HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-11-30, Page 21W Th# XVw^haoM. A&ywoe-Ttae** \Vtfdii<Mwhkj; X^vombar H IS&J Local \x ’.I. Members Attend Rally ■ft ”"a:-d SNnL BoyM?, Mrs Ndiman Wa& <S0Wm Mrs 1 A-d&iuis, Mrs . V<?m 'Grv^'g' ,T‘.o Mtor.dcd ThcsdM Mrs. Mra Turnberry Federation Holds Knights If^Urtahn. | jL f r> rw t aAnnual Banquet at Bluevale _.H„. tc Nassau «i the Skh&wia islands audj* •ptu ’ tkr Cypteiss G&tetes. Ftetoda. «an Fto-’! day f’i’cmug tn tte Cnaugo Hall.il Dad’xs c.f the IrtC.B.A lodges -ot Fcte-i| ’ Wte.Ii ate G-cttoe were guests <-f tte j Royal Black Krtigtes ate <r^cyed the ' social cvcmt’< togothtr ( 'Sar.ta Cfaus to Vfedt Gotoi«?’ G&r.ta Claus ;$ xVteug to town. Ho w«l bf ariAlrg on -Saturday after-' croah, lYvimbcr Nnh. so bo steady to . moot b.m bays and gttos. Cotton and Korte Were elected, and the former was shortly after into the Cabinet ks provincial, tary. taken, seere--Open House Held At Anglican Rectory GCRR’l-B Bt SteSteif's -tectery. ■svcztr'. ssas fte «cf:te -cf ku to; teusr ' tor ^RsteYtens aud fncuds cf ate ihtoc jiaristes of Ge* toe, Wvsx- ate Fctoixi;»b, cn Friday <wumg. rmbrr Yte Rex &te Mzk F toss;te. Mr ate Mrs D dte<ues> aud Mr aud Mrs- Fatl kw .vte Sb ?te d.utug vccm. ste ubto iw&s docutotte viifh a .vtevcy-iccr cf pato cw aufl wlute mu»U'S> aufi caKafl* as cf ufutc tapcra. Mrs S', Fo •r. Mrs. H bteg. Mrs 3', ’Frrgu.sau ate MJ’s ten. jSatecrscn tock turns at tte tea urus Otters assisting wro Mrs, F Graham. Mrs W Mfss &Yva Foster Mrs V. Clark. Miss ton. Miss M. Harris. Miss M- Mass R -Gandi’Tsnri M;ss R . Mrs R„ Foster Mrs <? N Maur, Mrs G 5,*rid<PKVK»d Mrs ’f HOG PRODUCERS The L.’lS.A i < i I 20^ Discount on h terjttmak k tTK3f*5 I Nssf- a CANAS FAIRYLAND Wh-tghf«r?« ©xotosiYe Stora tor Thij’ THANKS BUNNY BAGS. SNOWSUITS a.ad COAT Fl we wu BMS. TO CANADA FA<1K.^RS EX TORONTO ON WI-JSXMX CF KACR WEEK AN to TO BUBNR PACKING TEANE IN MTOHBNEB ON \TOX1SS1Y« OF KAOS WEEK 4.LSO CATWE TO THF V.F.C TABBS £N TOKXNNTO CN AAPllBBAT OF EACH MFKK Jas>. Stmlhers & Son iSsfeam’- gj? W*’C’S,?to-T WSl KEN ZINN CamSttfas fcr TURNBERRY SCHOOL BOARD jl ![ i ■I WorKserf's iGS-titutTe j The Gonto WX «;?. Sheet on Taes-d ■day <xNY..ng, F>oo<m!b<r «ih at SJS^ p.m, ’ at the home of Mrs. Glc-nn Cc.hns.ten / The Rev. F E Rnssc-’U wfu. be the’ ghost spoakc-r and the roll -call ’will be I 'iYour Favorite CF.^stmas Carol There wtll he an ■cNehahge of Christ­ mas g’.fte and each member :s asked to display an .nexpenslve gvft idea. Win Cake ©raw bazaar and hot supper n.ng in the eom- ne rf the most sue- years. A draw for t’mas oakos was hold. Mr Alex n of Harr.ston won the- large one and Mr. Harwc? McMklhael Wroxeter, the smaikr one Members of the LOB A w.sh to thank all -who help­ ed make thss such a suceoss. Ixited Chetek News WMS. hr Woman xaa,"f Go % ■■« ■I *1 K T)i***iT*7 ■i K \v; *■ K hen hou ■ to his ankle;, d to ic&rn of the ionditior. of Mrs. ng’ham Hospital. y sit up -on Ost siscepe diaad® ®o she rasiepayers <ef East Wawassosh for their condnaed confi­ dence in retaraing ®s by aedamation 4or a fnI .'</ MUX «. ORVAL TAYLOR ORVAL McGOWAN CLARENCE HANNA JOHN BUCHANAN ALDON PURDON ■j jgl -jfMC ‘*f© Suabies® or phamure tixvolnrs know.. . mwhete in the v/oyjfi do* & dollar buy Mb much tun, Juwy, writarft* moik Xt’B Jtrausy iivibg nroimd sift ttionk tihijofti k ‘tybMMftttotit lfttiw.TzwM7tlve^hiRstioibYflfr^hiyI!;X)U'.,irig Thi'ift iffrom Atigwit !•) you -jpMy loss uliour^ unci bbyoittl.. 'Piat ouivly.. see uisJ Tte Twibrny Fcdc ration cf AgtM wr cf Ttiimbrny Fedcmtcn. <ulttee teM its autessj meeting in,' BMw&to Hall ©n N©vem-i bur ‘idnd. Bluevali-- Wcmen’s served a. turkey s«.ppcr, At the tead’ tabto were seated officers cf tte cir-l .gar-iKation aM special guests, anclud- :ng; Harold ®teR president; Lekis' Davis, second vi»-e-gre:sider.t Ontario >, ctoderatten cf Agr.uaterv of Cwen1' .Sound; T^urnbeteij Reeve flcte Ftscte'i ■er . Gorden YSreig fieldman tor Hur-, on; Atotar Bctew assistant agricnlt-J ural tYptescntatn., tor Huron; Wil-'! fmd Bteitw&d, yresident cf the i County Fodeia^cr. Rev R A Brook, i and Clifford Heifer, secretary-tocas-1 $ 'I /Trustees Appointed jFor HowicL Schools GGRR3.E—Warr.' r Zufbkgg chairman fcr the n.umnatton an on Rr.’day in tte Grnie Corns: Hte; wter: HowSfa Trwsship c was returned fey &;■.* tomatem T tendance was sm? 1 Roe-vo Hany Gezvdj' in Ihs -address, thanked all fey <,o-opf,r§ti<Mi and told of the new court house being built at Goar rich, -of ’War..C'«f-m Gen^.'ral Hos­ pital ate 'Of the Gt.Mren's Aid Soc­ iety He spoke «of the v.tel-<-quippcd County Home, ibemg one of the ansm- bers of the ■•county council •commlttei::. Deputy Reeve Arthur Gibson, one of the «ounty icoaneu members of the good roads >ow®: tef gave an outline of work done an h. teng bridges .and oulveits. Counciilor Ivan Haskins spoke on warble £ly spray.rp Caaafcdlor Har­ vey McMichadl expamed the grants; cemeteries, brateek, <tc. and nuneiBor MM. A ban spoke of the .rmetion of to wr.ship rates, lutfig- I Friend .mpt'ovcmen ?r c. King, ■She was t© MondajL Mr. and Mrs. OKrafka and Barry spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Earl dohnson, Guelph Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton and Tria on Bunday even­ ing 'were Mr and Mrs. Bert. AbdJl and Sanio, and Sandra Weber, of Eistowel. Mr. Bib Hart St. Catharines and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Newton and familj’’.; Mr ana Mrs. 'Hiirty Hastie visited Mrs. Alvin Moffatt on Sunday. Mrs. I Moffatt is reottpm'tetng at 'the home! of her daughter, Mrs. ’Gen, Seigmiller.» Kitchener, following an opiirathm. j Mrs T ira Grogg spent several days' last week with friends m Discowel, * Mr. H. T. Holmes spent a few daysij with relatives in Toronto, Mrs. Sohn Hyndman. Mr. and Mrs. ■ Fred Dowdal! of Toronto, v/ore guests i of Mr. and Mi’s. Courtney Gilpin and- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hjmdman, on Wed- ;• nesday. ■ Mr, anti Mrs. E, 32. Strong were in; Goderich or Wednesday evening for’, the warden’s banyunt. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Armstrong., their son wife and family, of Bay- * field oalletl on Mrs uas. Aimstrong: or Thursday Mr with Mr and M other fi’iunds and ypent Ss Mr. and Mrs Mr and Mrs H T Orillia kpent last week with M; Barris Mrs. Fred Dane Waterloo, Dane 'Llstev’ul and Mrs. Smith, of Atwood visited -with Mr. and Mm Robt Dant or. Sunday Biiftha Flant spent 'jonds in St Marys. Ruth Corbett has returned aftoi a v/ifck'U visit in Toronto. I CG.I.T glfls put on a conoort in] tin ’United Church Bull on Friday ’ evening ‘ Mr. anu Mrs 'Wm. Sardine moved ' to Wingham on Saturday to the home J -they recimtly purchased from Mr. Smyth, of Brodhugen. 'j Messrs. CJiatenee ©ruhiger, Wdlluce- i burg. Boward Grainger, Detroit and, Stanley ©ralTtgot, Titntflon, dperit thejj week'«inid with Mr. and Mrs. Ce'cM Grainger and on Saturday accompan-.< ? ie.fi by Mmv’jm Grainger, bf WrwjUtor, I th< five sons visited their father, ? Mr. W’m. Grainger and also their I sister Mrs Robt Sones, in Toronto. Mrs. Fetor Bassul and her -son, Mr.E» fjolm Bitssol t^.C, of Toronto, visited: Mm. F. C. Taylor and Mrs MahM Stev/art. on Friday, Mr. Wm. Dane, ofj Ethel called at the same homo on Sun- j day evening. ■Mro 2 %Vy.Hr' is spending the' vrintor irnmchu in Toronto. j Mr and Mrs 'Harry Andorson, 'blf Straahrey fitirmt the v/eok-emtl at the j liriraf hi Dr. G. F. and 'Mrs Mills. Misses Tria NWton and Thrilnu’ Beiiiidti v/ore home from StrtiSorfl11 Teach off,’ College -tor thr- v/enk-»onU i ! i I Bridge Club Tie m enthly master point Idembers cf Tumb-erry a-H CStabs had a -spe-elal table rgserwd far thepaj their Readers, Gecnge Underwood and[ Eten F<erttg©£>, bring «tipsa«nded by:i ®ke fhTrswjrsg winners: a. Mrs* F.AJ| speaters for tteir -cffcits in 4-H Otab| Farter and W. H. Werteb; 2. Mrs. H.' . C. Martesn and O, Hasilgrove: 3.1 • Mrs. B. A. VasBtcne ate G. Williams:; ■i. Mis. jR. S. H<s:i3t:.etongtisn and Mrs., - G. H, Boss: 5. Mrs. W. H. French feud ' j Mrs. J. A, WaJsKn; S. Mrs, D. C. Na-J smith and Mrs. G, Girsr. .] ------------ ------——--- ................ j r for totem------------------------------------------------------j ,,-H___-_»U ’I'Si1 ' ' ’ W ■ wcrk A goad ps^gram feT.awed the, supper, with President Harald EStoU'i mi the £hair. Varied .Prograan Rev R .< Brook tod in cemmuruty! ttgmg w.te Mrs. Alex CfcrrSgan as! Miss Ocrinne Rhame, of. Gorrle. a first yrite winne; " ' “ 1 _ at Klwanis Music Festival un CnejpbujB played beautifnlly on the viOiin ®ndm sang two Kimabers, ter .matter, Mrs.!!® Harry Rtiame., accompanying’ ter. ijs Two graceful dancers. Grubbs, in Scotch dances, and Brenda 'Gaiters, in step dances, delighted ite?!' ’ audience. Si'll Je-ffray .and Xehn 'Kad-I; was ‘ ter sang duets in young dear voices./ '! '! iUnitv i Fssi'sScfcs BrSgfei •FESaarw* suncdl i The chief speaker, Mr. HDa-ris, was J ' Introduced by Reeve dote FEsdher, He'j ' grave a comprehensive survey of con- ■ dildcns in agTiculmre, .advjsing co-; i (operation in the work ©f the Ftedera-' ,: tion and pivdioting a bright future for' ; farmers, cwteg to rapid increase sn; • G&nada’s jiopulstion, Faraaers of She. I future will have a good market right: at home, ] The Sharon HS - if flI wi I i < Looking- for a Gift for Dad, Brother or the Boy Friend?’' PETERSON said ’GtBD. PIPES Presto and Bcmsan lighters Timex Watches and other .gifts CAMERON'S BILLIARDS W you can rahe Pigg with­ out set-backs or losses due to deficiency diseases NIXON’S PELLAGREX V.MA, MIX. will help you get pigs to market in record time. PELLr- AGREX V/MLA. hUX contains a ‘balanced blend" of the vita­ mins. minerals and antibiotics found by extensive experimenta­ tion to help increase the food ©onrersicm ability of pigs and help prevent the incidence of deficiency diseases with result* ant weight gains. This .remarkable additive assur­ es yon pigs in record time with­ out set-backs due to deficiency diseases and with greater than ever profits. RESULTS GUARANTEED r speakers wrf E. H. Storing, to teecfc. wh.- remuteifia te that owe temdreb yiHtos sin’ci' the iiincil ’was i.’iimod &te that m j une of next yea: vi vzouid he cele­ brating. Tom Edgar, chairman .of the .heir friends mvitations comm.ttei for the town­ ship Centennial, sa>r that more names had 'been start in i’nra x>eopk’ tisiside the- wwnship that, from those living toiTc. Ho hoped that Hawick pannm •!i i a isiMfJi'S?.- •s. 'G-ffiidon Greig < ■it The eiectecsn resulted as foltawsx |» : Btesiaent, Hai'dSd Elliott..; vic.e-pr.asi- i ■ dfOJt. Hany Mulvey.; •seto’vt.aay-ti'aas-, :te ■ urer. Clifford Heffer: tei’ectors, Gar-!^ don Sandersm. Harold Grant, Gierm J Appleby, 'CSark STtew, Ed. Walter. Bd ' : Fowel'l. Walter Woods. Wilson Walk- j $ ‘ er. Ken McKagae., John Fischac, 'Wil-;.^ dgft. Mrs, Tes'a Gates. S-HMir. Baiton spate? briefly .-oa [ Club work. CEiEferd Heffen, sec-.j i T£’tai'y-<trciasuit£r of Tamberry Feders-ii i ton read the minutes -and .trsas2irer'’s ! ; 'Stal:emej£t. Mr. Shoiteoed gave an. use-1 j count of Fediration work in > county and received moEamatiens for.'l^' ■ ihe eleotfon af c»ffii : introduced .sosne of the .■speakers. would hand in exanres of have meivefi away m Campbell sipoke High School and T. J. Schaefer the Distov/el High School. Ni-w school itettsteos tor West lek are Gilbert Bowes acid Cisyne Michel. Moi'le^'" McMichael, Clark Ren­ wick and Fred Doubledee are comte- . uing for east Hcwick, Harold Follock ■ and Cecil WifetBi are ’newly appaihted I and Fred Bitt. Amdld Gedcike and ■ Howard Harris ctetonuo. Variety •CoBcert -GORRIE—Girls <Of the C:GJ.'.T,. under direction, of hhem leaders, lifts, 'Bowin- Fawrish and JJEiSs Fem Cook, , assisted hy Mrs, Boa Ti'wln put an a.J U’mriety '.concert on Sh’id'sy evening of ’ ; last week in the .btarresh hall. s g1To dfe citizens of Tnrniberry Township for the confidence you have placed in me for giving me an acclamation as Reeve for the f the season. you CoasdS f or £he Toww ©f Wingham imed suipipffirL. WINGHAM TOWN COUNCIL mayor a. e. McKinney!i Hsseing received the Yost issue-of they yo®r coMinoed ■conSdeBce in us as Dtarngf ISst® we wull 'da onr 'best to mmf yonr I Tile Rev. W. G. 'W. Buchanan was. Bail Telephone Comnsmy directoas'. Tv The pwgJ’fiim consisted of I took rime off to have a look through k. The avei'Uge citizen 'woiild harSiyjl kppreoiatt' the fact that there are i over 1,HDD names listed in this bookii of phone users. ;; Going through the list -I find thsiv t are SB with 'the latter B. 1® with the", letter C. MC with H. 122. with S. S®,i with W, 73 with Me, '23 with Mac. To j •see the number of lams worn by ansn, one v/ould think this must be a .Scotch1 town. This headgear is a sign -.of! membership; in the town curling club »' There is onlj imt Q anti one TL i Looking aver these initials brought j to nry mind a flashback regarding a, prtw’jiicial election in British Colum- 5 bill, in rhe city of Tuncnuver, to ?he , men’s direct It was a provincial eisc-t ■tion. with th? first cuiitebt io: soutatives for Tancuuver to took plant at one polling botith. Jature. The vote fur the entire empty store property on Carral! st: 100 feat lung. Each initial hud a arafce ballot box anti stall for marl the hullot. with a deputy rdiui»: officur, poll ulerfc and snrittmeersl fur each ballot box. Each initial had 'huarde.d off. Tills I fine Wiitm the t ? .re-; tolwl chairman. ’ short plan's by the .girls': violin solos ’ by Corinne Rhame; dtaets by Eenorej FeigdI and Arlene 'Timm, also Faye-i and Sandra Edgar ; vocal solo, Tvonne ; Snarling’ p.iano solo 'by Naren Michel and choruses; by the girls. The program closed with the, C.G.I.T. Purpose and Taps. The girls, are to -be nongsafcdldted on their fine« evening's entertainment. $ Herb Neill, of Goderich x*islted;fNaOV'SS -Osf ‘'MhOTIbkC' *5 Geo Brown andj or Thursday nnd Fridny j LHC SO 'W CSC turilav and Sunday with ira Neill, -S&inm. 4 ;rs H T. MoKrnmy. of/ Word has boon ’received of the-sud- and ’ don death in YAncotrver, B.C„ on Nov- < ■ ernber TJth. o' ? IT, a former j Hili district P j Mr. and Mrs. ' ' horn on lot 'LL- Sunday Fie attended t church. Mr. Milne went a young man Fits ■wife nredeceused siater. Miss Eva Milne, if Richard Gilpin J/Iilnc, resident of the Orange 5e Was a son of the Into Ouvitl iS. Wine and was 1 concession TA, Tlowiok. Orttnge Hill school dsnS West when .! 1 rrnme- ;hf isgip- au iityc HI I REEVE ROY ADAIR DEPUTY-REEVE JOE KERR Councillors JACK ..ALEXANDER W-. F- BURGMAN W. B. CONRON JACK GORBUTT EARL HAMILTON ELMER WILKINSON ♦ BUSINESS anj PROFESSIONAL DKECTORy him. 'One Siiskatoon, Stalk., ntmdwy,. Thmmsl wiuj dxdlfl «jni ’ Thursday November T?lih, at the South ■ FfilJ BaiJtiiit Ohmtch, W&nonux'or. j Mrs. and 3. -Sto. Gixlbnalth, Orange 3SU1 W. Courtney ’Gilpin m’e cousins, b - io - ' 0 'Iflrs. A. W. ®>jmtonh torrnsr rlowiuk a'esidont, Mrs,A Archie Darroch. hied wcontly in Cal- gary, Alberto She ihird lived dt-Spring- bank and T’ordv/Idh (hUfori; going to the Wo«t tied was the Soimim' Mas Gragg. Four hope und k daughter survive. The late Wm H. iGwgg, of 'Garrity- Was a hrdthnr She was the last mem­ ber bf the Grogg if Uttilly. n - h - » 3Wrs, Wmi Wrner Mrs Ida 'Hitfitie received word of the death m her .flWtor, Mto. Tenn ? ’Turner of Calgary. Funeral nervier was m Edmonton on Mimday. Novum- her Kirtt. Shr hud been a vialtor in. Gurri'e With Mrs. ’Hmltie during the parit nummer and autumn end was IB only IJlvr dt;ys Deepeilt I.E -niitohded tn Mrs. Hmftic. pan individual place ' scheme v/orkafi out votes were being counted und the stilt wots made known 'to those ■ oared to keep There were running, with i employer, Mr. ton. owner and publisher of <the Nevzs- Advoi’tlsor, a morning daily, was al­ ways heading ’the polls. It ras a see-.; saw between the neiit two highest candidates until the result Of the hon- i es containhig those whose names | litaftod’with M, Me and Mae. Then 'the name Horne wont far ahead of fhis' | keenest flval. A smile went iisround on the fiioes.l Of ittose gathered about. The reason appeared, to be obvious. On the Bun-, day two v/eeks before elodtion dry a pipe organ was ployed in the First Freslv’torian church ifor the first time and this organ v/us a gift to the ohuroh from this same Mr?j F(oi*hu who happrnied to he n member ] Of the eengteghtion of that church. Don't imagihf' that I um writing!] this bit of ardent history ns a tip to H uuy uf 'the uandifluttes for oiurffton 'to-a | the Whigham wouno 11 for WUHfJ. ijOftftoi4-1 8 tab on the I’UBult, f-fcve candidates in two Ao be tetated. Frunufe lr. 'Carter-Clot- the’ f ■ ii i 11«H ! EfYKIMETER, tSOUXCCTDIS i and TITUTmtT 1WBI&© TEESWATEF, » ffitthjpiume ®HBiwrtta»? | WI6DKETEI?—-Every WnfinwHiinyi jtStoENoon, p.m.; or hy niiiniiritnioiit. r (' I '■> ■ l . [fl!Ml II J. VAI Brnnisters, iSoStoS’toCT*, -Ete, Winghum, Wm < jEL OLWTOlRty -s, -syi i,f r H FxiK& .teammfctot dfflJlch: ’©tijyiil ■Stuiik iBldg, I35taiiammn: TRuttmihusy /BL BtrniwMJMlliir iOifflKTOW * OWOMO FraiWadk Mpnaith FlmLB.j, MM. &n»I IL Flmxtifili, M; Mitm WHninuft Il«Q» f Rhone 118 Hzcmsftan., COM. n Bumiirier,. WlJiMmj, W*. ’Mmnjy ’to feWA ■— iWnynr toHuxnnjm Onwip*®^ 3Ibrt.Wfc &n iili Bnundinn wjWl^ liun dukhhill.v wovvaill .hoirtnrM dor war'», wnto«$» .ffinhd O^lnr, ■—• Ww,wisit>fr ’■BL <X .JWiAjflinun IhmwiM) ’Xi£fcW 'Whigham