HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-4-16, Page 4,,i , , ! � ,� :, , " ,;' ,.i 11 . � I P� 'C'SUSISISI . �W, � , , .1` � 41ii, 11, I mai I -gI � It: , � , � in z I � , , , ,li, , , � ; 14" , , � I f , � "i , � , I 'i ✓ . � I � I I ) I �i,�, I I '*I .. , et�.; I 1� , 01 I �, 11 i , � , . � , . � -ifrte! It � li � , I / I .11� :': i I � � , " I " �, � I I I f%,� ­#, " -r I • . � 11 I � � is . ,,� . 11 4 : � I ; I I I I , , , � I I I I . 0, s, -41, , , I " e0#010", 0 1 e, , i � . �': . 16 I I I I * t I )� i ,\. All,lIlo 4 i iki &!Iol�� " l,", 4 � � ­ 11 " , , li r I � z � I . � I 41 I I . I , I � I ! I 11 ,�, , I o � � � , I " 1 I 4 I I � � - � � , � , , I , 1 a , I , it , 1. I � I I . 0, � I kid) - � I I. I j � 1�. W•- " " 5 �11 , � I ,;" -�nf'l -11 a,,,,,.. I ; , if I � � v� I I I' � �kit �Z, 41"- 1. -- � , I � " � o --i�.,� ,, i. j" , , I �� -1�i , ­ I P7, I 4 ­ - 1. 1 " ,, �(­;- 4 ,- � I , . I , � � A W �e, � , i ,� �, ., I 111F, It etfiai , . I I "k I , . i * „ I , '11I R r ,I I � � !f -1 -� I I , � 11 � A I •A � $,,i,,qt , , , �,�. , , , r . S I'li,1 , - 0 � . , ��,, - ­ .. , � , , ..q , �1' I '%' 11, - "s k" I'l I - , t ,�. . , I" t " , , . � .11, e'l 'Ia 1 1 , , " y II, 4 , 1 . ��:, - -III!, . 111111111ommir 6 -. - ------- -- -•� . au futial Aulual 4 Ili*" raga apft. 11 11. -,4b, ,14 to IlItialit ; a" #AI albe � I � . --� . . ` --- - - = E� - tr;. -. 't 1, fur filb, ,San• 11 I � I , , ad., b....'....". Walt .1` it" be 'els'.. I ' 'I. I I I -.Vitt ; 11�1 .*4,v � , � , , � , .�� lItiltif lit'r-lair - h .' I 4 t --OR THZ- .. ,., ':3 fri four . I : ': Tb. I ug ' ' t L' will COLONIAL H OUSEG - - a U� .. -4 b,wAw, CAP"* WO- -,weisation for � " SF, A it-. atiam, ad'A" -rrWhj . m I= the ars'emle -iV000000,- I PHOTOGRIN, GUERY 01 ' 'I " I m ,mil d'A" may duty. I � bm. or W-0 her It WANDERER of THE LI .W- bat tit. rousel tA- W brumas I F�i6l Lor I I i '. 71" �� :r�� fl'h VU46, '. A STORY OF bill 111, - 14A A I - fladd:bI on, ar" -11 ''I I - � �-;:F E-:' I � eb. am� . to$- Ulm U he Is riell ana�doy, - I & outfitting Department I jr:! . md it; it-.- - a" it fees tark."ils -,"*' I 4" " Tailoring . "I"Acent Sli -Al, ;1 delay boy, Oft" himed , , .-Ir -in al. - New k Magn, �y-Llqht 14�", , 11, - "" I . ,I ." I ,.,�M= j.,ftf c r, mI to, -, - .� �, 1 RIVER MAIN & OCEAN. timsel mr. lad." all-dis-derau'va lit the day I in ilueston, my in c"Itiliolaud, =r= .,I. ,the public Immorally that bal koej. _ow- AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED 4 the, 1, .1 b, W - � I- ou" b rosider heir h of that river TR.`.'=7qyt' begs to ,., al hswt 1414clive of l . I ,W -it k> " M op . I �.,..p.4.d I ­- .490 I etching like upper 'mysteee folkla . -- I BY F. cmnton aLrri*Arton. . "-,",*-":�,"", 'W"s German Tweeds, . .. J., es, AM." Was your ,". 'U.,,nuo orator," through hot .Sy-gloO, many on"'trY . light, Scotch, French. Swiss IN, G � -- ----- --------Z- I --- O.UWw were ,in that ,** ala,lohl% t" as Xing ,jT l'(ES. IE VARIETY OF 1, -�lf.-r; 1IdowmobaI-UU­-­­-rAd an"iI ul"o the rd 1.19, lie cafe of i,4 rjIjjC,jU. ALSO A LA R( : . oovrmm a,,- a'. it, ,1:���Y-11�-IL,,"h�'.KO.. the nit -it "o walked about hi,r datlek. ; cows, I & Co Ellis Le JOIRNSO'N' � I '•'4wdMl,"�,*.dUw,',-4 ,. our S.MW its a, be, , hum I haot touti, it -4 Suit t . ......•A tb..Not And . 'Or.1 1. .to' III I%dr,n ,;alIiI,,,rI, 1,,."o Canadian Manufactured 3 I I , 1, , as 3 weriltorn it.. .ad PAtrunts. and th.-Patthe I I I lai'lb Uight Hot 1 4, " g- It up II Wre I 111 -` ­ the river, and others amettlada "I roll FRENCH & OVERMAN , F. Go BECKET T 5 BEumer hao- the mot. Sod h- %W lift T.. arow Poll a" Th.. nusalits, be row ...I -W lot. 00 k� roam, aeollaustat FENCLISH, FRIKI 11. "all. 16-1 be he-, at psorb O.P".. 4 built 0 home Disk a on tht ir ovars to watch her, . (­kS'.-,IWEItUS & j)0ESI-:l,%S, AI .ph. haoutia, to STEWARTS, New 11MA . . .Lwal �: tubs bm,�o Kit ;Uod. shal brek-b-11 l�iwud lu NO a-,"- 'ft ul" upon law. h,auty rad outhiaAaluth air. Blois. ��� .1 Hanthom West ,ad Ittwars, Thr - ub,,.k -"'�'-,V� itlithe two b.- 4 tht1k .-4. .UVVI-i With Ithul. ... : :: t,,,W,i�'WI-Il.i��'.) BRAYNK AND PILOT OVERCOATINGS I G-&f..Ih,�.I..� -'kl .1sollia. la. a. 1-1.1 It.... WI Mannerist. awn�mud 1. I... -?-,.. .. L'o, III .hub .�Md.�,.d.&.9 0--itbl-ii- (To btI ENGLISH A N D PUNCH H AM I IL'V 0 N 9 0 N T A rt I 0.1 &A.", euiry the Iw,I SUIII ho 11, I 1. - OTHIM DESC JFTIONS. it ot lit. drl,,-.n, I IT,: - Th- dusuroutI tal,al, Par. , - lat mau,at book waylas " law ki­li , -11., �UI saul -a.''" to Q. me -I .yw.co. OVERCOATINGS OF AM an =u�."t"Ww"'t" host-raws U- " UW&y." .�...Ood MA Ll janut I ks" - yeal­ yetarialetsitopot . husto ...40t If lie " "too be � I Havla" Acelodtbs services Of � Ii b.ob4owaL. pairwill U. - &,W.Lb�'. 0 buter ,w ...•w .1 :: or. arauterist! Q Letter ft,amt Mar W. 0 pare..1 , 14' cnD-1-r:01m, - -.N I I 11 N'. Us" I am .1 .11 St I bit .-a b. -3 haid, � ... vu) SI .1r.'ray a" 1,.,tu,.-. Smith. IMEXto 3R. C:%A�y AM nserpuwd by say C I IL a 1� 1), it I., W. will .we. bb,. 'tu . .nb , -tits Be wall sout flotillas, F.Sia, Slusuals, N�'..h .04 Brasil-, set - 're 'th e - 'plitut and a' - Style - MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE Iamot to1w �4*,. sues, &.U- ma_ymI Ill, yW- he .1maltud I., Tow Ld.-.(Ib. H- - states" ism 1, prepared to execute ■lat -i ' Try him And inatefy Yxsmr� .1 take. soh pimm being'. the morn mg. A . I ,sea � � a.. la" ime �.::aara .-cl" ,rce##d. in every Style X, -jW,uA,.p­hj.oe,,jwd hoa.-A - - MANUFJLC'rL'ilEK)Bth-&I'ROVIN' I i""'of " Thas torwal &b..W_ wttha ,_" Pa._ f ...it. ,,ujw,u­rU. .dp,. . , is,- I wu VZM ,es. A perfvct f�t jfux­ru­l in every instance. -Phals task- I ,1,;;;;l, Bel in STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS ftwag t f tit. .,":­­1.pt ;iI Ll I ".. I."...I. slid LATEST STYLES ka.w. I,, the art, .oil Old Arnbrulype. ailad 1). I asuk .11 W,at - umv.:�.. y IAUI ti�,, I— I. .1.7 t1! aj ill" d the LAROBST STOCK I C�waoaypSwt,..gjoI llaibua.��rsphat, A lator. I Ili. .tay .hatub FA. mrd - 1. 'i .. ,mai 11�ur .■11 It happy day to your C.,,,do,i, _Z,,, ',:,b ­'r Mr. Wury arae trun Conals.11! on ban . ­ taid, ""OL But us,y weft disaw,tuord 1. ". Per' mother, ca Lay, Said Edward, with hear- , f Every Descriatiallill at of ALL SIZlA AIAO, ."I'" I w4). us :Z bVe.2, ='1-1' - . I X �,:'!,`" Z` I -.ltb­.-1 Z man's Outfittings 0 bait. vaIII'l AI.HIIM%WZ",y,bWS" a IlU p«' for w slerowl wer, l.,U, uklaw, that �: lwwi ty gyp" * i-I'l, ass he re-wautarrasd the lut- mmI ,, ,no ,I... bit low I in, woU, rusupbuttl Cent MilArehinery for IPtampinKSEIII P' .,ii-dth.tb..-M-*-I.."ti" ,,*Et, t 'ISm"Y.,uj4jjy, Mrs. Wycl- ballart, it,, Graot Jury *,,it hord at, -I-mitua- I,.-- AM F RIcA, N XONZY taken •at the hiiiI Tot,. E. L. J., in relloulaus ths-lim 1-1 the liberal 1 M to 1.1-tawl III Us .,a, alas E. Archibald- wastit mattotw'd that -,.a =11, he Aid. tb.40 . lk, r, y ,,, I- y d!;� w cow, =Y at'Itiz .;:�'wia` 8WI03 Ste a3a Savr Willey and Grist Wills I !:"9:=,a.-.',,IUrfr.,.,.,, h,--t,,�r,ta,..i,au. It., -*:1=:1,!!= i= ,"' 1.,",Ioeo you May, mr-indea you aj . ..... ,o .. oaun, . its ,'I.. ,,, tinuor .,.-. Uan", Omi.riclaa, August 22-d. 1866. C&40P1C1- 1101X��Ljg 3WEM4�*2­`iX`L40X-V', as" .ad ... 17 -w �11 Lbilosamur. . . i .,- ," . -- E - III Unit BON , . ,.:�Ust ..i.,dht I .'it ""ll'ith"s U. III• z. st!'i ey o -I .L�;= MINING, HOISTING, AND PUMPINU MACHINERY, STRAM PUMPS, Oudwich.M�k 1, 1867. vI . too, IZI 111. line -need. -` " W' III ... .t.... .., - . 0, ,- , ,- "I .,If IIII litalyou good-raid1bitall," &I P-­h1:=,,t..a .11:,:4:*".i%wtU r LI POA� I - T I MRS- WINSLOW'S ENGINEERS` AND BOILER MAKkM' T00a t - - -- ---- I r is.,d . wwons, o ­.,d gd-Ij. mmus th, dobe obe EAwant. Aid I laul-to WoutolarI will P- - sor -k"W'I 'it" 6 PER CEN C&t,b&r,ne. rn,,,,,­h­o.,u.ueb compainient, u, Led Ut,rurn% W.IIL.Jll.p...d ill I atraliel assa- W ag.off "t IN, not C yet," interposed IS .1. ..­ III ... C ..I& ir"itesur ■- ,­ I 609TIUNG SYRUPY •1111.74711 AS 0 1 , 11 � .ad "oe W jw - " . ,Udsury . For fl,hilledrom Trething, lAdked, Pleessaing, Drilling, Se"win,r, and Bloating Machines, Plate-Boalliatif sail''k-l`.: C.ths.- I taunt at nay coolant lmtolgliitlo. - I ,I b"watiar. us I- Pummarbilas IffiI kc. 01.1.1 ioll.m. I.d-**.I"i..I :: . mapp. Government Stoc* DR. F. E. DREMUS, vi- dual -A II tit, It'llwater 4e, be- FAWII " I will walk Ons bit with you, truenter . 'r.., ph_w no, buty aw maturulled . lay Ili.•o­ n.;u(sroslianw. to .,At -i's the -­ 11 .. . - I k-.. r. I that. Ilso, . %," "I TRANIIERAII AND Nil? RLMENkIlLE Sri mard 1, wrow. ImI` 1.1-r it-$ Me s"t"k I. III..Lore'is . a, ' t , A GERMAN PHYSICIAN, -Z was na, ri, inan. Ila sat ­ said the V,,uug assiu-n, as Edward left -m .Illy - .. ­- -- atio-41"n "W", Wl=lX TKX YKAtter ,an- ,A.. a,,, So it hamaue. .III saw A" B -d---,. Ossetia, Joe ob. 1 "L .64 III I J kan d -.r ,if that happy home. I I...I.I.... ......... ... !z . ,.,,,.�:,Ul­. I. p Y.I.ILL ,tslk GeArrill, at IIII- Darkar It"t-I - tri. I Lit" C-- ­ ;;;%,,U,,S,,2,,;I:"1d . "I"' ,.�t. 11 - .I d fmrU.I ... , rat III .I., to. W Ter. - . plau, ZZI rt "I;*,NRy Grit SIT may, Bowels. OM Tiouslay .9 - 4.r�:ih,, th. I&tb..( -I .,.it, wb­ h� emn 1. - I `- I I ,].-. . 1. ,_� Lasa Wya-M A la. -It SaI or, soy .1 ra-Y."....'­mUlarip.... Piave m Regulate . Walter, friend And •shipmate," . a.. 1, _ .Htb.di.-t..bA,.b tit. h',� .y.u. :1 ka. d.. 4- Ito aft.tb., -1 b.fros bI, ,00td ­ Captiall , , assa they walked .long h:nquij U. Al, Neu 1. .. hU-1I 1�1':---': DEPA R'rMz,.v PA L ,Glk!ll -1 ­ ­-­ .. . I mrairia aide by side. " I went ,m.':'�gb"­`d b' d- 4 I -1411 1-91i .. I as --p.hadl) ou U. U-4.1�.t .( ..- .. ha,"ek ,,I . through the •I, He, rf saw h" . .Wrh .r- as -i., Iaa�l III Ir it.. Uad. It I A . ,,, It - r it .h.t ., loo. it =. I IN ­ III Is .&wood Saw blvied B loo,eiv d,,g-b,i. awrimp, the mg� OTTAWA , I --i'll.l.-i'virst- il 'll I - ren I Na ooW..o,bwod, box elowd the 4- I"jud tit, ask you one quostion, &Oil I Want a �$rl , "" Relief and Egath to YOur DdLutL "' I 11 la", Ibut 1, assuo" . - .'I- it. . -t t'. I- .I'..- of I.. tt;ld th. .,t,." "" "rao, atit F.jwu­ 13th. little . .4 2. hoiI frunk, abijujh ..... I- .., urn ..p. W. .h-a ­ =4! frZKON11,111 1. . sid amallawall It. 1%. manwhir or i,saoamr� at N. " rep y. ­ ".., t 'I- it, * ,.�1�1-11�illl!!I= ___ - - �­, ." . . rift. - Ni t�LifoutsW) have it, caplabin." m.ia Illock- O�ly . I .". . Inal"t'i"', .m III J-.o,t-,nI:-.,­t, .F."lit" 1 4,1-1, t,' �y 4 AU) Alor 1-11. JII .%i ­r . ,,,, w ,,, ", ,.b Wnt,I ..It ,­ II marutl `­ - II 1I It I ... .b- - . st 1,;.:It,l he prin,­4 ll-, of Swy raw Z 1'.��.W lit. �, Ivelk. look, loading. anip-I ,!.,*;�,t6,`a,,­,4,.o,., .�'X, that rity it., .0 .... I , I. "mul, Ita.late,w Trarou,r) - ...,-..$ but ria.b­ at istowds UI neas 1;'.'I tur lt-,�'... b" it It -1 to., " XxI �aid. ,Ium ti., , U.d .iI­14A .. .�w - oiI - 14 dIm- I 11 , 1= '! , 6 I I .1 .*4 'Z 1p"ita 11-I -noon ..... lIv .,� ... at. I'. it (I. II :adrioy, Mom I th. -d .i'..f I,ebm, "r thI " 11 ,to arti you I,lf for If lie bunion f� T.w. to ...h- ll­idil- 11-1 T-1-111 wit- -1 -9 'I�Ixai= 81 BARRY & 010 I 6- He "�.l.d out .our ...14II .( inot.t. -4 , I to you mostan lit'll'y I', Ih.fi­bU.WaUa,.aowc"Jm1'­ I:1.I.T­W.roW .1,14'..... d. . I he " V16 l�'.L-' ". 41 o. for tam. under iyl�% Saji .9 - &Iachaid With I"'I's"Dis- " II""" "S'"' I was �t ;.hot K4. in 'etorn .it, did he W, 0..V.. hut;� . tr,„uUmuradeass, Ur a. hUmpeSJ oft. tat -1 ... W.mj -I. ­4'amm r-1 Ilk- - torr " Yes. Arm You 1I Now don*t take .I AL D,onoi - hk, ., ru, " a, V ". . , �', TM I - - i .. build his it- =- -11,, ,,. b �tu,,,.,� ­,,ju.n., I.,, -t,; 1-.- to - vosauths W'.I..k1.lh.UUd.'­W­!­ �.... - , "b_:�h�M,:I.th�,..-,,f oght. flaitulb. it abscl, t:,at 11 no, blunt.' ,-it wh ... r'. .... "I"I". rush d'" IS VLKX14C%S; oft., lomar�.i`I� 'runs, .4 rw,4� or � Ir", For Oft = am 11 .1-smillI atussuritutiott .hit .... �, lar! I. SI ; I'm aseither poor nor rich. My hotilwat- otat,arla-lust Iaw .4 suars --f UU. DWI H j -1 EMP011lu 0 on A Cs N- 'is K' t� ; W C tWful::w::;s".."'I'd"Is' lual".".1".d... il, �'l ant li�:wb WI loss It'I : utt "Sist.h. I,, .fth.t..,l it. - " -`=­ tu t%,40 iwtm,I is Wonaly ft " he A ruglat bar lud, ang it,. vital � . un. S- ,"P-4-4,kl- ..dare. H. LiI to .-t It ..,I father is in moderate eiruun,at&"C" , and `=.P`p­ 1'.' th' -I ="f '4 wl"p -.W'IL "l"t 1.,A,., II .Ian.aI•r I hawiI Misr will 1. I am ftrI or ItUrp as , a fent " ,it CABINET MAKERS; 'ZI 111. II-II1.114I k. d" -1 but Iran k- 1".'", " . *tit sh . -r. 1w-. - is. ­, ,a.. I...o....." oults" ; Wvu. ward" X.q, a : 11 ....., ad ,P),.)rtfit e. I have Ito wants. I ^ " - 1141.f:!r%:.-;.' r� '-.5: ,I:w,-.v P-R.H. I .I IJI " lou aria not ricli f" 0= tvI "Ut.n...'. ,,,I, %­ &,.,it 1191.1ra. rt -few ** 101 -Awl t-, I Its, ,e- lot1wr to raw, t, " Why no " 1A.gbt I .4 ras ..,I "'...11­11romuldI 1-S4sr-1­ I all.. JA ­ Ilth, Ims", ,K1'i:,v"j�a­1S=. ". thl. WOOD UITUMIU1,S! ­ lit ziorard - - .1t. "tu Wt a IWIT fre wor,14 Thq no, them, I -r " Iti�i'Le what I thinight. Students �"ug,.I"T."k,'.'�',';".."bl;"k.bll'�"Wit'Is -'"I U- I laddl j,UQp.t.tha,,u9b.ut*1:11r1 L .,.tier 1;',,tS, ., t.-th I. any IoaI ,ya, a., Ilme money. One ,,f the" days virtri'll I . "' ,u 1". rat r� ... with may ,,Iwhi.e. oral I - . NOTIC E. yft1GE ONLY IS 09§yl 11`9111 BOTTL9. laid, bra... ..... -h :�;--...W Outrges W.U.1 -1" dis - -t . , Z" sork. S- or. I bao, an Ursa t to any n a in III thre, years to 'a - _LA- Ili'. - wit WIlt-, AND UNDERTAKERS11, asy .t:" ' di to del:zy"'.. I I-.., air jf,�pel, orfd,,U,1,,nn, or som pro- I -'Ji,,., -I 'a-' 1 I : 1% ., . "I I.- IS O"', -, ans ". , . It arm- y iv D. sm. 9 -*-M; All ft hot Kitt. M -.t -I I C. DETLOR & CO'S ft Y- fassamilays I on .I lira. vir d,,n'tIoJ.ke - Farmers of Huror =nftmI . CM.W. ..T.STIT, - aha you soa;h- I .1j.- b thet.1-o-1 slasimI to I . h � harbor me �v 4�. 4xwwt tiny � tat its III pa,us , me I when I mak You if --- UAL FIRE -- -- Hamilton St,, Goderic , I.Imeass, 'y� I --may t-, Y ­I I will. ­ .. )­ ps- U.tHhy,:k%,y"tr.an,6,aWLadkC0 of lay spear, THZ NEW MILITIA DIM THE VICTORIA MUT 41:1rwy,wo guilty brad, mt,r a mat.plitint I.I...'rutips. o INSURANCE COMPANY, CLEARINGSALE EEP constantly an band for &mI &H alI I t u= tatel will hUnat I'll -"" Slid "Indeed, captain, you-" The following ore the chief features of O.V 0-A..W-^-3DjL, Salt Teitoq in Pod 11bed! ' K cift in their line, inch an r*A U.1tr,", air in , ".law. F ,I III ­...titlard - "Wait till I I"11 you how match it is be- Mr. Cartier's Dew Militia laill: - ' " I -ill ,I lu, b *BAD orrica, HAMILTON, .Bedsteads, Chairs, TaLles, . as in... .Vs. -1-tan." ..-, ­( M -(,,d. patle forilayou limit to refuse. I brou&I �ith The militia is divided into four rlamm; /SHE %uWriber having Water Power thist. CK>M&-24[3MWCrJEM I Sofas, &c., . ..It Is. 14. troohlaul ..it, pm ­U. me fifteen tli-,ttmn4 dt,ll.m. TIII of at I AVS ESTABLISHED AN A0EN'P`Y 1,4 It axI be applied in antI •a "1211 . " I rare -hot Yea -11 .... I lIe Tit. Irritant have given to Illy another &aid &later, all III first, single Dien between the ages ef Its 11 41hatlentell bar ibis C -sly. Retain 0.1a. Well is the above Village, to -told give I All kinds of soatial-toruinit don*, I as 11 ..-.r by -,o II ,r twitat In, at d),i4sv,,`" "It 'KIILLrlv for trial to�moryovv. all 6 30. Q,eeI Single men between 0 liton.,! IV . 1?..l "to sumair bannisters, tsecilaytill", tilat cwt P. will .-r harn, .a ,twea, w Ints, h be handled re - IS ­­ "n�,.,Wrarrhns .1 the VolistA, has kind I politics an opportunity of usirg Said power, * Always on hand, a complete , surrialm saw-- 1-1 l- aboar.1 . tall - arstarms I have five tinnifflI left. Now 1 6,11 and 43, tbitd, warned men between I ace. Director lor .a.,.. W.. Haney, now ,it oloterl,b, wttw cortapony's Tha. and would II take shares in the enutprise I aeseram tl­ " witint abouitifterelve hundred to make, some and 45 ; fourth, all men between 43 and ,linitArral. Thr %'U,joynahaIrSiyaoai.sI,a.d Woosiriumbielad atialovy tigers. Apply ASSORI! OF COFFWS " A you d". it I "t �,' ". ­ - inn pumhame of parnrivi,,ns .it Itualsout, for my 60, for purposes d organianation, and ha�inedy Mablodled 6)r itsWi a very bifh m- for further pearticalars to and a HEARSE to III on reasonable term - .o.I=.1.1-m1pj1a,maid the mvSI jaw ­.z., with Schooner, and the bathince is youn." . are callical &,!five And reserve Militia. The putsuIts, for p�,iKnm, tit 11w imystill of into", JAS. ORAWIFORA 3ELCliZLC1'Vr­3l1Z%C1C!a � . - " Who I 0 no, emptialain 1" . :udl ---). .1 .6.e untrills-eas Tk. ,." Guiderieb. pdav kit. 11446 l5w6m* action militia consists of the TAUnteer Intense as Ili. U­.j.4y, for 2 yestria is I- PI Allows. Nor. 25. IWI, . W41k 1 �. -- , � - ,- � , , N. , I , - art V.- .otWid .IIA tiny ;tbw a�p, "Don make me angry Muter Edward I militia . " the rilizailar militia And- the ,has .my atlarr mkaabl� C.Si ';�"` 'u"a-'" ------- THE OLDEST FSTABLIMIMENT amovZoval h- " �w. m4 Saittrawl I 11 do as I Weare. yoma iaa�lo done me and I . .1. . is InCianads. Aoyftr ... rn tooso' 11 .. The volunteer mi;ilia -S - `!a- - To Bilt SPOCUlatorg I TOWN_ IST - ,... I r�') ,I w III t-wor.- h ersmi, R,ii,kly, mine a Service, that nioney don't begin to I inaratiI, I ilia. -d �esamr .'it. to Win. Hairdy. tiodI II , I C LOTIIIN G, IWI twing -it take....,, . p,.t,,I. .,A 1--thi, It at pay for. But thin, I can make you a pre- I axatuposed of corps raise wholly by .m,..h,p,..ohm,.f,o.,w-.U.. .mj ..a, and K-I-.d'.br-a.,Lb.i-r,NUI-I-h - T.. ..a .,tit if I labonse, and.I can do what I will ; volutiteels to the regular militia, by met the Agent will give prompt RiLealWD to III. rte- � a.- maw. taus:- with any own. The rationeY, I have made' who volunteer to serve in the same, or of; q-"- DiRzcToa­ LAND FOR SALE. AND - With -I h.at.t- ltd -4 ,pftn, 16murd a,, law np any urind, shall be yours. &) you need men balloted to serve in both, said the lalwass­ or.. if. II flithottose ; Alex. I BE andenigoa offmant formla Shoat four . narw 4 U. ...it.. 'SUI hes, t by 0. IstrUl, 6 ,I , I ,,m:ler word," reserve wilitia ceramists ofall the talent who I II East Fliontr "; J. Rvaoal, B -A-- uTm of l-4 in Godarrich, which is ad- ot-I bul it j�l- likignuipmat thudisid Ifin UI gowb,, I , We XT 3E:1U IS . "Y two words, tlithough, my are not Serving in the active militia or � "n'"' ""ll""t"', ". "; L�vl Lew "' Still Avii Suitably adhareted for Wt works, being an the -.. . j C.notiont., Hituroll. a ,latinuell B, hMA1j":.n .I ..h...d aaft- dal I worthy Captain Walter. and ,ey am no this time being ; all volunteer Scarps now; vit- T %; MARTIN AX&NN - It a,, call thysill. Sir, . � " he continued firn ly. " I nituat of- j.a,yIU,I,.(;:aamf.r,i A. ' . out. He,,,. loss bank ofjhe River Milatland sad adjoining the I � I somateown. � an, �mgk I ,mm ha- " w ­l. ,Iso , , ' a tic•id-A.-IiI Reba. G,hhoam, I i,I G. T. It. tracli. By a short torath, Suit AT COST. FOA CASH ONLY. EGS, TO INFORM HIS OLD CUSTOM . I I it, pcir it jac.1, H rober, Niviturtat Bon that he is still able to sell for climb, I , I, II m Ili— twat l.m"I thysuff, Tell. &W oath 1- "lle' Y' if yoll will get .11f,entilled, but I or,manised are to be continued; slid thel Wilmot &"tit this rininey. My parientax I I :.axed of marries changed so three years, I -`b ; . Gto. Mur- could he sent Flastrarard by rail or to the This a- .pok's ."h .UtbI Hammon I Hoary Hill, tkabrook ; PI I'lia- orls.r(ftar shipment. Thoprovisiq isclose mearithisIllonated. Nay,'oumust Instead of five, asinth-!old law. Ti,e!,,I'�-ri..b.,�';I'hw.jdcllwml..h, Haeall 'o'be well .,a, or and a 11 . I " : �." asurat"M L. ensu With A lat"ItY Y(I supply y , . I 00 Words at the lateral. rates, 4 1., " I. t t. from the famous Godericlis Balt Works. 'This I - - En"Lurb Is Proud " districts, each having a district Deputy. zlx " . one of the most desirable plot. now in the I ILL KINDS or FURNITURE �. " 'k no . I.I. .. &I take nay refusal kindly." country is to be divided into military . - east III 1,-k rutt III ISIII "Well, have your own way. 'Rot, sy.-W.. D. Book.,. 110 I I .. ntax . 11 I C11L.-H.�. A,I NI Kagit'. market, &,ad traterding operators alloolml exam 1 The balance of our Walter stock of Al he shop on Knarstain street, opposite a ;� Now& Solatia I Y. Agent, the Huron Hotel, Go&rich. Giwo*b.m 0 .=X,Iwird. ..j,.kt., u. IlI maA ,ohms ust Lucifer you young Ptud, Wit, HARD""" a ): 1 lut I-Alat lWhind her, "No ,itisnot pride---anadXitis. But Adjutant -General -say, I i .So I as ine it mothoot delay. @all FIrtas this Mn, u. -w may si .up,- law I cannot consent to take this m6II from I New Brunevoick 2, Quebec 3, sod, Gaideneii. 16I jailor I b*7. "S For particulars ap CLOTHS, Gaid,116.11h Oct. 3. 1866. awl tail y -..X - aw. d -Aly -n- It- S am, it, 19 V.dwill need it. 0oplaceitinthe I Ontario 4, and theas districla; are "to, ----- - -- - --- 1= HYSLnP. I BLANKEfS, -- I - -.- I litharrid's,hal",� U divided into regimental and eomp&OS 1 8 6 8. "Ir rt:�tatl"Slsrllo, k wi­ it,, ,ht,r k for yourself memo rainy day." G 4,oclia. FarI tOr 80ift. i� .pI h in .t .h It t ­k pl­- -.1m. I' ,No; it. ; if you wont take if, I will give divisions, end to be officered for proacessal September 30, IN?. BRAWLS. 0 tal'I tz .".I. ­ it." I- .I all to -Pluoila, it to Kate." of enrolment, avid furnishing men required -- - -- ,-- -- m,36.3a fly . I ­nPA-1 it thi. Mn t1U.­ti.s,cbI Courts. I of lot ".1 Vatfield Road, Town. 'I# "Ant. will lie righL It is just for •a for service resident by officeri; The Division FLANNELS, 111 .hi. of 77 , Acres. about .',it - lose. � . W, IIIIII,adrawl"I ... 14#tn tI unl­kraj for rei si.tvr to ham a brother's earnings, IIII number of'moo to be drilled and paid in f Cath-,'. to,vth,ir h- l- -up, i­rta. arid ,-f it, " Earnings f Well the * v am, I rup. Salt Well Casin'g. I DRESS GOObi, , cd. "Thr lmhd..ill fipairade quality, ..do I ,4hoauu­ti­i, W hint. IIII 1.) law nuass, �d Due by time of peace in 40,000. llso'des the Times for holdill" DI VISION COURTS Ir throulph the lot. . a pose, for I have done enough for the gold," ,a I mi��j­ng I running I . . *-thaujur• . -'r U. ­Surturt- .N.- 'Istod , ...I " lie muttervall, in tonatim mom Ka' andi. fficiers, tLis period of drill for volunteer IIV. stil,-,4U., mo."." ,,, -d ko.pris beat ,a AT part of the m,,,,,, d.We. Time given .:� , for the rvalsonaider at 8 I— cent per annum = an. P.- a.. ,I I. kow "Itat ter " ry ble to Edward. " Well, It=hak Ally cog ie Is bixteen days, and for owr;g of FOB N art ." ;,.,�,�-6 Further psAicularm way be bbd on applica = I ' - In I like your regular militia nosy I(= than eight days .""'. I` 1 -`"�. I sigzat"I try lrA"I " it'" b'" -4 f"-"� as the worse fair your retuning. COUNTY OF HURON, ,.W. ,,do. �,, I ' � , , plotdi,h­ - "', -1" `­ h" " y"J"t " independence. Now I., has tell vital, if nor more thin ,izteen days in each year, L .... AI Mi. F,h *%I". wis'sto Greatly Reduced Nees. I i .. I Iy'dw-*.W,.h7.h . # liti-i at IUI lit. LUI Wt, -.t,-, saI r, we ali,mil.in't see each other X,ii�, that if for which half of's dollar per day will be 1868- - � I ', or to JOHN JOHNSTON. I Loss. llo,fi�ld flood Starkly. 10, ­­­: I we it, nw". taking F"iwart 'ith 3" -it art, ever in trouble, and retard - I I � � � . � - ...... paid the mcn, and the officers of regular lit Division, 4.Aprich, Thurstlay, 3nih Jan. 11 � , h"U IS au".I b- - the atilars onit help you, call ala hill y"nr 1, � I Godairriarls. sort Still, 'I s67. . A. air Lhr�i - -I t,otr narriative. 11 I. 11'.7 1 , L � , ­ J. -.-"SA- A militia 8 I each per day. But as men I 6th 1. Durgantion, FrIday, 3ist 11 THE RIDGE PROP07y 11 , J. C. DETLOR & Co. L I I L- - . " -Gid, S.,%.rd.y, I,t Feb. � I ,AI FASI %.I L.k- l- .11 I. th, brud .rill ul�l";nmiiks, nay brave friend. But I ti,allit, of any corps rvatiding within two DI III 7th -Ilay 3P031L B.&LE. 51 L : L � : , -1 wj.y-,. -1 - .­ 'I* I. th, n-, the . Monday, 3rd *1 Godorich, Jan. 10th, 1868- 9 � . , I shall never be a, Straitened as to hava, to the plac� -,appointed for drill, way be I oth 11 Clinton. THE RESIDEN'CF OF THE LAIN FARM FOR SALEP .,,,.--. ..howl turmoil upts [,I. nalre b. out .t other times than f, ' god '- fle-fort h, T.,odiay, 4 In. I - . I L � 4 - Wh- 4.1 Y.m we, yt,n hs. ­1 ,,, Y,00 ..41,,-. pr(riv your mialleterity." ordered an per ormisig Hall :: Airaltayville, %`.d:nmsdaT,5!ha " GALT. Eliall I I ; I r I •I OR TO TS. -.DE FOR a . . I ' - batis, ' "I II "There's no knowing. But how would their annual drills, witbout,receiving pay. i 51,11 Exeter, Friday, 7-th. - Ill'Slamperly is beaw.ifullvii4anated oppe. TOWN PROPERTY. ' .. Mily ,--I dhipaut'. -4 1 ,re gan ,tot yet like to take a new t ­morrow evening Each ret,ziniontal division will be required I T -1te ,he Town of Vollerielt, on Him - I A-Iprw-u-., fur I ....t 10, auff 1. th,,W form the cottage, with another, And Kate to furniath its quots of the 40,000 meI lot Division, GoJeti,lat, Thursday, 30th Apri North [tank of the . I d.y.. and in elf down tio nnymachosmor ?" but where volunteers are orgscai,"d, tbey'i-,,t, gunu.,,, Filthily, let May . I I F.r";GWeitjoflot2, eon. 2, Ashlield. I I %%its ' " III B - T,,., nUmbor .111 I- ,.ray -7 to se, y.. dismal. ere d," all. lay I :: 11, 'T"field S.kmrabay, 2:A 'I 100sciti. 45 cleared. Friame barn, AS d_htL- -it- V. J,ylaal W - yota.- "lit the river, ju# a . tx)%e the mouth, in will count either in fall or in part for The I -, Ill oton, RIVER' ,I[ A AlI I'LAND, ­ good " J"Iftl I v- ,I ... uw he,. ­ hot, T- - I tharfirstlwaid. Myinenwetakiiigiiifrt,�h quota, said where there ■are nothadlunteers, 10th ,I CI i NI.n3sy, 4th - at,-] on the Illklikii Of Ike Huron- it c,h. hngioe, 6 -it Tcubg Orchard -wall .wlI - petard my trt tit, za�aaaawbtlr tit, xUI .04 rest -w water and friI itycib, the". ThInvigh I or not enough, the quota will be made up I 2-1 I. 'Iessf.,th Tuesday. bill. I' loans .31 7-10 arms of [.%ad tatiren, le ed The ij a very demarable f ran Fur tith ,- wrilimeter, Weshlesd,Y,611, " particulars apply to It ou tit. -1,4-1 h -,I ... b,. I rumiI 1-1- .h,ra I My it, %,II Will son ., prwftj a bit of ..alt of regular militia, who may %­untoer ora 5,6 o F with D­Ilvag ifunse, fl,thonsiI Stahl Uow . I I UsJk.I it, at = ,,.law .ere -,,irtly. Walter raft am carr 11, .;,led.- ..ote,r, Friday, 8th -1 :A&RDWAIIE, 11A11DW,U1E ! nOVERT CARMAN. ' c be ballialral to serve. The enrolment is, &c., with larzr Glard-n, Vi, ­y &,A o-Ii,,,ja Godarrith Aug. 2A. 1867. mI " Ula d- 1wing ,,,nod, I any U., iotti't, art " I will come dova I, so 11M eoUW. At to be taken by militis officers in each The seyond Courts will Open At 10 0I 1'4e . i" Wo"i 1-1 r-onerets pir,ocq ,11, of Usk I 810-W OV --- -- - - , - It IUSUI ...­11aing, saw, IUArIl "I iiA What soh Al 17,.r 11, I SI the floseringo Lindor, Cherry, NfaI Ae. SAghts:n,rtUWrpwS,y=.shwet .Iserythadrm " At four hella. . company divi:Ition, by actual inquiry at a. an., The Orounds am in rely anoul order. There I TO BELL OR RENT I , -id,�t - b..4 aanI X.k of II rand th.,-t "That in who', o'clock 11" each house. The excuil,tioDO fro- --I- I li-d.rach, 23rd December, 196". are three never fai,­t sprinits of plays mato, i .. - - I . .,, x C , I and Ministers I , FruB larrst, HALrLoTsilum L13117. - himish,owey.or. r. .­y.hi", ,, Two. •' are the judges, the cle-Ky protell'ove S. BROT.10fl, " the Pr3peny. 'I ti� littatI for a ,ri,xv , JSUI I �t� -"-.Ili '.. '.0 .# HolUrl-. ,# tit. -1 1*6� th' two 1 "w"'I 1 "' '114 "Ter w "" " It IS too early for me to homes the ani- of rcligiouS denominations, the J. C. C. Huron. residence cannot be stairleassed in fle' pror i baa.d1:,yfh., brawler. II ",WAll.. 1'.. weal. @Wily astain " I'd,!. ..ad I � . ar k- via .1 - ­ vervity." and teachers in colluvm the warden lace. Na 01111= .1.1 ". .., ;,od hard -rid hattal: wet the above to le a trill- Copy me For terms up - w.larr ; My .- ebraria.- fair ... ly ::,n- ter, "Fav (,.air, then." keepers of the paluitentiarti,al said lunatic I Cert,(]it . v- .iI ..It ra limit.. .It. %'.It hoo-ed, F,o, . ,N]SIN LA mI D O isn"al-r." h.r.t. I. ax DAN. LIZkIL4, D.AHADE GOODING, . . . ,♦ May 211h. 114117. .18 , I I- Off N.M. 6, ". .,^ :h,u, � I i.- -'t 1� fid, stryliturim, and paritiona disabled by "ily, entered in it..! Derision Court Iteelard Borilt, 1�yfll OOS. 1; A LT, E.I forth., pam.-ul.,.appiyul�.h�'.. I&I *,- �4 nv.tjy the,--toor I agal .11 re, lit. I III " I will lIe'there at that hour to flat with TIE 111GE , "'o ' ' F . .Itlratl -h lint ,., r- bor I III, 1.4 , ­uIJ ,I . - fla"natpr, Toronto 4 I . . lay b- lin.- I �, if 1.1 j I, That a, Imuly. I shall I itifirmity, and the only son of a widow � pursuant to the Statute � . Iso, . , luct Y'" ' being her arnly Support. The period of ('fork of the Mace, Huron. Barrister, GodanI - - ­ ----- ­ - . 0 ­ r... I-,I.g sht-1 IrIow And .1", K.t,. dw.. "t With tht� words' is II vI by � . $1, ir . "I wort himaty - the hand and 1SI front him. returnii Sternols required ofthe regular militia in office of the Clerk of the PrActa- Godarricle. Atlh joily.milt". ow9w (I o, r) 1, it I c 1-1. COLONIAL 110USE1 :'Oft. Its ,m :Z1,W air.- tawartla, the c--ttw. Th* former walked time of young is two pars, and the men Ulaiderioll. 24h Dec. I i,A. . 1 1`411� �� --- M. A R K L T 8" V A it E. , , low asislat a. f", .I*, was. ft pr] 'I 4. bn.klv f"rvaryard towards the unirersity, re- who so serve are mag"m required in their -- ---'-- -^-------------- I I - . . 0 Of. I ­Ight to Ira "PrT. IrUI -.I ff"t'nI lition the ealtruordinstary offer inade turn; the officers re4uired to qualify b "Y 3PUX3P3EIL10N141 1,,,-,!'MWao1&FancjNdsS1ote : . .", 1'. alar ­ , to Ila 7 13 1, = - --U- thet I.- .. -1 -I in Lath %­itng sesmain, and wonder passing exantinaltionit, and pr,,visiou is ER & CO., .Z 'hirk. tt� w. ,14 ", ­ - in ' He CARDIN J,upopkine's, Alexander, J,II I'lauchatiall I Ing tel .lint i;lanra, r It,- head solnimA tio made 'for military instruction in other I I Iffrs. Warnock ,RoUS CUSTOMERS FOR TfIF fAce books A-Alexandrimmain white, black and . - I ?"Ui - IIII .1, I towhi wealth it, gohl, in yo-ven years' ab- : '', ' I'lle larreet Stock in the Count B. . - it wI schools and for the formattoo of ride I? RFTT*R';I'f0 THANKS ro Tfll',IK NjTMf' is ��lo�th� m-18.1'�mral',RLQN s '"In " witt�, &nil at the generosity which could . '. ng. It flop to •acquaint that laJi" ,,f Gadahri,h I liberal patronage boadoweld on them for tbm POA' bit[ years, beg to infum them sad the colors- CMAA. h. ARCHIBALD. him - has 11"d on's, air., here: lint 11, bmt�-w the vI at one upoll him mother amoc"tio a and vicinity that I hes r",,,uod he, beat I public that their stock is Dow Complete is everathing wi,W- I for Building, Furnishing, M. Ocall,iiieb. August 92nd. I MISS. insit. I "a' b- "" "I"' Tl" '1-11 test U' bw - - and Sister. and upon ,,its whom he might A L&I'll(O'StOck Of - - - ­­ --- - I %it, !� �ke him III in at I,m-tam I- " now after ille recert fit, ; she al"itre 1, 1I.Se t'r-thol.04. 'fl...tbuot ,lw, au I, , sera lint" Aft.to lesving on Thursday -which ores A LINKRAL IIIIIIIIIKSTEAn LAA. -The L thank them for their kind pa ill s� ,,,, 1 - - dol. listart 1. P -t "'s, the dor to was III, said-levr.ir see Win. Brockville Record,ar, notwithstanding his assure them that no effort will he ­tntinz! I ... I th, toil -if Theme matil,wit are Spit -or I I I ye 4 ­ I - - an Ili— part to secure a continuance of the,, i It ua.t I. XA­f*. . - I 11 �- fall wit " he string and still gushing "first love" V I . - -HALL AND PLUOR LWS 1 8189 "D DOOR "it;= " t- Ust-OiRANGING l- ,.I---$"- - IF III. l- AsM it.-, 11- 11, Int maid, &A he r�h�l at 1. which lod nit,, &at hind fol--iss. �, i 1 4 :� the Candlealp. `,�* a for the member for Contrail. is quite at a I Viar,m Powder, Shot, Gon"Ims, FACTORY. Me "... -I 11.1 'I .. "Ad b. 1'.. lift 11I.I.I.. end UI they get their I so . lilm. Wraioek-Aikeyaamai begs to inform 1 lasiron, H -hes, Imp, Steel, Anvils, ansiatry 1" iii- I., 1-I --111.1 ,,r ,st."t.-I I., irI eatily, it g," easily. III. seers to loss to irmoneile the prof-amationly of the I Ans I C, peas T-!,, Ain, j 4806. Looking 43160 Planes, Circular Sawa, Maley .%*a. ­iI ra hhahway "bl"'. io. I it. I'M hAve s'leall, .If 1-11.1 minority al..tit illin ions I Premier with the gets tot his cabinet, p rtiom t: trair to Europe that she has b -or, Looking Ou HF ht�d,,W,I I ...... pho, he-' -he kly,­ It ... I entimunisalloned by 4m,$. F. Nfcl)opald & Co. a if Stert I Time .11 ra. i ."*.I, F.m.oy .mI .nit oe- I lual it. .I t,- I It. ist, III .11god I tht 1,t,huama I.,, him ehime � I ... t -.Ili .11, flu-tv mal d observes :- "t'Ve are II the free e.�� Now Yorl, to dispose of their tick'", draft., And in Fact hVilTY1111111119 "t shaluld be kept in rolwail by fX-Id C'natrio,ji, .,, ... pri,thimal Z Neal waillitall-W 4- tit. intiolit H- -1 ol" of . oo I do not like. lie grant System of able (ilovernment of Ort- I - Ac.. for the Transatlantic Laos of stea.m iit�- --- ,."r-y,,.Ih.l-..�.,-,,In,.�.I..tj,-.IF , li� iNIIfl�h �� II roe - t� It,, I" WAM. "I ral bait IS seems William a clear, ,,I,ngree, " if h• tariowill bas &failure. We have hand- PR F�S H OYSTERBI from New York to I,ondondairry, Liverpool, An Rs$Ortment of 0 81tNe hand, also, Weaver's Reads . Allatkah PrAword -S in t­ww"manks, th, ,I&., nUI had Secrete he was afraid ootild )as read an ­- -- Sash, ors, Blinds, I wht-,,-i...ih.�of..ftiw.,...Il�h,r hLaI btroluturrverm. ilia reds of young men in the country remoy wmnl.zvlai IF AI .WT,11., aind0listagraw. Thei,:,,,eqofgt-&,sh,,..,. -,-- "I " : -4I X, . . It lierhallso I larn to go forth from the pairentAl Mouldinp, Flooring, 0. ­,It.is ".1-t Ill. T'IUI - ­' doinglaul Injivatwo-,anA thinkinguracharit. , home to do B THE KEG, CAN OR COUNT :0 IS' rahly k'"'w"' to the Ruble for "fell COUNTRY ORDERS PR,OMP TLY ATTENDED TO Siding, I It ..it- - Sr- r- �­, 11 mainly t -f one vI would have shared liber- out I le for thelinw.1real, but unfortunately spa e, .ad cheapness that fl,ey rer�.viyq ,, Agent. 'f6r F� Atwater A CqIg coletirsted Varnishes. Alion, far Commercial Union As "I Wish . ilt .. .. 11 inducements is held out to them in LOBSTERS, SARDINES, c n r:,n,t; % .04 of: koid. ,f orl", ."I" attabstri-, it. 'Uss"ll. .1lierith tile. For Ichtlaterme a sake, and 'an& .sigure. Cnrper ,if Iltimiltem Ill gu�� C-plany, or London, England. .34 Irl q"" Wy I­th- I Wo t.astrit - r"a f ­k, that ,ef tier mother, I rejoice. They will Consda, and oranisequently the, invariably AND Cl� al %I Goderiell, 22 Nov. 1*67. sou (;`d -`UI lot N.Tember, 1111418. a-' I ILC, I . U iI ,()a TZ Imo, I I IN lie ­14i,irtablay for life." Histhoughts turn their attention westward. Fircril FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, BATES, - - - - - %, " I rihouild Ito f - I- It- ­ III I� .ad ..ad no , --.---- -- - It ­ Ciltille sod 114I Slash and laim.o. ff4m to a IstrUms. %1-.,Im, rwth , oro raw wire as alfrICAt, 1.t 1 a now reverted to 1 -bel Law- the c1d,r settlers are becoming rotation Cocoanutj FI`'s Ciraefes. SIRLB11sr'll SALE of LADS. .y .11I flom their ­jw­­ In lam, 1-v 11 . a" Ohio I J ­Illy. .I h U, PA. -I. ­ ..,.W re car slid with a -1ma laity throbbingof the and many of them are &W leaving the &C.1 C.1 &C., at - W.ra that,My eon ,are rusturitiol,an 1. all .no " h -sort 'he II - all Ilia roIifur"*. V 'ron., of a wri''4 THE 'COMMERCIAL UNION ` ln.abobi. Dominion. The earodus in tlifte counties 30- 33 I IT C� 1-1 -^- Inti' 8 , ("'I"'I of it 1B XCE COMPANY.,. vol.i.v.r them with . ,.If. I.- T1.7., ­tneI --,r.d C.t,ut�% wit S'l The Ancire ding afternoon AN,Ilt half Shu onnawtioad alloady. Nearly notal U'Mm4de of Market A?qua 1. w : Fori Pluies ASSURA B. -A I thrill th-canal 1. t it, *bd,. 1 1 ,mwd .0 of Her Moi.my'- County voon tI Istarlit ".to (If tklm in I;Itw.im'. .­ in L'.4Sm, *m4 is* five o'clock, a roan of leads in oa&nei..Me- so. I NO& rt.s. c,,arity .Whro.. inad loan, d.-tri'l lair-iiI - JAS BUCHANAN, ;r part 1 m-4� 1 idw.r. turaght .-home tI Sea, a hl"" f hundreel yours g men here left Girrilvillis ----- - ---- - - I -1. sad Te­mWI .1 H. P. Chapman at DAVt!) LAWSON, . a -UI . Llwy',� tatt to tv, quit, a VUI Ain .. joark, t and Spansh fittTlai-It broadly Shad- I this year, and numbers in Leeds or S, ,al oj j at Walsh ft C.. I he,, ­,vI told 19 AND 20, 0ORNHU1, LONDON, EN0L,M- *M ltolll."SUit. &I his eyes, W" xitsdidialit imith a gi� at It - " .. -I Wool - Sty r--.. -, ear 14"I hill eve, on tit,, (Inarter-all i;ing off, and preparing to start as gone I Lee in ,�­Ilora -11 the �fbt, I,t%,. and . vI AM -I I Ili. him Per Wit of •4 latest, ,III, 0 STARTED AFRESH! I uteri rAPITAL fflifly St" - - - X2,5m 000 stprilog. Ondown. Morris 41h. la,67. I SSI "IMN'th...I.w Colmrow" par, 04 tot ya., ,ii-iii,ta it. .,.Ili ­,,-, of 1 -6 .i- - it.,. 4- .1.1ri., it -fail It Schooner, i[opmail nief"l, whI me nav;-lati,rin opens. Tbix ill the result :lt.,Om nib = 'I'le.dsm, In .ad a,, Ili, mont, jhW) -, testis. XPOSIT FUND IW CANADA, $60,000. SIMIRUT'S BALE IIANDS. Il- --an- plat - hI )­ -OW, . ,­�rma, wait nding at nneh-,r near the entmn,e if A'a partner contracted 0 tem of dealing VsAD/ that.triammoinp 'I Morris. "otion,orig tvaI serall NVUSTICD CIVEX 02.000.000:- D .1- . - ..n . .44, Who -h ithil- is"d ormI County .1 If.-" I Y imute m . Weft .1 "I"I -kA 111I.S.I.. It . III. it 11 . Charles river. al.mt three linsitIr"I vardle with the Creation later. Should the .0 ad mine, la -6 Thi. .he int ( , I m_,, I .hrah�itlo,, I., .1. .1 III -,Me.. a The To Wit : q aa�h­l -A ,li.paI . ,gird I -III ,.f I—, j­rl tit -If I�lalnere, I-onat. The vessel was excidnam continue, Canada will be do. --/ - . \-101 vaurt ",,,-I In th. It . FIRE DEPARTMENT. im".& , B Fie" P.....'�d not : 4-M wit -S. ., .it., irshakes . 4- it of IwitrIS, and MI.Aft 1-110 hUnlir.i and ( ('T1­U`hI em Tbilithina"j.hold, p,,-pt ­I Ili. (:-pass, he -I— the 1:14hindisleal of an equitable I .4 "', Me -IT III If , .11"It, tel art nfibe fInt.1 d seventy, Iona lvor� populated ere long." ,r,wdoy the Khh of )oyaw Wit, wary" hog, my so, U, 1J."o. I, 1, ' tit. )...I don and lay ",",hatiff, low in the Sieber . tw.4" 'If the rho ch a- oinevit lall­­ . ,awshossin r,,,m,.�t. I. lit. r. . Sit r 1. "time the uciorvlov "I .ad Hro­. II t.. - II _ � - 110� ItIlli'll, M., that it W* - - -1 - -- - Tb:,..�.-." ,fork ,,. ;lt.advil Ili. (,t,.P.N," ovestal.w. No. how. are"IS .9 " SO thi. " %aw Sit. " �v to strap from . JOHN MAUPIPALD, .. ..y. .-I,. T.'hn .,l`,,f.i.""hI : FIA I; ...". "', W,ll,,m I Iii .11.11. . tri -list h,f- lit. r%_t,.". .h,, h- r -I to -1-d th- bob .. mail W Ia.,N-K..6ot.16... Sr- 1-7 1-11,1611 P-1 -4 ',I. t .Ilk - - her nn wry into a 6,t %I,' A great reformation is to be effected at . " Ithe"Al offlores. *"" ""la". " III , "'a "I 160 1. R 'naptide, wilih. - mplWd @met 141,cya 10 elio-olera Ih, lhl wise 0"Aws in the supply of attatiatistery to Sbamind'a (IMeo. noderieb, I 061 ... .'I I r000lort P.N.c. t- d- -Wh hir,41U-1 her 1­agal -Ab- ; OA M- 'Ali desteeloling hot to" lhI The x ic.$ lalL wt id. 711FZM gZCURM Cultrillotood by Jorge Illabserlbod Capital. find faveoW " .",* .." "" '"I ""' end """m " to- .. W,, it." - " orhooner yrama rra,ul,l ,if A I vroln," mlod members ,,f I'lirliamprat, and also to the 22rd Militia, 7" = I (.ad .., to hal ...7,11., ,I'. , , " T-111 ..IWWm If A stationery Th. D,1I end ()--l As,.fir, tuorair OMNI --A I -1111I -I ,be All, "aluble I , oro 'twom , am I... ;� a '" -Ilu, he- It M. .thamar'. wid.4 "lit'. air varoults were invilig am government deparlment%. G1l.C3Iz)I1WX7t1rC)= L' , "" " .. '...; .14 IIA..Al, Z ,'.i4-,,-d�-p-m- -flassir"ont -kip-111I an -I raked far over hef stern, thillillaims is to be stachod to the Firamnot, "I 11 �--", *.It Islas IS ht.,Il I'd 110-�"b* "' WelI ,yarrol ... a. Iowans be(." liters. fitepaboo. olithe Geennhy .I HaI orhiell Itintlit i end t:--otl I 11 4"61, r f., .o. ii, '.. ,UI r -­ giving 1. ,r it wicked. I'iMik &I air, that e Steam Axe Factory. [ARM LANDS FOR S11.1 I ";7p`r:�"""`"T"""`I ill I" 4:aretm H.%,W, ot 1". 1'. on "I 14"Jit"th, 1 x- Department, **,I the supply to each LIFE DtPARTWENT. -- The r, -p. -y _SSmm,,..,.,sWUSw &m,,,W [,,6 A7 - I Iss- II.I.Al t., - lit, � thit ­ fm , . - vital nth little curicently. arno('(1 theme who tneal.ber is to be limited to fiftelan'lln1hro, r .a-- -46-'P--Od by -07 L-r� 00R`rw, temiff.inialtay, it. 1wenly-11'st'lityk,'If Apt.] seat, - M-1�l. preast", .1. I.rulag 1. ­-" 16. iff"we `­ . .ba wet,' tot th,th"ram it.t., Ioei, a II - .� . ,,hwn�d her, to line*' what It ,", and Worth. Under the new rule, it i4 As- JOHN McPHERSON, --".t�"ff..",Iy-r-.�y. as ... to .1 lav hw,0(1..I,e.ffft, . P.- I I sat,will ft #I them p -i4.- ses, .bell %­ . What her lousiness east there. Evan the is I 12 lot con TownAtoo(Gadvrich I is "' "" f'*" -,P", -r SI a... wham. 40 Par awal of P -A" a'. tairnalsir. )-'It ,% WC NINA 1,I). & . O.Ii.wf."U. TI I cnnlwlty extended tin that about 13 000' allsom will I WIR to a.mosaftels t, the P"hlgd that he is Gem [a... 1`114 --,- -( .f do*&- . F d,aty!c .1 "Shroo. . .;.,it its., is, ­ . am -.1 ." ards � -,, I the ra,rrutio Tedw,i of •b araw fiftisaired, with now and improved -a 22 2,d " 11 11 Ito I. Asia th-mil.., -,.ko,.h',,j,o�mMS1h.(;�po.v. o!;" . siser'llaraftill..'Orstulitrit'll roarts, 1. t, . .-. it, I'ShU,mea, , I, c,,m oarI be the veteran storkill, Who 1=@4 � fhe pretended perrhame history. so for" out larm motion., ar 4 [^its road woK Colborne 100 -- rAorland toon & Co Isiah jairelary. lKs. It Wol I- N -A law I-. arl't. it Y.". -M ii, , it- . ,, t meat". NoWt romint'll from MOtAn harbor to alltinnory law, in nearly all parlimmonto, ""'" nsc I 11 Gooleral Arestojim, C.;;.,Aa. -- -7 ----- b� A"I I be,, Isalt IIIIII r4 m- t. SI , . A I als ]art" townt.ties than hillsorlo, and t, 4 lAke mhorm 103 11 T land reltort But nothing coolill be liffordad opportunities In ::*,a in" t & e�o inatiortiol in. that h" F11th100 It Fain ral I. Sprm.,? We Me SAVACE, � . him lif�,rtranp to the present. bib eon. 81A.1.7 27 11 ()I'VtCr,-SM A RD117. A'T. PAUL STmENT, MONTREAL. - -1311,1111 mw4,1,,+,..&r--ti", .at %.I xisarvored I,, Riith,,niw. rapturp, i a which "I d Irj of lot m con. Astalluald . for her Poftl,f; ". and petty 1fraq 11= Pat"I "I All "417"bar, showing, " her not the 6od,,,,.or%U i I I" IW(d I Air Brys"I'do"lls v#w York m%n"" . M.MmAti&r statesil, a -4441sysimA For prices and tp I I, , .,I N 3Tl "7�,,.,: . peke-Nalia-yAll currency- Slato rialles, Sa II She sism, •a r,,rt- tfwlr apparent - I Them at= barall gained H st u t',t7r.Z., T. C. z1a, 1. . . � . CmArrmn V in�:Low ; lkod. fr po harity throughout Huron and lim". 0 ,POrs7,LN`W 1, AORI RO'I . "d inseurrent money at ciarritiat role of 1I vessel i ar Goilloriels � rvVlfmw who wu "Jut'"'Iff thers to faillifiI szoeta"o a h a beat will lyes r,...� ,be isholl: Carrier of 1111 stories vareliSmI I I me f. at assets, - �- WUN� �11.,,I-Umrd a tearer of d.q.t,h. ,pitz It. IIIIARflivIlat 4 (;,, , ad Lmk�v I Wo. RooM, Ki�,diae I J -W" , .. WI I. . mgka "do, assit and l,ighibonu streets w i ra�, 14i.f.,,7.4 ... lall II 19th Don lAcs. � spotm b.d w o� bries ow twumar worruts ("I. the ortaquismi nkuusge,r at Wash. I Godarrick, Darc. I. 1867. *4 Ulf November 12 1967. -�G.W.1b�.2 0 _ "evil". . . 1 ' I I , I - ' 14 I I I 1 4 : i I . � I I I I � I 4'� "I , I I I I I �4, 1 1 1 I I 11 I 1 4%, 1 t * 'iI:1 I i"'. j, � 1 t I �� j, � � , I �A. 1 �', j� I , I - , , I , I - ` , I I � I I I I ' , I of =10odAg u 11p; Id"i I zzrl I -tit I 1 3 III " 't I last. - . . Ill I I - - - I - ' I � , I I I I I I - .&. 4 I � I L I de!h I "�' �' 0", `4 1 Xuluor I I z �i A"s, . I It 1 17 � �� 1 4" ,r" I , , , I I I I I � r " ", I I , � t, I -fw ok, - 1 4 X : 4 : ! -, P-,, :1 � � I i 'a . K I I ,, , I I r .. -iiii; ,- I I . I "I 11 - I I I pa, IN 1� I I I I I ", I I . I , I '' 1 I I - I , !�11;. I 1r, I . Sk I I I Us: AtI �1, �, 4, , I I � I ,,, "::, .'�,, , - . I I I � 1, I � " � . ,',,11� , , I � ­ , A I 1 11 1. � I ; ", I . I I ? � - .- . 1 . 9 - I . Amufaaa­ - qllommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmossommossommossommonmmopp - . - -- I . - II I i. --- . - - - IMML..