HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-10-26, Page 13PONY PROPS DEAD, BOY BREAKS LEG fractured his leg and lost bis pony. The injury occurred when the animal, which he was riding dropped dead, News of Gorrie The Wihgham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 26, 1955 Page Thirtee* Harold Hayes, 13, Kincardine Town- He was unable to get clear as the chip, sustained a double loss. He animal fell. Sweeping the country I Tip Top's made to measure Trimmer, more natural style Select your fabric from an outstanding ’’CLUB CLOTHES"’ group at s49° CANADA’S GREATEST CLOTHING VALUE CLUB CLOTHES ' TIP TOP CLOTHES *59“ FLEET STREET CLOTHES *69®° Hanna Men’s Wear, Wingham I i i I Committees Report Progress With Howick 1956 Centennial A meeting to make further arrange­ ments ifor the Township of Howick Centennial in 1956 was held in the clerk's office, Gprrie on Thursday with the chairman of each committee present and reporting progress. Thomas Edgar, chairman for the in­ vitations committee, reported he had nearly 3,000 names in. He is asking FOR FIRE, LIFE A AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Plione 293 Wlngham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E. Holme* Listowel is m from meet- The Ladies’ Auxiliary to Howick Legion met iri the Legion rooms for the monthly meeting, with Mrs, Earl Moore, the president, in charge. After the business was taken care of, plans were made to entertain three auxili- aries on November 17th and commit­ tees were named event- Money was blocks. It was voted to to look after the turned in for quilt men used All Leather Footwear Reduced !I 4 LUGGAGE r tailors' 0 DUNLOP SHOE STORE Patent, Red & Brown Straps for dress. Brown and Black Oxford for everyday wear, Fitting quality plus long wear. In the latest autumn colours and styles. Values up to $12.50 SALE PRICE Men’s Zipper Elastic Romeos Fine Elk uppers with ft 7Neolite soles................................. »P«JeO • RUBBER DOOTS With Red Soles. Special for this d» A A 7 BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE «£**•** • Boys’ Black Rubber Boots . . $3.59 3 More Days Dunlop’s Great 15th Birthday Sale SALE ENDS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29th BROKEN LINES Shoes of High-price Groups - Black and Brown, all' offered at this one outstand­ ing Low Price. Internationally known Mens Famous quality, Branded lines with these well- known shoes in Black or Brown calf. Values up to $18.00 Sale Price............... Men’s HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR group of Men's High-grade Oxfords in Black or Brown .calf. All smart styled - Values up to $14.00 Sale Prices Boys School or Dress . SHOES Included in these are Sis­ man. Better shoes, stout construction for long wear. Sizes 11 to 5% $4.89 Growing Girls’ F avourites PENNY LOAFERS White Bucks and Saddle Oxfords VALUE! Here are exciting lines of Autumn Footwear! These are all fast sel­ ling shoes in Blue, Black, Brown, Red and Green. VALUES UP TO $9.0® Clearance: Ladies’ An amazing showing of Fall Styles QQ :and Colours, Pinups, Straps In Ties, Straps and Pumps SALE PRICE"....................$13.44 Leddies’ HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR In this group you will find makers such as Air Step, Strollers & Heel Hugger (t* O Q/f SALE price.............................. *pO»S7£r LADIES’ DRESS SHOES CHILDREN’S SHOES those who have not yet sent in names of former residents of Howick, to do so at their earliest convenience, so that he may know how many invita­ tions to order. The cairn committee reported they had started negotiations with the owners of the site and Department of Highways. After some discussion it was decid­ ed to have a reunion at each school in the township on Friday afternoon, June 29th. Every resident is asked to assist in any way possible to make this cen­ tennial a success. A great “Welcome Home” store for those who return, June 29th to July 1st, 1956. C.G.I.T. Meeting On October 17th, the C.G.I.T. ing was held at the home of Corinne Rhame at 7.30 p.m. The call to worship was given by Ruth Grainger followed by a hymn. Margie Hastie read the Scripture and Yvonne Sparling led in prayer. The C.G.I.T, song was then sung, Ruth Grainger gave the bene­ diction. It was decided that the next meet­ ing would take the form of a practice at the Gorrie United Church at 7.30 p.m,, October 24th. Fordwich C.G.I.T. is invited to a Hallowe’en party Which the Gorrie C.G.I.T. is having on Wednesday, October 26th., in the Gorrie United Church basement at 7.30 p.m. Friendly Fours The Friendly Fours will meet at the home of Mrs. Manfred Irwin on Thursday, October 27th, at 8.15 p.m. Program committee will be Mrs. Tom Edgar, Mrs. C. Cook and Miss Emma Irwin. Woman’s Association The W.A. of the Gorrie United Church met at the home of Mrs. John' Strong on Thursday evening. Mrs. Norman Carson presided for the worship period. Thanksgiving being the theme. Mrs. Mills gave a reading “Harvest Thanksgiving.” Psalm 194 was read in unison followed by the Lord’s prayer. Mrs. Bower Farrish of­ fered prayer and Mrs. Carson gave a reading on “Thanksgiving.” Mrs. Gordon Edgar, president, con­ ducted the business. The floor of the choir loft has been carpeted and a wardrobe built in the secretary’s room. The Mission Band extended an invita­ tion to the W.M.S. and all interested to attend their meeting at 4 p.m., on Thursday, October 29th. A crib quilt will also be quilted. The meeting was closed with the theme prayer. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. C. Black, Mrs. Geo. Galbraith, Mrs. Murray Edgar and Mrs.'Lang Vogan. Mission Band The Mission Band will entertain mothers and W.M.S. members on Thursday afternoon at 4 p.m. It will be appreciated if any ladies who can, will come at 1.30 to quilt a crib quilt. Y.P.U. The Young People’s Union of Gorrie and Wroxeter will be held in Gorrie- on Sunday, October 30th at 8 p.m. Marie" Hastie is in charge of the pro­ gram. Celebrate Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Strong enter­ tained at a dinner party on Thursday evening in honor of Mi's. Strong’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erling Arthurs, of Drew, who celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. Guests included Mr. and- Mrs. Arthur Davie and Doug, of Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ar­ thurs and family of Breslau, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lantz and Wendy Lou, of Clifford. New Bridge Work has started on the new bridge being built on the county road, three miles south of Gorrie. It will replace a narrow bridge. Women’s Institute The November meeting of Gorrie Women’s Institute will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. Cecil Wilson, on Tuesday evening, Novem­ ber 1st, at 8.30 p.m. The roll call will be answered by naming a Canadian industry and giving its location. The district president, Mrs. Stanley Bride, of Fordwich, will pay her annual visit. Howick Clubs at Guelph At the 4-H inter-club judging com­ petition at Guelph on Friday, the For­ estry Club team of Huron was placed fourth. The team was composed of Ian Gibbons of Wingham, and Wm. Austin Jr. of Gorrie. Howick clubs also competed. For the swine, Bob Strong and Everett Swann were placed 21st. Jean Sanderson and Mari­ lyn Mann were 35th for the 4-H Calf Clubs and James Robinson and Mur­ ray Mulvey, a Howick team, placed 15th for the Grain Club. Anglican Church News Sunday was Brotherhood Sunday and the following laymen took part in the service: James Clark, Wrox­ eter: Frank Graham, Wroxeter; Wm. Austin Sr., and Norman Wade. The Rev. F. E. Russell gave an inspiring address. Rev. A. N. Ellis, of Brussels, will be celebrant for the Service of Holy Communion in the parish next Sun- send $25.00 to at Westminster Hospital to for bingo games. A bale 'packed immediately ana Korea. An invitatinon was frpm St. Stephen’s Church, Gorrie, to attend church service there on yember '6th, The mystery box won by Mrs. William Austin and specials by Mrs. James Mrs. Alveretta Wallace, The Legion members, visitors from Wingham, ladies for lunch. Fall Peanery Meeting The Fall Deanery was held on Tues­ day in Trinity Anglican Church, Ford­ wich, with a very good attendance. In the absence of the president, the first vice-president, Mrs. Hunt of Goderich, presided. The meeting open­ ed with a hymn followed by prayer by Rev. Frank Russell. Mrs. Stan Forester, president of the Fordwich W.A., welcomed everyone. After the business was taken care of, Rev. H. L. Parker, of Wingham, Showed a film on Indian missions. The meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served in the basement of the church. C.G.I.T. Meeting The Fordwich C.G.I.T. met home of Mary Johnson with tendance of 22. The meeting in the usual manner and the worship service was taken by Donna Wray and Nancy Sothern. Mrs. Pollock was in charge of the study book. An invitation was accepted from the Gorrie C.G.I.T. group for the girls to join with them on Wednes­ day, October 26th for a Hallowe’en party. Mrs. Pollock then showed the girls how to make puppets and string beads. Lunch was served and the meeting closed with “Taps”. The next meeting will be held at the home of Donna Siefert. be is to be sent to accepted Vittie No- was two and with some joined the at the an at- opened Personals Friends of Mrs. J. Gibson will be sorry to hear that she has been con­ fined to bed for the past week. Miss Donna Johnson, who has been a patient in the Listowel Hospital for the past week, was removed by am­ bulance to a London hospital on Sun­ day, where on Monday morning she underwent another operation., Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sothern visited Personals Mrs. T. R. to Belleville, Drew came Drew moved their former to Gorrie as last week home, Mr. C.P.R. agent in September but owing to poor health has had to retire. Mr. Wm. Manion, of Toronto, is relieving at the station. visited with friends here for a few days last week. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Galbraith, Orange Hill, were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whetham, of Harriston, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harding and Mrs. Ruth Corbett. Mrs. F. E. Russell, Mrs. George Beattie, Mrs, Charles Lawrence, Mrs. Gordon Underwood, Mrs. R. T. Ben­ nett, Mrs. Harry King, Mrs. Norman ' Wade, Mrs. George King, Mrs. Dinsmore and tended the fall Deanery W.A, day afternoon. Miss Agnes Lawson spent last week in Toronto. Mr. Newton Schaefer, of Minden, is visiting his cousin, Miss Emma Irwin. Mrs. M. Craig, 10th concession east, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fer­ guson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King and Mr. and Mrs. Harry King spent the week­ end with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Watson, Brus­ sels, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Galbraith visited with friends in Thornbury on Sunday. Word has been received of the pass­ ing of James B. Menzies of Brantford, formerly of Molesworth, on Saturday, October 22nd at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Douglas Brook and Mr. Brook, Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Cam. Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, John and Jean, spent Sunday afternoon at Maxwell and Flesherton. Mr. Wm. Dane returned on Mon­ day from Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Conrad Neabel is a patient in the Stratford General Hospital. The Gorrie Male Quartet, compris­ ed of Harvey Sparling, Harold Robin­ son, Dick Carson and David Neilson, sang at the anniversary services of the Union Church on the Walton charge on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mclnnes and sons, Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mclnnes. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King spent the week-end with relatives in Windsor. Mr. King attended the Mocha Temple Shriners’ fall ceremonial in London on Friday. Mr. Bert Dousctt, of Kitchener, was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Vittie. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Strong and Donna Marie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Erl­ ing Arthurs and attended anniversary services at Salem United Church. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lawson and Peter, of Orillia, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ethel Brad nock. Mrs. Archie Miller visited from Friday to Sunday with relatives in Detroit. Mr. Knowlsbn Hueston was in Lon­ don on Friday for the Shriners’ fall ceremonial. Mrs. Hueston also spent J. Mrs. Ernest King at- meeting of the Huron in Fordwich on Tues- Mrs. Belle Greaves, of Fordwich, the day in London. with Mr. and Mrs/W. R. Campbell, in London on Friday, Mrs. W. Hargrave attended the golden wedding anniversary of an aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. George Graliam, in Palmerston, on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wilson, Mr. Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Mr. and William Wilson attended the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Paul Adams at their home Molesworth on Saturday night, Mrs. Henry Weber, of Neustadt, spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ries. Mr. Jack Doig, of St. visited on Saturday with and attended the reunion Battery at Wingham. Mr. Earld Patterson returned home from London last week, having been a patient in a hospital there. His many friends in the community hope he is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Earny Darcey spent the week-end with relatives in To­ ronto, Mr. Wally Gibson returned home last week from the western provinces where he spent the last two months. His sister, Mrs. Bessie Shannon, of Elva, Manitoba, returned with him for an extended visit with relatives. Mr. Roy Freis, of London, visited over the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Emma Collins, the occasion be­ ing her 92nd birthday. Mr. William Lloyd returned home on Sunday after spending two months in the western provinces. and Mrs. 25th Mrs. near Catharines, his parents of the 99th , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDermitt spent Monday and Tuesday of last • week in Toronto where they attended i the Retail Merchants’ convention, at i the Royal York Hotel. ■ Mrs, Pick Aldrich spent last week in GaJt with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sie- fert. Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Allen spent Thursday in Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. John Tudan daughter. spent Friday and at Port Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dpig and Mrs. Earl Moore visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bricker,, in Kitchener. Mr* Alvin Denny, of Acton, visited, friends in the community last week. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Harris and Jimmy returned home last week after visiting for the past two months in the western provinces. Mr. Al. Freis spent two days last, week in Toronto, % Mr, and Mrs. Emmerson Hargrave1 and Mr. and Mrs, Stan Forester were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I Andy Johnson at Thornbury. I Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wray and Brian, and little Saturday and Mr. days I of Toronto, are spending a few with relatives here, Sunday visitors with Mr, and Dick Aldrich were Mr. and Clarence Hollenbeck, of Sault Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hollen­ beck and Linda, of London and Mr. and Mrs. John Gamble of Bluevaie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siefert and child­ ren, of Galt, spent the week-end at the same home. Mrs. Mrs. Ste. ■Final Proof Is Performance own an CANADA’S NO,QUALITY BUY1 ■ Performance provided by the finest— ONLY Phone 424w4Bluevale . ■■ Ifcll liBHtJ Model 3007 IN n■ Big Screen 21” T.V. Aluminized tube. Beautiful cabinets in choice of wood grain finishes. Furniture design for years ahead. Full rich tonal quality of front mounted speakers. Big powerful 19 tube chassis. True picture constancy — brighter, steadier, clearer. Softint safety glass for easy viewing. Cascode tuner means finest picture performance. Power transformer for more picture strength. Emerson styled and engi­ neered for years ahead. Easy to use front panel tun­ ing controls. quality counts BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. H. MCTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER Telephone 23 WROXETER—Every afternoon, 2—4 by appointment. ONTARIO Teeswater Wednesday p.m., or Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. RONALD 6. M'CANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Residence: Rattenbury St Phonies 561 A 455 CLINTON - ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wlngham WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est 1849 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served Its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto EL C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wlngham I