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Wroxeter, Ontario Buy an Apple and HELP THE BOYS 1
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Canada's 10th Series Savings Bonds are
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Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Thompson, of
Goderich, and their little grandson,
David Phillion, and Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Robinson and sons, spent the
week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Marcel Phillion, of Hamilton, who
were moving into their new home,
Neil Bieman, two-year-old son of
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Bjeman, has
Isard, Robertson and Co. Limited
been a patient in Wingham hospital
during the past week suffering from
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Paterson, of
Hamilton, spent the week-end at the
home of his brother, Mr. Albert Pater
Mr. and Mrs, James Elliott, of Blue
vale, and Mr, and Mrs, Bev. Mitchell,
of Belmore, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and
family attended anniversary services
in Belgrave on Sunday and visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Coultes, of Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn and
family, Visited on Sunday at the home
of her aunt, Mrs. Gordon Scott, of
Kinloss roads north from the village
have been getting a good coat of
gravel during the past week. The
crusher has been in Robert Adams*
pit, but is moving to the Smith pit
near Langside.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol, of Cul-
ross, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Caslick.
Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Purdon, of Luck
now, Mrs. George Tiffin and Coleen,
of Langside, and Mrs, Jack McIntyre,
of Wingham, visited on Sunday at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Falconer,
after visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Athol
Purdon, Wingham, before they left
for their new home in Sarnia.
John Hutchison, John Boyle and J.
G. Gillespie had television installed
in their homes last week,
The W.M.S. of Brick United Church,
meet this Wednesday, at the home of
Mrs. Mason Robinson and hold their
bazaar and baking sale next week.
Among those from here who made
the trip to Leamington last week, to
attend the ploughing match, were:
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Purdon, Alex
Coulter, Thos. O'Malley, Gordon El
liott, Ernest Beecroft, Aldin Purdon,
Lawrence Taylor and son Jimmie, and
Ronald Coultes and son, Murray, John
Taylor and J, D. Beecroft. Mr. O'Mai-
The Amy Johnston
School of Dancing
> is now open
J in the Legion Hall
j on Monday afternoons.
? Classes in tap, ballet, acrobatic
> and Highland dancing.
> For information
Call 479, Wingham
You’ll love the brand-new way of operating Dodge
PowerFlite Automatic transmission!
It’s all done with buttons . » . press a button for
forward, reverse, neutral. "Wonderful”, you’ll
say, when you try this new Dodge feature. It’s
the biggest advance in driving convenience since
the invention of the automatic transmission!
(PowerFlite transmission with push-button control
available at extra cost.)
The Wlngham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 19, 1955 Page Fiyi
Put your finger on a new idea
in driving ... push-button
automatic gear selecting!
New Flight-Sweep Styling—A view of the
’56 Dodge that other motorists will often see is this
broad rear deck, accented by tall, tubular taillights.
Daring rear fenders soar high at the back... dip for
ward to blend into long, sleek sides.
New 6 or V-8 Power! Under the broad, low
Dodge hood, there’s more power than ever. Take
your choice of the new, more powerful Hv-Firc V-8
or improved PowerFlow 6. They’re higher in
torque, too, for more zip in getaway and hill climbing.
Just arrived
al your Dodge dealers-
in the low-price field!
Everywhere you look at this big, glam
ourous Dodge, you see fresh new styling
and spirited new colours.
Here’s new flair that accents the modern
smartness of the Forward Look. Here’s
a sleek, low car that’s the longest and
roomiest in the low-price field.
Now, the Hy-Fire V-8 engine is available
on all Dodge series. This new V-8 and
the famous Dodge Six economy engine
give you more getaway power this year
. .. more "go” per gallon.
When you see this now Dodge, you’ll
hardly believe it’s a low-priced car.
Your eyes will tell you it’s the biggest.
Your good taste will tell you it’s the
newest in fashion. So see or phone your
Dodge dealer for a demonstration now!
Manufactured in Canada by
Chrysler Corporation of Canada> Limited
ley spent the day with his brother,
Mr. Patrick O'Malley, of Kingsville,
Eleven tables played euchre in the
Memorial Hall here on Thursday
evening last. Mrs. Chester Taylor and
Mr. Earl Caslick held high points,
and Albert Coultes won a prize on a
lucky draw. The ladies served lunch.
Mr. Ed. Walker from Zetland settled
5,600 baby chicks in his barns on Thursday, for broilers. This is the
fourth big bunch of baby chicks he
has raised this year for the broiler
trade, He keeps ten brooder stoves
going to keep them comfortable these
Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Beecroft attend
ed anniversary services at Londes-
boro United Church on Sunday and
visited at the home of Mrs. Will Lyon.
Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Irwin, and
Mr. and Mrs. Burns Ross and baby
Beth, of Goderich, visited on Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herson
Miss Ada Low spent last week with
Mr. and Mrs, Lome Beecroft, of
Leamington, and on Sunday Miss Dow
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J
Stanley Snell, London, and went with
her mother, Mrs, E. Dow, and Nelson,
Donald and Ivan, to visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Melville Beecroft, of Otter
Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, of
Kitchener, visited on Sunday at the
home of his brother, Mr. Carl Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Hodgins, of Holyrood.
Mrs. Duncan McGregor, Mr, and
Mrs. Clark McGregor and baby Cam
eron, Mrs. Mac Ross and Miss Olive
Terriff spent Monday last at the home
of their niece, Mrs. George Wraith,
of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes and son
Duane, of Detroit, spent the week-end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Russell
Ritchie, and on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Hays and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin
visited Elora and Fergus friends.
Mrs. C, C. Baker, of Gilbert Plains,
Man., who has been visiting Tiffin
relatives here, returned with the Hays
to Detroit to visit with her brothers,
John and Harry Hayes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz accom
panied Mrs. Lorne Johnston to Lon
don on Saturday and spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Sholtz. Mr. Johnston, who has been
at Westminster Hospital, has been
improving during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lettner, of
Toronto, spent the week-end at the
home of her brother, Mr. John Boyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Champion,
Isobel and Douglas, of St. Marys,
visited with Lucknow and Wingham
relatives on Saturday and with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Many will
remember when Harry lived at For
dyce corner,
Mrs. M. Anderson, of Toronto, visit
ed last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. McNall on the 4th of
Mrs. Angus Graham spent the week
end at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Donald Gillies of Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Hamilton and
family, of Lucknow, visited on Sunday
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. E.
Mrs. George Thompson and son
Charles, of Feversham, spent a few
days last week at the home of her
parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt.
Mrs. Harold Sparling, Wingham,
and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Barger, of
Amberley, visited on Sunday with the
former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Mr. Price Scott, of Wingham, was
a visitor in the village on Saturday,
renewing former acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin visited on
Sunday with Mitchell friends.
Mr. Mac McGregor, of New York,
spent the week-end at the home of
his mother Mrs. Duncan McGregor.
Mr. McGregor has a three weeks’
leave, as he is suffering from ar
thritis in his hands and feet. He
motored to Toronto on Monday for
The W.M.S. ladies of Brick United
Church, Westfield, Auburn and White
church United Churches met on
Thursday afternoon last at the Donny
brook Church with about eighty ladies
in attendance. Mrs. Sam Thompson
presided, Mrs. Harding read the
Scripture lesson and Mrs. Norman
Thompson led in prayer. Mrs. Robt.
Chamney gave the address of wel
come, and three ladies of the Auburn
W.M.S. sang. Mrs. Millan Moore
gave a reading. Mrs. C. C. Washing
ton, of Auburn, was the special speak
er and gave a splendid address on our
usable possessions. Mrs. Howard
Campbell, Mrs. HersOn Irwin, and
Mrs. Thos. Armstrong gave readings.
Fordwich Hobby Fair
Inspires Poetry
Last week's hobby show in Eord-
wich, sponsored by the local branch
of the Women's Institute, was so suc
cessful that it inspired poetry in those
who had a hand in its success,
Miss Mary Byrd, of Fordwich, wrote
the following in honor of the occasion:
The hobby fair was held with pride
on a mild October day,
The crafts and handiwork, flowers too,
were out on gay display.
The tea was poured by willing hands
and food was passed around;
The budgies sat within their cage, but
never made a sound.
Some antiques came from Ireland,
that isle beyond the sea,
But the handwork of the Hollander
was wonderful to me,
Just how those ladies sat and
smocked, thru’ hours without end;
And fancy work was there to show
how nicely colours blend.
The flowers in their pots were dressed
in very pretty hue,
While trays and pictures hung around
for everyone to view.
The pastry was of texture good, the
bread and jelly, too.
And then we had our tea cups read
with futures fine and true.
The Donnybrook ladies served
Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Shiell arrived
home on Saturday night from their
three-week trip to the West. They
went by Northern Ontario to Kapus-
kasing, and Mrs. Shiell stopped off at
Brandon to visit Bernath families
there, and at Pembina, N.D, and
Crookston. She went on to meet Mr.
Shiell at the Ranch, Rockglem, north
of Moosejaw and again visited with
relatives on the trip home, coming by
the Mackinac Strait and Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kermath and
Raymond, of Wroxeter, visited Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher, of Kitch
ener, and Gordon Fisher, who is
working at the C.N. station at Clin
ton this week, spent the week-end at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Robinson and
sons, of St. Augustine, and Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Weitz and children, Turn
berry, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Gershom Johnston.
The Young Adult Group of the
United Church held a special service
on Sunday. The church was beauti
fully decorated with autumn leaves,
flowers, fruits and vegetables and a
large crowd gathered from the sur
rounding centres for the occasion. The
Rev. R. A. Brook presided. Mrs. Ezra
Scholtz, Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Garnet
Farrier sang a trio. Mr. Farrier also
played a saxaphone selection, with
Mrs. Farrier accompanying him o~
the piano. Mrs, Ralph Howlatt san
a solo. Mr. Brook introduced th
speaker of the evening, Mr. John I
Lessey, of Trinidad, who is an feldt
in the church where Rev. Job
Thompson preaches, and who is in
spector of schools there. Mr. Leesey
gave a very instructive address on the
work of the church there, telling of
the wonders of the islands and what
missionaries and Christianity have
done for the people. He also explained
how the United Church assists with
the work there and the great need
for consecrated workers.
Elmer Arbuckle, Wm. Elliott, Wm.
McGee and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cur
rie, who left over three weeks ago to
motor by Northern Ontario to Saska-
atchewan, arrived home last week.
They visited with Mrs. Currie’s bro
ther, James Deacon of Moose Jaw„
and with Mr. and Mrs. John Aitken,,
there, and other Aitken relatives at-
Coronac. They returned home again
by Northern Ontario and had a splen
did trip, with no rain or snow.
Miss Marilyn Shiell, with ten other-
girls from Western Ontario, com-,
menced duties in Wingham Hospital •
last Wednesday where they are study
ing to become nursing assistants.
Mr, and Mrs. John Purdon visited
on Thursday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Purdon, of Belgrave, and!
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Zinn, whose baby, Randy Lee,
was baptized on Sunday in Wingham
United Church.
Mrs. Ernest Beecroft and her mo
ther, Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon, Wingham,
attended the birthday celebration of
Mrs. John Hall, held at the home of
her son, Gordon Hall, of Bluevale, on
Sunday. Her family gathered for her
ninetieth birthday.
Relieve That Tired Feeling
Kitchener, well-known
who will be at my store to give relief to those suff
ering from Foot Ailment,
TUESDAY, Oct. 25
WEDNESDAY (morning), Oct. 26
Phone 710 Wingham
Phone 12 Wingham