs. Rilla Hashbruick, St.
Boswell, Sask.
Funeral service will be at the Edgar
funeral home on Wednesday, Decem
ber 28th, conducted by the Rev. W. J.
V. Buchanan of the Gorrie United
Church. Interment will be in the
Gorrie cemetery.
Village trustees for 1956 are Claus
O’Krafka, Dr. G. F, Mills and Lionel
Mrs. Harry Ferguson had as her
guests on Monday, her family and
grandchildren, and Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Death and two sons, of Weston,
(27 in all).
Group I of the Gorrie W.A. of
United Church is sponsoring
operetta “King Cole’s Court” by
■ •• AS'<S’jOfiC IAT I O N -' . ■
Automobile insurance for careful drivers
Montgomery-Stewart •
Vows in London
GORRIE—Last week we carried a
news item regarding the wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short.
It should have read 57 years married
instead' of 51.
Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Short
were pleased to see them on television
on Wednesday night.
Saturday to visit their daughter, Mrs.
Percy Colmer and Mr. Colmer, in Tor
Mr. Nicholas Cook, Mr. Bill Nay
and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Musgrove
spent Sunday and Monday with Mr.
and Mrs. P. Merklinger, in Waterloo,
Mr, Mervyn Stephens and Mrs. R.
H, Stephens, of Goderich, spent a few
days here last week.
Mrs. J, Metcalfe of Paisley is visit
ing with her sisters, the Misses Emily
and Beatrice Potter,
Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Mclnnes and
sons, of Toronto, were guests of the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
Mclnnes. _ _ __
nett and
Stratford Tea.chers’
spending the holidays at their respect
ive homes. George Gregg of the Dray
ton High School staff is at his home,
and Mac Hutchison was also home
from Thornhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomson and
Donna, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lome
Wright, Grant and Gail, and Mr. B.
Martin, of Clifford, and Mrs. Garnet
Wright were Christmas guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Cooke.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sparling,
Yvonne and Wanda, and Mr. Harvey
Sparling left last Tuesday to spend the
Christmas vacation in Florida.
Miss Alma Nash, of Toronto, is
spending the holidays with her
mother, Mrs. T, Nash and other rela
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dane, Toronto,
spent Christmas with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Dane.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cameron and
Miss Wilmajean Edgar, of Hamilton,
were Christmas visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Edgar.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short, Ron
ald and Carrol, of Fergus, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. David Neilson and
Elizabeth and Mrs. L. Neilson spent
Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Shiell, Atwood.
The January meeting of the Gorrie
W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs.
Glenn Johnston on Tuesday evening,
January 3rd., at 8.30. Citizenship
is the topic and the roll call is “A
Prominent Canadian Woman."
Irla Newton, Thelma Ben-
Marlene Feigel, students of
College, are
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Phone 710
Ethel Public School in the Gorrie
Community Hall on Friday, at 8.30
p.m. Miss Jean Sparling, teacher of
the Ethel Public School is the director.
The annual meeting of the Gorrie
United Church will be held on Friday,
January 10th. A pot luck supper will
be served at 7'p.m.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter King
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John
Kneale and baby Jean, Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Beattie
daughters, of Tara, and Mr.
Sandy Gillen, Harriston.
Mrs. Frances Strong and
Strong spent Christmas with Mr, and
Mrs. Carl Pennington of Teeswater.
Congratulations and best wishes to
the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
Irwin (nee Ethel Bradnock), who
were married on December 10th, Mr.
and Mrs. Irwin spent Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day at the home of Mn
and Mrs. Nelson Armstrong and Miss
Margaret Armstrong, Fordwich, later
leaving on their honeymoon in the
sunny south.
Miss Kay Cathers, Toronto, Bob
Cathers, St. Catharines and Mr. John
Cathers, spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Brown, at Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong, Mrs.
Frances Strong and Mr. Roy Strong
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Spotton, Wingham, on Tuesday.
Mrs. Lulu Sanderson is home from
Drayton for the Christmas holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nuhn, Palmer
ston, spent Christmas Day with
son, Mr. Wilmer Nuhn and
Mrs. J. McCreery, Mr. and
George Brown and family
Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Neill, Salem. Miss Muriel Neill,
Toronto is spending the holidays at
the same home.
The Rev. F. E. and Mrs. Russell
and Donald, were holiday visitors in
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King left on
and two
and. Mrs.
Mr. Roy
Call Stewart A. Scott
Phone 293 Wingham
Dudley E. Holmes
GORRIE—A wedding of interest to
many in this community was solem-
nired in London recently at the Metro
politan United Church. The bride was
Sandra Marie, daughter of Mrs. Stew
art and the late Chas. Stewart, Lon
don. The groom was Ivan Meredith,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Telford E. Mont
gomery, London, formerly of .Kitch
ener and Howick Township.
The couple will live in London on
their return from a wedding trip to
Owing to lack of space, am com
pelled to confine my repair* to
watches only.
George Williams
Located in
ig AR? * HAP
With the arrival of the New
’ • <Year, we wish all our friends
a future filled with good
health and good luck,^
of the Tkw yecVt
Our best wishes to our
good friends...for a Tlew
‘JJear bursting with health
and happiness...and
crowned with success.
The New Yer? bells ring out
with our best wishes for every
one for ’56. We hope this year
will be a wonderful ohe for you
• . . rich in happiness, bright
with success . * . full to over
flowing with warm, lasting
friendships and love.
Sherlock Manning, Willis and Mason-Risch
Sales and Service
| Audrey Swatridge
Gorrie Hockey Team
Wins over Drayton
GORRIE—Gorrie hockey team was
again successful in winning over
Drayton at a game in Harriston arena
last Wednesday night. The score was
Gorrie 16, Drayton 0.
On Friday night the Gorrie Ban
tams played with Donegal in the Gor
rie arena with Donegal winning 8-5.
The draw for the turkey was made
that night and Mrs. Don Irwin
the lucky ticket'? ’
Officers Elected at
United Church Y:W.A.
The regular meeting of the Young
Woman’s Auxiliary of the Wingham
United Church was held at the home
of Mrs. George Guest. Mrs. D.
McMurchy was in charge of the
devotional period.
Mrs. D. MacRae opened the Christ
mas meeting with prayer, followed
by the carol “O, Come All Ye Faith
ful”, ' with Mrs. Carl Bondi at the
piano. Also taking part in the de
votional period were Mrs. D. Mc
Murchy, Mrs. H: Swatridge, Mrs. Don
McTaggart, Mrs. Ed. Blake, Mrs. G.
Guest, Mrs.'Jack Woolfrey, Mrs. W.
Irwin, Mrs. D. Rosenhagen. The de
votional period closed with Mrs. Ed.
Blake reading a prayer of Thanks
Mrs. McMurchy read a very inter
esting Christmas story. The presi
dent, Mrs. Ross Hilbert, was in charge
of business and the secretary, Mrs. A.
Green, read the minutes and roll
call. Mrs. J. Woolfrey, treasurer, gave
her report.
It was decided to send $25.00
to the Indians at Red Lake, where
Jim Shynkar is located at the present
time, and $25.00 to Hazelton, where
Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Palmer are living.
The following officers were named
for 1956: Past president, Mrs. Ross
Hilbert; president, Mrs. W. Caslick;
vice president, Mrs. A. Green; record
ing secretary, Mrs. J. Woolfrey; cor
responding secretary and community
friendship, Mrs. K- McLaughlin;
supply and literature secretary, Mrs.
R. Zurbrigg; Christian stewardship
secretary, Mrs. D. McMurchy; tem
perance and Christian citizenship
secretary, Mrs. Ross Hilbert; press
secretary, Miss M. Davis; pianist,
Mrs. Carl Bondi; telephone committee
convener, Mrs. Lome MacDonald;
nursery convener, Mrs. J. Strong.
Sigmond Freiburger
Was Culross Resident
Word has been received here of the
death of Sigmond Freiburger, former
ly of Culross Township and Greenock,
at his home in Moose Wallow’, Alberta.
Surviving besides his wife, the form
er Caroline Weiler, are two sons,
Martin and Herbert, both in Alberta;
six daughters, Mrs, James Lawrence,
Kitchener,’ Mrs. Clayton Weber, Tor
onto; Mrs. Albert Zettler, Harriston;
Mrs, G, McGlynn, Glenannan, and
Mrs. Ted Himburg and Mrs. James
Hill, both in Alberta; four brothers,
Joseph, Walkerton; Andrew, Rivers-
dale; Philip and John, In Alberta, and
three sisters, Pauline, Wingham; Ida,
Rivcrsdale and Marian, Flint, Mich.
Radio announcer: “And how for the
news that happened dudtig the com
JfilU La 1 Lf»
jMLay the New Year ring in a bright
future filled with happiness and
prosperity for all our friends*
Hie hope the New Year
ushers in a period full
of Health and Happiness
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