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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-11-30, Page 2
1W Th# XVw^haoM. A&ywoe-Ttae** \Vtfdii<Mwhkj; X^vombar H IS&J Local \x ’.I. Members Attend Rally ■ft ”"a:-d SNnL BoyM?, Mrs Ndiman Wa& <S0Wm Mrs 1 A-d&iuis, Mrs . V<?m 'Grv^'g' ,T‘.o Mtor.dcd ThcsdM Mrs. Mra Turnberry Federation Holds Knights If^Urtahn. | jL f r> rw t aAnnual Banquet at Bluevale _.H„. tc Nassau «i the Skh&wia islands audj* •ptu ’ tkr Cypteiss G&tetes. Ftetoda. «an Fto-’! day f’i’cmug tn tte Cnaugo Hall.il Dad’xs c.f the IrtC.B.A lodges -ot Fcte-i| ’ Wte.Ii ate G-cttoe were guests <-f tte j Royal Black Krtigtes ate <r^cyed the ' social cvcmt’< togothtr ( 'Sar.ta Cfaus to Vfedt Gotoi«?’ G&r.ta Claus ;$ xVteug to town. Ho w«l bf ariAlrg on -Saturday after-' croah, lYvimbcr Nnh. so bo steady to . moot b.m bays and gttos. Cotton and Korte Were elected, and the former was shortly after into the Cabinet ks provincial, tary. taken, seere--Open House Held At Anglican Rectory GCRR’l-B Bt SteSteif's -tectery. ■svcztr'. ssas fte «cf:te -cf ku to; teusr ' tor ^RsteYtens aud fncuds cf ate ihtoc jiaristes of Ge* toe, Wvsx- ate Fctoixi;»b, cn Friday <wumg. rmbrr Yte Rex &te Mzk F toss;te. Mr ate Mrs D dte<ues> aud Mr aud Mrs- Fatl kw .vte Sb ?te d.utug vccm. ste ubto iw&s docutotte viifh a .vtevcy-iccr cf pato cw aufl wlute mu»U'S> aufi caKafl* as cf ufutc tapcra. Mrs S', Fo •r. Mrs. H bteg. Mrs 3', ’Frrgu.sau ate MJ’s ten. jSatecrscn tock turns at tte tea urus Otters assisting wro Mrs, F Graham. Mrs W Mfss &Yva Foster Mrs V. Clark. Miss ton. Miss M. Harris. Miss M- Mass R -Gandi’Tsnri M;ss R . Mrs R„ Foster Mrs <? N Maur, Mrs G 5,*rid<PKVK»d Mrs ’f HOG PRODUCERS The L.’lS.A i < i I 20^ Discount on h terjttmak k tTK3f*5 I Nssf- a CANAS FAIRYLAND Wh-tghf«r?« ©xotosiYe Stora tor Thij’ THANKS BUNNY BAGS. SNOWSUITS a.ad COAT Fl we wu BMS. TO CANADA FA<1K.^RS EX TORONTO ON WI-JSXMX CF KACR WEEK AN to TO BUBNR PACKING TEANE IN MTOHBNEB ON \TOX1SS1Y« OF KAOS WEEK 4.LSO CATWE TO THF V.F.C TABBS £N TOKXNNTO CN AAPllBBAT OF EACH MFKK Jas>. Stmlhers & Son iSsfeam’- gj? W*’C’S,?to-T WSl KEN ZINN CamSttfas fcr TURNBERRY SCHOOL BOARD jl ![ i ■I WorKserf's iGS-titutTe j The Gonto WX «;?. Sheet on Taes-d ■day <xNY..ng, F>oo<m!b<r «ih at SJS^ p.m, ’ at the home of Mrs. Glc-nn Cc.hns.ten / The Rev. F E Rnssc-’U wfu. be the’ ghost spoakc-r and the roll -call ’will be I 'iYour Favorite CF.^stmas Carol There wtll he an ■cNehahge of Christ mas g’.fte and each member :s asked to display an .nexpenslve gvft idea. Win Cake ©raw bazaar and hot supper n.ng in the eom- ne rf the most sue- years. A draw for t’mas oakos was hold. Mr Alex n of Harr.ston won the- large one and Mr. Harwc? McMklhael Wroxeter, the smaikr one Members of the LOB A w.sh to thank all -who help ed make thss such a suceoss. Ixited Chetek News WMS. hr Woman xaa,"f Go % ■■« ■I *1 K T)i***iT*7 ■i K \v; *■ K hen hou ■ to his ankle;, d to ic&rn of the ionditior. of Mrs. ng’ham Hospital. y sit up -on Ost siscepe diaad® ®o she rasiepayers <ef East Wawassosh for their condnaed confi dence in retaraing ®s by aedamation 4or a fnI .'</ MUX «. ORVAL TAYLOR ORVAL McGOWAN CLARENCE HANNA JOHN BUCHANAN ALDON PURDON ■j jgl -jfMC ‘*f© Suabies® or phamure tixvolnrs know.. . mwhete in the v/oyjfi do* & dollar buy Mb much tun, Juwy, writarft* moik Xt’B Jtrausy iivibg nroimd sift ttionk tihijofti k ‘tybMMftttotit lfttiw.TzwM7tlve^hiRstioibYflfr^hiyI!;X)U'.,irig Thi'ift iffrom Atigwit !•) you -jpMy loss uliour^ unci bbyoittl.. 'Piat ouivly.. see uisJ Tte Twibrny Fcdc ration cf AgtM wr cf Ttiimbrny Fedcmtcn. <ulttee teM its autessj meeting in,' BMw&to Hall ©n N©vem-i bur ‘idnd. Bluevali-- Wcmen’s served a. turkey s«.ppcr, At the tead’ tabto were seated officers cf tte cir-l .gar-iKation aM special guests, anclud- :ng; Harold ®teR president; Lekis' Davis, second vi»-e-gre:sider.t Ontario >, ctoderatten cf Agr.uaterv of Cwen1' .Sound; T^urnbeteij Reeve flcte Ftscte'i ■er . Gorden YSreig fieldman tor Hur-, on; Atotar Bctew assistant agricnlt-J ural tYptescntatn., tor Huron; Wil-'! fmd Bteitw&d, yresident cf the i County Fodeia^cr. Rev R A Brook, i and Clifford Heifer, secretary-tocas-1 $ 'I /Trustees Appointed jFor HowicL Schools GGRR3.E—Warr.' r Zufbkgg chairman fcr the n.umnatton an on Rr.’day in tte Grnie Corns: Hte; wter: HowSfa Trwsship c was returned fey &;■.* tomatem T tendance was sm? 1 Roe-vo Hany Gezvdj' in Ihs -address, thanked all fey <,o-opf,r§ti<Mi and told of the new court house being built at Goar rich, -of ’War..C'«f-m Gen^.'ral Hos pital ate 'Of the Gt.Mren's Aid Soc iety He spoke «of the v.tel-<-quippcd County Home, ibemg one of the ansm- bers of the ■•county council •commlttei::. Deputy Reeve Arthur Gibson, one of the «ounty icoaneu members of the good roads >ow®: tef gave an outline of work done an h. teng bridges .and oulveits. Counciilor Ivan Haskins spoke on warble £ly spray.rp Caaafcdlor Har vey McMichadl expamed the grants; cemeteries, brateek, <tc. and nuneiBor MM. A ban spoke of the .rmetion of to wr.ship rates, lutfig- I Friend .mpt'ovcmen ?r c. King, ■She was t© MondajL Mr. and Mrs. OKrafka and Barry spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Earl dohnson, Guelph Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton and Tria on Bunday even ing 'were Mr and Mrs. Bert. AbdJl and Sanio, and Sandra Weber, of Eistowel. Mr. Bib Hart St. Catharines and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Newton and familj’’.; Mr ana Mrs. 'Hiirty Hastie visited Mrs. Alvin Moffatt on Sunday. Mrs. I Moffatt is reottpm'tetng at 'the home! of her daughter, Mrs. ’Gen, Seigmiller.» Kitchener, following an opiirathm. j Mrs T ira Grogg spent several days' last week with friends m Discowel, * Mr. H. T. Holmes spent a few daysij with relatives in Toronto, Mrs. Sohn Hyndman. Mr. and Mrs. ■ Fred Dowdal! of Toronto, v/ore guests i of Mr. and Mi’s. Courtney Gilpin and- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hjmdman, on Wed- ;• nesday. ■ Mr, anti Mrs. E, 32. Strong were in; Goderich or Wednesday evening for’, the warden’s banyunt. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Armstrong., their son wife and family, of Bay- * field oalletl on Mrs uas. Aimstrong: or Thursday Mr with Mr and M other fi’iunds and ypent Ss Mr. and Mrs Mr and Mrs H T Orillia kpent last week with M; Barris Mrs. Fred Dane Waterloo, Dane 'Llstev’ul and Mrs. Smith, of Atwood visited -with Mr. and Mm Robt Dant or. Sunday Biiftha Flant spent 'jonds in St Marys. Ruth Corbett has returned aftoi a v/ifck'U visit in Toronto. I CG.I.T glfls put on a conoort in] tin ’United Church Bull on Friday ’ evening ‘ Mr. anu Mrs 'Wm. Sardine moved ' to Wingham on Saturday to the home J -they recimtly purchased from Mr. Smyth, of Brodhugen. 'j Messrs. CJiatenee ©ruhiger, Wdlluce- i burg. Boward Grainger, Detroit and, Stanley ©ralTtgot, Titntflon, dperit thejj week'«inid with Mr. and Mrs. Ce'cM Grainger and on Saturday accompan-.< ? ie.fi by Mmv’jm Grainger, bf WrwjUtor, I th< five sons visited their father, ? Mr. W’m. Grainger and also their I sister Mrs Robt Sones, in Toronto. Mrs. Fetor Bassul and her -son, Mr.E» fjolm Bitssol t^.C, of Toronto, visited: Mm. F. C. Taylor and Mrs MahM Stev/art. on Friday, Mr. Wm. Dane, ofj Ethel called at the same homo on Sun- j day evening. ■Mro 2 %Vy.Hr' is spending the' vrintor irnmchu in Toronto. j Mr and Mrs 'Harry Andorson, 'blf Straahrey fitirmt the v/eok-emtl at the j liriraf hi Dr. G. F. and 'Mrs Mills. Misses Tria NWton and Thrilnu’ Beiiiidti v/ore home from StrtiSorfl11 Teach off,’ College -tor thr- v/enk-»onU i ! i I Bridge Club Tie m enthly master point Idembers cf Tumb-erry a-H CStabs had a -spe-elal table rgserwd far thepaj their Readers, Gecnge Underwood and[ Eten F<erttg©£>, bring «tipsa«nded by:i ®ke fhTrswjrsg winners: a. Mrs* F.AJ| speaters for tteir -cffcits in 4-H Otab| Farter and W. H. Werteb; 2. Mrs. H.' . C. Martesn and O, Hasilgrove: 3.1 • Mrs. B. A. VasBtcne ate G. Williams:; ■i. Mis. jR. S. H<s:i3t:.etongtisn and Mrs., - G. H, Boss: 5. Mrs. W. H. French feud ' j Mrs. J. A, WaJsKn; S. Mrs, D. C. Na-J smith and Mrs. G, Girsr. .] ------------ ------——--- ................ j r for totem------------------------------------------------------j ,,-H___-_»U ’I'Si1 ' ' ’ W ■ wcrk A goad ps^gram feT.awed the, supper, with President Harald EStoU'i mi the £hair. Varied .Prograan Rev R .< Brook tod in cemmuruty! ttgmg w.te Mrs. Alex CfcrrSgan as! Miss Ocrinne Rhame, of. Gorrle. a first yrite winne; " ' “ 1 _ at Klwanis Music Festival un CnejpbujB played beautifnlly on the viOiin ®ndm sang two Kimabers, ter .matter, Mrs.!!® Harry Rtiame., accompanying’ ter. ijs Two graceful dancers. Grubbs, in Scotch dances, and Brenda 'Gaiters, in step dances, delighted ite?!' ’ audience. Si'll Je-ffray .and Xehn 'Kad-I; was ‘ ter sang duets in young dear voices./ '! '! iUnitv i Fssi'sScfcs BrSgfei •FESaarw* suncdl i The chief speaker, Mr. HDa-ris, was J ' Introduced by Reeve dote FEsdher, He'j ' grave a comprehensive survey of con- ■ dildcns in agTiculmre, .advjsing co-; i (operation in the work ©f the Ftedera-' ,: tion and pivdioting a bright future for' ; farmers, cwteg to rapid increase sn; • G&nada’s jiopulstion, Faraaers of She. I future will have a good market right: at home, ] The Sharon HS - if flI wi I i < Looking- for a Gift for Dad, Brother or the Boy Friend?’' PETERSON said ’GtBD. PIPES Presto and Bcmsan lighters Timex Watches and other .gifts CAMERON'S BILLIARDS W you can rahe Pigg with out set-backs or losses due to deficiency diseases NIXON’S PELLAGREX V.MA, MIX. will help you get pigs to market in record time. PELLr- AGREX V/MLA. hUX contains a ‘balanced blend" of the vita mins. minerals and antibiotics found by extensive experimenta tion to help increase the food ©onrersicm ability of pigs and help prevent the incidence of deficiency diseases with result* ant weight gains. This .remarkable additive assur es yon pigs in record time with out set-backs due to deficiency diseases and with greater than ever profits. RESULTS GUARANTEED r speakers wrf E. H. Storing, to teecfc. wh.- remuteifia te that owe temdreb yiHtos sin’ci' the iiincil ’was i.’iimod &te that m j une of next yea: vi vzouid he cele brating. Tom Edgar, chairman .of the .heir friends mvitations comm.ttei for the town ship Centennial, sa>r that more names had 'been start in i’nra x>eopk’ tisiside the- wwnship that, from those living toiTc. Ho hoped that Hawick pannm •!i i a isiMfJi'S?.- •s. 'G-ffiidon Greig < ■it The eiectecsn resulted as foltawsx |» : Btesiaent, Hai'dSd Elliott..; vic.e-pr.asi- i ■ dfOJt. Hany Mulvey.; •seto’vt.aay-ti'aas-, :te ■ urer. Clifford Heffer: tei’ectors, Gar-!^ don Sandersm. Harold Grant, Gierm J Appleby, 'CSark STtew, Ed. Walter. Bd ' : Fowel'l. Walter Woods. Wilson Walk- j $ ‘ er. Ken McKagae., John Fischac, 'Wil-;.^ dgft. Mrs, Tes'a Gates. S-HMir. Baiton spate? briefly .-oa [ Club work. CEiEferd Heffen, sec-.j i T£’tai'y-<trciasuit£r of Tamberry Feders-ii i ton read the minutes -and .trsas2irer'’s ! ; 'Stal:emej£t. Mr. Shoiteoed gave an. use-1 j count of Fediration work in > county and received moEamatiens for.'l^' ■ ihe eleotfon af c»ffii : introduced .sosne of the .■speakers. would hand in exanres of have meivefi away m Campbell sipoke High School and T. J. Schaefer the Distov/el High School. Ni-w school itettsteos tor West lek are Gilbert Bowes acid Cisyne Michel. Moi'le^'" McMichael, Clark Ren wick and Fred Doubledee are comte- . uing for east Hcwick, Harold Follock ■ and Cecil WifetBi are ’newly appaihted I and Fred Bitt. Amdld Gedcike and ■ Howard Harris ctetonuo. Variety •CoBcert -GORRIE—Girls <Of the C:GJ.'.T,. under direction, of hhem leaders, lifts, 'Bowin- Fawrish and JJEiSs Fem Cook, , assisted hy Mrs, Boa Ti'wln put an a.J U’mriety '.concert on Sh’id'sy evening of ’ ; last week in the .btarresh hall. s g1To dfe citizens of Tnrniberry Township for the confidence you have placed in me for giving me an acclamation as Reeve for the f the season. you CoasdS f or £he Toww ©f Wingham imed suipipffirL. WINGHAM TOWN COUNCIL mayor a. e. McKinney!i Hsseing received the Yost issue-of they yo®r coMinoed ■conSdeBce in us as Dtarngf ISst® we wull 'da onr 'best to mmf yonr I Tile Rev. W. G. 'W. Buchanan was. Bail Telephone Comnsmy directoas'. Tv The pwgJ’fiim consisted of I took rime off to have a look through k. The avei'Uge citizen 'woiild harSiyjl kppreoiatt' the fact that there are i over 1,HDD names listed in this bookii of phone users. ;; Going through the list -I find thsiv t are SB with 'the latter B. 1® with the", letter C. MC with H. 122. with S. S®,i with W, 73 with Me, '23 with Mac. To j •see the number of lams worn by ansn, one v/ould think this must be a .Scotch1 town. This headgear is a sign -.of! membership; in the town curling club »' There is onlj imt Q anti one TL i Looking aver these initials brought j to nry mind a flashback regarding a, prtw’jiicial election in British Colum- 5 bill, in rhe city of Tuncnuver, to ?he , men’s direct It was a provincial eisc-t ■tion. with th? first cuiitebt io: soutatives for Tancuuver to took plant at one polling botith. Jature. The vote fur the entire empty store property on Carral! st: 100 feat lung. Each initial hud a arafce ballot box anti stall for marl the hullot. with a deputy rdiui»: officur, poll ulerfc and snrittmeersl fur each ballot box. Each initial had 'huarde.d off. Tills I fine Wiitm the t ? .re-; tolwl chairman. ’ short plan's by the .girls': violin solos ’ by Corinne Rhame; dtaets by Eenorej FeigdI and Arlene 'Timm, also Faye-i and Sandra Edgar ; vocal solo, Tvonne ; Snarling’ p.iano solo 'by Naren Michel and choruses; by the girls. The program closed with the, C.G.I.T. Purpose and Taps. The girls, are to -be nongsafcdldted on their fine« evening's entertainment. $ Herb Neill, of Goderich x*islted;fNaOV'SS -Osf ‘'MhOTIbkC' *5 Geo Brown andj or Thursday nnd Fridny j LHC SO 'W CSC turilav and Sunday with ira Neill, -S&inm. 4 ;rs H T. MoKrnmy. of/ Word has boon ’received of the-sud- and ’ don death in YAncotrver, B.C„ on Nov- < ■ ernber TJth. o' ? IT, a former j Hili district P j Mr. and Mrs. ' ' horn on lot 'LL- Sunday Fie attended t church. Mr. Milne went a young man Fits ■wife nredeceused siater. Miss Eva Milne, if Richard Gilpin J/Iilnc, resident of the Orange 5e Was a son of the Into Ouvitl iS. Wine and was 1 concession TA, Tlowiok. Orttnge Hill school dsnS West when .! 1 rrnme- ;hf isgip- au iityc HI I REEVE ROY ADAIR DEPUTY-REEVE JOE KERR Councillors JACK ..ALEXANDER W-. F- BURGMAN W. B. CONRON JACK GORBUTT EARL HAMILTON ELMER WILKINSON ♦ BUSINESS anj PROFESSIONAL DKECTORy him. 'One Siiskatoon, Stalk., ntmdwy,. Thmmsl wiuj dxdlfl «jni ’ Thursday November T?lih, at the South ■ FfilJ BaiJtiiit Ohmtch, W&nonux'or. j Mrs. and 3. -Sto. Gixlbnalth, Orange 3SU1 W. Courtney ’Gilpin m’e cousins, b - io - ' 0 'Iflrs. A. W. ®>jmtonh torrnsr rlowiuk a'esidont, Mrs,A Archie Darroch. hied wcontly in Cal- gary, Alberto She ihird lived dt-Spring- bank and T’ordv/Idh (hUfori; going to the Wo«t tied was the Soimim' Mas Gragg. Four hope und k daughter survive. The late Wm H. iGwgg, of 'Garrity- Was a hrdthnr She was the last mem ber bf the Grogg if Uttilly. n - h - » 3Wrs, Wmi Wrner Mrs Ida 'Hitfitie received word of the death m her .flWtor, Mto. Tenn ? ’Turner of Calgary. Funeral nervier was m Edmonton on Mimday. Novum- her Kirtt. Shr hud been a vialtor in. Gurri'e With Mrs. ’Hmltie during the parit nummer and autumn end was IB only IJlvr dt;ys Deepeilt I.E -niitohded tn Mrs. Hmftic. pan individual place ' scheme v/orkafi out votes were being counted und the stilt wots made known 'to those ■ oared to keep There were running, with i employer, Mr. ton. owner and publisher of <the Nevzs- Advoi’tlsor, a morning daily, was al ways heading ’the polls. It ras a see-.; saw between the neiit two highest candidates until the result Of the hon- i es containhig those whose names | litaftod’with M, Me and Mae. Then 'the name Horne wont far ahead of fhis' | keenest flval. A smile went iisround on the fiioes.l Of ittose gathered about. The reason appeared, to be obvious. On the Bun-, day two v/eeks before elodtion dry a pipe organ was ployed in the First Freslv’torian church ifor the first time and this organ v/us a gift to the ohuroh from this same Mr?j F(oi*hu who happrnied to he n member ] Of the eengteghtion of that church. Don't imagihf' that I um writing!] this bit of ardent history ns a tip to H uuy uf 'the uandifluttes for oiurffton 'to-a | the Whigham wouno 11 for WUHfJ. ijOftftoi4-1 8 tab on the I’UBult, f-fcve candidates in two Ao be tetated. Frunufe lr. 'Carter-Clot- the’ f ■ ii i 11«H ! EfYKIMETER, tSOUXCCTDIS i and TITUTmtT 1WBI&© TEESWATEF, » ffitthjpiume ®HBiwrtta»? | WI6DKETEI?—-Every WnfinwHiinyi jtStoENoon, p.m.; or hy niiiniiritnioiit. r (' I '■> ■ l . [fl!Ml II J. VAI Brnnisters, iSoStoS’toCT*, -Ete, Winghum, Wm < jEL OLWTOlRty -s, -syi i,f r H FxiK& .teammfctot dfflJlch: ’©tijyiil ■Stuiik iBldg, I35taiiammn: TRuttmihusy /BL BtrniwMJMlliir iOifflKTOW * OWOMO FraiWadk Mpnaith FlmLB.j, MM. &n»I IL Flmxtifili, M; Mitm WHninuft Il«Q» f Rhone 118 Hzcmsftan., COM. n Bumiirier,. WlJiMmj, W*. ’Mmnjy ’to feWA ■— iWnynr toHuxnnjm Onwip*®^ 3Ibrt.Wfc &n iili Bnundinn wjWl^ liun dukhhill.v wovvaill .hoirtnrM dor war'», wnto«$» .ffinhd O^lnr, ■—• Ww,wisit>fr ’■BL <X .JWiAjflinun IhmwiM) ’Xi£fcW 'Whigham