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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-10-26, Page 2
r>Mto Two Thft Wmgham Advtaoe-Times, Wedssesday, October t«, IASS WJto Aittaitrr - iJiiiites 1 Pabbshod at, Wtogham. Ontari© Wenger Brothers. Fuhlitotrs, W. Barty Wenger, Editor Member Audit Bureau of GSroulatten Autoonnod as iSrotnd Class Afatl Fpst Offto© Dept. Subscription Rate — One Year Six Mentos Sid© to advance IX S. A ,per year _ Foreign Bate per year Advertising tvstos cn spp».©s*im Mattian EDITORIALS GOOD LOSERS wbi'di west ail the wav re eke O: defeated by Madre» deserves a > have strewn that thev car a ereat a> grereraby as they did vicrery w the past tw© years wher. they were chaarerefis. Nowadays :a rerep-ereire sprets a ^.red deal ef stress i the irepretar.re re wrer.reg. Svreeiixtes. 5a fact, the iatpressiret that to wfa is ad isapretast^ re- re what ethics -or syretsrearship is ased m the It is rereesh::re; therefore, to see a group of boys who can Oose wh'h i <ra£^ s:: J wsihout Teerh^i^aiao^s. ”^2**'* TACTS' v>Tl team haveYroitgh: a reea: deal of credit to Wia^hatti. Starting' as hantair.s three years ago. they won a hockey title, ther. as midgets they wen breh hockey and softhad crowns, and fsnally as ’nver.tles they took the soft-bad 'championship rest sn: I^erhans their aa^ whatever hapoens, W time he ao'e to T-d chantyionshiT’S ir is laid on the impor you get sardless■O precess.retres; < > * WHY NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE? Newspa a have worked fhemselve. ity 1 Pete: pre ma that xnllkH five day* /or leisure's sake, That sleeps on Saturday, snores on Sunday, and starts again afresh on, Monday, j he is tied down to the farm stock, and | has to be available nt all times. With hhe businessman, he has to 'be avail able to satisfy the whims of the shop- 9per. Both have the same problems re- (gardtog profits, but the businessman ihas the additional problems of credits ■and collections. Seldom do farmers .have this headache. Idttle is to be gamed by verbal spar- ! ring between rural and urban folks, j on this point of wages, hours and *' > it ... _____ ...SESTT YEARS AGO I ,Tfee As; 'l Sevsn. new .fire alarm baxes haveid’8^5®. Ascneie§ bas^ been placed in. convenient places’r 0'0" '■and Aliens to town, by Mn f ^otoies, of the fire andi!^5* p^tosted. — *? j. +_a—■*-“ iHammend ©f Mcr’reatWAter wmsrmttoe.'■ "r.d Lodge. No. 119, IoaR ,.efje^kf¥e4 Brown ''have sold the ftoe fetoldtog Set Sying.) between the Brunswick Hotel <and Mr»’; Jchnsan, presides '/S, Grauey's furaitore store to Mr, *& Co, L:d„, and . Shaw for toe .sum cf $S5Q.'X’» Mr. president ef McKtm Adveri Shsw'. we understand, intends to erect 'Storotsry-troasurer ;s W» a br::k block thereon, next searom . vioe-rresident c£ Sptoer & Mtos L:d. . On 'Thursday aftemotn, while ©at ij Named dtoeetors cf the assoEistiBn driving Mr. Robert Mclndto’s Sander were Mark Nap:-r of J, V?after toft became frightened, and to tum- j! Thompson Co. Ltd Den. F. Benson ®f titog very short, to front ef h£r. Feter;;Vickers & Benson Ltd.; W. Painter ,‘Dean's Sour and .feed store, one ©f ijHayhurto ©f F H, Hay hurst Co J toe front wheels cf toe buggy turned -.jLid.; J. E, MeCfenneU MeCtotnell, i' toside ©tx Mr. Metodoo jumped ©nt .Eastman astd ©a. Ltd ; G. Ale© Phare: AK-d headed toe ©ck tor toe Queen’s 'of R. G. Smith ®stj Sm Ltd.: Wtorron hbtol. and stopped it after it had gone Eeyncids cd $2, iV BeynaJds Ltd.; ■around a teregraph post. The ©ok was nHariy EL Smith ©f none worse, 'iLcd.; F. de B. Wa-s Between -eight and nine inches cf "vertossg Agency 1 snow hero Saturday and Sunday L desses ©f WnJah A p . ' Air. Retorntser has. been. s. promt-1 1 dis' SSE1~ -f^SUto to Canadian .advertising! ■“““ ..eiroles tor snare toan twenty years,:' Bin to London, dmarin c-f Danish-,; 'Qan-adton parentage, he went totoy’ newspaper work from toe Universsiy !i' XA5 Western Oa&sr.t. bero.mingsuroess-T; & toputoar ©n toe London Adver-y-' . limb tixar, Gntorio Lg^^arore ©Errosnsnd-,}’ It ■’ - -r’sk io* Lie Wcll: .SlSx. . .s~.^ toa^g editor ©f toe Fhfedetohto .PubSc p troe. ' i, f .ann , J( b?>k ,' Tn SSSa Mr. Hetoninaer joined tool, ted. agency ©f wbtoh to ts now president, , first ss a pubSc reLuaens counsel .and leaser as an snooent enecutore. In ISSA.,! .jat 'toe age af ©toy 29, he became Mr. ,.vio&-presideh^ uni sue&eeded no the I aroi- -..prssideoxy ngann toe death ©f Mr. f plsy- ;2*CatLaren earlier this year, | threw toere; I Reminiscing ■MS, Sts. The Canadian A; ESected vsoe-pro SI thar$ news, bisfcoi? cf Csre migBt be a ide 'Mt. Tovniseu: .read all abes ■ Toorsxed. Beiisg- a preaaess is sc saaecuTe. The^ positMia shosM carry sowe priviSeges^ aiad ©ae ef She rBesi i^peruasiti we could duEk: '&i a uiife pravacr 323 Gxe”s ^ersdcsJ 2 ..ffife. sc 3C2 life shuple as that. The .days g© hy. wst rhfeg you fcuow Chtfesras Zast -despatch 2 re Orestraas zsaS i even addressed vet. So at is with WHERE ARE WE GOING TO POT IT? Ere. Serree Orevr a 2’ar.c.reveT audtece l Canada tnl* have a iidii're ai Zeaet re urehre st tore M “he remur: by “her v.*e vrhi ‘ milKcm peoTde. IreierVMx O job of selZ:::<f ?- ; goveremere :s :::• er 50 years., ophre**** w"4, j '’"’VA ■*“ wheal, whh -relv vtrre The Fanning Mill By Bob Carbertx:a^®n cf Adver- sea as its new nitror of Tor-!i FARMERS’ HOURS aron Advems-;! a to toe editor to last aroeeds G. C. u week's issue, .& farmer takes a verbal vice-president .y^s a“ to© working hours -ef toe urb- & Co, Ltd, ;i: i <er, j................. ,ir __________ _ ^cae‘ The torme* feels that he is hato Ip^ce? To The^? up toeAvrlter of last '* ts li^bue by, insofar as working ” “ D, ro Longnsore, naro ©onremed, and toe facicrv tre^-reri!01, laborer m town is kkewist ____O_.’.. ■*y*b 1 ©ptoton that he has -a tough row to 'Sis to fsxw.-* 3 .!£ only sggravntos a- condi* scmethtog that is oust© fn^tuentAy Jtton that should not exist In the first hours creek’s letter to the editor, I would worker; £-j.:e. to send along this light little ©f thejpoen^ that I think all farmers will hoe, regarding hours. I wonder if the whole thing, 'this enntroversy, this? vefb< battle, this misundersbanding, ! isnr -a esse of neztoer one, knowing; the facts .'surrounding each ether’s 5 wrk. I I have lived noW on both the farm ■ and in the town. I .have worked long 1 banns and short hours cn both the j , farm and .in town, and from where 11 tiievensan & h. is nay candid opinion that' - ~ cu, Rnns^ds Au- na^her segment of our society has; c... an_ K.. is. An-1 jTgagoj, eomptato about the -other's | Lverrisng Co. Ltd, hours, nr working ©sndifions. The New Cow I long for a cow of modern make, I wish for a herd that knows the way, to wash each other day by day, That never -troubles to excite us, with chills and fever and mastitis. I sigh for a new and better breed, that takes less grooming and less feed, That has the reason, wit and wisdom, to use the seat and flushing system. I pray each weekend, long and clear, less work to do from year to year. And cows that reach production’s peak, all in a five-day working week. I look for officials, by the mob, to guide the farmers at their job, To show the stupid breeders how, to propagate a five-day cow. FORD WI CH Mrs. ?/ WAX PAPER, 100 ft. roll WASH CLOTHS, 12 inch 25c .. 2 for 25c f Protect your flocks against heavy losses, due to Chronic Respiratory diseases as shown by coughing and wheezing. •Enquire about our new Vet-Strep-Spray. -Treat 100 birds in only 30 seconds - with excel lent results. 69cABSORBENT COTTON, 1 lb ... 19c and 49cA.S.A. TABLETS, 100’s and 300’ VANCE’S I.D.A. DRUG STORE The store that saves you money. Phone 18 Loyalty Sunday Wingflam i.1 RADIO D'to be busM to A IKRUG 3 - © - Q 'TW3NTY-FIFE TEARS .AGO • As the nsys passed .-End toe -date dar j. Wtoefesm munktost -efeorircis draws 2.30 —Chsrds School FARMER DOCTOR RICHMAN LAWYER POOR MAN MERCHANT CHIEF FARMER What my Church means to me. A Service of Layman’s Witness, 1 ii .■"■!■ jdUL. -jjjj <<■>, 'W ■- ■" - ■ ■ - ■ ■ .. .. . . ... ... , - . ._ .. !*Xv 1^/1, '■> Jr <:«■<* ta«WHAT THIS WORLD NEEDS Hdtotohle QreEmeny. A aureus ^^si:.re< hve ’frere irep - ; «• , • M i , p • pErfeSffied in. wtogham -and distant iUlTid &§ t© Wiial WnF WCT-U Ltd’CS 'EjOSJ. 1<© STBtC^d 31 21 DfetteT an Stontoisy -mtnntog whan we had' ■glare is vdhidh *o 3ve. We have re~ ©wn 55ea.s, whreb we^*£^te ® -•*&□»■ finny jsad toe fesm?Er- are wSSasr f© ©ass at ire extra cfcaree. <ar»g5»^ to _.tT E - „ ,s “ . ' „ 25 degress. The snow samaepred towe a.8g53.j.e rest WuST ree people Cl W5$ wreifl reeo 2&CGtt ‘S ®.xa. tad ■aSJt±teMBd ®21 ffiCdt ©f EJJ IS a belter sease ©5 IrerrreT.,. Itoszstog, and mato Qf toe ground, tad Feap^e wire have ifee arelhy re laE<ph at “t.ere5.elves3E:i^5“’:e^s.^l^^. se!^®m re«®re re pEynfrre Treasures Trey barffly ever, ge* reaJ al tt.W5r ulMw brerar beregs. Ferhaps a rari dd al sease ©f mrere keep *he rai:res rererrearb rerer'* tiwaais. An a Why *© see s.be birerer sr ibe sfeaasrefi rerebl- a gered ibsTii fre w©rM feates. rea ssrb ©.cresrers a? wb &ey arrererre fba* *be"r erantry bas '5evel©pe5 a b:sri feler beafb, capable re blowir^ fhe wire*e wre!5 si In^bi. A. sense ©f fewre wreialfi r© reake fbe siaas a OalOe taree s^daBy acfiestable. A sesise ©f ha&rer :■&, sa -ike 5aal aaa2ys5s, a sense We TreihS ase a gaad ^ea?i. arere ©£ ■gbat. '.?4 ■‘asazfeS, sigtotytog She sapid Apgrotohj ; Mn C. A. rtobtots wL3. toOTS toto.j 'lbs- Nroirop chouse ton JCtaife Street, \ roxsnfiy wfetotod fey Mr X H. Sloan. Mr. Etomr WLassa wQ orrnpy bus ! ■©Sea rosasfeatoe ton Fatat'k Street J va::atod fey Mr. Entorto, tad Mr. Tank’ M.tLeod Tri.3 uawe th the .wastznent’l VatoitsS fey Mr. WLkmstm. j Mac ‘.Srcves Stfft <aat Mtradsy fto'j 'Lcmdan, where he has jrened witb the i Nr, St rttoVdst O:mpaxy, CAS1F.; dZAn wQ be tzissed fey ius stisxyi ,i£catizd& here, but we wmh him evetyj sucsesis a his hew vesture. | i ■JI4 CKNX Sandays — 7«00 ONLY Nightly — 7.45 except Saturday REMEMBER L Y Rev. Leighton Ford, Evangelist R.ev, Wesley Aa.nims Choir Director and Song Lea der Mr. Homer James, Soloist Everyone invited to attend. SPONSORED BE THE WENGHAM AND DISTRICT COUNCIL OT CEECtBOHES. W - *TFta;oto>.er tHngi orc 0/ goo J report- or? /Awe ifeg's” By them we build our own tomorrows — in fai&j in ■cou.rag'e, and in human understanding. Mi *