HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-4-2, Page 2min ' said 111 attired.
;rt win he is.”
c u@*►tnity 1 think he
al's sr1} Het. ton low for
ce N,ley, I !etre thrown
br,,tle sat pay horse to hold,
yttr sat 'A tin+.00r14, luau to
flat 1 knew hu plane."
he .trik u r'
nu' he field hey hereof'
,itwas a
w -h,s doing
i the
I. Yet reit)
it Lid 41�1ea
he felt„•iile a
m say other ca
"sat at ru etinc
" No. You have nearly another anal
e row, air, and )eu wi11eru it on the right
Intik as uu intend. It is paiutadredaud
the winker."
y t overhanging tl
a •aper
has ��
Theek're alumnae : And as you yam
t : t.....w su much • he it, rant you toll tun
il there is ay.0tugg gentleman there by the
Inano` . Yolaard Blsekley, ur.-"
•• lite khwk, ' ,tnew.red Edward, who
1 all the while W
wu peening nim loin. trees
n e tus•Ilte ,auto LAW in Lir
the roans l.uu
•' Ah,' said a sympathising dam••, who
was standing by the church -door g rsiping
with a ueigld,or as another and daughter
entered the porch, " Ah. Done Wy uyanl
looks 1 ht sightwonrs every Sable' dry
tug Y
1 ace her ! Y.•ur woman, rho her
lifted up her face Mew hereon NA lit run off
t', ma : She takes on mightily 'bout it,
: ' *ince that
' 'bout 111 1
h don't talk
thou she 1
srilorfhrer years ego came Immo nen Nrld
.w•h tale 'Mout him." •
" 1 don't buli..ve it was ever true," an-
*00 14 IItIUT 1
We are compelled to return to thia
akreuable topio un aawm+t of the extraor-
dinary turn the matter has taken. Mr.
McNabb, in the course of his lecture did
•' 1 I laureled b a
that t r had Ixw 1
.rate Y
ru+p stable drugged. of Tunmto that
(lwdethent .0 W,:to, the great distillers,
fu an
ittlu semiotic in Artils.tthc4nutit,t oDe i, jllackl.wk's rut'' There u'no llknowlii . Folks ua goes i nIM11Ih I hlM w,U tlw wh..1.. '�I unnttu it it
f K 1 to. the world'sendeandoorbitthing"there,
e the char 1 ' t•. rut, this voun• maul (" I isM.lvrd in • it of water." This
Yonne n conic hack here as ilm.weet u � wt k4) M
ttwenu which it de- • Yoe nothing glee • I acd rho t
m.p.. led the tnith. " Then 1 w111 save .Voll the trouble of : de,voin s, and who u the wiser'" said the ',extraordinary statement was loudly ap
1 bier h0nd. " ltid yon M'e ,audcd by a very large 1u.ii.'ua,, and we
.r d,. w eulouuu going hlnher, for I oto the ..'non.' other, shako � p 1,
fT 1 K 1
I�ked al••..g, pn.•tlrd• l
pe then pleaaural.le
I Mt geld pinyntate,
I,sr.'gll.t m ;
Puha: Magistrate McNabb, of Toronto,
is laboring energ :tu•ally to excite a feeler. ..- ry'sm■' wr a„u r„uwp,a•I,-sat )
fevorablh'to the poser of • 1.r tt.itory N'earuss, t1'e have hal •work of
liquor law i i the a asisert la an address beautiful weather, the nods are excellent,
• few days since he aswrted that a rne{w,•t-
able lnlggiat of Toronto had told his that which 1 t t 1 out r Baal wale ferment
(i.rderhan& Wort”, the great distinent,
Iladpurchased more etryehltllle In one
moutthan would pui»on the whole of
Our contemporary, the Dumfries Re-
/Vy,wr, in common with teeny "there, pub-
lisher the above, but dor not add that straete.' his j
thiel a Lonnie prohibitionist drutw having I lookin.r.
Made use, of any such expression, and our Sneered. en gine - -Mr. Hat' •Istopped
pnw: 'Vat he did. One rook nice it bwinrsu. 11 ist.m be h•q'••J he rill 100,1
sus ens
iu44 of this
It again. I
este K
considered s•rcJ a •'ablic
u u num...•� nal I
w l tLl.0
. , more hert may 1
calculi. sad t, d o u, n.trbluhuieut y
11 thel!uelphhu,owubn,u it wouhdrtthat'vis:-\Y: Wi1MnlJurk,atrsrlar; „( 71, a)
point, leo rt theuturcy of theUnUI41'I'ruuk, I per auuuul, Micheal 7.: 0U 111weuror, a o
who would dtarue what the pluu ted. As I s:nary of UM per nnuuui, fie.
an instance, he read trout their freight Now sir, whet ee c mil !,•u. of u that
rat., thus or. tL,ur ur what trout WWwtun, i Wln a uucd Wer: hni a knnwu st thin.
ilue from Ton,ua. ihev eller nearly first uleoting wLat aapaut+„u1.1r .Ilwv ill.
lU w Y” I 1 I'
w sac t rap rr o as much sr from 1 "rent.. to hlwttrod, ;Ixi Item ded te tea naw l wt they Deihl have
with wheat lwL.ro wnuueneing spring mine. 'The coot of truuhiJ)meet he slime- ' made 1.1unu, then awl there, net neend •
work. ed to be t ier cent per Misled, and proved f not have porpotrak'4l the ferns ,,f „enteg
Lose, --On W ,h ,'der hat week, A `
♦ ,nth h
1 tea nllin
Itai alit tl ti
Ault Iwt tilt* .
railway ern Hv hon his cwt up n. th
cur, end It +.. 144 mp.uwd that emote nue ab-
bx•'krtlxwk when he was net
" The dalton you are ! an false tenni' 1' how tint sod ,euvi-one Mine sty ugruw- I nxJc the words d••nn in short band rod muse of temperance that fifty lectures' ion.
No. 1 au, the }outtg ulamofth tuauu••"• al 1 It strikes Me ahn re tut srrorl wbLslled thein. Then, /hn ngh Omelet, I a1, jp,uyLly d goal
wtduw'edau4L hath lY
it, and, 1 wi..h Inv heart was in any green :er na+din" ham fi Worts, Ne hleNab', writes usdeny-
" Then 1. t sae her • your hand audemap', tot a Amur ter w ver
Mbar 1A al :rad`, Mor The persons who met at Montreal
ah J r ling her r 1 hal U sol - In a Eatery Kate Is an•(,opal as alt W purty and I ,ug that 1 ever used such expressions. 1 1 found Cenedl'ul clan Y
r« 1 e m r : nee-eine V Lr r lit r • V. a
e* y It wu In J n
r i u U
sir an 7�(t rr is t
rho . x r ou of his features and m:mner, as he elven Fdw'rrd by the hand. she's rill, 1'w lthiukiu', 1:. weer whet she i V. pnllishal that ,lnainl, and Mite"' sad the ellen y o led the fella rig • u • t%aana`tsulw comwrnund ill thla vii-
litke w .;.t- *d that she uta. *h.-rebv 1'01 are a gentlemen nal •brave follow, works fur," answered the women, quekly' rcm .,'o. in which we reu,•Iwt d the *tate- ' Yr,.er," ed p ) Inge ; bust year it mu much Inter before any
w!M by' .A. •r emotions than fntrod- and 1 nut veno friend d yin' teres hal one N',.0 well, I 1 Iv 1 p h woof •outs that t correct tl 1 first lotion ' - .1 f inn th ugid f
. are+ **.hsps •,Iden and before '• And leu . ut1 sheet: Edward's
t milthing, bettor that then hand w'itl1 a sina'ity that nlrpriaal the
a loss tod.seuver l'.18 at this ot.ier its much w his word* and manner,
w triangle lip •f chi), ..o,d be- for he did not recollect that 144 had peer
nverle4 Into the magic .;bion of wen hint beton,.
Bdwanl hod reached that pen'.' of the ---
ed when itheeve.the eleven, strike Le-
ts& that lout t o a tuentilkt road, .Then he
IDA barge et111l1ng close ae the shore and
•oytstr.l in We shadows of a new of
TNT Salton a t'utt0 Unle'ATma.
• sal lows e t , 1 .
Mr. leo, llow it. ute,twlls 1•
that tip to,
ant c No.
ie present dattethat no freight 'for tun, thorn ,y potting the Kentieuam
erect to trouble l . who tendered, an .
had loss f tt' nitlrll. I
lin u 1
ern ur
le b• 11„sat out breakiug hulk ; ! sod uwrolur entailing upon tlereturnve s
w .1 Mr. lrtidba'. remarks +sr to the ! the u: ansae .d ptynr, their wrgys f.r• the
,uitive ,.writ* of 'Termite 1444) Hanel- I extra day's sating and 44;0.1 Yr ' th
.1i s ltro
t h,
u life w
It •,
for ZJt,•
',menthe!,., cs
, tenchthat
with tar illzit
•t t
wet.: spiced K.Ntl
wise he nude out s Teel ace. lie pro- should have to pay i.'e more fdt' guttu.g
{!seed, seconded by Mr. l'1v.,ks, That a,eurw,,rkdope,unit+titIantoMvwnlluuolalu
raowwitte, consisting of the Reeves and memo particular gentleman with w1 .4.80
Deputy Reeve* of the surrounding Teen-!er molten It can 1,e pin
need flat Jnr N'11
sou, abound the torr sup wed iu helm wield
1118 rel, , offices a .e {elite• 111110,
a md ,Kris up,
ships, to confer with the Terme,. directors,
to meet in1111.Jlatelr,he app•iuted. Masan. 6 Id I ece .Me tN
Pickford and ti neon said that before the u 1 that thin ult•lrsta .4 th 4 !
motion was put, it would on! y Ian fair, I cult •owl to !u+ !trod, lheeeby. An,'
w nt we 1
:tor the n w ,
• Mr n
1 heardV g r t
other ndcw\ t
r twe
th t the
t tut r.
oath tIt u the
Citwm reuwrkwl that he did tat ser slut 11,
h { r Gino so, 8.111 clerk, or
the Township of H,,w-ick t,.uhI du, arcinglh•ae whoa.• dot}' it t geode *., ecu to
we hal voted last fall to assist the Welling- I it, that full reports o4) the ,pruceethugs of
G. anything out u the wee, yon kw.w ' meta our report war on Iu That it is desirable that 8140 Gm1 y n Semen Ex,stxanua, The quarterly
ton, (.ray lull*• scken.r. r. .
plenty of three etch wild young paint at next.
Mew dem Mr. McNabb ' , } rarer' do er' 14444x0 themseives into • exxntinrti,m mA th.. E vwuen i e eeha'1 Mellower to'Ir. Gibson, said, that the>� 14.m.ething like the above are the seu4.
took a fancy. r wigld e ' her herwl, d they p,ua ed next. 1)y accepting elle offer W elan, with purely benevolent. and .lane* 4byk l lee. , n j eldrY, nThu trhAers *111 u would out ark the Huwiek Boum until It omen, o f a nority of the rwtcpaytn
G,uk s 1 ace 'ct laking 'rt her ,roe, ill, int by moat respectable reeun Y d aunty *rens •ted w sat sr.!u that tnul:uulph 1Wln was not opting in the nuighbuuMad.
• 1'44', when a+u plows out ur cutout int W ' 1”' fVe inject, w'I with that view, the Jo now .r 1 .•(antilna wpm to }w built, 1w reel It never would 1.•inult, �tlwa or rain RaTxeAlALL
chul.h." Hero she deka a lona sigh, a this town-Wugwrat a nolo notnnr row prleewl to such organisation by .teem- ,ru.awlt, o♦rr 190 ppupils worn ,QaWi11441 u. and then after that 114pg1 Howi.'k I' inns They'll never.'" her ant L::rm. It'+' -sent .d whux names we 6avV .' Nu. mending the chcion of �he yyriour blanche. taught, rLowulg r could be tnedy,red t.. ea. :.0l'T.,e neuron , olunteers In be Called OJt
n*thal for young men to hank after *pretty He, fee, let it het .ng to gentle UT simple," an- in some wry, camera lir denial t.. ap \ Chief for the Dominion of Canada ; marked '1 1 reveu.rnt since Iran uxrus ns- t Mr. Kennedy, ekd 1. Brown a 'seine trim
lien lu the• eyrnmg the s'•had hn4nn war
Isar in the Le:obs. without n.•firin,) our •1. Chief for Cacti Province , I•t.rally ur.0
ewere.l 1110 oilier, ir:dking into the pore k, rwry4uf et -iteration ' Such conduct a bo-
as the bell ceased t., toll.
tee nit 1 onTlNVEe.) yund belief, teletext/. wIll prove too •tong
for these who wish to smother it in lie
fashion. Whynot 1 upn clan Cox in Gale-
In addition to the anima of Naw who
s heard Mr hie Nall,'sstatement, weventure rt:!, iuwmLip? We move that cousin
gaol with sp.ctrtun when the
achulats tote rained the aeda:nee with
mune, recitations 17«1 dial. l. till
1 out
t9ocleck. !Ir. Mc1nng,
can uldn•ss•d the neetine. then ell went
home el.!:i.!caser1With tile 01 enjoys en-
:\ Chief for each electoral Jn•ision ;
A Chief for each County ;
tint grew on the hank, It was 1 tine A C1hie1' for each locality• and town
j lite sunset, for be had Jehsyed went THizr wee something in the manner of _ _ shi
eat the river, yet light eueugli towline the steamier whi..11 di't'ty' fldwenf kindly p ,I
e and Imre at to her ; nor 4 id either Wwenls!um, w•hlle in the expression ',fins
tl4 suspect nr uneeretand that the giv- face, though the hest emotions of the elan
and *coat enoyl tL ring war a j--- -"e ' 1 tl milled it there •Ae
1.111 ih
urn i nab
,• u were era ru ,v a " t1p no 1 , " ubluh 4. few more, vix
of l,♦e, at only wallet age and * •tlwlg that rex .Ir.! him. It was • - !'
it to Mance All the foots of the i arrange mingling.! g sod and Will, the 1.. GODkR I0H; APRIL 2, 1868. um,. Mr. 1 Rev. JI Fletcher
9 h \ tut
eAod tlest parisie the n•nr,test idea Ilan nun ir.o1'' *.'unknown cause, 1.eingtr.... '-'-'
Iuuudrxt hon'.
nether had
portend} i•1 the u,erndad. It we* the
lith the can/etcher/oohing .4 the ring were reent.•nat+ce of n bol urs, who w u, yet Solomon fo the Signal.
*booed outward ugw.t of the exietellee net e. for 1441 10 •:1" finer em.lsil-dttics o1 s i ru
till inward regard, lint even wdh all' n better nature ilia* he cowl.' not t.x•I, rat
Ina seed, that time might ur aright net Meet for a moment, the nobler sentiments
'pen, if they heel never met again, neither of R right-nlulacd man.
would have lived or died pining or broken -I Nay f nrl wily you have ought rue,
bearted,but douhtlea* without anV(+!•teial' nr 1" sake.) Edwar•1, " and to what I au
misgiving, would have lora! and Hurried ir,Jebeed to this uuhlifeat.tion of grateful
wine other mate. But their present re-' fueling. Wu meeertnnlyo uitosttunyfen.'
Tweeting at the age they now both were, I "Myn.uneieWynyarl-eat Wynyanl,"
with the at♦+Iltrges to aid a mutual lea- ' answered the man,
seta that came from an the past with its • •• aro you the lonelier of Catharine I"
+sweet 1a*1elatiola, it suul1a !.resistible that inquired Edward, Ince eXpreasty v o,
the frail cord broken *ix years Ago shou1.1 .0 -rise std intertest,
not be re-uniteel in she interview, and Le- Yes. Now do yon keen why I have
nosy • living rine t • wind around teeth.' *eight y' -u 1'
their hearts and drew them closer to each I • I nm very glen too ser you. Yon have
other le ! • encircling folds. ,Leen ,Jaent from horn••--"
• - Thein ,ting, therefore, at this joint -titre •• Eight yens or mere. And I come
wain destine.! te int1nrnce, their (inure home only yesterday. And my mother
you leek angry. Wake up ! I hare' hal Odd toe '.1e0 nil; 1t what we owed 4o your
no leek to-day,and came here inill h,nier." emir:e •.,ir, 111y enter Katenem1,1never
He penned his It , to Iter cheek, ami oho have mentioned it, Innen., el long ws 110
stn.♦e G. teener herself ; but hie nark harm cane .4 it ; but v heel I questi..n.«I
thl't+eteni ni. letemege, tae evil heist her after my mother led off 'minding', she
which in hie ryes, had ehilled for up helm and bore away on the whole
the ulomeu the warn fermi*•, of Ler' story ; and whe!, aha, mid how nnleh she
affecteen, a;,4) they, I,. I r:eiehe.l the villa 'rwedt.. yon for roweling her, 1 swore that
before she night ryramoher wonted man- 1 woulA never tint to sun again till 1 lied
net towards him. teem tan men --yon andthis rich aristocrat,
In the nenntu,e the nnermacioits sol►' Lawren"e, who, beoawse a Ino is young,
lectof thi,eyrarm«rat, 1,f t(,o attack and and pretty, and peer, nml witluwt a pro -
E. 11l.r,n',tep en a M. (Innen, ''''n the two Jays o1 1140. ulatiuu 1 w1, a
S. Shane, 1). Fisher. "et eine.presti. Il with Mr. Gibbon,' oj' place last 'rhunday. Thnn w:u quite n
And the list could be swells.' to over Inn eminent dhtrin; the ...rainy, turn out of urclsten'0810 4111 seemed well Mr. 1'ekfoni, 1ia,.udad by Mr. Colcntw, guards are 1,traed fur the Rnu.em..e
r1' hd.•n � m the N t Ihnl(t„u roy tagrtwea and obnt Lurtrnu+..ut *tete.,
■ egad' uu, •.Tram •M, o•a41. G "'• "1 let b•..1ar nanw m 15 utuuitw. Can the Fear f'r ns i CODERIOH HARBOR. mtuMd wuhlth Wont w whh�r. the
A Btttort Itrdwsv wu 41st, Ur. hay 4)x
1 1.l ... re.rti•r. • ,ieu •• eat j"a o..t smite enough
Jamie be filet township chief.
ro, c. r. , ( When, where And how .18,1 you dine
ten.. ear a rite 4'orreap.,•rt • l
Salem. BlimietTwtt,-Tb« quarterly
nsauinetien .4 *:heal sentitut N... 10. kook
Hrnyiltun in this district, then offered a --_
fewnnurks,aeol,rgieingfor u'nmof ti.e,.11'EN1.t It.tII) I:NPL('TED:
H. 'tau 1wupju heiug ben, whit Infant
have dune mere jtutiee to thu mbjat than Seven Bxloo tee to be Field in
he *mold, twd+tlga Idtterfn.w lir. AJrw Rcadinee .
Brown. nakhngg write clwuw for nut bring
present, (the Hamden meg amen 8., he ---
afraid to tam the ntll.it) and saying "that The Toronto f,,,,.f., pn,frasra to he in a
they were n+akiug every effort 144 England position to say that the Ooseremetrt
to raise the ntuywy, skid they hal goad having heeume aware of Intended inevr.
Mopes, oke., of twine ahlr to go on withal, menta this spring on the part of the theme
work." !11r. Kennedy's relmu'ke, however, nyyauders, heel' taken uvly preeaut...in W
did not save te here emelt ennui upon IM meet any troenn nor. 'Hie trines ie T..
and1enee, mean amendment proposer! by sato are to Ix. been:forth tonged.. ...tiny
r s •.m/ -uta r rr a:r.ar,. ov e 1 (,ting ces ' re.,
la• and the whole force in t!u• gsen„
ori. n, •. Sark 1 pot' I. yu hate ere wow lama en Lwoter call it a questa n of veracity, Al [ th
!/ 11rrT t eR I
echo.' is conducted.
r Wgwnn •n ru , i,4) Mr. iaidlaw'r notion curial, which it 'is to Ian held truly rats element's wan:nig,
the Rev. r. • e at u r Tbe.,lll• rn here n, rItLI. ilntrnttlone Mint
p.pr.r:fpr. tW mn isp...,m y.ww ua>'•,,. art, b,r ire as we tire 4xmcernal, titer this! We • «,.at ra y tta .oi.e•",o. halt tar le y i,m l twin to .1 ,fart aha! Go durich harbor wits t t y muj.,nty o f marl}' las'"
,ron:, w
f K „samu.xLun gas's w meet naeellent lrrture
1 that the *m*• of thine aclivu Y cxidyeSell i11g the muouut • f brgga�c t11,•y AN G, tut
Ire rwuwe:..m a, lrww tin. *she"' v. ,+. .ra 4•"'11!' . hence the matter to the verdict u w u..- has been dao by tine nee and on education. l .gat u!am teachers the
m tit!. ,taw iI.. Irl••rr1.1 6.'4.1,, Te' t l o, 0, greatly
tads i at the mcmtmg wu *tootle iu favuwr.d e!L.wed ne the I l mu a ter h er ; nnml pm
ma ,n pr. W.t t:.0 ..t..a,t feed: Teo' not leo, 0, pariah j ,l,lic• that l 441,11etewdlx•rnla ant repairs an taw ",.'e'4) fes,, i 1r cul! arl.sclnnq, d fhr \..row Ouxgr. 'fhr, nu!.na.iun F.rro ♦i■ion hes ixru mule f. r the wmmJta.,
dtaq ort pair early yynnai�IM *.. ••Inrt y«, w.m,a rad *+amu t.. be that the Mintingof the Broad c .ray •ysnc4yuf Nur trpgw •ettu•r Ly land
L,s r..ar ane.: ,*wage cwt n .1w0t1 Ian u' terrain MOM REV. MR. cu. f nsedal. His N'tyrAhip, Mayor Johnston, torr,• world lav ww•rssiul, slut sal mg
s,o„ier al.tu•.' 1 (w, 4:my4•'m,e wr.r..ryy tna h uloliahjr• , e chitod's mind wit¢¢ tau r a* cuyyragvuly' Gauer, by WW Hrmi;tn audl.nrlph pnonc or rail, to any (.mint where there amens
4111 your nyIw,t uldnlion tm d.. re we nor 410-44•041-
1,.•ra•.e- :-
We throe for the tonne. M. by 1 d !called a meeting 4 t l -,anal last (.d Irday) „y, 4rav mstt•q lout fhr dna+ing u 1t *sad is {wdrxt{• hojxlwa, tlut fhr ort wrrrlY our be mpnirvd. The 1'ouuuurriat de-
"" ""',re ., lir.! 4"'"'-'''' Ino r.1,}e-' •, arm'^'
fully u pmaibW, but pinna u. W yw•.r rn.A11 .0. s onto jwt sent to us by :,uu Rue. Robert I evening to Mnfldtlr the advisability of strengthening the i:itnlltkw r., that Wsey acing LIW I'srt of lultlug wet alone. llA+• rwltmrllt is instructed t.. Harr co•,krJ I,ror•
Ibr t e.ua,.e;.w •• I4.a.+r. ••i saw L.'''. •.1• .w Cn, Pnwhrtnnan h(inutnr of the town, urging 114 menet uu the atk•nti•.0 of the tat )4 141144 tlw f:,..t* dwwal t;+s• u •Isaaary
111141.1 p •.,..•.u..•, n.• urea L.w rlra.ba ,1.w1" `u Jitiat:uns 01 n g 1. l te_t,._•
Ler :std Taut lxu-rtvtvr being 1 1.1 thy' t►rir iaiuna for 11 a days reedy at a, hour's
• ___ _ I which rams no follows :- IGnvnnun«ttt, the nilwxy glthuritiea, or Menlot.•sehing and traalingxrrn d$mld motto. The Townships of Howul ami
melee ;nod .alae of the smarten non.
EetruatAG itrwexe+. --Nhxt the a1o,Ve It T. / i1• t'"h,o Loth. t Tumbler would he mete direvtly boat- onninuavene1 lee s are elmnll detailed
Dear Sore- As i kinpj+t•nod to be et the is theory they should nater la' anomie ed, es the nhtk• of tee Narrow II 1.111g0 in- to wateh the movement,. „f ssspu'inw
Tint mew is mere than we can possibly i .ubtic tua•ting whcrn Mr, Mc•Nahb 8441.410 A committee wan app.:Idea, consisting is pn etine WneetsthefmmnerTowrnh:p.eumngt Orth- inmate, set -end of wheal are said to he
wale sant, cud we submit it to our mindere. `,i1 staten.eta regarding Gmelerhaul A I of the Mayor 110a4n. Gable en ISronurd, FALL N 0NAT, - There is a great dual u/ want, ween about tau utile. fr.nnt nurse
a!raedy ahn sal. Taw orders fell,: beset-
We 1% 18..1e, w0 feel rather compliment- : Wort., }'un ask one to say whether my re- I numbed, Seynmur, Detlor and Heys, to fall wheat tin -411y tial-.-pr'r,f' In this hertz, u, that it wvu41 certainly •w sant quarters, we unJrnlwJ, apply t . the
p me usrwhrry evidence:" I collection coufirnn your rep 'rt. In reply examine the hoiden and draw up r orogen• towrslun thin }, u', it leek, yen well but interne to sujgairt the Narpow lemons. wtn•Ir , f 1 hltario and Quebec. 'hle erten
eel. It the y I have simply to my that •your report of ; farmers :Ire dreading these frosty nights.
(h nl. fin,aJw W be called out will hem L.hows;
ed 4, is s prion/, i•df:r written recently by the statement referred to was an ainurato•' a.
San arret4--Th,ether night a,wellof
us to nee flu.. I f h Council 11 the tire r
Yours trek, __ 10.441 to good results, AA delay 441 the mat- and a pair of tight Being, light coloured
- i Quebec ; Montreal • I Prescott ;
Soloinen full believing his to lee We trust this esti nee the ."ilei, w i , water •nth ..irud o.. r.it,h e,l•t, tloderiob Township. Tonmtu ;' Hamilton the veritable 'it,nsul'vxtive editor whose D n ; i Condor :the t:or-
gnaint Ineubrdions we nal years ago, we
feel s tl,l1cd that it catm"t be used ill con- t, *renin, :,,y March,
Ttilil COURT OT AB/31ZZ, _.
Fer this Ceunty open,' benne His
Lordship, Justice Itichanle, titt the 24th
inetant. The folluwing gentlemen owe -
mend the
an1 we are, therehne, willing to leaven. a Wm. Mallough, Eel., Foreman, D. Ph:ley, when her reviler:trip, will be Au 111.ft.,•,t ne•whichlinovidenee e Minerva, „
enridge, Itelot t'arnaglinn. Win. C llllll Mg- %effused. shipping on:menus will be or the goal Kt. Nicholas, tir kindly aites.liathe.trfiallehryl.teg4 igneen:nit3t.i.inefuts.111
diecerning ?untie the whole .ematien.
hem, Christopher Del, Enos Elkin Robt rximmenced bere &hoist a month earlier ol'ei hetme"kntlYldelnonn1 f"e ht.; re' Cox, ! IL Cunha . j1313% 111
HA /BERT ei,uestrian sower. when turning • The Tiny ineernnig le , !triode. Lich of the seven Brigade, will
Ilom esvil le March L':tra lege. sal one equadron Volunteer t'.ivalry with
nection with a politieal dispute which has
hed nothing to do with personal matters.
Wheit Solomon has " coaled down" suffi-
ciently to Moe mere threats of "lion's
defence, pursued his solaary way, carer • teeter, thinht I• c in dinhonpr with intpun• cubs," ae., there can en teinly be no ne-
ine ni his heart the sweet traces of 1110 ity. lie yini I took boa! this: Seeman enmity ter further argument on 40tIr part,
Soloman,' inteniew in the rum. To any and pulled up to see Vli.l tiro, and let you
that he het fence in 1.•ve with lier on the know that I am mit a Il11111 toforget a kind-
.spe, meth! net no • • tr the reel "tate nese dnue to me or mine. New, sir, let me
of the 01.0 as to say tI .t he hen loveil her onee more Pleas hanite with yen, and thank
femn ehM1Ins"-I• 411' 11"w 'y renewed you, in Kansa minds assil tux emu, for your
I 11Mivedi from .'• •per einotipna this brays interference for her.
eerly childhood . +mem. Neither " 1 did more than rey nuty, Captain
knew, nem, in thee. i me, he: et -innocent, Wynwer.1-fer !think your ironer ormother
thought-M:1.)cent ey, thee they were told menet were • captain."
lovers in one laid. Neither understo el " miptein ; thgy are right. I AM
that the little wedeln: can. se inoinstrious- a remain My way isT 10A 011 beard of my
ly made held Cupid, i well al the robin, own ehip. Now, sir, as you seem to be
snot that lore *hyped, genked out, and goiag tha °alleges, I wont keep yon
completed the whole, a • I even e oight the , leneer, us it is getting dark ; tmt- if you
be paying hun a mot to, 11 debt 41 never will te-morrow evening at my mother's
repay. 11ore yeti forgetter' t.hat : ruy e.dtagc, I shall he giad to see you there.
life to him f" . . I would do a reel deal to serve you in
" Pooh ! hen:tree. of lives hei a been ' way. Kate would like loses yen, too."
saved," retorted !naafi -yd. sineeriegly.. " I will calf ytin desire it, ' &intim:led
" And did I have a tinntl.ed nem, I , Edward, in whooe eyes the etreumer had
shonld not feel so gratefedy m I do the ; interest, shim he had discovered that ate
minty .4 one : bort as I • inv. lett one was C.ithanne Wynyard'e, lon.ther."
life, h feel prepottionally • ',nand to hini " first holl me whereanota in t.his
who has prorerved it." critisine-gniand this Lawrence anchors r
center, w thee free the fault tor,,eent the def,„ty aro have a Brigaidier, BreettleMapir, n I nn -
The Openi:• : Navigation. .1 the quadrineel or the biped, "1* ah the enameller.. The ininvette .1 last filed Mentos' officer. VolUlit0M 4 1fficer.
both is not known but ell et onee he des- tecetie.f ea, ni„,1 ;en _.,1„,.„,„1 the ; aui Men -twit, • ehmeterie
Lake !duvet is .w rty free .1 ice, cannel from his elevated situ% to tnrrann name of Hunli Jehinton ler killed sanest Onion, a -Volunteer ogieer, as anent -
and it may tee eel:one:1 *het name:sten linen with a mpidtty and tome Winos d„g , hebire R.40 Fitg:illter I Wirer, %Li is
The steam_ line Peter the heinistriong) " would neat O' IL L r 11.
will be entente.' immeniatele
1.441 tved it' • cushiim nofter than tier •noliel fly Mr Weed- on That " !heti; teliettof t 1:th Regiment, the tinth !tele', '
The Political (halm. Ferguson, eeptimits Ilotearth, IV. Hayden, than last year.
-.0.59 helm( for taxes roil ta, 4th con t ; eavahl. t" be agi,mulatia. !,/ kohel
ceptien " He was not much hurt hut the
— tigar b t tt alI1 1444 e"1"ared lamda wera da- 40, mid let being tiara ly sold fee tau- st i 'motet, ta, po4 us Mal depart -
W. lecke!, John kkElroy. Jae Synoingtret, - ---t-- -
thne 'The First •Montine,, wo ounlentand, face:t• _h... . in 1867. Ole geed lot being in the Own- meats, a e .. ambulence waggons and meta ;
The complete 1011 in the political world, .tieliew Swats, Thema* tiewerby, Thome,
ef the Chelenelo t eeeket lion. will he h 14. Lin i l'anied. 31 end he Mr Vont I honpital merman mei tenO ; lionetel Gera
Winne -roll& Stephen Yates, II. flee:my, e An. batItution cif the owintry 1,...:,..,1,-.1 bv Mr Cot Thin. Einivesere geaut inns veltinteers. awl 'one neneent
what does it portend 1 When the Orgalla
at the Huron Hotel, this evetime, at haf-
Butriball and John Honon tarforui their ; earl several Earn from Army Ilmiettal
Patrick Carrel. . 1 peat seven o'clock. A full attendance is — • statute bileir on the Valt diviston 44 road , C'MPli :tire neurthearat with forewomen,.
' in it.... 1,,,,,,li.i, c,,,,,,,I m„eed by 'There sill le: 1.3:et volunteer' atteelien t0
In sioldressine the Gruel Jure - T.. aye one who firi• fli-dayt 11111140 LAY.)
anip congretulated nena .ei the helitneas I c..:?, In,. nodenhh nahnnunt nay, re_ by r." wont +rani in t‘1,1 11" etli111 Of (...esn'• John. Celina I,e Niemen; it. eel 1 ' 00- ' and camp life an if in. kictrel reelity. la
Mr. Fermi, en:ended In Mr i' .e, That leech bngaile, who will be taeght 1 riganag
elide (rem the vicinite of HAMilt.'n 61I iiiiminier fee tne ient thereon "(this lo nu hey. 40'1 artarra"lui have h""n
of the mletidar, and explained the law I eunicd the g.
hearing 141 the CaSes likely to voile len,. I
cense togrind, and the belloweetuffers
blow, and rata ey ince • decided tendency
leltre the ship suddenly, you may look
eta fer a crieis eremite kind. It was so
in the "ilea.1-Idels" ..1 the olden tune. A
calm was alp aye followed by a stone. Will
it be SO now t What mean.these stmuge,
telly criminel .• MCI aro given below. 4;_,o- The ettarterlv meeting of the II. T. Pans with the Buffalo mil lake Huron trent the . , seer „f the lets along the teth I or for their letnel at 'ace tintlids•rtod liti
them in A clear and explicit manner. The I •-•-
unnentrielicted rumors to to dissentions I/1 , Aftweistion will be held on the SChool , colt. (*eminent -Mg at the Ifer..n Cs44.1 &Wog 1 milread sh.eild the IWiiiiity arcie. The
Wm Ellitdt, EA' i., J. c., 4 with Bowl, the 111111Ve cent i. m wall at ,niee striae I Q. tnh and imh cnn,. i,,,ne t„ tee Has. : c,entinuyder.liet•hicf ha, called nie in the
the Ottawa Cabinet and an impeselienne the C. linty Attorney, conducted theCrown house at Seaforth, on Snurday the Ilth hint es vere Itrr,rnitriaLe 1 field River thence Ilion mei river t . the :Ciatusdien militia anthorities to arrange
break -up or loreakelown of the govermental bluenose. April at It) o'clock a. i . Having h -el oecasion to travel this mite I loiuniLire .4 the town of renter thence . ab°44 TOittnt"'" atal ar'htut-
machine ? Mr. !lowland, who ie. sick, TIe Queen vs. 11. Chiron', Lemony --
several noire, I would as a humble unit of eent 1.. the Huron nm.1, ths.nee *long
will, it te met realm, nutter an
the treelling pnblio beg trey* to enter hia
mY l'r""•••1 ea wills will" said" Mr. Weston, seconded lov Mr. Co.„1,4-.,11.• fee,t
IA Highway Amway the Continent.
1 hotioe in yonr last s statenient, that who have been 11,/ 1.111f1/111111Atl• aa take 1%,/ West Ibirjaiqpn *hie nornshil" reentee' 371;n..4111.17terra::"Irif:: n1:14,"tItietn
To 00 Moto, 01' .11. liana n.c.0 /minor are dein and 'thereby annoyed,' ; ; Porter he Ain:dotted toad r I A o -
lobe' 1" hi, exclaim .1, vita thrown off annWered Edward. " It will onle get yeu
" You ball hest let h'm kr, nalitnin,". Mr. Med,.nhcall is to be appointed Cristouis Tne Queen vont. Smith, stealing a Iforee
" Yeti will mum , tete k. '• that fellow '
Collector for Torunto, mei that the breech --the evidence in this erne wan very point -
hos guard and utterin,. unmasked, all his into tronble, arid bring up the matter
j wItieli a year lifts nearly buried in inolivin between Sir Jen. A. and Chortler is widen. ed and clean *hewing hrisoner's guilt, but
amid. for sente reanm or by sone unanountable
" Modred 1 brother !" Floe eried, look- ' -- awl Mendes, I punished hint enough for 1 ing diaily. If there ix te be a crisie, what
nintne, Jehn Smith wee brought in uot
ceriaonly knew n.ot what yeu say 1" is no 1111 1 . : result 1 It is surely ten 11.0,11 giiilte. Chief Jtistice itichards in die-
ing at hire with severe reproof. " yon les ...when."
" Ye's, Pm nay° hint Ina desert+. and l. for such a stete of thing., itn.1 the ceuntry ehargmg the prisoner. said he had great
" Teen den it Henn him to me again'!" bravely too, &genet ..1.1e. Ilia don t in- . .
" Ah, sernethieg men. than dislike of 1./ rfore with my Minim lf yon please. No ye-111,1watt developments with much anxiety. newton to thank the Jury, and hepe.1 when
he left the dock he would not steal one of
01117 ben..sth net in hie birth lies at the Mail shall ineult Ken. Wynyin,l, and not _ --en- - _
bottom ..f all (hie, Ion Alter ! What has hare to Settle the matter with' her brother." COW A.RDLY CONDUCT.
Felminl nene to thee, t.. renew thy worst " Then, if you must see him, yen must -- --
• pusiong ?" not get your direction where to find him liecatiole, forsooth, Mr. Gibleons chil net
" N. matter- no matter ! Let it riffle.. fro n men answered' Edward, with • slight heve ft crowd ef friends at Verria to amist
that I hate him; an if yeast. nit to him- " . ,... " ((yen womid. eerily show your him, it was ye* cowitnlly. " He wee de-
" Do you threaten me, ale., brotheri" graetiode no me, you vonvilol oblige me ler
" Forgive nie 1 liet if he dares Go 'peek lett' • .• the Weir drop. lite seemed he will
with pm itglinl, he cremes my path eft»? nee,' 3ppnotch yonr sister agent."
18 hasorrow. Cerue, 'So not stay here ! " Well, I will think al* ett it. Yon call
let III go home 1 the min is eetting. Nay, and see tie all to -morrow night,• my beers
" y .. might to 'tome lote.n ashamed of friend, WA n l t 3 1 k it over then, and be
yourself, Manfredi, thus unprovoked to in- . glIniril by yeti and Knte."
nilt a fellow -student and early playmate. ' " I nen Rini to 11.ett von ear so."
twat ••• he does not happen to be born ' " N411a, are you walkingte the eel: gear
preCise.. an the mute condition of society : n Yoe '
se peirself. !lie birth ie nothing spinet , " 1 a1n geing lock in my tent, wined. nry
him." • cruise is bin/heft re; thie tmek. Tele s
" I do Inhere if the Innen shenld hoar seat in the eternsheene 'loth me, ierid I II
if possible, rain , Doyle and II. Cameron fee plfr Sinclair
you, he'd he en:enraged to fall in lave pullyou teCninheinge in less time than you gentle' termitic. Ann Will.
, and C. Robinson for def. Verdict for phi.
w:th net.- , cart welk tt " him .1611 Metier in the entiniatien of his
" Ato me 1" ehesiehea, with a mischier- I The ofjer WA. mule 111 at.trank tivIchecry constituents. tVh v did not tho St,ir tell 14',.."nage!' ,,,
norpennem or lemon ye .truistrontedef.
eve smile, " 1 feer no pech geed luck. : ft winner, thnt Edward del net hesitate to 1 to nteh, h. nee eningt, tint eie.. car.
Mem lye le en these three iti -eke from accept it ; and 'stepping int.. the boat, the ' - - I ,.- ' ,
ling AM so olegneten nt the 1,1,irdiroy IT? Hermon and 11. Cand.ron feeniet Verdict
to me • I e,,,,-,,,.11,„ e, !tittered, brother, earreien; Riving way at a Upial .1 their !weeny disidayed ny his shadows, that he ler put. -.. first insuelnil.I.23, and fur def.
to lin a that 1 was g wel lien', ug enough ring eaptenestinn4, th,, piece where their left the enininienen in iliiionat , and has Ind
to he (ellen in lore w.th 1" interview had teken place waoi loft mice lean heard of since r If there is onlY Doyle an.I If. (!aineron f it- pill. Gordon
" You am at your ohl bouliente, 1 see. 1 more in twined.. And !while the boat no
- Bit let Mein, 1 Ho .1 mit *, eth weaning engeig ...nee al„eg int,.„„ on, ebecute cowardice afloat, it liC3 near to the .10or of mid C. Itoldnison fordef. Verdict for 1.1ff.
wools upon. I only e.itenct tii it if he has shelve, wel haling in thegatheringtwiliehe the petitioner. . -
the inpielenee te take elveritein of yeur fnoon one view AN 11 reverie', wewill explain
me- nekton ef him, yon would • heck him to the revive the circumstanees which gen, 'TILE COMMISSION. I
with • httl. e` V..011. kassf-nr. IN-nieh w-iy rift te thIa rine ing, and which will milord • ....n. , . 1 - --: .
wee he t 'le n , a kev to the better hostility entertained, Le- i 1 • inomonien on in tne matter of the
varsity," shereplied. I Thereat. min ahouttwentyinimites' walk erieh int the 2fitli. The result. cif the
oonteste.1 electiiiii cloned its labors ,it (1,01-
'' He on. i no was gobs. i '• man] the uni- Manfred Lav r..1. e.
" Yes. Hs c-enes home every week 1-... 1 tenon the imivereity, a emelt ontage .1ir- r:ffair are se disirmaingly meaere that Mr.
stays Smunley and Sunday to have two ectly en thebanks of the (:herlen River. It
gays' meals in cementite he ill 10 peer !" is enclined on three Siddel by is garden Cain -
"1 tenth I were 11/111. rich. I would nave tanning limey row trees, and about the
him from thin censure, brother, by making door wind horeysuckle And jeammine,
hinv al.:won ..1 a thousand dol6ra." mingling their entwining tendrills ea they
" You most be mad ! or else yon are oyerarehed the de er, and in epringt. o
trying to see how far you cite annoy me filling t le Mr with their Wrenn! frater.,• .....
when you ano I like hint not." ' There wee no air .1 pretetemon *beta • ilia
" I ant not men, bet only greteful. If I cottnge-inneed, it hoed nothing to nseent.
!gave hinv hell: of my fortune, I shotild bon I 111M111 it te the attention of the manner -be
to see that titer. were five men iu the beet, on the water, sane in extreme neatness
four rowing anitene in the stern steering. end eimpinite. It tree 10 :Indent that ita
It was so common A thing to see boats 0:1 r 'einem verdant with patches of mom, and
tilte river, that he Waii laming en his w iv, in% et,me, chimney peeked et the top, loin _,, ,, , ., .., ,,ie huh,. a the town
follmving the diverging angle of the rowl, of A bullion of Leading long prior to the ". 'in '1"-ci. • mg " u
when he was hailed by a man in the I Revollitien. And, indeed, from the deor *cella do noir shopeieg earlier in the
" Ho, shipmete a word with yon !" 1 of the hones, st the Met 0.7 of this elem.. dependent. if a nulliber of belies enter
" To arms ! to arms ! the Itritieh troops
Ho paused. an•I the men eteppinn ashore have fired upon not at hexing; 'mend killed ,ft.ittore at epee(' &dock it 4 iintemitole for
tii0 ntenhent to turn them out. Allil he
drew natant' Inin. Edward saw that he :nut ceentryinen !" there elvile freni the . .., ,...
was droned in a seaman's Mee jacket old' ticior haste) attired, otml armee only with hen to "toffee hlante Item m ii I rot are
it WY rumomd I Was 1" 1m this route expectieg netnect at Paris that said clirisiiinsviiimilttiaditie ,thre raw. on,an,, .
nig snd complimenuiry recommendation, ' aim g con. t. tla teen thalench, , rivers : its a/rtienettw:re:.,h,,:Iro;.IN...tio.:r::::,....1;n1htv,i•it:
While I ant obliged to you for your flatter- sKatautiwon.y. (11.hvi,mnpg.nitiet:hcane facnt,t.tha.fltre,h:70
timber agent, fee the nreat Manitoulin.
have their t Meet:Nes se arranged thet the ! mg the linen roan te the piece I !rt. unaan hhnithy
I log to say that I Johan decline any such and that hie selary be Sae.- - limn n.inet.. men
Duffel., ntorning train %nines (if on time) Int le
thsir horsey. honor et present The only rumor I •
our townsmen, is that our respected ment train froM Hamilton, and m A minM0111011100 CSoileeter. tette for this tosnulm, NetWeen the old end tor's:
the chenee of eonnecting aro very email in- , the. cement year and that his 'whim' h• judiouullY 11441,1•v% 10. 6•13,,
There were ihree er four other ODDS hive heart' of, with reference to any of
which were sent over to the Quarter Sea -
Mons. The civil ',mimes taking up Hi b.r f.,rthe nonmenis, M. C. Cameren Egq., •
week viz -
Lordship's attention during the whole on:iiiinheigtzeati,iiinniwail.e.,,nimiteln &Teo!: ftiwanyri,g,ntohwe SOOL,74,..,1-;I:ed,whi,17,hlyiefltip.r.rfelsoz..4Thhi.ml:tei:syrh.Tle,..14..,.11..1.‘,..7.71,nk, I ,4.24"inaticw.,,abled.racelY0:1.iratinoi, 1.,,,f114,h,:,,f456eti,,re. „.t•
general. I have no doubt tneappliintment been oblige(' to lay ever et Paris all day, , the Nertli etel 41 1th and 1 2.4, reionesoons
ous friends here as it weeild be reniunere-
LO which place if he is fortunate he lefty !collit.41 then adjounuel meet anion on
wanner fer the evening train t„ nedeneh, fe.rearthottlemrtMeft.R.R1ii.vier: C.:tied. The IIPan01111atT
sled action ef the mother cemitry. e
will In able to !Teak feelingly on the nib- - cemmemill inyn.vernente, hag been
netted," vin. !Commute. The Liberals"( teephen vs. hIcCellv, def. noise -fivr-
South Heron are not in the habit of hold- don for plff. Verdict foi tillf $425.7O. •
ing heck when work is to heolone or ineney I. )(limier ye. def neon -C. Rob-
raiee.1 in a proper way. Mr. Gibtane had Idlaim.f.froepiltrne f°11. deft. sr -
every cenfidietete the impartial conduct , Corrigan .vs. Dnle, def. inue. • Hector
of Judge Itrough and..lid not nee.; to have Cameron and .1. Id. Sinelair for plff.
hungry hangers-on at hie back when he Wlete vs. Young, def. lune. C. Rob -
'neon fei plit. Verdict for plff. on first
I 01111111 and for def. on the rest ef the tie -
the ability our member, has .lieplayed in non. •
the matter of this scrutiny is ft subject of T. Dome). ve. S. II. liethir, def. lune.
ahd C. Iteinneon for plff. Doyle and H.
tive to himself,
Yeurs respectfully,
IL nomeseing.
Town Council.
reneh abidit eleven p. iir mid:tight. he Oat 270,4 AM) aalt the day aldauated the gam to theme wide npread proviie en by
Jonx Strtir Tro (leen, Menefee., the lak capital is seriously
ject. While to travellers coming torrents
-nen felt. and in all new ceuntries, thie ia,
Hamilt ei there is • delay ef ...me three HAY. fact. the chief and mat eildiarrnseing
hours and a half for the name melon. Now _ „ drawleack, or impietintent A lifli4411 Of
T II named met on Friday evening hot. ' the fem. chief Atlantic ?Perim*. has been
Preeent, the Reeve in the ,•hair and Me- the t ,tal distance from Hamilton te G.A. Hay, Mareh 1.tth ISM. effeeted, and alrenly the Panic Celiouiearnn-
Kensor, Smith. Promote, Hernial', Bey- oriel], is [Willi' II% miles, which ought to DEAIIKIIMIL..-The rate/over* Of every as well A.1 the interior territories, &TO
mout, Chfferol. Detlor, McKay, Have and be accompliehed in six hours by make g the municipality in the Ceunty of Harm, ars clentering for aniension. But how est
utintimeeriotehyloigat to ittin, sigti:.17,ong ,if,,,,,ir,,thhiti. tro 1,.en, .thiriev he10114:7 11,11:11::11,1111:th:::::un::::: ,,of
Leonard. Aline tea of I uit meeting wore preper conneetione.
read mid Approved. Petitien of duo. This Ls a gri eine., which affect,' • all cre- e very erg,
interco. inilliteition I• The act of onion
Yellen' healing fmre flftenilten to Ooderien amount of space which yet front time to 1 . .ii n • • -a th e pits! nes:vel-
vety patieutunderatteh &system at- "How full a,ceouflo a the i'nweedings of the the Intercelenial Rent 311.1 Ict lin leme
*drain repaired in trent of his lot. Refer- complaint every day in the week Venn those
not to do it"-- -although they heve cause of •
e carrying forward this much-needed rioter -
thee net a moment's nine sill le hen in
fundinent of 010.0ii dm hie homage cents pror mile,
Moved by Mr. Hay., eeconeled in Mr. ing out the miderneni largain tee convey
l'etition olden Craig, preying foe ri. re. Ire the servitent of the public fer so ninny stand innunthing 111,Alt elich metiers ; and nen . rit a word, if Grunt Rennin vembi
and. who, inetend of carey- no better plan, I ilea...gine. cau be derieed . not hew her mend pesitien to the leoultrig
for olevontineting each information, iorille. And now for the next imperative
red as above.
Dickens colours up with the breathier. at inf„,..,„n, that the r, ria .. .ven .
than I earitinve station tot tho world, she neat at
Seymour, That the prayer of the petition aIlliamentierg cinefolleibln and ennedinome throng,' the colleen/1 .4 a c, l n ll tv news- , nen Atm, 1.1.11y forward and M.1 in con-
ly to then journey's end I delfty them and paper. It is coosentiel, hoe; • eh to the lie' meting, not a leml.erin2 4.1,1 ore- road -
annoy them sulieient to make what ellen." cotuplete success ef thie teethed of glides Iray, Mit a first-clasenonble trek railway
, veins the continent, on British American
carhature, in their enee a sober reality. It eten11.1 be full, reliabie Pnand If! 1 Iseil. Precione tine ie even new slipping
. • Thin e...v.! work :heel.' have been
Hyslop praying n, get • grant a.m.-moil
to gravel the hill at the head Nehem 141.
referred te. the Read and It Cent. Peti-
tion of Francie (nand'', praying to hey°
Cameron for lief. VerdiCt f••• IIIM).00.- be If -anted.
datighter. Hoyle and H. Cameron for plff. aeomile,1 by Mr. Clifford, That it he not
Petition of E. Bingham etel 40 others, when travelling to and from thts faintly de -
to he men that they will en! v‘ l:rove t
praying that lie should Iv allowed • iaidoon
license te Nell by retail spiritumis the Canadian penineele will he. independ-
ent .4 the oletructie, nem now m full Mast a ddminn.
yel"l'Ing and nne P'rt'''n othermi`" them full and own,. it te. y rn 1:117.:11171 tt1; th*Chagret et1.1 m1'41
I have leen led to ;min the above 1
to be retiree(' te. awl noted from --if
Hill, thither 11111, Herber Quay, ne. remarks hy Marble: in veer net none flithi"elii:uprglortaticY wealethy Britith +within MI6
o 'Annual Menet., of eight I .1reti, 7,11 tyre: irlty
million. plena'. I Simply nothing,. when
.4 the week is considered.
Hans mid e• itobertson for clef. Verdict anted
for Oft $300.1110 dement&
Flinn v. Gordon ilef. neve. Ilaysand
abent it. 'fon luta 10 n • an.lidate Rolibien fee def. Verdiet for pill. $.5.M).
into ellen a weep and refuge t.. extenn him Iteall v. Ohne nem. Sinclair and
Walker for pllt Withdrawn.
the metal medicein of tory editeriftl eon -
Carrier v. Coleman, libel. Moore and
• —
One 4,1 our mat respectable mereliants
e ar it would 'neatly fecilitete the vermeil
wore a palmetto hat, as if he heel reeentiv ' a common gen, the grandfather of Kme kept 'open till eight °rater. The matter
came from tropicel iftsinune. lie waseneut I Wynyard, then • man of thrt yet thirtl is in your hands, Whew, pleiwoe think of it
eight -and -twenty y arse( age, rather sheet years of age.
bet conipactly mad .., and hewing dark for 1 At tlo period of omr etory the cottage
of • in . whose horn* was on the se* rather ' Wynyard, stet het dmighter Kate. They
in the interests of ttie )0114 employees.
Council then adjourned for one month. inti,,Aul‘w.ftiyaitilt...1;riwng.r.thts.'rf..etiri ityllembitretamitiott.:11 ..41) h it e nvd.
that w ...ult1 he re.r.,reft of them be. many that four tenriere were leid before the
ereiat ftrnw.,,Imonffit*:trh,e,:e.mloort46:71t liel.,litentelinh,nori.t. t.,:y
than ' lie lend, and who had sailed long ' lived in stun perfect retirement that no II , ,. r Thin pleoutine merlon.. of things 18 &to, On Monday week na the 'Intend of a lernarainta", «aannhennthInattnth%e;:racwontin% ;,,a'f anr"hb,
that .
IMIII'am torrid inn,. Hisgeit witsnauticial, I one ever maw them, tore when Sunday Mayor, ie likely to be appointed to . tios derile to one materiel proeperity and the wontan, Min. John McKenzie, e ho had If rolling citock mifficient weeput on' te rem- teeder at MI. That the. r oPteutten: 4 WriHA
agent for the, (inns Manitoulin. The ar- ept•earl el morel ftn.I religions prmeiples nieol rather ittddenly, was paining through vey f tn. time, the amount of freight that ehould firype. riv midenineel • ;bre nlvholeY
aml had that minden, independent swing , celled theni ferth ...who've:h. At melt timea
the Nerthern Realms, took into Tomlin. matter, which is the ' • I or
winch is ininetelde by env land:num. I tete would nee the pale and bune mother of I .
t, The change el the .1eiry nem [nen the
."tI‘ ate arnearannee though 14'.. WO, , ASA slowly needing her way alone the pet h ' 'inn oh! place te tint now neennen by us has
given tie great ouniefection. created by teen men named Heaton and
last i.e., rie pan fel enionesemini he pet principal oh set
!dewed,. .;, was rather pleased titan (*heretic 1 the young girl lemehmon her youthful isrm, i
firmation of t above we may eta
thmtil:,__. g. ell slanted, had in it • dash of : that led (nom the cottage te the village I that Mr. .1ohnsten how just remelted from
meat terl that oilmen(' he winda he • len- street, and thenre Anent the graaalled walk I an inapectIon Of the* region. We 'Minh yin Lordehix he sent clear sc,itinearary, who Attacked and stritek et all.antl
The originators of thin titegrsee- of ninning ?mint t wenty netwenty livened,
on to the Narrow titege railway Ita are sit
present en any read in Cuisine dentine
'mem, td, hen with, co e 'i as like- I atilt+ ',snot to the Ann+. They. wens en I
ffi,htsii e. yedhams, ajeoman,. Ran. 1 ted. It waa resolved to minim compliance
1 with the request of the Boant cif School
Ooderiche March 26, 11168.
tii.. gift of the council, atel te Internet their
tn accordance wah non Len! nip instrnc- ("news. St. Andrew's (1. Swnetionn, lit'.• the- 23rd inst. Itr. Key tieing called '
Lftely the Queen, respectfully present that I The weed constable,' wetw
We the (Irani 'furore for onr Sovereign lifeline. 6.00 to be point
Mon* /e mop et:keened the (*minty Caol, I George'snee. Doyle., Kt. Inivirre Alf. Col- nil the chair. Mr 'Mellow opened' the amen fr.mo the referee Ilk nt len, that
which we find in the very beet atone of I lins, Rt. Patrick'n l'eter I V12..nrk. meeting, and 'hewed thet the Nftrreet the eatil MAMA filet on the nrd Feb. end 11
order and eleanlinees tinder the ahli The reoincil then paned an order li- .• . • • • went int, ,-oremittre ,,1 the „nee in cm. time le not fat dinette when Idessmffs in
management. of Mr. Campane. ti . railwa evitgen was the one twit in
At preseut there en. only four persons I Mr. HaVA gftve notice that at next meeting a" • nit by It. lirewn reeve see, d I h edi • small but discontented Oland. It thus
se evened take the place of curette throng:plat that
CallAirit S•100114. Prier, of I icenne II :(110.00. 4 V Y • ronler tenders ; and "nett it w
the present posithon of Caned (nth tO
Goderich. March 28, 1888.
reports, from the ',owning, clerk of the W hy, the 111.01110 4
pmeeedlnr of two meetings ef the mintier ; damson alone can bend this greet I titer -
Pal council of Hay. I noticed a retewt in I natienal highway, even at the, high
your colutime, of the fine meeting loy the 1, estinutte, more *hen three iainea 40/er in •
year Pine, thet ell the Mennen dera by I sinele year ! Let British etateetnen, then'
maid ep council, at said meeting Inta simp• ' meet, the dieotiefien [nehmen with a free
I y to organise thenimelvire, and' decide to I. puling,. to leen nth America, and 'IWO years
alvertive for tender' to all the offices in pr ifitable employment after they get there
In perpetuity for thenialvee. as eell aa
their (entering- --instead of meeting them
A neputetien from Toronto'', consisting
of Messrs. Fox, Laidlaw, Crooke, Metcalf,
wen1.1 lime the lerepriety endenvering bowling alleys in cenneetion with holism 01
te ^nitre Pisces for them in• a more sin -
tattle estylem.
We feel gretified that such ft hinge,
any probehility of ',eine leult. Mr. Fos to certain 'dikes, et ee nine, 1,.,r 'newt, ,
stated lin exterior/me of Narrow Genre ignoring
ite chespneas $15,000 pee mile,) there wm
the fact altogether th.at any proeperiem and powerful effete -mg rewer-
mitlay with an anneal trade ameenting to
mere than the ,,rigi 0 mo I in Yen meet,
sympethy and enduring bulwark of defence,
on this rapidly neveloping, yet eseily
*Ms remmumeation, it is neeeediery to ea -
plain, that the present eletk, Mr Wil
has for ravers! year. past leen teeth elerk:
and tremerer, at ft *alone, for lath ofid
of $1:10 per annitte. Mr Al dome." teener
thin yeer, was 1.,e booth 111b14.4 At 'the a.m. A nary, for everything snot everything
g n in ire Once .8 time for ell tit:roe:and
salery Dintine, put in a mailer for
clerk. and trimmer', . f I Off01.11.1.,ting in sermon. This ia true. for
of SIOn, or for the elerkehop alone, nor ttil1 the nreinfe,A fVe" thP tin". 1" re'
n.t .1 11114.1cielt, het a nun, ,h meve exe rant, eeoggy neerrtionn (torn tilt
" lady, try r. rifytng the blood, and tlierotif
clerkship, at 840 tut- %alien an:l'
Haigh leore sem ha oiswer 'bad ah. wetter the dorment omeln "1 Halpern
890 Pet antirun. The a - sae argent • anal It now awl nitattlishof
in their
wirelem peel no
. Mu_ * AM) triplet .Interesting couple, and ontraten attentien ' iter Wheren my client 1 hon heat the (14,thrii 4,
_-.............000• -.mai.- - .inti elaleorneetio,e,nninntg an rem, the thrown fa nian nine ,f, ry pr,, f,I y A MI ligiloo Me 11,1111`. T110 Onend Tenn'. nem not
y Attorrmy for this
of witnemee who want thete pay, dunng kind :Men ion. aver, -et more then twenty moles per hour
n _,,,, what inn I do fivr yen f' asked i from %Serest eontrourt it) theirappwaranoe, cry im,i ,,,stemwi‘ I • one village se %mines .
Iggwenene he aormyed the man', features ewe I eine heekeis in holy anti with a leak at t.he preeent time Means. Crooke, Met -
hi AA I I, f o ar iell is reaper:0We presented. Rusiness here . fair oonsiilering the calfand 11 •atty,followed with e few remerks,
-Ie.'''. .A1104.4 be lam a rsisernblar,f; ttlbi.m.e.r:nt ittnetim pit „18411Lonrtitieliititlia,ewffiertonagit, ?re...thee/1o: Hie past few :ler.
fri„. lir, Bri,,.• gqw..0.- ril.lishe• tilting New fr wee—. ---....There....-has- bee- n a h.re. woo,.
.•ans.m. Veneers .ne prepanng for vent/ *heti Mr. Laidiaw wee again celled nine,
"ma earattset in th. e seas 'thinnest.," i ma hem tk e •, : symnistry cmld make makong a lengthy speech, Alen leg the it
' Lime* este elimn he Imes,
4644;Z • " eau pie will do one • I •rh. roe retain neheree of thane. did mothee i letter' in 1 Immlie. 1114 Ter,' intatTest.Ing to ercemem to the popnlatidli of fkwlerich Mrs. McKenzie, alluded tr1 Omer, 11M would be theinterest of the people in this
a" 1001, imilimi to /deer for I eve 1 sr elt.•.' and the p"itereing and af- t thews who do not road the lenguage It 411,Mil the TAM week or teen ...nineteen hem. eenfined, lien it 14 seiti her deeth . , lamlitY to Allannt this line es they limn&
"'"rn• in over- feeti.wat• air the haw ae enrefnlly is somethifte nitwit tiger,. by the rmmber of new faces to be re en on be,'Inabel abIIut the nwene„,,,. thenisi a re otin to.n.letandetne line, which
ii.e"thiaatheYtit;i4, 'twos bete elpague, I led r atems esrefelly armchair every
ed thee
1,1:". Our market bee lane well "utopian
Ina days
lolly: led lin ut all nireeti.N. are olsoneer..ne noel henna of the effect, of winch
fill! 1101.11•LI011 cottages and 'here
fnet that (or shit% purpose the (;•00
then: en ehiechencess Rented% has never Nem teosel
la bitty , 4.,14 he retried cheaply. I wade thew tiopntr,,„„.„.
per repro* till'