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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-11-02, Page 5
Hobbs Glass Service WINGHAM Yews of Wroxeter J Car Damaged? Have us restore those battered fenders and doors to a gleaming, like-new factory finish! PRICES REASONABLE— ESTIMATES FREE BODY SHOP Carman Loucks - Proprietor FIRM EQUIPMENT MASSEY-HARRIS PLOWSTRACTORS ONE-WAY DISCS No. 15 TRACTOR MANURE SPREADERS No. 11 TRACTOR SPREADER BEATTY STABLE EQUIPMENT Litter Carriers, Water Bowls, Etc. TRACTOR REPAIRS See WilE Arthur in our Repair Department for service to all makes. USED EQUIPMENT 1—33 M.-H. Tractor Live Power Take-Off Charles Hodgins Your Massey=Harris Dealer Wingham Phone 378 CLIPPED cows are easier to keep clean, take less time >fe; gS :W: sg 5® to Clipping prevents dirt ac cumulation—the chief source of sediment in milk. Clipping lowers bacteria count. Milk is more wholesome, brings more money. For fast, easy clipping use the'electric Clip master. We have the new SUNBEAM STEWART Electric CLIPMASTER Powerful, air-cooled, smooth running motor inside the Easy-grip handle. Rugged, built-in durability. Complete with blades SAVE $7.00 Stewart CLIPMASTER Reg. $39.95 CJQO AC NOW ONLY SAVE $10.00 SHEARMASTER I Reg. $49.95 eon AC NOW ONLY School Children at SS No. 2 Entertain at Hallowe’en Party S.s, No. 2 School, Turnberry, was the scene of a happy gathering on Friday afternoon, when the teacher, Mrs, Wilson Thornton, and her pupils entertained at a Hallowe’en party.With Phyllis Grant us chairman and Frances Paulin, as secretary, a variety programme was presented which in cluded piano solos, group singing and a skit. The children then changed to their Hallowe’en costumes and the mothers and friends present had to guess who they - were. Mrs. George Harris won the prize, Mrs, EJldon Kir- ton also won a prize for guessing the most riddles, , . The children, with their teacher in charge, served lunch. A vote of thanks Was given in appreciation. The school room was most attractive with color ed pictures ip keeping with the sea- son. On exhibit, too, was the puppet show displayed recently at the Howick Fair and some of the art work which drew prizes at the fair. There are fifteen pupils in the school. Plan To Send Bale -The Woman’s Missionary Society, United Church, is planning to send a bale about the middle of November, Its members request new or good used clothing or bedding to be left at the church or with any of the W.M.S, members. Cash donations for shipping charges will be gratefully received. Women’s Institute November 10th will be family night at Wroxeter Women’s Institute. Mrs. Herb Patterson and Mrs. Thomas Charles Pickering Skilled Technician Ground Floor QUEEN’S ‘PHONE 11 WINGHAM Wed., Nov. 9 9.30 a.m. - 8.00 p.m. n R C T II D f is important for avoiding back- i U U I U II L aches and undue strain on the spine. The foundation for good posture, in both sitting and walking about, is in the feet. If you have pains in the feet, legs or spine structure traceable to a foot condition, you’ll be doing yourself a favor to see Mr. .Pickering on Wednesday, Nov. 9th, to see what Miracle Foot Aid has to offer you. Over a quarter century experience. Come with confidence that you can be helped. Wingham, Brantford, Listowel, Zurich, Kitchener, London, Hamilton sa Wingham CLASSIC With reservoir. White enamel front and high shelf. This is a clean stove with all new fire box. Priced right at . . . $65.00 wa J Bamboo LEAF RAKES Fan shaped, 18” wide. Split bamboo teeth Bamboo handle ONLY 49c New McClary Coal & Wood STOVE • All White Enamel ReP• High Shelf (tiro An • Polished Steel Top • Reservoir d*1 Of A ANOW ONLY tPlJO.UV Plastic STORM WINDOW KITS Sheet Plastic 8G’ x 72” complete with tacks and nailing strips ONLY .. Large Burke are in charge of arrangements. A variety programme will be given with the main feature pictures by Dr. Fraser Hay, of Listowel, Reserve the date, November 10th, at 8.15 at the new community centre, for the annual get-together of Institute mem bers and their families. Progressive Euchre Mrs. Thomas Burke and Mrs. J. H. Wylie convened the Friday night pro gressive euchre sponsored by Wroxeter Women’s Institute. Held in the new community centre, ten tables were in play. High scores for ladies were held by Mrs. Jim Inglis and Mrs. George Day, Thomas Vittie and Wm, Taylor won the prizes for men, Following refresh ments bingo was enjoyed, with Mrs. Harvey Reidt winning the special, a plastic crisper and juicer.Tuesday Starlight Group The Tuesday Starlight Group, Wroxeter United Church, held its October meeting at the home of Mrs, Jack Gjbson, with eighteen members present. Mrs, Glenn McMichael read an article entitled "Talking to God,” Mrs. G. LL. Dobson, president, presid ed for the business session. Arrangements for the meeting and for refreshments were made by Mrs. Bruce Chambers, Mrs. Wes Heimpel and Mrs, Glenn McMichael. Personals Mr. and Mrs! George Gibson and children, also Mrs. W. E. Weir, spent a day last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Huffman, Clin ton, formerly of this village, had a narrow escape when the building in which their apartment is situated was burned. Mr. and Mrs. Huffman and their daughter, Bonny were not able to save any belongings. Bonny spent the week-end here with her grandmother. Mrs. D, W. Rae has returned from a holiday with friends at Belgrave, Lucknow and Wingham. Wroxeter school pupils had a Hal lowe’en party on Friday afternoon. The Junior Red Cross officers pre sided for the program. All were in costume and prizes were given for the best. Refreshments were served with a special treat from their teachers. Mr. Campbell Brown and Mrs. Leslie Douglas. Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Merwyn Grainger were Mr. and Mrs. Don Russel, Keith and Randy, and Mrs. Nellie Russel, all of Toronto. Sunday visitors were Mr. George Addy and Mrs. Michel, Ethel. It was Laymen’s Sunday in the United Church, and assisting Rev. W. J. V. Buchanan in the service Mr. Earl Hamilton, Wingham. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Arthur Thompson were Mr. and Cleland Ward, of Straffordville. Recent visitors with Mr. and ___ Alex Corrigan were Mr. and Mrs. Mel Douglas, Sault Ste. Marie and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolton, Hamilton, The gentlemen had come to attend the reunion for the 99th Battery, held in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leeson, Oakville, spent part of last week with Mrs. D. MacNaughton and John Mac- Th© Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, Nov, 2nd, 1955 Naughton. Mrs, William parks, London, was a recent visitor with her father. Mr. Charles Maxwell. Mrs. Jim Doig is spending this week with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery, also Miss Pheobe Ross, all of Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here, Mrs. Wm, Wright, Mrs. Ira Mac- Lean, Mrs. B. Chambers, Mrs, W. T. McLean and Mrs. Herb Patterson, were in Toronto where they purchased china for the new community centre. J. H. Wylie, district deputy governor of the Lions Clubs for this dis- trict, paid his official visit to ths Wingham Club on Friday night. Sev eral members of the Howick Wons Club accompanied him. Miss Winnifred Long and her pupils enjoyed a Hallowe’en party at Blue vale school on Friday afternoon, when games were played and refreshments served. Prize winners for costumes, chosen by vote, were Bobby Thompson. Susan Sellers, Billy Hall and Donald Thompson. When Glasses Are Not Needed . . . Hamiltons will tell you so. If glasses are needed you are sure of top quality • ■ jji i i»i ■ ’ and expert service. W. R. HAMILTON, R.O “A Complete Visual Examination’* Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. was PRICES ! & Wingham Navar before a f/re //Ira TUBELESS Super-Cushion good/year Costs no more than an ordinary tire and tube! • More blowout protection • Fewer puncture flats • Fits standard rims Quieter, easier riding Wingham WINGHAM STOVE With Cream enamel front and high shelf. Reservoir. Thoroughly cleaned and repair ed., Excellent fire box for coal or wood. ONLY 'j|W 60 Watt LIGHT BULBS 6 for txrusumr R7C SAVE 10% COOPER DRI-KIL 25 lb. Kegs Wire RUBBISH BURNER SPECIAL NOW ONLY .. QUEBEC HEATER “Just as good as new” with all new linings. Priced right at . . TWO ONLY I Guarantee Perfection ELECTRIC WASHERS Gyrator-type Full family size Coleman SPACE HEATERS Medium Size - Oil 51,000 B.T.U. Regular $119.00 $89.00 Snly $75.00 Colored CORRIDOR MATS OF TOUGH COCOA FIBRE Size 28 x 15x/2 SPECIAL ONLY .. CLASSIC With high shelf, all White enamelled front and ends, enamell oven. An excellent fire box with new linings. A clean, late model stove. ONLY $65.00 B ■ A' ? ANTIFREEZE Permanent A F KI Ethylene GLYCOL $2.65 i Gallon 70c a quart I5TAINT0N HARDWARE! . .. -and .. FARMERS SUPPLY HOUSE- PHONt'fo WINGHAM ■l ' ,