HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-11-09, Page 3YOM CAN PROVIDE YOUR OWN RETIREMENT PENSIQN THROUGH A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT MAIL COUPON TODAY ANNUITY FOR FULL INFORMATION PLEASE PRINT DATE OF BIRTH. MY NAME IS, I LIVE AT,..^, THE DIRECTOR. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES, DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR, OTTAWA-(POSTAGE FREE) PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION SHOWING HOW A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY CAN BRING ME RETIREMENT INCOME AT LOW COST. #’ ARMSTRONG THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND AGE WHEN ANNUITY TO START,........................TELEPHONE..... I undentqad that information given above will be held confidential MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES See us for safe, dependable good/Vear Tires Wa’ve got a complete line of ■ Goodyear tires in a wide ■ range of prices. Ask us about ■ the famous All-Nylon Super- H Cushion. ■. PHONE: 181 WHERE YOU NEVER HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN Use Advance=Times Classified Ads for Results WROXETER W, A- Holds Annual Bazaar Wroxeter United Church school­ room was a bive of .activity on Satur­ day afternoon when members of the Woman’s Association held their an­ nual bazaar, Aprons were on sale and proved a popular purchase as well as many fancy hand work articles. Miss Mina Ball was in charge of the quilts and Mrs. George Gibson of the parcel post, which was popular with the children, The farmers’ supply of fruit, vegetables, etc., was ipost attractive, especially the wild strawberry jam, which in the opinion of the late Nellie McClung, is a test of friendship. Chocolate layer and angel food cakes at the home baking table vanished like a snowball on a summer’s day. The tea tables were centred with baby mums. The bazaar-was opened at three o’clock by Rev. J. W. V. Buchanan and was convened by the president of the WA. group, Mrs. W. T. McLean. A large crowd attended this annual event Members of the W.A. are grate­ ful for the many donations received to help make their bazaar a success. Attend Rally Rev, W. J. V. • Buchanan and Mr. Hector Hamilton, accompanied by You get the best forthe least All types of fur coats and fur Accessories Muskrat, Seal, Persian Lamb, etc. If you don’t know furs, know your furrier DuVAL’S North Street Phone 800 WINGHAM 4. If you are shopping for FUR inquire at DuVAL’S it fih Itself to any waist she ., no strings to tie, rip, knot or iron Slips into apron hem . • • makes pretty gathers ... slides out for washing Strong, springy plastic ... lasts for years It's the newest thing In the kitchen ««• wonderful for husbandsl Apion Hoop with easy-to-make apron pattern with label, sales slip or box top from any one of the fine PURITy products DON’T DELAY-OFFER LIMITED PUR ITU 1 I WHITE tUKt MX 1 / ENRICHED MAIL TODAY! This off* •xplns Nov. 30th (WIN) PURITH coupon PURITY FLOUR MILLS LIMITED Station Q, Toronto 7, Ontario Send mo ... Apron Hoop(s) with apron pattern. For eachi I enclose 250 and bo* top, sales dip or label from any Purity product NAME. ADDRESS. M * I * » »»« MM (FLEAM FONT) Hine boys from Gorrie and Wroxeter, attended the boys' rally in Clinton on Friday evening, November 4th. Those attending from Wroxeter were Mur- | ray McLean, Pawl Statia, Wesley ■ Newfon and Barry Grainger, Campbell •Brown and Ron McMichael are the new leaders for the Tyro group in Wroxeter Church* Family Night Wroxeter Women’s Institute will hold Family Night on Thursday even­ ing of, this week, November 10th, at 8 p.m. in the new community hall. Highlight of the program will be a travel talk with pictures by , Dr. Fraser Hay, of Listowel, President Mrs, Herb Patterson will be in charge, C.G.I.T, Meets Thirteen girls from this community met at the home of Mrs. Glenn Mc­ Michael on Wednesday night, when a C.G.I.T. group was organized. The meeting opened with the repeating of the purpose. The following officers were elected; * President, Shirley Reidt; vice-president, Catharine Mac­ Donald; secretary, Gwendoline Gib­ son; treasurer, Fay Smith; pianist, Ann Douglas. The group will use the study book which deals with the first Canadians (Indians) entitled, "The Turquoise Horse.’* The first two chap­ ters were reviewed by Mrs. Art Gib­ son. Mrs. G. L, Dobson demonstrated the making of puppets out of paper bags. The meeting closed with Taps. Meetings are to be held twice mon­ thly, the next to be on November 16th, from 7.30 to 9. Leaders for the group are Mrs. Glenn McMichael, Mrs. G. L, Dobson and Mrs. Arthur Gibson. Euchre Held Mrs. Allen Munro and Mrs. Wm. Hart convened the progressive euchre party which was held Thursday night in the town hall. Ladies’ high score was won by Mrs. George Day, 2nd., Mrs. Clarke Sharpin; men’s high score, John Sinnamon, 2nd., Clark Renwick; birthday prize, Mrs. Harry Adams. Ted Smith and Ira McLean won lucky chair prizes. Tally prizes went to Mrs. Ivan Haskins and Wes Haskins and the special bingo was won by Leslie Douglas. Refreshments were served. Proceeds will go to the Wo­ men’s Institute. To Ship Bale The Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church will hold its Nov­ ember meeting at the home of Mrs. ■James Doig on Friday evening, Nov­ ember 11th, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. James Sanderson is in charge of the meet­ ing and will introduce the new book, which this year deals home missions. The W.M.S. plan to pack a Already some parcels have been left at the church: Members hope to pack about the middle of the ■ month in order that the bale will reach its destination in time to distribute the contents before the Christmas season. New and good used clothing and bed­ ding will be suitable. Cash donations will be gratefully received to help with shipping charges. Y.P.S. To Meet The Young People’s Union of Gorrie and Wroxeter United Churches will meet on Sunday evening, November 13th, at 8 o’clock in Wroxeter United Church schoolroom. Feme Cooke and Barbara Linton are in charge of the study with bale. Shopping News from Welwood’s Variety Store How to Beat the Christmas Rush! Want to save yourself time and trouble with your Christmas shopping? Welwood’s have the answer! Right now they’re working away, getting the Christmas merchandise out on the shelves in preparation for the big Christmas rush. Stocks are complete, more complete than they’re likely to be between now and Christmas. You can save yourself a lot of headaches with your Christmas shopping by coming in to Wel­ wood’s early, looking over the fine display of Chrilstmas gifts, and using our Christmas Lay­ away Plan. A small deposit will hold any article until December 23rd, at which time you’ll be able to come in and pick up your parcel, all ready gift- wrapped for Christmas! Come in today and see the terrific display of our now enlarged toy department. All sorts of mechanical toys, trucks and gadgets for the boys — prams and dolls for the girls! WELWOODS VARIETY STORE meeting, A1J young people ere cordial­ ly Invited. * Officers Elected The Young People’s Union of Wrox­ eter and Gorrie United Churches held their meeting Jn Gorrie United Church schoolroom on Sunday evening. Rob­ ert Black presided and gave the call to worship. The hymn, "Faith of Our Fathers” was sung. Shirley Reidt Chose for the Scripture reading, He­ brews 2: 1-10. Marie Hastie led in prayer, A topic was given by Marie Hastie entitled "A Faith to Live by.” The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Bob Black; vice-president, Ian Howes; secretary, Shirley McMichael; treas­ urer, Mary Copeland; conveners, faith and evangelism, Marie Hastie, Shirley Reidt; citizenship, Feme Cooke, Bar­ bara Linton; missions, Ronald Mc­ Michael, Nancy Newton; stewardship, Robert Peel, Bob Strong; recreation, Perry Strong, Dorothy Toner, Gwen Gibson, Larry Snell; pianist, Ann Douglas; assistant, Ruth Toner. Slides were shown and refreshments served. Stores Closed Wroxeter stores will be closed on Remembrance Day, November 11th; open Thursday afternoon, November 10th. Starting December 1st. stores will be open Thursday afternoon. Open December 20th to 24th evenings until 10 o’clock. 9* Personals Mr. Percy Copeland suffered a stroke while polishing his car last Tuesday, His speech is affected, other­ wise it does not seem to be severe. Hjs many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Patterson and their granddaughter, Leslie Campbell, of Fordwich were Sunday visitors with Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John. Several old friends from this district called on Mr. and Mrs. John Bryans, Harriston, on Saturday when they celebrated their fiftieth wedding anni­ versary. Mr. and Mrs. Bryans former­ ly farmed at Fordwich, retiring to Harriston a few years ago. ' Billy Hart, of Stratford, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart. Mr, George Lackie, who has spent the summer months at his home here, Has gone to be with his daughter, Mrs. Ken Orr, at Byron, for the winter season. Misses Marguerite Ford, Berva Gal­ laher and Donna Copeland, of Strat­ ford Teachers’ College, spent the week-end at their homes In this dis­ trict. Brenda Townsend, who has been a patient in Wingham General Hospital, has returned home and we arc pleased to say, is making a good re­ covery. The Howick Junior Farmers’ Fam­ ily Night will be held Thursday, Nov­ ember 10th, in Gorrie Town Hall. In charge of the program are Shirley McMichael, Murray Underwood, Ray­ mond Neil and Jim Robinson. the be the some be 6, as The East Wawahosh council met on November 1st., with all the members present. The reeve presiding, the minutes of the meeting held October 4th, were read and adopted on motion bp Purdon-Hanna. At two o’clock the Mason Municipal Drain report was read by the clerk. Buchanan - McGowan—That Mason Municipal Drain report provisionally adopted. Carried. To have the construction of drain finished this year, the majority of the ratepayers assessed, signed a notice to the council they would not appeal their assessment. At three o’clock court of revision on the 1955 assessment roll was open­ ed. There were no appeals, changes were made on the roll. Purdon-Hanna—That $300.00 taken off the N.h. Lot 34, Con. the barn has been removed this fall. Carried. Hanna - Purdon—That the assessor reassess the buildings on the N. h. Lot 37, Con. 10 before the 31st. of Decem­ ber, 1955. Carried. McGowan - Buchanan—That the court of revision on the 1955 assess­ ment roll be closed. Carried. At 33.0 o’clock the Rintoul Municipal Drain was read by the clerk. Hanna - Purdon—That the report on the Rintoul Municipal Drain be provisionally adopted. Carried. Buchanan - McGowan—That the road and general accounts as present­ ed be passed and paid. Carried. Road Cheques: Stuart McBurney, salary and bills paid, $176.30; R. Leslie Buchanan, wages, $12.00; Frank Raithby, clay tile, $46.90; Belgrave Co-Operative, 1 axe handle, $1.25; Lundy Fence Co., 1000 feet snoW fence and 60 posts, $191.90; Geo. E. Radford, 1 hr. with swing shovel, $10.; Can. Oil Co., gasoline and antifreeze, $90.31; Rec.-Gen. of Canada, income tax de­ ducted, $1.00. General Cheques: Henry McClin- chey, Provincial Aid to Drainage Plaetzcr, $179.75; H. C. MacLean, pre­ mium on collector’s bond, $22.50; Or- val E. Taylor, selecting jurors, $4.00; Roland Vincent, selecting jurors, $4.00, salary as assessor, $375.00; equalizing schools, $45.00, $424.00; The Blyth Standard, printing and advertis­ ing, $95.00; Frank Thompson, live­ stock claim-calf, $75.00; Melvin Tay­ lor, livestock claim-calf, $25.00; John* F. McCallum, valuer 2 trips and mile­ age, $5.20; County of Huron, hospital account, $21.00. Purdon - Hanna—That the council adjourn to meet December 2nd., at one o’clock at the Belgrave Commun­ ity Centre. Carried. Orval E. .Taylor, Reeve R. H. Thompson, Clerk. The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, November Oth, 1955 Page Three it' Hobbs Glass Service WINGHAM Car Damaged? Have us restore those battered fenders and doors to a gleaming, Uke^new factory finish! PRICES REASONABLE— 6 ESTIMATES FREE BODY SHOP Carman Loucks - Proprietor When Glasses Are Not Needed . . . Hamiltons will tell you so. If glasses are needed you are sure of top quality and expert service. W. R. HAMILTON, R.O. “A Complete Visual Examination” HEINZ ADDS ZEST TO ANY MEAL! — PURE TOMATO ftF , 11 OZ. - BOTTLE LV)JiTCHUP DELICIOUS FRUIT! SERVE TOPPED WITH CREAM! CHOICE QUALITY—HALVES IN SYRUP A I UP AT THIS LOW PRICE! *^■230 6 15 oz. ftS&ft TINS ■MW ^DOMINION 2 T 3 '™s- 270 310 62 dozI.05 « 870 TERRIFIC VALUE! STOCK YORK—Golden Cream Style CHOICE CORN REAL VALUE! FRANKFORD-STANDARD 4-5 PERS SPECIAL: Lennox—Choice APPLESAUCE STOCK UP AT THIS LOW PRICE! SMART'S — CHOICE ALOMBARD PLUMS Z 15 OZ. TINS Luy SPECIAL OFFER! SAVINGS AT TIME OF PURCHASE LUX GRANULES GIANT Vvy pkg.690 NOW IS THE TIME TO AYLMER — RED CHERRIES AYLMER — CUT PEEL AYLMER — GLACED PINEAPPLE GLACE 8 Oz. Pkg. MIXED 8 Oz. Pkg. 3 Oz. Pkg.ALMONDS GOLD BELL BLEACHED RAISINS AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS SULTANA RAISINS McNAIR'S BAKE 310 190 180 280 250 YOUR CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKE AYLMER — CUT MIXED FBUITS 210 AYLMER — CUT CITRON PEEL GLENWOOD — VANILLA WALNUT PIECES RECLEANED CURRANTS ^z230 130 ARTIFICIAL Bottle 170 W? 180 15 Oz. Pkg. 410 LIPTON'S — CHICKEN NOODLE soup mix 2^250 PITTED DATES POUND ggp FOR BETTER BAKING PURITY FLOUR BAG vly Serve Hoi or Cold SHREDDIES D.S.L. BLACK TEABAGS ““V- SHORT GRAIN REGAL RICE AYLMER — FANCY SPINACH 2'^310 FOR SANDWICHES, SNACKS, ETC. YORK BOLOGNA — NABISCO 10 Oz. Cello PHg. 2 Lb. 180 870 330 Dominion—Flnvourful PEANUT BUTTER 350 QUAKER INSTANT OATS 410 CANDY FEATURE! DOMINION MAPLE BUDS Pkg. 350 AYLMER — FANCY SLICED PINEAPPLE tL01- 290 Culverhouse—Choice Red Pitied 1 CHERRIES SPECIAL OFFER! 1IFEBUOT soap 15 Oz. 4 j Tin 350 250 12 oz. TIN 2 BAR BATH DEAL FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS - SIZE 96’s WHITE GRAPEFRUIT, ... ONTARIO GROWN - LARGE SIZE HEAD GREEN CABBAGE ............. ONTARIO MARSH CORELESS > WASHED CARROTS........ 10 for 49c 20 ....... 10c OZ. POLY BAG . 2 for 25c VISIl YOUR 03.. 1 (OR FULL DETAILS ABOUT ‘FAMOUS BRANDS FORTUNE HUNT" | ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE IN I WINGHAM | Until Closing Time Sai., Nov. 12 j OUR GUARANTEE i All merchandize sold ai four ! Dominion Store tz uncondliion- I ally guaranteed to give you1 100% satisfaction. .............................■ 1 ■ 1, ---rr.-i 1 •, ................ DOMINION STORES LIMITED FREE DELIVERY f