Huron Signal, 1868-4-30, Page 2" Peer Isabel "' maid KdwanL beading t !t the sapper -table et mother's, Can roan to rYse her crow the around, when I Tttlttdt+,i out an th P' d Frolrt wr Edna t f Monday. she ley moaning with • gash in hur temple, I' t•' Who handed iteto you 1" As he lifted inanimate form in hie armee, 1 •' A fellow in lung Gyp --a shnetl fellow, the motion r %used a red rivulet ul Mime' b ,n a straw Put and h•,me-muale jacket." flow from the wound, wkieh at ones reriv- I Kdward snok hu heed. " 1 can't un- wd her d.o.t.e d thin. Soy 1 It was written " Heaven be praised !" he W1, as be , evidently to give you • tow up to the inn. ase ler o wen her eyes. " Tun I Anal for what end 1 Ah ! 1 fear the wont ' BRITISH VICTORIOUS. e'e nut emelt hurt, I ho re 1" 1 think 1 tardtvil.e the horrible mystery. ' " 11, u y brother !-where is he 1 I •• (hit eith it. What do yeu suavatrt1" bole -" and she looked enamel with I •• 1 cw give n oth ex ,leuntia el ' lborne, s it she elpotel to dteo,ver his i11 fear that &nether attempt Pete leen mate Iwdy lying upon the grtiund. " I hole ' to abduct Catharine, or perhaps to effect e you here n, t - rot -e rie Lie people know you has • large '• No, he •.as fieri, Idid not hernihim, anus a,f gold, in your •absence. It ie either or vont sake." ' ons or the other." Sato pressed his hand gratefully, sad The captain spranlg into the telt, ail nail apiekly : shouted G. his nn.yip to resume their oats. '• Are tnu no/ hurt 1" "Juutp i n Cithleete and let w pull to Nu limbed. n "I Y n,•.em to lxe Irctter. the Lottaa Y. if dna 1s so, lLrro shall ica •• Yes, Tes. I do n, suffer much. 1. one utau'lers un earth Lef,re to unvrow the wound dee; 1 I hope not, for t would I morning "' not Mer upon r.v brow • wound inflicted I " Say ! Itcann t Fe Manfria Lawrence by abriher's band !" who has it t, it, bee he eau at the nein " It is lenges.! deep ; Mit it tnav diemp- just after sunset. It roust be, therefore, pearl tan Picchi:. How could he do a to eteet a robbery." deed like tl.is r' - o lis either coo i can t delay." " Ah, his fiery temper ' How grateful " i cannot g , with you, captain. My I an that it did not kill me, for he would duty Iles at the inn, where sty mother then, not only have had a mnurder on his waits for me." Laude, Mut w..uld have been hanged' It •' Tnw, true ! God night! I will soon u a umercv !" lean, whet this meats." •' You forget yourself in one who is nut •' Send me word u son u purible. 1 worthy of a thought, Isabel." shall to very anxious to hear. There is •• Bnt he is my br,ther. 1 forgive him. lg.e;unte seine mischief behind this forged •' 1 stall find it difficult to do s.. ?lurk note." an injury and assault open you, my dearest Thu hast pFuliel rapidly aware from the bride betrothed, car hardly ie paused Shure, anddescentingthe:tream. was won lightly over by me." last to the eves ofE.dward, theughhecould " Bet yon will not make it • quarrel for same minutes hearths, stern yoke of with him dearE.dward '" she said eernrativ, t ,ecnpG.in, urging his anent) their utmost u he was binding his white kerchief *b ••.t ezerti,ats. her temptes t. else the wound " I fear the werst. Rome wrong or out - "N... Furyour sake he duil..(p••anpntn- rage ham been perpetrated under cover of enc l. ' thus note and the captain's ateenoe. But l •' Thanks, thanks "' ' must laaten to my nether." " I will t -y and renenmber that he is your Thais solilrguizing, he moved forward on brother, whetts,evet hu hearing hereafter the road, a,d a•. theend of rhundr.d yards our urgently tempt me to forget it." he atiue t, a path which went trot, the " You are w god, and noble, and g;ener• river to the right, winding up a little val- ,o ," she answered, with grateful en- ley. As he was cro.ang the line of this thusimsnt- path, two men *prang out .1theshadow of Great Battle in ABYSSINIA, Edward now resew -teal her towards t hub she leaning confidently upon lea nr peril* from the actual nerd of his nu support, pertly end for the moat part, • ction. She felt it mnlght be • 10 time before they stet again his broth was se hostile, and Edward haying al determine d to see her but s Idem, un he bad established hinnseil in • protease Before they reacher the door, u they p e l through an arbor -arch: that spanned t path. Edward IJugered t . take advan of the sweet'ecotsun of eta shady Durr to bid s tinder snit par• nate farewell her. With tears in her eeyes, and to in his, they at length res: ael their w• e nd 1,e left her at the dm r ; but not for - souring hunted that the wound w Mot sa *ewerr as the eeheauence of thebl at the first threitened. He turned away from the hall and traced his steps to the nun, in order take the path to the inn, where thenew male wel.,w, 1)aue Itleeklock, Ire kn was waiting f..r him, o he had promise return after to funeral, red remain s. day's with her in her loneliness. Hu ■ was slow and his twnghta sad ; for he not know when he should tweet la►b who was n..w become his seeend "'lieges of Manfred he was altogether sefotget ea i/ they had not met halt an hour Left in a hostile attitude. He did not ev think abut him when he tok leave Isabel at the houm ; for he had but a thought, it was Me arting tram her s, dearly Inved, wh, arting was doul hitterte his, because he felt that it w sorrowful to her also, and he s.rr,wed her sorr,w. He pseud aromna the en anal was attracted mace mon the steppse on which they were seated wh - they pli hted their troth to each nth Ile steel there recalling the scene. T moonlight shone up n something glittered neon the ground. Ile ■to to pick it up, and took from the parent • 1, deelet wet with the Llmd that h oozed from the wound in ber forehead. ,. %Vret:hed brother, Maine aurh a m derma blow ! This stained bracelet eh be my keepsake. The crirns n tide t %tame from her heart, hath dyed it • made it secret. Fortunate prise for love to cheeriah "' As he spoke h• proved it t. hie lips, a then clasped it uppwo,n his left wrist. now caat a lingefkhg look ,t the scene their plighted hearts, and then turned quit t(s ruin end hasten t. the s..a iety Dune Iilaajtrek at the inn. Hu dense od the r.arkv aide of the cliff, and entc the cart -node that runs along the ahs* following Ne winding• of the river. i walked at • luick te ,, eager t.o retie his mothers widow.d hineliner by pres race, for it was full two hours of sntdoen,and had got about half rayr' the ,nn, when he saw a bat co.nuing dal at a rapid Ica, pulled 1 t• four oareme , Aa the moon sl.nne brightly upon t river h w i a:. e o t s the aapotainof the bks patch schm.ner, who et tl d same mons recognised him ... he walked nn the ahs* " Ahoy, she mate ! Ian t that ye er•ft Muter Fii earl 1" " bent you, Captain Walter r napm od Edward, with accents of pleuure seeing him, " 1 ti.o.ghtyou rode homei in the carnet a that you came to the Tuner tn." " rest rowing ! Pull In n bit on tl starboard Dan. That'll do," b• added, the boat came with,l tars length of th sp t on which FA ward stool. " [did rad home in the hack, aid g.ot ber home eef too, for a land craft; but i had not in.. than sat down to suppler with mother an sister. then a I»ng-shoo.: chap brought in this note from you, t S grspkin nue take me ahead for I stay abr,atl nights as 1 can't get a win k uileep in a shame -i tmak her ad pulled sp. Now, wh, is in the wind 1 Front the eut o' th signal. in the billet, 1 woe afraid you ltd got among the breakers, and needed heat's cniw or 50 to tow you off." a Received • note from me, Caplai WM 1" • Yee, here it is ," answered the capte' n, taking his cigar from hu mouth tr. sesre ..t EdwanL ons* witnessing his s rprised man. mer and he drew from the pocket of hit dolt watch -coat a cntmpled bit of paper, sad handed it to him. 'lIhavesentyen no note, captain. There benne misake." " here it is, in hlu•k and white, like • frigate's orts, and your nanneugnedto it, all ship-shape." Edward opened the paper, and not be- ing able to snake it mit by the light of the moon, the captain sprung on ohms, and p ettrng his face down eines t, the paper, rffeai away hriskly, so that the Ii5Lt of Y cigar east • glerw upon it, *efficient to he • targe uutbrageees tree that grew at the i', uitorsecti.n, a,d one of then: at five pacts tly dttJ.arved a •,idol at hint, while the other in ran in upon trim to clone with him, arnted ne with a bludgeon. The `peed did not take ''r effect, though he beard the hall cut the air se mea'• his ear. All his courage instantly t.l tilled his sol and nerved his ane. Brave 'm. men in danger always gather abut tl min 'as' their Lrav„ry as a g-vmrn.t, and with, the las increase of the pnl, their Lounge TAes to tage meet A. He rex unarmed ; but he saw inn rt, the bulgeon that was descending .,ir,il lis to betd; the wen von ,d his choice, and teu- an Ik, Inv es Another Outra►fe, The EOonotnloal Members for North Q . Thew young men, atud.ut. of the! &nd8outh8rttos• Come:wee ilAcalenmystoodaneo..aination The Atlantic 'Pelgcaph brings w the — is* the commercial course of Chet institution startling news that Prince Alfred was shut We find that when the report of the Committwuu cintigeii iee was Iefone the altd sucueuded in getting • London (!om- Parliameat of ('•nada, un ti LION "f mersial Col:ago tirade A: Diploma. Two this month, by which • saving to the ' (tbew Leges the course us* 14e 8th ut country of one• 830,000 annually, was re- Jan. last std erad':.tel on the 18th of cmmtended in the expenses iJ the House .Apel, thug cempietieg the course in a alone, thew Wry members voted •gainat little store utas 3 mnunths. All who the report; thus Ly their votes atter j.tint} intend to enter for the sanmter teem te ke p up the sratem of eatnvagance and I should endeavor to do w without delay as c,nujdinn that eharu'turistrl the Parlia- I the beginning of the terui u endoubtedly meat of the old Province Of Canada. The I Ike bast time forentrante. npert saw slotted anal theitenigeducted, i in that ba k by • supp..ed Fettian, et Sidny, Australia us* liuod Friday. 11 the atrocious deed tan le faatend upon • member of this now infamess body of that it will be the means degraliug A still leaver KING in the estimation of right thinking men of rift: m'.4f,7,i). xLfBELATi:'ll' , all countries. We uv happy to note Nat the Prins.•, who is uuirersally pupular, GAlblo 'l'e' le/vole 1 r" throughout the E*iipire, u re:Me:n g from -- I the effects of hie wound. Ihrret totAr,Gini-II refy.'iiyn.d. re- ing the wrist of the man with ntue hard, be struck him such a blow in the breast with the other, that he steggerad ba.k, leaving the weapon in Edward's grasp. He instantly advanced up.n hY assailant, ami aiming • blow at him, missal him only became: the man tnk t. flight. The other, to however, alranetv1 and snapped • pistol et his head. 1f it had gotta- off, our story would here have an end ; but the certainty that his life wasd..g,,ge.11y ainmed at, roused • s ,int of angry resentment un tee }.euro and awmg*ng the budimen ab,ve b . heal, while the man snap .rd the pietel a second Err is* his face, he brought it down with n• its full weight upon his head, and felled ful him to the gr,uu.l : and in his (all the ore pistol went orf, the ball etnuck hie wrist, en cutting nearly ,n twnthe stm,e ofhiebrace- ef let, which turned it aside almost harrn- 'ne Porti. he Edward w^.e now master of the field. '!y But who iia wulente were he did not es know, as nether of them had sicken a for wori during the conflict. Hestopeddewn in, with strange feelinga over tie man whom t• he hal, as he bweheved, killed, in order to en ears his own life, But the shadow which er. the thick tree east upon the re.l, prevent- he ed him from swing his ((attires, which, that however, seemed t. be those of • negro. pad He, therefore, took the bol by the anus ant to dreg it out into the mrx.nlight, not only ad that he might see who A was who had re- s lutely attached Ina lite, but be near the or- water to throw it upon him t. revive him ; all for he began to experience that strange, hat inexplicable, mydevious feeling which ler rad gins to rime in the bosom of • man who has mY '.ccasion to suspect that he hu k,lled a fellow -man. Up n dragging the lifeless nd weight, he felt certain he was dead ; and Ile hu heart beat lake leaf at the thought. of '' But it was in seltdefenee. It was to t' be either him or me ! i had no alterative." of Ifo got the twdy out in the bread midi• d- red re, 1e ve hie ter t. t can n. lie nt nr TNEUDOKLS SL.IIN 1 ly- .w W ate Pep lid I .1- st al IP v e t, d to Ltd t nl n n enable bun W read it. Let, are rase wit astonishment the following words . "CAFTAtw : i wish to one ♦mu without a moment'senlev at the inn. Come, and let nothing prevent yea. 1 await you im- patiently. ' Yours, Enwihn BLAr-a LOCI(." "This is • forgery, cerain," axial Edward, withenchJ oeltivemeea,thatthere woe ne rem in t e eepteiee nmind h'r (emotion. " 1 never wrote • ne of it, nnr is to l.andwriting at 11 lib a se." " Whn. in Stein's nems, then, ham Atm. it ! phare been up 1.. the int., end there thoe gond lady told me you hal nod been there doer td,e funeral ; and w leen 1 real the not. t. her, she .n to 1.. frighten- ed lest • ,. "thionic hal l,app•ne,1 to yon. Rn not finding you there, and after wait- ing awhile. i rap helm anal lay my worse down storm ,gain, hoping tin fell in with yam, .w hearsnnethmg from ynr. And yon lay you don't know anything about it r' , v itdware woe thnsghtfu l Hs hell the not. in he hand ani seemed te he m,ditet- ing deeply. All at ones he said, in an earnest manner " Captors, whore wen you whew this MPs was siren yam r London, 25th, Etc. The fulluwiug iutelligcu.-e is re:ens-al (men Abyhe:cis. A battle wen fought nn Good Friday between the British traps commanded Le Gen. Napier anal theAbys- eiuiee forces, wader cuuuuand of their King in person. 'Phe latter were defeated •ad retreated uta the teen. Their loss it k,lied and wounded was The Abyssinian War, By referutce to our telegraph news it will be seen that there has been • great battle in Abyssinia. The natives suffered severely in killed and weunded,their eapi- talteing taken, and king The.doroakilled. 1 l'he'Euglieh capptives were a:1 liber•td. -- lH coarse the war may now Ie considered at an end. We hear a great deal now -a d\vs about selfish Albion, but we can very heavy, On the fellowitie'ulnnde all soot that nu uthur country in the -zurld would have utelertaken a war involving an outlay u( three millions of moray to liber- ate filly of its i ndutary uibjecta. yr bis preparations being completed, then. Napier ordered an assault upon Magdels, and the town ■nd citadel were carried by dorm. King Thea.l'mY wee slain. A large nwuber of his wernors were killed, wounded ad taken pr auners, aid the entire cita el remained in piassession of the British forces. The I.se of the British in killed and wounded was very small. All .he British captives were found in the cry alive, and well,u11 were set free. G _u. Napice's instant re - tun to the sea c east i. expected. Pew Ams Coming Agatn• General 11'Neil is dumping Ne went for the purp,w of stirring up the Fenians to make anther rad uu Canada. He was in Cls* ,ng„ the otter day, and the sed thus 51'ethe of tea visit : " The excitement was intense, and did notsula,de until Gen. O'Yeill stepped fer- wenl aid commenced hY speech, which was nn urgent appealtolriahmen t.. enrol thea nselves agent, real- W march at ons upro Canada. In appealing to thorn to Wke the held lie said ---Wu are r -sly t" place our Lenny in the field. Are vuu men of Chtiergo ready 1 (Cries of " Yee," Yes.") Then, if you are when net we unfurl the green flag it Shall not he hurled again, •cid we cull nut c hack. Shall we give up the cause because we did not succeed in June, l&p0 f Thu nom who think s. are not fit ea take part in such • movement, end the welter they leave our ranks the better. We wu,t men who will nut give "p, even though defeat aid di- aster stern them in the far. " In codusiun, the speaker said that the qutatiiin was to be tested, anal th nines w•„ild be enrolled of such as were ready and willin to join the army at tales. Hew many are there here who are willing to go with us immediately 1 (At least H5) hands were raised.) Such a• shall not en- roll themselves we want to form into ►civil organisation to take can of tem wives and children of these who go. Then all who wished to unroll their nanmes weredirecte: to repair to the Fenian muster -room, and the audience disperse( — FRSE SPNECH- GODBRIOH HARBOR. That the harbor of G.derich requires a thorough repair, involving a large outlay of money is unquestionable. Aiway■ enudl enough for the accommodation of the vessels visiting a port ut w much im- portance. it is now much worse than ever. owing to the destruction caused, by the unprecedented massing of iia during the springtreahet. The Grad Trunk Railway Company will, of course, do somethi'.; toward" drudging the b•r at the mouth of the over, and s) un, -indeed, prepara- tions aro being made to Chet end already, but we subnut that a grout deal morn will 1e required than the acid Colnpiiv will be able or willow t o acconnplish. Itis a fact acknuw led geal L y every mariner navigat ing Tale Huron, that Gdench [harbor u by tar the best joint nn the East coast for r a Barber of Refuge, inasmuch aa it is al- ways available ler vessels 8X8.1.8 Ly N. . gales, and is a perfectly moire haven when entered, wb i.h is in ore than can le said fur s,me other porn. The aneunt o1 ship ping done at present to aid from our harbor is very large, embracing a lilte of large propellers and sailing crmit on the Chicago route, a line of steamers between Coderieh and Saginaw, the casting line, ierridea aailin;t craft of all kiwis, together with a fleet of l'cal telling vcasele. Be- sides, the Government ha. wisely shade this port the headquarters oftwie unboata, • which could not pe.ibly ;e u secure or occupy such a Coin mending Irsitwro else- where un the coast of fake Huron. The development of unr(newly discovered and truly magnificent sill inkresf, now going nn with s, much energy is* the C'. enty of Huron, is of NAtienel i mp,.rtance, and we argu.that it i. incumbent upentheGorern- An Irishman, many years ago, leaped upon the dock at New York, en his arrival from the "Sod," whirled hu blackthorn oyer Ilia head, tappet a negro on the hemp of benovelence,and shouted, "Whum,p,be jabers, I'm in a True counthry new,an' I'm agin the govenrust P.er Pat's idea of freedomm wero certainly vghee enough, but, since his utterance, we have heard and aeon in print, froth the lips anal pets of Aniericans, sentunenes quite as paradoxi- cal. Sven educated j.irnalian and orr- tors, while they alk ewellingly of the Re- public as the very fountain heal •rel sbd- ingh of Hiunan Liberty, seenm to think that the quinte ease of freelnm is auce of the moonlight, and turning the to act end 'peak just u the they please, face to in full splendor, he clasped his I irrespective of law, 1'-ense or decency. hands witi, In expreseion of gratinde. " Hee, cn ab,ve tau tlunked--it u • I Tl,, more rabidly blasphemous ■ nun is, negro ! I half believed that I had killed and the less respect he ma ,festa fur the charaeter,of an • t nrnt ur tLe ameniti of s.cial life, thelnetter he pleases a very, my large cLesa of Americus*. Were it net a.,, whero would he the popu- larity of the ranting Train, the -savage Pomeroy, theiinpiamaPanama(1ruwnlow, nr the dignifiedly vulgarIlorace GreelyI Just think of the latter, who claiming perhaps tnithfully, that Itis writings ate read by more people than th seal any other journ- alist rot the continent, heading • long mid- tnrial with " .mvernorSeymourennsidereal u a Liar .• Heade in a man of undoubted I ability and extensive indnonce, but we are inclined to believe that, an occasion, he Prince AIt'red Stet en G••d cae everbe u cavae u General Butler, which is saying a greet dual. But fnr downright literary ferocity commend us to Brick Pomeroy. ot the lacroar I)emncrer. Brick area for nothing in Heaven, Earth, or the other place, and he is rather anemia that the world should see, and seeing ad- -- • mire the extremely original blasphemy with which he spices his utterances and yindi- cates the rights ..f free speech. .fust hear how he advocte, the prilkiple of a,swine- ton : "Then 1. roved "f car Rem wade to rowan ! The Isabel's br cher. This negro has sought I p p es my purse- no, the hands are white ! It u a lack mask !" (tie 11 OowflPl-an.) it - -- ro n .$ignat. J GODERIOH, APRIL 30, 1868 Fro•,n elm E'.fro of Saturday STARTLING 'NEWS. Friday. THE ASSASSIN CAUGHT. He is relieved to be a Feels'. CABLE TELEGRAM. I'r.rr 1. tee eembwwuy,[pal I.'Nn,o, April 24, midnight. Late and sartling intelligence hu just been received from Austraiia. Trines Alfred, who is visiting tydoey wu shot ■nd dangerorely wounded by us* unlnown person. fie world -be auaaein who wee said to Ire s Fenian, wu promptly arrested, r The Prince meeording to the last ad *less was slowly recovering. beepers, April 25. -Further particulars sate that the enlprit who attempted to asausinnte Pointe• Alfred is an Irishman named Ferrell, known t, he a Fenian. i The Prince was shot in the back and the un I'min' 1"'rolly rePnlsive Inns ramie .A u, ..,.Autry tate io,me m ,. h n.,m ,..,,o. r,awna. drunkard. .rad fanatic* , very inn, -h mm. than tMr will ever i .t &MMm. Il wen fat better Wet iM t vi 1 who I• fetr,es Into rhe p,.iti,m 'n, a 5110* by 'mhlteinn, Jel ere,., and J,•k„on, ,h..'I4 he hurled mild rrl,Mnee iy the bolMd M tM Istria ur that a1.ar,,arn ,d Amer, -•m' ,hna d .neer node, hl, de.p•- er dynasty tlr wade cam etas* ap•n howler pmaed . a nnale him titer, and the mite ,mar he eprnyi 1t re. a/uires lint • .pwk M rot the wh.1. country „. a• - It.-.emlrr • .AM wwper (minim " Th, tatmcinns coolness with which this devilish ,!octrine is set forth makes one lit- etelly shnd.ter. Hesren help tl'e 1'nited Sates when anch ort^nndrels s,.;veed !r driving d."esit and respectable men from pshlic life ' Ty renny, inn -ed ! Nu despotism e.mld be more complete, or exist t but us* thanks to Alexander Sproat and 8EA11'ORT$. Francis Hurd.,:, the unworthy reprsen a- (r,an, "au ,..r c,•n..p klhe) Mar.IT.-'['here u very little doing here is* grain, prime keep high but a.',•:,.et nothing Doming in, farmers are busy get- ting m their seed, rel wheat buyer. are farming or wt halumg excursion/. N'taTMale.-The weather on the whole a u good but last Wednesday we halique' a little snow dorm. • HmiLatNm. --The Inueu" are P,tnlitten6 ing to build new houses where the h' fire occurred, in a short time the gap will be filled with geanl substantial brick buil- dings. Music -Mr. Wand will .x,mmence a music class this week, which will nu doubt be largs, u be is kuowu to be an exceUenL teacher - D. Acer M 4iaa.-If any one weull like a likeneaa of the lets T. 11. Amey M Gee let bum fall un Mr. F. Pal- tridge who will supply him with a genets likeness for the small Sum of twenty its. tivw of Haut' -a county that has always cast its vote for honesty and terylomy in the aln,imistratbnY of our public &Ilene, but unfortunately a county that was de- sired and misted at last election by the hollow but specious cries of " fair play" and economy, never intended to ie prac- tised. The eyes of the electors are now opened and when the day of 'reckoning I comes, as it surely will, these wortiu who now misrepresent the noble county of Bettor, well then find that it is a danger oma experiutent to trifle with the rights of • lave people, std extremely hazardous to reject every' opport ty }insulated of checking the corruption and ■topping the extriosagances that are fast drifting this country to national ta,kruetry, unluas stayed by the strung cud effective will of the people.-- Electun of Bruce, ,u. k your men! Annual Dinner of the St. Ooorge's Boulety. The amnuag diunr of the Goderich St. George'. Society came ut1 at the Maitland Hotel, last (Tlutrslay) evening The [ gathering was larger that oro any ferner occasion tof the kind, ud the whole affair esu a splendid amens'. It u due to Mr. ' Meeker to say diet he got up the Dinner in the goal old slide. Plenty of every- thiitg,c ol,d assn EnglitJ,wumnn canc ok, and sermut up in a style calculated to ' please the taste of the most inveterate ut of Englishruen After dinner, the preai- Ident, John Devis,n, Esq., presented the Heusi lora) Mann, which were received en- thusiastiwlly, followed by speeches aid s.ne't, by the president, Jae tt'ata,n,S. H. Detler,T. Andrews,(. Rumball,E. Clifford, J. MttchedeW. G. Rmitli,W. Donaghy,and ethers. It was c nsidered to he one of the pleattanttat re -unions ever held in (lode- rich, and our only'e giet ns, that, through indispeition, we were unable to lei pre- sent, i.. propria perwat. FORTIFYING Twh DOMINION. --Int flooring the sec rad reading of the Militia Hill, inn Tuesday night, SirG. E. Cartier said he intended t, effect a loan on the Imperial guarantee ad £220,000 sterling persnnum, for four years, fur the pure se of improv- ing the fortifications of the Dominion. He also explained the amunnt rewquired t TIE OTTAWA TRAGEDY, Startling Rovelatlona (inti hay Iswkr ) OTTA w A, April , Mr. ("Reilly, detriet Crown lateritey n,utinued the u,vestigativa in the aseasa nation ,has througb'ut the whole of toe before Yr. *YOWI, 1',!wu Magistrate Plea dupeituns ofa uumlie of ted, erre taken, their,i«duntw it isundersG te:.ig chiefly directeJ agunst Doyle, w 1 was today formally charged as before the (act to the murder. Flu th being made the principal ui the crime. The euqulry was adjourned to the j for the purpose of ideating the teatime of • mut named Hess, who h•Fgeua Gs is* jail at present us* m simple-ehargu of mutt. Iti Inar hale beer. remarked that some time prt there have been hilits certain aalm,asio* which Whalen e as sat to have been overheared making M. Doyle. 111., origin of the affair was as follow" : - Di y'le was oulltillei ui a oertan cell rat jail anal ouu day when Whalen was brought leek he was placed m another cell clow by in the same corridor. Detectiees Cul- len and Hess then took a position pear at had and asligbt noir attracting Whalen s attention, he celled ,,*t, "Who's there r' R!vle, rtnx,pRnaed his voice, replied, "lea due, Jini." AH eomversaturo then ensued betweru thorn, dun*pg wtuch, auortrding W the evidence of the twowitnte.o, Whalen wade•dmiiioa W Moyle which amount to a confession of the crime. The fact., u related by Cullen and Hem, are as tog. lows -- We went when the court adjourned at Pal! -pmt five to the jail, ant efar the U,rverenr and ulfipals.left thseomdor oa which Whalen and Doyle sn confined, we Whales* said, -We rots hour earned men. Doyle-.Wlw 1 Whalen said-Kuwnyght lens they a, fora children ; Murphy has fro ; you l,s,e (tau ; I have nun. Doyle sod Yuu are the beef off. 24, Whalen cud -Yes ; the o1d wort,,* mea serrteli fur heisted I saved (Llleu's life i "Ile tune , a telluw had Irian a,verrei at 15 lay yade. The fell'witg is a memorandum of a rssu conversation held Ly lt,b•rt file with „„j the ),ru,uur Maybe ole M,inday, the Bili hu Apnl: aoewsoee On the night of the murrter Who4.Q cal- ua ed to'euhiorr(Duyle)rtthe Ruterll it„ttea Bee'it•rr Stiw•x.-'Phe bankrupt stock of Mr. 11. W. M tCannn is now selling off. People are In general fund of bargains - lately they ha,e hal a good oeal of such bargains hen, and mut ere now (to use • c,mu•.un sayuig) hare bought themselves rich. AccidenT.--At Mr. Cole's barn raising last Tuesday, the purline plate broke when, being raised, and part of it fell on Mr, 'Edward Devereaux and smashed his foot es* severely that the doctor thinks it nll have to be taken off. - Accident.-last Wednesday morning when the servant girl at Mr. Lancaster's hotel was clearing one of the windows up - stun, a little girl of Mr. Lancaster s of five years of age got upon the window sill, is* the absence of the servant, who un co m- ing into the recite aid seeing the child m w dangerosn a pueition, called to her to sone off when the eleltl let hur balance and fell on the hard mol beneath, she dal not breath for some time after being lifted I end was thought to. be dead. Dr. Tracey was in unmwedtate atten.lance--•he is now retot'rnng. RIFLE SHoOTInG MATCH.-Sumo of the civilians of Seaforth hearing .f the gom,i sho.ting made ty the rale c,:upany at the late Match, thameht there were same pri- vate gentlemen who knew A thing er two about shortinngg as wellea any c,mpany.- Thatethey n,uld shoot as well au any null - terry hnen out. In (act a g,rd .leap Netter. And acc..rd,ngly sent a challenge M. th, Bide Comppaany to shoot agunst the beet wo fora champait ne J' neer, w hick woe ar ceptd--the mo ch eek lace on Saturday and the civilian came off second bast. A men* te secure facilities for the cheap for• sinking fund, inurdem t. discharge transport of an article ..t h ante haemo( thedebt, after which he anted that it was tore and in universal demand. It is by tb mtenti"u to evren.l £:UhaM1 for for- stet 1%7 si mors were pro.ent--the tificationa in New Bn,,,.w,ck t4:1J 000 in y ng "rad squally, which a.aeuaa f r tt th nee water principally, that Canadians will be able tosecure an article of better sett than the Americans at aa cheap • rate, and Guderich for the the next century const be the great shipping p.rt-more especially when the Western merket is open to our mammfecturea. [few the ship- ping trade of the part can be carred nn, when it u dandd ed, which it will be w,thin three years, without increased harbor acc,m.dation, it is impossible to sec at present. Apart frown these weighty conm- menial considerations, in • miliary gent of view Gederich harbemr would rte of im- me/ mut-able value, in cane of war. if the basin was dredged "mt, and it would not ire • vast work, it mains* give nnqule room for fifty gunbats to ride at anchor, pro• tected by batteries on heights delayed by military engineers to he almost as capable of being rendered impregnable as tii'.ralter itself. When it is considered that r fleet of gnnlw,ste era protected would commend the Western lakes, and hold securely the key to Ontario against invasion from the North Wester, lakes, we think nu one wall u - -- q utstiun the validity of our ar romeht. 'u% expect that a special e,mmiri,m tt. are xlsl G. hear that the editor will ere long vielt this point and others on of the Sarnia eh,wivin ie gong te. make the Fast coast, to report upa,n the proper his prof reseer "consult Webster in fa point for a harbor of refuge, wh tore." We did not think he het one ea m, his premises. l'ereeyere, 01.1 telluw, and we have briefly adverted will receive aloe your eetieisms will henceforth have more weight, and we have not the slightest point -at least itis to he hoped w, fear that the result will be unfavorable to Hot'ae Ibew tt'1NTRn.--Fav yearsag Godench, there were hews. enough in Ocderich G, spare, but G.day. wing to the gra• OUR HARBOR change that -lies al. a place, it is impeai Presents, just now, averylivelr ,peannce. ble to find acconunoal*tion fur those who In addition to • -large number of sailing cannot conveniently lowdge in the hotels. vessels, we ern bappy Ga ,aytha the Grand Nearly every day we meet amme disco ns, - Trunk Co. hu Prot nn a line oft o of the late nne who cannot, for love o r money, largest sued propellers hetwoee (1hi.go sot ire bona-n,om fnr biros If and fn'. ih. and Onderich, beeide.large oil g,es'eb, Already thin sprang • nnml.er of M,ilhngm several of which haveenteredal y heav- have been nuhed up, but the cry is 'till, ily laden with Western prod , h,und M"re, m0.' ! •Any one hnildiug s M.ck of East The noble sty. (Tinton akes her Heel cotngeswomld make • g wrl apeecilg- . 1 , ue vatting not ing a. kard i Montreal, and the lalance .a r tutano, d ss an the former match. Kingston, Tommie, Hamilton, Pans u London. After • disunion, the debate esu MIMIITned till W,dneslay. 111,y not try W secure a fort at (kderich cue of the mist imortant pinta en the northern lakes. Some mf our local ntihtary I authorities should take the ntatter in hand. and exhibited w m a revolver, and Mille ail sante time asked him to wxumpa,v him for ny (he P.erlirtnent buildiuge to hear MHr. Mc - be see Make iia last speech. He (G'.yle) rani as. out to the dour of the Russell Ifouse wits' Whalen and Buckleyr ; Who wee stauli:I for ori tete platform. Buckley eked Wh,j,,t of whet hai kept bim malonginside. In reply e Whalen said, "Nothirgan tarticula," ur somethin t, that eh,etn. Buckley end Whelan than 1eft, walled us*, cud turned tireanie the Parliameut builditngs. That was the last he saw of Whelu, until about half -past two o'clock in the morning, when there carte a gentleman into the Rurell Hous and milled out that Mr. M (;ee wee shot. When he, with the meu,bers, ran out l.,, saw Whelan stands* at the armee of the Russell House. Whebua asked what wr up. Doyle answere•I - ll'Arey M( tee is shot. Whelan answered. ,ayi ng, •' that's nothing, 1 know that." lee re- mained at the corner for • few mauls" with Whalen. !!e then left, walking to- wards Lower Town. Doyle went Into the !teasel House. He naked Hess what he would advise him to tin, and Hess .*13 "t Iasi t tell you what t0 du." After thew statements had leen obtain- ed, the enquiry was adjourned again to Wok up our positions inenes ally netaid the door forming the entrenoe t, the es* ridor and head the following conversetio Whalen sad -Are you there, Jahn 1 Doyle .aid -,-Yes. Whalen tiieusaid-1 wee nailed blood tight to -day. Doyle raid- Yuu don't say 1 Whalen -Yes, by '4—.. ; you don know who's the informer. U.vle-No. Whales-Alick Turner. U Dole -No ' (in • loud tote. ) Whalen -Yes by Jesus Christ ; I wnul not give six -pence for his tareaas.-The wen boys there today that "spot lulu. I saw a great deal of them here (ruin th country ; fr,m Gloucese r alt.i all arouse At this time emm Ute outer warp • vote called out to Wlulen and asked him ale dal he get on tw-day► Whalen answered-itluady bad 1 w sailed very tight. 'Phe voice answered -I am sorry hear it. Nlhalen then said --i had a nod (rote RLtery's brother to -day. The voice again sate-- la he in town. Whale nseid, yea. You keep as mu r a u,ouae here. Whalen then spoke t. Doyle and said - It'll g.o Lhwely hard with me ; I'll eithe ming or get t.. Penetentiary for lite. don't care; I'm prepared for the wont That bugger Turner swore Weedy hard •aggrrout me. He swore we were all bled Fenufv. There were fourteen wutn elamu,ed. H. sw,te that he wag an EmgtinLrwn. Doyle replied --You're in a bad fix. Whalen said- i don't care a dau,m ; al 1 depend upon u u a gnu,( jury Devle then asked hum if he hal a lawyer tWhalen sa,d--Yes, Buckley Ile'■ n"t -rah two abeetatrfpalter. H1■ afrad u ''iL . !iv. O'Reilly s little finger s wort! us wh•de carcao. Id. !. often said -What will happen to e t What wall become of me f They ca0.1•o notingtome. Whalen answered him, saying, that "thing would happen t, him as they ,old ,rove nothing against him. D .y I. said - d with ynu'J never dune it, nd I wuth you serer carne near nme that fight. N -hales said --I would not have co,me eaf yo, only I was drink. Do lweld-I am sorry James, yea ver date k. Whalen sad -1 don't ears a damn ; 1 o prepared for the woont, I91 either swing go to penitentiary for life. 1 would Sit can a iamn ady for ole thing. Doyle asked-Wbat's that 1 Whalen said the Id woman ; the bloody t. will fall e aot offler. Doyle eaids.Tim, I m sorry for you ; the hole world will know A. Whalen.aid-YLs, I'su • great fellow e she magistrate's room. Then wen other r. witnesses examined, but it is considered n: advissblo to withhold Mev evidence' at pr.s+sent. It is understood that the investigation will be resume( on Tuesday y next. Patrick Banklev,thepns,negtew mj•IL has been dismioed from his pat m the '( Haase. The authontiee P nnnctel with the inves- tigation ere ung out to -night on an expe- dition, witch, itas for its object the vent cation .d "enhance already given with re- d ference t.. the hearing of the fetal shut and r" the time acoeassry t, gess•from the pol- o• thous occupied by different witnesses. e Levet. 1• Orrawe, Apel 24(midnight.) o The result o.f the firu,g experiment which 'r. was mule half a, hour ago showed that when Ft rehear heard the ahot on the flight a' of the murder, Mr. Mcllm, nowt lave lust to got to his loade:1116, and the Buckleys alr.ut 5 arde trent their Weise Macfarlane had just gut alomt W hope's store, Pinter of FOgin anal Sparks street. The party who walkm1 ea -eight is* the diem:non of lfuckley's home heard the shod tired at te Mrs. Trotter's, but mot very distinctly. All the parties who participated an the ex- p.erilnent wP entotb Wd theirwalku nrar- e 1 1 y' as pa,..' ole W that n1 Sl r. Dh-1 iee. Thn revolver used was a Smitlt A Wmein, re - 'enabling that found "n Whalen, but a sum smaller, It was fired with ball artridge. ranee - w r Ki.aNIPT. - This celebrated realist i gave o,e of his deservedly popular enter , re aanmenn in Downey'■ Hall last Tuesday evening. All afternoon ppeeo.ple came crowd- ing into Sea(urth, from North, South East n and '•Fest, and long before the time, the c hall was crowded to suf catirm, the nein and strum round the house were likewise a crammed with people eager sad drternun- n ed (If they could not get in G, sera at Iea.t t. hear the great singer. And well aid Mr n Kennedy sustain hu reputation. People (from *be aiuger'a fame) were ,repst•e,1 to e bear superior singing, but the way in which he rendered these old Sc,ttieh songs u -temps which every bdy had heard many or a true by gorod singers, -was beyond any, anticipation. The emm was uneamifora bly jaunted yet when Mr. Kennedy com- menced there was perfect silence; you gu could have heard a pin fall. He has the - p,wur both in singing and epeakinar of w drawing the audience with him. Seine n Our Harbors• On the 22nd inst., in reply to questions by Messrs. M, C. Camer.-n and Walsh. Hun. Mr, McDougall sad'the g"vern- rnrnt lied decided to place in the estimates an eppropri-'tion fur the improvement of certain lake 1; -bets, without, however, having determined the particular local,- tir ut which time harbor shoulld be improved. The impr.vemcnt of harbors on lakes Erie aid Huron would be .9 the sub)'ecn G, which the govern i • *t would a ice s. itself in deciding r to the expenditure of this money, • We tryst the Crovernment will take up this anhje.t of the harbors wither! delay, u those •.n L.ke Huron are in a very bad ainditen. doubt, the various consideration, t" which NEW POSTAL TARIJiT• ! in o.pent.n ..e awl .mer .tpr.i 1 IIaW. Lanney i'aara.trrt tRmw•,. 1. Frown/ (Wiwrt. to use (bra,nra .. - 1. .. _ h relate-Mlww Miam ... • rt tented saw. . ... k due ( 11•v -a herr,.. 1'a.r•n.awrCeen;lauar. t Ik.ta u, i'y e'a'uJa nwm,IYp. .. .. 151. vt. H.naa - 1 .. .. Ne. sora tat wwe.awmnn ate Unto\ e'o lnolo a Taaeour.... IR Ica ear ..., ti NswwaMit ,,, p.'. Pier.. In I1.. Is Domes. m 5,4.ln, tail& M.m, 1' x IsWd and NeAe.y T,, Beene Nor wr..kn pr amrds r m, heck:y .. .. Ir Tr. weekly • lye laxly .. .. see SJr 't b mien 'milli. In IY1tte, Unit.•1 "ta ,, Prin., M emel lawn, Newrwrtlemd. a. , must pr.- pat ' heir , .err'r maim m alar. y,eroan mw tir.- •tis. p,Mul,er Niwtr.rer m•s'v, ossa, C•lti. Feet nnl.n, t, {garter, *. .. .. ►n. New *..a.... . s " t''dt.4 RRate* . f Clamors, l'u...r,rrn.t. Hand trim M.A., Pamphlet., 'n the 1Aanulm, Se I' I.. 1.. Neil mei 1' n ter .e t. P•n..' "aM. as tibne ierlgw le oar." r.r , m• 1 os 11,5 ray. an a.,nwl elk t,' 1, 1. *t.-, a [lr' 71 raw ..a'r rf nrrlrn .Penia .ir mw acerya- ed tar • mrmalM Pew aMr 1et of Apol Teeen--ort New LNN,Morivtn rim THe GaaNt Tat -N*. --LV. her• recivtd the Menh 20th number of the English :Tide penodical F,njineeri,g. s number hu a poculau intent.N,r(alle.liau readers ina.n 11 n ch as it coots* IY L t ,lien Il d 1 'two-page rrgnvnng, as well u a sldo el♦ vatnm, accom(anted by a letterpress de- mcrqd.un of a lna,motiv fa.r nor t:rand Trunk Railway conatrncterl by Ncs.n. Neilson ddeo., fGlasgr.w, from the rtesign of Mr, Richard Eorton, of ilex city, 10rt,wee otie.. superintendent rat the line This l..comotire s nne of 2,5, maw hying built R (ilasgow for the Grand Tema C'u'y., tem Meson, Neilsen having been enplane tri m Canada with drawing, of revery details, and also plates of the mon• important pasta. For an idea of the geeers contnletion .4' 'the engines, their ranrcyaai dirneneiun, also certain peenlierite,t and improvements m connectiaan with then, we refor twe realer t., the above-mentioned number of the engineering journal aemir. - Mnntreer/ H'Ilnrar. In"us ks remar were made on his power I of taking alp out of a song that was in at. - g, One fleotehman, at the end of nuc of the nt Isongs dapped his knee and exrla,med,- "mea that's haith meat ao l drink tar me," ea diad another observed " Kennedy's the sane :ne • tlootch man Nat 6 I rt tea s err n, etc • sirsp Scotch whiskey, he tate i the gild ret o't that's Sn't." A,gr,;.t many, the e I buns* heinterds W return n e tteMarch an 1 on! of he dots, or whenever he does, he w,k always be sue of hearty welcomme, MoKlllopx o Ditn,--Mr Stewart who was lately aMl. caught ire the horse power, at Mr. 1t. I'; unlocir's and severely hart, hu mince t died ad the injuries received, he died en - Monday evening and wu buried on Tues- day at Harperhey. aj t w n ecu( nee m tripe between Saginaw and fudench with tion o1 d, great regularity, and in a few days the itttrvu BAS.. -While we would bs the . /,omni wilt lee nn her roue, thnmugi,ly rag • IMt t.. obstruct the operw'ione of our hard - fitted with engines, dee. A. ammo of those veswb an ►Iwa •a in working fishermen, we have to nLj. rt M 3 port, tngethnr weCh the ills al rectice of dnrthin no a aerm tug, dredges,f!ahingsmacks, de., the desks, R P g h'ohen up aa they have been by ice, present the mouth of f Ldench bike r, which pn- an eze,eedi 1 heel and but • vents the best hue and pike from entering n8Y y li+'R PI`ev the river. Ne treat HY Worship the Mayor will cause match nen W he renewed without delay. Harbor of Refuge for Lnke Huron. --_ (/Ciente' Aro We are pleased to once. ( vernntent intend dnniing anythingeand if hear that 2nd Lien t. Rkiminss of the en, when e d what 1 towards the cnnetnue (i'4teneh Oarrisnn Artillery Cn. wAn Pm- ioned • harbor of refuge on the Eget meat tre 'ed a aerinus lung complaint at the of Lake Huron, then being at present no le n len Rifle Match lstyearhas reeeeiyed safe harborage on that oust fnr the Prn- from heal.n*rtena5uperieriniderpnMtld lection of vewehs engaged in the commerce of the Lakes, nr for the safety and prntee- klHn and G00 rsnnKAs of ammnnitirm, of Her Majest7agunboaa stationed there. in token of kis reliable novices as Three several led Committees, appoint- w vnlnntewr offinlr. AP0 h0)ieve it is Mr, .A by th. Hrntae n(Asrimhly of the Pm- Sknningw' intenti„n to rmmon to Pere *enc+ of Canada, having, nn three several Chia summer in nrcler Ge restore hie health, eecc.siwrs, rsploeted strongly s f►ynr of stuoh Fr .m that point he will be the special err - e harlwa T respondent of the Huron Rtnwet, and we In reply to the above gnmlion put by the h^i'e to hear that he ie well an_ d be erty. Hon. Member for Smith Hmrnn, t.o the _ .- Minister orf Pnhlic Works ; the Govern- M►• TA, erring recce ■t 1lranlfnrd are meet replied, flat it esu their,ntentinn !m announced for the 3rd and 4th of Jas* petaswssuthelEstimateafrnthe next year, nett. fnr the o netrn tlmn n(a Iirrl mar orf Rte- lob A lade tieidinq in New York has hr on the Tat coast of Lake Huron. Mr m mnckingg bird whioh apsska fifty wfirds s• _ - is tAe Rliglish Imgnaga dittinctl hall esu not extracted for two day.. The wound is dtngemns and painful, [nut the Prince is doing well, The • affair tok shot that fellow. Hare you, por hug here, and here 1 am myself, which a.,-. three ..t na. llnyle asked him what he said at ti- me time. The wither turned m n n nl w. t lI(ss t w ing his head to call attention G. the word, u,J stud --Whalen •gain repeated the same using theme words ---I shot him like a 1. ; you're here I'm hew ; Ile a irnat fellow , my name will go down to p atpenty. Doyle m,d---Jim, Jim, 1 ern sorry fur you, Whalen said --f do not rare a damnonly for re) pa .r mother, Doyle said -- is she *h ee l Whalen said -Yes, .rad added, my breather is in prison Gra. I).yle asked -What Gat Whalen- Fenianum ; for firing the p{w hex barrs-k in T•Ilough, Ireland. At 'Aar a fine family my mr"her had ! What • fine lot of bye ! (Ine thing they were fond of Ireland. One was shot at the firing of the police barrack ; one is in prw.n (..r the same, and I'm hero. Whalen then sung • couple of songs, and there wee a long silence, He danced and wheeled, and toil Doyle about what Murphy and F:nwright brought Goin Mon- treal here by (!sill.m. 1' nils asked hint t:hatfor► 1\ helen said-Fenlanism. That h—r Turner, swore that Murphy was with me at Mceiee'e, and that Mu a he. John, I car in before 1..r 18 months. Ioyle-What for 1 Whalen --Feniani.ne. Doyle --Whore 1- Whalen- Nest of England Wlulen then said, Ilock!• y wa before the Port tn•dsv. He W'd (*'Reilly he didn't carr a d n fnr him. When 1,. e. gn, a• u» dui tto hr . b10;; was given` them t..r a....rs .d 0.. people +kas daM br nla rmnnV rvat. ,i. in the gallery that night, he kept mine tis the *sl.cnpan. sa Th,; nut. Is.ed.,rll" H.,.,e of Doyle Mid that was very good of him. new N .carry tin aim reranl,aa .gamic aY ,,. .I ewmmut•,w err,- A Inng silence then nn■ued t.d lh. I„min, n Tt. fmllnwm. ih,yle then called him, saying -1 do not wm Yr, urunmon'aly •afwnl N h wllm..t. w•rtw, enAM know what they'll do with ma. , me:aww -nab That .a *urawdp- Whalen answered - You areall ngheMe ”" .trarry'aov t In„• r+nw .1t. lea . The can ale nothi nl.a,ed, to tw sk'a p Itwry Y Y ng Go yon. They e.. delMr. y .nr .m. vers .w na, may keep yen a week, nr perhaps a fore - I w Allen, 1, meta, ,a'r•.,n,iM L7 night. life is sweet ; I wah I was as safe Y TM, lir m.ney u, owM la• Myr Ili” t+nyeHy of ate t4 Mr as y all. Whalen said further -They harp trawl me step by step ever since i caln0 intr. the entry. Every blo.dy thing i here don they have traced it. It all cam. ort in the onurt to -day. Thal O'leil1, is a begg.•r. I thought I'd faint when 'turner came rap, bot i bnro it nm hko a ian. TM,r..un0l t II . F 1 1