Huron Signal, 1868-2-20, Page 3L axe,_
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a JkA
Meeting of Dirootorks oftbet ow this Bigalu Express foom judge, at 0 abuse ithow in MARRIMD. THR LANGAISHINK RAEE U11AINCI
11- H- 311. D. A. 8. tile savolfrallon of the tel.-Lroph .;1_.V Ayrh:t,i&*jhiuout" the other day his act- Po
A innatitilks of the dilkileti-rit If �Uruthj I" that city, who of.pputelked thr ug, the luti -11 -Ifullat he c�Lllcd 'file prubluni, olf At 89ratf,-rd, In the 17th inst., It the as Zook
I Tor .....
in oribs
Iturou slikkatt"re Diviction All. I-lot-ii,ty wava ry that O'Nt it'* Yo-nian m, eith,, at I the day.' fie ad, liked the y-uitg IAIim Rev. Mr. Mel"hoerston, '%'III. III INSURANCE COMM'
whio are III want If work, suit Itkuly lo Goderich, too Manks. only daughter of 601. LARUE ANW)RTMXNT 4F NEW
held in ItAttioultury's hotel, Brokoetiuld, .n 84-coloomes' IINII oil Sjturdiy lto�t, 4,811Y A provisions a see door -irk oca,
numbered 6,030. The Cape ty o the low jo�htl just to hand and offaced CAPITAL, 22,000,000 STZRIJNU.
i drift into the,werstiockod 6g.ventow after- 8tinio, of Stratford. t Ties well is
taurv, freeaurer, "aull apply themselves W bank Ilso re. 0:
PWrQe'%j144keq*k'1obY Sghmd-r!2th IlWt pres"Ilt the he Tberve is oz....
11 in �00. hut, ofeeild in@VI.v ukerchatitst. 00111,4111
Messrs. the pursuit df ovw-Making -r, other AT TILE SIGNAL OFFICE. r.114 ooz r P....Ily .1w. Is t1a. &hn.dok=jp If Any PkMn vvi.hirr I" I,& -
Then they would , . to by M. floak, W. Ituart litad ".�Rktj lines it 0.1 Very TOSWI-6-
Collocate'), V�X, Noweat, lialkik, i Sir The flax mill of' Mr. W to. Ilen. words, turn dairi, 1114ido. TO Ctb.NSUXPTI'%'EP.
Pickard; SprokkatlGoo. Audersoll, Wdso"
and Ifullbar. dry,ofNvusts-it, county Grey,was totally I be little us -arn *(room rjo fit j,,U) & year, Th. N.Vaq I— re.t.,tra 1. health In U44..t I.- boto Irl. taiu -.f X11=1 WAWY, able kerobs. The -oil is tea Mill,4 no,rth of
it Vt A L . I I I villiCh is fit,. rechout rate if IRV ejeet the by. -y .,owpokv after hal,recks 661 X P, W M t 1 !60 0. SAJIUL1, If )KI71,011, Glidel ich For li'tolis. a ly to
end iiiiijokwd cog t kneetilig weru reni 4 roye v re udys ego. inal I . I y lots and .2 1
a W would find file clocculwi-lit ' healthy, LUA %I SO V I to ENS, I III", 1� ��
and appmoted what%, fire was Caused through V1 0
he burst Ina of a to d'..,l Co. okNkokNlkred 10 talks "More is to winir. INbing.n....1 I..u.
Tkol, President, Jack. INAMIkHabort. stated Lantern. rIvissiblut And pidurcolsoluco,'arid moreover, rights ikek toui, flicart, ... Cloribel .... 25s, 0
t there w,,tlld hot plenty of 'You"11111 null Tonal' Como bi.-It to Fria 2.-.' FOR HEADING & STAVES# or stock and fort'ielt. AWN WON or, the Me. 21, 1867. billif 'me
thokT, a III too, it)" Id Ifebtleawn front the j(ps, 4,j,-kacX. 1. orlycontst ui,tic: Slid most liberal I"was Froue
North ir,914'.ii,ty wait 111auckill"or riol I row, ... ... I ist.,or.h. . wl 1h.key ..It AW -4. 2U.
it's" 8010' The St. Catharines Journal 6 in. I after thuru.' I Five o'chric-li in olive Moruing
forui-d tkat the, 30th Itcoviisent in sheird I -.d�- Aoitr,... Illail NJI'ANTili the at... aftoollhis filloolf
C.4-. oo.I .1, rb,,.t site J.'ojr tolk Th. it N. Ask. a% Mar, houcloo,,
It VVAA re*)Ivvd that file statliaienta Asto Makirl.'s &,trek 23c he cook give Bleat A OOOD CH AIN C E
id .�unir. Parties
a - A weltliviinvo, I -sailer ousich-mmking, so e'.1 Col.. Won't you fellow why, Hawn? s. - be
evi I 230. e.b.ntiourea U"' be piliplaboak for fur-aihira crickpletto. FORIA HILACK1111.11111ji,roll
41 tAtioll Should lot e"Ant At 'juvol. to b- stationed &Inn4the Nii 4girs, froonliol
id .17.11tatiol .."t"41 4 Minutes Which it takes as an looliesticto or exticet. Arm Claim as the priticipil marit in thoi 4I.A.'er, Yet 3
r It. rLATT will fied if 19 liagir adventsisloo to spilly. Ad-
Higglike it
uill., fleri3lP.&Ily, Riatell. a. That they will a"IMI 4ilwor Chisissis 35. Jan. IT. lose .51 rrr undersigned .11son all saile Is the '111skew ce
let suit (i.wunluck Tood visitors. it-. --11. it -11 vc-ov I 'as Ihekko, oved 14
week Own itaulliLLA. I -arinvit Ring the old Soup 256. rem
i"'.nktr ronly on tile Lox. An sk"juniti. " "X" IIII.Ellf WALIM
This likhest ellectilds it 30e. -it, ilk hlc�y as At
Mr. Ih inal said. lie hat it,, I SW hovellb to move WARS-by'a"re 06" Meet Me in the Lane 'NORTGAOE ULE OF LAIID Godstich p'll.
I(mor,.f lancoofour4 do -larva that he )1 0 per. ovelpt.knovioddlit- 0- KOWAIRII, A. VVIIJ-01T. Met noode, the Met 4 25r. _14
kliwivtv bookei. 341C. IjEFAl'f,T lk,� r m the povo., �' a See. 12, 1847. w44 Auto _ the coppsonitic oddic.of the road. 11) Rural -all
being theigr"rVaident if fill. N,,rth Ridills, slowest, seol so. too, everythieg -,real. eliwtd Rarer matches even than" I New vicork. We Iscomird toy the River aide )cut occurs Abso nisob-
114 '
ivoll that had catue I_- I. j I I. .Lacierval oc 1 11-1- -Icati.% lif 14
with a low 'If magistilIg it, the unmak of I Ilse bou6ht lucifi!rs that foul"t iUi,Q The Givasy'a lVianing 25c.
30C. V I"cledo day W thevull." fees. Th. P- an 1%g-foRy. L -.t I I � rd. ,iF v, -J lob -co
1A 1* at all. Ilo lelf fired "her Warning 11 1 0�,l -T co -fl. be .. W bicillb.4 )..pft
the two awl too stake the volis- age. party will be W.1 I., I-oclolic Alvel to -4
diti,bas too which hill slociety virtild ACCUde.
MOTHERS, READ T918 I-nOLL0- Bell. Millions, boi Wocithick, ankslowls. apply t;sk
lturtALO A,4iw LAKII 1, -.4 cre,., W 4 VIA Ili M Lily;0' ri'lij ii am a ruoe. black Any rof fit* shore met ponvoll paid on rookkaii-t lw 7,*
reports and artichas in the 91,; 141., they had , to -23rd day of April next, at 12, noon, 11 E atilateriber offilm .,I* vaitwtble
Mr. 4 .. venil,wk raid that fnnoi curtail' The London Nfar.railway, article says the' .1rovkrIVj.,W ... .... ... ch,kirea and Adult.. I pries. Address, r
not Too eat a IT
Do ji�
fireetters of the Bufflick and If urou Itall., The brief tillu- it in lassivingd,rurn the threat, -A..o I. ; wO.k.-vor, ..a N,.i T. J. HOORHOU%K ..Ww h. I__ ---I .-h. siod Writ.".
at&, the pri,notini
buell 1.1 Too belie, 3 Illitly if file direrwre I,, Fice, co.ou . 1,.A. _ Wall le
'I C.Mp,isi,q three .1. We JOHNSTON'S
tile Smith Rioting wished atich , ul,ion. way Cn. to kire is.ue,l a "Unk stuling that'lit the ellwliout ,f a torli,ble night of dubturb- tolkerovi Creat re . c.
,Siffnal at, sce"i'lle".11'welt -4-1, 1.. 1" T.-4 U'Alot-lo, agm of lik"If.
Mr. Biggins then AtAto,"I kii answer w up to the present.timis they have btrn oil. -I ab -e "erich, Onto Doord on 1. 9.11. oudill 'he
a weary waking III tile lull -11- I iloon W
th. al""ho, "I'verskill III - p- on esi,wol IV sovsk so.itiviage. low (bither par. WILLIANI SAV.kIFFIEI,D,
to) try all " I,
quorati.,its, that file filli�,t"u a-Wi,!ty hold able to induce lite Urund Trunk Co. to 1119 tc., the rellh�liejs ilk: M-1-tv wal.-I'my WWO. apply W Gooleamb P. 0.
Illyeli (Wres wfuch'was a pay qver tiny money on account of, tb_ exia ive fi,r rheumatimn, pains ivothetku-il r the T.,plon. cobil 1'... -1.- 1). Hit A IvIt 00r)I-1 XU. 1467. *45
(orld"41i, Moter. 29.
Akildillgirvit-nue for the heir year euding 31st -16911s, vhl-, -1-raitin, of If,. ,I eft.hirr. -o;-.hi IN,
lot iid allitroiteriaw- exhibiti.41 1 solba., f_
WhICII they I' willing t, I brilikova, &C., hef.-retiimthe 1. (,anadian 1 1��- art%' if�vcv, -V Well%-- jr1luilly 1111bles. labim"M, 1367. .4*d
W- - gravit (,or a Dc,,,,,b.,, last,
1111iono allow ; tljv�y load t ¬ Conw(Illently the -into r,oaek - below .1. be ov-poic:J 444
Pain IX �ovdkiu,yvao! n. Irw,,fj'e, very a r
to or y ail by till Tu��y SALT THRITORY
t Just to havol nne rose of lergs, Family rim". ims. at subles ,no* am we.
spring allow at Aryth, but if tile &,n It bondholders' trustees are not ily aiffi rik-nt dealers at 25,u Kr 6,ttlC. 7"'d - evll a FOR SALE OIL To LEASM.
Itiding Diree.tors wishell Iuv% u a union Nuds to pay the overdue neutrons. It is! 4 0. '1 the� Biblebo in the Nilotic Red Refoliqlacces. train
I 44r The t b-`11" (_ 'test Th. Ocers list. I. lessisissed UeLl Tiveasove, W,
the. N.-rile-ru Directo,rob conten,led ork the part or that 0a.,that no -flicovey if Ilryark's Pull it go,, hil'oh". jok"A ask, IS", .1 varrove evkk� vvojoI P! -L .3W JOA('IZF.-4 just K-1 4 Vivella-vi'll $411
spring show, Wafers 1$2.eso -ro lb:ao. &aar� . A�
wmaill advanced,,illar I, wit), theol. looney is due until the "ecountok tire fully. ,, couring Coplifflul, colils, &:,,I all; i -f Ilo. WHY vi (W.Joce't Oil— lousids. ad ..o 00%�th "its' of the It.d.
t to ace, it,,- It's; plain he; -d III to AT THE Alab., No
4 &Pill rholoCrilig fill-' 1111111110rotgagii� 8"1 of Land way t'",
It mijillit have het -it rather hailtv floor thunt tuade up, anti as a differe:it pirillon SIR In th.,, .1 too, 4 1 el .-P. 11eogic. I-ml-knor, or,
(1 0 to' I'd- 1,alolool intAk a proverb. jvavdr,j ca.I oll, arms of wroulths.
o to oulle filYth as tile place f -,r deitir Sloring trrtnikkeoll by the Dirre or& thi Co., If theubs. top ... I" I-` lot I, I Jr.* lot. p.. -.t clositto, 9- ro-or of ka, 1. is it.. looks copcose�. How Photogtaph G a I I orl I
n all to U.,clakilorl Appleton
could to -A rowede frlylu it. Th" inwild he li-oij Hot 'town (cial 11.41 cor...., eculut low Ike To". WEATUERA I'D.
.0 1--comwery, becari,q, Al.. the Vind Acirstrie tid�rb
arlo�itruted in sevocirdiont:4 with the agree :Illilwaviti-in and ri%-,Llry 'hornocir' test IN WATSON'S BLOCK,
-gested that the t1iiesetion be Nibafers are kilt,wo It D'.1 I gni-lujil cii W.".. it
14how, but it hall been dma, still they they have so, lutc,41 SWtva, where these rnarvulba, or a SIGN A 1, OFFICE p---- 1.1' be, 4 heict .,set. I
wiltin to give theirioductic. IK-ar dollar - - to
"" �6 anent. The secrountib fully be expected in 1 enjaii-I (,-r thein havc jiteadli1v ill, I'll. and 4et,lv we no -m -h -lb.- 1,111! The 1`4..�.ojr .111 1. kil 1.7 Paid.; less
11 1 -,rthe la�t tw,.tttr ;:..;, v;;..', I - §_T_ X-11 0_N_ E i -I Y. Ill 13. IM. liver IN. 61s,ofecor Miles,. -here he h*qp
other I"ev for tile (all allies . .1 1 ,1 g lkw.v goi file --,IV A'Willm at to 9 R-,.. .. fit.
VIlLr*, Milk I W fit,* ISall Te - f 'tory n is rousell. in that tuout appropriate
this country early in Marith, after whiall : I polt a I A,,,d all h
evibibiti-ii could be held In Cli..'. Ous Ibl.,trofierecoplecel'at ecothlart'roo-al. FVFRY TFIVa VIC WANT to Writing *rond day or April wit. at 12, molon. mat,.or, to, Itor-clike pictures in every style z"
year. the brourilyrobler.' truhteles hope to Ith. in a, "14% avemge lver'tot' hundred 4, a- uI the, Ww Illedveseek. -r. and Lovelikepts, maw calliering at very p_ave _. , I I �";,
box. -A a year. Finn'e !!� if.. ev_.'ecil..., Par I kocien to the art.
ient ult'lulcours of tile is. saill
two N. 111-014 pictures. am
The,delegati-mi then retired. position Ili pay like &,upens now overdue. low joi Its"
1,., 4 No. 11. .-,.d ... -h as Daroorre-
"Iedit-Al 161"Jelmi-ju With -out nuialuer a,hnit! I-r tILN,.RjVjkke' & I IN. 11.0- 11 as 1%. T. -
The Prinuoluitt 91-Ae of th I that -Ainere-oom is sello.,gy .. T I, at I.
that tlV kll,,w to( 'to, Ion-parati,)n prockilue-' wl%,
kold belen inside in the-li= with To 1.73 a 11.7.11 per 1-1,1. L-v,,I-,l arikc S 140 �,th-Jer.--t--roc. A r niv -It cs -ovold. I close * be gi,. a vadli, the patriots tricossed A mfor4plypowLealpied no phot000rsi;.hos.
ing illich IN-11poicial reRIjR4 A" tle.,,v .,I,. I - AA(11,W1,V'. Ir -wk J`..�'. BE I;unscriber leaving water rower that
4..Llsk. tc..!d dr P.,kc-or J.1krattou vo;,diAlIr the Ladivice
the Agricultitral Bill. not P.intecl IIII In- T o: .41 he applied oil, Sighing a Suit Mr.
V liege. Witold give No
1 whell t4kell in 01"t miutn- & cmill, vve;41, and Gentleman of dtpi;riab and surrostudi
out that flat- C,oinntitt hall pronased the rloo-rhe well has reached &depth' it low J d -n; I'.. Raw. I) all 11 IE we'l a the aborove
ent Core. Kohl by e%ery droUl,ct still field Jok Reath. ... R.Ajoryordloci J. Purkionol, Goollerich Jan. l3th, 1954. .4. fi. U."crocir-., , oatary to
0ounty --f Moron 11111141k) withiput the re- ot about 500, kvi. .4cad I Pan." .,I loppreroweity (d using mid pooki
I In. -it 'A the ro,-,Iact�b!e ati-res throyurk.utl o:zel000'; jr Wit". Is'.4 lall'Accolucker. I
,, _o - 'an,t votiA also take *bar" miles covits,r1rain
du,tiiin -of any lco,r ceutager, which would a- The Jea,00lld f,,r 0M..".1. "It on , 1. I-1., w P_ Mu-Lecon. Sailiforth, and CL9RK%YANTZD.' a&- Cive HIM a Trial 1
I the Pr-yvitice, at 23 0(.Ilt% lour 6,z. Z..hoo,,crash. svfwswvs;;� T .. itair use look frob,
be a great advantage. mouer th Ill. :uploly Allhough the well is I Jole,l.c'ne Deal ceall . I Woo,l enti be had &I a 1,1. fiffr. PlAy
-A UtIvIcate it WAR soolLe,l 1. It. lot I -ap.,-1-tor tbor,ce - .46.1 large or. Physicing Hornes. irs for further lvartioulars to as to whether be is wriltht, ar-41-notoris.
000cvoo,,�, I_ co, ;rl,.
After a g J di dc.. JA
M-,v,,l I -v Dr 0,letruirk, blec-ontled 1�7 Mr Th. I.- Able vc fiertiss, polinfloviscal unkill T%._Nv
the "anke .1 the .14 Nov. S3. I S. 01AWFORI). J. W JOH\ .4
Irr'.41.11 ark"fle,'! Unit- r..ICIINADIAN Pill DESTROTER vor .3boly' levrot Alln. SJ7, W441 Godeneh, Dee. 10. 18671 W44,0400 Tie
Maity liera,min phv�ie their lot in-nall all AN. is". .1 ons -1 pbs,.,
flint the Sprins Sle-lor be held In a e ar vvIrIl is a .... or oh,vi %fall.',,, )rwg I . N. y .
ly -"I--ijilly ever%- *I-riry4. T i i ou
Ilru-c-Auld -Carried. I ador, oe. The kto have 1, on arion.ler...of A
Y-hea 1;. 10WA To Salt Speculators
M.W.41 1 V Sit. (*,,%. setNota&d by Mr. lialsolkAthavel. 'a Mat err,,r, atel .,ne whi,.1, IW callated 1 florv., pow I.. in a ourisle 41INer"
Lvuh, Thick itin$6=11 oil this toc a'" por I
-cous If takilly valliablot b.,M'4. M&I'lly,tic I MONEY TO LEND
law" I ovit a ru. it of 1. etLes for the' di oc� "'Ical wit... we hot,e la" 4.4 it in 114tially givell, "Itc-11 priocitlees In. "AL '11111
t! sed, Mail We he,. lit -ver klo.,on" a 0 e �,'ovv_ I
'I �l w.ek. j" fell oper.tiou, mr,lerc it venotin "Infolitl'.11 "I Ole I.,wels which generally"' "' " Salt Well, Casing.
to ben I., I i, ". lag- )*i IMPROVii) FARNIS,
rp:w of hAlling -k grout Ciotinty 1- Irlits rill, lot'-fre..... .1 killed 1�., w..l vi 1 tile I LAND FO It SALF,.
�u I vi'll oll"m 1kok vc� . I.,ne 1w,mes fitoal ; it aI., weako,ret thr, h.�rkel ... bass ay
vkotw 1 w4luhl low In -Pat 0.11.111ove tic tile We I a.. ML P AT 8 PEh CENTI
1.;,f A,�-. i-te. !. Total it lo"cv. wilowd, bo von the, Mouttry .1 am
inboorestot 4.4iiiiicultutre, g.-nerally, its the 'it.bair I— -'l -ay when like I e and thus reeido,ro hint tilore liablo i I"' PUtteriblor. Red ke,p hicist .11 RIVATE BILL& 11 E welemi-ned offers for set* ovibiwat foe, -A I
jrI-Rvh:.I with it. mot Peak on I be col -.4 WLLL %S1
I ce!Jim-, or lects able to. t4r,.w it .tr - wl. I
*'.1epoiny. acres ( Zi in G iwiderich. whith in ad Invest in Town Property!
County "(flur"I.. 714'. Fall sh-4111 "Itild 11. file IN on thill U THF'
.... . ..... no 0.1 ps a I'ledicitle whit -h will olour. V.rj to,.�l col.g..-ol laottoc� lo,.itial 1).,,. 41, Wfolook, It, --bit*$ at lostr4tionvived -1 C" -ft to riviecal,11 &denied for valt vorks. bring on this
Ike helil from it-lor t -o vi-ar at sit It 1.1boules sisli, lira . conertil te, Fkiii
in -t, an 14% (�ick- Ital SSJAA) ,I S 10 -he,---. ate g,-Iltl * v, elic-11 the 6wo.1%, lip'll i T1IE('A.`o74nIAN PAIN DESTROYER Ikus. viont. Frio. 41.. IVA: oul 30 P"r-Y '"'R pa""B le" to "11 be on hink if the River Maitland bad adjoinial the
soothethrect,' mighisel., i to-% w-, wro-l'. 1,1-.j P- r1l,iiel. I- if- 11--ces, -F e.Ul Thoanslay. blow I rarrister
toual,lit-arst,, be the bent pir,loarood f..r like li%er ruel hing-, reno.ving all .............. to G. T. it. track. By a short switch. ish Godefieb.S*DVI 3. 1464 W3 t
sech a sh,,w this p4r, alet the oll-legate4l tiond tht-refrnn, porifyiwx the I,hKA jond hlM--.y 'YETINCER, Suit dArl foiciftering. It it. U.,oftmily. could be sent Eastward by roil cr to the
GODERICH MONEY M&RKZT van i Quick, llow-4 C-�.
t-, -I-- their stork Liver .2, book
bling all the -yr6%n* TIRE C11111111111 IN CON
iseein t. fay. -r fit,-' Ao,ck, if in,- -able uni,,tv wharf for shipment. Tivisprolop-roy iselon
. it t 4 14e,et.l1k; If tile C --t-1 f -boy 4,11ridvy f., the F,,..l by withimt nertming Italy, whi'l) in sec'.111. Kidney rem. Alif It
xh.,W%l 11" TAVFRiN FOR SALE I
lished toy tile line of' Darlo-v's local I to, f4 .... 1,, A-' %lo,loot,to Plot, ........ r Alothaut, Salt Works. 'This AT A
to the wAl now sitiliting and tabroat TOO yards
Z1,. I,,. ho�lj at ('11n. wela * 6,4or,"n IIAIKIII 1101)(11K or 1.14 or. the (am." Gotforriels
Tom at a t4ece �, NeAve W-juelly &nil C,olActi'lik; Me'dkci ',e lar or i: now oftoboc most desirable plain now in the Gir Ze tell a&* 3ER ilL Z06 ak:L 2XII,
;Z' IN61`111lo- -n by the Preoll. , -j I., i.1.1 oom.vay,fie system db...t.cliod O-N-ETANCING. Insolvent Act of i864o.. I
Goderieh, Fell. 19, 1W.S.. -it is always juaft. still certain. its n.e.vala3d viond"t"I sic-ooto 1, eur.;, awwiv te stio vecol saw im I, ih� Llw. or ii Mitchel. and Imendiog operators shmid tobam
file 1.,irpme 4 arranjuid (-,r'the I I I
f -,r I Ill. tl,ba', tll.t the 11;g.: low. - o4.1.. � thri'lil. ("coterlo., I rait. '. -I C.". I.-. $100 f..,l No. .0. lk.d
Fall Exhi .ti,nk at that vdiale. Arels.ri'de" cor fol'W"Jim4or. I , anj I I ;.. -) Pon In, the "better of D. Kery color, it clithost delaye. ITIHAT I.Waosst C,,aI;;4v&ec ff�rlcokvl 1. it. I,=
6;jqI, if /lard rr, .1 a.. each eoirkftz�. bein. te he ..I neuraigta 1-11% opil.kNorl,
A w arin, hing anti ultins itely rarriblins; Inadvorell. For pot terulark apply to it.*.. - A. F61cieves 11= It I. at pollosic"'Invir.
dist-aaction apike!,after which it*was After.- - 70 (,r C ... at Northrop 4 Ly"usel, %escescallot, 0nostrio. sells, r1we ctad.41pno in wer porto W3 1. IAW 10121�, 86 lilt"g)lt. 10ftWW 40LIN HY.Atior. his it)-ty rest ( $160. PyI #1280. Poor% bass. a
71 a 73 1.. "1.., prowto's to, by all Medicine 'he I- -J%' liel -Alla wa,l-,--. has C.vl i A DIVIDYN'D Sheet ban tooken loolvelearrill God -rich. becoubar cof yonces a,,.. hoor the toalcoll".
4 19:1,s t. ev ry 0 -o -i idan.leirs. .6pro"' -tiornp until the Twenty. 11161a itedtafrablable V- (an-, "ru-.1ion apply
h day of Februar.y. One Thousand September 30. 111110- w.U.3mull JUNIN CUP&L.LYI), I'mWapter
is I",rot to keep by ourselves kinJ that the Notice, No Ei I t 111,111,11red Sold Sixty-eigh �4i
X.,ved lot- Mr. Wdn, --wIlAbor Mr. 'as I lh� I-J -intatabjed tool.* p
owultaince4 it "tornpla filed@
in, that tindor tht-ca. If.wum, Aftene- -72 foor tice 1
I I. KIPP.- F R�
In set crIses I,,;'
tral-bo. Itures. lin:.secit Moll at O'colcorich this first'day of Feb. I
..L -M Rife. SAMUEL POLLOCK, - Salt Lands 'TENDER -s -
R fall sh-ear tor tht &eIth t6hiq f,)r 146A fe- . ....... ..... .
.24visable f1rla Mint. I'ra,ag. a Vie �;iclmvvrh. 11N.,haks, lot rowy, A. D. I W8.
held.111 Ijrol�fikkll.l, lout it InIght is 4-,1e . . ...... 6cet. 'll.'elic I C1.4"a ].tau-
t., It. lit a attwu show cv,,iry ter) or three
ILL by I'll.vol," olf willy
ye ro. 11:N 11�.
Assign".. W =6,, n"'oo,".
at Ifoeb. 1. lt.w.46.2w,
metailment hy.A)r. Woman, BRICK, BRICK EMU 1� Neur'sectle. C. W. .4 go 11cread I'll. I.Ajoilt, title &�M,, of C. A
M-ovd.1 in A
shav,ndkel by Mr. Sprait, that fit* fail h I Awthe'-re
AA � I
"al duat"U10, General Ascrat I.. C vision.
IINSOL 0 back
.,It I he wu.A be
lot held to �,,.%fiwth. lelverycle 4uhveriolsocir *1-1 conteset to dc;iver V ENT ACT OF 18". 4A ty .,It 1. te the sonsove.
on roodervi-Is toy Volcker V. ":1,1or .64
In o:i Z, I Accept the I,wsct a,y tocio4e,
1. 14, elicits ".r, jocall'o.
Artificer fling diectrusil," Nun. Brick IL his YW4 in M-il'ok,olvillp rentle. ),callan; Oonhae, -V Col. 11"Ifirld; Jokineoia od
I and after the 20th June most fit is fill-
Mr� I'Lointh having withdrawn his name I lesith.".. "moger"lle;j Pe-k,votd, Lsieseri J.H. tr of
eye 11 so -.-
Fit. Wall- At Jalkh. (A-soun,, :iet-cor 1. Loi -
fr ... a Mr. - Reticle 44 ..... ;;
n j V It. haboit. ot-ollank. saiii &!I '.led- wim Wa.--h, T.1v 1.1 1140. .264
lot up a stew block unitchies. to I� role by sic,
uvotwn, the latter with
.1mer And Istr,vd it. MI. ft.. con
.,a --n, !:;,e file .11, kie. enk W341
a g1poll (fe%l .4 " joulling and haul- I)* And can f0l during -in by covelol-11 Ill.. ...-to.
be may be Invoiced with I,k,
Ilank olf I t" 1. ...1. bill. sit
borkievo-A,out 1)f local jeahlusY, the VLAe i, torl
desirrejet of accruritow bi ick ea ly. is I ,r.t Iff. F. I I I.
111 -4 CMIL.1 A -as., TENDERS WANTED!
-,ws atoo'leb, ore at the -flies, of the' THE GREIT ENGLISH NEXED111 -j milk J-,,. Into. .23, , I , . L� It,
was taken, " fell IRA— th-ir orders bit oil 1.1110im INAT-1m,
Ants,.Amt. --Mossirs. ';prlxt and kAd cort, =.,To I.; A-1 oc, 141 tiedereqised. a0coltalcm.
Coleman, '.I Square, "it"s tl '71"d -I- be use "'A "A""
W. M. SAVAG Tell
M�mlrv. Sweet, Lal"I" Wilson, THN MAK -Airrith, I I Ireb., -3 Plitt sui x.cimi-7 CLARKE'S JAL Z& 3P:B 30 1, T, I N PARCELS!
soll 2on Celebrated Femookle, pills. A Brkk or Framp Sookso 1-goviles
¬ Atiolerpm.
A Vf%sG lately -eh -tied an i"Pinomont 11"ItIvileas of now- I is -r% so ibi f- lot. Birth V,,- 11heoct I.- His to, 1.
Moinvers. ffunt,r ¬ Pickard refused 0 Golosaicu, Fell. 18, 11168. Pre,folcred /raw it prostorriptifort i J. . J1 j IZ.,;; .4 i1k., RANGINO, FROM I rin,
which film to =-site the largest T. W,t - &ad S -7 tis - I on
Fall Wheat ............ .4,lore %.
trick". 3 1,1 ClIarkly.31-D-.1"hysiorian, Extruordivic, ey phlbamptilln. is- a,! be, .. lecd alosr the lola, Vok, " I."
The President declared the friction. car- 3,,risv; 01(bovit ........... 1 163 (& I phonlyraptak towlis is Goderich VERY volm. -is, uk. -h corm be b.,
I� 1:7W9. DR. F. E. ORENUS, to the Qintex. I' of April -.1, to, Motor, cof the 11c ll -o To ...... . 4 bond U...".. ow, --,,& Iwe Ittirecon,
riall, Wit file Illapority doll ",it seeill to �joar ................ 7:04) (at, 8.4)0 MAP. I , cone"I.." 1. heard. jk� U. tic, 2 TO 3ACRES1 -say terculter. o
k GEBMA\ PH'I'SICIAN, j 1 1. thkable'. oi HU -111 NQUARMIN.
ow what top del with it, " it WIA do"Air (lots .................. V2 (dr. 0:.V, on comit.,lisor 1%. ovidw a th, newelvertat 61 di.-tair.
kn e U It 15'F, R S 0 N S%
letvat what- rest . .................. :fI3 let :70 Shook. 11,413. and doesrew. of, v- FO "W" ". ft'd ws. LAND IMMEDIATELY Birth. Joel no. late
RrucefixId bell W, savywalloll 1% Pit- ioc, --fes, 6 1- 0,, 01-t low, 1,. art to Ill. -oloo.41101,04 in ..,life It Taieen tori Ch -,?@d the Sam, " One. RI(M;=) J4)NCPII TIIOMPIIA.\. Jurnicor,
Iq 1,11 Att-loy
Cover f,,,r a larg-j ow. Itiorlity, ................ 0: IN) r tjo� in-fervolonvollex-ow-ock, _ tresalloba'R 14.1t.- Ilcylewhibin Pisko.;reft. not the t."I CIIARLILA r I L "'K,
t an doo�el:,d to hatre the si-7 4 50 (,o 5 cli), -A.1 .11 thii.� I-, who 1, t1s, leelco�*I` or and a-lovedly,ore rn., be .I,,d an. in ilts Dominion, but act fockil as &it, made iit le'. ADJOINING
'on too :i!.1hf,T1 �,,*trkt .."NsI
1.5th Alwil, the prises OCR, ...... ...... :: 30 (4 0. :15; :"." i Job, -h Thfrt I Vorter. to Men coscisty f Oct. JWHO WANTS A WELL
( 0 TO MARRIftJACIES Goilleri, AIR,, the New rethievot pattern ' day at for-becia", IML 2. .1
�,tgter .......... :�15 1.41 -6 2.o. a PA the Call, W 3E -Z Z
I", yet Vijifo,, for 111113roer d, -v,-,.. It. re-oroing thin Otlev's Patent Reservoir Wal
0: 5 1 whirli is thr�n times as baq de
Draft If"rost.., .............. .. '17 one coh-11 time,
b,a*cv. it . ...... Ifily lubli ler box. v. like
low $car, new -0 too ....... 10,00 ('a 12 pe..., (ke, Decline. herr, if ; rkwv- far the lontronale tit ticks fault, iiiit-ocs all to INSOLVENT ACT OF 1811%.
A thurhatio Bulls, liver :11 vean C.50 . :001
0 20 2.11 41 le.tol. elt, -ri "u,
411enerml V-,ri-eves" 1240, Ilitle) 114.4 (freen) if offol AUCTION SALH, Present Salt W put, We rival es,
lot 11101101,
eallandavoti slikenewlizetifiarthilmseltrivok.
:end ...... ............... 6.111111 Wu,)l wombed .............. I THE Clllt;%TY (.N)UI&T
C.-eritt, f Ifle-ov. AT THE cth.,rov.
fell ....................... 4.11%)Ij 1111.-4 ....... ........... 2:00 foet 254), r V A If r-rtc3qt. C.o&r;,-h, Jan. Tth, INS. -f U. C-aty lot fl."'.. so ticsid.
................. 4:04 '2'-
11, 'it. of .,It. F.
Ditto under two vem ............ (at moic FARM STOCKI -st.
,4 6 4' "R."' M,n,lay. the day Aftell a the obvider he el, ...I ce,, Pro
2nJ .... : . ............... 3-10) rest ..... ...... 5: no ( _"o cig-I .0) April) t if.. ,"a. r w "No t act of We' C'es" walovin calorco'.'.
to I ov
2.19) .............. k" Ivan, vi- -7M-32i Of rm 0' Goduich Railmy Stations
3rd ....... ::2.0 (4 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &C. LET f.ficem.-hietv, bae-IAO 'A onvolinI.
IT,, two years ....... 6. (to roarkry4 :.: ............. ::I I ( at C :60 '"or sic krLarcip""....'d beloccortz.,N. ..Jecowy sell ..a
Inc." af t -ell- 0000d.S,,oval A.1ir -,,ern. I tooke .4 at 0hoodarich. this Pith visit of Joemosq,
2nd d-) ........ :... 4AII) fl;ee so ............... 0-25 (111 0:3� Co. 31. TI'VEMIAN rvRl �.Ivv like h000k and Uncolon. I'll,cor on col.aht AlAIIIAXE0211 M,00.VALD. ApPly to
VAS (It 0:20 J.. ucv� quil, cook, *0 no a. sh.- a( ak,� i..r.
3r4 do, .... ... ... 2.410 ytio-kil ................ AS received instructi.-no, 1krn Samuel I the I lolocri. H,. 'I Allen Goo Me$ Lvilly Alexander (2)
oriph ialt, whs,44,10. f.o.b. rv� bill. H Whites, IN- 1`111- --it .&,l a ,In ish,real te-1. Ad libeek, Ito 1& 0. OAXERON. 0,--w -it.
Devoll 11,kila tin -ler two years ..... .5-011.) Go I t-� sell toy Auctfulin at vieleve_ lo. %W; and alth"eir, ov puce". "ItAII117,141ICTIMAy & I)q1*11ICAX.
30) 1.65 ; at the Aki, 1.60. 1. .p , fl
big Oviderlith. sicor. 281, 1847. W45tr ;Mt. `-
2nd (to ............ resideller, toll tile IttYlkil'i Wood, abitut 11,10 V' fle'. con". Hall tuchal 9" monotgomery R to of
............ 2.00 2 miles from he so,
3ril d-, Clinton Marketse. Tutern, '""cor.."con,lbirwharlifull", ....4 -
5.0111, 1`0 took the joille.ehirt .. each rates . CA!! Ity.
Gradde over two- yooks" ........... On Friday, Folorvary 2181, 1868, P-4-cs, eke, to he i-tivehi.1y I r�rvoivl. ran R J MeCloy A
......... :-- 3.011, adrew HONEY TO LENIJI. SALT TERRITORV scs-mv (-It.- Al -t ch. lilt r*I'tor.isce
"t agent Not I loo Icipole.." c.e.alloo, remerven John loill,licsill Win
2.9to 11?4nWv1klT414Ignkk%t4t%0 11-lo,ito 910qlL) hico". locit --)I -hit. also the the,
3rd do ..... ... .. C AT I A,11. J01i VIOSYS, R,whe,.er, N.Y. Idellardy Itableri To. ....nne.,co.,itood t. it". prlrrt,. T,
Clinton. Feb. 18, 11448. Noms. FOR SALE OR LEASE. ad take it.. away AVID
4;ralles, if ather breeds not Tunisians- the und,r-niunti-oned proolierty - I Rican loi. of. -$I no solki pit too par ounce a, rnrlemord rypnny johm EASY TERX8. lZr
4 11111) Fall Wheat ........... 11:73 (or, 1: 8 %,rrel Written, 2 c,,w col'ttinmij.. Inch ises, wift,
ed in abore ................ - ;print do ...... ...... 1:12 ,r, I boll a in valf, ;2 calvics, 14 to nor coall, law, *,Pat will Isolate, or Wolfe even. D,tight Mrs Neil Arthur J. B. 00RD014. i,rHI,4 1.50 isroolits eI file PMWOI (jeclereh
2.d do ............ Vol (2) 14416rdall l7onrood Goderiels, Jan. 14th, W
2.4111) 0AIR .................. ().-,2 (or 0 62 4hee h 1 it 'in'("' h'm'." 1 le"b"ififfor fill' 'low n -own" "pit: 1),eddook Iloomwe I S-11 W,,rb-. Abo.
3rd Ruder n,w, I hqh1t If FAM FOR Sia:_
An ............ ................ too (A, I I* It lablivers r A R M I N G L A N D 3
stial am To he reltric- I'votbotees .............. V:40 (nik 0:.50 jol-nigh, I pair harriers. I, W.'reservill
liens tak trig pritteell, firl I Ferguson James
DIPOLUrION of PARTNERSHIP eiaftemen is One, lj%7-
lith Riding, tooke van Trustees 8. 9 it, Good .4. 1111. 1 at lot 3. To. 1), A.1,40d. ors. I. costale,
the �ke` peas ...... ........... 0: 4;8 IT 0 u.!;r-; 'ither articles. Alw,, a large qucin- "lls, Park, I ij ---; �,,
tod. I I travviling, V To, Illoc" Ille and
Ila are t,� he PrIPOTIF sn"'red- tity of s Violets. I net (inboy" Arthur (3) Thminjosal Is Win vorem'. F."', as the
:X-1 -.4.
And Do Rutter ....... ...... a Co. Beef 4,1, J..- "MIW. U~" witive I'll S. `V,
juc,�ted are Jollity Cowart, &.all r. fl,�krtlle I J. oc�*ickr,l:� it-it,or I J.H. Gallaher Firidga Miss Willbo" John' certify thatHeurr I"'illiew, gains, land .1 'A" - 60 __ - -f high nirrobjeof
The pidges at Prim ................... *0:: 1140 121 001146 1 110r, MIOLD F1111,11TEV-41 Tulssto ' I*. z tenon liforalorTultholoolt corA41141 Of 11vivid. Olsold
fieefie, In.,. Malkebt V.0w. wait* cited, La, -k. (;revien Weston J Martin has this day diomnlv partner. I Tocality -11 o,:uka.4 ca.I oves.l.
G".. R..hMn full. i"ve paid the Flocer ................. O'N' (44 8:00, Tizines m, Scti.z-All surnic under 111110cash. it"cor; K. lolu,111011, sash�t". and n Miss. ol J Asm ship by mutual c-enovent, F,TILT Ofilkin-joirolks. baccon fallen I- SO by T2. consal oves, doovellivict be.. -4
(itderich tic., %it .................. I(olliff oc III.(* Gillespie Miss Weller Peter ri ,q .1. con note, ce (,.Jftlk (LItorebb ad it
Jj11"1r,,n Reaping &let Mewing AqwclaWon above that aunt, 12 m-onthe credit allowed WILLIAM MAR' Ar PIT"_ 1.
Wood ....... .......... 2 00 1,4 0.00 Tenn. �y ces the
Welsh Thai"# HENRY MARXIi. TWO RTY5.1 M 92,11151fif EA Etc A'11"jAkj foloopb
were willinilli sms'llf"'aske with file S,,ath by funtiothing approved imilt notan. '10111owskey 0 J iWidd Tboo Tj.iry d ran colitickeykill. Is" wa? As to
'of the Goo (0, 000l "crich, 'ch. 14, IW. w4td notary %stiff@ min I cany
1-ficloss ......... . L ..... 6:75 64 000- MN Goderich, February Ist, 111110115. W ;n fatriliect work -nit
Riding, Ag. 9,,clety. 0"A'derst"m Rivoll' per 100 The ........ Cordwood Wanted
acks fill - roorlivalare at itmob 4,
tpa�ord Ull Twat eleetinot. fEent Ames T,otnr A Ifivie.
matter was Ii Cli,ekesent per pair ........ 11:25 04 030 --- - "Ill Plitrm for Bale
W" a outwit for the N R -sliaintom to be named on he 0
The neat meeting Y, when, Turkeys .............. :40 (,a 0:40 1 C Afln WILL dt; FAID live ARCH. DICKSON, P. M.
Ifith,,( Alynit at 2 ,'cl," P. In-, A I .... ........... 0.00 0:74 GRAEF, FLOUR, FFM, event Iiy wm.,Nwtin. WS urtvo I'm in, ties 9. (Rayffeld
- _ 0 no
it is th,el ht thepollecu,-Tv -4 the ills" ("r F'p se To bait Borers Pit rky-ld ra,,ft. " acres, %.04
11' bliniffe .............. 0:05 (cd 0:041 nesive I-n. dunking havace. paid arstakaj.
holding Icy fall show will he re-e""'ad"red' III= ............... AND GOOD -CORDWOODI
0: 1 (0 AT Ifir
:15 =croku wittlard vaills, even (jade'leb. P.
eft 11.- Pit- WWI = Wilec apply too. TY�,, illoshes's, in as
46 .0 foo A 8111""s 11"n"K Pf)wrRrvnlxg ad 'cli"it
Nothei per pair ........ & QTU TED Into Use joetall-oll -f ton ft bvfib*f. !Of 14 "if "'. tiogittlou, I
PIELOVIESION ST01tZ_ - IICRO'V 19A LT o, 3 e -N. IT, , Wit floolne twis Yesel NEW GROGERY I withooll he �.,Nry billion to,'b.," salt og*ROB 40011milsols.
Thoo.a.0, I. r.jt.1 W P-1- late-ce. Inky no%b
cost oblowls, sell felvall. $.blue far .1. eakeep
STIAktr F114AISCIZIRITNO-A Faraw Sistaforth Mlarketis. Apply Rothe fraceiry, I* leel kiik� hitinion.y.., h, -tU bol"I'll At In AND Awl to an. sik,lomk� we
It. Rilt4l'IBIA14. ALXX. P of w
Y stem this F;-Nl "reviso Roott becol. PON. Btalol.v mth jmw,. 1 soll I IN no.
entered one of nor 9cy"r AWRIBALD HODGZ, Cget (711.#;o
0, lonir miab- thasyroo,14, Feb. 18.1968 Vein I'llo)DI"T 11491to-IIA14T, Floar and Feed Store. Joe. 14. it" Male Teacher Wanted@
Week and SAM the P"I"I"t of) in bill-. Fall Wivast .............. 1:70 (to 1-75 A
r he wo,11d pqyf,,,8l6.
it silve elpring wiliest .............. Lrpt oc 1: 1; ly Cameron's Block, Kia ton Streatil Emystrom. TEACHER helding it Ant-t!sk" lieroff.
W84 tie Floor ........... : ...... T:oo (do 7:so p' WM. ROBINSON A ficate for fichool Section No. 6, Ash.
Three ani a half P'r c"et, a 0 D E ft c H casolt &*San jr.1- cor 11,
[3EWS en toothily to to like in- )at 21. ficloll. Apply untill March 1, 18M, P
Th, 0416 will fn'd' 'a" the ()Kim ........... ......... 0:50 (or *:M we- $, orkervowth. -beat S46 acb4d). rif
The rar- P,,1101 .................... 11:70 (R` 0 73 CaA I�Vflk Ali, rnKNVEAL. babitoorls of G"oteriell slid Vicinity that J..""Xa red Yeall"K Itivar. Tb.aqp._ is ,,, whtch tirv�e a stallectio-in will Ito. incedso, atsi,,
ail or In'] billIll chanzed 1111t, ,IIATXF Net in the above lince in Mr. -a P.-pulty. Poly em No take It.. 7ay: iPQ RAIAXY. JAIMMS HAGEN.
militates. .................. 1:00 6k, 1:15 lact P.A.Ious., thill.r.
a row, he cook 're'; 1,31)3ingessionvilty P.O., r"). Her" gevewtcy.
jeurl"kili arrvulld fa, l'ovatence ............... OL4fi (or OLr,(l to prier real for grain best of Ole stand, JIM Wout. -40.
I,, am if ,,Ideniy Hotta? ............ ..... kinds (rwa.we. seem
sad 6, 01,11 (o (k 17 to Fah. 6 '68
0 by'the way, I Owl Too $1 ".00 of -ORT11 ST.
" I,. Ng 0:14 (,r 0:16 - COMER OF SQUARE VN C:11 XT rr z qc> rq Is
Y'", take Filv-.r at Rao, 11-9 InsolventAct ot 1864. t;Rths d"",y rkiparinvoint its *111 keep
per !" To: sture krepe, coul,in*t 110411 if, 1149; * ..... * .............. 41:1,11, (01 0:00 ft ad fleuld artieles, akRJ sell as Cheap a Notice of Partnership I
"I" -contracts -t
................. b.
10o (a. 2:00 trwwr orinorm ild,an Insei ... to Z Flicah"o. R.Me. all.
e P&,.Cnad tkikqlak�a pprecked A-inforneor the eleveraver. .1 N -M ar.111
and tb me went off dolly As
I Particular Attention field to Ilievo line of v1k14 con- P-1. sit-. aw I.. I to oil .4 he
t the silver flull"'" nutlet covick"'" ............. 0-. 5 (it 0:30 Met filed to. 11 thoo -.1 call. at
to who To,kovyo ................ o:Ao, trij, o:fio ko,,ier. nrbl recol fit
ithin evil. role Ill.$ data. so r..-,, r livora. (4, aw."t attract, 3 IT— cil"of the 1-40 (ilk%.
A forlion .................. 0 (,t 111:6111 w (Jo�ry. Ilde. tolockrick.
F1,01JR A -IND FEFD1 (bad"ril 0
Do" at tied, rwhe, car c,our of Hume,
der, sayi ovir r 1
A 'Recome .. ............... 3111CRAIT, RrI)PT JnPT. PgA%*
(lIngolit.-An or oved fronvy the 0:25 (at 0,. 10 this Itake conly of I,. A. D. I q. well me live avolly0nimor boo bad -many Tonsil' I I IT r ?.,&MAN?.
has finAlly 131-0 10 1) dome andle PILLOCK. sets 2 1 so in that brackets of ba-i,,ns. he tell #I Too. -N, Jack
16114 the im * . 4:50 (& 5. 50 (10thrioll A C -My Ill.-
ya, if;portineilt. pcoh,' oct the vile pork ............................... &Z is b.110 fifferilre"I to . cellsocit. (spot ovieflittat iihat he even Ciro mitiorkiiiiiam.
Potter (AR- Go&rich, Feb, 7, ION. @*4?if at %too -4-0`04.
t. ion into the Ijkominolly, scolleltaki
Iliontretiol Markete. or- R.., no."t Ill. lack, ar rose
jaghliesti"', known 4 The "A
Last genotion , HURRH F 0 R 0 N T A R 10 1 1 -9 -it
is. over -co 4 Will. 4JNV,r inhit.. their
Notion 'Iwo, is well that "-will"Al" I. too. . . lvftA file, mqr
VALUABLE PROPERTY IV 30 V7 itivelosti Th... ,I. lfM -4 r-roo"?
.d logo be Mrivraval; Fell. 18. P C) It B A& 31 :E I "Itel"coll ..I ftk. th"a
this doormevralislitid his" j literature F. CLtFI.,0Rj) it thol-oll f tion, ack" &4:1-
)EIplyk out.of the covin FLOM- -superiar extra ...... 11101, ot A-24 III T119 TCW'fP OT Adol's r.'r Ill. "wall. JA
a-_- Extra .................. 7.4m) A.00
MOM, is 6 A@- AlAUUN81 0MCE111 rolvart is N mAntr
?4comphis, Tenn., it ey"old I on the 7: 1*0 (4 (1:711, SHAXWEARE & ITRLTFIRD 1 Red pion-orkille lev back roselti,poll (a, file 2int"OK .42,11
lightful place f,,, reoid, In 11111t, now. W. Canal sisper ...... 7:11110 o. 7:55 GODERICII, ONM local 12 yeare, laoffs hsaire, to R,f that hy joble
. to SISPITT No I C. wheat 7:,V (a 71111, RTRATP"RD. nt'nal.clien of he is . TN'tDENP �WAXTFD.
morning I F.b,,.,y 3r, 11" P"Pre" P-ro'.
a fibilit;
't P'liremoll to Wowlicern 7:150 (a 7.4kii, TA ' Nnt. FIT, 41114, ft, 70, 7.1j;kan too linds of EN
that city rPrl ther; 0 kid ta $,ripli, jetwi deals,* *"h
killed by up I. ri'lifoltot kwIV To. removed AIR 1. wk. Toked
- 1111" 7:10 oft 7:211 j atitheo-wal Im.k R T ye IN hailstone a ftow fitw
female stabbed. a ne ing j burglary Iting per 100 IVA ...... I fA) (A .3:70, -16, I'm 79tal, a-" 01*11J.".". �-tllo'lool,
a region Sh,,t whilat,"Inn"Itt , I my, ECKETT & ekers -W Revenue lota.111, =v-
WURAT-- off I bouto % horning F. G. B cool Highest Price Paid for Biscuits and Cran'll -.7-3, fore
bw of Ar"411411, em"na 8 ............ .... 1110 (m 1:. $1, off. 4.114, Ki and as. whisle bit ibilolint will )a to
and a num 1= 0 thei.,ovel, initiation ths,-Gosed Truo-k 11buiJa on At* CINMI all ancere .11irmwisgoto
racking 16. seeks I. It. hotaces Tells to."okii. a
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.nt recalls Western ............... fl. -fou (4 o..00l XAINLTACTrgtlW 011' 6"!"
, ", 'i�njlZ I I d. "M land a" I" or
Ani mi-� sinista beivell to The NONNAry 000 fit the AMERICAN BONDS, I ortbe? plsit,..: at T losocior'. DONALD NoDONALM
in the Virginia C-Milonti""'kelaoshiv, while ()A"- - Pot 12 the ............... 0:46 (*, 0:47 of ficisrih.
RAItLRY.-- Pot 48 ]be ............ o:9.-, rR I.M Thoonnslila sativerel *114,11-141olp".1y elt",Oo, MARINE, STATIONARY AND' POFLTA13LE OST OF folikvit!
were talking,sketchrout if The Formeor . -
0 "I"fillself- Berfookob-Diviory .............. Air wombmwp,,,Ihlw� Gresnbadhe DrRictS, I chda n;._jj by the _Rhkkk it ..till If? Igievail. From
rone of thn white acillogook", di. tried the 0 1.6 INI 019 ry at. IN& soq�kk
A entered b:3(o til 6:46 A, r le,or- reencher 4 Voters UL `h, k
monkil"T lixtring ftf" �.014 (4 0;18 TEAM ENGINES & BOILERS"
j.'nly intiver-litled Or "i"okee A -*O,-- P-114 ................. GOLD, SILLY11 COMMERC
Ant Ij ankler." PPWIO .................. 6:7A ot 5M Tere voccon .,in, note
-in; he "laket"�-fetkohisphilit 001,0 in 'few Yrwk d Ifer either 0 counted I'llofftic-hinery f"r 317"'gamphilorl4nit AND IIANK 4.00 P A RTrl'R 1*4*W-4 *a wous a%% ar Jakinflat" lac-lovel
wo,hoet him I a rely- O'clock 41 .fA rmok National 0 noill 1. bolAvess-rok. aft W.Mbprome.014 that as iscookove ants,
A, lifts". not, "late -..@ S .... IN .,& f she (i U. we. _t tassect t. be " on t,,R
14 1XII, Sgo I-*. kover, a a 14.n theareof The Ilesom, nice. t. , 9
of orde, tirlikeryto be Saill to verrillievol in Ike CANADA BILLS, vovtbornv,,�11 jweo,jl,, i,r I., I- volocitei, .0 the
Poll% :50 (RI 0 & millawlKillst, an -d Grist Wills I UPPER .0.041
Pri 0 It'virrom a^.. for th. County of %"k ...... 006 Flows thoo I
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ne wan iefcwm i 1.1,00 rlt13.,00 -1 w4o,ol,toolle -1 v,vold - 3EWILCIC "N"'
flowitstan Heorkin ......... *.'.'.** A:711 R fo:15 R -P Any ( be at.,-., I-@ may bs MW IM -91,MY9, HOIST 1 not, ithar al,eincor or - iticto - P.-
... IN0, AIND PUMPIX4) 11111ACH11MYRY. STRAX 1`17111111s, A4Lr M3"3r ]RA"r]"' I DakeS Of
elossivol. #",.- ".11t. fairol.
nm" M-001 q the, I'voict us 1-1. -.0.1 -billion 11" I= --clitio,ove 111.�t
a ............... 0:87 q 0:110; Fill per IiEwelvi Kind I
is Death may reffilly"y's frmis pt"', Fk4)q,7A* ......... .. litywave, a to OfNERILT AND -90119111 NAKEPX TOOIA' norriolit-worst Atria", a dance ETO of
g 6.M ji. it NC IfA LOA N.- t�a -1 . oi."�_ql M -f .dm a a 2.
theiko� -- I M. PLC* An room use#. al"'llove an hand to. req.,
A knit ther., end thli"ced I.;Iy if, evistaft.'j.
Poring IMA pan .. yeseae.�. (lr4pptiob. WANT Air( rARTrO
The hen, Is hrat-, I I -wh IF I, le percent ft 11 1! lAibo% Pktmg%C, tor"laul Snovollol 6M 4111MOnt Unbehloo,41,; Met* 111011411ifill 11"I "rev As 4%fAulp
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j will 1110 polarket Iii, valict" to @,,,g a, lannorest. farsed loommkohes moobN*% be. rifeARIA-Ust. afjonw", 114'. V.
list the driver is IPO -10 "All. fo"wal:� $raw,, imb. 14 liolmot
w w Robot, Isook, Feb. 10, low ans.. hook. 12 'bit
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