HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-12-07, Page 12Twelve The Whigham Advance-Times, Wednesday, December 7th, 1955 1946 HOSPITAL WING ST. HELENS Miss Isabelle MacPherson was home from London for the week-end* Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry and Donald Taylor, of London, .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker and Mr. Murray Taylor, of Wingham, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Chester Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and Don, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Douglas, at Mitchell, Miss Mae Ferguson, of St. George, • is spending the week with her sister, 1 Mrs. Chester Taylor and Mr, Taylor.' Miss Beatrice McQuillin spent a few days in the Wingham General Hospi- , tai for a medical checkup. The school. was closed for the week. ! W" 'T* 1 ofThe hit-and-miss schedule commutor train into New York has ; I brought about a peculiar situation—- j I sometimes the passeners are at the station when the train comes puffing;, in, and sometimes the strain is there j ’ when the passengers come puffing in. . ------------------------------------------------i. ■ .«• 5 >* Ji 111—1 n —■ n — 11 <1 ■■ n 1—r n 1— n 1— n imhkmu — n imi n mi— n — Congratulations WINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL ON THE OPENING OF THE NEW WING to CURRIE’S AMBULANCE WINGHAM * .1/ I A Phone 51 Nights & Holidays 716 or 636 CONGRATULATIONS to MRS. MORREY AND THE BOARD of WINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL on passing another milestone! onsl 41 PHONE 53 : ■•'S^^-’t-.WLNGHAWvM * • •' *7 _ t\WuKi STORE/ ■ •_______________ \ Il 8®. '■ II II p. * The above three-storey addition, erected in 1946, brought the capacity of the ’ hospital to 50 beds. While these seemed more than adequate at the time, | the number of patients admitted daily has increased to such an extent that I at some periods the institution was operating at almost double its rated 1 capacity. PRESIDENT GIVES CHRISTMAS MESSAGE AT ANNUAL MEETING Mrs, D. MacNaughton Was Guest Speaker GORRID—The Woman’s Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Alex Taylor on December 1st. The meeting opened with the singing of “O Come All Ye Faithful”, Mrs. George Dane gave an interest­ ing talk on the study book, “No Van­ ishing Race”. There is a continuous fight against the scourge of T.B. and it is now felt that the reserve system for Indians has been a mstake. They are now encouraged to .live and mingle with other Canadians. Mrs. Reta Carson and Mrs. A. Ste­ phens had charge of the worship per­ iod and read different selections from the Bible of the Christmas story, Which were interspersed with carols. Sandra and Faye Edgar rendered a very beautiful duet, ’’There's a Song in the Air”. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton, Wroxeter, was guest speaker and brought a very interesting and inspiring message, saying, ”We must join the wise men who dared to hope for better days, Let us keep the star of hope in our hearts.” Mrs. I. Toner, the president, had charge of business and Mrs. V, Bu­ chanan gave the report of the nom? inating committee. Officers for 1956 are as follows: President, Mrs. Gladstone Edgar; first vice-pres,, Mrs. V, Buchanan; second vice-pres., Mrs, K,Hastie; re­ cording secretary, Miss Margaret Dane; asst, secretary, Mrs. A. L. Ste­ phens; envelope secretaiY, Mrs. T. Ed­ gar; corresponding secretary, Mrs. T. L, Mclnnes; press secretary; Mrs. Harry L. Ferguson; asst, press sec­ retary, Mrs, George Browm; treasurer, Mrs. Reta Carson; Christian steward­ ship and citizenship, Mrs, H, Hamil­ ton; temperance, Mrs. K. Hueston; Missionary Monthly, Miss M. Dane; A . associate members’ comm., Mrs. H, * Robinson, Mrs. W. Tremble; supply comm., Mrs, C, Gilpin, Mrs. C, Grain­ ger, Mrs. W. Strong, Mrs, L. Walker; community friendship comm., Mrs. C. Black, Mrs. E. Whitfield; secretary of younger groups, Mrs. A. Taylor; pian­ ist, Mrs. Whitley, Mrs. Tremble. Meeting closed with prayer by the president. A delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge. Our Best Wishes to the WINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL ON THE OPENING OF THE NEW May it continue to serve the needs of Wingham and District as ably as it has in the past. SERVING OVER ONE HUNDRED COMMUNITIES DAILY LISTOWEL, ONTARIO I to ON THE OPENING OF THE NEW Russell gave an interesting talk on a new book, “The Lost Books of the Bible”, and closed the meeting with prayer and the benediction. LISTOWEL TRANSPORT LINES LTD. Chronic Patients’ Wing Wingham General Hospital CONGRATULATIONS TO THE BOARD AND STAFF OF THE WINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL ON THE OPENING OF THE NEW Chronic Patients’ Wing Puttison Radio and Electric 20th ANNIVERSARY YEAR OUR PHONE NUMBER IS 171-J 1 i i GORRIE— Mrs. Norman Wade was hostess for tlie annual meeting of ■ the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. Ste- 1 phen's Church on Thursday afternoon. ; The meeting was opened by the pre- j sident, Mrs. Harry King, with sing- I ing of “Breathe on Me Breath qf Life” and prayers. Mrs. Gordon Un­ derwood read the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-20 and Mrs. F. E- Russell sang “When Jesus Walked on Galilee”. The roll call was answered by members giving a Christmas gift to the W-A. Mrs. George King, secretary-treasur­ er, gave the minutes and financial reports of the Senior Guild and W.A. ; for the year, showing a good balance on hand for both. It was voted that §50.00 be contrib­ uted to the budget from the Senior Guild. Rev. F. E. Russell was chairman for the election of officers, when all were re-elected. They are as follows: Pres., Mrs. Harry King; first vice-pres., Mrs. Gordon Underwood; second vice-pres-, Mrs. R. T. Bennett; sec.-tre'as., Mrs. Geo. King; Little Helpers’ sec.,' Mrs. John Dinsmore; Living Message sec., Mrs, Thos. Short; social service sec., Mrs. Norman Wade; Dorcas sec., Mrs- Earl Underwood; helpers, Mrs. C. Rit­ chie, Mrs. John Dinsmore, Mrs. Ernest King, Mrs. Ncrman Wade. The president brought a Christian message in a reading with some fine thoughts in it for the season. RECEPTION ROOM 1 Pictured'above is the reception room of the original hospital in 1907. (New reception room shown on page 9.) CONGRATULATIONS Wingham General Hospital Chronic Patients’ Wing DINING ROOM The dining room of the original hos­ pital was a far cry from the new dining room in the chronic patients’ wing. EATON’S is proud of having designed and supplied the furnishings and deco­ ration for the new wing of the i Our staff of trained specialists work with owners and architects in the blue­ print or remodelling stage, and are equipped to plan the furnishings and decorations of any project large or small. It was a privilege for us to be honored with an order for upholstered chairs for the patients’ rooms and the board room of the new wing. Fry & Blackhall Ltd W ingham