Huron Signal, 1868-2-27, Page 1- ­011uimgiipi� ar ------ Iry A. Alol'i + P7, 3k I v.V l m,,q , I -:!,va- , ., r, V A, oil 1 44 0i tit 4 7 4 00 4. wu. 10. IKI, soto tio Grextsat Possible Nwnbor- The 9roatest Possible 1-)-31 7' w:r. -NO 5 I Vol.. X X 1. F1 B. 27, 1868 a1). C (10DERIC11, (IN 1I CliAl'TER Ix. so tile aIlls runtm, A Mysterious Allair in London. ( DtAT alk,l 1paying the Jan. I I'll a large cnlwd or poopie gather. Jack- a $4 4 1 8 a a U a T I V 0. Jlta q the ORTTING Up IN THE WORLD. -Readers will doubtless remember the I pit at the 'railigisy, stition to ther,',Aah,,r*e_d, 13winess About 4 heap u, Tits IN -,v Alternate was the Only on* "I sinus, &a vorro,4 inio AN,ro Ant- Lit Plan. excitement e.iused in New Y,)rk a year or rueeral p",asi,lo if the I Ate 1) otill 'Can't usilalgil X1111, thim-m ,wit there. N,,6-11 his faluil'y wit attended old Ill, *&ill h1AA (Ather, Will) funeral, loollf-Ird at tile I" no,striesit, (be- twby the diguonvi-r ;or different cro, 3M wr M IL leiv.,in. Ile. milen.unmill h4od U, eGlint ad Part Northern hada purtomsive W.6y -with ban when be clared that he WAS ob., V-114 Sol a holly in diff -rent loc-diti'll :chr';pion 9014 medil at tit., jv� .4T -CTION NIA FITIE, AND NI A CIL lip,as froill 1112 140111- I L I­ly d". 'he city. %not Ilia no clue was ever of' IP67. Tile r-ailins r ilia elk' A w. C;%olla 611 lRybea. I iiiiin I HURON l 11T. I F, who It% oehaur ill. au."Itnist V fit' WA "Asa at the hij diat:Lns, &I'd only visited Lis ebWe tn the afound to like i-lenlifitation or the, mu"Aler' vere eonv,r" to Inveroo!" by slid AI" "y I __ A .11 tIARDY & (70, 'Insurance Compan faar at llawllo t if it con be Alone. lulls foulls it to to kiliso un busin, Y' iniqwilly P the 1 train, bull were aecouilisnio:4 Y.11 11 a., it, &]lot t.inup is out aull out bull Sam n. -w at the old tagin.r-houses foir a Ler but pz;.Clly tile r. -y, role N. -w York by about twenty rueons-rs, or the i ...... a Is,', or tile , Am I I like this r AUCTITaFivi, IS it CAPITAL, $10,000,000 tin., Loaagul. On the h son in the &Old euire have a seat for isle t al. U.S.. horror, ip now feedh itflowt-ohire) Volunteers, in which I J,eshuahad alwayskolot is at tlfr A P P It Iml 1: IIII-A N P t: 9. AL k % I #.IL ,TttLEr. ralat lit logil I still or January the nev. Mr Spoke, a -roi was pipler. The vAull. i dark am to his affairs ; but his tawasint 44. ..ol I I ooit, ernspally Uarat a" moc him joinctlaot -it flow brither of ill.) fatun, sAfrican trawdlef, teers fialued Otalsi.le tit I olltiogs, slid this titui wait real. looser, all, A*G E N T S, MINI.XT illsirtfia Kavali;a had ! ell4-ft hill In.me in Us go 11 marched in rrout thmagh lk:h thery And all Y. is sd ilIetillies, G Orman, or Aroy I'll V14II'l "N" illP k. 6,u,..ht a return ticket, iss- &,lot Church qlwt w thl churchyard. ti"v Abecatljoutes the I -1`1 "'. her 'till ,fill till very AI11111'est Street, Goderick. j 1. eit.* mia.r W- lit ".it, loading to e.Ilile hack the next tuarshing. Tti, y were flullOW04 by thi es p1pers- I venicut n ow. C-nitodn't ye tak' to) her went :f. To per W,,rw%, biav'ry Woogg9r, A illr- twof, I$ It,land t he's a pAir entairt I blAk TI fries.14 still All e-nintry, end Atl,-s entrusted to ibs" I." -`h' still he ordered Ilia -,toom to be in wait' Donald ark -y, front 118:'itld ilaell; Pipe- ru,ighborm to yll,,jagrit T hial at tile 84tion. 11" 'hod a Unnj or M4cleonjn Still Paul and bar'* a rare nit to ulliallog- a tile lieryin" U-Ised uloft likes U-%,Mp Tioll 4 Our CAr. ortil -ocei,* fir.oill t.., Lt. 1) plivato-1 %14. itm The co,dio wit* 1;,.uL, an'l nituhlo u' onan a Ill, r. excuse 'it plibibe filings Illt A Al_ on awl furniture. aVery rolouitie,ible motive for his journey, i the Inverness il Ask - Wit dlosmd it. -It stronly "Av, Racists' her fl.,4-ut, ton. de ­h, Ian. 1:1 T" oas Ilia m -pt Intimate fri -till less 10 tit' fair' 1 carried its the real of the proci W31 K_r �-siou by j so Sure ill Wilt Should W d W ill it death. its'.. own U.'r. C.sujorou we'd *--" 20 I leave yo, father. I'd I ford ried like next rwirning, still had tile mliiivegs the deeeas--l. it well w V her an she'd thl I14-Ank Elig- etwirkaMis idn Solid no suit her a leariss' a" a Ions -ar r -1 SURGICAL ori.it,, rtv�: C ...... been invited to ls-si-t at the cereusony. was rather Ili* pro. a yretty ifill -r forturl�, atilt were at Al, ty -r to Sir It, Forro, he oor, ived a or, ly in Lon.lon, he loy)k a call, 1833 Ike because pip heroyal r.bass., A Anot A— to 'A 11141 h",rt Dolilmly test himself his IV or X I% 9V drove lit hip briltJorr-in I ow's lien*' lit Ec- J. R. M ackeiisi,-, -of Sees well, all'i in baslialkni to thm th trem is As ed Witt, tho t-Atrujo. eaterej tile sc,vice or 8,-ur.-rth, 'roo ... a. Lo. wi rest""; IvIeRton looAquare. talk w.ts a :,-ruin point hey 10 'A Ile pyonoa better ww's ctinspoloy any tnuill r Iry cnIA and then krt Whom Ile rcnl4iu.4 ti!L his death. Ho dj,I ji,it we w urgo Lis Son, little&" ass A lit arvaher. IAnti I-V AAA, the% aside several appointru I'l ineithort"111 14 U-1 -rirant thit he was -a at IlighlAral Ile hint to two and lie hurried hi A.[ 'Ile H .... ilia house, triling the at took a umber or pris, -Is were like a WITT lot) K'rry I -r -A tit- Ciaulintimc Auldroo he ableallit Lu' I" And fall., .­ lots r,4,h. on bu.inc.A, to Weitininatt itatherings throughout the country �nd off ver , I tirly, ottre g arith him himself the first lu"ther to an, amid Six evT, Ili. poost West Street trictof -slid wotal.1 buy higuielf!latyearcrovewd his fame by winning , a otv,,%e to conse.houng for to Alto her V&S. V,_. I a new h3t on The road. 110 Stopped "I a i the uhAuspioll 9,4-1 me,W at tn@ North- few lailes 1"r, better security. jhold &had aft. N&tL" (7,41i"AliAll, tset prticular t4 A a day or two) plvo�t ; ho hopsw' Is. p, V che's I t;*w corals, 1K. ithatter's, 1 -nu -1-t a 11:31, onlooed it to be ! era If too composta alvoit ).Our 1, WIL It dand &,Va." her Ann, oftit to) Lis brother-i!s-lAw'a hoole?"Outd ;&its @*oil&% ,B b-lu often ye got an out," Ile 14. Irl, a ;&�d wt parting to 'Tito LAM w--inan won bal-kid under th We@ 0 1 proud adotht. sibire which the "ry .11. ill sh,,p. Tito lint, of his leav- i Anne Mackenzie," " K.,.L Ferri, his w. lik dlew "ell oil he said to him- of- NO a cheerful. Pleasant lit'll, ft)fl%' 11ICKi, This in ill arols 0. et, p. Va., at which hour &a. About fifty tucambert of the Caber- I- it's all for his w oly h,ojau al,,ne. lw�cn sai.1 N'.6han II, hisnei&ewastlwy fTit is nearly &irk lit L-oillon. Nothipg &i,ji, (;a pally ucconitionied his reussino wit. Its lie Aar returned, Sol i lessif ...... Iry Alssi -AS %VA%Aolvf�o Er`%lLoof.fL Ili I prow to.,gther, " &ad bur Witt be vle lebt all b%vo a *bd­n ibe has inee been lwurd or m -ell of 31 r- Slickgo. to Corson Station on Siturd.ky, under the Whenever wr do any thing porticulorly ofawg al U re &I aye find out lowat, tit" pathway where her friends PE R C E f4 T anti a' her IUD and 10K 114", 6 1 but t fill itat Am hich he wore Air tit picked ll constaiind at' Captain unro, Romig" aon's we a wo,h in lit, annol that it is all for monkolloody, r like, tali I by work inglu in olose by tile iroo rail- bleclentign. and A Ijutant, Cash, and AL I honlage to the gpmxl within father-f,sr %niapars' W. -I ..I We a. fAr It s not .1u,to So twon,t be lonlove Aw4. Government Stook. "he'll it iark in We,timinster tile soune party of there cattle or, to Inverness. D.2 rereds aIOf usloatot, I its old am, -dIY It SA. DA YS' I I 0T E , L. --plievie. y,ara of* alp. a. but it is a 4tt, e stupe- atone LmdA th 4 A 1.6,rs evening tLat Mr. pa,ke die ceased Was fi I't) -,S, well illy ai to, believe u IIA�FKX I't " % t it says uf".. -hoe'll Viol t . ...... -tile advertise- his four am,, throof or A pipers, &nil two fi'A. WROXETER. r VLA few days arter this Ulan "La .1 l')p o1141-4 ff.. Was qjjitc STIonessfal in his plans. as flosmoloo, by, juentA wili, h were posted about, and haw- All you Young mm 041.- X,,k�, Ilial, lotwool I, Fra Cf. twit prises at tLd lems Northern eirting. as leaving Throw � look anti cast an Th. uu*uslwting Roland ill eye -ma Rowaf-rilk 'to notice -1 r SI--ke'd aline it' the h2t, asoe ill ON tryIs A u r.% r 1, AC- I. -N III, -cc. Isiliee. Five bun- uoy,,u!cl,lre Wono road as Coallansirs, ap- At, you is now, all '000 of the citizens of Cbje3 Oit by an.,ther. Prepare to live, as you niust die how IT C,,'- - WcJj re... waselling, infurgroatilIn of tile luis-ilig tivrgJmsn, and 11 ers. There are 2,000 Sabots is &0 that there was little conscioumeme left. -rite 0 T T A W 4, o; TV allibr, ihersvi, dred pounds P -w ird or,! slfflro for any ' must be very 6�.Igiotjs or very r4pi-i drink- When site at length reached her &IIII& lf..r t learn 'tint how thevIry here W42 )..dthe next Ilk' a eelltile loolic, have exhluote all their in;c, *city, Supplied by 40 distilleries. and o -n- (,tit woman lay ip a $net of slo'Po' as Ire passoi. Then. POUNCE OF 011VNIX NOTELo nuity to thol W,lue trica al' hial; but he estsaing %5,(X)U barrels of spirituous lill"Or stick quiet ; suid although she often Spoke, al; 'is es, e Cal ed an A rinin sm, too 11 1 1 "o 1 1 f 11,e I. 9. it' by"tua-rus. If-^ he in a year. This is coo malosto to ­fY the by-standers c.,uld not so sure that She him "-it. he money for CAssu, is T'" e, Us. , 1-1 Ago. rea,,daler, his vAnished is a A RON-i % . ..... $I? - � h-_ 1. -11 been muiderud? 60 &units of The population. 60 custoue lent to, Jones, &nil 161-11 I* &ad The T-',nes *Lot ilized tiger]%. I pswin her rutind 1)UNGAN, I-jewasult, kindly words th-v were which all it' it all right. An byl.."dier. uttered. like herself, ! - , A.2.0 Coo. ye,11A state that thi, to alnluit ital esiule, it Lor to bi able ill supp,-rt immelite, Lad no y Id,accleed tA, be clon- itinjet war but the unwen wor old Aup-,c,to ti,at Lt only have wine Tea- loon and ejusuase Limit portion oil its. Loss, taill't rahw, end I wunim hz' thy W C *its talked, but it Swatted gone tip Ing round her. LOT, 0 were, ::n for Li lim- of tuay 1.15.OUO lotills. yearly. feythercryin' tint like as if lie were lAurutt Awin. am u will, those who Aw Laid 6 ­thing about - mlhn' o* me, and sms) b6l, Ln,w!tlg%, IA. blis Chiefly Ia, ill, her t file ather ban 1, there her Iss' anti sister, Iu But YO 3" !Isw ilia asid..1i Alsoa& in New ht, ta,,thAl jug as how I'd changed Camone ,41 Zoo IIi-o IN -1 ol,cs not &I,pc* to in, tile IssitiVe ' I 'ILL Slopes hvu dead I, -Y yesm us, mak, as tough I'd haossid it al uldins 1671 York was frust, atf-I by a 0 . A. CSsio met .h. It. s'"I'VI Malls, I fa41, Ifor such a prooft,ilu,, while theft Was I at, whorsight- a gentle dismissal no till gloat tiaws LAS held gied him bill he dinall-lighted charnber, watchinfithis ", %T�l. %w left to eve%awtivo, to induce hicu to stay hatill tried the young l4dy into a, I'sitstinle fit I t neent till her inarrying Wi, 144.d. it S1 FF rr Al., Vol. ..,A as going down stairs e till a, I I paper abut it, I'm w.... go Age.1is, and return she ill fl, meet like el- La If 'rialting &Ili I away she tult so sudJes, Fill". we as he jutended. Doubtlss Litit I peeled Laser at t 6 4 duout. N oke,f toward Jae dluor, and start- ywr *uat hadiss hot P R1 C U but tl.g 111=1y'lt them i%n,t &Itn. cf LA LUCKNOW HOTEL, 1.0 1 sod at a Isave 'ulre.Ldy lNecu te!e. -very fresh d -,%n stwrs, b"F""ll It's uer, %Nil :4TAGE OFFICF. Wh.rp a. Als, prows. N,sr Y.ork polic4 longing foul a word or a sign. Sare she'd a left it So. on. %-.f %W. this nlyster3�, and e tile met.'Clis wboput Wilawl," tile old titan went HAM. ftclirister. And PIL'u"N to' j�rvphe Iu regir to 131-niths sino away %rrl)l cry S. CUNNING t" Sj It t.ut. [.it- o do is -lit Nor ItAwas sumorly rating, think what suls him to kil it I No1, 1 %, 91.1 Ill,— I, rank itfilia. story of their tvarch, Whether it be STONE EDGE. und.,,he rem on the steel) hill -side, slid in my mind I s1�1 It suc--esful or nusucorsslu�, 111961-164 road she began to have the cnId shiverof doubt I&Wums, f..r )..lung uns is ffr;a 1�'% it So t A th be. Lae1;;.f lit pAcr k..If illegal. with it under such - A. AM ile, ow.a in I Witt& tutuss iserest here. A TAL111. which absence brings berful Soon tuk tip wi' a pretty face bo�ot, Iw w1rol up Or Ili "-y Ir'. As loodseparation ; tout She wathellesid Sad they faiS till" low, and ;lit Sq%lft like W ll %r.Y %Tt.kur 'Alit -14 IT')Rl% ru r A fell,* H.11 snarl, a sposoaler--h.4 sun no Ro-land Aillmosred. Silo And 'tain't '3us 50--h 6) WllArells, ke. N .6 JI.W1114. 1161. wit News from Crete. waited in v b;relf " thinking of any so if it were a povid. �, reprowelled orsilized . at 2A E, AT TIIE TEI. ;RAPII 111ITORE." miltaTER VIII, team Smile before her clam nes either. in 1rj A- oaefoo'c'..'j till-* "-I. thing but th muck they risks III whiles There- at- 'old lF:.L 2shituttim, Feb. fross CROORNP V A T a. of life was too strong Within sI T., Ill- i.. but the tide L 1`0 1) SALE T FI, NT S1 I- the lost fore I dunns, milk sich a stand FAMI ling to live i 0 W. SNYDER, (,lilete to January 29th represent that the -'Tun cranberries fire ripe," asid Go& her -she was tsla- YIP Bit. R,,lan,j as I mid his' d.,ne a wl�ulp fight 'or -&ad bar hezA slink within %(an is Lei% D antII a, its have bcon lefosted in loeverall ell- I'm nals, day to his sider. her as I me" my ways inowe plain. fleah, Ad is w.,adcaal weak yb Teltzrnh Offilce. meet$ of late, will, severe losses. The 11 lie they r mid She. I'll out he" and saw nothing 'If him - A., mires to W, -.1 a price -lot in a feet A in T Avent for Pilkey's Cc!ebrs- 101111411silman lints4slation are botiominot no" &nil pick sunk@, Land, send 'am W MY SWA This old man wati,"d at &SOL* Buomost! Natithil the at.. skillt way *-),job was very pathetic, mid retuned hu;�;a nature, 11 andy-el'a best"Y"', aru oI'll.. a pt v la.4. told Waterpr-4 Blacking. it more dissillutdated, &not the troops by Nanny Einwa." comforted. all loweirs ailing joaq to li*,e him as site ....... Gndericb, "tit Jan., IMAIIA. w44 assirfin, " such a noutivaus disposition Rho turned home. h&Ting fillsd her little to l.. Ell, . "'hes 0 wed W1, an have shi-se amid be, SILO'S to get her sun Aonil th red mom tn prick the fruit i's tivalry." ged an am Ali his she niver t4alk to her the We've k-4 find _b,gbg$, tk-tt they were. abli. Gas 6 On to I k,!*, her. .4 there an &be Store she silo or T. VANVVERY. ITi. he -'­ffs be led back to headquarLerg. The Sol- i at"..111 n' 7pic 0 an* dky, Gernian returned with ;rl!"I'llp 116 Went, &not lAutting it into her month as she bed, and @be sod sudden Ilk rtanoo of his miespai, and entemd the .47 Andu, Visi.-I's usi-Sion to Crete is %he recollection of the rusiny . I tit it I'll I for Came an I'm V,Ing strip, with escape Of dig"ItY ad the pru- HE LIVERPO01- &LONDON A, A.? go's -9 'a' smile at T go"' A house T a failure. slid ilk, Wan I to flow in a more Ill Is all* and German had XAt bad And Fill, I.Ass, has Pei Air lo: to be atect,w and Orbiter of his Slat"e- future Wr. %T 1. ill. kcK h- foloor.". tor-pisr- it relief that he was AND C.1101%Fl H- SUCCM(Cl S(ate of rewrolatioa than ever. more ustres, Wk like that, fA4, want a n:iu g WI at' I tA. 19a chinos hurl, into on this very part of tile Too I lie found ill his Sires An a,. all I provipinap coatings to be seat ills truant f,;on work their little in,,DL6, otly It bit low ; bide lost. it SUR ANCE COMPANY, Al bet Arehand %-till Ili* (&tiler. who W wit gi v% the relief himellienrool with the pjj�jalt f the tell-tale iver I do an thini'st sick t And she tough- - lie soloare ; the kitelsir r. V Tf 1 1. E P Iomp, Tointo Crat from all tiarters into &nj says, I Ek men-, yet returned freltil t a j, Th tv-tw,l be jr iniquitiee-when (lot on merry, through to ill er", Arrvestling thei was ensidy, and lie pas" e Cretan wirriors Women issid bilb, l a 1ho or ill Iv -ell ..tiler side, where he Unind tondis dietancliA ohs as �Nanny Nimes but pw)r crocturs w, left *1 1 ill R -ad It hilf million Po island in tit I" And I 04,11141"t Is"Is"ve thee* garden I'D .34 A. I -n continue I's 11 -to frous ill,, As hireling to %La sarter'um .,at tile last B%R I Coming upthisgreen Ian Irite total nember at CrItan i. god Rho aye two cluserful tile women 1-1191' ban immental ,;FY TO LEND. to tir"re was much ansism great or.T."' Th. orn TAILOR and CLOI THE TANKEZ FENIANS. in Grtece at the promat old Hall. a time airsee the 014 urday. &for* she were Lb It was wo alistort I like. And loot Sat son ad had all been dus tip and planted to,A fnr death, the c�ogarg one or thoo half eased the .,a grerolly, yaaigCe V. itianot, for Feuills Ywriketoot, arc time is egginpated at 63,000 waman had Is",, wi,hhenties,j, oldellill Wed her &bit .1 nil ln�y for Wool 4 Olt he = vegetable but them Still "e"Asa"'d Aand sort t,frAigod japited terrace at the uppror h, ersano poollor, a1A.-Oney if 84'el's itiful and bitter -in the of fear come over Classic that sorniesthinx MethgAns so 0 Al arter she'd paid her sellAiu.t now Yom plei all* hurried sainnuato"nother, an "tyuss, hedge, d,l-k- tile 11r,thcrin-lot in Wet t have 9-ne "Ougg and low@ solassoold �ond, sheltered by a RE A 1701,11 -As the Febru- uwrd her lay, 'Well, lclass Win[ machinnals, prealimptu"wi, hut olft To TA forward To word, my jam. ed with what halt once been pyral"'Al, text ... .... -lin 1 Are active a' It 'no - c %I. nil the doctors it' matten wi' ye here Begaile Drmito, and I ,shpe,-cutesitinyow,wilicilliNti. wis Is a. lint, e'ivell larger Coulitenkrice and sup1lort ary thaw hoe con I- ' I Al Yotir un,l� er ' -on" re, n,d.ody all Acn r!tf arel* by relw,n If to we had is'pilax v strolie, and t.,). Irma ace, which its 11 proopucl to 1411 at SIR - lowest or &if increas Ilf 1)29ilwm that your wint be' I wi, uoA : for it's like fte Billy CA' ye it and debrated, C-roji? lqj,,i�n ,th. is"Sni't4ings (,or gard"n do.. xhb -1 unihortakera ustuit live am well as,,ther ph, an 971, your later. Inert. CIA; troublosswith England, an I and it is quite pn)lmr ye man &)me diown AAR fast as mid be t- Soon &a himself an ye he two bad.' Anti $rich -tin. possible Notes, at, in -few if their services in a tint and tral Its, ye would See her &hve. I were t,- W 10 tins. A rid re "ornean o"IlIvItyar. that persons esiring to csistribate to, their tam it giv, tile as isiver were for Tuf irectly to4eliver his nti&,Dmflou" iL13 STWD. ?be vim new" to"- Ito Slow ireak of li,w"Wes. A relmort fronk St. tell ye� kill,* last night, but I were ill) Intel a hi -If d LORT 0 lish it he'd sliver wit n,,wt. laid opinialsh go DET I Ile L.0 ftesser­ new a Treat Fenian meeting wait wuloptrt Anuld know how tt, amunr &rid I darefta C-ome tip by the Ion# soe Al ell blidget Ad news " give his lint on) bear to �hiiiif She were real ill, nor s ell frairs of mostlento - inostreadily. Halailton street. I there last. at whi,h ad by night, fr 'tis a Very &,Wty bit," Wit The sAll --I-. I- hel, -tive tendencies Should Nanny. way from mer, And Vin right fam"T L dK md)Y it -44 by .dAw.t,qI n 11 'Wellisday said 3 GolieriebNow.12104,137. drra were trivic by tile Fenian gem wore -ill mally tinto anti of'consunil 1, little her Bowery de,wnTJ sell niyeelf ow as I didpot send we your ansoll whom. OPPIWOLIM4 A. An -,ovo if War awl other n 4411111-S. Tile Wear their 1-ta -4 hoe careful to hoe asnic gave man its' been a a. in sight lai U. I..r. 41941114 Keseb,"t -it that they inti,noled them well Soaked ill At"m water. A uict I Visions voresn"I tit melt $Away mal under a Mr you 4'reoctlY, and the slact4so too 64"Ill lai i, th, gnmaull &,bit bur f;4x,k in) sudden Nl�l: HOTEL OTFiCt 11"Its"t annou"of h but else sarivr Could &bill@ doctort." in and that the lIrAi­ fevcr can lie secup-d by leaving oT over- trust, out then he� coluicteaft ed could for her, at silo were 'Donlan Sm ivir P. 0. Wons. Aii�nt oejoin Sure you did if' You mad her heart atead- A Ill rec, welp, and met hertnest & V., w - ty A,~ n"warist,,the coati. are open to her that her next th,arht should 'If uncle,"said Came. sffc,4i,onMeI3g- ill' lmd.- THE HUROr' b.V b.11,1%4. slong the frontier,fron oil will) walk until they become heated, her iww)r aunt, hat lbe perennial ('no thI fast -fill AVINGS ASULOAN SOCIETY. LA le, Youlclific *be migi,t"O 1101- to Now, lam, but 1 doing ; thst! where -I To be sure all@ diA,' replied the lad to St. Allus %, rtmeeting was I and then st,,p at a omier of the street and '"ERIC AoAWXAATf0';, overtly sit American, &,,(I titelcoi.irbyst ifewill chat with some friend.. gig. I were a thinkint no my Own 004IIIA'd And after S Iss"Op he went Term a %ny "IllIgnor TF. %, lit down tolok up wit mysew- r And BILUOSPIrl.n. poer0prics. ON movement a ohave the heart are free to all wit,, will insist upon Ashfit ws sitting in the kitchen, mnA -1 were rigl and she, she were alln' grxia' d""'"A"t any how ' (I'm wait Ire y ft -h put a at:, by so lowa, anit therefore that's ls,ow'twers Y. opie If tile t,,wn an in niller to, eak I 'I v04 I mMl!lrtl )4v*Tr. cl) NORTH BRITISH loy7lindly ly, throlingopen their "&to lit and niT.r SIT` in of his aunt, but he Gould not help traifall -r- -title jsoath breests which prevails. obstinate an its seemed to thinkin' for - ther If t Ing what, to him. had been a great flutell, til� ten or t�elve in tile go 30mo A Nl) vicinity. At the c CA M. ill 'and a consid,,rAille he I.mi,essro said to two #xperLs in defying take pleasure its declaring that till also were t000'k fo, oThere wrri!ss�Olt*' T'tt" . PDAI*411111"- of MERCANTILE FIjtE AND LIFIC son jonsic-I tit, cire ' Ali U, low were latininvat. to he %art., end healle 0' f1lIk ill" RnVj,;.,I %I I, k1sla Rl R%'F.Y(VR MfilaAT ADVA,14TA(;F1AI*"`,rrItxlo- )in fernale synipath- the laws (of health. but it they tie m should wit go a Sufficient number oftimes 1, 14110 were a be ywito &By ealtaatsum ww'llecle,11 tn 11 'lit no Saw tin reach their griel and diet by a Short cut it 1 11 *nil khout! 'it it ]North& P to prevent. her thinking him I-, kind- &int D"Wie," 4&'4 11 "1 and The 1-1 of Tile' Insuranco 00- jacra proment.' it, cam tit any ensergencY, there to do her respect Tait -h lower than ,A ,thee lie me,01111.11slicA b abandoning cloaks i knd he prnh,bly would haw@ held tA it. end to' you to know, Article "thas- Life (mg uarle Nathan bad ila for to (use left wit% C now "1." 4. WAIL railluell kW'WW. St. The t;rting t thin also WS inj wench, but &lint was her red, Pawl di&ft ( :ona ske being taken try tile C talk anti rem end 11 Yen. bell.) Is tehirs'nil herielf and w her that lie will use 1.11 Amount .1 KSTANI MUND 1809- verninent On Tursolay nu -ming a Lnd rubbers, but Mus Mines was an authority I W30 lop w0lint s -,Y ben.tr made rise etuallany (A the I;j th regiment 'left Tsirlut- mn-I shawlm. If parents devin it deAstrable tn ntle rescue. net,, fuel tuiao." 14oaal, me applet, as tit lit be And until' t paly-pts 10 oolvmls�s. STICRLING. th c&n1v Al'IjAL 12 0, by ra r tile auninstut f,,r their childrmt-, have tile Croats, IF " she's struck foir death Rd CAS40 th I qbd : a brWhi 10i it the" and every hilolly tip like any it for Kingston,undei some other measonable 0.)M- st er a" her At List ealm 4 tilow-this To 6 oI, T s, l ;,a 4 over t e (A -4 t IkAlss"cra -low he mile 41 to Aftein a captain and two Babette tin,, Itir or alto h Al woulson's think. I rally didna, knolls the place, attending over As per"All of frin a military anthrities had infortaX thing can he done o"Airr, than by go (TtIoland �jjt on thee Immilet,child," right if the risinit. tint the sett"all--and aunt Beggio, wk,,',i iver the wriellme her ARCHITECT, Fire Department- t, -;n Z set I Cruise I' her head, and feeted on all classes al Is lay in the wft matter If oroursill th,14 to. I tho, wel IATION4 of amid ye'l Ly To 1491TIRA%C& All t. he attacked b tile rd she, as if it were a then -he P.vw�l an peacefully &wit FURFULI, TIARTI(TI..%1 nemTo she lay there ict C)t,Afqp A-40 mrr.t:lvl( IS APP the penitentiary was it., ground. al I Sad couldn t L floe ';odsrste rates. Lopaiwa prompt- tre con- which Blow coven find (&"is met "either Cassandra nr her One Asks at and the risausers now be -which carried the 4%v (We at the I larall Avorlsom, Mort, Ilar S.POLLOCK, . = d tA low vlo"ITIT "b'" ly Imid' 1,,r life to be reoplied. It is fa off to* Yallielifl!" not i;;r errand with a the nioment, when the bromth i leach apsayaw" A ad Vale -loo' 1�" t`" I@plkrt=#Dt. diatoned Tells nwe ffoor led hv their slowed in Montreal that the Volunteer Dr. Livingstne, wange aLizture of joy and morrow in her strxage mositent which ch,%ngws the m And 16-11' did un,le got U I" fill" uhho"Air utin the Spring.t- heart. stile after the smonto (If his M.,ker isto Msrths*o taile on herself calculated praiiis, this &In* will be called rid a (',If arrived at Ilymnuth, I the sherwrl and wary, a Capital and Ve I nard against Fenian matiorliveoll, A Tile steamer Meantim.J."ll"I Something less valuable titan tile ellvd$ (I# rather indignantly. ,, we. W. M. SAVACK, I erg can Adopt resell to two* are r from Aliplis BAY to ' �Apgsr if Mrs. Broom's d (AT heed "Irt Conspon I I oat in to be ill it really and stationed at of 19th, with "it ad ed file Iler father had made her an. tit ink I slid 4@1111 'Ifew York Orafto-Oftest- Z Cos. on. ly" Buye -moic Is by *rally A& soon as the we brealils. jrth f Dec., Table Bay the 101th, illnoms before his Ron. He was AtAndifill that site weelld return immediate,- were a run' on, he warl' so '"" V's I notes the Ile fol't th4a LOOK HERE To Farmers. Iciena the 27th, sod Aacension the a" the high atone a" leading to his dtxw the death, clenching it toy *&Yi to have Intirt, be? as Sam PrInl at werrom rate 0; t, I - that (,prinaa should sort go *1 this farsell I, hilclasir suite inittlike whentlo'Y'd As IPF Slid anearreat money 4 that same evening when a small boY up rwrial low rates havebeen MAAS for fares W t sall, an gilding@ and other ian,& ro risks. Two GT-11-1111AIATAI Ifult"loCtiors 31 t -f.mr passeagera, red at the forC, Islas came hembe, So she prepared tin A then he tell -i mrplj brin bl%ving ler" appninted be" sentfriAin ottanal t� twenty past lip v.mldna let rise g-, I 9th mc.. I 86st Captain Faulkner, 11 What An ygo w into little On r said be. im. morabir, ton its" her word. (Immine*8 nwary. Tile sinarsired C.teltany for'QlAderich almost &#tit vv have the Provincial i1wi-oling 0, "SIT he Sort pit, my IPA, F 'he It T*nx 11,14110vio;j) to the arr"t of Ili# above re. f Service on the -two I Mr. of the Living4tone Search InIdling do r a 1 islabosits re. y ILUMBALL CO. pied by WNI. DUCAN, -&rid ars"ou"di-ir cove the small 11 GrNA-by, Ca"iff'" exiA her "nele, as but rill he held t- we �ry. will he Old 10 Ll El[,&Iiti,,n Mr. Barkley wait left behind, l Whierr. 0,M lien GE oinsurance in both branell. Al Wallis Brogurs have )Lad a he Inorted, with be, at the liftle-Smupies ye wool, her n-v,Y, A ad ore lostel' Ocru crivo ingof navir.stioti. The�l will he tervire ill with fever, at fl.i4poetown. The mem- , "Lestarnarr. tA very Int door Snob of Ron Al ejust ink his e, market lloospo, he ro infilros, ly learned by Vs e (If tie Naval lit"Iteple peditrion are inatiallood thall fit, find the doin the Town of no 1 r.o i,, 14-411.6 10: _a4j in give n glinctor's Away tn Survieloot,,gs, rate. 11 She were main font 0' thme, Islas 44 1 bit ion#* to l"form big trip ttry, that he 60:01. parties wishing to insure. in O.InalisminIL It is tholight probable 'berm of the 02 *ggs it, ot muroltaftirl. as the, sayn, mind thowt that Mf%h* were thy glint Belem. Her "To a left thee Al al"o". jktkl C91 I I S 3 10 .1 lereb3fitill Oinlpori-h -nil streo-nd"`4 coo' W in. RiCitAR1713ON, So that & ganh,,st will be stationed at: Dr. Lifingm6one the pixil-eigitat lnj�d odd. " (knnaft." bat Went, kna come 'woy ' her rAt annAL rite toIts did juA p,,j&.d ..lot ride over for tin. Rho but road home out 41' the low kowl the iseg"t ad sg�a roust -low stock V.1n List fathor's farm. We L fit it. A.Ilfwd's Bank of 3d,ottroalt as ft- Prescott. Tile,, imperial Min-hosits will be th Jilts n rt rted -me hiamon, 29 may$ She, A will ban rigMij be that At th in the m'- ego,V221 14 ALL glass or I , ".,lip expeoctll fean the Rurrions. there in the doctor came It I "Il of Fall and Wintor 00fliptiffs. us, I It. 1866. mail read th ff wing to safat in lialft'lling take tl r now Paid the boy, AN a 'nun trust to those %a 40 loltd, h he bad i"I's it d,,n't mott,." h and thas firlwAgm, amid the %"it wilhis WIAnAn. C 0 A L'. PIODUCE, he MS. 0 River, Pit dog, M. ailing the north 8 A LT, WATER I Coast if lAke Nysigan, in from 36 dog. tn hart ft it hurrif"d himself with )hill motoop. now.' Alto to big also thmsethIs, coung bonne, &not wait 161' iLt MIll. Ac., Boots and. Shoes 34 dog E. hits f-m the Itinvurnat went .111111% immediately determined to, rt isin, givintill hack indgo In t. fryther," i an.1grille and Fire COPERN. COLSON & UN For to he it lowing him hand AlSoCtilwe"I"'ll Oree them o""' stop �nd hear 411 P -or t)m It your holes idolatry, why Atoms for first CIS" in shot ernintry.eentaining every the, month en of Lake hill win nut of harmi'm way. t I *bovg fond she' Lydia 400 Co njo,inifs. Cesiong1w,jall nereliss"649 don he not dent itr &heathen asked. an far VA 14 2S R. Thep" pap.,, capoijell he d,,,wn to "a be? bu"t bmh "he won a aaaltn?' about and Children's groAd,snol Nyssiss, V,I:f old I"Lrenthetieldly of it 110,4pi r.%I, A AT. J0114 T'll- Anti they anAwe:1 him - A Relsolls, the, to, tire renth-west, Old #Tea 'dIrectly *1 said he to himself. (;orman bad elititt larzo sisportagent of CORSE I tie pr�� Aft", his fashion he If lnd She saill they woerns it we" duiiln in the 'left prursusi an the "tons, they di,ina I H had 'yen riMme ad" ,hat alfvery MOV rItFAL, worship the Iran the trillion, the at&" ralthatrntite, either ith,tiso G F, -4 T IX `AI F X this He Went aI view of elploring the on ut"y racks. And there she diAna of bio wol his ions kv hm Wh, I F the flowers ! flow on' .%rf, 11.1lital would you have him d West Cneurt of Lake of hill holy. 6 no 'S mnett` Jul world for 4.1spi smile of the f00114111 A .qyaua, find thus orwrtaining how far it cation : Roland con. read, and writat and ban Tells I extens north, and t we In. it on tit ciph Fr --at that time font common "Renorn of oil willit'vin ers to preocApt b"', wil )not ommus, --hat fee ."DtiOn cOmm"'I'D WINTER BOOTS; TURES OF CANADA The &'in and ka tw he had gene direct plinhAngsibi. of which his father =Sale much 11.1 aid at to be sun -samomr 'It R, matc. ANUFAC oorits.-rdlom4. =7 oil Me me a deal Rho, rum tightening and good Lake Tantiany, a 89 CLINTON' h,ih ae,f .I his fifilomi he "w He had a gave% f rasral noti,rn of b:di =h 11 in bar body had rogic-4 hi- this anI hen by shis p for Tantilsatyllills � *Till thence, down t! hiq',,jn,m makirig a grand marriage with wh;ch he will sell lessig seek, aft now ad. Aehil.', and that ho,"t a meet Alp a pro JEssitablivehetil niGowle of I W? 1 ofile borne. Stake, Makata, ldaronjx, nkht help the , trrAp," It er, endeavoiling Woman Ohs spare ileI. oil him OR suM I'speat be'. . Z is"d in CAVADIAN DAIRTIERWIL ARROT"nalf"T'r- Ind k it Dick the j -"*r the I&IDARIM menti,ervA by the -L-halina Trowne'r, whilh I elf we a word togsablue for inALF1 mie-TIR"~ far-'rAw, 0 V I X C IF 8 The firvi annual meet, t%0, next, afti-thirty Yew mam fr.," it, 1, Cheap for Cash! Ing of the Canowiligh men were found in thn P,,nfh,,rn ronte which was all il,ine in a *nrt be went away, An onal, everWelLoWNR OR the one (lay, halt rVilitold the y I Y and to IF ll, U ,, y fl&irymen's Association to -b 14000 ID iami;Aid of the w,rthern. The elpeltift" w,V: ri',h "TOoll eon Wolairsendsky lith Call RA he i. Satisfied that he, r I t r, Town Hall, Ing f 11-gral Dr I I ToloololtoVIA Up tn Within A &net he gleterinin"I to make a gr-st AS they SWA ALI the W"'but they mv ad a. tieo"WAistor aylift"I"s'll"Por' it R"blef'r" Ant. Solicitod. I �dqod 4^iryTn.n it wor josi the goods Too I Consignments net, Al?,nf. two hisi whero it wait roop(orted he was ff ri ohill and F'st", tor,el ain* from vanons parts -1 ()ntluin, mardeml. &not thm-0 folin-I that tile Ann' 10 '11. went,1,Iwn t.. who wan hard asodib- h &,* Mhoor, Soles finflet".11y ttend- IL FURSE- Julantlyinsit POONA this haw*. with off be, prtinim tSAM Itninate e"awl his , IR,va ro were frried over a st work in the xhe,14 behind the lien ( wA 1,loking round. llb"t1rhowt the Collins it was y Awl-" NIAM. ot. 14, 1 i.4 ent,"-ring lip" and " littering 'Al"w"" otftern"'en Oil r"in"s 1'rwt'cxl I Inarahv lake by Mareft" � 1110 01" Job It sea% with a Avower beat th" ongohod w t illA cherele, eliciting frit" C-1.4- 1 no "sea llvldw Aloolus mad. a brand the eastila, R%fol a his father saw, fr-m went the IWO vk�,zz iw�n of opininnot anti gotpoorionce. Mr. At h,trinq the new* "r rAffirs, L H 0 US home that dX7 Nation m folvislool" I derfol thlis Mone!r to Lim on R00.1 EatItti, COLONTA E. with I Cho bake, and fInlinmest Aln-It law to M W- all .ban" beloto hot :w " What to fughlbe rel"pet, AT VA. Willard, of 1110, Utio"S I they W desert;ld Living- el'. lip to the halter wh;eh lWanot anbut father hod K4k*,n P--!Rnd into %'(Abw *"I* ydek."I Lit tism, &rye!., foll!IAIIA Kill to I he TI -1.1 mod al*, C'norld"y Nit qnsweriiwr aimaji keeps the larizest "rood an able and intereatingwIllroma If"b's pirs.,fulft it Scientifically, Sad took Avolottira t. the most, be- driving in, too,tity 1 Whitt. sholl I eset N.TKITFMAX, -4 boost to,,k of stwoning. he *SAO itismAing them intn a el"AratfY *A in will" the" %,kill the polr Dick on Mortgage. man I^ TnmTnw to "are Ilse 7 fmin it ill# firoo. )-a Lont Poll lor the " YAII f^lt* hle b-6 he hall belong -Ind A'- HOIS'ERY & GLOVES I 104h""re the wriclot he Mueller At first oil IF Ali PI -14" ow The ()"#ell hit lit length offloorra �ho expedition oil- hill intor- Foirrap? an I prnrnieml tin whoon gift to aP- We till be Apply At Will. R. BAITS n�t pro Wall, a think of hot slower aunt IN rilE COUTIF.q. hola se'efli slei'Zitb the "*live jw,rt#rs wh" hA,l hawoorpthiaway sq'ifiv Lxnd rrnm her forclosin". find will W. "I job f(,? lovell use, OITA now thsm" Ito"" K A I day'& j'ing, Roland, se 'twlmld I O_w will gassul, do osga r RMI -ITER l.pT,vm ratmeawt W,kI Office, C"Sid"S black CRAR. 9. ARCIIIIIALI). The 'rivan till worrid Livingv60110,11 Is and IAW them I son -on to t'(AS*r lidb Y"It, sititional delight is 6 leader. otim.'elf, Bill, V;7. ?W A4 �A A4R or A