The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-12-21, Page 16BSWLING •“kfe Sixteen The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, December 21, 1955 The management and staff of the Lyceum Theatre wishes you a Merry Christmas and a XK MOS* ladies' men’s ladies' men’s single, Miss J. Bain, 236; single, W. Johnston, 298; triple, Miss J. Bain, 571; triple, W. Johnston, 693. The story of two empty-headed blonde chorus girls, who flee for their lives, and wind up in a college fraternity house. A western melodrama in the days following the American Civil war. Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick them­ selves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. —Sir Winston Churchill Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 26-27-28 Betty Grable Sheree North Robert Cummings in your |oumey the Holiday Season may good health and happiness always ride with you. Thurs^ Fri., Sat, Dec. 22-23-24 Bill Williams Richard Jaeckel in “Apache Ambush” Matinee Saturday after­ noon at 2.00 p.m. “How To Be Very. Very Popular”1 Happy New Year Class A-75% or over; Class B-66- 74%; Class C-60-65%; Class D-50-59%. Individual reports showing students’ standing in each subject have been iven out to take home to parents. GRADE X Commercial League The third game of the second series was played on Tuesday night. Standing as follows: Cardinals, 15; Canaries, 13; Wrens, 12; Orioles, 9; Bluejays, 8; Bluebirds, 6. High scores for the night, high high high high High team score, Cardinals 2699. 0-0-0 Wednesday night league Queens 38; Spades, 35; Clubs 30; Diamonds, 18; Aces, 17; Hearts, 11. High single, Miss Eleanor Brown, 247; high triple, Miss Eleanor Brown, 650. 0-0-0 Thurday afternoon league Mrs. J. Kerr, 1676; Mrs. G. Cameron, 1528; Mrs. R. E. McKinney, 1386; 1528; Mrs. J. MacIntyre, 1433; Mrs. R. E. McKinney, 1386; Mrs. D. Nasmith, 1323; Mrs. W. Henry, 1135. High doubles, Mrs. G. Cameron, 419; prize went to Mrs. E. Harrison, 338. Team which won in this series was Mrs. J. Kerr, second went to Mrs. R. E. McKinney, consolation to Mrs. W. Henry. High lady for the series Mrs. C. Lott, 191 average. Next bowling day, Thursday, Jan­ uary 5th. all our friends and neighbors we send our sincerest wishes for a joyful, cheerful, healthful Holiday Season. WALDEN BROS. TRANSPORT Wingham Ontario PHONE 53 Class A—Marianne McKibbon, Claudia Haselgrove, Marjorie Moffat, Ian Mundell, Marilynn Rome, Linda Todd, Dorothy Chamney, Betty Anne Stobo, Ivan. Walsh, Richard King, Margaret Machan, Peter Nasmith, Ian Howes, Eleanor Walsh, Ruth Fry- fogle, Everdina Exel, Barbara Coultes, Ronald Parker, Marion Robinson, Elizabeth McKinney, Merle Gowdy. Class B—Evelyn Mathers, John Moffat, Mary Elliott, Helen Ellacott; Muriel Gowdy, Dorothy Toner, eq; Anne Smith, Dale Cardiff, Kenneth Coultes, Elaine Statia, Wilma Has- ’ The Morris Township council met in the township hall on December 15 ’ with all the members present. The ’ minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Stewart Procter and Walter Shortreed. Procter-Elston—That we give a , grant of $500 to the Morris Township Centennial under section 421G of the , Municipal Act. Carried. , Elston-Duncan—That the reeve and road superintendent apply for the statutory grant on the road expendi­ ture. Carried. Elston-Shortreed—That John Inglis be paid $2,000 on the contract on the Sawyer drain. Carried. Procter-Duncan—That C. R. Coultes be re-appointed to the Wingham Dis­ trict High School Board, Clarence Martin to the Seaforth District High School Board and Mervin Richmond to the Clinton District High School Board. Carried. Shortreed-Procter—That Ross Dun­ can be a representative, to the Middle Maitland Conservation Authority. Car­ ried. Duncan-Shortreed—That Wm. El­ ston be recommended as a member of the Wingham General Hospital Board. Carried. Duncan-Elston—That the road bills as presented by the road superinten­ dent be paid. Carried. Shortreed-Procter—That Reeve Bai­ lie Parrott be given a bonus of $25.00 for time and expenses in regard to indigent patients for 1955. Carried. Elston-Procter—That George Mar­ tin be given a bonus of $50.00 for 1955. Carried. Elston-Duncan—That the engineer’s report on the Spivey drain be pro­ visionally adopted and that the clerk be instructed to prepare by-laws. Car­ ried. Shortreed-Duncan—That the meet­ ing adjourn to meet again January 9 at 10 a.m. Carried. Accounts Paid Salaries: Bailie Parrott, $200.00; Wm. Elston, $140.00; Stewart Procter, $140.00; Walter Shortreed, $140.00; Ross Duncan, $140.00. Geo. Martin: salary, $500.00; pos­ tage, $30.00; Federation of Agricul­ ture, $29.50; McArthur drain, $8.00; re­ vising voters’ lists, $39.70. Nelson Higgins: salary, $375.00; stamp account, $18.00; financial state­ ment, $10.00; relief officer, $25.00; school attendance officer, $12.00. County of Huron, levy, $27,488.26; Brussels Telephone, $7,649.25; Blyth Telephone, $1,607.15; McKillop Tele­ phone, $118.00; Ivan McArter, care­ taking, $15.00; Gordon Greig, Feder­ ation of Agriculture, $907.10; Seaforth District High School, $1,497.10; Wing­ ham District High School, $11,230.41; Clinton District High School, $756.19; Post Publishing House, contract, $150.00; Mrs. Harold Sellers, rent of dumping ground, $50.00; Addison Fraser, voters’ lists, $9.50; Judge F. Fingland, voters’ lists, $10.00; Ad­ vance-Times, advertising; $1.62; Bailie Parrott, postage, $3.00; Thos. Miller, livestock valuator, $4.40; Blyth Stan­ dard, advertising, $1.50; Wm. Elston, telephone calls, $7.00; Ross Anderson, Belgrave street lights, $22.80; Sam Fear, brucellosis inspector, $12.20; O. Campbell, brucellosis inspector, $16.60; Ralph Shaw, Morris Township Centennial, $500.00; John Inglis, Saw­ yer drain, $2,000.00; John Inglis, tile for Bosman drain, $1.20; Bailie Par­ rott, bonus for 1955, $25.00; George Martin, bonus for 1955, $50.00. Spivey drain: Jas. A. Howes, $100.; E. Noble, $4.00; J. Spivey, $3.00; Wm. Kelly, $3.00; Thos. Kelly, $3.00; Bailie Parrott, $3.00; Wm. Craig, $2.00. Bailie Parrott, Reeve , Geo. C. Martin, Clerk Bridge Club The hands at Bridge Club last week were charged with explosives. In ad­ dition to a couple of slam hands, there [ was the remarkable total of ten hands which resulted in doubled pen­ alties or premiums of from 700 to-1100 points. The winners—North and South; 1. Mrs. R. S. Hetherington and Mrs. J. A, Wilson; 2. G. Williams and W. H. French; 3. Mrs. H. C. MaeLcan and V. Dittmer. East and West: 1. O. Haselgrove and J. A. Wilson; 2. J, H. Crawford and R, S. Hetherington; 3. Miss M. McCallum and Doh French, (London). • < il For Her Christmas CARDIGANS kins, Catherine Leach, George Arm­ strong, Brenda Breckenridge, Mary Harman, Larry Snell. Below Mervyn henson; bell, eq; DRESSING GOWNS BLOUSES Patricia Deyell, Kelvin William Thompson, Wil- Class C:—Mary Helen MacDonald; Douglas Fischer, Teddy Wormworth, eq; Shirley McAllister, John Brown, the line—Joyce Haugh; John Wilfred Pocock, eq; Gwen George Chettleburgh, Lois | KITTEN PULLOATiRS t For His Christmas and €DIGHOFF€RS BILTMORE HATS From; $5.00 up or use the handy Gift Hat “The Friendly Store Class C—Claire Chamney, Ronald Lane, David Kennedy, Feme Van­ stone, James Edgar, Don Pengelly, Lois Noble, Barbara Linton, Marykae Newman, Loreen Wray, Marlene Ma- hood; Glenn Coultes, David Scott eq; Rae Hetherington, John Mundell, Elizabeth Pipe, Marjorie Timm, Jamie Sanderson, Ruth Thompson, Murray Johnston, Arnold Davison. Class D: Marian Hoover; Bruce Richmond, Chris Norminton eq; Mary Scharbach, Lynn O’Malley; Ivan Daw, Mary Skinn, eq; Murray Campbell, Anne Nesbit; Charlene Deyell, John Wright, eq; Kenneth Dawson, Ken­ neth Ste Marie, Sharon Guy, Mary Gibbons; Murray MacFarlane, Robert Ste Marie eq; Joan Devereaux, Eldon Byer, George Naylor, Annalisa Ans- torf, John Higgins, Eric West, Jean Harkness, Murray Davison, James Keyes. Below Newans, Brown, Button; John Coultes, Francis O'Mal­ ley eq; Kenneth Gilkinson, David Marks, Don Jacklin, Kathleen Fisher, George Metcalfe, Lionel Gerrle. Absent through illness, Lois Baker, Peter Hemingway, GRADE IX Class A:—-Irene Saint, Bruce Grain­ ger, Marie Becking, Judith Lunn, Mary Lee Hollenbeck, Elaine Conn, Frances Henry, Karen Michel, Jac­ quelyn Kerr, Marjorie Foxton, San­ dra Strong, Ruth Anne Hueston, Kar­ en Groskorth, Eleanor Weiler, eq; Elayne Wood, Robin Reid, Shirley Simmons, Marilyn Riehl, Paul Hig- gins, Carol Greig, Anne Douglas, Alan McTavish, Daisy Gibson, Donald Rus­ sell, Audrey Demerling, Francis La­ mont, Stewart Wallace, Ralph Wat­ son, Donald Eadie; John Kennedy, Catharine MacDonald, eq; June Stok­ es, Douglas Hardie. Class B:—Mary Lou Millen, Keith Robinson, Mary .Lou Wright, Myrna Robinson, Buchanan, liam Higgins, Cecil Horton, Howard Rowe, Harold Tolton, Sandra Wright, Sylvia Alexander, Keith Woods, Rob­ ert Rintoul, Alice Nesbit, Dorothy Frieburger, George Oster, Jean Mac­ Farlane, Shirley Parker eq; Verlie Metcalfe, Wayne Brown, Patrica Log­ an, Mary Oster eq; Bernice Smith, Sharon Thomson, eq. Thomas Wilkinson, Barry Gibson, Mary Pocock, Mary Fisher, Robert Jefferson, Penny Gerrie, Drew Mc­ Kee, Darlene Pierce, Raymond Walk­ er, Yvonne Rath, Class D:—Joanne Deitner, Kenneth Budnapk, Bernice Grainger, Wayne Nicol, Wilbert Stroeder, Roderick McKay, Gwynne Gibson, Douglas Skinn, Mary Beth Jewell, Vernon Redman, William MacIntyre, William Smith; Jean Cardiff, Thomas Robin­ son, eq; Earl Ste Marie, Joan Brooks, Mack Ritchie, Shirley Vollmer, James Rintoul, Nancy Newton; Lillian Pen­ gelly, Stephen Rooney, eq; Dawn Sin- namon, Karen Swanson, Verna Grif­ fith. the line:—Barbara Stiles, McKinney, Frederick Step- Betty Adrian, Bruce Camp- mvxi, eq, Elva MacDonald, Donald Gurney, Lloye Stobo, Winston McKee, Mae Daw, John Hotchkiss, Louise Smith, Robert Cook, Douglas Don­ aldson, Roy Hardy, eq; William Hot­ chkiss, Bruce Hughes, Jane Mc- Kague, Edythe Walker, eq; Mary Alice Armstrong, Emerson Hickey, Douglas Whitfield, Doris Pickell, tie* KI K> K< C(Q)ith all the • warmth in our hearts we wish our many friends the very happiest of Holiday Seasons. S. E. A. Fire, Life & Automobile Insurance Edighoffers . . . have Gifts for every man on on your list Certificate. SOCKS All nylon, blended wool nylon, stretchies, or all wool fancy diamonds From $1.00 UP Famous Hickok JEWELLERY CUFF LINKS, TIE BARS, Separate or in sets From $1.50 up PULLOVERS Smart lambswool, Botany wool or orlon blend In all popular shades $7.95 SHIRTS by Arrow In all popular styles $4.95 up Dozens of attractive TIES Including Bows by Currie and Abbey From $1.00 Men’s SMART BELTS By Hickok $2.00 & $2.50 REMEMBER! SUBURBAN COATS STATION WAGON COATS SPORT JACKETS BLAZERS SMART TROUSERS DRESSING GOWNS TOPCOATS David Templeman, Charles Rintoul, Gerald Downey, Faye Smith, 'William Henry, James Shaw, Donna Metcalfe, William Willis, Edith Smith, John FineJon, Bruce Donaldson, William Henderson, Louise Potter, Douglas Lapp, Lennard Jacklin, David Hast­ ings, Florence Bacon, William Mc- Quarrie, Howard McKay, Fred Car­ diff, Arthur Hand, John Hall, Allan Bridge, James Douglas. Abseent through illness, John Mc-^'W* Kinnon. Regular Sunday Services Sunday Schoo! 10.15 am. Remembering tho Lord at 11,15 Gospel Meeting at 7.30 p.m. Each Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study at very special time o' year is here g again ... so, to all our friends and patrons—we want to say: may Santa shower you with everything your hearts desire. Radio & Electric Phone 171-J Wingham » SKIRTS With happy memories of many pleasant friendships, we extend our sin* | cerest wishes for a joyous Christmas to all. 5 MAKE THIS A CHRISTMAS MOTHER WILL LONG REMEMBER WITH AN EXTRA SPECIAL GIFT iWe Suggest: HANDBAGS In plastic calf or long wearing Morocco leather $2.98 to $10.95 SLIPS Luxuriously trimmed with beau­ tiful deep late 2.98 to $5.95 LOVELY FEMININE GOWNS silknit, nylon or brushed rayon 2.98 to $14.95 LADIES’ SMART PARASOLS In outstanding shades and de­ signs $3.95 to $6.95 JUNIOR and CHILDREN’S PARASOLS $2.98 and $3.95 An exquisite range of SCARVES 69 c to $3.95 BEAUTIFUL HANDKERCHIEFS 49 c to $2.25 GLOVES In wool, chamoisette and kid 98c to $4.95 Always a smart range of Costume JEWELLERY From $1.00 up