HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-8-27, Page 474e
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�>�=al �COLONL�HOUSE411
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' �t I L SAA.0FREDERICK 'S 1' U!t sAL�. ®sl! Te:ritos� 1 To the Inde andant
BROOK FAOTORY`I— IFree and ledc�eadent I�lelsterl —
r'r� ••.� - for THL (UT7 F a'r•18r r•rp It, a the (oa•u►rp a tCsln! 3tbsoriber u6rra W any person or I Electors of t�Q South
'(',w � Grace a/ittle" retUparact.;Ean26arry.ul,wph eum,wny��rrrn)&Jay ulIsefillwrr.tb Riding of Hui -on,
' •I��O Dobson x 1��•rl�Nt.-- ~ A, uNrrly yuulrr ul lulI +" lu•fHheou., W. U, n,. O
NORTH RIDING OF HURON 1 at ,he , 1l.14uu, ona hrll'rcr• of Ir w ilh +
• Aola•'d, 1 wr acro; •rJ tU 'town Lw. p ,twat tut Dw,Jred fel floats prod slur
San.�TailorhigJ CR.YT,,/•.'.Uf:.1
r Uukrwh, nee s0.,N, r■a•h um sowads. A .
__ & Outf_itttng Department ! * I -- Fly to D 6 Y ted about eighty ya'da fiom thA preN'YtI (laving spoiled the nomination at the
Q M, e I IIGNTLLIIeN :-- 1'IIUS W EATHEILA1.1), ("rl•rfch Balt Works. Cmnenlion IIr)J in Ch"It n, oil the 15th ince„
SA for the K, wtury 1.1'Iso suit
1'. .it.
rlrll h' 4utlrrribrr t« , In inform h'A IoanY CYA� ■rA the uh!,r eutrsll Ghat ho ken u I Y y Oadaerh It alive A■•
Haviu Lien xominnd•J h the P.t• Nur farther (wnieY,an apply by Ir1l•r ,u- Be Ibly of Oiji ri,i, lite the Lu Lel
r P g y f _ palsuwllyl" INrmbly ul Uulrri•r, l,.r South Huron, ander
1 cn,wl,nl'y un hood the lit NL wm'ulr sad heat .arctiau of ,i'rAT(!II JLC KF A eJRIYSLFR I turns molk4 , " hr t rl ato Lor un the 416 - F. CA \I PAIGNB, I hrvin� aeon o•d ,Le Nam', I am uuw Ii' ar•
eelah, lht eabarril.•aa r.wr pe.epwlui ta. wu•hd � K r - -- '- �-
.►e all usdero is those Ila. ei INI-int-s :rite I English, Scotch, French, Swiss cSt German Tweeds of this moiuh, as r err dnhtW I' -)r the Crpn• FOR SALE. - Ker wr of e '
any part of C,.u..J. rich prompt:• •'t IN f HE CJCN 1'IF;. i ' WR3T 3T . OODZUICII, re•tlrliun 0f your 1(ithnx in this L,,a•al Lrku 0l Nn, I6, 3rd eon. Wawan.wh, rum rix. (ItdwicA, Ike. Gill, 18fin, Guuuty Caol. d to t.ke Ute held, and hula 1u noir• a
ALSO A LARGE k'AIAI ,Fy OF I lature -r (In,-I:o, and Ilnr,t,t( rvevitrd n• L P w4611 liberal support.
AT WHOLESALE'. ONLY -1 ■Yraneeso(wppolt I'rum sanity ing 50 acres. 15scroscleared. •'fbe and __- `----'-_ - Aa the election ail[ not, probably, take ,
Capadian Manufactured Goods NEAR THE POST OFF'laCE. 1 �I of ----- ,
^�' a the wh,Ja cru-i,:u+ncY, 1 Lnrr urn 4cJ the, • Itpated l: wilre,row Codrrich, u+i .ill l� ICE. id acs for so,nl• I,w«, 1 shall ba rhr al the
Theca 1 oo-., is loo wu,dl„rtu:« ria, 1h•'r I , I 110126411116011Ac(thco made, and in dolls so 1be sold un reasonable tome for cash. Apply :proper period In make a pruonrl l,@ al of
feel ar,.o4,.rl, euaG1Y thew to x,rr.+tx.I.• w:,o EN GLISH, FRENCH 4 GERp'MAN BROADCLOTHS, ' A ('""" AssoouTN•"' "r hope to rcreivr u cardial d generous o I to J. II-GORlk)N, ESQ , IT
Yndnrsigned Loring purcLued the the ler per, 'Fra, at me«pings to ca yang o.
any eat ahlishmrut of thu Liu. ill Lha cuus, , (: A :;til M EA C CS t♦ 'I)C) I'a 1� i \ ti, Gold and Plated Jewelry 011 Honda I i1Orl from You, to whom is entrusted the pan' , or L".• CA1tPAIGNFJ, I a Inge stork of ,Uddicry slid entire ad, the views of Dolh prrtiea ern iw Drrtd
�' ENG1,IBl1 AND FHK.10)It NSAYRIt A N D PILOT GYRRCbATINC91 4 vilete (416 Gsutli■e.y Nov. _S, 1866. w44tf. at A am— -1 A ZZ N D � 8 and compared ; and in the mealtime, I trust
17• �aetary °" K"I,:.I"""'''"' .11;w WAT 'HES CLOCKS AND SPECTACLES My pitnripl.e are Goll uc` N to satisfy '- -- w, _ r you will qot pledge yourselves by requisillon
Harty Hwel, Addrrxa, OVEBCOATINGS OF ALL( OTHER DESC . IPTIONB, every shade u( polilical opinion ; they are• or otherwise to all uiher raudidute.
ISAAC UUl3,t1� S r IN Iialin� tutu+rdrha vertices of IN unr.Ar v.in'erv, i 7
• hoverer, u is wr•I known, U maiabin Ghat I have the Gwwr to ix,
16WL,Irb,C.W. MIt. X%- CIALMO z pie1 iagood- tunformrhatisCorru,t audubso Gentlemen,
1►eetwharIt, l+air:. •.-w4Gt1 • �II�-R•Z''.�i<r -REPAIRING iN ALL DRANR'IIF411e1e, rodenkoriu� In usurp n iM Your most obedient servant,
M la t•1• I CT i0 tt cull all nod, n with !•• 1 y y y J right govern- t ENS r1. l ROBERT GIBBG]Ilsf
J pr: e. "Is, , ,ep d a •Iy;e uurur yard b •■ done on short oulice in good st le vital war (man,, in we et inumicsl a molder as sa con• �1%1�1Z ill I(i1\ l 1j^^
iIASCFACI'L'l:Ett Iq thus PRI)\'IN('f:, CttuJ s,l eriryfrd 7'ry Lim upd satisfy your restated according to •,treeweul• .isleut with au LIT. ON 1i G derich, 11rrcL 19th, 186L w8
Sely.4 A pal feet Ft • sot .olr.d it, rTery i'41nnr•r. '•
Convla-Wy wn hat•d she LA10EST STUCK wd lATEBT BTYLEd fa There are uc Iluettianli Ix'r,ra the publicF,
WT` Wedding Rims always on Hand. f real sm rorl:ance, l'u"fi•drration bavin \ ,``, \ yr \ 1 *T= C � ' ,� SALE
• , Gentleman's Outfittiings O f E v e r y Description I- Jobs 'ell unNmmsd lit my hands will be rl�,urb.•d all!"therr, it u my desire Ihet D EJ v E R E R ►J. B U 8 1 N E$ S I LAND" I+ Olt. h tr� AJ1lyCICAN 11UNEY tr!au rl 14e Liel,tat nate, rild at the expiration of three mouths to do .►awl(1 receive a fair diel, truxting that it: of 11r. ilnnee Ilorton, who Loa Aron w Ion
y �• far es oar•- will be b• meaia of dlAlfgg the arctfun•I x < 11, rr+ I C '](4 and favorably known in that capacity, beg to THF Suhuriher Offen the followlag 1•ad
/•i •i'i i rh28 y y Pe
Cr !a 4 �. U tbarielr..Auyual 2'od, 1('0, • Aschibald. All arlklta �rrrantrd r, rrprerrnleJ. jealou.•ir that hoop ao long diYlracted tkt for tyle •ix ; -
a r fi r! wi !►' aw101 1TIe ln'it I urlil of Clock Oil al 25 at eoutit -state that we are prepared t" conl,uu• the
1% >,�. _ 1 y IS HEREBY QI�/ENI business o. the oifavorablelerws to put, AFarm In Tuekersmlth,
C- a , ,+. 1 t L�� t��� r bntde. Ifavma it •n sctirely eggazrd for the put rTH AT 1Le wlL,w�sa row■nh wll be {•s+J for chasers re they Larn hip III.. fit euj+,y«d.
• - %a fib .i1Fk.. s 61111 h, Vor.l 1, i�G6. wIG too yearn h iµlr gained
pal it To the es Ibe.pp.rl+rrw.•nof TLe Sukacriben have w+ hood at th,.ir lieinglot Y't, cons 'J, Huron Toney -on.
COg1 p.•rirnce 1 here guq.d say, it Tor sae fit W N A V AYJ' D E S E R T F R S ,bap, Yarkct Silur&,'a vary lar •r Arsulb aeras, 7.. "( r'hich ars under cultivation.
r muni p' I tui ist
1«rf improving '
•3 ��(�_
• 7 t v' urut of h The tend it "f irderoeul limb-:
well water.
3y FROM' STREET, TO RO N b n c' ra I : r n, t might 10 ray pen )"v'"" " and om" O rtnLn„m L &d- ed. root n w to bo aso Iofthe at i Town•
t not snare n7 u -atop purpose In go into as .'ng W maenurifuoo n1 season- •-.utug J.av,o - �'�"��� J.�� •�. 'ili93c'�r�y ship le known lit be ona ol'tM bat in I'plyt
o r r 8 a F o It SALE Im'sledi-t Pemlasal canvwss, but l hope w►en elf' Came" fur r"rwvng, On the lot there u a
Ir-For■ppn•hen-ionel.ecbdr-I r.fhrnnr IxavtafSTYI.a,
_-�1",-'� . ,• - lLe Cn,1 (r I pally rYOmatn nee, lV meet OY'i■ Ilse Leer IN671.t7 le, In.ddllurn to "Isco •fto KaMI 1'r■lila hall+e, frame Karn, •root out.
varir.us p "cps over the Riding- Ip make ea• and ,n sprain c•a, a farther reward ,•u p..' Saddles, Trunks, Valises, LwlJiu,,, to cmr.•spnnd- Also r gw,d or.
I Hy s> >Li i I
Planation wid awl fiatb my %isles al greater 'It.1 r ■I
r I Chni4, H■If CiwY a,d C. di:aa, Tulin,; HysMr, Ilunpn,rdrrs, Tmp'ra's. Twfie -I. J■ an - thsrd, ,.1 :�U Lerriug tare.
P length. an until ihst limn, 1 would � k yea !.-,Yrnuhy Ibr {x•r.u.JlnR Perron. to Jean .n � Ac., jest which they aro prr,yrrd to uQer to Yeltulu llysm, Uucoluicd Jaquiam. Cuxicrss*00 kauga• Urrugu Pek-c rad SCC.IL,d Cr1KI ar oefraa' om pledging your iu6ued g„d •Impna,wrly •.,ant tLemsti'vrs, Ito, one -hall w Ih' public at greatly reduced prices, for.a,A. FARMS IN MORRIS
tIt) D E !I I C �i Di I I L Pekoe. I Gamna will do well W can and inspect J Icy 1.6.0".4.4'. J
1f1i7 Taff . sbp,xrrl aq q -f my Op J u Jusoudge
so y that r , %,_-t w•hy fur aa•wmg, erncnGe�,hubu°• eir stock rad prices before pl said i g she 13r, lx 3:.0 -area. cern! nerd 01 S. 1 3 sod 4,
i i t _ .. may ►• is • tnlfaor to )udhro fur yorrrw v isg. wr anph,yml J.wnar, tJO, "11_ ll w Ih If,
roll 5, 20U acrwa ; 2:, acres ander rulUve•
FLaiUR AND t' SZ 01:1.. I HhAa(leorto illec, iSrls. Nos.:• 11.2 Gua l Y low H,fiiied, Cr"hcd 1 and A, Dry C:rushe u to oar real fare mems• infww«r. • where, as such a chance is seldom allrred. n 7 he land being of lint alit th:a is w
Bud 4roo:: p
Crab!3'9 Blo:%Kirgston Steae;t• d• - 1867. Heli is t\e tine 18,67 I rm, Mlemen, � \ 4. -In w1Jui..nlit whirs tore , asiU.a, 1i. A W, lIAU1'IY. g quality
\ R""F I Goderieh, Oct. 16th, 1466. wap mese Jrsirably room. Abe S. 1 19. eon 3,
D EY)i',I•,I%I':�ia - f,n,raheAienl<ertarp, an yrr.un glvwg inlurmanop leading la IL• lull sera, nor'ennny;snd {Y.1of5. {IM,
^1 tial• La limy,,. a,a, Java awl V«hr, clan, )t,•a.L•J arwl un',d. o.4,_ d any person lir pe,•ama I-stu r.eg, , on a..4 rt•rrv. all Lr,l alit
I VIII. O.1-np.-A, I .'n-m'sl ,.ad U.11 , THO AS CIB80N• w 1h,.,.y`, or .-A.ng de-rn,ra will nrr+ve s q•• y of lead.
F Feed. r<> U1ACc<V r:ff a , h. eq� .n, 1e tlo. FARM FOR BALE. I erms roan ,I,a61, indi, wak.lr
A L4U, I. fol cf +jme oZ Cured !IA11 ,b�u.! also ray'(,••!,.1 re, Tw,.t,."J Dar• •esti, l:r,, Lt 1.. Ila., 6,Tx,o tMJ Y"Iwia very Ii,alanJ to snbsbribe for Hnwlt k, Appal Galt, G, CI: i. ■lllf A. F. R. tk11WINEY. �- parurulern sod ,alms ar,'1r to Lilies. }'lir
nrnnrr olF.er• ftONTA1NING 50 acres of gond l'arminR ,L LF: )f ('.k S: l'RF.LL,
just..rd It ..Ira fi::,,,m. I,• I t I'll r1,1 :� - To the Free a d I:1de- So. L.,:re... ate Late. of 1'rn.da. ' Land •bout 3a seem, far wl,ivh are drat 1, t 22, 2nd r,,,,, 'Iuckemmlh.
Just. received this a."n int. It--%'. H.If fk.bt_: N+w aro, rpJ %'A,;n'. It.,•,.•. N,.Y.., i IL.06.. and L Ilosys New Layer .,A , TT{' �1� � Arm a, '., wl,•c, ed, it M w.L wa/ercd, to house and bun, N aG,i til p n , 11.0 r h 1 `CT, a9 &,.-
Br•feris pnuw l ulalers. .1. R. NaiwN, Ik,ar. anal 1.,ndon 1. -ire., Ix,ul,Ir' ) (vary, ) - I.1iJ �1GN AL o 11. \t. N, •• , tl t r
J I r•.wn Iw)br+. WrM pawl I e etas ww1• pendent EI, Cf0 Of the: ),ur4 i, 1,17. ell situated •1 mil's from the village of Tres
IOrw was K.,neiFl F K••:+r.lr.. <!,r..r.l. [ I ry, I Usoou. eared. Pate.• I'uKa"s _ .star on she gravel road, will b- noW. A
T. B. k'.ANi'LYRY A r'o, F:• ',•• Fla.. Prunes in 4•: •. a -n, and .l.-- 1 ., 11,•,nge. IJIn.w and /'far,'.e(1ew sudolA)
t , 4:'1% 0--iload Fano. .- Van IL,v w Ir, Zwlwl and North Riding of M APPIT GuJerlth Jaw 7 1�1r1. 'Sul(,( h ,•) IL,x,. suJ `Ir niter :a l,l:+u. 1' ane,
Qn harrain ! For rtirubrs n I to
.oo.=r.Ja-J Vo ewA W N plana ate Nous JorJs" v Q1tNTLtlIIIN, JUIIN WGAN,
bs• ltw . .lour.Y+,JFtnr,sa. SHERIFF'S SAIE OF LANDS.
• «, 1 +T 1: t•; t U,der ordinary Taeawrler p. n. _
,ieh is sdwitted to be one of the h tAa Ccirom. Harris 10, iPG7. w, Cower
','q.. n.lib,l.,Qr.lu4.r.nl/k•uvw., c+p,k:uaa'..riI.LY91'•. rapt U114,r'■ P,up, Prrnutur'., I •Of lbs plwNgl Proalwelal PNrltaiCllt woe ytiTp pp pct Y•'t plump, )Y 'Looe of a wnl of
(• rJ m.v car., Coal ,. •„oar 4r 1 .. ., L,,, a v l ..'t. Mile sold if 'tl serminate in a few dale, but ulnce %Ise lanai tI1L I �depU lldUllf E c�Qts to rn : )} I) Pr n P.f as
plowLP-L.•ut.Yn.wlr ,rant-,4:h.w K•,t I...u,] '. ?hrrn"a, I:pogundy -w: , rt r ; -'-t- �Illrr N•)twt a' (- nota
4it►HEltll:tl & p., l,-Irr..r•Iu.xk lkst Local l.•I I S In Ilse country. salrenl tSleel;on, Ye Prat poh,;cal tut Notice to Wool Growers. '''
rrly mmow I,,ef.. and to me ,hKr,,d era s# the
1 T�(}'�( )!i'.lZ s1 N I) 1 I: N t Chung"heistaken,plmawbich Genn. — Iu"1.■.+.I I.nrnKnu a 1,d,r 7111, I, and
�• a0i� A GAR,viiia\i l rel, lusajp r•as4as• Icaw. N.„a•II•., Iluu.r.,, ,.,,tuJ, U..;wy,,,t l'a.•,,, Jule. R"his & Cu's, Y calls for an immediate die i.tioc of laerLa� rjYllE undersier:ed would beg in inform his nolterl :M,-Isivr•.the ae"#•'wh•„ts. r r tea sol of
KL�Iw JG l'w'v, u,d Wlw. I.... 1, meat f3 UTH RIDING a eusrnmrrs end the i ubI1C that he wi ),-he (iu41,e •,.I ffush M.Ti'". 1. ,I. YI•"ILC f
T'heao chan�ea were fosaJ necessary, io 1 I have %roe•,1 end liken +- e.«.. r .:I to.
-- � L * Q ,� s or Tea ig►in, durint this your, be fiend per{nndly nshi, lata .ad a lomat -, . .. r .. r.•
r- ? 1'Yw•n.n•.Ivn"'a Nnm. "'-I- rr.I U•--. Irr tr • Ito I conn ueace of the moa ditlleultie g •n trnd■nrr wl the WO.J C,rdinq Gait Clmh awl to'w..ad ,-Ie ,-, 0, , - I- .dents in
\ K Mr IIJnd ar J It,oln'. 1161 j'om tl m,lhonnnv.., 1 ! Nisin 17 a, saltie
.:-, L • - !/,pl•�•.` I h,.h. `Kr tela-Y,„I,I-,-,')'-Se-4rh N'o -L„,. o2...J.:.:r Old L).•, AI -It, 301-1,,0. TW.ly .ad Cwu- Revi-lee a full rl,itotne of , all InteM. ling out of thea proper t•rrylng on, of responsible COUNTY OF HURON, int h latex at the 01d stand. Piper's Mil'x, rlevruth conwr..,on ul Ihr l,.r,' � of Orel,
- ' ++.! ,wuY N'h+-Lc•. Ile Union Act of 1840. -o0ti ew frelnry in Town he clmpl,ted, .nit lot .v.niw, -x,arn In II a Iwo , Wryrwn
0 ! t. a I g•r_�S• P�Z'�'L local neat we [sauce Girl comes ndeats of rhe ..,J ,,•w n-M1I •„1 Ura ,n ,I„�
+rr v! PC•-� ? hf P^ Ia'11363 a Ctmlition Ooaenment wit form• GaaTs seer,-firrivg bees n0mmrlad at and Karin to
Lh- maeLinrry eonnrctal v ornq w
Itbl.(:•n •s 4$C t in New Yrrk, Trx3p, fret -fad, sod 1a I Ilrmn, .L,: h I... to .,.I ,-I,'on-. 1 shall u6.r
> f ' 1 - ( .I (..'tuner. It -.f• aId 1'ow..”."I ilea , pal I...n ft.4 oR ,d .. Airs and 1liner, C th for Ik• purpYlAe of Jea ising •remedy for the Convention of elm 1.i!Kral Cru with lbs wmb Tut in h•r sale al ",y . If r m ,be t ,.on H, u.r,
r ase. Ii ■prwlive r'rwl r0rkmg order ■m in lite
fk,uarJ's li+rcer tl'mr, t4Lw.hl,w 3 :i..rq,1:. FnarL L,y,x rrr•,caYdul.: Asass Ye. Irannue parte of Canada, who carefully the ell ag eviN, and a Gni, a of the nntirR r(y• held at.Chntoq un the 2916 alt., u a der kit wen nal surrrir.tendenc Mu 'Tawe far Il,.Irnrh. .w 'I urwhy, tLr Fulew"Ih
rel` - TflAlsrtiR[t {Y17`I1 A L.11II:E Rgl►f'K OF 0lsrrve and recnrJ fafthf�lly maoy of the Nnrlk Amrrfeau l'rulintes was proj.om'd and t0mrn mny rely ou utisfectory workman. it. (l/rw4 rufal,al lbsueol.)l7 a raw uta
ttsee. I.m.• l M,.• IhD"Nut .W Preach (,.."fit*, of.rn.ni It xe V, - w e"d r 11e• Candidate fur the of IGil shin. I-l.w•it. awn.
fff,�.; .. M—.! •poo p• r •■.I LiJ,co Rlua, , lan•h n interesting doinero of the outei.lo world. g P � JOHN' Aff lir:\ALD,
else.. ostia, nilly&, . 4•ry F)`;"P`( ul„w-I suJ H'Yshol, , , Coder the arrangemegt we an to hairs r Riding i• the Local i�gislalurt of Ontetio, rad TL -in alar .irq�►nki for the liheral
' t l!1 2� 11 f >7. 7 tr O i•' . YutleJ F. b. Yeft,J c, .. Y �.�daa. Ewg�wh wW CJuWun CM1rca•
y x General 1.08islalure and a iA,esJ l-e;;ralurra, mod havingreceived sg rt of former Tran Kane w Humn•
of pM m the above bui eth.n•`a (MKT, (..kncM1, ++
I the former tv have clwr�e of mwuerf of,' support from persons of various shades of "w, hw hopes by .trim ■„r ion l0 phr name uh Jul" lau7. i
.L HE•elwrnharw.eiidr.no•neste IbepnM,r Crosse and t3tackw�li's P�ekies and t3auceee�, General Inlen'A*MIT,`Clin' the was
wr rhes and IMucr lu■rM has far hood , Fdl w upas• Aa... slae.a L.u, :u.,l Cr, uo•rllr. •nwu1, ••, t Knit¢. 1an"1.•wo. k, &tern., r, pec '( to atilt rcceiva • ilhrre of 'gbh Ir.rnate.
led wdlwrLeluankrC,m•rr., W.xnn..Hor ' Paper. f -o•1".. porn. I..nn u.,, .j -a Y"u•r./ fp rine and the latter to have cbar�e of Local political opinion, i have consented to offer -
rwwa.Ar..,'Mot wJIM auW.•h lorwr•h lir loner, 1'u', Kral l'urJr, L'J •, � -'-co. IlvrJo,a opus I:. L., lirngaratllpeter,l lean, f' P TROS. O(J.\N.
•Iry y toot it 1n.a,. Laub•. W■. keg, Bit.. art matters. myself for your wflnga at the elerii In to Goderieh, 2::Ih,,lllwrch, 1967• w9af aQt•��
yelereJ. r.ahp. lir hand any poi &aIr rhe•p, A L 8 O Voider these , i have eon- lake place, it all probaLility, at no distant e i rs�, OF LANDS.
JUH . 1'ASSNOnder EW..c.hm.n Na. I N.... n,I..I 1..4.1 r \ II Ill. n-v�NM• -,J Ku- packerel, Tell. Cod6-h, ' .ruled at the request of annoy warm friends
" 0( ell li'ical cre.d. in rind' WANTED.
1 Ya•uawlr itregl J:uMrw► D,stw,I”"""""'lv_r.fad .m -II Ila .. Llarr,,a,J 1u tai to
))oun lata to heroine -- \. Cuaaryofdnnn.f
ANa11 re.liLi ar49im ,title Acrura in T,wr,ntn, f r James - " .ad F...r sL, A Cindrdats for the L,Qur b -f to) of In the mrbnlimr, i shall take the oppor. _- 11y"ronol+ nl
• W'r,t of
k Session 1 elrbrattrl III -sine Blarklrnd 1'..Wn: 1'r, ►n•I.. ,..wd ,rot
The.W.. vd; 4• gourd lir u,.p•I•non rhe Ir.r rs-tory `Rork e,er o k• your riding, rryd a, w:C who ha, maid.J tm,ity of psiting the several \ as.p'.4nred Canter. A;rp.ty to the .' Her Mainly•■ C•worty 1,1-11 III pN 1'n,IrJ
wdJ lite b ,'
ry.l ,n Towrsn,■eJ will Ir No of iirl will be spayed during IE67 mans ars in the north ndinx, and who ' I 1 p"Jersign x at the (;0ench Wool I a ws,r.ul HY.•w ate Woe+, and lir m'J nr.se.1
r soar, o, w, uLmal t. rut -"n ajy,mreJ pep•.,. , Ill 4 R Jr that foe may btewiirt ixllet an uairted wtlh
�Z' LZ]��Etghsi t• CO..to keep the .Sijauf up to the standard it ,takes of deep inM.r-t in ju w'Ifw w, 1 hope it the grotiwenls wLfeh i profesA lmd 1 frost W'' p' - typo i � Wa sod Trnen'r•Ia "1 L•aualJm
1.1105 GRIFFITH & Chas attained• elected never to balmy the travt coufideJ to TH03. LOGA N- above.” .•1 Iver R-. hen... and
I 39 FILUM' STREET, T01IONTO. The. - lhstibey will he found so to record with ! ;0dereh, N.v Ist, 1667. wlv [►' Adam He , 1 have nmard *,III I.L-a Eons •
tau■ all ILK ►1, n11e, ate ...1 r 1 ,•f the Gaul
Toro- , ):urrn ),•r a, lac'” w4 Ify politica are in so,l.o•l the hands of yaor own, that. you will be enabled to gr.. _ 1's.Waas, a ill It .rw.brr t,•ehu..• .. „,,,
L� the coalition in carrying out huueretly the in- me a grrerous sapporL be a ., eorarw.„ el lir Tow.•u,p -I H.Uvfl m
- - The Weekly • tendons of the Qu.M•e afhemr, sod also to ihr 1, um...a I,Y , whKb Iwod. and fr.r-
1 support h -nest mann easy honest measures, 1 ems gentlemen, ,,.I A Jn, e.rwt• 1 .IirU o/wr site •Ie. •r n•, /i/ie', .■ Chili
N I 0 lot Your obedient xrasap, 1. S A S 4li AND D V 0 R I'' Yr, H, sass i.. l I1 Y r -f 1 {,der„•h. hon
,• and toad,) oil in m hnmh!e ability In ae- Twwla tar Cwhrh Jay o ..I.er•`prsl a the
Fdittic is puhli,hgd al 31.30 a year id, y y ISAAC CARLING. ))�
1 niter the ir,u•n•sM of your ri0in,; ruJ the boor ul7wdrr uI the a h. k row
I st advaga•, anal as the limes are bow Rood, , welfare of this my native counl•y•a { JOHN YAC ALD,
ASSURANCE we are moat depirous of carr u the Exeter, 3r I .4i -rd, I%7. wl Itf j �' AC1 UK Y
COMPANY. ) g to 1 am well requrinted with many in the Sbenff If.
cnrh princlply in all Casco. tiding, but I shall shortly m,ske it my bus. SberiT■ "Klee, Goderie►, ?
19 AND i0. COP.NAILL, LONDON, ENGLAND, ine-s'to ex'I m'.•tin,s i” vnur ditrenpt town THF. "I,J.n,ran: harm¢ P,,rion nl th. II.In. I 261k Juste. 1867. 1 �3 b
shape. when ( ■hall eiplain say principles uI a rag Wall fad Yt•h F.,aary .."o -J, .nJ lir.
_ C I I': I',11, � Ful:y Sulisf-ribed) - - - ��rSOIl.00D SlefilGf;. a �s , detail and holte t a meet other aspartame fur -) p pT (, (, pond by Dxrtal,l ('I,OnxnR. are now prepared f
INVESTED OVE •1'i,000,UG0.-DEPOSIT The 8eMi-Weekl - -;n�nwhenyoucanlhereallopportunityuf �rU�e�Y and YrU.jisioll Stere '• •rryIonUoe1. 111.■otrauura,fur,.,
$• �I7tD tPi cexwnw -
F$ . �0'0°O• Y ad In„ p t� the respective eal..bi,ide. of I I Sash, Hoots, Blinds, _ '
FIRE DEPARTMENT - Mili":t lit ubii•hed on Tursdaf and the crndidatwe
wIlU 1./..:AI L rSD 0.L': AI' , Thedirnen,i.h•(•1, ewI 1, ..I U.. ( , w • Friday aftcrmmm,, at t2.SO per year.- 1 may say thpt i am an a•im,rer of Briti.la I Mouldings, Floorings - t
• D r Ian. Lr. tufo ILK .ata LLsM1u,rnt ,of all equitable rlewiA Siding, 1 all
BY THE KEC, CAN OR COUNT "•{:""., '..ar is ail rasa r,nwnun pn•{. nnmara to t/.r r•k, 4 l '11'e are ha t0 ra that I[A CI[L•YlallOn tom rt.on, sod am pre para t eat time to A los "IT Inner, p l
T I and f,ttl d up the sloe• Or ■ i\ �1 , '
LOBSTERS, SARDINES, hr.nr.y'• mMfha-•Ip woeA Ihr('uugr-rw'. o{Kr.t„n•hw-L•en .,,,h aA pulpa ar Tahoe Ihs haA *G•adilpii�crea islue ill cumulener. 6ebt in the trIJ lir in any ether sphere in �I potato Mcupied by A. F. Ituvb, (,or the ■fad all kieL of / l 7 f1 I_� / •
mea .Jnr xlnr eg.•rat.-d o, 11 r I4 rrrl•T.. ape Lar! fem,lY.J Ili tAlrud Ilrr ion elp'M eJra estop Y. y •. hfe, to maintain that connexion, O
A ND cL.1 v1, lad now unrr b;ta.• (nnuJ,an put ,r. local is I J/ j, abtrvw hu.4nren, 1 rm uuw pn•pnreJ b. (urnYh I L I It. <. I h N•' L%.� 111► e I TO 'RENT.
YBRFE 1nmufu gcfost,re, (.Ini14I
FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES' Funda, SBCIIRITY gcar�a!eed by large Subscribed Capital, and Invested ""!' ..„.h r xxd'(1,4%1,
Yuan moa( ,ibe,:i,.ctiyr)lash sed Yra,arv. 1
W.TORRANCE HAYS, Croceries and Provisions Thry tt,Al, fn,m,bn,-a,Knenve .. F•a,storyI riff WSLI, kNtIWN
Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes., 1'r” N, II:. mm"lw (;.far, Thr Don In,, and (:rarer, I A¢ruln. IKine grnt!emen Ivrdr en I Wcrs, Ihat IM•r . an r,vr.a( yewwp lit •II Who M
Naiad lit t'ou.u,m,'e, wit, take - ht.ral any 1•un waw-L►e v.e w a,l a,: xw rrn�os _uuunl ,,•lura U. r,,,• , r wl,icL 1 shall sr,!1 sl Ihr [f,wefat /:,..rh pones I �aitlandvllle Hotel
A�C , dLC , QLC.) at LIF I Goderieh Ar --t 1867 wl lit I m -r aro, it,nn weh ■ r■11.
E DEPARTMENT N. N. -A Ids r•1 d,«Hunt Ili saw ln,h•.
D. B I I Ci F3 A M p .� Th C' pan) nits ry farm. 1- 11 vs• rIe•,•111� ( ( ilLI b) aur Ldp nsAee Flour and Fe ed I JAS NP `Il 1"ATF; II un 11,r ,rnr' ul ,he h„rearm
s Ito A-runn.c u"NrT CHANe1N, �7 ll rel D.I. al ,_
, r _;
-r :. nu n,I; m i. t•wb,.s to u+cro.- the 'Moue • l/� ;`! t�■/7 _ Lept C-ru,a"t:y eau Laud. - Idorknow• arK u r r
Wraf a(Ae n/ .N•vket Nyw,r I >I,-kra,e lrern.po,•-IerY'tF {l �(]RR i & +�
il.wle.ich. Nov,70.IM:6. .IIhI-,m P""" won-sle,---I'D P [)A%'I:) LAWSON' awl .,sly
t w'y I t awh.an n0 I: usvnrh, end wenn. oar Laml.vrl
I 1'uim. Iw.d .,far rnunlh .ver pr. lit lily-vh, (�"r raw ul route ser .ha,nb.r. 1 my .i than of your p'�r�n�;e will Lr 1!+ank J:\9 ALECA:i T)Fl[. Y•d- ul the r:,,.,rnrL NA L'f WnRKY uuw m
And solb-W,ant.ge., wh. h I"..y between m the C,enpan)'. Prn.[_I.,. -� fully rec,•isol.u.d I:,lldully attended In. (i.,kr« k. Al.reh 'Sill, leh7. sw66-,Knu,wl,. TM1.• p.„prey t. twat, ,fully-Ilnalnl
Ifi.r Pott Wrll, r,• -lemma oar• err' awl op
Rtorland, Watson A Co.,109R, _� Miner and hignerR, fnelcery .rntL .f I.wJ, w„11 . I.rRr Iwx..Iwy W,rr
Lrnenr(.Igrrtrjor Curudo. CABINET PItIAKEKS� H,a..l. ate .n by L.tr ns, -cit • Ir /s. Hair
Farb. Cor r, A14UJInrr,. s and Glassware,Fase) co0dlr , anerhrd Owxrt- area Rood .'a14mg.sd ,4h.t
UFFICE,_:i,•b AhLJr7. �'l'. PAUL e, li6k f,)1(JA'IItLAL. ..P., Oatmeal, COrlllllral, r ” ,; R I (' I I . Oul-Iru,Wmict. 'f h' n . w t o r fa.bup .Won, at
0.1 .31110, r. ( Ihr rear or lar p.• far . 10„ rant In u I sM
w r7P,v,l 11. Jt41N1U), aft eTaaei.. - Ira GIM pY aCMcie., WOOD -TURNERS! Baehil hcBt Flollr, tlewara;nI "r Lor l„m¢ar■It welt.
o-• ,:Ei J• r. c. �ivl 0. rite, Ir L...&c., &f NAD/ wltlo Bale, Lot No. 719,(
It d"•� m m -lb.
A CO .Agrw1.(,, 'i"I- r,, I, al, -1 Let lra + ; N'
told,• ).rwrww. W'a(tanoa any +a f m. Raaull, l:we•nlmr ; .I rhos .
C O A_ L Q I =, I 4 �� # I n the Tuw•A I G,drnrh, nrx•Idl nn the 9 wsl
Ga <n. AND IINDERTAKERS, - ..Ir ,d j(Yr,.r.. .r: r,•I, a ,ern.. I.1 d,. ra,.R la.
e aw74 AI(f) •✓ �'-J -� Ms.n no
F -”„r.. weh ■ Nr,rat il)4 -ad of
- I TO AND : COAL OIL L A IR P �I Frawr thereon.
'1' 11, I :