Huron Signal, 1868-5-7, Page 2the eld.r of ths teatimes to the others, art the the Father of the widow and the orpkan '" Them mire the words ot writ. a whtsper of horror. " Yes it be so 1.4 I see the glitter o' est *opt dieation which Edward bend and las knife Mackin' in 'au.' he knee that some mitred. Itael been "An' he's robbin. Pall, WO, fayther," initte& mid the boy. "Do sot despair ! You &right *Inn oP. Me 4.1 pe.E.. .l140!...444.•••• in Heaven, Mrs. W ..d, 1.. midi me • wed ola to Taal 1102.4 1... pear ...A poaching, awl mg with deep feel. mill re oars rftli den kr bear ti Sett tag. .114 is run only suppert in deep her le er 1" an Ur and ino 44 440 usenet, us troubk. But Mud has happened to (740.11 Moire tt They elie ea. on 44tali, ants. moths ewe or ensoo,..e.ms.,. stork, Instag sash ate 44 pas., st hie vs. rests: aetwrolloon Ms have you heanl of her l" cried the 3. a •••• with 34 ww• ••• ••••••"•• widow, rising as he spoket0 "eking batenet Twootall ••• such ueropol. that If try ,4„. h. gig ,;so hn,t him wildly by both haude. "Where is uly child I" "Land, 1 do not know. Pray 'spina yourself, dear Mrs. Wyuyard ; what has liapioneel r "Catharine has been carried off again ' 0, any obthl my child! What Intl noun. ber,Mr. it'aiward "Where is Walter 1" "He... here half an hour ago, and soon se he heard what hod been Jou., he set off with hie four lam top therm! in pur- suit. Hu tudd me you )adwritan u nuth to hint" "1 nit. It WW1 trey, I see to *et him out of the war. [deeply sympathise with you, Mrs. Wynyard. I whirl kaew where to go with any hops of gilding he.," he said forgetful for a a his own danger, in the sasiety te relieve the distracted mother, and rescue the lore arch torrid ith mot, sa, :et 13.4 .1. the rufr. tire.fila 0rhino Walt oari 4., . sok end Iron, whir be o044e041y1110111111.1 ate eloorme 44 wire ha OM • Tos I Ion are Wtter by tryttryaterr dired Usea ern I ourfan rt at lent. a truart .1811434. 3. Ittgl,C• "41.1, stun. Isy • are brad Wes He re Ma thme dyes men arr. I•44 aud piste to 14. lok WU,. the IntlitS and inn" to Ma flowber me " Who coi both sturein• there r" coded out 14.old nod " Art pernalf aos, l'U blow pa Ititar la. addle o' net week r hod le. 1..114 Ids lor Asok log at he book wire rano urns lowerred, .44 hie re. aad the Aloe re Woad " 1 &dal menet Istr -I- o0ly-1 " " Dort o4 purr yr.* truireri, 3 487> nii.•• tricker "' star out Me old hearse. I. • rano.0 ter adrawiag rant bitn, the porde It ...light {riot. along the barred la • re rat Ith " WI yr I didn't kill hiss I It ort The wo nerd ri let 14.4 44.4.4. bet moans fed rad *111 .44 •idlted dor. was Oast to ha Wu to Me earth o1111 11, • hew Tonna, as the obet errnode. the rtreurtiaren droppol ea toe nee• T74,, .1.10044 44. sr reed. awl reline 444 bey te Me bust fee • lir era hal kr merely 44.11 .414 Me 'seas brad Ms In ante d 40. koneeteln sad todinuoddrorahlre orwere •. 41 41 .41.10 01, newt gro• au heed Try thee vented rio aed put Iwo an• to the Mlle bre thee7 the best smt kolo, I Mot 11. Thal reinstate tloy atoned re ray nth Mey had trendy noormar as Mat of law mai.. ram try Imes 0 try deal or far ren Jo drown err WIdie 4447 .0.8' took. loe ir 0.741awl orris/ Mot re man enrol lin another to oh Isr lin newt ow Me P"otte. Lauer bp Woe worst, who *err • rade barer red by On it03.4.••0 sla rarrytaa 0,00.41 Wray Omit. Ts0 tooth. theism 0 Mlle error. di dwarf bke Oro roorrymen Don, awl Tindall Meer He re about le an Won he ra, olen 410. er one die wa• rill kr. • to Ins rd. to 1•• 4000•I *. • &rife' weeds Ilr (el W• blee eke • balk In aw an.. ht hal knocked his der, awl robbing hoe het wee., got Oho ' " ro r• mem 101. •1444.or44ssesst " 711.marrow. We hear • ora awn up the deer • loag plot aad ors so gni dere ben we read ria g•Letly plurals' " " Coe It lo de Terra r Moosat an • When ho " Loath ia the redly." "1144 no on lurm dad 101, Imandard en reed Who a ea bare • he anon. Sorer era. "44 40 ',ratan r ear a as if heal • rots " le tt yes KO •• in. How oar try be trait yr murdered bun •• . I run row I emperor home. thd ••• 101 toay. 104so. mt. tarns. Dorn, See ran. ens 3 1 . rioter 1,3 rat of air - "11.. se! Don't o' arse the rind. eat r sem oe •Id ran " Ile wr • wren' the body, old aerie • Weir teat or boy. then, ewer oat a' Ms rodeos pore* 8'13 0. tied kis 14. rhan Wear ler • am.- " lie Meter Nthemr. wave.- notered ILet, rib •• .141 pee re ble. nobler bls, Me 701 • ' To be eon we " "We au door, the rourriarr•r, tar' wad KS o ldrefaq •0 sow: tem. tam It le far F wad preton. 14.o tbe wkly "Well Solna ?worn' end 14 rib by 41.. Priot a Its Wiwi whwh W•a :narked nee . ter, tone 4. 44-3 38 00.e10.e. te rime- by the absence of one of anneal., led them "II ww•Ww." W••••". b• h•LI unerringly. They ware without horiesomd torn. otherreena woahl arena him la U' e 0o.I4.o 414 41 Nader 844.4401. the het, continued their way on (ma, Captain Vi'm wee Deiced up &wr4.. lic iimrs-he fully aseured le his own mind the& it would too. ereneenet th- tody mon. oat entrIng t porta, 41.41 44.. &4 .71*, Dorn no bete 'ortog them to the maidens of Maiden en re anon by the bearaaa, Torten. bar, Leonora, whir try hal tree ar rows Oa d10••• Ta• ••••3 At length they came near the head of the et tale nor err and ewer rofro the very Idea watelk Tonere had pontrally 44,44 44, Pod seer- turtling which led to the old brick lane - hone, and beheld the hack there in welt- ing with 'related it. It will be renum- bered by the reader that this worthy, after leaving Catharnie in charge .1 44. women, gut agam into the hard and drove back to due tenet to wait for Lawrence to amend pee 4.. his reward, while lIsteromied over the fields by. shorter way.' It will be re- membered, shin, that Teuseitall pre as • reason for bath( found by Ket after the einitlict in the wmod, (1344 10. Lad, while sit- ting in the =rouge, heard pence= coming noes the road, and he had,therefore left A. These persons drew Captain Wet and his four seamen. 4.11 they drew near the car- nage they saw it driving to meet them, Tea:stall hamno *raided it torettum stones beck to Cambridge. "Well atop this carriage, lads, if it were • &lee's," said Wat Wynyard. "If aren't ours, rt may giro us some news_ Heave to !" &hound the ma lor captain. Derif Jacob, howeeer, continued to drive on, when the captain and two of ids men caught the homes by the heed. They saw the carriage was empty. Jacob being in, {arrogated soon showed that he was deaf. The captain now examined the wheels, made the nisch move n a few yards to sae the inspressiou, and exelaimed, with ea oath which we do not think it expedient to prtnt • 'This is the very carriage ! Now we will make this fellow anderstond us, =cut his ens off :' 1110. "It 11, 110 doubt, Manfred Lawrenue,who \ad done it," said the widow. Ed ward's cheek become the hue of death at Am DMUS, and then, with ell the blood cil Ms heart risking to Ina brain, let anner- ed, with an entirely thanged voice that made her stare at him : "No, not he Hshae nothing to do with it ; of that be assured." "Then you know who it is I" "0,would that I did, madam. I would not mend bare. 0, *hien& lesim a dread- ful night." "Yoe look faint-yoe are ill, Mr. Ed- ward. Du sit (kern. What is the man ter r He made no reply. no reeollectioni of the slain Lawrenee, ruehing wnh 111 1*. censeqnerrees epee his mind, ovepowered 44. He felt the ream sena with Inm,aud hid jest time Warn' himself of the chair to save hiniaelf from falling at length up - rel the d or. 1*... err half &UUCP/UM to things external, and hia inward conacious- n em fenfolly vtv.d, ke long remained like Ione n. wly inseesitole, utterly broken I down and prustrated by hie dreadful den ' tiny. In the meanwhile Captain Wat and Ids MOS after quitting the enttage enreh of Catharine, continued their way along the ✓