Huron Signal, 1868-4-23, Page 2i
"Like ser own g.mstams awl truthful
earn, 1..b.1. dew can 1 etpres■ my
gratitude for the blissful wor3e that my
emanon! belts ears h T now heard!
l free,!• u, •gown uuW late st night .nu the mtrniag of Ute C rthaguuan and Freltch Iteyublioanom.
art ag r, w n
wpl+.w that o ow be moulted by a•) *Illltler until I1ts Huuee toss. ng h
Durr AI•a fur those true-hearted.tatesmei who
pyttion. Therefore, tr• day. wMun that nigh hu movements were mysterious would be guided by reason and common
y yang • e {
Best 1 will not d. ,t. It a no dr.•em. It 1 the 1 him, sura u.ure ,( muawy 1 atatud cent. He d, in and out many tnnw, Vituot whose sole fare is tureen end whose
Bald to him, WuuUy : " yuwW 1, !etre d ntam motive It arson.! andisement_
i. real 7'kod•s d my grwtwt bas Las I •t6F
•need to my gr, err pts ; attd my !:worn- ; ed .d Iu.oug you, whit neer relewy at and one nun pts distinctly that Ae And 1
And '•Bat 1 haul bem Internally goal! Y ,1 piduf in his }o.aniet, R'hen the Huuae I ped Lent end Digest the inpor-
Chester rotes!! came W hi• ru.wi k• wk in t e extrr n* suppwiug him to be tnuo- sense they •re thrust to the wall by demo
rg tan turn. ! trent Iey t- I
key. he pauwd end • altadow of rngra•t Ploy, the leaf llhree weeks, Lawrestta If free le dtdgtd about the entrant*, and tart, facta set lurch in the da 's enveniae- ltaas sodothen, relative to Ute Northern
W c.ol t..nty it would be y
EQMONDVILLE line, hest illiam Harro and-
nthets re true to a bridge at Ctenslord -
Rt•NAwar.-Last Muuney night Mr. from David Cowan, requesting theCounci`
.Allan's hone broke away from the poet t^ upon put of the rod un the 10th con.
where they were tied and galleppd aoro.a W. D ; from William Murry std others
PaT/NT BMWM. - -Hewn. hear !)Mese
t Sun have patented • new and improved
broom. By tie s . of •n iron band, emelt
hibur is waved and a bettor and stronger
article produced. The specimens sent to
tine office are really splendid We wish
this branch of ►ow manufacture eery
April, 13th 1868.
The Council met this daty pursuant to
ad))'uurnment at Mn. McCarron'., Kinp-
brldg. all the meuibere protein. The
minutes of last meeting wore relit end
approvesd. 1he following petitions, were
received and read, • petition from Donald
Itis handsome feature. you ase .pare a won afwr dig A bot mumeuta
Quiitkk seearye her eyye saw the ch.ngw, • ..itegg by I fr•uld win enough ppetred•
and +hit wild, , arnptly "What t hut' te p.7 you back the four Imitated end odd after Mr, McGee war shut he appeared at
whet r' 1 I am owing you." the Russel Blouse suddenly end asked for
"1 hers, th tie M ghtoer of thio hour I Manfred looked •t hits rtlh • Banos or, one Doyle. Row could he have pass.dup
td happiner, been, idr•iou.,d the i ner* I contempt ; for there war even Leh,* ham, l S ark's itruot without itnin wen 1 An
that must forever sever w." i plea, w sew he c,ald dotpisu, as thaw 1 g
! abort• him despised him. (empty house strodoppuaite Mrs.Trotteri,
"EdwarA yon Jaw sen oryt.' r t " 8o you alwsy say, 'Tunstall." +Ute doors of which were nnluckud. A few
" But I've learned a trick from a pm -
bier, Lawrence --an dutiable trick -that
cannot fail to bring me luta of stakes."
" Do you resort to cheating, Tunstall 1"
" One must de it," &cowered the young
'•Nay, 1 cwld not do sou wrung, as
should do by a ueiwg your swe•etcosinnence
anrd soaking to draw you from the hngh
sphere in whish, hiss faaar• ew star, yew
move, te ray. wink an olw:um light of
"Edwani, ) our words grieve me. They nun, slightly coloring. " One can't starve
show that ou do not L t o. me. I must, , and be ruined. I must pay my debts ; and
I see, apeek more plainly than I should, I cbeatiig u fair rhea tht..yutl play against
perhaps. I1 you Bur• nae I will never love cheat."
another bet you. But I do not I " I have nothing to esy. Your circum -
lower myself ; 1 know that you I stances mem desperate."
wt11 yet rise to stand ude by side with the I " Ye•, you lave outne near the mark."
greatest and beet. Lower myself, to give I " I out pr epos. you • way of getnny,, out,
myself to yor true ofd loving heart and of th.ut." Arid he, bent his eyes cltr.ely en
protecting arm 1 O nu I I a►all look sept^ I his face.
the with ride and honor -my heart'■ king I " In what manner 1" eskdti. 4ttnester,
and lord.
A awuuNu rine Or ABDOCTION. I will
' prolmise to ]nay. in o you a receipt
By doing mea laver."
"Name it.
"!t is -out fust let tot tell you what 1
steps would take Lim directly serer the
e treet into thv house, thence he could
run thruugt the hark yard, up another
street aid thus. appear at the Russell
How in a ttouple of minutes. Did he do
w 1---Ttittks were found going through
the hour towards the back. Thine tracks
wen 'neither greater nor smaller than
thine nude by Whets,'• bold when ar-
rested I A revolter was found on him,
1 ons barrel tad bin apparently recently
ired undrebrdd, the balls used wen of
the exact size, make and pattern of that
which lodged in Mn. Trotter's door after
it bd killed Mr. McGee I Putting all
the damnatory facts together, how, we
repeat, can we believe in uurwuls other-
wise than that Whelan did the deed.
The holding of the ez•mination of Whe-
)art with clewed doors during the past few
days u thought to mean that some of
Whelan's confderate.sre turning Queen's
Evidence. We should nut be surprised if
such were the case. Then espy bs honor
among thieves, tut then is seldom a
particle of that Ingredient in the compo-
sition of traitors and conspirators of the
Mdesian perstasion.
How stupid a Using Aasariratlun is'
it never did and never will help en any
cause. In this cue, Mr. McGee bring
dead, will speak to the heats of Canadi-
I k h ld gree I es I e I love told yes what I wish ., ase still more elapuently than he did in
Ar thew words of undisguised troth sed i hit full fur what you owe este, and one limo-
' deep feeling, witch eons but a tree ase I dyed dollar. dawn tt you passe."
purr.' -hearted girl a•uld love spoken,in suck, e. tame Name it wrens."
a frank sad in nuous and wnoily urea/-
ge ' It is W kill •man "'
footed eli•nwr, &leen! dnw him tower!& " What - kill • nue f No. You don't
hints!! gently, and imprinted the ilet kiss mum it et
of lore and oonfid.00e upon her brow. Rhe •• Mare I not 'aid it l"
did nut withdraw front theeinfuWing circle TumWl 'hien his head and reganled
of hu ata', and, 1er • moment, both wen Lawrence, who stood unmoved before him
atest, their kappiner two great for eau- without moving • muscly with surprise
guage to express. At lengthKdward broke and doubt.
the west silence by ssyug, to a tone ting- •' Do yaw think I am so desperate u
.d wit e regr•ttwlm• : that, Lawrence "' he asked, with guilt)
"Lear take!,! leaf that 1 de wrong,thma - , and an attempt w look
le.t. end lend your young heart. You 1 indignant.
taow nothing of the world. Y•u lore me ( ., 1 am nut Inking myself your judge in
now, but if you were one day to link your matters persuwl W yen, TurnaWl."
taw with nune,7 feel they ni would grieve I t. D.i ynu really wish me to enmmrt a
end sink under the pointed ringer of eon- , murder 7'
tem ,t w st sour t vuu aa- n
the wren frankly --the reefs .,f &t.eed et wen is the wan 1" life, ani, in orad of ncwd, the remem-
Blo dock. For your sake, thettgh tt would! " It ono matter who, till1 knew whether
cast s gloom over way whole days --fury, ser 1 you will do it ur no. ' btetts n( hl' foal munler wail! nerve every
tune, your hepptnw and {oe•ce, this inter. I •1 ee, fire ltndred dellen ' it o.meal! sem with double strength and implant in
view shuul3 be ar last. R'ht;n you here pm " the voune nen, with .thought -
aeon mon of the world -fur recollect ynu I hal air ;"a sen(mwded sesall«tm : especaal-
wre just fans ach.xol -ynu wall Itoruei•e the I ly if there wit any Chute• of being found
error vonr regard for me has tempted yon' out."
to counnut, and be thankful. and, perhap, " It •sum will commit a murder at all,
to me gretehd art my calmer experience 11,Len't wee why he couldn't do it fee ive
prevenlsd it. ' hundred dollars 1"
'Hoe. 7 en said all 1" she &eked, with I Theta true --say a thousand r" 1.
tears sparkling in the moonbeam ss she i rad &brnptie Here Lawrence laughed
fixed bet eyes reproachfully upnairs face, I audibly, wttn a sneering tone anJ said :
while the . of tr spirit hash- i " 1 do not wish to do any murder, Tun -
.d from tient. 'tall. I did but test you on this impruben
'•I have sad what 1 have said, Isabel, u bee point, in order to sou if 1 eonld depend
if I were pronouncing my own doom. 1 on you upeu a 1, seer. I have no hatred
"Hear me' After what I here 'aid, 1 I t, gratify, that I cannot be my own
need nett repeat tnyou that I Ince you with' wen ts r."
all my heart and being. With yea 1 wonld , i'uu were hardly fair te try me in n! i'
dwell in poverty, tether then in splendor way, answered Tunstall, trying to Amin,
with another, whom I could never love. awe ha,kng ss guilty u tf he had rally
No, Edward t Yoe shall neither Irre Your l• coranli'tdl the decd ; tar he had learned •
lfappin'r noel mine, for the world. *hat' humiliating le.s,n in the volume of boor t
i' the world to me, without thy lar. 1 I depravity, flat 1.r a thousand donate he
With Oerendeof Von D.rnert., I w
"iT, rot • hew mean. It • len. I. aero r•
"Th,t drat aset, lwhel,"'aid Edward,
his fine face &re eatd with &lithe happiness
the preodly confessed love of ouch a noble
girl sho.ld kindle in any soul. "Than let none.
this subject be dropped forever. From "I wish you, however," said Lawrence,
the day I will try and -make myself worthy' "to do a deed for m., that 1 weld rsti er
of your love, so that in giving me your have performed by another than myself,
heart yet ahsll make no s•omnies in the 1 benne my aplpteaance on thegre.und at all
eye of sgdety. Iwill render mewlf worthy I would lead to rupcion. I want you
d yrs. An Bone as 1 leave theuaivenity, to ail me u rwsdng away with a young
which win terve be very show, 1 shall place girl."
myself with an eminent jurist, and, if I I •That le quite another affair," answer -
fed not In health and life, it shall, indeed, ed the young mem, with & rook of infinite
lee your pride to clam me as your lawful I relief.
protector and beige Ion!. My native land I "She Is poor, and i am in bore with her.
open& an unlimited Geld to the smhttinn of I yhu will undertake the affair, and follow
ib young men, and every office, even the l my directions, 1 will give ynu your debt'
highest ul the world, is acceessble to talent, I to me, and pre you one hundred dollars
tntegnty, and nghtly directed ambition. bide'."
If all elm were wanting, the consciousness I "Dane. Who is the girl t"
"Will Tun swear secrecy 1"
"If you betray me i will have you
thrown into prion for that forgery of my
names r'
' What -what- what - forgery, " he
( . (fur `New Salt Wells are all progr m-
ing finely We shall soon le abie to an-
nounce that some of them hare struck salt.
could con..nt te erarinate • fellow -being.
He dropped me eyes before the haughty
and add glare of his superior, for he felt
that by kis own mouth he had forever
spied ho own degradation and unmistaka-
ble infamy, in the eyes of Manfred Law -
of your love,of vtur devoted and self-sacri-
fieing spirit, which forget& my humble birth,
all spur meto superhumaneiertion that,
when 1 ahall «,me to claim your laud,
pledged to me this joyful hour, of your
mother and your brother, they shall feel
no shame or sense of d n.intion in yield- gasped out.
ing their freeconnsent P 11 then, dear Ise- ( la menet• sit. )
bel, though the sepetinn will be painful ,
to me, let us meet but seldom, if at all'
Conscious of ower mutual love, and looking -
f'rward to a brighter do.y, when the cloud ,.
Uat now intervenes r! .11 be removed, we i jw
eae love each other 1, ear absence, as we ..c....
have done during tl. ,.at aix rirrs of your 0ODE$hH, APRIL 23, 1888
a sone from your ; .nenW home. base
utQn ignat.
this protean pleas. s el 1" -
"It does not pleat• ,ue, but I yield to it THE AB8A881NATION TRIAL.
beauty it is dictated 1.1 pntde nee and sound -
sense. i t1.m► you.l•:dward for su gwting When the news of the bnitel murder of
it. !t o heed we .!.hind ser each "Uisr ba! I Mr. Males rcsohed the country en that
seldom, wntil the day ern; es, whcn,bef re ; LW morning, there was ,enjoined to the
the world's .ye, you eau ' aim tea as 7ouf I universal feeling of horror at,the atrocious
"Yee ; far even, thougb I were now your ant • fear that the discovery of the mur-
equal in birth, i have no professt,n, and direr would 1.c utterly imp insihle. Even
we should still have to tet time ela;ete" in • public etrvet of a Targe city then are
"Yon ire mon discreet and t'inught moments dnrin the earl hnun,d
ful than I am. Bat my fortune w, -old ob m,rnin when Neg ntinn o,f such
vote--' g perpet
Ny dear Isabel, do me the justice to • crime is the Murder of Mr. Melds• and
believe that i have tin much pride to make the ..cap of the wwasein are favore.l by
your fortune the key of my advancement. the absence ot any h.tman eyes other then
Under any eircurwteno.. 1 mud delay 011 those of the actor in the blody tragedy,
I have rode • none, or at Ievt a prnfes-
aeon. Will yon "he addd .millingly u hie vicum. Yet, haw true it te that,
wait ter me font years h" 1 Mr. Mct ee and the enmmenu rewards of-
'Sevte -always, Edward, p far as any ferd f a the conrictinn of hie mnrdexr
pt Tge M anotherg• nese ' have led to the almost sup erhnman exer-
't'huke, myy dear luhel' Thank.'
Word' are inad late to etj1,r•e.. my gnti- tions of the eleroreat detectives of the
fade to yom for the unapeekable honor of Dominion. Fnr a dy or two nothing was
Tour lo.e, ad of atntdeoce in me. May I erected beyond the arrest of a few appa-
1 never prove myself unworthy of either- rally unimportant pars.nageo, but ort Issf,
Four yea. will make ynu needy twenty
Athos Challenge
Ten metubersof No. 6 Co.,andten mem-
bun of No. 6Co., (Bayfield and Exeter)
combind, hereby challenge two tens Mm
any other two companies intim 33rd Batt.,
for a friendly Rifle Mateh in Tryfield'on
or before the 46th of May next. Regula-
tion& Riles and ammunition at 2(10 and
400 yards ; Six days notice required ; com-
muniotiow addressed to the uudersigued
will receive prompt attention.
Tut'. R. Jecgsew,
Lieut. No. 6 Co., 33rd Batt.
Driving Parts.
The first regular meeting of the members
of the Goderirh Driving Park, took platy
at Snell's Hotel, un the 18th ins,, for the
purpose of narnin the Park, and electing
toficers, tc., for the ensuing year. It war
mrd b A.
V. Polls sec. b Joel Dean
m y 7, 7
e e of the rk be alld the
Tlut th nam pa
Melton Driving Park. It war also unati-
mously agreed that A. M. Polley hie •p-
printd PreaMunt ; W. G. Shit Treas-
t urer, and Juhn Story, Seantary. Also,
the following Committee was •ppuintd to
su ntend the grding of raid perk, via :
A.M. Pulley, W. SntIl, and W. 0. Smyth.
The n mmittee appointd Joel Deae to
superintend the grding and fencing d
sand track.
every mind a determination to avenge it
with terrible interest. Besides, it is now
pretty clear that the whole Fenian con-
spiracy as relates to Canada will be explod-
ed through the searching investiption nee
going tot. So mote it be !
The Fenian Brotherhood in the United
81.1.. is again stirring. On Goal Friday
a large meeting war held in Cincinnatti, at
whish speeches of a belligerent character
were delivered. It was averted that the
Fenian. of the United States were strong-
er thanTver before In ,nen, money and
munitions of war. While we are dlainclin-
•d to -place implicit confder. in the stat. -
menta of men who claim that the battle of
Ridgeway war a gnat Fenian victory, it o
evident that the rw.eals moan mischief,
and that a frusI attack upon Crud& this
summer is under contemplation. L'ndouibt-
,dly, these men will meet with mon sym-
pathy &n1 support from Americ.ns at this
junctlre than ever before, simply because
every political demagogue will consider it
tohieinterestto extend hit hand to them
on the eve of a Pnidential campaign, which
pcomites to, be unusually exciting, even
for the United States. Thea, again, then
are thou.ands of sten tacked to the tail
of American society, who, without the r.-
moteet idea of principle, patriotism or reli-
gion, are ready to join any cause that offers
plunder and license, and who will mat
saearedly join the Fenian ranks i■ ase of
• fah outburst. It is as well for us, se a
people, to bear the facts in mind, and
make every preparation for the call that
may be sent fort] at any moment. The
Fentar may try awl try again, bM they
can never, neserconquerCanads. Waepeak
advisedly when we state that this Demth-
ion can endues 201,000 of men u hardy,
as brave, and as detennined to defend a
home which ie dear, and a liberty which is
dearer, as ever tushed to arms in the most
bey of causes. True to ourselves and to
each other, what have we te fear while
we stand " Shoulder to shoulder 1"
Te the reflecting mind it would really
n eem that our American neighbors are fast
gravitating towards that point beyond
w!:ichRepublicaniemiineergeeint .Mob -rule,
:end order is superseded by the greatest ty-
rant that has ever cursed humanity, An-
areAy. The Pnident o impeached for
"high crimes and misdemeanors." He
is accnaed of unconatttutional artt and the
making of foolish speeches. Who is the
mouth puce of hu aceuwrs 1 Gen. Butler,
a man whose nune bean an ill odor where
he drew her hand to his lips, "wt 1 yon murder anal/ out ' Tea high standing of ever uttered, and whit, in hie impeach -
men, speech murders English in enid
bin,d, while he descends to the use of
*hug ter ., which would disgrace G. F.
Train heart'. Who can compare such
ash effort with the grand pends of Edmund
Burke in the impeachment of Warren
Hastings without groaning in spirit 1 -
Then, what fearful revelations the press orf
the railed States makes dy atter day of
oorrnption in places high and law,--ot
eenittxs' vote* bought and the well -meant
effort& ret good mon annulled by the Mob -
your hand 1" hand that directed the aeculwd bullet. --- ocracy-of social dieent'ghtinn and public
"Have 1 not *aid it, dear /reward 1" Of course it would be an unpardo nshle sin wring.
"Bless thee -blot thee P' ta Aug en innocent man, and it i* always The Reuh, what a fearful position It is
"Curr theen curse thee, villain "' end beat M. eithhnlel omr judgment in such a- in. The military power hu cnuhed down
the startling voice d Manfr'dl Lawrence, all its bean man, who►nnow
Immediately in the down( the nun, behind w anti) every lick in aha chain of evidence 1 prsotially
the step un which they were seated, is perfect. Yet we are toroed to the con. dlafranski.od, while the evil power, under
wholly forgetful of all cuennetuese but elusion that the extraordinary circumaten- the cloak of rtennatrnction, hu placed,
skid site bounded by th• d, •le of thsir eea u onnnectinn with Whelan's utndset er is placing, the nagm in the front rank.
sorsa( th•. before and on Ne night ver rather morning, Itetmnlated by r degree of liberty for
A, ret this hent ee raI mi have heat at which the hied ao. ire ration, the blacks
the ■airenity severe! miles dotal, we M the murder aro inaompatihle wiN the y 1 1'^
wail; rrplain hie appearnce at this unhappy idea of he innocence. What are the«. in the most arrogant and offensive man-
reora's* is the pre■enes 'd the lovers- ciroame?ances 1 leaving aside the rack nor. Toa+ lazy tot wnrk, they rob, pillage,
We Lao already given a detailed arconnt that hie anti celentm an of lhe wont de- mortier and reviah nn every hand. T^
of hu lateens Passion (or the hernial
Kate Wynyard, and the signal d'feat of *caption, we find that he belonged to the lveeeteract their npsratinn* u well w to
his per.tse*.hesngh the onurade or Edward Hibernian Society of Toronto, that he was kinder the dne,gne n1 Northern p bitioian*
Rineli o.ok- Nevert i -le.., for all this di.- connected with the Feniuu of Montreal a .oeret aooiety called the Knklut Klan
enm6tnee, while it Metered h s hat"d ►tterwaid, that he toxtk r prominent par! hes bean established, the name dernt--
two, .red mak. me twenty-6Te. We shell O'Neill found the end of • thred of eel -
then he young. and, 1 trent, hopper than I dmes, which, being followed up, hu fee -
now ; because 1 shall then have attained • te•nod upon II'hefan a maarnf such demn-
ally seat seven years, if in tour I won net i lit who du not believe hls esu the
the position I spire to before i claim y
oferio n In life. Bat would yew cheer- ing ciuumstanoc. that there are few in the
spinet Edwird, it did not diminish his tio atlmd of a ribs Fein
determination to elrry off the beautiful m Ne Devlin-Mc(ieo el•Ri.m, nn rho *ids g crken
etraw-F.ralder ; for he wet ane of that vile ^tithe farmer. It is nn record that h. was the enjoins of which have been already Mit
ela'e of rieb yore; nae who woned nerer very violent in hia nen... •zon. of Melee too well marked. A war of tacos, if it
N k .rf
its outraging the feelings of A Inung at that election and that he red rated h beak. foil will eutvie the most horrible
d frwn
y in their ow• P u tae
attempting to nary her off by wistey')•hflt I h. (tMeOee) wmuld not enjoy ho...i Inng r'o^"o osl alta Civil R'u. 1t eilibe nn• vast
Intek „po' w poor ggiirl, whe.vpp,rt. herself it has lean preyed that under the mite..(
saran pmt ee their hoot mi worked hie way into Mr. McGss s
account of murder ad extermination oa
by her n.edla ( R th he both .i.ea.
Win■ ataimpet and Ihnounnumestratageme. sick rotom in Montreal on the 2nd .4 J's- With a vast n•tinnd, the lignida-
lis a had formed u intimacy with a I wry last and seted in a eery mvet.riot u Uma off whieh a dill fu in the f.atnre, a
ynnwg etedenl, who, kad 1arl;ely manner. He went to f )ttawa int reeentlt, di affseterl Routh, sit enerm«u GxaUem,
iewnlved hia cheritcter by disipae .n.
psing and nnhgnidatal debfa. This est.nmhly to seek employment, end we "'Tentwm *Amnon everywhere, eomhind
person a need Manfre.l's &Minnow fmm mnst nv that hit comdllet in that city, with the perertr of tnoneendthe nnbnenel-
tim to tine en largely se plied! that at fmm fine 1.t last, ku been of the most eke- d wealth ret tie few, it will "gain /he
lewglk ,t 1.666°6 hY chief 'undltorne red pinn . nature. His habits bars been greatest MT its ttf the greatestntAmerlean
held his enmpleteh in hie sewer, wss,s
a °an is (elan t, .,, ), o positos ref sop th"w' ot the night -hawk. A plain neenhaa- stateonen to seerr the ship of the Repiblie
sad6rie hf ►Y •iel menau of inee, ha is a le he seemed to have a morbid desire to sit poet threw. p•litteal rob whore way still
Wady t.on f.r all Mmplatiw,. and nn is tie gallery of the li r ,g Cnlwws.aa he seise the wrecks of (!reek, an..anr
Oodsrtob Harbor
lite bridge std up the hill. A boy who was raying lira !onion Solved n ; from
drawing a load u scantling up the hill ser
ing them come, hauled ell the road to give
them room to ,but tberunawayturned
in tow; and h it n .t been for Mr. Came-
ron (who ran out at. s. frightened them off),
Dien StuNAL.-Do you not think that
we deserve the taunt& so often freely be-
stowed on w by (Attatden; when we remain
so supinely indifferent to th. condition of
our harbor 1 I understand that ono or
two bate are loading or lodd, intending
to coins to this port, but it is st present a
matter of very grave doubt whether they
art get in or not if the do make the at-
tempt. Our member, M. C. Cameron, has
called the attention of the Government to
tea state of the Harbor; but unless backed
up by an expression of public opinion in
the matter, I fear very little attention will
be paid te it. How would it do to all •
public meeting, and let there be such en
expression of public opinion, that our
rules, whether (1. T. R. or others, would
be compelled to do, not only the town. but
a large section of country comm.n justiw
by putting 0. Harbour at once in such a
state of repair that Yemen will be able to
come in and 3, out without running
aground, arts be ail. to unload sheer they
do get in f - CITIZEN.
• We agree with "Citizen" that a pub
lie meeting might be of &ervte* in this mat
they would have nn over the boy. A. it /ec,ndetl b Mr. D$olnt n,
war, Mr. Allan's waggon "truck the hind y y
wheel of the other, broke the axle -trot, That W ter H• k.N, Juhn MoKnde
and tore it off ; luckily no ose was hurt. W m. Slotfrry and J aeyh AInd toe paid
twelve dollars for cutting toe and fur other
work done u trying to save the bridge
8EA1PORTH- over the nine mile neer on 10 and 11 non
- " de E. D. taken away by the spring freshet.
stem Sullivan, to be allowed to work
statute labor uu the rod between 19 and
2C lake shore. A letter was read front
ernes Crawford selling the attention 0! -
the Counuil to the breach in the rod near
the bridge at Port Albert. Moved by Mr
(rhos ser chs •U -Carried. Muvd by Mr. Aruetrung,
Joan Huao, The murderer of Stephen :.eoundd by Mr. Johnston, That this
Lewbeeker, was brought up here But Fri- Council grant ten dollars to Mn. Martin,
day chi and to &detective, who posted nght . widow of the late Joeeph Martin, one ui .
the tiaherma who w drowned Iealta
off with him to Walkerton, -he seems a'. Hawn, on Saturtla Ne 4th twin Cu-
hardened wretch, when the people it the rigid. Moved b r. Johnsen, secondd
sed forward to ate him b Mr. Clan T st b - b. built aro tl.e
he seemed W be the least a,noernd of any, nine m e ricer n slaw .e awup away
awl told thein to Wee a goof look and be by the late freshet, also that tis Itrt ashes
made in the Lake toad and at Port Albert,
d -d W them, with other epith•ta nut fit bo repaired at the earl er amvenience. -
to be seen in print. To be paid out of the lazes of 1868--Car-
CooweiL M.rtiico.--Tao Monicipal I rid• Movd by Mr. Armewng, s.cond-
Council .I the nllage
met on Tuesda d by Mr. Johnston That the Rove order
este have in readlnees, nit later th&n the
first of June, six Sccrapers fur the use of
this Municipality -Carried. Moved by
Kr. Arewtrong, eeu,ndd by Mr. McIn-
tyre, Thet the following persons be ap-
potntd Pound -keeper old F
.f ,r the cumnt ysu--Pence-noon, Hugh
signed. Mr. Cash having nude the noees- Chambers, Muna Welsh, Rich'd Brown,
pry declaration of o Coes took hu "eat. Tho. Ste•eaaon, J Mclhmugb, R. Thomp-
It was moved, seconded std round, that sen. Wm Findlay Tim Gn n, J Whitty,
the Clerk do write to J. Dickson Esq to Patk loig, Wm O'Neil, J Graham, David
obtain a copy of the auditions, contained McCarron, J Tackaberry. Pound -keepers
in the need, granting a market square to Jas Thompson, A Carrier J Bayne, D!S
the municipality ofveaforth. Atthe stage She Hawkins and O. Pennington.
of the meeting the Reeve hiring arrive I - oved by Mr. Clare, seconded by Mr.
took the chair. It sill moved, secondee hwton, That the following persons be
and arced that theCounel do order the Pithmasten. Ran Irwin, if. Mullen,
Reeve and Clerk to iuuedebnettrcue to the alae Baldwin, D. Shea, Jos Bell, Jae Mo-
iamount i4 three dollars per week, fur the Dona!d, P.. Thompson, R. Webster, Ed.
support of Luke Woolard • destitute per- Andrew, D. Webster, Jos Agnew, P. Me-
soa the order to be in favor of Ismwn Find- - Kens, K. Hester, A. M'.rruon, John
lay who has taken charge of said Lok., i ickering, R. Pickering, Thos Stevenson,
Woolard, to board and take care of him. J. Hunter, Wm Gardner, Alex Hackett,
Those order, not to be issued mon than Jos Speen, D. Quinn, N. McKenzie, D.
twice without the farther consent of the
natonworecru ing y d ' i ndtht t
evening pursuantiodjounmeutttSh•rryy
Hotel. Present, Committer' McDougall,
Beene and Strong. biout.. of la.t m et-
ing red and aioptd. i'he Clerk handed
in the p..i; nook of the election held by him
and certified that Edward C..h was elected
Councillor in place of Mr. Hatt, who r. -
We w requested to announce the
on Sabbath next the bell of St. Andrew's
Church will be rung at a quarter to 10
l n clock a. m. instead of 9. o clock, and
that the Sabbath Sehnol of sed church
will he held at to o'clock a. m. instead of
2:30 p. re.
The return mateh between the BayIeld
and Exeter Volunteer Co. parry took place
N Itiyleld on the 17th inst. lihe weather
turned out mart ut . • bl swing
nearly a gale during 4). time, sometiileo
ctming in guota. Good shooting was out
of the question. Exeter won by ..von
pointe. Annexed is the sours
surae ooar.NT, w0. 6, 33ai carr., carr.
Rana end `rasa. .ss Tela, nit t T.W
Erle news.• . .. 1. 1 5 15 i tI s 1 .11
.t t
1. .15
a 1
5 '
00.05 a 0009 thea
5 .10
Oslo...6 els
5 0557..15
15 17
rri.ate th.14
newt, see
errt, Ju. ..
Tolsla . IM.
Average per roes ......10 et
Ar.rop per shot ... 115 .
S ATP1SLDCOMtt.YT, oto. 6, 33a. Ytt.,CAn.
toot !.tees ..1♦
col asst. Mede. .,M
eeriest ee luras . -0 o e 5 0 11
rerp_U Jet'eM . N
Mvw wnTwoolro ia . .11
Ro w • aus•..10
TutW 111 111
]versa• per r • 10.1. 11.10
Arens• pee set - tot >M
Test regular meeting of the Dungannon
Teachers' Aseociatiun, was held in the
School Hour nn the 4th instant. A.
Molesworth was appointed delegate to the
County Association. A. Moleswnnh, F.
Stuart and R. Forbes were appointed to
draft By.Laws for the association. The
next meeting will be held in the same place
on Saturday, My 2nd, when Mr. Patter-
son of Rt. Helens will illustrato ho method
of teaching children to reed the first book
of lessons. A fell attendance is expected.
The annual meeting of thio Soociety was
held at Hooker's hotel, on Friday evening,
10th inst., when the following o(iosn
wen elected for th. earrnt year :
John Darisorn, President.
Edwin Clifo ,wrdd , eat Vi.. President.
George Rumbell, 2nd Vi.. President.
Francis Jerlan. Secretary.
Thormas Andrews, Treasurer.
W AwAorire ooarMrrrRs.
Merit. Crabb, Tremae, John Hunter,
Passmore, Abram Smith, John Harris and
Charles Wells.
en•RITAtL■ oromir tea.
Merit. Heater, Jordan, Swaffield,
Mo.ely, Mitchell, Walker, Crahb, and
Henry Wells.
A c DITote.
loosen. Mtwrhonee end John. Biak•.
The annual dinner will take place at
the Maitland Hntel nn St. George's day,
23rd inst., at 6 e clock P. M., all EngIW-
men, slog of Englishmen, anti tAnse favor-
able to the ^hjeeb of the Society are eor-
Melly invlton to attend. Ticketa 11 each`,
to be had en application to any member ret
the Si.bty.
g We are pleased to learn that Mr.
Kennedy the Scotish Veealiethe(nee Ipr-
ingrwn nn Monday, placed Ne .nm of
816 in the he'ede O1 the Myer, tar the lam
flits d the gakermen, 'Maly drowned ost
our .here.
(} Owing M Me popularity and otMn-
sive eircul•time of the Hnron &meat, a short
paragraph whish appeared sere dye agn,
ealling Jnr laborers, ham mere than effected
the desired per.... We 1velan, the de-
-mand is ewe M ly supplied
Council, nor any longer than may be ab-
solutely required dunng that tune. It war
moved, seconded and carred, that the
Clerk and Keeve du grant and order to
Richard Sharp Esq., on the Troasur r of
the municipality for the eumufl0.60 being
the amount in full of rent for the mann oc-
a,pred by the Council up to thu date. It
was moved, seconded and arned that the
court .•f Revision for the Municipality• of
Seat.erth be held un Fnday evening, My
the 1st, at 6.3ti n'di..k in the evening In
Downey's Hall, and thin the Clerk do give
the necessary notices required by law.
Moved, secoadd and carried, that the
Council do now adjourn W meet again on
Tuesday nett, at Downey% hall at halt
past seven 4 clock.
Tatcngu' L,,.it AaetctaTlor.-The
local association of teachers mel awarding
to intment in the echo..! house, Ser
forth, .in Saturday the 18th inst. Mr. A.
Dewar in the chair.
Mr. Vercue ggaate a lecture on corporal
peniahment-ahimld it be administered io
school -when and under what circum-
stances. His news were that in the pre-
sent state of Society it could not be dune
without, not to be administered until all
other methods failed and sselduma.posa-
Mr. Murdy explained hie method ret
teaching grammar to beipnner, and Mr.
Momeen demonstrated on the block board
ht method of teaching penmmanship. A
vote of thanks was unaniineuely tendered
to the lecturers. Next meeting • debet•
will take place nn " whether the position
of the teacher be en enviable one." Mr.
►!are ! leads on the affirmative. Mr.
Valens.•nthenegative. Mr. Hamill will
explain the doomet on greenbackaand the
prim of oleo. Ns it meeting will take
plane on the Isst Saturday in May.
trio. ear a wl.l!..rrell...A vee 1
WRATH.., -The weather hit been very
Irregular, which is rather chafing to .be
go-ahead farmer' here, who would llie to
have the sed in- bat think it u as well
in the granary.
Council rmet tenant to adjournment
atChing's Hnbl, un Menden, the 13th of
April, at ten n clock. A11 the members
o ('nuncil present. Reeve in chair.
Minute' of last meeting read and adopted.
A letter sew read from the tavern In-
spector to the effect, that neither Mr. Purdy
nor Mr.Reid, intends taking .uta license.
it war also represented to the Council that
the house st Grantee w .i „pen without •
license ; when the Clerk was directed to
instruct the Inspector eitherto have the
!cones fee collected, or to ane that the
house war defied as • tavern. A letter
from Arthur Hnache certified that Mr.
Evans had completed the job on the hill
wear the harbor, and therefore entitled to
the sum of 520, granted b the Council
A petition from Alexande McGee and rive
others praying that the forced rad be-
tween the 4 and 6a,seerione, be extended.
The Clerk wss instructed to notify Mr.
Duncan McEwen and Mr. John Mc Dougall,
to inform the Council whet objections they
have, if any, against opening ep the rad
on the retool their hots, to allow parties
the mean of ezit, before the Council take
step to L.woe said rod. Mr. Trueman
made application toC,ouocit, as •gent tar
the Test anti Lori Company, to have the
B•niaekbonrn pro rty charged on the
Rolls from 1862 to 1867 inclusive, u farm
insteadd of village pmlarty, to which the
Council agreed. The Clerk wee directdto
notify Mn. Robert Md;linchay_tn remove
her fence off the sideline between the
Ocenen and Bronson, nn or beton the let
of July, ; also to pat up a notice forbidding
all parties removing any more gravel or
said fmm the reed opposite lot 14 in the
6 and 7coneeasioms, near Raohies mill.
Mr. Donald Cameron made apppl1ication for
112 the price orf four sheep they havirng
died from the effecta of the bite of • mad
dog. Al«,Thoa. Mitchell far 8,J the price
of one sheep killed by dogs. Moved by
Peter nouglas, seconded by Gro. McDon-
ald, that the reeve gent an order to Don -
old Catnerm nn the Treasure, fore the suns
of 812 u parment of sheep killed by dogs.
Carried. Mnved by Mr. Peter Demean
aeooraied by Ninon Woods, Thatthe reeve
ggnnttstt an order to James Evac nn the
Trarmrer for the sum of 820, the amount
granted by the Council for removisg the
elide from the hill leading to the lake in
Bayfield. -Carred. Moved by Geo. Mc-
Donald, seconded by Peter Domglea, the
the Reeve gent an order In Thomas Mit
shell nn the tr.a.wrerfor 86, as payment
for 1 abasep killed by degree-• Carried
Mnved by3 Ninian Wnodio .ew,ndad b
Gee. McDonald, That Mn, Hackett 1
repaid 1)9.48, taxes irr.gtileely charged h
Comity Termirer fin lend. upon which eh
hd paid tax e to the Township Collector
--('.arrid. Move by Ninon Wend.
.enneled by Peter Dmrglas, That chi
Coeneeil ole now dimirn to meet, to h
(!'wart of Reviser at Varna, on Monday,
the 11th day of Ma at tai o'slork a. ret.
Tnwnsbig' Clerk.
t.rna 14th April, 1888.
Fonl, Jas "lowland, Wm P•gon P Keef,
M. Murches,n, Jae Rusk, D. McKerin, P.
McNiff, Thea Kelly,'J. Dalton, G. Twun-
ley, D. Runcirnan, R. Blake, - Kelley,
D. Cashes, M. Sullivan, Thom Furd, Tim
Griffin, Wm J. Hall, 8. Styles, C.
Keen, P. Curry, A. Black, G. May, John
Black, Alex. Shields, Chas Carey, Wm
Richanlaon, Win. Kennedy, T. Graham,
A. Bennet, D. Brick, Jct Givens, D. Mo-
Carne, - Matthews, J. Runciman, W.
Taggart, A. Peacock, Wm Hayden, Jae
Quaid, A. C. Hawkey J. McMillan, Jas
Jur, ff. McGregor, Thor E. Findlay, R.
Matheson, G. hoes. Alex. Fraser, Geo.
Hutchison, D. Mclntyre, Wm Cowan, J.
Carr, Alex. Forgwoin, A. Cline, N. Munro,
J. McAmald, A. McKenzie, A. Moggaeh,
A. McLean, Alex Boyd, M. McLennan,
F. McLennan, J. Doo lar, A. Ganey,
J. Bowler, D. Stewart, H. Chambers, C.
McLean, J. Me(ing'or, A Carrick, Robt.
Fwiah, Thee Roily, J. Dooban, M. Brick,
J. Drennan, J. Dougherty, R. S. Cunning-
ham, R. Hogan.
Moved by Mr. Armstrong, seconded by
Mr. Clary, that un account of the amend-
ments male in the late Municipal act, the
rewldttow heretofore carried by tht
Council apppooinung rod Commissioners
be reminded. -Carred. Moved by Mr.
Clare, setondd by Mr. Armstrong, That
David McCarron, C'eilector, settle up kit
roll with the Treasurer, on or before the
24th of Aprfl.-Camd. Move iy Mr.
Armstrong, seconded by Mr. McIntyre,
That this Council do now adjourn tr inset
aaggaain at Cumm gheni's hotel Lucknow, on
Tueday, the 28th of April, at the heir i,1
ten o'cloeck. The (court of Revision to
open at two o'clock the same day. -Car.
Rant W.wano.h.
Council Room April 16th,1S6$,
The Council met this day as a special
meeting to take into consideration 'the
step W be taken in regard to the bridge
on the 10th con. Present the Reeve annd
all the Councillors. The minutes of laµ
meetingQ were red and (with N• enceptwn
of the 1'ut of Pathmaatere) approved. A
c:'mmuniation from the County Engineer
together with the agmanent and bond
relatuld to nae bridge above tamed were
read, what. it was Mowed by Mr. Taylor,
ascended by Mr. Deacn, That in the
opinion of th:e Council Mr. • Bay should
have seen that the bridge was completed
last fall according to contract and failm
tod so'ho.ld have not!fied the Coun
of the failure of the coot -actor to fulfil
the c retract,. w that the Council might
have taken action an the nutter scaner.--
Carried. Moved by Mr. Deacon, seconded
by Mr. Taylor, That the Reeve get lege!
advice in regard to the above. -Carried.
Moved b r. McKay, seconded by Mr.
Taylor, t the Reeve get the rad al-
Inwaaoe which was bought from Mr.
Mc(lee enrveyd.-Camd. Moved by
Mr. Scott, eeoondd by Mr. Ta]br, That
Mr. John Oliver be app'ointd Road Com-
missioner, and that Ahs salary doss not
exceed five per cent on the sums which he
espenda.- Carred. Moved by Mr.
Scott, seconded by Mr. Tay)lor, That
Patrick tkntnollybe apppoiannted Pathmaattr
instea4 d Wm. Farquharson Abel Smeltzer -
iter Luted of John Smeltzer, _Michael Kerr
instead of Wm. Harrison, and that ihin-
sen Anderson and Geo. Maxwell be pet
om the lief of Pathmasters instead of Finlay
Anderson and Wm. Abraham who hd
been put on the list through mistake. -
Carred. Minutee of the ptomain gs of
' the meetiag of the Deputation. n( East
and West Wawaniah, held at the raoet-
denoe of H. Help Esq., were real and
approved. B -Law No. 14 war read and
approved. Moved by Mr. Taylor, second-
ed by Mr. Saoi, That the Council now
adjnnrn to meet again nn the first Monday
in Ma next as a Court of Revision and
Ju. Tm:ALS T'p Clerk.
Fordyce p. o,
Orrat►A, April IR.
The inmetig•tioo in the as..aainatioe
ewes war resumed tbda morning at 1 1 B0
with eked door• Mr. O'Reilly toting on
instructions from Sir John A. Macdonald
excluded every one fmm the court -the
prom include.. The priaona esu brought
In hssdeufed by the detectives the
military pard being dispensed with, the
mayor, Crown munael aed enunee] fx the
pttpnner, with a few policemen, were the
only ones admitted.
This morning it war disonvelld that a
pie.* of iron seed u • abpport far acme
pipes, which pwed through Whalen's
t sell b d Deco torn ori. The priamer was
•t onen taken into another sell mad strip
t pod naked, when the pier. of ime about
•Mee inehra long wee fnnmi
r tinder hit arm and between het two shirt,
y It might have been a 'slsahie weapon
• either to assist him is weepier from hip
mall or to attack ho keeper" with, The
eirewmrtanea dont not hind to lessee sus
pi.inn against him. Then morning he
still wore big jaenty, defier sir, bet 0 te
evtdentfrewn rhe toren','. he iniibits
that this i. ebdiy •seined.
The only mmid•ir" take in marl to.!.y
.that of Se, MeM' of the
Oovenmtst Puli.., of Montreal, who
ceneluded hie testimony nn reforests to
the letter sent by idr.Mcliee for proteot-
bit to his house io 000eequeoee of the
ebit of Smith gams %t'halaa.
An order of the court was thea given
for the committal of the p,I.00er 1'or trial
at the Yall Aaaiau oa • starge of wilful
Om seeertainlog that be bad b pate
through this ordeal, Whelan, seemed far
• moment, ta lose control of himself, thank-
ing Mr. O'Reilly in a peering manner
for having brought ap parties to swear
(itself against his, and tbreateuiog him
with a day of reckoning.
After the removal of the priwner seine
further evidence war taken : both Yr
wrightand Murphy, who were broaght
from Montreal at lho beginning of lest
week, beingeasmnoed.
Further private examinations i■ re-
f"resee to Whales and the primmer, held
under the habeas rorpw saepeosioa act
will take place on Moodsy at noon.
Then is little doubt, judging from the •
mature of the testimuoy already within
reach of the authorities, that they will be
aneblud to thoroughly itis out anything
lite a Feuits organization that may kay
shown sigue of existent. in Cooed*.
The Goverment has determined to pre-
serve the strictest secrecy u to th• re
mainder of' the proceedings, they trot
deeming it in the interests, o1 Jamtie.'
that reports should be published. The
detective., however, •droit that riooe
nim tr n
emuoo ma uteri -
■ aR d
veterd P
•woaguset W'helen hoe been obtaiod,
sod they express themeelese as perfectly
..ttified with do progress of the investi-
ptioa. Further ■rreete is Mootnl
are reported this mnrniog, and more
prisoners are expected op hen this'
A number of parties have eaddealy
:eft Ottawa emee the dinenptix of the
evidense io pommies of the authorities
became knows.
BOOT FocwD.- The body ef Y-I-enna ,
one of the drowned tuhermen, war found
yesterday (1tid) about three milers below
Oedench. An inquest u going on.
Jrnlca&L.-It may be of much impar
tance to fireweed Deputies toknowthat,
under the sew Act, they mutt be @wernln
the tame as other magutnte. before they
m act m • judicial capacity.
Amortise AcrnmiT.--A brake men on
th. Grand Trunk W. D., named Smoke,
had hu leg broken in two place yesterday
18th), while attempting to pt off the en-
gine tot a wtod trate.
The Ottawa Tragedy.
relegroph 1',•r,,.p dewre of the Leader
Ottawa, April 16, 11 p. m.
Fire more prisoner' supposed to be
iepieated in the •.sss•inatinn of Mr,
Meeiee wen brouebt here from Montreal
this treeing by Iletective Murpphy and
four of the oily police of' Montreal. Their
names rte Henry Murph] Patrick Doody,
Felin Callaghan, Ken.ella and Manl•ewr
Murphy ie a shoe -maker, and is regarded
es the leader of the Fenian organisation
in Montreal. In hie boom when arrested
there war found a completeewtof Fenian
uoifnrm,together with important docm-
throe nog light .. th• o titin•
5511' pe of
ane Fenian' in that oily, as well as upon
the plot which it t ors pretty dearly '
establiahed war entered into i• Montreal!
to rake away with Mr. McGee. Then
r .id.ace to show that Murphy paid a
visit to New York the week b.t.n tbe
swassioatuo, an 1 bad internewe with
O'Neil, leader of the Fenian invasion at
Fort Erie. it will be remembered that a
' smeme•t was made let week in the New
York journal., that a person from Conda
bad visited that ci'y, who war "opposed
to nave had some eonneetlen with the
amarmsttoa. It u believed Murphy u
' tee person referred to. KtnseUt war a
waiter at the Rowel i" this city, sad
war on intimate terms with \Phelan end
Doyle. -H. disappeared from Ottawa
last Wednesday meroiog, and the poli..
planed no cheek upon hit movemrot,
although he was not bit sight of a mouser.
l Ile made his way to Montreal where he
had consultations with different suspected
gena., .71.11 last night, when the authori-
ties thought it time to deprive him of his
liberty. AID hit movement afar i.ving
Ottawa were washed, and eesrly
tarry thing he did sod is know" W
the polite. Doody is an innkeeper in
Montreal. age was absent is the States
for several months lately, reteroing to
?Montreal tSe week before the murder,
..d 'eying that he bad been in New Or-
leave Cslaghan isa printer, ed a part -
Iter in a job proting oat. h Montreal;
sod Matthews I believe iU a botcher. All
these ponies belong to a body in Montreal
closely allied with the Fenian brotherhood
of the Ucitd Stats. and have been apes
in their expressions of hostility to McGee.
Two ee three of them were ooneerned m
riot which took place there at tine election
Iasi year. They will be MN forexamin•-
tion ender tee Aakaa corpus wtpeonon
Peter A. Eglesen, who wa arreet.d
and di« hargd on 1. day of the murder,
was again taken into cnstodj t.tdlsy,
Further ioformiuon Reding to bring him
ander .uspieioe having been obtained by
th' ou!horiUw.
J1r.Bieek!Ly, whosppesred for Whelan
bar, it is ante.!, reerieed a retaining fee
01 $400,andis to reocire $1000 altogether.
The mosey is supplied by Font's .ym-
pathiser' 1• Montreal.
Lootlow. April 16. -It war rumnrd
to day that advices had beet) reoeived from
Abyssinia to the silent that the British
eeptive. ■t Mygdals had been released by
King Thedorea, and that the obieat of
the invading for.. haying been attained,
the war w.. ever. Dwp.teM. from 0w.
Napier were rt.oived M the Idiso crass
late this aftereoeo, batt though the new"
u favorable to the hop a of the ei
pdkion, the oboe* motioned rumor are
"ot>frewd. Gee• Napier reports in h.
leaf deepstoh that he hu left i.btud. 21,
and is pushing On in a south-westerly
direction. The enlumn of advanee esu
within sixty miles of Magtlala, and twenty
miles of Nat distance had boon surness-
1'.11y 1. TM irnopa sem i•
good spirits andeagtr fora fight As-
enonta from jMaffdala bad reaeh«I the
esmp, which represented that the King
w.s uneasy and evidently alarmed at. the
steady apeo••k of the British troop..
He append to be hantroing a to what
snare. to pursue, and nothing was known
r to what ph t d lotion he w"sid adept
Tes(lo on Tiim HAve Cos1.T 1.twt.--
Ard se has that wh!ch ha. hitherto been
looked for in vain, sawmly, a medicine AM
o"ddbe olid upon for oa Ung denbr t
cold*, ee.gks, netnclgu,
braver and frust hit.., bowel mmltiainte,
to. It is rolled the " Canadian Pain De►
tmyer " ani every nee .bottled nrllypnr
aer • biotto of it without delay. it gives
relief the ,nossent you apply it, and will
.ffectwally etre yownr these&* ; in tont it is
the meet wonetwrlul median. ever breinghe
before tea peddle. 8otld by all Meeaetne
IN Alii =RT OF 1(oOIi TB T.
•r r .. r
"'' t pose from arson. ., thy .ant •.. it
e...tns.l slay, le ay tied overlord '
Oar Otlst.. Masa . is' St taw s .a. , ls Iswtsa4
hitter an ...pais .w toy ,heal Mer.
11. bold .Ise t1 I.uey talar ,4u.s.p aweM ar
with the ayes! or u' a4la sten sount op Mrs. ;
And the .,,tar lbw .se wont all Marls to 4iLLnl.
No !meas •p.)1 m►. to ".sats or WIL
Who esu;Arlon. Uut ..-hew when the .vee a int Heel,
At thydoor.w ndrW'WetlyWSM!-
or annoy a• es.t a w Jerre'• passant w1•t
for use • fry..l trot, aoa lanana" forever laid n.
114' .y who. 4 sleep:,, In their funeral urn,
The ono of troo per.* i.ow er •m Lure :
No fatal.. a.eaeala 0.,.W.allugurelt raw *ow.
A. lM banal watt h0.a. 1. ak0.'s a.Wlw Mas►
etw• JunU.t si er 'lus4e . ver wall away ea alpbe
h ae..t. the woe .ife who. tear. wase eau dr7
b it, ildn...4 °w,horl e•oas to w Mara
7 .t tern,. sow tau horror st VArrys •ad W
wMl hang chafe hoses could ae.r of a sass
Tbet new w M.s4►'4 h sow lst•W ens 1
Fest aW impulsive a. swept front m•'e Mo.s
Who 41 sue no.. riea. .awn: d ww.w.
Ooder1.14 Aper / 1 U, ler.
• iernasdlasd. 0.. er MsO.'. Iaat ooaerlasaaias
tow •' Ne• 0.4rlw Moan -
FATAL ACctuaRT.-Yesterday (16th), •
*fernier named McCann was run over by a
timber taut, neer Carrvmbaosk, and ia-
staaUy killed.
r} The Guderich end Kincardine •u4n-
pion of the Montreal Telegrapk wMU he
open fur business early la June.
t Mr. Kennedy the Plootti h Vu.alit,
was entertainedby&number of W Meade
and admirers, onytaturday evening last at the
Huron Hotel. John Macau, Esq., ocr.
pied the head of the table table, whish was
spread and served with thet taste, clsaal-
ser and pupriety for which ]dr. Wright,
the hoot, has rendered himself lamow.-
After • capita supper, the gawts, n ono
of the larger and best parlors, enjoyed •
;Ample of hours of delightful reminis.nee,
song, story and ent oonverssuon, dur-
ing which Mr. Kennedy related the.x-
perience ,f his life fr m the penton of •
ountmon house -painter to that which he
sew ooeaper. The eompany broke op
&tootl.o ('ens. --A young man named
White who brought an action against he
father -in -taw, (libson, at last Anise, met
hie brother-in-law, Wm Young, in AuJq-
ni1e, ou Monday last, when they hd sone
dispute shoat money matters. Afar a
,bile they went to the street when, accord-
ing to ltowig i statement, White dnw a
pistol, saying, Do o. see Nat 1" when
the weapon war fired, the bell •ntenng
WIWon's face, and indicting a dangerous
wound. White fled, bat was captured by
Mr. Mooney In the middle of the river. -
He was seminal before John Leckie,
i q., .1 P., and, being committed to gaol,
was brought in on Tuesday by «instable'
Hall sad Frayna.
The *pang show I -In emotion nth the
South Raliag E. D. A. 8. was held in the
village d Brumfield on Wdneday the
16th tut. anal proved • great smom's, as
our readers may judge when we state that
about 30 splenehd stallions wen on eosht-
tenon. The day wee, fortensaly, a very
fine one, else me large crowd assembled
would lave had a very hard limo d rt.
Owing to the efficient , of Oe
secretary, Mr. Love,,everything in cen-
terlion with theihow pared off rn the
most orderly and astofaetory mons
The following is a bet of the entries
Entries.--Ja. Marr, Tom Rin..
Joseph Fisher, Znsyf••wds Glory.
John Nett, (7uemp.o.t
Geo. litariberry, Yeawr )f'at Werk.
Jae. Johneten, Rob Roy.
R. Fanson, Yoewg Royal greengn.
Henry Hall, Yourq Prowl+ Rock.
Joe. Habkirk, Young Hord Porten•.
Wm. Grant, Young Lachlan,.
L Hunter, Yowny 0 e etimen
Ootlebe Murnter, Riack Soyereyn.
Wm McQueen, .Young Got. BueAnewtn,
Thos. Dinadale, (tampion et",
R. Hunter, Youwg Mtat e
Chu. Mamon, Old Sr Walter.
H. Lone, Prince of 14'ales.
k-elewIf Defiance.
Robert Orr, k met1y Roh Rn .
Joseph Ward, HipAlawd Chien
Alex. McLaren, Yowry Ray Weineee:
Drisai &CLL.
H. Snell, Claude.
Anderson, Venture
R. ochan. Oew. li'asAsngto.t
Got. Chesney, Rolo Roy.
Da cNn's 2 TIAL. OLD.
M. McTaggert, Nnrfh Ytae.
Wm. Weir, Freidnch
R. CarMochat, Huron.
Devon Bull, nnne.
Wm. 1pmat, Halton.
UR.Di "r LL
os any other tweed ezeepttng Durban. and
li.uane ander 7 years aid.
Wm. Spinet, Mi/tea.
Geo. R rail, Nei'on.
David Walker.
Rohr,. Patttnton.
Jno. inns.
Heavy enngghbt sWlinn.
let Joseph FLI.r.
Ind Jno. Nutt.
3rd Jas. Marr.
ouwiRAL P0570.5 •TSLLIO..
1st L. Hunter.
2nd Robt. Orr.
3rd Thos. Dinah!..
Dti5AAM ar'I.L.
1st Geo. Chesney.
Ind H. Knell.
3rd R. Carnahan.
905515 "DLL eNote 2 n•Y.
1st. R. Corm -shim.
2nd 1L McTagprt.
1mt Wm. Sproat.
nuns " UwD1a 2 frau.
eat Wm. S
2nd Gen.
3 Robert Patterson.
The edges wen Mann. John Yowler:
F, Fowler, H. Kerselake, Jnn Salkeld, jr.
At the drew of the show the Diretten
and ))idgre partook of a capital dinner at
Mr. ILtiarrbur'ry a Hotel,
A meeting of the director' was then
held, whew it was resnlral that the Harr
Reaping and Mowing Societ,yy be merged
with the Sowth Herren AgriailtanJ Socie-
ty, and that w Incal committee have the
management G1 He sales, annotating et
Mame. Spreet, Anderson and Wilsn.
A long and rather warm dis-n.*inn s,.
as to the plwn. far fiMding the Fell Exhi-
bittan, it Ieeivg apparent that BruesI.M
sew mut rd the question.
it was moved b Mr. enrolee reendad
by Mr. Lunt; tllai the ball Rhnt. M hiMI
is Easter.
Moen! Its sm.ndm.M by Mr epret,
ease. by Mr. °eleme n, the! pad Rhtre be
bond M R.&to.rt.h
(M the rot. he 1 taken Chore voted Se
-the ameetdmwnt, M .. Rpe at and Cnl.•
man. For the motion, Meson. Anderser,
Lomb Wibot, Sweet, Ifunter, Oat sad
Kteter was. therefore, declared to he
the pair. The wavering then djf•waiA
r l.c
Dealer. rt i