HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-11-02, Page 8Page Eight The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, Nev. 2nd, 1955 If you are shopping for FUR inquire at DuVAL’S You get the best for the least All types of fur coats and fur Accessories Muskrat, Seal, Persian Lamb, eta If you don’t know furs, know your furrier DuVAL’S North Street Phone 800 WINGHAM FORDWICH Mrs. McGugan Is Speaker The Fordwich W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Fred Demerling for the Octo­ ber meeting on Tuesday night. Thirty- five members answered the roll call and Mrs. Clare Harris, president, was in charge. Mrs. Emma Williamson took the devotions and Mrs. Harold Pollock had the motto, “Character like em­ broidery is made stitch by stitch.” Mrs. W. Hargrave introduced the guest speaker, Mrs, A. McGugan, of Palmerston, who spoke on the 1955 model homemaker. She said women had to be expert buyers in order to run a home and spoke of how different things were from grandmother’s time. Climate in the home is more important than out­ side. It’s the little things that cause differences; in the big things we are one. A woman can either be the sal­ vation or destruction of a home. TELEVISION BUYING? ONE OF 30 TELEVISION TO CHOOSE / p price ’is only one of the check on the dealer’s quality of service you that . also the _ of your set and the pleasure When buying television do you realize things to be considered? You should reputation for service, realizing that receive will determine the usefulness < you receive from it. BUY YOUR TV NOW — Have your Antenna installed before winter sets in. FREE INSURANCE on aerial and set for one year for complete cost of installation. FREE SERVICE and parts for 90 days and one year on picture tubes. THOMSON I APPLIANCES^ ’ Phone 29 Wingham Mrs. Harris thanked the speaker and on behalf of the Institute pre­sented her with a gift. The president then brought highlights of the con­ vention at Guelph. Committees were chosen to arrange a bale to be sent to the Unitarian Service and $10.00 was voted to the cause. Hunch was served by Mrs. Ross Doig, Mrs. William Sothern, Mrs. Wel­lington Hargrave and Mrs. Earl Moore. Personals Mr, and Mrs. Ward Schaefer spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendt in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wipp and Paul, of Galt, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wildfang, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDermitt spent Thursday in London. Mr. and Mr§. Geo, Moss, of Galt, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell. Mrs. Millie Burns and Mr. Alfred Jones, of Guelph, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern. Messrs. Peter Brown and Roy Sim­ mons spent one day last'week in Tor­onto. Week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Keith were Miss Phyllis Keith, of Hesson, and Mr. Peter Chiomey, of Port Colborne. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. John Bryans, who are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary on November 5th, at their home in Har­ riston and who are former residents of Fordwich. Miss Margaret Allen, of Kitchener, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Allen. Little Beverly Horsburg, seven­ year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Horsburg, underwent an appen­ dectomy at Listowel Hospital last week. , Mr. and Mrs. W. Hargrave attended the funeral of the latter’s grand­mother, the late Mrs. S. McMillan, of Palmerston, last week.Miss Esther Harding, of Preston, spent the week-end at her home. Mrs. Ruby Forester and Miss Mary Corbett, of Toronto, spent the week­ end here. Sunday and week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stephenson and family, of Brussels; Mr. Allan Cooper, of Toronto and Mr. Everitt Cooper, of Hamilton. The latter has accepted a position with Westinghouse in Hamil­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Trev. Hainstock and Joan, of Milton, spent the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bricker, of Kit­ chener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Emma Williamson were Miss Doreen Hayden, Gordon Roberts and Bruce William­ son. Mr- and Mrs. Robert Spotton and Mrs. Margaret Gorrell, of Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Spence Brears.Mrs. Gordon Vittie of Wainfleet, and Arnold Vittie, of Port Colborne, visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern. Mrs. Tom McClement, Mrs. Albert Gallagher and Mrs. William Sothern spent one day last week in Kitchener,Mrs. Alex Wray and Brian, of Tor­ onto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tomlin, of Port Huron, Michigan, visited over the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forester. Week-end and Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Galbraith were, Miss Alice Edgar, Miss Ella Sheppard and Edgar Sheppard, of St. Cathar­ ines. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Reed, of Listowel, visited on Sunday with the latter’s grandmother, Mrs. J. Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsh and Mrs. Jessie O’Gorman, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart, of Lis­ towel, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vittie. Birth BELGRAVE Supper Successful Another turkey supper has proved successful to the Community Arena here. The following is a financial statement of the supper, which was held in October, Salo of tickets, $944.75; sale of turkey meat and pies, $52,40; dona­ tions, Dr. McKibbon, $4.00; Leander Good, $3.00; Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Wightman, $3.00; R. H. Coultes, 50c; proceeds of dance, $1.85. Gross re­ ceipts, $1,059.50. Robt. Wallace, turkeys, $488,00; C. W. Hanna, butter, buns, etc,, $59.27; MacIntyre’s Bakery, roasting and one roll paper, $28.00; H. Walsh, coffee and sugar, $10.82; Garnet Far­rier, rental of piano, $10.00; Geo. Cook, potatoes, $7.00; Bly th' Standard, print­ing tickets, $6,52; CKNX announce­ ments, $5,00, Total expenses, $614.61. Net profit, $444.89. Junior Red Cross The regular Junior Red Cross meeting of the Belgrave Senior Room, took the form of a Hallowe’en party and was opened by'the singing of ”O, Canada’’. The president, Dorothy Cook, presided at the regular busi­ ness session which was followed by a varied program of piano selections, readings and riddles. The program concluded by a Hallowe’en play, Prizes foi* the costumes went to M. Wight­ man, Barbara Krug, Lorna Bolt, Dorothy Cook, Jean Hanna, Marilyn Pengelly and David Hanna, Lunch was served by the Grade 7 students. Bodmin Farm Forum Bodmin Farm Forum held its first meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Cora McGill, Numbers were drawn to decide where the following meetings would be held and sugges­ tions for lunch were discussed. After discussing the farm forum topic, pro­ gressive euchre was enjoyed, with six tables in play. High prizes were won by Mrs, Ted Fear and Charles R, Coultes. Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Rae Crawford and Bill Brewer. Personals Mr. Mel Bradburn is a patient in the Wingham General Hospital. Congratulations to Mrs. Robert Stonehouse, who celebrated her birth­ day last Thursday. Don’t forget to attend the bazaar and afternoon tea, sponsored by the Ladles’ Guild, of Trinity Anglican Church, next Friday afternoon, Nov­ ember 4., to be held in the United Church basement. Mrs. Robt, Stonehouse celebrated her 89th birthday t on the 27th of October. She received many cards and good wishes of continued health and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stonehouse visited on Sunday with his brother, Norman Stonehouse, who is a patient in Vic­toria Hospital, London. RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Residence: Rattenbury St Phones 561 A 455 CLINTON - ONTARIO WHAT IS PURINA STEER FATERA? t i'. . ■■ . *» . ■ •> Purina Steer Fatena is a combination of proteins, built to supplement roughage and grain feeding. Grain alone lacks balance between carbohydrates, proteins and minerals. Steer Fatena helps supply this balance and makes the grain and roughage more palatable. Thus more gains result from the same amount of feed, and cost goes down. It is the cost of a pound of beef that counts. When you feed Steer Fatena the pound of beef costs less. HOWSON & HOWSON Bly th Wingham I PREPARE 8 nr’i - i"^I That Car For J Winter Driving ! = Ample protection with Permanent Anti-Freeze i for most cars costs you | LESS THAN $5.00 ■ cT d | at I R. A. DOWNIE = SERVICE STATION ■ GAS SUNOCO OIL = “Years Ahead in the Refining Business” ii i i B i i n i i n i m i i i B i i i B i i i m i B i i i n i m i i B i i m i i i B i i i B i i i a i i m i i n i m i i i n i . | We carry a full line of— | SNOW TIRES, SPARK PLUGS, ETC. | I AT REASONABLE PRICES I■ ■ IGA I GROCERIES (Boneless, Average 4-5 lbs.) ROAST............. (1 lb. pkg. ) BACON .......... NICHOL—To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nichol, on October 26th, 1955, adaughter. EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Lucky Link Feature MEAT LEAN BONELESS SHOULDER TABLERITE POT ROAST SWIFT PREMIUM VEAL LEG SWIFT PREMIUM RINDLESS MAPLE LEAF (1 lb. pkg) SKINLESS SAUSAGE HOSPITAL WING NEARLY READY Approximate cost of the new wing of Mount Forest Louise Mar­ shall Hospital complete with furnish­ ings and equipment is 560,000. Official opening of the wing will take place it is expected in December, with occupancy to be perhaps in a couple of weeks. LB. 39c LB. 63c LB; 65c LB. 39c BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AGREE: “On business or pleasure— IGA FANCY TOMATO JUICE .. CLARK’S BEANS WITH PORK........... IGA CHOICE PEAS...................... UPTON PllRITJB LABEL I TEA ........................................ ; iga • INSTANT CHOCOLATE ... I CLOVER LEAF ■ SOLID TUNA........................ a ship is the smart way to I I traffic, on reSponsive | Ford’s Sakes and 1 P°'ACr’lp1®sed ride all work I Angle-lpis v oUr safety-hold door latches with S? Jlc,s,sne^ new | prevent, door, fronl Fairlane Victoria {Certain fMHirrS illustrated of mentioned are "Stand­ ard" on some models, optional at extra cost on others.) more "=sis;aW»- VoI<'nAed p'astic for ■ HXFord’s belts of tl^l^e of (uiati°ns - offers . a great new idea taned In C0«O } d ^tenors! Your Ford-Monarch Dealer will give you the best deal in town NOW... before you make any deal, we invite you to see your Ford-Monarch Dealer and drive the "56 Ford! ■i <i • f GO BY SHIP and GO IN THRIFT SEASON! (offer Auguit 1) Plan early for this extra vacation to and from Europe Burgman Travel Agency Wingham Ontario Huron Motors Ford and Monarch * Ford Trucks Telephone 237 A. D. Mac William Wingham, Qnt.