HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-10-19, Page 11WASH WITH A NEW BENDIX DUOMATIC ONE SETTING WASHES, RINSES, DRIES YOU SAVE on soap, hot water, clothes, space, time and money. COST LESS TO BUY than Other Washer-Dryer Combinations DUOMATIC DOES EVERYTHING BUT IRON YOUR CLOTHES! Trimly »4, The WA, of Trinity Anglican Church met Thursday afternoon in the basement with the president, Mgs. Stan Forester, presiding. The meet­ ing opened with a hymn, followed by, the Members’ and Lord's prayers. Mrs. | PraYer. Forester read the Scripture. ^The roll call, a verse on Thanks- E giving, was answered by 14 members. ? It was decided to cater to the Lions’ s supper on Monday nigh; and the fail (deanery to be held Tuesday in the Fordwich church. Final plans were made for the hot supper and bazaar which, will be held in the basement of the church next month. | Mrs. Rpy Simmons led in, the Litany I jand the remainder of the afternoon i was spent in quilting. The meeting j closed with prayer and lunch wasj served. Silver Star Mission Band The Silver Star Mission Band the Fordwich United Church met the basement of the church on Sun­ day morning. Djanne Carswell and Mary Johnston, as president and sec­ retary, were in charge. The meeting opened ’-with a hymn, followed by the Mission Band pur- pose and the Lard’s Prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Velma Eurig and Mrs. Hainstock led In prayer. The roll call, was answered by 42. The minutes were read and adopted. Birthday greetings were of in sung fog Janie Hambly, Shirley Eurig.! Bobby Bride, Garfield Gibson, Donna) Wray and Mrs. Wl B. Kaxstoek. ) The study book was taken by Mrsj United Church W’ALS. Robert, Gibson. Stories •<»?• read by!! TTSo-ft rrcPhyllis‘Wilson Elizabeth Am n Corr er Cafuhg—Tne Caux,nysus niBon, wizawjn ftr... theme of ............. .... ... t worship service of the United Church the evening the happy couple were pVALS. meeting, held at the home of--- ' ’ -• - - ] Mrs. Jas. Curran, on Thursday after- |noon, with X7 members present. Mrs. |W. I. .Mider, the president, was in i the ehair.J The Scripture lessen was read by | Mrs. Lorn©. Woods, and Mrs E. W« •Rice and Mrs. John Cameron led in ) prayer. Mrs. Frank Mc-Qutilin, Mrs. Ml -------... „ ‘‘Harvey Webb and Mrs. Ross Erring- His many friends in the ccmmunify | ton read from -the new study book, wish him a^speedy recovery. {“Coming Our Way.” The treasurer’s .Kitchen Shower i report showed that $141 had been Miss Florence Forester bride of pent to the Fresbyterial treasurer. i last Saturday, was the honored guest | Mrs. T. J. Todd presided for the on Tuesday night at the home of meeting of the W-A. that followed, i Misses Margaret and Allistn McCann, with the theme, ‘The Bread of T-ifo.” when she was tendered a pantry and Mrs, Cameron read the Scripture ies- kitchen shower. Games and contests * " — - ■ 1 were enjoyed during the evening and a delicious lunch was served. Personals Mrs. Harold Hibbert and children, | |of Goderich, visited last week with! | her parents, 3Ir. and . Mrs. Everitt s Allen. * i | Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I I Tom Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs.) ’ Bill Hutchison were Mr. and Mrs. ? * Addison Jacques and the girls of jl | Summerland. B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. { | Fred McCann and Miss Betty Mc-| j Clement. " | | Mr. and Mrs. Harvey V/jlliamson ’ I and the girls, of Richmond Hilf spent s -----». FaHas-' spending two HELENS The Winghw Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 19, 1*55 Page Elem r ■- read by !! and Mrs. Hainstock, A sma; song of favourite hymns was enjoyed. The meeting closed with the 3-fission Band Fractures Arm . Mr. Ro’bert Nay, age SI years, suf­ fered a fall from a step at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Gier.- Johnston. His left arm was fractured between the elbow and shoulder and he is, confined to the Wingham hospital ] ■ ^rP'TT-ofT-.Li?£°:’2/ under the auspiws of the Y.P.IL to bride, and the groom’s sister, Mrs?, the W. A MUlep and _Mr. Miller. During '■ ■ „ ... I each presented with a handsomer watch by the family, r ^ted Church. } Rev. Benson Cox, of Kmlougb, vpill ■ give an illustrated lecture, including his_ trip to the Holy Land in the United Church, under the auspices of 'the WJIS. and. W.A, of St, Helen's United Church on Monday evening J&t 8 pS3' Everyone is invited. This will Remember the variety Kight in thejbe ^nOTai autumn Thankoffering ----------’-------, Of tfae personals community hail on Friday evening:, at ff meeting of the W1A. that followed, u with the theme, “The Bread of Life.” son and Mrs. Er rington, the lesson! thoughts. The treasurer reported} .J90.65 on hand. I ; The following committees were ap-» ; pointed for the bazaar to be held in | the auxiliary rooms, Lucknow, in No- I vember: | Lunch; Mrs. W. D. Rutherford, Mrs. I T. J. Todd, Mrs. James Curran, Miss | Annie Durain, Mrs. J. Cameron, Mrs. | Jas. Durnin; baking, Mrs. Lome I Woods, Mrs. Ross Errington, Mrs. 5 Wm. MacPherson, Mrs. Allan Miller, | Mrs. Frank JfcQuillin; sewing. IDs. J Gordon MacPherson, Mrs. L. Durum, ’ 2<frs. C. Taylor, Mrs. W, G. Humphrey, r sewing, Mrs. C. McDonald, ?»frs. Alex * Murdie, Mrs. E. Barbour; kitchen, j -venal days MANY OLDER MODELS Paul Adams and J rs. Doug over Huron Motors Ltd. week-end here, after Mrs. E. Miller, Mrs, D. C. McDonald. Humphrey; candy and iSee it today at 9 Model 3007 ONLY THE FAMILY STORE Bluevale Phone 424w4 S Burke Electric ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING MOTOR RE-WIND & REPAIR Distributors for Leland Motors Wingham FOR FIRE, LIFE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 2S3 Wingham HEAL ESTATE SALES Representing: Dudley E. Holme* LLstowel wise tne returned home weeks here. Mr. and Mrs Toronto, visited . . with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Simmons. ’< Congratulations to Miss Florences Forester and Mr. Ross Tomlin who | were married Saturday in Trinity!, Anglican Church. Fordwich. | Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bride of Elora.! visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.) H. M. Bride. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Marrir.er. of To- ’ ronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Marrmer. Mr. and Mrs. "Everitt Alien visited Sunday with Mrs, Robt. Holland and little son at the K. &. W. Hospital, Kitchener. Saturday and week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Galbraith were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Galbraith, Harriston, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith, of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDermitt and family spent one day last week in ^iilverton. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Corbett, of Wood- stock, called on friends in the com­ munity last week. Mrs. John Holt spent last week in London- Mr. and Mrs. H. M Bride and, Mr. Bert Winston spent one day last week in Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith spent the week-end in Port Colbome and on Saturday they attended the funeral of the former's brother-in-law. b£r. Geo. Baker spent one day fast week in London. Mrs- Baker, who had visited in Arkona for several days, returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Witmer and Mrs. C. Siefert spent last week at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. ‘Ralph Witmer, in Kitchener. Mr. Jack Foster, of Port Credit, iMrs. W. A. f’ ' i plants, Mrs. G. Stuart, Mrs. E. W. Rice, Mrs. H. Webb, Mrs. McNeil: cashier, ifrs. W. A, Miller. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Chas. ^McDonald with. Mrs, Rice and Mrs. A. Miller as hostesses. A pleasant social hour was enjoyed when lunch was served by Mrs. H. Webb and Mrs. E, Miller. Mark 45th Anniversary > Forty-five years ago on October 13, '1310, the Rev, S, H. Moyer united in marriage Margaret Anne Rutherford, ‘daughter of the late Mr. and IDs. J. IB. Rutherford and William Isaac i Miller, son of the late Mr. and 2>Ds. [R. K. 3DHer. ; The anniversary of this happy event was observed on Saturday evening at a family gathering at theD home. AM. members of the family were present, which included Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Todd, Anne, Wayne and Hughie; Miss. Isobel Sillier; Mrs. and Mrs. G. S. McIntyre and Donald of Bracebridge; 2>D» and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Buy Canada Savings Bonds NOW at any branch of ., - THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MORE THAN 700 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA “Oldat40,50,60?” — Man, You're Crazy ycvr ags4 Tbcosazxb peppy at 70. py up with O-stJsx. Coctana tonio for, weak, raaacrera fee2-g eras jofeJy to twajr* iscx oc iron wirara rainy ram and. caB “aid.*’ Try Osirsx Tonic T- N.-r, Jtnassger Iwliaz, ttls very day Neu? cat acqmraisso”' cza cwy 6«3e. Toe sale at *11 drag tiroes eyesywhste. | spent the week-end. at the home of J his mother. t Miss Joan Demerging, of London, ‘spent the week-end with her parents. | Thanksgiving Day visitors with Mr. land Mrs. Ira Schaefer were Mr. and I Mrs. George Trethewey and family, of Stratford, Mr. and .Mrs. Bob Pern­ nick and family- and Mr. and Mrs, Don Schaefer and family all of Kitch­ ener, IL. and Mrs. . David, of M'olesworth, visited. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson. I Mr. and Mrs. Harvey' McDermitt, Donald and Larry visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy McDermitt in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Reid, of Listowel, visited. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. s, Hargrave. I Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | Murray Sider on the birth of a daugh- j ter at Wingham hospital, on Wednes- I day, October 12. j HOLLAND-—In Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital, on Saturday, October 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holland tnee Nellie Mae Allen). a, son. 1954 Mainline Ford Sedan 1954 Monarch Blue Sedan, like new. 1953 Ford Custom Coach, a snap. 1952 Chevrolet Coach, one owner car. 1952 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery, dual purpose. 1952 Ford Black Coach, turn signals, a real beauty. 1951 Chevrolet Sedan, clean inside and out. 1951 Dodge Coach, A-l condition. 1950 Dodge Sedan, with radio. 1949 Oldsmobile Sedan, new tires and paint. 1951 Ford Tractor, overhauled and guaranteed. All above units thoroughly overhauled and re-condi- 5 tioned to A-l specifications. AU sold with 90-day < guarantee. < A. D. MacWILLIAM Ford & Monarch Cars Ford & Fords-on Major Tractor* Wingham Phone 237 BIG FALL SHOPPING SPREE AT CARMICHAEL’S tb.r-i., s.,„ October 20th - 29th Inclusive GET YOUR FREE DRAW TICKETS at CARMICHAEL’S CARDIGANS Pure, fine wood. Regular each S6.98 NYLONS of distinction Yours at 69 c Pr* 3 prs. for $1.98 Slightly Imperfect. Performance provided by the finest oht an CANADA’S NO.I QUALITY BUY FALL SALE OF HOUSE DRESSES Sizes 16 to 20 (TJQ QQ Regular S2.98 ........... Sale Flannelette Blankets Large double bed size Kingcott Subs 70 x 90 Penmans 71 Combinations (Seconds) Stock up for the cold days just ahead (J* Q PJ SEE OUR HALF PRICE TABLE We also have a complete range of Snow Suits, Fall Jackets, Boys’ Stadium Coats, Jeans,, Under- wear and many many other items, but space will not pehmifc us to advertise all items. We are making this a store-wide sale with 10*5 to off. So Shop Now and Save Dollars. This Shopping Spree made possible through the combined efforts Of Callan’s, Carmichael’S, Edighoffehs, Dtmlop’g,. and Welwood’s stores, IN WINGHAM. Shop and Save at Carmichael’s during this Big Shopping Spree Boys’ Dress Dacron blend Self-belt PURE NYLON LUXITE SLI Sizes 34 - 42 Regularly S&SS quality counts SHOP AT ■ s 1 1 g g M