HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-3-12, Page 2ION THETRA911". usdary *10. Classi On. day he lusall picked up ft little scattered lilt land down tile Ulf, a'. throol orii Ing ell. 'fwubAii
objectowum stated were mmilt I? be "n""hed isle mot,--ra theater thin native an THESOUTU H moved asmiorkilloof by Mr. C IL For suddou &nil valtanotelle changes 'LIU time
ambliodirlio had datiteausy, said I.avolliji.,ti- bonbons li-illither, catch in its evil croft and thcr.uptoo. tile c,,kuu,lteom it', Only he been of o""JuItteo do new ruic the relay I a resumed
'WIV inquiriand .utits IM!regliffol, had i,otil't fairdhols.611, heetsitlualadout.fthigToost ��,d that " wil-D a voter'* nat"oe ill c -1 tile I . t' nuvvod won
IV neutrai ; 11-11 no erutrmlity wouH how I cook WeAthtruot thiukCarandieluicloallengu lite tile chair, when Nil,
F -Movable in bringing it vol.idt 911*6 ror soin, tint,, at raidoul, not Lk.25 Nailed, the counsel shoald issued the bjvc- We give to -day 419 a to ichimorld. Tho 2nd raid Jed days cd tliig ukenth dedby fair. 0arvack,
,r I Pito A onerica. W line the Uoi,� Ulkilika, in reference itiwen,thoiculdotiat experienced during lite the b"uhn tw'
outhow laftewt f its LTmeadfather, an to inquire. At 1. a- he saw Castle coming facing upon whick they laloant t� rely That the mmai,our r.lui(*t post work, vlio hung &I., ly lip a tiold-path which led to the 00DER10H, MAROR 12, 1869 I. ile-1" (1842) reported in States wantio-I was neutrility culd I L -v 0 kdaj` iale? Tear Cor
salstat (its donks doling odd jobs, .it Boarrou " uanhull Thattim"" seconed b 3dr.
lind will, cotlgo-, c7ing a large bundle (if work an atla's Xlftti011 LOA*$, P. 100, with worm ovicesathy anti iiiipport. will he read with in urfa, but on Wedn"Jay evuning a ilia road. lily. 14LUIlle Oil
Thelitycifourrenthors. bot w.oto R-4sad used oomic,nAlly to fub. front the in 4 at he Ixktd so haggard, helist, Of (objections delivered in on She Quern was ret, a arbitrate -not mulIN'llit tIn Amm"Wilmatiod by a warin rain fee 4 1dr 1.
It Isue, AP!Vmr* for ll�m to bear of fat -91fl mo of A Patertletain Election Committee. ittent has 1-11 suilty glov alks Ian I I in abov'L *2 37 be 1-114C I -or , efoo thin, that at deal all,- sarcely partof I's P, Itioner showed acrrill hevdj :!I 9-ieptionit hill the porittit Poillt of mai &he &.alit, wbich Ili the material of ab.lut ;�ik 1:tIoull, r1ry''for gromfoutillocrplexilties as p &sib:(,. .. Why I 1 " Itolau she in 4 objectio,oll r-Ading the namom; of the nline tile 6 lizrent riubto of th - onth. IMP is beyond oubt. The VIA by J U Umigh."
lAndea. his recgweed hate. 48 flu so a I-- % oicas, Is t, lost. Stone gets doi (;L� tore, tin the justice, ntakell hours suefit away the eviOnuous unlike f becumdexii by J.
that Lt.
ceptionj j. aide W 'to ra" I'll"hiot,ty eorate.,11m that at ran tiiu,) the Lmodar, in taking uj roabe
4 lot z; t
1.4 fall ve pi over tl,o WAY kud seek yor lie wait Shallow (Or no other psarlioi.,c but to Our raiiipjnent%rTantLi!sunf,,i-unatelyI ant the cry LiNc Ilicull"a at s1k,"' 41 '(by 'w"Ca" Tia" suft"llikell Of th
'I out there r repeate the mmu..r at try and — liar, yet when she .o,,Li interrup"l, tl!:gTU1 I So"th oriplieell them. Ifnnt. why eny what "I"Pe"'s w us ". if fibeirsixtrior11111"Y roads being Ott sudden stopped all trave" III" ut Shia mid "' $1 tLl Pet day Nk lion dim,
he furnish many camac; of dwisions by Ele,_ Clisirtuan 11:b, cd 1-1 all Ilia g.o%Lrq desocrilt.orks. wa.ked on so if he hod no.$ heard.' Aftpr Inwitained She list, and I fied th, the risrht or neent Boottain tit reaorn;s I justify ills these ch"111"I else dutlial f thoolrottic. Pitutv of room r,r that ri said it,.." or four sin* he att,pped. a tali Iled too to be tolitat atlas Lot No as III— At Oe I ion,- alle li-I ? The. r-,nf,4. Plwit.'Qn. It *dealt* tliat fIv. first And woe betide the lucklookee individual who Muvollodl v J- It- (seligher, sevoladvd by Jas
In Ili, and it's a Ann ]us wherofuy &In it, I On innocent Another pudkorit in Ivint of form." I bbo)112 wool upon a two or liar" days' journey Hamitic, iffmat Wife jwnuut Mich, &Uoor.
he Nantus Ian Ii he saudp huskily. iuj tkliticc or-ote ship sell-thruita di,l no t ,clil times of all bases his objectivas tit Mr BUNLm, no and tilovid
asdecision is to be &tied further to illustrate In the Lyvtn F4I came (18C), in the list I r ntil I �62. and the. battle car on the alien vote , bill winds up liv assert- Allah his tewn in the expoctation of the be read IBut even in his harient visiors the two. Slav did not answer, and he lookcd back. the mutabiLtv of law, as 3dininistairlid by a of voters objected to, there was . I'll.11 Ilan wit* flouitht ill 1961. Al till- Ing that Mr. Ilodilins, tile fier the ab,ifthing holding out. The ground is coul. n,vilt your to SIN c r_
wrat'n Carried. or 0 Q
imoog�% f Usasie and his father COU'd never' She was alainst the narrow alume, tie Co Wh in"'c' gross &pft1,n**t theuUna,me of thge voter--nOt J If- Geight,r kuo
come Soother, and it loom as gne,oijuj to: stile. trembling all over, and her eyes full on C-onolittoc- "he is&* are heads of objocti it"' I linif that it was wrong to- Ortaii Rritoin defence, destroyed his cver by $like kkwtwP paratively boors hereabouts, and there is fall, solooreded toy Jam littuill" that the ffer
Select Electi -III thernmelres, but only a think ot �Niinq aso of sti %*tits. He had no of toLaro. these A few Ila, A &go,, in the South refervince to the viij"Laelas stakated aglaulat #lot rmsveilks, lh� FiNuth. woul.1 tile United is11, ut Ili A f4l, -I'd I u- eve'v proolanct if Ali early allows. if. Hvury to cut'the tindiar ft
rett even in dav 014 Casuist, trar1maWA nesarly bioko,* me, the sitting inembeir the "am@ of an-thier oter--and this ... Sl"t"A GiNvemovient Pay th-it its on*, a ath 'okbod mail clever too " reds itk the vl.tft,
his sent, slid Huron elece;iun ca ,-led tie Camaie after a loving lie beingialt. Gibbons, anti the Petitioner held to be A @Ufiici*nt (lomplionce with the mer0roat Ili^ Al,i&,mt, had been shored. foretheOuLnelout ill* Of thoolIteaskietionofthe Nowliartmemaxiie. Illetween lot& 25 said 26 it' tit- 13th wait War by the Colareanorks. for tile f $25 be t All. The present Honui, able Chief J notice i had Great Britain tit tile a do elm, alion or defendent tin a tuere t-blile'd P"t ; b" Id- Pmy"W tits work I. o'"d.rum
how suc Oiowcou:d Love given him Conia'olari' me to the bottom and 14th C. -Ila.,
la,.viares, sometimes allarioust inorw painful t,' Lvoldr, 'she said coin Passionately. some' Mr. Carling. tile counsel for the potiti.ster to I Il I'll. Is f E Is 0011-1 in that on&nil Peuproilill six finther than 0. yen lonlNeths anight. I ri, etilion was repeated &4,,, she amil-A I The Owner -- CAMWI Wal him thar he ostid bear. SO- no ; thou dustrut know fill, thou opee Ilia "", and in doing an atta,ked argitz I ties able that Would not serve the Purposes of tartir' 1,)4,wx, March, 6, lilt -1, it,. satisfactory to lakhi 7.11, �h, that I had wings like a du-tua know an ! I think I'm g,,ing-cermsy the defence put fit by the sitting member. against each individual am*, t -v%-,k,r hence everYthing wl"f` be goome, Lot Commons this evening, likit". L)ao' 600nded bit J. It. 4orriell moved,
lie I wouldsivoil oe ch 1-f Webster in Its and Ivigher, that till* C_uu
ad le foo0or follow 10 hicelf, oi 'Luisary "' and he took hold of t),,bther The Chairruan, Mr. 'Clailie. of Grenville, aitlast$ to &most 4100111cluent antlexpen- I 1. nk,,do Plain culim, to slitle (it)' Small Appeared for the first little airemAI tile ail do now adjourn W
U' it It ' at- note. on tI if if .1j.-, or r - the Bln'ftdil:g sai!d, a I;vch looked to I Ito hands, unit looked into her jimeo, with an without anyirection from tivoiCotumittiou leave pe"ll"Ity"' I bonshasnotasiv,ar-11honest B."titillfAir' of Lord Derby. "wrt hicatin or nlike %,list. I I oL 0 that Went to tier heart. In ties L�waaaer to" (Ise), objection corpitairw c,tor*l if 1119 - resest . Uplift enter- day the ismaxond day of Mave-h next, at the
Late -no romnivg Joshua, havinf, noLh., ne.v Y". but I think I do,' amid *he, our. thereupon *caUed on the ocitakfusel for the was taken U I the mode in which the pet i- "t. III)w coal I PIG% If the feeling f South Bantu WON: ing ill,- Wines, he walk received with loud hour of 10 o'clock, a in I fi,� the Towu ing to do,, strA!Pt, It* and kiadi. aitting etembei to) su�tekin his ditifenctIo- tioner a lists tied been Hall--Carrw.
ex,ited And houlf-t prepared. -fit the frome ill rtxowvais� a Ili whi It taken oil this subject we know th"t lit chevra froru both govotorounient andoppso
in U, w, I
tothn wnmhuuo olood asked r)'r7'lj son"Lil' Whativer doot them know, and how r wRV'? courfeel for the sitting member top Of the Pwgc walk written -"The follow. nevol" Oibb-�iisw,,uldb-�sustailit�ibyaswetP�ng Dutrach000nafterwards, w M - w I I*) So Top Clerk.
¬ whi'e W land, in the greatest poinibit Answered he, in an anxious tone. ing ix a list contairaug tile naines, of th-e,'ee I to be a civil war nine, twelvit, o'"I Majrity of the' ristv-1m, ers. rum. moull after gi ring Iloticto If the fare to- Into Council iike� pursuant 4) adjourn -
(hat",, iteging as a rework that he lawyer 'll tile distress mid tran,,yancef; was tryvij ill I read it I' the Iiik,s if illy two Bit, how', I voters ObjKW to, by and on behalf o! the sixteen divot befolre tile prnel if,, tit went in the Tievu 11411, oil lepursuadc Link to he home, the chive clerk I and. %%'lay aboultilla we be frivro I (W -h -- pnveedinafbef-,re-thaot in Petitioner, with the sectral of bjee past week we have heardscoresof 1-16"i auction f onertain nkodasurem relating ,udxy t a
Icomm. ruous "'it 11 n Aluaightv, )'Are a Iskill mholevitheind onus : Ino Comt of Liar was a defendant ever, lion dtatuiguilihing the manic against th'9IWh- C-111 I eempkin that Fov,loni h*4 votd forCarlingdeclAreiltat iftheOplool floolialml ant Ireland, ruforried tothe re IlM.oirch, IWAW. 111, 11��ve in
it woe,@ t" 00 the chair flit,[ a full c.uncil present
with. a damn of render in It,. hy all.41d we make r"eni callskill upon to sustain his defence be.1fore rioters rained." The list extended over I Todec' Ithe civil war which if.- 1111ite-I lowly Ocod" they would revo,tisetheir ac- tagroment f the F�rl Of Write, sa) Ing him Mll,klud f last Inecting ,.,I Nrd. I,, hilek Tery Samaniarjor off ei,areo in we* me ; them's Lvddv oil pig" ; but the papa afierthe first i Plates hail admitteI -orne we --la, retail Led 'ail
and Owe- the pl�nntiff had or,yed a single Point of ooiiier lion ilk the iultre�. wet* worry U, "vt-r'sheirt�Innoc- prvelied. touttho,i
the prenume,. -in will be main glid to, me� ill'". 0, I sJ no me to h.id,n The C m,,itte � In con,lu-ion. I r 4 &I-po-intood.
mt." 1'hisc4w. The Ch Lirrum, ho% c,.,er. poctu- he . f imliv w
JI%hua vartim, iniki!ent. or th leiting will, leader. N.6nituagootmild the rontuisitta number if she w -id, ith giontlec,inpaii.ek andsolike...! moSIT i.lukidecXtrhe listo sufficiefit. fronsivulew diffi -.0ly -fill pricli,no. roughout the seval, -if. pr,wen fulas4i; 'A'hat's that prowder-hoadvid mianifey thill -r old tot intimated tL-.t unless coutriel would' The effect of flit& decimal on of tile South ble. Ile fill that we claimed for litin o a local &fill Pathinaikers joku""
g tely flimee. , I - �, ; lite be Prom their t;stinb&W if the chum ' 4.r and Munition rucon said 'to. I harin wert : f-Iloored her irresolutely, an a mactafas he indicated, lie should advise the' Human, C011,ralittecistothrowout allchance fri,n,llv recepti,ov, nf Him representative. onsocker of such a chief, &nil they all most
.Is He has dischargot,ol his ed. face, I toy J it (;eLgholor,
I aripleal to %It' cournreoviv," he went on, I tirse-re on Against his will, but taking if at U 1. that the acceullt of Willei 7,ellor P C,am;ttesnotto heor Ivan at A future, t:f the sitting instiallaterg-ang intoet scrutiny %vs.hingtou was " elleolgo, f it the gentoral julls
turni,rig it- the bi-sLinders, to theirinfinits, her bundle from the wjJI b his lnst&ntt of I f tile illegal ot-Itell recorded in fAllour of 0 Th, I it f If 11 earnest I) It, opted for big rest oration ' calth cm I tai, nes) for eirm,oullival tile %�Nmt s ad
film. PArtizanshipen casily tuake its 511' i ter, ire mail, in I -,woot #lie q I. U"" "at"' 't
doi!ight, as the c,erk walk not p -pa!ar. It , help. Tile house-plaocal was n,poty, and; ! the petitioner, while it leaves the road -'s I'lli ,atiame ion is that hit the issues oflandposer, rDisraith then proccedw of the calisawsy ilk ill# big toonese, blue,
was with tile utinti-t "cuter that LAseed mile hurried into tile kitchen, ImAjority work, and the cots I for the to file poo,pl, orif Ill. ell fir.. peop!e preel%in, bill, to be -the right ilvat lier Majesty had boonvak pleamed itiat to, 4=. 12 lont
which w; a 4, raw clear for the petitioner to attack the voters 'it' - 0 it it, Illmoreuber 1'en t
-,h,u:d could ,of hit fattier away. !tw steps lower and opened out into it,,, sitting member )lad to stibutit and to sunii for the sitting member. It is entirviv 11 r. W. E. Foater. tneeiwh�r 1!,r 11rul. tra in tits rig%t Mr. Ito entrust him with the task of forming it - Coarrital Wait 117nItAll io,�d. .',,,x-
Tilat night his. was ev, it wore restless i quarry and ilma-devi It" the line of defence adopted ail this ivith,lut a precedent ; no caw being repuri- food. th-,ol Oise ' ad by J D. OtIffiter. tit&& the joh tit cottiog
.it,. q.,w 11 I,, ri.-w or Carling sticeted fit un-Itin, hill% he *all I 11"vo,nawont. and he could not de<link, the
than usu.tl after they la:wl g, tile to lilt J. Evd-Ir,_ he's tilerli" there r, I instance, but which might never be relw.hed ed in which the whole hat (In one side with the q to in - or the recov, i ion of1he tkehuiplaocoknowio; inhavilioulthttho; the I�Nlkdli Allowance &,all elvanuR two rds
thii- Wortched ro-iiii will cloilos and &:rleu, said mile), 11 like one crazed mt trouble. &I the petletomme, might never prove Ili. thrown out by such a proceeding. it to a, A for, atow:uianicA, as it was, by is, the cenalm, mud buillItIll, a (,ulvert over
an I he inut uere I frightf,:', in his sivel, in t I Ition decision entirely w.thoutijustice or author- lPh;-n-a of -ion* ft,r tit I has a,, right t I it, 1,14' I it lane, Comfort 111111. tak the generous stipp owe of his - II 11, lite crco,k lwtwftn th t4th alkil 15-b Conn.,
At those, in the dint 'no, lurn in, fc-r my make. L% dolor, go to film came. The matter wAs then debated, and ity-contreary to tit* as 6* if,tibb!e. 1'il-r ill- eirovii4tan.-es Rou'd,used -&if" sho policy the cut read ?A, South
.1-higIA which castle I letter and spirit of"Sho unit matter op mrof coin -i 1,-ra ion, I nu, ros s -fill if
t perhaps Inc view that im ri--,It a I win. I re,
in at or the t.,Iw I if t lie tal i I ... use. in it,. mid the Tather'.wnce of 1;,-r IiIntreaty Ali", after a pretractred matting, the majori y ad, Act, and tine which ought boadenourvolld b hortaimble man woul *%ivy tau success Immot isle years a his adualknot " . Bi'lludiary, 1. given it- LIN"Agald snuth for
-to dzant% sud.lenly hi:r frKYin lie ill tit fo.t. the ectininittee came to a resolution which, '44 fair &nil candid men, as allowing tile He tiou,pusioe,d or the @Ivu I Ji� tile, ui Im folloallo by a new sulaustry. tile som Of n35 W- CArnond. Jam Smillito
Must, 11101and, w:iij w y saw him sit up and stwtch out has E, ell Lvdia's large chariky was a little !
I fo�l-iw find literary c-In"ition, is with. i recklessness, and partisanship m-111ch ,,law ponsisints or the, qw-sri -n which Ila I I.- Vol an loceign aff-urs the puticy Moved, we'd by W. Tunibull. that Mr.
aktn attack. We or election committee lirticeedings,and made wheat tits univernol wi,h, it, tille, Ax total, ASLualey wousil be milhervail t4). this wouid B,,ult,on, 1'. L. S_ lie Immad ST for ruillung
over h-tnJ, I -or raticall o" Thou'st sure it** 'trouble, and . I out A Parallel in Parliamentary raw. Kivowhich there is unfortunately lie ap. ,lie do Ian, between I,," 11, "ad ,, eons,
I won't not Umted Ki.0folm of -in fer iiaspoetiv fileI -eat cool tit. fitearticle by Rival, -ri- b" s t-ic owit mae, of iski,lation,
Iss' it 1112,14i a � wrong f" give it in all tra,wiginality :-- la-moling matter on." two]. � The Act itself ; as if intend.to , to mibiAttpnoufgesierq�usa.viiijoatity and reWd 5th anti dell -A'Arried. W. Carrici allow-
M.�ed by Orsig(Rumsell), Wooded by, provide neptaist such decisiorm, r ed. sikoov-,vadi toy J. Scullie, that Win Kim.
IV th-41 swilt in unintel%gibl, Slim. cert,t n sum ; a, ,air, athere', I I He thought that lied stay ii4 I it. him -1 at i,.rl- I. . in gencrai and
d'c slr�' tin] ptateparson been @Pont to tit- U, .4 he law do-., lk 3g,.iin. and fall won' a milli tit heaven. Go &zed we him thy- IGrahame (Ifili York) that, if any caw should arime in v hich, it it q %I if k %%'hit, Iy in p irtipul or It it* ww*- fluch a 1) nicy would never lesson Use ised. doers I Paid V5 I 5 for gravo el f,.r the sevatil
then 0, Still, ra R,Irn I, in an agonr if � wn-" i laltommMlitiolsor, the point lie I h 11 coffee -rigintor If an itarest, B.eanolarv. still the suin be ducte.d fre.
"That as I lie tot of .1 were, treated as a case wholly without the ' - lout whit I acre that a ref.-roa i a est"m .,nil respect. 'line donsataka the K hire appropriati.-ri .of I*A -
horror, 70envard, that he board the, L, d a went it. �J.Tted votes filed i;,urriew of team Act, there,%uldbicalualli- 'Ili hit T'sdilY iehovi to I lite chat r,, It 4 ill uvivr solve ninet, would be a Carried. W. Carrieli motored, Ae.i.luied by
eivider fAU in the gain anti tier's wait t fadurt-of justice, thee t c select cona. Mr. Jolliet See rt litill. mean .1.
Am he listened. 1 evt n A board heart, It was & Right to touch be the Coun,offim the sitting member aiiiiii eitPPkwneir the Y "nod gllifttlly as ..... . wit hard. VwLmd )lad met I'lifinkelf .0 a wit such am are ftquired 1) ' v law, and are mittet, may modopt such proceeding as ,,lay Weprupi-44 too was the ties I ap, all, r. but we ciniiet submit 1.1 meal'oldim- (ehinkilikkarml J� It. Oviether, that the munt 114; he lamad it,
I tau h. �m g-)Id*i mine ; ill, low $too , w`Jth,LiseIb,,ws ovahislnm� and,1 without precoVdviat, it cannot e recevebe deeruel vart consomme, to ill 1-rorts- the pres-I)t L-11 hli-)n r fhe! he.or nn mail stausid. )fjk skulang "I'llollai troars ao' Itest sentinels nil- Win Turnbull, jr., file twit landam kille,1 by
evenly. Share and share he re ; 165 bead hidden n Ilan hardit ; he vild not I by the c ...... railtee, i-110, spirit, still Intent if thkoAt.e 'arlia- (lorsticart as Ili-- mmultof n inutti.mi tni-i e. ' ll, hit. ly is alit an ii,frtia.-r, wir It w *,y !taouo usturtwious [Is regretted tit. no. dgm - CArrid J. It. tielighlor moved,
fiercely ; and as �ais Pon sho,,k a so she cattle, up in Iiiin, but tally 'The legal chairatian ert.l., mentiory c"mmitteft all England have also he real question woe whether E V,I ,nil of the s-tipt!usem of the writ of ammollod toy Wni-Turdbull, that Wait Rv-
141,1014 to wake him. he ... tird, said, T-1 aim in late yearx, Act a fair example bvdis&"OW- Iran t,tionil tit prVV. ol motel, e2pedi" - I risen at his nime or f,toily beci -ur'i lot. "atio-poloinlreiand,bitt Lion[ LIi nolds, C-Pnorted Wagner, Win Siolipson, Jul,
N�', he shanks I know -lilt in it -not R ,i tin the resolution An foull,00rs_ :10".. ..
You're ennie to send me awar r' ing, whenever thev could, inere1ji technical I i,,.. fit,- p_, Ir if.,, wrij,r .I ,.h hoot said -it 4 pulils, -,-I- tolon tlk.tt onch Prng. solid Henry "allikiiia-boo 1. grantd
land- I wuntI4, has Ilim dvt,tl at.' And 1 Mr. Crao Vow. Mr. 31cf)"Utiall, may, que-tions of regufahty -e a ;that or tile Thst Taviirki -Lictruse, - Carried Woe I I I Nity, "or lail. thee-st vch"Inell, In. and lie% -ught, (lievernment -ply pn-o,c,l ill. p,.i,.tt;w I "ion wasenly a adelpiArd Litanist ski sin
Goodie stanie," said who, having ]for hand on I .%fr. (;,two my. foodali anti decide Is I' base inoo,i lit lain wi:l at;Ae tit.- it table to scrupu;ousforeign e,m(aderatimi. by .1. B. (;eigh,r. that the
I'ton he sioull into a d;&II, 'hoary, r. ymy. as far as posolible, to ' t .
file ' laid shoulder. "Mr. Clark. ray the 0hisfuntialquestions raised by UCh I porpoise i-ijo, trial, tint Pit file un-. me ach it to hivory of 4); I F, ruaiav,.'11, he at& f thu writ ill fill it incout-atildt likonvi privist-iited' by like Tro-samoneer Ile So.
epter meni lay shivering milli the cs. I the true inerits of the care, fri, n4i:v ne0ou itf laid tile Al,biena .of flea law, lAwl he
Savin.tv of his 1aiokVrT till the dull daylight Fie locall'A too* h) bi,th her wrists, #%nil Oil the fillowing day the wid Mott Iloot I. his yet " 1wit flictipinUtoolizero orptoed he Platini,cV,ry, sond that the lat.
in purfrainkliceof that PulisY all -w- depre-latiIn. 9 ould felt -ec-Arr. d. ' was f that flit, grwrAii-tv .of Ire- TritmAtimr te, the Tremillineradl
if,. tOwai. ploaboad them film,*& fierv,lv -not wa;keod'uh.-tirtlmn to have some d,mbtb an ad hsts,,fi-,,terst,,I,ere-arrangdoranwri,i- Mr '11-11 th,o a f *"J 'In the bide 411't'- le'"" lie 'Lind,la lie troubled *fill a closord, 1II-n1iam. hot,ka &oil I.-fitainung
of the door With a) at lit r bTte.,is .,i-,usA of' It i iforcre r.- All ti� hip f r tht eountrv. Afti-r a few nwre ex te, the office Carried W an Carru it noov -
if lot threigh the ay wit a great ne.o,er t" his still Ile ocoordikkii-y I ed, orelsolkilied, an tKxasi,,n minified, so s oc, nrifri,00 w
thein &'at too sai he it, himself. Itivuself. I 'the (list not -If geontiml Kr. best. sev'41 by 3 loolurallie, that a lit Low, be
I teumolternind the spelling of the Vay in each ssf I to facilitate thetrimalof theelection petition; li-ch at,,- his It -mm sett;, I for Itain Ter), sunamiketiv. Goormark appeared, reparation wait fuirly ,III.- to) the dealt- ling been io It,- d ,as,; to Yomy bill the great parliamentary experitface and Ili ,has oucil With
An w"Il as lie roacholl the v,, arobouse thin legal knowledge of the tuajorit oftbeS,butill es11o,ocon6ele-I toy a vi.i.l-, lit, Rewilenct, mearibert-pr Kilmarnock, the Stainless, to open a road ilk the 4th
onto .f. ill f,,r his lion. I th;�hore
of -I Q -taker a Int for hint, " .11, Rolland, but the', it' 41 . kt in t aamd said, that. crime,., at I. poin fit jecase was, whether Harm c.-nankittee, throw fair and equitable I 111"I'le'"ta"n' 'It A In fur .nd h - h;,g op,nly r, Noted lo take A ect-t Paid that tile 1--ILcy of 1.,urd Derhi, mfer. fron, the N-widicast , an,r Ilot No.
U t edesitin to the winds,
110 ill make of it-* W. I' Wh:- tivele 'a oral le I -
adieultil be put in with one head of and declare the tl-.- Prvircr adi int w, .I 6f Lite qu.-P, ion,
I rw fit apite (of the legislature find the auth- Carried.
Int) Ywinj; man oflits to potIr fellow I" " 1 of th', wooly ill Thich he w.eI red to by the prenater. wso uncvr:jl�uu. if 5 to tile Winith hstralary, Ill.. wl'.. as the
with such&! gi,ectings were likNocurallsof fire tin or whether a list setting rity6f Engliah and CanadianemAca. %%flat I It. e btli,re, with Witn.-sio, " tta b*,'t nveant -f the tie -
6% in tacit, I IT. W. F. GlichatolAe, n-vulloca, (,I -
1:d IN -all wed to fall. : to 1, nes.hire. ill lie31r. L. fvvr - goTernne tit would ubect withecriuutsopl-ni I Wj, Carrawk moved, b) J. H.
,is and it was horrible to him final fortlethe Several of objective, otItZrivist, could he expectedfroin a learn. ;T,ghtor. that the aseLt. oft Cluarlealt Mower
as I IR46 W)w lailowti to bid - 1 lostral by and expromokely for lit- able Ppe- ell an,l L-liard Stanley li-r I mode a toi-it.ke iI hil -,I' -c-ilook U-ni
it in i,&r. I tit. ustablashment"-svid it, Ile could net e to ell gralelove over their fallen sogainat! ed" chairman % he apti-Its yea as him -if the oll*-tv' 1. se',it,,r- ! relu A why be 66*14 - Kettle of LIMA to -night tit(- Earl
miw,.l him. fortution without inforringsonlething lmout like names who anti a scholastic sonjoritv v, kvt� eMr. 0.) squI., be t tit* t A no in fill amounting to 11111.1`10) be.jelad Caltrivil. -
an 03' 5 e "by the targofiaii,-nq wer - innile I it it it. fuel) a moosa arly. garver-int, A ail, f or duscussnotion ter, tlist three rOlvol lolvralwrt' boo purchased
.wd I" lie said at to oJmIhtsd;v Isis hand over has eyes. the publicin theresolutiou uld li� servive with r ;I alliker 0 for tile use ef if,.. Carried. J.
%'h at is it.re walk in,litiring arter foe bin f Abeg"either wait. He Rat, hardly sufficeent too Plutil leave w till th * "' of M. meth Iry mod tit. ,i ,).it [rot. TitIty 3. B. (heigh.
for, Rot t,t,lt* ;I it, Ili. g vi &1109(:& Shot tile sitting nil miter bad at the il,"d .if ,or co i Ironing; unwillingly tot" here art thou gell, to n; thin Article. floor I tante) It ad a aoilioill;. low W Turnbull.
a in. ward big ALWn't Lydia. totter in the I Via I w Said urged veri pi,slul,le legal 1, lakwtv,11 that ropoirl; inthe 4�,vvrnimnt.headtled flat I n "I bell he hvi Could rates. &fell llad.1,6 in ill,: " But we have not Yet 4-ine with thin lion was foe or that in arlmiter wool I Fix,% - I In Tot -a I IT evenri,if IS41 Woul reaflun unaltered, that the Restore to hereby au"thorusid lei do-
V,ther, I'm tnrnqd ff.,, recovered hinatielf >,little under this kindly 'If' jilvolil. judiciary, Other phrusen if their liver ail, it) tile late Treasurer his blind,
t all the potetioner", voter,. nil. I,,-- sun-ly devi to EnAm I. For hitall. fabonit teno'cl,,ck ill, frjinw Kim I hr. I. Lar Kuwaiti oodar,ed that 11.) er-rifiderma, anti .I.. tliat the Reeve take charg.4 the
WV:I, filter ain't no, great harto lit IThou ',Asset sheep a' fit, settle virA pitailitirinhip; quite As sharing can lie fur elr. he repir-tion i. -r tie Camon, who lai,em, about *.!I nailb.1fron, mm:d Ilic plaitcd fit a policy oki wait A
-it Gor
I hated th',,Wd mail. for turn "She Added, with a back sit liberty to do, the 4-rary penalty I ing inAied (,or the informoLion tit Treasurer's bend -Camed. Joe
I lie a" that lie did not object. .19 -_ -1 - _ 'If - t4V , too woo do,- th U oil. %(,we!, Mr. I "" on
A n - I to - I ar Ili I I ip, t an L ther plce ! I nom that if Ii evidence failc� to, bin wait burned , H� Amid liberals limit giv ell their sul,l,-rt Lit Pi kille bee, ded IN crack,
sh'ill t1oll-t me ! Mr. Iieudsll says, "Added i It line ill- frost droVAIT11,058, (lialoct Floor THE ALABAMA CLAIMS. .,Is-. It on ly ri,:Iit C been In t-" that Lord reerhir ,In his pledge too bring about that the Court If Revision L IN Idmin the
ti� lei :�t
s'l poor fell. on, g.w3dell t,.v his father's in. i cur titillated hadlitul for nationalist, &nil tirl subjectd thot the poirit %ii-wid hot, rrI;-rrcNI tit a "I rookichad Town Hall ,if Tutooday the Ulf day of May
a nayyoung men,,, u but il'ohe Ofielveramentloo-a it 1. I'( next. 24 14) ,,'Clock, a ...... &w.1
Ian went out too thin naorimaill's work' lin�, diseuvoltion took place lout. Tim doortirso spread moo rapidly in the ii reality been aside. Such a an..
Some an provided h ' wells, 118th wti,,u of the A,,,. A very inter" shall hat ant tit -, v fill such mis illy never starrood hand tor foot. When The law in nil lituitmi either lately in' such a r, it w-ille the 1, Ithat the Itceive, Depitity Reeve, and Colin -
fifth so. I mun go and work at 1 L in the Briti-h flooss odum"g a party was unproven tied.
. y4m came down he found I ..... alnrepro, of C"'llm""s on t- r at once, (or tear,! the rci-i "I i Ibuildoull being fed low listed ry traokv� cillors conup,moso Raid 0,urt-CALmied.
th,rdock.i'as we bitholat-ro. Let us g., his face -utsido the door whenn a I ri * t rl,ars,lay last, on the &abject of' Ili an wi I.* IN, Top Cler-w.,y fro,in the ,4(owcuic plaec' atrealik 'If water calne dualking lilt' .fit falniment ano, the. I lie AlL.U3fU2 chinis. A,, this is a foub. unqiire. intisneil. If,-*- �t hat it was foln'l Inli-iolme to, move any. Wawe stop here t" cautti-red 114'Lif IIning" wateris the 3 coillpeol for tho Pitting member follorwol erer, rrf.ru the iientene.-a r 1or I Liking it c"'AlWANI-1. %oil flit" Down, twelve
dw fellow, d-perate:v, Notord I tatounuvin wel'im, the f-orni ust-d in the Niagara election Came 1j -et which whish decIly interests the tatilvy, that eemnititicationo Ife fifteen tit,. sheop, lime hindicis .it 1ba, own op -.l fresh fettle, tile trov;oouren in tile in IN�34, be-illes, prece-Icerts from Eugliolh Cj, dian people,we lite debate in rull, two "llul'iiis Isere nIt rloodo-J. kovid magg nn awl othVr firming itailifiturnis It allow I e that at last CIIAM-It T-Xf. heart li the fie twirned lilt life wet WUTSU. - A hcavv rain " in on Fri VANT WATERA WILL ',TOT qJ-Z,.,U Worm. face flit the cloth which he gave, ma if he 1111t tile&' "ere flippantly disposed as reported through the Atlantic cable last fri,n4l. 1�. lipp, tile Ueit of I'wore burned and destroyed. The ago,nummit day Mittel, vothich, Without intermission ng 44 the Huron Tomichers* silmocustmes it
Tait v oung inin land hardly a shi!!ingin " I mant alit motlivr," - ,loveryuh,if I alAs okhelk the fies, I resolved to tontal lash local or branch
had tickets a child. of anti in ),,it home, SIA, 6 ik,-d E glio.1 would W prooncrv�'l shriek, of the Iii-ar anti'
tile w,wId after tallying paid the few 01111VA etv in the CorvinlittNe, IV a Lo.ftoffr, Morrie 7. -In the Rouse of Ile conclded fly if him netviornoon r -&O el ill were I'loat to lackar. violations I till Sunday morning. The robot tit at i.ant nine central places
Even if the Com. I linplamasible, fit for c.th. which fie owed"And Ito Act off to walk to of it at mattes thought that ill,, sitting Commons last evening, Mr. Shaw L fo-vrv. w..,, correat, the whle o"uniry woul.1 op- Mr. whop in a hard ., ndus. itabin theo-mity. :%if Ainley -
Want ho-ne. He wait a I port LirJ ill -I just said hotiatrable Tile Ilailield river. I -d turned to, I ... i
fields. theirved.,in o tell the quiet f the hate gained An molvalitage over the ped ' sember for R entle-1 up tbo qorok� soctt inill hm %,,tid;y fth--pen rau., III bc to troo, lie soe, how lite himfag,ml I ... Ill went of I tau c, v."I.,nor, im-now swollen ti,son "Ile, DunqAnn,,n,(;1KIvorich,Vanv%, fit tit,
rhit ti, he, thovights ; the tie, it &it,] hall raniAluml, though the wurti anti suld I timiter toy the oetime tA,n fly bin tion at tile AWWravi chitus. lie of ide a Th, ebaw eo4vid with 31r. GI.&dstouc'p Ii~"44n -Y Cal, Valminit , v. Tile orst *oIcaforth, Exeter, #laid Zuriach. Themic-lecal
; ,fit is that tile tire in ttrihilt-1 to votes asowtati.,na are V, lie brossichem if it,.
(11:tvit'-frowaxesch day rurie &nil in,,ry `x In reurlin.A. ho,v shoul-1, for sAike. have kept I "1-! in I el qaafvn� stwitach oil tile su-j -ct, ArtmottSALT.4 have familmonable
,I r,-,' I'll- , In County one, which is to, Im 1"AnAble.1 for
"Ifid (41 )iilm- lie twit or thrVV lilt after hielifilat hixanimim file raele their intense portiammall -fit of might in which fie ureJ thn fa�lotlti;uekat of than as it No alavat Selfrorth. every day urfomen, and
m6lits In lilt. road On Ili% slow pn'laire" ik pe"Ible that at hase had star -,tl,,r -gattro aplovintled to) the branch ansticia
home. I 'anti] the Pitting queslion on the pion lrof-ale-I by TbieleAgerI10111turial . Acl- hildrotu ta;t, 1,, pit wen,lisig loolivil, with let.
3' uAll Oke 111341 work, 'tear it&" &""all oriruilry rules o.f lostal procedrb, hat a- the Ain, ric'n l"overnienn't It rot -;uLins.
!mail AN, )for Again." he mutterall. e4alcusent, window tillood with piallea, what.. Itiviii of %hat thVv call lerv;d looki tiopass when f,prined. (hie or niore -f the
l"ng " all it lw "IV t. Bar: (,"see With ........ I tdefence. the pnpo,ora oil the quijetal, anti movill, 1;)r We have recotived front lion. Jack. Colo- %I,. A,dt !ii tal-liang' '.1fililott I".w. inco0wriv .if the Awn,vatom were &I -1 -int,
list was headed Gotirnii lt(;RA%IV.tlt We fir. %VJIEAT%t4RKKT. . nitituarketiambeen
B it ;!I,, kn, whether ofiel'il 1111Y11111. RVIA11411 ifelPt balking anji,,11.11, allI it ,I -irs,maniza, th~, I-risanchesin thVitemplamr-
wl' Inc f An thev'we any acent'ill 4,-r an ploortunitoo, to spe" I., ]Note'. that the of tile ha di- IiII. A cory, lithe ntw Agricultural Act inf,,nued Ifil-l-in jr. E�I. 1; roflo,r ,hill latv,v. It in "I,[ toy thoew -tvp I- alit" The work tot for.
I as Imma"l. With reference to the (,,ns&s .1", t,. . kne, that farniers sim ganimoti.ei is going in tomIsfully we Ile.
0 the thing, la -ti -pan tiler "lid think the a hiAi in a cov. Phi At, mile po�rtinacia &IV " Tile is the list ill the rotr. el.imed any f,maliml or pr.jq lice. All - Ims of lu I'll
were A I tint o' b!- All oo an hands tion of Division morieties lie ;till ithe antiellastanih,gher prices. Tive, hrmich at Morab-t-th is' &.I he ,T-
it spetacd t I drive him hulf ,;sr a* fill to -w ,orrivsk, ean to' Im I'llbonteti to, by and lose tin - ruture negotiation,, he mail, wood I but I of ,if Ili, we. 16 which reads i A g lam jr.tnixe,l nValt noturday, the line for (Peder-
"'oul"balit"' 'If twellt%' life Ycars Me EGMONDVILLIL
hase"'i Is the theitight reemoo,ond 1, x ... iind. ploot,lod Lydia. rmi she,was no tie' half ,I he, ont,ing ncraboar. will, the aevv- I a4d in Ila(! com i, -h And tile foll"Wing
The arobst air fris Ilia hills' nevolned tit cult an a bir, aid, eat heads If tit .a.4 pli"Stiores al'em ly eXiq'ilig. It `d1A3 ho' lawful ter the RA-Prementa- Haitian it-* I,V,Vn one f the m,.t 11 - to,' saturilaor those .. %he 2lot inAt. The duty
IL Tile mattIN: to ti, He 4 -etched the progress of the relicut I five of #Lily Momet -rot Illivilsion in the Leg. ow ; — clot - f., him like an 'Ail otrad no -thingfriend; At ,"to owul'I'llevitflull diotheareciad I Roll. the raidVratit,iii-ned perw.ua filature to -f (Iontaritt, fit which a s,weety lit, own if% tile cotrunimity mid his final retire. if brPonth live* ham hotin tin -
civil War in tile tates to itm h 1p. Ill-ei . I. De
an flit own vmntr�y. When: Awl fO;Io%c4 her , "the lower kitch t already been rganisc,d ail acinifirdanov turnt will lie a it.atto,r if surprimill, slid he Centrad fichatol here
ill A,- WENT. -Ott Friay, as MIm- r. war if St"At 'a 11 hVid thfiroktkyomalifo Carv,e I ottleniaw on a wort of ell, sillottair to be! e v(iolovil file tile Iwirti,oller.- ply ternoitntion. Ile sai I the fill ur,v"rt aVaTiE;nnovall wool gIing ,ut of the III m r. of t
'hot 110greeted Veom like living tern" Alloys I Ile glell, ..If tile goeludo that in to will, flit* section. to call a meeting anti rtgret tit- many wArin, trieni[A. An to. his learn that they will held a meeting
wI1Vre hall lighted for a frionuent ilk ithen f,.,,..w H wean tiny laxly live in th-aw ,tinkinal I tile ,olevelai .1 Sumpter eAcd the pr,vl.a:rj ation (wirinize a viontietv at any time I-r,,,r t ]my feet alippe,l .in the I, c callaing he'rut"
tier *Cali- future course we w fill irect atit!ntion it, I'lost f..r the purpeac.'in the Central *hold (on
�olc, f" sid he to'biluself " I'd reithier 'in t each tuilue on ill,. list. In to,chn'- -I I'r. npleut. Linc. -In. lie less that& a oneth"Usand eighthim- Inn card in in r so, vortisinw (All, it In that tier he -11 have the day shev. spascifited. We lit -1 on to, am
" Raid poor Roland, el"11- cut dred and Rixtv.vight ; and xuVh nopeti 9 xtrowk tile grolind, ass she give no c
he a lickoll-bIj, nor hand .11 Mr. Randall's an up to her iti, a in has ev Ant' Pit the it I- month after the appearmemse of that pm I— I ___ __ all th' reacherm tit the WWII &nil urfoeind -
store... U1, but it's a lovely 4ight, fralf flivilen U) port it into w,' eG. chantoiNI, that the 'If tile Raid, C I Aliail Ile held at or near where the no" in"s, seallmlififfiel in 4 am -tion. Present ion thisecommion, al
W44: herr,nafwr parties an I larlimion, (;real Do ital-i Its I recoguis I I I ti,.n of casiditatem at the Ian general tolosio THE FRIUSnET ace t "' It Ieinin - , Iran,(
he, as 1-1 ..kw a P1011fil Passing Canwhipo lily darlin'. AowflooIll. they or chunling to- Vote In favor f the &,lot two was held irk batch J)"i'i Other (over nonlife- ; J)r.s Bervest ad 'U,
&],-as fit I I On , lit; ,,early me steep Am as rhon said'st we oil*( he friends , tile L' ,tailurn witargentit 44 a their If an - Ansistan by their preasenec
alinike ma. -k- Carling -pit itlehou". ,lide. hands. - 'I Mr. Gibbons intirms lie thott, in (lit astftiVe la9-11 took '-love Dan are attend,ugh,r.
pol0m,osks *list reilt Lip he %thick "fr itslbey If oil no 0 -tit, but la�y pum#:.wd their I no fur in he river Mattland, ¬ ere night a PRV�RnTqalf,ev. h-liv Ito secure &fail maintain their
Ito WRA liefloniona over the foarlitnet at a to Ye of -anti I und,,irptan' at all. IleR all.q. i,orodnof said I'let'Llon I !an feRiding is iron,;ern�fd, the t Mr. David Thancar, of right. It is iighly necessary that they lm�
.eV its,- JAW folon, it j!silm ill our lowli. towith. 1 large body If it kut pus4ed its way below Egim-nilviae, wall lately prPolented h.v Ili, not Vilv hear-tily.uniteloil but thri'lighly 'ar-
Wervid, in a goose, With a &Ili. luires draft tile filarfirs fwea,ures or000lar floating called low )lion at Brucatfield will I tile %,,&at' w IfellIng the rush ,I the water 111611.1 bridge. Tile river. hei hinstel, as a proo-f 'If
Otto -Tait the l';g Aliarall1rving to mak (Joian. 011-111 brialtingthi ostvo a If I .... lie I'oar* efniZALd' We reAor,1
*tfont with the Alit, and i fed y ANath
a dvat#incoc, wheat borly ellmit'll too)ft, tit is(' of lilt' v" Vm intended to, (;.two rmov,,l to Plop thorn, Ili led o ! t('
'it Stone Edge in tb long "million, and IY numer-aIR rivitletat, e-,ritinned -,er,!. for him us, their site The ener'r ^not talarike.'emsoloof the tVach.,no
voicc n,.tr hi tit cried ut. tit tile olUletyLb,rined will receive ite h"I West Welt inerite I so of this covinty. All )over% if their an-unty,
&fail hot encountered the Inteldilting, If g the Maine ofit'If Mr. I )Ilia, Ian the Eginowl'
to, giving ilk much il-14 flit, oaa,bof tolo:,�,
RiNland stract-v Iwe talid too fittin in . i;tdoeif e unit it"it it) ", sell were lion- 'erillnunt ]",)new. We are rial, rapidly, anti, a largie body of icon bay Ville wish tile -in god It tile voters eitcelited pitaLly ri ceiveki At Ili i6sh eol(olai I pori.n. ing equie fruni alwere, a regular Alf,pre-took 181191daY ficietol foar the long period oft wenty Rh trio vvetoo lot Liarver Gilberto a low attAu, i at All the letter fall if which wait Sit. Th, I vind of it, as there hax been bo'llver enough years.
'left, kkit:, v, hoin le�, kupor, I * f tiler had tered allder dithelifties, for )I# hall neiia. if, , it . .... I bill, ill, place at the beehive loot (X,atilit ' v) evening. it Destitution in Newfouridlound.
bad '-I 1,villiquArroi AlkilloSan"411 Aed liar poemov,nawly ilk 'I I WAR - Ill They captured ail#] lestroveill ditrinc tit" ti
, -ver tile affair Alreay r"ollaysivol,
A,kol shere's vo,Ir (lithe h P'" it solublappeas, that %fast! war initial then two I.anilred America AA regards tile North Rifling we hear IAA Well
I k1rd Unf-viiiiatately the aim in the lal nomodav Mr. A. itclakd�i,,', II making up an ill, lilt,?rcoe h,r the pan& Ar. I I'min Epitome a horma broke IoI �' froin the
n eellim preventing the maesto),eticalim, thoof cries if limit"* arall destitil-
ow I" 11 He k h rt it, in "A lapt", for It', Inerchiont ve'skela ill less illan, town arm. Ithat inconsequence if an allego!4 rassit where lie an tied, and took the rimul tim, coravrig frem different .of
chested nip law. felt 1,11 � "are.. r�n'�witres iThA1t1:r1" 4 by tile natural channel. Tit( It"..111 two I
Itreat with lairravolt. Heget lifforfinclorot'L ffnifan Iveirr oafterward, anthev IN evifle"I'M can I- giv.,n tip fi:i the U,-ited States 6 of: was laterally f di-satinfoidison, Mr. Hays will call R:i - co for S"f,,rtii RlL a fearful rate. claosing the wo,rid, we have beakinti alone till I&W
t!koo inrnmAt ; held .'Isrdl, ion lite title low wall at the ithe t i I'" An v bfao�l Of OINIVACtmon alleged meeting at. ll:vth to, fIrin a ,few Meet -eat wm t hat the whole harbor bacri was; jailed 11m,lestrians too take titedeep snow witlithe frin owfounifland. lit that iml&ny
I ilItIffs to It jrv� *f . " 'for than low of W Amiat IAt fall 'If linleenne bl,ocka 'If am, flIolded the t It TIN,, froiner were raearly liceffestor it Recalls witiont favoine &]at, lovooti-
a Fee all a been mort411,rd in, f1fidler the shelter 4 the. French it -am, what I tire eninewmae tence shl'ovs that there May Britain was doillile4. in the wit nINI-bo, ar"I Se screw put ent ARIUnAt Illin In Nuclei Ime." -This fast eI Great If-ir thin 1 run o. or. Tim alien at (; rey's theugh"t Tait.. iheft.lohn's of N.�
wie'l rot I'll hill' bw IN "and- to say ? There it.. rh ,I willn& part me froin L.yddy, took. "tit listaild Aceorakpanyin4 the Act is a eircitlar from wharf Rooting the oti-arner Xaair, the th7., will"" Pill' It, "t""d "'%'if" ly In the f,,undland, lately come tit hawl, ,lntAin%
W sev" flead-v if -met -fit in it reason. the spejk,,r thought, we litnthi to, 1 91111boat 41f".f and several other IT 0 Ine J iclEmAn. hipsismi-deo he added, "Is 141 I- I I the bell. c4learnissioner, stating thot it Ilan me I to of the road, warti their arms wA two lettr. in which the statof mat-
, (Irv. put in )or t y Ion the,lock. owly shouted woo Ito, bill it did not vo. Pnee parts of the talent[ is repreason-
And What fight Irs, you tit take fQA,of It, lac. I,',-kirag her eyes, he noting nivud,'-r Alimities have botin swept I �.wu plied with, the ;lvirlt &nil directi f flit, ry I(!�eol an In A lli&Vr called
against the votors nanted. The tint there� , tr,-;.t these claime, gem n-usly. They were; been declotivi adri-ible to cootithhooll an .11 the fivolting 'ill it memo, hinsr want ant- wife anti my mother ton," vessels high find dr nI first mode in I 1162, by the American agricii:turd, anti ftilrwd, fierceli, fuming at It noea'If At. ill on an Inapporled Ile And .11 if�iootcrt .11 r. A-lains ' Arter a emotions museum, in v,unection with the De AWAY, Rfiti Rt one tinet it was feared the marend, it armant a ,final &aid lit* wife charfairti-n air&% that fashion r, paid Visa as sure I dounno, ter her the I iffiltiottri.1 I 1'h":.*,f6,1'.L1, they wrinild'itt. Plot) it bili
thoot taek-, 'he went Ion. siniling at what he � (,Aliwh&n a .1111 of' fiiherelen woul.1 PT*E Ila Wele birth- on it went trip, critter Were fro,,xn. in tied
%Ing or two Tval, Am ye 11 hord'y Ulf there ; by Nth" It "'ll 'is been t tie tu:o.iunt on flow contest or lie. A-eims oil Intent. Thin will c,,,nlw,se cho,ract,11" links tho,ir homa.lint the), , the inan froser, tin
a I W i. r tic 1 flit- station, How in the air like the domath arvol the -wife felt expecteld to'
I., !" ant he panne I it ith- split, for Its 11 caw whis or , -Ili lit be cited avwn.t it. this said nih,-r III asitiqrsit. Mr. Ii T wro N:v c 11 e in of moli -icifltural tit Ipmen am � have b,tork The elevator edA wake if an engine, on it went harating!
out smother word. 11, %AI Pri,leuntlu n,,t otiAmitlee, however, " to &nil A hoped st.,ft had ben brAsion
I in the hoot finite, t l,1 -,n ak,fly have been injured, total n.wthmR'iivt,, the untre I an arlity4wheat buyers ant,., analtion Imlien of brommItli,ai. It is
mbe (rifle'l with in that irkoo,K1, and the " Nay, thee Inuattlis my the; the mid hrew ,,lit the 3ontinm al that tin arbitrti,", or tile I mathinem, cereals anti horticulturoal pr"- it- speak of The Ilating caviveng many ::f theiii to, try their ha;;i I PAwrW that Urre is not felod in the place
illi let hini V., Either (Mill rollmiliti, or ign-Irmiv, they ter had locen pr.po". i by the devil Ili, ninnufacturrs, and the mouilt if at .of the bowler oneoll' selz- I to last till Ayril. if every )tie wpm Part
say tho; lovest alike better i,.,r ny thin n in a amim I", )am 'flatim far, lie hod taken scroas c,,#, I � 'nfourmled re trichiii-al reirularit, 'of the invichanical Alkill, laid at*,) we,ods, And I Pool and br.-nielit, It ell A, StAIRI-Stilt, Anti
I And WAR &littlai iWk thou "4, R'llarld I feIran,if hot with theliD-,vsno1,lenv' f the G,elerntne-0, but -as refusd by I " rot I It is to, Ime feare that great in- 1 ion two metals a (taor. From other places
evit l'IfIlit,reek nin its tl,ef,;k.,,f kill I Ideal odie. looking into has 11 mincralp pronneIlming thovigh there might have b,eeito, them man the memo dool.ful mar,onnts am given.
or ri-Ir, than "goal L. I
. V. 111;: I --no -it d,iotincti.,n ell Illikinvell, It lie r. po ]fell tile sug_,eithin. 1,,)r,i Air Iittry wall I,oe doe to the harbor, wli^rvpn, huwhen. na"Untio. p4jecti 1. � I,v all ParliamentAry sditWhile it in intended to make this tin The" lettevo are ativi shaint. the end to(
,took "lit, lie %aw�Il(IIIVnIv' just beneath Mr darlin* Te liftetiIIIIA fear for file bi V , re the Insists am can eexpe into Iso ritemalay Mr. Ewan's horsom start- ill
bills, the scene of Aahf.,rd-s lourer : it ) 15tanlev traight have taken an other AR am 1, al, a year. We h the 0,wernmenta of
it I rvfltwd leave to, re-itryange, tile hilt into fir me Ontario, tie% lakv. oil ant a onto place for a cruise on its risen 0,111%, it a it it vok,ro, file, i the island o"noted - if I uld Floor fect tint of reach fr, in the'se,le, a' my foot I clamses r to A :fill it, no olheve.d by As the oficA liel chaiig,iod their vi,mi on 1 in concorneIl effortA will lie made t- collect 1 has total , rth fforts commons -
,other van a line, z ow'; .. - - --r- -_ — nwn ho,,k, in, if the Alex- Vote with the exigencies the cue. ('-laid
we, d : bill it's Iik� the his the ri-alcoo i,rn or suffragm Th vo.itcria.s fr�:,n flip cother Prvinerm, if a nine yo,oarm of
1 4 at
IiV cAsm in Fregland *Von found repovid auto Ties p`IiF_%RTrZRfAV Q'Illetal -., Col- wo no, ta spring beize tt, not o":tnething hor dons to simmint the delati-
I)Tlg!,tl to P, boilike to Cassic " fie tiwk, it elinit, vo in 94 -lion of'rov,unitiot. by EAK:mn I woo, enlarging the Pro,,pe of information With title 1 It NeforlitAraidiand IA well as of NOT&
motioned Rog ,-I. '063, Am lie said the Ian a ion tits I' that highlack vari-no in Parliain, ritiner) Inn,;
-1! anti finical then, we select the follewing, two as to her right. it there were a right, rfereaki paraketicomil objects. All iteriwmx I moo W34 Itel I in Knoi'p I'lommob, on %$red. hcorme by the heated, the annuad wheel Iwords, he was wRlk9 on tow,,ril tier : if,,, ki'mont lost hot* Itonvind and rovind &fail Pointed And vlblklef:�11 "tersoctilat W'Abav strong, flead J�,t empt to What's thi*-en r* -hi-plooried slim hv. I In the I";)"af Case, reopowtvill in the that Uiht *ofvly be referrood, but L o .1 &fie therefore in% ited to rontrilecte objects ties#) oft wening last. r fella en la.,re was the lad with it, -,,If the TA)vv A" MAraivivvT fir violume if Pft knell . I %"a, q onenot started to the purpose. Pirge still life rerremliments privesi.led by " tile ellow head in, ¬ succoorded 41 DTIIM tol-vion two fears or, a young
Along the quieteat sin . v he IIly, to telling R loit of ailing which b, .A. , a Election (. . tiftIVY Inpiletcd Cost the remporri,ibility of an" "I"" f
and It 11. �Nlol, it is RtAtfinii that in the list given IV, --n 4L,I,. and us to 4tone FAgoi by ban,- i19 fnen hit nalon-IN as he mt *if), his Ormin in the lair wo ce"tilliv Pulled nil by the lh4li?s ell that Mille tip. woman f Now Alhainy' woo sionteneeti t-
i hr the Rift Ing inenoloomr, 1, the hon,is I,( jX K"VIanel was 0 ly a nloril ie Af, the rarmad'. torna arni round tier. of in tit. old be esired, Inclefalkillinitit till Mr.�,Kwmn I
I- : the rare old at, He pulled it note ; it walk the r.iotA just hot, I who, suitakay 'rewarded him leor his $Mitsui tell vr%rin the penitentiary for stealing
so itiefite% Icto laof f(wPth", Mid 11", let ripening. ter to a tile people were, freafte'l ce, I"PlIked ,Nadir at Kim -he renterve,cred Ilia,! that new obilima which Ali,- had given ],am fer With' the Aldbarso taisp. Tliem,iemk�-r thowth thil a lot 11' clothing froan the Tmr"l Here"
"At Right If them, and hurried in to #he i to hoop in buying Uerninn a knife. I note"- If all Fwr-;-DI I'llitenclatI4 to. I ithout III, 1,10 soli I about morality oil) thi. "I'les ly vorquotateA, F.Wh article will he iabel� to tpevelles by Rev is. Ali -am" Iatorday Mr. J. Carter. Before the commission if her criinim. mile
diotingivii.hing what objectieta arophed led or.th ill# grower r prolackfai'm He hemovi Tffoqlid hat larten bAried Wi' men" yd coach rotievemor in Ile" the lie reilVoill Ili,, break- w`me an,l Inailk f Ki w "le weirkini with a draw-kn,fs, gave, -1.0 cleartioul toy To A d half
floweret the only IN "'d It was m'"' little out."It a war between Fogimni anti the fail wall, thoor limarticular.4 ; and h,
ing -Im,n'm v.ie; nK""' thou Agin,' he armwered, tenderly. I lenders per"v"' 11 himself a very Rover, wovind in the t Kh. promised hi h*.r hinif. "Ter normal,
What did it neiialliNvidahlovos rfidl� thing I iver at the list alietuld net ble renstaireA. ty,,it..d cnnhoe, who *hb, ritwl portiolis or a able conviction. anti transfer in the
air, -- In the thosomb.m. -hocked 'hi'"Not. had " I The e viornitter, wit th low oct $14ta as unlikely, bill the Do-partinent will pay cenfor freight. I n
forde I" said If, the tint; but . they had oloveri^11T t,, Aisign thought a Ili many on file int it-noe or illinter in the RAT 0:)UNCIL liary forated only to increase IN Teton
Where he the A.h T has been a cold winter knit * 1".. it -- .,Ilia h -m-1, thist ail need- ' I 1prot"in, and when he parte,'I with her
wet to he trito,11 tookof-orr the riiations AhakuIJ be shwine-1. I lioof charolk,ter. Th- reatio,ic
Tit blf"" the Anower courts the apring," amid she, later, , and the "teal" er. it might likerfi-Arrinngrol, and theyoupom, 1W Th" ""oll"tir Court an(' 'th"Pter gen- by Moto. Simons (in the harmliniut lool erh, livid her to he
'"t% flumbled unt-al hi... (if ovAlrow they 1,1144 a *4 Afraid ll coming out and ' 10,111 W 1, y tht-A took thd floor 11 twes. 'it noon A VIA- Thoo Abe" kl.mw4l .0. Pursuant to f good —rV7&z ho would not forget
hold 'ill been rainil 1,, kh.t hot, thingm lo-oked flipped th;aIntaile ;i. of' ,,,irwnt (Amo the revorter) was -vite 'of the pros"dings will appeake in our bd)ou--ent, lit the Town Hall on Men n . or ffilmookoot tier. hill would wait patiently
IN night*m and wristito-la i"I'd QIV pwifi lone or she o pie .11 --fat. R.I. C. Flomother acted time the Rri,t.v of fell IW, yhe peeve t 11 her term tooll *,"I d extared, find
Or -if fromer'n color at lost, even to link" !at* Y c,prinecteA by arranging the r. LereTt", offil warm eli,tirman tin flit- ne--asi in. in-the,hair, at�fof it f.,II coorwil preserve. work *vs., thin th tonumommed I,, tile list And we I � 14 am ce him,
Hot an%" how(, wept &wife, and it I In the Atwidl'ser Case, re I, coneth%tory a, tril then m`NdP her hi- wifoo, He kept his
we hoo onould " she pull P. kno,W � citers in clAmk.,, gtted in the hall ff Minvitfill of teal trettiting was road allo"ll lap
n a, . r a A lad mi;lii r. dams for ill "it i I
had ease" holl tearn Clither-'a doing ;* -Al "'. turn' 8�"d emaots, in the stahjr,cs under wr,yNI floo [Am week the youn
how* "T'llsit his hands. full Away earlier tile lidlat of the Inn tits my"' , embiliv I SW From the Ago icultureal Act. asm roevold 3ohn R. moved an-mleod woman ill%- Ivwhrrwd frimn Priso, an
p 41, it to motatell that "in tho "I- lie Amid he coal.] not ROMAL. -We morao requested fr Rnwnnnm I y I
Well. f" are, 0, list deliver. peoplovid, it misvorn@ that all mallI with m ,,ollftrall ';Ikaallio, That Ilia routine I into
'that wers upon her, nut the imme dav her fRithttal lower rrfturood a
All they'd fliftd it runevir nammeoll, ked in by the sitting member, the voters de -et linin iatim, bit we tivial-I tw a WWW will be Wit in the New ittfaielf the so in the tc:r..m facts lie#xame and married her,
Wheve Ito Volconnip tioe, (to so wbi closeted *01,1",enllef. without sknv INJAIII the cap*. Flefor never (vo Initiation Chorrh on Thinonall-tv ere
Tom I voina fousn" to the or nor ni,ting the diff.re"S towumle;, elficerm %v. (larrick
Mhomr ftrVIIIIIII'ves,"t oir distrait -tann. &nil h' Agrition'Invol Sneoilitims ban been p-ouns. in few hAir I'mim it. itrorm" Moore
woman, offer the Thim, now ponsittki law emi into bore There was room need to next at 7.90. Admission 12), cents. ,uc mrs-, mailif it,. M."trostil r,il
fill-hai'm of 41 whaded dissillen. "I'Valkillson RIA 40ruAme if the roter walk me I wt a a cale ill alosiondood by Me. foaln,�Ili000 That fello d WIWI'" "I � ,qA has, the
men he'& dr;,�k o, ,milk (Vmfi,-n in this )It if Aproil� 11 wid,ovat.rad p,iet. to fuel,. I'al-r to the first or oll y it Will be ter SZO Reward.
val a torrist no I thAt West PtAtolooll 'rho %tiling tn,.t,,VW.r 1,&I, a ,
havokill. the% 11", she 6,14-i I befto'leto ill.. R%ilk will pool, the Abvers
linals or the Unitimill he township clerk at a salary into
he duty -11' lit. 11kyo to pill a retailing At t 61110 lele-hIel 701w, rt t ifWlk an or - five finf.rinfiti.tan which
-it W,.P.,A onoincheTh. loot . re, mthe Blyth, anti 11, 0%1.ry io�A William C-tolibe will IZI 11, I blief
fir,, I" Yo �1. ,emte- I III' -Millionslif In-wo floost in the woonds runialiv mAxed, several objections to, t his tWe, in the a inse cow noo ahis t like I dath , 1, nw rinn," ¬ IN I Or T110Y hat r 494"Ark a boiling spring ou"I'll IN the tt)tw a narnot unit descripeaki a tinvited tilh a of debt, me. t)at&no whom pro"Viod tin Wednitioul PoUry Stea), wililson Ormi roolles, wilree, Lathe" from the felli the
iehad learned 'alleir now home he near lite Crosse whahe bufannelf an oriefumn it" the jwlll had hoes, of lbrovigh a civil INveto ("filihout one at a. are. 001.1 41 In war no it we will air. A, list to nrIth"Ito imairin uri, On Wails. read. tm# It socket war, in which 4th ,not felon wholve malary em. Robert 1). Broderick t&,Vw" b MA 1.6h ino If in returned, PA'
isThe 64*10 haterlopt ial I well, orpearted that not all6to a" or two of th.1 Suldion IMP bad been lost, might apeoreei- of ill$, Bill* to. 00,.�rok will be appowinfeal, ke. -A-lory list, Henry Tier IeNt. oeer� 11 I 1"I IIT
day IN' It l7w
atto aIta
to ff*