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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-11-23, Page 8
The Wingham Advance-Times, ednesday, November 23, 1955 Car Damaged? Have ua reetote thoae battered leaden and doom to a gteamtaK, like-new factory ftofahi- PRICES REASONABLE— I8TIMATE8 FREEHobbs Glass Service WINGHAM Carman Loucks * BODY SHOP Proprietor Time Now to Make Plans For Holiday Festive Fare Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting for the Nomination of Candidates to fill the offices of Reeve, Four Councillors and Two Members of the School Board of the Township School Area for the Township of Turnberry for the year 1956 will be held at NOMINATIONS TPRNBERRY TOWNSHIP Municipal The Community Hall in the VILLAGE OF BLUEVALE In the Township of Turnberry, from 1 to 2 o’clock in the afternoon, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 That in case there should be more than the neces sary number of candidates proposed and a poll demanded, polls will be open from nine o’clock a.m. until five o’clock p.m., on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1955 AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES, THAT IS TO SAY: Polling Sub-Division No. 1—at Lower Wingham J School: Don Cleghorn, D.R.O.; Fred Daw, Poll Clerk | Polling Sub-Division No. 2—at the Community Hall ■f Bluevale: Alex Corrigan, D.R.O.; Mrs. Alex Mc- f Crackin, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 3—At Powell’s School: Gordon Wray, D.R.O.; Harold Grant, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 4—At Muir’s School, Glenannan: Sam Marshall, D.R.O.; Clifford Heffer, Poll Clerk. A GEO. T. THOMSON, Clerk Clerk’s Office, Turnberry, November 10, 1955. I .... ....... Muuei.mnmii.e.e ii ij i ■■■■•■«—mm— in - i -i-ril 11 -I ■ UIM-1 ■ I-tiLn-T --I. I.-U... -q Shopping Around for Christmas? 1 SEE THE By Jane Ashley Thia holiday season make some of your old-fashioned favourites the.new , quicker way, Our shortbread cookie recipe is the easiest way of making a traditional “must” you’ll want to serve i year round! 0 - 0 - Shortbread. < Va cup corn starch % cup icipg sugar 1 cup sifted all-purppse flour 1 cup butter or margarine Sift together corn starch, iqing sugar and all-purpose flour lute bpwl< (Haye butter at room temperature,) Blend butter or margarine ihtp dry ingredients with a spoon until a soft dough is formed; shape into balls about 1-inch in diameter. Place on un greased cookie sheet about inches apart; flatten dough with lightly floured fork. Bake in a slow oven (300 degrees F.) 20 to 25 minutes or until edges of cookies are lightly browned. Yield 3 to 4 dozen cookies, NOTE: If dough is very soft, cover and chill % hour, Variations Cherry Cookies: Add % cup (one 4- ounce package) glace cherries, finely chopped with dry ingredients. Fruit Cookies: Add % cup (one 4- ounce package) candied peel, finely chopped with dry ingredients. 0-0-0 Salted Nuts 1 cup almonds, peanuts, pecans or walnuts, 1 tablespoon salad oil Salt Arrange nuts in thin layer in shal low pan. Add salad oil to nuts; stir well. Bake in moderate oven (350 de grees F.) Stir frequently* until nuts are lightly browned; remove from oven. Drain on absorbent paper, sprinkle with salt. 0-0-0 Refrigerator Fudge 214 cups granulated sugar cup evaporated milk 2 (6-ounce) packages chocolate bits Vs cup golden corn syrup 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup chopped nutmeats Combine sugar and evaporated milk in heavy saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mix ture boils. Turn heat low; cook 10 minutes, stirring constantly, to pre- ! vent scorching. Remove from heat; ; add immediately chocolate bits, corn ; syrup, butter and vanilla. Stir well < until mixture is melted and fudge is < smooth and creamy. Add nuts mixing ! only until blended. Pour rapidly into ] greased 8- inch square pan, Spread j quickly as surface sets immediately, < Chill in refrigerator 1 to 2 hours or < until firm. Cut into squares with a < sharp knife. Yield: 2 1/2 pounds. ) 0-0-0 Butter Tarts ; % cup butter ; y2 cup golden corn syrup ; 1/2 cup brown sugar ■ 2[3 cup raisins % teaspoon nutmeg 1(4 teaspoon salt ~ ! 2 eggs ; 1 recipe pastry ; Prepare pastry. Line 3-inch tart ; tins with pastry. Melt butter; add all ingredients except eggs and mix ! thoroughly. Add eggs, beaten lightly, !; and combine well. Pour filling into pastry-lined tart tins. Bake on lowest ;! rack in a very hot oven (450 degrees ;! F) 15 to 20 minutes. Allow to stand at !; least ten minutes before removing I; from tins. Yield 1 dozen tarts. > tj - 0 - 0 Holiday Pie 1 tablespoon flour > y2 teaspoon cinnamon $ 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves and ig 30 good these cookies all ■ 0 Cookies iqing Vs. teaspoon nutmeg % teaspoon salt 1 cup mixed candied fruit 34 cup raisins % cup chopped toasted almonds 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup golden corn syrup % cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 tablespoons butter, melted % pup fruit juice 1 9'inch unbaked pastry shell Blend first five ingredients; add to fruit apd nuts, Mix beaten eggs with corn syrpp, sugar, grated rinds and molted butter. Blend well and slowly add fruit juice; stir in fruit mixture. Pour into unbaked pastry shell. Bake) in hot oven (400 degrees F.) 15 min utes; reduce heat to moderate (35Q de grees F.) and bake 30 minutes longer or until crust is browned and tilling is set. ,r- ’ ■ '—r*— ---------------- -— Bridge Club There was a near normal attendance of seven tables last Thursday despite the initial appearance of wintry wea ther. Some unusually interesting hands provided pleasure for some and pitfalls for others. The results were: North and South, 1. Mrs. W. H. French and G. Mac Kay; 2, Miss M. McCallum and W. H. French; 3, Mrs. R. S. Hetherington and Mrs, D. C. Nasmith; 4, Miss M. MacLean and Mrs. G. H. Ross. East and West, 1. Miss M. Johnston and Mrs. D. B. Porter; 2. Mrs. G. Olver and Mrs, F. A. Parker; 3. Mrs, J. A. Wilson and O. Haselgrove; 4. Mrs. J. H. Crawford and Miss S, MacLean. STORM WINDOWS WINTER’S COMING Better order yours now! INSULATION Protect your home now, for winter comfort! BUILDING SUPPLIES EVERYTHING FROM CELLAR TO ROOF! Personal Service Prices Right CAMPBELL GORBUTT Sash and Building Supplies Edward St., Wingham Rm. S40M Phone W Bee. 481 4// ""W? f* Bwj T ■S® ■ ' "'’■I //A WINGHAM Neo’IPOR ATE D Ji / | at THE WALLPAPER SHOP Crystal Stem ware, Plates, Comports, Cream and Sugars $ in the Dream Flower Pattern OPEN STOCK TOO English China Cups and Saucers^ The Best in Quality Planters and Ornaments for every room Table and Bedroom Lamps - new and smart A lovely array of Artificial Flowers and Fem, just for you. Let us help you with Your Christmas Shopping at THE Town of Wingham Municipal Nomination Meeting A meeting of the electors of the Town of Wingham for the Nomination of Candidates for the offices of MAYOR, REEVE; DEPUTY REEVE, SIX COUNCILLORS ONE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONER AND FOUR PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES will be held on FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 25(11, 1955 From 7.30 o^lock until 8.30 o’clock AT THE TOWN HALL, WINGHAM Candidates rhust be- nominated in writing. The proposer and second er must b© municipal electors and! be present at the meeting* If a proposed candidate is not present at the meeting, evidence that he consents to be so nominated must be attached to the nomination paper. All candidates for office Shall file the required Declaration of Qualification on Or before 9 o’clock on Saturday, November 26th, 1955. Wingham, Ontario. November 16th, 1956 W. A. Galbraith, Returning Officer, / CpIIijctinjf bills one summer in On tario, a man found a bachelor farmer milking his cow. ‘Til be through in a minute,” he grunted, motioning to him to sit bn *a milking stool. He flnis|h($ mi,lk.in^ lifted the pail to his *pouth and drank deeply, pqur- ed the remaining milk on the ground and hung up the pail. “Now,” he said, “the milking’s done, supper’s over and the dishes are wash ed. What do you want?” EUROPE Hovd on Exira Vacation an routo ENJOY YOUR TRIP... GO BYSHIPJ Burginan Travel Agency Wingham ’ Ontario •* FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing; Dudley E. Holmes Listowet f f" < AS "•'•z 4' •zz,V z zj , #■ Use AdvancerTimes Classified Ads for Results Relieve That Tired Feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES \ * 4 EASY Ffc-f]SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, who will be at my store to give relief to those suff ering from Foot Ailment, TUESDAY, Nov. 29 WEDNESDAY (morning), Nov. 30 Wingham 1 S<:B I hot® w® w-w 2 i $ 6:- Maslercraff “Pro-Style” PERFECTLY 1—PLEASURE OR HOCKEY OUTFIT —<XMjftfohal value a* this baraaln price. Fitted with Tendon Guards to protect the ankles; sewn-in web reinforcement for extra support.,Boots feature sturdy black pebble grain leiafKer, felt padded tongue. Excellent quality tube skates rivetted to water proof rubber soles. I * Boys' ehtes 11 to 2. Youths' and Men's sixes 3 to 12. Pair 6-98 . 7.98 3 2—4EMI-PR0 HOCKEY OUTFIT — Smooth, top grain leather; Black with .handsome tan toe caps and trim. Crasslsfitched fuH leather-lining; Felt padded tongues; Waterproof soles; Built-In Tendon Guards. High grade satin finish Tube Skates have hard ened blades. Worth up to $16.50. Men's sizes 5 to 12 Sr pair 3—SPECIAL "DAOUST LALONDE" HOCKEY, OUTFIT—With aUth.fhU D?otu,*# fop-ratad trrakor. Block ®roi!’ *w>t with cross- stitched leather lining; Built - la Tendon Guards; Leather soles; Large padded tongues. Contrasting red leather trim. Rivetted to excellent Tube Skate*. Men's Sizes 6 to 13 C.C.M. HOCKEY OUTFITS-22.95 TO 57.50 t A Fine grain white leather, waterproof rubber soles. 698 WOMEN'S __ ft .75 3 to 9_____ O Sparkling All-White SKATING OUTFITS PLEASURE OUTFIT — With ankle supports; Handsome tube Skates. MISSES' 11 to 2 - "FANCY WHITE" OUTFIT-—Soml-hl-cut style; smooth white leather with scwn-ln ankle sup ports, Excellent tube skates d| ft yE Women's sizes 3 to 9 _________ I U", DE LUXE FIGURE SKATING OUTFIT Afl-wMfe boots have solid leather heels, soles and Inner-soles, sponge padded at ankle and tongue. Lined With smooth brown kid. Nicely shaped and combination •arrow heel last. Chrome-plated Englhh Rtmre SfoatM. Women's sizes 3 to 9___jg.95 I w w yl \ i SVlS'V-- A..........; , V> FIGURE SKATING OUTFIT booh, "«uedo-«to*well-fitting whit. ImH,., lined with shaped tops—In the rtyle preferred by professional figure skaters; .leather soles. Chroma plated figure skates complete this moderately priced outfit for those who want figure skates for ordinary rink skating. Mines' sizes—11 to 2 Women's stzee—3 to 9 ..... ....... 3c y ASSOCIATE STORE WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell