HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-10-26, Page 5Lions’ Hallowe’en Party at the Wingham Town Hall MONDAY, OCTOBER 31st If iriC at Town Park at 7.00 p.m. Parade will IVIL/O leave at 7.15. Arrive at Town Hall 7.30 Johnny Brent, Master of Ceremonies PRIZES FOR COSTUMES, UNDER TEN YEARS Boys and Girls Best National Costume, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Boys and Girls Best Comic Costume .. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Boys and Girls Best Fancy Dress........1st, 2nd, 3rd 10 YEARS AND OVER Girls and Boys Best National Costume 1st, 2nd, 3rd Boys and Girls Best Comic Costume ... 1st, 2nd, 3rd Boys and Girls Best Fancy Dress..........1st, 2nd, 3rd OPEN TO ALL Most Original Couple..................1st and 2nd'Prize FAVORS FOR ALL CHILDREN CANADIANS FAVOR PRINCESS' RIGHT TO |ME TO RELAX IVcwj to (jo...By$kip utlTirift Season! Business or pleasure travelers know . . . nowhere in the world does a dollar buy so much fun, luxury, content­ ment. It’s luxury living around the clock aboard a transatlantic liner. You arrive vacation-refreshed! During Thrift Season (from August 1) you pay less aboard and abroad. Plan early ... see us! AN EXTRA VACATION Princess Margaret and Group Captain Peter Townsend are now both in London, adding new rumors to the year-old talk of their possible marriage. Townsend is on a month-long va­ cation from his post of air attache in Belgium and Margaret cut short a holiday in Scotland. SEEK SEWAGE PROBLEM ANSWER Arthur District High School Board hopes to find a quick solution to the WED MAN OF HER CHOICE —Central Press Canadian A poll held in Canada revealed that 73 per cent of Canadians upheld the Princess’ right to marry the man of her choice even if it meant, as in the case of Townsend, that she would thereby give up her right to the throne. problem of sewage disposal that has plagued it since a new $300,000 school was opened last year. Inadequate sewage facilities have The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 26, 1955 Page Five ENjoy yoUR TRIP-GO By SHIP BERKMAN TRAVEL AGENCY Wingham Ontario reportedly contaminated one private well near the school. But the bo^rd denies that it will consider closing the school until every possible means has been tried to solve the problem. The septic tank was built on clay soil, with the result that absorption has been insufficient. To compensate residents for loss of water, pipes have been laid to supply water from the school source. Don’t forget that members of the Wingham CGIT will be calling at your home on Hallowe’en night to collect for needy children the world over. beat ah. LOOKING FOR Bargains, customers, attendance at meet­ ings? Then use the clas­ sified ads. Quick, econ­ omical and convenient, classifieds do the best job at the lowest cost. De Soto Fireflite Four-Door Sedan DeSoto for 1956 truly has a magic air about it! The first thing you’ll see is new pace­ setting style. Start with the distinctive new grille... let your eye sweep along the sleek side of the car . ;. and then thrill to the new. upswept rear fender lines. DRIVE THIS MAGIC PERFORMER WITH But the real magic is in the performance of this all-new automobile. Picture yourself here. You’ve started the new, more power- * ful Fireflite'engine with a turn of the key. Now you press a button to put the Power- Flite automatic transmission in driving range. Step On the accelerator and... GO! <•3 THE FORWARD LOOK' You’ll find lots more that’s new in the magnificent new De Soto for 1956. Visit your Dodge-De Soto dealer now for the complete story. • A styling and engineering achievement. •« manufactured by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, UMM AT YOUR DODQE-DE SOTO DEALER’S NOW| LEN CRAWFORD MOTORS Phone 710 Wingham ABOUND THE FIRE HALL Fireg during the month of October to date were: SimpsonrSears Order Office on October 14, space heater, no damage; Rush Ladies' Wear Store, oil furnace, extensive damage tp burn­ er, October T9: George Scott, Bristol Terrace, sawrdust burner, no damage, October 19. 0-0-0 The firemen held the first of their winter socials. On Wednesday evening, Octofodr 19. Conveners for the .evening were, Bill Bain and Fred Templeman, who did a grand job keeping the ball rolling, 0-0-0 Contests’we re many and varied with the following winners: Balloon blow­ ing contest,- S. Cowan, for the men and Mrs. Lome Gardner, for ladies; orange carrying contest, S. Cowan; musical, chairs, Mrs, fc>. Crothers; po­ tato partner dance, Mrs. Cliff Bennett and D. Crokers. .0 - 0-0 JMrs. Morris Swanson was pianist for the' evening with Wilf Caslick, violin and Mrs. S. Cowan, mouth organ. Square dancing and waltzing were enjoyed by all. A delightful lunch was served to close the evening. 0-0-0 z Three new members were welcomed to the brigade, Roy'Durst, Jack Alex­ ander Jr., and Harvey Sangster. A fourth new member, Harold Foxton, was not present-. •‘0-0-0 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Swanson cele­ brated their wedding anniversary last week. ' * 0-0-0 Zick Cowan was feeling like 27 the night of the social but the next morn­ ing he knew he was 47. 0-0-0 Chief Jim Carr is looking back on fifteen years as chief of the brigade, and many years before as a fireman. Congratulations are in order. Tbe three packs are under the leadership of Mrs, George Cameron, Miss Norma Sherwood and Miss Janet Thomson as Brown Owls, and Mrs. Harry Spry, Mrs. Jim Gurney and. Mrs. Michael McPhail as Tawny Owls, The meetings are held every Wednes­ day afternoon at 4:30 in the United Church and there are approximately seventy girls who will all be enrolled, within the next few weeks. POPULATION UP 75 IN ONE YEAR An increase in population at Wal­ kerton of 75 has been noted over last year’s 3,511 persons, Total taxable assessment comes to. $3,350,870 made up of business assess­ ments of $365,975 land values of $341,- 730 and buildings $2,643,165. There are 199 dogs in Walkerton. 3iiMiiniiniiiniMiiHiiiniiniinii»iHiiin!b g Cut Flower Specials f ■ On account of the warm wea- ■ = ther and sunshine in early Oc- a = tober we have a plentiful supply s | of SPRAY MUMS in assorted B H colors at reduced prices. Samples g = may be seen in The Walker = B Furniture Store window. Leave B- g your order with Mr. Jack Walk- K- = er or phone direct to Green- ==■ B house, phone 101. B‘ B $1.00 per bunch, our choice B ■ of color. g iiiiBiiiBiiiBiiiBiiiBiMiiiBiiiBiiiBiiMiiiBiMiV s Enrol Brownies at Impressive Ceremony A very impressive program took . place in the Wingham United Church on Wednesday night, October 19th, when twenty-four sixers and second­ ers of the three Wingham Brownie packs were enrolled by District Com­ missioner Mrs. M. Monteith, of Strat­ ford.-The ceremony was performed by candlelight as the recruits gave their promise'.by.d-J:he Brownie toadstool, then formed a circle to give Com­ missioner Monteith the grand howl. The mothers of the girls were present to enjoy the ceremony, The following Brownies were enroll­ ed as sixers and seconders: Karen Beattie, Margaret Morrey, Beatrice Klein, Deanna Griffith, Maureen Poy- ton, Barbara Cameron, Beverley Cuh- ningham, -Esther Kerr, Gail Hender­ son, Mary Joan Lapp, Susan Ben­ nett, Betty Ann Lapp, Joan Chittick, Cheryl Lem, Jane Ann Colvin, Brenda MacLennan; Barbara Hall, Freda Lott,. May; Lem, Fay Yeo, Jeanette Heiiderson, , Ruth Hotchkiss, Julia ' Cruikshank . and Jill Thompson. ^iiiBiiiBiiiBiiiBiiMiiiBiiiBiiiBiiiBiiiaiiHiiiBi! | MEN ; f TO TRAIN AS ; Minimum Physical Requirements 5’ 9” 150 lbs. At least three years High or Technical School g Full pay during training | No experience necessary ■ Scheduled increases ■ ■ 9=ai Apply by letter 7 to MR. A. MILLER c/o Employment Office 76 Adelaide St. W., Toronto [IS. ■ ■ K ■: ^iiHii'iniiBiiiaiiiaiiiBiiiBiiiniHiiiaiiiaiiiaiiiBiiMimiiaiiiniiniiniiBiiiaiiininiiiaiiiniig i tv: = j Red Front (grocery j = , ................ .............................. ....................... I.... I........... ...' ■ 1 ■ iB Phone : Our Prices Are Lower Free = g ’590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery B = an■ ■" . — . ............... —— ==• ■B STOKELY’S FANCY 48 OZ. g | TOMATO JUICE ..................................25c | g GROUND FRESH LB. g i Aster COFFEE ...................................... 89c I = BB KUDANA = I TEA BAGS, 100’s...................................89c | f MONARCH PKG. I | WHITE CAKE MIX.............................23c g I GRANULATED SUGAR ........ 5 lbs. 42c =■ = I -:- FRUIT CAKE NEEDS I | CUT MIXED PEEL......... 8 oz 18c | ! CUT MIXED PEEL............8 oz 20c I ■ = i PINEAPPLE RINGS 8 oz 33c | | RED GLACED CHERRIES 8 oz 29c | | GREEN GLACED CHERRIES 8 oz. .. 31c | | BLANCHED ALMONDS .. 4 oz........33c | | BLEACHED RAISINS .... 15 oz........26c I g _______________ S | GRAPEFRUIT, size 96................10 for 49c I g FLORIDA SEEDLESS ? | SUNKIST ORANGES, size 288 ... doz, 29c |