HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-12-14, Page 13SniPEDTESr
MICHENER—Mr, and Mrs, Robert
Michener (nee Iva Gallaher) Clarks
ville, Ohio, wish to announce the
arrival of their chosen daughter,
Mary Elizabeth. Mrs. Michener is a
daughter of Mr. Albert Gallaher, of
McBRINE ’COMET’ matched Wt
smartly fashioned in amazingly
tough, scuff resistant Duralite
with leather binding. Endorsed by
B.O.A.C. for air travel. Choice of
5 colors.
Aeropack .... $32.50
Overnight Case $19.50
Train Cast . .. $19.95
“Monarch” Gladstone
with hanger unit. fan pq
Genuine cowhide
Phoine 106 Wingham
Buds of Promise
Christmas Meeting
WROXETER—The December meet
ing of the Buds of Promise Mission
Band took the form pf a Christmas
party. Davy Edgar presided with Paul
Statia reading the minutes. Barry
Grainger read the Christmas story as
found in St. Luke’s Gospel. Roll call
"My Favorite Christmas Carol,"
brought an interesting response with
"Away in a Manager" and "Silent
Night" being the most popular with
the children,
Gail Statia read a story, "The
Christmas Fairy". Organ instrumentals
were played by Lynne Earls, Elaine
Sanderson, Carol Loutitt and Barry
Grainger. Leader Mrs. Lloyd Magee
told a Christmas story entitled "The
Christmas Boy.”
Mrs. Grainger’s Sunday School class
presented a short play "Christmas
Every Day”. It depicted Mary and
Joseph, the shepherds, angels, etc.,
with every child present taking part.
Twenty-three members and seven visi
tors attended.
The singing of "Silent Night, Holy
Night” brought an interesting meet
ing to a close. The four leaders, Mrs-
Grainger, Mrs. J. Sanderson, Mrs. L.
Magee and Mrs. Ken Edgar served re
HART—In Wingham General Hos
pital, on Saturday, December 12,
1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart,
Toronto, (nee Shirley Newton, of
Wroxeter) a daughter.
iW.I. Members Raise
’$213 in Talent Money
WROXETER—The December meet
ing of Wroxeter Women's Institute
was held in the community centre on
Wednesday afternoon with 21 present,
Christmas logs and candles gave a
seasonable setting to the meeting
over which th? president, Mi'#. Herb
Patterson presided with Mrs. Thomas
Burke presenting the minutes.
Miss K. Hazelwood was pianist and
gave a short talk on “Christmas
Carols" and all joined in a sing-song
of carols.
Mrs. Frank Earls gave an address
on the subject "The Stranger within
Our Gates” dealing with the emigra
tion question. She spoke of the loneli
ness of the stranger in coming to a
new country and said we should prac
tice the golden rule.
Mrs. Harry Adams was given a
prize for the best homemade Christ
mas card. Mrs. Harvey Timm was in
charge of an exhibit of handicrafts
and’there was an exchange of gifts
among the members.
Mrs. MacNaughton told of the dis
play of prize rugs'at the Royal Winter
Fair at which the Wroxeter winning
rug was displayed. The roll call
brought a Christmas verse and a
donation for the Christmas, cheer
boxes* that the committee will pack
for the shut-ins.
Talent money to the amount of
$213.00 was received for the Institute
project. Courtesy remarks were given
by Mrs. W. T. MacLean and tea was
served by Mrs. Harvey Timm, Mrs.
Simmons and Mrs. John Gibson.
When Glasses Are Not Needed
. . . Hamiltons will tell you so.
If glasses are needed you are sure of top quality
and expert service.
“A Complete Visual Examination”
36 DODGE V-8
Dodge Mayfair V-8 Sedan
Smartly styled push-button
selector panel of Dodge
PowerFlite* is on your left,
safely out of passenger’s way.
Just four buttons to push—
each button lighted for fast,
corner-of-your-eye selection at
night. And there’s no sleeve
catching lever anywhere!
★Optional at extra cost.
New Flight'Sweep styling... VS power...
PUSH BUTTON convenience...in the all new Dodge!
BEAUTIFUL?—why, it’s a one-car
beauty parade, demanding de-
. lighted second glances and
rewarding every glance. Be
ready to be admired when
you’re at the wheel of this
fabulous ’56 Dodge.
ADVANCED?—so far advanced
that stepping into a new Dodge
V-8 or 6 is like stepping right
into the push-button age. What
a thrilling Way to control up to
187 horsepower with your
finger tip, smoothly, safely.
Now at your Dodge-DeSolo dealer's . : . drive this great jiew car with the Forward Look
Fbo„. 710 W"8t*m
Just touch a button to operate
the world’s finest automatic
transmission, PowerFlite!*
In a ’56 Dodge—on the high
way or in snail-paced traffic—
you’re "on vacation” every
minute. No wonder that the
rising tide of Dodge popularity
has put a glamourous new Dodge
into the hands of enthusiastic
owners in almost every block,
neighbourhood, and hamlet!
See your Dodge dealer—see the
new Dodge for ’56 today!
WROXETER—Mrs, D. R- Mac-
Naughton opened her home on Thurs
day afternoon for the December meet
ing of the Women’s Missionary Soc-'
iety of Wroxeter United Church when
22 members and visitors were present.
Mrs. Harvey Timm presiclecjl and
Miss Razelwood was pianist and
opened the meeting with the playing
of Christmas carols. She also gave a
brief talk on how the carpls came to
be written and the members joined
in singing some of them. Miss Mar
garet Jardine read the Scripture les
son choosing the Christmas story as
told in St. Matthew’s Gospel, chapter
2, verses 1-12, Mrs. James Sanderson
led in prayer,
Mrs. Gilbert Howes read a poem
entitled "Together." Mrs. Charles Mc
Cutcheon and Mrs. D. S. MacNaugh
ton sang a duet "Hear the Bells of
Heaven Ringing." The message was
given by Mrs. MacNaughton, who
spoke from the text, “And when they
saw the star they rejoiced with ex
ceeding great joy”, Matthew 2:10.
Mrs. Ken Edgar presented the new
slate of officers for 1956 as follows:
President, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton;
1st. vice, Mrs. Ken Edgar; 2nd. vice,
Mrs. Frank Earls; recording sec., Mrs.
J. H. Wylie; assistant, Mrs. Harvey
Timm; press, Mrs. MacNaughton;
treasurer, Mrs.'Allan Munro; pianist,
Mrs. James Doig; assistant, Mrs. M.
Grainger; programme committee, Mrs.
James Sanderson, Mrs. Frank Earls,
Mrs. S. Higgins; stewardship sec.,
Mrs. Gilbert Howes; temperance and
Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs. James
Sanderson; Associate Helpers and
supply sec., Mrs. Allen Munro; Christ
ian citizenship sec,, Miss Margaret
Jardine,; literature sec., Mrs. Harvey
Timm; community friendship commit
tee, Mrs. James Doig, Mrs. M. Grain
ger, Mrs. Ken Edgar; good cheer
committee, Mrs. M. Grainger, Mrs.
Herb Pattersen; Mission Band leader,
Mrs. M. Grainger; assistants, Mrs-
Lloyd Magee, Mrs. James Sanderson,
Mrs. Ken Edgar.
Plans were made for the installation
of officers at the January rpeeting.
The secretary reported on the bale
valued at $399-90 sent to Dunchurch
in care of the minister of the United
Church. A gift of money was present
ed to the C.G.I.T. On the group’s be
half Mrs. Glenn McMichael spoke
A letter was read from Miss Laura
Collar, of Nigeria, who spoke to the
local group when home on furlough.
The roll call was answered by telling
of Christmas customs in other lands.
A social hour was enjoyed with Mrs.
H. Timm assisting the hostess.
The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, December 14, 1955 Page Thirteen
Santa /Visits United
Church Children
WROXETER—Wroxeter United
Sunday School held the annual supper
and Christmas tree on Friday night,
which was largely attended. Supper
was served at 7 o’clock,
Pictures were shown by Rev, W, J.
V. Buchanan on the nativity. Follow
ing the pictures and carol singing all
returned to the church schoolroom
to await the arrival of Santa Claus,
who with his helpers distributed gifts
and treats from a well laden Christ?
mas tree,
there were ten members present. Ann
ppugias was pianist for the carol
singing. Plans were made for the
vesper service to be held in the churfib
on Sunday evening, December 18th at
7.30 p.m, The meeting closed with
Winners of the turkey draw held by
the Wroxeter Community Club last
week were Mr, Madill, the new station
agent and Mrs. Lyje Harf.
WROXETER—Mr. Albert Gallaher
received word pf a -serious accident
which sent his grandson, John Boyd
Atcheson to hospital with a broken’
John, who is stationed at Mont Joli,
Quebec, with the Canadian Air Force
was with his wife and another couple,
returning home from Montreal dur
ing the night. He collided with a
transport which was parked on the
highway without lights. John, the
driver, was the only one with serious
injury. The others suffered from
bruises and shock. Latest word is
that he is improving.
Group to Be Called
“Fireside Girls”
WROXETER—The newly organized
C.G-I.T. of Wroxeter United Church
has chosen a name for the group. At
the ldst meeting names we, ? sub
mitted and "Fireside Girls" was
Bernice Grainger was hostes< and
4<Time Will Bring to
* (Author’s name below)
in 1956, and we are care?
reading all available re-
to be prepared to serve !
■you better. J
your prescription if ]
near us, or let us !
Light Whatever Is
1955 will Boon be over, but it i
has left many medical discover- 1
ies besides the well known Salk ;
vaccine. Much has been learned •;
about how drugs really work ;
by using the increasing number ;
of radio isotopes. !
Soon, jn pur time we hope, we
will learn many things that still -■
are problems. Perhaps in 1956 !
medical science will find out -J
how to cure a cold as easily J
as we now can a pneumonia. ;
Research scientists will discover ;
deliver promptly without extra
charge. A great many people
entrust us with the responsibil
ity of filling their prescriptions.
May we compound yours?
♦Quotation by Horace
(65-8 B. C.)
Copyright 1955 (12W2)
make the difference between Loss and Profit
PURINA CHOWDER Concentrate supplies
the extra protein, vitamins, minerals, etc., to get the extra eggs and
it’s easy to feed to get the right balance with your own grain.
Come in and talk it over with us and we will explain
the system.
Blyth Wingham
Euchre Party
Mrs. Harvey Reidt and Mrs. Ted
Smith arranged a euchre party held in
the town hall on Thursday night with
proceeds going to the Women's In
stitute project.
The winners were as follows: Ladies’
high, Mrs. Clarke Sharpin, Mrs. Wm.
Taylor; men: Tom Vittie, Harvey Mc
Michael. The special bingo, a pair of
Maderia pillow cases, Mrs, Herb Pat
terson. Nine tables were in play.
Social Postponed
The Gorrie and Wroxeter Young
People’s Union Christmas social will
be held on Monday evening, December
19th at 8 p.m. in Wroxeter United
Church schoolroom. This social, which
was to have been held on December
12 was postponed to December 19.
Mrs. A. Tenant and Mr. Wm. Ring
ler, both of Dearborn, Michigan, spent
part of last week with their sister,
Mrs. Robt. Hupfer and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nixon and
two sons, Howard and Norman, of
Centralia, were week-end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Wearring, of
Toronto, spent Thursday and Friday
with Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and
John MacNaughton.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKinney, Oril
lia, were visitors in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley, Long
Branch, also Jim Wylie, of Parkdale,
were week-end visitors with J. H. and
Mrs. Wylie.
Mrs. Watson, of Londesboro, spent
the past week with her sister, Mrs.
James Sanderson.
Friends of John (Pudge) Gibson will
regret to learn that he is suffering
from pneumonia. John’s many triends
wish for him a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Alvin Moffat was the lucky
winner of the W. I. quilt at the draw,
Proceeds will go to the W. I. project.
— Man, You’re Crazy
Forget your ngel Thousands are peppy at 70.
Try "pepping up with Ostrex. Contains tonio
for Weak, rundown feeling duo solely to
body’s lack of iron Avhieh many tnen and
Women cftll "old.” Try Ostrex Tonio Tablets
for pep, younger feeling, this very day. New
"get acquainted sizo only 60o, For sale at
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A gift she’ll appreciate through- |
out the year. |
Perfect gift for the household.
See our selection!
An extra set brings you pleasure
for years!
Many other gift items to choose from! |
You can still get a
Television set in*
stalled for Christmas!
Phone us today!
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