Huron Signal, 1868-2-27, Page 3NJ A4 $ THR LANCASHIRK heIop Lzmas N o t 1 c Notice "22 AIN D LIIPZ YgmaitoLon of Chairoloter. aLIST sP INStTRANCE COMYNY A Spedgmeb J, wilt Gw-sr , To A. SNOW BIRD. %V -.0fliC6,08 fill.... RThe JiLk day of Feb. I" la If you over watcher! an icicle PA it f4sr.t to tied to ;" the I'll. The Cleveland 11eraU supplements he l4w.lit, 4 t1n. "Wil for. 011 ed, you armild have notioolool how it fr, : e Never 1. fell. seat fies, t4 =Ck'a rotakinionersovs with an ancidont of I IImm, th. 411.y til. ., Me$ Lahk Alvzs&dff(2) SolilgRUN0. itAll"4411 Allen Goo CAPITAL, t111,01100'.00D I it Asinks to have 1. t -no dr,,lo at a One, until it was a foot Not am to, Or %"Ore. If the watAir was t 'a W20 Bell uAchel Mrs 3190tsowery It toy too Hoon. W It haptielle durilig file prallow I lil ii6 IRV. Icicle r-itialtie clear, and spavitlod brigi. M81=1 to go *I" law liked its- an WBW of Tit, Wug tty vsto the wast of 'Fuglagul, in oaI U,;I.t 1W ..-Ity iy it, tile at I ; but if the wkswr or I I H J M#I,,y Andourf WALS ijill, RIAD Nf. in her wit yacht. While the latier R A tirie ):Ii.,L ly killiddy, icicle I"Aull foul"BuT Cameru'a Jubu MeLes'l Was IC40 N .r Ift 't C7 rift Ific, the 'tij W4%.S Woitm LoZEN01914 area metal" lay it, Falmouth h"vio, addressees users beauty lm; s Just No our charh 'Adult. 41harlaw slow, tho aAfford,% an umplowl McHardy Robert sole sedulity LAW toy the Mayord, of the tokous that -8,1 ohkliall all .... ... tore am forilled. 0110 little thought pospare4 10 take C",MCIG to $I.,. fringed the voiltarY, Poi,rhyto, Falmouth, A. is a at & tinle Abls itis illfiellv. )FI I- FO coie Mot li%" I At Mrs Nell R HEADING & STAVES. 4 and Truro. After Quo spite led If the *,, d-eply n- Dlwj. heirloom met ARCO ovailry th,wflit too ,drw aud right, this a W-nis 1.0 Thom" (2) Neilwrimil Conrad vewas Mayror of Falinuarth, who aws, a IIlotaker, Y,.u.11 ..t w1Q.tiom, 1-1. allfleV.. 00 ItArell WAN I 1:1 S, obw ob.. kmir"* timmers.-C Alsoll his *sports,%-, be 4 -0 rill lie brig it jual w Nichol Robert wrov. Part" &not would troll remi.ve his h%t, the Mayisr T -i 1. ppssr 1Lilt if there be lu,t aawt ... tv ihe.r inkinios. JamsN,VAm. gbBb. Ash. foaddeni Cps or we "I -4 ,nit**4 So st:re :.V son or lerniath ti IT tr 10 1. f TortkCj was lirvaonlocti. lie, luxor folli,la, thloughtill and foolingis impure &not far ... ton9. God- i I lot 1) 9 a I C a iii Kad k'%Q %heir @oIsiliffitaile Ter *plot?. A". hall knet with * mad inishap. How ng: far- w. the inind 111 6, swiled, the haracts,r (3) It. Wsm. ther too go the" Itiol brother tuayorls, he was ThA --1- $4 On oried - ,o area few 1-1 t Very -allied, still there wi:l 0 M& 3ED :E I- I,* Join "LL afraid they get this start of hiln, it L:- tol anti darli 06114h.r 11'WAOL mi" wil,kou John X)_ :81 HIL93 WAf,4H. 1.5 J..5t toy, deformity still wretchedness. 4,.*- vv ,.Ik -it' 0 or lon N of W,,frork Jan.& I Aoil an lustre he reistailled in the allow 1101viug Large, III mortitr. if u inil,ortaist, them, that We 1111011141 list let ir 0,0 -ng At the %If&* rteos3* 31111 'V%r GwIrliels Is 0. toy H 2111, Isk Weloh Thoussis 4i, t A abosersti tie W to Is Oloodarsh VERY! bostartAttlills saksll Patut'altl L itkiriii­ guard against every evil itupultims "1 Were. healeedi rower, In his haste t Ioil made desire. 1.11v, mr.l. k my a J J'Aridd Thos r"Yalyacht, he calmised his -'de'll Ift,qi tJo.J bl Lleftor, 11,414 CHFAP. oEXCH088 heir Henry bR4;1e 1166 LT Y f. RA-l"TO AV 7 t craft gild 114mudervol in the water, lowling Twenty years' exist-rienclu in 115 1 -1 i 4. : ! x L I it x Y-uni A oh&t God wig -volshols were owered-stord, 1111glyran'a Pidulonic Wafers have prot - A d,,,,,I.. 'I%' F 0 TJ It PFRSON GOE)ERIC11, 0-N'1- sissiseriller wetolld than all, his.,1111cial which, thein I. be the iiisat ethretual rivinedy a,tJ wrielual wo-11"94" eW-stber Chi' 4 140 go'*' 1or ARCH. DICKSON, P. M. er111A a V-0,041.14 ,vor, AnIliriurve, *lot At hoist .1 Pr011-rov Ron, the log of heavy an Ufficial a moowhom usually and irritatiwi lot the throst,'.41 IM' _L =.W-JntIW this butunki. 71todideptsor W" wilitory dy.. hut as growl as ally "'adf ill ,',too -a of the V- -01 TOE WN191111 CONVE111' I in the Doulilliao" lor Wall I..* u4itismyule, comprising tufts o..I: 01 hom r.val loarty forInit the d -Is If l'uhlic sl -skerst -I i'E I.nsr 4-Y wall it'. 1 1 +%ort Pietur,,. ffighest Trice Paid -j it. AND Godpr;ph Alan the New ral &at" of h4md. the lar,,(* PA the Curte tie % ILL re" wokeflAid. The nti tb,, Worn, IIwr dosIon. 11% re Timing kinfult" th lit tile utkf, rtuttate, nIA11 ttljc*t ulost I for Awl,ith is Thor IAU SWAPFIFI,D. Nail WAJTING FOR SPRINO- KINDS V Tim deck, in a 'tivist winpleamoant fr,'111 hit AleleteriArus ingrVai"J.': C1 1.4 V r. Y A Or $37 ifaiti.tn,' Ike was-, isiuch friviat-m-d that Wfers. -4 fall still with for the atrossill a -ft be Flat, tare in a Way WLI.,. a'. file 40 r"'I Nona A I irons We off. wahitir f*r RprWir - franderd lirvall's Vulli-ail: NOR 'allot'r e rebelto A Am ll v w [A I"Vlt 1ERICAN BONDS, Inollsori-it, 29 1`f - to he coul Ill Tired nf snow end frelat end 111001i And a "to mer two ­ir, .4 ...... Isail mad said the new 6 see for thfifflow1w.a. -ntod I,Y,the -11%6911 0 the 0. CAMPBELL. W.'" LOA J I :, when prou bir the llkovt del icato pers, An. &old haAkc&ui,. I , V Grequ acksfk Drafte, SALT TFIIMJay ch dy Poor they Queen. (hie if th bodi,on renkark,il that; Winter rarinat be t4afet I thefts w Its- held in hign catoutis by li lilke .3 Ink risk, Jan. Ith, IW& Ied unable t,, a&), any- of'retrost G1 the 1 ,Trnuui al,twar III its quiritpeft have foutall thwitv )&old bli all 'ukwaliI, VCR. CORIERCUL I F 0 R SALE OR TO LEA811. ;"I - Js doIivin: turned t,, hVr stuil- GOLD. 81 thing, whelk tile (ohleelk For we Lng to beef 'be mux'e dealers at 2&-ts lr bus. Wo DR. F. E. ORENUS, 1 ACRV4 jug Elmt Of ('11,11ral 1111.4 B and ingly with thereply, ' He half boo &bakdly' tv the blue hi ril an A I lip a raw, I.umu now t; - 9-0 R4.6 Not Quite So. Dowl-m *ad P. Raised to. frightene, and had toast hir iovh.l A GE1i3rXN PHYMCIAN. Salt Well Casincr -Y t1wit. dAs from the fel-I and woody opospoll o'*,UpPER CARADA BILL, them *'or again, It is aniong t lie iii-eit savage and d- C, Ft T- wesitsirly qu rt -d 91' sthe ligub Halt OWN X1A'TH.--'I Call U1.41, YOU,* alkali hear As the .1 tile counsellor, to Kate distinctly u1sun As they ong. based tribes Artily that the RIA I a Vasor-twes *0 asebassoll to uQUGUT A%D SOLD Ae %T IN ES -1 T:.S...( W.I" q0INJ fill I -If fork it Void, start. Mai e bevii tieglecterl :"I VALE V. M. A'iL)Mi[So4. :Zoor what authority voti a toured to. sweat itmob-i-WIF W ims o"Auten't -t IA.T :81 ;kru i Sporing- but we there 'are wany fit civilix,i! sal 30 4)rrJ4,5_WsuJ Li0oro East of W44 to the tnare's AV I' I what author we are waiting for th, cutintri4-i will I art- guilty tbf fill- sanie fit-;, oity r Asid,the astler, interrogatively. IV -,u Vt inter's Corign lewrow hus'lases, )RTMET OF NEW lo.A.-Y ntoIs" r aide lect, and Without the vicurke little (,,now, A ASKI. ame, t. roply, and Dort releat it,. Iuv&tin an a a4onX the ywx.r with garments this., here all JURY Avail themselves 4 the time I " N'Aletitille', just to"' N A SAARTi. )of t., you.' 'I d-seen't consider a lumon DIE Cam" ar pufffring,, want end GDJ Salt letfitify in Part A bad &if article u hicll line one in -m- than all., low at wholecolo tA, osuntry mervilaitts. f 3-3-s. to- answer a qued6a, af-we he's yes, the porair soon Patient. willfing, shingeliket her64-ory kivisrit tAi inilpri%ittl e AT THE SIGNALOJIFFICE. Feb. 10. 18" 'N,,thiikg tiLast t4i titrik A in his luilid Alkali they shell 11.1 wait in wain, conditi,ni and relieve the itfering if to,- GROOM]k 11112 Sonserilgor having Water Power Adit oil be applied ii sinhiq *14-11 Thosewhnwill Riot if.- itwil I again frelletit it. Ulmnit wh4t autillositY 'f J no. I after. fit ir the A in the short vill.'re, w mill give oth, y,,u server to the anini-doa age r aJ bring again ` NEW WW' - Test litur is makiall, hot". 4 For the elvels th 'AL A ND well To their IT susis all N"'Gir OF F 1, skid sinallit, air, than the question put. I I for Si av,,id I.Ath its. " lhirlev*s Arabian L beat autlwrity,' real.-n-lod he gniffly. Sunny Spli1q. 1. 25e Flor an shares Is The acting lmien why such evalaion f -wht goot state Reinetly asid 0-ro.titi,at Ilesheine," rake itck I. I tore. ZZ 'd 7 a k 9 d Feed 6 oO Los 'Well, thell if Y"u almost I you will Ill. forstinticd with file n-4114. F,;: 0, Wed a%" be Led %% a low 616M Apply . I r,rioth.-Ii u LLIN G ;t at ,it oWe are waiting for the APIllolf- Itpooki,mber fh r and th t the qo d 2- i,,#e moraing for further partieviers t 1 ust! I wil have it,' I have it"d Fair its soft and ifiell-ow days, ROBINSON di ",,Okee -if Her, ro is --I rach v.scifirratki the cottrommellor, ititerrultili L Arldn' N.Wr call@. w.,i,t yt.0 fell Why, Robin? ;qh gold Twislity at .'u u%tl "etfolly is angles W14, " 8 For its sun's ralitening rave, ate W the in. Fort A "MCI. Her. 45- A takned w1it1n1rhmxv-e it.' will% For the wiftelled twili:tlit hags. proprietursfur u da. SwId by all Yet T halitanisf 040, I must : r, i 1' dealers. tTI) 1JUS 11 1 ; I -itY, 'why. then. I had it 'When its heard th he be$ _0moramod in Jobs above lins to MG Specalators! itnIf:rturable gral e el,irifinill 1 in f nuth.' A sainul- From file grams "ide the door, I anuot si,.;r the old SOSO sitaiWe old Stand. Irian the mar.'s fit G IV I NL,T G N Es S To 841t L EvzRvrAouv Ult.it rr.-And all airr"o, folooliMpin the Laos -r rang thr,,u us buret (if labotlit. 11h Wien Tiny wavell.ts sporlifing, the ,,urt. Ilia judgenn the be tiwh elm 4 that the " CanalliAli toxin Destotover " in P.s, under the ibel U-ORN r1l OF SQUARE NORT11 ST. Lessened leave the plibly share, I R SALL with difficulty c-mifirmse his onamocles to judo- the Im-st medicine (.or the initaiditlild per. pnoovol toy ilia Itiver S. fit",,agry tillopertakent be will hour, Cidl doeerikes. The 'Initiation WIA told too Humuring. inantent rortyboothl ,f l"m frmto the 'The stic. Prices 04 1"04 bruclooV and sell as cheap a "Moderigned 44.9 for MI* steel too - ever Y, -t It aqjo as a stotieml 1). ot Ii -d ber Warning Great Wbi#b to .4. gottand d-,wn. ther hv revis..vit.g the aliwof, 11,1:e M.hu,.o Vk,o &to waiting for t4a ItprinT- alt,,n'k. 304. its* linoof act" or lat. 4 in Pit ii Alwr attessiou raid to asistoly alloplad (I), seft ­Cks. baior -a told file m-ti"n Any r it,* hov* seat posoll P.," an rectipt -OW 'were, -loac, Ain't n oinies the Far the buA the (limit Itheo,vatem. F,rtho- Corwilich;.t. Add FLOUR ANI) Il" L F 1) oek. It? a short switch. :6-h For fit$ tuatogling of file l"'wers -Joe. NNI Me bT E WA RT T K. it Iit is irmitutne4ol"l, it han wo e loal. Truly i To J. XUORIIOI'S 14 be C4 to to.. I is %be% breach of busi,-sis. he eo' pay for At ,if the 202n -I intot., the For tho aveshino still the showers as the saversim? ban bad Batty Tows Iil ; spot K*stwsed by nil wild Of Mr. Frank M,two,if a daughter. 11 STOCK OF When around each will -low 622011100% o.t. 1,) SELL OFF 11 bat be 04a give 11stid"Oli-1. wbarrfratkipose-it. Tbproponty isela- fuels too 54.1. 1 1 a the moll now sinking RR4 shout 760 Invid Vince &hall forfril and clatuber up, 0-Asorwin. Feb. 7, IN8. 1froog the likeness, Go4oricis Ult liff.orkt. Thid whisposor. love to oalks CLERK WANTED "I"i i, 0.4 Of thl no'-st this C0.xJ1 Ek('I.L lb. while the FE3111tuallaV. The briglat eyed butret a ip, 0 0 X market, *oil inte,idni et Really thissho,uh weoltemer-BLANK B a opetakors AQWJ asisma, GODZR10H MONZY MARKET- In tilt- sprin.z. has far is@ it Irillonst delay. ad in 0 lue Treatise (which slolosoll by I Ing the C tpl ~7 T, --t.7 spot 11-4-9, for' shot A complete stuck of I"G.E11.DV­mmv1ADZ ClissriTAINO he I. sea. For politieslan ap u -irk) -in vaig an The T1kwnini,-n TvIcglrAkph CoTaptaY anar6cle headed DAY 110OKA. X. JuLlauDy I. I.. canized lost week, with at W20 tou4b" elSeptember so, 1847. file mi -n whi tell to all bulkiness %not C;JQ a 'or, Th. lines f this a"rim iorm"J. REA0 it f -Ir Y"ur"ell'" I LF.;)(;FltI inlinhatilly V, be eras, '1140141111epoll RelaeflY 111AILCR Ali the Wel-at S 1110 .If the olonorri_sn thrt;ugh4,14 The DIt'slilti"n- 1A11D. riderful cun-a -if discand,s-4 Vie ft,"twh, sare given ,fit. The w" SALT TERRITORY 39 f triscrta f -,r the Ii One N, II., I-, teUnited Stab , Lun", fyp hikes will val,inble tr,-;ttiw eme,11 6"ttles &c. in tile Paicil Arm J.'. ast 1"' 1`6"; to IFOR SALE OFt LEASE. with the lincs - If the Atlantic find (,or salms' .4 Norman be, 9 1 everywL.re. greatly refoevi prices for edish. At low, wh,):e SUSLIA6 sold to six weeks. Cali early stil seoeare some of %no N.4. f that poe"Isliar Indian xeolozine, lel;reoph Company. maT 1 5, WITH 91 130 Verde ..I site product usishassh facot, of "Ins 1. Wrisive u -s, w1w, ,Ad for im,10 food eml Willits. Allies . ..... At -61 SIGN" 0IFFift. within A M.LA3911 True AV OLIVZ1L--A Risks T -14rd lay 01"Illfil ie%t, It 12, 11000, V A R H t N 0 L A N D 3 sotoo while Imosing toemorCur it1'0U3rW', W.-st zt., Goderish itITo that to L" nails, ked toy a large rumostiff and he shot Illool.. It .1. ..it 49 F.A..4 sfttli STA 11 ON E il Y 11t the GUISGOW L la he had in at *. ­ . , "it" itar-s. to no rl;."If "Miter' (j Wr % I -. Illonylp, llillroiiki r. --- --- --- Now Tool'S. TFINO W W ANT o Writiny Anh ar erellit. toored W !if P".. 1"9. growing A,%L) Arn-FINIKI4, VOUCIIIIIII ail the fW!,mg wk.. asked his"i B New w&iiu4 as very 11'ed ill SSW IgOtagglaq r roor ednb*r per. the it ..6 w K apeAd -r struck prits". the I in" why he h,ml nod ruthi low P A R TO OALLT OPEMAToBo. I whatever to the butt Iltl it( IlM dst.apok. "Not ould Ams r TH19 have dorle," smiLl the man, "if be had ma rerry Ilgaivilso Palo 41,111ler., r S ' Dab lost. WO 18TEAM Z%101N*E4 it as new, ICNAL 'OFFICE- T ... car Alta T-111 and in poorfroer work,m gr it far "I. at me w We clip it,, foilripioll from the:Providesirs, rumors." ith his Wt.'? WP -1. 5TEWART, T ho trumes. its C.04.6.11 join. 131b, 114ti. .4. aboap. ing * Map is 1. is so Reduce Dutlitnan having islight griesirrl AdreirliAter A Teti fti- Is fliellsor -U IT osnake rings. agenb fail, 11146. 0 wspa, of-.. wnong &inll, detertninspi to, -I At lh,. se,son n( the year wlb;n Of 10 '+-oiou 14% IIA &a alto &dome if bick-wir. al.to.try. ard ther kill St I L L ;P,w stanli admin r ( ()DI.1 ICH W24. A GOOD 011ANCIS ly -r file J,rij are core to IlAortgage Bale of Lovind. I'N'k f rood a switch AINI went to FLOUR AND PEED 'TO"'. rou A BLAV&SURVU 0". THR who ine,-ritinetittv totionk t" hit' halot'd be Jklierally Pop -lied with Nrry ths I thelow to arwind 'or 'Pain liller. ITIn CribIg's L;"k ft, sale wimp After clouding the I`] f 1LnZ3t0U rOOt perqueelle (,or a (Still their mort... he mi Is som GosaRics, Feb 21, 19611- 1 owhilte, the 111-1 Inan th""ght it" h .1 9 itJos2A I betting. shnul be in a to 'utolmot egm,,$ rent, ut a bbok~Lk's 1;(,g it 1:3 him Vo stA oil and take the so I rare weal *Aid Will P.9'", .1ti be wld Iq I ,44 tieing Foil 111111i ............ I worn LOVIL A- rsonant.. told son ft 1:49 (A 1.51 halt.4 slid hailed thevenzyflimitlyt- U, .1 -its, 04. the 1-4. 171 -I to the uromer Into A r eIILM "it I 1kad ie, 7.00 (ok 118hork, stlool, Fee no,t $0 W&A many a f prime ". . =' VOL 14 Fo.......... . VS411 Iwill pro,,* fatal it I t its Suggrair Coined 13ANS find day of AptIl wit, at 12, 0 under ............. 0: !,11 I. fit. saill o: ft told or ro(rivoll thi4 starring, Titionessed -14 ..f.1 Nr P -P -i-4 out. r* can he pi-ornot! ' 1 Cured ,nAllee 02 il-pr Pain Killer On I Jost X;., I. the ake Te New tobohmor W embedded, Akpv!y no ................. 0;90 (A rChapin car ' v one ;r do own M , N00 Vu.hels priese 1,0141ces. oITT tile sontlitillsoi the If 5'.'o Kh Century in ,.p then asks go,cation have we been rooliev less. unew. low, frntier n, .ui. D, val o let 0.3 P.1 of i,a, Ran mulir-nue by to,* tigue,y a" a I VkNEVRY Arn. is a cdonoleased Moth1l mlvh- T. I i3ON D. 61111,111011 ................. 450 64 livin;x I ...... ........ 'L. We WAT ibs, s6- if-" J tsvi *air ................. GiAefieh U INSTON'S ff. W J01 Fw1d hit all D-witoristfi, groctits, 904 Bad: UP. and the r' :1 10 Aid 12-00 -dine dt-alers. HAS RUMUYE To THE '46W ST"Itf; lotmooff 'P toil ....... #4 tel T... lierf,et it. I Ain; urertistillitcuts PURY Mm" A; all C." ot 0:410 the'fruit BRUPOK, BRICK, Hirix I 0:2.11 (mok 0.25 1 sWorst maillied .......... 3RO Paul street NI-Irit"Al. 2: o (;t. 250, 2.W - Corner of SqUare & 14amilton sti "t a vines In ..... ........... HE ill 11rick lot his yarA in On 4 04 (4 0"Im T Te"Varn and ShoP iteepargo. Short; a0 (Ua,ler lr. X. L, ofoltimmon's t PlIN DUSTROTER 20th of an- next. Ff* is filling rqui.l. A offer 0I# will be in attendanop, I it trellis ........... he im,lerfigned ll'Ack machine. to be evil by at** @:3s (A 6-60' 1 HiA Vo- ............... the Tows ieA aniate romie'. find can fill datiriff 11 I Tat his in the we.." .10 PrImdtlC6 Ise ............... 0.23 (A Katurday the 211orth ivint., between the Paid 10 for stover Is be fully he love'eil with parties 29 lme rwo when ti-ly order* esirous (.f W-wir lease Docks ........ Irmirs if 10 still 3,,'chx-k, fore the pur) liniell @$fly, -ill p 11.41", 0PF..qf;T) (_wr A liters Ubl. tell and Licon"s bi thosse Gollerish liall. talkelpq of woolling('ertifica Z Aes., ilrel, orders at ouco alt of he PRI V T E B 1 1, L . NeW photograph ;'_y I.6S at tb* RIMU4. I A41- who inU.nd klq,lyinio; f.,r thent f.,r the ST 0 CIK 0 F GR "f ensuing Year. 0('ERIE res, If earth Clinton Mark" RIO&,#, W. M. SAVAGE. LARGE 0 'S BLOCK, JA)M THONMV. with it. 0.1 sliest; ...... t they we for'4. I" tL. ,fr .,til Th_'],y, IN WATIPON GO&rich, 14 Feb.. 11448 w4 2a; 1 Town Clark. a. I %tax'. -0, N4 of April itiloolikints. where he hose fit If- late Or -at T;s,ls All.cIiin Was, Ai be nisioo. Homes hMy op". at Toolozedipt to %it- Flosein lechosed try him 014 1,1 1 W S. %T. ' Aint.illof PAf,V pF.­rn()I`r -IINA Poll 111104 or his To'". in the !a" appeopri to Feb. 25, 10'r `400" II cifors, in ght I I" Door Cordwood WanW. Mato Polects picterem is *,ofrl 81;10 Fall lloolmag, ........... II-flo, (14 1: 40 ifig &RAW111% 1:40 (,% 11:11- Insolvent Apt ot 18M. fNEW 1*41 OCK 01", DRY GOOD iet.4pri At do ...... ....... SH %it ILL dh PAID ter a psoplo 'fill uermom,, rips Wine- (do 0 62 InSOLVOUt ACt Of 1864. N. 1111-014 Pieter - 1:12 in Ilm, inittv, o(IM., M..re­ an I'Lim.1vent. ntelKA-VV V, aopbm,,g motels Amissint. and telp of tile NIl0!,,oe1g t Asia, hai been purchased dearth Amabrellpooll-001 am "-'-AJ .4dilly in,iles the 0 Ike Insolvent r. At ; T,bt ht h.. a" A-Intrall"I -If hill ll I it-[ .1`1.v4V ll't sy-Win doolt'.4.14 GOOD CORDWOODI which, ow'n-- to the rich and evresedips ....... 0:40 bc1.w tho 6.4`49 p6ces, KII'l [Ni the motterofD. Kerryr, a CAR (4 AT 1112 ad G e"Vemae of G .4 fair sona Arloorco. "Me, flovah".04i't too fre'llso fly Amo.gp,e. sold their *- ffol-11-01 I- It- aShes" ban ba"' red red"" y to A................... 0:12 (;it 013. within two re.,nalos Ionia Ohio flair -som hie" 4,om hOrsl- ('Oaths- 111 U UON so Al.'r W 1111111. L 313' ovabjet i to objeclition until tharzIty-: Ur CIVO HIM a Trial I k. I.idh Apply at tl.o Froo.dry to o......... ...... te000f in - end -4 1— 1- ---in 8-T le"' It. VIINCIMAN. *ait and eAstaiser Thestock .7- One 111716,usand -on :* ...... lo..00 CA 11:00 h,.d,f flit 191ne 11 If, at o"Two am and friends it-* reerwedilollit rOlmsud to to wbolistr he it worth, of . * ff"." Nurse P.k well, Fob. w3l, t3s, 0"d custom Eight Hil"Arled and flitty-eight. J. W i 111141ITc. . .......... fit. J.oJV -1 Ie, arn.!"e, Wood 2. no bale at (1, Aterich this first day I ir,b. in support 'If t ... no a CA A" ,a er....... .......... (,a 7.00 aanything If idea 6:11ho laI mi IHarer ad .11 other hemdiy, A. D. I I'M. Ilesf per 100 The 6:011 (4 lrtu, d.y flre I's". It Mai.. P -Pot P,M fyt, two ",GRAIN, IFLOURt ITEED. L. We -WATSON. ly unallect- BA=ZL POLLMX, - Smiis, fission, Waters itI L TJ arl CP n the man Ch.eknno per pair ........ 0:26 (all 0-.." roivwlt. A In to-, -soleary 10, 1111111ts AND GODERICH, leroth,rine C 0,541 0:40 neme Feb. 1. Iwil ell .............. innuth, Coo 4 0,75 "I A pp!es .... ........... 1PROVISION ST03ELE. IN-s-OLVENT ACT 01 Tt itoor strillifir up ............ Price oo!y t-4110. I iii -4 Ion0 it igirn-ble r R(It . ................. J, W. (A -4 kat all, Vocke per pair ........ 8:41 (4 ~,I.( into- be nARCUIBALD HODGE, of J..My. $SIR latcreirs t%P S. T­ entelfe-ad oINICIIIA do in Slasollostroth MVkOt& M18,1TANT, Z17 - . eewill at 1:111y " $fill- Pigmi. 14 e filessioll N 0 ICE orI I Clioctioron's Block, Kiapton Street, wr toroolm 40 Aptifforth. lrob. 25, Iffew siski a!; *4--dKind J1 mil ':-ft #4 Us ehasobard 14, 1.6 G thl,:;lgh his IF41 I W he bo ,fit ""m the "'ext k 'kft' JOMWN Tnow11('.4, 4 0.1kTV1FAI,, r0ith -AEAI..; titni-x widest. FI.01' ac,,urage is Tender some recri,eirl a111ift-on. 11011-f- CUAftn V IRV. It t .1 price poA for $room and all it liters ,,,.st in .ur 'a carry on he tfeC." :On 6Y, 7 110 Floor ........ **:* ....... 52 wilt Itio" it's It It in f the a 72 1 work eft tell. THE GREAT ENGLISH 111ENE91 lo' L 1, 1 F 14) RD, nnas III? tortes @listed in his writt d0:70 641 Ind trianner, 110 1 lger, 1:15 (R, the 'Osr4wt loas fair (a) 0: PA SELEM TENDERS SIR %old poirtnoolp fill ............... 111111 Rollo All INSOLVENT ACT OF 184. Ilion Calebraled F611111111,16 Pillill- CAUTION- IN "a crlt rofsks. Nei s0.16 64 017 1 re !ow's Better .................. prosystred from* 19 fares he too." i", NCO .............. 4-15 0 0, will slid too 2"ivpd by the C1. Surotflil 0 !(# J eiof the mew r d T 11,,elly, forho -T Priori ., poem". In 6 Ippi, rated dismill" 'fill 6:1 b" of .................... 9.0 in tI4 art *(the 6ergostrtion ofibe Coonly r( ocy IRA 'I I L mApril 1-i *me ........ .4- ~eh T-rkm1ft, In'Neell -1 poor -0 the Queen. t'TO hoirl Bisctiits and Crac 2!00 is, - as, mo,;) To Wand ......... fle smli airmayussi the low. the 0:10'Ug 16 i6tility or .............. ndgain twAm. Ift 64 -f-May. A. IT., h,,kk ewill he moo Wl"*IWMW Turkeys ................ A111AU111161111. ISCOOALTV, LoperW4 two too o;ro res, all oboal 0, Apple$ .................. FOR BUILDINQ 'Will r 0:30 other placelo, .. ............... VATX ABLE PROPERTY Ift LITIT Off PRICIR I Demand nop ........... 4:50 4. THE E' XI'ESION F 0 110 6 _49L guy that 110 M11RRIED 091 UU or ft,-' pmk ........................ 5 ooeIIUF", 3parm for Slae. .. .... IN To a TC.W.Ts (17 4 Dvindro, in TO THE lornar ON the Monthly 0, pries, upi 4), mli 14. 1" 19"14 A foll. -tampstrurti Hrsialop so I'selft WPOR A14 ESPEARE 4; ML11V Sul ID I will I ABHFIELD '10110AD Itft ft" Creel' aSTRATP)RD. a IL Taskmaster c0l.rieff, not as oroffAt 7:75 Visis", be won at I he ffi*o 1-f role PIHNI Tilitfirn At. ........... T 7 114) 4% 0-6 3striciogn' ...... ........... ...... P. EC L)l r Ke of ",:I OTO Nod 0. 44,40, 70. 71..9 the fors"IT K ET & 11'algivit. -%-iperi,,r'rxtra. A.'00 & 825 SI'lit. S8, 144, It'. smol 14, N;mi*g B t.kmi mi van- 7 -AA ral 7:70 T avery Kind I W. (!Agrial mittler ...... Xvtn, in Pon A'Wrt. N T AIR 10. 6r Partneiihfp I Osiris of th:lt the or, rictic I#rpoo Ise arm"d Tra,k Rim Too to, 9 Boperl`llo I C. W%04 .... .. time i-do'k r,4 1"- -0 agoo 1plan Inrest Tinval,, Poll Hills I L eb" 7:15 0 Whites, 11". 2 a of PTIOPI- z. citswro" nls we 7 41 1 fifty ispNA1411VA lWeden 25 r tait. this 1: , 1. . T. ENDERS h#w of, are, TATIONARY AND PORTABLZ oaa 3:751 MARINE, 6 o114 per 100,11is ...... 8.45 Ths- athe real, OWO. 1 fAW ill1-70 W-11 be revivoll all to mmoom rw 'he is BOILERS h, 0-ftlim, anceplthim of Im it RHARMI"ICARF. ,it shelter 1V FnIl Nona* V fitF E A I FJ'NG1 N IF by t , n ""we a...... 0-0) 4. lkonw Nor. QIP AIJ. 9tZRI111. AL40. "X 101"17 Po'k.te. A ery law sIV& 0:47 ltulstse.t ,the (yelled 04111t *2 ff* .............. N.Y. Iw1wr 4' 311'saml tnql%nit. vod ads oil spool: Xrac or 11ill D -A RA *4 D lor IL 171111 0 A5 0 1 1po" alu .... I an and inot re face let" ea,lemood, 0.0h .4. o to,. re,niii, $am I rerArted that will ariorairs, e boolls eo@- wsr, p4q. thereof "'mi, ,A the 8 t and0ristWillial Iiiii-Now. foldi 'N mor 9. No. .................. "(0):194! BE'LMORE RO M O&M BILW Millar posibill is d, 40- YUAN. R_iamo ?AftriP*Akd ........ '"'1 5 1 , 7AA0021umewav, I r 1-1 - ( An v 1. r seeremot ."N 1Nm 'AMBM ....... I .......... arome4c"tions M.7 Teo, so" Clioton, or All.k.411,10. a- se-"'% ..................... j$0 . a it.." ff.sroweedoldl Aoy Asor,ke tvis lots Alrey be had -, to Nfl, AND aI4n so 'A Pam ita lwmn ahata11 eh et - fee i a Retreat elval noin oo"a is awm$A Jim* I "I%M or 84 factor east polo Particular, error I- friseh"14­11 am sorely (or the doo fislat.we"t it r Room 10 i'll-Iraleb Isyl 3" -1 his I to covert The 1.,W -A mar as WA ................. 19" 1, 1 R Ak I III HA MIA locral APT Aw amsotorek* sf-e r I w7v Xm, ......... 14.0 01140 or him nondiper or I ally loo"Ar" "Wifor, tre 04NA ILD A 1.1% rof J l"IlIsM.11' AWNS, 1D.Liniftif. "*lot, %04 %,a heRI. -We -1. Is '11:7. coke Mgftt$-"ATIMAtFSLOANO fromm.,of'rit taw. Forbore ..... 13 C41 feillftip04 69 J.'"Ne'. Went, & :: * A%.. :B Al. lAtWS,% T S. 0 640 1 Pont bias 11am" fie 0 Milly fl-foyor. vow 0.6fieb, Fig". 14. 1 .41h, wild rrttk,.M, )me 6A "a- stlaertb. sad I11 writienot ;intasy ratio 31tk 1369. dk" v., 'A It. V:A 4 s %A, 7' so 71V V, .of 'Ago rs4 0, Ak z s s, ol Pr `7 Ng N to f" t !4A W I, L*,_ IN