HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-11-09, Page 2By STANLEY 1 ' 5 s ■ i- 'I 1 THE OLD HOME TOWN The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, November 9th, 1955 iowwi MY-^IY— LITTLE-BA” BA-B-SA6Y > --OO f LOOK*. ITS JUNIORS FIRST‘ DO IT TOUT­ SELF & PROJECT w$ see he forgot to send the muscles! The band practiced in the gun shed all evening under the direction of Sgt. ! Harry Newell. It was a lot of noise for such a confined space, bufc now that we have the far end of the gun' shed fenced off ithe cell block, we call it) any member that misbehaves from now on will be thrown into this crow bar hotel, while the band plays all evening. How is that for torture? Pardon me, while I find my whip. a 0-0-0 Grey-Bailey Vows In London Church "1 SAX WOULD you LIKE THIS ?" On Parade! by ‘Wind/* The RHQ and 99th Battery of the 21st Field Regiment RCA held their regular Monday night training and was in very good attendance, which is the usual custom now and we hope it continues. If so, we may have to put those elastic walls in the armou­ ries that I was writing about a few weeks ago. 0-0-0 Sgt. “Specks” Dawson was in dis­ cussion with a fellow sergeant on the {subject of the militia army being the | army of tomorrow and the regular 8 army only the backbone, to which “Specks” replied, "If it Is, I have seen a lot of weird vertebrae walking around.” Do you chink he was by ’chance talking about old Windy? ■ 0-0-0 ; There was some confusion in the : QM stores. It seems that this unit ii has acquired a few men by the name I of Moore, one of which is a regular actender. the others not so good. In any case. Gnr. Charlie "Confusion" Moore was under the impression he was being paid what he was worth instead of the number of parades he : had attended, which was nearly all. . Relax. "Confusion”, you will be paid. If you were paid for what you were „ worth you would be like many of us— no need to worry about folding stuff. >■ just the coins. - 0-0-0 Gun drill was under the direction of ” Sgt. "Couldn’t Matter Less" Wells, and. . , , , , ' looks stout in a :; nothing unusual seemed to happen. , except that Sgt. Wells appeared mucht 1 stouter in uniform than in civvies i s After careful investigation it was dis- i ’covered that our hero had a few main .order catalogues stuffed in his battle L dress blouse. How sneaky can you | lived to their first birthday who would get? All this time we thought he hadjhave died at the rate prevailing in taken the Charles Atlas course. Now«1930. The new recruits were being taught the LMG (Bren) by Bdr. Borden Jen­ kins. IMG means light machine gun not long mean galoot Not you, Bor­ den, just coining a phrase. Bdr. Bor­ den is doing a very capable job of training the recruits, which is no pic­ nic, so I had better stop telling gags and start wearing one. O-Q-O The signal section was busy all evening in the hands of providence, I mean Gnr. “Sad Sack” Elliott. At present they occupy the little room on the balcony. Next week they will be moved down to the new room in the gun shed for all to see, but if Bar. "Mighty** Stapleton is there and turns sideways we won’t see him any­ way. 0 - 0 ~ 0 News ’Turk” shortly, has been with this unit since he a pup. and is now one of our barkers 'NCO’sL of luck and done. Turk. 3&% GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES v y-s provide for die ■ nurs, sue widi people e advantageous way, • Authorized m vestment for trust funds • Short term—nve years • yeeriy interest, payable half-yearly la Just 5 years, an investment of $420.36 accumulates $500.00 for you. IJYjfer fir fra fi^r isdsj. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION H£A® OPSO XT2 Bay Sl^ Tcroo.1* BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dualop SL, Borri* 241 In a ceremony at Adelaide Street Baptist Church, London, on Saturday, _ November 5. at 2 p.m., the Rev. A-1 Plante united in marriage Ethel | Grace Bailey and Gordon Harold} Grey, The bride is the daughter oft in London. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bailey, London,} formerly of Wingham, and the groom J is the son of Mrs. Alex Richards Montreal, and the late Gordon Grey. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a fitted, full-skirted dress of white nylon lace over azure blue taffeta, fashioned with a cowl neckline and three-quarter length sleeves. She wore a white velour hat with white accessories and carried an all-white colonial bouquet of carna­ tions centred with gardenias. As matron of honour, Mrs. L» G. Carter, of Wingham, the bride's sister, chose copper crystalette over taffeta styled with an empire waistline and full skirt. She wore a white feather half-hat and carried a colonial bouquet of yellow carnations. David Rose, Detroit, was best man and James Rose and Edward Bailey ushered. A reception followed at the Cobble­ stone Inn where the bride’s mother received in cinnamon brown silk crepe with sequin trim, avocado ac­ cessories and corsage of yellow carna- tions. Assisting, the groom’s grand­ mother wore navy blue sheer, light blue accessories and white carnation corsage. The bride travelled in a heather mauve dress and brown fur coat, with beige and brown accessories and gardenia corsage. The couple will make their home “Old at40,50,60?" — Man, You're Crazy Forget your age! Thousands arc POPPY at 70. Try “pepping up" with Ostrcx. Contains tonio for weak, rundown feeling due solely to body’s lack of iron which many men and women call “old." 'fry Ostrcx Tonio Tablet* for pep, younger feeling, this very day. New “get acquainted” size only COo, For sal* at all drug stores everywhere < * has reached us that Bdr. McTavish xvill be leaving us This is sad news as "Turk" was best best well In thanas 0 - 0 any case, for a job 1 0 That is all until next week, remember that TACT is a man convincing hi§ wife that she coat. So long. far this week folks, i From 1930 to 1953 infant morality in • ; Canada was reduced from a rate of i 94 deaths per 1,000 live births to 35; in 1953 approximately 24,200 children quiring them. Treatment by special­ ists in London will be arranged for the school boy and high school stud- . ent. SPECIAL LOW RAIL FIRES TOaJHE, ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR NATIONAL FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going—Not. 10th—19th incl. Return—Leave Toronto nor later than midnight,November 2Uth. TORONTO, NOV. 11-19 own an CANADA’S NO.QUALITY BUY1 Bfaevale Phone 424w4 WhighamIIWKWi F»J7 /rtm w 7-5-53 K fe The Council of the TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK proclaims the 11th of November (REMEMBRANCE DAY) as a holiday in the Township of Howick and asks the citizens to attend THE MEMORIAL SERVICE m THE UNITED CHURCH, FORDWICH at 11 a.m. H. Gowdy, Reeve Township of Howick. 'Peritia'icir X> Lx g Uy ’** i •S &■: otSafil y r •rSS ETHYLENE GLYCOL |W ? hL, 1 (sSL-sas.<?%' y£-- ’■ fr ?• - PERMA-FILL APPROVED ETHYLENE GLYCOL —Protects down to 62° below zero. 100% approved Ethylene Glycol . . . with new and improved inhibitors to prevent rust, corrosion, clogging and foaming. Can't evaporate. Harm- I-ss o hose, caskets and car finish. Never needs te'ti.-<« . . One filling lasts all winter. FILL Ur' NCW—Better a month too early than a day too late. SAVE SAFELYI k > Ethylene Glycol 2.89 GALLON Moto-Master “SUPER” gwBfe: ®g E| KI QUART .78 Equal to many of the bast- known brands selling up ty $3.98 a gallon’ Maximum strength Ethylene Glycol with added inhibitors to prevent rust end corrosion. Ns adding, no testing — you're safe against freeze-ups all winter long. Sold only in factory sealed containers. EH 1.99 I * rzAiim 8 M GALLON QUART .54 Concentrated’ Methyl-Hydrcrt* Base — btended with special' corrosion and', rust inhibitor*; evaporation retarded to give full Winter protection at nor­ mal engine temperatures. AlfoWs efficient tar heater operation. Put anti-freeze in now! Model 3007 ONLY t > quality counts Abt SCTRA. VACATtO* Swt kfefto Qo...ty Ship UHiH/t Season! hess. cr jdsasxre travdsrs tecx ... rexi-sr,* fa the d dies a -dxdar cuy sd- mttdh ftm, htnay, ccnJent- !. I Vs luxury Lvisg arcuxd the ebtik ibc&rd a a -i Ixse. Yea arrive vica.t:.-o-yg-5resbsd! Etanag Thrift Seasen (&rcas Augasi-I) you pay was ibcwd and thread. Fiax ear'y.. see tai ENJOY YOUR TRIP - GO BY SMTP AGENCY Ontario jf 3 THERMOSTATS LonS Life radiator hose < .05 < Ml Heavy duty, multi-ply. Resists JB JB oil, corrosion and anti-freeze. Cut #B’Xb- ’< to langth. As tow as, per ft. ■ gMf'-yz citer., etc- fotostp. Specify for type cr MOULD£0 H0S£ CONNECTIONS—Original equip- .Lf*? ' mcnt quol'br. f°f most cars and trucks. Priced low. cSeahcf type csif-freeze. ■L - WATER PUMP LUBRICANT AND RUST INH1BI- ’ Accxrrccy i wK — ago to anti-freeze in cooling system. • , ^^BF . eliminates squeaky pump bearings; 20-oz. ,39 HEATER HOSE HEATER MOTOR Radiator Solder s, -17t* H«oiry duty ^.75 Fits most 34 1 Savcs costlyi- ’Ciira y .sfrssctfcia;heater -? repairs __ W1- _efeznu to defroster- Aifek motor— fits to 1955 _ S<‘a fit ctcsl Permanently. RAD flush *•*' Replace so'vt NWr- models. :.. zi..5^-aLi;d 6.9 5 ! BRANDI1EW WATER PUMPS — Save to 40% t S1-5O ALLOWAXCt FOR YOUR OLD Buick, 1941-49 . . Exchnnao Price 9.2* gfF3^ WATER PUMP — Preamoa raocKaW n a sosFta 4 ‘ ' Exchon9c Price 5.75 , bodge, 1930-30 .............. Exchange Price 6.90 vein eccurafffi fccg-IHc seu CJ5d Ford VS, 1949-54 Exchange Price 8.00 ■ I?” w*_ • fecTtfened’ st®el S'hicfti for Qlds33ioau=e VS, 1949-55 Exchange Price 7,35 Pfymoirth,1935-50 Exchange Price 6.95 ’ seirriice..Pantsac, 19<9-54 Exchange Price 7.90 X Similar savings for other cars and truck* 4 cTc m] pj ’ Th v M •nr •tf Xi WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell