Huron Signal, 1868-2-13, Page 2• a • „le, and shoal hate siai4. " They nem ed with ivy. lu the smart neer roora ill , " Cassie," shouted her father, fiercely:1- '• • that 1 buena mereelM seam in me, trout um a grsen door, with • brass `up thug/urn, where he seemed to know by heard bitterly to binieclf. ' knocker, only opviit a once or twice in the instinct that she had retreated, " come i , When he was gone Cassandra came and year in times of gruat certonony, and on down d'reetly , ye shauna ' stay an houtj ' railer arum round Lydialt neck, andgave these occasions it stuck fait, and Masked longer to laru such ill thing" as here. Get • e Ises • hong and tenderkiss--resd Ince opens lied serectchml and greened ais if it resent- roady yr traps sad core :May, 1 gay i." , n theliert, seltieh L.ve closes it to "there -.- '. ed the indignity of so flee a Memo of show And till she tesine he need outside the: sit neither oe them sie.ke a word feather. 1 being requite ci to denny work. Alenipiide Leume fretting and beetled. in mate of , ° and life went at the nail an usual. I the door diet never opened was the litepit- all Nathan's . ndeaveni lemur oil on the; b 1,yday natal., .1 and wetted. Slie had j able door which witc Lever shut, except in troubled wsters. • asteritlit' Loked retina i,,r the (,,ture et ; thecolaest weather ; and ut lt uew *teed " Whet are ye whimpering for, yerI c sec dara,a, air, itg the unlearned termer,. 1 the old couplet: Tars. Bruottia face was . silly weueh I" said he, ' sa they want ',III &bout There wore but few in ti.at thin ' radiant with smiles, and ti, iit ugh Nathan'''. hurried:v. " Why, ife all for eer geed. ' reputation-- ana one wee to9 yotaig, endi welcome waa quieter, it whi not the least Mien'. litte leder nam *Y. a I•nndr:'1' another Pto old, end the next was silly. 1 hearty. w.w that Roland Atraity in thew/ parts.' • ,,sie 4 i tl e last driink, and there was 00 rest 4' We'd, for anre, ter haven't Mat time, them. i I iver see folk in ranch • hums. -And My - - To be °nails/el. ter the sole ef any foot to be found among' Ter two Milder," cried hi.; IAN:Ming. " If Twice rgain the young man dropped in. I mauve here a* thowt elie might bring yore ,elm' -- . . ii . . Robed the esense of Metering (lumen's -.tether, and mix and eseetento her taste, .tilren Iona' knife, and began not !to be particular in I like aii if A ware • putideit." , , a* ' • 14*E ORA.NT13. That '' Disreputable Act" of the Comity Counce. AT Liar, taeniela, or at least Ontario, to have something an near a " liberal The Onderich Star goes into an agony of indignation became a ensjority of the ystem or free grant " us the old fogies 11 County nice little scheme M one of its mer-sual. Commit thought fit to Mule a ‘71MitPacerunt'citn. s i'COnllolt:Uhesh‘ean doitiestirlied"; . nu* friends anent the .ounty printing.= at it gees far enough to recognize a pried We did not iutend to say a word about ride seems to be th•• gram' exec the sul ject, bat as the vliter of the ,Star has Leen Mulish celled' to broach the or the von& tful prigrer of the American I matter a manner moat 'nankin.* to them continent within the peat eighty or ninety I who 541 fit to vote in fever of th"e yea a 11 hat is the nature of the laud are wilt point out 'a Grt facts tenJiiie to we hate to give away ? It is troll known show up the conauct of some of his that the uneccupied public land, lie be- frien,ls. The tenders for the printing Trout both Wheel' were to be handed to tween the Upper Ottswa_a_nd :Georgian ' the chairman " before heir past 7 o'clock Iley'-esiending North;arJ to the Bud- on Frith; „nth,. Thorn bai na eon Bay Territory. The area is large, but a greet !intim or it oovorrii with pine which is seldom knowu to monopo lir the best soil. Arisal survey rroves that ot the remainder, nne third is randy mad poor, enothird rocky sod barren, keying eue-third of lair arable land.- Talieg dew. fees into consideration, it emins to us that most or the talk in the Legielative Assembly about restrietions, re , wait &feculence warted. It may have t n ri„Ilit enough to place reservations on th's PerrIv rMs lands but beyond that re- Orictive elaures are merely en many &S- emitic' superable.' to asters' obstacles which must be overcome before the lands in eues'ion are settled. It is wrong to takr It for granted th .1 those who are 10 take up these bade will isms* to be mettle, whose instincts re those of the thief and the swindler rather than men who are' °mooed by the in 'tuitions zeal of dm real eons of buil It' we -Menet get go .1. het dy, ir. tellieent clam of settler.), it W. re better to allow them lands to be sold, se lierttefere, es bloc to grte.ly site - relater*, and the. fact i$, with Amp ahroed meachting up the in - desired gloriem of M iseouri, Nebr take, Memo., [date arid ether Western et.A.. it will requirik good deal of sound Brit- i.h loyalty to induct any intending set- tler to tate 'tap lend..and commence the for himself cn weak of makne a home the sterol of lake Nipimine. Hence we argue that the I ritilegm held out to emi- grants ehould be of the meet liberal de- scriptir, and that all restrictions mast prove mieel.ievous. lie him always Indicted the' • mon who wee willing 10 endure the hardships of the wiLlerrees for die t urpoite of seem riag a home lor lameelf end his family deviated ta hem ea much land, by way of free grant, as he coat cultivate. With such a settler iite is emphatically, fur years, s struggle for dowse., sod, it be ie able .o serum a geed degree ot cern fort for his declining years, he certaiely does well fer Massa and tha country. Hew lidle die People boo been eons:tier- ed during tie. past tif Britieli Not th Au visa 1 Inimenee acres of sp endid seil have been at aided to Companies for the mutat trig, ; throueh Meantime, have veinal extieordinery Friel:cps, huge uteneprlies hoe been glowed te crush out private entertain' and eland in the trey nt public improve - tuna, awl, in short the rights sal in- terests of the predrill Claes have bees eysteinaticailyee ignored while ed much erimation in due rabies. flue is few f .vourei Mir' -have bees -than the local news this week. I gorged to repletien. It ie hieh - lime that sorb s state of things gmuld etas:. ifff' The contractor for the, Huroe Salt The 1030, "ntlitlit• milib Well, Mr. Morrison, • has already drilled the country; en 1 sil that concerns their to a depth of mt.; tem. The mell will pie_ preterit or figure interests meet be we - fully Mak,* alter by those who make ir laws and trarsict their public, buei• item In the mate r of the tree 'grant system alnut te be initiated we sincerely Mu* thet the egente of the Goverment will be instructed to ..xtetal te settlers etely whammies and assistauce the law will perait of. molting emulous fer Iii• nooingi " Dear heart.' me, Nathan," sehl his; hap •ned however, that he never MIMI wife is if across eld fialiford. C H snit* ty. t•5150 ellaltailt•II. (tow win oing neon.. wee: Wire 10 tato ea,i eerry s Iasi to ths ii.e1 her.. ii. kr preen here. he se. Ora top e/ Lyra wpeared in her keit I- /diet and e n.k. •• hy. roar., when. leer • Ina' '" Ban •nd ear the erre., kr In:. • '''Ver chaelr is like a md raw, Child," the, ewe* i • • '' whw• wt.. abound, " Now tell Me all about it." Pad- her forth., Ir811/.... 8. in 1.."8" • 551 benel• I Put all 'die coul41 get .int of her wie, • cii,!:e...i.",r',,,ass""t,,,,sr. s„, veep, a. tarn " t/b,• untie, I am so happy, and it's all „a. we o nee u see • eso req. * a." along o' you if ye hadna grit rue here I 'Ames. • if, pip MI 'I t. toe at. ete 11,,,tens' „ h like Man newer weer soy eta ele.k nolore mon,' enema Inver ha' lighted efee, Rose& • 160,.. dee.. •ed het hal, 111.,40, fit..., 44144 Pe.. HUN cetild he think o' me f" e• tooet ma ...ewer": e'• " re, Child re inurma spoil him oaww.i Goner a chanty. AI Ire, • „, . • hp, ppm, .he ia open nor mrt Slioll ll deal o' bine ! Ffe's a e.e„,, nee, wet J... • lent wah• lant•-'•ita.4 ••46" pretty tuiddlin' lad semen goes ; but tliess'at 1,.."7,..••',4,:tr4i.,'°„'',,Y.',Liabn..d.'". al aoee j werth three o' hint- • sight tocti good for . hadn't a fitger i' th' pie. It suak'i me GoDERI(.31, 13,FEB. 1E68. 'young again for to me yer two. Gel bier he both," added t he a !Get ionate ol ..........,..... -- - - ...... ' -,.. , worruin, with tears in her eye., us she dna- tir The p,ropristors of the !Iron Salt ged Cassie into the nom uN atairs by way Well advertise that they will pay cash for of taking off her bonnet. Le set her in sosthea„a.. • ehair, atel took the bluehieg faro be- i . tweet,' her halide, and pet it a hearty - . __ - -- kir There trill be a epeeist meeting of the Tose ("mecca this 'venal. Spring Assizes..-- The Spring Assizes will open at Goderich, on Tuesday ths24th i ef March next. I fir Still another allmouri letter has been sent us, but w.• are compelled to postpone its publication. • s• leek Al to toint . ' such as he. I elver -Mean b. Nathan how -- --- ale Remeinler that the Gocet Templare' - pa a.e. p reel Mt a• v., in • hnor see p e • .14 , _.... . , . . T • Oir,a,t Mt vaelli•••.1.04/ Monfort. 1 at 1..iont a .tot ' en n '''.. tint I kaki., & him i 'Illiu'lg°f'd ,' Soiree comes off on Thursday evening. 00. Or ran. we U." rid sr. •• she ea k . for men.' 1 1. 0.• raw. ' But in spite of this stoical view t.f hie tale Remember the Wesleyan services - A P.I *Om err sada... Vv. Tot'v• '' rid C., .. . fed ern. so uttrik &mem mew and waeta wace •I . 41/11M• alit: petted It .land for the rest of on Sunday arid 31.,nday nod. . ewe . _el the evening with all her heart. The old -... . .. reties, *tem , •• re wile' •ea "' " 8•4 It"'•'"., pie Till, lli.1 me* f tit t .:Line i te • Y ' ii,'• •''"'r '","..***"*"' " '''''s ""'' ,i . ' i , "-,:--'. 7'-----,' '''' --,,'. -.e., , Tits New Ihimtv toe M verwsv for Felt -mem, eir ti... • eet se i ie • reel her le yt hoe. law n...1 ell: . So nitl'o••• cecina-eves. caseate sat in A corner .4 sne . ie in li,r happiness. Is bcft,re ns. It is neath. gut up and Idlest troo re., ,• ann iheress inn olueotherl I ir hoi. por ; ,...oni, 146n, aud qu. t ow's.' ••••1 if IL.'go • Leer -a...1 iol, teat on P. or r. .., @se . hie sae. • s,,,,i ,,,,_.,„1 es,,-„, ...., . Roland. was • little more roared, hitt wIth good riUMI i.rt...:in41 andselectietreade tar e, 0,.. hoe...es-Imo. et 1.)4 n'....." .01.... . answered Natlinn'e joku • good deal at log matter. Thi, magazine will lire. ont • wome,'"1•1 .." l'"•"'''"'"'4"'• '4.'1,7 'i',." 1 rentioin. 'They both, however, agreed in 44, - - - • an her poor 1.1,1- 1 "Id geo Owens a Pest ea 1 _____ koot . fe woos eene Li teewr a ow eerie m ea se i expecting that midden illumination in the Volk." tatithorities which all 1 ,vere in such cases . A Witt wooe-rize.--The Godcrich Salt The •41peu!..1!*k" Nihu- .-W%ed a"u"'ll" u?" believe muet in edi I riiil he. ,,,, ate y take place , tho Co. ha,. taled up in its hark yard guite a " Coat • nollne Crone.. NO •he. lyrist. see ..... change in the oldest and meet cherished Mee • little piantity of wood,,-2Oote cord' ! wen etaar, atm* and."' 6.1 wt'll p". "" 0"""1 opinion's, the vanieliingef the newt obstinate thily elo•Ildt for a ftw mender after la-- . . . then toir.• onooll .... Wol,,In to aura , 1 wise ay es ,sse. ec,.. isew prejudices in their fav, T. A new light has llow much would 29 such estahlishinents room wv 'bee.... w•• • ...at rt,....., "...la .. 10; shone on their hymn sal thev ran not con.. wilt 41. ant door rat rapers tl!•• or,. I'm cl o . ' C Mat111110 / mine Ite, alet thresh. her up we l• merwe -sod ••••• mice how it ean fail to eitlig'hten every , s...i, oe me,. • g.seti te isiAt.,' e• we.vaie. p••• onst else anoint' theta. Nathan shook his I • haw '......."b"". "4""'"""1" " 9,1 a""4" "*. head at theni warningly. 1 e-3!. To thew striken with the pretailing garreeren ree r viral yhegorma .1.y. v. howsre, ir Well, ye'r brad and hopeful fey to a., , matrimonial foyer we would say that we ene, • weetiasi.4 how w•nr, *WI every Owl 4ereneles. ". hal arr..'" .- " it!'" "`•*" 001" ""*. 14' dead agin two such as Jralmay and Ger- are Pr•I•intit t" Print wedding hadals in the I'llsr ',,r,„has,";.,'„:„,,,..5Csr:, 1„.,,, nai ear 55.., man Aaliford, anti think they're to dance meet chaste an I elegem stele. a. e,"...wred tho nid P.M **1...., ••• (.11'w "..1 to yer piping, mei mek' friends; se your i ay re .4. • --• - -• - 4",' h""..."... '''''...44 on""...""' b'n' 1" h‘. ''''11: ,.11Olddillg, and a' that, te be sure !" . Everything new, beautiful and stylieh. w,, eme. a r.,..1 , ... .10'11• +beer ud, • wry sae. , voted ore r J....us, nit tiont " . I " Eh, bat, Nathan," aaid las wife, 1 plin ca in ceders, in the job -printing way, mem., • me law.. hie nrenher I km...4 bet ere/ •• ItnanvIS • very malty -Inhered len " sili I re .1,1 I iii thoy donfio want .imi to &mac." ; imy a_ . ".• is one at the S1ONAL RM.., Chi.p AA the We erer• • ere penis vennats, and lanai ht hir op l' la Klink. hands and gie um their own way, 1 ehimpeat. . ity r-st sr ita tent hh•',I• rr• t..... ..4 8, J••• .8" am" f poor thinre" te worg nealled in all bean- ie...met here. 40111N, *Ur th,t ' an Wilooll's ON os . . .• ' " 1 mun Ise going," said Rolard a. last ; rhea. •- io• anit • li i in' 11.1it OH, Ilia all Lot 4•11•• Imo. •• - eon O. no Inver '' .' " fert heel' be h by note. flu s mit " I ."...4 ."."'"' 'I'M "" "'"" "V".""%7 "°' to night at a club -feast. He's nem, for I 1:xenastu• Orviett.- 4 lielerieh islioildrig taa i a •sidal!r " art lhal he ler re es ela lis shes _ , , tr o o rid nun." rid Ow tor en ire Wake fatting toc. mush se some doer ; lint he's 1 nt, '. We ham nor a repine Broilers • Why. worst. . nit. otoo. '5... .41.1.4' "".1" . 6001 very goal company, is (sutler," ad- ' ettiee, ertablislieel lic Men4111. Dean k sc. il,0 sa,1 sires lat. Chr.1.1, 4 le• a .......I'th" • A,,A I.., ._,.... _ ___. .r, ..., , rein . an lie dawn resekinair awl eat yore renalit l .no on, non a wirr-• to 1.10.9, , glilart, Who are experieneed in,the art and - re.... nee ,,soi eseetra.- sei Leer. -set', '• Well, 'tie wonderful to hear msel Imo ! i• tot ro ........ma• beesar iny pocket 1 is... be olli jonhony joinect novas., in one non,d.e ob. : mystery of money exchange, &e. They '''.1-',....0‘,:anreit7,-, yes, 414.111•T ; ill Wier OnO• i served Mrs. Broom to herself in a Imul will furnieh for the Soma twiee a weele a ....,. -h Awl.," rell th.....1./.41.". Iwo' •_."It'LlY , whisper, not intended for society or neves- . fell rep:al 44f the peke ..1 g.,1.1, atel so on, Ire rog• O aft i te . Irene she le/ il. oel freerl. hand...on... Ire lial i is ies.gs. ewe.. Orr •.wie like nary for Roland to retnerk on. I winch will be ;great •conyeniance to bus- rm.. ma tiwt•Ost 1' re, It m••••••• • al Ir.dr.r. a n". ".. " I It iah yo kindly good -night," mid he, , . Pr') 8., " Ana •hr`Ima"•"•'!a•T".'rl 1"'".‘• as he drew t lassie out IM the little ow , mess teen. wee,' IIN.' %.•• Mrs Snares 'very esaisherry tiring . plot /dint in by a high row of kennel'. the* i . karma:re - The atnrm of Saturdey night . MI I wenn& Ir T. talk eti a '• there might Ise no more inconvenient wit. ! " %tee aee 44.046 do won., .• men," rid Nethen, drifted PO tench 'new ujon eke ...eel lie• a ife.. rois mai li.. Or loam., mums of their peeling titan -the 11100II awl , and 13"TalaY "were .the nof of the ',hating rink as to. cues in rake en vers net.. 1.1•••itilet,s tsest • vans. .... :11 stars. which, se the Irish song says. le s 1:' 'h.l soe•- I. • •`"" ""It!ht ""."*" I shining brightly, 'cause they'd nothing the roof and a portion of ,Ine Sid,. The . . • T., th• procer-maii4i • anei to •••• i el toollier doer. "8".""'" n'er b• re"". "' • " 8"*" ". "."6 """::.." light in the glistening leaves ef the bellies r 1h' dale, and 11.4 ink' thee In it: kot te tos can, •,41 else to tit i," Thou wen brigh""t•Ii "f broach ham bi 641 repaired, we believe. Ire pen.. Owl Money •Onlid 1.111.1 or 111,11.1•(.• hrof• 1.444.1•4 ad. the 11.,..r.y. osit up In• Itot, in• ale .4 lib yip loom. ; 10111 b• 6144•444, nun rotas 1 y, awl iv alimet as brilliant as the stars e"").• The rink has been purchaaed ft. 1 themaelvee, so that the oky above and the s Mains like Tim," Peal N. Moo., soerreeese• . ..o.n mg F.at. who liaa, we underetand. •• 11...I lairs ihe hare olf • hell man, he'• en rind, earth beneath seemed to he apark ling with mote mere eland teems f,n. the admission Fere es!". dose a,' hen • 1.. • o: 1,... I sower jewels ; *Wirt liCenta Seelned 1.4 rille on an ...el° lne.r. hr" • .""1". • '''4'' '" '1.1" ''' • sides from sweet -brier and jasmine and 1 of juvenile and other "ekaffita". than " Tr..ey ...le: Int ,re. mat .t.. robing, hr. almetheenisood enalhene, ; the murmur ' heretofore. We have no d,.unt l lila pel,111- 1h* mall+. • He nor. nen larly I'm ti' thr, • •Oftylio. On her • tt.io 0' her res. smy " in the still air of thestreatnamhina among , Mr inetinition will prosper under Mr. te a NIIIIIIIIIIMIlig Ih• arrow. ra ih• Mr. it *Writ. the stones ler away at the foot of the hill I Gooding); control. , wl et sad io the /inlet htmh of the 11.4 1•114 Poor 1.4414 W•• 1101 used to orb drawer seem e tc to me...1o. mi=•.,...J. 141";;;Zioaaa, ‘1,`•";,1 night ; a magnificent " hareem-mm.0r -ftereere.- Canade hae not suele a bad. her an•:: As enea . he ldotied marl, rough err% Ades daeloril • wee rieing neer the mountain in front of elimate atter all. We are seltben subjeet- new 051,,,,e0whe hal Far bele./fh the over wound then., looking solar,* and near thee it , I .rotrli • en. Is . Talmo inin oin •,•••• lisle, art it ••••• Cal to great extremes of hest te cold, %odd I t t es at the hill -side iteela In the us • iiiisteeti &nu e7isii• -mot'. .10, hrwar. ,.." extreme stillness of the notaele world 1$1, h h • ei• tit iot boolinnu1 111• Vaal w.erme , 4 4 we hew. a longc.ad winter the air ie always •1114 • w eiderfnl b4•••• lie. saw of • rh,o, ••,..i. they Prettied fleet to teeth.. the treaties ; pute anti bearing. nevi trevelling becomes re. nod lostreteh. whroken. tight Mara. ono el-ootenel Itie es. tee nohms, ea al, her roast.. were non- and .111tiellItle• of the twill before them. A young man who 1,11 (4•40. 1 & limery. eil in • edema die 4,01 t it i•tiatiloll W4,I•144 M4'51044 8•141 It ,land : '' I'd mettle. leat let it 1 . • t . IVO . . Wra. •••/ te,.•rhal 14`.1.'"/."'d r"'"""" " I speak bi ferther b. -night," thne she t .•4•41•44 4:44 Lydia !hos. t.rea rich' SoMe time ago in weanli of a better . • - .nua te say that Set ai.• .. sio,•:,•not enter .4 meo.et to ••••• /0..4 . titan over till b e Morro I ill afternoon. ; • •"''''''' "',..,4'''''''' d....**55' '"''''"*". S."'' b'"'l I Ile's mostly rd.' al market time ; we'll i we are the lost ..11 at ter al!. : While we In 1411-0414, nw• 1111•044.4,44 •1111,•1 imainavilloallr Ihntlich ,,,,,,.......„, ,I, .0„.h .„,„.d io her like ern. let it be tillarter hie bargeta is made." are eta ,ying fine winter weather, they eet ma iota *ha. he/ /..' P.O.. " .••••17,,rh,:e°'" And theft. na a mitilden quaint eaMe over heve tain out there nearly evi•ry day. ' ..sh." ''''' r."''''.""4.'. _.""8th b"' .._ . hien an to the small foundation there might err nay enough CNN. ipoi ai, iinel.er line Or mat. lot in tn.. ,he.,,rtin,Inn her tonotiling lioaell t.., lir.' he Cr- his " kittenish cantle." •i" Cnine fidr we wo 0.41....1,7,-.7-,, that Mr. w. 14. ii,:ela..,•,:':.1•`,..bi,;':'X'..,."'...h7;,,,,.•3"11,•••7:t11 i"..; 1,,,,igh.•--, ni,,• -,-"•••-•-: !ligh t" 1,".eis!hia'n"::;•," l'uwidli abeam of tflis to•ii. itse missed a very crest - Miss.( Ale, ilrarlint ner eireer. itable examinati m and is now autherired em mow fatilINI al• let• Ut tate Ih• bon. as the 1 do tiithout th, an my hythet am, thme ' or, dayitethl wa• fed./ "'Awl irri 04.... re • met it.a ev tee sear air Will na hear relation r , to take his place amongst the Attorney,' of vas., tet.es .0111.1,..."''.'4.• OW 1"""Ar • '•P r• " Welladay," answer -ea ehe. " we'd 1ite' this country. Mr. Squire, wile 101 a p,111Ig WA kw her. and harm and khod!...1 her at ea,. 1.4 hide mabbe a long while • hid there's •• Hos d • ri know ware I nirti loon ." rel ladva - ' • man of telott Red education, is, We tinder- .. ph a ettik.,..00,, at Ow emit' arms - tx. yr ,s..,.. wnme thing,' imr waitina Reboil', for true e we:. 1st nee ;Cane i al it' w,,,si, sow v•• hoari• as trusts one another.' Anti ber stand, to enter into paelnership with Mr. •- Thirrahr1 re pro .. herr i e. an nif Pk, far to. O W ',Ter stav • word • ma me.... oe • essi, se a (nee in the moonlight looked the very ideal 11. L. Boyle. We wish him every laes her so y•t11,1 0' thee laeronfin Ineri.i n IP., 1 hirer iji* tenet snd none. ' perity. '..."•'' ".4 ""..."1".. " '''". ''"I'' I" 6" ''''' I''''''''" " Ah ! but thou wiltna want me as I - - - - ' her robe *poke • • neonates torn • rualotip .ror Mr lone whir all sounition .00 .. • never tempi fed .111141 thee," said he, • little 'jealously. Skating Carnival. eon. to the hip i.' ihi rn• " " Bost thou think not 1" amwered Rhe, Ilitier Room writ lite back that rate " errs -ell • ly • ra nil. 0.141 51 oai 'without •.- Wit h • smile. " Womenfolk Iiiiiesat homo A grand Pirating t'arnival is to come riff ts s' msb wsr. .8.. and remenilers nest tamale Metifolk gom rm the taintan !link on Tiokday everting, er ihonehi on it •• l' ..• ,,,.; ,7 h, ,.4 ,,,,,i h - hi ewe', &limit an.I (erects !" • h mint Ina li• n. an. ... the Ifilth Met. A Breen band eta be in et - "11.! ' ::::,;:* i.....!..“..,. , I 0 bit's oho. • Wni/14111 no• ire her limn le in II. sight. Rol iherne • deal h • ei Mir lel IVI, WO •ver thee fe Olisr •ey . tem 4. r nook wrath st to does noheril-of niece rif in The next morning, teethe eecitement in Caseie't mind went off, the light her joy grew den, and the fear of her father he- - came itemizer. l°""d""'•`''''"'".•*"""°"" "`”'"f " Lyddy mitt as you'd a prowl/sell to Itexon• pornri men. rot ov:Ihteg bon err, a• lei at.iit linlana. • ay. rt. know. speak tip (or lie to feyther an it were want- 'WM' mar nm• ti 'Pine mat Weak Owe eons • h,s. • mot ehe, antrimaiy. Own Tnolelare (through Reno, t :yoga:J.1W f ir '"' "ah linnitl• e`r oitil fen. Casein ad On- enee river hero do •• an t yer get him Imre r' .1. Aahlool lel ho lase& he 1.4 ...V.! " "" " Surely. mettle, child, tome uncle et.. la tip, 0;1444416. 5505.4t the value Inv tot, Nathan *in him hii,a a yarns •. e The old tanseet sea NUT intended te tele' iliv,nw`.11:- powerful Malt I arreena Is Nathan," maid 1•"." "' '"'" "'''' "'" the old wife, with much prate. " There's • ewe ma. le a. g .0 •• • 0.3 " NIA vent Per, . who Wee moll-Ileoi tett end eentotienri ai ..... se not *many like him ; folk+ c.nnee fro' all fw roe.... owl'. ws• at'w"' aides for to mak manse' o' hint, and °Mete ew I. -gust kir leen, Ile ••••;• 40141 the say aid l'.• hoar o Caaoie !night In !amulet. rid wee ...Muir ono. on the lookaia, eerie ss hos. twf ,t; we tees. Pm Mrs. Ilnom heal a profouna respect for hal pared Ornigh an loop .Alage arr.. elragetled up her litiahattia wisdom. " My mastersaye the MI. leallsan 'earned a hineli pert the road 1,11.•• • • areal In. of wire dow,, In. w eh ' act and. so," wes, in her eyes, A fine! appeal wee, i• ne. roam( heft and i ;a, It aft. lo- bir other pert : in her own cencerns rod ....awn. aid • lei same* tont her heel beglin ' tendency., and the neuelnilem adhered to. Admittence tta ete The (finis to he ap- plied for the Nova Kerala fisherman. No doeht a number of our Goderich friends will attend. COPY. . -- Arritlarr Cr O. R. Mr. Porter. i cartefy That mr. Cocks 0116 nie The Cepa. tem ef a lours an that mg is Write wich i Swan. to, Long side tri mr. jonwin, in nti house. dont tiara me. 80 1 lelp me 0- d. tens! k. wit ler od wife. The *bore is • bonsi-flde repy of an sore • hale ...ea 0, tinel ow moue ii.e.... wee.. fonts. a 1 . g I. private au. g• . ah...... e ....,...r done • .0. ea" .. 8." MP', elem. lb* againet stupidity even the affidavit in an insolvency ere, lately pub- .- irPI:e4i:e..".1“•Iii•trr,rttle'pr'e're"itiarif ratnnni.o."4.1..rethrell' "5:Innk Se.;i7_ 1 ...,...-.14 themscl,es, attys. Schiller.. fight in 1 iishNi in fins, paper. The erhnoi_mmt.i. It.... 1...1 nt loara tonnes:as litelyneled l'in 11. pair- vain : ellen the trivet enee may no mirste,i iin.i.v sa. yeses! there) r ooe op is ker. hithold igneminy in a etruggle with the err certainly abroad when Mr. .1. K. . -ra Pert yer 144..dli.M•ory.. l'oaeit," Nit lie. .11,11, . , 'sees,' it ap tin oar fashere bre se. other. ine innin oiree-of brute eletinacy. In theory finished his ellueetion.--Ed. Sigma. . me seereaaa van- se oh ..11,e lo li.dileil. NI Of km it may lv no* te mason with a bell am you . „insist n no., ie a.,,,,, i., in; .;nna, ine„;„,, ,,,... shake Ill red rag in his fare. but in practice • Ma. AN ARD'S. CONCERT. • aloe., WO% which art.. l'erailia. oidirnra Caere }1.11, Arilreti,,a a 1 k other 110.11101111 rani. the prattO.111 the bull has the beet of it ; Allol Sehhird I . .__ Mr. iVani.s Juvenile Concert COMO off appar•noo. whirl, ow far healer was* very lathed opecinien of the twee. - I tee. ye, Cazi.e. On Of I i'lltirt• pot II into wortla •• • 11114•10 taw rein. In me when I think ini.•I a• 'I Oro.. Therreae theu li Nathan entered on the u aff•IrtIned• in Crabb's flail. !in Friday • wii. ...... •e • dr. ptatoo-Iii• shadow ef • tees si • Stonily latol " • Mod 1,. a soh • It•Inointreilti,. of h. snrreee iewhate • I hirn•etil • rnont•rtio1Ur. oeienot r.....Ca...'. (a Illan dinf led neer ihe ...non 01 he hail them ; he rms. Into. awl h. niter. hn h. i •••• k.• t a ; ' coniident that the twee will be a grand )441P:1444-84 IIa 1 los chore.. and h. enta.s. rat his the gime rah (allay in els elelita at WM not sees End A. petrel., soil ter tor she rat help h n• / , tef the alitIlleat Me. IIIICCelr. It Wan detidedle the in'.st brilli- ' naf".1.0 • So.."' rmaa ''''•"" I '' • I'''' '''''' 1" 1 " I were t lank:rig what- •Tond ad, 'teem," ant aihvit iif thekina e yea wen in Goaer- . ern rin se ene no mother end. •nd s ipso'. • pre •rsnot sessi 5 i.e.. io ie.. ion, and ... 1., lo n ;NAthan began, clearint Ilia throat, " If WI. The pupils • all 11 vd tender age, and 'au* ma... ems..." he whl• orna'S hl. •••". " .. 1. l'airvie anti HA ind ettracey WU f ti omie 011 - Ste her in • 9 01,1111, little girl* were ranged iir,ii a . Ilhe mord en, hi am skla m silence. wa witch astnii gother. They pay .Inehiley • Raved a pee. te te tee eel...eels. ans.., and the correernees with , biro' money, and it stands to reason ft, 4. : raise I stage, ea need son mately ir. or ce the. w dile • hos,' sial . ... ' Ant Ir. '' too In•rot ea areh•Intaista snl.. •• i • fr., i .., will imp it alt,. which they seng their pimple led i•retty W et. Or nom.. heart tor me r' 1 Ashford beiked tip slowly : it Wan mune pieees wax on/y °quail,' by the entlitinimin i„.iiaiettEi.,,,:,,,ii.i..,..,,......,,t...,11,c iti.....111,..iisAmi.del,n,n4..7,1„,:a..; litinie: _.bef, iee,71,.....ich an idea esidd at all .ent.i.o. 4 ne Anil 0 roil Ileintiol reit y an I thorough gaindet• with n Inch they ware ere erne awough ar be•whee. Marl N. 40, i it 110011, fr111,1•1•41 every movement of the teacher's! Caw termini her hermfol eye.. sir Ih• Imre eh ti...4 , chsatind r„gan .." he almost itereame,i, °"""""w 1"hri '"I'n'''''''"") ''' "*"^"li `'"'"" I when at lam he to A it in. " I'll hear none hetet or eye. The little creattiree melee- • 0.- we ,e.e , f a me Ir. sen.... 'la sow- is.•Il . , la the rina.....i4 ih...1....h „4,E,..„,r,.. .. 0, ,., 0 'etch Tote in my house : d'ye hem, stood last they Were to look ana sing their ../..... he onl An,* - .10/nark a. Pr 8.8 f....- ','"' '": Nathan t' . And he n PM inetantly anal torn Ten es". and th,,. „ki,1 b,th in too.l, t, pi. , . Mgr Pir la the raptrail loopo n1 ilionotl.tong •O the ...yr . _ i brash. hoe,...., oh.p.i.,,, ehieh en • •••11,....1 le .., en h let i I v toward the &or, rotten v i ng. , --, aoo ...am tie 0.0 h.., to hie bro.. sof sr.:treks her l how,,e, 1,, finish he, ;sem of .1. .. 11 in teeny 'tanned mariner AA til Make One ="4"""b” '''' n''' '" ''' "":"•'''''' .b.d". l • fit otebeenee, " 1.1i ha' Cassie to come wish they might never learn the eenren- flied ie. Ion I in ...la .' Prarnat owl hti bent • p.m placii, Camoie, when ' heel' w 1' me," he went on, angrily. tinnalitne of life. Wil will not particular - Aram .14 eke or h.. Ione ' ' meld lie " 1 wenn* lotte th.• girl owt o' - Afore Kee... tn int.*. hIno '" aregored Ote. l "inner Me, but we will my that every one pereent 540 smite, . met mend ht. erne ••• eke shied . ii.r ; an v. Were her AO," maid RN. 111•00M, WAA highly delighted. whieh, after a crowd - pies Ors reef* err .1 0.• 1... and rorPoh-a. 8'8'. , kindiy, anti unable to reeiet tanking in. wee. 4.....i, wiciiro,yie......t bilti.o.B,:).1,4:bi. ,,., ..... .4 ma ' " If yell let her wed wi' Reined, she ehee rei home, ia all thet Mr Ward (amid h ose wam ibe Iwo seared Ike tetra wets., I ha' the pemele, an' welcome ; Mit lf tint, desire. If . haa Omen himeelf to be a ____ _ 1 alt. *limes het k penpy eel." Meatier ef remarkable talent, and if his CII.k /TER V. " Ye riat• .1,, yer beet or yer wont era little pupils .1n not leant it note of mesa:, it," tin•wered Ashford, iti a rage. u ?ain't tmh i ;I th di 1 1 hen fi ed n et y, ey tr * great y e tt 7,mrn id ell by right.. an' pm knew* tt ; , operation with t greateat einminapection, evening laat. The attendance wat by na beguiled the old farmer front the market ' Inoue Anell as to remunerate the Witcher • ' • ". for hie tretible and expense, Imt *e are ere. tee -aeon. ere,. erste'. •r ' and dal not beetle on the negotiation till 0 W It W III 1. an' any how, I'll do whet 1 eheette wi' My by ce ntng int., contact with lion Ile hot 1 Nernan's little soars red tee -caddy a ••• child`" 1 irti • I seethe.. javenile elms. to whieh 1 a Imam bah hewn built 01 --meet inhar- " TO, used her meth.* shamefill ; an' paren A should seml their bets and girls inowomet7... to nn om stone cot tn. ,,,,,,,,,r, TOW yer ell nne as Ivel aa to the mrl,"crica e7 .4 ,,,,,,,,,,,„ I the eat 5..711111. 1.04k • " I cam: here -I belies: there are no rom'a laid off by government. This fermer givee a piece for a road, and that anoth. r piece .and so . on. Or nearest market town is ten tittles frign us, and we have to go sigitag, end,ndely round a circle te set there. Thy made are beautiful in dry weather ; but in wet weather they are feartul--so fearful that even the roads in the Count) of 11 uteraen. they were gra: were no ceituperieon. Potatoes cannot be raised ben, to ant' ad. anise.. they arc as loft ae Swedieh turnip.. I have seen 110 garden Segattildes here to • • chairman appeitititil for. the printing com- mittee, the Simla( tender Ir. tamed be fore the Commit while in 'melon -dm of the Star wan given in charge of Mr. Pick- ford of Ilumick, a gross partizon, a. it 'transpired. After ineulting the elerk.by au insineatioa aa to his untrustworthinsee regarding the tendere, Mr. Pickford opened out the Star tender here... the prieting committee, of which he was ap poilited chairman, and. insieted right or wrong.that it was the lowest. Whe he thouget that, even by the amigance of' a fow tory pattisans who crowded around hits, he could not carry bis pnint, he west for dividing the work, giving the Stir. the best pram' of it. galling in that, 3ir. Pickford hastily concluded that they could or, arrive at ea understanding that night, (although the sitting only oceupied a few tninutee) thrust botb. of the tenders in his porka end marched old- His excuse for allell • c tura is that Mr. Root toli him it Was ClUltemire Dot Mr. Roes did hot tell lain it was cuatomery to CTUCUP on praiiing Mediu* over nialit, which Mr Ptektiel die' with the editor of the Star and others Let the editor of the Star 'deny, if he ran, that lie di! not see both enviers that night a fter the committee rose. What right had Mr. Pie'sford to 6110 them thus to an interested party ? It is dry for the Star to talk about "'tauten" arel "disreputable ronduct," but we cen Mll him that hone* conservatives much a* Mr. Greenway and Wialioun; were sa 'thee oughly divested with the hulling partieenahip ur Mr. Pickfora that they at once rated for the amendment, believing they were right in doing so. Let the Star plisse ita withering otigina upon Mr. Pickford. the unworthy 'Accouter of a geed man, who alone is responeible fur brieging to bear upon this subject a degree ef party spirit SUCJI iia Las never hitherto disgraced the County Celine*, and adriv him and souse others, before they ;idol: the clerk, treasurer, engineer and hotme-keeper, to learn_ wenetititig about their duties and the spirit is which alone, they can be properly discharged. ono. WROX.ETBA [MEL' OrTIIA!_a•-ets Mre. Me- Itiiorsey'is goose was cros.iing the toai on the 1st inst., Jerry Dash drove eking carelmely, es mull, and chrushei the poor bird hi death. The eveet has creat. compare with what wo toed to itee Huron- t boar theni often epeak Rivet their "large vegetablee," but I have liot seen them yet. I whisk the heat and dryers ot the atinctepliere ts the 00.11W of this, for it can be no Fault of the sell. Now rey ft Miele I dare not truri myself to begin to tell you, of' the Otter reneit I have ill the sdministratiou I.( the Law, and the Recta yetens whielt prevail* here -1 wool litely lose tuy temper, and get incoherent. so will ititly say a few words ; bet if it i3 the will of the 511 wise God, that I aka i0 ba erre.' to sea Canada, and yeu, again, then my Mugu • shall be let loose. • This heving been • slime statenf amuse Kona principals, mach as we understan it, neve. did exist to any great event ; bet .now the feeling that exists between the contendine pude', eannet be well des- cribed. The fact, that almast every men carries a revolver or a knife, tume his person, is proof eneuagh hew matters stand. I There hrs bees several murders and 1 many *hooting' reins 1 this' Ore sines ,bthuitnz;h: di"; ! niaht, a matt was shot through the arm. while walking chkte te our fence -it cies. , ed a little excitement at the time, and that was all ahnnt it. Bat I meet eay a,0 11101.1 upon this subject, for my temper ! will get up, end I might my thine, thee 'night not be the real truth ; anti da net I want to tell even all the truth at present, My Mena& :-I would bete heen ee please,' to hate elven you tome description of our churches, and our mhbathe bat ee have no such fattish days as Gibbet,' , here. We hare euridaYt -That is a day for tra.ling, eel tekina home nun borrow- ed goods • and hunting uP kinds te biro, ! if an. nee'a midi, and the -ermine filo, racing their horsee, and .0 on. Go into their helms on that veered ,lay, and you colenkajrae7ayrotairaseclf at a gime of male song, if you are :Cinean'elniran.singNosw' eI"narime Ieery fir from presumine, that dm people ef Canada are anything extra in the way of be:ng pions. but there ia 3 certain kind of"' respect for the sibbeth existing smug you that keeps potpie from art open vieslatine of its laws, bat in thie i part of the great and glorious Republic, ! there h no each rerrame. Thee • 1. but I one God here. --1,M mime is! Memnon- , he is werehiped with the moat eerrect an t I intense devotimi, by old enri Triune. Irma% en71 ilealrrithinieueg 4ththeereehlie"reinh: rifr:nine . within my reach, but I hear of one ein- i minimise that lire, which will ha new to .yon -every art Ime a box abet* thesis.. of plestrough, to rewire the ilieeharee ef thirteen slime -from what I !ea arbund me, I am sure writ a tide,: is neceseity. Deer Mewls -1 era very grateful for I your kind letter. Please In write 'rein ' as soon as ownvenient, for believe Inir .d I . I The Agricultural Grant. Mr. Hays irides lie to rate tbat he !` 'resented the petition -of the Vaulty Conuell at in an leer. fired 0101 to !linen under die new erieulturel Bit!, mid hes, web Mr. tidilione, got the premiee trom the Committee ef I 1 4P0." We are glad to hese that die invent* of justice is . likely te Jone our greet county, and 'hope tie* the intention of the eendwittee may nor Orme to be a "geed " . paYemeet to be done away teals by the House.--- Wiferriainly meht to hate the $ 1 400 - nay, $ 1600 1 _ewe - Another Triumnh_for Godorich Silt. Best.for Dairy Purposes! We are happy to inform threw of one Cetinte• readers who are interested in the matter- and who is not -that The Como dian Dairyman's Association has divided that tiederich salt ie in every way adapted to theise making. At a very large meet- ing of that body •lielil at Ingencoll on the 5th and fah init., tole the lineation/ to be lieriot1011" dire:owed wait -1- ..9. What kith' of salt la meet suitable in cheese snaking. and how does theGailer. eh Rita cenipare with the Liverpool Dairy 841't! 'nix question only elicitea a very short . • dieeettesion, which retulted in the following resolution : "That thia Arreint ion, having b•arnt that (federal& mit is hilly temal to Liverpeol • and ether standant varieties, woula rotor - mend its general um among dairymen. . Si.% ere] present stater' they had tried the aledeet,•11 Walt, allil finlnil It lab 1(0.1.1 AA any other age" Thin derision of Ruch a large. intelligent . and influential body an the Dairyman s Anociation of Cannier the hest refute - lion we could possibly require dthe ;emirs industriously .cireelated by interested parties to the efffyt that Golerieh Salt 1 not possess the neeessary curing pro - 1 reIrtVii7iire inaebted to .1. W. rillenalidge ' Eat. ef hlentreal, for a copy of his new w, alaThe reant le A geney 'a Legal I i The will tort oe very valuable m eantile men ana the legal fret, rn,ty gen- eraliy. and Mr. It ccrtainly descries much neat( for the enterprise he haa displayed in the matter. TIVPRIPIP•1;, WI` 14ftel;ref•4•• adver- tisement.. 'lorded 411 correctly as the hut red mon' 11./ • • %Vani.Y1 a steely yeung man to leek after a home ,4 the Ilaptiat ionnesion." " To 14tr - A r glop in Newport con- tenting , eight roma soul an ae.re of grn:Fn:Isk 'Kitt. A paten by a led! about brow" the in en oak meet with darTLniedf glA" small wretch with White face, also, two irory young Mehra' they .10 not go into it PO pAvy mime am - work, thesee. mehogany gentleman's ho's ebeios Were unbuckled : still there is tag. sa- eieee'ng s goodly slisie on the greun,1 thie par. .ohmt„renit....netia fir.;egm.t.h.ebacziktier.nal hieei tPi adria;:u6'1:511t cae",:n ,..`1"hohartr eosn6etenp'e1b0e:te-011twe'Peitrrhi:eist4 ibrovh. ne.thyi,-" *111 vs to in getting it res.liy,i ferhifdlmagintaorik4eti.linala hate wen ne rime 1. bably completed by the middle of April. - ma tie have much pleasure in draw- ing attention te the emir inserted else- where thei Dr. Lisars will be in town on the I 2th inst., and may be CCMAUIllel a the Huron H.,tel. During the Pr.' short resilence here be 'stood a inolt,d talent tor eumery, which in Tomtit°, hist gained for him a prneincial reputafine.-- bet all these meniring surgical adyiee call on the Dr., as they meldem can let as gcal on opinion witheut the expense and Ines ot time of a visit to Toronto. VKRT TRULY. , - Th. e Silver Question. To l'in redilne at the Moon MOW 1 PEAS MIL ---Why do you not mom fre- t fluently in your. excellent editorial tolutnn 9 a , agitate the question of thefilyer nuieance, 010 as to Bugg,* er deli.° tome. meana to heve it remedied 1 There is not at preeent ouch a great entrimen3lal grievance in the Province ; and it i oue which affects all classes of tradesmen and c .mmercial inen. and of which all beidly and bitterly cem- plain, Why shoeld it be so 1 la tlatre n.) remedy; I eartainly there is. 11 13 not the tisme in ether -sections of the l'e ennee, at lend in many places. Did the leedingnser- chentsana eotntikrcial menof tiodericii,md Clintan Van and miblish a docurnemt over their aignattirea; that they would not after . t e st n prt a it . mericin xi ler on y . ' st 4 per tent disofinti, and rigidly adhere 1 to it in practice, li,41 an reeeiring mei in silret, it won1,1 cenainlv rdry true+ e rim•-•.' cm th prevent inflation or American silver, caiming it to seek a current circula- tion in Nome other ehanwel. Thin is what ,. been done in other parte of ahearre- lime vim* ; and the reenit iti that American sil- 1 ver is almost banished from the teelityand n has given lacei to our own Canadian coin. ____-___ deist John= waa s •st, at this fanatical oriels, as a special deputation froin Pi 06. denee to eleg the wheels of feneticion, snd endeavor to keep tile nati ,11 from running mod.- I se informed that there will be no antidote till alter the tit.it Preeidential eleciatt. In lite lintninfilitii I would advise you to heve your. Week olothes and crapes iti urler, at tuner+ s will bo on a peaty I ieze otale before thee event takes place.. -1 tor. 'Item deo* Times., T N ,r,1..,"1%.•!,ok 14.1'0,1111 rt;,os tghr.attrtaithz--re are at present 0.1,9119 men tett of employ. nient in thut city, dot there is a eomplete stagnetioe in all the tradee, and that then, genetal. poverty and deatitution *mono the Leboring 'classes. Armies of the un. employ...love/4 the docks sucl wharves, filt the emplovinent Aline, anti floct to the few rituatiait. th•tt offer. ;insolent in New hherk. trim are ettalau to anti work.; Ither out of 2a00 jewelry box-utekeni, alba 300 out of 500 diamond- settcrs, are idle ; and of the 3090 other perilous 'einployeal in different branehee et the jee.ellry trate neerlY 200.1 are adrift. There are 900 C114111;e111 in have York who areas...king einploy !tient, and but •2tAl can get it. There Are (ROT carpen- ters of sdioin :41.1 are idle Awl 1000 working for luelf-VtagVa the inariena and bricklay- ers are nearly all etupleyiel, belt clams work inore than their t hue ad*. BMA* people ill the het teaks age einitloyed free, tine to three days in the week f.r small wagee. die employers thinking this better !hit:rat:13 tidaiiscultimett,„..irittimet.:1-,h,sitelfm7b,ytwimo-t one-fifth of their (eve • year ago. rind 51.111Al ireneworkers are idle.; in ship -build- ing .tulnere reigns impreme, arid the *hip- cartanters, in actour, have eig since eeteeit „thee etepomeent : one half of the Sala) cigar-malt:re aro without employ- ment ; of t1000 atevielores or utsvelee, ;gist are. within! regular work emote/ eiss, clerks and other assistants in business .ho4;rmi.);:fa,inid‘unii,taic t5,4441iltecoftitttuooluarise weedenne i•Ily abed 'the atreet .4 house forced hy axe) went plaices. alf.ae. the lit.'11,100:ia, and the rule there erevaila everywhere. Philadelphia, the leading nienufeeturine cite, has:I:1,04U MI. working people. From Baltmetre, Itoston, t'hiesee, taincinu cu. St. Lotus, a similar reporreotnee, rani fr •he ateith the un- atunate conditien ef the blacks who- will not Oak- when they can get it, and non are without the chance to werk if they entald, is the omatant theme ,4 all our in- telligetvie. hi the ;tii,..11turAl regions of: the North there te tot Vie:tame littititation diet pievails in the eine+, and' there is I nywe chatiee of ea/curare 1.11.tr, et that 1 the imeetipliiyed 4 the eite.t. are urged te tetho amine:. Thee will secreted that' remain, anti may bettc:r that condition if they go. .1)1c mese, thee sad eta., cef affairs ! is prochsmal by the 'great otagnation rade, which, though it apturently bright- ened up a few Iwselse mons bow more dull than ever. Didian right 111 'Testis. half-hutil:aLn-bni-tigs-';''Wt-ig-e-sual"----pa‘-'-aud- of tiodden hair, and shapes which represent 1:ttihaaat.,ttgy, ya.r.au kitorw. apt it toigutlZer. Igverything selid, yet it 504111111 falling to pieces from cern, tion. Nature must here been ininteetter y insane when ohe did ouch tithing as this. . 1 W114 freckle!. The path waa built with great tailor tleough the heart of 'the lava field., the ridges of whiek_ &hut 9! tautest. everything tiro f0iintrview. When we caught a gloms., of Naples down une of the *lefts, it was 1.1a., looking upon Paradise• teen noir, doweled corner of lien. Notwithstanding all the surface) . sod must have been plotted up and fused together with the I.1VA, there ix yet no eontinetieeinent of vegetati eu. Cultiva- of this neeion, and every little islet or *ton haa been resumed along tho borders inlet of friable earth es planted with wheat, ji ears ..... re all Oa* hicleuuR thwelatiou will • , an olives.. lu to or 100 " he terraced and rlitunid ; the patient.* of Man will comiuSi Nature in the end. - Vl'inding and climbieg for half an hour wt. finally reached the hill upon which stand the hermitage and the observatory. These building% creel' the of a spur dine* ont the haws of the cone. A ravate on either aide adonis passage for whatever lava may c mu, in diet direetion, and thus the Wilding, ire tolerably secure. At the hermitage, a monk in a very dirty gele,ntine sold am some Racyrrna • Christi at two frame per bottle - in reality the comititmest sort of sas omit's...ire. The buililiug cold mid dreary, and with Vesuvius smokigg so near at hand we did out tarry! hove hut peeked Grimed. It Waa scamety three quarten of a mile further to the foot of the great Cone, which now rose dark &leaflet the sky, pouring front its entter immense volumes 01 steam white anet lustrons as new silver. The growth ot oaks on 60 ridge soots terminated, giving place to a dead, waste region of Mack lava, opening en the left into the Atrio del Cavell,. The bare, red precipiees of llente ollee a pert of the monntaiii itaelf, phewri in the sun, but on the right hand all Waa •Illoke, confusi- on, and me. The double stream of lava from the cratcr was pouring its fluid, in- candeseent r,ek iuto the Valley, and the horning mass, constantly pu,•11.61 fnmi be- . Cid, and already entered the ravine we ' had crossed a little distance below, moving !dewnward ,i,ver the dietorted lain of ledttl. • Tlwro waSt.,nstich ilte !tut liktlo dame ; ; at times a r.Vring, nom was heard. but 1 te,tieed nil tremor or oscills- ! bon in the ..erth, either then or biter. I At the edge Of the eld Lima -which here ' took only the shape of loose atones -we left our horses, awl 'fent forward on foot. There was a trodden path at fu -at, but it sour% ditaappeared, and inn. pregr. se over .the re lime awl sliding heaps, which had the ahepe grit ground glass, was' rather tasteful. We had already pamed the lower point of the Leta currenteand reached it at. • point where the Lareer eruptiett of the , preview' night bad come des:n. The heat and smoke increased with every step ; the. rattling muse. were continu,Ma, end lines of creepinz tire between beceme viaible. There appeanal to be two streams, both niontig in the same manner-- that is, only partly flowing upon the surface of the old lam, but burrowing tiuder ita hewe crust, . 'splitting and lipliestring it, and mixing ite netteriele with the new trutsa. The muse ! .4 the ilew wan thns produced. The fire was silent and irrouctible : there was no nlIwn letresit e 1 t dew 1 ittsamsemat aer,panevennytititt!"3 agin,:ur-eckaaigalitk,. atreum, with a toler.t1,1y ammair.surface, something like the dew (rein a smelting fut. awe-- but here were moving inounds.rotigh airiliapeleee. the chief power of which lay ill their ittira, hidden from nett - • strange leer:ping. mining forces, among' Ionized, with a horrible, !Admix certainty in their manner of Icaetnetien. If the neene was less grand in it. featoree than one wonld expect, it was at lea,* chabolieally sive. It term/wed only Iteseruetion, and of the meet colibblmeledi deldrerate kind. The main etn•atn had meted a long ridge, some' twenty feet in height, apparently cold ma tite.serfeee. until some wpm -ming nteyernent *dean-, %hark off tbe crag in scalee, end *hewed Loma and throat, of intentest fire. frent ofahis ridge was con? stantly hutaiug hum. nthaates,f eofine of them red het, down the g,trge, The 'war - height, and allawed UA to &rim eel near comigh te peke ita glowing side% with a stick. Ali eleng it/ 6:Aige, /rya w..re busy reiting egg• for trerea. es, or itolx.dding c ana in tlie field Ia.*, 1111/iell they unatched ent .4 the MM. and twisted eff. very much as have 916.111 Maillage, Molikarell COMA. 'The beet, even at a hundred dritanee, was uncomfortable, and , could net atind beside the moving lays for more then a few weonde r.t a time. taw Retnember Ward's Juvenile Cancert this ceening. *dr See the acly. of Mr. Robinson grocer. He haa het a long experience it the flour businese awl will no' doubt my satisfaction to his customers. • - ..... - Letter from Missouri The fe:lowine letter was handed to a for publiestion, by respectable peepleaytt live in this County. The writer is an intelligent Scotch lady, wha had resided in Canada for 25 years preview' tn goin to the United States eras three year niro. It may be intereeting tn some o OUr firlera who ptirpose immigrating t M issouri hireiorit, Jen. 23rd, 1P6a. Men PRIFTIEMI, -1 now winh to give you my opinions and views of things to gotieral in this pert the world. 1 have twice before trieJ to nubble mit 4 lette to you Pince I emote here, best upon read ing them ore, I was afraid that might be giving expression tn tny °mien' mess from s (spirit of priejnelies than rho Owe? Wine; so these letters were used tn light the fire, thinking that bye and bye I would begin te see things very different But 3 years have passed over my head now, in Mietiouri, and I gee little here than any change is likely to take plod that will in anyway mobly my firet ! This part of Misseetri is fine rolliog purist land -soil deep end rich - as hue a farming country as mortal men eould wish to eultidte Prom our plaee we lime an estensiri view of a Wawa. rolling country -groves of eery serape, trees adut the sante, in clump, not less than 3 miles apart. I have not seen sine stream of clear running water since ceme -in fact water is very ammo just now ; it hes been aelatig in a toter 11.1tUC 10 miles from us, for the last '2 or 3 namthe at '2 fit CM per barrel. You mum not MI6. Gam hie that M leseuri is like the &sane a A nth°, for there are farm with belied. fal wing* upon them -bet they thet sueh me eery fortunete. I think no one used say tine word against the ag- riculturel advent:1rue' the eountry, with the drawback.' I ham mentioned and if • man have plenty of means to eta with he may do well ; but it is nn plaee fer peer nom to eommence in, reeolleet I ant gully ',peaking from my own oheervetioe and etperienee. Cern is the le Metro' erop. There ie a large range fo: cattle is the learnt munene., mid they are shill eittursneent4Tindtrhahthleiellinsinetr;eltilifIZIP Why shourd it nat be An in this °minty 1 I set persaaded that if the leoling merionly took an active, ene etie art in the atte elf _I' M r g the remedy weuld Pealn be effecied. The • country merchants would doidttlev End it e to their neleantaee te bales the sante ' conree and thus this, oection of the country O would 'speedily get rid of a sore which mums a treat 44.11 of irritation and 111 will buitineme trrateactions, and which under preeent appearances hi likely to lied for • longainee yet to Conte. Hoping thst von will give this an early inw.rtion ethe hen°. fitef whom it Mar concern, I am Gs, or TRR armsou.. __a. • Affedre_10 Detroit. We went n flying stationer here tn in- - form us that the tintee are hard. In semi esesen-ii I res_emble him when 1 warn all 'Canadian, not te Wine this iide of the • line at the' period of winter. It ie esti- mated that there are at this resent me. meet over two theueend individneis Detroit out of employment. I ac- • quatnted with one gentleman %hi Short limo alert employee', tern two hunfted me. titanic., but now Lie. lathes are eilent and , n ers , nor is ! the eseeption, for the truth mu* be tual diet all branches nt euffer to ari &terming extent ; and eaain, I warn oil Useadivne who propose tetteieg here, te •tay at home for the present and endear. or to be sontent. The mule of Olio etagnetion in !rad- ishes front our Ira war and the wring, lings and bickerinas of eur politician. who have male the South a howling wilier tar, and who hive sown discord anl dil- 1 region le the North ; they have lift thl I negro free to starve, they have eet *ha white man and the bleeltemen by the ears; they ham eudeeled their fined's' ! brains to work iniechief generally, arta the Iresult eat be smether seriee of blew' let - wig an,' thee° endings. They have !etriendereel the reeources of the county, ! now they hvre lAi 1 upon nor butte load sr toritien would make a ten year 01 1 ass erneth ant green. Th.! bate pullet dawn the Cenotian Rteipta. city Treaty, and !he emeggler saiseglee, and the eastern off eels warm thee' like a hire of b mot the drnnie fatten and laugh at the ailment and misery that stir. mond, them on all mites le there net* tlarnw nil epee the treublel wetera? Iltaiihean got renal an Apra, his nenth se wile as the °poling of the n yigetion. ani deeminees ion as the molt et eecibla ell men. In my pont ,epna rta thi3k t Preel• .16140aPeessiiii Skit Art..11A, TEX II. 14 --Des patches juerreceived here gate that a.severe Indian berth. was teigat at Camp Lances - place, en the ILO 1.1444,414. awl is peewee.' ter, whiah le e me, this bt,;V:he:74moti„rai.41 re‘f4°U"ein:LI Indians, about lihat strot41., aa-vekiel camp at 4 p. tn., white the eenenny were 'ah.'h .1 hilk h men wereleilled. a berate:a weanded, and thirtay .horses captured ; but the colonel an -Adler' retreated in peel erderto the pest, where, gettine their sektrer cerbinse,they furioasly a/twilled the ...val.:ea, driving them into the old poet work, neer thecarup, wher.• the tight laaterl until :late -In the night,when the Inharmasee way in ...edge - ion. On the night f the 24th the Indiana renewed the a' tack. but weetrepulsedrath Feat lova leavitig the tveaind 'drown with b two, armee eunc, Leto/eta c .eta, pistols, and knives Mit c eyeing elf ell their dead woamiel. Darin4 the .battle a r.une her of white nem :tee., te.,•11 .tia.ing the In- , re.iriiig •111,v1,irati, uniforms, .11'14.01•112/Uliiiii:alt7theq:•tilitlYtar;t1hieriVet'lllilli::11tWI:171:17f1"Cilleit:ned1111144."'tdahe : i i 0:1 1.kkely they eel _tether them savetee-,1 a/are:lea the* aoefeliclied thehried- ; men, whe, no eilea theught they could !ees.ly evaire the pit anti OA niTall lbe 9th I la P. I NI trent ist re en hot vl In Ken- ,' tuctliekmY1b71.01" ee t 7.1,'IvAt-ein'in'inth4e nil:Until 4. silt% olS(4 'the war. Antther Inlisn.hittle is rep*. ed to have taken plate e Eigai Springs. Instate eix hems. • TH. 17 RI7vPzTs10.0vi'• t..7011 MOTINT • A CLIMB UP THE MOUNTAIN. ..... traTtna. . December, ISIXT, Mr. TRONA! RILEY, '0 Bey- -410e-Re-v. Win. Hawke, on the fath of hie* E. Gannets?, both of Tuck MARRIED. time Mune out in A e • tweritain enimith. Th. Be the le W Ha keen the' h ul This mornin at 7 • trete hurrying te get mit of Right, and 00011 fonll u.on hitn, and alsen 1 wake in the I Bury, bothIcif Mullett. 0irlit in?. lava. A few thtude along the went .at ll f eye, egcn en the burning riven . By the Rey. WM. Ilse ke, on the Srd ult., na . t t., an, ;amt. I - i I air, and, aline drove gone the Marina, 1 ot dioci to . .t All Naplet1 turned out . . ...r. .. Vila ,Vvillt, to 'MIRA SIARY A. Psa- lms, both of the Tp. of tioderIch. . I WW1 n., mime a litn-r.h,.1.• of newer and B the Rev. Win. Hawke, on the let •nit., YMr. thsomos A. Cooeza, to Mime ELVA . y . tone . e atel,cear m that of • , perfeet aline .1 iy. 1 ritilms deo nietive. ter:-.14.7I'llYnate, "risathillizer, 14,..i.iii,:r 1,t,stigeor whoefrentithe 1 ,horrli se:31., 1.,..m., mired Da yom., tie, 1 '.winty of Wellaed, nn the and inst., 1-"--"''-'tmtAm,e;;t'one RD; , li ,E, D.- - -. Tewnehlp of Bert 1 like a Titinic ten- lenchetent ged. Th-7ie emok...1 efferings el ceme teaceful and • ever asomding andunfelding clouds gleatn- I The decease(' wait an old and highly re- ed softly in the hollow hhie , the houses , sported settler of this County, and ..• an,1•111agee !in the midile oh tea a the 'weer ((memo* in every undertaking that windoas of reir Mon. IP :emelt Lucia leek %Lim F.,4 MANN 30 ;ILO CHARLoTTI A. it Cooa, .both of the fp. ef Godetieh. 1 Veemitts, toweriaz N. ' bef - • - of the lenge, fires were all pienthed in the light and of ilevott d loyalty tothe British Crown. stieine day, aed ',plow the had for ids end the public interest. He end imbued With eentiments of patnottem waa a coneistent Connereatiye in politics bright ; The CAtille ef hie clenth he attributed in- inaentain 'tanked in the sun, as if the death and ruin mon which they wore Malt were not bringing over them. Th., iles,11.tmeetherl its waves mat the ineutlis of 1 juries meditated by a fall during the eel - ian rata of Pnel. Ana time Another nettle to the id !,f the a irit prematurely wafted to the scene' tett ve. and the day itself was such a pier* r:r1.11114'11 ilthsn,his"avte ":":-.7„„,inhyseiavr:t'sgabeenatntteithY7m':af:11e7);illantephvc: Pit& orzolini, a tall, 'and while proceeding along one of the 'I- n, a Iv. lfe.a.vos wayifehalviimaiiitacpahia,,Idren to mourn I premme) acting under the orders (4 rir. Honer ss, • eniVilla, and heat on eruption'. WI ing been. th it lel oval inaolent fhe host ) gone netter to hem ins to tWa.,. ; to thweatni gave ec .sinit, 114, found ourstelyee in advanee tht. ernwief travellers, *dame oiimine wee al certain As the! rinanda°' o eternity through the Melon; and mur- derem•Rttack on our country by the well - remembered gang of devils inearnete. Du- ring the real Mr. Sem. wee with hie teem rem 2kfirtrtistment$ of good torten.. that we afforest the guide te stay in the rear im nmeh ! he leavel. • 1808. - 5connting between garame of orange THE LIVERPOOL 6, LONDON atut lemon trees, dung., et wane, al^m1 .4 ai ta LOBE carob trees ared vin-yarde of 1.41CrYMI. INSURANCE COMPANY, Chrieti vinee, rewhea the limit 0f h/n. .. • Cultivated it, no and eine . rime ,4 an ,ms, of., ..,••••trie Th rtrAWA lhour. rho n" froiti the r that peood h.• pa a Iniee a o Cape ,,f %nerve tri Ischia, as eonatcot17 in sight hel.iw nulswd idaes crests ye and ft h all million pounds ste. Th•itioitnit.o•noll1 n1 14114 444..4•4 MIN 4,44. erif tab.W.:4.43014:11":1, '.1..11'7411'11170141":"::: s: :14 ins( .iii,urbs a nmo- ornal,/eno., ol oh!. Corporal inn., ,41.1rehll 'OW 1,,,,fIRNI et hang, ena the theeeeetter•, *ea rtioneas mon geneenliri WIletol'or I la repeerr% lea ‘3,1'ePoilldb :ihRh.'";::: 1.1:1:01::::.„17,..414h:t:"..7o.sw:ems L .144544 ainnonle-i ....... . • • Ilincient or tavern; • thTit tInwneve°r in" te't stieh -1'14 i•hca,...1artodf )loi,tih,,e,,ruminryt,rtbs,,Trofibtih7e, tOth vent, distorted terve Torn end twieted in every direct inn, tieing jet, malts or ridge*, •• tinkin into ravine* the Ste Volt. Reser,. Fea I is isow in.eit I ite Idle Reserve noel it nor al 4,`2,/ift .• repevaestiel ?homer, A l'a" kr A, Of h militias/a *rola 1pplalilmn Coe thennertre War lir Meta HMO awl q.t.-, by len aro ,al .hia, to algiv1We'teldorf 14711"leatetetirnet.',' siftiehm4;anrce esrhugitred 'MI I "'wk." '47 .. °ft"; .. bewitch, winritns, w,th the entrails plwenntetrou.:11, 1.:‘.1 " C"4"" k 1 LI:II: Int •leilpf; ,„,f Elan or dna.. , 1 W it. ,a .• • •